i -' TIIE MORNING OREGONIANY TUESDAY, APKIL 17, 1917. 15 1 - - V "t "J A . 5 if ..1 --3 MXETTNO NOTICES. WASHINGTON COMMAND EHT NO. 15. K-NIGHT3 TEMPLAR A special con clav. will convene In Its asylum. E. fith and Burnside at., this (Tueaday) evenine 0:45 o'clock for the purpose of conferring the Order of the Temple. A banquet pre ceding the work will be served at 6 o'clock. , Visiting knights Invited to participate. EOBERT MARTIN, Recorder. EUREKA COUNCIU NO. 204. KNIGHTS AJN'D LADIE9 OP SECURITY Member! are requested to attend the funeral of our late 81ster Edith A. GUI, from residence, fc37 Division, cor. 27th. at 2 i. M. today (Tuesday). MAUD Lfe JOHNSON, Secretary. A. & A. B. RITE AINS WORTH CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX, NO. 1 Kepular meeting In Auditorium, Scot tish Rite Cathedral, this even ing at 8 o"clock. followed by work In 7th and 8th degrees, under direction of Brothers Deegan and Cooper. By order WISE MASTER. ' HAwT..oiiXl LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. A A. M. Special com munication this (Tuesday) even ing at 7:30. Work In the M. M. degree. Bro. R. W., Senior Grand Warden F. W. Settlemeler will pay us a visit. Members are to attend. Visiting brethren wel Refreshmenta. C. E. MILLER, Secretary. IMPERIAL LODGE, NO. 159, A. F. & A. M. Special commu nication Tuesday evening, April 17, 1017", 7:3u o'clock. Work In E. A. degree. Visitors welcome, W. P. ANDRU3, Secretary. OREGON ELECTRIC COUN CIL, NO. 1582, ROYAt, AR CANUM, meets this (Tuesday) evening, Masonic Temple. Visit ing brothers welcome. O. O. HALL, Secretary. ROSEBUD COUNCIL, K. L. OF S., No. 5987, will give their big masquerade ball at the .ast Side business Men's Club, 114 Grand ave., Saturday evening, April 21. Ad- mission 25c. Everybody welcome. A good time assured; six good prizes. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms. Bins. New designs. Jaeger Bros., 131-3 Sixth st. TBIEDLANDER'8 for lodge emblems, class pins and medals. 810 Washington. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. Room 153 Courthouse, oth-st n trance. -Phove from 8 to 5 Main 3,8, Home phone A a. Night caU after office hours. Main 100. Report all cases of cruelty to the above fcddress. Electric lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring a dog or other pets communi cate with us. Call for all lost or strayed Itook, as we look after all Impounding. There Is no more city pound. Just Oregon tiumana Society. AUCTION BALES TODAY. AUCTION BALB today at Baker's Auction Bouse. Masonic Temple bldg., Yamhill and W. Park sts. Fine furniture, etc Sale at 10 A. M. NEW TODAY. Auction Sale ON THURSDAY NEXT APRIL 19, AT 10 A. M. ENTIRE FURNISHINGS OF TUB SUNNYMONT APARTMENTS 1039 BELMONT STREET (CORNER E. 35TH ST.) OOMPLRTB Fl'RNISIIINGS OF 17 APARTMENTS, c o m p r 1 8 lnj? DINING TAULKS, LEATHER - SEAT U I N I N G CHAIRS, U I! K K E T S, L, I B R A KY TABLES, ROCKERS, BOX COl'tHES, SANITARY COUCHES, draperies and lace curtains, 8-3x10-6 and 9x12 ax. MINSTKR and II It l' s s i: I, S HUGS, SHRKTS, QIIIITS, SPREADS, PIL LOWS, DRESSERS, DISHKS UTEN SILS, about 2IM) YARDS OF it O 1) Y BRUSSELS HALL CARPET and other effects. DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND THIS SALE, as all the above goods are STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS and In GOOD CONDITION. This sale offers an excep tional opportunity to buyers of second hand furniture. Everything- must posi tively be sold on THURSDAY NEXT to the highest bidder. J. T. WILSON. AUCTIONEER. MORTGAGE LOANS I'lvOPEUTY. 6 on residence: property. ROBERTSON A EWINO, 207-8 Northwestern Bank Uldtr. Loans of $10,000 and up on Improved Busi ness Property (or for Improvement Purposes). J. P. Lipscomb, 242 Stark Street. MORTGAGE LOANS n Improved city property at 6 and 7 per cent. Farm and suburban loans at current rates. Liberal repayment priv ileges allowed. No delays. tGK LOANS SPECIAL RATES. A. H. B1RRELL GO. SI 7-2 10 Northwestern Bank 13 ail dins, liamhall 4114. A 4118. WESTERN BOND & 4 MORTGAGE GO. Our Own Money at Curent Rntes, MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BOSUS, FARM AND CITY LOANS. feO Fourth St, Board of Trade Bids;. llilllEfco EZSZ 6 7 LOANS Jc3D OM MORTGAGE SECURITY "WBsasjy MOBTHWCS1EHN BANK BUILOIN MORTGAGE LOANS 8500 or UCBE 5 - e - 7 Repayment Privileges, frlvate Kundi J. L- KA ANOPP. My. Cxch. Bids. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards--at 6-7 Oregon Invetment A Mortxaffe Co. Office 202-4, 170 Tblrd St. BBBBGHSI DOOLY CO., Inc. Est. 1S06. T ( A TCJ 312 Board of Trade Dlds, X-i VxJlJ. Unlimited Eaatern Funds. da. 'itv and Fo.ni.ft. la hu ranee. Mar. 26a MBBHBQSSIA 1651. Bonds. FOH SAI-K Entire stock of motor cycle, bicycle and umbrella groods, in cluding tools, electric motor, lathe, emery head, drill press, air compressor, brazing outfit and Bowser gas pump. .All at invoice. Hookett Brow.. Uallaw. Or. JNO. B. COFFEY Insurance, Surety Bonds 801 WILCOX BLDG. MAI.V 703. A87Q2. REAL, ESTATE. For bale Lots. BROOKE Dealer In PORTLAND HEIGHTS 0 TERREBONNE, Or., AO 178, Oregonlan. lots ior J 100. For Sale Bonch Property, EISA SIDE, for sale, a lot and two houses, overlooking ocean. $1000. Main 5322. For Sale Houses. " WHY NOT HUILD and get a home according to your ideas? I build and finance; plans free. N. O. Kcklund, SI Henry bldg. Main 5812. BROOKE, dealer In Portland Heights homes exclusively. A few sacrifices. Mar. 4827. 8-ROOM nnplaatored cottage on 50x100 lot, $uU0, $25 down. Phone Broadway ItiOS. erred come. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Honses. -IRVINGTON d-ROOM GARAGE BUNGALOW LOW. MASSIVE TYPE STUCCO CON STRUCTION, PRICED LESS THAN COST Street and sewer Improvements ALL paid, no mortgages. All rooms beautifully enameled End papered, tiled bathroom, with fine plumbing fixtures, 3 bedrooms, one arranged so If desired can be used for den; cement porch, rolled shingled roof. Built by day labor for home and occu pied only four months. Price $6500, rea sonable terms. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 4th and Stark sts. Mala 203, A 2050. PARKROSE 1 ROOM HOUSa AND ACRES TRACT (1300. very easy terms; water piped In house; fine soil, close to school, sidewalks to car, acres on both sides now occupied. Parltrose is Just 1 mile outside city limits; has gas and electric lights. Hickman Wilson. 45th. & Sandy, Tabor 6868, C-212X. Branch of J. L. Hartman Company. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BUKDEN INTO INCOME? WE PLAN AND BUILD ANY THING, residences to factory, or any con struction; sketches and estimates free, fur nish the money if desired. All depart ments one office. We actually save you money. Our reputation your protection. L. R. BAILEY CO., INC., Contracting Ar chitects, 1)21 Northwestern Bank bldg. LAURELHURST. Before purchasing elsewliere secure our list of eXQuisite homes just completed, for sale on easy terms, and obtain copy of our album telling all about Laurelhurst, the Addition of Beautiful Homes, the show place of Portland, which challenges com parison with any similar property In the world. Main office, 270 Stark st. Main 1700, A 1515. SACRIFICE. Must Sell This Week. B-room bungalow with bath, fireplace, built-in bookcase and seat, full basement, stationary wash trays, electric fixtures and shades; double constructed; cement sidewalks paid; worth $2750; will sacri fice for $1470. W. H. Chapman, 300 Oak st. Phone Broadway 100a; evenings Wdln. 3712. SAVE OVER $1000. Must sell my modern bungalow; 4 rooms and bath 2 bedrooms). &UX100 lot. full cement basement, laundry trays, dutch kitchen, fireplace: 100 feet from good car line;. sold 2 years ago for 2750. My price now for quick sale $1675. terms. No. 800 Oak st. Phone Broadway 374; even ings Tabor 2290. -$2350 HAWTHORNE REAL BARGAIN One block to car. B rooms, large attic, full basement, furnace, nice lawn, fine dis trict, on paved street; linoleum in kitchen and bath. Terms if desired. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, th and Stark sts. Main 208, A 20B0. 1550 TOTAL PRICE. $10 cash, balance $10 per me., includ ing Interest. Small, well-built house; BOX 100-ft, lot; street Improvements partly paid; 2 blocks from Sandy blvd. Take Rose City Park car to 7Ud st. ' BEE) WOODMAN. 2300 HOME. WORTH $3300. 6 rooms, bath, full cement basement; hard-surfaced street; 8 blocks from Jef ferson High School, one-half block from Miss. ave. car line; easy terms. W. H. Chapman. Su6 Oak st. Phone Broadway 1 H58. AM leaving Portland permanently, will sao- riuce my new e-roora .Dutch colonial home on Heights, every modern convenience, sleeping porch, garaee, fine view, your own terms. Main 4639. An exceptional bargain. ONLY $000 for my modern 3-room suburban bungalow; city water, gas, electric light. D-cent fare, 15 minutes' ride; $50 down and $10 per month. Call 40-1 Piatt bldg. for particulars. A WONDERFUL bargain in a new 6-room Laurelhurst bungalow, near park, for $J800, with all street improvements paid ; cost $4500 a few months ago. jT M. Reeves. Main 1700. HERE'S the biggest bargain In a 9-rooAi colonial house, located on 75x100 lot. In best section of Laurelhurst, near .park; big sacrifice for cash. J. Ielahunty, Main 1700. NEW 7-room California bungalow with gar age, located in Laurelhurst, near Park, at a real bargain; inspect and make offer; must sell at once. W. T. Downing, Main 1700. NEW, modern B-room bungalow, lot 00x100, bearing fult trees, all conveniences, $2200, easy terms. - Owner 4805 41st ave. S. E., cor. 48th St. GREAT BARGAIN. 10-room Lew modern home. Laurelhurst. near park. 2(i7V4 Oak st. Main 1743. East 2725. Thos. Vigars, owner. FOR SALE Modern residence, sightly loca tion. West Side, 10 rooms, 3 baths, fur nished or unfurnished. M 100, Oregonlan. SACRIFICE PRICE SPLENDID LAUKEL- HL'RSl HOMU. OWNER. TABOR 3284. Suburban Home Property. PARKROSE 1 1-5 ACRE TRACT EQUAL TO OVER 10 CITY LOTS ALL CLEARED. 1 block to Sandy Blvd; fine soli, parkrose Is Just 1 mile outside of city limits. price $1100. Very easy terms. Hickman-Wilson, 45th. & Sandy, Tabor 6S08. C-2121. Branch of J. L. Hartman Company. $1050 SUBURBAN HOME $1050. 4Va miles from city limits on Base Line road, B-room plastered house, 1 acre high est state of cultivation; boo feet of berry bushes; several bearing fruit trees, rose bushes, etc.; close to electric station, school, church and store. W. H. Chap man. 300 Oak st. Phone Broadway 1058. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, close to carllne, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sellwood 470 JOHN GIBdON. wner. For hale Acreage. CHOICE SUBURBAN 2-ACRE TRACT. Fine 6-room modern bungalow, living room and dining-room, with built. in book cases, desk, etc.. Dutch kitchen, bath room, hot and cold water, electric pumping plant, basement and furnace; good chicken house and brooder; 2 acres land cleared and under cultivation; fine creek; all kinds fruit and berries; right at station, 8c fare; price $3100; reasonable terms. LUE DDE MANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. $23 LOCATES YOU ON S ACRES. Right at station of 2 electric lines, paved road to Portland. 10 miles from business center; land lies fine; good sotl; location ideal for country home or chicken ranch; covered with fine grove of trees; price $1200; only $25 down and $12 monthly. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, ; 913 Chamber of Commerce. 8 ACHES, all under cultivation, close to elec tric station, scnooi, cnurcn ana stores, with frame building; beat of red shot soil; land adjacent sold for $o0i) per acre. Will sacrifice this 8 acres for SU0O0, terms. .No, 3i Oak st. Phone Broadway 1658. MADISON VILLA quarter acres. $r.50. In stallments; Oregon Klectric, 8 ml., Do fare, eaa. Bull Run water, electricity. Main SI 65. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN' RANCHES ear fortlana; $i." to fOO per acre; easy terms, best soil, farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland, Jjijj Yeon bldg., Portland. 2s ACRES, level, cultivated land, best soil 700 per tract, 12c fare. Main 3672. Mc- r anana, tuo Yeon oidg. Horaeitteailfl. TWO homesteads adjoining. 160 and 100, 6 m lies to ci ty , good roads, stream water, neighbors, poatdbly 4 million or more val uable timber, .UOO, or will trade for prop erty. 405 Merchants Trust bldg. For Sale Farms. $10 GRAZING LAND. 652 acres, 1 mile north of Norton sta tion, in Lincoln County, green year around suitable for sheep, goats, cattle; no im provemertis; terms. Coe A. McKenna &. i o.. ii Chamber or Commerce. OREGON FARM LANDS. Write us for special price list of im proved and unimproved farm lands. Ira proved stock ranches, and diversified farms. Address Meyers Investment Com pany, saKer, r. 0000 ACRES In Southwestern Washington for sale, to setttlers only, upon easy terms and low prices, $3 per acre and up. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma Bid g., Tacoma, Was h. $13 PER A. 160-acre wheat ranch. $15 per a. 640-acre stock or dairy farm, with ' improvements, worth $4000. - $."o per a, 200-acr Velley farm Main 3672. F. M'FARLAND. 505 Yeon bldg NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS, Eastern Montana, at $2.50 to $18 per acre; suitable for farming or grazing; easy terms. For information write or see W. E. Holt, Miles City, Mont. 12 ACRES, good house, barn, orchard, all in crops, on mnin road, 4 miles Vancouver, S3300. Main 3072. McFarland. 005 Yeon ldg: LEMON HOMS COLONY 5, 10-acre tracts $t-0 per acre, cheap, 10 per cent down, balance easy terms; under U. S. irrigation; booklet free. H. Walters, Or! and, Cal. LITTLE farms, 5 to 10 acres, near good town; Improvements; fruit, running water; no stumps, employment, $25 down, $10 mo. J. R. Sharp. 557 Sherlock bldg. , GRESHAM district; farms, clear. Improved, $75 acre, up. Chicken, berry, garden ranches. Krlder A Elklngton. Oresham. SELL or rent 40 ac$s 2 miles from r7R., 00 from Portland; 'bargain; terms. K 302, Oregonian. LOGGED-OFP lands, $10 a, up; running water; good soil; tillable; employment; easy terms. Sharp, 557 Sherlock bldff. 1' REAL ESTATE. For Kale -Farms. OPPORTUNITY for the man who wants to be Independent: 80 acres with 65 In al falfa: paid-up water right; good buildings and fences, completely equipped and stocked; wagons, plows, binders, cows, horses, pigs, etc. Property located near a live town and progressive community; owner must sell on account of serious ill nets. Price. $7000; $3000 cash, balance 12-year mortgage. A valuable lease on ad Joining land goes with this place. Com plete details at 515 Gerllnger bldg. FOR SALE, not for trade, 225 acres, near Portland, fully stocked and equipped; 60 acres in cultivation, balance seeded to grass; registered cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry; on electric ry. and trout stream; all crops planted; A-l buildings. K 224. Oregonlan. WASTED REAL ESTATE. SPOT CASH for residence equities. Your price must be a bargain because purchase Is made only for speculation. Give full particulars or no attention. F 220, Ore gonian. FOB RENT FARMS. FOR RENT Three acres, good house and barn, 1 mile east of Milwaukie, on Lake road. S. S. Stuckey, owner. A SMALL farm to rent, good soil, several kinds of fruit trees. Call 248 ft Stark st. 'NTKH Tn RFVT FARMS. WANT to rent farm, on shares. 10 or 15 acres. AB 333, Oregonlan. FOR BALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 M' KAY BLDO. TO EXCHANGE REAL EST AT. $7800 HOTEL FOR $0(0. WANT SMALL FARM. STOCKED. This hotel Is fully equipped, running and doing good business; only hotel In town, only outlet to the mines. The main building has 19 rooms, unnex 12 rooms, also livery stable, 3 full lots. 50x110; fur niture, includes French range (bricked in), double, cost $250; a $300 piano; one of the beds cost $50. We have our own carbide lighting plant, our own water system, gas oline engine, etc. This Is Hotel Merlin at Merlin, Or., on main line of 8. P. R. R-, 8 miles north of Grants Pass. We wish to trade for farm about same value. My property is clear and we wish to trade for clear or nearly so. Prefer farm stocked and ready to step Into. Call or address Mrs. E. Graham, Merlin. Or. WHEAT Is king. What better than wheat land, with wheat worth $2.15 per bu. to day in Portland? Have a party with big. fine tract of land, over 4000 acres, part la cultivation, over 90 best of wheat land, fine well, ever-flowing spring, fair build ings, some In wheat. With all this land under cultivation It will be worth $125,000. The owner will consider a price of $80,000 and take desirable, unincumbered property to $80,000 in order to make a quick turn. L. K. MOORE. 817 Board of Trade. NOTICE. If your property, either city, farm or acreage, has merit and Is for exchange or sale, call or write full particulars; no In flated values considered; have first-cl&fs list to select from. Geo. P. Henry, 320 ....j nei, rDruasin iieauy tioarn. HIGHLY' improved suburban home, 2 acres In cultivation and fenced. Improved with 6-room house, full basement. chicken houses, on paved road near city limits, 10 cent fare, will consider part trade Akerson Gooch & Co., 603 Stock Ex bldg FINIS new. large brick building, corner In come about $700 a month; valued at $100 000. moderate incumbrance; wants stock or dairy ranch. R. F. Bryan, 60b Chamber of Commerce bldg. PORTLAND for California; modern bunga low, value $3000, for home in Central or Northern Santa Clara Valley. Woodlawn 8820. 10 ACRES, no Incumbrance, 6ft miles east of Vancouver, one-half In fruit, balance under plow. U. S. Howland, 267 E. Mor rison st. SOME property in and some out of Port land for sale or win trade for lots or one or more five-passenger cars. Call 1042 Williams ave. ' Phone C 2S94. ALFALFA LAND 25 a.. Joins new Go.v't. canal, clear; this or 20 a. clear Klickitat land; one or both for good house. Owner, P 154, Oregonian. FOR Southern California, lot 60x100, north west corner Ainsworth and Boston ave nues. W. W. Payne, R. F. D. 1, Los Ange les. FIVE modern bungalows for sale at sacri fice price and on easy terms. Would take clear lot or auto as part payment. Owner, P 153, Oregonian. FOa SALE OR EXCHANGE Finest income property In the city. F. E. Bowman & Co., 213 Chamber of Commerce. INCOME property, for G or 7-room, modern nouse, near scnooi. Loiumoia to exchange: MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE Underwood typewriter. No. 5, for a diamond. AO 1 r0, Oregonian. WILL trade Remington, No. 10, for grocer ies. AU luu. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Honrs, Vehicles, Harness, Etc. FRAZIER A M'LBAN. ESTAB. 84 YEARS. Understand tnetr business and are In a position to furnish you wun horses for alt purposes. Draft, express, driving and farm chunks: draft teams for hire : all Kood workers and in fine shape. Our location always uie same, otn ana x ay lor sts. Marshall COO. JUST arrived. Ci head of horses and 8 muie irom laano; weign rrom xiuu to 1800, 5 to 7 years ; guaranteed a repre sented. Money refunded. 3 Front st. Columbia stables. Mala 30 JO. A 3541, Phil Suetter. AUCTION SALE Tuesday and Friday, 10 a. ai. x on can ouy or sen miicn cows, horses, harness and wagons, all kinds. 420 Hawthorne ave. stables. Phone E. 72. aiKer, auctioneer. FOR fiALE2-ton ice wagon, as good new; 3 larm wagons and eingle and double harness. juj i- roni st.. uoiumbia Stables. Main 3030, A 3041. Phil Suetter. CAPITAL STABLES. 2S7 FRONT ST. J ust received a carload horses and mares from l-'oo to 10UO lbs. Well matched teams. r. oierman, proprietor. ON account of changing our equipment from noises to auto trucas. we nave several good teams for sale. East Side Slabwood lo JT rJast .Morrison. WANTED Team contractors with 5 or more teams for NI an tana ; tree fare both ways. .naniey hmpiojment Attfncy, .s n. id- Phone Hd wy. A J-'itij. DEAD HORSES and animals hauled away tree; o paia ior cows, crippiea and pi ay fed -outs. Portland Rendering Co. CaU wonaiawn -f. DEAD stock taken quick: $7 paid for dead cows and disabled horses; highest price . paia ior cai ves, xat cattle ana nogs. Ore pon Hone Meal Works. Lents. Tabor 4203. MUST sell nice pair of mares, fine ranch team, $140; trial allowed. 1007 E. Stark ptreet. FOR SALE Spring wagon, pole, comolete: also light double harness, at G52 Weldler st. Jt'none luast i-io. ON E team of blocky farm horses, weigh ing itioo, harness and wagon. &46 Front st- Ask for Mr. Woods' team. PAIR of blooky mares, weighing 2500. har ness and farm wagon; good farm workers. 046 Front fit. Ask for Air. woods' team. HORSE, wagon and harness for sale. (HO Macadam st. FOR SALE Delivery wagons and gooseneck wagons. j. 7th st. North. HORSES, wagons, buggies and harness for sale. Apply uranu ave. 2600-LB. team, good harness. ZM-in. farm wagon, y jo. hnone aia rsnau 4'no. HORSES for hire by day or month. C. W. Townsend Co., 380 Front. Main 1571. GOOD horses and mares for sale at 16th, and Rp.leigh-st. tames. fnone a Plan oh. Organs and Musical Instruments. FAMILY must sell $425 Smith & Barnes mahogany upright piano for $100. imme diate cash. See at Security Storage Co., low 4th at., at Washington st. YOU can get the use of a new piano for 2h years witnout paying enner rent or inter est. See Schwa n Piano Co., display adver tisement or can ill r ourtn st. " FULL VALUE IN CASH FOR TALKING MACHINES. AXt REC ORDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 128 1st. MAIN 44.i. g $140 CASH buys $350 piano, modern, up right, real ivory keys-; not a stencil. Har old . utiDert, as lamnui st. FULL value in cash for your V'ictrola, Grafo nola, Edison DiFC or records. ,Vern L. Wenger. Phone and I will call. Main 7244. RENT A PIANO Most reasonable terms iu Portland; no squares or thump boxes. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill. STORAGE sacrifice; $500 mahogany Emer son uurieht for $16- immediate cash. Se curity Storage Co., 100 4:h st. at Wash, su I PAY CASH for used pianos. Harold S, Gilbert, as xamniu st. EXPECT to leave city, sell good piano very cheap, ajn o, oregonian. $05 CASH tomorrow buys J. P. Hale upright 1IALLETT-D AVIS player piano In perfect condition; must sen cms week. Tabor liy, FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. THEY CAN'T BE EQUALED. Pease (upright) , JUS Schlrmer (fine tone) 13S Schilling A Bona 163 Fischer Player, worth $730 ........ So 7 NO THUMP BOXE3. HAROLD S GILBERT. . The Reliable Piano Merchant. See Me and Save. 884 Yamhill St. Pianos Piano Pianos Rented Sold Bought WIIY BUY A SECOND-HAND PIANO? Knabe. Haines Hroa, Behning. Schoff Bros., Franklin and other famous-pianos sold here for lesa than la usually asked for used Instruments. CONVENIENT PAYMENT PLAN. INVESTIGATE. L1PMAN. WOLFE & CO. Piano Store 7th Floor. SCHWAN PIANO COMPANY. Used pianos. $35. $95, $145, $190 tip. New 191G models, $195, $235. $205, $290 up. Used player pianos, $290. $305 $435. $405. New 1910 models. $435, $465 $495, $535. $5 or $10 cash, $0 or more monthly; no inter est. Ill 4th st., at Washington. $G5 AND $100 cash buys $350 Emerson and fouu vveoer upngni piano wmorrow i, 15 and $35 cash buys $75 Standard. $90 Western Cottage and $150 Estey parlor organs at Security Storage Co., 109 4th street. Dugs, Birds and Pet Stock. CLEARANCE AIREDALE PUPPIES, $5w LADDIX KENNELS. ESTACADA, OR. Furnlturo for Bale. LES3 THAN TBTB PRESENT WHOLESALE COST. We bought a large quantity of congoleura rugs before the advance In price and offer you the benefit of same. xl0 congoleura rug, regular $10, spe cial at $8.U5. tixO congoleum rugs, regular $5.83, spe cial. $3.45. 4x0 congoleum rugs, regular $2J50, for $1.50. M18H FURNITURE CO., 184 1st St. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES. One $70 Wilton rug, 9x12 feet, slightly used, for $35. One $05 Wilton rug. 8:3x10:6 feet, for $35. These rugs are of superb quality, beautiful, artistic designs and rich, warm colors that will harmonize with any fur nishings. M1SH FURNITURES CO.. 1B4 1st st- ELEGANT furniture of new home. Steln- way grand piano. Sheraton lnlaiu aining set. over-stuffed davenport, hand-tufted; rugs. Cowan bedroom set. O 100, Ore gonian. FOR BALE Household goods; no dealers. 1212 Rod ney ave. woodlawn ina. FOR SALE 1 dining table and chairs. 1202 E. Main su Poultry. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks, from heavy laying IllogBlteai siock, s per ivu tor April, May and June. Safe delivery guar anteed. The Pioneer Hatchery, Petalnma. Calif. Livestock. FOR SALE! One registered Holsteln bull (Sir Canary Do Koil Keniter). weignt Be tween 1700 and 1300, aged 6 years; nicely marked, guaranteed all right every way. Agreeable to handle.. Price $173. Earl Kelley. Walterville, Or., Deer Horn Ranch. FOR SALE 3 bulls from 1 year to 2 years old, talcs Rose city car, get on at uoncora station. Ask for Fred Alt.' FOR SALE: 3 bulls from 1 year to years old. Take Oregon Jity car, get on at Concord station. Ask for Fred Alt. FINE young Jersey family cow cheap. U. S. Feed Stables, Front ana Msaison. FAT and lean cattle and hogs wanted. Woodlawn 3075. Typewriters. NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manufacturers guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase; visible models $3 mo.; $7.50 for 3 mos. Other models less. Rem ington Typewriter Company, 86 Broadway. Telephone Broadway 621. WE can save from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters ; send ior our illus trated folder. Retail .department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 821 Wash. st. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates, i . u. i:o., r-iarK sc. Main iur. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona Dealers. E. W. Pease Co., 110 6th. Launches and Boats. FOR SALE Motor-boat, suitable for can nery purposes. Length 51 feet, breadth 16 feet, draft, loaded, 7' feet, net ton nage 12 tons; heavy-duty engine, uses dis tillate; one-man control ; good condition. Address E. E. Bosworth, 208 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE Launch hull. V-bottom, 32x9 feet. $ii. na oregonian Ding. Automobiles. DO YOU WANT TO BUY TOST A USED CAR 7 Or do yon want to buy mora than just the car you get? Wa want you as an asset, and you will do more to advertise our methods than anything else ws can do. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Broadway and Couch. FORD DELIVERS BODIES. 40 different styles, ready to use. Crated, ready to ship same day. FORD agents, write for discount. BARNETT BODY COMPANY, Office and Warehouse, E. Madison and First sts. Phone E. 891. FOR SALE. 1 FORD ton truck. 1 2-ton POPE HARTFORD truck. 1 COLE 6, 1915; Al condition $600; terms. 1 MENOMINEE truck, ton, $450. Several second-hand touring; cars. We also rent trucks by the month. As It for our prices before making your con tracts for trucks. LONG A 6ILVA. Phone East 640. 463 Hawthorne ave. FORD delivery $260 CHEVROLET delivery . . .$275 SAXON roadster $275 MAXWELL touring, tike now $465 ABBOTT delivery, touring $:ioo MAXWELL touring $175 W. H. WALLING FORD, Authorized Ford Agents, Main lloo. 526 Alder at. STUDE BAKER J-PASS. Has had exceptionally good care and Is a bargain at $450. New tires, electric starter. Also many other used cars at popular prices. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co., 21st and Washington. Main 6244. MOTORS, gears, bearin gs. w heels, ax les ; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at ? price. Auto Wrecking Co., 89 North Broadway. CHALMERS, electric lights and starter, $40ti, $130 down and $25 per month. BROADWAY GARAGE, E. 24th and Broadway. FOR SALE 5-pass. auto, first-class con dition, new tires, electric lights and starter; snap for cash. CaU Woodlawn 3534 or C 2317. i'2 PASSENGER bodies, suitable for stage run or sightseeing; cost $625 each; only slightly used; choice $100. 75 Broadway. LARGEST assortment of cars on the Coast Hemphill's Used Car Center, 127 Lowns dale St., corner 15th and Washington, new brick building. Phone Main 3843. 2-CYL1NDER Maxwell for sale cheap; In good condition; or trade for motorcycle. AV 688. Oregonlan. 1016 CHEVROLET, practically new; $475 $250 cash, balance terms. O 155, Ore go nlan, 1915 FORD, first-class condition. Tale lock, streamline hood, speedometer, $275. V. C. Hlt, Marshall 1127. STUDEBAKER, 6-48, family car, used very M. 4513. TWO heavy duty trucks; Federal 8H-ton; both just overhauled. 75 . Broadway. Broadway 612 CALL at H. JU Keats Auto Co. before buy ing a used car. Several good bargains. Broadway and Burnside. FEDERAL 1 H-ton, completely rebuilt; s bargain for someone. 75 Broadway, Broadway 512. 5-PASSENGER Dodge, perfect condition, private car, bargain. 464 E. Stark. 6-40 HUDSON, first-class shape, cord tires, private use. $850; terms. B 2299. SLIGHTLY used tires, $3 to $10 each; vul canized, 25c; tire repairing. 207 Mad i son. bargain in used Ford cars see W. E. Burdett, 450 Hawthorne ave. MY 1916 Dodge at a bargain. Phone Mar shall 5577. WII-L sacrifice my Ford touring car, good as new. Tabor 7749. REO 2-ton truck, first-class shape, $0"0; terms. 75 Broadway. Phone Bway. 512. FOR SALE V16 Ford touring "car in good condition. $265; terms. Bdwy. C174. FOR PALE. Automobiles. OTJR HOME OFFICE HAS INSTRUCTED US TO SELL EVERT CAR WE HAVE REGARDLESS PRlCfi. WE HAVE SO TO EELECT FROIC CALL AT ONCE ANT MAKE YOUR EE LECTION. TBS WINTON CO MP ANT, S3d AND WASHINGTON STS. Automobile Wanted. SPOT CASH, Paid for late model used car. Phone East 2556. Broadway Garage. E. z4th and Broadway. WILL exchange lot 5 and 6 In block 24, Irvlngton Addition for auto tn good condi tion. Call Marshall 293,, between 7 and 8 weekday. Get my spot cash price for your car. Ad cox. BS8 Burn side. WHEN you want to sell your car, see us. We Lay cash. Hemphill's used car center. 127 ownsdale st., cor. 15th and Washingto n. SPOT casrT for 1917 light six 7-pass.; must not weigh over S000 lbs.; Chandler pre ferred. P 139, Oregonlan. WISH to purchase late model Dodge or Ruick Six for cash from private owner; must be bnrgalrt. AF 135, Oregonlan. WILL trade equity in house and lot for Ford, a late model, or other good ma chine. Mar 3i4S. WANT the best Ford touring or runabout cash can buy. M. Bird. Marshall 46V9. WANT a Ford; pay spot cash; state model and price; no agents. AF 134, Oregonian. PORTLAND real estate to exchange for good car. Main Eft 57, between 12-1. TRADE horses for light suto. 16th and Raielgh-st. Stables. Phone A 1566. Automobiles for Hire. NEW 5-pass. Dodge for hire, touring, call ing and shopping. Main 7435. AUTOS without drivers for hire. City Ga rage, 86 luth St. Marshall 1897, A 4240. NEWlAXON 6, Highway, depots, funerals, calling, shopping ; reasonable. East 4K2. AUTOS without driver for hire. Long & Sllva, 462 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. 6S40. AUTOS for rent without drivers. W. E. Burdett, 450 Hawthorne ave. East 1628. BRAND new Dodge for hfre. $1.25 hr. Spe cial Highway rates. Marshall 149. 31 otorcycles. LA RGBS list of used motorcycles mailed free. Har ley-Davidson Service Center, Motor cycle and supply Co., 2o9 4th st. Largest dealers in the Northwest. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand, sold for less. No agents em ployed ; all machines sent out sew per fectly and guaranteed; machines repaired; machines rented S2 monthly. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 8d, near Taylor st. A 3626. Main 9431. START YOUR FORD FROM THE SEAT with a Peerless starter, easier, quicker, more convenient, absolutely safe from backfire; a child can operate; guaranteed for life of car; demonstration at alt times. Factory and salesroom. 505 Alder. START YOUR FORD FROM THE SEAT with a Peerless starter, easier, quicker, more convenient, abr-'utely safe from backfire; a child can operate; guaranteed zor me or car; demonstration at all times. b actory and salesroom. 50 Alder. S E WING MACHINES. 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be closed out. Dropheads. $5 ana up; box tops. $2 and up. S. S. Slegel, two stores, 382 Wash, and 242 Alder st. FOUR Columbia River gillnet fishing out fits. Will invoice and sell for half cash or trade for any available personal prop erty. Write or call, D, B. Carr, Carroll, vasn., owner. BIG reduction In or Ice on all kinds of new and used tools, roofing paper, rope, cable and anchors. J. Leve, lbi) Front st, be tween lanihlll and Taylor. FOR SALE Natural marabou shoulder cape, also white satin evening slippers, reasonable. 1212 Rodney ave. Woodlawn 1145. CASH REGISTERS, slightly used; our prices are lower. Cash Register Exchange, 3ol v ashing ton st. Main ouo. FOR SALE Handsome ermine set. antique Oeaaea Dag, bpanisrt scarr ana a rex a pat . tern. H. J., Portland Hotel. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, an Kinds machinery, rails, cars. Raleigh Equipment Co., 76 1st. Main 2363. 125 SACKS of urbank seed potatoes for sate cneap ; win sell part or all. Unas. Belfel. 3is Railway Exch. bldg. SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent or sale; all grades; large selection. Pacific stary & Ptg. Co., 107 2d su Main 1971. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent; expert repairing. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnside street. Broadway or A 5074. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning at your home. ;c a rug. Marshall 60. SAFES, scales, fixtures boucht. sold. x changed. Howe Scale Co., 4tt Front. Portld. CASH REGISTERS. STORE FIXTURES, SAFES. 174 1st, corner Yamhill. MACHINERY bought, sold and repaired. N W. Lead & Machinery Co., 311 Front st. PLUM B1NG supplies at wholesale, prices. FOR SALE Dress suit, 3246. size 33. Call East PRESS graflex, F 4.5 Zeiss Tessar 5x8 lens. complete ior .Main MAHOGANY player muslo cabinet for $10 cost $65. Main 222S. FOR SALE cheap, used computing scales. all kinds. Please call at an btaric st. FOR SALE Royal type., condition. K. 6116. No. 10; perfect DONKEY engine roader or for clearing; bar gain At iuv, oregonian. WELL rotted manure and plow. Phone East 8109. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, exchanged, bought. Bentley Co.. Mn. 8582. FOR SALE Spotlight, pulluout and scales, rheap. See Ed. 490 Burnside st. WILL pay $1 to $20 for old false teeth seta Bring or mail. Randolph, 1218 leon bldg, IRON for sale. 870 Vancouver ave. DRY plank wood. $3.50 a load. Main 942. FVRMTCBE WANTED. FEL.DSTEIN FURNITURE CO. 188 and 168 First street. will buy your used furniture, rugs, stoves. ranges; everythng tha goes wittu house furnishing, and will Lay you the right prices. We exchange new furniture for your old ana make good allowances. MAlN4633. THE LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO., dealers In new and second-hand fur niture and hardware. We buy hotel and restaurant outfits and tools of any de sciipcion; will pay the top prices for them, CA-iu. or exchange. Four large stores are ample proof that we c&o fuiniih you with practically anything you need In borne or elsewhere. 221 Front. Main 9072, A 7174. WE FAY CASH FOR Furniture, Carpets, Ranges, Rugs, Office Furniture. Restaurant and Hotel Outfits. GEVURTZ FUKNiTURB CO., Phones Marshall 5981. A 3224. CAN USE GOOD FURNITURE of any descriptio- have the ready cash; phone today. Main 4027 or 204 First it. WILL pay highest price for furniture, rugs, stoves, rauges and office fixtures, for out-of-town store. Main 7714. MISH FURNITURE CO. will pay spot CASH for your household furniture. MAIN 5768 184 FIRST ST. WILL pay cash for 2d-hand furniture. Call Mr. Washburn. Marshall 4783. PARTY would like to buy household goods, rugs, etc.. for cash. Marshall 1822. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. WILL pay cash at your home for your used furniture. Phone Main 2705. WILL pay positively highest prices for fur niture, carpets and junk. East 8054. BE WIS13 Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co. Main 8951. 191 2d st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HIGHEST prices for hides, metals. Junk and rags of every description, old and new. 274 Front st. Marshall 1940; Salem 399. iiD-HAND CLOTHING BUYER; BE WISE AND GET FULL VALUE FOR YOUR 2I HAND CLOTHING. 201 H 1ST. MAIN 784. WANTED Junk, rags. Waste paper, brass, bottles, old furniture, etc. Phone East 1 194, Willi. WANTED Cash registers, safes and show cases. 160 1st. Phone Main 4234. WANTED National cash register. Main 606. ;;51 Washington A TENT, not less than 12x14. A. P. 177. Oregonlan. WANTED Good second-hand bicycle. Phone East JfSjV AUTOMATIC RIFLES, shotguns, pump (runs, i kodaks and lenses. Uochfeld, 65 Third st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED J- MEYER. THE TAILOR. PAYS $7.50 AND UP FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. HE PAY" 3 YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYER, MARSHALL 1229. 229 MADISON ST. - B. JUNK & HD WE. CO., 260 Front St. We pay the highest prices for Junk and second-hand goods of all descriptions, fur niture, clothing, copper, brass, rubber, rags, bottles, cables, machinery and paper. Don't leave that oKl Junk lie around when a card addressed to 60 Front st. or a phone call will bring a man with the ready cash. A. B. Junk 4b Hdwe. Co. Main 202O. CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED. u BDecialty i" buying gentlemen's Clothing and paying positively 50 per cent more than any other dealer. We need stock to supply our chain of customers. See us before selling your old clothing and shoes. Will cr.11 anv place In the city. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225. or 209 Madison St. BECOND-H AN D CLOTHI NO. $7.50 PAID FOR MEN'S SUITS $T.fl0. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' SUITS, SHOES AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE. MAIN 20S0. GLOBE STORE. MAFN 2080 2S5 FIRST ST.. NEAR JEFFERSON. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. W'lli pay $1 to $20 per set; the older the beter ; crowns, bridpework bought. Bring or mail. Randolph, 1218 Yeon. Main 3252. Ladies' private entrance. HONEST DEAL STORE. 246 1ST. WANTS LADIES' AND GENTS' SECOND-HAND CLOTHES, SHOES, HAND BAGS. SUITCASES AND TRUNKS. WILL PAY ALL IT'S WORTH. CALL MAIN 4776 CLOTHING, shoes and ail kinds of second hand goods. I buy all kinds of Junk and furniture and pay the highest prices. Joe Finher. 8 2d and Buruside. Broadway 2278. A 3296. WANTED To buy a second-hand type writer; must do in good condition. Phone Main S334. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT, ALSO OLD filU.NK MAf'MALL 0902. WILL CALL BY APPOINTMENT. WE tint rooms for $2.50. O'Mara, the paint er, cast 1 ( 1. HIGHEST cash price paid for all kinds of tools. 128 1st. Main 4495. HELP WANTED MALE. ADCOX A TTO SCHOOL. 3S8 burnside St. Call or write for full Information about FREE TRIAL OF.R WANTED Man and wife to work on fruit anad berry ranch; furnished house; fruit and vegetables furnished; good chance for right party. C. K. Rogers, Beaverton, Or., route 4, box 20. THE largest retail shoe firm in the North west has opening to their ladles depart ment for first-class, thoroughly expe rienced shoe salesman, steady position with top-notch salary. F210, Oregonian. WANTED Sawmill men for Scofield. Or., mill. Apply at mill or city office. Sll E. Oak st. ; fares advanced If necessary. Blankets required. Standard Box & Lumber Co. WANTED Young men to prepare for tele graph service; the passage of the 8-hour law has creuted a big demand for teleg raphers. For full particulars call or write Telegraph Dept., room 606 Panama bldg WANTED Boy or young man with gaso line engine repair experience 10 wot a in store and repair shop. Give age, ref erence and salary expected. P 213, Oregonian. LABORERS, $2.75 per day, fare paid to the job; 2 mill men, $2.75; 2 farm hands. $50 month; laborers on highway. $2.75, eight hours; mill yard men, $2.50 up, in and out of the city. Call 228 Burns.ide WANTED Special delivery and wagon boys, 16 to 18 years of age. Apply Superin tendent's oftice, to 10 A. M., Olds, Wort man 0z King. GOOD boy with wheel for position with mercantile house; good chance for ad vancement. If you smoke cigarettes do not apply. Rice Penne Co., 44 Front st. A-l M 1LKER wanted for advanced regis try work; wages $40 per month. inquire J. D. Honeyman, care Honeynian Hard ware Co., 4th and Alder sts WANTED Male stenographer and office man. One who has had experience. Sal ary $10 per week to start. H 179, Ore gonlan. MEN wanting firemen or brakemea positions. beginners $12-100 mommy; positions guaranteed competent men. Railway Asso ciation, care Oregonian. WANTED Shoemaker; a good machine, bench and Jack man; must be a skilled workman; state wages wanted. Boise Shoe Hospital. Boise. Idaho. GOOD opportunity for young man book keeper, and knowledges general office f'ork ; reference required; state salary xpected. K 03, Oregonlan. HAWTHORNE GARAGE AND GAS GINE SCHOOL, THE OLD RELIABLE. 445 HAWTHORNE AVE. EN- SHOE heel lift cutters and heel builders wanted by Buckingham & Hecht, 6th and Valencia sts., San Francisco, Cal. SHOE CUTTERS wanted by Buckingham Hecht, 2;th and Valencia sts.. San Fran cisco, Cal. MAN AND WIFE to run apartment house, 40 apartments, and operate boiler; refer ences and bond required. State experi ence and salary wanted. P 214, Oregonian. GO-jD all-around auto mechanic; capable to take charge of garage. Address Garage, box 12. Huntington. Or. COLLECTOR by collection agency; give age and experience; salary $5u per month to start. 1 217, Oregonian. WANTED Boy over 18 to drive grocery de livery car: references required. Apply ooth nnd Sandy wvd. BOYS 16 to IS yrs. wanted for factory work. Apply 7:50 A. M., Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis. WANTED Man and wife as Janitor for rent of apt. Guild Apt a., bet. 23d and 24th, Thurman and Vaughn. WANTED Experienced driver for Ford truck. Call East 3551 before 6:30 P. M evenings, B 1470 Y 01 TNG MAN wanted to learn trade: un usual opportunity. Morgan Razor Works. 74 Russell. T.KVTlsT wanted Out of state practice. lr. 11. Clemmens, Blalsdell block. Hono lulu. Hawaii. RELIABLE boy. not under 16 years of age; chance for advancement. Call American Typefounders Company, 92-94 Front st. WANTED Young man. wash dishes and help. The Java Restaurant, cor. 11th and Gllsan. W ANTED Janitor for a small hospital; one who understands gardening prererrea. Ap ply to 1011 Union ft.. The Lalles. Or. WANTED Names of men wishing to be come railway mall clerks; commence $75 month. AV 7 oh, oregonian. WANTED Errand boy with wheel; must furnish reierences. yeimer v ooien o., 148 5th st. SALESMAN, young man beginner, wanted by local house; state tun particulars, age. WANTED to buy your cast-off clothing, shoes, etc "Williams the Tailor. 143 11th st. pnone ftiaia losu. in can. hotel chief clerk, exoerle ced. give for mer references and age in reply; salary $190 per month, au iu-. uregonian. TEAMSTER, plow man, steady all Summer; $2.50 per day 10 hours. Board $5.50 week. AV 867, Oreg-onian. 8 MEN'S tailor-made dress suits, silk lined, $10; a bargain. 15 N. 12th. Main 1S0S, A 2464. - WANTED -Off ice boy In wholesale house; give age. Auurobs au oregonian, WANTED Man to learn shoemaking; little m oney require.. .h ipu WANTED A good strong boy to work in store. 329 Everett. WANTED OFFICE BOY", 18 or over. 180, Oregonian. BOY between 16 and 19 to work on farm. Call Tabor 022J. WANTED Boy with wheel for delivery, 65 1st st. wii.i, PAY sl to $20 for old false teeth sets. Bring or mail. Randolph, 1218 Yeon bldg. WANTED Good upholsterer, steady work. Carman Mig. Co., iL- wacaaara. WANTED Young man to work in rug fac tory. Apply -nun rcug io.. o-t union ave. LADIES' taiior wanted. 307-8 Globe bldg. C. Gawer Co. GOOD BARBER wanted. Apply 035 Wash- Inp-ton st. BUS BOY wanted; must be experienced. Cat'n Finnie, i4j rroaaway. WANTED A concrete shoveler. Hancock. Broadway car. . 21st and EXP'D ad solicitors, special editions, papers, lod ge book, etc. 21 1 Stock Ex. MEN'S shoes exclusively, style snd quality. Fleshman s. Morrison, pei. aq ann 4th. FIRST-CLASS photo coupon agent: perma nent position. Grove Studio, Boise, Idaho. BOY for wholesale house to make himself upful. 13 r rent at BUSH ELM A"N and presser wanted. E. Mor rison Tailors, 611 E. Morrison. WANTED An Al dishwasher, good wa.es, 420 Hoyt, Depot Restaurant. WANTED -n dairy, elderly man for chores and milkia.. b96 roweu bu i-asU HELP WANTED MALE. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. 240 ANK EN Y STREET. MiLLMEN WANTED. Both skilled and unskilled laborers for one of the largest saw mills in the North west. This is one mill which will give Saturday off for Adventista. Teamsters, firemen, rip saw men, cut-off men, carpenter helpers, rough carpenters, and young men for box factory; wages from $30 month to $75 month and board, good chance for advancement. See us today. ADVISORY EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. 1 . Ai. O. A. You may know how to do something and not know how to get something to do. We can tell you how or send you to it. A membership In the Y. M. C. A. costing $5 gives you privileges for a year under guarantee that you will secure em- Sloyment or refund of fee. See Secretary . W. Palmer. COLLEGE PREPARATORY PCgOOL Fully accreaitea, excellent classroom and labor atory equipment. Individual attention and small classes make possible very rapid progress, it Is a scheol for men only. For bulletin offering complete Information, ad dress Division C, Department of Educa- tlon. Y. M. C. A.. Portland. Or. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY to" represent large financial corporation In Clackamas County, making headquarters in Oregon City ; must have good moral character, education and ability to meet and Interest buying public. Full information given upon receipt of past record. L Sll. Ore gonian. WANTED WOOLEN MILL HELP. A man who understands csrding and spinning for two sets of D. F. ma chinery ; also wet hnlahlng hand; steady work and .good pay. Address WILBUR WOOLEN MILLS CO., Stay ton. Oregon. BOYS between 16 and 18. Apply between 9 and 10 A. M., superintendent's office, base ment balcony, Meier : Frank Co. WANTED A man thoroughly experienced in the making of apple cider and vinegar and capable of handling the manufac turing in a large piant; eiate salary want ed along with experience and references. Good position for the right man. P. o. box 90, utile. Washing ton. FARM HELP wanted tn Western Canada; pienty 01 worn ana good wages guaran teed for experienced farm nanus. For rail way rates and turther Information see J. T. North. Special Canadian Government Agent, at New Perkins Hotel, all this wpek between 9:SO and 4 :3U. MEN'S HIGH-GRADE SUITS. Come upstairs, men, and save the high rent profit. 1 sell you salts for $15 that save you $10. Jimmy Dunn, EHers build ing. 2d floor, Broadway and Alder. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, conducted on prac tical snop oasis, reacnes tnorougmy con struction and operation of motor earst special reference to Ignition and carbure tion. Address Division C, Department of Education. Y. M. C. A.. Portland, Or. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY Over 20O ships Deing constructed on facitiC Coast, re quiring two wireless operators ench. School maintains best equipment and Instructors. Full Information, Division C, Department of Education. Y. M. C. A.. Portland. Or. HEMPHILL TRADE SCHOOLS are making a special offer for the next 30 days to all students taking up auto repairing and driving. $6 down and the balance $6 a week. Apply 707 Hawthorne, corner E. 20 th. WANTED Bushelmao. Ill 12th St. Port- land Cleaners. Help Wanted tisvleaaueo. TO handle exclusive sale of ribbon refresher. guaranteed to double the service of any typewriter ribbon at a cost of one cent. C. W. Sales Co., exclusive Northwestern dis tributors, 402 Hammond block. Missoula Mont. Help Wa n t ed A gent s. AGENTS at once. Sell fOc per month hos pital tickets. 301 Board of Trade. HELP VT ANTED FEMALE. ,VANTEI) Good, reliable girl who under stands general housework, plain cooking; must be neat In person and clean with, her work ; new home ; reasonable wages. Call 747 E. Burnside St.. corner E. 22d, 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. . WANTED A good stenographer to work la a law and abstract of title oftice In a Washington rural city; give age and whether married. Address AV 851. Ore gonlan. $10 A DAY" CAN BE MADE by smart agents selling a firat-claas self repeating article. Select your own dis trict. Call or write Household Necessity Co., 427 Stark su Ph. Broadway 2028. THREE women. to solicit subscript ions among real estate men ior National Real Estate Magazine. One for Seattle. Pleas ant work and good puy. Kujfr, 723 Chamber of Commerce blug. WOMAN of practical experience in cooking and able to teach domes uc science to a group of girls out of town, permanent position. L 3 39. Qrvgoman. WANTED A young woman for chamber work at Alexandra Court; must be ex perienced and have city references, 53 Ella st. HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, B HO AD WAY-YAM K 1 LL BLDG. THOR OUGH. INDIVID UAL I N ST RUCTION. POSITIONS WHEN COMPETENT. G1KL for general housework and plain cook ing; good wages. call between u ana u or 3 and 6. 49 E. 17th st. N. AMBITIOUS students can earn board, room and tuition. Write for particulars. Mackay Business College, ts Angeles. Cal. WANT girl for general housework to go te the country for the Summer. East 292'J. 21 E. lmh st. N. 20 MORE young lad lea wanted to prepare for commercial to ie graph service. ian room Sims Pnnama bldg.. get particulars. WANTED Middle-agd woman t help Apply with work on Turin ; goou wages. East Morrison. WANTED A girl for road show; one who can sing preferred; good wages, long Job. Apply Standisli Hotel, room 54. LADIES to take orders; profitable employ-" merit. 215 r lleaner uiag., xuta ana vt aia., city. SHIRTMAKKRS. experienced. Jacobs Shirt Co., Northwest bldg., cor. 6th aud Waah- WANTED A good cook, in private family, references required. Call 361 11th su. cor ner Mill. WANTED Girl or inlddie-ag;d woman, ex perienced, to help tftKe care ot dsl- ana do housework; wages $20. Tabor 654. WA NTED at once, an experienced second girl with references. Telephone Mrs. Thomas Kerr. Main :;'.t:5. WOMAN ovtr 25 who has had experience in selling and organizing ; position perma- nent. C 221. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, family of three. Phono Oak Grove 8 .1. WANTED A girl for ll3it housework; no washing Phone East 2676. 5D2 East 19th street North. . A STRONG young woman for kitchen work, delicatessen, $6 per wek and board. Ap ply 2y5V 11th st., cor. Columbia. WANTED A 1st -class Indy presser and al terations for Modern Dyeing and Cleanln Co., 173 W. Park. STRONG girl to assist in housework with knowledse. of good, plain cookinc Tabor 2lil6- loU'V E. Couch. Wages $20. V A N TFD P a n t ry woman. $o0. room - and board ; waitress, $J0, room and board. Broadway 2601. WANTED An experienced girl to care for 2 children and do upstairs work. Apply 1S5 n. 2.ith. WANTEI Experienced girl for general housework and cooking; no washing. Ap ply mornings. 741 Irving st. Mdin 7057. CLEAN girl for general work; no washing. 4 (0 K. 3 7th North : Irvlngton car. TWO dining-room girls wanted; Italian. French or Spanish preferred. 248 Ash st. HOTEL COOK, out. $40; waitress, $30; other help. Howe's, room 4"5, 270 Wash. W NTED Girl to help with Phone Tabor 673, C 1G48. housework. GIRL for general housework, family of 8 adults. 7J2 Love joy. WANTED Flrt-clai3 collar Wjrl- Mult- omi'.h bauutiry. uroaaway o.. GIRL for country. $2. excellent home. Nor wegian preferred. Phone Woodlawn 3418. GIRL to assist with housework. 454 East 21 at North. OPERATORS wanted on pants. Goodnough bldg. Main 514 i. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 3S1 10th st. YOUNG lady "wanted at studio. St. Johns, 'i4 N. Jersey st. GIRL wanted for general housework; small family; wages $15. East 502. ' MISS MATTING LY'S SCHOOL, Shorthand, Tvnewritintr. mo. 1:0: it. .n.nn PRIVATE home for children, any age; 13 years' experience. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162. WILL pay $1 to $20 fr old false teeth seta. Bring or mail. Randolph, 1216 Yeon bldg. WEAVERS wanted by Oregon City Woolea Mills. Oregon City. LADIES: Learn beauty culture. Rates. o6-7 N. W. bldg.. 6th and Wash. GIRL for freneral housework, 524 E. 21sU N. East IH'0. HFI.P WANT-D MATE OR FEMAI.K. M TSS OtTNN INGHAM'S STE NOG RAPH1C fclHOuL, 5-U Lumber biu. &Iaia 11 ii. 1 - ..- 4 .