STATE WILL DROP GRAZING LAND CASE House Passes, Then Kills Bill to Prosecute Pacific Live ly stock for Fraud. DEBATE OFTEN IS BITTER State Treasurer Kay Asserts That Land Board Never Indorsed Move - of Sir. McConnell to Proceed Against the Company. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or.. Feb. 19. (Special.) Prosecution of the case against the Pacific Livestock Company ior alleged frauds in. obtaining title to about 40,000 acres of grazing land In Eastern Oregon, probably will have to cease as a result of the refusal of the House tonight to pass the bill appro priating ?5000 for the Attorney-General to continue the work. The bill was Introduced todav in the Ilousa by the ways and means com mittee and after some sharp debate, it was passed. But tonight it was re called and killed. It developed from the line of argu ment on the floor that about five years ago, C. B. McConnell, an Eastern Ore T nJ J? d owner. came before the State .Land Board and asked the state to join in a suit against the Pacific Livestock Company. Mr. McConnell wanted to irrigate some dry land near the Sllvies River. J-he Pacific Livestock Company owned the land on both sides of the stream, and refused to surrender their water rights. Mr. McConnell oleaded thnt th company had obtained their property ft. Govern- West, it seems, instructed Mr. McConnell to start pro- i . 8a ln tne name of the state.' Before acting on the bill today the House heard presentations from State Assistant Attorney-General. Mr. Kay tam the State Land Board had taken no action in the case. Mr. Van Winkle ..u mat me case could not be .."ct.uicu successruiiy without funds. Representative CrandaJI. wh rn.-.- cents the district in which the lands are located, pleaded earnestly for the bill. He was vigorously opposed by Vr 1 es Joean, -i-eck and others. . . J!ean read a statement from Etate Treasurer Kay in which Mr. Mc Donnell was quoted as saying that even r Btato should win the suits, he (McConnell) would remain in possession of the water rights and that he would riot dispose of them to the state except lor a consideration. The history of the Pacific Livestock Company was referred to frequently, and in no kindly terms. The company Is controlled by Miller & Lux, who own extensive holdings in California and Nevada. Mr. Miller died recently leaving an estate of about $30,000,000 and now his family ,is resisting the payment of an inheritance tax in Cali fornia. The situation in the cast of this bill "-'"0 complicated tonight when th """" recaueo. Mouse bill No. 395 by Oordon. which the .Senate defeated a. cw uaya ago. This bill . proposed to validate the title to all lands obtained by various conveyances, prior to 1897 a- tion is made, however, for all- lands ?iinet. which sutts may be brought the act iearS aftCr the Passage of iaW ,'.1 th Gordon bul becomes a 7r;W! h thS biU appropriating the ' " lne suits out of the way, the Pacific I.lvt,.L- would be in good position to gain clear title to its Drouertv. KEXATE cation of pubiio and legal notices in new: papers. H. B. 506. by Rowe Rerulatlnjr manufac ture or cheese to conform with Federal statutes. Substitute H. B. 81, by committee on re vision or laws Amending laws provldin ur saie ot property rrr roreciosure. etc. H. B. 454. by Crandall Providing for voluntary military training ln high school; or tne state. H. B. 459. by Laurgaard by request) Appruprmunr -u ior meaai ior Joseph c. rueaciie ior Bravery. H. B. 530. by committee on fisheri Permitting fishing with set nets for family iuo uunng- certain seasons or tne vear. H. B. 504. by Mann To prohibit trans portation -or persons armcted with conti glous diseases in public conveyances. ii- it. -. oy joint ways ana means caty mlttee Appropriating money for one-half Dounty granted tor aestruction or certain vna animals. H. B. 535. by Joint ways and means com mittee Appropriating 115,000 for office of Dupcnnteiiueni ol ruDllc instruction. H. B. 638, by Joint ways and mean. mlttee Appropriating money for Florenoe wnttenton rtenei noma and Patton Home, ana uregon n um ane bociety. H. B. 537. by Joint ways and me.n. mlttee Providing for deficiency claims in mamieuauca luuoa 01 various state lnstl tutlons. II. B. 538, by Joint ways and mean rnn mlttee Appropriating money for study and iocbukkuuu u; mineral resources of th state. H. B. 639, by Joint way. and means com mlttee Appropriating monev. fflp main... nance of medical department University of H. B. 041, by Joint ways and means com mittee Authorizing Joint ways and meani committee to conduct investigation. WIIUCOOCB, c LC -. oy Joint ways and Tr-an. mlttee Appropriating funds for current et- k otato bana aoara, Desert Land Board. Slate Water Board, etc n. Jrt. D. Dy Joint wavs and mun mlttee Appropriating funds for payment of .....,,, . iiuniuunj iiax inaustry In Oregon. H. B. 545. by joint wav. and mmanm "!tteo Appropriating money for payment of expenses In connection with State Board v nu.i ra social .Hygiene Socletv H. B. 546. by lolnt wav. n,..-. mlttee Appropriating money for payment of salaries and expenses of Oregon State Land Board of Forestry and State Board of H. B. 548. by iolht wav. .n ...... Providing monev for dufrgvi.. .. l" primary ana general election. H. B. 182. by Corbell c-i t- .... . terest on accounts. n. a. Mi. by A I Jonea lnnr.n,i..i nn k r troops w ho served H. B. 333. bv Ratnn T... i j ulatlng collection of Inheritance tax. . ?"J ?.S2-y Mackay Regarding the f. ot bnerlffa dri a r, .... . deed. T. 01 sucu H. B. 311. by Anderson Amending- law cTfni " ),cen8ln osteopathic pby. H. B. 222. by Markov a..i ,. requiring corporations dissolved by the state 1 .C.?tinu, leal xlstence for five yiVr. and their ussels " " th hill"-3' 615' by committee on roads and m? :re""b"e S. Benson fo" . .----.-J- -a mi 1 oaus. mlttee PASSES MAXY BILLS Refuge Provision for Portland Homes Is Made. STATE CAPITOL Salem. Or.. Feb. 19 --i special) The senate today passed avuvw lilg U11IS. 6o ?lr- A1 Jones Licensing .r " -j - 11 --i 01 s. aog and ting fund tor stock killed by them. ers from 3 to $ ' a"" u".t 0mm,Ml . 0,4 by Porbes Reducing salarle. of officers of Crook County. aaianes T-il'i.?". 2?8, bT Thomas Permitting State Knglneer to cancel permits when holders ha9 5"ei Provlsloni of law J -.J, uy (.-lacKama. rninw -j - - rate ror pUDn '"n In the House HAIR COMING OUT? CROSS Dandruff causes a feverish irritation i me ot-aip, me nair roots shrink, loos en and then the hair cornea out fast. To etop falling hair at once and rid the ecjilp of every particle of dandruff, get 2o-cent bottle of Danderine at any drug store, pour a little in your hand rub it into the scalp. After a few applications the hair stops cueing out and J ou can't find any dandrufi, LOOK MfiO'S . TONGUE IF SICK, !, FEVERISH Hurry. Mother! Remove Poisons From Little Stomach, Liver, Bowels. ; Give "California Syrup of Figs" at Once if Bilious or Constipated. Look at the tongue, mother! If coat ed, it is a sure sign that your little one s stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once, Wnen peevish, cross, lintless. pale. jesn t sleep, doesn't eat or act natu rally, or is feverish, itomach sour, create bad; has stomach- ache, sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonf ul of "California Syrup of 1'lgs," and in a few hours oil th fri constipated waste, undigested food and eour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. Vou needn't coax sick children to lake this harmless "fruit laxative"; they love its delicious taste, and it always makes them teel splendid. Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bottle of California Syrup of Figs," which nan dlrprliina r. 1. 1 - j " . uauAce, unnuren or an ages and for grown-ups plainly on the ottle- Beware, ef counterfeits sold here. To be sure you get tae genuine, ask to see that it is made by "California i'ig Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind with contempt. Adv, r ' oy u"er Relating to burden of proof in certain trespass cases. land, h95' fy 9ordon To confirm title to " J"ld Prior to January 1, 1897 H. B. 214. by Al. J on os To prevent .win. from running at large In certaVcounU 71 ' r4"' by Sweeney Regulating collac- employ" "pen1"u" hosp.taT.'Tf nit"' for' c8a bSymCk,-A"thortl!,n ' ..i. ' A- Smlth Lumber Com Dan v ,nH titled laDdS "" I undedefecuvt H. B. 5o3. bv lnl . buUdlng at Oregon Agricultural College. ..V- . Dy Joint ways and mean. H- i. pproprlat'n" 5.000 for woman's Sregonry be"erms at Unlver.Uy f H. B. 623. bv iln . mittne a " means com nance of KrV"1 "a'nte h tj rr , ocnooi ror Uirls mHt'eiiS y Jo'nt ways and means com ,teSr?. ?r 5.XDenses of State Board of Con State T r.,-.0'. Commissioners, H. B. 057. bv 1 . ii n t ,'. ' . mltte-ADnm;.r" ' . :." "0 means com neous printing: - U"aa Ior l?teeSll,ly i.'"tway' com- office of stat .; -tJ'' " ,Ior. B"PPort of H. B. 4f' ' oa. commission. mlttee AnC,:. T.l", ln.a means com r-'..--'"' ule'rVm H. B. B.-.r, k mattee ADnrH. ".V," L "n? mean of orphans unSr Yt '""" Ior ""PPort ward girls, etc. $,000Bforaadvertln"7.n-Appropriating THE MORNEYG OREGOMAN, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1917. New Clothes for Young Men Are Here A SPRING showing 'Of L System Clothes, corabin ins the best of every thing designs, fabrics and tailoring. An ex hibit that is meeting with universal favor. Young men are invited to see the Kombo Garments they can be worn as belted backs or as plain suits, at the option of the wearer. $20 to $25 Young Men's Store, " Second Floor A. Good Hat the Brewer, $3 Quality Unchanged Ben Selling Leading Clothier Morrison at Fourth mittei sealer B. C3, by joint ways and 7AV"J J"?" or r . - . " inciioUrPn. imbursa P r , Sun' ,lue.tT re received. Williams for inJuples H. B. 540. hv mittee-Approprlatlng funds fm.r nance of .Supreme Court ma,n for mainlenknce andatroT?'1"? mney in District No operation of a hatchery r. B: i34, by s,ann Appropriate for hatchery at Bonneville P"at,n for hatch "rv on HPE"Drlating 4000 20.000 -Regulating use of H. B. 24. bv Ho set nets In District No. 2. ... xj. nut, oy lolnt u u .1 . , mlttee Appropriating r7,W. i means com mlscellaneoL, claims d" f"" Bay'nt of fund, for H. B. 229. bv . . Appropriating ,20.000 for armorTatarsV tl-3iS-5fi;.5y..?T5h,J- Co"ty del, xur iranarer of certain h1y.r.rentcereaftreT C s5o'o annually rX- ??f,'?ZZ;n'r station at Cnrvni. experiment H. B. 565, by lolnt wv. .-j ZlVToT1""' 31-00 'or Mo"mouTh H. B. 654. bv loir,)- ,, j mlttee Annronr-i., i . mean com- ceiving ward ; '".. r?.r Salem" 'ne hospital at H. B. 134. by Brownell (by rranrat) A oprlatlng S5000 for ereA., ??e"!!Ap: monument at Champoeg. ' H. B. 522. by Seymour Jones Authnrir nfl, BtZV7 J? .ba!;d of control to furi them U lo Derons desirin them. H- B. 401, by Seymour Jone H 8 ,20.000 to reimburse fiTi?. 7". II. B. S89, by Jonea of T .r, rnrU .J,OV11 mortgage chattels Regulating carry- Making it from county In which .rtXT." Si An. Ini r,H . ? Callan Regulating carr it tT . A . 1,1 rnB ana other weapons " .- uv committee on labor r,rt i: uuBlries requiring signs at n uoeiinKS. all railroad Jrt. Is. 479. bv Rwe.n.v a . relative fr. r-.l.;7i "i'w. .?."ram,' ,aw w tJ oo "inns and d H. B. 92. bv v t;."''''"""".11'- mihtuffon'r cmrating"feeble',daLntI tiooon fA, " J5y Tta'""ffaa,ra APPpriatlng Project. "pairing Tumalo irrigation H. B. 559. by iolnt wnva mlttee Ap.roprlatina- mor,.v r . m" board, sanitary livestock board, etc H. B. 407. bv FnrhM A , ' . . 'or InTersiafe" S JOT. by joint ways and means com Ittee To reimburse w xr tt-. cow killed and one cow Injured it,'.i-L$ - y i10'"1 way" and means com- 1 1 toe ADDronr nt i7 - . . Labor Commissioner, etc. " OI ri1;,?" r'2- by Mann Appropriating money for premiums on llv.,i, r.- , ' national Livestock ExposUlon """c lnter' fo"".ta'bles8, hor,.UD"T Appropriating ,3800 r?r !'..-h-7e". and quarters, etc, for tion o at Clackamas sta- Senate Kills Bills. STATE CAPITOL. Salem, Or., Feb 19 (Special.)-The Senate today killed the following- bills: y Kulea Hw B- i22- by Anderson. Bean, Eaton and Icribrr?.rOV'i", fr "'a""-hingaofnp'ub- I. B. 102, by Sweeney To prevent fish from entering Irrigation ditches. "h B; 18,- by Mackay Making technical correction In wording of section 226 Vtcoal. H. B. 4. by Bowman To provide for re.. H,0B 4frChl!vr,en ,ec,lr" instftutlonV . by Lanrgaard-Llmltlng use of hard eurface roads by certaain vehicles! iJ" y Ahley Uniform sales act. H. B. 209. by Martin For betteil DroteV tion of railroad rights of way I protec" .""J. Dy Mann Appropriating funds .....u.ito vii iivesiocK at Pac ternational Livestock Exposition, CHURCH BODY READY Christian Endeavor Speaker Gives Militant Talk. sRr V v ! WAR NOT WORST OF EVILS Dan Poling Says Members Will An swer Call if It Comes Despite Efforts for Teace Christ's Use of Force Recalled. "If, in spite of all efforts to keep peace, we are thrust into war, if I .i u tuts leinner or t n . t-hH, t.- "'ej win De ready to answer me can ana stand tne most exacting test. It would be sad if in the hour of crisis the church of Oorl fallen opeHK ana act. m co-operation with the Red Cross we can certainly enlist the last man and the last woman" It was Dan Polinp. associate presi dent of the United Christian Endeavor Bucieues oi tne world, who made thes statements last night when he ad dressed the Kndeavor societies of Multnomah County at tholr rn Westminster Presbyterian Church. Sev- t-io.. nunurea youngr persons, represent- a majority of the Protestant ot "e county, were assem bled and listened with profound atten tion io me man who is the inspira iion ui tne organization an ,..k oiuteriLy is demonstrated In his untir ing: work for the advancement of the cause. Mr. Polinjr is a r r . land boy. He came to Oregron to par ticipate in the tWO State rr.nv.ntu.. tne one mat just closed at T. nor.- and the other that will be held in ufecntj t ne jaiter part of thl. week. War ot Worst Mr. Polinsr described wai- a icllbo oi wnite sKuus around the world nu uiooay uu D Dies in every sea," and T.i ""-""("'"is its norrors, he said: But there are some thingrs worse than war. There are time when . be prepared for a Gethsemane or a Uol- soi.ui.. wnnsi was tne supreme mili tant. He did not hesitate to make the weapon ot rone and with nhv.i.i force to drive the mrinpv.rhan.,. l. . 1 . I. V- . -J . LI I in temple. That all Kndeavorers work fnr r.. manent peace and for the eradication of bittness in all hearts was the plea of their leader. "If you would hin younp people in the church," said Mr Poling, -you must challenge them with heavy responsibility rather than lure them with ice cream nH nv. - Give them work to do." He said that in 1916. 4o00 new Christian p-r,H societies had been organized. In Europe the work is sadly shattered. Mr. Poling: said, but the spirit of the young peo ple is not broken. More than 400 En deavorers signed the peace advocate pledge last night. This pledge exacts a promise that the signer v. abolition of war and to cement the fel lowship of peoples of all nations and cnuminations throughout the world. Awards Ak Made. The Church of the Strangers, having . full attendance of all ft men-.K... in two societies, received the 100 per cent award. Atkinson Memorial rhnrih was second and the Chinese Christian Mission third. The first prize society will receive a pass for one delegate to the Salem conl vennon. David M. Jack, president of Mult noraan county Union, presided. Lloyd .. . .., presiaent, gave some """" irom. the La Grande convention which was the first held ln Eastern t-regon since 1904. Others who spoke briefly were Miss Ellanore Ewing, mis sionary superintendent; Miss Louella t. yer. president of Washington State Lndeavorers; Effle Torgerson, inter mediate superintendent. and Emil bwanson, vice-president of Multnomah County unions. MISS LANE IS ELOPER SENATOR A3VD HIS WIFE 1VOT TOLD IX ADVANCE OF" WEDDIG. . Brtdereia Is 44 and Divorced. Bride ! 31, Records ef License Clerk t Baltimore Show. BALTIMORE. Feb. 19 (Special.) It became known here today that news of the marriage of- Mlw Florence Lane daughter of United States Senator Lane' of Oregon, and Dr. Samuel D. Hicks' of Norfolk and Nw York, here on Feb ruary 10, was not communicated to the father and mother of the bride at Washington until after the couple ar rived in New York. Thereupon they received the customary parental bless ing, it is said, by telegraph. Dr. Hicks and Miss Lane came to Baltimore from Washington the morn ing of February 10. obtained a mar riage license and were married at noon the same day at th rcuMpnm nf C. M. Eyster, 1824 East Baltimore street. The license record shows that ur. nicKs is 44 and divorced and that Miss Lane Is 31. Her residence is given "1 married them." said Tt.v -Mi- Eyster. "The couple evidently knew wnai tney were about and impressed me as being of the UDDer walk of life. They seemed to be a loving couple. I hastened the ceremony so they could eaten a train for New York." DRY NATION HELD NEAR AXTI-SALOOX LEAGUE OFFICER IX CITY SPEAKS CONFIDENTLY. RETAILERS' MEET ON Sessions Open With 100 Pres ent; 300 Expected Today. CHAMBER LUNCHEON HOST Dr. E. J. Moore. Assistant General Su perintendent, Says He Thinks ext Congress Will Act. 'I firmly believe that the next Con gress will adopt & resolution submitting to the states the constitutional amend ment making the whole country dry." This was the assertion of Dr. E. J. Moore, assistant general superintend ent of the Anti-Saloon League of Amer ica, who arrived in Portland last night to meet the executive staff of the Ore gon Anti-Saloon League, of which R. P. Hutton Is the state superintendent. "Our strength in both th Hunk, o the Senate has grown wonderfully in the last decade," continued Dr. Moore. States that we have not denenHrri unnn for support have shown their preference .me ancu again Ior "dry- Senators by repudiating those who were either un pledged or were known to have a weakness in the direction of the jvets." Dr. Moore said that the dry forces had gained during the last va.r 11 flna. Loriai votes. After Addresses of Welcome and Re sponses, Members Attack Mail order Kvil and Appropriation or $10,000 Is Proposed.' More than 100 represent. ,e retail merchants from various parts of Ore gon were in the vanguard which opened the annual convention of the Oregon Retail Merchants" Association yester day morning, and this number was augmented still further by afternoon arrivals, while the atendance will be doubled practically by the delegations that will arrive for the second day's session this morning. The membership m the state at large is about 2400 and. with the Wil lamette Valley delegations coming in today, there will be a representation of about 300 of these members present. w. a. narrett, of Albany, was chair man of the convention, and the lnvno. tion at the opening yesterday morning was by Rev. A. A. Morrlxon. i Both Governor Wlthvcomhn n Mayor Albee were present and made addresses of welcome. The response v oy i. i: tiewitt. of Eugene. Methods of com hut In tr th moii...j. house and the trade evils arising from It, problems In credits and collections for the country merchant and closer co-operation between the retailer and the farming men were the points mtu me aiacussion of the day ne Programme in the afternoon now me iracK- rrom the printed an nouncement and resolved itself into an iiuuaiMuo - neart - to - heart" discus on among tne delegates of their niemous or dealing with these prob lems. In the morning the principal set ad- . oy - l - i-ewls on "Personal ity of Business." President . Clifford Barln. n c retary Leo R. Merrick ur.i in ..i.uui itporm, mat a campaign be ln- lusuraiea with an appropriation of lo ascertain why so many mil lions are leaving the state for ih moii order houses, and what methorla -on employed best to prevent the contlnu- "- or growtn or the evil. orricers of the association we How to Prevent Croup Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the rough cough appears, and the attack may nearly always be warded off and all danger and anxiety avoided. "in muri t The Immortal Nazimova in the all-absorbing play "WAR BRIDES" Beginning Saturday, Feb. 24 Spells Pure Appeirier JparKUng NECTAR of sweet, fragrant apples, clear as crystal and snapping: with zest and life. D EforCali US' healthful inv,fat'"8-. the beverage supreme ST,nV,Pl!8Lfu(givin& ful1 Tlame) at soda fountains, BofT drink establishments, cafes, hotels, clubs. A. H. GREENBERG Distributor for Oregon. Phone Broadway 474. 133 North Third, corner Hoyt. I c - " . . . ... u i , 1 1 1 a memDers council of the Chamber of Commerce at noon yesterday, and today the visiting delegates will have luncheon at Albers Bros.' mill. Reports of local associa tions will be received at the meeting this mArninr n H X-. u ... " " ' oirauss, chairman of the bureau of trade and mo i. nHinDcr or Lom- mei-t. T.' H v.i - 1 . , i Ladd & Ttlton Bank, and A. C. Marstera of Roseburg. - will be the principal speakers. The meetings are held on the second floor of the Oregon building. A reel to be attached to an automo bile wheel has been invented to en able linemen to pick up or pav out wire much more rapidly than can be done by hand. ii Flush the Kidneys Bow Btic AcU Catsss Gout. Biemnalfea, iTmm (By L H. SMITS. sC. D.) It was not until the discovery by 8ir Arthur Gerod, in 1S48, that the blood of gouty patients contained uric acid in an excessively large amount, that much attention was paid to this enbject. Later scientific men learned that in gout, also rheumatism, the kidneys do not work properly to throw off the nrio acid poison; consequently nric acid crys tals are deposited in and about the joint, in the muscles, where) So inflamma tion is set up in the nearby tissues. Hague.has said, that gout is rheu matism, and rhouroatibiu is gout.' II uric acid is formed in excess within the tody it ia passed on to the kid neys, which act as a tiller to pass off this poison. If the excess is not excreted by the kidneys, it is distri buted thru the tissues. The choice sites for such Etorase are in the joints, muscle-6heatlis, where the cii dilation is weakest, and where also the al kalin ity of the blood is lowest. Conse quently -we must do everything to throw off this uric acid poi.on. and simple methods are best. Flush the klfinPVH hv ririnlrinrv ti O ! t water between meals. A -pint of hot water a half hour before meals. . Take Anuria, (double or triple strength), three times a day For awhile. Invigorate and assist the kid neys to flash out the uric acid poisons. Buring winter months the circulation isapt to be sluggish and the blood Stream retarrloH. 1 f ent it is apt to clog the capillaries. This accounts for many acute condi tions, such as headache, neuralgia, gastric disturbances, and dull mind. As the condition progresses, we often have lumbago, disease of the heart -and arteries, breaking down of the kidneys, rheumatism and gouty symp toms. Eat less meat, drink more water, and 'take An uric (double or triple strength) after meals and at bed time for several weeks at a time, and you will be free from uric acid and the diseases that follow. Three WorldWonders on the Santa Fe IF your ticket to the East is via Santa Fe you can stop off to see them. '' " Yosemite Valley Grand Canyon v Petrified Forest Descriptive Booklets Free. H. H. Francisco, G. A. E. W. Zamsow, T. P. A. 123 Third St. Portlssd, Or. . -ins.-'.v i sr. iii1 td c s