THE 3IORNIXG OKEGONIAN, WTDXESDAT. FEBRUARY 28, 1917. WORK TO START QM GRADE SEPARATION lViWJi-!BJJSUi!,ei!W OATTTrDXIfD d tK HJ-."L'.I!"':';!.,5! "J."! ' !!!. J.9-.J! J . I91 -Jl JI! L.'"l!k "OA r A tit.ii--.- hw.i iphi' iwmii a asm i n nmnfiATTTTnwfii immm i - an jhuilsli j p-iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiumil owu v Aixxvo;niiiiiiiniuiiiiiuiiiiiniiiWiiiuiiiujiiJiiiiiuiuiiuuijolore wpen y iV. ll. to O 1 . ll.iiiiuiiuiHiiiinu"HUinHuiuiiiiuuiniViiiurnirnTi7I oUU VfilMlv&i iwiminiiiiiiiiiinttiiiib? j V Contract With Pearson Com pany for Viaducts Over Rail way to Be Signed Today. COST WILL BE $507,000 Improvement Has Been Ixmg Sought and in Removing Source of Dan ger Will Add to General At tractiveness of District. The long-pending contract for the elimination of all grade crossings of the 0.-W. R, & N. on the East 6ide will be awarded by the City Council thlo morning- to the Pearson Construc tion Company for $507,000. Work will be started at once. The contract Involves the lowering of the tracks of the railroad from mid way up Sullivan's Gulch to a point be yond the city limits and the construc tion of viaduct3 at Sandy boulevard and Ea6t Thirty-seventh street. East Forty-seventh street. East Fifty-third street. East Sixtieth street, Halsey street. East Seventy-fourth street and East Eighty-second street. These will he the only railroad crossings along the line, others being listed for elim ination. The O.-W. R. & N. Company will bear all the cost of lowering its tracks and. together with the Portland Railway, Light Power Company, will pay 60 per cent of the cost of the viaducts. The re maining 40 per cent of the viaduct cost will be divided equally between the city as a whole and the property along the line specially benefited by the im provement. Improvement Long Sought. The city has been seeking for many years to bring about the elimination of the crossings, having started proceed ings several times, but having been stopped by property owners. At the fast city election the method of pro cedure was changed by the voters and under the new form the work Is to be done. The principal part of the-work will be at Sandy boulevard, where several streets came together at the railroad crossing-. Approaches will be con structed from each of these streets to the viaduct. Temporary wooden cross ings will be constructed while the per manent work is under way. These will necessitate the shifting of traffic from time to time as work progresses. The viaducts will all be of reinforced concrete and will be attractivo in de sign and appearance. The city's i,rtal bureau has completed all cases involv ing damages by change of grade and has acquired, the necessary rights of way. The O.-W. It. & M. Company has provided for Its costs in this year's budget, while the city has a fund of about $65,000 available. The balance will be made up in next year's budget. Entire East Side Benefited. The elimination of the crossings will be a source of much relief to many parts of the East Side. Numerous fatal accidents have occurred at the cross ings in years past and there has been a general clamor for elimination of the tracks and street on the same grade. George Edmondstone, engineer in charge for the city, says the plans are all in such shape that there will be no delay in the work. The bids for the contract were opened December 6 and the Pearson Construction Company was the lowest bidder in the sum of $507,000. At the time bids were opened February 28 was set as the date for awarding the contract, it beine neces sary in advance to dispose of all suits I involving damages due to the grade changes. It is expected there will be a dele gation at the Council meeting to pro test against award of the contract. It had been rumored that some of the property owners Intended seeking an injunction, but no action along this line has been taken. Circulars have been distributed through the assessment district announcing that the contract Is to be awarded and asking as many Protestants as possible to be at the Council meeting. There has been no opposition before the Council heretofore. IS m i m i EI 32 . AAA - a fcUUNUMT UUSKhL SPREAD Women of Jackson County to Hear Ijectnres on Home Management. OREGON AGRJCTJTiT U K AXi COLLEGE. OorvalHs. Feb. 27. (Special.) Activi ties of the extension service of the Ore gon Agricultural College during this week will Include the development of . home economics project in Jackson County by Miss Anna M. Turley, exten sion specialist In home economics. Professor J. E. Larson will deliver a. lecture on "Good Roads" before the "Webfoot Farmers' Local near Dayton, n the evening of February 27. Profes sor Larson will work on a potato certi fication project at Imbler on March 1. La Grando March 2 and Cove March 3. Professor A. B. Bouquet will speak on "The Home Vegetable Garden" at Carleton on the evening of March 2, and on JIarch 3 will continue the lec ture work at Cove Orchard and Che halem Center. The agricultural repre sentative on the bulk handling cam paign will be Professor G. R. Hyslop. DAMAGE' SUIT ON TRIAL City of Pendleton and Business Firms Sued for $15,000. PENDLETON, Or., Feb. 27. (Special.) The $15,000 personal damage suit Brought by Miss Grace Hoch against the People's Warehouse, the city of Pendleton, Gibson & Cole and the Dick son estate Is being tried In the Circuit Court. MIbs Hoch sustained a broken ankle last Summer when she was caught beneath a false front erected In front of the People's Warehouse when it was blown down by a wind storm. ""2 J plaintiff Is represented by At torneys Coy Burnett and Richards, of Portland, and Will M. Peterson, of Pen dleton. Attorneys Frederick Stelwer, Fee & Fee, Raley & Raley and Charles Carter appear for the defense. 100 Cars of Yakima Apples Snipped. NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., Feb. 27. (Special.) Apple shippers here believe that growers are holding much larger stocks than they have supposed. A large proportion of the 100 carloads shipped out during the past week have come from growers. Oregon Postmasters Named. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash.. Feb. 27. Two postmasters have been appointed In Oregon, Miss Emma L. Phelps, Elm Ira, vice Dorrls C Hale, resigned, and Jeswe R. Greene, Grouse, vice Miss Minnie Young, resigned. HE i vs m I is a The Opening of His New Store ANNOUN CE OUR POLICY in the future, as in the past, Honest Merchandising IN APPRECIATION Compliments of L. Shanahan r we will present to ev our New Home A SOUVENIR On Wednesday we will present to every visitor in our New Home McCALL'S PATTERNS ra We Are Portland Agents for These Famous Patterns. Sale Dollar Waists 55c Crisp, new Spring styles fresh from the needle. "Balcony I S. W. COR. THIRD AND 1 I WASHINGTON STREETS s Sale Spring Silk Waists Daintier and prettier nodes than slow in this nndprprlrrri collec tion are hardly Imaginable. The shrewd woman who k bun, th. . mt condition of the silk market will take fall advantage of the op port a alt?. "Hal cony Tailored and dreesy styles of crepe de ehlme, pussywillow and allk eomblnatloaa In white and maise. The values are extraor dinary. We arte you to be early. Choice Wednca- Cl nn day only Dli70 To the People of Portland and Vicinity: SHANAHAN takes this opportunity to express his grateful appreciation to those old and loyal friends who. by their patronage during the past 28 years, have enabled him to make his new Home a possibility, and he hopes to meet all his old customers, as well as many, many new ones, in his new and larger quarters. Every possible accommodation for the comfort and convenience of the shopper will be found in his new Department Store, as well as the most modern methods of expediting business eliminating as far as possible the usual delays in shopping service that go so far to test a shopper's patience. ' SHANAHAN wants everyone to attend his opening, and that they may be compensated for their time and trouble, beyond seeing an innovation in up-to-date merchandising, SHANAHAN promises a surprise in the form of HIS NEW STORE OPENING SALE special prices will prevail in every department. Although this is ail new, clean merchandise of the season's best offerings in style and quality, SHANAHAN will, during HIS NEW STORE OPENING SALE, offer these and thousands of other wonderful bargains. Continuing All Week F ormal Opening Women's and Misses' Apparel Tonr Loarlcal Store for Tfew Spring Apparel Offering: choice of tremen dous assortments of the season's most stylish mer chandise at those low prices that have made this . style headquarters for eco nomical women. Wednes day we feature. New Spring Suits Women's Tailored Suits shown In gabardines and other new mate rials. Colors in black, navy, tan and mixtures. Worth a apeclal trip to town to get one. Other stunning: Spring: Dresses are assembled in this grroup. Balcony. Choice $14.49 SURPRISK SAIB New Spring; High-tirade SKIRTS There are Skirts of poplins, sergres, ete etc: full flare styles, with new est pockets, with plain and fancy belts. Get yours today. Balcony. Choice $7.48 BTEW SPRING BILLIE BCRKE DRESSES Kresh from the needle of New Tork dressmakers, these stylish BUlle Burke Dresses in the latest mate rials. Colors, black, navy, grreen and wisteria- Most remarkable value. Balcony. Choice $11.49 and $12.98 This Serge Dress A nobby frock for immediate wear. Straight-line style. Comes In all the much-wanted colors. Navy, brown, black and grreen. Balcony. Choice $9.98 More of Those Wonderful New Spring Dresses In silk taffeta, etc.. with fancy col ored silk embroidery. Values that are creating a sensation. Color in Copenhagen, green and navy. Balcony. Choice $12.98 Spring; Apparel for Children CHILDREN'S Spring Coats Assorted sizes. Shepherd checks. Values that are unsurpassed. Choice Balcony. $1.50 and $2.50 A NEW SHIPMENT Huck Towels An exceptional offering of Huck Towels, splendid quality, very ab sorbent, white or red borders, size 18x36. Here is your golden oppor tunity at our Surprise Sale. lie Each TOWELS! TOWELS! TOWELS! Extra Heavy Unbleached Bath Towels Unusual offering of heavy Bath Towels, close spongy weave, size 22x45 inches. Now is your oppor tunity to lay In your Summer supply at our Big Surprise Sale.' 19c Each Limit Six to a Customer. 36-Inch Percales "One of the best makes." Large as sortment of elegant patterns in light, medium and dark colors, full yard wide. Most desirable for house dresses, boys" waists, shirts, etc. Regular J 5c and 18c value. Our Big Surprise Sale, Yard 12fc Quickest Service in Greater Portland If you are in a harry and time is precious, this is the place to shop. 32-INCH Manchester Gingham Immense variety of colorings, splen did styles for dress purposes. Priced for our Big Surprise Sal", Yard 124c Bleached Sheets One of our special leaders. Size 72x90 inches. An extra good quality for service or every-day wear. Now is the time to lay in your supply at our Big Surprise Sale 59c Each Here's the Oportunity That Will Satisfactorily Answer the lUarly Spring Question For Von. THERE'S 1500 YARDS OF Flaxons, Crepes, Organdies. Dimities, Mulls, etc., etc., in this collection, each one prettier than the other comes in all the much-wanted colors, in dainty de signs most REMARKABLE VALITES Here is your golden opportunity at our Big Surprise Sale, The Yard 10c JUST RECEIVED FROM THE MAKERS 5 NEW SPRING MODELS IN Women's Skirts Come In the latest materials and all the much - wanted patterns, black, navy, plaids. Priced for onr big; Surprise Sale Choice $2.98 Economy Bargain Circle With the openlna- of onr New Home, wo have Inaugurated a new feature In merchandlxluB-, one which we feel certain will appeal to the (Treat bnylna; public of this rlty. and very apecLally to those who have to exercise economy In their cspenditnrea and yet de sire only the better qualities and the modern pattern and st-rlro f merchandise. This we have deslsjnated as "THK K(0OMY RAKIi.ll tlHCLK," wherein we shall display weekly special lines of serviceable, desirable merchandise, priced so that they will defy competition, for a One-Day Sale Only. ot cheap roods bnt rood merchandise eheap It will pay you to visit this department often as we are aroina; to make special Inducements from day to day. ECONOMY BARGAIN CIRCLE, TVEDNESDAV ONLY Silk Poplins In an Infinite variety of beautiful colorings. These are fine yarn dyed fabrics which Insure a permanent lustrous color and Is a guarantee of service. Colors, black, white, cream, navy. Copenhagen, sky and blue, spruce, new prune, emerald, brans, silver aray, nut and aolden brown, old rose. pink. Nile and cardinal. Here Is youn goiaen opportunity at our Economy uargain circle and illg A O TUV Surprise Sale Price yard. BLEACHED Pillow Cases of Fplendid quality muslin. Size 4'JxoO inches, hemmed ready tor use. "A great value" for our Big Surprise bale. Each 13c A SALE OB STITCHED " Cotton Batts Full double bed size. A white extra quality cotton stitched batt, comes 3 pounds in weight, size 72x90 inches, each batt to make full size quilt. A startling reduction for our Big Surprise Sale. Only $1.19 Each IJOCDLE BED SIZE WHITE Bedspreads Limited quantity, heavy weight. Choice patterns, but a surprise bar gain for you at our Big Surprise Sale. TWO SPECIALS Each $1.48 and $1.98 Flowered Cretonnes Limited quantity, fine for draperies and quilt coverings. An exceptional offering for our Drapery Depart ment and our Big Surprise Sale. Yard 9c 36-1 JiCH Storm Serge Universally popular cloth because of Us durable colors and serviceable wear. We show them in navy, black, brown, gray, tan and cardinal, and make you an exceedingly attractive offer for our Surpiiise Sale Day. Thrifty buyers will not fail to se cure their needs. Price 49c Per Yard EXTRA HEAVY 6 OPT-FINISHED Outing Flannel Come In stripes, plaids, etc.. excel lent quality. We reserve the right to limit quantity Bold to a customer. For our Big Surprise Sale. The Yard 10c 38-INCH BLEACHED AND Unbleached Muslin Good quality: an extra special for our Big Surprise Sale. 9c a Yard Wool You Step Into Our Ladies' Underwear Department When Passing You will really be surprised at our extremely low prices. Ladles Combed Yarn Cotton Vests and Tights High or low neck, long or short sleeve vests and ankle-length tights, at our Big Surprise Sale. Wednes- X Men! Tie In V X Stock ) 15c Each What a Sale! What Crowds! What Values! Those are the ex clamations that will be heard throughout the entire store Wed nesday for our Big Surprise Sale. Wednesday Only Mea'a Extra Via Wool Underwear Shirts and Drawers, in a good, sub stantial weight for our climate. Natural gray, etc All sizes 33 to 46. Our regular fl.Zi grade Wednesday only, 98c Garment Men's Black Sox Men's extra fine quality seamless Sox that will give you splendid serv ice. Black only. Regular lie qual ity for Wednesday onlv 8 l-3c Pair Men's Lla-ht-Weta-ht Lisle Union Suits Athletic, mesh or fine ribbed. All sizes. An extraordinary offering for our Men's Furnishing Department and our Big Surprise Sale, 49c Each Opportunity Knocks at Every Man's Door The men who know the real serious ness of the cotton and woolen mar kets, how the scarcity is becoming greater and the prices higher, will take advice and buy Wednesday. Men's Shirts Fine serviceable, close-woven per cales and soisettes thnt wear as well as they look, "lendirf assortment of stylish patterns, soil or laundered cuffs. A sensational Surprise Wednesday only, 79c Each Men's Shirts Vegllgees, plain or military collars. All sizes 14 to 17. Fine materials, percales, etc Fast colors. Come Wednesday, men, and get one of these wonderful shirt bargains at our Big Surprise Sale. Each 49c Mea'a Extra Ktne Union Suits Elastic ribbed, combed Egyptian yarn. ngulr $1.50 values. I'riced for our Big Surprise Sale. Each $1.15 Each 49c LADIES Gauze Vests Low neck, sleeveless or short sleeve, sizes 34 to 44. An extraordinary special for our Big Surpriso Sale. Price 12c LADIES' COTTON-RIBBED Union Suits Low neck, sleeveless, with lace or cuff knee, all sizes. At our Big Sur prise Sale. Price 49c Each Ladies' Gauze Cotton Sleeveless Vests Taped neck and arm, for our Big Surprise Sale, 9c Each Now la the Time to Supply Hosiery for the entire family, for It will be a long time before prices are again so low. LADIES' FIBER SILK ALSO PURE THREAD SILK HOSE Black only, odd lines of 50c and 65c values. Special for Wednesday only and our Big Surprise Sale. Price 39c Pair Child's Cotton Hose In medium fine or heavy rib. double heel and toe; also double knee. Sizes A to 9H- Excellent quality for our Big Surprise Sale, 12c Pair Just Arrived, a Large Aaaortmemt of White Petticoats Generously cut petlcoats with deep flounce, fine muslin body with em broidery flounce. Priced for our Big Surprise Sale. Choice 98c Just a Limited Quantity of Boys' Jersey Sweaters Gray only, an extraordinary offering for our Sweater Dept.. Main Floor. Special 49c Just Bought Specially for Our Open ing Sale, Women's Envelope Chemise vTell made, neatly trimmed with fine embroidery, hut a surprise for our Muslin Underwear Department. Our Big Surprise Sale price 39c 100 Yards Spool Sewing Silks Black and colors. Regular 10c value. Priced for our Big Surprise Sale. 5c Each , Bungalow Aprons These are full size aprons, made of standard grade percales in those ever-wanted bungalow style. Priced Xor our Big Surprise Sale Balcony, 49c "The Store That Saves You Money" Dekum Building, S. W. Cor. 3d and Washington Streets Snap Fasteners White only, rrlced for our Big Sur prise eaie. Dozen, 5c Dresden effects, stripes, checks, plaids and fancy effects on light and dark grounds. Greatest variety of pretty designs S to 7 Inches wide; values to 75c Choice, Yard, 25c M-i.vcn Silk Stripe Plaids A beautiful line of Novel Plaids In the pastel combinations. In browns, cardinals. Kile. Copenhagen and navy. They are Indeed a Surprise Sale at 48c Per Yard 3-tNCH 59c Yard In white, cream and ecru, with hem stitched borders. A great value. We reserve the right to limit quan tity sold to a customer. I'riced tor our Big Surprise Sale. -si Of the Patronage Accorded Is by the Public. We Will Keep 'j open Saturday Evenlnga t ntll o Clock. lie Yard 13 r! EN 13 - H Hi 1 i ! 5 -1 5 - Ej Ef THOUSANDS OK YARDS OF New Spring Ribbons Ribbons for hats, trimmings, for E girdles, for halrbows. for fashioning and tying up the Easter gifts. Ready with everything that's new for Spring and Easter season and never before bave we been so well prepared, nor have we ever offered varieties so broad nor colorings so charming. Note these exceptional values: s II iil Evi All Silk Fancy Ribbon 1 ill M. VIILU UlllUC VJ 1. Ull lit This well-known and popular fabric, celebrated for its durable color and serviceable wear, will give you all a great chance to benefit by a visit to our new home at this time. Shown In cardinal, black, navy, Copenha gen, green and gray, with fine white pencil stripe. Surprise Sale price 36-In. Curtain Scrims e f 4 j ENTRANCES- -264-266 WASHINGTON STREET AND 123 THIRD STREET Open Saturday Evenings Until 9 o'clock : lJIUJ !I 'ill! UJ ' Uli I"