Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 10, 1917, Page 11, Image 11

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We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or MoreS. & H. Stamps Given on All Charge Accounts if Paid in Full by the 10th of Each Month
Trunks, Suitcases and Bags, Fourth Floor Kodaks, Cameras and Supplies, Fourth Floor Fishing Tackle, Baseball Goods, Bicycles, Fourth Floor Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Third Floor
Candy Sale
At Bargain Circle
Pure, wholesome OWK Sweets in
all popular varieties on sale Satur
day at special low prices. Try our
famous OWK Bon Bons today.
St. Patrick's Day
Greetings, Invitations, Postcards,
Score Cards, Favors, Shamrocks,
Luncheon Sets, Napkins, Decora
tions, etc., on display in the Sta
tionery Department on Main Floor.
The Standard Store of the Northwest
New Bordered Veilings
35c Yard
Main Floor 12 and 18-inch new bordered
Veilines with woven and chenille dots, scal
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
loped and plain edges, large, medium
Saturday "Suit Day" in the Garment Store
Olds, Wortman &
teas- " .ferf
Saturday Sale
Toilet Needs
6? Drugs
Main Floor On account of the very
low prices quoted below we reserve
the right to limit quantity of any
article sold to a customer.
Ivory Soap
6 Cakes 25c
Limit 6 cakes of Ivory Soap to
a customer. No deliveries of Soaps
except with other purchases made
in the Drug Department Saturday.
Daggett & Ramsdell's Cold
Cream large size tubes only 43
Sempre Giovine, special at 39
Colgate's Eibbon Dental Cream
specially priced now at only 200
Kolynos Tooth Paste only 200
Pears' Unscented Soap at 140.
Woodbury's Facial Soap for 200
Shah of Persia Toilet Soap in
two sizes priced 100 and 2o0
Kirk's Juvenile Soap now at 100
Armour's Transparosa Complex
ion Soap on sale Saturday at 1O0
Packer's Tar Soap, special 180
Cuticura Soap 180 box at 540
Witch Hazel, 16-oz. bottle 190
Listerine, large-size bottle 730
Spiro, a deodorant, now at 2O0
Wash Cloth in rubber - lined,
silk-covered case, special at 100
Rarus Cold Cream, special 390
Violet Ammonia, special at 190
"Gets-It," for corns, now 230
Glycothymoline, put up in three
sizes, special 200, 400 and SO0
Borden's Milk
Priced Lower
Small size Borden's Milk for 400
Medium size priced special 800
Hospital size, special at $2.98
A delicious beverage try a glass
at Demonstration Booth, Drug Dpt.
Featuring a Splendid Showing of Suits at
$15.00, $18.50, $20.00, $25.00,
$35.00 and $38.50
Garment Store, Second Floor At each of the above prices there are any" number of
smart models designed by the leading fashion creators. Each Suit is distinctive in style
and tailored with greatest care even the trimmings showing a cleverness of application
which stamps them above the ordinary.
In the showing there are
The materials, too, are of splendid quality.
Wool Serge Suits
Wool Poplin Suits
Wool Velour Suits
Gabardine Suits
Wool Jersey Suits
Homespun Suits
Suits made up in the much-wanted 6port models, coats fashioned in semi-fitting or
Norfolk effects. Many have large collars of silk or broadcloth with cuffs to match, nov
elty belts, patch pockets, etc. Skirts are shown in all the new styles in plaited and
flare styles. For the women who prefer the more conservative styles we have a wonder
ful collection of suits in tailored models as -.veil as the more "dressy Suits fof afternoon
Black and all the new plain colors; also checks, plaids and stripes. All sizes.
New Hair Ribbons
At 25c Yard
Main Floor New Cannele Edge Ribbons for hairbows, one of the very
latest novelties, shown in various colors. Also new fancy plaid Rib
bons, fancy stripe and figured Ribbons in all the wanted colorings
for hairbows, sashes, etc. Ribbons of standard quality in vari
ous widths in a special showing Saturday, priced at, the yard
Special Showing of New Novelty
Ribbons for All Purposes
Main Floor New Paisley Ribbons in assorted colors, new Byzantine
Ribbons, new Grecian novelties, new plaids and figured effects; also
the wanted stripes. Vast assortment here to select from in all the
leading Spring colors, light or dark. New hat band and narrow nov
elty Ribbons in great variety. Ribbon Department on Main Floor.
New Wash Ribbons All Widths
New Spring Millinery
$5 $7.50
Mi llinery Salons
Second Floor
Modish new Spring Hats in the small
turban effects trimmed with flowers,
wings, pendants and novelties of various
kinds new Japanese Sailors, new droop-ing-brim
Hats, Pokes and novelty shapes
in great variety. Hemp, Milan hemps,
satins, etc. All the new colors. Two
great lots priced at $5.00 and $7.50
Girls' Spring Hats
GIRLS HATS in charming new Spring
"styles. Milans, Milan hemps and hand
""Vade Hats. Prices from $1.25 to $5.00
Basement Sale of Hat Shapes
At $1.48
New Colonial ef-
crown walking styles, sailors, tur
bans, rolling brims, etc. All colors.
At 98c
Turbans and other
Women's Hats. Black, white and
colors. Satin, hemp, rough straws.
Millinery Flowers, Wings, Ornaments specially priced 100 and 290
Dinner Sets at Off
Crockery Department, Third Floor
Nippon China Dinner Sets in attractive new shape with neat blue
decoration. Sold by the seperate piece or by the set, as you choose.
Nippon China Din- (DIO S I Set of 60 pieces now $15.45
ner Set of 60 pieces plUU Set of 100 pieces now $22.87
Sale of Home Needs
stration of Punch Adjustable
Mops and Polish. Punch 7r
Mops now priced at only
4-oz. size Punch Oil now 2O0
12-oz. size Punch Oil now 4O0
32-oz. size Punch Oil now 8O0
-gal. size Punch Oil at $1.20
No. 8 Copper-Bottom P1 7Q
Wash Boiler, special at P A
Fancy Waste Baskets in CTC.
assorted styles, now priced JvJC
Bathroom Stool with C1 7Q
enameled finish, now at P
Vacuum Clothes Washer. C.
Priced special now at only
Fancy Waists $2.49
Center Circle, First Floor Extra spe
cial offering for Saturday Women's
Waists, odd lines of various kinds
grouped into one big lot for quick
selling; Novelty styles in Georgette
crepes, laces, nets, crepe de chine, tub
silks, taffetas and messa- G-p AQ
lines. While they last, choice
New Sport Neckwear
Special Showing Saturday
Main Floor You can always depend upon finding, the newest styles here
first moreover our prices are uniformily lower than elsewhere. Satur
day we direct your special attention to a fresh shipment of new Sport
Neckwear for women which has just been opened up Collars and sets
of Khaki-Kool silk, Georgette crepe, linens and pique. Plain and In
combinations of different colors. Many have hemstitched and filet lace
edges, others are hand-embroidered in silk and wool. Prices 650 to $2.75
Shantung Collars
Saturday Special
Main Floor Very new Shantung Silk Collars in popular sailor styles.
finished with attractive edge of white or cream lacev Attractive collars
for Spring dresses. As there are but a limited number COME
EART.V. Rnp.riallv nrccA for Saturdav's sellinc at. vnnr chniefl -JL.
Something New
for Autoists
Fourth Floor "Old Glory," with
electric light attachment and
frame, as illustrated above. Easily
and quickly attached to any auto.
Illuminates flag so it can be seen
at great distance. Show your col
ors get one of these for your ma
chine. Reasonably priced $2.50
"Orange Day
Model Grocery
Fourth Floor '
Experienced telephone clerks at
your service 8 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Sunkist Oranges
2 Doz. 25c
Sunkist Oranges in nice
size for children. Two dozen
Black Twig Apples, box $1.25
Delicatessen Store
Large Queen Olives, quart 350
Stuffed Olives, the pint at 250
Frankfurters, special, lb. at 150
Sliced Bacon at, the pound 350
Kosher Corned Beef, Roulade,
Pastromer and Fine Beef Sausages
We Bought the Cheese
shown at the Dairy Show held In
Portland Hotel recently. Entire lot
will be sold at regular prices in our
Delicatessen Shop, Fourth Floor.
Kalos Cucumber and Elder Cream
For softening and purifying the skin and is a much more effective
cleanser than soap, as it enters the pores and removes all impurities,
Prevents blackheads, freckles and sunburn. Beauty Parlors, 2d Floor.
and small meshes. Special, the yard
Silk Drape Veils
At 98c
Main Floor New Silk Drape Veils 1
yards long, square or fancy meshes, figured
and plain. Leading colors, including taupe,
magpie and golden brown. Newest .circular
styles so chic with the small hat. Hexagon
meshes with chenille dot borders in several designs and with braided
scalloped borders. New flare veils, for large and small Hats in QO
latest scroll designs. Saturday special at low price of only sO,
Girls' Tub Dresses
V2 Price and Less
Second Floor An extraordinary opportunity for mothers to buy the chil
dren's school dresses at an average saving of half. Closing out odd
lines from our regular stock. Attractive styles, well made and neatly
trimmed. Plaids, stripes and plain colors. Ginghams and percales. Sizes
for girls 2 to 6. FOUR LOTS SPECIAL 390, C90, 980, $1.49
, New Dresses, $3.98 to $4.95
Second Floor Advance Spring and Summer styles in Tub Frocks for
girls 8 to 14 years of age. Made up in all the pretty new models with
high waist line, fancy belts, large collars, etc. Manufacturers' samples
only one or two of a style Plain colors, checks, plaids. See these!
Girls' Buster Dresses $1.00
charming styles. Full skirts and
corded high waistline effects with
large collars. Made up in good
quality taffeta silk in green, gold,
red, rose. Exceptionally becoming
styles. Prices $14.75 to $23.50
pique and linene. All white
or white with blue collars, cuffs and
belts. Sizes for girls 1 to CM ff
6 years. Saturday special P
GIRLS' NEW Spring Coats in
all the new models belted and
loose effects. At $0.98 to $24.50
Women's Shoes $3.48
I 1
J o
Sale of Women's Spats
At $1.79 Pair
Main Floor Women's 8-button
Spats in white, gray, ivory and
chamois. Give the two-tona ef
fect at great saving in fl1 HQ
cost. Priced at, the pair P-1-'
Regular and High Tops
Button or Lace Styles
Main Floor Women's Button Boots, inches
high, good quality vici kid, Goodyear welt soles
and velvet top. Dull Kid Welted Boots in button
style with short vamp, plain round toe and cloth
tops. Gunmetal Calf Boots with medium heel and
toe and cravenette tops. Plain Kid Boots in but
ton style with Cuban heel and tipless. Pat
ent Colt Shoes with cloth or kid tops, lace
or button Low, medium or high heels, on
all-style lasts. Every pair made C"2 AO
by a reliable manufacturer. PairP
New Ivory and Gray
Kid Boots
Main Floor Very newest "Mati
nee" last. Hand-turned soles cov
ered half-Louis heels with alumi
num plate. Full range TQ Cf
of sizes Our price, pair P'JvJ
Men's and Young Men's Spring Suits
$15 Up to $40
Carters Union Suits
$1J00 to $60
Main Floor Cotton, lisle, wool
mixtures, etc. Spring and Sum
mer weights. The underwear that
is preferred by particular 'men.
$3 Hat
Main Floor Wellington Soft
Hats in narrow, medium and wide
brims. Black and colors Well
ington Stiff Hats in all the new
Spring shapes Wear the "Well
ington $3.00 Hat of Quality."
This MAN'S STORE is ready splendidly prepared to dress all men
at a reasonable price. Spring stock are now at their best, with the
best clothing made in America. If you are one of those who think
it necessary to pay a custom tailor a fancy price for a suit, come in
and let us show you these new models they will come up to your
highest expectations of style and quantity and the price will be con
siderably less than you would imagine. Spring Suits begin at $15
and range by easy stages up to $40. MAN'S STORE, Main Floor.
New Spring Shirts
$1.50 to $10.00
Main Floor Now is the time to replenish your Shirt
needs while stocks are complete and you have the oppor
tunity to pick the choice patterns. Spring lines of Savoy,
Arrow and Bates Street Shirts are now ready. Soft or
stiff-cuff styles as you prefer. Prices, $1.50 to $2.50
Men's New Silk Shirts now priced from $5 up to $10
Interwoven Hosiery for Spring 300 to $1.50 a pair
Boys9 Spring Suits
At $4.85
Boys' Store,' Main Floor AN EXTRA PAIR OF PANTS
WITH EACH SUIT makes this a bargain of the first mag
nitude. Latest Norfolk models with stitched belt, patch
pockets, etc. Splendid quality materials. Sizes CM OCT
for boys 6 to 18 years. Boys' Two-pants Suits at P"T00
BOYS' WASH SUITS Junior Norfolks, Billy Boy,
Long-Pants Sailor and Middy styles in linens, repps, cham
brays, ginghams, cheviots, etc. White and colors. Prices
range from $1.50 to $3.50. Boys' Store, Main Floor.
Boys' Dutchess Trousers, priced $1.50 to $2.25 pair.
End Cornea In Home In New York City.
Portland Office to Be Closed
Several Hours Today.
A. W. Green, graduate of Harvard,
prominent New York City lawyer and
president of the National "Biscuit Com
pany since the organization, died at
his home Jn New York City Thursday
night. according to a telegram received
hy the officials of the company here.
Mr. Green was 74 years old and left a
considerable estate.
The funeral will be held In New York
todav and the company's offices in this
city will be closed for the half day in
honor of his memory.
Mr. Green, a graduate of the Har
vard class of 1863, for many years was
principal of the" high schools of Gor
ton, Mass. He later became assistant
librarian and then librarian of tlje Mer
cantile Library Association in New
After a study of law with one of the
big New York firms he was admitted
to the bar. in 1873. He went to Chicago
before his return to New York City to
take up a practice. Mr. Green was
the organizer of the big biscuit com
pany and throughout his career had
been Its mainstay.
Mrs. Eva K. I'arraan Awarded
Judgment for Anto Crash.
For the Injuries she received In an
automobile collision near Milwaukfe,
Eva K. Parman was awarded $140
damages against the Hazelwood Com
pany in a suit ending in the Circuit
Court yesterday. She asked for $1000.
Mrs. Parman was with her husband
when their automobile collided with
a delivery auto of the Hazelwood Com
pany. The accident occurred August
3. 1916.
Peter Andrew, who brought an
action against the O.-W. R. & N. Co.
alleging damage in the sum of $12,000
in a 'train wreck near Celilo, lost in
the Circuit Court yesterday, a verdict
for the defense being returned. An
drew was a section foreman for the
railroad and in addition to a broken
leg sustained in the accident, bo lost
his equipment and supplies.
Dr. Roberg Says There la Hope of Re
covery If Man Endures Pew Daya
IiOnxer Scram la Given.
Chances for the recovery of Frank
Powers, of Hay Creek, Or., who Is be
ing treated at St. Vincent's Hospital
for rabies, contracted from the bite of
a rabid coyote, were darkened early
yesterday morning by a recurrence of
the terrible spasms characteristic of
Dr. David N. Roberg, State Health
Officer, stated yesterday that the maxi
mum amount of serum employed in the
Pasteur treatment was being adminis
tered to the patient, but the the out
look is very grave.
"If he endures for two or three days
longer,", said Dr. Rqberg, '"there is hope
of recovery. We dare not Intensify
the treatment beyond that now given.
While I hesitate to say it, the outlook
is not encouraging."
Powers rallied shortly after entering
the hospital and became rational. He
talked with Dr. Roberg about his case,
and described the uncontrollable mania
that comes over him when the violent
seizures occur. He declared that at
such times he desired to bite viciously.
Within a few hours be again became
violent and irrational, and it was nec
essary to bind him to his bed.
The patient is 60 years of age. and Is
an employe of the Baldwin Sheep Com
pany, of Madras. Or. Some days ago he
went to the rescue of a valuable dog
which had been .attacked by a rabid
coyote. He was bitten on the hand,
but neglected to seek the Pasteur treat
ment. Four days ago he showed defi
nite symptoms of the disease. Thurs
day he arrived In Portland, manacled,
and under the influence of an opiate.
Car Hits Banker's Auto.
Lloyd I Mulit, one of the vice-presidents
of the Northwestern National
Bank, had a narrow escape from In
Jury last night, when an automobile
which he was driving was struck by
Mount Tabor car No. 654 on Morrison
street between Sixth street and Broad
way. The car was shoved from the
track and slightly damaged. O. H. Sal
berg, 488 East Alder street, motorman.
and C. E. Whitsell, 843 East Nelson
street, conductor, were in charge of the
Mother Hears Children Are Improperly
Cared for at Denominational Home
and Spirits Them Away.-
Though Illness and poverty penned
her, with her two little sons. In a
single room at 2694 First street, Mrs.
William Staker determined to fight It
out alone, fearing lest her children
should be taken away from her. Yes
terday her plight was discovered and
the case is being investigated by the
Women's Protective Division.
By Mrs. Staker's recital her boys,
now aged 9 and 7 years, were placed
in a denominational institution, near
Garden Home, five years ago, when
she remarried. The stepfather disliked
the children, she said, and no other
course was open to her.
Recently she was told that her boys
were not properly cared for. "She de
termined to regain custody of them
and visited the institution. By sub
terfuge she spirited the children away.
taking them to her room and carefully
concealing the fact that they were
with her.
Both boys were taken 111 and the
mother nursed, them devotedly, but
waa without funds to procure medicine
or proper food. Yesterday morning,
when members of the Women's Protec
tive Division entered the room, they
found Mrs. Staker seriously weakened
by deprivation and Illness and helpless
In her bed. The scanty store of pro
visions had dwindled to nothing and
actual starvation was near.
Pearson Company to Start at Once
on East Sixtieth Street.
The contract for eliminating the
O.-W. R. & N. grade crossings on the
East Side was signed yesterday by the
city officials and the Pearson Con
struction Company, and a surety bond
of $360,000 was filed. Work will be
started at once.
The first part' of the project will be
the lowering of a 30 inch water main
on East Sixtieth street, and the con
struction of temporary frame viaducts
over the train tracks at Sandy boule
vard. East Fifty-fifth street and at
East Eighty-second street. The con
tract for the work amounts to $507,600.
Umatilla Reservation Hears of Pro
visions to Make Distribution.
PENDLETON. Or.. March 9. (Spe
cial.) Major E. L. Swartslander, of the
Umatilla Indian reservation, today re
ceived word that the Indian appropria
tion bill has passed Congress and pro
vision will soon be made for allotting
the tribal lands on the reservation to
the members of the tribe. Each un
allotted Indian will get land not ex
ceeding 80 acres In the Spring.
Much of the land to be allotted Is
valuable for farming and it Is expected
the land will be rented to white farmers.
The Original
Malted milk
Substitutes Cost YOU Same Price.