TIIE MORNING OKEGONIAN, S VTURDAT, FEBRUARY 3, 1917. 13 We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More S. & H. Trading Stamps Will Be Given on Charge Purchases Paid in Ftill by 10th of Each Month. Manicuring and Hair-Dressing Parlors, Second Floor Shoe Shining Parlors in Basement Rest Rooms, Public Telephones, Writing Rooms, Second Floor Trunks, Bags, Fourth Floor. WE ARE PRINCIPAL PORTLAND AGENTS FOR LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS. : For Best Lunch In Portland Come to our Tea Room, on the Fourth Floor. Pure, wholesome, well-cooked foods matchless service and reasonable prices. KODAKS CAMERAS SUPPLIES DEVELOPING ; PRINTING FRAMING AND COLOR - WORK. 4TH FLOOR. The Standard Store of the Northwest Oldsy Wortman & King' Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods ' FREE "HOOVER" AND "OHIO STAND ARD" ELECTRIC CLEANERS Saturday will be Candy Day At the Bargain Circle, 1st Floor. Delicious OWK Candies of all popular varieties will be sold for one day at reduced prices. WE ARE PORTLAND AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS GOSSARD CORSETS. DEPT. 2D FLOOR. 'Thrift.' -Saturday"" Economy Offerings at the. Big Store A Page of Extraordinary Bargains gathered from all sections of the store, emphasizing the great advantage of shopping at this store where prices are low and qualities the best. Thrifty buyers always read our ads, for they realize that the values we offer are invariably the best to be found in Portland. In addition to low prices we give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps another powerful factor in helping our customers to practice thrift. Get in the "Thrift Circle Shop at this store Saturday and share in these splendid bargain offerings. All Winter Millinery Saturday-$2.95 The trimmings alone on many hats in this sale are worth more than the sale price of the hat! Women who have need for a new hat to tide over the season will find this an exceptional opportunity to choose a smart model at a worth-while saving. Good range of styles, from the small close-fitting effects to the popular sailors. Many in all-black, also various color s browns, blues, greens, reds, etc- Any Pp QC Winter Hat priced for Saturday's selling at only, your choice P-7-' Millinery Salons, Second Floor Basement Millinery Final Clean-Up Sale Saturday of All Odds and Ends At Phenomenally Low Prices HAT SHAPE'S Odd lines in black and assorted colors. Smart midwirfter styles turbans, HJr. Bailors," etc. Your choice at MISSES' HATS suitable for school wear. Black, navy, red and rose. Tailor trimmed. Sat- CH-. urday special at low price of CHILDREN'S Trimmed Hats in assorted styles. Odd lines grouped for quick selling. Satur- T1 ff day you may buy them at Pi-vfl KNIT CAPS and Toques in as sorted colors just the thing for wintry weather. While they Cfl.-. last, buy them at, special JVL WINGS in smart narrow effects, also large flat kind and others in pairs. Shown in black, white and colors. . Saturday, you may IQr buy them special at only FANCY BEADS, a great assort ment of kinds and colors 1 Special now, by the string AUC BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS of silk and velvet, large roses and flat trimming; also small bunches and mixed flowers. On Saturday 00.-. we place them on sale at OSTRICH FANCIES and pom pons in various styles and 'JQ colors. Saturday special at-- Toilet Needs & Drugs Standard Lines Under priced for Saturday Main Floor On account of the ex ceptionally low prices quoted in this ad we reserve the right to limit quantities sold to customers. Ivory Soap Six Cakes 25c Limit, six cakes to a customer, and no deliveries of Soap except with other purchases made Satur day in the Drug Dept., First Floor. $1.00 Cuticura Ointment now 79 50c Hair Brushes, special, 39 1-pound roll Hospital Cotton 29 25c Creme l'Ame on sleat 100 25c Colgate's Tooth Paste at 200 50c Mulsif ied Cocoanut Oil. at 450 50c On Riah Hair Remover 330 50c Cuticura Resolvent now 390 50c Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur 430 Danderine, 3 sizes, 200, 400, SO 10c Palm-Olive Soap, special, 70 25c Babcock's Corylopsis Tal. 130 Java Rice Powder, all colors, 370 25c Espey's Face Cream now 200 Powder Puffs in 2 sizes, each, 50 Guaranteed Scissors, all sizes, 250 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste now 390 $1.50 Oriental Cream now $1.10 Demonstration and Sale j Borden's Women's Knit Underwear Underpriced Center Circle, First Floor Saturday we shall place on sale special lines of Women's Vests, Pants and Union Suits at worth-while savings. i-i : 3 Women's Union Suits At 59c and 69c Women's Union Suits in Spring weight with V neck, sleeveless, knee lengths. Nicely fin ished garments. Shown in regular and CO,-. nur-RixpR. Ratiirdav arterial fiQf nrtrl w WOMEN'S VESTS of -lisle and cotton ivuri. ous irood styles and complete ranee of sizes in each style. Sale prices range 190 to 500 EXTRA SPECIAL ODD LINES Woman's Vests and Pants in well-known makes to be closed ou Saturday Cn at less than cost of making. Small sizes only. Sale price, garment-'"' 1 B0BED& Malted Milk KAS NO EQUAL Milk The ' demonstrator will be glad to serve you with a free glass of this de lightful pure - food beverage. Special prices in force dur i n g demonstration. 50c size now 400 $1 size now 8O0 $3.98 size. $2.98 Fancy Ribbons Y2 Price Main Floor A "Thrift-Day" spe cial no woman should overlook. Hundreds of yards of beautiful Ribbons in satin brocaded effects suitable for hair bows, sashes and fancywork. All the wanted colors. Widths from 5 to 9 inches. Rib bons selling heretofore 1 at 60c up to $1.50, yd. 2yjLl Hair Bow 1 Ribbons JL yC Main Floor In this special lot we have grouped a big assortment of Ribbons. Odd lines from our reg ular stock in hair bow and nov elty effects. Great variety of col ors. Widths range from 1 4 to 5V& inches. The yard aC Delicatessen Specials Seven special bargains on sale Saturday from 9 A. M. to 12 in the Delicatessen Store, 4th Floor. Machine-Sliced Bacon 35c a Pound Fourth Floor Choice Sugar cured Bacon, put up espe- IC, cially for this store. Pound MILD TILLAMOOK Cheese on special sale Saturday from OCf 9 A. M. to 12, the pound NEW YORK Cheese on "2()n sale Saturday, 9 to 12, lb. J BOLOGNA Sausage on "I A sale Saturday, 9 to 12, lb. -i-TV--QUEEN Olives, in bulk, "2Cr Saturday, 9 to 12, pound -" v, PIN MONEY Gherkins, Af)r Saturday, 9 to 12, quart V7t- NEW RIPE Olives in Cf)-. bulk, special, the quart Women'sShoes$2.95 An Extraordinary Offering Shoe Department, Main Floor Button and Lace Shoes of patent leather, vici kid, black calf, tan calf, suede, satin or velvet. High or low heels, long or short vamps, various styles in toes. This special lot of Shoes came to us at sharp reduction and as we do not intend to put them in nr regular stock we must dispose of them auickly. Strictlv hie-h-arradA Shoes from prominent makers. Not all sues an each style, M QZ but practically all sizes in the lot. Special price, the pair P Men's Shoes. $3. 85 Pair "Thrift Day" Specials in Women's Skirts Lot 1 Skirts At $5.00 Second Floor Women's and Misses' Dress Skirts in smart tailored styles for street wear; also in full flare and plaited "effects with fancy pockets and belts. Some xa fancy yoke effects. Materials include wool serges, chevi ots, poplins and velours in navy and black also checks and P? f)f) stripes. All sizes, priced at P?W Lot 2- Skirts At $6.49 Second Floor In this special lot of Women's and Misses' Skirts there are 6tyles especially designed for street and sport wear as well as good selec tion of the more fancy cuts. Made up in velveteens, satins, velours, serges and broadcloths. Plaited, shirred waistline effects, flare and novelty styles. Dark colors and Ci AQ stripes. Sale price now only PU. S Two Special Of ferings in Women's Wool Sweaters Ready! in the Men's Store Superb Stocks of Men's New Spring Shirts Main Floor Yes, the new Spring Shirts are in and ready for , your inspection. We know you will like the new patterns, for they are dis tinctive to a degree. Complete stock of the celebrated "SAVOY" Shirts and other equally well-known makes now on display. Madras, percale and crepe madras. Soft and stiff-cuff styles. Various colors. The prices range from SI .50 up to S2.50 . Savoy Silk Shirts, $6.50 and $7.50 Thrift Sale Men's Shirts mm X3 95c Broken Sizes Your Choice 95c Men Store, Main Floor Only about 200 Shirts, all told, in this lot, so you can see the necessity of early buying. Not a Shirt in the assortment but what is worth much more than the sale price. Soft and stiff -cuff styles.' Fancy colored stripe patterns.. Made up QC-. in materials of standard quality. Your choice of about 200 at Men's Night Shirts, 59c Main Floor Men's Night Shirts of good heavy quality flannelette. Neat stripe patterns. Good CQ.- full style. Priced special J't Shown in sizes 15 and 16 only. Shop early in the day. MEN'S HOSE broken lines from our regular stock to be closed out. Various colors. Sizes 9, 10, 10, 11 and 11 in the assortment. Priced spe- T1 f( cial at, six pairs for PJ-"U ODD LINES MEN'S WOOL SWEATERS ON SALE AT $1.49 Boys' New Spring Suits $5, $7.50, $10, $15 Boys' Store, Main Floor We are now ready to fit your boy with a new Spring Suit. The styles are varied and the fabrics and patterns are most attractive. Particularly smart effects are to be seen in the new mixtures and novelty weaves. Belted Norfolks are again the favorite. All have sport pockets. Ages 6 to 18 years. Prices range $3 to $15.00 Spring Styles in Boys' D.utchess Trousers Are Now on Display First Floor Boys'. Dutchess Trousers for Spring are here. "10c a button, 50c a rip." Cassimeres, cheviots, tweeds, etc. $1.50 to $2.00 the pair. Corduroys at $1.75 and $2 .pair. BOYS' HATS and Caps for early Spring wear. New stocks now ready in the Boys' Store, Main Floor. Latest shapes and styles. Priced now at 60c" bp to $1.00. Sweaters $4.98 Second Floor Women's and Misses' Wool Sweaters of good heavy quality tov street and sport wear. Styled with roll collar. Also Angora Wool Sweaters with sailor collar and belt or sash. Colors" red, gold, green, blue, brown, gray and maroon. A QQ Thrift-Day Special at the low price f $T.70 MM Sweaters $6.95 Second Floor Women's and Misses Sweaters of wool and fiber silk. Stylish, youthful mod els and models becoming to any figure. Large collars, plain or 6triped, with sash or belt to match. Cuffs trimmed with buttons. Colors blue, rose, green, gold, black and white and white stripes. Practically all sizes. CC QJ Thrift-Day Special at low price of PvJ.xJ Wool Angora Scarfs, Special $1.39 Wool Sets at $130 and $1.69 Second Floor Women's and Misses' Scarfs and Cap Sets on sale Saturday at special price. Soft shades of blue, rose, also various colors in combination with white. Buy these Saturday at (T1 iQ special at $1.50 and PlUf Second Floor Extra special of fering for "Thrift Day." Women's and Misses' Wool Angora Scarfs rose and white, green and white or blue and white. Fringed ends with fancy border. Saturday C1 "2Q special at low price tZ "P-l.Ox Girls' Sample Dresses At Factory Prices Second Floor If your daughter wears size 12 here is a chance to select from a line of Sample Dresses and save money. Charming frocks for party wear, made up in the daintiest of styles with girdles, etc. Materials are fancy nets and chiffons. White, pink, blue. Priced $7 to $13 Children 's Dresses A Price Second Floor Children's Winter Dresses in splendid, serv iceable styles for school wear. Made up in wool serge, corduroys, silks, velvets and challies. Ages to 14 years. Dozens of pretty models in this sale at just half price. Fancy Collars At 49c Main Floor Women's Novelty Neckwear odd lines, consisting of organdie, voile, Georgette crepe and broadcloth Collars, Sets, Vestees and Guimpes. Large and small -styles, many trimmed with lace or embroidered.. The season's very best styles are shown in this lot we offer for "Thrift Saturday." Scores of dif ferent styles, special for today at is ft 1 . wiJ "Thrift Saturday" Specials in Household Needs Table Linens, Towels PATTERN TABLE CLOTHS of good quaL- QQ ity mercerized damask, hemmed; special now OC We are exclusive Portland agents for Richardson's Quality -. Linens the world's standard of . quality. Tea Cloths, V2 Price Main Floor For quick selling we offer a special lot of Tea Cloths at just half price. Brown linen, hem stitched and scalloped. Brown linen Scarfs included. SALE PRICES RANGE 380,. 45$ AND 630 We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Wash Goods Specials PRINTED FRENCH VOILES in dainty pat- CQ terns for waists and dresses. Special, the yard OC SILK-AND-COTTON VOILES In beautiful AQ patterns and colorings. Sale price, the yardtoC SILK All-over Embroidered Viyella Flannels QQ-. in white only. Specially priced now at, yard OC WHITE CHINCHILLA FLANNELS 54(P1 9 inches wide good heavy grade, priced, yd. Towel Specials. LARGE size Bath Tow els in fancy blue OQ-. checks, priced, each INFANTS' Bath Tow els, fancy bor- 1 0 1 ders, half price 172C Advance Showing of New Spring Percales, Ginghams, Devonshire Cloth FRIARS' CLUB IS RAIDED MILWAl'KIE CITV MARSHAL GETS -. 1.IQ.T70R IN RESORT. Selmnre I Made Without Knowledge f Siteri'a or Prosecutor, Wno Think Move Is FeraonaL OREGON CITT. Or.. Feb. 2. Spe cial.) City Marshal Riley, of Milifcau kio, and four deputies early this morn ing raided the Friars" Club, arrested Larry Sullivan, one of the new own ers, and seized quantities of liquor that were hidden about the club. The prop erty had only recently been leased by Sollivan and Martin Denny, after the last convict!6n of Julius Wilbur for violation of the dry law. In the raid. Marshal Riley .seised three quarts of whisky, three bottles of champagne and eight bottles of beer.. The raid was conducted without the knowledge of Sheriff Wilson or District Attorney Hedges, who regard ix as an effort of the City Marshal to vindicate himself. Riley was a Deputy Bherinr at xne time of the raid on . the Friars Club, October 1, but went on the stand In the trial of Julius Wilbur, who was tne proprietor then, as a character wit ness for the prisoner. Sheriff Wilson and District Attorney Hedges were much aroused at the time, and Riley did not get a new commission as deputy the first of this year. DESCHUTES BILL IS SIGNED Act Validating Creation of County Carries Emergency. SALEM, Or.. Feb. 2. (Special.) Deschutes County Is now doubly cer tain of continuing Its existence through the signing by the Governor of House bill No. 1S5, by Forbes, validating- the creation of that county. The creation of Deschutes County originally was voted by the people of that section, the ccunty being carved out of a part of Crook County. Litiga tion ensued, however, and for a time the initiative measure was held up by injunction. Still further litigation de veloped, but by the present act, which carries an emergency clause, further litigation is disposed of. It is said that the officers appointed by the Governor will continue in office with their appointments dating from the time they originally were appointed. Eugene Woman, 94, Dead. EUGENE, Or., Feb. 2. (Special.) Mrs. Carlton, aged 94, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. II. Schwarzer, near Eugene, today. She had been a resident of Lane County since 1880. Another daughter, Mrs. John WInham. of Mabel, and 11 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren also survive her. Read The Oregonian classified ads. 1 "PLACED" BOY COMES BACK New Home Is Unhappy, so Juvenile Court Ward Wants) Another. "Ef they don't like me here, guess Til have to go back to Portland," reasoned 15-year-old Conrad Weldenkeller, a ward of the Juvenile Court, who bad been sent to a 'farm near Sheridan by the home-placing department. With Implicit faith In the ability of Juvenile court officials to attend to his woes and see that he was properly "placed." he packed up his few belongings, spent the last cent of money earned in the harvest fields last year, for a ticket, and arrived in Portland yesterday. He is being taken care of by Mrs. Elisabeth Cosgriff of the home-placing department, preliminary to being found anpther home. He was happy where he had been placed, for a time, and found his foster-mother very nice. But his foster-father did not like the lad. so the youngster soon reasoned that there was nothing to do but come back here. JITNEY DRIVER ACQUITTED Arrest Made on Charge of Display ing Wrong Rate Card. On a charge of "displaying a rate card not approved." Joseph Kassal. a Jitneur, was arrested yesterday and taken before Municipal Judge Lang guth. The case against him was dis missed. Judge Langguth was Inclined to be lieve that the ordinance had not been violated, but the willingness of the chauffeurs' union, as expressed by At torney Arthur I. Moulton, to suppress the objectionable rate cards, removed all cause for friction. ' The rate cards objected to bore "Be" in large type, which City Attorney Stadter maintained was a device to in form the public that the "for hire" car was nothing more than the Jitney In disguise. The ordinance requires that rate cards must be approved by the Commissioner of Public Utilities. , . 1 1 NINE MUTUAL HOMERS OUT Jay Fox, Author of "Nudes and Prudes," Retains Membership. TACOMA. Wash.. Feb. 2. (Special.) Among 10 officers and men of the Mutual Home Association, who were made defendants in the suit of a rival faction ef the Home Colony organiza tion, heard by Superior Judge East erday two week's ago, all but one. Jay Fox, president of the association and noted author of the article on "Nudes and Prudes." lost their membership by reason of the decision rendered by Judge Easterday. The court held thatthe transfer of allotments of land taken by the nine defendants canceled their membership in the association, in accordance with the provisions or by-laws which were adopted several years ago. Th .,,1, ... 1 . . . " "tuusoi 10 oust the officers and members of the faction in flftntrnl hr f Vm . . 1 . . j ...uo nuu uiaimea mar. tne property of the association was being unlawfully sniif n.in... - u.uutji.tD VA. Alleged Board Bill Jumper BTeI.( CHEHALIS. Wih.. F 9 Harry Vail was arrested by the Cen- ira.ua ponce mis morning and turned over to the county officers on a charge of beating a board bill in South Bend. Sheriff Turner, of Pacific County. came after Vail this afternoon. ASK TOR and GET HOE3LICI$ THE ORIGINAL F.IALTED IVIIOC - C&eap tubatitutet cost YOU. ame jilca.