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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1917)
j - 16 THE, MORNING OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1917. . EW TODAY. REAL ESTATE. TOB S ALE! I FOR B.TR " ' ' t " " . Suburban Horn. Property. Hor.-.. YVhMM I.. . i - FOB SALE. HELP WANTED-MALE, 1 HELP WAITED FEMALE. I I -" , i - Antroiiib'l.-e. Loans of $10,000 and up on Im proved Business Property (or for Improvement Purposes). J. P. Lipscomb, 242 Stark St. MORTGAGE LOANS en Improved city property at 6 and 1 per cent. Farm and suburban loans at current rates. Liberal repayment priv ileges allowed. No delays. LAHttB LOANS SPECIAL RATES. A. H. BIRRELL GO. C17-210 Northwestern Bank Buildiai Marshall 4114k. A 4118. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE GO. Oar Own Money at 'Current Rate. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONUS. FARM AND CITY LOANS. Fourth t Board of Trade lilila. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7 Orearon lavcitment A Mortics-ce Co. Offices SU2-4. 170 Third St. DOOLY & CO, Inc. Est. 18S6 On tioaru oi iraan aiaft. rj II S I'nlimited Eastern' Funds, a. -T City and Farms. Insurance. A lttoi uonog. Alar. 702 REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lois. $25 CLEARED, LEVEL, LOTS $23. $1 month, no Interest. Townslte, rich farming district, best poultry country, cen ter over $l,O0,000 population, network railroads. Write for particulars now. D. F. HICKEY, Colman bldg.. Seattle. $305 GREAT LOT SNAP. S. E. cor. 8 1st and Sandy bird., 2 lots, about 6500 sq. ft., 11B ft. on carline, bal ance street liens $20, part cash. Main 8730. IBVINGTON SNAP. $2400 buys 100x100, facing East on E. Slst, between Stanton and Siskiyou; street Improvements paid. M. A. Newell, 02 Merchants Trust bids. BUILDER WANTED. Want high-class builder to give me fig ures on 8-room residence. Will require best reference and bond or other security. AM 93. Oregonian. $275 50x100 WESTMORELAND. 150 ft. So. Tolman ave.. facing east on 18th. Go look. FRANK L. M'GUIRE. Main 1068. $890 BUYS lot 10, bik. 26. Laurelhurst; Ideal location : Multnomah St., near Imperial. Main 1068. " BROOKE Dealer la PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. A few bargain. Mar. 4827. For Sale Houses. $2290 ROSS CITY PARK. S ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. , $100 DOWN, $22.50 PER MONTH. Will sell on straight contract, no mort gages to assume. tiee this quick. Full 0x 100-foot lot, paved streets, sewer, full cement basement, good furnace; entrance hall, all rooms good size, all fir filoors, scraped. A fin Investment, big value. B8r)?m:a"WllBOn' 45tb" and sandy. Tabor THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE PLAN AND BUILD ANY THING, residence to factory, or any con struction; sketches and estimates free, fur nish the money If desired. All depart ments one office. We actually save you money. Our reputation your protection. L. R. BAILEY CO., INC.. Contracting Ar chitects, 324 Ablngton bldg. LAURELHURST.' Before purchasing elsewhere secure our list of exquisite homes Just completed, for sale on easy terms, and obtain copy of our album telling all about Laurelhurst, the Addition of Beautiful Homes, the show place of Portland, which challenges com parison with any similar property in ths ?-ijd- Ma" office 270 V, Stark St. Mala 1 1 OO, A 1615. $350 CASH $350. inBu?,s,Jequ,lty tn "'"-room house, lot 50x E. Maln " walking distance. This place is worth $4000; ail modern, good furnace, fireplace, full cement base ment, close to school and two canines: mtg. $2300 can run as long as wanted at Jler cent. G. It. Smlth. 400 Eilers bldg. SACRIFICE. E. 6TH, NEAR BROADWAY r"hI?om . hose. garage, full lot; Jth,?5500; vrlve now $3!00; $500 cash and $2. per month, per cent. Lot alone worth $4000; no trades. J. W. GRUSSI. 316 Board of Trade. Main 7432. OPPORTUNITY CALLS YOU. Furnace, fireplace, 6 rooms, go to make thin Til nil orn VinniA U , . . , in" Kicdicut Duy in restricted Hawthorne district; two blocks from car. west of 30th st. Fine lot with Vult.and roses. Easy payments; might jvhhj iiauo. iauar o-4.ll. ONE acre, good 5 -room house, all In cul- tivatlon, fine water, near hard-surface Base Line road, two minutes from Rock wood station on Mt. Hood Electric. Owner leaving. Fine for berries and chickens. Must sell equity at big sacrifice. If you have a few hundred dollars, Investigate this great bargain. Mr. Umbdenstock, 306 Oak st. Phone Broadway 165S. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, close to carline, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sellwood 478, JOHN GIBSON, Owner. For Sal -Acreage. LESS THAN HALF VALUE. $1600; 11 acres of splendid land on the Oregon Electric, all in 6-year-old com mercial apples with peach fillers; peaches alone will pay for the place in next two years; $420 cash, balance long time at a low rate. Cos A Mclf.nn, jr. n-r FRAZIER ft M'LEAN. ESTAB. 84 TS1BII Understand their business and are In a position to lurnisn you with -horsee for ail purposes. Draft, express, driving and farm chunks; draft teams for hire; all good workers and In fine shape. Our location always tne same, otn ana Taylor sta AUCTION AUCTION. Every Tuesday and Friday, 2 o'clock. All kinds of harness, wagons, horses and mules. All sold as represented or no sale. Everything sold on commission, 5 per cent. " . , , . " auytning to list. uuin --tia. o9o f ront st. McClelland Neal Horse and Mule Company. 3 ACRES WITH 4-ROOTVr HniTSE i-.xnn Located near Tlgard. faces county road, nearly all under cultivation, good house f. nP barn; Ideal for chicken farm; price icrma e.-.uvo casn, balance mort- -so-st. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, , S13 Chamber of Commerce. BUY your country homesite on the Columbia ver mgnway; goon water; river front s. spienaia loilage. close to Portland trices reasonaoie; terms. Call or see owners, so corbett bldg. Phone Marshall HOUSE AND ACRE ONLY $700 Mostly in cultivation; -water, some fruit; 3-room house, close to electric sta- iiuu, oniy .su minutes out; easy terms. -an at OOP Concord bldg. 10 ACRES. $800. 8 miles from Vancouver, H4 miles from electric line, lies fine, A-t soil, $200 casn, pai. to suit. unay. 4ii Henry Diag. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES iear Portland; S73 to $200 per acre; easy terms, best soil, farms for sale, all sixes. MC arlana. DOS Icon bldg.. Portland. ACRE tracts. 38th N. and Simpson; fine sou. aii woodiawn 2408 evenings. For Sale Farms. FARM. WITH AN IXCOME. 460 acres,' 6 miles from The Dalles; 850 seres In cultivation; Five-Mile Creek runs thru. Deep black loam soil: fiOOO bushels of wheat grown In one season; 10 acres or bearing cherries: 8-room plastered house rock basement, hot and cold water, 'large oia Darn ana several outbuildings. Ideal larm lor grain, dairy, hogs, and fruit. Good market close bv for fill nrndiiita You cannot help but win out on this farm as your eggs will not all be In one bas ket. Stock, tools and implements worth luuv are included, price '25,000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark street. 5000 ACRES In Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices, $5 per acre and up. Writs i"r map snowing location, terms, etc WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, 1 i u in cl isicLs., laconu, wain. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. $10 CASH and $3 mummy; no interest or taxes; mghly pro- uucuve; ciose to tnree Dig marketa rvrne ior pnotograpns ana full Informa tion. Munger, A-241 N. Y. Life bldg. Kanraj City, Mo. 46 ACRES, $1650. 80 miles from Portland; 6 acres In cul tivation, 4-room house, barn, fine orchard, lies fine. A-l soil, no rock; $750 cash, bal, to suit. Bundy, 411 Henry bldg NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS. Eastern Montana, at $2.56 tp $18 per acre; DuiLaw.a itwinmg or grazing; easy ...o. I'm (iii.uiiiitti.ion write or see VV, K. Holt. Miles City, Mont. POLK County stock farm. 650 nrr.. ,i mini, an icntru, iiiu acres under cultiva tion, new nouse, tnree Darns, 5000 cordi oak wood and 80 acres fine piling timber Phone E. 1224. 100 ACRES prune land In a prune country. i, ".iiiaiiuii, an iinaoie; would t.uuoiut:i uume in roruana part payment. mwimami, ..u, V 1ICOX DlQg. run BAi,i oti acres, 8 acres in cult.. 4n .,wvntum , iiouoe au oaru; so a. fenced - a. snap, $2ii(io. $1000 cash, balance easy Logged off lands, $10 a. up. running water, emply t; little farms cleared. Improved. down. J. R. Sharp, 557 Sherlock bldg 40 ACRES, Irrigated, well Improved, $1600"i imiyii i oaa, XTinevine, Or. WANTED UFA L KSTATE. WE WILL Improve on your own lot, supply i, " j "r own lueas, arrange financing and build your home on small cash payment, balance on easy terms to Bun., onuoiatiioa guaranteed. Call East 8185. Enterprise Home Bulldera WANTED A 5-room bungalow, from own ' ouiy. can pay j-uo cash down. $15 j-v. junta nut over siooo. AD U2. Oregonlan. WE -IU get a purchaser for your prooo-ty If your prices are not Inflated. Klchan- ucii oc v.o.. iu, Lewis bldg. HAVE a cash customer for n. n in wn larnette Heights; price must be right. BF 66, Oregonian. WANTEIJ Building lot in Ladd s Addition, ui, viesonian. JLST completed, a beautiful modern 3-room bungalow on corner of 46th and Brazee st Rose City; this la a well-built, modern house, beautifully located; has a den and at,V,cV Blso sleeping porch. This house will be open today and all week, or call Tabor 0483. ilODERN five-room house with large fire place, located In first-class residence sec tion; price $1350; small payment down, balance $15.00 per month Including bIx per cent interest. For particulars see fiu-ior inj Ella.. V. 1 .3 NEW BUNGALOW AND 7 LOTS ONLY i) uSrBt,'Or' i-rom.' plastered, wired for lights, right at electrlo station, only Twrr h ?hOU i,easy t,,rms- Call at 500 ... w.wfc,.. miu amra SIS. MUST bELL my 5-room bungalow; cost me $2i2j; my price now, $1675; has fire place, bookcases, Dutch kitchen. linen closet, full basement and laundry trays. Mr. Chapman, phone Broadway 1658 or evenings. Wdl. 3712. ur HOMESITE, ONLY $410 " ONLY 30 MINUTES OUT v.Fh?-Br?,ve of trfes' ood fishing and ift.l"?1 c y c.onve,n'nces. good auto road, oi6Cftr ,; Can you mmm-u OIQg. 4-ROOM modern bungalow, nearly new: two bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, breakfast-room full basement, laundry trays- cost i"sn way 5e658W fr $1625- Telephone' BVoad: 2l,0r.locWU?E fr $1?,50: new- modern house. 1 block from carline. full basement, bier attic ideal neighborhood. 5021 4 lit ave s E. Take Mt. Scott car to Mritle Park station. Phone Tabor 7875. mrus "rlc LAURELHURST PICKUP An excellent buy in nearly new 6-room bungalow with garage, near park E ness reasons compel owner to sell at a. rrpnt imrHrii.. T iiy..,... . L p ..... w. m.iuy jiain 1700. 5S00 50x100 attractive modern 7-room residence, Irvington district. For terms phone owner. East 3899. srms 8-5t-.OM unplastered cottage on 50x100 lot" $o90, $25 dow; ,ot worth J730 phone Broadway 1658. rQone '-nn-MODERN 6-room bungalow. lot 40x 100, unincumbered, close to car. $500 c-iVh easy terms on balance. Woodiawn 322i. PiedmontFurnished modern 5-roombunirai low and garage; half block f rom Wil" "afits MSiT JOSn eau,ty ,ln modern 5-room bun galow, all conveniences. If you have a lit tie cash money. Investigate. Tabor 2290. FINE 10-room home, splendid location ui lOOxtOO. garage; Irvington. East 273 W H. Iierdman. A BARGAIN 70x143. 5-room house, all kinds of fruit and berries, roses and lawn cheap if sold at once. Phone East 3230. ' REAL bargain in strictly modem 5-room Tabor lois Ca"" BerVlce in clt- hone ROSE CITY PARK 5-room bungalow: bar gain at $2400; $350 cash. Tabor 5046. NEW Rose City bungalow; big sacrifice for quick sale. Tabor 3825. ,Ji"l!!rXEJV' 5-rm., Iare lot, Vi block car. J20O cash. $20 monthly. Main 3730. MODERN house, 1 acre fruit, chicken yard Paul Stelnmetz. 86 6th Bt.. near Oak. BROOKE, dealer In Portland Heights home exclusively. A few sacrifices. Mar. 4S27. IRVINGTON, 9 rooms, modern, big bargain 483 E. 20th North. Phone Broadway 1658. BEAUTIFUL new bungalow, only $T3"5' $50 down; 1 block from car. Tabor SS2o! $750 7-ROOM Laurelhurst bungalow bal ance terms. Tabor 5762. For Sale Haziness Property. PAY'S 12 PER CENT ON INVESTMENT Lot, 50x120. two blocks off Washington St., secured lease, rent $125 per month for five years. $50i0 cash will handle. See G. R. Smith. 409 Eilers bldg. 100x100 CORNER. 8d and Everett. Owner. BF 8. Oregonian. Factory Sites. BARGAIN FACTORY or WAREHOUSE SITE, west of 28th St., on O.-W. B, A N. tracks. 703 Lewis bldg. Suburban Rome Property. PARK ROSE ACRE TRACT. 2-ROOM HOUSE AND WOODSHED. $23 DOWN. $13 PER MONTH. All cleared. In the heart of Parkrose; water, gas and lights, some nice fir trees, the place for garden and chickens. us show you this. Price $i300 Hickman-Wilson, 45th and Sandy. Tabor 6863, C 2121, FOR RENT FARMS. EQUIPPED RANCH io acres, a acres in cultivation, near Orient, necessary farm Implements and Bioca. lurnisnea; personal properly, $1250. lr. Jouno, 207 Board of Trade bldg. FOR RENT In cltv. nl niicir'tWIhn.,.. suitable for poultry feeding. Address Frank xj. gniiLii. pmitnsnira, facappoose. Or. 25 ACRES Hood River, near city. Furnished house; annual lease for cash. F. lie- ruiiaim, auij x eon uiug., Portland. TWO acres, all in berries, 7-room house. Wilcox bldg. FARMS WANTED. WE have cash customer for a small ranch, must be well located, from 15 to 40 acres; no Inflated prices considered. McKenzie & Co., 615 Gerllnger bldg. WAXTE1I TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent about 20 acres. Improved place, suitable for dairying; state all par ticulars in first letter. AD 03, Oregonian WANTED Small farm 10 to 20 acres, olose to Portland. AF 84, Oregonian. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. FO,?SAIjE 160 acres timber, tax valuation $3000, will take $2000; well located, Sileta River, Lincoln Co. B 79, Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. - J. M'CRACKEN. 304 M KAT BLDQ. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. .. EXCHANGE FOR ACREAGE. J I wish to exchange a well located, rea sonably close in. East Side, 50x100 lot Th iB has cost $2600 and is free from any Indebtedness except $50 street improve ments; am offered a $1000 loan on this lot. Want 5 acres or more, close In to Port land; need not necessarily be improved gUJT MUST BE ON GOOD ROAD AND DESIRABLE PROPERTY. Might assume small indebtedness. Please describe your property fully, p 8, Oregonian. NOTICE. If your property, either city, farm or acreage, has merit and Is for exchange or sale, call or write full particulars; no in flated values considered; have first-class list to select from. Geo. P. Henry, H2 Henry bdg. Ref.. Portland Realty Board LARGE tract farm land 6 miles from Great Falls. Mont., value $200,000; will take about one-half trade income property ho tel business preferred. Takes $40,000 cash to handle, balance long time. Frank J Lapin. Great Falls. Mont. NOTICE TO HORRB! vtjvoa Mares and horses. 1100 to 1600 lbs." Soma in lufti. auum v neaa. vve want disposal aiso span or gray mares, 3200 lbs.; black mare. 1600. Portland Van & Storage j car arrived, carload Eastern Oregon horses, mostly mares. 1000 to 1600 or chard, milk, bakery, draft and delivery .. ... , ., ..hi iii.tii ieaiT.8 irom 4 to o jeji-S; heavy-boned stuff. Columbia Stables, ..n- . .vu... mam ouau. Xll 11 C L1CL 1 6T. 5" i na animals hauled away paiu tor cows, crippled and played , neouenng tlo. Call Wood lawn 20. V.LV," ,, Ilne team or bay mares, 2800 lbs.; harrow, hay rake and plow. vtiv ji. mm. oi, -I H u U 1 uo. DEAD ANIMALS and old horses bought. I can pay you the price of them. Mllwaukle vn.AL stock taken quick, $7 and up for dead cows, crippled horses. We pay the muot. IdUUr 4Ui. FOR SALE Young team. 2200 lbs.. Apply owner. 288 Burnslde st. $113. HORSES, wagons, buggies and harness for Appiy zu Grand ave. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. GOING! GOING! GONE ! Tne storage business with us Is a good deal like the auction business. We sell pianos lor our patrons. We buy and sei pianos lor cash only. We store pianos for BOc monthly. Today we hae a $250 oia mouei piano to does out for $25 cash. tomorrow its gone. Today we i.ave a $375 upright In mahogany for $95 cash tomorrow It's gone. . Todav wa have a tine $600 player piano for $290 cash, To- inui row ,ii s gone. xou are invited to eeugate tne security btorage Company's piauo onera. iuu j? ourtn st at w uiu ington. ANNUAL CLOSING OUT OF STOR AGE. ON SALE AND USED PIANOS. Good upright pianos at $45. Some much better ones at $95. Standard makes at $145. Terms if desired. 151 4th St., near Morrison. PARTY leaving Portland has left standard make baby grand piano with us to sell for $225 cash. Apply to Mr. Sharp, Eilers Muslo House, 140 Broadway. WANTED I will pay cash for a good Steinway upright piano. Dealers do not answer, as I want to buy from private party. F 76. Oregonian. W.JJUVAI, NOTICE WE ARE NOW LO- I.AlUiU 1 11 K M1P.W HTflOl- 1 1 A MORRISON ST., BETWEEN SIXTH AND BROADWAY, NORTHWESTERN BANK ni-w-. OPPOSITE PORTLAND HOTEL. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO. NEW double-disc records. 25c: 2 and 4 jiuiiuio recorus, c; used records. lOc; talk "s ,miichines. $3. Portland Phonograph jAc-iiange, US first Bt. $135 AND 160 CASH Buys modern $.125 and $375 upright grand piano tomorrow at Security Storage V.U., ivj -atu st., at Washington $3 BUYING" POWER and $1.25 weekly secures $350 grade, 1917 model piano, for $262.50 at oft. Inven- tory saie senwan Piano Co., Ill 4th st. $145 CASH, buys $350 modern upright piano. Security Storage Co., 10a 4th st. WANTED Victrola; must be In good shape; reasonauie; pay casn; state price and RENT A PIANO Most reasonable terms la Portland; no squares or thump boxes, HAROLD S. GILBERT. 884 Yamhill. $140 CASH buys $350 piano, modern, us ngnt, real ivory Keys, not a stencil. -Har old b. Gilbert, 384 lamhiU st. I PAY cash for used pianos. Harold S. Gil bert. 384 Yamhill st. FOR SALE Piano, first-class condition, leaving city. Marshall 881, room 20j. FOR SALE A nearly new upright plauo; terms given. Main 6781. I PAY cash for used phonographs. - Vern v enger. fe -a st. Main i44. $90,897.55 IN pianos going at $57,181.45. See benwan riano 4jo.. inventory sale, xil 4tn Furniture for Sale. COMPLETE solid oak dining suite. Early English nnish, comprising round pedestal extension tame, o lull box-seat dining chairs and lare buffet with 14x44 French plate mirror, all In tine conditioi. Cost new $i4. We offer the complete suite at only $:7.75, cash or monthly, payments. 311S11 furniture Co., 184 1st st. . BIG REDUCTION IN COUCHES. Regular $12 couches, special, $s.30. Reg lar f iu coucnes, special, So. to. These couches are new and upholstered in chase leather over ou-temperea springs. Used couches "from $2 up. M1SH FURNITURE CO.. 184 First St. BLIGHTLY-DSED BED DAVENPORT. Upholstered in best quality Imitation Spanish leather; special price. $23.75. GEVUKTZ FURNITURE CO., 185 to 191 First St., Near Yamhill Market. FOR BALE Large oak chiffonier, pair bed- afiuiSB, nirittiHl uoi, oan stool. Oak flower stand, 6 yards Belfast linen table cloth, 1 dozen dinner napkins, all French hemmed. Main 1739, Apt. 23. FURNITURE for sale, 6-room "house, com. fmioiy lurniBuou, eio; must be seen to be appreciated. Call Main 3851. Mr. Can-. FOR SALE Used desks, chairs, tables, fll- lng cabinets, safes. Kllham's. Bth and Oak. ROOMS of nice furniture for sale very cheap. 772 Missouri ave. Woodiawn 4659. Poultry. FOR SALE Have a few very, select, full- blooded s. C. White Leghorn cockerels left at $2 each. Address Mrs Atherton, Mllwaukle. Or., Route 1. Livestock. FOR SALE Extra fine Jersev cow. h. third calf now. 5 weeks old; cost me $125; heavy milker, gives too much milk for small family, so will sell her for less than she cost me, as I don't want to sell milk. ALL breeds of fresh dairy cows, terms. uium BtocKyarqB. vvooqiawn 2400. Bogs. Birds and Pet Stock. WANTED 3 doz. W. Leghorn hens, 1 doa. o- wyanaottes ana cock at once. Box 143. Greshaan. Or. LADDIX AIREDALES .ARE BEST. LADDIX KENNELS. EST AC AD A. OR. Typewriters. WILL exchange my house on Halsey street, near lth, for property of equal value In or near San 4se, Cal ; acreage or lots pre ferred. W. B. Puterbaugh, 407 Garden City Bk. Bldg., San Jose. Cal. (Owner) TWO or three clear bungalows wanted In exchange for a good going valley farm. Near station and schooL Call 306 Ger llnger bldg. Main 6920. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Finest Income property in the city. F. E. Bowman i.Co , 213 Chamber of Commerce. 4 $2500 EQUITY In $3500 home; trade for clear farm land; might assume small amount. AO 95, Oregonian. SWELL ROSE CITY HOME Some" Incum brance. Want rooming-house, land or lota Owners only. Owner. Main 5972. IMPROVED SO; $6000; would divide' want residence. Owner, Chauncey Barney, Ore- T-SX ccXSa $?r "mi" house, even trade, $lo00. S 78. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WILL trade good, clear lots In Bandon for 'nii jjiitiii, iciroia, rugs or furnlttir. Phone Woodiawn 4456. lurnituie. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness. Etc. MUST sell at once, mare and horse, weight 2300 lbs., harness and a farm wagon Alc for Thompson's outfit. 546 Front Ask St. 2600-LB. team with good harness and ranch wagon, $185. Marshall 4055. WANTED Horse and harness for keeoina horse. X 94. Oregonian. HORSES for hire by day or month C W Townsend Co., 3S0 Front. Main 1571. FOR SALE Wagons and horses cheap. M B. 7 th st. North. NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manuracturers guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase; visible models $3 mo ; $7 50 for 3 moo. Other models less. Rem ington Typewriter Company, 86 Broadway. j. emiiiiuufl cruau ay D21. WE can save from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our Illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE- SETYPEWRTERCO.,321 Wash. St. CORONA portable folding and . Hammond Multiplex Distributors for state. Rebuilt, all makes and supplies E. W. Pease Co 110 6th. ' NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut atesP D.Co 231 Stark st. Main 1407. underwood typewriter for sale good condition. 286 & Grand ave. Launches and Boats. $15; FOR SALE,- cheap, 60-foot workboat, 40 horse. Speedway engine: makes 16 miles double hull. AL 94. Oregonian. Antomobile REAL BARGAINS. . . 3916 DODGE touring, $575. 1816 CHEVROLET touring, electrlo llgnts and starter. This car la practically brand new. $395. 1914 OVERLAND touring, electrlo lights ??.d.starter. run on"y 4200 miles, cost $1150; our price, $475. 1913 OVERLAND roadster, $850. 1912 STUDE BAKER touring. $195.' CHEVROLET roadster. Baby Grand model, fully equipped, $325. , FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX E. 1199. East 13th and Hawthorne Ave. FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co.. 21st and Washington. Main 6244. 1914 OVERLAND, electric lights and starter, $350. Terms if desired. Main 90, A 2442. 5-PASS. Auburn, new tires. Just overhauled; no reasonable offer refused. . Broadway 6174. ) SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $10 each; vul eanlzed, 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison, HOW TO BUY A USED OAR". Make an offer on the car you want that Is owned by someone who has to sell. Have an expert advise you of Its condition. Don't take' anyone's word whose sole object is to sell you the car We don't own these ears. They are left with us to sell. Either the man who sells it or the man who buys it pays us for all the repairs and adjustments they need to make them run perfectly. The more the cars need the more we make. It pays us best to find all the faults. Ford, with new- body. ........ .$300 Reo delivery truck. ........... 400 Reo touring- car ......... 525 Maxwell tourlns; car 450 6-passenger 550 These are but & few of the cars left here for sale. Come and see these. We will tell you the facts about the condition of these cars. Cash or terms. If you have a car to sell bring It here. We'll sell It for you on Its actual conditions. We will not mis represent it. USED CAR CO.' 627 Washington st., where Burn side comes in. A. M. FERGUSON & CO.. , FORMERLY BENJ. E. BOONE & CO. PORTLAND'S LARGEST USED CAR DEALERS. We stock only late model, standard make cars. Come in and look over our big stock of automobiles. Including Fords, Dodge cars, Maxwells, Chevrolets. Bulcks, Brlscoes, uaklands, studebakers. In fact every standard make. We give a written guarantee with each car. TERMS TERMS TERMS. State distributors for the Hendricks truck attachment. A. M. FERGUSON A CO. FORMERLY. 614 Alder St. BENJ. E, BOONE & CO. Main 8966. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 1917 FORD touring, practically new, $365. 1916 FORD roadster, shock absorbers, oversize tires and speedometer. $295. 1916 FORD touring, like new. $295. 1(114 FORD touring. $250. 1912 FORD touring. $195. 1914 FORD roadster, $250. 1915 FORD touring, $295. Terms $100 down, balance $2H per month ana a years iree service on ail minor ad justments. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. E. 1199. East 13th and Hawthorn Ave. USED AUTO SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. 8TTJDEBAKER 80. touring, $430. . WHITE 30. touring, $383. OVERLAND 30. touring, $328. FORD touring. $285. PAIGE touring. $450. OVERLAND roadster, $250. ALSO SEVERAL OTHERS. MITCHELL, LEWIS ft STAYER CO.. East First and E, Morrison Sts. East 7272. B 1216. ROADSTER Four-passenger stan dard, weli-known make at a price thnt will surprise you. Cash or terms, and a guarantee that the car is exactly as represented. Northwest Auto Co., used car dept., Broadway at Couch st. BUICK 191B model -ton truck, In first-class condition, at a bargain at $500. OAKLAND AUTO SALES CO.. 13th and Alder Sts. Main 414 IF you want a good htg-h-class used car. such as Kissel, Cadillac, Keo or Stearns see the Paclfio Kissel Kar Branch, Broadway and Davis sts. FOR SALE. 2 Ford ton trucks. 1 Pope-Hartford 2-ton truck. Several second-hand touring cars. We also rent trucks by the month. Ask ror our prices beldre making your con tracts for trucks. LONG & SILVA. Phone E. 6840. 462 Hawthorne Ave. OAKLAND 6 1916 5-passenger, good shape, good tires. OAKLAND AUTO SAf.ES CO. 16th and Alder Sts. Main 414. BUG Classy lines, full of paprika, a real nonest-stay-witn-it engine that will eat up the hills this Summer and put the roses in your best girl's cheeks. Will sell this for about the price Of a motorcycle and give you all the time you want to pay for It. But you'll have to hurry. Phono me on oroaaway ooi. Goooreliow. REO, 5-pass. , all new tires, in very good condition: you can buy this car for $185 if you speak quick. See Mr. Finch at 329 Davis St. WE WANT you to see our used caret all makes: low rices. We may have Just what you want. Iain 6244 COVET MOTOR CAR CO. FEDERAL one-ton truck, splendid shape, very cheap, easy terms. Pacific Kissel Kar Branch, Broadway, at Davis st. DANDY 8-pass. Ford, -very cheap If taken soon. 329 Davis St. Ask for Mr. Finch. NEW truck attachment on Ford 1917 road ster, boly and top lore seat, electrlo lights, 4 speeds: truck uilt extra long for 12-ft. body. This buy won't last long, so see It Sunday: $675, terms if desired. Western. Oregon Truck Co., 22d and Kear ney (Palace Garage). Main 90, A 2442. 1915 ETUDEBAKER 191S. in first-class order. See Main 6244. 4-cyl., 5-pass. it at once at COVEY MOTOR CAR CO C. B. MINERS ft CO., Starting and Lighting Experts. Fifth and Gllsan Sts. Entrance on 5th St, 1915 DODGE 1915. , $495. See this Dodge to-irlng at once. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. Main 6244. 1913 STUDE BAKER four-cylinder, five-pas senger, electric lights and starter; lour good tires, looks as good as new. Must be sold at once. Main 90, A 2442. REO. 1915. fine condition, 2 extra tires on demountable rims, spot light and Dumper; will, consider reasonable offer. AF 9L Oregonian. FOR SALE to highest cash bidder 1916 Ford roadster, perfect mechanical con dition, new tlreB, speedometer, Hassler shock absorbers, chains. Phone Tabor 396. FOR SALE 1916 Ford roadster, perfect me chanical PAnrlltlnn nam ttrom ,n.iillrinl.l,P Hasaler shock absorbers, chains. For quick mio, -oo casn. Tabor 396. Automobiles Wanted. RCSSELIi-STHEET rjARAGB Is sow under new management; first-class repairing; day and night service. Under wood & Marks. Kusseil st. and Vancouver ave. r.asx WANT, light auto: must be cheap, late model. AK 9o. Oregonian. Phone Sellwood WANTED Light 5-pass. car: must be In good condition: ni. Fords. Call at Barr .Hotel. 112 6th st. N. Will pay cash. ANYONE having 1919 or 1917 Ford for si cheap address K 77. Oregonian. WANTED Late model Maxwell or Ford or otner light car. itdwy. 1023. WILL pay cash Hawthorne ave. for used Ford cars. 450 East 1628. WILL pay cash for used Ford cars. 450 Hawthorne ave. East 1628. CASH for Ford touring car; the best $200 "in uuy. kj i'-. uregonjan. CASH and clear lot for light car. Main 8103. Automobiles for Hire. NEW 5-pass. Dodye for hire, touring, call Ing and shopping. Main 7435. AUTOS without drivers for hire. City Gar- on ivta st. -uar. I -y. i , a 4.1c AUTOS without driver for hire. Long A Bllva. 462 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. 6840. NEW SAXON 6, highway, depots, funerals. eauins-. gnopping; reasonable, feast 403:1, Motorcycles. 1915 2-SPEED Thor, kick starter. Presto lights, tandem seat, speedometer, horn and mirror; terms if ueaired. Main 90, A 2442. MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY CO., 209 4th- St. Harley-Davidson motorcycles and ac cessories Largest exclusive dealers in m jtorcycleg In the state. Main 7889. HENDERSON. 1914. 4-cyl., 2-speed. fully equippeo- penect condition; snap, wain. 3S43. 1915. 2-SPEED Thor, kick starter, electlc lights and others. Main 90, A 2442. Machinery. HAVE two second-hand 10xl2-lnch Tacoma yarding engines, each on a good sled; also a 10x15 Tacoma roauer: cheaD: act auick both machines In good running order. i. oregonian. . HAVE for sale a 00-ton Hisler geared loco motive 3 years old, used very little; also a 37-ton Hlstpr; both locomotives in good condition. K 93, Oregonian. M iMellaneous. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand, sold for less. No agents em ployed; all machines sent out sew perfect and guaranteed; machines repaired; ma chines rented $2 monthly. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Sd, near Taylor st, A 3626. Main 948L SEWING MACHINES. 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be closed out. Dropheads, $3 end up; box tops $2 and up. S. S Siege:, two stores, 382 Wash, and 242 Alder St. FOR SALE Second-Jiand cash registers. showcases, scales, cheese cutters, soda fountains, safes, counters, etc. Call Main 1028. NEW and second-hand books and magaslnes Dought, soio, exchanged; school booka Johnson Book Store, 210 4th St. CASH REGISTERS slightly used; our prices are lower. i:asn rtegisier n-xcnange, 1151 Vs Washington St. Main 606. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails.- cars. Railway Equipment Co.. 76 1st, Main 2363. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent; expert repairing. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnslde at. Broadway or A 5674. SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent or sale; an grades, large selection. Pacific Stat') & Ptg. Co.. 107 2d st. Main 1U A NICE 6-ft, soda fountain, marble top; will mil very cheap II taken at once. Call t77 Mississippi ave. Woodiawn 3824. CASH REGISTERS, cares, store fixtures Portland tasn negister 1.0., it xamnui. PLUMBING supplies at wholesalo prices. Stark-Davis t,o.. 1. an st. again 4Vi. MACHINERY bought, sold and repaired. N. W Lead c Machinery i.o mi rront st. WELL ROTTED horse and cow manure. Phone East m. GENUINE ENGLISH TOFFEE sold only at The Trail Candy Shop, 702 Wash. St. GOOD wreckage wood, lumber and brick cheap. 31 Grand East 0011, FOR SALE Range and heating stove. 1182 E. 17th at., Aioertn. CANDY floss machine, with motor, cheap. I'!.. 1st st. BROWN reed baby carriage $7. Salmon. B luuu. 969 E. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning at your home. 85c a rug. Marshall ous. FURNITURE WASTED. MISH FURNITURE CO. WILL PAY HIGH EST CASH PRICE FOR YOUR USED OFFICE AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. CARPETS, RUGS, ETC. 184 1ST ST. MAIN 8768. ADVISORY EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Y. M. C A. You know how to do something but don't know how to get something to do. We can tell you how or send you to It. During past 7 years we have placed or helped place themselves over 11,000 men and boys. This ien1c a privilege of membership In the Y. M. C. A. $5 gives you membership for a year under guarantee that you will se cure employment or refund of membership fee. See Secretary J. W. Palmer. A COMPETENT bookkeeper and typist who has worked in Portland can secure $100 monthly with wholesale house; must be experienced in modern commercial cor poration bookkeeping and capable of ad vancement; specify qualifications in each of particulars named or do not apply. Give Pacifio phone address. N 93. Oregonian. 1 MOULDING stlckerman. 1 sash sticker man, 1 man to run double-end tenoner, 1 ratchet-setter. 1 cutoff man. 20 farmhands, 10 milkers, edgerman, etc PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 233 Burnslde St. MEN'S HIGH-GRADE SUITS Men I why pay the high-rent profit on your new suit- I save you money. $1:5 men's suits and overcoats for $15. and $30 values for $20. Jimmy Dunn. Eilers building. 2d floor Broadway and Alder. HIGH-CLASS young man stenographer; will ing, conscientious, inte:ilgent. accurate worker, able to pass examination at 175 words per minute on court testimony. No bookkeeping. State age, experience, salary expected. Out of town position. AV 670, Oregonian. ' POSTOFFICE clerks, carriers, railway mall and custom-house employes. $75 to $150 a month; life Jobs; no strikes, no layoffs; annual vacations. Pacific states School. McKay bldg., city. OREGON AUTO SCHOOL, 429 BELMONT ST. SPECIAL PROPOSITION FOR SPRINO WORK. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. W ANTED An operating electrician for a large lumber plant: give full particulars firBt letter and references; state wages wanted per month, straight time, no over time. Address AV 671, Oregonian. YOUNG lady with musical ability to operate musical instrument with rolls in picture theater, 6 hours dally, $10 per week; give previous occupation and musical expe- WANTED An experienced fitter in an ex clusive cloak and suit store. Unless quali fied in every respect do not apply. State experience, salary wanted and phone num ber. AD 95. Oregonian. WANTED A middle-aged woman, well ed ucated, who Can sriva InRlm.llnn In - portment. rhetoric and etiquette to young woman. B 91. Oregonian. " 1. ..V V.. slrl tor eeneral housework, light, cheerful room, easy work. Call morn ings, between 10 and 12, at 924 E Broadway. WANTED An experienced girl to do gen eral housework; must not object to chil dren: wages. S30 Per tn 1, n r li - 1 , Clatskanie Drug Company. Clatskanie, Or. WANTED Young lady bookk...- m.. be accurate in figures and thoroughly competent; state age and salary expected: references. H 91. Oregonian. '"' HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED. - Man snd his wife, or manager, to run s high-class West Side apartment-house. This property has a fine location, enjoys an excellent reputation, and party secur ing this position must have had experience along this line. Must furnish first-class references and be able to run same on a business basis. J 95. Oregonian THE ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER COL. LEGE will teach you the trade in eight weeks, pay you while learning, give you a set of tools, scholarship and diploma, get you a position; 82 schools in U. S. and Canada. Write for free catalogue. Cor 2d and Burnslde. THE ORIGINAL MOHLER BARBER M-HOOL Men and women to learn th barber trade in 8 weeks, tools free, paid while learning. Scholarship and diploma, get you a position. Tuition reduced. 38 N 2d, cor. Couch. STUDY Dookkeeping. shorthand, telegraphy, salesm. nshlp. English branches at an ac credited school; write or phone Main 690 for catalog ; graduates guaranteed posi tions Behnke-Walker Business Colleab 167 4th si., near Morrison. GOOD man to do first work in dairy: milk ing and general charge of herd; give age, nationality, experience, etc.. first letter. Warren, Or.,' R. F. D. 1, Box 4. WANTED Ambitious young man about 20. intelligent worker with personality; opportunity for advancement with busi ness house. AF 95, Oregonian. WANTED A Janitor to takecare of an of fice bldg.; must know something about elevator and steam plant, and Janitor . work in general. Y 93, Oregonian. MEN wanting firemen or brakemen posi tions, beginners $120 monthly; positions guaranteed competent men. Address Rail way Association, care Oregonian. , UNCALLED-FOR SUITS, $3.50 UP. Drop in and look them over. Orpheum Cleaners, 855 Stark, comer Park. WANTED 5 yqung men. 17 to 20, for hard candy dpt.; previous experience unneces sary. Apply 8 A. M. Vogan Candy Co.. E. 11th and Flanders. BOOKMAN and stationery man; experienced and good references. Frank B. Wilson, 224 Pike St., Seattle, Wash. v TAILOR wanted, steady Job and good pay tor ngnt man: answer at once, collect. Joe Rose. Pendleton, Or. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks position guaranteed: tools free; paid while learning; tuition reduced. Can earn from $15 to $25 a week. Expert instructors. 20 years in business. 233 Madison st. FOR BUSI N ESS KNOW LE DGE ATTEND MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. AL1SKY BLDG.. 8D A MORRISON STs! HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Broadway-Yamhlll bldg. Individual in structlons. Positions when competent, FOR SALE or trade, ladles', men's and boys bicyclea. 128 1st st. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. 600xi railway mall clerks' examinations. Portland; commence $73 month; sample questions free Franklin Institute. Dept, BSD B. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men. women to try examinations for Government Jobs; $75 month. Address AV 602. Oregonian, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers aud Clerks. FIRST-CLASS cream and marshmallow man, competent to take entire charge of dept. In large factory. W 80, Oregonian. SALESMAN who can sell email suburban farms. Salary and commission. Mr. Umb denstock. 306 ik st. MARRIED man without children to work on dairy larm. Phone Gresham Farm er-. 458. MAN who understands oil burners for Jsn- ltor and general work around hospital. Ar 90. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced floor man In gar age, day work; state salary expected. A a 90, Oregonian THOROUGHLY experienced tool and die maker. Hotpolnt Llectrlc Heating Co., On tario. Cal. WE HAVE a good proposition to offer man with insurance experience. Call 9 to 12 A. M. 340 Morgan bldg. WANTED First-class machinist; only men that can turn out accurate work need apply. Armstrong Mfg. Co., 4 2d st. WANTED Porter for barber shop; $5 sal ary, all shines. Call or write Allen's shop, Camas. Wash. RAILROADS want - young men for tele graph service. Call room -603 Panama bldg. for full particulars. GOOD live solicitors; steady work; easy sales and Dig money; Dest proposition in the city. 80 Grandave; WANTED Delivery boy. Portland Linotyp ing Co.. Hileventn and Burnslde. FLORIST for greenhouse, house to live in. Phone Columbia 010. BOY with wheel to work, on guaranteed salary; also night messenger. 410 Alder st. WANTED Man to scrape and refinish 3'iu leet of hardwood floor. Phone Tabor 6029. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. will buy your used furniture and all kinds of tools and pay ycu all it is worth. Our THREE LARGE STORES are ample proof that we handle neariy everything you need in the home or elsewhere. CASH OR EXCHANGE. 221-25 t ront st. Pbone Main 9072. WANTED Boy 31T Morrison. with wheel, flower store. WANTED Boy with motorcycle to work on guaranteed salary. 410 Alder street. Help Wanted -Agents WE PAY CASH FOR Furniture, Carpets, Ranges, Rugs. Office Furniture, Restaurant ana Motel oumts. GKVUKTX FURNITURE CO.. Phones Marshall 5981. A S224. THE GREATER PORTLAND New and 2d-hand store pays the highest price for your za-naoa household goods. 165-67 1st st. A 3165, Marshall 6821. SPOT cash for used furniture; will pay more for good household goods than a dealer. Tabor 2831. CAN USE GOOD FURNITURE of any description; have the ready caib; phone today. Main 4627 or 204 First st. PARTY would like 40 buy household goods. ugs. etc., lor casn. Marshall 1B2Z. WILL pay cash for 2d-band furniture. Call Mr. Washburn. Marshall 4768. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED; WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. BE WISE Sell your furniture to ths Ford Auction Co. Main 8931. 191 2d St. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED. My specialty is buying gentlemen's clothing and paying positively 50 per cent more than any other dealer. We need stock to supply our chain of customers. See us befure selling your old clothing and shoes. Will call any place in ths city, ilarshall 3223, or 2o9 Madison St. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORK. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. $7.50 PAID FOR MEN'S SUITS $7.30. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' SUITS. SHOES, AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE. MAIN 2080. GLOBE STORE. MAIN 20S0. 285 FIRST ST.. NEAR JEFFERSON PHONOGRAPH AND RECORDS WANTED. Highest cash prices paid; or wil trade you furniture, rifles, shotguns, organs, bi cycles, kodaks, looo other useful articles. Portland Phonograph & Record Exchange. Main 4495. 128 1st, near Alder. fcECONO - nAMj CLOTHING WANTED J. MEIER, THE TAILOR. PAYS $7.50 AND UP FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. HE PAYS YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYER. MARSHALL 1229 229 MADISON ST. ' WANTED OLD FALSE TEETH. Don't matter if broken. I pay $1 to $5 per set. Mail to L. Mazer. 2007 S. Fifth st., Philadelphia,' Pa.; will send cash by return mail. SQUARE deal; pay positively highest prices mr gentlemen s used doming, snoes, trunks, vallsee, etc. Wm. Morris, 143 11th st. Phone Main 7880. Call anywhere. BRING us your used tools and cable wire. oia metal and rubber. we pay hlghes cash prices. J. Leve. 1S9 Front st, be tween Taylor and Y'amhilL HIGHEST prices for hides, metals. Junk and rags of every description, old and new. 274 Front St. Mar. 1940; Salem 399. BUICK, one ton, late model truck In the best of condition, $450, bargain; Al Auto Works & Painting Co., 525 Alder st. 1916 6 -CYLINDER, 7-pass. Studebaker, like new, $8o0; real snap tor someone. 525 Alder st. AM leaving town, want to sell brand new Maxwell -passenger car; ractory guar antee; will discount. Main 4498. AUCTION sale, all kinds automobiles, every Tuesday 7 P. M. ; Dougnt, sold on commls Blon. 240 E. 8th Bt. East 8118. 1914 FORD touring, electric lights and shock absorbers. $225. Terms If desired. Main 90, A 244g, 193 5 FORD touring, looks as good as new four good tires. Terms if desired. Main 90, A 2442. USED AUTO PARTS at less than half price. Auto Wrecking Co.. 89 N. Broadway. USED Ford cars for sale. 450 E. Hawthorne ave. East 162S. WILL take new or used safe in trade on new or used automobile, pnone Alain 3906. Mr. Ferguson. SD-HAND' CLOTHING BUYER; BE WISH AND GET FULL VALUE FOR "OUR 2D HAND CLOTHING. 201 Vi 1ST. MAIN 734. SECOND-HAN L CALL MAIN 47 CLOTHING WAMiu. '6 OR 246 FIRST ST. WANTED Cash registers, safes and show- cases. 160 First st. Phone Main 4234. WANTED National cash register. Main 606. 351 Washington Bt. WANTED Second-hand ovi Silverton, Oregon. Box 612, JUNK WANTED. All kinds of Junk bought. Marshall 3223 WANTED One carload Al dry fir; quote price f. o. b. Portland. AB 92, Oregonian. WANT showcases, cash register, scale, coffee urn, etc. Main 4405. 128 1st- CASH for hi-jh-grade second-hand Lady's bicycle. Woodiawn. 4864. AUTOMATIC rifles, shotguns, pump gun, kodaks and leases, iiucbfe.d, bi Third su ONE cent postcard win, put you in touch with an $80 a week proposition, selling - aluminum utensils and specialties direct to the consumer. Don't let one cent stand between -you and prosperity. Div. T6, American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemont, Illinois. MR. BUSINESS MAN. Are you looking for a young man for office work, salesman, shipping clerk, timekeeper, etc.. end one who is not afraid of work, will work for the interest of his employer, can give best of refer ences? if so. write AL 91, Oregonian. WANTED Position as superintendent of logging R. R. ; have many years' experi ence at construction work, bridging and general R. R. work; capable of taking charge of engineering work; also best o references. A 77. Oregonian. YOUNG man, 24, wishes clerical position, ex cellent references, good bookkeeper, w-llllti-r to start at a nominal salary. AN 80. Ore gonian. MlacellaneouSL VOUNG man. articlclal leg. desires work In small restaurant, willing to go in as dish washer, can do any light work around house or garden. Ref. Main 7051, A 1517. SALESMAN, with auto, wishes to sell some thlng legitimate and profitable for state or Orettun. A. Woody, 229 2d st. Phone MaIn 2531; MAN AND WIFE. Janitor and chamber maid, in or out of town. Call or write to Hart Apts., apt. No. 29. Phone Marshall f.331. . YOUNG married man wants position ss salesman, any line. Address AL 93, Ore- gun 1:111. MARRIED woman desires short-hour . work, attendant for office or chambermaid. Main 7051. A 1517. MAN. splendid worker, wants houseclean IVig, beating rugs, etc.: 25c hr. and car- faro. Ref. Main 7051. A 1517. GARDEN spading and rose trimming; ground seeded by reliable young man, con tract or hour. East 6706. 87 Russell Bt. FIRST-CLASS chauffeur and all-around man, open for engagement after March 1. Excellent references. AJ 91. Oregonian. WANTED A position as chauffeur; steady and reliable, married, age 35; references. Address J. J.. 969 Belmont St.. Portland. PAINTING, carpenter work, paper hanging and kalsoniinilig, reasonable. Main 7001, A 1517. MAN wants ranch work where can take family, wife and three girls, ejep. in all lines of farm work. Main 7051. A 1517. EXP. lawn gardener wants work, has own tools. Ref. Main 7051. A 1517. WHY sell inferior? Our hospital policy costs no more, am Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Several good live agents, some, thing new, big seller. 230 Washington st Help Wanted Salesmen, LIVE salesman with car, city work, estab Ilshed line, permanent. MarK St., 12 o'clock. See Sweet. 264 C'TY salesman by wholesale fruit and pro duce nouse on rront St. AO 95, oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A reliable girl for general house work and cooking, second girl kept., two in family. Apply mornings, 753 Hoyt Bt., near ja. FEW more young ladles wanted to learn telegraphy. For full particulars call room 00a .r'anama Didg. WANTED Experienced lady to attend a loo-chicken Incubator . out of city. In quire at 73 N. 3d "St. YOUNG GIRL to help with light house work, small family, no Washing. Call 469 Otft Bt. BIG money and steady work for good live solicitors; easy sales; best proposition in the city. 80 Grand ave. v REFINED, energetic woman to learn pro- lessionai corsevry. Phone Main 2374, Thursday only. . LAW stenographer, $00 to $90; stenographer and bookkeeper. $18 per week: stenog rapher. $60. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. STRONG girl for general housework, small - family. Mrs. Roberts, 990 Stephens St. Phone Tabor 4598. WANTED Young lady capable of taking small part for road show. Call Malnr 6234, between 12 and 1. NEAT refined girl, general housework, in good family; wages, $16. Phone Tabor 4546. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and house work, small family, good wages. 826 Kearney, near 25th. WILL give free cfflce space to publlo rte nographer In return for some private work. 707 Lewis bldg. EXPERIENCED waitress, out, far cook, family help. Howe's, room 35. 270 16 Washington. WANTED-- A girl to assist with general housework; no children. Apply 3S1 loth. WANT girl for general housework. 6G5 E. 23d st. N. (cor. E. 23d and Knott). GIRL for general housework, 2 In family. 110 r landers, i'none Marshall 701. GIRL wanted for general housework. 673 Hoyt. Call PRIVATE HOME for children, any age: 15 years experience. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162. GIRL wanted for general housework. Call atlll ii.. latn st, N. Take Alberta car. WAITRESS, experienced, take charge of dining-room, 2 meals; room, etc. 253 6th. WOMAN to cook in small restaurant wanted at coice. am 11 re gon lan. GIRL for general housework. $20 month. East zmo. WANT good girl in small private boarding- 1 .1 . , Un nn i.i.blli,. T Q XV .. 1, CHORUS girls, experienced. . Call Mana ger Casino Theater. 4th and Burnslde sts. GIRL for general housework; no children. 915 Kelly st. Marshall 4570. GIRL for general housework. 78'J Lovejoy GIRL wanted for general housework. 696 Everett st. GIRL to help with housework in country. u mues our, o auuits. laoar t5J3. EXPERIENCED girl for housework and plain cooking, no washing. 6i4 Everett. GIRL for light housework In small family. n - rum sc. MISS MATTINGLT'S SCHOOL. Shorthand. Typewriting $5 mo. 269 14th. Mala 3893, MAN with experience wants position as butcher; city preferred. Phone Main OSil. NIGHT watchman or fireman: handy man about place; references. 11 90, Oregonian. COMPETENT Janitor wants H. K. apt., small wages. X 93. Oregonian. LAD, 18. w-ants steady work; good ref. Call East 8004. RELIABLE lilau, middle-aged wants work, collections, elevator Job. Ref. Main 8023. KA LSO MINING, painting, plAster patching. Reasonable. Woodiawn 2490. MAN. stationary engineer, wants Janitor work. Ref. Main 705L A 1517. COOK, all-around man, wants position, ho tel or restaurant. Main 923, room 6. PAINTING, carpenter work, remodeling; cheap, day or contract. Marshall 5885. srrcATio.-va wanted female. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. BOOKKEEPER would like work all or part of the day; has bad experience ami can give references. Phone Marshall 160, room 408. NEAT, well-educated young woman, good references, wants office work. Address AV 533. Oregonian. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. MAIN 8051. 272 STARK ST. PRICES REASONABLE. FIRriT-CLASS stenographer, young woman. desires position. Marshall 545. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes posl tlon. Tabor 431. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po sition. Phone East 5658. PLEASE phone Main 2S17 for experienced stenographer; best of city references. Dressmakers. ENGLISH dressmaker desires fine sewing and embroidering; Al ref. $1.73 per day. Main 7061. A 1617. COMPETENT dressmaker wishes day en gagements. $2 a day. Main 9425. FASHIONABLY made suits and gowns by experienced dressmaker; day. East &4tfl. MAKE-OVER SHOP. 202 FUedner Suits, gowns to order or remodeled. Mars. 820L WANT mending and plain sewing. $L50 per day. u z-tdi. A MAKE-OVER shop. 202 FUedner. Suits, gowns to oraer or remoaeiea. Marsti. :i. BY competent woman, position &a nurse for invalid or convalescent, or housekeeper for women who .work ; good references. AF 92, Oregonian. A YOUNG, willing woman would like to taka piace to care tor sick people. Address 11. E. 16th st. N. Phone Woodiawn 2170. EEICKSON'S White Shield Maternity Home. 2o puuiiciiy. . ua su ia 2. laoor obi. Housekeepers. CAPABLE lady, unincumbered, with long experience, desires management of first class apartment-house. Economical, effi cient; highest references. Telephone East 4K10 for appointment. KIND, motherly woman, about BO, wanta housekeeping position for widower with, or without children, small salary. Main 7051, A 151T. MiDDLB-AGED couple without children want place on ranch, small wages; woman good cook, man ex p. rancher, especially good with stock. Main 7051, A 3517. EXP. woman with two children wishes care or apartment or rooming-house; Al ref. Children away during day. Main 7051, A 1017. WIDOW, 40. would like housekeeping for widower; no objections to children. AC 94, Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPING for lady, elderly couple oi- wiuuw er uy 111 ; uli ic-snseci wiuuw. AlHr haU3402, room 70. YOUNG LADY wants housework, and cook- in g : gooq wages, aiar. bis. Uome&tlcs. EXPERIENCED girl. good plain cook. wishes housework, city or couutry. "Wages $.0. Phone Main 2275, 9 to 2. WANTED Housekeeper in small family: goud references. 1'iione C til.