. MTZ - - - 16 i Tiir: morning oregonian. FRIDAY 31 ARCH 3, 1917. t NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved city property at 6 and 7 per cent. Farm and suburban loans at current rates. Liberal repayment priv ileges allowed. No delays. URGE LOANS SPECIAL RATES. A.H.BIRRELL GO. K17-218 Northwestern Bank Building. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS WE HAVt: I81RAXCE MONEY AT 5?t PRIVATE FUNDS AT 6 AND 7So Robertson & Ewing 207-8 Northnnttra Bank Bids. Mortgage Loans Private money for acreage, farms and city loans. Inquiries invited. GEO. II. THOMAS, 267 Oak St., Hop in a. Alnsworth Bldg. & 7, LOANS ON MORTGAGE SECURITY KOTHWS1ERN BANK BUILD CNtJ WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE GO. Oar Own Money nt Current Rates, MISKiPAL AM) CORPORATION BUVUS, I-" ARM AXD CiTV LOANS, bO Fourth t Board of Trade Illdg. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7 Oregon Investment & Mottltage Co Oil It-en 202-4. 17U Third St. Desirable locations for lease To responsible parties; tenants for buildings to be erected, can Interest owners wanting to erect .building's. Apply JEROME II. STE1MIACH, 1I5 Corbett Bldg. JNO.B. COFFEY Insurance, Surety Bonds 304 WILCOX BIDG. MAIN 7Q2 QHQjQBSi DOOLY t CO., I no. Est. 1896. f A "V T O 313 Board of 'hade Bids;. lylJA i O Unlimited Eastern Funds, City and Farm. Insurance. I A. 1051. Bonds. Mar. 702 REAL ESTATE. For iale Lots. BUILDERS LOOK AT THIS ON SANDY BLVD. ROSE CITJf PARK N. E. COR. 44th AND SANDY BLVD. to Tillamook st. (small half blockj. One of the finest building sites ever offered on the East Side. Houses built here will not need advertising to sell them. Price for the half block $3250. Hickman-Wilson, 45th & Sandy Blvd. Tabor 6868. C 212L " $25 CLEARED. LEVEL, LOTS $25! $1 month, no Interest. Townslte, rich farming district, best poultry country, cen ter over 1,000,000 population, network railroads. Write for particulars now. D. F. HICKEY. Colman Bide.. Seattle. LARGE, beautiful -view home site. West Side, cty water and gas, $10 cash, balance $5 per month; price only $300. M. E. Lee, G05 Corbett bldg. BROOKE Dealer in PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY". A few bargains. Mar. 4827. tor Sale iteuvh Property. FOR BALE 2 lots at Rockaway, Or., or trade In part payment on 6-pass. auto. AR 840, Oregonian. For Sale Houses. THREE LAURELHUHST HOMES. 6. 7 and 8 rooms, with all bullt-ln mod ern conveniences; old ivory and white enamel finish; plate glass throughout; bathroom with latest fixtures and tile floors; garage with each: three of the most attractive homes lr. this fine district: near Laurelhurst office with good view of park. Prices $5500 to $6500. E. 13. Holmes Co.. 272 Stark st. Phone Main 8051. $900 BUYS my modern 3-room house, with full plumbing. fireplace and sleeping fiorch; a sure enough bungaiow, with a arge living-room and big front porch; will make a dandy home. 1 am forced to sell and for that reason the low figure. Will consider small cash payment and $10 per month and 6 per cent Interest. For particulars see my attorney' at 404 Piatt bldg. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY" NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE PLAN AND BUILD ANY THING, residence to factory, or any con struction; sketches and estimates free, fur nish the money If desired. All depart ments one office. We actually save you money. Our reputation your protection. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC., Contracting Ar chltects. 924 Northwestern Bank bldg. ' laurelhurst! Before purchasing elsewhere secure our list of exquisite homes just completed, for ale on easy terms, and obtain copy of our album telling all about Laurelhurst, the Addition of Beautiful Homes, the show place of Portland, which challenges com parison with any similar property In the world. Main office 270 Stark st. Main 1700. A 1515. ' ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SNAP? $1085 TERMS $19S3. 1030 E. 80TH ST. NORTH. Modern 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in effects, full base ment, cement floor, H block to car. Take Alberta car to 30th st. Owner there X to 5 daily, or phone East 6465. CHANCE TO START RIGHT. Just $25 per month buys nice little home, 8 rooms, plastered, bath, basement, eleo tric. gas, fine lot for garden and chickens Rose City Park near 70th; price $1460 Mr. Logan, owner. Main S521. or even'ngs. Tabor 8040. $1000 BUYS 5-rm. old house with bath and gas, on corner 100x95. with all kinds of large, bearing fruit trees and berries. Same premises sold for $1850 some time ago. Goddard A Wiedrlck. 248 Stark st. 1(10x100 CORNER. 5-room house, chicken housa and berries; good soil; 5 blocks from the heart of St. Johns. A few minutes' walk to the waterfront: reasonable terms to suit. Mr. Burbank. Marshall 4S70 THE best bargain we have ever had on Broadway corner. East 38th. 100x100 strictly modern 8-room, residence; price tysooo. Goddard AV Wiedrlck. 243 Stark st. $4250 BUYS beautiful 0-room house with finished attic, fireplace, furnace: modern throughout; garuge. Will consider trade and some cash. No agents. O 129, Ore gonian. $1975 BUJS new, modern. 5-rm. bungalow on corner. 100x100. close to car. stores, churches, school, library and postoffice' Goddard & Wiedrlck. 243 Stark St. LAUD'S ADDITION FORECLOSURE " Modern 9-rm. dwelling, with lot 40x128 to paved alley. Cost $7500; price $5000. Goddard A Wiedrick. 243 stark st. BEAUTIFUL 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. One block to car, thoroughly modern; breakfast alcove and garage. Tabor 4428. FOR SALE 100x100 corner, 5-room modern bungalow, all kinds of fruit, $3000, 1119 E. 16th st. N. $5800 50x100. modern 7-room house. Wasco near 18th. among Irvlngton's best homes; terms. Phone East 8899. FOR SALE 4-room bungalow, electricity and gas; lot 60x100; $100; $450 cash. terms on balance. Phone C 1737. iVESTTlDB SNAP! $1975 Brand new 6-rm. Bungalow. 1030 Wilson st. Terms. Main 3730. ONE 7-room house, all modern! 2 full Tot 28 fruit trees. $2500; $500 cash. Call Ta bor 7308. $U5l BUYS three-room house with base ment and bath, on E. 27th street: lot 40x 100. Goddard & Wiedrlck. 243 Stark st BROOKE, dealer In Portland Heights homes exclusively. A few sacrifices. Mar. 4827. $500 CASH obtains $1500 equity In modern five-room bungalow. Tabor 6170. FOR SALE cheap. B-room bungalow, near Franklin High School. Tabor 3502. 10-ROOM bouse for sale. $2100 ' $600 cash. 432 Lumber Ex. bldg. ISuburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, close to carllne. easy terms; will build to suit purchaser Phone Marshall 1583 or Sellwood 470 JOHN GIBSON, Owner. Homesteads. FOR SALE 160-acre homestead relinquish ment. 2 miles Toledo, Or.: fine dairy and stock ranch, improved: $70O. Address. WILLIS B. YOUNG, Las Vegas, Nevada. WANTED To communicate with party who wishes to relinquish homestead. Must have Improvements. State particulars. K 128, Oregonian. FOR SALE 320 acres. Eastern Oregon, by owner. Inquire Grand Union Hotel, room 140. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Business Property. EXTRAORDINARY OFFER. On account of mortgage foreclosure we can sell 100.125 on Union avenue, corner pf Graham, with two-story frame store building on corner and good 6-rm. bunt-alow In rear. Land worth at least $10. ooo and improvements $30OO. Foreclos ure price $800o. We have client will loan $lj300 on it. Remember that Union avenue connects with the Interstate bridge con necting Portland with Vancouver. This ought to sell readily at $15,000 with n three years. Goddard A Wiedrlck. 243 Stark St. ' HOMEWOOD HOTEL, VANCOUVER. On 4th street, near Main: lot 50x100; three-story frame building, completely fur nished. Cost owner $15,O0O. In order to prevent foreclosure will sell at $7000. Goddard & Wiedrlck. 243 Stark St. $18,000 MODERN downtown business block paying 6 per cent net. 302 Oak st. 100x100 CORNER. 3d and EvereTu Owner, F t0. Oregonian. For Sale Acreage. YOU have been wanting a piece of acreage, well here Is your chance. I have 5 acres 3 miles from Sherwood and electric line, first growth fir and cedar, running stream, price $500. Will take piano up to $250, terms on balance. Owners only. Address 1814 Siskiyou st.. or C 1816 evenings. BUY your country homesite on the Columbia River Highway; good water; river front age; splendid foliage, close to Portland; prices reasonable: terms. Call or see owners, 325 Corbett bldg. Phone Marshall 5687. BE INDEPENDENT. 10 acres, close to Base Line and Rock wood roads; 7-rm. house, unfinished, barn; 85 bearing fruit trees and berries; price only $3500. Goddard A Wiedrlck, 243 Stark st. t ACRES, dandy place, house, barn, full bearing orchard, berries, extra soli. $3000. mostly cash. Foster paved road. Main 3072; Ug acre, new 5-r. bungalow-. $13U0, $300 cash. McFarland. 505 Y'eon bldg. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES Near Portland; $73 to $2U0 per acre; easy terms, best eoll, farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. 605Yeon bldg., Portland. GARDEN tracts. West Side, only 15 min utes car ride, fi-cent fare, best value In Portland at $350, $10 cash, balance $5 per month. M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. REDUCE the high cost of living by pur. chasing one of our acres; fine soil and easy terms. Masterson or Reld, 202 Wll cox bldg. Main 8517. ACR.P iTactst 8Sth"N. and Simpson; fine soil. Call Woodlawn 2408 evenings For Sale Farms. FARM FOR SALE. HARVEY RANCH. At toTin of Neverstll. on the line of the Columbia & Nehalem River R. R. ; 90 acres ranch house, bam. silo and sheds which cost $4500 to build. Farm TO per cent bottom land, two streams running water through place. 45 acres now being planted to oats. Price $10,000. One-half cash balance on terms to suit purchaser. Also have ranch on Deep Creek. 80 acres, about 40 per cent in cultivation, good or chard, running water, house and barn on the place, not the best, but can be used as they are or put in good condition with very little expense. Price $4000, half cash, balance terms to suit purchaser. 1000 acres of stump land adjacent to this place suitable for pasture, can be had at $11 per acre on same terms as ranch Inquire C. E. Mallory, O. N. II R. B, Neverstll. Or. YOUR CHANCE IS IX CANADA RICH lands and business- opportunities offer you Independence; farm lands. $11 to $30 acre; Irrigated lands. $35 to $50; twenty years to pay; $2000 loan in improvements, or ready-made farms; loan of livestock; taxes average under 20 cents an acre; no taxes on improvements, personal prop erty or livestock; good markets, church, schools, roads, telephones; excellent cli mate crops and livestock prove it; spe cial homeseekers' fare certificates. Write for free booklets. Allen Cameron, gen eral superintendent land branch, Canadian Paclfio Ry., 64 Ninth ave., Calgary, Al berta. 36S0 ACRES finest wheat land in Alberta, 15 miles south Casells. on main line C. P. R. ; 3400 broke and cropped only.onoe, yield 87.000 bu. wheat. 17,000 bu. oats: my equity $33,874 at $24 per acre. $3048 per year on balance of $54,456. Interest at 6 per cent on unpaid balance 20-year pay C. P. R. plan. Will trade for business property: must be clear; big complete out fit for sale, also if desired seed, feed, hay, etc. The party securing this ranch will nearly pay for land cropped this year; unlimited open range adjoining. Address AV 624. Oregonian. "SNAP." 20 acres cultivated. 10 acres commercial apples, planted 1910-11 ; $000 stock farm machinery eto. Price $3500; $200' cash, balance $250 semi-annually; contracts to care for other tracts net $1200 annually. Stearns. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main S517. 6000 ACRES in Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices, $5 per acre and up. Write for map showing location, terms, etc WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. SMALL MISSOURI FARM, $10CASH and $3 monthly; no Interest or taxes; highly pro ductive land; close to three big markets. Write for photographs and full Informa tion. Munger. A-241 N. T. Life bids Kansas City. Mo. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS. Eastern Montana, at $2.50 to $18 per aore; suitable for farming or grazing; easy terms. For information write or see W. E. Holt. Miles CltyMont. CALIFORNIA farms, near Eacramento, for sale; easy terms. Write for list. E. R. Walte. Shawnee. Oklahoma. Logged-off lands, $10 a. up, running water, emply't: little farms cleared, improved, $25 down. J, R. Sharp, 557 Sherlock bldg 640 ACRES at give-away price. 1608 Division st., Portland. WANTKll REAL ESTATE. WANT tract of land from 100 to 200 acres, 80 to 40 bottom land, partly improved balance hillside; this land must have running water on same, not over 10 miles from R. R, station; must be good soil and not held at boom prices. 671 Belmont St., Portland, Or. It your property, city, farm, timber or stump land is for sale or exchange, call or write full particulars. Also handle loans and rentals. BREWER-KNAPP CO, 717 Corbett Bldg. HAVE oash customer for B to 20 acres on good road, close to Portland, improved or unimproved. Qoddard & Wledrlok. 248 Stark st. FOB RENT FARMS. 160 ACRES near Hood River, 6 acres !n cultivation, family orchard, and bouse. Phone Broadway 8433. FOR RENT 5acresT 5-R. furnished house. v?n''. rhl,ckens 'r sale. R. 1, box 118. ..... r.&.,r.ic, v.. i. neni u nionm. 5 lO 15 acres, half cleared, running water, small house, close to car, 10 miles to Portland. Main 1955. ABOUT 5 acres potato and onion land in city; hard-surface road; $100 for season. AV 649, Oregonian. 50 ACRES near Beaverton for rent. 481 Lumuer &x. bldg. FOR SAL; TIMBER LANDS WOODMEN! $1000 tnk,l Pnnft r-Am v. i.uw unu o acres lana on gooa road. 3 miles from river and railroad. Terms. Address AV 623. . Oregonian. PARTY with small portable mill to take contract sawing ties. Large tract tie tim- oer. Aaureia uregon .piling e Timber Co Curlton. Or. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M' CRACK EN, 304 M'KAY BLDG. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 1000-ACRE stock farm in Willamette vl ley on railway, fully equipped and stocked, with cattle, horses, bogs and poultry, fine houses and barns, with plenty of feed and all farm Implements, not far from Portland. Trade for apartment-house. Value $70,000. Wm. Buriey, J. L. Hart- man uo.. 4tn & KtarK. FOR EXCHANGE My beautiful apartment site at corner of 23d and Hawthorne. What have you In Chicago or Its north snore euouros to trade for this? E R Stone. 620 Washington ave.. Willamette. III! WILL exchange my house on Halsey streeT. near 19th. for property of eoual tbIha in or near San Jose, Cal. : acreage or lots preferred. W. B. Puterbaugh. 407 Garden v.ity rut, plug., nan uose. cal. (Owner). If you have a $10,000 stock of nr,l merchandise you will exchange for tine lana or orcnara, write Air. Beery, 601 WANT to trade ray eaulty in a S-ronm modern house for acreage on or near car. line. 13, oregonian. WILL accept clear lots, acreage or timber lana tor equity in itose city Park home. AP 113, Oregonlaa. TRADE $3350 eaulty 21 acres lmnrovi miles Portland, for bungalow. 401 Failing oiug. HAVE rlty Income property, value $3000 to . exchange for Loganberry ranch close to portlana. r, iu, oregonian. EQUITY in 18 acres Washington County land, partly improved, to trade for good $1050 EQUITY 5-R. bungalow. What have you f v xu. urt-goman. NEW surveyor's slide rule ($20, K to E) for camera, a i-. uregoman. CLEAR acre in Butte. Montana for sale or traae. laoor iian. LENTS 4-room. or trade. modern, equity for sale TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. EXCHANGE FOR ACREAGE. I wish to exchange a well located, rea sonably close In. East Side. 60x100 lot. This has cost $2600 and is free from any Indebtedness except $50 street Improve ments; am offered a $1000 loan on this lot. - Want 5 acres or more, close in to Port land; need not necessarily be Improved. BUT MUST BE ON GOOD ROAD AND DESIRABLE PROPERTY. Might assume small indebtedness. Please describe your property fully. P j8. Oregonian. 75-ACRE FARM. 3 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 25 acres In cult n.. 20 A. partly cleared. 80 A. first-growth timber. Timber will pay for clearing: 5-room house, big barn, other outbldgs. 3 or 4 acres beaverdam land, fine soil, no rock. 2 springs on place, w-oven-wire fences. Price $150 an acre. Exchange for good Income Portland prop erty. See Sam Hewey at J. L. Hartman Company. $1200 EQUITY In 6-room modern bungalow; iraae lor acreage near Portland, pnone Tabor 8173. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc. FRAZIER A M'LEAN. EST AB. 84 YEARS. Lnoerstand their business and are in a position to furnish you with horses for all purposes. Draft, express driving and farm chunks; draft teams for hire; all good workers and in fine shape. Our location always the same, 5th and Taylor sts. Mar shall 600. SPAN of mares, 6 and - 9 years old, good worKers. single or double, sound ana tree of blemishes, $175. A few head of streetsore horses, which I have taken In on exchange, at prices ranging around $75 each. Also some well mated young teams of horses and mares, at the Model Stables. 6th and Davis. AUCTION AUCTION. Every Tuesday and Friday. 2 ooloak. All kinds of harness, wagons, horses and mules; all sold as represented or no sale; everything sold on commission, 5 per cent. Phone us If you have anything to list. Main 2203. 548 Front st. McCIellanji Horse & Mule Co. NOTICE TO HORSE BUYERS Mares and norses. lioo to 1600 lbs., some In foal, about 20 head; we want disposal. AIbo span of gray mares, $3200 lbs. ; black mare, 1000. Portland Van & Storage Stables, 16th and Raleigh. Take 18th or "S" car. DEAD HORSES and animals hauled away free; $6 paid for cows, crippled and plsyed outs. Portland Rendering Co. Call Wood- lawn 20. DEAD STOCK and old norses bought. I have a new price, can me up. pnone Milwaukle 69 J FOR SALE Good ranch team, harness and spring wagon; will exchange for cattle. Villa Market. Phone Tabor 2720. DEAD stock taken quirk. $7 and up for dead cows, crippled noraes. w a pay ins most. Tabor 4203. 2800-LB. TEAM of mules, exchange for horses or cattle. 1029 E. Yamhill. HORSES, wagons, buggies and harness for sale. Apply u uranq ave. ' HORSES for hire by day or month. C W. Townsend Co.. BSO rmit. Main loil FOR SALE Wagons and horses cheap. 88 E. 7th St.. North. Pianos, Organs and Mnslcal Instruments. CLOSING OUR SALE OF 8TORAOB' AND LEFT-ON-SALE PIANOS. Only $45 for a STEIN WAY A SONS, good tone, but old model, and a FISCHER at $20 cash. We'll aot say that this stelnway is worth $450 now, nor that the Fischer is worth $250, but wo know they were sold for more than that when new, and we guarantee them better pianos than for which other dealers make those claims. $85 buys an upright piano, a really good practice piano, which when new cost as much as $400. $05 rives yon choice of several splendid strictly - modern upright pianos, and there are even a few at $7u. Mahogany player piano. with music rolls, and good phonograph, with some records, all for $225. These Instruments when new were surely worth more thau $700. But It isn't the past value that counts; It Is the present condition of these Instruments that you are Interested In. We guarantee them superior and. for less money than offered else where. See them. Storage & For warding Dept., 151 4th st., near Morrison. SCHWAN PIANO CO. Used pianos. $35, $95. $145. $190 up. New 1916 models, $195. $235. $265. 200 up. Used player pianos. $290, J395. $435. $465. New 1916 models. $435. $465. $495. $385. $5 or $10 cash", $6 or more monthly; no Inter est. Ill 4th BU. at Washington. NOTICE. Cut out this ad and bring to our NEW BTORE. 331A MORRISON ST., opposite PORTLAND HOTEL, and we will give you a handy STREET GUIDE FREE. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO. WE store pianos. 50c monthly, and buy or sell lor cash lor our patrons, old model pianos, $25 and $35; uprights, $45, $65, $95, eto. Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. $23 CASH buys old model F. & C. Fischer piano, and $65 buys a $325 Emerson Upright. SECURITY STORAGE CO., 109 4th St. $100 GRAFONOLA. One month old, beautl- iui manogany case, guaranteed. Only tSO. $17 down and $7 per month. Vera - Wenger. 142 2d -street. (Upstairs.) HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID. Talking machines and records, musical Instruments, player piano music. Main 4495. 128 1st. YOU can get the use of a new piano for 2H years witnout paying eitner rent or Inter est. See Schwan Piano Co., display adver tisement or call 111 Fourth st. RENT A PIANO Most reasonable terms In Portland; no squares or thump boxes. HAROLD & GILBERT, 384 Yamhill. $140 CASH buys $350 piano, modern, up ngni, real ivory Keys, not a stencil. Har old 3. Gilbert. 884 Yamhill st. FOR SALE 2 horses, weight between 1200 and 1800; also 2 delivery wagons. Apply Day Bros., 20th and Gladstone ave, 1143 CASH " buys modern $325 upright piano at Security Storage Co.. 109 4th su WILL pay cash for cabinet Vlctrola: must be cheap and In good shape. K 13i, Ore gonian. I PAY cash for used pianos. Harold S. Gll- oert. off lamnill St. TYPEWRITER wanted in part payment for upright piano. 109 4th st. $750 PIANO for $150; leaving city; need money. Rm. 1. Ockley Hotel. Mareh. 2309. Furniture for Sale. MISH FURNITURE COMPANY OFFERS FOR THE WEEK Genuine inlaid linoleum, 89c per yard: genuine congoleum, 89c per yard: 10x12 feet congoleum rugs, each $5.75; 6x9 feet congoleum rugs, each $3.45; 4Hxrt feet congoleum rugs, each $1.25. Special for this week only. Mlsh Furniture Co 184 First street. HERE Is an exceptional furnlture sale which Is worth looking into: over $3000 worth of complete house furnishings of a BO-room apartment-house thrown to the publlo at prices far below auction. To ap preciate the value offered come to the Old Portland Trust Company building, corner 3d and Oak streets. Open 9 o'clock each morning this week. ENGLISH perambulator, used, but In fine condition, cost $35; for $10. Mlsh Fur. Co.. 184 First street. FOR SALE Used desks, chairs, tables, fil ing cabinets, safes. Kllham'a, 6th and Oak. FOR SALE Furniture of 6-room flat, half cash, balance $10 month. 832 Larrabes St. Dogs, Birds and Pet Stock. LADDIX AIREDALES ARE BEST LADDIX KENNELS, EST AC A DA, OR. Livestock. WANTED About 18 laying hens at 8522 67th st. S. E. Livestock. ALL breeds of fresh dairy cows: terms. Bruce stockyards. Woodlawn 2400. T3 pewriters. NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manufacturers' guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase; visible models $3 mo ; $7 BO for 3 mos. Other models less. Rem ington Typewriter Company, 86 Broadway Telephone Broadway 021. WE can save from 60 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters: send for our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash. st. CORONA portable folding and Hammond Multiplex Distributors for state. Rebullts. all makes and supplies. E. W. Pease Co. 110 6th. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. P. Co.. 231 Stark at. Main 1407. Automobile 5-PASSENGER Chalmers, 1914. good condi tion. Will sell cheap. Phone Main 4S13. USED Ford cars for sale. 450 E. Hawthorne ave. East 1628. SLIGHTLY used tires, $3 to $10 each; vul canized, 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. 1914 FORD delivery Main 80. A 2442. in first-class shape. 1914 FORD touring, with electric lights; car In A-l condition. Main 90, A 2442. 195 6 DODGE, first-clas Marshall 68. condition, $575 cash. FOR SALE. Automobiles. fords: FORDS. FORDS. 1916 FORD touring. $295. 1916 FORD roadster. $295. 1915 FORD touring. $295. 1014 FORD touring. $250. 1914 FORD delivery, $295. 1914 FORD roadster, $250. 1916 FORD touring. $205. 1915 FORD touring. $205. 1913 FORD touring, S'Joo. ' 1912 FORD, with 1916 roadster body, $225. v Don't fail to see these cars befors you buy, for they are all newly painted, put in first-class mechani cal order and a year's free service goes with every car. Terms $100 down, balance $25 per month. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX, Authorized Ford Agent, E. 1199. East 18th and Hawthorn ave. CHALMERS OVERLAND. CHALMERS 86, touring, finest con dition, has been family car and used very little; original cost, $2300, our price $475. 1914 OVERLAND 85. touring, electric lights and starter, run only 4200; cannot be told from brand new; cost $1150; our price $450. 1913 OVERLAND roadster, $860. Brush runabout. $70. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX., E. 1199. East 13th and Hawthorns ave. DODGE. .BTJICK. DODG1S tourinr. practically new, elec trlo lights and starter, $575. Bulck. touring, B 25, electric lights and tarter, finest ' condition, $475. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX., B. 1199. East 18th and Hawthorne ave. LIGHT SAXON ROADSTER. 1916 model, $325; electric starter, tires 28x8; car will run 80 miles to gallon of gas: cheap at $325. We also bae Dodge. Cadillacs. Bulcks. Studebaker, many others at right prices. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., 21st and Wash, sts. Main 6244. USED AUTO SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. CADILLAC 1915 REO, S-pass 1014 CASE, good shape 6TUDEBAKER, 1914 model .... . . .$425 ...$475 ...$350 ...$450 MITCHELL, LEWIS A STATER CO.. liast 7272, B 1218. DODGE. This popular light ear win bring higher ,i,uc. 4,1 uiv opnug. ouy now ana save money. We have several models, also many other good used autos. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. FOR SALE. 1 Ford ton truck. 1 Cadillac truck,' lu tons. Several second-hand touring cars. We also rent trucks by the month. Ask for our prices before making your con tracts for trucks. LONG A SILVA. Phone B. 6S40. 462 Hawthorns An. O. B. MINERS A CO.. Starting and Lighting Experts. Fifth and Glisan Sts. Entrance on 5th St. ' FOR USED CARS Com to the Covey Motor Car Co., 21st and Washington. Main 6244. GARAGE FOR RENT. Private garage for one auto for rent rea sonable at 310 East 60th St.. two blocks soutn or riawtnorne. 1016 OVERLAND, like new. $550. $275. CHALMERS B-pass.. electric lights and starter, $400, $150 down. Broadway Ga rage. E. 24th and Broadway. WE WRECK AUTOS. Parts for most all makes of cars, en glnes. transmissions, etc Oregon Auto .ex.. iitw-oi i.ownsuaie. main 1161. AUCTION sale, all kinds automobiles every Tuesdsy 7 P. M. ; bought, sold on commis sion, c. em st. sast ells. STUDEBAKER. 4-passenger, must sell at once at a sacrifice. Can givo terms to tne ngnt party, inquire 30 N. Broadway. NEW 1917 Paige 6-38. 3-passenger Dart moor. Extra, tire and full equipment. Cost eioov. a a iy, uregonian, A SNAP. For sale, 4-cyIlnder Oakland roadster, $125 cash. Call E. 7619. K 128, Oregonian. FOR SALE 1916 Maxwell touring car. In quire at 344 Couch at. Mallon Auto Repair Co. $750 CASH 1914 Cadillac roadster, in per- flt rnnltlnn- will hnlH K -11 . r accessories. Address Y 133,' Oregonian. OVERLAND model 80,Maxwell, Stod.-Day-ton, E. M. V., and Regal. Prices $126 and up. Fred Boyer. 125 10th st. Automobiles Wanted. RUSSELL-STREET GARAGE Is now under new management; first-class repairing; day and night service. Under wood A Marks; Russell st. and Vancou ver ave. East 2123. WANTED Second-hand roadster, good con dition, fully equipped, reasonable. AB 183. Oregonian. WANTED Ford or chassis. 1912 or later; must bo cheap; will pay cash. S 187. Oregonian. WANTED A Ford as first payment on good five-room bungaiow. Tabor 6170. WILL pay cash for used Ford cars. 430 Hawthorne ave. East 1628. USED AUTO PARTS at less than half price. Auto Wrecking Co.. b9 N. Broadway. FORD roadster. like new, must be seen to be appreciated. Main 00, A 2442. Automobiles for Hire. NEW B-pass. Dodge for hire, touring, oall lng and shopping. Main 7435. AUTOS without drivers for-hire! City Oa rage. 86 10th st. Mar. 1897. A 4246. AUTOS without driver for hire. Long & Sllva, 462 Hawthorne ave. Phon B. 6840. NEW 6 AXON 6, Highway, depots, funerals. calling, shopping; reasonable. East 4682. Motorcycles. MAKE money by selling Cleveland Light weight Motorcycles: agents wanted in all parts of the state; big commission offered; little capital required. Cleveland Motor cycle Co., 833 Oak st. MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY CO.. 209 4th St.. Harley-Davldson motorcycles and ac cessories. Largest exclusive dealers in motorcycles in the state. Main 7889. WANTED The best twin motorcycle that $60. terms, will buy. State model and terms. W 127, Oregonian. Machinery. WANTED Second-hand 60 or 70 H. P. horizontal, tubular boiler; complete with fixtures. O. P. Henderson, 8d and Hoyt. launches and Boats. I HAVE $100 cash for houseboat; give con dltlon of boat. S 133. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Fine automatic rifle and shotgun, 1 .cycle. 8A kodak, organ, sectional bookcase, dia mond ring and 1000 other useful articles. House 1000 Bargains, 128 1st, near Alder. Main 4495. WE WANT to sell 80 to 100 carloads oak wood, and we will deliver our oak wood at any part of city of Portland from one cord and up. For better information lu qulre JAMES GEORGE, Yamhill, Oregon. SEWING MACHINES. 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be closed out. Dropheads, $3 and up; box tops, $2 and up.. S. S. Slegel, two stores, 8S2 Wash, and 242 Alder st. FOR bALE Office furniture, complete elec trical equipment of established massage and electrlo treatment business; will sell separate. Room 610. N. W. bldg. CASH REGISTERS, slightly used; our prices are lower. Cash Register Exchange, 851 H Washington st- Main 606. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, sll kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment iCo., 78 1st. Main 2368. COLUMBIA River smelt, fresh, firm and large, $1 per box. Send us your order. D. Kellaher A Co.. 138J4Grand ave. FOR SALE New H. P. portable gas. engine 1-3 less than cost. Main 1134. 712 vvasmngton st. SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent or sale; all grades: large selection. Psclflc Stafy A Ptg. Co.. 107 2d St. Main 1971. li OR 2 tons of clean Burbank seed po tatoes) Jno. Tuley, 991 E. 17th St. N. Woodlawn 681. ELECTRIC motors tor sale, trade or rent; expert repairing. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnslde st. Broadway or A 5674. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning at your home. S5c a rug. Marshall 608. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 8d st. Main 797. FOR SALE Diamond ring. 8-8-K. Perfect stone, at bargain. AB 119. Oregonian. WELL ROTTED horse and cow manure. Phone East 8169. 100 FEET hose, good as new; cost $18. will take $9. 8524, Jackson. GOOD wreckage wood, lumber and brick cheap. 81 Grand N. East 3311. $250 LARGE Edison phonograph with rec ords, for $7S. at 1278 Belmont. Tabor FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand, sold for less. No agents em ployed; all machines sent out sew per fect and guaranteed; machines repaired; machines rented $2 monthly. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 8d. near Taylor st. A 8626, Main 848L STEEL re-ngs with coll; good baker, cheap. Phone Woodlawn 2034. FURNITURE WANTED. - MISH FURNITURH CO. WILL PAT HIGH EST CASH PRICE FOR TOUR USED OFFICE- AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, ETC 184 FIRST ST. MAIN 6768 THE LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO.. dealers in new and second-hand fur niture and nardware. We buy hotel and restaurant outfits and tools of any de scription; will pay the top prices for them, cash or exchange. Four large stores are ample proof that we can furnish you with practically anything you need In the home or elsewhere. 221 Front at. Main 9072.. WB PAY CASH FOR Furniture, Carpets, Ranges, Rugs. Office Furniture, Restaurant and Hotel Outfits. OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., Phones Marshall 5981, A 8224. THE GREATER PORTLAND. New and 2d -hand store pays ths highest price for your 2d-hand household goods. 163-67 1st St. A 8165. Marshall S321. CAN USB GOOD FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash; phone today. Main 4627 or 204 First st. WILL buy out furniture of hotel or resi dence at once; any amount, cash. Call at cor. 12th and Glisan. WILL pay cash for 2d-hand furniture. Call Mr. Washburn.. Marshall 4783. PARTY would like to buy household goods, rugs, etc. for cash. Marshall 1822. HOUSEHOLD F U R N I T URE WANTED; WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 8332. WANT rugs, dressers and other household gooda Main 4495. Have the cash. BB WISE Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co. Main 8951. 191 2d st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED. My "specialty is buying gentlemen's olothlng and paying positively 60 per cent more than any other dealer. We need stock to supply our chain of customers. See us before selling your old clothing and shoes. Will call any placs in the city. Marshall 8225. or 209 Madison st. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. $7.50 PAID FOR MEN'S SUITS $7.B0. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LA11ES' AND GENTS' SUITS. SHOES AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE. MAIN 20SO. GLOBE STORE. MAIN 2080. 285 FIRST ST.. NEAR JEFFERSON. 8ECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. MEYER, THE TAILOR. PAYS $7.50 -rt .N 1' L I' J UK f-f. J-N 1 J-ll A L BU1TS, HE PAYS YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYER. MARSHALL 1220. 228 MADISON ST. SQUARE "DEAL AND TOP PRICES PAID FOR DISCARDED CLOTHING OF BOTH SEXES. WM. MORRIS, 143 11TH STREET. PHONE MAIN 7880. W1LL CALL ANYWHERE. WILL pay cash for from $5000 to $107000 worth of lumber. If you are overstocked or long on some Items, write me. giving list. Short lengths considered. AC 124. Oregonian. BRING us your used tools and cable wire, old metal and rubber. We pay highest cash prices. J Leve. 19 Front St., be tween Taylor ei Yamhill. HIGHEST prices for hides, metals. Junk ana rags of every description, old and new. 2i 4 Front st. Mar. 1940: Salem 389. 2D-HAND CLOTHING BUYER: BB WISE AND GET FULL VALUE FOR YOUR 2D HAXD CLOTHING. 201H 1ST. MAIN 734. WANTED Cash registers, safes and show cases. 160 1st. Phone Main 4234. AUTOMATIC rifles, shotguns, pump guns. kodaks and lenses. Hochfeld. 85 Third St. WANTED National cash register! Main 606. 831 H Washington st. CASH REGISTERS, safes, store fixtures. Portland Cash Register Co.. 1st A Yamhill. SECOND HAND CLOTHING WANTED Call Main 4776 or 246 FIRST STREET. WANTED Portable garage for Ford, S 128. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED at once, good, live. Intelli gent boy for large business office. Must be a hustler. $7 per week. Apply this morning, in own hand writing, stating age, experience and phone number to W 128, Oregonian. WANTED An oxv-acetvlene welder by local motor car company; must be able to weld aluminium, steel, cast iron and do all kinds of brazing. State age. married or single, experienced and how long; ref erences: good position to right party. AH lo. oregonian. 50 ADDITIONAL students can now be ac commodated; increased facilities. Largest auto scnooi in tne w est. uasollne. elec tric and tractor engineering. Theory and practice. Register today. Hemphill's Trade Schools, 707 Hawthorns ave., at 2utn st. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, conducted on prac tical oasis. leacnes thoroughly con struction and operation of motor cars: special reference to Ignition and carbure tion. Address Division C. Department of riaucation, i. ai. c. A.. Portland. Or. WANTED Man to haul for wholesale house; will make contract with right man now: must have $600 cash for first payment on truck, balance monthly payments, which can be paid out of contract; glvs phon numoer, A iza, uregonian. WEAVERS AND SPINNERS WANTED FOR NIGHT WORK. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS. U1WUU.N CITY. POSTOFFICE clerks, carriers, railway mall and custom-house employes, $75 to $150 a montn; tne jooa; no striaes, no layoira; annual vacations. Paclfio States School, jvicivay mag., city. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Day and night schools. Laboratories unexcelled. In structors practical engineers. Address Dl vision t;. Department or Education, Y. M. C. A., Portland, Or. WANTED Energetic, ambitious and capable young man with stenographic and gen eral office experience; good opportunity to grow up in business of large company; give full particulars as to age, etc. V 124, Ore gonian. MAN WANTED for housework, taking care lawn, porches and assist in house; must have references. Address L 123. Orego nian. ' UNCALLED-FOR SUITS. $3.50 UP. Drop In and look them over. Orpheum Cleaners, 855 Stark, corner Park. WANTED Wholesale bakery wagon driver: good opportunity for right man; no wages first week. Give experience, references. etc. X 128. Oregonian. TWO farm teamsters; married men pre ferred; free house and wood; steady em ployment all summer. N. P. Labor Agency. 34 N. 2d st. WANTED First-class grocery clerk for city, able to drive Ford; references. Don't call. but write to o;i ivearney st. WANTED Men to learn moving ploture op erating. Phone Marshall 2280, room 232 mornings. PAY positively highest prices for your cant off clothing, shoes, etc 143 11th St. Phone Main 7880. Will call. WANTED First-class draftsman on build ing plans, for out-of-town work. Ad dress AV 620, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER wanted, railroad office; must have experience and giv references. Address O 130. Jregonian WANTED Salesman and solicitors: steady employment; salary and commission. 402 Washington st. WANTED Reliable man as freight paoker in large mercantile house; experience re- quired, BF 109. Oregonian. WANTED 2 men who understand sorting clothes, for wet wash laundry; must bs rapid workers. 1256 Halsey. WANTED Experienced man to paint sign on building; also one to paint and letter automobile bodies. 1256 Halsey. WANTED Man to repair FordiT must be expert. 1256 Halsey. ELEVATOR boy wanted. Apply Lang A Co., 1st and Ankeny. CARPENTER bids on 32S Wash. St.: also tinting. Marshall 1039. WINDOW cleaners wanted. 66 6th St.. 10 A. M.-and 6 Pf M. EXCHANGE dental work for house painting. Call A 8588. YOUNG man, experienced candy mixer. See Mr. Rayl. B1H N. Bthst. WANTED An experienced barber. Apply 27 North 4th St.. city. FLESH MAN'S thoea wear good and fit feet and pocket-book. 263 Morrison, bet. S A 4. BARBER wanted. 249 V4 Front St., between Main and Madison. - BARBER wanted, 304 Burnslde. for Satur- day. 2 A-l advertising solicitors, 268 Madlsua U HELP WANTED MALE. TWO cut-off men. planing mill. $2 50 up: asn sucaermsn. fr up; rougn pine grader. $3; lumber truck loader, $3; two men with teams, $6; on team to haul wood. $2 cord; two fry cooks (city), flunkies, dishwashers, elevator boys, etc., tc. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. 235 Burnslde Street. BUSINESS AND STENOGRAPHIC SCHOOL xor men. day or night. Over halt-million-dollar plant equipment; expert, experi enced Instructors; Ideal conditions for in creasing earning power. This school main tained by leading business men of Port land, not for profit, but to produce effi cient men of character In business. Ad dress Division C, Department of Educa tion. Y. M. C. A.. Portland. Or. ADVISORY EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT, Y. M. C. A. You may know how to do something snd not know how to get something to do. Ws can tell you how or send you to It. A membership In the Y. M. C. A. costing $5 gives you privileges for a year under guarantee that you will secure em ployment or refund of fee. See Secretary J. W. Palmer. OREGON AUTO SCHOOL. 429-31 BELMONT ST. WE NEED STUDENTS WHOM WE CAN RECOMMEND, TO FILL THE DEMAND FOR SPRING HELP. LET THE OTHER FELLOW DO THE EXPERIMENTING. ENROLL IN THE OLD RELIABLE PRACTICAL SCHOOL. WANTED Young men to prepare for tele graph service; the passage of the 8-hour law has created a big demand for teleg raphers; for full particulars call or write Telegraph Dept.. room 502. Panama bldg. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 443 HAWTHORNE AVE. SPECIAL RATES IN AUTOMOBILE AND GAS TRACTOR INSTRUCTION. INVESTIGATE. SINGLE man who can handle garden, or chard and bees; steady employment on ranch in Eastern Oregon; give full details in first letter. Address Box BOO. Echo, Or. GOOD home for man willing to work, all kinds of light work, country hotel, dish washing; must be able to milk. Inquire 1534 E. Burnslde St. WANTED Good first-class milkers on a dairy farm close to Portland. Prefer mar ried men, Swiss or German. Inquire room 606 Gerllnger bldg. MAN to handle credit account In install ment store; must be experienced, know city and run typewriter; state age, refer ences and salary expected. AK 83, Ore gonian. WANTED A man who thoroughly under stands the packing and curing of pickles. Address W 124. Oregonian. BARBER wanted. 234 1st St. Help Wanted Agents. WANTED Male or female live agents, good proposition; easy money. Apply 80 Grand ave. WHY sell inferior? Our hospital policy costs no more. 801 Board of Trade bldg. Help Wanted Saleemen. BIDE LINE1 Salesmen calling on COUNTRY STORE and MEN'S WEAR TRADE to sell a factory line of CLOTH CAPS: liberal commissions paid; submit references. HYGRA.DB HAT WORKS, Jersey City, N. J. EXPERIENCED custom shirt salesman. Ap ply at once. 513 Macleav bldg.. 4th and Washington sts. T. E. Kent. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TELEPHONE OPERATORS Per manent positions for young women; salary paid while learning. Apply to the Pacllio Tel. & Tel. Co.. 6th floor. Park and Oak sts., between 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. WANTED MANICURIST. Will rent main floor space In first-class dry goods store for beauty parlors. Splen did opportunity for right party. Apply at once. A. M. Jensen Co.. Walla Walla. W'ash. WANTED DRESSMAKER. will rent main floor space in first-class dry goods store. Splendid opportunity for zirst-ciass niomste. Apply at once. A. M. Jensen Co.. Walla Walla. Wash. WANTED Good country girl, who desires good boms in city, to help with house work; unusual opportunity for one willing to do her best. Address, stating wages wanted to start. AK 947. Oregonian. IMMEDIATELY, capable, refined, "well-educated woman for position as seamstress permanent, out of town. Address, with full particulars and references, BF 110, Ore gonian. WANTED 500 ladies and high school girls In Oregon and Washington, to take orders, spare time only; liberal comm's. Call or write. Dept. E 211. Flledner bldg., 10th and Washington sts. 20 MORE young ladles wanted to prepare for commercial telegraph service. Call room 502, Panama bldg., get full par ticulars. RELIABLE girl wanted at Junction City for general housework in family of three: good home, best wages. Address P. O. box 249, Junction City, Or. MIDDLE-AGED woman to help with house work on farm, good home, reasonable wages. Writ Monmouth, Or., P. O. box 232. WANTED Capable woman bookkeeper and stenographer, out of town. Address, with particulars and reference. BF 111, Ore gonian. RELIABLE girl for general housework; small house; must be willing to help with two children; wages $30. woodlawu WANTED Middle-aged woman to take care of tiivalld and assist with light housework. Call Main 2196, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. EASTERN publishing house desires lady rep resentative for Portland: good prospects. .big commission basis. 309 Swetland bldg. MIDDLE-AGED woman, plain cook, for gen eral housework: 2 in family; nice home light work. K 126, Oregoplan. AMBITIOUS students oan earn board, room and tuition. Write for particulars. Maokay l-iusiness uouege. l.os Angeiea. wai. WANTED Experienced girl for cook and general housework, references; wages, $30. 609 E. BSth N. Tabor 6024. EXPERIENCED girl wanted for second work; wages $30; no washing. Phone B 8326. GOOD home for a Jewish or German woman to keep company tor old lady. C-U Main 8744. wages $25. Call before 12 o'clock. 826 Johnson et. WANTED Woman for hotel publicity work one who understands personal soliciting AO 944. Oregonian. WANTED Girl by dav to help wtth general housework, for board and carfare. Phone mornings. Tabor 5806, WANTED Maid for general housework, to go to Lewlston. Idaho. Call at 742 Everett St.. apartment 13. WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework; reterences required. iT4 iver ett. Mar. 617. ' A TYPIST, from 8:13 to 10:43 A, M. every day In the week; must be rspid; state wages, b 13, uregoman. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, must be competent. 348 coucn St., btorage Bat tery Co. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. 710 Flanders. A COMPETENT hairdresser and manicurist. Llpman-W olfe A Co.. meszanlne floor. WEAVERS wanted by Oregon City Woolen Mills. Oregon City. GIRL to ssnfst In s-eneral housework in small family. Phone Tabor 4288. MISS MATTINOLY'S SCHOOL. Shorthand. Typewriting $5 mo. 269, 14th. Main 8893. PRINTER All-around man; will go any where: references. W 125. Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework and cooking. Call 427 E. Brant. EXPERIENCED skfrt and waist finisher; none other need apply. 431 Fleldner bldg, GIRL for general housework, good home for right girl. Jiast 8i44. RELIABLE girl to assist with housework. East 3496. - ROOM MATE for cheap housekeeping rooms. Phone evenings. Main Ki07. MILLINERYMAKEJ. 10 Per week. 883 Alder. WANTED Girt for general housework. 1122 E. Glisan st. WANTED A cook. 789 Love Joy. References required. WANTED A girl to do .general housework In small xamuy. can 'labor 8013. YOUNG girl -to assist wtth housework; $15. YOUNG ladles wanted. Novelty Candy Co. see Mr. rtayi. oi . otn st. MIDDLE-AGED woman to do housework for an old lauy. 4ui prescott st. YOUNG GIRL for light housework. $13 mo, Phons Tabor 4080. EXPERIENCED girl for second work and assist with little girl. B22 Johnson. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Apply mornings. z23 n . 21st. GIRL for general housework; (20. Phone East 8820. one child. GIRL for general housework. 685 East 22d st. N. PRIVATE HOME for children, any age: 15 rears experience, ui .vereti. Mar, ilo HELP WANTED FEMALE. ASSISTANT bookKeeper who has had ex perience In record-keeping ?nd understands typewriter; must be accurate, neat in work and appearance; steady position wltlv opportunity to advance. Address In oan handwriting. AH 117.. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. THE ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER COL LEGE will teach you the trade in eight weeks, pay you while learning, give you a set of tools, scholarship and diploma, gst you a position; 32 schools In U. S. and Canada. Write for free catalogue. Cor. 2-1 and Burnslde. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn barber trada In 8 weaks: position guaranteed; tools free: paid while learning; tuition reduced. Can earn from $15 to $23 a week. Expert instructors. 20 years In business. 233 Madison st. THE ORIGINAL MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL, Men and women to learn the barber trade In 8 weeks; tools free, paid while learning. Scholarship and diploma, get you a position. Tuition reduced. 88 N. 2d. cor. Couch. STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy. mcBiuaii.iiip, .ngiisn orancnes at an ac credited school; writs or phons Main 590 for catalogue; graduates guaranteed posi tions. Bchnke-Walker Business College. 16 1 4th St.. near Morrison. MISS MATTINOLY'S SCHOOL SHORT- "A-N1J A .NO TYPEWRITING. DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS: $5 a month. 268 14th St.. near Jefferson. Main 3893. FOR BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE ATTEND 411S-S Htl.KHK-5 BUSINESS COLLEGE. ALISKY BLDG., 3D A MORRISON STS. "HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Broadway-Yamhill bldg. Individual In structions. Positions when competent. MISS CUNNINGHAM'S STENOGRAPHIC SCHOOL. 320 Lumber Ex. bldg. Main 1114. WE teach you Spanish in 40 lessons. Apply HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. PORTLAND Government clerk examinations May 9: Su to $120 month. Sample ques tions free. Franklin Institute, dept. 386 C. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED immediately, names men. women. isuing to oecome government clerks. $75 monthly. AV 616. Oregonian. WANTED Men. women to try examinations lor government jods; $73 month. Address AV 502, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. BooitKeepevs and Clerks. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and bill clerk wants work; can operate typewriter, good references, desires permanent position. Call Main 7137. YOUR selling force Is the most Important lacior in your Dusiness; employ a trained salesman; age 27. s 130. Oregonian. WANTED Position by A-l bookkeeper; best joigrwucc. v no. oregonian. Mtncellnneons. VETERINARY student wants a position dur ing vacation. April to September; have completed my course in feeds and feeding, breeds and breeding, stock Judging and dentistry, etc; am willing to work at anv thlng where my training will be of serv ice. Address J. Lemke. 1S18 Market St.. care San Francisco Veterinary College. A-l DAIRYMAN, single. American, experl- in uairy wora, capaoie ot manag ing; Protestant family preferred Call, phone or write. The Warrenton. 402 1 8d st. Phone Main 7771. room 13. State wages. YOUNG man, 32. no bad habits and ac customed to laboring, would like to earn $7 a week and have time for study. Room 24. 91 H N. Broadway. LAUNDRY man. experienced every depart ment, wants situation, any capacity, best of references. Address Scappoose, Oregon. R. 1. care J. S. Tannock. WANTED By flrst-clsss, all-around cook, hotel or restaurant. Phone Marshall 2740. W. A. Whitehead. Blackstone HoteL YOUNG man. age 23. wants work ss clerk : small wages to start: experienced; gooa references. AB 121. Oregonian. CLEVER young pian with good voice wlshe to Join a traveling theatrical company. AB 128. Oregonian. WALL tinting with Muresco, carpenter work, new or repairs; low prices to keep busy. Manny. Sellwood 2421. HIGH school boy desires position after school and Saturday; some knowledge of stenography. Call Woodlawn 13o6. POSITION by expert picture operatoi ie" palr man or bouse electrician, ant of city preferred. AC SO. Oregonian PAINTING, paperhanglng and tinting neatly and cheaply done. Marshall 2493. PAINTING, carpenter work, remodeling. cheap, day or contract. Marshall 5S85. CANDY and ice cream maker, A-l all around In retail. AG 124. Oregonian. WANTED Bills to collect. Send to r". Parker. 811 Orland apts.. Portland. Or. JAPANESE schoolboy wants a position In iami:y. A ti lttu. oregonian. STRONG young man wants work; what have you? AB 124. Oregonian. JANITOR wants position, hotel or apts.; references. AB 122. Oregonian, Al CARPENTER wants Job: work cheap by contract- Phone Woodlawn 126. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. LADY bookkeeper and cashier, with 10 years' experience, wishes position; local references. 1'hone Tabor 2291. STENOGRAPHER, lady with fine local ex perlence, wishes position or temporau-y work. Sellwood 3 043. EXPERIENCED, well-educated srenographer wants position. Phone East 774. GIRL wants office work or stenographlo work, neat and reliable. Call E 8037. EXPERIENCED 'stenographer wants posi tion; moderate wages. Tabor 2034. FIRST-CLASS stenographer, young woman, desires position. Marshall 646. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po sition: moderate salary. Tabor 431. - Dressmakers. DRESSMAKER wishes work by day or take home; reasonable. Marshall 466. WANTED Family mending or sewing, by hour or day. Y 134. Oregonian. Nurses. TRAINED nurss desires a few refined pa tients lor lignt magneuo and massage treatment. 176M 2d st.. cor. Yamhi.L 2d flnnr ronm 5' -2ft TRAINED nurse has room, care, home oom- forts for Invalid; olty refs. Tabor 2213. ERICKSON'B Whits Shield Maternity Home. No publicity. 7i'S E. 72d N. Tabor 4681. WANTED Nursing In families or an Invalid. Woodlawn 2447. car of IIuuMrkeeiitTS. WANTED Position ss housekeeper. In rooming or apt house. AB 127. Oregonian. Dnmmiibt. EXPERIENCED girl wishes posltlou for cooking or general housework. Phon A. 1239. COOK on ranch by unincumbered lady. Call Broadway 158 BY' elderly lady, light housekeeping work; no washing. Marshall 6136. Miscellaneous. WILL gtvs services for myself and hus band's board and room or take charge of rooming or apartment-house. Mrs. T. It. Suttles. Phone Main 6928; EXPERIENCED girl wants position as prl vate exchange operator or clerk In gro cery store. Call 70 K. 8th St. N. or phone EastOSJO; WOMAN of high stsndlng desires manage ment of first-class hotel or apartment house In or out of the city. AE 106, Ore gonlan. YOUNG woman wants to work In private boarding-house for herself and husbands board and room, AG 123, Oregonian. YOUNG lady wants general office work or assist In doctor's office; rapid typewriter operator. Miss Burns. Msrshall 2978. EXPERIENCED woman cook wants work In camp. Call forenoons. Broadway 4463, room 12. GIRL wants place as ons of family, assist housework; wages $20. V 122, Oregonian. RELIABLE young lady desires position in dentist's or doctor's office. Call SelL 2344. YOUNG woman desires place to work in. small boarding-house. Marshall SIS. VERY experienced woman wants all-around day work. Main 5561. WANTED Day work, washing, . Phons Woodlawn 1383. cleaning. POSITION as pastry cook and wages reasonable. Marshall 2484. helper. YOUNG girl wishes position In doctor's of fice. Main 802Q. FINE young artist's model. Address AB 120. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. AM interested in a 6 or 7-room house, now or later. No children. Prefer house with sleeping porch and garage. BD S4, Crego nlan. SMALL furnished bungalow, must be mod ern and up to date, close In, in good dis trict, near car. AL 84. Oregonian. WANTED To rent 4 or 6-room modern bungalow: must be- reasonable. AB 132, Oregonian. WANTED Modern 4-room furnished bouse. Kent reasouablc Call East 4'JPS. .- . It: t "''1 I' -