TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN. "WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1917. 17 BOXING SHOW TO BE PHODUGED TUESDAY Eddie Campi and Lee Johnson to Give Headline, Bout for Golden West Club. MITCHELL TO BOX SIMPSON Fete Mltchle ts. Ted Meredith and Jo Clifford vs. "Pinky" Iiewis Also Scheduled for Ring Mixes on East Side. BT HARRY M. GRAYSON. Portland rets its next bit of fistic rodder at the Rose City Athletic CluD next Tuesday nlgrht, when the Golden West Athletic League presents a bill. Four bouts have already been arranged by Manager George Moore. They are as follows: 123 pounds, Eddi. Camp!, of San Francisco, vs. Le4 Johnson. 155 pounds, Sid Mitchell, of Seattle, ts. Nick Simpson. 185 pounds, Peter Mltchle vs. Ted Mere dith, of Bremerton. 190 pounds. Jos Clifford T. "Pinky" Lawla. Although both Eddie Campl and Lee Johnson were reared around the Peal Rocks City, they have never met. The reason for this Is that Campi has always been lighter than Johnson until the last year. Eddie has taken on weight. Sid Mitchell, who meets Nick Slmp on, is an Australian who came to the Austin & Bait stable in Seattle about two years egro. As. Simpson Is an Kngrliahman it will be a case of two of the allies battling each other when they should be working- In harmony. If Pete Mltchle can keep his chin out of the way of Teddy Meredith's right hand he may defeat the negro blue Jacket. Meredith Is always dangerous. Boys like Joe Benjamin and Danny O'Brien, who have excellent left hands, encounter no difficulty in polishing: Meredith off, but birds who like the lugging stuff are usually worsted by the battling protege of George Moore. Joe Clifford and "Pinky" Lewis, negro Oakland comedian, will supply the fourth tilt with two more to be arranged. Joe Flanlgah, who has a habit of putting his boys over as winners, left for Seattle last night with Jimmy Duffy tucked under one arm and Weldon "Wing handcuffed in his vest pocket. Both are featherweights. Duffy bat tles Joe Harrahan and Wing takes on Eddie Qulnn, of Tacoma, at the Young Men's Hebrew Association's show at the Sound City tomorrow night. The trio will return to this city Friday morning. Weldon Wing tangles with Joe Rich mond at Tacoma March 7. Whll in Seattle Joe Flanlgan may dose with Joe Walsh,, of the Lumber men's Club, for "Muff" Bronson to meet Johnny Kilbane, world's featherweight champion, in Seattle April 5. If he does sign papers to that effect there will be a. clause Inserted that Bronson will not be forced to meet the great little Clevelander if Kilbane can be Induced to appear In Portland April. 12. Walsh announced In Seattle before the Eddie Plnkman-Bronson go here last Friday night that the winner was to get the Kilbane match. "Muff" won nd if Walsh gdes through with his proposition then the pride of the local flstlo colony will be selected. Eddie Brewster Pink-man left for Se attle Monday afternoon. He cut loose with a lot of rather unsportsmanlike "con" before departing, which would lead one to believe that Edward Is not the best sport In America. He said that in his past S8 bouts over the country he never received the poor treatment he did In his bout with Muffy Bronson. All Eddie asks is a chance to show Portland fans that he Is not afraid of any 183 or 135-pounder on the Coast. He also wishes to have It made known that he did not wish to make a speech at the end of Friday night's six-round setto. All he wanted to say was that he did the best he could, having a badly dislocated thumb on his left hand, which he says he suffered In the first round and which somewhat handicapped him. Plnkman displayed a swollen thumb, all right, and this no doubt handicapped him severely, but as far as ill treat ment goes no one was ever treated any better in Portland, and that's say ing a whole lot. Outsiders usually get an even break, or better, here, The Seattle tailor's model is still jl eard in Portland, and outside of the "ill treatment bugaboo" acted like a "regular feller" while here. THRIFTY SPORTSMEN" SEE WAY Chance Offered to Save f.0 Cent on Dollar on Licenses. s- Sportsmen with an inclination to thrift can save themselves 60 cents by getting their new hunting or angling licenses before May 21. By getting a. combination license now they will save II. - The reason Is that on May 21 the law enacted by the reoent Legislature be comes effective. One of these laws is the new game code which Increased the price of both fishing and hunting li censes from 1 to $1.50 a year and com bination licenses from 12 to $3 a year. Indications are that when sportsmen realize the situation there will be a bigr rush to get in on the ground floor and save the extra coin. Already some of the "wise ones" have been planking down their money at headquarters of the State Fish and Game Commission on the first floor of the Oregon build ing. Baseball Brevities. THERE) will be a terriflo battle for the centerfleld Job on the Beavers this season between Kenneth Williams, Ken Williams, . K. Williams and Just plain Williams. They'll all win, too. Chorus at Boyes' Springs ball park as Del Howard approaches his acorn squad: "Here oomes our Daddy now, O Pop, O Pop I" ' Come of the young Beavers looked real natural In knee breeches before starting on. the Hawaiian trip. Next Sunday the Saints, a large con tingent of Portervllle) fans and the Por terville municipal band will go to Vlsalla by special train, where the Salt Lakers will be pitted against the Vlsalla Merchants, of which "Big Jeff" Overall is the. skipper, and who -will probably be on the mound for the Visallans. Overall Is the president of a Vlsalla bans. On March 5 the Chicago Cubs will arrive In Portervllle on a special train from the oil fields and will meet the Saints in what will probably be their chief exhibition game of the season. Members of the Business Men's Asso ' elation of Portervllle have declared a holiday. . Among the games now being ar ranged for the Salt Lake team during training grind In California are J Santa Clara University, which ranks with the best college teams of the Coast, and St. Mary a College, con sidered the best amateur team in Cali fornia. Work has practically been completed at the baseball grounds at the munic ipal athletic field. Fortervljle, a small army oi men Having reDuui tne grand stand, clubhouse and other buildings, and laid out new grounds throughout. a If the San Francisco team blunders along like a spring-halted horse bogged in the mud. as It did last yeax. some of the nice new seats Hen Berry is building will have plenty of time to oieacn. in tne sun. This year will be a real test for Harry Wolverton. FIVE CAIilTORXIAXS HOLD OUT Martin, Risberg, Vitt, Egan and Daffy lievrls Stay In "West. SAN! FRANCISCO. Feb. 27 (Special. Five star California players are still In Ban Francisco or vicinity and are holding dally sessions in the hold-out league. They are Elwood Martin, who is due to report to the White Sox; Swede Risberg. also of the- White Sox: Dick Egan, Boston Braves: Duffy Lewis, oon, ana iwcar vitt, Detroit Tigers. These cases are considered sure-enough hold-outs. Martin luts confided to friends nnr In Oakland that he is seriously considering nut Kuing .cast at ail to try his pitch ing arm in blg-leaa-ua circle Mirtin has a permanent position with an auto mobile firm and is holding off. Ris berg declared today that he Is deter mined not to Join the Sox at the salary offered. Lewis, Vitt and Egan also dif fer on the question of money offered by their respective clubs. Championship of Sixth and Washington at Stake. Max Lamh-om and Leonard Kaof man to Battle Six Hound at B'nal B'rltta Gyni Tonight. - GET ready, boxing fans, for the big gest match of the yearl The cham pionship of Sixth and Washington streets is to be decided tonight at 8 o'clock at the B'nal B'rlth gymnasium. Thirteenth and Mill streets. It will be for six rounds between Max Lamfrom, bantamweight champion of Holland, and Leonard Kaufman, who, next to Sol Stiller and Frank Lavezo, has more gaudy silk shirts than anyone in Amer ica. Eight-ounce gloves will be used and the rounds will be of two minutes' duration. The boys will meet at lunch today and select a referee. Owing to the time shortage and the railroad fare. It Is not thought that Tex Rlekard. Jim Griffin or Eddie Graney will be imported to serve in that capacity. The bout will be at catchwelghts, for "Kid" Kaufman weights 175 sounds after every meal. Lamfrom believes that the E9-pound-weIght hand!cap--wlll maxe no never mind, as he Intends to run anyway. IiEVnVSKY OUTFIGHTS MISKE New Yorker Has Decisive Lead In Battle With St. Paul Boxer. ST. PAUL. Minn.. Feb. 27. Battling Lovinsky, New York, ltght-heavyweigHt. won decisively from Billy Miske, of St. Paul, in a ten-round bout here tonight, newspaper critics at the ringside agreed. . Levlnsky led in eight rounds, the first was even and Miske had the edge In the tenth. In the first seven rounds and again In the tenth Miske forced the fighting most of the time, Levinsky's feints frequently drawing the former into disastrous leads. The finish was fast, with the St. Paul fighter seeking vainly to square matters with a knockout. In street clothes Miske weighed 182ft and Levlnsky 1884 Lincoln Bays Two Inflclders. LINCOLN. Neb., Feb. 27. President Holmes, of the Lincoln baseball club. announced the purchase of Bert Lamb, a third baseman last year with- the Tulsa, Okla,, team, and John Butler, a shortstop, formerly a Pacific Coast Leaguer. The sale of Pitcher Jack Gardner to the Great Falls team, of the Northwestern League, was also an nounced. Ray Schmandt. first baseman. and Catcher Rohrer are holding out on the contracts submitted them. It was said. Dillon Ontfights McCoy. NEW YORK, Feb. 27. Jack Dillon. the Indianapolis light-heavyweight. outfought Al McCoy, of Brooklyn, mid dle-weight champion, in seven rounds of a ten-round bout here tonight. Mc Coy had the better of the fourth, fifth and sixth rounds. Dillon weighed 173ft pounds and McCoy 161. Dillon was puzzled by McCoy's style, the latter being left-handed, but was able to get the better of the exchanges, causing Mc Coy to hold frequently. Chicago Beats Northwestern Five. CHICAGO, Feb. 27. University of Chicago basketball team defeated Northwestern University five in a West ern oonferenoe game at Evanston to night The score war 25 to 22. Battling Levlnsky Beaten. ST. PAUL, Minn., Feb. 27. (Special.) Boxing before 10.000 people, Billy Miske, of this city, decisively defeated Battling Levlnsky In 10 rounds here tonight. Yale Hoopers Upset Colombia. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Feb. 27. The Yale basketball, team defeated the Co lumbia five in an intercollegiate league, game here tonight, '46 to 18. WINTERS CASE REAPPEARS Suit Brought to Onst Sirs. Hecker as Administratrix. To oust Mrs. Agnes Butts Hecker as administratrix of the $100,000 estate of the late H. D. Winters, a petition was filed In the County Court yesterday by Thomas M. Winters and Alfred C Win ters, first cousins of the deceased, liv ing in Kansas, charging mismanage ment. Mrs. Hecker is aooused of neglecting the property in her care and of falling to settle the affairs of the estate ex peditiously and economically. Mr. Win ters died June 20, 1911, and Mrs. Hecker was appointed administratrix the day following. . The estate was involved in much litigation. The hearing was set for March 12. TROOP AUXILIARY ELECTS Activities Are to Continue and So cial Affairs to Be Held. New officers were elected last night by Troop A auxiliary in room O, Li brary, as follows: President, Mrs. Oeorge A. White: vice-president, Mrs. J. D. Riley; secre tary treasurer, Antoinette Wagner; as sistant secretary-treasurer. Miss Ruth Riley. It was decided that activities of the auxiliary should continue while 'the troop Is at home and that a number of social functions should be under taken. Short speeches were made by the new officers, who commended the work that had been dons by the boys on the border. . B . This directory Is lor the Information of the public, to give as far as pos sible the different lines of business which the average person may find occa sion to use. Any Information which cannot be found, hers will be gladly lur nlahed by phoning Main 7070 or A 6095, Hous 40. ACCOfUJlOX rUiATUS'Q. K. 6TEPHA.V, hemstitching-, scalloping;, ac cord., side pleat, bullous covered; mali orders, s Piuock block. Broadway lootf. AGAX1S CCXZKR&. M. 1674. ilf sr. Jewelers, expert watchmaker. MiUeis. mnyi Wash., bet. Bdwy. and Park. AbSAYEKS AI ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 143 Bscond Gold, sliver and platinum bought. ATTOBXKYEU W. J Juakellm Probate, real estate, mlnlns and corporation law; abstracts and titles examined; written opinions furnished. 1484 'uijnrn mnii bli. Mala 0.4(4. LAWYER. 618 Plttock block. No chars for preliminary consultation. L p. MAHON-E, lawyer, 402 Panama bids. Marshall 6a i a. CANCELB. L. M. JONES, M. D. CANCER TREATED. Brewer bldg.. ISth and Alberta. W din. 4108. CARPKT WEAVUBs. rLlST KCGS FROM OLD CARPBTS. Carpet cleaning, refitting, eta. North west Rug cgJjSE.Sth st. Both phones. CELLfLOID B f TTONS. BADGES. THE IRWTv.urtncnw rAuo a vt 88T- Washington st. Main 813 arid A 1204. CHIROPODIST. William. Estell and William. Jr.. D.veny, the only aclentlfio chiropodists In the city. Parlors 802 Oerllngsr bidg., southwest cor ner d and Alder. Phone Main 1801. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. M'MAHOX making ffnnrt Piu-mannt: restoring health without drugs or scars. Life cures. 81 adjustments $15. Cass questions free. Enocken boosting. Eights. jaacieay Diag. aR: DANFORD, chiropractor and electro ineraplst. Specialist In nervous disorders. ixvwm wwetland bids. Phone Main 8781. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CTkB JITTER CO.. 610 N. W. bldg. Mar. "w-... tellers muitigrapnea ror j l. COLLECTING AGENCY. Wi,W f AVIES, collections. Gerllnser bldg. oonuea; reasonaoie Charges. & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1T06. Jo collection, no charge; established lSKO. iANcrso. MAN'CHESTER Dancing Academy. 864 6th, mini van, private lessons. -, A- P. M., eve.; latest dsncs guaranteed; class Thurs.. Sat. eve.. 7-8:30 Bdwy 21SO. iy.K.UM DANCING SCHOOL Latest dances. yiasses lues, and FtI. eve. Private lessons. ,v lignum. Aiar. i.i n. juain DANCING quickly taught, private lesson. Arbor Garden. 2d and Mor. Mar. 818. pRJv'ATE dnnclng school. 810 Ellers bldg. BERTHA BECKETT HKATH t-.oh-, r.f dancing In all Its branches. 'Main 8205. LIE. KABgNOSE. THROAT. LUNOS, Treatment by specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. 5?jtaay,jiiiieum bldg., Kd st Wn. WHOLESALERS AND Arm d ri:ot Tnp PTJBRU1LLE BUGGY TOP CO., 209 9 AUTO fePKlXQ MAMFACTCRIXO. ssig. ana repair JLAHgft SPRING C0P Ins; 4000 springs csrrled In stock. 13th a. Couoh sts. BAGGAGE ( HErKED AT HOME. Baggage & Omnibus Tranofer. Park a. Pavls. DRY I.OODS- WHOLESALE. - L. Dinkeispiel Co. rJ.fc?..P GRAIN MERCHANTS. HOUfeER. Board of Trade Bldg. M. 'H. GROfFRIRfl. WADHAMS CO.. 07-73 Fourth street. 1 ATS ANT) C:APS. TJTANHOUSER HAT CO.. 08-55 Front St. HIDES. WOOL. CANCARA HARK. KAHN BROS.. 181 Front street. MANUFACTURING LADIES' NECKWKAB. LAST-RX NOVELTY MFQ. CO., 85 V 5th sr. PULLfif fill TO PLAY SPOKANK INDIANS WILL BIS MET FOR FIVE-GAME SERIES. First Attempt at Outdoor Practice by YVaabinarton State College Is Prevented by Haiii. WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE, Pullman, Feb. 27. The State College baseba.ll team will meet the Spokane Indians again early In April, aocord-ina- to the announcement of Graduate Manag-er Kruegel. Nick Williams, of the Spokane Redskins, writing; from Antloch. Cal., Informed Manager Krue gel that he was eager to bring his diamond prodigies to meet the Staters in a five-game series. First call for outdoor practice for the baseball candidates was Issued yes terday by Doc Bohler, baseball instruct or, but the sudden appearance of a dark cloud ott the horizon, followed by a shower of hail, drove the athletes to shelter. Practice will be confined to Bohler gymnasium for at least a week. Batting and sliding practice Is in the course of Instruction offered the diamond pupils at present. Six veterans will start the season for the Staters this Spring. Inflelders Stenberg. Pasaroors and Bohler and Outfielders Jerard, Smith end Root are the "W men, with not a battery man of college experience on the list of candidates. WHISKY SHIPJS CAPTURED Virginia Police Boat Fights Block ade Runner on Rappahannock. RICHMOND, Va., Feb. 27. The state police-boat Commodore Maury last night fought and took the schooner Elizabeth Clark, of Baltimore, In the Rappahannock River, where the schooner has been running the whisky blockade. Captain Ike Bozeman, with his mate, both wounded In the fight, and his crew were lodged In Lancaster County jail. Twenty oases of whisky were seized on the schooner, and the patrol reported 200 cases had been sold at landings along the river. Lack of Work Causes SutClde. INDIANAPOLIS. Feb. 27. Frank Stader. 38, a laborer, shot and killed his three children early today and later shot himself In the head. He died In a local hospital. Brooding over failure to find work Is said to have been the cans of his act. AMTSEMENTS. ,7v--ri v,. r,-v. TODAY. CLACDR GILLIXGWATFK, assisted by Miss Julie Heme, Harry and Anna Seymour, Patrick Barrett. THOMAS F. SWIFT CO. Frank Wilson. Meredith s Snoozer, Travel Weekly, Or chestra. THE MISSES CAMPBELL FtANTAGES MATINEE DAILY 2:30 frj PAULINE, The Scientific Sensation. t OTHER BIG ACTS S Boxes and Loges reserved by phone. Curtain tiSO. 7 and a. mm FIBS MStlUKCK, PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. M EspKNGKK bEKVlCE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles at. 1 bicycles, phone Main 63, A aiB8. MCeUCAL. EMIL THIELHORN, violin teaoher. pupil fcevclk, 207 Flledner bldg. Marshall l&is. OPTOMETRISTS ANP OPTICIANS. WHY PAY MORS 7 55 SAV1NI OF a lO B. 2?50- Properly fitted glasses as low . as S1.O0; 4000 satisfied customers; satisfaction guaranteed Cfcaa. man, optometrist, guy Morrison. Main H134. PATENT ATTORNEYS. . R. C WRIGHT 22 years; experience . U. a. and foreign patents, ttul Pekum bldg. PHYSICIAN bV. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Allaky bldg. Chronlo diseases a specialty. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 4J. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbeln. Mgr PrlnUner and linotyping. 100 V Front il, corner Stark. Main or A 1418. BAG BIOS ANP FLtTF BCOS. fLOFf RUBS m$ OLD CARPETS Ingrain. Brussels, Smyrna. Axmlnstsr. rag ruga, all sixes; mall orders prompt; booklsu CARPEf CLUS, FITTING, ETC. 8x1 Rugs cleaned LS! xlO lings cleaned W tSltll. IXtW Kl'O CO-64-68 Union avs. N. East 0510. B 14.8. REAL 1.SIA1E DEALERS. PALMER-JONES Co., H. P., 404 Wilcox bldg. STORAGE AND IBAXSfEB. FRKE STORAGE. FREE MOVING. T-inhona for our trODOSltlOn ws can save you money; storage, tacking, mov ing, shipping. Modern Brick Storage Warehouse. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO.. Office 10O Park su Main OIKi, A 103L Warehouse. 44-48 E. 6th St. N. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Household goods specialists; storage, packing, ship ping and moving; horss and auto vans; special freight rates to all polnta C. O. PICK. TRANSFER SXORAGB CO.. 2d and Pine sts. Hroadway 608, A IB OS. OREGOX TRANSFER CO.. 474 dllaan St., corner 18th Telephone Main 69 or A 1180 We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest la surance rates In the city. MADISON 6T. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE. Office, 180 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7601. WOOD. GREEN AND DRY SLAB WOOD, blockwood. Panama Fuel Co. Main 6J20, A 6809L JMANUFACTURERS PAINTS ANP LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. 12ih and Davla sta PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUriaEN & CO.. 2d and Taylor sts. PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AMD VALVES, M. L KLINE. 84-88 Front St. PLUMBING ANP STEAM SUFFIXES. M. L. KLINE, 84-86 Front St. PRINTING. &RIWTINR W. BALTK3 COMPANY, rnillllllU 1st and Oak sts. Main loo. A1165 PRODCCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDINQ FAKRELL. 140 Front St. KOPK ANP BINDING THINK. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrop. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12lh and Davis sta WALL PAPER. MORGAN' WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d St, AMUSEMENTS. Itr'TT f- Broadway at Taylor, 1IL1L1U Phones Mala 1 A A 11221 TOMORROW & FRIDAY NIGHT Shnbert Bros. Present VIENNESE MUSICAL COMEDY HTT, Soectal 1IATO CDI 0. CAT March Pries. ivi Li s s ri m. s a sts. THE -( tBLUE PARADISE4 f t V -r.rm CIV -".--- V CAST. CHORUS. Es"s Floor . 1.B0. Balcony $1. T5o. 00a Gallery, reserved and admlnstoiv Ooa. Special price matlnse FTI. Y Sat.. Floor, jl.OO. Balcony $1, 76a, 600. Gallery. 0O0. 11th St. Playhouse MORRISON AT ELEVENTH Phones: Main 4767 and A 1142 Boston Grand Opera Co. 170 People 20 Stars SS Orchestra Monday Night. March 5. AID A" Tuesday Matinee. March , "IRIS" Tuesday Night, March 6. "FAUST" Available Tickets Rye's and Mat. Floor, to, S4, fS Balcony, $4. S3. City and Country Mall Orders reo'd. Address letters, checks, jpostofflce money orders to W. T. Pangle. TICKETS NOW SELLING, At Theater 10 A. M. to 8 P. SL- BAKER THEATER, and Morrison. "Always a Show of Quality." Tonight all week Mat. today. Sat. THE ALCAZAR PLATERS IN William Fnv.rsham's latest success. The Hawk A stronc. arlpplns drama of high life. Nights. SBc. 00c. 79a. Mats., 2So, COe. Today bargain Mat., ZOe only. Next week "The Itlu. Envelop.." The Little Theater fSd Street near Washington Mrs. G. J. Frankel Presents MARTHA 8. GIEIXW, OF ALABAMA. Author, Dramatist and Impersonator, in an Evening From OLD PLANTATION DAYS AND "MAMMY'S REMINISCENCES Wednesday Evening, February XS 8:10 O'clock. Tickets L00 and 6O0. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office Boom 1S3 Courthouse, Sth-strst Entrance. Phone from 8 to 6 Main 878. Home phone A tSiS. Night call after oiflce no-urs. Main ZT0S Rsport all oases of cruelty to the above address. Electrlo lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moment', notice. Any one desiring a dog or other pets communi cate with us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look alter all Impounding. There Is no more city pound. Just Oregon Human. Society. ri iri. VERNON In this city Feb. ST, at his lata residence. 1676 Hereford St., Riley Vernon, aged 07 yeara The remain, are at the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley A Son, Montgomery at 6th. Notlc. of funeral hereafter. BASE! At the family residence. 1228 Michi gan ave., Feb. 20. 1017, Mrs. Carrie Base, beloved wife of Samuel G. Base. Funeral notice later. Friends may phone Cham bers Co. for further information. FOX In this city Feb. 27. at her late resi dence. 32 East 10th St. North, I.aVena Pheba Fox, aged 28 yeara Funeral notice hereafter. T TICKET OFFICE SALBJ , , OPEN . TODAY MEETING NOTICES. . PORTLAND CHAPTER, No. 8, R. A. M. Special convocation, tomorrow (Wednesday evening. February 29. 1017, at 7:30. Work In R. A. degree. Visitor, welcome. W. P. ANDRCS. Secretary. PORTI-AND LODGE. NO. 55. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication today (Wednesday), 10 A. M., for th. purpose of conducting th. funeral of the hmrhr VI. W. Nile.. Please bring autoa. Order W. M. C. M. STEAD MAN, Sec'y. w. f a tm rw T.nnnE. NO. 42. jL' F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Wednes day) evening. 7:80 o'clock. West . , . t- - r riwrM. Vlsit- DIUS A Olllfia. . tng brother welcome. J. P. HOARE. W. M. WASHINGTON COUNCIL. NO. B. R. AND S. M. Stated as sembly this (Wednesday) even ing 70, E. Eighth and Burn Blue. Urgreee. Visitors welcome. X. H. RICHMOND. Recorder. REGULAR meiuau Ji?0 this (Wednesday) evening SiTT?. East Sixth and Alder fcSJO) streets. Visitors cordially rtw.' inviieci. i' - slon the member, and friends will b. enter- talneo. or a ire&K i'- GEORGE T. ANDREWS. N. Q. W. W. TERRY, Seo. SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. 2. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting T r n V T-mn A- 3E2Q Al der iirrri. . ... 1 .... - weloorre. A. J. WALTHKR, N. g. R. OSVOLD. Beo. GtTL REAZF.B GROTTO NO. 65 AND BETSY ROSS COOUL NO. 1 First annual ball, at 8 .so o-clock March 2 Cotillion Hall, S- Fourteenin anu , 4 ' . . , , All Mason, and their friend, invlled. In- innnu. . EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, plna N.w designs, jaeger pre-. FRIEDLANDER'S. Jewelers for E1"V. Class Pino and presentation Moda';f'n and estimates furnished free. 10 Wash. FUNERAL NOTICES. MARTIN In this clly. Februsry IS Mrs. Amanda D. Martin, of Silver !-,' .vr-' seed oi years ii munni -1 - , J mother of Ida M. Schroder and Mr. Florence L Dobkins, of Silver Lake, and Arthur A. Martin, of SussnvlUe. Cal. ; alster of Farthenla Porter and Mra. Martha Home, of thla city: Mrs. Nancr Charm an. of tage Grove: R. T. Porter, of Walker Or.i Columbus Poner. Pllver Lake, and John Porter, lailiornia. 1 n. nji r : to Silver Lake February 6 by the Last Sld Funeral Directors, where service, wl.l be held and Interment take place. RUTHERFORD In this city Feb. 25. Rob- . . . . j ..ak m KtnrMl en nuiasngiu, f j ; services at W. il. Hamilton s funeral chapel, at cast mitn " tomorrow (Thursflsy). March 1. 1017. at 2 P M.. by Willamette Lodge No. 2. A. F. and A. M.. of which deceaeed was 1 , . , Xf.,lnAmh f " Til - a merauer. iunjimou, . . etery. KRUPKE The funeral services of the late Kobert O. lvrupK will oe oem v vjm i iv- (Thursday) at 2:80 o'clock P. M.. at the Flrat Evangelical Church. 10th and Clay sta Friends Invited. Interment at River view Cemetery. The remains are at the . . kn., . T l ITfnlMV Jtr l.- XIAn,nmrV - t Kth MEEK In this city Feb. 27. at her late residence. 742 Irving St.. Mary E. Meek. sgd 34 years, slater of Mlns t'hrlsttan Meek and H. A. Meek, of this city. The funeral services will he held today i Wednesday), at 1 o'clock P. M.. st the residenr-e establishment of J. P. Klnley A . . k.k r,iAnH. 1. v 1 1 rUII, i)LUUlUll-l J V vbib . ...... . DF, LONG At the residence. 4.14 Yamhill atreet. February 26. Lois Jessie Do Long, beloved wife of Cheater Do Long. Funeral services will bs held at Holman's Funeral Parlors. Third and Salmon streets at 2.80 P M. today (Wednesday). February 21. Friends Invited. Interment fun Joae. Cal. NILES The funeral services of the late Walter H. Nlles will be held today (Wednesday) at iu:u o-ciock a. at., at m residence establishment of J. P. Flnley A r ,r . Ml. VrUnftB Invltail Interment at Rlvervlew Cemetery. AUCTION SALES TODAT. At Ash-.tret dock. Sal. ef unclaimed bacs-ase, eta. tinle ul lrt a. M. lie,. UaKt-r & Co., auctioneer.. Ford Auction House, 191 Id st. Fnmttnra, carpets, etc. t-aie at i f. yi. At Wilson's Auction House, at 1-0 A. M Furniture. 169-171 Second st. FCNERAL DIRECTORS. . Edward Holman. Pres. : W. J. Holmsn, Sec. ; J. E. Werleln. Treaa EDWARD H0LLIAN CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS THE HOUSE OF SQUARE DEALING Third and Salmon Streets Established 1877 Lady Assistant Main 507, A 1511. PERFECT FIN ERA L SERVICES FOR LESS MILLER & TRACEY Independent Fnneral Directors. Lady Assistant. Wash, at Ella SL. Bet. 20th and flat. Main 6L A 8S. West Bid. J. P. FINLET A SON, Progressive Funsral Directors. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. DUNNING At U'ENTES, funeral directors, Broadway and Pin. .tr.et. Phon. .Broad way 480. A 4058. Lady attendant. F. S. DUNNING, INC., East Sid. Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder street. East 02. B 2338. A. R- ZELLER CO.. BBS WILLIAMS AVS. East 1088. C 10HS. Lady Attendant. DAY AND NIGHT 6ERV1CB. BREEZE & SNOOK 1QH g Mt SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 8d and Clay. M n 4182. A 282L Lady attendant. VI I AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON' v... neral service. U. 80th and GUsan. Tab. 4813. ERICSON Realdenoe Undertaking Parlors. 12th and Morrison sts. Main OlSJi, A 2283k P. L. LERCH. East 11th and Clay atresia. Lady attendant. East 78L B 188a. MONCMF.NTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 2S4-266 4th at., opposite City Hall. Mala 8S04. Phillip Neu at bona for memorials. OBLAC5INO GPANJITEl CO. I LI third .t r-xaisoisi jtreet.) FLORISTS. MARTIN St FORBES CO., Florists. 854 Washington. Main 209. A 126U. Flower, for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., Florists, 287 Morrison St. Main or A 1305. Fins flower, and floral designs. No branch stores. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7216. A 212L Sell lrg bldg., 0th and Alder sts. TONBETH FLORAL CO.. 283 Washington St.. bat. 4th .nd 6th. Main 8102, A 110L HORTICCLTCRE. PRUNING, apraylns tree sursery, grafting, expert gardeuers. Nicholas. Main 741 L MAUSOLEUM. "THE BETTER WAY" Human. Scientific Security for the dead. Eanltary Protection for th. living. - RIVER VIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM Trmtnua ZUTcrrlew CrUn. Taylor's Frrx ROwvd. Vor Faxtlcul&rs Inqulr Portland Mausoleum Co. Phon. B'dwy SSL 638 Plttock Block. CREMATORIUMS. MOUNT SCOTT PARK Cemetery and Crematorium Taker 140S. Z L NKW TODAT. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city property at and 7 per cent. Farm and suburban loans at current rates. Liberal repayment priv ileges allowed. No delays. LARGE LOANS SPKCLAL RATES. A.H.BIRRELI GO. 217-219 Northwestern Bank Bull din. Marshall 4114, A .118. Loans of $10,000 and up on Im proved Bufiness Property (or for Improvement Purposes). J. P. Lipscomb. 242 Stark St MORTGAGE LOANS WE IIAVE INSURANCE HONEY AT 5 PRIVATE FINDS AT 6 A5D 7$4 Robertson & Ewing S07-8 NarthwMtera Hank: Bids;. 8DLG0IJBEYXQ 13 7 LOANS OM MORTGAGE SECURITY KQWTMwtSltHN BANK SOIL 1L01N4 WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE GO. Onr Own Money at C"ti i i r n t Rates, MINIC1PAL AMI CIIKI'IIBAIIOV BONUS, KAKM A.VO CITY LOWS, ftO Fourth St, Board of Trade Bids;. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7 Orescan Iaveatment Mortarasre Ca, Ulflees aoU-4. lTO Third St. JNO. B. COFFEY Insurance, Surety Bonds 304 WILCOX BITIIl. MAIN 7Q2 Desirable locations for lease To responsible parties; tenants for building, to b erected, can Interest owner, wantlns; to erect building;.. Apply JKHOHK B. KTBIMIAIH. 15 t'orhett 11 Id if. FOR RENT 5-room suite, vacated today. Kenton bldg.. modern rooms, good light. Inquire Wm. B. Kenton, suite Fenton bldg., or C VV. Pallett. 3d fir. Fenton bldg. DDslBHSB DOOLY e CO., Inc. .SU I SWO. S12 Board of Trade Bids;. LOANSS lnllmlterl Kastern Kuncla, ity and 2-arnis. lnsuranee. A 10M. Bonds, alar. 702 RK 1, EST AT K. For iStUe -Lot. THREE LAURELHVRST HOMES, d. 7 and 8 rooms, wltti all bullt-lu mod- m conveniences; old Ivory and white naml flu tab ; paii jlasj throughout; bathroom with latest fixture msi tile floors; gang tv ith each ; three of the most attractive homes in thla fine dlatrlot; near lLaurelhuraT olflc with Rood view of park. I'rlcea 50O0 to rt5to. K. H. lloimea i.o. . 2"ai Murk at. V U one M a 1 n 8"M. WHY not buy a choice, small partraent louae and have a rosy home and 10 per cent on the investment ? We have them from $16,000 to $30,000; paytna; from $2000 to f'.'iOO per year. K. K. Bowman A CoM 213 Chamber of Commerce. 2S CLEAJtED, LEVEL, IX5T3 $25. $1 month, no Interest. Townelte, rich farming district, best, poultry country, cen ter over 1.000,000 population, network railroads Vrl e for particulars now. P. F. HICKEV. Colman Bidg., Seattle, FOR RALE 100-acre homestead relinquish ment, 2 miles Toledo, Or.; fine dairy and stock ranch, Improved; $700. Address, WILLIS B. YOUNG. Las Vegas, Nevada. ALAMEDA VIEW LOT. An Ideal location, lot In Alameda, run ning through to Fremont; 60x139; low price on application. GODDARD A. W1EDRICK, 343 Btark St, GARDEN TRACTS. West Eide only. 35 min utes car ride. 5 cent fare; a bargain at $330, $10 cash, balance $j per month. M. E. Lee. Corbett bldg. WHO wants blk. IT Firat Afld. to Llnnton View lots? Clear. For L'oO cash. Tabor 1718, owner. O 12ft, Oregonlan, luR KAlsE 4-room bungalow, electrloity and gas; lot 50xl0; $1mj; $460 cash, terms on balance. Phone C 1737. $500 CASH obtains $1500 equity In modern five-room bungalow. Tabor 6170. BROOKE Dealer In PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLI SIVELY. A few bargains.. Mar. 48J7. -Houses. $2300.00. $400.00 CASH. 6-room bungalow, cemented basement, bath, street paved. Included in pice. 150 feet from Richmond car, being 63 ft East ft 7 th at. Ernest ZlmmerU, 41o Lumber man bldg. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BL'RDffy INTO IN'COMBT WE PLAN AND BUILD ANY THING, residence to factory, or any con struction; sketches and estimates free, fur nish the money if desired. All depart ments one office. We actually save you money. Our reputation your protection. L R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. Contracting Ar chitects, t24 Northwestern Bank b:dg. LAURELHTRPT. Before purchasing elaewhare seoure onr list of exquisite homes Just completed, for ale on easy terms, and obtain copy of our album telling all about Liu relhurst, the Addition of Beautiful Home, the show place of Portland, which challenges com parison with any slmll r property in the world. Main office 270 Stark at. Mam 1700. A 151B: ; $d00 BUYS my modem S-room house, with full plumbing. fireplace and sleeping f torch ; a sure enough bungalow, with a arge living-room and big front porch; will make a dandy home. X am forced to sell and for that reason the low figure. Will consider a mall cash payment snd $10 per month snd 6 per cent interest For particulars see my attorney at 404 Piatt oiig YOU SHOULD LIVE IN AN OREGON' HOME BUILDERS" HOME. We have some "brand new" bungalowa, thoroughly modem in every reepect, lo cated near good carllnea. We will be pleased to show them to you. The prices are reasonable and terms like rent. THE OREGON HOME B UILD E R3, 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ARE YOU LOO KINO FOR A bNAPT S19S5 TERM 9 $1985. 1080 E. 0TH fcT. NORTH. Modern S-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in effects, full base ment, cement floor, H block to ear. Take Alberta car to 80th st. Owner there 1 to A dally, or phone East 6415. $1000 EQUITY FOR $100. 5-room bungalow, modern. fireplace, dutch kitchen, full basement, fixtures and shades, 50x100 lot. cement sidewalks paid for. y Balance $1600. easy terms. No tradcV Tabor 3-09. evenings. A REAL BUNGALOW SNAP. 45'.h street and Bandy blvd., price $3000. All at. improvementa in and paid, fur nace, fireplace, oak floors, built-in fea ture . etc. Rltter, Lows & Co.. 07 Board of Trade bldg. $4250 BUYS beautiful 0-room house with rtnisnea attic, i ir-piacr, .uraaae : moaern throughout; garage. Will consider trade and aome cash. No agents. O 129. Ore gonlan. 26-ROOM HOUSE. FLATS. This splendid corner for sale cheap. $13. 250: good terms : this lnciudea a 4-room house; to appreciate it. must see. 001 Yeon bldg. Bee Mr. Beery. JENNINGS LODGE. 1 acre and 6-room modern bungalow, built-in conveniences, fireplace, finished attic; 4 blocks from station. Here's your chance: make offer. AH 122, Oregonlan. $15.000 MODERN home on full lot. Nob illll iciear;; wi.i iihb iwo-uii rui unin cumbered property, balance time. Phone Mar. 13S3. Call 610 Ch. of Com. FOR KALE 100x100 corner, 5-room modern bungalow, an Kinaa oz irmt, t.uuu, ilia tz.. join st. y $o $00 50x100. modern 7-room house, Wasco, near ISth. among Irvlngton's best homes; terms. Phone Eaet 8S99. BROOKE, dealer In Portland Heights homes exclusively. A few sacrifices. Mar. 4S27. 7-ROOM house, Punnyside. $1850, worth $2000. k cash. RhlnehardL Mala T849. REAL ESTATE. tor S-Je Hwu!-ea, Z KX1' ESTATE INVESTMENTS. V--,. THAI CANNOT BE BEAT. Vancouver ave.. close to Broadway. $30O0, cash. lOOxlOO; I .old this aame prop erty 4 years ago for $60uu. loorl?.U JnvrIook, comer. lOO by -Hi U Btrx. improvement V!TilMiip..Pl venu -r Beech. $1100, 15th -IS a 1 "tr't --ewments paid. hod eilirfa- -room modern concrete $SlOO t: U Paid, ZSSH? Wlllm ve. and Kmtnge--V-H -room nouse. fully modem, fur. Uf1,0, lirepiace. waah tray furnished, ja t' oiprovemente paid, $2uoo. n?drC?mLrclil1 oroard, trees 7 rears old. at North Yamhill, flOoO. L E. THOMPSON, bis Mississippi Ave. V oodlawn 1733. IJJTST71, HKM- '--OERN' HOME. mirVVLJ T e- rrtetd district, on hard IhnVT? K"trrtt'cioM to W park and oU-, h, bdrooma, aieepiug porch. ii tfut .kitchen. fireplace, buifetl n fl-. full cement base ment, wash trays, good lawn end roee .Vost 3440. Will sacrifice for f,riJ-, lr1 cmmlx n1 "ralght 8-y-ar mortgage, 7 per cent. No trades, no agts. on t answer nniees you have $700 or more to Invent. Mr. Chapman, Broadway evenings Wood In wn S712. $2130.00. $400.00 CASH. 6-room house, en paved street pald ror) cemented basement, furnace, bath. P.W,T P'nted, 1 block from car. being ?V -T 6 wEt th at, Ernest .mnerli. 410 Lumbrrmeni bldg. PARKROSE 5-ROOM BUNOALOW. 100x150 TRACT ALL CULTIVATED. $100 DOWN. $22 50 PER MONTH, No mortgagee to assume, et.ra.icht con tract, ehln cled bungalow very nobby, porch across front and side; bath, large rooma, fireplace. baemnt; some nice trees, macadam road. 2 blocka to car and fandy bld; water, lights and gaa. See thla quick. Hickman-Wiiaon, 40n and Eandy. Tabor tSt8. C 121. JUST THINK .n50. Piedmont bungalow, well-built and mod ern (a i,Ka ftnd fruit trees. Only one Mock from Union avenue thoroughfare. t hia cost owner $35o0. An unusual bar gan on eaey terrna. C. DE YOUNG A COMPANY. ' 513-Q14 Chamber of Commerce. Sub urban Home Property. . SMALL FARM BARGAINS. 8.5 2Vs acres, U-rm. houee. near electrlo station church, school. IS miles , from city. All In cultivation. II BOO i acre, 5-rm. bungalow, nearly new. fireplace, buffet, running water, elope to Crre ham depot. All In cul tivation. More land can bs pur chased. $1050 1 acne. 5-rm. bungalow. chicken park, barn, fruit, berries, etc Near horkwojd station, on Mc Hood. Electrlo. $ 4501 acre, unimproved, ready to plow. on Baee Line hnrd-surf aoed road, close to electrlo station, store, church, and school, gas and electric llghta This la a snap. $2000 15 acre-v nearly all in cultivation ; best red shot soli, unexcelled view of Sandy River, and an ideal place for suburban home, with electrio station right a, your door. I'MiiDENSToCK & LARSON. .Ground Floor. a Oak St. TDEAL SUBURBAN HOMESITE. From 1 to 10 acres, rich land, well developed community- 30 minute out, with iw big red steel train daily each way through lu Buy now at our low prices and easy pay ments. Tyt ws phow yon THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 10- Fourth fct. PARKROSE ACHE TRACT. Jln. ONE-ROOM HOUHE AND WOODSHED. $5 DOWN. 15 PER MONTH. Mostly c!ea red, 2 blocks to cr, water, gas and lights, a candy plave for garden and chickena. outside city limits on ondy hlvd. HlckniAn-WUson, 45th and Sandy. Tabor ObK, Q 2121. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, cloeto csrlln. easy terms ; w ill build in suit purchaser. Phone Msnshall 15S5 or Peilwood 470. .lOHN GIBSON. Owner. COUNTRY HOME SITE. B or 10 acre, near Handy Road and fiCd street, low price on application; part trade. GODDARD & W1EDK1CK. 2-13 Mark St. Homret eadx. FOR BALE 160-acr homestead relinquUh ment in the Deschutes County; 3-room house, bsrn, fenced, fine trout stream on land. P. O. box 5J0, Bend. Or. For Pale Acreage. CHSAP ACREAGE, fi seres. $250: $10 down. $' per month buys 5 acres of land between Portia nd snd Centralis, on the tnalu line of 3 railroads. 1H miles from a town of SOO population, sawmills a nd shingle mills. Home of this land la partly cleared; run ning streams, some hot torn and some bench; some of t his land in good onion land; can give you any kind of a piece you want. $20 down, $10 per month, buys 40 acres f ood land at $-2.50 per acre. 2 mi tea rom the Col urn hia River, bet ween Port -land and Astoria in Cosrlltz County; this land la free from rock and gravel. 1 1 s nicely, good soli and holds moisture, t BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. Sis Rallwey Exchange Bldg. TOD have been wanting a piece of acreage, well here Is your chance, I have 5 acres 8 miles from Sherwood snd electric line, first growth fir and cedar, running stre.m, price $50ia. Will take piano up to $2-V. terms on balance, owners only. Address 1M4 Siskiyou st., or C 1M evenings. POTATOES, chickens and berries can be raised on this; lu acres near Base Line and Rock wood roads, close to Eastwood station, 7-rm house, unfinished ; barn, ber ries; t3 fruit trees. 0 years o'd ; buy this and be Independent. Price $.iOOO. GODDA HU at W1EDRJCK. 2-43 rTark St. BUY your country homesite on the Columbia River Highway; good water; river front age; splendid foliage, close to Portland : prices ressonable; terms. Call or see owners, Oa5 Corbett bldg. Phone Marsh a: 1 B08T. 4hk ACRES, dandy place, house, barn, full Dean ng onrnwu, o err in. ivr suit, vw, mostly cash. Foster paved road. Mala fcJ7, H ecre. new 6-r. bungalow. $lo0. $300 cash. McFarland. 605 Yeon bldg. 4 RAISE ONIONS ON THIS. SO acres close to Beaverton; rich deep black loam, running water; no buildings. Price $7500. CiODDAltD WTEDRICK, -43 Starlt Pt. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES Near Portland; $75 to $u0 per acre; easy terms best soil, farms for sale, all alasa. McFarland, 605Yeon b.dg., Portland. 24 ACRES, all In cultivation. $750 per'tract; 6 acres, ditto. $1400; paved. Foster road. 12Hc fare. Other choice acreage on 10a fare. McFarland. f-05 "i eon bldg. REDUCE the high cost of living by pur chasing one of our acres; fine soli and easy terms. Maat-rson or Reld, 20J W tl cox bldg. Main 3517. ONE acre, all In cultivation, good house. Barr road and t2d St.; price $0no. Rltter, Lows st Co.. 207 Board of Trade b.dg: ACRE tracts 8Sth N. end Btmpson; fine oil. Call woodlawn 2408 evenings For bale Farms, MUST FELL BEFORE WEDNESDAY TO UAV15 OTHER PROPERTY. Therefore you will get bargain In 20 acres on Pscifla Highway in ClaVke County: house, barn, lO acrss in cultiva tion, orchard, good w ster. nee r school. This Is sn opportunity you will never have again. Take advantage of It. Atkln ron A Nichols, 112 W. 6ta su, Vancouver. Wash. 50 0O ACRES In Fouth western Washlnsjson for sale, to settlers only, upon eaey terms snd low prices. $5 per acre and up. "Writ for map showing location terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash, SMALL MISSOURI FARM. $10 CASH and $5 monthly; no Interest or taxes; highly pro ductive land : cloee to three big markets. Writs f "r photographs snd full Informa tion. Munger. A-241 N, Y. Life - bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. INVESTIGATE. v 15 a ere a, new house and barn. X aeree ef orchard. 2 cows. 1 hor, on good rook road 1 mile from Sherwood; sit for $2000: only takea $500 cash. McKenzi & Co., 615 Oerllnger blag. FOR PALE Wheat ranch, by widow; last year's crop rsn over 35 bushels to tie acre; does to Walla Walla; part of es tate; further information, address Mrs. M iller. poatofflcs box S62. Walla Wails,' Wash, NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS. Eastern Montana, at $2.50 to $19 per acre; eultable for farming- or grazing; eaiy terms. For Information write or see IV. K. Holt. Miles City. Mont. FoK A I by owner, SO-scre ranc a and furnishings, located near Jewell, Clatsop Co.. in Nehaiem Valley: price $3."no. terms; no trade. E. A, Spencer. Jewe l. Or.. Clatsop Co. 4000 ACRES lozged-off land for aale in one body at bargain; might consider unincum bered property in part payment, 010 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Mar. Logged -off lands. $10 a. up. running water. empiyt; little fanna cleared. Improved, $5 down. J. R- Sharp. 557 Sherlock bldg. CHOICE WHEAT LAND $1. worth $40. Fifth cash. bal. 9 year!- pa ments. C. D. 8TROW fc CO- 6v3 Stock iuxch. Bld