THE 3IORNIXG OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, 3IAY 11, 1917. 13 Fishing Tackle, Golf, Tennis, Baseball and Sporting Goods of A 11 Kinds, Fourth Floor Kodaks, Cameras and Supplies, Fourth Floor Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Draperies, Third Floor Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlors in the Basement Cut Glass, Silverware, Dinnerware, Kitchen Furnishings, Third Floor Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlor on the Second Floor TRUNKS, SUIT CASES AND TRAVELING BAGS. BEST MAKES AT LOWEST PRICES. 4TH FLOOR. New Sport Skirtings 39c Yard Main Floor New Ormond Skirt ings in the latest sport patterns, 32 inches wide. Much in demand for sport skirts. Priced OQp special for Friday, yard 07i ARTISTIC PICTURE FRAMING TO YOUR ORDER AT LOWEST PRICES. 4TH FLOOR. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods STOP AT THE BASEMENT "PIT" EVERY TIME YOU VISIT THE STORE. SPECIAL BARGAINS EVERY DAY. Home Journal Patterns 10c and 15c Each Why pay 20c, 25c and 30c for patterns when you can get the Home Journal Patterns for 10c and 15c? Easy to use, accurate. Pattern Department, Main Fir. HUNTING AND FISHING LICENSES ISSUED IN SPORTING GOODS DEPT. ON THE , 4TH FLOOR. Double Stamps on Charge or Caish Purchases in All Departments Reduce Your Living Expenses and Add to Your Income by Shopping Here, Where You Get S.&H. Stamps With Your Purchases Women's Silk Dresses Special $13.45 Beautiful New Models Made Up in Crepe de Chine, Taffeta and Georgette Crepes Second Floor A notable sale of women's and misses' beautiful new Dresses beginning Friday morning, in the Garment Salons, Second Floor. By taking all the manufacturer had of these handsome Dresses we se cured them at a price which enables us to give our customers one of the most remarkable bargains of the season. Latest midsummer models in high waistline effects with corded belts, fancy silk-stitched tabs and large Georgette crepe collars beautiful Dresses of Georgette crepe, taf fetas and crepe de chine in loose-fitting styles with novelty belts, shirred waistline, fancy collars and cuffs. Many are finished with hand em broidery in colors. Plaited and flare skirts. Dresses for all occasions. Shown in a splendid assortment of light and dark colors. !" Q A C All sizes for women and misses. Priced extra special Friday tUJ-0frtl Women's M iddy Blouses, Special $1.19 Special Sale of BlackSilks At $1.59 40'Inch Paillette de Soie SS'inch Taffetas Center Circle, First Floor Beauti-ft''- high-grade Silks from our reg ular stock qualities that you can depend upon for satisfactory serv ice. 40-inch Paillette de Soie and 35-inch taffetas in just the right weight for Summer suits, skirts, dresses, waists and petticoats. Now is the time to supply your silk needs and save. Superior C"l CQ quality black Silks, yard 5I.Jt7 Second Floor New Middy Blouses of good quality galatea in all white or with colored collars and cuffs. Many are styled with belts, others in loose effects with side "f Q lacings. Priced special D Dainty Waists Special $1 Bargain Circle, First Floor Fri day will be "Dollar Day" at the' Center Circle. Hundreds of crisp, hew Waists,- just out of the boxes, will be offered at . above price. Clever new models in tailored and novelty effects. Made up in cot ton voiles, organdies, lawns and fancy striped madras. New large collars. Full range of f( sizes. Friday special at DJ-Vv New Middy Skirts of white gala tea, trimmed with large pearl but tons, pocket and stitched belt. These fasten down the front. Just the thing for wear with middy blouses. Prices range $1.25 up to $1.49 Double S. & H. Stamps Housekeepers Supplies Main Floor Housekeepers will do well to visit the Linen section Fri day and Saturday and take advan tage of these special offerings. 72-In. Damask At 59c Yd. Main Floor Extra heavy quality mercerized Damask in beautiful new designs. Wears well and launders to perfection. 72 PQ inches wide. Sale price, yd. tl7l Linen Toweling At 68c Yard Main Floor Richardson's fine all linen huck toweling at a very spe cial price for Friday and Saturday. . Shown in many different patterns. 18 or 20 inches wide. Worth much more than the sale price. flQ Specially priced now, yard "Ov Women's High Boots Special $6.98 Main Floor Women's high-cut laced Boots of fine white kid with narrow receding toe, imitation straight tip, turned soles, covered half-Louis heels with aluminum plate, instep beautifully arched Women's all-gray Nubuck Boots, laced, medium pointed toe last, half-French heel covered with aluminum plate, fancy perforations. All sizes in these two styles. Also a num ber of broken lines in women's novelty Boots included in this sale. J QO Sacrifice price the pair for only 3vJ'0 Women's High-Grade Shoes $3.98 Patent, Vici Kid and Gunmetal Leathers Main Floor 986 Pairs Women's Shoes priced for quick cleanup. Strictly high-grade footwear. Patent, vici kid and gunmetal calf leathers in laced or buttoned styles. . All Goodyear welted soles and first-class work manship on every pair. Cloth, velvet or soft kid tops. All heights in heels various styles in toes. Good range of sizes. Extraordi- CJO QQ nary values at the very special price for this sale only of DOJO Wash Goods Remnants Hundreds of short lengths and remnants of Wash Goods lawns, batistes, organdies, madras also sheetings, muslins, white goods, ginghams, crepes, etc. pieces suit able for all purposes. On sale Friday at REDUCED PRICES. Special Display and Sale of Season's Newest Effects in Sport Hats At $3.00 Second Floor Come to the Millin ery Salons Friday and see this su perb showing of the new Sport Hats by far the largest and best selection in the city. Beautiful models, made up in combination of silk and straws, also hemps, togals, combinations straw and crepe, all crepe, Milans and Milan Hemps. Hats for all sorts of sport wear, for motoring, for street wear in an endless assortment of the newest sport colors, many in combinations of different colors. Also all- CJO ff black Sport Hats. Effectively trimmed. Special for Friday DOUU Untrimmed Hats at $2. 75 Second Floor Sailors, small close-fitting Hats and novelty shapes in great variety, Milans, Milan Hemps. Lisere and various other straws. Black and all the leading colors. Exceptional values at low price $2.75 Basement Millinery Sale Banded Sailors at $1.69 Basement Millinery An even two hundred of these Hats to go Friday at the above price, which is very much below their regular worth. Smart banded sailors of splendid quality straws neat effective Hats for street and sports wear. Shown in black, burnt, gray, blue, green, also many in two-toned ' colorings. Especially becoming for youthful I- ?Q women, misses. Be one of the 200 to share in this bargain at DJ-v)7 SPECIAL PRICES ON CHILDREN'S NEW TRIMMED HATS. Great Basement Sale of 812 New $8.75 Beautiful New M od els for Misses, Juniors and Children Your Choice $8.75 Manufacturer's Surplus Stock Purchased at Less Than Half Reg-, ular Prices An Extraordinary Offering Friday and Saturday the Basement Store will hold a phenomenal sale of Misses', Juniors' and Chil dren's Coats at the lowest price ever quoted in Portland for such splendid garments. Every Coat is new this season and made up in strictly high-grade materials in plain colors and novelty checks, plaids and mixtures. Scarcely a Coat in the entire lot but what is suitable for year-round wear. Hand some new sport models with novelty collars, pockets and belts Street Coats School Coats Dressy Coats. Many are shown in half-length styles with loose belts. Every garment is well made and nicely finished and there are a great many Coats in the lot worth more than double the sale price. Sizes for youthful women, misses, juniors arid school girls. See special showing in one of the Alder- QQ ryp street windows, and don't fail to share in this wonderful sale. Choice of 812 Spring Coats at 30l O Women's Coats Special $13.95 Women's Suits Special $15.95 Basement In this special lot of Coats we include many that are worth fully double the sale price. There are Sport Coats in many smart styles with large collars, fancy belts and pockets Street Coats in any number of handsome models; also Novelty Coats designed along more dressy lines. Good range of the wanted plain colors as well as the popular plaids, checks and mixtures. This sea son's best styles, strictly first-class workmanship throughout. Shown in practically all CJ"1 O QC sizes. Sale price for these Coats, each DXOJtJ Basement The one great opportunity of the sea son to buy a beautiful new Suit and pay about half real worth. In the Basement Store Friday and Saturday over 150 Women's and Misses' Suits will be disposed of at the above price. Sport models, street Suits and dressy Suits in belted and loose fitting effects with latest large collars, belts, ties and pockets. Gabardines, wool jersey, serges and various other materials in a good range of the newest plain colors, also novelty checks. Basement special 'at only S15.95 Double Stamps With All Charge or Cash Purchases Goats 17-in Embroidery Flouncings At 19c Yard Main Floor 17-inch Flouncings and Corset Cover Embroideries of good quality. Priced special for " Qf Friday at low figure of, yard -a-iv BABY RUFFLE Embroidery Flouncings, 27 inches wide, QQ. Friday special, the yard at Oi7 EMBROIDERY Dress Flouncings 45 inches wide. Excellent designs on fine quality voile mate rial. Specially priced, yard 72 -In. Dress Nets At 65c Yard Main Floor 72-inch White Dress Nets for graduation frocks, etc. In dependable quality. Friday you may buy them at, yard VJtJU NET TOP LACES of fine quality for jabots and stocks. Colors, white, cream and ecru. Width's from 5 to 17 inches on sale Fri- "f day in department at... 4 GEORGETTE CREPE Waistings in the famous "Mallinson's" make. Shown in several good QQ designs and colors. Yard 3J-00 New Veilings At 19c Yard Main Floor Extra special for Fri day, hexagon and fancy mesh veil ings in black and colors on " sale at very special, the yard -Lil Opening Sale of Men's Straw and Panama Hats All $1.75 and $250 Straw Hats Special at $130 $7J0 Bankoks and Panamas $5.50 Main Floor The Straw Hat season will open at this store Friday with an extraordinary sale of 3000 Men's and Young Men's New Spring Hats in novelty straws, Panamas, Leghorns, Milans, Sennets and Bankoks in all the latest styles and shapes at prices that will bring hundreds of new customers to our hat section. All prices quoted below will be in force Friday and every day thereafter until further notice. See the Morrison-street window for special display of New Spring Hats for Men. $1.75 and $2.50 Sailor Shapes in Sennets and Imitation (J- (Tf Panamas now priced at w-LeOvl All Men's $3.00 Sen- QO OfT net Straws, now priced 0O All Men's $4.00 Milan PO rrr Straws now priced at &We I O All Men's $5.00 Leghorns and Panama Hats are priced QQ rTC very special now at 30 4 O All Men's $6.00 Ban- Or koks and Panamas now 3jTCeiO All Men's $7.50 Ban- QfT koks and Panamas now 3tlOV AllMen'sFeltHatsReduced $3.00 Grades Now Priced at $225 $2.00 and $20 Grades Now $1.50 Main Floor Our celebrated "Wellington" and "Napoleon" Hats are also included at the above prices. Men who have been in the habit of pay ing $2 to $3 for their Hats now have the opportunity to get the same good quality the same correct styles, here at $1.50 to $2.50. Isn't this a worth-while saving, especially now, when every dollar counts? Splen did stock of the newest shapes in soft felts, also black Stiff Hats. All Men's $2.00 and $1 Prt I All Men's $3.00 Soft OO OCT $2.50 Felt Hats priced OX.Ul and Stif Hats now at Great H -Price Sale of .Men's union amis g I C ..-.- I c trr .i . spring una summer tv eigiits Full Range of All Sizes Here's sale that will be of interest to every man in Portland, for rarely indeed is the opportunity present ed to buy Summer Underwear right at the start of the season at half price. An immense lot bought direct from the manufacturer irregular makes with slight imperfections which are scarcely noticeable at all. Union Suits at $1.50 Men's Union Suits of mercerized lisle in cream and white. Styled with short sleeves and ankle length. These garments are worth just double the above prices. Very fine quality and perfect fitting garments. Slight imperfections in yarns. Light-weight ribbed. Q- jrf Sizes 34 to 46. Specially priced now at 5J-OU Mens Union Suits Special 62Vzc Main Floor Men's Porosknit Union Suits in ecru color. Short sleeves, Ti length and V neck. Cool, com fortable Underwear for warm days. Shown in all sizes. Sale PO price, the suit at only 0w 2C Men's Union Suits Special 75c Main Floor Men's light weight ribbed Union Suits, 6hort sleeves, ankle length. Shown in ecru color only. Sizes range from 34 up to 46. On sale at just half fT, price special, the suit at Boys' Wash Suits $1.50 to $3.50 Norfolk. Suits $6.50 to $16.50 Main Floor Special showing of Boys Wash Suits Friday and Sat urday. Billy Boy, Juniors, Mid dies and other models. High or low necks, long or short 6leeves, straight open-knee pants. Linens, cheviots, chambrays, percales and madras. They come in ages 6 to 8. Prices $1.50 up to $;j.."SO PORTLAND AGENTS DUTCHESS Main Floor Boys' Suits of the bet ter grades, made up in fine worst eds, cheviots, tweeds, serges and homespuns. Every suit beautifully tailored. Latest plaited, pinch back models with 2 or 3-piece belts, loose or stitched. All sizes 6 to 18 years. Priced to $10.50 Double Stamps With Purchases. TROUSERS FOR MEN AND BOYS ALLI.W.W. flOW FREED STRKKT MKKTIN'f.S IV EVERETT AVI I.I. SOT BE ATTEMPTED, Lust of 74 Are Released at Seattle on Recommendation of SnobomiHh Prosecutor. SEATTLE, Wash., May 10. Nine men, the last of 74 imprisoned in con nection with the battle at the Everett City Dock November 5, 1916. were re leased from jail today on order from Superior Judge Ronald after Prone tutor Lloyd Black, of Snohomish Coun ty, had requested that the cases against them be dismissed. The nine were members of the party of Industrial Worlcers of the World which went to Everett on the steamer Verona November 5 to test, according: to their claim, the right of free speech on the streets of Everett. In the clash with a Sheriffs posse .at the dock two Deputy Sheriffs and five men aboard the Verona were killed. Of the 74 im prisoned. Thomas H. Tracy was trletf" for murder and acquitted, Jamea Kelly was returned to Pennsylvania to serve an unexpired prison sentence, and the rest were released. The men who were freed today were Charles Adams. John Downs, Ed Roth, Earl Osborne, James Bates, J. E. Houli han. J. F. Billings. Harry Hubler and P. O. Watson. It is understood that the Industrial Workers will not make an effort to hold street meetings in Everett, on the advice of Judge Ronald and labor union leaders who have supported the Indus trial Workers during- the contest just ended. General Rusfcky Removed. . PETROORAD, via London, May 10. General Russky has been removed from the chief command of the army of the Northern front. He remains, however, a member of the Council of War. Read The Ortronian classified ads. ADAMS PREACHES ROADS COMMISSIONER BIBS SHOULDERS WITH rIO- COUNTY MEN. Verbal C'lah Wltb Senator Pierre Can celed Because Injsry Prevents Legislator' Prraenee. LA GRANDE, Or.. May 10. (Spe cial.) Rubbing shoulders with Union County ranchers who are known to be opposed to the bonding- bill, E. J. Adams, a member of the State High way Commission, conducted his ener getic drive today for good roads. His stay in Union County was liter ally a "drive." Late In arriving, Mr. Adams speeded up on reaching here at noon, being escorted by good roads boosters to Imbler, Elgin and other points by automobile. He returned this evening and at once began his address to a mass meeting in the Methodist Church, which at tained big proportions. Concisely and clearly he drove home arguments for hard-surface roads and gave explicit anil pertinent figures. What had promised to be an excep tional feature of the mass meeting had to be abandoned in that an Injury kept Walter M. Pierce, Joint Senator from Union and Wallowa Counties, from at tending the meeting and doing verbal battle with the noted good roads apostle. Mr. Pierce was anxious to lock horns with Mr. Adams, but an injured knee kept him away. A lively duel was anticipated by the pros and antis. In his drive through the valley today. Mr. Adams preached the gospel of good roads eloquently and convincingly. To morrow he continues his '"drive on Union County," with a visit to Union and Cove. Logan-Clackamas Road Work On. CLACKAMAS, Or., May 10. (Special.) The work of grading and rocking the Logan-Clackamas county road, which has been In bad condition, began last week, with Road Supervisor Gerber in charge. A county rock crusher Is sta tioned at Baker's Bridge, ana is crusn Ing rock, which is being hauled by auto trucks. HOME-BUYING IS ADVISED Visitor to California Tells of Lower Prices in Portland. Informality marked the weekly luncheon of the Greater Portland Asso ciation yesterday at the Benson HoteL There was no set address. Captain William Gadsb;-, just home from California, spoke on the impor tance of spending one's money at home. In California, he said, he felt the need of buying a number of things that were required on the trip, but he found when he got home again that he could have purchased the same things here for less money. ' Plans were laid for observing Port week, and on May 17 the association will be addressed by CI. B. Hegardt, engineer for the Port f Portland. Aberdeen Libel Suit Revived. ABERDEEN. Wash., May 10. (Spe cial.) An amended complaint In tne dismissed libel suit of N. D. McKillap against the Aberdeen World has been filed, presumably for the purpose of having it made the basis of an appeal. Judge Abel In dismissing the original suit ruled that the alleged libelous ad- 5SJ vertisement published was not libelous and further that it was privileged Mr McKillap alleged the advertisement" which was signed by 40 prominent businessmen, was the cause of his de- icai ior county School Superintendent. Balsa wood, found In Central Amer ica, is said to be the lightest known wood. It Is lighter than cork and has an average specific gravity of only Ssmwssa Pimento Cheese puts another joy in living!