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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1917)
t THE MORNING OREGONIA THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 15, 1917. 15 UNGLE SAMS HAVE CHANGE 10 ADVANCE Game Tomorrow With1 Spo kane May Put Portland in . Line to Get Out of Cellar. TEAM NOW AT TOP SPEED Murray mid Johnson Counted On to Stop Canaries Mets Seem Almost Sure to Win Coast Hockey Championship. Faclfle Coast Ice Hockey Standings. Ooal , W. I Pet. For. Ag. Peattle IS 7 .etiO 103 66 Vancouver, B. C. ..'..11 8 .679 107 107 fcpokane 8 11 .421 76 107 Portland 7 13 .300 82 88 Next Games. Tomorrow Spokane at Portland, 8:30 'clock P. M. Saturday Seattle at Vancouver, B. C. Tuesday Vancouver at Portland. Tuesday Seattle at Spokane. SPOKANE, Wash., Ken. 14 No more Hockey games will be played In Spo kane this season, T. S. Lane, president of the Spokane Arena Company, holder of the Spokane franchise In the Pacific Coast Ice Hockey Association,, an nounced tonight. The three home games remaining on Spokane's sched ule will be transferred to the cities of a FATIMA j4 Sensible Cigarette Tha Original Turkish Blend 10 for 15c EX AMTJaKMrTNTS. ICKET OFFICE SALE' OPEN TODAY I HC I I I g- Brosiiwsy at Taylor E. 1 JLi I V- Main l. A Hit TONIGHT, 8: 1 5 special mat Tnwn&pnw 91K PRICK - - lr I ' I UlilWIIIIW M I & I I w Oliver Aiorosco rrenii bird OF paradise) vu lower floor $1.50. $1, Hal., 1, 75 c. 60c. Gallery. 50c. Friday Mat., floor $X. .fcfai., 91, too, ouc. oauery, ow. BAKER THEATER, Broad wax and Morrliom. STATE HISTORY TOLD Pioneers' Descendants Cele brate Oregon's Birthday. EARLY DAYS ARE RECALLED the opposing teams, one ame coins to Mnton Miner, President of Sons rrniiiQ t" cox-uary ana mao uinrr. sw and Daughters of Oregon Pio neers, Is Toastmaster at Multnomah Hotel Event. Vancouver, D. C, February 27 and March 2. Poor attendance at Spokane was the reason given for the transfers. Every effort -will be made by the Portland Uncle Sams to hoist them selves out of the cellar of the Paclfla Coast Ice Hockey Association. Tomor row night they expect to start this campaign at the expense of the Spokane 1 Portland March 15. 1859, .a month and Canaries in the local Ice Palace, begin-1 a day after Oregon had been admitted into tne union. Milton A. Miller, toastmaster Last night at the Multnomah Hotel several hundred sons and daughters of Oregon pioneers celebrated Oregon's "natal day," the news of which reached nlng at 8:30 o'clock. The Portlanders returned early yes terday morning from Seattle, where they lost to the league leaders. 5 to 2, In one of the great est hockey games ever staged in the Bound City, say the reports. That the contest was a fast one is attested by the Oregonians, who vay that it was any body's match until the last tew min utes. The game put ' Up by Tommy Mur ray at goal was all that could be ex pected and his work at the nets for the locals received con siderable praise from the Seattle fans. A record house was in attendance, and president of the Sons and Daughters of Oregon Pioneers, the organization that celebrated the event, dwelt upon the fact that Oregon occupied a high posl tlon in the history of the country be cause it was acquired by the United States without bloodshed. Anne bnannon Monroe, writer, and a great-grand-daughter of George Shan non, the youngest member of the Lewis and Clark expedition, "expressed 'the hope that some authentic history of Oregon might be written that would be the recital of events with all the romance of pioneer days Included. She said that every city and town reflected its most absorbing interest. 'The jingle of money may be heard in Seattle," said she. "San Francisco is an irresponsible child; New Orleans Is en grafted on this country from some foreign shore, but Portland I choose to call the veiled lady. It has a romantic appeal, as well as all Oregon, that de fies entire analysis and understanding' Urisn nnrnn war hnm In MlKsnnrl. Tommy .Hurray. I . it nHHlv ontncl! tn 1'ArtUinH at brought out mainly through the fact the celebration of the Lewis and Clerk that the Mets were fighting for their Centennial. She asserted that she felt hold on the leadership of the circuit, as though she were the first pioneer They put themselves one notch closer daughter. to the coveted position, for the winners p. L. Campbell, president of the Unl- or tne Pacific Coast Hockey Association versity of Oregon, paid tribute to the championship will have a chance to I "Oregon Btock," asserting that mentally compete in the world's series, and on I and physically Oregon's sons and tneir own ice at that. daughters ranked high with, those of To be taken out of the lead the Mets any Dart of the world. - He cited ex- will have to drop one game out of the amples that had cpme under his intl- rour yet to De played and at the same mate observation where native sons time the Vancouver Millionaires would had proved their mental and physical have to win their remaining five af- prowess In competition with men rrora fairs. The two top squads will battle I all parts of the world. . in Vancouver, B. C Saturdav nisht and "It Is a sacred trust of the present from all Indications the fur should fly, generation here in Oregon," said Presi for a victory for the Mets will mean dent Campbell, "that the splendid ideals that they could still lose two more af- of the Oregon pioneers may be fully r I r 1 Valdessa, said last night that he him self had drawn the check for $21,600 in payment of the famous bull and could certify aa to its authenticity. "There Is no basis for the intima tion the sale was irregular," he said. "I personally drew the check for $21,- 600 for Mr. Herberg." O. M. Plummer, general manager of the Pacific, International Livestock Ex position, Is now In Salem and could not j be reached last night to throw any light on the sale. "Always a Show of quality." Tonight All Week Mat. Saturday. The Alcazar Players In RAFFLES The Amateur Cracksman. On of the greatest of detective plays. Evenings, 25c, 60c, 75c. Mats., 25c, 50c Xext week Belaaco'a "THE GIHL OF TUB GOLDtfN WEST." Beats now sell! nr. Buy early. Tkl. ril..tnr - A K a InfArmatlnii f t H . till 111 I n to iV tl t&T SS DOS- slble the different lines of business which the average person may find occa sion to use. Any information which cannot be found here will be gladly lur nisbed by phoning Main 7070 or A 6095. House 40. s V. - - - ACCORDIOX PLKATING. K. BTEPHAS, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cord., side pleat, buttons covered; mall orders. 22s pillock block. Broadway ltfutf. AGATE CUTTERS. M. 1874. Ufff. Jewelers, expert watchmakers. iuiiien. o-iay. nun., Deu powy. ana rarn. AtfsAYKKS AND ANALYSTS. MlflCAL. EM1L. THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil Sevcik." 207 Fliedner bide. Marshall 162a. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. low MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Second Cold, silver and. platinum bought. . ATTORNEYS. W. J. Makelim Probate, real estate, mining and corporation law; abstracts and titles examined; written opinions furnished. 1434 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 6748. LAWYER. 618 Plttock block. No cnarg for preliminary consultation. L. D. MAUONE. lawyer. 402 Panama bids. Marshall 6333. CANCER. L. M. JONES. M. D. CANCER TREATED. Brewer bldg.. 18th and Alberta. Vvdla. 4108. CAKPKT WEAVERS. FLUFF KCGS FROM OLD CARPETS. Carpet cleaning, rentiing, etc North. west Rug Co., IDS E. etb. su Both phones, CELLULOID" BUTTONS, BADGES. K. '. W . "J THB 1RW1X-HODSOM COMPANY. 887 Washington su Main 812 and A 1204. CHIROPODIST. Next Week. HOROTHV J ARDOV The Beautiful Broadway Star. 1 1 alien & Fuller C'orbett, M aria Umlfl Whepard A Donovan I ffVVJ Lo Jt Company. FLANAGAN ft EDWARDS. i'?iJ TEMPEST as SINSH1SE. SEATTLE GUNMEN SHOOT Hon Sinss Attempt Kevenge for Death at Hands of Hip Sings. SEATTLE, Wash.. Feb. 14. (Spe cial.) Two Chinese, said to be mem bers of the Hop Sing tong, reopened th. tnnrr wni In t Vi . Ph1nSA mmrtiir In Seattle tonight when they fired at R MATINEE DAILY 2:30 dusiuii tiitii, i-ivun, a-x; rr niiu viu'5 in Boston Sam's laundry at 2124 First avenue. The attempt Is believed to have been out of revenge for the death of Harry Wong, a Hop Sing" man, who was shot mA Irlliaa in Pr.lnr.tnmn js.avlv Rati! a ir pid. nt I nvanlntr Th cl&88 13 Conducted by ui cue, TV,-. Mia. h r a i.r t McClanaDaii ana will U l C W A Ilia AAA 1 slllis. lUUbi A HO U1U J I S3 i . K.,11.. .v, I incinrln both demonstration and prac leg of trousers worn by J. Cooper, of tlcal work. The practice class in th Conklin Hotel, standing a block cooking, under Miss Laura Riley, will away. OANTAGE GREAT LEOX CO., The Wonder workers. MYSTERY COMEDY. 6 OTHER BIO ACTS 5 Boxes and Luges reserved by phone. Curtain 8:30. 7 and meet tonight at 7. "Fish and Shellfish will r tha tonic. A new course in mke-maklne- will begin early in March. Boston Sam was counting his day's receipts. Look Lee was Ironing and Chung Lee was near the door when the gunmen entered the place and began to shoot. .The men shot at are mem bers of the Hip Sing tong. s The police have placed a double guard in Chinatown, and ; every China- citizens of Illinois Town Object to man Daan 1 a halnfr 4 r fi alLraa r nss I SAN JOSE TO BE PHONETIC weapons. MRS. KIDWELL IS SOUGHT Relatives Seek Woman Who Long- Been Absent. Has Spanish Pronunciation. SPRINGFIELD, 111.. Feb. 14. Citl- gens of Ban jose. ail. nave prgicmou agalnet the action of the Chicago & Al ton Railroad In instructing1 its em ployes in pronouncing the name of the town to use tne Spanish pronunciation, Sa r Hn.RAT. ... Always the citizens have Anglicized the pronunciation to sound as if S-a-n j-o-s-e were the phonetic spelling. A petition by the Commercial Association, said to have been signed Dy nearly every citizen of the town, protecting against "San Ho-say has been for warded to President Beard, or tne Al ton. ' Later the president said the com pany s brakemen would De instructed to use the Anglicized pronunciation in calling San Jose. Five years of unbroken ellence on the part of an absent sister have caused Mrs. Lewis Greenut. of Mon mouth. 111, to write the Women's Pro tective Division, of Portland, asking aid in locating Mrs. John Kidwell. who was Viola May Crosier before her mar riage. The letter was received by tha miss ing woman's uncle, H. H. Crosier, of 94 East Thirty-fifth street, who told Superintenden Baldwin that it was the first time he had heard from his half- brother's family In -many years. He was unaware that Viola, his missing t! BOY THIEVES SUSPECTED ily was writtea from this city five years ago. William, Estelle and William. Jr.. Deveny, the only sclentlAc chiropodists in the city. ariora su? lierllnger Dldg., soutnwest cor ner 2d und Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSIOIANS. ELIMINATING medicines and ODerations. Permanently restoring health without. druKs or scars. Dr. McMahon making fooo. si aojuarments, $15. Mucieay mag. and Sanitarium. Patients satlshed. Knock ere boost. Case questions free. DR. DANFORD, chiropractor and electro- tnerapist. Specialist in nervous disorders. Koom 812 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 8781. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. BIO N. W. bldg. Mar. oBja. iw letters multigrasnaa lor sl. COLLECTING AGENCY. W. W. DA VIES, collections, Gerllnger bldg. Main B02U. Bonded; reasonable chargea. NETK A CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17!'. r.o collection, no charge; established 19uu. DANCING. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy, soft 6th uet. otarx ana oak; 4 private lessons. $2 A. M.. P. M.. eve.: latest dances ftuaranteed class Thun., Sat. eve., 7-8:30. Bdwy. 2160. DEK.UM DANCING SCHOOL Latest dances. Classes Tues and Frl. eve. Private lessons, 60c. 803 Dekum. Mar. 1276. Main 7446. WHY PAY MORE 7 A SAVING OF 25 to 60. vrnnerlv fitted glasses aa as 1.60; 40O0 satisded customers; satisfaction guaranteed Chaa. ".",i man. optometriau 2uuMorriaou. Mula-ii.t. PATENT ATTORNEYS. . . . i TT K R. C. WRIGHT 22 years Ve. -r w and foreign patents. nvi PHYSICIANS. - DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Alisky bldg. Get my new booklet. "Chrome Di.eaaea ; It fr. PIPE. PORTLAND'WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and ofllce near 24th and York sts. Main 348.". PRINTING. ...... , x-, TTTTi:-w t R. (antenbeln. Mgr. p. nt a nil iinoiyvius. J . - corner SlarK. Mala or A 1418. RAG RIGS AND I'LtFF BUGS. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Ingrain. Brussels, Smyrna, Axmlnlter. rag Iga, ail slaes mail orders prompt; booklet. CARPET GLEANING, REFITTING. ETC. M EET lyOVOTlCES. B. P. O. ELKS, NO. 143 Regular meeting this (Thurs day) evening. Klks" Temple. 8 o'clock. Nomination of of ficers for ensuing year. Vlstt injr brothers welcome. By or der of the E. R. M. R, 8PAULDING, Sec. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114. A. F. AMI A. M.- bpeciu.1 com munioatlon this ( Ttiursday ) eveninn1 at 7:Su o'clock. Masonic Temple. Lubor In the M. M. de cree. The work will be exempli- ftMil hv thu larr I m trt ft-fiin Washinston Lodge. No. 40. Visiting breiU- roa aiwaya welcome. By order v. m. Jb'REU L. OLSON, eec. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 46, A. F. AND X. M., will pay & fraternal risit to Columbia LodgB, No. 114. and confer the M. M. degree this (Tnursday evening, ? ;3U o'clock, (jo di renlv la "VMt Sid a Timu!e. 11 are Invited. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Bee. SUNNYtilDB LODGE. NO. Iti3, A. F. AND A. M. Special commuijcatlon this (Thursday t night at T o'clock. Visitors wel come. Work In IS. A. degree. Re freshments. By order of W. M. OREGON COMMANDERY, K T. Special this (.Thurs day) evening at 7:30. Order of the Temple. Your attend ance will be appreciated. C. V. W1EGAND, Rec. EUBLEM Jewelrv. buttons, charms, nlaa. New designs. Jaeger Brog 131-A tslxth s FRIEDLANDER'R. Jwlri fnr Rmhl'ima. I Claas Pins and presentation Medals. Lsisaa and estimates furnished free. 310 Waah. f 1.00 Qvift RUB. cleaned exit) UK ''""J-i-.V-t:- 1 n rfi. aa.KB Union av. N. East 6316, B 14.5. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMBR-JQNKS CO.. li. P.. 404 Wilcox bldg. 8CALP SPECIALISTS. DIED. BIEKER Fab. 14. at 22 Fremont, Cath erine sieKer. age io years, beloved mother of Mrs. A. J. Madden, Seattle; Mrs. E. M. Madden, Vancouver; Mrs. E. J. Johnson. Pearl, Charles, Benjamin and Maihew Bleker. of Portland. Funeral notice laler. MASON' In this city, February 14. John L. Mason, aged 2G years, late of lt4 Dakota street. The remains are at the residence establishment of J. P. Pinley & feon, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. ROSBNA TAYLOR Masseuse and scalp spe cialist. 1B para m. " STORAGE AND TRANSFER FREE MOVING. Telephone for our proposition; ws can save you money; storage, packing, mov- inSModernPlB?"lck Storage '""J0"" SECURITY STORAGE 4: TRAN-sk t-R CO.. Office. 105 Park st. Main 5195. A 10OL Warehouse 44-46 E. 6th st. N. PICK THE BEST ITNERAL NOTICES. ARMFIELD At the family residence. 904 im m iortu, r eu. ij, urviiie p. as. Armfield, aged OH years 11 moa. 2o days. aemoer or Aioerta Loage ro. -34, 1. O. O. K. Friends and brotner Oddfellows In vited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Molman's funeral parlors . at 2:30 P. M. today IThursday), Feb. li. Auiermeui xiose i.jty cemetery. DANCING quickly taught, private lessons. Aroor uaruen, ana Aior. Alar. sm. EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. LINGS. Treatment by specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. r: . caaeauay. oil ueuum on., m t wn. FIRE INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 63, A 2153. ALWAYS .i . .nMii.Kiti: atoraae. i .mi mnvlnf: horse and i . . . . . vu... m all nnlnta. C O PIC K. T RANBFER STO R AGS CO 2d and Pine sis. Broadway 66. A ! . , .t itd ivircn io 474 Glisan St., .r ISth Telephone Main 69 or A ll'.i. We own and operate two large class A warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest In- suranca rates In the city. . r.rtxi cr rrwr-ir ivn WAREHOUSE. . Office. "l80 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. rno ' VVOOD. 3T -HouMhold FERGUSON February 13. Hugh D. Fergu packlng, "'P; son, late of 614 Krby st., aged a9 years; ind auto vans, l brother of Charles N. and Alex McDonald. GREEN AND DRY SLABWOOD. blockwood. Panama Fuel Co. Main 6720. A WHOLESALERS AND filANUFACTURERS AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. DTJBRUILLE BL'GOY TOP CO., 209 2d St. AUTO fcPRING MANUFACTURING. a. Mtg. and repalr- JAMCR SPRING CO- ing; 4000 spring. carried In stock. 16th & Couch sts. , BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer, Park at Davis. DRYGOODS WHOLESALE. Lninli,,lcnoll'n 112 Sherlock Bldg.. . DinKeispiel O. Third, corner Oak. G R A IN MERCHANTS. M. H. HOUSBK, Board of Trade Building. GROCERIES. WADHAMS CO., 67-75 Fourth street. HATS AND CAPS. THAN HOUSE K HAT CO.. 63-65 Front St. "hides, wool, cascara bark. KAHN BKOSl. 11 Front street. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER CO.. 12th and Davis sts. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RABMUSSEN at CO.. 2d and Taylor sts. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 4-tt Front BU PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KL1NU. H4-80 Front st. PRINTING. rRiPil INS 1st and Oak sts. Main 165. A1165 1'IUllilTK. PRODUCE, dried fruit, correepondenee so licited. Union Produce Co.. 128 Union ave. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVE RDINUAF A K HELL, 140 Front St. MANUFACTURING LADIES' NECKWEAR. EASTERN NOVELTY MFU. CO.. 834 6th sL Ulll-l.' AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northnip. iiXrii nonHM AMI GLASS. W P. i liLLER Ac CO., 12th and Davis sts. WALL PAPER. MORGAN" WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d at. fairs and do no worse than tie Van couver, who must sweep everything be- xore mem. e The final appearance of Lester Pat rick and his Spokane Canaries tomor realized Of particular interest was the talk of Frederick V. Holman, who told of peeing the "Bldewheeler" come up the Willamette, of hearing: her fire a gun that announced to the small village of row night in the Portland Ice Palace Hortland that Oregon had been ad promises to be a warm reception for mitted Into the Union. The news was ine visitors. Just what Spokane "baa orouyni irurn oau, .w- on" Portland to treat the Uncle Sams called tne meeting oi ouo cnuem .i the way It has no one can figure out. Champoeg In 1843 when the citizens of but the truth of the matter Is that Oregon framed a government that the Portland's poor showing in the league Congress of this country recognized as standing can be attributed In a larire being sound when statehood was con- measure to the games they have played sldered. G. A. THACHER WILL SPEAK All boys in tne vicinity or as Mont- Criminology" lo Be Topic Before SUlU&Z'Xl&JZ Progressive Business Men. George A. Thacher will address the Progressive Business Men's Club this noon at tne rauitnoman notel on tne general subject of "Criminology." ouehing upon certain pending legisla tion. His talk will be illustrated with specially prepared slides. James Ie- against the Birds To date the Inland Empire represent- siives nave walked away with six vie torles out of the seven games with the oregonians.. The lone Portland win was a 10 to B affair on the Portland Ice late In December. Agalnst'Seattle. Portland has won three out of seven Leslie M. Scott spoke of many Inter esting intimate details of pioneer life and of things pertinent to the occasion last night. Dan J. Malarkey regretted that he "had missed being a pioneer by three veara." Judge M. C. George in a eulogy of the state's pioneers concluded with v. no.? wuh i. ii i co out oi seven . , . . , , . , n , k.... . und VsLTirmivo- i . . i,... h,i . the assertion that no state Dears a una Vancouver has been hald to three .,.,.v,i rtn nn h.r autcheon. wins and as many defeats. Vancouver and Portland have two more games to play, while Spokane ana Seattle each have to meet the Portland- more truthful motto on her escutcheon. 'She flies with her own wings.' Colonel Robert A. Miller spoke of many interesting details of early daye 'h.""?"," U r:"1 b TCaI!Cd TheChcXbration closed with "The .IV t," frKi3 H?ir-leAjv.ln.e Star-Spangled Banner." led by Mrs. and Jim Seaborn will be the officials for the Spokane-Portland game here to morrow. e e The feud between Captain "Moose' Johnson and Carpenter, of Seattle, wa started again Tuesday night, although no damage resulted. "Moose" la some what under the weather as a result of Pauline Miller Chapman. BULL'S SALE QUESTIONED the match, but he expects to be listed I PURCHASE OV Sl,fJO0 ANIMAL FOR 230o is dkii:d. Affidavits Given Paper Intimate Some Iuvgrnlarlty In Listing and Sale at Portland Show. SPOKANE. Wash.. Feb. 14 (Spe among "those present'" when the whistle! blows tomorrow. He injured his hiol wnen ne was thrown Into the boards. but outside of that he is all right, e "Smoky" Harris was a visitor to Dr. ' Earl Smith, the club physician, vester- day on the return from the North. He was patched up. Dick Irvin. who at present is second among the individuati scorers, was out a little, but it did not clal.) Cattlemen of the Northwest are amount to much, he says. William F. agog over intimations in letters fur- aLuiui.auwu mo uncie aams to i nished by K. A. Stuart, presiaent ot tne onattie and he reports that they had Carnation Stock Farm, near Seattle, to quite a ionowmg in tpe bound City the Washington Farmer, printed in arena. I v-nk.,.. rt tnt Affprt that there was peculiar irregularity regarding tne nnnnnil r-ri i a r- -v , M v listing aim fii'i ui iito iiuiainn uUi UUnUON STUART IS FIRST calf flndeme Mutual Fayne Valdessa for $21,600 at the Pacific International Vancouver Newspaper Man Pays In- Livestpck Show in Portland early in ltlal Toll to Cross Brldsre. I The Washington Farmer of tomor row will print affidavits of George lAnujUYtn, 11 sn.. teO. lb.. SDl. .i.n., r,f rh. Pgrniil nn Ktf-lf .... ciiou iu yny ton aria cross tne Farms; William Bishop, of Chlmacum, .nioi.La.ia ouubo - tun PCQeBtrian W..h mr rt- A Smith HMpkm.n nf was Gordon Stuart, newspaper man of sumas. Wash., stating their belief that u... tii.. ronuirtmeni went the sale was bona fide. into errect reoruary 16 under sthe law. The bull, according to statements In ind just at the stroke of midnight Mr. n,...iii nunem wa hmiirhi hv .Tnhn oiuai l nousni HCKeiS iNOS. 1 and 2 from lnl..I.J In thulrinnl Jacob Studer. crossed to the Oregon ventures In Portland and Seattle and souvenir, un tne Oregon Bide Mr. I c,ln. . v.nt Woeh Mr vnn Hr. Stuart bought the first ticket from berg resents intimations that the sale ile0K IP'lSht. toll taker, and was for $21,500 was irregular and also the the first to cross in that direction. !,.. t -ain kii mi. oium t &i8u was tne nrst Deaes-I -. . i . i , t v. i m.. for $250Q.' trian to cross the bridge after the span I had been completed, and he was in the first automobile to cross. License Obtained in Tacoma. TACOMA. Wash., Feb. 14. (Special.) J. S. Thompson, of Sheridan, Or., and J'.thel Thompson, of Mankato, Minn., were granted a marriage license here today. Read The Oregonlan classified ads. Bernhard Meyer conducts the Fin derne Stock Farms at Finderne, N. J and originally owned the bull. Bern hard Meyer also makes the statemen that the bull was sent by him to th Portland sale under the recommenda tion of Mr. von Herberg, guaranteeing Meyer $5000 at least. E. J. MyrlcR. of Portland, represen tative of John von Herberg, of Seattle, purchaser of Finderne Mutual Fayne Ice-Cream Is Stolen From Home of Dr. F. Martins. , man Ford is followed. The policeman last night Investi gated the theft of IS bricks of ice cream from trie home of Dr. F. Mar tins. 334 Montgomery street, who was host for a Valentine party. The ice cream disappeared from the back porch, and no trace of the thieves was found. The patrolman, in his report, suggested that the thieves, whom he zendorf will act as chairman of the beMeved to be a gang of boys, might aav- Ik. immil throuah stomachaches, head aches and other familiar symptoms or over-indulgence In goodies. The elub's Industrial excursion co'hv mlttee has arranged for another bual ness men a trip for Saturday when an opportunity will be given to visit the Willamette iron fc feteel W orks, con cluding with an Inspection of Munic ipal Dock No. l. The party will leave Muitnoman Hotel at 1:80 v, M. in au tomobiles. Large American Flag Stolen. NTra. Lena W. Chambers. 648 East Ash street, reported that someone had stolen a large United States flag from her -front norch. Mrs. Chambers re ported that she had hung out the ban ner to show her patriotism. $1000 RAISED FOR POLES Need of Tliese War Sufferers, How ever, Is Yet Great. Subscriptions amounting to $1000 have been received from the Portland Committee for Jewish Relief In Poland, according to advices received yesterday from the office of the American Jewish Relief Committee, of 20 Exchange Place, New York City. The need among the war sufferers is now greater than ever, according to the report recently sent out by the committee. Subscriptions may be forwarded to Ben Selling, who has acted aa treasurer for the local committee. Mllvraukie Hotel Raided. OREGON CITY, Or.? Feb. 14. (Spe cial.) Constable Riley, of Milwaukie. at midnight raided the Hotel Gratton at Milwaukie in a search for liquor fol lowlnar the appearance ef two suspd- ctoua-looklnar suitcases there last night, The place was searched from cellar to rarret but no llnuor wag found. The BUTTER PRICES DECLINE Drop of 4 Cents at 'Wholesale to Be ' Kffectlve Today. A 4-tent drop In wholesale butter prices, effective this morning, has been announced by Portland creamery men. All Coast markets are weakaning with the season's advance. Dealers and manufacturers welcome the opportunity to lower the market, as the recejt high prices have materially curtailed butter consumption. Egas also are becoming cheaper, but the downward course of prices is slow. owing to the strong outside demand for the Oregon product. In the past week a carload of eggs a day has been shipped out of Portland, most of them going to Montana points. I i MRS. DORA CRITES DIES filadstone Woman Succumbs After Two Years to Illness. OREGON CITY. Or.. Feb. 14. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Dora Critep. wife of James Crites, of Gladstone, died this morn ing, after an illness of two years. Mrs. Crites was born in Illinois, and was 40 years of age. She was the daughter of Henry and Eliza Sealer, of Toronto. Canada, who survive her. She had resided for about three years at Gladstone, and is survived by her hus band, James Crites: two daughters, Leila Crites and Fay Rider; two sisters, Mrs. Nettie Parker, of Colorado; Mrs. Cora Kendall, of Waldron, Kn. and a brother. Rev. 'Charles Sealer, of Toron to, Canada. PANGS OF RHEUMATISM constable took five deputies in the raid. Youth Held for Vagrancy. Dewey Hammond. 21. was arrested on a charge of vagrancy last night by Patrolmen Schad and Barker, following report to the police that he had stolen a- valuable cigarette case from Harry Wilson, 328 Front - street. Detectives will investigate the alleged theft today. Ihe funeral service will be held at A. K Zeller Co.'s parlors. 504 Williams ave.. today (Thursday), February L3. at 2:o0 P. M. Friends are Invited. Interment Multnomah Cemetery. EDGERTON At the residence, 852 East 4,th St., Mrs. Delia Edgerton. aged J" years 1 mo. 2 days. Friend. Invii..l m attend funeral services, which will be held at noiman s xunerai parlors. Third and Salmon sts., at 11 A. M. todav (Thurs day). Feb. 15. Interment Mu Scott Park Cemetery. FROST The funeral cervices of the late sianiey t. i-rost will be beld today (inursday) at 2 o clock P. M at th. Uy residence. 545 East loth St. North. Friends invited. Interment at RIvervlew Cemetery. WOLFF The fimeral services of the late Gustave Wolft, aged 84 Sears, will be held at P. L. Lerch Undertaking Co., East M. Friends Invited. lTJNKtfcAL DIRECTORS. " Edward Holman. Pres.; W.J. Holman. Sae. i J. A-. werleln. Treaa. EDWARD HOLMAN CO. ESTABLISHED 1877 RELIABLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant Third and Salmon Streets Main E07, A 1511. PERFECT FUNERAL SERVICES FOR LESS) MILLER & TRACEY la depend mt Funeral Directors. Lady Aaaletaar. Wash, at Ella ft.. Bet. X"th and 21st. alala SliUA. A .Sh. West bide. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. J. P. FL'LEY SON. Progressive Funeral Director. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. LILLIAN WALKER IN "INDISCRETION. TUUA 1 . WA-tKSTIC THEATER. WASH. AT PARK. MAT. 10c; EVE. 15c wiKTKn 2 neat aDDearlni? young men to travel with road show: small salary to start. Auuly room 60S Congress Hotel. DUNNING M'ENTEE. funeral directors. Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broad way 43U, A 45fig. Lady attendant. m. 8. DUNNING. INC. East Side Buner.U Directors, 414 East Alder street. Bast 62. B 2826. A. R. ZELLBR CO.. 682 WILLIAMS AVE. .aat luia. c ivks. Laar artenasnt. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICB. ll KliTKhl. 474 L-, Alder st. or telephone BREEZE & SNOOK OtJ, ana receive WITHIN on week single man. clean, ex perienced milker and dairyman. AM lO, uregoman. A NEW enterprise, partner wanted with some money. Call at UK) Vi 8d at., room 27. RATES Car Overturns on Man and AVlfo. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Tucker, of 1815 East Davis street, were caught and pinned under an overturned automobile last night at East Forty-ninth and East Stark streets, but were not injured se riously. Both were taken to the Oood Samaritan Hospital, but went home later. Mr. Tucker was driving the car. Art Metal Class Meets Toniglit. The class In art metal work at the Benson Oirls' Evening School will meet tonight at v. Lseful and ornamental articles in copper, as well As attractive pieces of jewelry, are being made. A course in meal planning and menu building Is alto given on Thursday Cannot Be Rubbed Away With Liniments Von who are afflicted with this meet painful disease who know from expe rience just how excruciating na patiK ... . i a 4tl ... ln viii. are get tnis tact uieu iuhhj j " " . mind, and it will aid you in iinaing a wav to complete recovery. Rheumatism cannot be robbed away vlta linimeats Us pains and pangs cannot be wiped out as if by magic, a aiseane mot so full of torture and finally renders Its victims so helpless is a aeep-seaieu one; it is not on the surface, hence it cannot be reached by external, surface remedies. This Is no theory, for your own experience doubtless has shown you that you can never expect to rid yourself ot tne Qia n For the chances are that you, like thousands of other sufferers, have been misled into the hope that liniments, lotions and other applications nuuu n,.r- rheumatism. But what has been your experience? The pains possi bly have be'en lessened for the time being, but have they not promptly re turned, often with increased severity, and are you really any nearer a cure than before? You certainly are not, . nH .-nit never will be as long .as you r.iv iinnn treatment that at best is merely a makeshift. , mit Mr. J. L. Agnew, tf Mt. Vernon, Ohio, pays of his rheunlatism "For ten years I was badly afflicted with Rheumatism, the pains in my knees, lega and ankles belns almost unbearable. I tried various remedies with out results, until a physician advised me to use P. S. S.. stat ing; that the disease was in the blood. After taking a few bot tles the rains and soreneea were greatly lessened. I con tinued this medicine until all pain, soreness and inflammation were none, and I was complete- ly cured." J. J. AGNEW. 06 E. Gambler Street, Mt. Vernon. Ohio. This la a typical case, and every one who has had the slightest expe rience with rheumatism will continue to suffer and grow worse until they are finally practically helpless, unless they reallo that the disease must be combated at Its source. Rheumatism is a diseased condition ef the blood, the disease attacks tha body through the blood, hence the system can be rid of its pains only after tha blood "has been cleansed of the germs of the dis ease. , Lotions, liniments and olnraents, ap plied to the surface may In some cases deaden the pain for the time being, but until you, attack the disease at its foundation you are making no progress toward a cure and you are permitting the trouble to get a firmer hold on your system every day. . This Is one reason why Rheumatism is usually a permanent disease, staying with its victims year after' year. Oettlng rid of the disease" is merely a matter of treating it intelligently. Knowing that it cannot be cured by external appli cations. It Us folly to rely upon such treatment. . ' ' S. S. S. is without question the most thorough blood medicine ever made, and it promptly cleanses the blood of every trace of impurity or disease germs. That is why it never fails to give satisfactory results in even the severest cases of Rheumatism. Being purely vegetable without a particle of mineral or chemical in its compos!' tlon. it works by eliminating and for cing out of the blood all Impurities and cleansing It thoroughly, acting as a tonic to tha entire -system at the same time. It has been in use for more than fifty years, and thousands of sufferers from rheumatism give it unstinted praise. i You are Invited to write our medical department for full information and advice about the treatment of your own case, for which no charge is made. Address Swift Specific Co., 37 Swift Laboratory. Atlanta, Ga. CLASSIFIED AD Ltallr and Sunday. Fv Uaa. One time bams avd we eoaserotlve times .. ........tse huna ad three coneecutlve times see ..r,i. m.1 .la er seven consecutive times The above rate, apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other classidca- AAona. except tile luuewlnll rltuations V4 anted Male. Mtuattons anted t emaleV For Rent Rooma Private Families. Hoard and Rooms Private FamlUea. kMiiii I'ri vat. Famllls Rata en the above classifications is 1 reals a Una raych inaertlon thm t IrnrnniMn will serrnt rlasalflea sd. verlu-emeuta over the telephone, urovUed tne .rivninr la a subscriber of eilner No price will be utmted over the phone, but kill u-lil Im rendered the following day. Whether subsequent aavertinemente vtui pe accepted over the pnone depends noon tha rompinese OT payment ui iritfiuons atmnntii. "Situations Wanted" and "Per sonal" advertisements will not be arcapted av th. tlnlinn Orders for one insertion only will be accepted for "Furniture for hale, "Hutiner Opportunities," AtoonuABa- II ..ii..." .ml " In Sertuus errors in advertl.eraenta will be rectified by republication without additional chsrfe, but aurh republication will not be made where the error dom not materially m tf 4r t tfa. i . i ii Af the advertisement Cancellation ef orders over the telephone not recognizee: unleea comirmeu me same day in wrlllns. "Citv New. in Brief advertisements mast bo presented for publication for The Sunday Oreaonian before 6 o'clot-k Saturday after noon fur other days publication before P. M. 10M Belmont at 84 th. SKEWES UNDERTAKING CO.MPANV A and Clay. M'n 4162. A 2a2L Lady attendant. MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON aeral service. . 80th and Gllaaa. Tab. 4S1S. EK1CSON Keeldenoe Undertaking Parlora. 13th and Morrison sts. Main 6133, A 223A P. L, LERCH. East 11th and Clay striata Lady attendant. East 781. B 1S8S, CREMATORIUMS. AUCTION SALES TODAY. SALE AT 2 M. AT , WILSON'S AUCTION ROOMS Dry OoodUe Millinery. lo tlon.. Crockery Cranlte i Wre, irooerle, ToIwocom. Ktc. MOUNT SCOTT PARK Cemetery and Crematorium Tabor 146s. D SL FLORISTS. MARTIN FORBES CO.. Florists. 864 Washington. Main 269, A 12a. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranssd. CLARKE BROS.. Florists. 287 Morrison St. Main or A isos. Fin. lowers ana floral designs. No branch stores. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 2 121. Sell' ing Diag.. otn ana Aiaer sts. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 285 Washington stL. bat. 4th and 6th. Main 8102. A 110L TfOR I It'l LTt HE. PRUNING, spraying, tree surgery, graft age. x pert garaeuera. mcaoiu. stain itii. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 204-26; 4th St.. opposite City Hall. Main BS04. PDlllP Nen as oom for memorlala. cfBLAE:SING GRAKIlTEl CO. I I Ll THIRD yT MADISON STREET I OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Ofire i&oom 153 Court bouse, &U& -street Kntravnoe. Phone fftm 8 to 6 Main X7S. Home nhone A Ms tit call niter office hour. Main SJOfl Keport all caaoa or cruelty to tee aoove addreaa. Electric lethal chamber tor small ammaia. Horse ambulance for aick and dlaubled animals at a moment' notice. Any one desiring' a Xog or other pets communi cate with ua. (Jail for &u lost or strayea stock, as we look after all impounding. Tbere la no more city pound, just Oregon Humane Society. T,W TOO AY. Bar.s.r.Sy!Tiody mortgage loans J. T. WILSON". AlCTIOMJEB At Baker's auction house. Furniture. etc., at Maaonle Temple bldg.. Vamhlll and W. Park sta. bale at 10 A. Jft. MACSOLEUL "THE BETTER WAY' Humane. Scientific Security for the Dead. tary protection lor tne livinc RIVER VIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM Terminus Rlv-erview Carllne. Taylor's jrerry Koaa. For Partlcula s Inquire Portland Mausoleum Co. Pbon. B dwy S51. 636 Plttock Block. WE HAVE IXtrRANCB MONET AX 59fc PRIVATE Fli.VUS AT G AND 74 Robertson & Ewing S07-8 Kortawesterai Pans; Bldg. ES0LGOUOE1CO 6 7 LOANS ON MORTGAGE SECURITY K0rTMWfc51EN BANK eUikPQSks JNO. B. COFFEY Insurance, Surety Bonds 3Q- WILCOX BLDG. MAIN TO'J) MORTGAGE LOANS $500 Oil MOKE e-T-S j Repayment Privileges. Private Funds. J. L. KAH.NOIT, lty. tUea. Itldg.