15 Portland Agents for Gossard, Nemo, Bon Ton, Bien Jolie and Royal Worcester Corsets Mildred Stout Undermuslins Hoover and Ohio Standard Electric Cleaners D titchess Trousers All Mail Orders Carefully Filled by Our Experienced Shoppers, Satisfaction Guaranteed Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors, Second Floor Artistic Picture Framing, Fourth Floor Appetizing Luncheon Served Daily in our Tea Room on the Fourth Floor. A pleasant place to meet your friends. Luncheon from 11:30 to 2:30, Afternoon Tea from 2:30 to 4:30. Prompt service, reason able prices. Take luncheon here. Home Journal Patterns Sell at 10c and 15c Why pay 20c, 25c, or 35c for other patterns. Home patterns are easy to use, perfect fitting and authen tic in style. Use them for best re sults in making up your Summer clothes. Pattern Dept., 1st Floor. R. M. C. Cotton At 5c Ball Notion Department, First Floor R. M. G. Crochet Cotton in light blue only on eale Thursday at the special price of 50 a spool. The Standard Store of the Northwest Grass Furniture Dep't Third Floor New 1917 etock now ready for your inspection. Also a splendid showing of wood fiber and grass Rugs in very attractive patterns. Olds, Wortman & Kin Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Double Trading Stamps With Charge or Cash Purchases in All Depts. THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THTJRSDAT. MAT 17, 1917. g Men's Straw Hats Underpriced S1.50 $2.25 $2.75 $3.75 $4.25 $5.50 All Men's $1.75 and $2.00 Sennet Straws priced at All Men's $3.00 Sennet Straws priced now at only All Men's $4.00 Milan Straws priced now at only All Men's $5.00 Panamas and Leghorns now priced All Men's $8.00 Bankoks and Panamas now priced All Men's $7.50 Bankoks and Panamas now priced Food Choppers 3d Floor Reduce your, living expenses by utilizing all of the food you cook. Universal Food Choppers are in d i s p e nsable in every well-or-dered home. Prices have advanced, but we are still selling Choppers at old prices. Food Choppers, family size, $1.25 Food Choppers, large size, $1.50 Food Choppers, extra large, $1.75 Food Choppers, hotel size, $2.00 HEADQUARTERS FOR RE FRIGERATORS, GARDEN HOSE, LAWN MOWERS, GAS PLATES, FRUIT JARS LOWEST PRICES. Thursday Will Be $15 Day In the Suit Salons Second Floor Thursday the Garment Store will hold a very remarkable sale of Women's and Misses' Suits at fifteen dollars. Beautiful new models all from our regular stock selling heretofore at a much higher price. Smart sport styles with large collars, fancy pockets, belts and tie3 fitted effects trimmed with braids, and the popular new straight line styles. Various materials, including wool jerseys, serges, velours, poplins and mixtures. Many are. effectively trimmed with Gt K flf buttons. Splendid assortment of leading colors, all sizes. OiUtUy New Silk Waists $4.50 to S5.95 Silk Petticoats Special $4.50 Second Floor Exquisite new Waists of Georgette crepe in tai lored and novelty styles with latest sport collars new Waists of crepe de chine and fancy striped wash silks trimmed with white collars and .cuffs of self material. Some are styled with convertible collars. All sizes. Priced $4.50 to $5.05 Second Floor New Silk Petticoats of high-grade silk taffeta, silk jer sey and messaline. Plain and plait ed flounces, some are trimmed with narrow tucks and shirring. Plain colors, new novelty stripes and changeables. Several attractive new styles in this show- Qi Cf Exceptional values irxj v lug. Great Basement Sale Children's Dresses Buy the children's Summer Dress in the Basement Thursday at practically cost of making. Thousands of garments in this sale. T rt 1 Children's QOn JUUL J. Dresses at Ol Basement Children's Summer Dresses in scores of pretty styles made up in ginghams of standard quality, colors guaranteed fast. Plain shades with white or fancy collars and cuffs. Two-piece, high waistline and novelty styles many with patent leather belts. Dresses in this lot QO in sizes for girls 6 to 14 years. Today at "Ol T r O Children's 7 yfO LUL j Dresses at JJ-rtO Basement Many of the Dresses shown in this lot are worth fully double the eale price. Made up in superior quality ginghams in plain colors, checks, stripes and plaids. All the newest 1917 styles are represented. Every dress perfect fit ting and nicely trimmed. Ages 6 to J1 A Q 14 years. Specially priced Thursday D-I-elO . Women's Crepe Collars Special 75c Thursday at Center Cir . cle, on Main Floor Extra special offering for one day only. Women's new large Col lars of Georgette crepe and or gandie samples and odd pieces from our regular stock to go on the Center Circle Thursday at a big saving. Excellent assortment of the season's newest styles eome are hand embroidered in the cor ners on solid colors. We purpose ly omit quoting former price but compare them with Collars shown elsewhere in the city at $1.25! For your convenience these Collars will be displayed at the Center Circle. Shop early in the day first choosing is always most de sirable. Women's Georgette 'TFt Crepe Collars priced special I Ji Continuation of the Great Sale of Trimmed Millinery 1 hursday y "" Any Hat $6.98 ( White Hats Excepted) Second Floor This includes all the Trimmed Hats in the Millinery Sa lons with the exception of white Hats. A wonderful opportunity to choose a beautiful Summer Hat at but a frac-' tion of real worth, for there are many models in this sale which were for merly priced $15, $16.50, $18 and $25. Large Hats, medium Hats, email Hats in Milans, Milan hemps, imitation Panamas, lisere and novelty straws of all kinds. Black and every wanted shade is repre- QQ sented. Any Trimmed Hat (except white) Thursday at only M)I0 -J I Sale of Women's Kerchiefs 7c Real Linen, Block Initial or One Corner Embroidered C WOMEN'S Real Linen Handker chiefs with block initial. Full as sortment of initials. Pure, all-linen Handkerchiefs with well-made ini tials and neatly hemstitched. On Thursday you may buy them rr special at 3 for 20 or each WOMEN'S Handkerchiefs with new one-corner embroidery designs on fine sheer shamrock, and woven corded sides with buttonhole-stitch edge. Handkerchiefs of exception al quality. Thursday special 7 at three for 2 Of, or at each ' Coffee Day Model Grocery Fourth Floor - OWE Imperial Roast OQ Coffee, Thursday at, lb. JV, OWK Tea Uncolored Japan, Ceylon or English Break- OQ fast, Thursday at, pound OUU OWK Cocoa, special at 23f Apron Sale Bargain Circle Main Floor WOMEN'S Coverall Aprons in two attractive styles loose or belt ed effects,, open at Eide or back. Ginghams in plain colors, stripes and checks. Tuesday spe- rTQ cial at low price of, each WOMEN'S Coverall Aprons of excellent quality percale. Large full styles with belt and CQ pocket. Light and dark. WOMEN'S Waist Aprons made up of good quality percale. AfZgm Large pockets. Priced now xtli- ODD LINES of Women's Aprons in various styles. Slight- OQf ly soiled, priced special at OIU Women's and Big Girls' Shoes $4.48 7 and 8-inch Tops Black or Tan Leather Shoe Department, Main Floor Thursday we shall feature a special sale of high top Shoes for big girls and little women. Smart English walking last with medium round toe and flat heels. Black or tan calf with the well-known "Neolin" or "Rinex" fiber soles. Also black vici kid boots in either lace or button high Louis Cuban heels, walking soles, narrow toe, without tip. Ten complete lines in sale. Qi A Q Morning hours are best for shopping. Women's and big girls' Shoes at Or.fxO Women's High Boots $4.98 Main Floor Women's 8 and 8-inch all-white calf Boots in buttoned 6tyle. Made on fashionable new last with pointed plain toe and enameled half Louis heels also women's all-brown ''Castle kid laced Boot on the wanted narrow last. No tip, leather half -Louis heels, close- J QQ edge soles. Neat durable Boots. All sizes and widths. Pair ofx.do DEATH WEAPON HERE Confessed Murderer Pawned Revolver on Fifth Street. TWO CRIMES RECALLED Joseph Redenbaugh, Alias Hamilton, Stops Ixmg Enough En Tour South to Get $5 on "Young Cannon." Stolen Auto Downfall. The revolver with which Joseph Redenbaugh. alias Edward Hamilton, killed Mrs. Alice McQuillan E(unn and Patrolman George H. Connery, at Min neapolis in April, according- to confes sions said to have been made to the San Francisco police, has been found in a Portland pawnshop by Detective Captain Baty and Detective Leonard. The revolver is a 44-40 caliber one and looks like a young cannon. It was recovered after word was received here from San Francisco that the revolver had been pawned in a local shop. The broker gave Hamilton $5 for the weapon. Patrolman Connery arrested Reden baugh and a companion, Frank Curtis, alias McCool, in Minneapolis, April 24, for speeding. The policeman climbed to the running board of the car to take the prisoners to .police head quarters. His body was found the next morn ing in the brush about five miles out of Minneapolis. It was badly muti lated and showed a number of gunshot wounds. Police officers all over the country were notified of the killing and re wards aggregating $900 were offered by state and county officials. A few days later Curtis was ar rested and detectives trailed Reden- baugh to Salt Lake City. Only a few days ago Redenbaugh was arrested in San Francisco and con fessed to the crime. He directed local officers, through the San Francisco detectives, to a pawnshop "somewhere near Fifth street." The pawnshops were combed yesterday and the weapon was located. Redenbaugh was through Portland on May 5, and pawned the revolver at that time. The revolver will be held by Cap tain Baty until the arrival here of Minneapolis authorities who will be through here on their way back from San Francisco with Redenbaugh. Ihe machine in which Redenbaugh, Curtis and their accomplices were riding while going to Minneapolis was stolen from Omaha and it is thought that fear of their theft being detected led to the murder of the officer who arrested them for speeding. Your Wife's "Al lowance" may not ex pand to meet the increasing' cost of foods, but it will buy a sufficient quantity of Shredded Wheat to nourish every member of the family. Two Shredded Wheat Bis cuits with milk make a good, nourishing breakfast at a cost of a few cents. All the body-building material in the whole wheat grain. For breakfast or dinner with berries, or other fruits. Jackson County Rally at Med- ford Is Patriotic. Made at Oakland.' California. PARTY STARTS EAST TOMORROW Minneapolis and St. Paul Officials to Take Slayer Back. SAN FRANCISCO. May IS. District Attorney O'Brien, of St. Paul, and De tective Burnskill, of Minneapolis, ar rived here late today to prepare to take Joseph Redenbaugh, confessed murderer of Mrs. Alice Dunn and Policeman George Connery, to St. Paul for trial. Redenbaugh, who was arrested' here last Friday with his young wife, reaf firmed today his confession of the murders, the police said. The Minne apolis detective went to Sacramento today to obtain Governor William D. Stephens' signature to requisition papers for Redenbaugh and his wife. It is expected the party will leave next Saturday. MAYOR RESPONDS TO CALL Jefferson's Council Chief Enrolls in Officers' Training Camp. JEFFERSON, Or.. May 16. (Special. While many cities have sent promi nent residents to the officers' training camps, Jefferson claims a unique dis tinction in that its Mayor answered the call. George P. Griffith, Mayor of Jefferson, Is now in the training camp at the Presidio. San Francisco. He has tendered his resignation as Mayor to the City Council, but it has not been accepted and will not be until it is cer tain that he will not return soon. Mr. Griffith was cashier of the Ore gon State Bank here. Besides serving as Mayor, he was clerk of the local school district. Albany Club Elects Secretary. ; ALBANY, Or.. May 16. (Special.) C. B. Winn has been elected secretary of the Albany Commercial Club to sue ceed F. P. Nutting, who resigned re cently when he removed to Portland to enter the Government internal reve nue service. Albany Professor Honored. ALBANY. Or., May 16. Special.) Professor F. C. Kent, instructor in mathematics in Albany College, has been chosen as instructor in mathemat ics at the Summer school of the Uni versity of Oregon. He is the author of some text-books on mathematical subjects. 2000 VOICE LOYALTY heard the noise and telephoned to City Marshal Hawke, who hastily collected a posse, which surrounded the store. Mr. Beard, who had been called, en- ercd the store .alone and demanded he surrender of two men whom he found sacking stolen merchandise. Both gate up without resistance and were aken to Albany by Marshal Hawke and lodged in JalL GOVERNOR IS HONOR GUEST Children, Farmers, Veterans, Na tional Guard, Women Cavalry and Pastors March In Big Demon strationCrops Emphasized. MEDFORD. Or.. May 16. (Special.). More than 2000 people of Medford and Jackson County joined today in the largest and most enthusiastic patriotic demonstration ever seen in Southern Oregon. All ages and all classes were repre sented in the parade, from school chil dren costumed in red, white and blue, to veterans of the G. A. R.; from sun burned ranchers in their working clothes with hoes and pitchforks, in the Army of the Hoe, to represents tives of the Japanese colony in native costume, with the Stars and Stripes intertwined with the Japanese National emblem above them. Every social and civic organization in Medford was represented in the parade and 250 marchers came from Ashland. There were delegations from Central Point, Gold Hill, Willow Springs, Table Rock. Three bands, two companies of Na tlonal Guard, a body of mounted worn en cavalry, and 100 women dressed as Red Cross nurses participated. To show that pacifism is not the present creed of local churches, the Ministerial As sociation marched in a body. The University Club members joined the demonstration under the banner. Our Families. Vocations, All We Place on the Altar of Our Country's Call." To give an added touch to what Med ford considered its particular con tributlon to the war, the procession was followed by a load of grain hay, on the top of which flew the American flag. tied to the handle of a pitchfork. The spectacle was an impressive one as the thousands of marchers and by standers gathered in the brilliant morn ing sunshine about the reviewing stand in the City Park and listened to words of greeting and congratulation from Governor Wlthycombe, the guest of honor. The governor praised the spirit dem onstrated in the Rogue River Valley. In proportion to its size he said the Rogue River Valley holds the patriotic record for the country. ONE CAPTURES 2 ROBBERS Owner of Harrisburg Store Takes Thieves While Posse Waits. HARRISBURG, Or., May 16. (Spe cial.) Burglars again visited Harris burg last night, but were discovered and captured. being picked. Citizens living near by LIQUOR CHARGES FAIL Klamath Falls Cases In Federal " Court Get Xo Convictions. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., May 16. (Special.) According to word brought to this city Sunday by returning citi zens from Medford, not one verdict of guilty" was reached in the Federal Court on a number of cases which originated in Klamath County and on the Klamath Indian reservation. The Jury in the case of Tom Bartell. charged with the bartering of liquor to Indians, disagreed. The Jury acquitted O. T. "Buck" Anderson, of this city, charged with the Introduction of liquor upon the reser vation. W. A. Saunders, charged with a similar offense, was acquitted. BOOTLEGGER IS FINED $200 Total of $1567 Collected In Astoria Liquor Cases Since January 1. ASTORIA. Or., May 16. (Special.). In the Justice Court today Thomas Hyre, arrested a few days ago on a charge of bootlegging, pleaded guilty and paid a fine of S200. The fine makes a total of 1567 col lected in the Justice Court since Janu ary 1, 1916, in bootlegging cases. Jefferson High Students to Till Soil. JEFFERSON. Or.. May 16. (Special.) Jefferson has adopted what is re garded as a better plan than that fol lowed by most cities in seeing that its vacant lots are put In cultivation and made to produce supplies to meet the expected food shortage. The agricul tural class of the High School h taken up the matter and is interview ing all property owners to ascertain if their lots will be utilized. In cases where the owners are making no pro vision, the class will attempt to make arrangements to see that the lots are cultivated properly. Northcliffe Mills to Close. ST. JOHNS. N. F.. May 16. Inability to obtain steamers to transport their product to England has resulted in a decision of Lord rsorthcliire and his associates to shut down their large puner mills at Grand Falls. Safe Milk torTifant h & Invalids Kin. n i .-. . - 'JSO Co.t YOU - ftamePrice A Nutritious Diet for All Ages. Keep Horlick's Always on Hand Quick Lunch; Home or Office GOVERNMENT DAILY OUT OFFICIAL NEWS GIVEN PUBLICATION. Postofflcea. Newspaper aad Public Or- ganlaatlona Will Receive Paper Wlthoat Cost. Uncle Sam's first venture as publish er of a daily newspaper began last Thursday, when the Initial issue of The Official Bulletin" left the press. Copies were received yesterday by Postmaster Myers. The Dumose of the Bulletin, which will be posted generally, is declared In the initial number to ber; "To in form the oublto on the progress of the war and of official acts incident to Its prosecution." The Bulletin will be pub lished dally by the newly created com mittee on public information. This committee was authorized on April 14 by order of President Wilson, who named the secretary or war, sec retary of the Navy, Secretary of State, with a civilian chairman, George Creel, as its members. The Official Bulletin Is devoted to the dissemination of official news which the Government desires to release. The contents of Its first Issue are varied direction to postmasters to report trea sonable acts or speech; the death of a naval yard employe, retired: United States censorship rules for cable, tele phone and telegraph communication beyond the borders: the rennmlnff of Interned and seized German ships: ad vice on procedure necessary to secure permit to leave the country: statistical tables on foodstuffs, finance and a score of other subjct; is 11x9 Vj Inches In size and of eight pngpp. lMreotlons are given i"r us posting in all postofflces. while news papers and public and srmi-publlc agencies will receive it without cost. In connection with the production of coal In the United Kingdom, them were 1220 accidents, causing 1703 deaths last year. ff K5.EEN-Kfi!lX pbw believes in PimA woman's rights I V both women QyC ll an( men ust jj zKfr lve her. W Copyright "''?7", ; " ," iKy frfssrfff StHa I -s.f " Churned In 11 SlJ " I f -T" "SiS-V. the Country J BUTTER CJl 'Jj Churned In small, modern cream- 1;!MHJ"' aaasTMBMWJU.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 !) it 1 cris,located In the richest dairy see- I ntlU-!SiS-- S igwNi i I 1 tion, where finest cream is produced. IlKe awHj' I t' 1 fresh daily. The flavor and quality fit. I 3 highest quality. K 7j I . . VK CREAMERY Jf ' i t ARMOUB COMPANY KJS HJ TT TT E J CHARLES II. SOM.MEB, MGR, UlNTfii a, " !-fl I Thirteenth and rlaaders SU, lllllllfTfo?!sMwc'"Vgi. SyfMl 1 1 1 i I !? Portland. Orrcoa. I H 1 H MuNi "Bvr ansa, nTllllmlllli ft "jA Pbone Main ssis. llilllilillll1iiilTm. 1 amaatai .iTniUihilllitilt' - . l: 108.2