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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1917)
THE MORXTXO OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY. FEBRXTAIIT 15, 1917. 17 6ITCA1 IONS WANTED FEMALE. Domestics. TOUXQ woman wants position at general housework; no washing. Sellwood 317U. GIRL would like to get general housework. 124 E. 27th st. N.fnear Klandere. YOUNG German latfy wants position In good plain ramiiy. i-t u, uregomaa. Miscellaneous. CAPABLE woman. 35. desires work mend imp, plain sewing, hemstitching, making curtains or care ot children, Bet. hours of 9 to 4; SI and carfare. Al ref. Main 7051. A 1317. . KEFINKD, worthy woman with refer ences, will manage apt.-house or work where sue can have tlaugltter, 18, with her evenings. W 12, Oregonian. 'OMAN wants housework: prefer to work for elderly couple or for widower and family; city or country; wages reasonable; reference. MrsM. M. Cahill. Main 20H0. LADIES Fine lingerie laundered: silks, laces and flannels a specialty; reasonable; crocheting ail kinds; yokes, 75c up; baby layettes, etc. Stllwood WO. YOUNG lady! high school graduate, will teach or car for young children; must return home nights; references. H 14. Oregonlan. YOUNG woman with two small children wants two rooms in private family In ex change for care of children or light house work. Mar. 700. - . COOKING and serving, fancy ironing or housework; one day each week preferred. Tabor 317. EXPERIENCED woman desires work by hour; references. Sellwood 2102. WANTED Day-work, good cook and laun d ress. Tabor 4723. W A N TE D Pos 1 1 1 on b y first-class delica tessen or cafeteria cook. AL 1)3, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED chamber maid wants work. Call Broadway 22S0, room 16. GIRL of 10 wants work as nurse girl or mother's helper. Main 7051, A 1517. .WOMAN wants day work or by the hour. Experienced. Main 2826. VERY. experienced woman wants all-around day work. Phone Main 5501. H 03, Ore- MANICURIST wants position, gonlan. CAPABLE woman wants day work hr. and carfare. Ref. Main 7051, A 1517 WOMAN wants day work. 723 Borthwlck st. Woodlawn 48-15. .WANTED Child to board and room from !hb to 5 years. Tabor 4332. BEST of care for infants In my home; S10 per month. Sellwood 3136. WANTED TO KENT. UNFURNISHED house of 6 or 7 rooms, thor oughly modern, in good location. West Bide, adults. Main 2087. XJT YOU have a house to rent, or want to rent a house, see Fulton, 521 Yeon bldg. Booms With Board. .TOTJNG lacy employed wishes room and board, private family, where girl 14 months can be cared for; reasonable. V wo. oregonlan. WANTED, by young couple employed, fur nished room in Nob Hill home; about $10. AM OS, Oregonlan. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. PALACE HOTEL. 446 Washington street at Twelfth. Large, airy rooms, elegantly furnished, clean, free phone, hot and cold water, team heat, fireproof, larjce ground-floor lobby, private and . public baths, elevator service, theater and shopping district, strictly first-class accommodations, moder ate prices. Inspection will convince you; 60a per day and up. Special weekly ratea FURNISHED ROOMS, for young men. In all parts of the city; also in Y. M C. A. build ing. Fireproof, telephone in each room, Shower baths; single rooms. $2.50 to $4.75; double rooms, single beds, $1.75 to $2.75 per week. Including full asportation mem bership, gymnasium, swimming pool, -band-ball court and many other club privileges. m Information at Y. M. C. A. business office. HOTEL RAM Apo! 14th and Washington Sts. A moderate-priced hotel. with first class service, with all comforts and con. Teniences of the high-priced hotels, at lower rates; rooms with and without pri vate baths from 70c to $2 per day; weekly rates $3 and up. ELTON COURT HOTEL, YAMHILL AT 11TH. Fronting Public Library; uptown busi ness district, but away from noise of traf fic; running water or bath in every room. Private phones, elevator; $8 to $0 per week. Main 61)58. HOTEL LIL-MER, under new management; Mrs. Lillian Merry; transient trade so licited; rates reasonable; hot and cold water In every room. 270 & Fourth Bt.. cor. Jefferson, opposite City Hall. Phone Marshall 5355. HOTEL ANSONIA, 124 14th St., Cor. Washington Bt. Fireproof, up-to-date hotel, large at tractive spotless guest rooms. Individual phones, continuous heat and hot water service; $3 per week up; 50c to $1.50 day. Eleventh and Starit sis., brick buildings, levator service, telephone, hot and cold water In rooms; 50c to $1.50 per day. Spe cial rates by the week. HOTEL OONRADINE. 10th St.. at Oak. Desirable downtown lo cation; respectable and strictly modern; fireproof building, elevator and large lob by; rooms $3 per week up. MAKE THE BUSHMARK YOUR HOME. Good, large, clean, modern rooms, steam beat; walking distance, $1.50 a week: $6 a month and up. 5ti5 Washington st. STANDIPH HOTEL. 648 Washington St.. corner 17th. Hot and cold water, steam-heated rooms. st.ou per week; s per month and up. NICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance; both phones, reasonable. 402 r ttd St. The Warrenton. Main 7771. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison street at 10th. RATES 50c day up. Weekly $2 up. Running water. Free phone ard baths. HOTEL CORDOVA, 269 11th St. Strlcly modern; private baths en suite; room $3 up. Main 0472. A 4788. STEAM heat, hot and cold water, (1.30 week up. BS Grand ave. FORD HOTEL, private bath, phone, $12 up; without, bath. $10 up. 783 Washington su HOTEL NORBIS, G331-4 Alder. Strictly mod ern. $1.50. $2 and $2.50 a week. .Furnished Rooms In Private 1'amLIy. LARGE front room, with alcove sleeping room, running water. Nob Hill district, family hotel near by. Refined family. Phone Marshall 17S0. bet. 1) and 12. NICELY furnished rooms, modern conveni ences, central, reasonable. 404 Clay. near 10th. $8 ATTRACTIVE, large front room and sleeping porch In modern Latld'i Addition XvJCELY furnished rooms. $1.75 up; quiet, electric lights, heat and phone. 208 17th St., near Taylor. Main 71123. STEAM heat, bath, phone, near in. West Side; nice front room for gentleman; $2 5u week. Phone Marshall 1714. ROOM in private family in Irvlngton all modern conveniences. East 3tS2. -"NICE, clean, furnace-heated room, close In I OR one or two gentlemen; bath, heat, phone. 28T Williams ave. East' 2059. DESIRABLE rooms, private home. C. a pre f erred; walking distance. Phone Main 489 1 . FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. ALEXANDRA COURT. 53 Ella St. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites tingle Koome Excellent Table. A 6211. Marshall 6170. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive ratea to transients or permanent quests. Phone Main. 0288. A 8623. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $3.50 per week. E. 4732. 12 Has 7th st. PARKVIEW Family hotel, 886 Montgomery St.. In South Parkway; walking distance; excellent table; reasonable rates. M. 3783. THE WHITEHALL. 253 8th, American plan: very convenient and reasonable. THE STRYKER. 054 Couch; family hotel, rooms single or en suite; reasonable rates. Rooms With Board la Private Family. WANTED Girl to board: must be between the age of 10 to 13; have lovely modern home in the country, close to good school; can give the best of care to refined little girl: board, room and laundry very rea sonable. AV 687, Oregonian. NICELY furnished room and good home cooking, in private family, pleasant sur roundings, walking distance. Irvlngton district. East 8607. LADD'S ADD. Pleasant room, nioely furn., mod. home Including all home privileges; excellent table; Ideal for young men or ladles employed. Reasonable. East 158. EXCELLENT board and beautifully fur nished rooms, suitable for two or more: twin beds, 2 dressers, parlor, piano and home privileges. Main 0381. 414 Mill. ROOM and board for two gentlemen in small, but select bachelors' club; no bet ter location on West Side. Call Main o43. EXCELLENT board and beautifully fur nished rooms, suitable for two or more; twin beds 2 dressers, parlor, piano arhd home privileges. Main 6381. 414 Mill. NICE, large room, hot and- cold water, first-class board, special rate to two or tnree young men. 11 11th St. LARGE well-furnished room, walking dis tance. 505 E. Taylor, cor. 15th. B 2573. WELL furnished room, modern, with board", reasonable; walking distance. 529 E. Ash. Furnished Apartments. .LAUREL HTJP.ST APARTMENTS. WITH GARAGES. Just completed, this new, modern prick apartment-house, all conven iences; we have a limited number of garages, and make this propo sition as long as same last; anyone - renting an apartment for a period of one year, a garage free. This beautiful apartment-house Is located at 89th and Belmont streets, near Laurel hurst Park. For further Information see man ager at apartment-house. A HOUSE! THAT IS quiet, refined, clean, safe, THE WHBBLDON ANNEX, popular, 10th and Salmon Sts. well known. of highest standing. A house of quality comfort and service. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Bta. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's tore; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 8-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on tha Pacific Coast; furulshed complete. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking distance. References. WANTED. Man and his wife, or manager, to run a high-class West Side apartment-house. This property has a fine location, enjoys an excellent reputation, and party secur ing this position must have had experience along this line. Must furnish first-class references and be able to run same on a business baais. J 05, Oregonlan. STELWVN. HlGH-CLA8a, Elegant, ri-room front apt., sleeping porch, 14 windows. furnlBhed m Turkish rugs, mahogany and linen; will sub-let to de sirable tenants; best reference; bachelor apt. Alar. 2830. LINCOLN APARTMENTS, i 1 1 a . it Li.t;uLn. l-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APT8. 16 TO $25. WALKING DiSTANCB. OARAGE CONVENIENT. ; PENROSE APARTMENTS, N. W. corner Belmont and Grand ave. New. completely furnished 2 and 3-roora apts. Solid brick building; white enam eled Interior; large kitchens; service first class; walking distance. MADISON PARK APT8., Park at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, close In. by week or month. ELK APARTMENTS 84TH AND BELMONT. Furnished 2 and 8-room apts. Also single room; reasonable rates. 3-ROOM basement furnished apt., adults only, $18.50, including light, heat, gas and garbage. 7U1A Northrup, near 24LU. Main 0358. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern 2. 3, 4-room furnished and unfurnished, $1S up. "W" car to Northrup. Mar. 22T. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th St., near Taylor. Marshall 231& 8-room nicely furnished apartment. WASHINGTON GRAND, 2 and 8-room apta, $10 up; heat, light, bath; clean, respect able. 01 Grand ave., cor. Washington. ARGYLE APTS., 841 14th: nicely furnished, clean, airy 2-room apts.; private bath, phone; $16 up; new management. LKONCE APARTMENTsf nlce large 3-room front apartments, furnished, private bath and phone; rent reasonable, 180 North 22d J1H WELL furnished 2-room walking tustance, Everett. partment. Wellington Court, 621 1, 2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phone, gas. light. $3 up. New Hart, 170" 2d St. NEW furnished apts.: concrete block; $10 jind $12. 1162 Union aye.N. Wdin. 512. 660 FLANDERS -3-room furnished apt., $4 week. Main 8251. FOR RENT. Unfurnished Apartments. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished five-room apart ment, with all modern conveniences, in cluding sleeping porch, telephone, gas, electrio lights, etc.; newly carpeted, ren ovated, reduced rentals. Phones Main 4370, A 1801. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. 18th and Couch sts. Marshall 255. Mod ern new building, 2. 3, 4-room unfurnlsned apartments, with shower baths and every convenience; references required. FOP.DHAM An unfurnished 4-room apart ment, white enamel and mahogany finish, best of service. Kent reasonable. Mar shall 168L ' DOUGLAS COURT. 42S W. Park, now open; new 2-room, hardwood floors, mahogany Canlsh, flrst- class service; all light apta. KEELER APTS.. 14th and Clay Bta Desir able unfurnished 3-room suite, private vestibule, phone and bath, $27. Call be tween 2 and 4 P. M. Marshall B758. WEIST APARTMENTS. Most exclusive apts. in city, from 8 to 9 rooms each, unfurnished. Call "09 N. 23d st. or phone A 1672. FOR RENT. Houses, LARGE, light 2-room apt., bath, dressing room, phone, heat; rent $16; walking dis tance. 355 Chapman, cor. Mill. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartment. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 18S Vista ave.. near 23d and Washing ton; large. attractive, sunny outslda rooms; private balconies, modern, supe rior service, unsurpassed view, walking distance. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2, 8 and 4 room; rates moderate; good service, spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. Phone Marshall 2061 and 2064. Walking distance, 21st and Irving. WELLSSLET COURT, , MELCLIFFK COURT. REX ARMS. Phone East OoTT. Sunnyeide aarllne. close in; 2 and 3 room; desirable and reasonable. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONS. 49-37 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHAL!, 1101. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 270 S. Broad way 4 rooms, fur, or unf ur. ; corner apart ment, wall bed, two entrances, private phone, walking distance. Main 2506. THE BUENA VIST A, lath and Harrison Strictly modern, ail outside apartments; Ideal location; references. Pnone Main 1UU1 and 1052. LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect In all details. Lucretla at. Marshall 1613. A 8637. 40 HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 4 and 5-room fur. and unfurnished apta Sleeping porch. 22d and Glisan. Mar. .8181. ROSEN FELD (brick). 14th and K. stark, 8 and 4 rooms, private phone, quiet. " Flats. HEW C-room lower flat, furnace, fireplace, gas range, built-in, bookcases. buffet, tarage. water, $18.5o; 7 blka. Ankeny car. 726 East Ash. Call E. 4500. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 5-room flat, fire place, large porch, hardwood floors, beau tiful view, $so. Phone forenoons or even lngs. Main 2630. $10 A MONTH 4 rooms, desirable location, close to school and carllne. Ogden. 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. MODERN 4-room flat with gas range. 250 Dixon St.. near Broadway bridge and Al bina shipyards; reasonable rent. $18. 5T), including water, modern 5-room up per; Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, etc. 6jH4 lDth st. N.. cor. Davis. Wdin. 4:173. 4 and 5-ROOM flats, sleeping porch, hot water heat, wall bed, gas range, light, airy; Hawthorne. Tabor 19U3. 6-ROOM lower flat. 409 Yamhill, opposite Library. Main 2 050. MODERN 4-room flat, porch, wood, gas range, walking distance. 569 Market. FLAT of six rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt at. Inquire 130 6th, Phone Main 6278. FOUR rofms and sleeping porch, clean, new, desirable location, low rent. East 7721. MODERN 4-room flat, reasonable, near 23d and Washington sts. Main 8988. MODERN and clean, 6-room, upper flat. Corner lGth. and Everett sts; $22. 50. MODERN 8-room upper flat. 427 Clay St., near 11th. Phone East 8. FOR RENT 6-room unfurnished flat. 13th st. Phone Main 3003. Furnlsned Flats. MODERN furnished 3-room flat; very desir able; near S. p. car tracks. 604 E. 20th St. Bellwood 708. CLEAN, neatly furnished 2 and 8-room flats, walking distance, desirable; reasonable rent. 071 Belmont St. $3 6- 3 ROOMS, new, modern, clean, com pletely furnished. 574 H Mill. Main 6447. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur nished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison ats,. $14 up. 21)1 Columbia St.. near 5th. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites. Walking distance. both phones. $2 per week and up; newly renovated. Main 7771. The Warrenton, 402 is 3d St. MAKE the Bushmark your home; completely furnished housekeeping rooms, $3 week up. Including gas, elec'ty, heat. 505 Wash. 461 EAST MORRISON7-cor. East" 8th; fur nished 2-room housekeeping apts., rea soiiable. H. K. ROOMS, $1 wk. and up; brick bldg.; free lights and bath. 03 Vx Russell st. E. 8108. MERCEDES.. 20th and Morrison; single and suite; furnace heat; $0 to $12 per month. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. TWO large, outside, sunny rooms, nicely furnished, small kitchenette, large closet, private entrance: hot water, phone fur nished for $8 a month; fine service. Woodlawn 4536. CLEAN, furnished, well-heated rooms; bath, gas range, electricity; modern residence; desirable location; 1 block Hawthorne car. 734 E. Madison. East 7531. THREE large furnished housekeeping rooms, piano, electric- lights and water; easy walking distance, $12 per mouih. Mar shall 4090. 1 OR 2 H. K. rooms, nicely furnished; free gas, bath, phone, lights, heat. Call after 5 P. M. 306 14th. NICELY furntehed apartment. 2 rooms and kitchenette, heat, light and cooking gas furnished 365 Halsey st. Unfurnished Apartments. BRUCE Apartments. 25th and Northrup, 6-room, steam heat, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, phone, janitor service; wili be vacated. Main 4008. IRVINGTON Upper corner flat with apart ment service. Convenient to two cariines. See Janitor, 403 E. 16th st. N. CECILIA APARTMENTS. 714 Glisan St., un furnished 3-room apartment, with bal cony, $21.50. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson 8, 4. S rooms, reasonable. Marshall 3360. 5-ROOM APT., with sleeping porch. Bryn Mawr. 185 E. 15th st.; $30. GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup. Modern 5-room apts. Phone Marshall 1079. FURNISHED housekeeping apartment, 2 rooms, $2.23 week. 274 Montgomery, cor. Fourth. $S, $11 NICE sunshiny fur. housekeeping "suites; lights, phone, bath; walking dlst. 564 E. 6th. Sellwood 1109. ONE completely furnished housekeeping room with free phone, bath and light, for $5 per month. At SHSVi Williams ave. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, gas and elec tricity, aaa jerrerson St., near Broadway. THREE cosy housekeeping rooms, $12 per month. D88 Pettygrove. Main 3423. LARGE room, kitchenette, first floor; two rooms only $2.50 weekly. 655 Flanders st. 100 20TH, COR. FLANDERS Neatly fur nished housekeeping rooms. ENTIRE 2d floor, 3 rooms, well furnished, clean as jIn; only $12 month. 42 N. 21st. 3-ROOM furnished flat, modern, near Broad--way bridge; rent $12. 382 E. 1st st. North. PIEDMONT -roora modern hnuse, $20. 1181 Haight ave., corner Jessup. MODERN 3-room furnished housed Room 405 Tourny bldg.. 2d and Taylor. TO FtENT Modern T-room house, furnaoe. fireplace, etc.; first-class conditio,, ac cessible to streetcar lines; rent $27.50, close In to city. 430 Oregon st.. bet- East 6th and 7th sts. Call at house or call up owner. Tabor 1600. FREE STORAGE Household good! stored free; expert movers, packers and shlppera Manning Warehouse &. Transfer Co., 9th and Hoyt sts. Broadway 703. GOOD 8-room house In nice .codltlon, acre of ground, fruit and arden; old barn; can be used for garage, 60th st. near S. S. car. Cheap. Marshall 49P0. 1 ACRE, good house, close to car; city con veniences; chicken-houses, fruit. $10. Main 7 ROOMS and sleeping porch, nice yard, fruit and garage; give references. J 92, Oregonlan. FOR RENT Good 6-room house, gas range etc.. very clean and newly tinted. 423 Halsey. Broadway 1715. DESIRABLE 7-room" house. 695Blxth. an Sherman; garage, cement basement. 16th st. car south. Apply on premises. 6-ROOM house, near carllne; 10 minutes out; key, Plttenger, Cook and Williams ave.; low rent. 5-ROOM $13.50 mo., 44BV4 Broadway st. 5-room house, not modern, 615 4th St., $10.75 mo. J. C. Williams. Main 1027. 3-ROOM clean, modern cottage. block Alberta car; garden, fruit. 1063 K. 7th St. North. ; EIVERDALE 5-room cottage, garden, fruit trees, beautiful view overlooking golf links: $20 Phone Main 7672. 8-ROOM modem house, 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. Inquire 130 6th st. Main 6278. 8 rooms, modern, Slst. IS. Couch; shrubs. fruit trees, cheap rent. 228 Morrison. 6-ROOM house, gas, electricity; walking dis tance. 697 Everett St. Phone East 8. 8-ROOM modern. $20. 129 E. 3d st. N. Phone East 4241. MODERN cottage and 6-room house, olose In. 687 E. 8th St. Sellwood 1313. I1 urnislicd Houses. $12.50 4-ROOM house, almost completely furnished. Mill Bt. Apply grocery, 3d and Alill. COSILY furnished B-room modem house, yard, fruit. 1241 East Yamhill. $16, Itorea. FOR RENT. A large-size store room, 25x100, an 1st St., suitable for furniture, hardware or any general line of business; good concrete basement, cheap rent with lease. Apply 185 1st st. Mr. Lewis. Marshall E081. A. STORE 00x50 feet, full glass front, corner ' of Front and Gibbs sts., a few block from steel shipbuilding plant. Inquire C. H. Brant, 185 1st st. Marshall 981 or Main 151L Offlcta OFFICES, store rooms and halls: also rooms suitable for light manufacturing; office bui:ding accommodations; rent reasonable. Sweeney Investment Co., 815 Dekum bldg., 8d and Washington sts. OFFICES, either single or 2, 8 and 4-room suites. 815 Dekum bldg., 8d and Washing ton sts. CENTRALLY located offices In modern fiieproof building, Washington at., corner of 4th. Rothchlld bldg. WELL-FURNISHED private office; also oewk room, $.1 and $7. 723 Cham, of Com. OFFICES. $7 up; furnlBhed offices, desk com. reasonable. 803 Swetland bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, SEVERAL choice out-of-town light grocery end confectionery stores, poolrooms, pic ture shows, garages, general merchandise stocks. PACIFIC AGENCY. 515 Swetland Bldg. IF YOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywhere, si A. J DB FOP-EST. 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. A $30,000 STOCK of general merchandise, will sell at small discount, or will take $20,000 of Al mortgages or property if it la clear of incumbrance. Balance cash. PACIFIC AGENCY, 515 Swetland Bids. ONE of the best-paying garages, located on the West Side automobile center; 40 cars ill storage, cheap rent and good lease; price $2000. j.'A0IFie AGENCY, 515 Swetland Bldg. WANTED Good. responsible agent for Jackson automobiles. Particulars and cata logues address Northwest Jackson Dlstrlb utlng Co., 1113 E. Union St.. Seattle. Wash THE best $000 buy In small live grocery. East Side, with living-rooms. Well located and a snap. PACIFIC AGENCY. BIB Swetland Bldg. SOLID business: opening for steady man handy with tools and willing to start at $25 week; small Investment required, which will be secured. Call 2484 Stark st. AUTOMOBILE business; want an energetlo man to wait on customers, sell gasoline, etc., as partner; good pay and only S300 cash required. Call 248 Stark st FOR SALE $550, confectionery, cigars, candy, soft drinks and lunches, 4 living rooms, furnished; owner. J. D. Williams. Tabor 141S. FOR SALE A good bakery and candy kitchen in a town of $1200 population, cheap if taken at once- Eastern Oregon: have other Interests. AV C73, Oregonlan. SPLENDID opportunity for office or selling position with new manufacturing enter prise. Must invest some monev. Strict , i- yestlgatlonlnvlteL AJ 95. Oregonlan. ' ON PI-HALF interest in theater and moving picture business; liberal terms;" good locality; you run show. AD 94, Oregonian. PICTURE theater. completely and mod. ernly equipped, now for sale or to expe rienced people may rent. Write box C30, Roseburg, Or. FINE proposition in general store located in small Oregon country town; good busi ness; $000 will handle; other interests de mand my attention. AV 560. Oregonlan A CONFIDENTIAL listing of your "property wilii ua iiieaiis results; II you need the monev, come see us. PACIFIC AGENCY. 515 Swetland Bid g. PARTY with $100 to take part of fancy work and dressmaking business; good proposition. Call after 6 or aduress 204 Palace Hotel. WANT a steady man to work in tnr tf as partner; can make good war-as and a very small Investment is required. Call 243 Stark at. WE have 40 grocery stores from $400 tn f 40.000 cash and trade. Paciflo Agency -tc.. 515 Swetland bldg DENTIST Modern office best town in Southern Oregon, for sale at invoice. Ad dress AV 551, Oregonlan. WANTED A good party to put up a hotel in a new town. For Information write to L. O. Vadnais, Bakersfleld, Or. WANTED Party with some money for paying proposition. 30 3d st. Ask for Mr Snow. BFSINFSS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SNAPS In rooming-houses see Paciflo Agency, Inc.. 515 swetland bldg. FOR SALE Restaurant, good business Tn- qulre 402 Glisan st. FOR -exceptional chance to build apt. houses address T 20. Oregonlan. GARAGE for sale or traded 184 West 2d st., Albany. Or. 2 ONE-CHAIR shor" -or sale. Kemp Barber Supply Co.. 271 Wash. st GOOD oreamery gooff town, all or half In terest. AV 501. Oregonlan. HAVE you got a small grocery at a bar gatnT If so. write B 90. regoniam FOR RENT Garage, filling station, power and machinery: good location. Tabor 5926. A MOST unusual opportunity presents Itself to anyone having $7500 to Invest- In the ownership aud control of a flourishing taxlcab service located in a prosperous In terior California town: paid 20 per cent net on investment In 1016 and good salary to manager. Should do better in 1917. Par ticulars on proof of responsibility. All transactions confidential Will bear the severest scrutiny. AV 545. Oregonlan. $4500 BUYS an established furniture and undertaking business with $100 a month salary for telephone exchange. Stock will Invoice one-third more than tha price asked. Eastern Oregon location. PACIFIC AGENCY, 513 Swetland Bldg. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Inter est lh established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. - PAUL A. COWGILL. See-, 302 Henry TOWN with good transportation facilities, can secure manufacturing enterprise that will produce a payroll and put it on the map; have your Commercial Club write for particulars. Address Mfg., P. O. box 172. South Tacoma. Wash. $2000 BUYS an established grocery and deli catessen, stock alone worth the money. Auto delivery. Doing $60 a day. East Side in the apartment-house district. PACIFIC AGENCY. 015 Swetland Bldg. POOL HALL, conf. and barber shop. 40 miles from Portland: electric line; fixtures, storit lot and building $1600; good loca tion, no opposition. W. A. Wood. Monitor, Or. POOL HALL with cigar stand, 4 rood pool tables, nice stock cigars, tobacoos. can--dies. old-estab., doing good business: low rent; price $375. Call today, 8 A. ML to 6 P. M. 227 1st at. CIGARS, confectionery, etc: a nloe store for only $375. Call 248ft Stark St. BARBER shop for sale at bargain. Call 244ft Washington at. BUSrNF,S8 OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WANTED Established and high-class book and stationery store In town of about 5000 population. See or address L. L. Blumen thal. 2119 Stark St. WOULD like to invest a few hundred with services in some good-paying business; give particulars In reply. T 81. Oregonlan. CASH for good grocery; must be In a good district and a bargain; If you have a good proposition write to W 91, Oregonlan. WANTED To buy drugstore'ln good loca tion. See or address L. L. Blumenthai, 260 Stark st. CASH for general merchandise or shoe store. Imperial Arms, M. Z., city. HOTFLS AND ROOMINO-HOUFE9. IF YOU WISH To buy. sell or exchange a Hotel, Rooming or Apt. -House. I A. J. DE FOREST, 05-207 Board of Trade Bldg. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leadl.-,; Hotel, Apartment-House Agent, Oldest Reliable Agency In City. 624 N. W. Bank bldg.. 6th and Morrison. FOR SALE Residential hotel, medium sire, newly furnished, best location; must be seen to appreciate; good money-make'; will consider terms. AH 91, Oregonlan. FOR absolute protection and best bargains In rooming or apartment-houses, see mem bers of Realty P-onrd. YATES REALTY CO. 249 4TH ST. 80-ROOM brick hotel, strictly modern, fine corner, good moneymaker, $1200. Terms. Wells A Anderson, 163 ft West Park. 24-ROOM apt.-house, fine corner, running water all rooms, moneymaker; get prlc from Wells & Anderson, 163 ft West Park. 12 ROOMS, housekeeping, good furniture, fine location, always full. Bargain. Wells & Anderson, 16.1ft West Park. HOTEL. APTS, OR ROOMING-HOUSES. AN x SIZE. PRICE OR LOCATION. MRS. KRAXTZ, 621 YEON BUILDINO. LOOK 8 "rooms, good furniture, very, very fine location; rent only $12.50. large yard, $1 00 cash, balance easy. 42 N. 21st. JOHNSON'S boarding-house, 103 N. 10th St., $5 per week. 40 ROOMS, modern, good Income; will sell reasonable. Owner. V 93. Oregonian. GOOD-PAYING rooming-house for sale cheap; terms cash. 331 Glisan St. LOST AMI FOUND. THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Lieht & Power Company, February 13, 1017 1 handbag, 1 shovel, 1 suitcase, 1 sample case, 1 grip, 1 package sacks, 1 package collar, 1 basket, 1 pair gloves, 1 roll music, 1 key, 1 glasses case, 3 purses, 1 bundle paper, 1 package clothing, 1 brush, 2 lunch boxes, 5 books. 1 necklace, 1 pack age dress goods, 1 package pictures, u Umbrellas. Owners may obtain lost prop erty at 1st aud Alder sts LOST English setter dog, white, with black spots on head and hips; collar with name plate engraved name T. L. Montieth; Port land license ta. Please notify E. W. Hen dricks, East 00G3, or J. N. Webster, Os wego. B 6161. Reward. LOST or stolen, brown female Persian cat, from 1417 K. 21st. St. S.. nenr Bybeo ave. Suitable reward for information loading to recovery. Mrs. Lucy C Beck. Phone bell wood 2165 or Main 4656. LOST Card case containing Elks. K. P. and Moose card; $H5 in currency. Return to 526 Railway Exchange bldg.; liberal reward. V LOST Small package dark blue silk some where .est uper Washington st. Please Phone Tabor ,71. LOST 15-Jewel gold watch, leather wrist case: lost Sat. between 4 and 7 P. M. Finder call Tabor 7655. Reward. LOST, on West Side, a sliver open-face watch with gold fob. 4ame of Ethel on fob. AJ 02, Oregonlan. LOST-Lady's black patent leather mrse, Monday. Phone Main 6230. Rewat . LOST Abstract to 440 acres land Douglas County. Please Call Alain 14:14. Reward. LOST Saturday, crescent pin with thref pearls. Reward. Phone Tabor 3150. LOST 2 ducks from 3Sth and Harold ave. l'hone Sellwood 1588. LOST Pearl brooch, between 12th. Alder and Strand Theater. Reward. Marshall 2771. LOST A lady's gold watch and chain Mon day; reward. Marshall 4401. LOST Sunday, lady's gold mounted cameo pin. Finder call Woodlawn 801. Reward. PPECIAI. NOTICES. Proposal Invited. SEALED proposals on coal for the school year of 1917-18 will be received at the office of R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, 401 Courthouse, until 4 P. H March 1, 1017. and will be opened at the regular meet ing of the board to be held in room 304 Courhouse at that time. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the pro posal, payable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. , Specifications may be obtained at the of fice of the undersigned. Board of directors reserve right to reject any or alt bids; also to increase or decrease the' quantity at the time the award is made. February 10. 1917. R. H. THOMAS, Sahool Clerk. PROPOSALS for repairing dredge Cham poeg U S. Engineer Office, 2d district, Portland. Or. Sealed proposals for repair ing U. 8. dredge "Champoeg" will be re ceived here until 11 A. M. February 16. 1017, and then opened. Further informa tion on appllcatlon. Miscelianeous. TO whom It may concern: Tou will take notice that I will not be responsible for any debup contracted by my wife. Marie Covey. HOWARD M. COVKY PFF.CIAX. NOTICES. Miscellaneous. MASTER'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to the decree rendered in the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon on the 13th day of January. 1917. in a cause wherein the Equitable Life As surance Society of the United States, a corporation, is complainant, and wherein the Commercial Trust Company, a corpo ration, and R. S. Howard. Jr., receiver of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company, are defendants, the undersigned on the 31st day of March, 1B17. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., win sell at public auction to the highest bidder for United States gold coin In hand paid, at the front door of the County Courthouse of Multnomah County, Oregon, at ortland. in said coun ty and state, all of the following described real property, to-wlt: . Lots numbered one (1) and two (2), in block numbered nineteen (10). In the City of Portland. Multnomah County. Oregon. . according to the duly recorded map and plat thereof on file in the office of the County Clerk of Multnomah County. Ore gon, which said real property is more par ticularly described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at the intersection of the south boundary line of Washington street with the west boundary - line of Second street in said City of Portland, and thence running westerly along said south boun dary line of Washington street. 95 feet to the northwest corner - of lot 1; thence southerly along the west boundary line of said lots. 100 feet to the southwest corner of said lot 2; thence easterly along the south boundary line of said lot 2, 95 feet to said west boundary line of Second street: thence northerly along said west boundary line of Second street 100 feet to the place of beginning. Also all the right, title and Interest of the said Commercial Trust Company, a corporation, and R. S. Howard, Jr.. re ceiver of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company, In and to the lands above de scribed and In and to all appurtenances thereto and thereunto belonging. Said property will be sold for the pur pose of realising $100,000.00. together with Interest thereon from the 1st day of De cember, 1915. at the rate of 6 per cent per annum and for the further sum of $7500.00 attorney's fees and for the further sum of $8.41 as costs and disbursements hereto fore taxed in said suit upon said decree in Y?r? complainant and against the said Commercial Trust Company, and for the further sum of $49,446.83 with Inter est thereon from the loth day of January, 19 IT, at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, and for the further sum of $3125.00 attor ney s fees, and for the further sum of f cost and disbursements hereto fore taxed In said suit, and costs and ex penses of said sale. The said sale will be made subject to the confirmation of the above entitled court snd to the redemption provided by law. It will also be made subject to and In ac cordance with the provisions of said da- ROBERT V. MAGUTRE. Master Jn Chancery In and fdr the District Court of the United States for tha Dis trict of Oretton. First publication February 15. 191T. FINANCIAL. Mo 'jy o Loan on Real Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS AT 6ft PER CBNT, Any amount. No Delays. Repayment Privileges. CLARK. KENDALL t CO., 205, 206 Northwestetrn Bank Bldg. - YOU WILL READ, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Helen A. Chase. Signed, Arthur B. Chase. BARGES for rent, capacity 600 tons. Mala 85. FINANCIAL. MONEY LOANED. Residence property, 6 to H per cent. Business property, 5 to a per cent. ' Farm property, 7 to 8 per cent. WH1TMER-KELLY CO.. 711 Pittock blk. 5 TO 7 MORTGAGE LOANS. CITY OR FARM. ANY AMOUNT. RESERVE INVESTMENT CO.. Henry bldg. FIRST and second mortgages: also seller'i interest In contracts purchased, Oregon Or Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. . -1 BUY mortgages, bonds and rotes WES TERN BOND MORTGAGE CO. 80 4th su. Board of Trade Bldg. MORTGAGE! loans, notes, contracts, mort gages purchased. Lewis & Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan on Real Estate. OUR Installment plan Is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 80 months or J 21. 24 for 60 months, or 15.17 for 06 mcntUd pays a $1000 loan and Interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS at LOAN ASSN., ' 242 Stark Street. Portland, Or. PER CENT mouey. 8 to 5 years, residence property; will accept $100 or more oa principal at any interst period payment; 6ft per cent nnoney o business property, same terms. Pacific Title & Irust Co. 7 Chamber of Commer a Marshall 12. MORTGAGBLOANS. Any amount, low rates, oromptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. B1KRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118. TRLST funds to loan in amounts from $500 to $5000 at Interest rates rang ing from 6 to 8 per cent according to security. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security from $100 up oa going rate of Interest. OTTO HARKSON REALTY CO. 413 Chamber of Commerce. SEE US today money -any amount on Im proved property 0-7 . Long or short time loans. Installment loans. Main 112. CELLAhS-MURTON CU, 823 Yeon Bldg. C PER CENT MONEY Willamette Vaj.ey farm loans; no delay; no commissions. Devereau Mortgage Company, 607 Con- cord blilg.. id and Eta-a sts. & 1'Kit CENT loans wli; ie made on central retail business properties, 6 and 7 per cent on other securities. EUWAKIJ K. GoL-'Dlii CO.. Northwestern Bank bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS. FARRlNGTuN, 80 Fourth Street. Portland. Or. $500. $1000 AND upwards on Improved real estate; favorable terms; no delay; n brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. $200,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; bulld lng loans, lowest ratea W. G. Beck. 815- tuo railing uiug. roonea Alain o4Uf. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON 1NV. & MORTGAGE CO.. INC. Stock Exchango bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. 5ft AND 6 PER CENT MONEY. For farm aud city loana. w 12, Oregonlan. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY OR FARM ritoruKii; vili call if INTER ESTED. Phone Tabor 2626. 1 WANT to loan a few thousand dollars at per cent gn resiuence property. No oeuiy. alj do, wregonian. $2000, $3000. $5000 AND $10,000 to loan at 7 per cent. F. E. Bowman & Co., 212 unamoer oi t-ommerce. burt.s on cny ana iarm property, o per . ui. . . v i ii .i i .i. ui t-om. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND T PER CENT LOUIS SALOMON CO.. 300 OAK ST. LOANS on city and farm, 6 per cent and u. inc , - i-i nn V fm: n-nn..-- $200. $850. $900, $120O, $1800. Fred W. German eg Co.. 732 Chamber of Com, LOOK, NOW Money 5 to 8 por cent, H L. Murton, 6Q5 Pittock block. Hroadway 1746. $10O0 TO $10,000 TO LOAN on city or farm. no commission. P. O. box 873. city. 5 TO 7 PER CENT money, any amount. R. F. Bryan. 50 1 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT '" Hammond Mtg. Co.. 424 Cham, of Com! FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANsT A. H- Harding. 818 Chamber of Com. UNLIMITED Eastern funds. 6 to T per cent. DOOLEY A CO.. 812 Board of Trade bldg. MONEY Any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. W H. Setts, 810 Spalding. Main 6584. Money to Loan -Chattels and Salaries. FUlUTL-RE SALARY LOANS. LOANS. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. All that Is necessary to establish exert It with us is that you either own furniture, pianos, or that you are working either will do. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. Licensed, 817 Falling Bldg. IF YOU NEED JIONEY, SEE TJ3. SALARIES ... CHATTELS. Loans made to persons on salary or fixed Income; on household furniture, pi anos. diamonds and other personal nron. rty; legal ratea " Business confidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). 806-307 Dekum Bldg. HOME INSTALLMENT CO. Organized by salaried men for mutual piotection. Money advanced on salary, diamonds, furniture, etc. Easy install ments. Legal rates. Securities purchased. 202 McKay bldg. Main 1242.' REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Eatab. iished by Portland business men to pro tect borrower. C. Myers Herman, man ager. 894 Stark St. Money loaned on dia monds. Jewelry, pianos, h. b. furniture. MONiY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rate; all articles held 1 year; established since 1888. Dan Marx. 283 Washington. Loana Y anted. WANT $1000, $1200, $1350. $1500. $1750. $2u00, $40tio and .,000 at 77. oa best city residence properties. SEE M lt LRHMITTTHT. THE OREGON HUJIB BUILDERS. 3J3Q Northwestern Bank Building. vani siuoo on nice, modern bungalow. Hawthorne district. Call 16 Board of Trade bldg. Main T452. 1 WANT $2000 oa 10 Jots and 8 houses on the Peninsula. Call 316 Board of Trad. bldg. Main 7452. WANT $0000 loan on Irvlngton home from owner, u 28, Oregoulan. i a PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. 80-inch wavy switch. 2 sep .....$1.5 24-lnch wavy switch, 8 Sep.......... LOtf Ail-around transformation 1.4J Halrdresslng, shampooing, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring, 250. Hair re moved by electric needle, switch made of combings. 05c We buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors, 400-412 Dekum bldg. ed and Washington, Marshall 1102. WISE BILL What a healthy looking fam' lly. I ll bet 2 to 1 they eat Cream of Rice. Foolish Jim Tempting odda. FU take you, Jim lost, but BUI gave him a 15-cent Sackage to take home lor his wife and the id dies. ASIC YOUR GROCER. MARY LAMAR, please write again to the little Kuijiiilimuu. i am anxious to hear from you. I answered your letter of May, 1914. but my letter was returned. 1 ieic Tracy soon after. Mary Lamar was once ruuuing ualry ranch. Anyone knowing of her. piease write me. Reward, Auuresa David Dear, route 3, Sucrauiento. CaL GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse give's treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, neu. ralgia, etc., massage and bath, lady assist, ant. 310 Park St. Marshall 5033. Hours 9:3ji A. M. to 10 P. M.. open Sunday. FlSBVIiT & liA.Nh.13UT. leading wig and toupe makers; finest etock human hair goous; huiruressiug. manicuring, face and scalp treatment, iteinuved to o49 Alder, neac Broadway. Main 546. AN OU.NCll OK PREVENTION. Scientific body manipulation. electric cabinet and mineral uuths; private rest rooms, lrunsiue Institute, 32i-e-9 Pittocs: block. REV. MRS. J. C. SCHORL Spiritualism. Clr ctea every night; obsession cured. Hotel Beverly, cor. t'aik and. vttmui;i Mlm. Mar shall 5978. , GERMAN nurse, massage, electric blankets and baths for rheumatism, lumbago, neu ralgia, etc.; lady trained nurse assistant. 230 lith St. Open Sundays. Marshall atia,. MAliUL C. BARBER, spiritual medium. Readings daily, 9 to 4. 320 4th st. ln traiice on Clay. l'hone Main 7012. MABEL MARTIN Vibratory massage and manicuring. Room 15, Hotol Green, tithi st. at OmK. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR destroyed forever by multipru-needle method: consultation free. Mile. 1'eLung. 304 Swetland bldg. MRS. STEVENS. 24 years In Portland; 20th century science in palmistry taught; spirit ualieadings dally. 375 Taylor su AZA H. R1BBKCKE, graduate dermatolo-gtst- Hair and blemishes permanently re moved. 129ft 12lh. near Wash. Mar. 3260, ELECTRIC treatments for poor circulation, rueumatisin, lumbago, lace and scalp; sa,t batlis. 426 Clay st- Main 8350. REV. M. LA MAR, Spiritualist medium, teaches palmistry and card reading oaily. 2J5 &th at. oUl'lilA B. blP, mental, spiritual scientist. uo Tourney bldg.. lo to 4 uaily. Writtea questions Wed.. 7:45 P. M. Mar. 3006. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths, light, heat, elc-c. and vibratory massage. Dr. Margaret Haynie. 517 Swetland bidg.Maln 17Uo. ANYONE knowiug whereabouts of Ted Daa. forth please notify mother, Eva DanfufUi, 400 Hilh St.. Denver, Coio HOROSCUPU forccusts and lnstructlou Adams Astrological bchool, 350 ft Morrl eon st. Adi-Arao promptly relieves headache, neu-, ralgia and la grippe, lor sale by Porl land Hotel Pharmacy. SPIRITUALISM Rev. May A. Price, melt lnra, Tuesday, 2 and 8 P. M. ; readings di lly, 202 Clay. Mar. 3000, A 2294. DrTeLLA M'INTYRE, ladleaspeclallst on muscle, nerve and Joint; special prices. 511 Northwest bldg. Main 474L CHILDREN'S class in dancing and dramatlo art. now forming. 61U Eiiers bldg. Mar. 4 7 6. " PRIVATE Bchool of -dancing, dramatic art. 610 Eilers bldg. Residence. Mar. 476 ELECTRIC treatment, scalp and massage, 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. GRACE BELMONT, manicuring! vibratory massage, oflice 4'J, 3d floor. 145ft Bdway. FOR adoption, baby girl 2 years old In quire 250 Arthur at. BESSIE WAYLAND. facial massage, scalp treatments. 35oft Morrison st. Office 202. HOWARD & IRVIN, electrio treatments. Room 7. 201 ft Morrison su MASSAGE treatments, electric vibrator, by trained nurse. 308 3d. Apt. C. Main 1040. VIBRATORY and electric treatments for rheumatism, office 215. 850ft Morrison su MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 429 FUedner bldg. Main 3473. PRIMED A BALM, formerly called Balm ot Figs. 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2213. mornings. FRANCES DE MAYO, scalp specialist. 2olft Morrison su Office 11. Room 1. SCALP massage and shampooing. 350 Yamhill St.. near Park. MAY ANDREWS teaches phrenology and card reading. 2S2 Park St. Main 7548. MAY IRVIN, electric Morrison, room 7. treatments. 291ft MISS JOHNSON, chiropodist and masseuse. Main 504. HOLLY AND HER PALS , -.-:-? v t j : .. . . r; vitrei; . M k 'H4M' (lAS AlAiElAllAjE TtRCBMJ -I To Tht l I s rWve Truer Lni V7aJ "lVltI 5a1ElI 6MO "7b to IT. Ri! ti tri4T? "Turv. ftovr TrA fc t f ' ' 1 MM r .M ! SL ' r v4 Copyright, 1917. by fiewspapsr Feature Service). lac Great Britain right reserved Registered in U. S. Patent Office. PHELU IS CLEVER AXD SO REALISTIC. BY CLIFF1 STERRETT, 4 a 4 : -