THE MORNING OREGON! AX, FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1917. EARLY WATERPOVV ER RELIEF IS ASKED Senator Gill's Memorial Adopted in Both Houses and Will Go to Congress. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Jan. 25. (Special.) The Houce this morn ing adopted Representative Mann's res olution providing for appointment of a Joint House and Senate committee to meet with a like committee from the tate of Washlgton for the purpose of effecting: a Joint fishing, treaty for the Columbia River. LOCAL NEEDS DESCRIBED A. I Malsh. chairman of the Port Orford naval base committee. Is here to impress upon the members the necessity of improving Port Orford harbor. John H. Burgafd and Georire H Kelly, of Portland, visited the House tnis morning. , Unanimous Vote Indicates Realiza tion by Legislators of Necessity for Unlocking Xatural Re sources at Once. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. 25. (Special.) Early development of the water-power resources of the Nation is something that this Legislature wants Congress to provide. The House this morning, by unani mous vote, adopted Senator Gill's Joint memorial urging upon Con gress "the absolute and urgent ne cessity of the development of wa ter power in order that the nat ural resources may be utilized to create new wealth by the settlement of lands, the development of agriculture, the es tablishment of manufactures of varied nature, the economy and comfort of rail facilities of transportation may be enhanced, the means of transportation enlarged and made cheaper, and traffic congestion relieved by opening to navi gation waterways Incapable of use be cause of natural obstructions remov able by water-power development In navigable streams, and adequate Na tional defense may be aided, all of which will contribute to the Increase and diversification of agriculture, commerce and Industry, and as & con sequence promote economic security." memorial Gees to Congress. The memorial already had passed the senate and now will go forward to Washington with the view of impress lng upon Congress the vital interest of the people of Oregon in the pending water-power legislation. The measure did not even evoke de bate In the House this morning, so well acquainted and so satisfied were the members with its provisions. It is pointed out in the memorial that Oregon and other Western states are blessed with bountiful natural re sources, among which is water power, and that, while this water power is available In abundance, only a very small percentage has been developed. "Numerous water-power sites of large commercial possibilities are located in the public domain or on navigable streams," continues the memorial, and then points out that existing Federal laws and regulations are so inadequate and restrictive that development of water power In the public domain and on navigable streams has practically ceused. Economical Power Needed. It then goes on to show that elec trical power, in order to Justify its use In the conversion of natural resources into finished marketable products. In the reclamation of lands at present un productive and in the transformation of the motive power of rail transportation. Is wholly dependent upon the economi cat production of power on a large scale. "The essence of conservation is Intel llgent and economical utilization of natural resources to serve the economic necessities and desires of our people and to conserve those natural resources that are exhaustible," it says, and then proceeds to explain that the exhaust ible resources of power and fuel, where and when such an inexhaustible re' source as water power can be used, re suits In eeonomlo waste, which is In defensible when it can be obviated. Cantaln V. M " C filira rr Tv.r-tiTi was extended the courtesies of the House floor this morning. Senator Vinton had Just reached the peroration of a ringing speech against the sterilization measure. "Those who stand for this measure," he said, "re mind me of the poor publican of biblical times, who went out on the highways and byways and thanked God that he was not like other men." Senator Garland arose and remarked drily: "I may not be up on Bible quota tions like my eminent colleague from Yamhill County, but I seem to remem ber from Sunday school days that it was the Pharisee and not tho pub lican who thanked God he was not like other men." Thereupon the Senate chuckled at Senator Vinton's expense. MOOIMEY SEEN ON GROUND Walter Connects Prisoner With Sup posed Bomb Suitcase. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 25. John Mc Donald a waiter, swon, on the witness stand today in the trial of Thomas J, Mooney for the l -eparedne-s day bomb explosion murders of last July that he saw Mooney and Warren K. Billings at the scene of the explosion a few sec onds prior to the blast which killed 10 persons. "I saw Billings carrying a suitcase, which he carefully placed on the side walk where the explosion occurred,' said McDonald. "A second or so later Mooney came out of a saloon and Joined him. Both appeared agitated. Mooney glanced at his watch several times and looked toward the big Ferry building clock. Then both vanished In the crowd In opposite directions." The prosecution contends ejthe bomb was contained In a suitcase. TJnlon County Jail Held Unsafe. LA GRANDE, Or.. Jan. 25. (Spe ciaL) Union CountyT Jail, from which several prisoners have made their es cape in recent years, was today de clared by the grand Jury to be unsafe, and extensive repairs and Improve ments are urged. The Jurors were dis- , missed after reporting several true bills for minor offenses and an indict ment alleging violation of the liquor laws. Farm Ijoans to Be Topic. LA GRANDE, Or., Jan. 25. (Spe cial.) Saturday farmers and business men generally of Union County will meet to discuss the farm-loan act and to create a farm loan association. NEURALGIA AND SCIATICA T The one eymptom of neuralgia is pain and it is unmistakable. Ia a lartre proportion of cases anemia and debility are responsoie lor neural gia, particularly in women. To remedy .the neuralcic condition it is necessary to build up the blood and improve the ireneral health . and for thia purpose there 13 nothins? better nor more con enient than Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sciatica is nothing more than neu taltria of the eciatic nerve. It yoa have neuralgic or sciatic pains do not go to great expense tor treat ment until you have tried building up the blood. If you are pale the chances are very strong that the treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are all that yoa will require. Hot applications and liniments may be used at the same time if you desire. They may relieve the pain and temporary relief is the best you can expect iromtiiem anyway. The pain in the nerve is caused by nerve etarvation. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills give to the blood the elements that the nerves need. They contain no narcotics and are not ' pain fcmers. They remove the cause of the pain. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by your own drupgist or will be sent by cudy, 27. Y. Price 50 cent. SIDELIGHTS ON LEGISLATURE C. P. Strain, Assessor of Umatilla County, suggests a change In the mort gage tax law, which would abolish the tax in favor of a filing fee. He says this law would prevent discrimina tion against Oregon capitalists in fa vor of foreign capitalists. "Please keep on the walk," reads a notice posted In the Capitol grounds, "That shouldn't be so hard to do after the new bone-dry bill goes into ef fect," comments Colonel Bush, the well-known citizen and taxpayer of Bull Run, who has come down to look the Legislature over. Among the visitors in the Senate chamber today was Dr. Andrew C. Smith, of Portland, a member of the House in the 1915 session. Sixteen years ago Dr. -Smith was in the Ore gon Senate. He served in the 1901 and 1903 sessions. Senator Walter M. Pierce was a member of the 1903 Sen ate also, and he recalled with a laugh today how Dr. Smith had vigorously roasted him in one speech. George C. Brownell, now a Representative in the House from Clackamas County, was also a Senator then. He opposed Dr. Smith for President in 1803 and beat him by Just two votes, after Jonathan Bourne, Jr.. had rushed, up from Port land In a locomotive and swung the tide. rarl 'riahrl.tinn th. nlil TTniversitV of Oregon baseball star, looks after tV. , rimfnr( of the TinWKTlH tlPnnGtl in the Senate side of the Legislature. W. W. Caviness, of Vale, is another member of the legislative lobby. He is one of the pioneers who aided In the construction of the Hunt road, now a branch of the Northern Pacific, into Pendleton. Mr. -Caviness is interested in irrigation measures. Wes Matlock, of Pendleton, well- known Eastern Oregon sportsman, is looking over the proposed game legis lation to see that nothing slips by that shouldn't- The Salem Cherrlans Invited the Sen ators today to attend a Jitney dance Friday night to be held under the aus pices of the Cherrians. The invitation has been referred to Senator Julian A. Hurley, who is the only unmarried member of the Senate. Senate Decides Son of Absen tee Never Was on Payroll. STERILIZATION BILL WINS Measure to Create Bureau of Ju venile and Parental Relations to Take Juvenile Co art Out of Politics Introduced. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. 25. (Special.) Senator Bingham's son Ben is no longer on the payroll of the Oregon Senate as a stenographer for his father, who ia in New York selling mules- to the allies, and will not be here during the session. In fact, Ben Bingham never was on the payroll. The Senate so decided to day by unanimous vote when it adopted a resolution brought in by Senator Dimick, officially decapitating the young man. This resolution was a substitute for one Introduced last week by Senator Pierce. The Pierce resolution simply declared that when a Senator volun tarily absented himself from the Sen ate for three days the pay of his clerk or stenographer should automatically cease. i It was aimed, of course, at Bingham, who was sworn in as stenographer for his father earlier in the session, but never has been placed on the payroll, though his father later wired a request that he be formally appointed. The Pierce resolution, however, did not name Bingham. The substitute Dimick resolution specifically named him and eliminated him. It was adopted with hardly any debate. Plnce Given Griffin. The Dlmlck resolution based the de capitation of Bingham on the ground that Walter Griffin, a Eugene business man. had been named by the Senate as clerk to Senator Bingham to look after matters of Interest to Lane County, at the official request of the Lane County Court, the Eugene Chamber of Com merce and others. The Bingham action was the main event of interest in the Senate today, though there was a brief flurry and considerable oratory when the Judiciary committee brought in a divided report on Senator Farrell a bill for the sterili zation of perverts and feeble-minded persons. The majority of the committee. In cluding Senators' Vinton, chairman. Hurley, Dlmlck and Handley, recom mended that the measure be indefinite ly postponed, which would have killed it and prevented consideration of any other measure. Minority Report Adopted. The Senate, however, saved the meas ure for the time being by adopting the minority report in favor of -the bill brought in by Senators Wilbur, Olson and Steiwer. The bill will now' go on the calendar, and be fought out on Its merits. The vote against Indefinite postpone ment indicated that it will paes, as only five Senators voted to kill It. They were Senators Vinton, Barrett, Dimick, Handley and Hurley. A some what similar sterilisation bill is before the House. Among the bills Introduced In the Senate today was one by Dimick mak ing unlawful any agreement between a public official and a contractor, the effect of which shall be to destroy or tend to destroy free competition in the letting of any contract. A penalty of $5000 fine or six months In Jail, or both. Is provided. Another measure. Introduced by Sen ator Olson, was the bill prepared by Mrs. Alva Lee Stephens, president of the Multnomah Parent-Teacher Asso ciation, to create a Bureau of Juvenile and Parental Relations to replace tne present Juvenile Court and take It out of politics. Colorado, 167.3S0: Connecticut. $62,180 Dilawara. S16.36S: Florida. Sill. 931: Geor gia. 2&8,658; Idaho. $120,827; Illinois, $441.- 852: Indiana. S271.495: Iowa. $2H2.3al: Kan sas. $286,414; Kentucky. $194,943; Louisiana, $134,949; Maine, $99,903; Maryland. fna.uv MasiachmeltB. $147,701: Michigan, $201,587 Minnesota. $2S4.768: Mississippi. $177,811 Missouri, $339,440; Montana, $lS..r-74; Ne braska, $218,041: Nevada, $128,7'.R: New Hampshire, $41,903: New Jersey. $118,425 New Mexico, $157,475: New York, $501,440; North Carolina, $288,763; norm Dakota, $152,288; Ohio, $373,810: Oklahoma, $230. 278; Oregon. $157,374: Pennsylvania. $461.- 288: Rhode Island. $28,331: South Carolina. $143,615; South Dakota, $161,892; Tennessee. $228,306; Texas. $583,855: Utah, $113,900; Vermont. $45,688; Virginia, $199,321; Wash Ington, $113,768; West Virginia, $106,540; Wisconsin. $256,722; Wyoming, $122,303. In addition $1,000,000 will be appor tioned for the development of roads and trails within, or partly within, the National forests. The law provides that $la,000,000 shall be apportioned in the fiscal year of 1919, $20,000,000 in 1920 and $25,090,000 in 1921. JITNEY VOTE IS TABLED OREGON- CITY CwlXCIL PASSES VP EliECTIOST I) E MA X D ED. OBEGOHTO GET $157,374 10,000,000 BOAD FCTfD IS APPOR TIONED TO STATES. Another Gl.000,000 Be Divided for Work On Roads and Trails Within or Partly Within Forests. WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. Apportion ment of $10,000,000 to aid the states In the construction of rural post roads, the second annual distribution in ac cordance with the Federal aid road law. was announced today by Secretary Houston, of the Department of Agri culture. The funds are the apportion ment for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1918. To meet the cost of administering the law $300,000 has been deducted. The remaining $9,700,000 Is divided aa follows: Alabama. $N8,S9T: Artiona. I1ST.02T Arkansas, $165,878; Calif orals," - $3u2,lS7; Audience Shouts 'It's Buried'' When Motion to Delay Action on Foster Petitions Is Carried. OREGON CITT. Or., Jan. 23. (Spe cial.) On motion of Henry M. Temple ton, the Council last night laid on the table the W. M. Foster initiative Jitney franchise ordinance petitions calling a special election. The petitions bore aoout loo names. I wo meetings of the Council were held last night. At the first session the Council passed on second reading me uregon city-uswego jitney ordi nance, giving the Oregon City Motor Bus Company, a concern organized by the Portland Railway, Light & Power company, a permit to run cars between Oswego and the county seat. The meeting was then adlonmnil. anil Mayor Hackett called a second meeting just as memoers or the Council were preparing to leave the room, and the Jitney petitions were taken up. A brief discussion followed concern lng legal points involved in the call lng of a special election, and Mr. Tern pleton moved that the petitions be laoiea. One or two Councilmen sug gested that the petitions be tabled nntil the next regular meetinir of the council, but Templeton did not change ma motion, wnicn carried. Several In the Council chamber snouted "It s burled. meaning that tht movement for a Jitney election had been Killed. GROCERS' SESSION ENDS Place of Xext Meeting Is reft to Executive Committee. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. 25. (Special.) The Oregon State Gro cers' Association closed its annual con vention here tonight with a banquet at tne faaiem commercial Club rooms. Of ficers nominated yesterday were elected today. The place of the next meeting was left with the executive committee. The association today heard talks from Fred G. Buchtel, Public Service Commissioner; Frank B. Connolly, past president of the National Grocers' As sociation, and Walter A. Denton, of Salem. Routine business was trans acted at this afternoon's session. Officers were elected as follows: George Cusiter, Silverton, president C. M. Epley. Salem, first vice-president John Lang, Pendleton, second vice- president; Walter A. Denton, Salem, secretary D. J. Van Scyoc. Portland treasurer,"and W. C. Gunther. Portland O. C. Claypoole. Prineville, and B. F, Sherwin, Willamlna, directors. PRUNE LECJURES HEARD Professors From Fullman Speak to Clarice County Growers. VANCOUVER, "Wash., Jan. 25. (Spe cial.) More than 65 prune growers as sembled at the Vancouver Chamber of Commerce today and after hearing lee tures by Professor Leonard Hegnauer on Maintaining the Soil," and by Pro. fessor J. N. Price, on "Stock as a Sup plementary Source of Fertility." the growers appointed a committee of three to formulate plans for a prune growers union or organization. The two Washington State College experts went into detail as to the re suits obtained in prune growing from proper fertilization, held by many to be the secret of successful prune grow, ing In this county. There was a gen eral discussion afterward, in which It was urged that dogs be restricted in the state to encourage sheep raising. About 35 women attended the home economics lecture. Pierce's Bill to Lose Chance. STATE CAPITOL, Salem. Or.. Jan. 25 (Special.) The House committee on revision of laws decided tonight to re port unfavorably Senator Pierce's bill for the reduction of the legal rate o interest from 6 per cent to 0 per cent, and the contract rate from 10 per cen to per cent. BONE-DRY BILL TO . GOME UP FflQNDAY House Is Likely to Pass Meas ure at Once, With Emer gency Clause. CLERGY TO BE RESTRICTED Wholesalers Who Vse Alcohol In Business Are to Be Bonded and Physicians Are to Be Allowed to Prescribe. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or., Jan. 25. (Special.) The Anderson - Eddy bone-dry" prohibition bill will be a special order of business In the House at 10:30 Monday morning. It carries tne emergency clause, and is expected to have more than 50 of the SO votes in the House. The committee on alcoholic trafflo submitted a favorable report with a number of more or leas important amendments at today's session of the House. These amendments will be printed and on the members' desks to morrow morning. Probably the most important amend ment provides for the manufacture of denatured alcohol In the state. Wholesalers Hul Kile Bond. Another will require wholesale grocers or manufacturers using ethyl alcohol In their industry to file a $2500 bond with the state. This amendment was made at the request of the whole salers themselves. Physicians will have the right ta sell only one quart of alcohol to any one person, for medicinal purposes, in any four-week period. The original bill, before amended, permitted the sale of two quarts. Another amendment will permit den tists to obtain alcohol for their nro- feaslonal work. More Time Given for Delivery. Some relief has been provided to the express companies handling liquor shipments under the present law. They will have five days after the Governor signs the act to complete deliveries of shipments on hand or in transit. After that all undelivered liquor will bars to be sent out of the state. Ample provision -is made to prevent the importation of liquor by automo biles, auto trucks, boats and agencies other than regular common carriers. Another amendment has been made that will require clergymen Importing wine to be used for sacramental pur poses to get a permit from the District Attorney. Minority Report Not Made. Representative Lefferty; a member of the alcoholic committee, objected to the privileges enjoyed by the clergy men under the present law, which per mits them to make importations merely upon signing a receipt and affidavit with the carrier making the delivery. He had Intended to file a minority re port, but announced to the House this morning that the bill as amended In this particular is satisfactory. The' whole bill, as well as the amend ments, have been passed upon now by all members of the House and Senate committees. It is expected that the bill will go through the House on Monday morning without any flurry and without even any ceremony. A few members who are opposed to it will make objections to the emergency clause or to some minor provisions, and doubtless vote against it. The whisky lobby, which waa verj active here last week and early this week, seemingly has entirely disap peared. . . FIVE DAYS OF GRACE LIKELY Bone Dry Law May Allow Time for Final Liquor Delivery. Within SO days after the "bone-dry" prohibition law is enacted by the Leg islature and goes into effect the ex press companies must banish from the state of Oregon the last bottle of booze. Such Is one provision of the proposed act, but it must not be construed as affording 80 additional days to a thirsty public for stocking-up purposes. Five days grace may be given, how ever. If rumor is substantiated. Al though the proposed law at present contains no such clause. Its Insertion Is anticipated. "We have learned unofficially," said A. H. Peterson, general agent of Wells, Fargo & Co., yesterday, "that "a clause may be added to House bill 100 permit ting five days in which to dispose of shipments en route to Portland or to other points within the state at the time of the passage of the law." If this provision is made, It will amount to the extending of five days of grace, in which packages of liquor already at the express offices or In transit may be claimed. The SO-day provision of the law merely defines the time In which the companies roust re move all undelivered consignments from the state, and reads as follows: "Any common carrier which shall at the -time of the taking effect of this act have in its possession within thia state any intoxicating liquor intended for delivery, which It cannot lawfully deliver because of this act, shall within 20 days after the taking effect of this act transport the same out of the state." The express companies. In all prob ability, it is said, will send the unde livered liquor back to the office of consignment. Inasmuch as the mall or der liquor houses have uniformly re quired cash and charges in advance, the customer who delayed in claiming his consignment will have no recourse for recovery. The liquor arrived ac cording to order; that he does not take it from the express office is the con cern of the customer alone. In the event that liquor held by com mon carriers should not be sent back within the 30 days prescribed by the proposed law, it would be subject to seizure and destruction according to an opinion of the District Attorney's office. I ' "i p i 1 22 AUTOS ARE MISSING Plainclothes Men Sent Ont to Hunt . for Stolen Cars. - Six plainclothes policemen were de tailed last night to look for stolen au tomobiles, 23 of which, police records showed, were missing. Chief of Police Clark maintained, however, that these cars had been stolen during a long period, and insisted that many of them had been recovered. The owners, the chief said, 'failed to report the recov ery of the machines to the police. "Many automobiles are taken by Joy riders, and recovered within a few hours," said Chief Clark. "The thefts are due largely to the carelessness of the owners, who leave the machines standiirg on -the street with no safe guards." Chief Clark scouted the Idea that "Portland. - was the headquarters of a gang of professional automobile thieves. Instrumental and Vocal Triumphs in New Columbia List t" B AHE most brilliant names in the instrumental field distinguish this month's list of Columbia Records: the Chicago Symphony JL Orchestra, with Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries;" Pablo Casals, with Schumann's "Abendlied;" Josef Hofmann, with Paderewski's "Minuet in G;" Kathleen Parlow, with the "Cavalleria Rusticana" Intermezzo; and Eddy Brown, with Massenet's "Elegie." Equally distinguished is the vocal list, with Oscar Seagle singing Moore's "Meeting of the Waters;" Lucy Gates rendering "Come My Beloved;" David Bispham with his famous "Danny Deever;" and Vernon Stiles singing "At Dawning" and "Because" examples of the quality and interest of the c: New Records for February Now on Sale Among the sixteen popular recordings, Al Jolson is again the headliner,singin "A Broken Doll" "London Taps" the big hit from abroad which is als recorded as a fox-trot in this month's list of dance-records. '.. A Few of the Song Hits and Dances Listed: rr also . - f. (TWAS ONLY AN IRISHMAN'S A 2151 DREAM. Empire Trio. ,iJh 1yaddie,kaddie,kiddiejcaddie, 75 I KOO. Knickerbocker Quartette. (HONOLULU, AMERICA LOVES YOU. (We've Got to Hand It to You.) Knickerbocker Quartette. ON THE SANDWICH ISLES. Knicker bocker Quartette. A 5918 1 2-inch A 5914 iz-inch I.OO fMURIEL WALTZ. Princs's Or- cbestra, BETTY. Betty Walts. Prince's Or chestra, MY LONELY LOLA LO. Medley Fox trot. Introducing I. "When Evening; Shadows Fall." a. "On the Ann of the Old Arm Chair." Prince' Band. DANCE OF THE DOLLYS. Fox-trot. Prince's Band. Then there is a wonderful choral recording of the second-act finale of "La Traviata," the initial recordings of James Ilarrod, tenor, two monumental hymns, Charles Harrison in two songs of the heart, light orchestral selections and overtures, marimba and accordion banjo novelties, and even two story-records for the children to make this interesting list complete. Whatever your tastes, you'll be sure to enjoy a visit to your dealer's today New Columbia Records on sale the 20th of every month. LUM GRAFONOLAS and DOUBLE-DISC MA FOR SALE BY Bosh 1m Flano Co., 4SS-4S5 Washington St. EUera Talking- Machine Co. Broadway at Alder. GrmTee Muala Boom, 151 Fourth et. Hyatt Talking Machine Co 330 Alder St. Henry penning Sana, ruth and WMhlngton Street, Columbia Graphopfaone Co.. 429-431 Washington St. IJpmaD, Wolfe Co.. Gmfanolar Dept Bataoar. . Meier M Frank Co Phonograph Shop. Sixth Floor. Reed-French Plane Co Tenth and etark Bta. feebwaa Plane Co. Ill Fourth U mi TAX INQUIRY IS LIKELY STJRPHISB TO BB SPRUNG AT MEET ING Of LEAGUE. J. JL. Weaterlnnd May Aak for Action to Prevent Threatened Menace Pan te Limitation. STATE CAPITOU Salem. Or- Jan. 25. (Special.) It leaked out bere to day that a bomb may be exploded at the meeting; of the State Taxpayer' League, scheduled here tomorrow. In the shape of 'a resolution from J. A. Westerlund, of Medfbrd. vice-president of the organization, asking- for a com mittee to Investigate the possibility of some remedy for the allegred menace of the 6 per cent limitation amend ment. As the Stat Taxpayers' League fathered that amendment and Mr. Westerlund'a name was one attached to the amendment as sponsor for it when It went before the people at the last election. It la expected the resolution will come as a complete surprise. A large number of the members of the Taxpayers' League are gathering here for tomorrow's meeting, and the Westerlund resolution promises to turn the state session of that organization Into a fiery one. Already S7 counties are represented, ready for the session. Suffrage Gets 9500,000. NEW YORK,' Jan. 25. Cndor an or der in Surrogate's Court here today, 500.000 will be paid at once to Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt as part of the beauest made to her by the will of Mrs. Frank Leslie to promote tho cause of woman suffrage. Mrs. Leslie left an estate valued at 1, 748, 550. of which between 11.000.000 and S1.S00.000 was bequeathed to Mrs. Catt and the suffrage cause. Me.Vrthur to Attend Celebration. KEW YORK. Jan. 25. Representa tive Mc Arthur, of Oregon, will repre sent that state at the celebration of Lincoln's birthday, to be held at Cum berland Gap, Tnn., under the auspices of Lincoln Memorial University. Dr. John Wesley Hill, chancellor of the university, announced here today that every state In the Union would be represented. No Wall Street Flurries Here! Our Clearance Sale of Custom Tailoring lowers the cost of clothes buying, and this all comes right in the face of rising mar ket prices on woolens. Don't let this savings event pass if you contemplate a new suit soon better have your measure taken now because seldom do you find such bargains in high-grade woolens as we offer at $20, $25 and $30. The same high score of tailoring perfec tion is guaranteed as is always customary at the Brownsville Woolen ftlills Custom Taitoring Shops. This between season sale is keeping our skilled tailoring force busy as usual. ' Today is your opportunity the savings are well worth your time to be measured now. Brownsville Woolen Mills - Morrison at Third Street