THE 3IORXING OREGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1917. 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGOXIAN TELEPHONES. Managing Editor Main 7070. A 6095 City Editor Main 7070, A 6015 Sunday Editor Main 7070. A 60H5 Advertising Department. .. .Main 7070. A B5 Comooslng-room Main 7070. A 801lo Superintendent Building. . . .Main 7070. A30U5 AMl'SEMENTS. ORPHBDM (Broadway at Taylor) Big time vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:15 and, to night at 8:15 o'clock. BAKER (Broadway or Sixth, between Alder and Morrison) Alcazar Stock Company In "A Pair of Sixes." This afternoon at 2:15 ( and tonight at 8 o'clock. VANTAGES (Broadway at Alder) TJn equaled vaudeville. Three shows dally. 2:80. 7 and 9:05. HIPPODROME (Broadway and TamhllO Vaudeville and moving pictures. 3 to 5: 6:45 to 11 P. M. Saturday. Sunday, holi days, continuous, 1:15 to 11 P. M. STRAND (Park. West Park and Ftark) Vaudeville and motion pictures continuous. BASEBALL (Recreation Park. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth streets) Oakland vs. Port land; week days, 8 P. M. ; Sundays. 2:30 P. M. Charter Amendment Fixed for Voters. A. proposed charter amend ment to provide a means of repairing pavement at the cost of abutting property hag been prepared by City Attorney LaRoche and will be sub mitted to the voters at the city elec tion June 4 by the City Council. The measure would enable paving repair under proceedings similar to those for original paving of streets. At present the only way paving can be repaired after it has passed the ten years' main tenance period is for the city to do it or to get unanimous consent of all the property owners to pay the cost. Dr. Edna Sherrill. Appointed. Dr. Edna Shrrill yesterday was appointed by Mayor Albee as chief medical In spector of the City Health Bureau to take the place of Dr. Abele who has become health officer since Health Officer Marcellus and his assistant. Dr. Louis Wolf, have gone Into the Army and Navy service. Dr. Marr Blsaillon was appointed by the Mayor to the position of school inspector at (50 a month. This fills up all but one vacancy In the force due to men leav ing for service. The one unfilled posi tion is that of meat inspector vacated by Dr. Max Myers. Copies of New Codb RaADT, Copies of the proposed new building code making a number of important changes In building restrictions and requirements, have been printed and are ready for distribution in the Muni cipal Bureau of Buildings at the City Hall. A series of hearings will be held next week by City Commissioner leek to hear arguments for and against various new features of the measure and other proposed changes. Mr. Dleck will report the measure back to the City Council after the hearings. Chickens Must Ei Kept In. Now that Portland has gone into gardening on such an extensive scale, chicken owners must keep their chickens securely penned up in accordance with the law prohibiting chickens from run ning at large. Mayor Albee yesterday instructed the police to give attention to the Bubject. "Gardening Is under way so extensively," said the Mayor yesterday, "that it is necessary to en force strictly the ordinance against chickens running at large. This -ap plies throughout the city." "No Trespass" Siski Readt Amateur gardeners wishing to keep people off their garden tracts are to be supplied with "no trespass" signs by the city. Commissioner Dleck yester day received a supply of official signs from the printer and will distribute them to persons having need of pro tecting gardens. No charge will be made for the signs and they will have an official stamp which will be backed up by the police and the municipal court to the serious setback of all violators. Enlistment ESrors Prosecution. I 13. Lawrence, arrested with Ray D. Gould, for the theft of automobiles and as a member of a gang of auto thieves which accounted for about 40 ma chines, has joined the Washington Na tional Guard and Is now encamped at American Lake. In view of this and other extenuating circumstances, Dpeuty District Attorney Collier rec ommended that the case against him be dismissed yesterday and the dismis sal order was signed by Judge Gan tenbein. Oddfellows to Hatb Special, Train. A special train for Oddfellows will be operated by the Southern Pacific Company from Portland to Eugene to carry visitors to the annual state con vention of that organization, which will be held May 22-26. The special will leave Portland on Monday, May 21, at 1:30 P. M., and will arrive at Eugene In time for dinner. There will be about 700 members of the order go from Port land on this special. Citt to Donate Monet Todat. The usual annual appropriations to cover the expenses of veteran organisations on Memorial day will be made by the City Counoll at today's session. The Grand Army will be given 1300; the Spanish-American war veterans will get $150 and the Indian War veterans $50. The money goes to defray the cost of decorating graves. Mock W e d d i n a Postponed. Tom Thumb's wedding, planned by the Mult. ii Oman Parent-Teacher Association for Thursday, May 8, has been postponed until Monday evening. May 7, at the clubhouse. There will be 30 children in costumes besides a girls' chorus. A Maypole dance will be given by smaller children after the wedding. Two-Platoon Plan Topic. The Jackson Club will meet May 4 at Li brary Hall, when the principal topic for discussion will be the two-platoon system in the Fire Department. Judge W. N. Gatens will talk for the system and Jay Stevens, fire marshal, will talk against it. There will be a programme of music. First Hebrew Benevolent Associa TtoN. The annual meeting of the First Hebrew Benevolent Association will be held Wednesday, May 2, at 8 P. M., at the Concordia Clubrooms. Tour at tendance is earnestly requested. By order of the president. Sol. Elumauer, secretary. Adv. LauRgaard Opens Hxadquarters C Laurgaard, candidate for City Com missioner. has opened campaign head quarters at 316 Railway Exchange building. An extensive campaign is planned covering all sections of the city and arrangements have been made for its vigorous pursuit. Sets Clock One Hour Ahead. Beginning May 1 we begin work in our repair factory at 1 A. M. and quit at S P. M., store open 6 A. M. to 6:30 . P. M. Our prlo .s on shoe repairing are: Men s best soles. 80c; ladles, 60c; all rubber heels, 25c. Goodyear Shoe Co., 146 Fourth st. Adv. April Cases Total 611. In the Dis trict Court during April 611 cases were filed, of which 455 were civil, 94 small claims and 62 criminal. In fees $1323.85 waa received and in fines $135, accord ing to the report of District Clerk Hennessy. For Rent. For the Summer a mod ern 8-room house at Gearhart. Main 1057. Adv. Seaside. Or., Hotel Moore, overlook ing ocean, American plan; open all year. Adv. Oriental Rugs repaired, wash-cleaned, stored. Cartozian Bros. Br. 8433. Adv. Dr. Alzamon Ira Lucas, new offices. Phones Main 718, A 2484. Adv. Dr. Alzamon Ira Lucas, new offices. Phones Main 718, A 2428. Adv. Dr. Max Robendorff has moved to Hotel Portland. Adv. Dubruills Top Co. moved to 8th, Oak, Chamber Committee: Named. Charged with the task of planning and handling; the campaign in behalf of the 13.000,000 bond issue for the improvement of dock facilities and the equipment of the port for bulk grain handling, a committee has been appointed by President H. I Corbett, of the Cham ber of Commerce, and will begin its work immediately. The personnel of the committee follows: I B. Smith, Max Hirsch, Forest Fisher, A. D. Katz and M. B. McFauL The bond issue will be voted on in the June election. W. L Halfpenny in Chabob. The dental students of Portland will have a demonstration and talk tonight at the Multnomah Hotel, i reservations being made for 60 members. W. L. Halfpenny is in charge of the affair. MINISTERS TO SPEAK SERIES OF FRIDAY NOON MEETINGS . ARRANGED. Pastors of Portland Canrcaes Will Cos duct Patriotic Service for Na tion's Soul Under War. A group of ministers of Portland, rep resenting some of the leading churches of the community, Save united In a plan for patriotic noonday assemblies in the interest of "the Nation's soul un der war." Denominatlonalism will have no place In the programme. The com mon good of humanity will be the only consideration. These meetings will be held every Friday from 12:20 to 12:80 o'clock sharp and will be known as "Friday noon as semblies." The services will be held at the Church of Our Father, corner of Broadway and Yamhill street. The meetings will begin next Friday, May 4. and will continue every Friday until further notice. Each of the min isters In the group will be responsible for one meeting, taking turns, and that minister will either speak at that meet ing or be responsible for procuring a speaker ancl all other details. Following Is the first assignment of speakers: May 4 Rev. A. A. Morrison, May 11 Rev. Luther R. Dyott. May 18 Rev. Jonah B. Wise. May 25 Rev. Edwin V. O'Hara. June 1 Rev. John H. Boyd. June 8 Rev. Joshua Btansfield. June 15 Rev. Calvin B. Waller. June 22 Rev. Harold H. Griff is. June 29 Rev. William G. Eliot, Jr. The meetings will be free and there will be no collections. Business men and women are specially Invited. MANY SEEK CITIZENSHIP Clerk Files Papers for 2 77 Aliens In Month of April. Naturalization records for any month were broken in April, according to Deputy County Clerk Easter, who re ceived 186 declarations of Intention and 91 applications for final papers during that month. Reorulting stlmu lated the demand as many of the ap plicants desired to loin the Army. The entente nations outstripped the central powers In the number of natives who sought their last papers, which cannot be granted Germans or Austrlans until after the war. The Hies were represented by 41 petitions for last papers, the central powers by 1 petitions. These petitions were segregated as follows: German, 17; Austrian. 14; English, 21 Russian, nine; Italian, ten, and French, two. RUNNING BIRDS CHARGED Game Warden Enforces Law to Protect Pheasants. David P. Ewen, secretary-treasurer of the St. Johns Ship Building Com pany. In Circuit Judge Davis" court yesterday, was found guilty of train ng his dogs on pheasants and was fined $25. The arrest of Mr. Ewen was the first step In a campaign which has been Inaugurated by the State Fish and Game Commission to prevent the training of dogs on pheasants at this time of year when the birds are nest lng. State Game Warden Shoemaker said yesterday that It is a serious thing for the dogs to run the birds at this time of year, as In many Instances It means that the entire hatch Is lost. INSECT EXPERT LEAVES A. J. Jaenlcke Will Inspect Rational Forests In Montana. A. J. Jaenlcke. In charge of the De partment of Insect Control for this United States forest district, left Port land yesterday for Missoula. Mont., where he expects to spend a month in specting the forest with a view to tak ing steps to prevent any Inroads of harmful insects. Much of the work there will be In high altitudes and he will be com pelled to cover a great deal of the for est on snowshoeB. The seven employes of the Forest Service who were associated with Mr. Jaenlcke in a house a,t 668 Lovejoy street gave him a farewell dinner Mon day night. MOVE TO STUDY FIRST AID Grade Teachers Add Two -Classes for Red Cross Work. Two additional classes for the study of first aid work were formed by members of the Portland Grade Teach era' Association yesterday at the Mult nomah Hotel. This makes ten classes of 25 members each which have been formed by that association, one of the classes being for actual service on the battlefield. The classes study by arrangement with the Portland branch of the Ameri can Red Cross. Dr. IL I. Kenney will take charge of one of the classes formed yesterday and Dr. William F. Amos will take the other. ILLEGAL FISHING CHARGED Foul Hooking of Salmon Causes $50 Fines for Three Men. Arrested on the charge of foul hook ing of salmon at Oregon City, P. A. Lacey. H. W. White and S. G. Waldron pleaded guilty In the District Court there yesterday and were fined 350 each. Forty dollars of each fine was remitted, however. The arrests were made by Deputy Fish Warden M. R. Pomeroy. The men are said to have been catching fish by means of a weighted line set with a series of barbed hooks. These lines were drawn through the current where, the fish were plentiful. Big Toledo Tract Brings $6000. CENTRAZ.IA, Wash., May 1. (Spe cial.) The sale of TO acres on the Paclfio Highway near Toledo was re ported Monday by a Centralla realty firm. A Seattle man named Landberg is the purchaser, The oonst&eration STREETS Ifl DANGER ree-Street Measure Regard ed as Serious Menace." WARNING IS GIVEN PUBLIC Sir. LaKocIie Says if Bill Initiated by Jitneys Should Pass General Regulation of Trade Arteries AVould Be Denied Council. The most unusual and unprecedented conditions would be brought about In Portland by the adoption at the city election June 4 of the Jitney free streets measure, according to City Attorney LaRoche. He says the measure would take out of the hands of the city the entire question of control of use of the public streets for commercial purposes, a condition which does not exist In any city In the United States and a condi tion that would be serious. The strange part of it is," said Mr. LaRoche yesterday, "that there seems to be no concerted movement against it, yet It is one of the most Important measures on the ballot. It is time the public was investigating. "It Is my opinion that it would open the streets to absolutely unrestricted use for commercial purposes excepting to such Institutions or individuals as construct permanent structures In the streets. It is my opinion that it would eliminate control of peddlers, hawkers. Jitneys and all other classes of business using the streets. They are subject to Councilmanio control at present. This measure would put them beyond con trol of the lawmaking bodies. "The measure is aimed primarily. I take It, to eliminate regulation of Jit neys and other lines of business done In the streets, except the -business of the street railway company, the tele phone companies and other publio serv ice concerns. But it goes much farther than merely to relieve Jitneys of regu lation either present or prospective. It takes in everything that may use the streets for. commercial purposes. "Imagine a city with unrestricted use of the streets for commercial purposes. It would be a truly deplorable condi tion. It strikes me It is time for the public to awaken." The measure has been referred to the voters by the Jitney Drivers' Union, which organization is striving to wipe out all forms of regulation against Jit neys without removing any of the reg ulations and restrictions against the street railway company. The measure was submitted .by initiative petitions. ANNULMENTS ARE ASKED TWO WOMEN DISCOVER HUSBANDS ARB BIGAMISTS. Seven Divorces Granted In Day In Un contested Cases Wife mt Life Termer Auks Freedom. Olga B. Imboden. whose husband, uoorge w. imDoaen, a Dutcher of St. Johns, recently pleaded eruiltv in tha Circuit Court to having one more wife man tne law allows, filed suit for an nulment of the Illegal ceremony of marriage perrormed at Salem In 1918, In the local court yesterdav. Mrs. Imboden wishes to have restored her maiden name of Markwart and the custody of the children a boy of 4 years and a girl of 2. Imboden's first ana only legal wife Is living In Leo anon. Pa. Declaring that Jack Wnlter wn.n whom she married in Walla Walla In 1913, also has a first undivorced wife living, Laura M. Sleforth Wilson filed suit for annulment In the Circuit Court yenteraay. Jennie Samno filed suit fnr m from Giacomo Sampo yesterday, Sampo being at present a permanent resident at Folsom Penitentiary, California, un der sentence of life for a murder com mitted in Amador County, California. The Sampos were married at Santal- Dano, Italy, In 1908. The wife desires --uiouy oi tneir cnuo. Angelina, aged 7. 'V"1 - statutory grounds are asked by Mabel Abbott from Kenneth Abbott, and Ralph P. Lawrenoo frnn. Elizabeth Lawrence. Default divorces crnnrert hv ri ouuHe uannnocm yesterdav wer n iurceuH enarpe from William t tj c, uenevieve .Mann rrnm 1 1 t Mann. Frieda Carrick from William A. " ""i vruneim ssandstrom from So- pnia banaitrom. Marcrarnt v Tjtr.t. from Eugene E. Hirsch. Laura E. Schaf- uuiu jonn ii. ticharter and Mnttl, v.ij irora AiDert tx. Cary. MAYOR STANDS GROUND CRITICISM OF THOSE Wno STORE POTATOES IS REITERATED. Executive Asserts Protests of Oppn. nents Are Weak and His Opinion Is Unchanged. "The only man who Is Justified In replying Is he who is hit and wishes to defend his action." This. was. in part. Mayor Albee's rejoinder yesterday to the complaints of various Front street merchants, who objected to the Mayor's statements recently regarding the storing of potatoes in warehouses when thpy are badly needed for seed. "I repeat," said the Mayor in a state ment yesterday, "that the man who holds potatoes In large quantities in the face of the present need of seed for the purpose of a few added dollars is deficient in true patriotism. "For the benefit of those who are so vehemently defending themselves against charges never made. I refer to my original statement. Front-street merchants, commission men or any other groups of men were not men tioned. My statement was plain that I had Information, that . on March 1, 1917, there were more than 80.000 sacks of potatoes in storasre. For the taene- IF IT IS WORTH INSURE IT WHAT? YOUR LIFE Home Office, Stevens Building, Portland S. P. Loekwrod, Vlee-Prenldent and General Mauser. A. M. Cannon, City Manager. Here are Kuppenheimer clothes with the New York atmosphere that means they have an air, a style that every am bitious young man will appreciate. Suits such as these add individuality and per sonality to the wearer. Your special model, your favorite color, is here if if s in style this season. Your particular taste can be satisfied if it's good taste. Prices as low as $20 and regardless of pa thetically humorous claims on the muchly abused "efficiency" word these suits are the most your money can buy in style in individuality in last ing satisfaction. The maker's name is in them they are deliv ered to you from this long established New Way specialty store for the things that men and boys wear. It as sures you of pleasing results or your money back. V J$ Morrison at Fourth St. S. & H. Stamps are the discounts your I cash entitles you to. Ask for them. fit of those who ridicule the statement. I will say that the Assessors office gives me the information that on that date their records show assessments made on 81.000 sacka. With my usual desire to state facts only I added that this number had been reduced during the weeks since that date, and further I I will now add that there has been an immense decrease since this pub licity was given." PERSONAL MENTION. R. J. Glnn, of Moro. Is at the Perkins. C E. Glass, of Eugene, Is at the Per kins. E. A. Lanr, of Tacoma, Is at the Eaton. T. G. Price, of Etirsne, Is at the Eaton. O. It. Raleigh, of Seattle. Is at the Eaton. II. E. Toungr, of Salem, is at the Eaton. Wallace 5raham, of Baker, Is at the Oregon. J. C. Smith, of Corvmllls, Is at the Oregon. The Oakland ball team Is at the Seward. A. W. Bartlett. of Ashland. Is at the Seward. ' E. L. Webb, of Tillamook, Is at the Perkins. E. Q. Olson, of r Grande. Is at the Imperial. R. C Plerson, of Olynrpta, Is at the Imperial. Oeorge B. Boss, of Med ford. Is at the Imperial. C. D. Washburn, of Bufnt, la at the Portland. , ' , - , J- V. CConnell, of Helena. Is at the rorusna. A. E. Harvey, of Clatakanla, Is at ths Cornelius. A. M. Mathews, of Juneau. Is at the Mnltnomah. G. A. Carlson, of Spokane, Is at the Multnomah. Mrs. II. J. Clements, of 8alem. Is at J. F. Coombs, of Keokuk. la, 1. at the uortonla. O. R. West, of San Francisco, la at the Nortonla. D. R. Shambrook, of Roieburg, la at I the Nortonla. James A. Fee, Jr of Pendleton. Is at I the Imperial. Charles W. Johnson arlved at the Oregon today. J. A. McCaulay, of Boston, Mass, Is at I the Multnomah. G. T. Harrington, of Erie, Fa, Is at I the Washington. Captain B. Rogers, of North Yakima. Is at the Perkins. G. W. Rouse and wife, of Astoria, axe at the Multnomah. C. M. Delln arrived at the Cornelius today from Michigan. Ml E. Buckingham, of Kelso, Wash, is at the Washington. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Smith, of Salem, are at the Cornelius. H. M. Sidney, of Hood River, is reg istered at the Nortonla. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cooper, of Cor vallls, are at the Seward. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fearce. of Bridal I Veil, are at the Washington. Mr.' and Mrs. J. H. Richardson, of Erie. Pel, are at the Portland. O. Laurgaard left Monday for Pros- ser. Wash, where he was called In IT STMAN 4 DAYS ONLY COMMENCING TODAY Violet Mersereau in an absorbing1 drama of the power of true love "Little Miss Nobody Caine & Odom 20th Century Vaudevillians Leahy, Archer It Behooves Every Man and every woman and child as well, to cut out all waste; husband their resources; go carefully into the matter, of debt; buy no foolish luxuries; assume no great risks under the present situation. Thrift has become the ws tch word of the Nation. It is patriotism in itself. No nation can exist without it. Your savings as the result of thrift should be placed In a strong bank; we invite you to make this your banking home; LADD & TILTON BANK Washington and Third. ; m oonferenoe on the Horse Heaven Irri gation project. SI. D. Jackson and Mrs. Jackson, of Corvallls, are at the Cornelius. AUDITORIUM CASE IS UP City to Decide Today Whether to Take Over Work on Building. Final settlement of the public Audi torium contract difficulties will be made by the City Council at a epeolal most- inir at 1:30 o'olock today. Unless Hans IPederson. the contractor, and his bonds I . Vi a , tViv nn finish th rlilrilnB hv tiv i. h council nrobablv will vote i to comnlete the work by force contract. I The city is said by the architects. I Whltehouse & Foullhoux. to have more I than enough money In the Auditorium I fund to finish the building. It is said the work could tie flnlshefl and the "ty nave rrora szu.ouu to ju.uuu ion ovcr- racmc Elects History Jieaa NEWBERG. Or.. Mar 1. (Special.) Miss Addie Emlln Wriirht. who receives W .aV. I nsss s i iihssa i : - r Canadian Pacific Rockies KALEIDOSCOPE of sunny aides and rivers of Ice, pic turesque Indian and tip-to-date American, Totem polea ' and gold mines, dog; teams and luxurious trains reached by delightful Canadian Pacific steamers passing through island-dotted Inside passage and sheltered fjords of the British Columbia Coast to the Land of the Midnight Sun. On your way to and from the Coast take in the panoramic route of the Canadian Pacific Railway "Thm World' Crmatmtt Highway" and do the Canadian Pacific Rockies. No side-trips necessary. Enjoy the comforts of the great hotels at BanH, Lake Louisa, Field and Glacier. For full information phone, call or writ for Tour No. W-4. J. V. MURPHY, General Atrent Passenger Dept., 55 Third Street, Portland. Ore. Banff Springs Greet mountains tower around the superb hotel at Banff. Sports of every description golf, sul phur swimming pool, fiot springs, pony rid ing.mounuin climbing. Service Canadian Pacific Standard, Nona Bmtfr. 1 1 Lake Louise " V I Chateau, on the shore of an exquisite lake with a background of snow, clad mountain glacier. See the Lakes in the Clouds snd the Valley of the Tea Peaks. LovcUcat Spat in North America, 1 THEATER PAK$ . - . -v ?. 11 7 s 0 ' V Georgia Chartress I Locer & Darling Singing - Whistling Comedienne I Characters in Comedy and Song & Butterworth Comedy and UiAkstd her A. M". degree next month from Co lumbia University, has been elected to the head of the department of history in Paclfio College, to succeed Professor Mark C Mills, who will go to Columbia next year for postgraduate work. Mothers Back National Prohibition. WASHINGTON. May 1. National pro hibition was advocated by the National Congress of Mothers today. Mrs. Fred erlo Schoff. of Philadelphia, waa re elected president. WRINKLES How to Rrniort In 15 Minutes. Most to PreTcnt From Coming. Encloss Sc stamp for particulars, or call St offlra, 1 to 6 V. M. Satisfaction guaran teed. 9 second floor. Bs6 S Wafhtnfton St. F.O-riAKTin AOENt'V. Nlka-Marr Tollvt Preparations. Address All Mall to Main Office: Dept. '. Portland, Or. Than Main .1271. Also. on sal nt Wondarri. t'lerko ? Co. The Highway The name of Multnomah's finest ware and the bit-tasting cigar for a nickel. Sigr. Sichel & Co. S4T Wash. St. S3 Third St. Vancouver Hotel With its magnificent harbor and fine new Canadian Pacific Hotel. A city of motor drives unsurpassed. Prodigious Vi as. ooesa trips among tha uOuius of mountain Uotf. Port for Alamka Treaw Pacific Travel. Harmony V BE PREPARED U: S. ARMY TEXT BOOKS Manual of Military Training;. Major J. A. Moss..... SZ.OO Manual for Aspirant for Com missions In the l'. 8. Military Service. Capt. Ira T. Reeves... SI. OO Military Topoa-rapky, Capt. C. O. Sherill SZ.50 Xoa.diinnli loaed Officers MaanaU MaJ. J. A. Moss SI, SO Private's Manual, Major J. A. Moss. ..Sl.OO IXFA5TRV DR1M. 1'IUNS SIMPLIFIED. With An notations. Illustrations and In dex. Including- the Manual of Uaionct, postpaid $ .SO Note Any rteatred Book Not Herein Can Be Procured for Customer. AU Books Postpaid. Addrevs The U. S. Army Weekly Fort Worden. Wash. HOTEL SAN FRANCISCO Oeary Street, lust oft Union Square Eoropean Plan $1.50 a day op Breakfast 60c Lunch BOo Dinner Sl.OO Most Famous Msais in the United States Kew stael snd concrete structure. Center ef tasater. cala and retail districts. On carllnes transferrins' all over city. Take Municipal car Una direct to door. Motor Bus meats trains snd steamers., IZZ THK A T l K T KO K APPENDIQITIS la hronlo Cases It Isevsr Falls. A Trial Will Convince Yon. Sent nrapald te ur addreaa. Take It bow and avoid the knit a Kaay Payments. Address HIZZ CO. 139 Park St Portland. Or, or Slalratowa. la. COAL Owing to the advance in labor and material, we advise the public to place their orders immediately for that good Superior coal and take advantage of our special of fer for May delivery. SUPERIOR COAL CO., S. E. cor. E. 41th and Halsey St. N. Phones: Tabor 159. C 1541. BAD STOMACH TROUBLE Yields to Delicious Vinol. Shreveport. La. "I had a bad stom ach trouble for years and became so weak I could hardly walk or do any work. 5Iy appetite was poor, my food would not digest, I bloated and was very weak and nervous. 1 tried many remedies without help. I saw vlnol ad vartlsed and tried it, and now my stom ach trouble Is completely cured and I am well. E. U. Marshall. Vlnol Is a-uaranteed to tone up the tired, over-taxed and weakened nerves of the stomach and create strensrth. The Owl DniR Co., Portland. Also at the leading drug; store In all Oregon towns. QCHWAB PRINTING CO; I A BEN F.GREENE-HARRY FISHFP U STARK STREET ""i SECON D ITEM? H Phone Your "Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6095 16000. r