...... ; '-; ; -t - 1 v J- 20 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1917. klNEW RED FERN CORSETS ARE IN DEMONSTRATION TODAY BY EXPERT CORSETIERE THIRD FIJD 01 1 r S Free Musical Talk on Aida by F. W. Goodrich Mr. Goodrich will tell the story of the opera "Aida" in our Music Hall today, beginning at 3 P. M. This opera will be given locally by the Boston National Grand Opera Co., next Monday, March 5th. Illustrating the talk there will be a representative selection of records made by the same artists who are to be heard here in Aida. There is no charge for admission. Hear Mr. Goodrich it will greatly heighten your enjoyment of the opera. . Music Hall, Sixth Floor. Last 2Days Semi-Annual Sale Beds, Bedding Every thrifty home-furnisher should take advantage of the great economies offered in this big twice-a-year sale to supply all needs in beds and bedding for months to come. Every bed, spring and mattress in our stocks reduced (excepting only a few contract numbers). Do not let these last two days go by without acquainting yourself with the wonderful offerings which have already made this sale "town talk." Come in .today. Furniture Shop, Eighth Floor. te The- Quality" StcJre- op- Portland rmiy. Sixtly'Marrtsoiv Alsar a These Sales Friday Only Buy All You Can Today While Quantities Remain 4 : : : : EIER & FRANK'S 1412th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES! M '1 . -1 1412TII FRIDAY SURPRISE. 40c to 75c Shadow Laces, Yard for 25c New shadow laces in dainty and elaborate patterns suitable for making waists, flounces and dress trimmings. 10 to 25 inches wide. Main Floor. 1412TH FRIDAY SURPRISE. 35c to 75c Venise Edges & Insertions 25c New Venise edges, insertions and bands for waists, flounces and dress trimmings. 1 to 6 inches wide. 35c to 75c values, yd, 25c. Main Floor. I MEIER FRANK'S 141STH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES. Women'sFib erHo se 2 9 c "SECONDS" 50 GRADE 1000 pairs of women's good fiber silk hose. These are manufacturers' "seconds" of the best 50c quality. Hose with slight mill imperfections that impair neither the quality nor appearance. In black, white and a few colors. All with double lisle tops, heels and toes. 3 pairs 85. "KAYSER" UNION SUITS 50 Women's knit union suits of the famous "Kayser" make. These are in light-weight cotton, made in low-neck, sleeveless, knee-length style, with French band top yokes. Regular sizes. Extra sizes C5. Main Floor, Sixth Street. Royal Banquet Butter 90c Our own fresh churning, 2-pound brick, today, 90c. Lenten Specials Codfish, finest quality Alaska cod, 2-lb. brick 28S 1-lb. brick lo. Milchner Holland Herring, new pack, keg, $1.45. Alaska Herring, good size, fine, fat fish, 6 for 2o. Medium Red Salmon, fine qual ity Alaska fish, No. 1 cans, dozen $1.70, can 15. Sockeye Salmon, finest quality, blood red fish, No. 1 cans, dozen $2.65, can 23. Medium Red Salmon, No. cans, dozen $1.65, can 14. Minced Clams, Puget Sound brand, No. 1 cans, dozen $1.25, can 11. MEIER A FRANK'S 1412TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES. $1.25 "Peerless" Aluminum FETE MAY BE IN JULYlj ROSE FESTIVAL AUXILIARY MAY DISCUSS DATE TONIGHT. At Meeting Board of GoTernor Will Be Choen and Other Slnttera Will Be Taken Up. . Many civic organizations and socle ties will be represented tonight at the meeting of the Rose Festival Auxiliary to choose the board of governors for this Summer's fete. The gathering will be held In the main dining-room of the Chamber of Commerce, on the eighth floor of the Oregon building, and it is expected no fewer than 200 dele gates from various organizations will attend. Probably the proposed change In date of the festival, making it In July Instead of June, so that it will fit in well with the National Education As sociation convention, the biggest gath ering for Portland this year, will be considered and a recommendation made. The National Education Association will bring so many people to Portland, teachers and their friends, and favor able railroad rates will attract so many tourists having no direct connection with the convention, that it may be thought worth while to postpone the festival from the usvial June dates. Whether or not this delay in the fes tival will result in , making a poorer showing in the floral displays con templated will be discussed at some length probably, tonight. It is probable the exact dates will not be named, however, until the new board of governors takes control. More than 40 women's clu'-s, local state societies, parent-teacher organi 1412TH FRIDAY SURPRISE. 75c to 85c Stamped Guest Towels for 49c Just received, 500 linen guest towels stamped for embroidering. A wide selection of designs. A wonderful special. . Second Floor. 1412TII FRIDAY SURPRISE. $1.25 Stamped Bath Mats Only 98c Stamped to embroider on extra heavy, beautifully patterned Ter ry cloth. Some with colored bor ders. A fine selection of designs. Second Floor. Eastern Cove Oysters, new pacK, 8-ounce cans, dozen $2.20, can 190. Crescent Sardines, choice of mus tard, tomato or soused, dozen $2.10, 2 for 350, can 180. Clam Juice, Pioneer Brand, No. 2 cans, dozen $2.15, can 100. Minced Clams, Monopole or Red Ribbon, finest quality ocean razor clams, dozen $1.70, can 150. Canned Shrimps, Red Ribbon, new dry pack, No. Wz cans, dozen $2.65, can 230, No. 1 cans, dozen $1.60, can 140. Complete line smoked and salt fish at delicatessen. Ninth Floor, Fifth Street. Sauce . Pans 87c Three - quart covered Peerless aluminum sauce pan in popular shape, as illustrated. As we have only 134 sauce pans in this lot, early shopping is advised, because they will not be here long at the low price of 87c. Basement. Fifth Street. zations of the city, clubs of business en, floral societies and community rganizatlons will be represented at to- lght a meeting. SNOWFALL IS 13.3 INCHES Precipitation for February 3.32 Inches Normal 5.73 Inches. The snowfall for the month of Feb ruary reached a total of 13.3 Inches, ac cording to the monthly summary Is sued by Edward A. Beale, district fore caster. The precipitation for the month,' however, was below normal, being only 3.32 Inches, as compared to an average for the month of February of 5.73 inches. The greatest precipitation for any 24-hour period during the month occurred from the 10th to the 11th, when ,78 of an inch fell. The temperature fluctuated from 61 degrees on the 3d to 30 degrees on the 23d. The mean temperature was high er than the normal for the month, be ing 42 degrees, compared to a normal temperature of 41.3 degree. There were three clear days during the month, five partly cloudy and 20 cloudy. There were 15 days on which precipitation was recorded. The deficiency in rainfall from Sep tember 1, 1916, to the end of February amounts to 13.62 Inches. Mill Near .Gold 11111 to Open. GOLD HILL. Or.. March 1. (Special.) The Spauldlng sawmill at North Ev ans Creek, two miles from Rogue Riv er, is preparing for the largest run in its history. The yards of the mill are full of logs and more are bunched in the woods. Business men expect much new business from the opening of Che mines and the sawmills. x 1412TH FRIDAY SURPRISE. 35c to 40c Stamped Individual Towels 19c A big assortment of towels stamped to embroider on white huck and Terry cloth. An immense variety of designs to select from. Second Floor. 1412TH FRIDAY SURPRISE. $1.25 Stamped Pillow Cases, Pair 98c All made and stamped to em broider on good grade white cam bric. A number of attractive, easily worked designs. Pair 98c. Second Floor. Great Sale OUR FINEST $1.50 TIES 98d. This is a splendid opportunity to purchase Easter ties for personal use or gifts. Included are bright new Persians, basket weaves, 6atins, ombres and other fine silks in striped, figured and moire patterns. MEIER A FRANK'S 1H2TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES. Women's Newest Dresses $14.85 TWO STYLES ILLUSTRATED If you are looking for a smart new Spring dress at a Very low price, attend this sale Friday ! There are clever dresses of crepe de chine, crepe meteor, Georgette and combinations of Georgette and satin. Pretty touches of embroidery add to the style and ef fectiveness of many of these frocks. Some have large sailor collars, in contrasting shade or white Georgette. New shades of gold, gray, tan, green and navy and black. All sizes and styles special values at $14.85. Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. CYCLE ACTS T HIPPODROME TRICKS PROVE AMAZ ING TO AUDIENCE. "Study In Electrics" Is Posing Number of Different Variety, and There -, Are Lots of Good Offerings. AH the circuses of the world have been robbed of, their best bicycle thrill acts and these have been pooled Into one big act to decorate the new bilt at the Hippodrome which rounds out this week. Sebastian Merrill and his company, each one a star performer and a post graduate in the art of trick, riding on cycles, top the bill. Every 'adventure they offer is a departure from the usual in this variety of act, and has an individuality peculiar to the Merrill brand of originality. A. sensational climax is offered when two of the daring riders somer sault madly in midair, land safely on their bikes and nonchalantly ride off the stage. Jean Weir, a talented leading wom an, assisted by Larry Mack, who is a keen portrayer of types, presents a little playlet, entitled "Caught." To tell the plot would spoil the enjoyment for those who haven't seen it, for it is full of surprises. It is a comedy at heart, but there's a touch in- it of the dramatic, too. Every "lover of the banjo will adore Burt Earle's act. His banjo fairly pnlsates with music, the tinkly, tuneful sort, and all around it Earle spins a merry monologue. , "All for Fun" is a delightful num ber, made up of sense and nonsense set to music and sponsored by a smart, up-to-the-minute pair, Kclley and I4I2TH FRIDAY SURPRISE. Great One-Day Sale 3 5 c S omol Liq'id Soap, 3 for 25c 500 bottles of Somol liquid soap suitable for washing the hands and face or for shampoo. The soap comes in a dispensing bottle that may be conveniently fastened to the wall. A regular 35c or 3 for $1 article, Friday, each, 10 or 3 for 25. 25c Samurai Talcum t Powder reduced to x DC Hospital Absorbent Cot- y q ton, pound priced ewiC $1.75 Fountain Syringe, guaran teed for 1 year, full t -m 2-quart size p J. A J Park-Davis Peroxide of lie Hydrogen, 14-pound . . -Drugr and Toilet Goods Shop, Main Floor. of Ties Continues Yesterday there were great throngs of men and women buying this handsome neckwear at reduced prices! They appreciated the -unusual savings on neckwear of highest quality offered in this sale! Despite the difficulty of obtaining good silks now this splendid sale has been brought about by special concessions made to our Furnishings Chief when in New York recently. Buy these ties now for Easter every one is in advance Spring style ! Be sure to come today the values are truly phenomenal! SMARTEST NEW 50c TIES 35c 3 for $1. Silks and patterns in the latest Spring colorings ombres, satins, basket weaves, moires, brocades, overplaids. crepe failles and satin stripe combinations each 35 or 3 for SI. BEAUTIFUL $1 TIES 65. There are hundreds of ties in this group that would sell for far more than $1 regularly elsewhere. Handsome new silks in striking stripes, checks, Persians, all-over and other clever patterns. Rowe.' The girl Is attractive and smartly attired. Their travesties are especially humorous. A novel number Is "A Study In Elec trics." a posing act along new lines, in which color harmonies are emphasized In a most artistic ' way. The act, of fered by the Melvilles, Is thoroughly delightful and has an, educational and artistic worth. Ben Light and Corinne Anderson, both of pleasing personalities and blessed with real talent, offer ragtime de luxe and make a big hit. Th two-reel picture is entitled "A Battle of Wits." Besides this a new comedy film Is shown, and the Pathe series also. EUGENE RADIATORS ELECT Drum Corps of 5 0 Boys Is Added to Marching Club. EUGENE. Or.. March 1. The Radia tors, Eugene's marching organization, Tuesday night elected ex-Mayor Dar win E. Yoran as president. Other offi cers are as follows: H. R. Knight, vice president; W. F. Gilstrap. secretary; F. N. McAllister, treasurer; L. L. Good rich, E. O. Potter. W. J. Hill. A. T. rFraley, W. E. Fields and W. W. Bran- stetter, members of the executive com mittee. The organization now has the larg est membership in its history and a drum corps of 60 boys. Lebanon Pioneer Dies at 88. LEBANON. Or.. March 1. (Special.) Mrs. Margarette Hansard died at the home of her son J. P. Hansard, two miles north of Lebanon, February 28, at the age of 88 years. She was born In Tennessee and came to Linn County with her husband 46 years ago. Her husband, F. C. Hansard, who survives her, is past 90 years of age. y 1412TH FRIDAY SURPRISE. Women's $3.75-$4 Waists Special at $2.98 U nusually good values in Georgette crepes, crepe de chines and organdies. Light and dark colors. In many cases 1 of kind. Fourth Floor. 1412TH FRIDAY SURPRISES. 33c to 50c Special Cretonnes, Yard 23c The assortment includes several different patterns of , splendid cre tonnes that we are discontinuing. Regularly 33c to 50c, yard 23c. , Seventh Floor. WONDERFUL $2.50-$3.50 TIES S1.65. In this groupthe most exclusive weaves and patterns in finest domestic and imported silks. Rich, lustrous, heavy satins in brocaded and striped patterns. Figured, scroll and all over designs. All have "slip-easy" bands. Men's Furnishings Shop, Main Floor. GRADE COST DATA GIVEN RAILWAYS PAY LESS ELSEWHERE THAN IN PORTLAND. Ninety Per Cent of Expense of Elimin ating Crossings In This City Borne by Two Railroad Companies. In answer to statements being made by various persons to the effect that railroads everywhere are required to pay the full cost of eliminating grade crossings. City Commissioner Dieck has Issued a tabulation showing the facts on the subject as gleaned from investigations extending to every state in the Union and to the District of Co lumbia, Dominion of Canada and the Philippine Islands. These disprove the statements of the railroads paying the costs. The quectloa has come up over the method by which seven O.-W. R. & grade crossings will be changed to viaduct crossings under a contract awarded by the City Council Wednes day. Taking the entire cost of the work the O.W. R. & N. Co and the Portland Railway, Light & Power Com pany will pay approximately 90 per cent of the cost. Five per cent will be assessed against 14.000 lots in a district to be specially benefited and the re mainder will be assessed against the city as a whole. In Connecticut and Indiana the rail roads pay 75 per cent of the total cost. In Maine. Massachusetts, Ohio and Ver mont they pay 65 per cent. In New Hampshire, Virginia and Washington 50 per cent and in the Dominion of Canada 40 per cent. In most states the laws provide for apportionment of the costs between the railroads, states and municipality or county! according to 1412TH FRIDAY SURPRISE. Women's $2-82.50 Gloves, Pair for $1.72 Genuine French kid gloves. Such famous makes as Perrin's Trefousse and others. Mostly 3 clasp style. Good assortment. Main Floor. 1411 II FRIDAY SURPRISE. Set of 6 Knives and 6 Forks for Set of 6 silver-plated knives and 6 silver-plated forks in Rogers & Bros.' "Jewel" French gray fin ish design. Guaranteed quality. Main Floor. MEIER FRANK'S 1412TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Girls' $5-$6 Coats $2.98 Just received a splendid special purchase of children's coats in serge, cloth and novelty fabrics in Spring weights. There are light and dark colors, some made on straight line and others in flaring styles with belts. Sizes 2 to 8 years. $6-$7.50 Coats Sizes 10-14 Years, S4.9S $1.00 BLOOMER DRESSES 79 Sizes for girls 2 to 8 years. Neat little dresses of percales and ginghams, made in smart, new styles, with belts. All have separate bloomers. Girls' Shop, Second Floor MEIER & FRANK'S 1412TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES. Men's and Young Men's $15 SUITS Friday Only $9,85 Just 54 men can profit by this sale Friday. There are sizes from 33 to 44 but the number of each is limited. Gray, brown and tan suits in stripes, checks and beautiful mixtures in the semi-fitting and English form-fitting styles. Some have patch pockets and others show pockets in regulation style with flap. Friday only 9.85. NO EXCHANGES, NONE SENT C. O. D., NO ALTERA TIONS, NO PHONE ORDERS " BOYS' CORDUROY-SUITS 83.49 A special sale of boys' good corduroy suits in Norfolk style. Made with two patch pockets and 3-piece belt and full lined knickers, these golden brown corduroy suits are ideal for school and all-round wear. All sizes, 7 to 16 years. Friday only, 3.49. Third Floor the conditions In each case. In many states there Is no state law covering the subject. In the City of Chicago the railroad company paid the entire cost of its elevated railroads which are a type of grade-crossing elimination. FIRE ALARMS ARE REDUCED Only 33 Calls Answered by Depart ment Last Slonth. Them were fewer fire alarms In Feb ruary in Portland since January, 1905. according to the monthly statement Is sued yesterday by Fire Marshal Ste vens. There were 33 alarms last month. There were 29 alarms In January, 1905. Other facts shown In the report are as follows: Number of false alarms received during the month, two. The total number of falae alarms for year 3916 were 11, and for 114. the last full year without fire preven tion, 1ST. Total number of alarms responded to dur ing the last 12 months, which ended Feb ruary 28. 1917. are 734. Thla number rep resents a very considerable reduction when we consider that the total number of alarms received during the year 1914 were I960. The fire loea for the month wa ap proximately STOOO. and is the lowest loss fo rany month alnce May, 1910. The total fire lose for the period of 12 months, ending February 28. Is below J3O0. OOO. or approximately $1 per capita. The money value of fire prevention Is plainly demonstrated when this figure Is contrasted with the fire loss for 1914. which was Sl. 797.854.81, or $6.78 per capita. Number of convictions for arson for the month were three. The indictments for arson for the past 8 months were 42. and the convictions were 22, we having lost but one case. The total number of days In which no alarms of fire were responded to during the 12 months just ended were 67. while during the year 1914 there were only eight days In which no alarms were reclved. Read The Oregonlan Classified Ads. MUTH FRIDAY SURPRISE. Women's 50c to $1 Sample N e ckwear 35c 732 pieces, including collars, sets, vestees, etc. Such materials as Georgette crepe, broadcloth, satins, etc. Many styles. Main Floor. 1412TH FRIDAY SURPRISE. Women's Initial 'Kerchiefs, 6 for 25c A special purchase of 500 dozen women's kerchiefs. Two styles of initials to select from. Plain and colored styles Friday only 6, 25c. Main Floor. I 1 I $1 DOWN WILL PUT AN ELD RED GE sewing machine in your home. The Eldredge two-spool, bob binless rotary sewing ma chine eliminates all bobbin troubles. Sews direct from two spools of thread one above, one below. The new Eldredge Rotary and bur complete line of vibrating shuttle machines will be of interest to you. $1.00 DOWN $1.00 WEEK NO INTEREST NO EXTRAS Liberal allowance for your old machine. Second Floor. Fifth Street. J I THS QUALrrTTOB- Of roKTLAMB I f - ' - i . If ... r. : - . t . . ' i '. ' i'V I z v V 'i - 4-