IS THE MORNING OREGOXIAJNT, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1917. FOB RENT. Room With Roarrt in private Family. WANTED Girl to boarfl; must be between the ago of 10 to I'd; have lovely modern homa in the country, close to rood school; can give the best of care to refined little Rlrl ; board, room and laundry very rea sonable. AV 587, Oresonian. COXGENTAL gentleman or lady to room or board and room ; modern conveniences, piano; Nob Hill; widow's home. Mar. 34t0. PLKASANT room and board; reasonable; West Side. 322 Broadway. Marshall 4298. J'urnished Apartments. r.ATjRELrTTJRST APARTMENTS, WITH GARAGES. Just completed, this new, modern brick apartment-house, all conven iences; we have a limited number of garages, and make this propo sition aa long as same last; anyone renting an apartment for a period of one year, a garage fre. This beautiful apartment-house Is located at 39th and Belmont streets, near Laurelhurst Fark., For further information e man ager at apartment-house. A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined clean. eafe. THE WHEELDON ANNEX, popular, 10th and Salmon St. well known. of highest standing. A house of quality comfort and service. . - THE CROMWBLU Fifth and Columbia 6ta. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's store; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 8 -room furnished apartments, all i outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA. ST- CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furuished complete. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking distance. References, STELWTN. HlOH-ULASS, Elegant, 5-room front apt., sleeping porch, 14 windows, furnished In Turkish rugs, mahogany and linen; will sub-let to de sirable tenants: best reference; bachelor apt. Mar. I!b30. LINCOLN" APARTMENTS, 4TH AND LINCOL.N. 2-ROOM MODERN FUKN1SH13D APT3. $16 TO $25. WALKING DiSTANCB. GARAGE CONVENIENT. PENROSE APARTMENTS, N. W. corner Belmont and Grand ave. New, completely furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Solid brick building; white enam eled interior; large kitchens; service first class; walking distance. FOR RENT. Farnianed Flats. $16 S ROOMS, new. modern, clean, com pletely furnlBhed. CT4 Mill. Main 6447. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur nished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room ; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison "sta., $14 up. 291 Columbia st., near 0th. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites, walking distance, both phones, $2 per week and up; newly renovated. Main 7771. The Warrenton, 402 3d st. MAKE the Bunhmark your home; completely furnished housekeeping rooms, $3 week up. Including gas, elect'y, heat. 505 Wash. H. K. ROOMS, $1 wk. and up; brick bldg.; free lights and bath. W5 Russell st. E. 6103. 461 EAST MORRISON" Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts . reasonable. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. WANTED Lady employed day. to shars apartment; cheap; very nice; prefer one who is musical, also student of C. S. Ta bor 507. $5-$ll NICE, sunshiny, furnished house keeping suites; lights, phone, bath; walk- Ing dlst. 564 K. iith. Sell wood 1109. SUITE of 1. 2. 3 or 4 light,-cheerful rooms on ground floor, corner house, $7 to $15. . 421 12th st. Main 5453. NICELY furnished apartment, 2 rooms and kitchenette, heat, light and cookkflg gas furnished 305 Halsey st. COSY furnished H. K. rooms, $7.50 mo.; sink, gas range, free phone, water. 444 East Oak. 4 H. K. ROOMS, sink, gas range, newly pa pered, free phone and water, $10 per mo. 446 E. Oak st. FURNISHED housekeeping apartment, 2 rooms, $2.25 week, 274 Montgomery, cor. Fourth. FRONT and back parlor, with gas range, running water, bath, phone. $3 per week. 42 N. 21st gt near Wash. FOR RENT s modern rooms for light housekeeping. All conveniences. 733 Hoyt ., BTJSIXFSS OFPORTUyiTIFA A MOST unusual opportunity presents Itself to anyone having $7500 to Invest In the ownership and control of a flourishing taxicab service located in a prosperous in terior California town; paid 20 per cent net on investment in 3016 and good salary to manager. Should do better In 1917. Par ticulars on proof of responsibility. All transactions confidential. Will bear the severest scrutiny. AV 545, Oregonlsn. FOR SALE Big opportunity for amateur photographer wishing to make a life-work of portrait photography; little cash re quired; city of 10,000, good business now, can bo doubled; low rent, ground floor location. Write today. ADDRESS AV 550, . OREGONIAN. SOFT drinks, 1 pool table, cash register, cost $445 fountain, bar fixtures, glass ware and good supply of tobacco and cigars, chairs, table, stove; on account of sickness $400 takes It. Phone Broadway 10S or East 55D1. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called interest- in established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWGILL, Sec., 302 Henry Bldg. POOL HALL. conf. and barber shop, 40 miles from Portland; electric line; fixture stork, lot and build lag $1600; good loca tion; no opposition. W. A. Wood, Monitor, Or. IF YOU WISH To Bay. Sell or Exchange a business of any kind, anywhere, sea A- J DE FOREST. 205-207 Board of Trade Bid. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, heat, light, cooking gas furnished. 365 lialsey st. TWO or 3 furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone East 4808. THREE cozy housekeeping rooms, $12 per month. 588 Pettigrove. Main 3423. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, gas and elec tricity. 349 Jefferson St., near Broadway. HAVE 2 nice H, K. rooms for rent; prefer no children. 21 E. 7th st. 1 OR 3 furnished H. K. rooms, bath, phone, electricity. 651 E. Morrison. TWO front rooms, $S mo.; gas range, con necting bath, free phone, elect. 3I2 4th. TWO large. light housekeeping rooms, $2.25 week. 305 3d st. MADISON PARK APTS., Park at Madison. Modern 2, 8 and 4 room furnished apartments, close in, by week or month. ; ELK APARTMENTS 84TH AND BELMONT. Furnished 2 and 3-room. apts. Also single room ; reasonable rates. NORA FLO APARTMENTS. 8 2-room furnished apartments, includ ing light and heat. 554 J. Madison. Phone East hu65. XfEONCE APARTMENTS 3-room furnished, private bath and phone; rent $20; also one large front apartment. 186 North 2M, DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern 2, 3, 4-room furnished and unfunnished, $ 1 8 up. " W" car to North rup. Mar. 227. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity. My beautiful ly furnished 0-room duplex, apartment. 730 Everett. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th St., near Taylor. Marshall 2316. 5-room nicely furnished apartment. WASHINGTON GRAND, 2 and 3-room apts.. $10 up; heat, light, bath; clean, respect able. 91 Grand ave., cor. Washington. XHE CHELTENHAM Beautifully furnished 2, S and 4-room apartments; lowest rates in city. Corner N. lUth and Northrup sts. AKGYLE APTS., 341 14th; nicely furnished, clean, airy 2-room apts. ; private bath phone; $16 up; new management. 1, 2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phone, gas, light, $3 up. New Hart, 170H 2d at. NEW furnished apts. ; concrete block; $10 and $12. 1162 Union ave. N. Wdln. 512. Unfurnished Apartments. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished five-room apart ment, with all modern conveniences, in eluding sleeping porch, telephone, gas. .u i-if. liffhtK Ate newlv car oe tea. ren ovated, reiiuced rentals. Phones Main 4376, A 1301. Ti-nni) a RMS APARTMENTS, 18th and Couch sta. Marshall 2559. Mod ern new building. 2. 3. 4-room unfurnished aDartments. with shower baths and every convenience; references required. rORDHAM An unfurnished 4-room apart ment, white enamel and hardwood finish, bpst of service. Kent reasonable. Mar- shall 1SS1. " DOIKi iJAK COURT. 425 W. Park, now open; new 2-room, hardwood floors, mahogany finish, first class Lervice; all light apts. Houses. TO RENT Modern 7-room house, furnace. urepiace, etc.; xirst-ciass condition, ac cessible to streetcar lines; rent $27.50, close In to city. 430 Oregon St., bet. East 6th and 7th sts. Call at house or call up owner. Tabor 1800. MODERN nine-room house on North Sev enteenth street in Nob Hill district; suit able for large family or rooming house; large attic, full-sized concrete basement; nw nem 10 ma rigm party, bee owner. 404 Piatt bldg. FREE STORAGE Household goods stored xree; expert movers, packers and shippers. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co., 9th and Hoyt sts. Broadway 703. FOR RENT My house, unfurnished, 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms, fine lawn and shrub bery; modern in every particular; rent per month, fhone Tabor 5889. SEVEN-ROOM corner house, furnace and cement basement. 230 Dixon st., 2 blks. from Broadway bridge, Call Main 2840. FOUR-ROOM house, nicely locaftd on sightly lot near good car and boulevard, $.5Q per month. Call 404 Piatt bldg. PARTNER wanted for a good automobile business; want you to wait on customers. etc.; only $,'J00 cash required; steady man wameu more man tne money, call 248 Stark st. FOR SALE or lease, 20 M. sawmill on the C. M. & St. P.. with -five million fir; more timber available. Tumwater Lum ber Company, Tumwater, Wash. LIGHT manufacturing! Partner wanted, must be satisfied to start at $25 week requires a small investment, which will be secured. Call 248 h Stark St. FINE proposition In general store located in smaii Oregon country town: good busi ness; $6000 will handle; other interests le mand my attention. AV 560. Oregonlan. WANTED Good, responsible agent for Jackson automobiles. Particulars and cata logues address Northwest Jackson Distrib uting Co., 1113 E. Union St., Seattle. Wash FINANCIAL. 3Ioney to Loan on Real Estate. best and surest OUR Installment plan la tha , method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 mentis pays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. "XV e loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stark Street, Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS AT 64 PER CENT. Any amount. No Delays. Repayment Privileges. CLARK. KENDALL & CO., 205, 206 Northwestetrn Bank Bldg. . t MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, oromptTy closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIHRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED. REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXI BLE CONTRACTS: NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO.. 202 Stevens Bldg. 6 PER CENT money. S to 5 years, residence property; will accept SlOO or more on principal at any Interest period payment; a V Per cent money o business property, same terms. Pacific fltle A Trust Co 7 Chamber of Commer a s tars h a I i 12. m6net"to loan On real estate security from $100 up on going rate of interest. OTTO & HAKKjiON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. TRUST funds to loan in amounts from $500 to $5000 at interest rates rang ing from 6 to 8 per cent according to security, jjor particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. A GROWING business Want a steady man to work in the store, etc., as partner; can make good wages and very little money Is required. Call 248 k Stark st. A BARGAIN $6000 takes a twlce-a-week newspaper, linotype and well equipped Joo office in growing county seat city of 3000. Record. St. Maries. Idaho. SPLENDID opportunity for office or selling position with new manufacturing enter prise. Must invest some money. Strict in vestlgation invited. AJ 95, Oregonlan. BUSINESS OPPORTCNITIE 9 W A NT ED. WANTED First-class restaurant to estab lish In good district; will receive the sup port of the Alberta Commercial Club. Call or address W. C. Thompson, 732 Alberta st. HOTFLS ANT ROOMING-HOUSES. IF YOU WISH To buy, sell or exchange a Hotel, Rooming or Apt. -House, see A. J. DE FOREST, 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE Residential hotel, newly fur nished, best location; must be seen fo appreciate; good money-maker; will con- pmer terms. AJri yi, uregonian. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leadl-.rf- Hotel, Apartment-House Agent. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. C24 N. W. Bank bldg.. Gth and Morrison. 1 ACRE, good house, close to ear; city con veniences; chicken-houses, fruit, $10. Main 1145. 1RVINGTON. newly decorated 6-room. elec tric UghtP, near both carlines, rent rea sonable. Main 8429. DESIRABLE 7-room house, 595 Sixth, and Sherman: garage, cement basement. 16th et. car south. Apply on premises. 6-ROOM house, near carline: 30 minutes out ; key, Pittenger, Cook and Williams ave. ; low rent. 6-ROOM liat, $13.50 mo., 449 Broadway st. 5 -room house, not modern. 615 4th St., $10.75 mo. J. C. Williams, Main-1927. MODERN 7-room house, 893 Ross st.. near Broadway bridge and Albina shipyards, reasonable rent. RIVERDALE 5-room cottage, garden, fruit trees, beautiful view overlooking golf links ; $20. Phone Main 7672. 8-ROOM house, sleeping porch, 368 East 41st St.; 6-room house, 952 East 25th st. North, rent $12.50. Main 3407. 6-ROOM house on E. Alder and 19th Tabor 8490. 8-ROOM modern house, 712 Love joy, i 22d. inquire 330 6th st. Main 6278. FOR absolute protection and best bargains u ruyiums or uparimenc-iiouses, see mem bers of Realty Hoard. i ATrJa REALTY CO., 249 4TH ST. t 8 ROOMs, housekeeping, rent only $10: make offer; must be sold today. Layman, 4ol Chamber of Commerce. HOTEL, APTS, OR ROOMING-HOUSES, ANY SIZE, PRICE OR LOCATION. MRS, KRANTZ, 621 YEON BUILDING, FOR SALE Hotel and dining-room, rent y y rg.aoiia.oie. re. uregonian. GOOD-PAYING rooming-house for sale ay Leriiis casn. ool uiiaan st. L R.N ITURE of 32 rooms for sale, cheap i em; tor iniormauon ring up Main 1764 11 ROOMS. $2r0 handles it. See me. 373 Tay lor, Main 5522. t.ort A-r rorxD. w riday evening, from Lillian Apts., 6th and Montgomery sts, nearly grown, pussy-willow gray torn kitten, white paws, breast and nose; answers to whistling and name of "David." Finder please phone BUNCH of keys has been found at, Dana at. Call 1970 Druid st.. St. Johns. LOST Platinum pendant with thr - monds. Sunday night. Reward. Tabor .579 8 rooms, modern, 81st. E. fruit trees, cheap rent. Couch: shrubs, -lit Morrison. 6-ROOM house, gas, electricity; walking dis tance. 697 Everett at. Phone East 8. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, sleep ing porches; Nob Hill. Main 53o3. 6-ROOM modern house. 756 Wasco st., llol laday Park. Phone Wood lawn 66. KEELER APTS., 14th and Clay sts. Desir able unfurnished 3-room suite, private vestibule, phone and bath. $27. Call be tween a and 4 P. M. Marshall 5753 BRUCE Apartmeuts. 25th and Northrup, u . uru'i m hont hnrrlwnnd f loni'K. sleeDinc porch, phone. JaniLor service; wilif be vacated. 2s; EW Neb Hill apartments. 3-room suites; modern, best location and outlook; very reasonable. Marshall 267. Gllsan, near 23d. THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson S, 4, 5 rooms, reasonable. Marshall 3360. 6-ROOM A PT.. with sleeping porch. Bryn Mawr, 185 E. 15th st. ; $30. GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup. Modern B-room apts. Phone Marshall 1079. " Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 1S6 Vista ave., near 23d and Washing ton ; large. attractive, sunny outside rooms; private balconies, modern, supe rior service, unturpasued view, walking distance. T BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2, S and 4 room ; rates moderate; good service, spe cial arrangements for ptrmant nt tenants, t'hone Marshall 2961 and 2964. Walking flistance, 21st and Irving. WELLESLEY COURT. MELCUFFE COURT. BEX ARMS. Phone East 6577. Cunnyslde aarllne, close In; 2 and 3 room; desirable- and reasonable. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, THE HOUSE OF TONE. 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. THE BUENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison Strictly modern, all outside aoartments; ideal location; references. Phone Main 1091 and 1052. LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect in all details. 49 Lucretia st. Marshall 1513. A 3637. VERY desirable house of 8 rooms, beautiful grounds, place for vegetable's and chicken hous. fruit trees. N. E. corner 52d and K. Starku Call Tabor 1017. . PRIVATE home, fl rooms, with sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, gas. electricity aud lawn; close In. Wdln. 2 60S. 5-ROOM cottage. $16. Archer Place, modern. Main 3672. Main 5411. 505 Yeon bldg? MODERN 3-room furnished house. 405 Tourney bid?., 2d and Taylor. Room COSILY- f urnishrrt 5-room modern house, yard, fruit. 1241 East Yamhill. $15. tores. A STORE 50x50 feet, full glass front, corner of Front and Gtbbs sts.. a few blocks from stel shipbuilding plant. Inquire C S Brant, 185 lstst. Marshall 5981 or Main 1511. Omres. OFFICES, store rooms and halls; also room's suitable for light manufacturing; office buiiding accommodations; rent reasonable. Sweeney Investment Co.. 815 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington sts. FINE arrangement (attorney pref.). lnclud Jng- law books, furniture, phone and girl to answer calls. 2')9 Stock Kxch. Main 41155. OFFICES, either single or 2, 3 and 4room suites. aii JJeKum oiog., 3d and Washing ton sts. CENTRALLY located offices in modern fiieproof building. Washington st., coruer oritii, itoincnna Ding. WELL-FURNISHED" private office ; aT desk room. $1 and $7. 723 Cham, of Com. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 270 S. Broad way Rooms, fur. or unfur. ; corner apart ment, wall bed. two entrances, pri va te phone, etc., walking distance. Main 25o6. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 4 and 5-room fur. and unfurnished apts. Pleeping porch. 22d and Gllsan. Mar. 3181. KOSENFELD (brick). 14th and E. Starkl 3 and 4 rooms, private phone, quiet. Hats. " PORTLAND HEIGHTS 5-room flat, fire place, large porch, hardwood floors, beau tiful view, $30. Phone forenoons or even- in gs. Main 2639. MODERN 4-room flat with gas range. 250 Glisan St., near Broadway bridge and Al bina shipyards ; reasonable rent. 4 and 5-ROOM flats, sleeping porch, hot water heat, wall bed. gjs range, light, a iry : Hawthorne. Tabor 1993. FIRST-CLASS modern 8 -room upper flat, good light and air, fireplace. 427 Clay St., near 11th. Phone East 8. MODE RN 5-room lower flat, furnace, fire place, sleeping porch, clean, large rooms. 293 E. 21st. Open. Tabor 1597. $18.50, including water, modern 5-room up per; Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, etc. 664 E. 19th st. N cor. Davis. Wdln. 4373. $10 A MONTH 4 rooms, desirable location close to school and carline. Ogden, 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 2Q2. MODERN 4-room flat, porch, wood, gas range, walking distance. 569 Market. OFFICES. $7 up; furnished offices, desk room, reasonanie. 303 Swetland bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED A ftrm for the exclusive agency oi bi Hie ol uregon lor auto irucK mrg. on this Coast; good opportunity right party. Aaaresa av ootf, uregonian. WANTED . Tcneiienced Person with Km nil amount of capital to take charge of thea ter in Astoria, uregon. ADDRESS AV 563. Oregonlan. GOOD grocery store for sale or trade for house or lots: good location, cheap rent. beo owner. 1 1 t n st. CIGAR, confectionery, groceries, all rash business ; owner has farm, will consider cow, Daiance casn. &i .Mississippi ave. INVESTIGATE this If you have $1200 to invest in a big. clean proposition. Address R. 511, Morrison. Call Main 2722. $15i BEST restaurant buy in Portland; clearirg $100 a month. (Wo will prove it. 4:t L Chamber of Commerce. LUr-J Gold watch, last week. on Haw- inrrne ave initial M, K. w. Tabor 1459. LOST Lady's glasses, in case rnone senwoocl 19. Feb. 4; or 5. SPECIAL NOTICKS. Proposal Invited. SEE US today money any amount on lm- ftrovea property t- y. Long or snort tune oans, installment loans. Main 112. CELJUARS-M L'RTON CO, 825 Yeon Bldg. 6 PER CENT MONEY Willamette Vaa.ey farm loans ; no delay; no commission. Ucvereau Mortgage Company, 607 Con cord bldg., 2d and Sta, It sts. b PER CENT loans will le made on central retail business properties, 6 and 7 per cant on other securities, EDWARD E. GOUDifi CO.. Northwestern Bank bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY OR FARM PROPERTY; WILL CALL IF INTER ESTED. Phone Tabor 2626. I WANT to loan a few thousand dollars at o 73 Per cent on residence property. No delay. AL 86, Oregonlan. 1915 DELINQUENT TAX LIST The following list of real property situated In Multnomah County, State of Oregon. 1, hereby advertised for delinquent tajtes as sessed for the year 1915. This advertisement is authorized by an act embodied In Chapter 301 of the General Laws of Oregon, as passed by the 1U13 session of the legislative assem bly. The taxes on the following; advertised list of real property became delinquent October 6. 1916, and are subject to a penalty of 5 per cent and interest at the rate of 12 per cent per annum until the said taxes shall have been paid. Notice is hereby ftlven that six months af ter the taxes charged against the following real property first became delinquent the Sheriff is required by law to issue certifi cates of delinquency against the said prop erty for delinquent taxes. The said certlll cates of delinquency shall bear Interest at the rate oi n per cent per annum until tne cer tincatvs are redeemed. Any time after thft expiration of three years from, the first date of delinquency of any tax included in a certincate or oelln ouency the holder of such certificate may cause summons to be served on the owner of the property described In the certificate, no tifying the owner that he will apply to the Circuit Court of the countv In which such property is situated for a decree foreclosing tne lien against the property, mentioned in ABBREVIATION'S AI ARBITRARY SIGNS ij. iot or lots. B. or BIk. Block or blocks. a Frac. Fractional part. , r. u. lax lot. T7nd. undivided, Kxc. Excepting. inc. Including. . Adj. Adjoining Sub. Subdivision. Hrs." Helra of. Ft. Feet. Tr. Trustee or trust. I-st. Estate. And. Imps. Improvements St. Street. ABEXD'R A nnTTTnV Tr A T T1TM A Fannie L. Hamilton K. 8 ft. of N. 45 ft L. 12. B. 1. & all L. 14. B. 1. 122 .28. Emerinus Versteeg W. 65 ft. of K. 100 ft. of o. w. B. . X03.34; S. SO ft. of E. 132 It. of N. l.'.O ft., B. 2, ,11.43. Josephine Parker N. 67 ft. of L. 6 6, B. 3, 2.23. Julia ilcEntee-i-L. 10. B. 8. $28.25. ABERNETHT HEIGHTS. C. S. Russell E. 60 ft. L. 37, 13.57. ABINGTON. W. E. & Leonora B. Smith L. 1. S11.43. ADAMS ADDITION TO ST JOHNS. S. L. Dobie-r-L. 1 & 2. B. 1, 8.51. S. W. HiiKbee L. 7 St S. B 3. o.sS. E. $2000, $3000, S5000 AND $10,000 to loan at i per cent. is. Bowman Ac Co., 21: Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. iXJUld SALOMON A CO.. 800 OAK ST. LOANS on city and farm, 6 per cent and up. jus. J. oiissuin, 3Ut uerllnger wag. Money to Loan -Chattel, and Salaries. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. All that Is necessary to establish credit with us is that you either own furniture. pianos, or that you are working either I will do. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., Licensed. 31T Failing Bldg. IF YOU NEED MONEY. SEE US. SALARIES . . . CHATTELS. Loans made to persons on salary fixed income; on household furniture, pi anos, diamonds and other personal prop erty; legal rates. Business confidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN CO. Licensed). 800-307 Dekum Bldg. SEALED proposals on coal for the achnol year Of 1!I17-1S Will be rereiverl n t tb. office of K. H. Thomas, School Clerk. 401 Courthouse, until 4 I". M. Alurch 1, 11(17, and will be opened at the regular meet ing of the board to be held in room "4 Courhouae at lhat time. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the pro posal, payable to R. H. Thomaa. School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Specifications may be obtained at the of fice of the undersigned. Board of directors reserve riKht to reject any or all bids; also to increase or decrease the quantity at the time the award is ma.Ie. February 10, 1017. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. S. L. Dobie L. 1. B. 4. S3.81. il. W. Gallon t.. 3 & 4. B. 4. $27.44. AIKENS ADDITION. Mettle Begira W. SO 2-3 ft. of N. 14 ft.. L. 7. & V. CO 2-3 ft. of L. 8. B. 264. $82.55. Wm.W. McBride W. hi L.5 6. B.2o5.$24.13. Lillian C. Byrne L. 3, B. 266, $96.52. Wm. W. McBruie I,. 6. B. :lo4. $31.12. AINSLIE PLACE. Alfred & Maria Malm L. 5. $40.05. A1NSWORTH TRACT. Thos. T. Parsons N. 50 ft. of E. 100 ft., L. 3. M. 5. S.TI1K lidlAilOKL SALARY Harry Howard Und. U Cellars-Murton juji-'.c. i to.. Und. u K. i; I. 4 r a. t:,o x. John A. & Geo. A. Dowling, Und. H each B. iiu.aio tt. or E. 100 ft. L. 4, B. b.. $10.0O. Geo. A. Dowling N. 76 ft of E. 00 ft. of E. lOO ft., L. 4, B. 8. .72. AIXSWORTH'8 TRACT. ASHLEY'S SUB. OF LOTS 1 2. BLOCK 5. Hattie Van Curen. Hrs. of L. S. B. 1. X2U.32. r: b. Riedi'r L. . B. l, $10.10. Frank S. Kleder L. 10 to 12. B. 1, $52.07. ALAMEDA PARK. Alameda Trust Co. W. V, L. 3. B. 1. 8.W U 5. a 1, $6.90; L. 8. B. 1. $13.97; L. 15, B. $0.99: L. 3. B. 2. 20.96: L. 5. B; 2. $20.90. H. O. & Lilian Baker L. 6. B. 2. $13.97. r . T George L. 9 & 10. B. 2. $15.24. H. R. Anna Hoelfer L. 19. B. 2. $16.51. Alameda Land Co. L. 13. B. 3. $43.18. T. (i. Anderson L. 2, B. 4. $46.99. I. T. Rosa L. 7. B. 4. S0.99. Alameda Land Co. L. 0. B. 4. $8.28. J. B. Ferguson L. 2. B. 0, $13.97; L. 5, B. 5. $13.97. T. J. Cleeton L. 1, B. 7, $21.59. Alnmerin. Trust CTo. 6. B. . X12.7U. Alimeda Land Co. T. L. 2. L. 1. B. 10, 22.i6; T. L. 3. L. 3. B. 10. $33.02. I.mi:.n K Kastman T. L. 4. I..3. B. 10. $29. 85. Alameda Land Co. L. 1, 2, w. i, J. an L. 4. B. 11. $S0.95; L. 16 & 17. B. 11. $33.0: Alnmerii Trust Co. L B. B. 12. $13.97. Alameda Land Co. L. 5 . B. i.f. 3U.s. J. B. Ferguson L. 10, B. 15. $13.97. Alameda Land Co. L. 11 & 12. B. 13. $16.51. Laura K. Hastings L. 13, B. 16, $13.9 1. C. J. M. Cusker L. 15 & A. B. IB. S.09. Alameda Land Co. L. 10 & B. 17 & C. AV T -Rllr 1R K7 54 Barah warren u. lo ji. tt. n. ,ao.oo, Arthur W. McCain L. 3, B. IS, $23.iu. Portnomah Land Co. L. 4. B. 18, 13.9T. 3eo. Naeve L. 8 & A, Blk. J-J, si.i.wi. Alameda Trust Co. L. 15. B. 19. $13.97. Thntnin r.. H. Ti. 20. so. 20. Alameda Trust Co. L. 1 & 2. B. 22. $24.77. Amalie Winkler L. 4. B. 22. $11. n. W. B. Cole L. 9. B. 22. $13.97. Arnmedu Land Co. N. 8 1-3 tt. or L. , Hi. $2.2i; S. 2-3 L. 5. B. 23. $9.28. W. B. Donahue N. 1.3 L. 5 Sc all L. ft 23, $50.77. ,1 W iU'M. 1. Xr in. M. A. a.D.u.. Land' Co.-,U 15 A 16. B. 23, $35.50: L. 5. B. 24: $1X07; iL. 13 S. 14, B. 24. 513.97; L. 2. B. 2o. (,.'.'; Aj. . a. L. 12 & 13. B. 25. $16.51. B. F. Pond L. 4. B. 26. $6.99. i u v-r,-.,.r, T . 1( 11. B. 26. $34.29. Alamorin 1 .14 11 CI I JO. 1 J r. Xl.VU, J. 14. B. 20, $0.90; L. 10. B. 20. $8.S9; L. & to B. 27. 27.94. J. B. Ferguson L. 8. B. -i, i.". Annetta. D. Kenaali i. iu. o. .-'; ,i ...... i .. ,i i ' . i T. 16 Ti 27. S7.62. I n Feriruson L. 1. B. 28, $20.32; L. 3. B. IS 1W3.U7. UAUV 1.1MAR nlH wt1. acaln ,a , K I . , ... T Ct. T . ft Tt 2S. SS.35. little ii.iiiciisnmaii. a am anxious io near i .1 n Kertuson o. t. -c. v . HOME INSTALLMENT CO. Organized by salaried men for mutual protection. Money auvanced on ia..ry, diamonds, furniture, etc. Easy Install ments. Legal rates. Securities purchased. 202 Alcnay bldg. Main 1242- REMEDIAL LOAN 'ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business men to pro tect borrower. C. Myers Herman. Dan ager. 394 Stark Bt. Money loaned on dia monds. Jewelry, piauos. h. n, furniture. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry: legal rate; all articles held 1 year; established since 1888. Dan Marx. 283 Washington. Loans Wanted. WILL pay 10 per cent Interest and give liberal bonus tor $UOO, second mortgage. 1 or 2 years. Income property worth lo. 000; first mortgage $3000; prefer private luoney; no commission. -V go, ijregoman. WANT $0500 on first mortgage, not over 7 per cent, on Income bearing warehouse property. AN 94, oregonlan. WANTED $300 for 2 years, chattel security oi aiuu. Auaress A v uregonian. PEKSOXAC. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. SO-inch wavy switch. 2 Sep. ........ .$1.50 24-lnch wavy switch. 3 sep 1.O0 ll-arounu transformation 1.4J - Hairdressing. shampooing, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring. 2c. Hair re moved by electric needle, switch made of combings, 95c We buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors, 400-412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. Marshall 1702. IS W ILL receive sealed bids at my office. 40 Morgan bldg.. Portland. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, February 13. 1917. for a stock of merchandise lo cated at Sandy, Oregon, of the total in ventory valuation of $3178.50. consisting of groceries $929.11. dVygoods $463.40. fur nishing goods $730.19, shoes, rubber goods, etc., 0,2.76. notions, etc.. S403.04. Terms cash. Certified check for lo per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid Right is reserved to reject any an all bids. Inventory may be seen at my of fice and stock Inspected at Sandy. Ore. Kn- , K. L. SABIN. Dated, Portland. Oregon, February 6, PROPOSALS for repairing dredge Chinook .. r-ngineer unice, 2d district. Port land. Or. Sealed proposals for repairing 17. dredge "fhinnok" will be received here until 11 A M.. February 15, 1917. and then opened. I' urtlicr iuf urination on application. Miscellaneous. ao w nom it may concern: You will take notice that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. Marie -ovey. no WARD M. COVEY. YOU WILL READ. I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Helen A. Chase. Signed. Arthur B. Chase. AJAK(j.:a for rent, capacity 500 tons. Main rrvAxcivT.. MONEY LOANED. Residence property, 6 to 8 per cent. Business property. 5 to 6 per cent. Farm property. 7to 8 per cent. WHITMER-KELLY CO., 711 Plttock blk. lKhr and second mortgages: also seller's interest in contracts purchased. Oregon or v a an. ix. n.. rtooie. Lumbermens bldg. Y, -1 BUY mortgages, bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND tk MORTGAGE CO- 80 4th St., Board of Trade Bids. aiuki uaok loans, notes, contracts, mort- gages purcnaseo. Lewis & Co., 4 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan on Real Estate. FOR SALE Millinery parlor, good trade, smrfll stock, some fixtures, cheap. Tabor 508O. FOR SALE Tailor shop, pressing. good location; city. 164 E. Broadway. cleaning and owner leaving 1XAT of six rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt st. Inquire 130 6th. Phone Main 6278. MODERN 4-room flat, reasonable, near 23d and Washington sta Main 8988. MODERN lower 5-room flat. St.. $15. Marshall 4317. 163 E. 17th MODERN 11 and 6-room flat, walking dis tance. Main 8473. MODERN and clean. 6-room. upper flat, corner 16th and Everett sts; $22.50. NEW, modern, sunny 4-room flat; absolute ly clean. East 7721. 4-KOOM flats, furnished or unfurnished. 664 Williams ave. East 1719 NEWLY TINTED modern 6-room fiat, all outside rooms. East 3 855. 3-CHAIR barber shop in Walla Walla: good chance for Italian barber or lady barber. Address AV 500. Oregonlan. WANTED A good party to put up a hotel in a new town. For Information write to L. O. Vadnais, Bakersfield, Or. CIGAR store with poolroom: A splendid casn business ior sate cneap. call 24SH Stark st. WB have 40 grocery stores from $40O to $40,000 cash and trade. Pacific Agency, Inc.. 515 Swetland ildg. DENTIST Modern office, best town In Southern Oregon, for sale at invoice. Ad dress AV 551, Oregonlan. FOR SNAPS In rooming-houses see Paclflo Agency, Inc., 515 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE Restaurant, good business. In quire 462 Glifian st. FOR exceptional chance to build apt. houses .address T 29. Oregonlan. GARAGE for sale or trade. St.. Albany, Or. 134 West 2d 2 ONE-CHAIR shons for sale. Kemp Barber cuppiy -:ia waaa. st. GOOD creamery, goocT town, all or half; In terest. AV 501. Oregonlan. MODERN 8-room upper flat, near llttu I'hone Kust o. 427 Clay FOR RENT Garagre, filling tatton, power ana maciiiucfy , gwu locauoa. xaoor ,hjo. CASH grocery with llvinff rooms, free rent. 310 W. &h sir., Vancouver, Wasii. T. TO 79c MORTGAOB LOANS. CITY OH FARM. ANY AMOlIMT. RKSRKVE INVESTMENT CO.. Mynry bids CiTY AND FARM LOAN& FARR1NGTON. 80 Fourth Street, Portland, Or. (500. $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate; xavoranie lermo; no delay; no uroKerage. dona ain, 507 Spalding bldg. $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to ult; build" ing loans, lowest rates, vv . j. jeck, 313 816 Failing ldg. Phones Main B4o7. MORTGAGE LOANS IN AN Y AMOUNT. UKtUUi i.-sv. & MUK1UAUB CO., INC. Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. AND 6 PER CENT MONEY. For farm and city loans. W 12, Ore- - SoOO TO $30,000 TO LOAN. O. RESERVE INVESTMENT CO.. Henry bldg. $200, $350, $900, $1200, $18O0. Fred W. Uerman ac sjo.. ioa mamoer or Com. LOOK, now aaoney a- to pr cent. H. l Murton. 605 Pittock block. Broadway 1740. $500. $600, $700, $800 AT 7 pr cent. Fred W $1000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN on city or farm. 5 TO 7 PER CENT money, any amount. R. r . rry an, '-' i '-"niimti ui Lummerce. "MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNtT Hammond Mtg. Co.. 424 of Com. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS, A. -rt. naruing, oio- k, nam per or C om. LOANS on city and farm property, 5 per , COLIi wy - m-A.s,, -a uaiu. , LI UX, UNLIMITED Eastern funds. 5 to 7 per cent. x x. xvr., o. xjwru oi JTaae Ola MONEY Any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. H. geitz, S10 fcpaiainx. Main UCbA. W. from you. i. auawered your letter oi May, 11114. but my letter was returned. 1 leit Tracy soon after. Mary Lamar was once running Ua.iry ranch. Anyone knowing of her, please write me. ltoward. Address David Dear, route bacruinento, Ca.1. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse ive treaimenta iur rneumaiiBin. lumuago, neu ralgia, etc., massage ana batn, lauy asa ant. 310 Park st. Marshall Uouia A- M. to 10 P. M. Open bunday. FEB VET & HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe maKerg; xineat aiock human hair goods; hairdressing, manicuring, and scalp treatment. Kemuved to 4l Aider. near Broadway. Main 46. AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION. rJrienti flc body manipuia lion, electric cabinet and mineral bains ; private rest- rooms. Ironsiuo Institute. o--6-W Pittuca block. REV. MRS. J. C. SCHORL Spiritualism. Cir cles every night . tibaession cureU. ilotel Hverl.N . ror, park and Yamhill sts. Mar shall u78. 8 GERMAN nurse, massage, electric blankets and baths for rheumatism, lumbago, neu ralgia, etc. ; lady t rained nurse assistant. 2.i 11th st. Open Sundays. Marshall MAR1NEL.LO Treatments for scalp; sham poo-board, electric dryer, etc 4U4 i am- hill. Marshall 0-3S. MABEL C. BARBER, spiritual medium. irauinps daily, , f to 4. .tJ 4 tit st. trance on C 1 a y. Phone Main 7u 1 J. ANYONE knowing whereabouts of J. G. or i. .1. Holan, please correspond with x red iStute, Wood burn, or. MABEL MARTIN Vibratory massage and manicuring, itoom lo. Hotel ureta, tth st. at Oak. J 4. B. 2S, $-V..40; L. 3. B. "-. Alameda J.hiki jo. j. B. FerRUson L. 7, s. -v, t a. Stokea L. v. B. -y, i uj. J pTF.rButoT L. 10 & 11. B. 21.. $23.40. P. A. Stoken L. '., VV Alameda Land Co. L. 12. B. o. i Alameda Land Co. L. 7 E- P. Berdine L. 10. B. $U.iu. Alameda Land Co. I.. 11 & 12. B 31 .$15.53 lnniel Grant N. 4 ll V.& 10. B. 82, $24.13. A lameda una - " A. L. Fish L. H. w. o-. Alameda Land to. . - Alameda l.ann 1 & lj. B- J4- I.. 3. B. . n." S fol' 11 . B. 34. L. I. T. UOSS 1 -11, J ' ' .. . , o - Karl V. l.lvfly-b. w. r-?1- t . A I p. Kernson ' v. . ' -- AVada Trust C..-L 8 4 B. 3S. $30.48. N. M. Todd U 8. B 3. .1 T. KOSS L. H. OP. j C. Alnsworth 1 14. H. a i".JO. M. Turner 1. . . o.-. ao.v.. oVon H. Blld.r-U 1. B. 89. ttO.16. Alumeaa i rust v. i,. r'.;rt,l J. C. Alnswnrth L,. la. t. i . Ada K Nicliles 1j 7. B 41. Kva L. Burt U. 10. B. 41. $14 61. J T. Kojs I- 13. -ti, so.rty. 6 89. 18. o3. t 34. $12.70. . 34. 1 $S.35. :. B. 3 B. 37. J30.4 $12.70. L'PERFT.tTOIJS HAIR destroyed forever by multiple-needle minna; consultation free. Mile. uel.oiig, out ftwetiano ottig. Alameda C.-l. IO. B. 4 . -9 Alameda Tru ( o. y. 1-1. B 4- $10 Alameda I.anil Co. i-. 4. B. 44. 9.:o; 1- 8 MKS. STEVENS, 24 years in Portland: --IMx century science in palmistry taught; spirit ual reading aaiiy. a.o Aayior st. AZA H. RIBBECKE, fradualt dermatolo gist. Hair and blemishes permanently rs moved. 11'9', 12th. near Wash. Mar. 326ft. REV. M. L.A MAR, Spiritualist medium. teacnes palmistry ana cara reaains aaily. ELECTRIC treatments for poor circulation. rlieuma.tism. lumnago. lace and scalp; salt baths. cmy st. jiain bjsh. John B. Pearce I. 11. &,r-Ai.lA B. tiEli. Ulental. spiritual sclentl.u bOK Tourney bids.. 10 to 4 daily. Wntt.a questions v eg., i f. m. mar, duytt. f'HlROl'RACTIC. steam baths, litrht. heat. elec. anu viuratory mnwusc i-r. iuarRaret llaynle. Sli awetianu mag. .Main 1 1 tio. ANYONE knowing whereabouts of Ted DaR- forth please cotiry moincr. iva AAanzo(.n, 400 AOtn ST., ueuver. v-yiu. HOROSCOPE forecasts and. Instruction. Adams Astrological otuwii, aov juorri- son st. . B. 44. $1J 70. Ernest rump N. M 1 oaa lj. 1 1 ' 1 1 ' . V . -r, , t n T-i 14 vr,i. ' 5"r'. - - T A nr. Cft R. IS. MocKennerry ei u. l,. ,, ij. N. M. Todd Ij. 11. M. . i!' y1 John T. Ross 1- 13 & At. j b. Ferguson I., b. a. i" '.w. p -A. Stokes Li. l". r. i-t..i. T. J, Cleeton 1 1.1, B. .t, Mary Nelson 1. 1 A . '. ;" . Alameda Trust . o. i. o, x- . Helen Plumb Thomas 1 5 & -. oO.51X.13. A.ameda Trust o. y. u, land Cn. 1.. 12. B. 5. $15.24. Alameda Trust Co. L.. 7 & B. B. SI. $22.86. Alameda Land Co. L. 15 & 1, B. 51. $18.29; LIB ."-'. S.26- L. 4. ti. 0--. ll.4o: u. ... a. T .11 j-.'t t n S4. 11.43: L. 6 to S. B. ks' J.14); all Blic. B.S4.2:all Blk.C.2.21. AL.tiii;ii;o fctjAs. - - 1-.' i VEX PARK. t A M.wiitnm Jr. 1 jo. i Felix Sllvertootn A,. iu - fiv.ii. Kvva I,. wanK jj. 11 - Felix "SV. Silvertooth L. 10. B. f-:.'4. James Qullllam L. 8 & 4 ii. A. 4 J-. W. 11 BUOl" N. II u. A, w, fi-"W. GLENHA- AacAPbO promptly relieves headache, neu ralgia and la grippe. For sale by Port- land Hotel Pharmacy. SPIRITUALISM rtev. May A. Price, mect . Ip.fs, Tuesday. and 8 P. M. ; readings d; lly, 22 Clay. Mar. isuuu. A CHIROPRACTIC suitcase adjusting table, reasonable. Call from 12 to i 01o North- viMT blda. t-, v.r.T.A M'INTTRE. ladles' specialist on muscle, nerve and joint; special prices. oil Northwest Didg. Main ia. ELECTRIC treatment, scalp and massage. 41T--0 isoriawwipiu ciia ums- qrjVCK BELMONT, manicuring, vibratory massage, office 4'J, aa iioor. luti uuway. B. WILL adopt baby girl, must be 2 yrs. old. Inquire .tU Armur au HOWARD Koom 7, & IRVIN, electric 291 1, Morrison st. treatments. MY dear Helen, come home: so sorry. Papa and I will help you in your work. Mama. MASSAGE treatments, electric vibrator, by trained nurse, bub ia. Apt. j. Main 1049. MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. Main 3473. ELECTRIC treatments for rheumatism. Of fice 215. 35u Morrison- at. PR1MEDA BALM, formerly called Balm oi FiKs, 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2213. mornings. FRANCES DE MAYO, scalp specialist. 291 ii Morrison et. i"e SCALP massage and shampooing. 3Ti0 Yamhill St.. near Park. Room 1, MISS JOHNSON, chiropodist and masseuse. Alain oOi. AI.BiNA. Anns Mary Allsle Patterson S. L. 18, Josiah'B. Til ton L. 17 & 18. B. S. $59.69; Security Savings'&'Trust Co. L. 3 A 4. B. B. Ce'lars-Murton Co. L. 1. B. , $13.50; L. 28, ?' r i"'isa'bel Callahan T. 7, B. (. $11. 55. Kari v! Lively. Tr. L. 20. B. 10. $13.70. Frank. Stella M. Hayek S. H L. 2.B. 11. Kr3Versteer L. 3. B 11. . PS Emerinus Versteeg L. 5 & 6. B. 11. $35. 5. D W. Ward L. 1 to 4. B. 12. $276.86. Jos. O. TremhJay L. 6. B. 12. $r,0.80. Wm A. Cadwell L. 41. B. 13. $8.26. Michael & Mary J.Connor L.1J. B.14.$43.82. Jos H & Go. J. Johnston E. 50 ft. L. 14 & 1.1 'B lfi. $113.54. Samuel F. & Anna Newbard E. H L,. 19, B. 17, imps. only. $10.16. Laura Lapsley L. 1. B. 18. '$29.85. W. P. & Inee Abbett E. S3 ft. L. 14. B. 19. oVvfne W. & Annie E- Coate S. L. 8. B. Mi'ke3A.iiderson E. H of N. H I 9. B. 21, Orville YT. - Annie E. Coate W. of S. H L. 9. B. 21. $11.43. Effie M. Miller W. 45 ft. of N. SO ft. of K. fiO ft. L 12 & W. 45 ft of E. uO ft. of L. 13. B 3 $3 50 May McCarthy W. 35 ft. L. . B. 24, $28.20. Mary Eagan E. 27H ft. L. 7. B. 24. $23.25. Alice H. Dodd 21. B. 26. $3.82. Harriet Lucv. 3-5. Geo. Gates. 1-5. & Edith E. Malr. 1-5 L. 24 to 2tl. B.26.$S09.27. Ladd & Tilton Bank L. 1. B. 29. $73.86. Christ. Gottfried. Arnold &. Adolph Egger U 12 & 18. B. 29. SSI. 92. Josephine Pcrker L. 45. B. 29. $45.09. Hannah. K. ScoSlna U 10. B. SO, $a20.65. W. O. Heckart L. 8 4. B. S2. $60.96. John Everson. "Hrs. of L. 14. B. 32. $55.88. J Meneike L. 4. B. 33. $12.70. J. B. & Ida Gehr. und. ? & Emily G. For rester, und. hi L. 12. B. 33. $5.35 Margaret McAveal L. 17 to 20. B. S3, $6i.95. Hans Bercstrom L. 4, B. 35. $31. 2r,. Mathlaa Wllhelm L. 1 c !, B36. $269.24. Oregon Surety & Casualty Co. V": H L. 10, B. 41. $14.61. S. Joan Van Bebber L. 14. B. 51 $S3.?2. Michael Dooney, "Est. of" L.15,B.52,$40.64. Ernest E. Merges X. L. 1. L. 1 & 2, U. 54. $18.42. Frank Pchlege! W. '4 L.1T 1S.B.54,$0,71. Mary Phelps Montgomery L. 3 & 4, B. CO. Imps. only. $101.60. Henry Maore W. or W. u a a, s. 72. $17.15 ALBIXA ADDITION. Alpha L. Bush L. 10. B. 2. $24.13. Harvey C Rlnehart, Tr. US & 9.B.3.$116.84. ALBINA HEIGHTS. Tlllio McLaughlin L. 8, B. 3. $9.53. Thos. A. Sutherland L. 13 & 14. ex. part. In Alberta St.. B. 4. $34.93. ALBINA HOMESTEAD. August Beck L. 1 & 2, B. 1. 1S9.23. , J. C. Nelson L 12. B. 1. $33.02. Albert CumminKS N". 20 ft. L. 15, B. l.$7.62. F. D. Annie D Thomas L. 16. B.3. $15.24. Fred & Florence A. Everest L-4.B.11.$10.1. J. H. McCormick L. 1, B. 12, $27. IS. P. V. SchneU E. tfc L. 7 & 8. B. 20. $35 56. Emerinus Versteeg L. 11 & 12. B. 20. $46.99. August Mnrpert L. 6. B. 23. $25.40. E. O.-Anderson L. 3 & 4 B 3. 129.85. Anna Maria Welgant L. 13.. B. 27. $13.97. Maggie J. Stokes L. 10. B. 30. $25.40. Henry D. Winters I.. 13. B 80. $33.02. ALBION ADDITION TO ALBINA. Jennie Honevman L. 8, B. 1. S 2fl. Clinton A. Ambrose L. 20. B. 1. IS.26. Merchants Nasvonal Bank L. 14 & Id, B. 3, $8.TT. O. Paulson L. I & 2. B. 4. $12.37. Edw. O. Anderson L. 13. B. 5, $11.43. Patrick Hart L. 17. B. 5. $3.81. Annette Newgard L. 1 & 2, B. 6, $13 9T. Jennie Honevman L. 23 & 24, B. 6. $17.13. ALEXANDER VILLA HOMES. Ross & Alexander Stackland. und. W & Bank- rs investment Co. Und a L. -.tu; LU , s.ou. ames F. Morrell. Jr. L. 12. $2.60. Rose A Alexander Rtarlcland. und. A & Bankers Investment Co. L'nd. M L.29,$2.60, ALMIiRE. P. Lechler L. 1 to 7. $40.64. ALMOND. Jno. L. Karnopp L. 4. B. 2. $22.23. ALROY. Allca P. Cmallwood L. 2, B. 2. $34.93. ALTAMEAD. Bas Line TLand Co. L. 8. B. J. $3.81; L. 17 & 18, B. 1. $9.15; L. 1. B. 2. J5.0S; L. 3 to B. 2, S13.72: L. B to 10. B. 2. IU.B:; L. 13. B. 2. $3.31: L. IS. B. 2. 14.70: L. 1 to 7. B. 3. $35.06: L. 9 to 18. B. 3, $36.33: L. 1. B. 4. $5.59; L. 4 to 6. B. 4, $10.67; L. 9 & 10. B. 4 $8.64; L. 13. B. 4. $3.43: L. 15, B. 4. $21.21 L. 17 & 18, B. 4. JS.77; L. 1 ft 2, B. 5, S9.7S L. 4 & 5, B. 5. $7.2: L. 7 to 12. B. 5. $24.01 L. 18. B. 5, $5.59: L. 1 to 7. B. 6. $31.75. Orearon Home Builders L. 8. B. 6. S 25 79. Base Line Land Co. L. 9 to 11. B. 6, $13.97. uregon Home HulKlers L. 12, B. 6. si. 9 Base Line Land Co. L. 13. B. 6. $3.81. Oregon Home Builders L.- 14. B. 6. $10.05 uase Line Land Co. L. 17 ft IS, B. B, $9.78 L. 1 to 4. B. 7. $23.50: L. 6 to 13. B. 7 $39.76: L. 15 to 17. B. 7. $16.39: L. 1 to 7. B. S3U.12: W. 30 ft. of L . B. S. 1 2.42: L. IO. B. 8, $4.07; L. 12. B. 8. $4.07; L. 14. B. 8, ao.lO J-,. 1, B. U, su.iu; L.. a. B. V. $4.07. Oregon Home Builders L. 4. B. y. $1S.04. Base Line Land Co. L. 5, B. 9, $4.07: L. 6 to v, b. v. i.!: ij. ao ft it. ji. t. i. 13 & 14. B. 9. $9.28; L. 1, B. 10. $5.59: L. 3 to O B. IO. 11.U3; L. 6 to 8, B. 10. $6.28: L. to, B. IO, J3.43; L. i2. B. 10. S933: L. 14, B 10. $5.08: L. 1. B. 11. $5.0S: 1 3 to 5 11 11 10.-"j; L. 7. B. 11. 12.16: L. 8. B. 11. J2.04 L. 12 ft 13. B, 11, JH.61; L. 2. B. 12. 3.1S $5.97: L. 13 ft 14. B. 12, $7.50; L. 1 to 8. B, 13. $12. OS. Wm. T. Krebs L. 9. B. 13. $3.05 Base Line Land Co. L. 11 to 13. B.13. $4.75 L. 16 to 20. B. 13. $6.99: L. 1 to 5. Tt 14 $26.24: L. a to 11, B. 14, $8.26: L. 12 ft 13, U. 14. $3.18. Fred Anderson U 14. B. 14, $1.59, Base Line Land Co. L. 15 to IS Tt 14 .3o; L,. aO. B. 14. $2.04: L. 1 to 20. B. 15 $26.07; L. 1 to 8. B. 16, $15.8S: L. 9 & 10. B 16. S4.75: L. 12 to 20 B. 10. S24 20: I. 1 to a, B. Al. jioui: L. 1 t 5, B. 17. $4.83: L. B. 17. SU.66: L. S to IS B 17 $24 .I U 19 & 20. B. 17," $21.59. ALTAVISTA Susan W. Smith et. al L. 14. $22.S6. W. V. Smith L. 16. $58.42. ALTON PARK. Jas. L. Mayberry L. 5 to 7, B 11, $27.31. Carl M. Little L. 3. B. 13. $2.54. Jean Baptiste Samard L. 5 & 6. B.13. $11. 82. ALlUUA 1-AKA. S. C. Pare L. 2. B. 2. $12.20. T. S. McDaniel TL 5. B. 4. $3.94. Laura L. Baker L. 10, B. 4. $5.39. John H. Smith L. S. B. 5. $1.5S. Mary J. Albright L. 1. B 5. S3.87. Nancy E. Agnew T.. 9, B. 5. $3.'J4 J. M. Pollard L. 15. B. 5. $3.05. " C. C. Shaw L. 16, B. 5, $17.12. J. S. & Lola Rohrer L. 19 B 5. $4.32 John H. irmith L. 19. B. 6. $'3.18. Mary O. Wallace. "Hrs." L. 3 ft 24. B. $0.99. AM BOY. Portland Realty ft Trust Co. L. 8. B. $2.04; L. 3 to 6. B. 4. $5.47: L. 1 to 4, B. 5, ..Oi; u. o to 7, B. o, $3.81. AMITY PARK. Oglesby Young L. 2. Blk. A. $2.67. Chas. B. ft Isabella Collins L. l.Blk.A,$2.03 ivian l.. sr vauie v. Atooinson y, Bik A. Isabella. Chas E. ft Chas. B. Collins) L. 10 lo A.. AilK. A. $..6i AMSTERDAM". Sldonl Amsterdam L. 7, B' 1. $10.67. Maurice S. Amsterdam L. S. B. 1. $10.67 Benj Amsterdam L. 1 ft 2, B. 2. $S.S9; L. ANDREWS ACRES Valentine R. ft Annie F. Maglll Tracts 1 2. $2.S4. John Andrew Tracts 8 and 6 to 9, $9.62 tO OI. 1)1.111 ANKENY HEIGHTS. F. W, Settlemier L. 11. B. 1. $13.97. Dell Gulss L. 5 to 7. B. 3. $40.01; L. 4, B. ANNA MARIE PARK. Margaret Latham L. 14 ft N. ii L.15.$14.10. n 1VIH Ml LUUUL Usher T.. Burdlck U 6 ft 7. IS. 5. $10 67 ' H. G. Rich L. 20 ft 21. B. 5 $21 5') Geo. D. & Mary E. Ely L. 10 to 12 B 1 $1601. Luca M. Little 1. 17 to 21, B. 20. $14.61. Arthur J. Moore L. 6 ft 7. B 24 $10 H7 S. S. Mohlor I.. 13 to 16. B 26. $11.99. D. J. Fraucis L. 17. B. 26. $:t.l5. ARCADIA. Geo. E. Jacobs L. . B 1, $.S9 joijn Moudv s. 33 1-3 ft. ojL. 1 ft 2 ft P at j-a II. or . B.15 IL ft fc,. i.23 ft. Of L. AS. Z.t. Clarence R Wagoner r, 3 B C $1 70 ARCHER PLACE ' Victoria M. Carson L. 6. B. 7," $ 64. Osborne Land Co. 1 9, B. 1 $44 4. Minnie A. Jawing L. 8. B. 2. $13 47' Albert Wolfer I,. 17 & 1S. B. 2, $10.16 ARDEN PARK. S. Veronecer I. 4. B. 1. $1.91. Robt. J. fpton L. 0, B. 1. $1.91; L. 2 ft 3 B. 4. $3.81. Nephl Jensen T.. 6, B 4. $1.66 Robt. J. Upton L. 8, B. 6. $1.78': L. 11. B 6 7l'$7:i2" 1 l ' B' " ,ti99; 8 to ll- b: Frank ft Florence Werner I,. 1. B 8 $"04 Robt. .1. I'pton I.. 8. B 8 $2 54 Edw. K. Tavlor A. IS A- li c' noot. .i. t pton I.. 9 ft lit b 9 Edw. S. Taylor L. 13. Ft. S. $!. Robt. J. Lpton L. 14. R.12 " 04 . ARGYLE PARK. Tltlf. Trust Co. L. 9 ft lo. B. 1 $3 81 L. 31 to 34. Tt. 1. $7.62: J.. 11 to 14. B. 2- B ?:44515 & 38' B ,J S,: 1- 3 & 20, Anna Anderson L. 29 ft 30. B 2 $3 81 Wellesley Land Co. L 31 ft 32, B " $3 81 Albert P. Leonard L. 3 to 5. B. 3. $5 72 ' W. P. Creasy L. 6 to 8, B. 3, $5 72. H. A. Gibbs L. 13 ft 14. B. 3. $3.81. Howard P. Book L. is ft 16. B. 3, $3 81 Title ft Trust Co L. 27 ft 18. B. 3. $3 81 L. 9 IO. B. 4. $2.04. ' ' Title Trust Co. L. 13 A 14. B. 4. $4 07; L.1 ft 32. B. 4. $4.07: L. 3 ft 4. H. 5. $.C2; i or o. r. ' , .1 . Title ft Trust Co. L. 25 to 30. B. 5. $12 20 L. 1. ft 2, B. fl. $4.4": L. 9 ft IO, B, 6. $3.81 : 1.. 13 ft 14. B. 6, $3.81: L. 25 ft 26. B. 6 $3.81: L. 27 to 30, B. 6. $7.62; U 33 to 36. B. 6. $S-2rt G. F. Vlck L. 7 to 10. B. T. $7.62. Wellesley Land Co. L. 27, B. 7, $1.91. Title & Trust Co. L. 28 to 31. B. 7. $7.02 Jas. B. Moore L. 3 ft 4. B. 8. $1.91 Titie ft Trust Co. L. S3 ft 34. B. 8. $3.81 ; L. 39 & 40. B. 8. $8.35; L. 15 to 18. B. 9.$7.62. Frangulllo Glaroll L. 19 ft 20. B. 9. $4.15. John Anderson ft M. Gerton L. 23 ft 24. B. 9. $3 81. Wellesley Land Co. L. 38 ft 40. B. 9, $6.48. Title & Trust Co. L. 7 ft 8. B. 10. $3.81; L. 17 ft 18, B. 10. $4.4.": L. 21 ft 22. B JO $3.81: L. 29 ft 30, B. 10. $3.81 : L. 33 ft 84, B. 10. $3.81: L. 7 & 8. B. 11. $3 81: L. 21 to 24. B. 11. $7.62; L. 29 ft 30, B. 11. $3.81. R. Furumasu L. 33 ft 34. B. 11, $3.81. Title ft Trust Co. L. 13 ft 14. B. 12. $4.32; Welleslev Land Co. L. 23 to 26, B. 12, $8.64. Title ft Trust Co. L. 1 ft 2. B. 13, $5.21: L. 5 ft 6, B. 13. $4.07: L. lift 12. B. 13. $4.07; L. 21 to 24. B. 13, $8.64; L 13 16. B.14.$3.81. Wellesley Land Co. L. 23 24. B. 14. $3.8L Eve'vn Pavson I. 27 ft 28. B. 14. $3.81. Elizabeth Colleary L. 29. B. 14. $1.91. Title ft Trust Co. L. 30. B. 14. $1.91. P. C. Morgansen. et al L. 33 ft 36.b.14.$4.4.k Title ft Trust Co. L. 8 ft 9. B. 15. $3.81; K 17 & 18. B. 15. $4.45; L. 21 ft 22, B. 15. $3.81; L. 29 to 32. B. 15. $7.62. Chas. McLean L. 1 ft 2. B. 16. $6.48: L. 5 & 6, B. 16. $3 81; L. 15 ft 16. B. 16. $3.81. Alice C. Brown L. 19 ft 20, B. 16. $4.45. Title A Trust Co.- L. 37 to 40. B. 16, $10.29. ARLETA PARK. Joseph Pcheckla L, 1 Ex. part taken by E. 9h st.. $3.81. J. E. Payne L. 2. Ex. part taken by E. 9th St.. $2.03; L. B. $2.85. Mona H. Wood L. . $5.72. Julius Stork "Est. or L. 9 ft 10. $24.13. Ni -holes & Frances Relfenrath L. 112 ft 115. $21.59. T. S. McDanlel L. 124. $5.52; I. 133. $7.93; L. 136. $3.48: L. 139. $3.81. ARLETA PARK NO. 2. Ida E. Penne L. 1 ft 2, B 2. $7.29. Emma V. Powers L. 20 & 21. B. 2. $9.40. W. H. Lutz L. 11 ft 12, B. 3. $27. W. W. Christensen L. 24. Tt. 3. $12.07. Ella M. Ward L. 5. B. 5. $7.75. C. H. Godskesen & Marsarette Jenslne "Hrs." L. 6. B. 5, $4.20. Tj. R. Houston L. 9 S. 'i T.. 10, B.5.$8.13. Clinton A. Ambrose L. 21, B. 5. $3.18. Wakefield Fries ft Co. L- 7. B. 6, $3.18. J. D. Leonard L. 11, B. 6, $9.02. Kose E. Cavanaugh L. 25. B. 6. $2.85. Jemsha Greenwell, "Hrs. of" L. 9 & 10, B. 7, $2.29. Edw. Miles la. 11. B. T. $8.51.' Walter Smothurst L. 27. B. 7. 83.43. Chas. Ernest Moreland L. 29 ft 30, B.7.$7.50. Phebe Brock 1 21. B. 9. $6.15. Rose E. Cavanaugh L. 23 ft 24." B. 9. $3.97. Amaaa F. Weller L. 3. B. 10. $3 43. Ellen M. Weller L, 4. B. It), $3.43. Annls E. Peterson L. 6 ft 6. B. 10, $13. 2L Jesse Hammer L. 10. B. 10. $3.43. Wm. Strange L. 18. B. IO. $2.9s. Ida W. Richardson L. 16. B. 11. $S.B1. Edw. Miles L. 21, B. 11. $8.51. Fannie B. Apple L. 19, B. 14. $4.07. ARLETA PARK NO. 3. Emily L. Behncke L-S" ft S. S L.9.B.2.$8.66. Mary A. Sanborn L. 13. B. 2. $11.43. I -a lira ft W. H. Rawles L. 23. B. 2. $5.08. J. H. Chalker S. S3 ft. of I- S. B. 2. $9.60. H. Covell L. 24. B. 3. $6.35. n.ulu M. Fannell L. 30, if. 3. $10.16. Hans Peterson L.. , B. -i. jja.oo. Delia Silkworth L. 12, B. 4. $1.9L I,cil B. ft Delia Silkworth L. 32. B.5.$9.r3. Frank J. Helliwell N. 30 ft. L. 5. B.7.$l3.oS. Winifred ft Frank Helliwell L-6.B. ..$ Fred W. Dunford L. 13. B. 7. $5.29. Lena F. Hall. "Est. of L. 4. B. s. $lO-S0. UCV ft W. U. LOCKWOUa Xa. AA tO AO. . 15.37. . . W. Cole L. 10, B 8. $4.0S. Annie K. Cole L. 17. B. 8. $6-49. P. Leman L. 3 to 5. B. 3. $16.1.1. worm iju io. i . ' - ' . Maud Wootiworth L. lo. B. 4. s ' ' ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. Title ft Trust Co. L. 1 to 9. B. 1. $59 29; L. toiVt Bl:.:? s j. i iTiln- 1. 1 to 3. B. 6. $2o.41. Title" ft' Trust Co. L. . B. 6 $6.93 B7 fZZTLVl? Tl3. B. 7.. $58.42; L-l.B. 8. $14.55; L. 3. B. . $S.64; A. o. x- o. ,.o. La. 7 to 9, li- o, oo.o- F. E. tirigsoy La. AO, X. u. L. 8 to. L 2 Of It 10. -L. 15. B. 8. $13.97. ntle ft Trust Co. L. 1 to 3. B. 9. $ 49 ?eo. A. ft Erna E. Ross L. 4 & JJ? - .V' il V .. B. . v -v .. " -c-o 1,1 34: L. 1 i. B. AO. ,.V., aa. o, - - - 11. $17. 7S. Geo. A. ft Erna E. Koss 13. B. 11. Title ft Trust Co. L. aj i " " frac La. 19 to 24. B. 11. $67.95 Title ft Trust Co. L. 3 to 5. B. 1-. ""v L 7 to 11. B. 1-. .ii '-i-i'.a $17.78; L. 14 ft 15. B. 17 78 Geo. A. ft Erna Vji "is; Title & a rust a tsri. l. 13 . . . . .on tiA - T. ft R. A3. ,t.tit. 1J- A ' 2, B. 14. $2 .94: T 1 1 1 J w t -4 1 T -ll t ' 1 M J 1 . lj. J. W , $160.0 T Til t fat -. . AO. . - 11 B IS $6 52: L. l to 6 ft T. L. 1 of Ll? B. S. i08; T. : L Sot L. 10 fe to 15. B. 19. $105.41: 1a. 12 tnoW58--Samuel G: Blythe L. 8. .X B 21 t20JS2. Title ft Trust Co. L. 9 L&oJ0-.gj -" R. W. Wallace L. 16, B. -1. ''JJ- -u Title ft Trust Co. Nly. 10 It- L. 19 S.11 La. 22, $15.24; L. 12 20. B. 21. $20.90. Fred A. Ballin L. 3, $-0.3-. x i 4 ft L. 5 Etc. X 1 uot ' cnAKi Title ft 13. T. T--3 ' $16 51: 17 & IS B. 23. $36.82; 11 ft 2 Exc? pVrt tn Kingston ave., & 67397- 1A . ARMINGTON. . . .1 Allan B. M.""y '."SThfi.M: L. 1 to 10. $lTs5f J. 11 to 24," B. 2. $19.44; L. 1 n! ij -t S- 44. . . 24. B. 3, $32.44. L 279 ft 2S0. $1.79; Titf. i Trust - "-OS; U S. $3.08; L. 34 $S.0S. .Title & Trust Co. L. 88. $3.08. Anna r.eau ' , . .n 5 24 lilien Belcher L. 101 ft 10-. $5--J. T. Ross L. 120. $l.t4. $9.24: Xa. Title ft irustyo. l . . . lsa $l.s; l Y. Keneko L. 2 il. Phebe A Dekum E. i La U 2S1 ft AT LAS ADD I T IO .A ' Nannie Darling L. i ft -. f, - Mary Buck-u o. o. -. s--,,.- A. G. bctimint -L.. " . - PORTLAND. iV-m A. nence.-: 1 . B 2. $19.05. m. A. e"??77l0 TRACT. P:0""0. b;XlrGroi W.Vtkinger-- 4. B. -. A. B. Stanley L. 1 z. a- -;a", ft Carrie Crocker A, a s ". C. C. Stanley-L. 11 -.4. Geo. W. Avery-L.ft 4 1'- AVONDALE SCB. J 6"lOI 25. MABYS- F. W. ft L. AnseA0xj"- Maurice Abraham ft Monie' Mack I. 1 to 12. Mauiciralam ft fickle M-L. to 12. S-0-fe-. a-Maek-L. 5 t. Maurice ..r.u,... . B A l ?:.l, rV,n 7', PORTLAND. BAW.H ALJVr .. T 11 VlT Sl-"04 r.. . i .. unAt -Hrs." L. 11. B. Al-. g0mnfonweaTth " E L ft Carrie Jenkins Tract 16 $ HolconVb Realty Co. W. 'i ,ract -3 2 !1 tract :U. 5.S5: tract 36. $7.69. J. K. Martin Tract 60, $2... Fred S. Geo. Neurnrer- $3.31. BEAUMONT, srk Assn. L. 2. B. 4. ,$4r 64. .and Co. L. 4. B. 4. J24.13. rutnbult L. 6. B 4. t-j..-- llolnmo B11' 'vAv to rVT pORT BARRETT'S ADDITION TO EAbT FOltr Josef T.J.hentrltt L.A-T'4. B 1. K. McCort E. 5 ft. lf 7. B. 1. 10.16. Frank Barrtnger L. 10. B. B. '-... M. J. Maltey N. 50 ft L 1 ft -. B 4 $1-.J7. It. H. ft Amanda Drake L 4. B. 4 $in.-4. Edw. J- E. Thompson L.15 16.B.4.$-0.3. BARTON S ADDITION. O. r. Dannals 1a. 4. B. 2. $5.08. C J. Dannals L. N B 2. $...0. O'. P. Dannals L 17. B 2. $J 08 c. .1. Dannals L. 18. B. 2, $6.99; L. 1. B. 4. f'ibel C. Hlnkson L. . B. 4. $3.18. BRT3CH PARK ADDITION TO EAST PORTLAND. . Allyn E. 33 1-3 rt. or i..ri.o,ia.i-. BAl AKU AUUliiu.'. rer L. 1. B. 1. $-1.39. Jos L ft Llizl" I. LaFnyette L. 28. $,.57. BEACON HEIGHTS Geo. E. ft Charlotte D. Rostail L. 10, B. l. Emnla M. Burnlek U . B. 4. Inc. strip ft. wide E. of VfUMON-t'. ros City Park Base Line La Ra,e Line Land -o i.. Oco. Garincer L. 1... B. o. R.s rity Park Assn. L 4. B. -J-'0. Harriet Newman L. 4. B. i. $l--"- Rose Cltv Pr.rk Assn. L. 16 B. .. $S.. N-ilolai Neppach Co. 1 1. E I S . 4o.t.4. W. E. Flanders--U '..B. 9. $43.18. Jeanette Babr L. 13. B. 9. $43.18. Otto Salzmann L. 1 -. B 10. $"-' Rose Cl'.y Park Assn. L. 14. B. 10. $170, Ij. Anni K.' cl-rZli-lA 7 tr . B 11 $25 4. roliim'.ia Trust Co. L. 1... B. 11. $ .10 Rose City Park Assn. Ij. 1 B 12 $lo.4. o. E. Maxwell L. 3, B. 12- 30.4S Hose City Park Assn. L. ... B. Theodore F. Emerson L 8. B. 13 $1L... Mce I.eFurue Inisx L. 18. B. 13. $oS.l". i.-' T R.rirtr L 13 B 14. $12. 1 0. W H F s !k, Tr L. 14. B. 14. $12.70. iVr " Flahsrty I. 3. B. 23. $17. 7. Augusta Miller Ij. 4 B. 23. $1 W Ft Livingstone L. 3. B. -8. Il-.iW. Helen C. Powell-L 6. B 23. $12.70. .1 r Havward L. 8. B 21. $3...56. ' i,i,,-r i. is B. 28. 40 4. Rs. City Park'Asn.-L IS, B 29 3S. Harriett- B. Lewis L fl B o.' $ 1842 Ladd ft Tilton Bank U 14. B. .-..1 $12 ,0 Ros Cijy Park Assn. L. 4 B 39. $6.35. 7 B $12.70: 4. B. 3i. $6.35; L. 6, B. l'.'i';; . t. t com L. 10. B.37 S20.96. J W. Rs. John & Byrnhlld Larsen L. 6. B. W J."'Vmrk L. 11. B. 38. $38 10. Jas Starmont L. 1 ft 2. B. 39. 37.1S. N D Root N.' 42 ft. L. 9. B. 41. $36.07. - BEAVER ACRES. r A D1bb! E. 187H ft.. L. 2-5. $2.63. A rnes A Lane -S. 205 ft. L. S. $3.9St A Lne- nN 24. $2 .-.O. Solcomb Realty Co. L. 4 $5.57: L. 28. $6.36. Bt.set V Irmn ne L t53. Basset a bf;dfort, p ark. The Fred A. Jacobs Co. L. 1 to 27. B. 1. Jl4"S- L 28 to-32. B. 1. $2.66; L. 1 to 82. B - $16.94; L. 1 to 13. B. 3. $5.41: L. 14 to 16 B 3? $143: L. 1 to 16. B. 4. J9.94: L. I to 30 B 5 $15.92: L. 31 ft 32. B. 5. $1.23: T.. 1 In V B 6. $17.14: L. 1 to 16. B. 7. $10.1O; L 17 to 32 B. 7. $10.10: L. 1 to 32. B. 8. $"0"0- L. 1' to 13. B. 9. $7 76 -"". BEECH ADDITION. V. II. Noltner L. 1. $3 05 Patrick Murray L. 13. $4 0,. Fat BELFORD ADDITION. Eva E. VanEvers W. , L. 4. B 1 $12.70. Anna M. Downing L. 7, B. 1. $28.58. BELGRADE. W. A. Garrett. Tr. L. 2, B. 1. $9.53; IV 6. B. Jesse Tr." Jones L. . B. 1. $8.26. Jos. C. Gibson L. 10 ft 11. B. L $1 51- Portland-Sec. Co. L. 12. B I, 18.18 W. O. Willis et 1. L. 14 ft 15. B. 1 $8.26. W A. Garrett. Tr. L. IS, B. 1. $8.26. Jos C. Gibson L. 19. B. 1. $8.26. Jos. C. Gibson et u.x. L. 3. B. 2, $9.r3 Jos C. ft Daieir A. Gibson & Jos. C. Gibson. Tr. L. 6 to 11. B. 2, $49.53; L. 14 ft 15. B. rt 1 6 51. Humphrey ft Susie Pugh L. 16 ft 17, B. 2. $16.51. Meda Peard L. 18. B. 2. $8 25. BELLE CREST. J. C. C. Hall L. 4. B. 2. 8.8S. Interurban Realty Co. L. 7. B. 2. $10.80. Hannah Hensley All B. 3. S19.0o. E. A. Easley L. 7. B. 4. $6.35. Interurban Realty Co. L. 9, B. 4, $6.ot. Marion R. Gilbert L. 15, B. 4. $6.35. Metropolitan Inv. ft Imp. Co. L. 16 & It. B. 5, $13.97. Julia C. Mears L- 21. B. 5. $16.18. C. M. Shelton L. 7. B. 6, $6 99. Portland Trust Co. of Oregon L. 18. B. 6. $3.81. Interurban Realty Co. L. 19. B. 7. $4.12. John A. Mortenson L. 20, B. 7. $6.99. Interurban Realty Co. L. 5. B. 8. $3.26. Wm. A. Popple L. 2. B. 10. $8.26. Bertha 51. Sumner L. 17. B. 11, $8.26. -. F. Reid L. 1. B. 12. $9.53. Catherine O'Donnell L. 12. B. 12. $7.62. Lillie B. Burford L. 14, B. 12. $7.62. K. B. & Ella E. Goodin L. 5, B. 14, $3.18. Fred A. Jacobs L. 6, B. 14. $6.35. Ellen G. Adams L- 12, B. 15. $6.35. Frank W. Power L. 8. B. 16. $4.12. Interurban Realty Co. L. 2. B. 18, $6.99. J. A. ft Carrie Benson L. 4 & 5. B. IS, $9.99. Geo. W. Spohn L. 6. B. 18. $13.34. Laierurban Realty Co. I 9, B. IS, $3.53.