THE MORNING OREGONIAW, . TUESDAY. APRIL 3, 1917. - I Die the different lines of business which the average person may find occa sion to use. Any Information which cannot be found here will be gladly fur bished by phoning Main 7070 or A 6095, House 40. ACCOBUIO.N 1-LKAT1"G. . ' v - 8TEPUA.N, bemtutcliing, scalloping, ac- j- cord., slue pleat, bullous covered, mail ".' . erders i-iitoclt Block. Biotaway luua. V, A SAVtllS A.U ANAJLVbTS. . ' MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver and plauuuiu Bought. AGATB CtTIEK AAD MAG. JtVVELEK. AGATES cut and polished, Jewelry and watcn repairing. Miller's, 34a Wash, st. AIIOK.NEYS. .V. J. Makellm Probate, real estate, raining and corporation law, abstracts and titles examined, written opinions furnished. 1454 Kortn emernjtonli blag. slain 6748. 1 I. MAHO.NS, lawyer7 40 Panama blug. Marshall CATETEKIAS. X-R1CE3 at the Puritan Cafeteria. 4th and onu-a. nave not cnangec? ti. C araauei. CANCEB. 1 M. JONES, li. D. CANCER TREATED. Brewer bmg. lath and Aloerta. Wain 41UA CAKPET WEAVERS. K-rFF KLUS 1KOM OL.O CARPETS. Carpet cleaning, refitting, etc North Wet Mug uo., IBM K. Ui St. .Both puones. CE1.I.LL01U BtTTOJiS, BADGES. THE IKWIM-rioCSON COMFANf, 887 Waaninigton u Alain 3l:i and JL 104. tuiuoi-ouibr. I'll 11am, Estelle and William, Jr., Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 tieninger bidg., southwest cor ner 2d and Aider. Phone Mam laul. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. fciCK PEOPLE Dr. Mc.Mahon. Macleay bldB. Specializes lU'j'.t cniiopractic ilakiug CIBCCLAB LETTERS. CKANE.LETIEB CO.. 610 K. VV. bidg. Main a Qb22. loo letters multigraphed for 1. COLLECTIXi AGENCY. "iTH & CO., Worcester bidg. Main 1796. No collection, no charge; eatabllaned Itfoo. .' PANCTNG. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy, eSVs 6th, bet. Stark and Oak; 4 private lessons, i. A. M., p. M., eve.; latest dances guaranteed; class Thurs., Eat, eve.. 7-8 :3Q. Duwy. 210. DEKDM DANCING BCIiOOL. Latest dances. Classes lues., Fri. eves. Private lessons, 60c. 308 J-ickum. Mar. 127a. Main 7440. XlANClNG quickly taught, private lessons. Arbor Garden. 2d and Mor. Mar. HI a. EEKTHA BECKETT "HEATH, teacher of dancing in all its brancnes. Main 3209. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. UTJBRU1LLE BUGUY TOP CO., 209 2d St. ALIO SPRING MANUFACTURING. . Mis. and repalr- bLMER SPRING COPlng; 4U00 springs carried in stock, loth Couch sts. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage at Omnibus Transfer. Park ac Davis. GRAIN MERCHANTS. M. H. HOUoR. Board of Trade Bid. GROCERIES. Co.. 07-75 Fourth street. WADI1AMS & HATS AND CAPS. HAT CO.. Front St. HIDES, WOOL, CASCARA BARK. KAHN jjKOS.. 191 Front street. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER Sl Co.. 12th and Davis sts. PAINTS, OILS AND CLA. BASMUSSEN 4 Co., 2d and Taylor sts. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS A..l VALVES. M. L. KLINE, S4-S6 Front SL PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. . L. KLINE. S4-B0 Front et. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office, Koom 15:t Courthouse. 5th -street Entrance. Phone from 8 to 5 Muin Home phone A t&Zfr. Mffht rail after office hours. Main 2700 Keport all cases of cruelty to the above address, fcliectric lethal chamber for smail animaia. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring a dog or other pets communi cate with us. Cail for all lost or strayed Stock, as we look after all Impounding. There Is no more city pound Just Oregon Humane Society. JBEAL ESTATE For Sale Lots. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. Level f0xf?0 lot, with fine treep. on Fern ave.; adjoining lot sold for $1250; will take SSOo. O ner. Mar. 4SJ7 or A 3S39. KOR SALE ChKAP Lots 13-14. block 5, Norman dale Addition. G. Tapper, 2602 "Vest 3d st Duiuth. Minn. GOOD lot, 50x100, no encumbrance. You eet the price. Particulars, AE 207, Ore g on Ian. BROOKE Dealer In PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. A few bargains. Mar. 4827. For Sale Houses. LAURELHTJRST. Before purchasing elsewhere secure our list of exquisite homes Just completed, for sale on easy terms, and obtain copy of our album telling all about Laurelhurst. the Addition of Beautiful Homes, the show place of Portland, which challenges com parieon with any similar property in the world. Main office, 270 Stark st. Mam 1700. A 1513. THAT VACANT LOT. ' WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE PLAN AND BUILD ANY THING, residence to factory, or any con struction, sketches and estimates free, fur nish the mor.ey If desired. All depart ments one office. We actually save you money. Our reputation your protection. L. R. BAILEY CO., INC., Contracting Ar chltects. 924 Northwestern Bank bidg. SACRIFICE A high-grade 6-room modern home; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, FOR SALE Big bargain, two houses, five lots, N. E. cor. 6Sth and Oregon sts. Both houses occupied; ground enough to build 8 more; fine opportunity, no reasonable of fer refused; account non-resident. Inspect and make offer. F. W. Porter, 1014 Camp bell st., Kansas City, Mo. $550 TOTAL PRICE. $10 cash, balance $10 per mo.. Includ ing Interest. Small, well-built house; OOx 100-ft- lot; street Improvements partly paid; 2 blocks from andy blvd. Take tlose City Park car to 72d st. 6EE WOODMAN. BEAUTIFUL corner lot. 80x100, facing southeast, on Ains worth and Boston ave nues; wide streets, sandy loam soil, only flOOO. , Or will trade for Southern Cali oruia. W. W. PAYNE, Owner. R. F. D. No. L Los Angeles. 6-RM. BUNGALOW, $1475. Has fireplace, bookcase, seat, Dutch kitchen, full basement, laundry trays, lot 60x100, cement sidewalks paid for. Fur long. 80tJ Oak st. Phone Broadway 1658. evenings Tabor 229a LAURELHURST. Leaving city, beautiful modern home at a big sacrifice. Terms. Tabor 7079. 1180 E. Flanders st. WILL sell my equity In beautiful Laurel hurst 5-room bungalow for $100. i 171, Oregonian. FOR SALE Modern 6-room bungalow, quarter block, garage. Ml Tabor. Main 713. BROOKE, dealer in Portland Heights homes exclusively. A few sacrifices. Mar. 4827. SACRIFICE PRICE, LAURELHURST HOME OWNER, TABOR 32S4. Suburban Homo Property. PARK ROSE ACRE TRACT $1300. ONE-ROOM HOUSE AND WOODSHED. $25 DOWN, $15 PER MONTH. Mostly cleared; 2 blocks to car; water, sras and lights; a dandy place for garden and chickens; outside city limits on Sandy blvd. Hickman-Wilson, 45th A Sandy. Tabor 6&63. C 212L Branch of J. L. Hartman Company. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. t acre, good 5-room bungalow, bam, chicken park; berries and fruit; all tn cultivation ; 10 miles from Courthouse, at Rockwood, Mt- Hood Electric station, near Base Line road i hard surfaced ) ; must sell this at once at tremendous sacrifice, for $1950, terms; house in splendid condi tion. Will show in my auto. Mr. Chap man. Phone Broadway 1653. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, close to carline, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sell wood 470, JOHN GIBSON, Owner. ' cement basement, sunroom, full attic, lot , 50x122; beautiful lawn, roses and shrub- V. kery; east front, 1 block from carline. : near park and schoolR; $1050 equity for V $200. SOti Oak st. Phone Broadway 1658, (.l evenings Wood lawn ill 12. EYE, EAR, MOSE, THKOAT. LUSOSb Treatment oy specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. F. . Casseday, 61 J felium Dldg.. ltd Wn. rlKE tNoLKANCti. PACIFIC STATiia t'IKi! 1MSUKANCE CO. UASTIT MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 63, A 21C3. M UblCAL. EiilL, THIELHOKN, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 207 Klledner bidg. Marshall 1Q2U. OPTOAlElRJaTS ANI OPTICIANS. WHY PAY MOKE? A SAVING OF 25 TO B0 Properly fitted glasses as low u SI fin: 4flliU aii.Liaiied customers: sLiszactlon guaranteed, cnas. vt. u ma.a. optometrist. 20tf Morrison. Main 2124. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience, XJ. 8. and toreigi. patents. 001 Uenum bidg. PHYSICIAN d. DR. R. A. PHlLUtfi, Alls icy bids, diseases a specialty. Chronio PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and i ork sts. Main 84S. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbetn. Mgr. Printing and linotyping, looft Front su, corner stark. Main or A 1418. KAG ECGi" ANlT'irl.t'PF BCGS. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Established 1803. Flult rugs and rag rugs v oven, all s'xea East Sin and Tayior. East 3ib0, 1280. K1.AL, ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P., 404 Wlicox bid. bCALP SPECIALISTS. ROSEN A TAILOR Masseuse and sca.p sp- ciaiisu 100 Park. Marshall 8136. " STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ALWAYS PICK THE . EST Household goods specialists; storage, packing, ship ping and moving; horse and auto vans; special freight lalts to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER Ac STORAGE CO. 2d and Pine sts. Hroadway 60. A 19B6. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan St-, corner 13th Telephone Main t9 or A 119. We own and operate two large class ' A warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest In surance rates in the city. FREE STORAGE. FREE MOVING, lilmled time. Object to fill warehouse. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO., 105 Park st. Main 5195, A 105L MADISON ST. DOCK AND WAREHOU3E. Office. 180 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 709L WOOD. GREEN AND DRY SLABWOOD. blockvood. Panama Fuel Co. Main 6720. A 5e9. SLNUFACTURERS PRINTING. W. BALTES A COMPANT, i mill iku 1st and Oak sts. Main 165. A1105. PRODUCE. PRODUCE, dried fruit, correspondence so licited. Union Produce Co.. 128 Union ave. PRODUCE COMMISSION .MERCHANTS. EVEKD1NG & FAKHElL, 140 Front St. KAG RUGS AND FLUFF RUGS. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Ingrain. Brussels. Smyrna, Axmlnstor. rm.g rues, all sizes; mall orders prompt; booklet CARPET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. 9x12 ruffs cleaned and steamed... $1.00 8&10 rugs cleaned and steamed......... .75 WESTERN ILL If RUG CO., 64-50 Union ave. N. East 0516, B 1475. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. FULLER A CO.. 12th and Davis sta W. P. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL" PAPER CO.. 230 2d St. REAL ESTATE. HOMESTEAD relinquishment: some cleared and fenced ; all improvements, chickens, furniture, etc. For details call Marshall 2074, or 4S9 Clay st., apt. 23. For Sale -Acreage. $350 ONE or more acres, level, near paved auto road, pretty trees, 10c fare. $300 per acre. 2'i or 5-acre tracts, all cultivated; near Sycamore; paved road; terms. Main 3072. McFarland, 005 Yeoo bidg. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES Near Portland: $75 to $200 per acre; easy terms, best soil, farms for sale, all sizes, McFarland, 50-i Yeon bidg., Portland. WILL sell my $900 quarter-acre tract, four blocks from Multnomah station, for $700 on terms of $10 a month; must have $25 down. For particulars call 404 Piatt bidg. FIVE acres best onion land to exchange for larger place; will assume. Write O. V. Bradley Co., 601 Yeon bidg. $1200, $600 DOWN; 2 acres, cultivated, 5o fare. Inquire Egglman's Market, Lents, Oregon. "or Sale -Farms, $15 PER a., 160-acre wheat farm, 14 miles Barnett sta., Gilliam Co., Or. $50 per a., 320 acres, half In crop, level, best soil, near Lyle, Wash. $40 per a,, SO acres, near Estacada electric; house and clearing, some Um ber. Main 8672. McFarland. 605 Yeon Bldff. CA N A DI AN FARM LANDS Cheap land: remarkably easy terms ; land seekers ex cursion party leave Portland for Calgary, Alberta. Saturday, April 7; reduced rates. For further particulars see Canadian Pa cific Railway Co., 20S Railway Exchange bidg., L. P. Thornton, district represen tative. FARM SNAP. At big sacriilce, my desirable Clacka mas Co. dairy ranch, on ML Hood auto road ; GO acres In cultivation. 60 pasture; best of soil, lots running water; about $4000 cash will handle, balance time to suit. M. Walton, Parkdale. Or. TO AVOID foreclosure, dandy little farm of 43.7 acres, near New berg, nearly half cleared and in cultivation ; part crop in ; several acres of fine prune trees, good creek and springs ; must be sold Imme diately; will take $3000. See attorney, 404 Piatt bidg. FOR SALE. Great bargain, 20 acres In Chehalls Hills. 15 mln walk from station; grafted Eng. walnuts, prunes and appies;- trees 6 -o 8 yrs. old. Price $2000. O 167, Ore gonian. OREGON FARM LANDS. Write us for special price list of Im proved and unimproved farm lands. Im proved stock ranches and diversified farms. Address Meyers Investment Com pany, Baker, Or. 5000 ACRES In Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices, $5 per acre and up. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANT, Tacoma Bidg., Tacoma, Wash. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS, Eastern Montana, at $2.50 to $18 per acre; suitable for farming or crazing; easy terms. Ft r Information write or see W, E. Holt, Miles City, Mont. IMPROVED FARM 157 acres, good soil, 5 acres under plow, good buildings, running water, open range. 2i acres fruit; $3500, easy terms. Charles Lebengood, owner. 411 Alder street. LITTLE farms, 5 to 10 acres, near good town; improvements: fruit, running water, no stumps, employment. $25 down. $10 mo. J. R. Sharp, 557 Sherlock bidg. FOR SALE Good stock ranch, 600 a.. Im proved and near good R. R. town; $40 per acre; will accept good small place as part, bal. time. Box 72, Brownsville, Or. G RES HAM district; farms, clear. Improved. $75 acre, up. Chicken. berry, garden ranches. Krlder &. Elklngton, G re-sham. LOOGED-OFF lands. $10 al up;" running water; good soil; H tillable; employment; easy terms. Sharp, 557 Sherlock bidg. WAXTEI -REAL ESTATE- WHY NOT BUILD and get a home according to you ideas? I build and finance; plans free. N. O. Ecktund, 314 H-nry btdg. Main 5812. H TrP TO RKVT FARM. WANTED) To hear from owner of good farm for sale. Send description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, Minne apolis, Minn. FOR SALE: TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C X JTCRACKEN, $04 M KAY BLDO. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 5 acres. 5-R. furnished house. 80 minutes out, Oregon City car, $20 per mourn, tu a, xiox. iia, Auiwautis, ur. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. IDEAL dairy and stock farm. 416 acres, nearly 100 in cultivation, abont 100 more . can be. Good bottom land, plenty run ning water. Some good timber and some burned-over. Plenty outside range. Good 7 -room house, hot and cold water, piped from spring to house, barn and yards. Fair barn, for hay. horses and dairy. Good outside buildings. Registered Hoisteln bull and cows and grade Jerseys. Sheep, goats, hogs, chickens, turkeys, etc Large family orchard, all kinds fruit and berries. Separator, surrey, buggy, all necessary farm machinery; railroad on place. 1 mile to town. All for $20,000. Long time, low Interest. Would take a Valley farm for part. Come and see pictures. Stelnmetz, 603 Gerllnger bidg. EXCHANGE FOR ACREAGE. I wish to exchange a well located rea sonably close in. East Side. 50x100 lot. This has cost $2600 and Is free from any Indebtedness except $50 street Improve ments; am off ore d a $1000 loan on this lot. Want 6 acres or more, close In to Port land; need not necessarily be Improved. BUT ML' 1ST BE ON GOOD ROAD AND DESIRABLE PROPERTY. Might assume small indebtedness. Please describe your property fully. P 8, Oregonlan. $6O00 EQUITY In 30-acre dairy ranch' 11 miles from Courthouse; 9-room house, large barn, fine bearing orchard, live stock and farm Implements included; on paved road to Portland ; will take unin cumbered property. Agents, what have you? Owner, R 239, Oregonlan. NOTICE. If your property, either city, farm or acreage, has merit and Is for exchange or sale, call or write full particulars; no in flated values considered , have lrst-class list to select from. Geo. P. Henry, 329 Henry bidg. Ref, Portland Realty Board. FOR EXCHANGE A good gen. merchandise stock and buildings, located In a good Willamette Valley town, for a good stock ranch, value $12,000. No agents. Owner, AN 166, Oregonlan, FOR SALE or exchange 320 acres of choice timber, mile to sawmill. This is AL What have yuo? Address AV 777, Ore gonlan. EXCHANGE 2 to 6 acres. In cultivation, on Oregon Electric for city property, or take equities as first payment, balance mouth ly. 602 Spalding bullding; TRADE $1200 equity In Tacoma bungalow for acreage or automobile. Rented for $19 a month; centrally located. 859 Haw thorne, cor. 28. B 2632. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE: Finest Income property In the city. F E. Bowman A Co 213 Chamber of Commerce. IOLA, Kansas, residence for sale or trade. . B 229, Oregonlan. TO V V l x YOUR old kodak taken In on exchange for a new one; full value given. Sandy's Ko dak Shop, 328 Washington. HAVE pair men's new steel shoes, size 8, to swap for something useful. C 8051 or Tabor 7823. TRADE bookcase for rifle or shotgun. K 158, Oregonlan. FOR SALE. IIorg, Vehicles, Harness, Etc, SPLENDID MARKET WAGONS FOR SALS CHEAP. Having substituted motor trucks for horses and wagons In our delivery system, we have several splendid wagons on hand which we wish, to dispose of at bargain prices. See Mr. Forestel, 283 Glisan st. UNION MEAT CO. FRAZIER A MLEAN, ESTAB. 84 YEARS. Understand their business and are In a position to furnish you with horses for all purposes. Draft, express, driving and farm chunks ; draft teams for hire; all good workers and In fine shape. Our location always the same, 6th and Taylor sts. Marshal 600. FULL-BLOOD Clyde stallion, weight 1800 lbs., 8 yeafs old and guaranteed to be sure foal getter, sound, free of blemishes, true worker, at work every day at Howl it's woodyard, E. 80th and Burnslde, Monta vllla; also several heavy horses for sale. ON account of changing our equipment from horses to auto trucks, we have several good teams for sale. East Side Slabwood Co., 287 East Morrison. DEAD HORSES ana animals hauled away free; $6 paid for cows, crippled and played outs. Portland Rendering Co. Call' Wood law n 20. ONE sorrel mare, weighing 1300; light farm wagon and harness. Call 940 Macadam at., ask for Charles Hergburg. TEAM 250 lbs. each, with good ranch wagon and harness; $195.. Phono Marshall 4005. FOR SALE Wagons and horses cheap. 83 K. 7th bl North. HORSES for hire by day or monthT C. W. Townsend Co., 380 Front. Main 157L HORSES, wagons, buggies and harness for sale. Apply 20 Grand av k. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments." ""BIG BARGAINS IN USD MODERN PHONOGRAPHS. $30 hornless with records, $16.50. $60 hornle&s with records, $42.50. $75 Edison Triumph with records, $17.50. $200 hornless with cabinet space for 100 records, $75, and many other bargains in slightly used modern standard make phonographs. Easy monthly payments. EILERS MUSIC HOUSE. Ifil Fourth St., at Morrison. SCHWAN PIANO COMPANY. Used pianos. $35, $95, $145. $100 up. New 1916 models, $195, $235. $265, $2J0 up. Used player pianos. $290, $395, S435, $465. New 1916 models, $435, $465. $495, $535. $5 or $10 cash. 6 or more monthly; no inter est. Ill 4th st., at Washington. BEFORE buying a talking machine from second-hand Irresponsible deal ers, see our Hue of used guaranteed phonographs at about half original cost; full prices allowed If not sat isfied toward a new one. Ellers Mu sic House, 151 4th St., at Morrison. NOTICE. Cut out this ad and bring to our NEW STORE. 331-A MORRISON ST., opposite PORTLAND HOTEL, and we will give you a handy STREET GUIDE FREE, HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO. $ 45 Uorisrht pianos for sale $135 $160 New and used stored pianos $ 95 Closed out for cash this week $190 $100 We store for 60c monthly $215 ana ouy ana sen tor cash: 109 4th St., at Washington, SEE our special $39.25 new modern Grafonola (hornless) outfit. Includ ing 13 selections of music, needles, oil, cleaner, all on easy monthly payments Ellers Music House, 151 4ih st., at Morrison. $80 EDISON, diamond dlso phono graph outfit, used, but In perfect condition. Including 12 selections of records, for $61 ; payments. Ellers Music House, 235 Morrison su, at Fourth. YOU can get ths use of a new piano for 2H years without paying either rent or Inter est. Bee Schwan Piano Co., display adver tisement or call 111 Fourth st. FAMILY must sell $425 Smith A Barnes mahogany upright piano for $100, lmme mlate cash. See at Security Storage Co., 109 4th st.. at Washington st. FULL cash value for Victrola, Grafanota, Edison diamond disc or records. Main 44'.5. FULL value In cash for your Victrola, Grafo nola. Edison Disc or records. Vern L. Wen ger. Phoue and I will call. Main 7244. PRIVATE party wants Victrola and rec ords; pay cash; want bargain. L 169, Ore gonlan. $140 CASH buys $350 piano, modern, up right, real Ivory keys, not a stencil. Har old S. Gilbert, 384 Yamhill st. CASH for records and music rolls, and all kinds musical Instruments. Hall & Cas siday. 126 1st. Main 7098. NEW Henderson piano for sale cheap. If taken at once. P. J. Hanley, Bdwy. 727. A 2290. RENT A PIANO Most reasonable terms tn Portland; no squares or thump boxes. HAROLD a GILBERT, 384 Yamhill. STORAGE sacrifice; $500 mahogany Emer son upright for $165, immediate cash Se curity Storage Co., 109 4th st. at Wash, st. I PAY CASH for used pianos. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st. $65 CASH tomorrow buys J. P. Hale upright piano. Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. FOR SALE Oak Victrola and cabinet. 20 records. $50. Phone East 1113. FOR SALE One piano In good condition, $75 cash. 73 Front st. Furniture for Sale. FURNITURE for 6-room bouse, living and dining-room, fumed oak; 1 bedroom set, Circassian walnut, other blrdseye maple; beautiful Axmlnster rugs. Hours 11 to 2, evenings 7 to 9. 627 E. 45th st. N., corner Bra zee. Phone Broadway 4080. Ask for room 444. FINE range, with coil, heater and gas w titer heater and other furniture; barsrain If taken before Saturday. Telephone Ta- bor 4619. FOR SALE Used desks, chairs, tables, fil ing cabinets, safes. Kilham's, 0th and Oak, FOB SALE. Furniture for Sale. CHEAPER than auction, furnishings from large roomlng-houss will be sold very cheap. Hall A Caostday, 126 1st. near Wasnington. Main 7098. AM leaving city, will sell furniture of 8-room house, suitable for boarders or pri vate family; terms cash. 166 N. 21st St.. near I rv 1 n g. Dogs. Birds and Pet Stork. FOR SALE Fine thoroughbred Scotch col lie pups, 6 weeks old, $5 apiece. 6623 39th ave. S. E. Archer Place station. ST. RON AN, IMPORTED STUD. LADDU AIREDALES, ESTACADA, OR. Livestock. POi. SALE Hay In stack; rye grass and clover. Fred Drier, at end of Westover carline. AK 144. Oregonlan. FRESH dairy cow ; terms ; will take dry cowa Jn exchange. Bruce. Stockyards. FRESH family cow, heavy "milker 780 Insley ave. Typewriters. NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manufacturers' guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase; visible models $3 mo.; $7.00 for 3 mos. Other models less. Rem ington Typewriter Company, 66 Broadway. Telephone Broadway 62 L WE can save from 00 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder. Retail department W HOLE BALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash. at. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark st. Main 1407. CORONA PORTABLE and Hammond, 2. W. Pease Co.. agents. 110 6th. MONARCH visible typewriter, price $35. 451 W. Park. Marshall 2424. A utomoblles. SPRING Is here and you should be prepared to enjoy It. Let us fix you up a bug, or a 6 or 7-passenger car. Buying a used car from us will save you lots of trouble later. NORTHWEST AUTO COu Broadway and Couch. USED AUTO SNAPS TERMS GIVEN, PACKARD IS CADILLAC touring car STCDEBAKER, late model , REO, 1915 touring car OVERLAND, late model CASE, fine shape ALSO SEVERAL OTHERS. MITCHELL, LEWIS A STAVES. East 7272, B 1216. ...$400 ...$425 . . .$4.'0 .. .$475 . . .$550 . . .$550 CO., FOH SALE. 1 FORD ton truck 1 2-ton POPE HARTFORD truck 1 COLE 6. 1915; A-l condition. $600; terms. 1 MENOMINEE truck, ton. $450. Several 2d-hand touring cars. We also rent trucka by the month. Ask for our prices before making your con tracts for trucks. LONG A SILVA. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne ave. ABBOTT-DETROIT touring $300 i-ijttjj aenvery $200 CHEVROLET. 1916 touring $415 OVERLAND, 6-pass, brand-new, at a sac rifice. W. H. WALLINGFORD, Authorized Ford Agent, 026 Alder St. Main 1100. FORD ROADSTER. Only $275; has been carefully over hauled ; tires are nearly new ; also many other good used cars at bargain prices. Covoy Motor Car Co., 21st and Wash. Main 6244. LIGHT CARS LARGE CARS. We have many different makes and can give big values. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. RUNABOUT RUNABOUT.' Late model Wlnton, 2-pass.. 2 gas tanks, large trunk and suitcase, wire wheels. In cluding extra. Runs and looks like new. Carries guarantee. Make us offer. WINTON CO.. 23D & WASH. MAIN 4244. PACKARD 3-ton truck. Just completely overhauled. good tires, equipped with power hoist and dump body for saad and gravel hauling. Address H. J. Cason, 307 E. 11th st.. for particulars. STAGE OR RENT CAR, Pierce Arrow. 6-48, electric lights, 4 doors, $750, terms. BROADWAY GAR AGE, E. 24th and Broadway. WINTON SIX, In fine running order, 7-pas-senger; good car for hire or stage; will give someone a big bargain. Inquire 750 Washington st. OVERLAND, brand new, 0-pass.. at v sac rifice. OAKLAND SALES CO., 16th and Alder. Main 1100. CHALMERS, electric lights and starter, $4H; $150 down and $25 per month. BROAD W AY GARAGE, E. 24 th and Broadway. 1916 MAXWELL touring car; must sell at once; run 2300 miles; electric starter, ex tra tire and bumper; only $4'J0. Call Woodlawn 2714. MuTUKb, gears. bearings, wheels, axles, we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at 6 price. Auto Wrecking Co., fea North Broadway. ' FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Cc, 21st and Washington, Main U244. OPPORTUNITY. 1914 Studobaker, 4-cylinder, T-passenger. I owe $225 on this car. Who wants It for balance due? AK 143, Oregonian. FOR SALE Ford. 1910, run 7000 miles, best condition. Firestone demountable, shock absorbers, cheap for cash. Call after 1 P. M. 879 E. Ash. GREAT BARGAIN. Late model STEARNS KNIGHT, prac tically the same as new. Make us offer. WINTON CO.. 23D & WASH. MAIN 4244. STAGE CARS. Two T-passengers In good shape i lota of room; $250 each. WINTON CO.. 23D A WASH. MAIN 4S4A FOR RENT. One private stall. Bungalow Oarage, 22d and Halsey, Irvlngton. East 7016. LIGHT Bix Hudson, sell or will trade for smaller car. Terms. Lancaster Tire A Supply Co., 83 j Ankeny at Broadway. FORD delivery, good condition, $300. terms. Lancaster Tire A Supply Cow. 335 Ankeny at Broadway. ST C DEB A KER, 6-40, family car, used very little. Cheap to settle estate. E. 248s. M. 4518. 1916 FORD, 81x4 tires, good condition; will demonstrate to your satisfaction. $280. Main 4355. AUCTION sale, all kinds automobiles, every Tuesday. 7 P. M. ; bought, sold, on com misslon. 24? E. 8th st. East 8118. 5-PASSENGER auto, late model, fully equipped: a snap for cash. Call W. 3534 or C 2317. FOR 6ALE 1916 Dodge: run 100O mile same as new. Phone Marshall 0077. TWO Ford cars, also one Flanders delivery, will sell real cheap. Main 3716. SLIGHTLY used tires, $3 to $10 each; vul canized. 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison, LARGE size S-passenger touring car. perfect condition, $050. 334 Fargo st, FOR bargain In used Ford cars sea W. &. Burdett, 450 Hawthorne ave. 1916 CHALMERS.-6-cyllnder, used as prl- vate car. Sell cheap. Main 3716. Automobiles Wanted. SPOT CASH, Paid for late model used car. Phone East 2556. Broadway Garage, E. 24th and Broadway. 6-ACRE tract near Estacada. brought $1000 in 1912; what kind of a car will it bring now ? Ad cox. 3bS Bumaldo. BEST automobile $150 will buy. $100 cash; no tin cans. William AsplnwalL De Moy Hotel. WANTED Bulck six or 1916 Hupmoblle: $400 cash and Estacada property. Box AL 212, Oregonlan. WISH to purchase late model Dodge or Buick Six for cash from private owner; must be bargain. AF 135. Oregonian. WANTED Ford at once; will pay spot cash: bring car. 025 Alder st. WANT the best Ford touring or runabout cash can buy. M. Bird, Marshall 4659. WANT a Ford; pay spot cash; state model and price; no agents. AF 134, Oregonian. Motorcycles. LARGE list of used motorcycles mailed free. Harley-Davldson Service Center. Motor cycle A Supply Co., 209 4th st. Largest dealers in the Northwest. HAR LEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle. Bargain if taken at once. Apply 180 First su FOR SALE. Automobiles for Hire. NEW 0-pass. Dodge for hire, touring, call ing and shopping. Main 7430. AUTOS without drivers for hire. City Ga rage. 86 10th st. Marshall 1897. A 4240. NEW SAXON 6. Highway, depots, funerals, calling, shopping; reasonable. East 4582. AUTOS without driver for hire. Long A Silva, 4tl2 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. b840. AUTOS for rent without drivers. W. E. Burdett. 450 Hawthorne ave. E. 1628. Mi we llaneo us. SEW I NO MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand, sold fr less. No agents em ployed ; all machines sent out lew per fectly ana guaranteed; machines repaired: machines rented S2 monthly. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 Sd, near Taylor st. A 3G26. Main 94 8 L ARE you looking for a magnificent square grand piano 7 Splendid tone. In the best of condition; very reasonable. Call and see It at Baker's auction house. Masonic Tem ple. Park and Yamhill sts. START YOUR FCRD FROM THE 6EAT with a Peerless starter, easier, quicker, more convenient, absolutely safe from backfire; a child can operate; guaranteed for life of car; demonstration at all times. Factory and salesroom, 005 Alder. SEWING MACHINE 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be closed out. Drop heads, $5 end up; box tops. $2 and up. 8. S. Siegel. two stores, 882 Wash, and 242 Alder St. BIG reduction tn price on all kinds of new and used tools, roofing paper, rope, cable and anchors. J. Leve, 189 Front sL, be tween Yamhill and Taylor. CASH REGISTERS, slightly used; our prices are lower. Cash Register Exchange, 3dlH Washington st. Main 606. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent; expert repairing. Walker Electric Woraa, 413 Burnslde st. Broadway or A &b7, FOR ALU or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cats. Railway Equipment Co.. 76 1st. Main 2364. SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent or sale; all crudes; large selection. Pactfio S tafy A P tg. Co.. 107 2d st Main 1871 4-HOLE Acorn wood or coal cookstove, $12, used 8 months, cost $25. 647 E. Davis. Broadway 957. FOR SALE 1 Climax 20-ton Close; 2 log ging trucks, cheap. G, Genser, Meskiii. UAfcoLiN'E pumps and tanks; pta to 0 gal. stroke; no reverse. Cheaper than 2ci hand. 948 Hassalo. B 1597. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning at your none. 35c a rug. Marshall M)8. DON'KE V engine, suitable for land clear ing; sale, bargain. Y 142, Oregonlan, NICE holly trees, about 6 feet high, 60c and up. Woodlawn 1908. SAi-'Ed. scales, tixtures bought, sold, aa cnanged. Howe Scale Co., 46 .Front, P' rtlatl. CASH REG ISTERS , S T OR E FIX ft R Ed SAFES. 174 1st, corner YamhlU. FINE dress suit, size about 40, two extra fancy vests, outfit $30. Marshall 2992, MACHINERY bought, sold ana repaired. N. W. Lead A Machinery Co.. Sll Front sc. FOR SALE, bargain. Burroughs adding ma chine. M. Jacoby, 326 Washington su PLUMBING supplies at wholesasie prices. btara-Davis Co., 212 3d st. Main 797. FURNITURE WANTED. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. 166 and 168 First street, will buy your used furniture, rugs, stoves, ranges; everytnng that goes with house furmbhint;. and will pay you the right prices. e exchange new furniture for your old and make good allowances. MAIN 4t33. THE LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURH CO., dealers lu new and second-hand fur niture, and hardware. We buy hotel and resLaurant outfits and tools of any de scription; wlil pay tbe top prices fur them, casn or exchange. Four large stores ars ample proof tnat we can furnish you wun practically anything you need in hums or elsewhere. 221 Front, Main 9072. A 7174. WE PAY CASH FOR Furniture. Carpets. Ranges, Rugs,' Office Furniture, KesiauranL and Horet Outfits. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., Phones Marshall 59bl, A 8224. THE GREATER PORTLAND New and 2d-hand store pays tne highest price for your 2d-haud household gooaa 165-67 1st su A 166. Marshall 5321. CAN USE GOOD FURNITURH of any description; have the ready cash; phone today. Main 4627. or 204 First su MiSH FURNITURE CO. will pay spot CASH for your household lurniture. MAIN 5768 184 FIRST ST. WILL pay cash for 2d-hand furniture. Call Mr Washburn, Marshall 4783. PARTY woutd like to buy household goods, rugs, etc.. for cash. Marshall 1822. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. WILL pay ca&h at your home for your used lurniture. Phone Main 2700. BE WISE Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co. Main 8951. 191 2d su W A NTK I) M I SC E L L AN KOl'S. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTBD J. MEYER. THE TAILOR. PAYS $7.50 AND UP FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. HE PAY 3 YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYER. MARSHALL 1229. 229 MADISON ST. A. B. JUNK A HDWB. CO.. 260 Front St. We pay the highest prices for Junk and second-hand goods of ail descriptions, furniture, ciotUing. copper, brass, rubber, rags, bottles, catties, machinery and paper. Don't leave that old Junk lay around when a card addressed to 260 Front eU or a phone call will bring a man with the ready cash. A. B. Junk & Hd we. Co. Main 202Q. CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED. My specialty is buying gentlemen's clothing and paying positively u0 per cent more than any other dealer. We need stock to supply our chain of customers. See us before selling your old clothing and s noes. Will call any place in the city. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STOKE, Marshall 3223. or 209 Madison bu SECOND-HAND CLOl HING. $7.00 PAID FOR MEN'S SUITS $7.50. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS SUITS, SHOES AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE. MAIN 20N0. GLOBE STORE. MAIN 2080. 2c5 FIRST ST.. NEAR J EFFEKSON. SQUARE DEAL. Williams, the tailor, pays positively $2.00 to $10 for gentlemen's discarded clothing, shoes, trunks, valises, etc 143 llth. Phone Main 7830, A S249. Call promptly. WANTED Battery charging machine, eith er motor generator or mercury arc recti fier. 6 to 10 amps, 80 to 50 volts. What hav you 7 HllisUoro Telephone CoM Hiiis boro. HONEST DEAL STORE. 246 1ST. WANTS LADIES AND GiNT3 SECOND-HAND CLOTHES, SHOES, HAND BAGS, SUITCASES AND TRUNKS. WILL PAY ALL IT'S WORTH, CAlsL MAIN 4776. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. Will pay $1 to $20 set; the older the better; crowns, brldgework bought. Bring or mail. Randolph. 1218 Yeon, Main 8252. HIGHEST prices for hides, me tats. Junk nd rags of every description, eld and new. 274 Front at. Marshall 1940; Salem 399. 2D -H AND CLOT1 1 INO BUYER; BE WISH AND GET FULL V ALUE FOR YOUR 2D HAND CLOTHING. 201 h 1ST. MAIN 734. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT; WILL PAY FULL VALUE. PHONE MARSHALL 6902. WILL CALL BY APPOINTMENT. WANTED Cash registers, sates and show cases. 160 lsu Phone Main 4234. WANTED National cash register. Main 606. 351 H Washington sU AUTOMATIC rlfies. shotguns, pump guns, kodaks and lenses Hochfeld. 85 Third sc "OLD false teeth" bought by appointment at your home. East 6113. HELP WANTED MALE, ADVISORY EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Y. ft C. A. You may know how to do sometnlng and not know bow to get something to do. We can tell you how or Bead you to 1U A membership in the Y. M. C. A costing !i gives you privileges for m year under guarantee that you will socure em- Sloyment or refund of fee. See Secretary . W. Palmer. BOYS WANTED. Boys for local box factory; 2 office boys, . references required; boys tor farm work: bell and switchboard boy. club; 2 deliv ery boys ; boy to d rive Ford delivery ; 2 young men. 13 to 20, office work; 8 young men. 18 to 2, wholesale house. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 14 tb and Johnson. COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL Fully accredited, excellent classroom and labor atory equipment Individual attention and small classes make possible very rapid progress. It is a school fot men only. For bulletin offering complete Information, ad dress Division C Department of Educa tion. X. is, C A Portland, Or. HELP WANTED MALE. TALLYMAN, $3: donkey sled builder, $4 up; planer feeder. $3 up: offbearer, $2.75; doggers, $2.50; mill and yard men. $2.75; 150 mill and yard men. $2.00; yard team sters, $2 75; fallers, $3.75 and $3.50; buck era, $3.50; chasers, snipers, wood bucks, whistle boys, all kinds of loggers needed. This Is headquarters for loggers and lum ber workers for the camps of this district Hundreds of miscellaneous Jobs too numerous to mention here. BEE U3 FIRST. PAOTFTO EMPLOYMENT CO. Largest on the Coast. 235 Burnslde St. WHY NOT Try my system of teaching; tbe auto and gas engine? I give the first week's Instructions free and It places you under no obligation. L. L. A DO OX. 888 Burnslde SU BQY3 about 18 years of age to learn tbe business. Apply between 9 and 10 A. M-, BupU office. Basement Balcony, Meier A Frank Co. FA RM HELP wanted In Western Canada ; plenty of work and good wages guaran teed for experienced farmhands. For tail way rates and further Information see J. T. North, Special Canadian Government Agtnt, at New Perkins Hotel all this week between 9:30 and 4:30. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, conducted on prac tical shop basis. Teaches thoroughly con struction and operation of motor cars; special reference to ignition and carbure tion. Address Division C, Department of Education. Y. M. C. A-. Portland, Or. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY Over 200 ships being constructed on Pactfio Coast, re quiring two wireless operators each, Schoo maintains best equipment and Instructors. Full lnformstlon. Division C. Department of Educatl on. Y. M. C. A,. Portland. Oi COLLECTOR Young man. single, 25 to 30 years, to represent large Eastern concern. Must not be afraid of work. Good chance for advancemenU Reference and bond re quired. Salary $16 per week, BF 16S. Oregonlan. DON'T PAY ALL IN ADVANCE, PAY AS YOU LEARN. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 445 HAWTHORNE AVE, EXPERIENCED tea and coffee wagon sales man desiring position with reliable con cern, established route, salary and com mission; must have man with experience In tea and coffee or laundry route work. Apply Ideal Tea Co., 711 Union ave N. WANTED Boy with wheel, for store work and delivery. Steady position and chance to learn business. Answer in handwriting, give age, residence and phone number. No cigarette smokers wanted, P 153, Ore gonian. WANTED An energetic young man of good appearance to fill position of collector ; references required. Apply to J. E. Whit ney, the Wiley B. Allen Co.. Morrison street at Broadway. WANTED One operating millwright for sawmill; also three men who have had ex perience in factory work; good live men can secure steady positions at good wagea Address AV 804, Oregonian. WANTED Young men to prepare for tele graph service; the passage of the 8-hour law has creuted a big demand for teleg raphers; for full particulars call or write Telegraph Dept.. room 506 Panama bidg. 40U UNCALLED-FOR SUITS, $3.60 AND UP. Come In and pick out your Easter suit now. Orpheum Cleaners. 355 Stark, cor ner Park. A YOUNG man that has had some experi ence In window dressing and card writ ing; a good opportunity to learn ; mod erate wages to staru Kennard & Adams, 539 Williams ave, WANTED An experienced Janitor and wife for apartment-house; must understand all repairs, have own tools and furniture; only experienced people need apply. L ltis, Oregonlan. LARGE Portland mercantile firm desires services of 4 young men. IS to 21, to learn business; must live at home ; references required ; reasonable wares to. staru J 193. Oregonian. A FIRST-CLASS bushelraan. capable of sell ing and fitting; steady Job; good salary; must furnisn references. Address Dan Kowske. 202 North Main sU. B u t te. Monu WANTED A young man to learn piano polishing. Apply to J. E. Whitney, the Wiley B. Allen Cos, Morrison street at Broadway. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. Will pay $1 to $20 set; the older the bet ter; crowns, brldgework bought. Bring or mall. G. Randolph, 1213 Yeon bidg. WANTED Young men to learn machine woodworking business; good wages to start; give address and phone number. N 9u2. Oregonian. THOROUGHLY reliable man, preferably middle-aged, for night watchman and janitor; give references and phone. L 164, Oregonlan. BOY about 15 for Insurance office; oppor tunity for advancement; must live at home; address In own handwriting, W 161. Oregonlan. WANTED Man and wife for Janitor and chamber maid; Janitor must have tools. $05, room and board. Campbell-Hill Hotel. 741 Wash. WANTED Man with $600 cash for first payment on truck to haul for local whole sale house; will give good contract with responsible firm. Call East 6840. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. Will pay $1 to $20 set; the older the better; crowns, brldgework boughu Bring or mall. Randolph, 1218 Yeon. Main 3252. MEN wanting firemen or brakemen positions, beginners $125-$ 150 monthly; positions guaranteed competent men. Railway Asso ciation, care Oregonlan. WANTED A competent blacksmith ; must be good horseshoer, to work on a per cent bnsts; good tools and a good location. Write D. C. McNeil, Monmouth. Or. WANT young single man to work on farm; good home. For further particulars tele phone Tabor 446S after 6:30 evenings. WANTED, for private club, one check-room boy and one exchange board operator and page. Apply AC 168, Oregonlan. WANTED Names of men wishing to be come railway mall clerks; commence $75 month. AV 700. Oregonlan. WANTED Coatmaker and bushelman. Ap ply Maxwell, . the Tailor. 269 Washlng ton st. DOOR patchers wanted, experienced, with references. Nlcelal Door Mfg. Co., Port land. Or. Woodlawn 736. WANTED Experienced card stripper, night or day work. Steady position, good wagea Call Portland Woolen Mills, Columbia 16. GOOD pastry cook wanted; good, steady man, work light, $14 per week and board, Buffalo Lunch. 885 E. Morrison su WANTED Agents with some money, out of town demonstrating and selling. Call at 80 8d st.. afternoons. ENERGETIC young man. about 21, with some packing experience, who needs work. See P C Graves, 101 4th su. City. WANTED Ledger man Must be good pen man. Apply 801 Pacific Telephone bidg. WANTED Bushelman and pressor. East Morrison Tailors, 611 E. Morrison. WANTED Man to learn shoemaklng; little money required. 234 lsU WANTED Cash boy, steady position. Selling. Leading Clothier. DR4VER wanted for retail milk wagon ; experienced man preferred. 1003 BelxnonU WANTED Errand boy with wheel. 628 Morgan bidg. Apply WANTED Boy with plumbing experience, Portland Pipe op, 269 FronU BOY wanted with wheel; good opportunity for right boy. Owl Drug Co. W ANTE L) All-around cook. Kenton Hotel, 1751 Derby su WANTED Reliable chauffeur, good me chanic Referencea! M 149, Oregonian. WANTED Fry cook, who will wash his own dldhes. Phone Broadway 1307. WANTED Boy with wheeL Sal an a, florist. 811 Morrison su BOY. with bicycle. Apply Rosenthals, 129 lOtb, beU Washington and Alder. RESPONSIBLE boy with wheel Immediate ly. Lubllner. florist. Portland Hotel. CHINESE cook, $50, room and board. Co lumbia Employment Agency. FLESHMAN'S aho wear good and fit feet and pocket book. 263 Morrison, beu 8 A A DELIVERY boy with wheel. 846 Alder. ERRAND boy wanted, 211 Oak BL WANTED All-aro und cook. Senton Hotel. Help Wanted Agents. AGENTS WANTED Article urgently de manded In every home dally; big profits). Butr-Plus Co., Washington, D. C. AGENTS at once. Sell COc per month, hos- pital tlckeu 801 Board of Trade Help Wanted Salesmen. WANTED Salesman for old-established wholesale grocery house, sell direct to con sumer; big money to a live man; exclu sive territory given in Oregon or In Wash ington. Write W. T. Leggett, general de livery, ForOtfVU Or. HTXP WANTED FEMALE TO GO TO HOOD RIVER. Wanted Girl for cooking and general housework on apple ranch, near town; small family; no cooking for outside help. Good wages. Phone or call thia morning at Palace Hotel, 12th and Washington. WAN i ED A practical nurse goTng to New York, who will take charge of an invalid lady on the Journey. Liberal pay for serv ices. References required, B. H. Nicoll, Scottish Rite Cathedral. WANTED Elderly lady to keep house for young bachelor on farm; light work, everything convenient and In easy com munication of Portland ; state wages wanted, AV 833. Oregonlan. NEAT girl for general housework. Norwe gian or Swede preferred; 3 In family, good home, good wages. Phone A 5395. Ad dress 46 22d st.. between Clifton and Myrtle. Portland Heights. YOUNG lady for general office work; roust be high school graduate; prefer one who can operate a typewriter and with ex perience checking invoice. AK. 216, Ore- gonian. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER; will furnish f flce space, typewriter, etc. In exchange for services; chance for good, steady prac tice ; long or short hours. T 102, Ore gonian. HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL BCHOOL, BROADWAY-YAM HILL BLDG. THOR OUGH. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTIONS. POS1TINONS WHEN COMPETENT. FADED CARPET and RUG3back to orig inal color for 00 cents and little home work; try it. R. E. Edwards, 1S24 6andy boulevard. Portland, Or. Tabor 4365. WANTED Reliable girl for housework and care of child; three In family; small house. Call at 715 E. 22d st N. Take Brodty car. Phone East 7342. AMBITIOUS students can earn board, room and tuition Write for particulars Mackay ttusmets college. Los Angeles. Cal, WANTED Good nurse to take charge of private sanitarium: small capital required. 20 MORE young ladles wanted to prepare for commercial telegraph service. Call room 500 Panama blag., get particulars. A WOMAN to help with general work, out of town; good wages. Woodlawn 1610. house Phone EXPERIENCED girl for general housework and cooking, family two adults. Call mornings. 69 N. 23d sU. apt 2. COMPETENT cloak and suit saleswomen for specialty store; give references; state salary and experience. G 170. Oregonlan. SALESLADIES wanted, apply Western Hard ware A Auto Supply Co., Broadway, Park. Ask for Hurwlta. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; must be neat and good cook, two in fam ily; wages $30. Broadway 10. WILLING girl for general house maid. 8 children, washing; $15; no experience nee essiry. 59 E. list. sU N. WANTED Strong woman for cleaning, washing and ironing; good home, moderate wages. Apply 66 N. 19th, WOMAN wanted for general housework and to attend to sick person. $1 month. Call Main 3030, WANTED A capable girl for general housework. 921 Beaverton ave. Council Crest Park. WANTED Woman or girl, housework In . country. Apply East 7329. 628 E. 19th st North. CAPABLE woman for cooking and general housework in small family, moderate wages. Call afternoon, 770 Johnson su EXPERIENCED Swedish girl wants general housework and cooking. Phone East 1312, WANTED Girl for light housework and companion. Call 211 North loth st. WANTED Reliable young woman for sec ond w ork; references. AP 945. Oregonian. WANTED Girl for gent-rul housework and cooking ; adults. 739 Kearney sU MISS M AT TINGLY'S SCHOOL. Snort hand. Typewriting j mo. 269 14ta. Main 3ai3- fRlVATE. HOME-forchildren, any age; 15 years' experience 714 Everett. Mar. il62. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 251 N. 24th su WANTED Experienced Janitor at Roland Hotel. 207 1 i Fourth st. WANTED Young girl for general house work. 730 Overton. WOMAN cook, hotel, $50. pioyment agency. Columbia Em- EXPERIENCED saleswoman for flortsu 846 Aider. WANTED Competent second maid. Refer ences. 1000 Westover road. Westover car. EXPERIENCED girl fr general housework, family of three; references. East 7346. COMPETENT girl for general housework, A l!44. ti!6 Flanders su WEAVERS wanted by Oregon City Woolen. Mills. Oregon City. WANTED A girl for general housework. Phone Tabor 4'dft GIRL to do housework In Eastern Oregon; wagea $30 mont lv 162, Oregonian. WANTED Mali: for Call Tabor 256u. general housework. DENTIST, good operator, registered, good salary; su-ady position. AP 161. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. THE ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER COL LEGE will teach you the trade In eight weeks, pay you while learning, give you a set of tools, scholarship and diploma, get you a position; 32 schools In U. B. and Canada. Write for free catalogue Cor. 2d and Burnslde. STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, salesmanship, English branches at an ac credited school ; write or phone Main A90 for catalogue : graduates guaranteed posi tions. Bebnke-Walker Business College. 1ST 4th su. near Morrison. OREGON" BAR BE R "COLLEGE Men and women to learn the barber trade In 8 weeks; tools free; paid while learning; scholarship and diploma get you position. Tuition reduced. 233 Madison sU YOUNG MEN. Government -railway mall clerks. $75 month. Sample examination questions frf. Franklin Institute, dept. 386D. Rochester, N. Y. - CAPABLE salesmen and women for good paying proposition ; only hustlers who mean business need apply. Temporary lo cation 2J4 3d sU ORIGINAL MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL will teach you the barber trade free for a limited time. D.plomas ls&uod. Pay while learning. 38 N. 2d su. cor. Couch. rOR'BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE ATTEND MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, AUSKY BLDG.. 3D & MORRISON STS. SPANISH course In 40 lessons; reasonable) prices. 611 Rothchlld- bidg. Main 27o5. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Koukkrepers and Clerks. CREDIT MAN. accountant, office manager, local experience. K 161, Oregonlan. M i (Kel laneoas. WANTED A Job of land Hearing by two experienced men. Want good team as part payment, weight 1400 to 16uo lbs., not more than 8 years old. Can start Job at once. A, PRATT. Skamania, Wash, YOUNG man with some experience In mak ing cheese wants a place where be can learn to make first-grade cheese. K 15w Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED logging camp timekeeper wants position with company where he) can move his family Into camp. Address AV 776, Oregonlan. ACTIVE, willing boy of 14 wants garden work after school and Saturdays at 15o hour and carfaro. Refs. Call beu 8 and 8, Main 7Q51. A 1517. MAN and wife will take charge of hotel : man take charge of office, wife dining room. Write E. A- W., 6109 68th ave S, E. Tabor 8135. . FIRST-CLASS machinist wants position ; capable of taking charge; can also drive auto. Willing to leave city. Best of ref erences. W 164. Oregonlan. MIDDLE-AGED man. no family. wants light work, experienced in cultivating and cart of flow-: a, shrubberies, lawns and garden. E 207, Oregonian JAPANESE student wants a position in school to learn English language; wagea no objecu AL 234, Oregonian. REBEKAHS! Take orders from business firms during spare time. Phone Mala 4232. EXPERIENCED Japanesee cook wants posi tion in good private family. M 151, Orego nian MAN and wife. flrt-class cook and waitress, want position hoiel or restauranU Room 80:i. Marshall 274 J. GARDENER wants position as landscape gardener, or on private place. AB 134 Oregoniam MARRIED man has family, wants work as restaurant or car.p coo k. Ref a Call bet. 9 and 5. Main 7051. A 1017. KA.LSOMINING. painting, plaster -patching. Reasonable. Woodlawn 2490. CARPENTER wants day or contract work; small Jobs appreciated. Tabor 13 93. D 146L SITUATIONS WAN fF.D FEMALE, Bookkeepers and Stenographers. BOOKKEEPER would like position. Hn had experience and can k e references. Call Marshall 160. room 408. - STENOGRAPHER and dictaphone operator. 10 years' experience, wishes position. Ta bor 1605. PjuAIN sewing done reasonable; first-class work. 531 Everett. Main 303. -STENOGRAPHER, deslrea position. Tabor 1468. I: ' ". "V - .