THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1917, 13 All Charge Purchases Made Today and Remainder of This Month Will Go on Your May Account, Payable on June 1st Trunks, Suitcase and Traveling Bags, 4th Floor Model Grocery, Bakery and Delicatessen, 4th Floor Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Draperies and Bedding, 3d Floor PORTLAND AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS OHIO STANDARD ELECTRIC SUCTION CLEANERS. For the Best Lunch in Portland Come to our Tea Room, on the 4th Floor. All foods prepared un der most rigid sanitary inspection. Luncheon served 11:30 to 2:30. Afternoon Tea from 3:30 to 4:30. PORTLAND AGENTS FOR QUALITY LINENS AND CARTER'S CELEBRATED UNDERWEAR. Olds, The Standard Store of the Northwest Wortman & I Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Ling , OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS FILLED AND FORWARDED PROMPTLY. STAMPS GIVEN ON ON REQUEST. Soda Fountain in Basement . Quench your thirst at the Base ment Fountain. Delicious soft drinks of all kinds served. Reason able prices. Shoe Shining Parlor in Basement Underprice Store. PORTLAND AGENTS ' FOR LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS AND PUBLICAT'NS. Double Stamps Saturday EhS? in Men's and Boys' Clothing Depts. Sale Extraordinary Women's Suits Special $17.85 Sport Suits Street Suits Novelty Suits In the Very Newest Shades Suit Salons, Second Floor There are in this lot exceed ingly practical Suits, which five out of every ten women find indispensable for everyday wear, as well as many in the popular sport effects and novelty etyles. All are beau tifully tailored from splendid quality wool poplins, wool serges and wool jerseys.- Many in Russian blouse models, with side plaits, large collars, belted ties, etc., others in smart belted effects and loose fitting styles, trimmed with buttons, fancy silk stitching, etc. These excellent Suits are shown in a great range of the leading f7 Or colors and in nearly all sizes. Priced special 5 J. 4 JJ See Morrison Street Window MILLINERY SALONS, 2d FLOOR Any Trimmed Hat at $7.50 None Reserved Millinery Dept. Second Floor Unrestricted choice of any Trimmed Hat in the Millinery Sa ' Ions Saturday at above price. Act promptly and get the full benefit of this splendid offer by being among the first to choose. Hun dreds of Hats are involved many of them having just recently ar rived. Sport Hats and Dress Hats in all the season's newest shapes sailors, turbans, drooping brims, etc., beautifully trimmed with flowers, ornaments, stick-ups, ribbons, etc. Milans, Milan Hemps and novelty straws of every description in black, white and colors. S7 PCO Hats forth 4 to 5 times sale price. Saturday special at only 0 ill SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES ON GIRLS' AND CHILDREN'S HATS Hat Shapes Special $1 Basement Millinery The great sale ' of Untrimmed Hats in the Basement will continue Saturday. Positively the most re markable values we have ever of fered. Small Hats, medium Hats and large Hats in every conceiv able shape and color. Milan Hemps, Liseres, Shiny Straws and Milans. Scores of styles to select from. Profit by this special sale. Hat Shapes in this lot worth fl1 ff manv times sale mice. jJAeV -BASEMENT SALE OF MILLINERY TRIMMINGS 250 AND 500 Misses' High-Top Shoes Dugan & Hudson 7 O st O MakeSpecial Pair ) J. rrO Main Floor Extra special offering for Saturday. Tan or black Rus sia Calf Buttoned Boots 8 ins. high, made on full round toe last with well modeled low heels. Sizes 2 to AYa only. These are the famous Dugan & Hudson Shoes and are exceptional values. Select stock Russian calf. Especially desirable for misses and email women. If priced according to present market these would sell at (IQ AO ?8.50 to $9.00 the pair. While they last, special, pair DOttO Women's White Shoes At $3.98 Pair Main Floor Women's White Sea Island Duck Sport Shoes similar to this illustration. Fiber soles, low heels of rubber or leather. One model at this price has ball strap of white nubuck and trimmed lace stay, neatly per forated. Splendid comfortable Shoes for sport and general wear. JJO QO Priced special, the pair tDOeiO MEN'S Laced or Buttoned Shoes on English or high round-toe CJI A Q last. Special, the pair at tDTCeftO WOMEN'S NOVELTY BOOTS in new high-top styles. P QO Saturday special the pair at extraordinary low price of DUi0 Basement Sale of Women's Dresses at $11.95 Our Great Basement Sale of Women's and Misses' Dresses continues Saturday with still a splendid assortment of beautiful new models to select from. Dresses for all occasions, from the fashionable new sport effects to more elaborate styles for evening and party wear. Made up in high-grade taffetas, Georgette crepe, crepe de chine, crepe meteor and imported pongee. All are the very newest creations with C?- -1 nr plaited or flare skirts. Excellent assortment of colors. DJLxD, Special Showing of New Veilings Special 25c Yd. Main Floor At this special price for Saturday only. New Veilings in plain and fancy meshes. Bor dered, figured or plain, including the new Hairline Veilings so much the vogue right now. Shown in black, white, magpie, navy, brown, sand, taupe, purple, wistaria, or chid, flesh and emerald. OP Saturday special, the yard NEW VEILS We show all the newest novelties in Veils and drapes it it's new and desirable you'll find it in our splendid stock.. Veiling Dept., on the Main Floor. Women's New Auto Gaps 75c to $1.75 Main Floor Great showing of the season's newest novelties in Auto Caps and Sport Caps. Made in full head size with transparent, re versible visors of contrasting col ors. Plain colors and checks. Also silk caps with leather visors. Ask to see the new Caps. 750 to $1.75 Women's Auto Caps Special 50c Main Floor Women's Auto Caps in all the leading colors and styles special assortment on PA sale Saturday, your choice tlUU Sale of Ribbons At 35c Yd. Plain Taffetas, Jacquards, M oires and Fancies Main Floor Beautiful new Rib bons for hairbows and cashes. In plain taffetas in all the wanted colors, Jacquards, moires, plaids, stripes, etc. also two-toned taf fetas with satin stripe. All silk, high-grade Ribbons on sale QC Saturday at special, yard OOl Kodaks, Cameras 4th Floor Eastman Kodaks, Cameras and Supplies of all kinds. Developing, printing, enlarging, framing and color work by experts of long ex perience. Bring your .work here for the best results. 4th Floor. Women's New Collars & Sets Special $1.75 Main Floor Women's new novelty neckwear collars and sets in a. great assortment of styles, priced for Saturday's selling far under regular value. Hand-embroidered, lace-trimmed, tucked and plain ef fects. Shown in all the new sport colors plain or in combination of various shades. An excellent op portunity to choose from the daintiest of collars and ! sets at special price of wXtlO WOMEN'S NECKWEAR Col lars, Sets and Vestees in a wonder ful showing of the season's smart est styles. We receive new ship ments almost every day. Ask to see these new novelties. Neck wear, Department, on First Floor. Women's and Children's Novelty Belts 35c to $1.50 Main Floor Special showing Sat urday of new shipment of Women's and Children's Belts. Latest styles of patent leather, suede and nov elty white and colored kid. Also a large assortment of black patent leather belts in all the popular widths. Prices range 35c to $1.50 Handkerchiefs Special 10c Main Floor Limit six to a custo mer and no telephone orders ac cepted for this epecial. Women's handkerchiefs with colored hems and white or colored corner em broidery. Shamrock cloth and dim ity. Also women's linen handker chiefs with neat block inl- 1A tial. Saturday special, each X"Cr Double S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Will Be Given With III Cash Purchases Made Saturday in Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Departments, 1st Floor Men's Spring Suits $15 to $40 America's Best Makes Superior Fabrics Men's Store, Main Floor Smart, snappy styles for young fellows and more conserva tive models for men of quiet taste. Our showing of the new Spring styles is now at its best, affording a wide range to select from. Particularly attractive display of the new belted back models one style as illustrated. Step in and see these new Spring Suits, Moderately priced, $15.00, $20.00, $25.00 up to aa high aa $10.00. Men's Store Main Floor Men's Silk Shirts Special at $3.75 Main Floor Men's high-grade Silk Shirts underpriced for Saturday's selling. Made in good full, roomy styles, witn rrencn Scuffs. Sizea 14 to 16. Neat (JQ rrr patterns. Priced epecial now " MEN'S HOSIERY Odd lines in fiber silk and mercerized cotton. Shown in assorted colors and sizes. Are (J- ff priced special Saturday, 6 pairs wliUU Men's Union Suits -Special at 79c i Main Floor Men's Athletic Union Suits of good quality barred nainsook. Sleeve less, knee-length style. Shown in all sizes from 36 up to 46. Satur- (7Q day very special, the suit only U MEN'S HATS REDUCED Our entire .stock, including "Wellington" and "Na poleon" makes priced lower. $3.00 Hats now $2.25 $2 and $2.50 Hats $1.50 Boy Suits $5.50 Of Navy Blue Serge Main Floor If your boy takes pride in his appearance these Suits will meet every re quirement of 6tyle, fit and serviceability. They are made up of splendid heavy qual ity navy blue serge pinch-back models with 3-piece belts and patch pockets. Pants are cut in full standard sizes, full lined, with taped seams. Finest of tai- jP fTfl loring. Sizes 6 to 18 years. For DtJ.dVJ Boys' Spring Suits $4.85 to $16.50 Main Floor Fancy tweeds homespuns, cheviots, worsteds, etc. Latest models with fancy plaits or pinch backs, with or without yoke, patch or slit pockets. Hand-tailored garments. One or two pairs of full-lined pants. FREE Combination Suit Hanger with every suit Bold Saturday, IK Girls' Silk Coats Special $8.49 ' Second Floor Special lot of Girls' Silk Coats on sale Saturday at special low price. Beautiful new models in the latest full styles. Apple green, rose, Copen- QQ A ft hagenblue. Sizes 6, 8, 10. Spl at &OttS Girls' Spring Suits $14 .00 to $27 JO We sell the famous "SI1 verleaf " Tailored Suits for girls you hear eo much about. Shown in plain colors and checks. Dis tinctive in design. Sizes for girls 12 to 16 years. Prices range $14 to $27.50 Girls' New Spring Suits Special $9.85 Second Floor Saturday we shall sell a number of girls' new Spring suits at a substantial reduction in price in order to close out a email lot at once. Smart Norfolk models in navy blue eerge QQ QC and checks. Ages, 10, 12 and 14. Sale, Oe7eOJ GIRLS' SEPARATE SKIRTS of good QO cmalitv nlaid. Acres utj to 14. Snecial at tPOM:7 Odd Lines Girls' Wash Dresses Priced Special at 79c Girls' Middy Blouses $139 and $1.49 Second Fl. Girls' middy blouses of washable crepe. Stripes or solid colors with collars and cuffs Second Floor Odd lines of girls' wash dresses in assorted styles and materials. ' Sizes for girls 2 to 14 years of age on sale r7ft Saturday at special, each of white material. Sizes 4 to 12 years. Sale prices $1.39 and $1.49 Boys' Wash Suits $1.50 to $3.50 Main Floor New 1917 styles in Boys' Wash Suits now ready for your choosing. Billy Boy and Sailor Middy styles with short or long pants. Plain white, blues, tan, and darker shades. Also in checks and stripes. Materials are cham brays, repps, linens, cheviots, madras, etc. Shown in sizes for boys 2Va years to 8 years of age. Boys' Sport Blouses 50c to $1.00 Main Floor Excellent showing of the new Spring styles in ginghams, chambrays, madras and soisette. Sport or military collars. Plain colors, also neat striped patterns. Prices range 500 up to $1.50. BTTI9 Brooks Cabinet Phonograph Our Special Price $100 Dept. 4th Floor SOLD ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN $5 down and $5 a month. Beautiful in design and finish, with tone unsurpassed on the market. Equipped with the latest improvement. Plays any disk record. You are cordially invited to come and hear the Brooks play your favorite piece. On display In the Phonograph Department on the Fourth Floor. Headquarters for Wheel Goods 4th Floor Splendid showing of baby carriages in the best makes. Reed Pullmans, $22.50 to $49.00 Go-Carta priced $9.50 up to $22.50 Oriole Cabs priced at $10 to $18.50 Bicycles priced $22.50 to $40.00 Tricycles priced at $6.00 to $20.00 -Kiddie Kars in various sizes rang ing in price from $2.25 to $2.75 Velocipedes priced $4.25 to $20.00 Reed Sulkies at $10.50 to $16.50 Hand Cars priced at $5. to $24.00 Special showing of Coasters and Play Wagons at the lowest prices. S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Given With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Save Your Stamps Women's Silk Gloves Special Showing at Center Circle 1st Floor Saturday we shall feature a spe cial showing of Women's Silk Gloves at the Center Circle. Port land Maid and Kayser makes. White, gray, black, silver, navy, brown also white and black with contrast and two-toned stitching. Priced 600 to $1.75 a pair. Picture Frames Special 39c Main Floor Platinoid Picture Frames in good -size. Oval style with ball feet. These will not tar nish and will last a lifetime. On sale Saturday in the Jew- OQn elry Section at special 0i Platinoid Frames, 2 sizes, 230 Wash Boilers At $1.68 Third Floor No. 8 Copper-bottom Wash Boiler with drop handles, just like this picture. Satur- Q"l ?0 day you may buy them at 35-l.JO Lawn Mowers in best makes. Now priced $3.75, $4.00 up to $8.00 Toilet Needs & Drugs On account of the extremely low. prices quoted below we re serve the right to limit quantity of any article sold to a customs?. Ivory Soap 6 Cakes 25c Limit, six cakes of Ivory Soap to a customer. No deliveries of Soaps except with other purchases made in the Drug Department. Kolynos Tooth Paste, tube, 200 Spiro Powder, special at 200 4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap, guest-room size, 80; box of 12 cakes priced special now, 000 Bay Rum, 8-ounce bottle, 100 Glovers' Mange Remedy at 390 .Peroxide, lull pound bottle, 1O0 Stork Castile Soap, 100 each, or three for the low price of 250 Dr. Lyons' Tooth Powder 170 Sanitol Tooth Powder now 200 Assorted Bath Soaps, cake, 50 Squibb's Talcum Powder 190 Phillips Milk of Magnesia 400 Elcaya Cream, Powder or Ce rate, on sale Saturday at 450 -p-Pluto Water, large size, 300 Pebeco Tooth Paste, tube, 390 Odorona for excessive perspira tion, 3 sizes, 250, 450 and 850 Malvina Cream, special at 390 Sanitol Preparations Tooth powder, Tooth Paste, Cold Cream, Face Cream, Face Powder, 200 Armour's Complexion Soap 110 Bathasweet, for the bath, 200 Lavoris Mouth Wash, 8-oz., 400 Beecham's Pills, the box, 220 Unguentine Healing Ointment priced special for Saturday, 100 Milk of Magnesia, 1 pint, 400 Freezone, for corns, bottle, 350 Sodium Phosphate, efferves cent, 4-ounce bottle, special, 400 Water Glass for Preserving Eggs One effective way to reduce your living expenses preserve eggs in water glass liquid pre servative. 200, 350, 550, 850 Maurine Toilet Goods Demonstration FREE, full treatment of Mau rine Toilet Preparations in the Rest Rooms, second floor. Mau rine toilet articles have not been advanced in price in spite of the fact that everything that goes into their manufacture costs far more than ' formerly. Borden's Milk Demonstration Borden's Malted Milk is not only a delightful beverage, but is also one of the most strengthen ing of foods. Ask the demon strator to explain to you the merits of Borden's Malted Milk and you will never be without it in your home. Special prices reduced during demonstration. FIRELESS MONTH IS AIM Jefferson HlgU Fire Squad Enlisted in Prevention Work. A. movement to make May a fireless month was started yesterday at Jeffer son High School, horns of the now cele brated Jefferson fire squad, when Jay Stevens, Fire Marshal, aannounced his plana and asked Jefferson High School students to aid. The students will be asked to circu late throughout the city, circulars set ting forth methods which all citizens can employ in reducing- fire danger to a minimum. February was aa excellent month. Marshal Stevens announced, inasmuch as there were only S3 fires. To reduce that number to sero is the aim of the new movement. Through Principal Jenkins, Jefferson volunteered whatever aid the students and faculty could give and they will start their work next week. Read The Oregonian classified ads. DEATH BARS BOMB ARREST! Walter Layman, Wanted at Albany, Dies ' of Wounds. The. death of Walter Iayman. ex convict, who was shot by patrolmen in Spokane in an altercation, was all that prevented the Federal authorities here from taking action against him on a charge of having sent a bomb to James Melsner, of Albany, on December 22 last. Federal authorities said yester day that they bad evidence which left little doubt that Layman was the send er of the bomb. Melsner received the bomb after the convict. Hooper, had been shot under Melsner's house by pursuing officers. Fearing that it was an infernal ma chine, however, he exploded it at a safe distance. Layman is also said to have sent a bomb to a man named Anderson on McNeil's Island. The attempt on Ander son's life was likewise unsuccessful. Princess Mary of England Is aa ex pert tennis player. . . $5000 POST IS OFFERED Firo Marshal Stevens May Go to Coast Underwriters' Bureau Fire Marshal Jay Stevens may accept aa offer made to him yesterday to be come manager of the fire prevention bureau of the fire underwriters of the Pacific Coast. The position involves a salary of $5000 a year. It la said by Mr. Stevens' friends that he will accept the position provided he will be allowed to remain in Oregon for two months to organise the office of State Fire Marshal. He has agreed to do this work and will leave the city service for that purpose next month. Meeting Set for Today Is Postponed. lA. M. Grtlley, chairman of the ath letic and sports committee of the an nual Rose Festival, sent out notifica tions last night to the effect that the meeting scheduled for today noon has been postponed. The reason given is that a number of sub-committees are at work, and the chairmen are not ready to give a definite report. The meeting will be called to order in the Chamber of Commerce some time next week. Read The Oroe-onlan classified ads. PASKER' HAIR BALSAM a?,-f 1 A toilet preparation of wirrit. x..eip vo cr&cuoate a&aaruiZ. For Restoring Color and jo- i w-. j w u 7 vs a asuejo nsUT,