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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1917)
J TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAN, TITTJItSDAT, FEBRUARY 15, 1917. ID SPOT DEMAND GOOD Oats No. 1 white feed Bfl.Ao Barley No. 1 white feed... 9.25 Futures March March March March i March bluestem fortyfold club .... Russian . oats Eastern for Inquiries for Wheat Early Shipment. PRICES HOLDING STEADY 2. 00 f 29.00 Bid. .. 1.50 . . 1.54 . . 1.52 .. 1.48 . . 86 23 Ma-ch barley fSB.50 FLOUR Patents. S8.20; straights, T.40 T.60; Valley, 87.70; whole wheat. 88.40; gra ham. SB.20. MILLFEED Spot prices: Bran, 126.50 per on: shorts, 830.50 per tons rolled bar ley. ,: 3. corn Whole, f.47 per ton; cracked. 4S per on. HAY Producers' prices: Timotny, emi- em Oregon, 1920 per ton; alfalfa, 14 lo; valley grain hay, tiz.ouqpi. LAST BIDS LOWEST Stock Market Is in Hands x Professionals. of TRADE SMALLEST IN WEEKS .Oiriciais or eaerai uram nianuaru- Vlzatlon. Board Attend Noon Ses lon of Merchants Exchange. Oats and Barley Firmer. Dairy and Country Producer BUTTER Cubes. extras. 87Ue: prime firsts, B6i87c: firsts, 85 38c Jobbing prices: -Prints, extras. 39c: cartons, lo extra; butterfat. No. 1. 43c; No. 2. 41c. Portland. K siiarM Affected by Situation though the Eastern speculative wheat " ;ets were lower yesterday, the cash de- narVi continued. Dealers received inquiries the East for wheat for March-April in ant l Tronnnent at about tne Bam, prices as on the shlpt,dln jay. precejg Merchants' Exchange had one of the TlV attended sessions In Its history. The estlBers of the Federal Grain Standardlza menj Board and many out-of-town dealers. t!oJlers and farmers who are attending the "tarings were present. Bid prices were to 1 cent higher on white wheat and un ' changed on red wheat. Oats and barley offers Indicated a firmer market. The following sales were posted on the board : 35,000 bushels March bluestem f 157 6,000 bushels March fortyfold 1M inn tnnm ITnhrnarv nnt. ........ 86.00 100 tons February bran 23.50 The Liverpool grain cable said "Wheat dull but Arm, with buyers wait ing. Shipping difficult and this restricts business. Corn firm, arrivals limited, con sumption liberal. Oats steady but dull. Re cent purchases have been liberal and now traders are waiting for more favorable ship ping conditions before renewing buying. Flour firm. Provisions strong. Argentine weather clear and warm. Corn prospects show Improvement In the south, but else were very unfavorable. Clearances of grain o far this week very light. Foreign crop summary unfavorable." A New York broker writes of the wheat market outlook: "The market Is dominated by the Inter national situation, which stops all commer cial movements for the time at least. Under suoh conditions, aggravated by "the railroad congestion, supplies are accumulating at Interior points and leading to a pessimistic outlook. The new crop outlook, while not over flattering, is being interpreted as more promising than the start made at this time last yeaT. For two weeks or more we have suggested the . probability of lower values end see no reason to change our views now, "With changed political situations, a new sur vey would be in order. Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported fcy the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay CHEESE- dock, Portland: Tillamook triplets, 20c loung Americas not quoted. Kliua Oregon ranch. current reneipts. 82c per dozen; Oregon ranch, candled, 33tf 34c per dosen; Oregon ranch, selects, 36c per dozen. POULTRY Hens. 18 20c per pound; Springs. 1820c; turkeys, live. 2021c; dressed. 25&28c: ducks, 2022c; geese, 12f(B 13o. VEAL Fancy, 14Virl5o per pound. PORK Fancy, 15154c per pound. Frnlts and Vegetable. Local lobbing cuotatlons: TROPICAL FRUITS Ornnres. navels. $2.252.50; lemons. $2.508.73 per box: bananas, 5c per pound; grapefruit, $4.50 & 5.50; tangerines. S2.3 2.75 per box. VEGETABLES Artichokes, 11 1.20 per dozen; tomatoes, S6(f$7 50 per crate; cabbage. $5 per hundred; eggplnnt. 25c per pound; lettuce, J3.50: cucumbers. $1.6001.75 per dozen; celery. 85.50 er crate; cauliflower, $2.(0 per crate; peppers, 30c per pound; sack vegetables. S1.25C&2 per sack; sprouts. 12ijc per pound; rhubarb, 10011c per pound. POTATOES Oregon buying prices: $3 per nunared;. sweet potatoes, 44c per pound. ONION'S Orexon buying prices. $7.50 per sack, country points. GREEN' FRUITS Annies. 45ct2.2S per box; cranberries, $10011 per barrel. ruling bid. 2; rate. 34; last loan. 2Ml offered it 2V per cent. closing Staple Groceries. LocaI jobbing quotations: SUGAR Fruit and berry. $7.00: Honolulu fiantation, $7.53: Grants Pass beet, J7.40 California beet. $7.40; extra C, $7.20; pow- oerea. in Barrels. 88.10: cubes, in barrels. 18.35. SALMON Columbia River. 1 -sound tails. $2.4U per dozen: one-half flats. $1.50: 1- pound flats. $2.50; Alaska pinks. 1-pound tails. $1.25. HONE V Choice. $3a3.25 per case. NUTS Walnuts, sack lots, 18c; Brazil nu-s. 10c; filberts. l'Jc: almonds, 18jlo: peanuts, 7c; cocoanuts. $1.10 per dozen; pe- caiiB. isftlc: chestnuts. 10c. BEANS Small white. 115io: large white, 11.10c; Lima, 11 c; bayous, 8.20o; pink SVfcc; red Mexicans 94c; Manchurlan, Sfec tOFFtlE Roasted, iri drums. 174jpK5o. bALT Granulated. $16.75 per ton; calf ground 100s, $11.30 per ton; 60s, $12.10 per ton: daily. 114 7., tuar ton. RICK Southern head, &7o per pound; but broken. 4c: Jo nan stvle. 4:3 4 He UK1ED FKU1TU Apples. lOrtfllo; apri cots. ie10c; peaches. SM&lUc; prunes. itaiinn, h'ji-uc: raisins, 8iti5W.c: dates. Persian, 15c per pound; faru. $2.50 per box; currants, 15 10c; figs. e-2ia3.&0 per boi In Cuba Activity of Central Leather Is Only Unusual Fea turedBonds Are Irregular. Entering State Muster-Out WEW TORK. Feb. 14. Trading on tne Stock Exchange today was superficial to the last degree, total salee of 800,000 shares being almost -the lightest of any full ses sion this year, and the smallest witn one or two exceptions since he middle of last year. Operations were confined to a few grouns o? professional traders, that element re versing Its moderate optimism or tne pre vious day to the extent of renewing com mitments on tyti short side. The onlv riteworthy or unusual feature were the relative activity of Central Leather, dealings In that stock at an extreme ad vance of 2 points overtopping the turn over In United States Bteel. which In variably leads the liBt. Over-nieht develODmerits. particularly the situation in Cuba, found direct reflection In the course of sugar issues. Cuban-American Sugar making a gross decline of 6 points. while South Porto Rico, wnicn may aenv. some benefits from the disturbances in Cuba, made an extreme gain of 12 points. United States Steel ranged between iu and 105,' closing at lo64i. a net loss of 1 point. Related Industrials were 1 to 2 points lower, with as much for metals, while shippings, oil and utilities, parucu- arly gas shares, were down to almost 4 points. Ralls were under steady restraint, prob ably in consequence of the weakness of New Haven, which recorded the minimum price In Its history at 87 Vi to the accompaniment of familiar rumors respecting the future of that property. Lowest quotations were made 11 around In the final hour, the movement being accelerated by reports of the sinking of an American merchantman la the Euro-' pean war zone. All foreign exohange markets were at a standstill, with a further shading of rates on Berlin and Vienna, Intimations of the early completion of negotiations for a French loan by our bankers were not confirmed. It Is understood that new commercial SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 14. Sterling In London, 84.70H; demand. 84.75.; cables. $4.76; Mexican dollars. 60c LONDON, Feb. 14. Bar ertlver. 8Sd per ounce. Money. 44 per cent. Discount rates, short bills. 5H per cent; three months. BVs per cent. New Rnbbe Bond Issue, NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.. Feb. 14. Stockholders of the United States Rubber Company voted unanimously at a special meeting here today in favor of a new issue of first and refunding gold mortgage bonds amounting to , 7,tr-2.000, and the full ac quirement by the paint organization of 14 subsidiary companies. v Bethlehem Capital Increased. NEWARK, N. J.. Feb. 14. The propo sition to increase the capital stock of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation from $30,000,000 to $75,000,000 was approved at a special meeting of stockholders here today. Stocks Idle at London. LONDON, Feb. 14. American securities were Idle around parity on the stock ex change today. SMALL RUN AT YARDS LARGER PART OP" RECEIPTS GOES TO PACKERS. GRAIN IS TIED UP Millions of Bushels Are Awaiting Shipment. Held TRAFFIC IS DEMORALIZED . 14 3 .3SR2 .0291 . 14 2 .4!02 .5794 1 . 11 .3907 .4176 14 8 2 157 10.-8 1772 1641 1843 llou 847 1676 .... 2 1 12 110 .. 248 1507 485 .. 254 1713 T 8 8 1 0 2 23 879 1119 1053 2009 1226 1506 758 822S Portland TVednetday ... Year ago Reason to date Year, ago Tacoma Tuesday ..... Year ago Season to date Year ago Seattle Tuesday ..... Year ago Reason to date Year ago FOCR-CENT DROP IN BCTTER MARKET Weakness Long Accumulating; Results In Sharp Cut In Price. A sharp cut of 4 cents a pound In city creamery butter prices will go Into effect this morning. Prints In plain wrappers will be quoted out at 89 cents and In cartons at 40 cents. No change was made In the buying price of butter fat. but this will probably be adjusted today to meet the new condtttons in the butter market. Cubes were quoted lower on the street at 37 cents for extras. The market has never been very firm since the last advance was made, as high prices cut down consumption. Ban Fran cisco has been declining this week and this made lower prices here necessary. The egg market closed firm at 82 cents, case count. High prices In the Middle West have turned the demand from the Montana section this way. California Is still too high to compete with Portland for the business offering. The poultry nnd dressed meat markets were firm. Veal receipts were large, the demand was strong. Hops, Wool, Hide. Etc HOPS 1916 crop, 03o per pound, 1917 oontrscts, lorailc per pound. HluKB Saited hides (25 lbs. and lip). isc; salted stags (50 lbs. and up). 14c; greon and salted Uln d5 lbs. to 25 lbs.). 18c: green and salted calf skins (up to 10 ids.1. 274528c: green hides 25 lbs. ana up). 16c green stags (00 lbs. and up). 12c: dry hides, 30c; salt hides. 25c; dry horse hides, tijz; salt horse hides. 83ffl5. I l-.ll i Lry long-wocled pelts. Z4o: ary shott-wooled pelts. 17c: dry shearlings. 10 25o each; salted, long-wooled pelts, $11.50 HaltaJ short-wooled pelts. 50c&'$L i allow No. 1. Kito oer pound. WOOL Eaxtern Oregon, fine. 284133c-, coarse. 83!-39c; Valley. 33ljJ41c. MUMAlK Nominal. CA8CARA. UAKis. Old and new. 6H07d per pound. Provisions. HAMS All sizes, choice. 28c: standard. 24c; skinned, 21 & 22c; picnics. 16Vsc; cot tage rolls. l'Jc. LARD Tierce basis: Kettle rendered. 19c: standard Dure. 18c: compound. 16c. BACON Fancy, 315133c; standard. zts 28c; choice, 22p26c. DRY SALT Short, clear backs. 19 21c; export. 20fe22c; plate. 10 n no. Oils. KEROSENE Water white, drums, barrels or tank wasrons. 10c: cases. 18 il -2 o. GASOLINE Bulk. 2114c: cases, KOc; naphtha, drums, lOVfcc: cases. 80c; enclne distillate, drums. 10Ac: cases. 19c. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. $1.08; cases. $1.15; boiled, barrels, $1.10; cases, fi.ii. TURPENTINE In tanks, oic: in cases. 74c; 10-case lots, lc less. credits to French Interests are under discussion. Bonds were Irregular. Anglo-French 6s making a new low price .of 00 hi before re covering, while mparts 6s gained a point. Total sales, par value. $2,460,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing. Low. Bid. Market 1st Firm and iTnchana-cd Prices) Established alt Open ing; of Week, Receipts at the stockyards were light yes terday and most of the arrivals went direct to packers. There was little for the local market aside from hogs. Of these several small loads Were sold at $12.10 to $12.20. Only odds and ends were offered In the cat tle division and thei-e brought ruling prices. On the whole tne market was firm at quo tations fixed at the opening of the week. Receipts were 14 cattle. 2 calves, 153 hogs and 1107 sheep. Shippers were: Frank Wann. Mount Angel, 1 car cattle, hogs; F. B. Decker, Sljverton, 1 car cattle, calvee, hogs, sheep; John Palmer, Hood River, 1 cow, 51 hogs, by boat; Union Meat Company, Lyle. 4 cars sheep. The dav's sales were as follows: Welirht. Prlcs.l Weight. Price. 4 bulls ...1175 16:0(1 4 hoys 1172 11.00 1 heifer .. 650 5.50 21 hogs .... 109 11.00 1 cow 480 6.50 2 hoes 115 11.00 steer .... 820 T.OOI13 hogs .... Ill 11. oi) steer .... 6HO 7.50UO hogs .... 119 11.00 1 cow ....1300 T.752Shogs .... 122 11. 00 6 cows ... 953 7.25)25 hogs .... 93 10.50 1 cow ....1050 6.001 1 hog 100 10.7B 1 cow ....1050 5.7.M2S hogs 19 12.10 2 cows .... 750 4.25 5 hogs 258 11.10 1 cow . 6.10 4.00 8 hoes .... 337 11.10 2 cows 720 6.O0 45 hoKS 199 12.10, 1 cow ....J000 6.25 9 hogs 191 12 20 2 heifers .. 715 6.001 4 hogs .... 162 12.00 2 hogs .... 250 12.20 25 hogs . 94 10.75 Shoes .... ISO 12.10 2 hogs .... 10 11.60 18 hogs .... 108 12.10115 lambs ... t7 12.50 Prices current at the local yards were as follows Railroad Blockade and Chance of Wider Breach Between Germany and United States Have De pressing Effect on Market. CHICAGO. Feb. 14. Demoralized traffic conditions and the chances of a wider breach between Germany and the United States had a depressing effect today on the wheat mar ket. Prices closed heavy. IVi to 211e net lower, with May at $1.71,. to $1.71. and July at $1.47 Vi to I1.47H. Corn finished to lc down, oats Ho eft to a shade advance, and provisions up 5c to 1TH02OO. Notices of fresh embargoes on Important railways sharpened the attention of wheat traders today to the increasing huge aggre gate of cereals tied up in elevators ana on sidetracks here vainly awaiting shipment. One estimate put the total at 40.000.000 buehels, not counting 60.000.000 to 75.000,000 bushels additional which have also been deadlocked In country elevators, owing to a lack of available railway cars and loce- motlvea. Rain and snow In the Southwest, where moisture has been below normal, put a fur ther handicap on wheat bulla Com, like wheat, was weakened b'y the paralysis of railway facilities. Elevator companies headed the selling. Scantiness of offerings, rather than ao- tivlty of demand, steadied the oats market About the only selling came from pit specu-latotrs. Reports that the Belgian Relief Commis sion hsd ordered 20,000.000 pounds of meats helped to lift provisions. -Leading- futures ranged as follows: Am Beet Sugar. American Can.. Am Car & Fdy Am Loco Am Sm & Ref Am Sugar Ref. Am Tel & Tel.. Am Zc. L & S Anaconda Cop.. Atchison Baldwin Loco.. Bait & Ohio... Br Rap Tran.. Butte & Su Cop California Pet. Canadian Pac. Cent Leather.. Ches & Ohio .. C M & St P.... Chi N W Chi. R I & P Ry Chlno Copper. .. Colo F & Iron. Corn Pdts Ref. Crucible Steel . Ilst Securities.. Erie Gen Electrlo . . Gt Northern Pfd Gt Nor Ore Ctfs Illinois Cent.... Int Consol Corp Inspiration Cop. Int Harv N J. . I M M pfd ctfs Kan City So . . ICenn Conner. . . Louis & Nash. . Mexican Cod . .. Miami Copper.. Mo Pac (new).. Mont Power..... Nat Lead Nevada Cop .. . x central Sales. 1.700 1.300 400 " 4.96o 600 '"'466 8,700 600 1.2U0 800 200 200 2-IO 2.9O0 SU.i0 400 1,400 1.200 '"soo 700 T.B0O 10.600 ' 2,700 High. 9i 43 Vi 03 '9714 107 Vi '8a" 76 102 H 53 V 70 V C7 44 - 22 154?! 801, 69 Vi 82 11SH '64' 43 91 'i 26'vi 424 62. '6'" 100V& 'iSfl" ' 7554 102 Vi 62H 76 6T 44 22 ij 152-lt 83 Vi 69 80 11SV4 '63 43 li 20 03 Vi 'ze" 1,600 82V4 C1V4 2.500 8.100 V.iob 6OO 1.300 V.266 1,300 200 "760 1.8O0 1.K00 BROCCOLI PRODUCT MAY BE CAJTNED 7r-H H 12 00 but tTCGAR MARKET FOLLOWS EAST RfSE Twenty-flve-Cent Advance Announced by Local Jobbers. . An advance of 25 cents on all grades of refined sugar, effective this morning, was announced by Jobbers. The rise Is. In sponse to the Eastern advance, which Is at tributed to the disturbance In Cuba, which may Interfere with the free movement of raws from the Island. The bean market Is strong for all vari eties, particularly Llmas. which have ad vanced to 11 V4 cents. Advances In sago and taplcoa were also announced yesterday. NEW YORK. Feb. 14. Raw sugar nomi nal. Centrifugal, 15.02; molasses. $4.1S. Re- fined firm. 25 points higher. Cut loaf, $8.15; crushed. $8; mould A, $7.60: cubes, $7.50; XXXX powdered, $7.13': powdered. $7.10; Tine granulated, $7; Diamond A. $7; con fectioners' A. $6.90; No. 1, $6.85. PROVISION' STOCKS EX NORTHWEST Supply of Pork Products Less Than One Year Ago. Stocks of frozen and cured meats and lard in the Northwest on February 1, 1917, and February 1, 1916, are reported by the Department of Agriculture, in pounds, follows : Frozen beef ....... Cured beef Frozen pork ....... Dry salt pork Fiweet pickled pork Jara 1917. ..2,338.713 . . 442.H16 . .2,751.220 . . 90H.308 . .6,229.009 . .1,471.989 1916. 410.652 116.807 6.836.340 1,376.844 9.297,904 S.1S4.HG7 90,105 Frozen lamb and mutton 142.844 The report on stocks In the entire United States on the same dates follows: 1917. 1916. Frozen beef 157.103.1SS 111.797.381 Cured beef 33.575.449 20.5S3.426 Frozen pork 54.S12.890 69.016.354 Dry salt pork 214.604.063 192.275.472 fiweet pickled pork. .31 6.264. 836 291.886 172 Lard 86,211.628 90,749.853 frozen lamp ana mutton 4,103.243 4,315.877 DEMAND FOB APPLES IS GOOD Local Market Firm at Unchanged Prlceev Stocks Lighter. Tne demand for apples oontlnues good and the market Is firm at unchanged prices. Newtowns are quoted on the street at $1.10 to $1.85 for choice to extra fancy, Spltxen- bergs range from 65 cents for five-tier choice op to $2 for extra fancy four-tier. red cheeks from $1 to $2.25, Hyde's Kings from $1.40 to $2 and Ben Davis from 55 cents to $1.25. A car of San Francisco cauliflower was received and pnt on sale at $2.60. Other California vegetables were firm at un changed prices. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the North wlstern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland $3,197,704 $253,749 Heattle 4.44S.051 417.007 Tacoma 718.432 149.804 Spokane 1.257.909 141.045 - PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Floor, Feed, Etc. Merchants' Exchange, noon session: Bid Wheat Bid. Yr. ago. TUuestem $ 1.55V, $ 1.07 rortyfold 1.52 .97 flub 1.61 .94 Tied fife , .94 Russian 1.43 ' .94 Eugene Packer In Conference With Cm p qua Valley Officials. ROSEBURO, Or., Feb. 14. (Sneclal.) J. O. Holt, manager of the co-operative can nery at Eugene, passed today In Roeeburg conferring with the officials of the Umpqua valley Fruit Union with reference to secur ing several carloads of broccoli during the coming season. Mr. Holt" informed the growers he would be able to, handle about 100.000 pounds of the product this season. The broccoli will be canned at the Eugene plant and will be shipped to the Eastern market?, where, he save. It will meet with ready sale. To be suitable for canning Mr. Holt says the broccoli must be small and as white as that shipped from this city to the East It Is expected that about 250 carloads of broccoli will be shipped from Douglas County this season. The first car will leave about February 20, and other consignments will follow as fast as it can be loaded on the cars. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Butter, Eggs Frnlts, Veg etables. Etc. at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 14. Butte: Fresh extras, 35 Vic; prime firsts, 88c; fresh firsts 84c Eggs Fresh extras. 82V4c: pullets, 29Hc Cheese New, 19V4c; Young Americas, 21c, Poultry Hens, 2224c; old roosters, 14 15c; fryers. 2426c; broilers. 3033c; large, 2880c; squabs, $2.753;. pigeons, $1.50312; ducks, lbjj.20c; geese, 1921c turkeys. 23 '3 24c. vegetables Lettuce, southern. $11.50; peas, southern fancy, large, 7 He; small 5 6c; tomatoes, Mexican, $3 3.50 re packed; egg plant. 22Vi25c: green pep pers, Florida, 2530c: garlic. 3ji4c; sweet potatoes, $3.25; celery, $4.00; rhubarb, $1.502: marrowfat and hubbard squash. : pound. Potatoes Rivers, $3.65 8.75. Onions $10. . Fruit Pears. "Winter Nellis. $2.50 8 lemons, $33.25; grapefruit. $2.252.50; oranges, navels. $2.3.''2.75: bananas. $lfd 1.50; pineapple., $2-2.50: apples, Newtown pippins, $1.1001.25: bellefleur. 6075c heeasturts cracked corn and feed corn meal. $48.50 a 49.50 ; rolled barley. $45 0 47 airaiia meal. $20.50 carloads; less, $21.50. Receipts Flour, 84t quarters; barley, 4155 centals; beans. 2039 sacks; potatoes. 4155 Backs; hay, 90 tons; hides. 1170; wine. 2U,OuO gallons. Norfolk West No Paclf io .... Pacific aMIl ... Pac Tel & Tel Pennsylvalna .. Ray Con Cop... neaatng Rep Irn & Steel Shat Ariz Cop.. So Pacific So Railway .... Studebaker Co.. Texas Company. union cacinc .. Union Pac pfd.. U S Ind Alcohol U S Steel do preferred. . Utah Copper. Wabash Pfd "B' Western Union West Electrlo . 200 1.400 1.400 1.1HO 3.0H0 1,700 " b'.sno 2.O00 1.70O 2,400 4.800 " b.466 39,100 300 2,300 13 G5i '(" 21 ; 43 "s'ai 87 H 29 V4 "B4V4 2414 5S 3914 129 '4 1044 64 26 93 76 '03V 29 103 218 138 Ti 12T 100 1 1 197 .71I 12 65 "67 "4 21 43 87 29 "n'i ' " 23 94 R7V4 129 103 Ti 64 H 23 91 75 Vi "os" 2SV4 102V4 215 137V4 123" 105 117 106 94'4 61 'i 99 42V4 61 69 Vi 96 107 124V4 84 73 102 6 2 Vi 78 07 44 V4 22i 'in 68:4 80 110 24 53 V4 43 20 Vi 63 Vi 28 103 113V4 81 101 Vi 12Vi 53 HOB 67 21 VI 43 Vi 124 86 2U 9514 rs4 23 V 94 37 H 1284 103 21 30 54 4 251 91 75 26 2814 J "-'14 214i 137 Vi 1 23 V4 105 117i 106 Vi 2.) 94 50 Cattle Stee rs, prime ... Steers, fair to good teers, medium owe, choice Cows, medium to good ... Cows, ordinary to fair . . , Heifers - Bulls Calves UriL-a Light and heavy packing Rough heavies pies and skips took hogs Sheep Yearling wethers ...... Old wethers Ewes Lambs 200 2.300 Total sales for the day. 300,000 shares. BONDS. 99 99 U S ref 2s reg. ao coupon .. U S 8s rec 100 do coupon ..loo U S 4s reg....107Vi ao coupon ..."log Atchison gen 4s 94 NYC deb as. 10SV4 Nor Pac 4s.... 93 Bid. Nor Pac 8s. . . . Pac T & T 5s. Pa con 4V4a... So Pac ref 4s. union Pac 4s. .. Cn Pac cv 4s.. U 8 Steel 6s... So Pac cv 5s. .. Anglo-French 6s 65 Ti loot. 104 V4 97 02 103 juo'i 81 Vi Boston Mining Stocks. BOSTON, Feb. 14. Closing quotations: Allouez Ariz Com 1 . Cal & Ariz.. Cal & Hecla. Copper Range.. East Butte... Franklin .... Granby Isley Royalle. Lake Copper . Mohawk . . 82 iNorth Butte loi01d Dominion... . . 79 Vi Osceola ..545 Qulncy 03 Shannon ....... 13 V4 Superior 7;sup'r & Boston.. 83 ITamarack 32V4jUtah Cons 13 I Winona 80 I Wolverine ...... 20 HO 85 68V4 8 14 6 66 1"' 4 47 Weekly Bank Clearings. Bank clearings In the United States for the week ending February 8. as reported to Bradstreet s aggregate $0,844,491,000. agains j.147,i.i2,uuu in tne previous week $4,221.3.j4,uoo in the same week last yea Canadian clearings aggregating $214,652,000, as aeralnst $189.2b7.000 last week and $154 1 75,000 In the same week last year. Follow ing are the returns for the past week, with percentages of change as compared with the same week last year: Coffee Futures Are Steadier. NEW YORK. Feb. 14. The market for coffee futures was steadier today on cov ering and a moderate demand from trade sources which may possibly have been spired by uneasiness over ocean freight con anions. rue opening was unchanged to points higher and trading was very quiet at tne Btart. Business later improved, how ever, with May selling up from $8.16 to .2t ana fccptemDer irom to 18.44. or about 11 to IS points net higher on the gen eral list. Closing prices were a shade off from the best under realizing, showing a net auvance or 1 to 17 points. sales were reached or 81.50O bags. February, $8.10; liarcn. M.lo April. 58.19: May. 18.24: June $8.29; July $8.34; August, $8.38; September. $8.42; October, J8.46 November, $8.50; De cember, $8.54; January, $8.58. Spot unchanged. Rio 7s. 10c: Santos 4s. lOVic. Few fresh offers were reported In the cost and freight, with 4s quoted around 10 cents, London credits. The official cables reported a decline of 75 reis at Rio. with Santos futures 25 to 50 rels higher. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Feb. 14. Turpentine, "firm. 49c; sales, none; receipts, 60 barrels; ship ments, 446 barrels; stock. 14,948 barrels. Rosin firm: sales 653 barrels; receipts, 182 barrels: shipments. 815 bsrrrls; stock, 79. 210 barrels Quote: A, B, C. D. E. F, G. $6; H, I, K. M, $6.20; N. $8.40; WG, $6.60; WW, $6.80. . Hops, Etc.. at New York. NEW YORK. Feb. 14. Hops steady, firm. Wool steady. New York Chicago Philadelphia ... Boston ........ St. Louis Kansas City ... San Francisco Pittsburg Cleveland Detroit ........ Baltimore ..... Cincinnati . . ... Minneapolis ... New Orleans ... Los Angeles ... Omaha ........ Milwaukee Atlanta ....... Ixuis-ille ...... Richmond ..... Buffalo Seattle St. Paul Denver ........ Portland. Or. . . !-ait Lake city Providence Columbus ...... Snokane . Oakland ....... Sacramento . . ., Tacoma ....... San Diego Hides ' Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 14. Spot cotton, steady. Middling uplands, 16.30c Increase, .$4,433,833,000 73 . 4 1 7. 04:, .000 SX4.185.IIOO 291.699.000 1 20.342.0110 121.212.000 62.4o7.0o0 79,780.000 61,109.0(10 48,777.000 88.330.000 32.772.OO0 24.374.0OO 44,400.000 30.705.000 80.590.0i10 24. 752, 00O 21,687,000 . 2B.283.O00 24.304.000 IB. 334.000 16.425.000 1 1.0'JO.OOO 11 7 . 13.439.0OO 40.1 J,12,0(H) 14.995.000 10.46O.OO0 10,112,000 5.160,000 4.416.000 2.595,000 2.503.000 2.502,000 Price. $ 8.50 ' 9.?5 7.00 'ri 8.0O B.SOro) (1.75 7.351) 7.75 (i 30 7.011 6.75 'H 6.25 5.00W 8.00 3.75 'ft 6.00 3.00 9.00 11.60 W 12.83 9.85(3)10.00 9.35 Si 10.00 S.50jjl 9.00 10.251110.73 10 OO ?i 10.50 8.75ii 9.75 11.00m2.75 WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. May $1.72 $1.73'4 $1.70 $1.71 July L47 1.47Vi 1.46 1.47 CORN. May ...... 1.01 1.01 1.0O 1.00 July 09 .99 .98 .99 OAT3. May , 615 .66 .6 .65 July 64 . 64 .53 .64 MESS PORK. May July Msv July May July .29.95 29.63 20.12 ...16.60 . ..16.72 16 77 16.92 80.00 29.40 JTT 16.90 15.82 15.92 Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Feb. 14. Hogs Relcepts. 2000, teady. Heavy. $1212.25; light, $11.801 15; pigs, $9,70411; bulk or sales, ili.oosf 2.16. Cattle Relcepts, 6400, higher. Native steers, $S.2501L25: cows and heifers, $79; Western steers, $7.25 V IO.20; Texas steers, 8: stockers and feeders. e.50ui 10. Sheep Receipts. 13.700. higher. Yearlings, 11.2513.25; Wethers,- $9. Sou 11.25; lambs, 13.00(0 14.75. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Feb. 14. Hogs Receipts. 48.- 00O. firm. lOo abovs yesterday's average. Bulk, $12.25(912.50; light. $11.658-12.40; mixed. $12.1012 50; heavy, $12.03 u- 12.uo rauirh. X12.05(b.-12.20: nigs. SU. DU ftp 1 u. SU. Cattle Receipts lo.oou. nrm. isalive oeer cattle. $7,85412.15: Western steers. 7.85i 10.25: stockers and feeders, u.l(cpuji3 cows and heifers, $5.20 10.40; calves, $10 14 25. Sheep Receipts, 15,000, strong. Wethers, $10.854f12; lambs, $12.30-4(14.90. Record Prices at Lewi ton. LEW1STON, Idaho. Feb. 14. (Special.) A new record price for hogs was paid nere vesterdav when buyers paid $11.40 per hun dred at Lewlston and Vallmer for all prime hogs that could be secured. Prime Bteers brought 9 cents a pound, tne supply not nearly reaching the demand at mis price. The farmers feel that fat hogs and prime steers are very scarce and that the price will continue to rise. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 14. Copper, electro lytic firm, with a good demand reported for the second quarter at quotations rang ing from 83 to 84c Spot and nearby re mained nominal In the absence of sellers, while the third quarter quotations ranged between 81 and 82c. Iron steady and unchanged. Metal Exchange quotes tin quiet. Spot, 62 (3i55c. London not received. The Metal Exchange quotes lead S.25 9.75c Spelter quiet. Spot. East St, Louis de livery. 10c London, no trading. .. London Wool Sales. LONDON. Feb. 14. A miscellaneous se lection amounting to 6400 bales was offered at the wool auction sales today. There was strong demand for Australian crossbreds and the best merinos advanced 5 to 7 per cent, while other grades were Irregular. New South Wales scoured sold at 4s 8d, and Queensland brought 4s 7d. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. Feb. 14. Butter, unchanged. Eggs, higher; receipts, 8805 cases; firsts; 42: ordinary firsts. 88Viigi39c; at mark. cases Included, 3940V4c Duluth Linseed Market. DTTLTTTH, Feb. 14. Linseed on track, $2.7S2.S1; arrive, $2.78; May, $2.81 asked July, $2.81 asked. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Feb. 14. Evaporated apples dull. Prunes quiet, but firm; peaches firm. 80.05 29.40 LARD. 16.63 16.67 SHORT RIBS. 15.70 15.82 13 62 . 15.92 13 90 Cash prices were: Wheat No. 2 red. nominal: X 8 reil $1.72 1.74V4; Nos. 2 and 3 hard, nominal. corn Ne. 2 yellow, $1.01(51.0114; No. 4 yellow. 98cg$l; No. 4 white. 98c. Oats No. 3 white, 66V457c; standard. 67 g 58c. Rye No. 2. nominal. Barley $1 nf 1.30. Timothy $3 5OJJ6.50. Clover $12 18. Clearances wheat. 40.000 bushels; corn, 122.000 bushels; oats, 80,000 bushels: flour. 14.000 barrels. Minneapolis' Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 14. Barley. 80c Wheat May, $1.74 Vi : Julv $1.70. Cash. No. 1 hard. $1.8391.85; No. 1 Northern, 1.751.79 ; No. 2 Northern. $1.721.79iJ. Flax, $2.792.85. Eastern Wheat Futures. DULUTH. Feb. 14. Wheat closed: $1.74; July. $1.61. May, WINNIPEG. $L71: July. Feb. 14 Wheat closed: May, $1.71; October. $1.38. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 14. Wheat closed: Ma7;, 1-T4; July, $1.70; September, $1.42. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 14. Wheat closed: May. $1.71; July. $1.44; September. $1.34. ST. LOUIS. $1.72; July, Feb. 14 Wheat closed: May, $1.45; September, $1.38. Eastern Cash Grain Market. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 14. Cash wheat: No 2 hard, $1.70; s. hard, $1.75(81.75. OMAHA, Feb n.TO: No. $1.7381.74. Graln at 6an Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 14 Knot ..- Ions Walla, $2.72 02.75: red Russian. 1-71 I! -. 1 1 --a ; luraey red. xz.uotiJH; blu tern, SJ.85&1-2.90: feed barlev. l-i-'iifci'ioii. -.lo i.ifjiff ; nran, $2ti(ii.29 middlings. $3S40; shorts. $30P31. i-u ooara Barley. May, $2.20 bid. $2 30 asked: December. $1.67 Vt Sale, von in,,. 44 (16 61 3 53 47 38. 70 87. 4 83 3 83 41 39 15 2.. 32 49 29.8 04.5 66.7 91 9 10.1 35.7 40.2 47.1 C1.0 8.5 CULLS TO BE UTILIZED Wenatcheo to Have By-Products Plant Worth $15,000. WENATCHEE, Wash., Feb. If. (Spe cial.) Within a few days the Initial step:, toward the location of a" by-pro ducts plant in Vv'enatchee will be taken as the result of a'ineetlne of the trus tees of the Skookum Fruit Products Company, held Friday. Of the total of Jli.000 capital stock, $11,500 has been fully subscribed, ac cording to the president of the com pany. John F. Sugrue. The organization of the company is designed to convert the cull apples of North Central Wash ington Into evaporated fruit, vinegar, cider. Jellies and apple juice. The Great Northern has been ap proached for & favorable assemblage rate and is looking on the proposition with favor. Deere sss. Money, Exchange, Etc NEW YORK, Feb. 14. Mercantile paper 4 per cent. Sterling 60-day bills $4.72; commercial 60-day bills on banks $4.72 ; commercial 60-day bills S4.72; demand $4.75; cables $4.78 7-16; francs, demand 5.84; cables 5.83; marks, demand 67; cables 63; kronen, demand 10.9O; cables 11.00; guild ers, demand 40; cables 40; 11 res. de mand 7.30; cables 7.29; rubles, demand 29; cables 29. Bar silver, 78 c Mexican dollars, 60c. Government and railroad bonds, irregu lar. ( Time loans firm. Sixty days, 4; 80 days, 4; six months 4f-4Vi Pr cent. CiU mouey firm. High, 2'; low, 2: Mining Company Incorporates. CULVER, Or., Feb. 14. (SpeciaL) The Jefferson Mining Company has Just been Incorporated to develop mineral wealth on the Crooked and eschutes rivers. Their claims have an abun dance of water and their outcrops are on the canyons, so it is expected that they will use a hydraulic process. Their tests show encrusted particles oi gold and platinum in the volcanic cinders and gravel, in blanket sedimentary de posits. In some cases uranium occurs in appreciable quantities. They are now making determinations for ura nium to ascertain if it is present In llie form of uraninite or pitchbleile. 14. Cash wheat: No. 1 i hard. $1.76; No. 8 hard. East Sixteenth street, and Mary O. Mow- re y. same address. . BROWN-M'CAKTHT Rev C. Prown. 43 East Twentv-fourth street, and Mabel McCarthy. 128 Idaho street. HOOVER-BARTHOLOMEW I. mm or J. Hoover. 475 Jefferson street, and Esther Bartholomew, 465 Jefferson street. MUXRO-JOXtS Alexander K. Munre, Victoria. B. c. and Edith Jones. Portland Hotel. STRONG-ROOT Robert T. Strong. BJt Klrbv street, aud lilauys Mae Hoot, 865 Height street. Births, SAMPSON To Mr and Mrs. Arthur IS. Sampson, 615 East Twentieth street South. February 2, a son. GAHD.VER To Mr. and Mrs. Leon J. Gardner, US California street. February , a son. DOR.VET To Mr. and Mrs. Frances J. Dorney. 1121 East Twenty-ninth street North. February 3. a eon. DANIELSON To Mr. and Mrs. D. Danlel son, 6u9 East Thirty-ninth street North, February 4. a daughter. HOWARl To Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Howard, 101)8 Knott street, February 4. a daughter. WELSH To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Welsh. 728 Johnson street. February 4, a daughter. CLEMENT To Mr and Mrs. Louis Cle ment. 441 East Forty-fourth street, February 5, a son. WOLF To Mr. and Mrs. John Wolf. 614 Everett street. February 6. a daughter. WISE To Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Wise, S28 Main street. February 5, a daughter. BETTS To Mr. and Mrs. Nathan J. Belts. 35 East Seventh street Nortttr February 5, a son. HERRON To Mr. and Mrs. Archie D. Herron, 474 East Forty-fifth street North, February 6. a son. T U , 1 1 'Til V T- VT YmV. TCT Trouton. 60 East Eighth street. February a. a aaugnter. Building Permits. TWOHY BROTHERS Erect one-story frame factory. 219 Last Sixtieth street North, between O. W. right of way and East Irving; LeDoux A LeDoux. contract ors: $10,000. CLARK A WILSON LUMBER COM PANY Repair one-story frame dwelling, St. Helens road, between St. Helens road and s. P. i a Ry.; A. K. Folkenberg. builder; $200. CLARK & WILSON LUMBER COMPANY Renalr one-story frame dwelling. St. Helens road, between St. Helens road and S. P. & S. III.: A. It, Falkenberg. builder $200. BTKD.MI fe CUMfANT Kepair tWO- story brick ' ordinary building, stores and apartments, 1041 Belmont, between Thlrty- iourtn nid Thirty-tilth, streets; ouiiaer, same: 270. CLARK WILSON LUMBER COMPANY Repair one-story frame dwelling. tet. Helens road, between St. Helens road and s. P. & S. Ry.; A. R, Falkenberg, builder $200. CLARK WILSON LUMBER COMPANY Repair one-story frame dwelling. St. Helens road, between St. Helens road and S. P. &. s. Ry.; A. R, Falkenberg. builder $200. CLARK A WILSON LUMBER COMPANY Repair one-story frame dwelling. St, Helens road, between St. Helens road and s. P. at S. Ry.; A. R, Folkenberg. builder $200. CLARK & WILSON LUMBER COMPANY Kepatr one-story rrame dwelling. Bt Helens road, between St. Helens road and s. p. & s. Ry.; A, R, Folkenberg, builder $200. C. BURKHARDT Construct brick drive way, 5o5 Myrtle, between Twenty-second ana 'i wenty-t nira ; Litneriana as Aurey builders; siooo. H. A. BURKE Reoair two-story fram dwelling. lo8 Royal Court, between E. Flan ders and East Ulisab; B. T. Allyn, builder $0o. Y. M. C. A. Erect one-story ordinary auto shed, 241 Sixth, - between Main and Aiamson: nuiioer. same: $7500. MULTNOMAH BUILDING COMPANY Repair five-story mill, bag manufacturln plant. 522 Hoyt. between Fifteenth and Six teenth: Ames Harris Neville t Company, II. PROUTY Erect one-atorv frame dwell ing, 404 Forty-fifth street, between Thomp son and Brozee; builder, some; $2700. PAUL PATTF.ltSON Erect nne-.tnrv frame garage. 593 Spokane ave., between Thirteenth and Fifteenth; builder same: SlOo. M KA I BROTHERS Renalr three-atnrv brick ordinary rooming-house. 95 Russell street, between Mississippi and Delay; T. 11. Schelllmmer. builder; $130. -J. L'. fc.rect one-and-onevhalf- story frame dwelling, 2913 Fifty-first street. Between Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth ave nues; builder. Whitlock: $1250. T. THOOI.ENH 11,'Oatt- twn-.r,rv dwelling, 803 East Twenty-seventh street, between Francis and Gladstone; John Ver bislte. builder; 50. MRS. K. W. H(lt;OHTnV TCT-axt fireproof concrete aaraire. 789 Maslmn wm of Ardmore ave,; F. G. Oppenlander, builder; $400. o. A. RIDDLE Erect nne-.nd-nn.-h.lf. story frame dwelling. 1543 Denver avenue, between Lombard and Buffalo: $1600. F. L. SCHAN'Z Erect one-story frame garage. 634 East Couch, between Eleventh and Twelfth: .1. F. Tabor, builder: $300. F. WOLYNS Erect one-and-one-half- story frame dwelling. 906 East Twenty- seventh street North, between Mason and Skldmore; builder, same; $2500. 1R. C. H. HHEE1.KR Rr.ct .n...ln frame garage, 1281 East Nlnteenth street South; W. H. Gordon, builder: $100. R. J. HEWETT Erect one-.tnrv fr.m. garage. 8H5 East A . h h.iw..n Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth; builder, same; m.eidxer ESTATE Repair ftve-story brick ordinary office building, school on fifth floor. 4o5 Washlnrton. h,t,,n T.nih and Eleventh; A. J. Webb, builder: $300. tUSTKK & KLE1SFR CO MPiVV u-t billboard, Llnnton road, between Cliff Inn and Ollton: builder, same; $50. W A. Nt-uAN Erect one-story frame dwelling, Hayes street, between Alma and North Bank R. R. ; builder, same; $1500 H. J. BKLLARTS Erect frame garage. 722 East Thirteenth street, corner Frank fort street: builder, same: 50. DR. R. S. STEARNS Repair frame rar. - - - iba Avenue. Derween fjast Mnth and East Rlc.enth; Waldele Brothers, builders; $100. TWO CITIES CO-OPERATE THE DALL.ES TO AID HOOD RIVER IX LOOP HIGHWAY. Commercial Bodies Hold Joint Meettnc and Fonsnlate Plana Waaco Project to Be Helped. HOOD RIVER, Or.. Feb. 14. (Spe cial.) At a aret-together meeting Of the Hood River Commercial Club and representatives of The Dalles Chamber of Commerce here last night, the two Doaies agreed to co-operate in an ef fort to obtain the hasty construction of the proposed Mount Hood Loop Highway, that will connect the Co lumbia River Highway with the old Barlow road, which crosses the Cas es les to the south of Mount Hood. The co-operative work of last nlcht dispelled all former feelings among local citisena and men of The Dalles that the two cities were working at cross purposes for this proposed high way construction. The Dalles men as sured the local club that they would back all movements toward securing the mountain highway, provided the Hood River residents reciprocated in assisting The Dalles in securing a, seven-mile spur that will connect Was co County highways with the loop. The Dalles men announced that a portion of the recently voted $260,000 YV asco County highway bond issue fund wtMild be devoted In surfacing a road to a point within seven miles of the Loop road The visiting men from The Dalles were: J. W. Brewer, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce; R, W. King. R. S. Wittenberg. George Chenowetn and Stanley Armstrong. ' Deschutes Supervisors Named. BEND. Or.. Feb. 14. (Special.) At a meeting of the Deschutes County Court today road supervisors were ap pointed to take charge of the work of road repairing in sections needing it most. The court appointees Include the following: District 12, R. J. Skelton; 13, J. D. Bowman; 14. Gus Stadig; 15, W. A. Pickett; 16, Anton Ahlstrom; 19, W. J. Buckley. Mr. Stadig was the plaintiff in the quo warranto proJ ceedings brought against the County Court, which he recently asked to have dismissed. Paget Sound Grain Markets. SEATTLE. Feb. 14. Whnt m lurso reu, i.od; lortyrold. $1.51: club. $1.51; fife. $1.61; red Russian. $L60. Barley. $39.50 per ton. Yesterday's car recelnta: Wh.,t i .... . hay 8. flour 7. TACOMA. Feb. 14. Wh.e Til . $1.64; fortyfold. club and red fife. SL49 red Russian. $1.44. Car receipts: Wheat 14. oats 2, hay 1. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. r PORTLAND. Feb. 14. Maximum temper ature, 47 degrees; minimum temperature. 39 degrees. River reading, 8 A. M.. 8.2 feet. Change in last 24 hours, 0.8-foot fall. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to. 6 P. M.) none. Total rainfall since September 1. 1916. 15.91 Inches. Normal r.ilnfall since Sentember 1. 28.88 Inches. Deficiency of rainfall since oepiemoer l. iiiib, 12.93 Inches. Total sun shine, 2 hours. 5 minutes. Possible sun shine,. 10 hours. 18 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) 5 P. M.. 80.53 Inches jieiauve numiaity at noon, 78 per cent. THE WEATHER. PREACHING RECORD BROKEN Rev. T. B. Ford Stroke Five Time. Last Sunday at Stayton. STATTOX. Or.. Feb. 14. (Special.) Last Sunday there wai a record broken in ministerial circles in Oregon, say the friends of Rev. T. B. Ford, super intendent of the Salem district of the Methodist Episcopal Church, for on that day Rev. Mr. Ford made five addresses in the Methodist Church of this city. witn an address to the Sunday school children in the morning and one on the colored problem at the regular church service following as part of a Lincoln day programme, an exposition of "'Creeds" before the of ficers and workers of the church In the afternoon, a short talk to the Ep worth League and a 90-mlnute ser mon at night. It is said a record for a Sunday's work was made. COMMERCE SCHOOL LIKED Pendleton and The Dalles Clubs Adopt Resolutions. EUGENE, Or., Feb.ii. (Special.) The school of commerce of the Uni versity of Oregon is receiving the sup port of the commercial organizations of the state. In view of the recom mendation by a special committee of the State Legislature that the school be abolished. Copies of resolutions adopted by the commercial organiza tions at Pendleton and The Dalles ex pressing appreciation of the school and hope that it shall not be hampered have been received by the Eugene Cham ber of Commerce. " Similar resolutions have been adopted in other cities. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Mnrrl pre Licenses. WESTCOTT-THOMPSON Merton Gerard vescott. Monroe, or.. and Gertrude Thompson. 742 Kearney street. HAN SEN-WALSH John D. Hansen, 701 Davis street, and Mary A. Walsh, same address RI.NTTA-HEDLUND Matt RIntta. 1339 Greeley street, and Tilda Hedlund, 724 East iiroaaway. O-HANLON-KILLINGSWORTH A. M. O'Hnnlon. 748 Johnson Etreet. and Flown nice Killinsrsworth. 229 Alberta street. CAHLOCK-MOWKElf H. M. Cajriock, 318 5 f 3 Wind. ? a J 2 3 S SS 3 STATIONS. V 3 9C a a State et "c weather. f ? 1 - - g : ! 1: : Baker 10 36 0.00l..S Clear Boise 22 40 0.O0 10 NW Clear Boston 18 32.0. 02). .)W Clear CalRarr SO (Ml.(li) . . Clear Chicago 18 32 0.001 . . SW Clear Denver 24 32 0.14I..IW Snow Des Moines... 18 44 0.0.i..)W Clear Duluth 2 2O.Olf.. N Cloudy Eureka 42 50io.OO.. W Pt. cloudy Galveston ... 661 68O.02).. W Clear Helena SS SOiO.OollsIs pt. cloudy Jacksonville . 3S 70, 0. oo'lo E clear tJuneau 40 42 0.2S 12:E Rain Kansas City.. 22 3S'O.OOi.. N Cloudy Los Angeles . 36 60 0.00 . . NW Clear Marshfleld ... 36 00 0.OO;. . NW Clear Medford .... 20 500. OO. .N Cloudy Minneapolis .. 3'0 .001 . . :W Cloudy Montreal .... -2 14 0.0OlisW Cloudy New Orleans. 54 74'l).oo:i2;S . Cloudy New York 18 80 o.oo 14!W Clear North Head.. 88 42 0.00 22iN Cloudy North Yakima 34 38i0.00.. Cloudy Omaha 44 0.OO..NB Clear Phoenix 44 64 0. 02 .. W Clear Pocatello .... 20 2 0.04 .. W Cloudy Portland 39 470.00 . . NWiPt. cloudy Hoseburg . 38 50 0.00 . . NWiClear Sacramento .. 411 72 0.OO14 NW Clear St. Louis 24 4oi0.O0loiNE Cloudy Salt Lake 24 82 0.00 10;NW Cloudy Pan Diego.... 52 5s o.oOil2jNW Clear San Francisco 44 68'o.on . .W Pt. cloudy Seattle 3b 42 0.00I..NE Cloudy Sitka 52!O.Ooj..E Rain Spokane 321 8!0.0ol. ,!sW Cloudy Tacoma 38! 42 0.00! . . XE Cloudy Tatoosh Island 40f 44'O.OOj.. SW Cloudy tValdes 8084i0.4. . Cloudy Walla Walla.. 80) 88,0.001. . 3 Snow Washington .. 24 48 0.00 . . SW Clear Winnipeg 6 24 O.00. .NWiCloudy BIC PROFITS for Your Dollars - Everyone wantj hi dollars to earn bin dividends If It can be done wittivut rltk of losing the money Invested. I have a. proposition for anyone with $T.O.0O or more to invest that combines Biff Profits and absolute safety for the money Invested. Not a iret-rich scheme, but one of the very rare opportunities that occur Jn the investment line. In dorsed by eminent bankers. Justice of Supreme Court, business men of the highest reputation who have not only Invested their money but take part in the active management. Full particulars sent on request. A. X Sutton, Drexel Bldg.. Philadelphia. Pa. TRAVELERS Of IDE. San Francisco Los Angeles (-Without Chanse Ea Route) The Big, Clean. Comfortable. Elegantly Appointed, seagoing S. S. BEAVER Sails From Alnsworth Dock S P. M., FRIDAY, 1'Ell. la. too Golden Miles oa Columbia River All Kates Inelude Berths and Meals " Table nnd (services L'nexrelled The San Franrlsce-A Portland 8. S. Co Third and Vta.hlngtoa .treet (with O.-W. B.SN, Co.). let. Broadway 4u. A 6121. iTWIN PALACES PORTLAND TO SAN FRANCISCO 8. t. NORTI1KKN P.VCIUC. express train time. Sails Feb. 3. 8. 13. 20. 24. Cal. Str. Express leaves 9:30 A. M, Fares 88, 812.50. J15. $17.50, 20.. S. S. GREAT N6KTHERN, San Fran cisco and Los Angeles to Honolulu. Feb. 12; March 5, 23: April 11. 30. (130 round trio. Honolulu Carnival Feb. 19-24. I North Bank. 6th and Stark TICKTT OFFICKS rtauon, autn an n j-ioyt Sd anil Mor., N. P. Ky. I 848 Wash.. O. N. Ry. 1 100 Sd. Burlington Ry. San Francisco $10.00. Coos Bay $7.00 Eureka $15.00 Flrat-Claan Meal and Berth Included. S. S. BREAKWATER 6 P. tl. THURSDAY, FEB. 15. North Pacific S. S. Dock, Near Broadway Bridge. Phones, Broadway 02O, A S422. ALASKA rrlnee? Rupert, Ketchikan. Wranre-l, Petersburg-, Juneau, Tread well. DouKltu, Thane, linlne. Skacway. Cordova, V ai de and Seward. CALIFORNIA Via Seattle or San Francisco to Tom Anceles and San Diego. Largest ships, un equaled service, low rates, including meals and berth. For particulars aplv or telephone PACIFIC HIK.4MSH1P COMIWNY, 124 Third Street, 249 Mash. St. Main 26. Main S?9 livDM A 4396 Home A tA. M. today. M. report of preceding ,daT" WEATHER COXDITTONa A lanre high pressure area overlies the North Pacific states. The disturbance yes terday over New Mexico has advanced rap Idly eastward to the lower Mississippi Val ley and the low pressure area over the Ca nadian Northwest la not well defined, but probably is central north of the Lake region. Rain haa fallen In portions of the West Gulf states and enow haa occurred In Colo rado, .Oklahoma and the lower Lake region. It is warmer in the upper Mississippi Valley and along the- West Gulf Coast. The tem perature have fallen decidedly In a stern New Mexico, Northern Texas and (Okla homa. Conditions are favorable for fair weather In this district Thursday, with no marked changes In temperature. FORECASTS. and vicinity Thursday fair. Portland" northerly winds. Oregon and Washington Thursday fair, north to ast winds. Idaho Thursday fal. North Pacific Coast Thursday fair, gentle northeasterly wind, E. A. REALS. t Forecaster. a ai.g"ic in4Hi-UJ"iiL-i. i PR1DAV, 2:30 P. M., San Francisco, Portland, les feteamsntp Co. Agt.. 124 Third st. c f Feb. IS. I J . Los Ange- A Frank Bollara, a 4596. Main 26. M LRMPCKT S HLTLT LI TIE 'A BHHlM.1 RJiMtW baKIA EJANEIRO si.,-, i iuiwivawevaM. IMUll BUCMC4 AIRES . Regular sailing, Company's Office. 45 Broadway. N. Y. Porsey U. Smith. Third and Washington Sis. AUSTRALIA f t Honolulu, Suva, Now Zo&lad. Regular sailings by the Canaaian-Anstraiav sian Koyl Mail Line. For further particn btr apply Canadian Pacific ivUraj, 2 Ikird street. 1' or t land, .