Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 26, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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changes-ahe name of North Yaklm& to
Yakima and the bill now goes to the
i Governor. The House also put the final
touches on the Senate memorial to
President Wilson and Congress in favor
of submitting a Federal suffrage
Military bills facilitating condemna
tion of the American Lake Army ma
neuver site passed both houses without
opposition and the House passed a. bill
establishing a nautical school at Seat
tle lor which an appropriation of 125,-
.!ash Is Averted in Both n"
Houses and Measure Is to
Wait Till' Monday.
That People Should Vote First
Is Growing School Fight Is
Affecting Other Legislation.
ng the
commission full Jurisdiction over wom
en an minors employed by tele
graph companies. also passed the
VucoBTer Sheriff 'Honored.
Senator Cox. of Walla Walla, Intro
duced an appropriation of $70,000 to
.). a .3 ,4 i .n. 1 1 a n .4 a. ,4 4nf n 1 r, o t)ia
SENATE RULES AT ISSUE PenitentIary farm vwrty at waua
I ti alio.
The Senate today passed the Brown
bill authorizing the State Commissioner
of Agriculture to establish quarantine
.. t.- -r 0 t x . i aistricts in sections or me siaie wnere
- rabies prevail and to shoot all un
I muzzled dogs.
E. S. Biesecker. of Vancouver, was to
day elected president and D. E. Nickel
son. of Walla Walla, secretary of the
State Sheriffs' Association. . Spokane
was seletced as the next meeting place,
Senator Phlpps today introduced a
bill requiring surgeons to perform op-
. i i ...
a. m,m -rrr , I eriiuuiis only m L ii prcseuiio ul iww
OLYMPIA, wash.. Jan. 25. (Spe- wtx. named h. tt nutlet The
upposmg tactions in both houses doctor shall be guilty of a misde
of the Washington Legislature camelmeanor if he fails to obey the patient's
to the brink of clashing todav. bal- instructions, and guilty of manslaugh-
anced there and then retired under ter " the patient dies from an un
cover until further consideration. As I necessary operation.
result, Halseys bone-dry bill was
removed from first place on the House
calender and set as a special order of
business for 2:30 P. M. Monday.
inrough different tactics the Senate
until Monday delayed another clinch
between the old organization and the
new, headed by Senator Ralph Nichols.
over a change of rules proposed by
senator Canyon, whom Nichols de
feated for president pro tern of the
A second test of strength for the day " o .n
Number of Bills Passed, 40
New Measures Received
and Several Shelved.
Beginning Today Two-Thirds Vote
Is Necessary for Introducing
New Bills Insurance Code
Not Yet Formulated.
vision are: introduced.
between the two floor leaderships, with
Senator Taylor replacing Carlyon in
opposition to Nichols, was averted by
making Ivenson's home-rule bill also
a special order in the Senate for Mon
Rnlea Committee Accused
Taylor Is attempting to restrict
Sammtr at Special Election Cost
ing $30,000 to S 30,0OO.
6TATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or. Jan. 85.
(Special.) Six proposed amendments
to the state constitution were lntro-
authorltv of cities to sell nnhlln iitim- I duced in the House and Senate today,
service from municipal plants to water I all intended. It is .explained, to make
exclusively, while Nichols is trying to the body of the fundamental law con-
eniarge it to include light and power form to the various amendments that
current. ine Dill is up on reconsld- have been made In recent years.
er&tion after adoption of the Nichols I The proposals were Introduced In the
amendment. I House bv Renresentatlve Brownell and
Division over the proposed change of I in the Senate by Senator Olson. All of
ruies is rounded on what Nichols as-1 them were prepared by an organiza
Berts is an effort of the rules commit- I tlon calling itself the Constitutional
tee to enlarge Its control over the daily I Revision Association, with headquarters
calendar and increase facilities for I In Portland. Its members on the ground
smothering legislation it dlsannroves. I nrofess concern lest the constitution
senator unyoo urges the change as become unbalanced and Incongruous at
means or having bills amended on I places.
second instead of third reading.
point is chiefly Important as
The r The amendments are to be submitted
test to the voters at aspeclal election some
of Senate insurgency strength against time within the coming Summer, at a
the rules committee.
Representative Halsey himself moved
cost of $30,000 to $50,000.
Two of the amendments would ellm
that his bone-dry bill be moved tern- lnate the provisions in the constitu-
porarily from the House calendar. His I tlon against negro suffrage: another
stated reason for delaying action, after I would require a person to be a resident
announlng a poll that gave the bill a of the state for a year Instead of six
sale majority In the House, Is to avoid I months before being entitled to vote.
accusation of railroading dry legisla-
Another proposal would eliminate
tlon, a charge that originated when I from the constitution that portion
the public morals committee reported which makes it possible for the people
the bill out in advance of a public to have proportional representation, or
hearing, which was held notwithstand. express second choice in voting.
Ing. I The sixth one would require that
fart Dry Idea Declared Growing. I when new amendments are proposed to
vroio.,, i,i .v., . the constitution It be specified In the
cutting off permits, as expressed at the amendment which section or articles
hearing, has not influenced favorable aro to uo rpe""
nmST10rtl frkV tha Kill Vv(i- I
to bone-dry restrictions, except by di- MORE NEW BILIiS IN SENATE
rect legislation, Is growing and It may
fe,"ier,BUfic'e.ntI.y upon a blH oom'ns One by Eddy Would Increase Sal-
Into thn Spn nrn tntnnrrnnr 1nr d-ti-A
Cm m m f
ThA Rann. voi 1 KTATin CAPTTOI Salem. Or., Jan. 25
Senators Johnson and Kuykendall Joins, (Special.) The following bills were
enlarges the permit provision to two 1 introduced in the Senate today:
quarts of spirltous liquor, one gallon S. B. 148. by Handler Chang-lnr rate of
of vinuous and 24 pints of beer every Interest on money lent by State Land Board.
30 days. S. b. 147. by Strayer Providing for Jls-
It restricts permits to persons of 25 trtbutlon of Foreat Reserve moneys received
years of age or over, who tiora -rtn bv thn state from the Government.
been convicted of crime within five S. B. 149, by Eddy Increasing salaries ot
years and gives County Auditors lati- commandant and adjutant of Old Boimerr
tude is refusing permit applications on I Home at Roseburgr.
tnornl irrmi nrl n Th. r,f,.J hli I S. B. 150. by Eddy To assist blind person
of the Senate bill is to tighten up the to obtain higher technical or professional
present law and leave the bone-dry education by providing them with a reader.
t Air,- Y? Y S. B. 151. by Shanks To prevent mur-
V hat effect tension now drawn over flerer from nnrttln P"Prty ot their vie
members of both houses by the Uni- tim"- B 152 tT H.ton-D.fl,Un, and en
versity and State College fight may be iarstllg powers of trustees.
Indirectly exercising upon dry and s r. ir.a. bv Olson Creating bureau ot Ju
other pending legislation Is at present I venile and Parental Relations to supersede
lnoetinaoie, but possibilities of last re-I Juvenile oourt.
enrt nnmlilr,,(inno on1 ri ,1 1 I, .. I S. B. 154. by Olson TO PunlSB giving O
becoming anoarrat checks where giver has Insufficient funds
..... - r , . . . iB . I in banK to nay.
-ul ui me university situation LCW19 I n i , . . ,: , . wt1H- 9
County representatives tonight dragged wild eaa a'nd the destruction of their nests
lavuraum committee report on tep- and eggs.
ret'ntative J. E. Lease's bill to establish I S B. 156. by Judiciary committee Provld
a new normal school at Centralia. Al- ing tor procedure where a cause is brought
though a fourth normal Is recommended on tho wrong side or tne court.
in the contested commission report the . -
i : ,-, . , . . . . - . i nr non-lUDDon ia.w.
ft V , J y W separately arawn. B 185"by Eddy Creating small claim
xt ui.iUu9 a i.imso "J uiie-uun d.nartment of Justice Court.
mill tor construction and one-flftb. mill g . 159. by Lewis (by request) Provld
lor operation. . I ing for licensing of cold storage or refrlg'
K.tijianM Aniuu i . - .. r . . I erating warehouses, and defining the same.
i no siiuaiiuu was intensified looay ,. . . ,.. a ,AH,ln . .
mo ttiii.ui ui .-v. imuo, ui i separate road districts
Senators and members of the higher ner of construction and maintenance of
rrtiin t inn w 1 rnmmlsninn. ATr Tmuo to. I lawful barbed wire fence.
it.nti.H hi ranni.tlnn t thl S. B. 162, by Dlmlck Providing for pay
T,rr,ial ,t on .,.stn, Ht. ment of patent royalties and for the defense
" 1 I nr ... I . T,r- I n Tt- Tii-.iti.nt nf naf.nt nuxl 1
ton is likewise opposed to the legisla- h,hw- nrt
tion advised. I s. B. 163. bv IMmlck Defining unlawful
ronigats public hearing on tne com- combinations In procuring publlo contracts.
. mission recommendations dragged the
whole contest out into tne open, presl- HOUSE PASSES MORE BILLS
aent tienry cuzzauo was tne cniet
Rneaker in behalf of the university.
Washingrton's contribution of $50,000 DlnUck. s pleasure ironioits wriTin
for two years advertising work through . t i i n'
the Pacific Northwestern Tourist As- xiuiu!. u, ,..iui.i - v '
soctatlon in conjunction witn Oregon STATE CAPITOL, Salem. Or.. Jan.
and British Columbia is apparently cer- U5 , special.) The following. bills
tain or passage in tne general ap- ,e ...gei. by the House today
propriation oui l"1""1 "'5 H. B. Ko. 45. by Jones of Lane Permit
tary or Mare s Duaget. at nas Deen in- tIn(t County court to make temporary ap-
aorsea Dy tne state ooara oi imance polntment to fill vacancy In office of Jus-
and no opposition nas yet Deen ex- tice of the Peace.
ment of $75 for John C. Ehllleck as attor
ney for 6tate Board of Optometry.
H. B. 255, by Mueller To assess bank
stock same as other taxaole property.
H. B. 258. by Mueller Permitting depos
its of county warrants with County Treas
urer as security on parity with other secur
STATE' CAPITOL, Salem, Or.. Jan.
5. (Special.) This was one of the
uslest days that thn House has naa
nee the session opened A big grist
f bills, was passed, an aggregate of
0 new bills was received, half a dozen
important memorials and resolutions
were disposed of and a bis; volume of
routine business was transacted.
The House ran twice through Its reg
ular order of business and most of
the day's new bills were sent to com
A big hatch of committee reports
came in this morning and half a dozen
measures were sent to oblivion over
the indefinite postponement route.
Appropriation Dills Reported.
The first lot of appropriation bills
came in today from the ways and
means committee. They provide rev
enue for the conduct of the executive,
secretary of state and treasury de
partments, for the special apprehension
of criminals, the State Training School,
the School for the Deaf, the Attorney
General's office and the Cipltol and
Supreme Court buildings. The Item
ized appropriations made for each or
these departments were reported In re
cent issues of The Oregonlan.
One of the most-talked-of pieces of
legislation proposed at this session was
the bill by Representative "Wlllett
which would remove the property quali
fication from voters at Bchool elections.
Under the present law those people who
do not own any property cannot vote.
Sterilization Bill Held t'p.
Representative Peck's sterilization
bill came up for third reading today.
but because it carries an appropriation
It could not be considered before get
ting the approval of the ways and
means committee. Peck Insisted, how.
ever, that it first go to the committee
on medicine, deatistry and pharmacy,
and It was so ordered.
Members today began calling atten
tion to the obvious delay in getting
bills through the House and declared
at the time, that the situation appears
to be little better over in the Senate.
This is the third week of the session
and today is the 20th day the last day
under the rules in which bills can be
introduced without a two-thirds vote
This rule does not apply, however, to
appropriation bills coming from the
ways and means committee.
Representative Mackay told the
House today that he would have to
ask for the two-thirds consent next
week to Introduce the Insurance code,
which has been prepared by the code
committee and which now Is being re
vised by the Joint House and Senate
Insurance committees.
Bill to "Vote Straight Ticket" Framed.
Representatives Kubll and Childs are
preparing a new election bill that they
probably will enter in the House to
morrow. It would restore the straight
party tickets to the ballot, putting all
the candidates of the one party in the
same column. Those voters who might
want to vote for all the candidates of
the same party would need to make
but one mark on the ballot. The same
kind of a voting system prevailed here
decade or so ago, and It Is said to
be in use in some other states.
Representative Burdick introduced a
bill today providing for the appoint
ment of the bee inspectors In each of
the several counties requiring them.
The County Court Is to appoint the in
spector upon written application o
seven or more persons engaged In the
culture of bees. One object of the bill
is to secure a more standard grade o
honey and to prevent the sale of in
fected bees and their products.
H. B. 25T. bv Brewnell Extending
closed season on salmon in Columbia Rlvsr
West of Deschutes to December 1.
H. B. 258. by Thomas Permitting Stats
Engineer to cancel permits when holders
have not complied with provisions.
H. B. 259, substitute for 11. H. 54. by
Committee on Corporations Permitting
communities to Incorporate for purpose of
owning waterworks.
II. B. 20O, by Sheldon Changing Parol
Board from five members to thre. 'and
creating offlcs of Parole Officer.
H. B. 261. by W. AL Jones Fixing salar
ies ot officers of corporations engaged In
Carey Act projects.
H. B. 262, by Mrs. Thompson To pro
hibit collection of fees by employment
H. B. 263, by Forbes Prohibiting exten
sion of time on Carey Act projects.
H. B. 264. by Lafferty Appropriating
$100,000 for library bulldnlg at Oregon Agri
cultural College.
H. B. 265, by Stott Establishing court
procedure in trial by Jury.
H. B. 266. by Gordon" Providing for ad
ministration of wills of aliens.
H. B. 267. by Wlllett Enabling cltllens
instead of property owners only to vote at
school elections.
H. B. 288. by Sweeney Prohibiting sale
of cigarettes to minors.
H. B. 269, by Rove Appropriating $4000
for fish hatchery on Nehalem River.
H. B. 270, by Committee on Horticulture
Forbidding sale of Infested or diseased
fruits to any nut evaporators -or imoiuic-
II. B. 271. by Crandall Appropriating
X50OO to defray expenses of prosecution
against Pacific Livestock Company.
H. B. 272. by Crandall To exempt irora
execution one automobile, auto truck or
typewriter in bona-fide use.
H. B. 273. by peck ana Bweeney 1 per
mit iwnani ownlns property abutting a
stream to fish with nets and seines for own
family use.
w t 27.4 hv Peek Fixing salary of
County Treasurer of Coos County at $1300
a year.
H. B. 275. by Multnoman aeieganon
Permitting County Commissioners to em
ploy additional Jailors and fixing salaries.
H. B. 270. by Joint ways ana memo v "i"-
mlttee Appropriating money tor current
expenses of Governor, Secretary of Stats
and Treasury Departments.
H. B. 277, by Joint Ways ana Means com
mittee Appropriating $4000 for Governors
office for special apprehension of criminals.
H. B. 278. by Joint ways ana means v-um-
mlttee Appropriating money for operation
and maintenance of Oregon Stat Training
School. .
H. B. 279. by Joint ways ana means com
mittee Appropriating money for Oregon
Stat School for th Deaf.
H. B. 280. by Joint Ways and Means Com
mittee Appropriating money for office of
Attorney-General. M
If. II. 2R1, y joint ways ana m.n.
mlttee Appropriating money ror employes
of Capitol and Supreme Court building.
H. B. 282, by Mackay maaini ""
copy of Sheriffs deed prlma-facle evidence
of proceedings recorded In documents lost
by fire.
H. B. 283. by Stott To provide for com
mitment of prisoners to Penitentiary and
psyment of actual traveling "
officers. ...
H. B. 284. oy BtOtl r ixms i,ii.,. v.
payment for taking prisoners to Peniten
tiary. , . , .
H. B. Zn, Dy A l. Jom-i,ii
tj -o o hv Xf.rtln Providing that af
fidavits' be attested by notary public.
H B 287, by Browneii to num ir...
of Recorder of Conveyances in Clackamas
County. ... . .
TT Ft 288. Dy jranaau rwns -'' " -
of Harney County officers.
H B 289. by Brownell Repealing law
for licensing and examination of chiroprac
tors. (Brownell declares nis name uu
bill Is unauthorized.)
H. B. 20O. by Burdick Providing for In
spector' of Bees in various counties.
of Treasurer of Josephln County from $800
to $1000 a year.
Cpper House Also Kills Pour Bills,
All From Own Chamber.
stitu CAPTTOL. Salem. Or.. Jan. 2
(Special.) The Senate today passed
the following puis:
H. B. 85. by Portwood Granting County
Courts power to repay road bonds In yearly
Installments, ana aooinninj
H. B. 11. by Clark increasing salary of
County School Superintendent of Sherman
m x ii Bean Providing for approval
of loans from school fund on lands untler
certificate of sale irom im siie.
ch,iitiit R. Tt- 56. bv committee on re
vision of laws To provide for recording In
the Secretary of State's office chattel mort
gages upon migratory cuaiwia rcquncu vj
The Senate today killed the follow
ing bills by Indefinite postponement:
S. B. 114. by Pierce Making It unlawful
to increase the rate of Interest on promis
sory note, mortgage or other evidence of In
debtedness after maturity.
8 B 15 by Barrett Providing for ex
ception's in the Circuit Court by District
S. B. 88. by Gill Providing for a Stat
Board of Architecture.
S. B. 89. by Huston Providing for main
tenance of Oregon Supreme Court Library.
The following bills met death by
being withdrawn by their authors:
S. B. 28, by Strayer Repealing obsolete
8. B. 35. by Cuslck Abolishing office of
County Recorder of Linn County.
Specials Worth . Your Investigation
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Fancy Fabric, Fall Weight
$25 and $30 Overcoats
$19.75 and $23.75
This sale comprises every fancy fabric $25 and ?30 Overcoat
in stock Pinch back, belt back, double-breasted and box-back
models. All weights. A big assortment to choose from.
$25 II. S. & M. Overcoats S19.75
$30 II. S. & M. Overcoats S23.75
A big clean-up our complete stock goes at these prices :
Copyright Hart SchaflaeT 4 iUff
$1.75 Shirts S1.35
$2.25 Shirts S1.65
$2.50 and $3 Shirts. -S1.95
$3.50 and $4 Shirts. -S2.S5
$4.50 and $5 Shirts. -S3.85
$6.00 Shirts S4.45
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
Portland's Largest
Exclusive Men's Store
Southeast Corner
Fifth and Alder
California Town's Plea for
Federal Cash Indorsed.
Legislators Anxious to Please AH
Also Pass Memorials to Con
gress Favoring Two Xaval
Bases for Oregon.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or.. Jan. 25,
(Special.) Any community on the
Pacific Coast that wants its harbor im
proved, a naval base established or some
Jetties or seawalls built, just come to
the Oregon Legislature.
It isn't necessary even that the har
bor be in Oregon, for the House this
raornipff went on record for an appro
priation of 390.000 for harbor improve
ments way down at Crescent City, CaL
It wasn't Oregon's money' anyway,
and California, wants the improvement,
so the legislators said. "Tea, boys, you
can have it."
All that they need to do now Is to
get Congress to appropriate the money.
The House was equally liberal about
appropriations for Oregon harbors.
They adopted Senator Leincnweber's
memorial asking Congress to appro
priate $3,000,000 for a naval base at
Astoria and Representative Tlchenor's
memorial for a naval base at Port Or-
ford. In the case of Port Orford the
boys left the size of the appropriation
to the discretion of Congress. Any
email favors will be thankfully received.
In fact the memorials came so
thick and fast from the resolutions
Democrats Succeed In Keeping Data
From Senate as Whole.
pressed to it in either appropriation
The House today passed S. B. 9. which
Lift your old torturous' corns
and call usee right off
with the fingers
H. 13. No. 101 by Schlmpff Kixinj? stand
ard measurement for cranberry boxes.
H. B. No. 108 by Thomas Reulatinfr In
spection of orchards und orchard products
and declaring Infected trees. plans and
shrubs to be public nuisances.
H. B. No. 122, by Gore Amending law
to permit establishment of title guaranty
and trust companies outside Multnomah
County with capitalization based on popu
H. B. No. ISO. by Burdick Allowing water
master's traveling: expenses In certain cases
H. B. No. 20O, by Peck Giving: city or
Myrtle Point jurisdiction over streets within
city limits.
S. B. No. 4, by IMmlck Prohibiting: driv
ing of automobile by intoxicated person.
S. B. No. 46, by Huston Permitting filing
of verified claims for farm labor
t This tiny bottle holds the wonder of
wonders, it contains an almost magical
drucr discovered by a Cincinnati man.
It is called f resumes. Jt is a compound MEXICO ON SILVER BASIS
uinue nuia cujci,
Apply a few drops of this
f reezone upon a tender, ash
ing corn or a hardened cal
lus. Instantly the soreness
disappears and shortly you
will find the corn or callus
BO shriveled and loose that
you just. lift it off with the
Yon feel no pain or sore
ness when applying f reezone
or afterwards. It doesn't
fven irritate the skin
?Just ask' in any drug
store for a small bottle of
freezone. This will cost but a few cents
but will positively rid your poor, suffer
ing feet of every Lard corn", soft corn, or
corn between the, toes, or the tough cal
luses on bottom' of feet."" Genuine f reez
one 'has a yellow label. Look for yel
low label
Americans Complain Efforts- of 4 0
Years IlaTe Been TTndone.
DOUGLAS. Ariz.. Jan. 25. Mining
men operating; In Mexico complain of
a recent order of the Carranza govern
ment fixing the value of Mexican Ulver
as 1.S0 pesos for Jl American money,
superseding: the former rate of ex
change two pesos for one American
dollar. This rate applies to payment of
duties and wages, increasing both by
10 rer cent, it was asserted.
Under recent rulings duties and
wages must be paid in Mexican gold or
silver. Ko Mexican gold being obtain
able, silver pesos must be used.
This ruling was made by the Mexican
government for the purpose of taking
advantage of the high price of silver.
However. Americans say the effect has
been to destroy the work; of 40 years by
removing the country from a gold to a
sliver basis.
Opposition to Member hy Others on the
Commission Is Expected to Res tilt 1
in Multnomah Caucus.
STATE CAPITOL., Salem, Or., Jan. 23.
(Special.) Politics in connection with
the Port of Portland Commission and
the effort to unseat Alfred Tucker
cropped out at a meeting today of the
Multnomah delegation, when Represen
tative Mann moved that George Kelly,
former member of the Fish and Game
Commission, be the choice of the dele
gation for Mr. Tucker's place.
Only a few members of thp delegation
were present and Senator Huston point
ed out that the question couldn't be
considered Just then. Mann then said
that he would like to have the delega
tion consider Mr. Kelly for the place.
Under the state law the Legislature
names the members of the Port of
Portland Commission. Mr. Tucker was
appointed some months ago by the
other Commissioners to fill a vacancy
and his appointment must be confirmed
by the Legislature.
Two members of the Commission,
Caotaln E. W. Spencer and Captain Pat
terson, are understood to be very un
friendly to Mr. Tucker and to be work
ing to have the Legislature oust him.
Today wes the first time, however.
that Mr. Kelly has been brought out
puolicly for the place.
The majority of the Port of Portland
Commission is warmly in favor-of the
confirmation of Mr. Tucker on the
Commission. The Legislature generally
follows the recommendation of the
Multnomah delegation relative to the
Commission. Now that the issue has
baen precipitated a caucus probably
will be held soon by the delegation to
decide who shall te recommended.
"I am not looking for any office or
for any trouble. said Mr. Kelly to-
night. He added that his being here
had nothing to do with the mention of
his name at the delegation meeting.
"I am not a candidate for the Port
of Portland Commission. I have no
Idea that the position will be offered
to me, so cannot say what I would do
in such a contingency.
ROTSE. Idaho. Jan. 25. (Special.)
A detailed account of tne 1.000,000 ex
penditure of Idaho at the mnama-ra-
clfic International Exoosltion was
asked for by the Republicans in the
State Senate today. The Governor is
requested to submit to the benate tne
statements of the two commissions ad
ministering the fund and showing how
th monev was expended.
Senators Thomas, wnitcomo, itocK-
well and Lowe, authors of the resolu
tion tried to have the data and resolu
tion taken to the committee of tUs
whole Senate, but failed, the Demo'
cratic majority sending It to the state
affairs committee.
Appropriation Measures Make Ap.
pear a nee From Committees.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem, Or., Jan. 15.
(Special.) The following bills were
introduced in the House today:
H. B. 2."2. by Committee on Forestry and
Conservation To protect forests from fire
and authorizing state to do wortc. 1
H. B. li.SH, by Stott Giving Public Serv
ice Commission Jurisdiction over Carey Act
Inie&tion projects.
li B. 2d4, by Mackay Authorizing pay-
Proposed Route Will Extend From
Eugene to Coos Bay.
EUGENE. Or.. Jan. 25. (Special.)
Work on the survey of the proposed
Eugene to Coos Bay highway has be
gun under the direction ot .Deputy
State Engineer Cantlne. The survey
will be made under the Joint appro
priations ot the state. Lane, Douglas
and Coos Counties.
The new road, which will m time be
come a part of a north-and-south Coast
route, will Include a stretch ot road
which Coos County proposes to build
north from Coos Bay to Ten-Mile
Creek, and will extend from that point
to the Eugene-Siuslaw road.
committee that Representatives Lewis
and Stott, two of the members, felt
constrained to send in a minority report
on the Crescent City item. They offered
a sarcastic communication to the effect
that the time of the House might better
be taken up with Oregon affairs than
with business that concerns the Na
tional Congress.
Representative Lewis got up and
made a speech about the amount of
money it costs the people of Oregon to
have thn Legislature consider and talk
about v seless subjects.
Belland Comes RJcht Back.
"Well, if we have wasted any money
at the end of the session abefut two-
thirds of it ought to be charged up to
Mr. Lewis." rejoined Representative
Belland. who lives at Astoria, which
enterprising city was asking for a f3,-
000.000 memorial.
Representatives Peck and Tichenor,
the members from Coos and Curry,
made vain but eloquent appeals to the
Hoose to defeat the Crescent City me
mortal, saying titat it was a direct slap
at their own people. But Jackson and
Josephine cmties were strong for it
and it . went . through with votes to
soare. .
The Coos delegation felt satisfied
when the Port Orford Item was carried
by the same substantial majority.
fn fact, everybody was satisfied.
After Six Weeks of Sleighing, End
to Cold Weather Comes.
LA GRANDE, Or, Jan. 25. (Spe
clal.) Two days and nights of con
stant thawing, interspersed with rain,
have greatly reduced the depth of snow
in this valley.
After six weeks -of sleighing, a new
continuous record for several years,
there is likelihood of wheeled vehicles
again coming into their own. No harm
ful results are anticipated from the
known pioneer farmers of the Walla
Walla Valley, died here yesterday at
the age of 81 years. He crossed the
plains from Wright County, Missouri,
in 1854, first settling In California, and
came to this valley in 1S77, .gradually
increasing his land holdings to 1000
acres of the county's best grain land.
I have been selling Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root for the past ten or fifteen
years and to my gratification I have
not had a single-complaint, and every
customer is satisfied with the results
obtained from its use. The splendid
sales which I enjoy on the medicine
is a sufficient guarantee of its merits
in the diseases for which it Is so highly
recommended by those who have tested
it and proved its value.
Very truly yours,
A. W. ALLEN, Druggist.
Sept. 14. 1918. Portland, Oregon.
Letter to
Dr. Kilmer A Go,
Blsfhsmton, N . V.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do for
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Blnghamton, N. for a sample size
bottle. It will convince anyone. You
will also receive a booklet of valuable
information, telling about the kidneys
and bladder. When writing, be sure
and mention The Portland Daily Ore
gonlan. Regular fifty-cent and one
dollar size bottles for sale at all drug
Walla Walla Pioneer Dies.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Jan. 25.
Carrick H. Barnett. one of the best-
3 The milk of magnesia
Tooth xvste
111 1 II 1 1 III 1 1 1 111 II IIIIIIIIIUII Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllipilllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIU
I $4.95
The Store of
Style and Service
The Boston Shoe Shop organization
grew to its present vast size of sixty
one stores by selling a line of shoes
that were unequaled at our prices.
We continued as America's leaders at $2.50
and $2.95. For years we have jealously
guarded our premiership and today we stand
alone in thejealm of shoe retailing on the
pedestal of high quality and low prices.
Material changes have taken place,
having seriously affected the cost of
leather and production, but this has in
no measure hampered our leadership.
Comparatively speaking, we are fur
ther ahead of our competitors at this
time than ever before.
In spite of present conditions, toe
still maintain our conservative lines
and popular styles at $2.50 and $2.95,
aside front our specialty lines at $3.45,
$3.95, $4.45 to $5.95.
We are toid that the old-time reme
dies are best and invariably contain
less harmful yet better medicine than
those which are in use today. This
being so. undoubtedly the following
old-fashioned recipe which is the quick
acting will be wcomed by many, as
there seems to be a regular epidemic
of coughs at the present time. Secure
from your druggist 1 ounce Parmint
(double strength), take this home and
add to it a quarter pint hot water and
4 ounces of granulated sugar, stir until
dissolved. Take 1 tablepoonful four
times a day. No more racking your
whole body with a cough. Clogged
nostrils should open, air passages of
your head should clear and your breath
ing become easy. Parmint syrup is
pleasant to take, easy to prepare and
costs little. Every person who has a
stubborn cough, hard cold or catarrh
in any form should give this prescrip
tion a trial. Adv.
$3.45 ml
to lUl
. , s i
""MBB,MJ -in neiourcei ana expert- yr 4
1 ence counts!
JT I Ci-- I 1 VI.J?" -VsfossrsfrtasK'- .. J