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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1917)
o THE MORNING OliEGONIAN, FRIDAY JANUARY 2G, 1917. The Use of Comparative Prices Will Be" Absolutely Discontinued in This Store After Saturday Night o Last Day But Last Day But One One in the Great Ciean-Up Sale to Enjoy the Unprecedented Savings I Madame Richet's Dressmaking Classes Open the 12th of February Register Now Pattern Dept., 2d Floor No Phone Orders No Exchanges No Returns Granted for Any of These Special Sales Novelty Blouses to $ 1 2.00 Of Lace, Embroidered Chiffon, Crepe de Chine, Georgette Crepe and Voile . .Very Special $3.98 Buy Now, for Monday They Return to Regular Prices Third Floor FRENCH UNDERWEAR Never Before Were Such Garments Offered at Less Than Half Price Today and Tomorrow Your Last Opportunity to Purchase at These Prices ' Fourth Floor THE LINEN STORE Offers Lots of Finest Imported and American Linens Quarter to Half Off Monday They Return to Their Regular Prices Second Floor Guaranteed Rubber Goods Our Entire Stock Offered Today and Tomorrow At One-Fifth Off After That They Will Be Sold at Regular Prices Firs Floor Every Yard Fancy Silks In the Store Selling From $3.00 to $5.00 Yard At One-Fifth Off ' Monday You Will Have to Pay the Regular Price Second Floor All French Mirrors A Most Exceptional Collection Panel and Oblong Shapes At Half Price Monday They Will Cost You Double Sixth Floor ALL STERLING SILVER ' Our Entire Stock on the Sixth Floor Reduced to One-Third Off After This Week You Will Pay Regular Prices Sixth Floor 40 -Inch Crepe and Lining Chiffon That Sells Regularly to $1.25 Yard Very Special 59c Monday You Will Again Pay Regular First Floor Novelty Laces to $7.00 Yard Net Tops, Malines, Chantilly and Novelty Weaves . Very Special $ 1 .49 Monday You Will Again Pay Regular for Them First Floor Georgette Crepe and Novelty Materials Regular $2.00, $2.75 and $3.00 Yard . . Very Special $1 .59 -For today and tomorrow only. Monday they go back to regular. First Floor IMPORTED NEGLIGEES Selling to $ 6.S5 for $2.50 Selling to $10.50 for $4.00 Selling to $13.95 for $5.00 Selling to $18.50 for $7.50 Selling to $25.00 for $10.00 Prices Less Than Half -Monday you will pay more for them. Fourth Floor Merchandise cffcJ Merit Only Crepe Meteor and Satin Charmeuse 40 Inches Wide, Regular $2.50, Worth $3.00 Today Friday Only $1.49 After That You Will Have to Pay Regular Price Second Floor IMPORTED DINNERWARE A Most Remarkable Sale of d pen-Stock Patterns Exactly Half Price Monday It Will Cost You Double - r :K Sixth Floor Every Framed Picture The Most Complete Collection of Foreign and American Art AT HALF PRICE Monday They Will Again Be Sold at Regular Prices , Sixth Floor ' Silk, Velvet and Beaded Bags In the Newest Shapes, Beautiful Colorings, Silk Lined - At Half Price Monday they will'cost you double. First Floor All Our Cut Glass The Finest Qualities From the Most Renowned Makers Now Half Price Monday it will cost you double. Sixth Floor House Dresses to $2.25 A Great Clean-Up of the Most Becoming Styles Very Special $1.49 Monday you will again pay regular for them. Fourth Floor $1.25 to $1.75 Klosfit Petticoats Extra Quality Percaline Twill and Sateen Very Special $ 1 .00 -Monday they again go back to regular prices. Fourth Floor 65 c Stamped Made -Up Gowns Sixes 15, 16 and 17 Of Fine Nainsook Kimono Style Very Special 49c After tomorrow they return to their regular price. Fifth Floor From the House furnishing Store All Lace and Scrim Curtains, One-Fifth Off Selling From $1.50 to $15.00 Pair All Odd Pairs of Lace Curtains, Half Price 83c Colonial Rag Rugs for 59c Sample Line Brass Beds, Half Price Slightly Soiled Wool Blankets, One-Fifth Off 50c Cretonnes and Art Chintz, 28c Last Day to Buy Whittall's Rugs In Drop Patterns at Exceptional Reductions 27c to 35c Scrims and Marquisette, 15c After Tomorrow They Return to Regular Prices ' Fifth Floor Gift Novelties From the Sixth Floor Wedding gifts, dinner and party favors, household Ornaments and Imported Novelties of All Kinds ' At Half and Less Regular Prices All of which will be marked to their original regular prices after tomorrow night. " v Sixth Floor LAST FRIDAY Of the Clean-Up Sale Before Inventory LAST FRIDAY OF OUR BUSINESS YEAR Extra Clean-Up Sales Friday offers the greatest opportunities'ever obtained in our Economy Basement Store. Hundreds of small lots, odds and ends, and short lengths will be Cleaned Out. Space will only permit us to make mention of the different articles that will be found here at Ridiculously Low Prices. Come early be here with the opening of the store for the lots will be, in most instances, limited, and the early shopper always secures, in an event of this kind, the best bargains. To $2.00 Men s Shirts, 48c Fine madras and percale, some slightly soiled, from showing and window display. Broken sizes. Crash'Toweling, 9c Yard , Less than wholesale. Heavy quality. 22c Huck Towels, $1.00 Dozen Size 19x38 inches. Limit 4 dozen to a customer. White or borders. Cotton Batts, 39c Each Enough in each batt to make full size quilt. Longcloth, 85c Bolt 10-yard pieces, 36 - inches wide- Fine quality. ,- , Standard Percales, 9c Yard Short lengths, 1 to 10 yards. Good as sortment. 56 Curtain Stretchers, 73c Regular S1.25. For full size curtains. $ 1 .50 Umbrella Stands, 87c Just 20 stands in oak finish. - English Breakfast Tables, $1.39 ' Regular $2.50 folding tables. Only 10 in the lot, at $1.39 each. , 15c Curtain Scrims, 10c White, cream and ecru colors. 1 9c Cretonnes, 1 2 j2C Yard Good assortment patterns and colors. 40-Inch Crepe de Chine, 98c All silk, in black, navy, delft, Copen, old rose, reseda, light blue, silver, lavender, watermelon. $1.35 Snowflake Suiting, 98c 40 inches wide, navy, black, myrtle. Very fashionable for Spring and Summer. Veiling Remnants, 15c Yard lengths. Black, brown, white, navy. 25c to 50c Neckwear, 5c Odds and ends women's collars, sets, etc 18c of cut, full of mix- 25c Net Guimpes, 1 0c High and low neck styles. Dress Goods Clean-Up 49c Hundreds of yards in checks, stripes and mixed effects of all kinds. 12 Corsets at 25c In size 18 only. Broken lines. Corset Waists, 79c Clean-up button and clasp styles. For women, girls good for bathing. Silk Fiber Hosiery, 29c Or 4 pairs for $1. Black or white fiber boot, extra spliced heels and toes. WomenVStockings, 1 1c Black cotton, fleeced lined. Children's Stockings, 15c Black, white, fine ribbed. Also infants cashmerette, pink or blue toes and heels. 1 1 Girls Dresses, $ 1 .98 Sizes 6 to 14 years. Serges and checks. 8 Girls t)resses, 50c Black and white checks, 2 and 3-year sizes Crepe Night Gowns, 39c Two styles, band or dot trimming. For women Coverall Aprons, 39c , Light percales, full size and length. 6c Percale, Gingham Dust Cops, 4c Women's House Sacques, 49c Sellinsr to 89c. Flannelette, crepe and i eiderdown. ' 59c Dressing Sacques, 19c Size 36 only, in white lawns. Men's Corduroy Pants, $2.45 Less than wholesale cost, heavy weight, full size. Limited number for clean-up. Men's Overalls, 89c 139 pairs only, 36, 38, 40, 42 izes, jn blue with white stripes. Extraordinary at 89c To $1.25 Men's Underwear, 39c Odds and ends shirtsand drawers, natu ral gray merino and fleeced cotton. Velvet Shapes and Trimmed Velvet Hats. . . Final clean-up of a limited number practical styles and good qualities. 50 Boys Suits, $2.98 All with two pairs pants. Wool mi tures, in broken lines and sizes. School Trousers, 75c Gray, brown, mixtures, ' full lined. All sizes 6 to 17 years. To $3.00 Boys' Hats, 10c. Broken lines in mixtures, plushes, felts, velvets. 25 Boys' Overcoats, $3.65 Sizes 2v4 to 9 years. Clean-up tures and overplaids, latest styles. Silk Top Union Suits, 79c Envelope style, silk lisle bodies, silk tops. All white, or pink and white, for women. Knit Corset Covers, 25c . Black, white, in small sizes. Children's Underwear, 19c Broken lines wool mixed black tights, gray fleeced shirts and pantalettes. To l5n Child's Und crwpar. Root's Tivoli gray wool drawers and pan- g taiettes. Women's Knit Drawers, 15c Small sizes only, pure white cotton. Children's Drawers, 9c Sizes 2 to 12 years. Corset Covers 15c, 29c Lace and embroidery trimmed. To 65c Percale Sacques, 29c Sizes 36 to 46. Splendid quality. House Dresses, Kimonos, 75c Regular to $1.25. Long flannelette ki monos, crepe kimonos, percale, gingham dresses. Flannelette Gowns, 50c Slip-over style, pink or blue stripes. Child's Flannelette Gowns, 35c Sizes 2 and 4 only. Clean-Up Middy Blouses, 25c Clean-Up Child s Rompers, 23c Clean-Up Bloomer Dresses', 45c Sizes 2 to 6 years. Every dress with bloomers. To 75c Pullman and Dust Caps, 9c Faille silk and poplin. All colors. Child's Outing Sleepers, 33c Sizes 2 to 6 years. Drop seat and feet. Wool Shawls, 1 5c and 25c Regular 30c and 50c. Red, black, pink. Gowns, Combinations, Envelopes, Drawers, Corset Covers, a r Each yc Monday prices go back to regular on these fine garments of longcloth, well made. Remnants! Remnants! From All Over the Store, Greatly Reduced, in Basement i i V PHYSICIAN ANSWERS SUIT Dr. Holcomb Says He Signed Com mitment Only as Official. Tn his atiFwfr to the 110.000 damage suit ol .Winnie Springer, brought against officials of the State Insane Asylum and relatives. Dr. Curtis Hol comb, one of the examining physicians who ordered the commitment of the woman, asks that he be released from responsibility and awarded his costs in the action. He admits signing the commitment order to the asylum with r. landlord, "Whiting, but aid that s he merely acted in an official capacity. Mrs. Springer alleges she was wrong fully incarcerated. The record against her was expunged by County Judge Tazweli early this month. Senate Passes Leprosarium Bill. WASHINGTON, Jan. 26. A. bill ap propriating $250,000 for a National sanitarium for lepers, already passed by the House, was passed by the Sen ate today. The institution is to- be administered by the public health serv ice and officers engaged tn the work will be given pay and a half. Read The bregoni&a classified ada. PARK BIDS T0 BE ASKED Proposals to Be Made for" Music, Supplies aid Concessions. Preparatory to the opening of the 1917 park, aad playground season bids are to be asked for the furnishing of music playground supplies and for park concessions. An ordinance au thorizing bids will be submitted to the Council this morning. Concessions will be given In the parks to the highest bidders. Band leaders will submit bids on furnishing concerts during the Summer months. Specifications for a supply of pipe tnl fittings have been filed with the mu nicipal purchasing bureau. Dr. Conrado Granell, of Spain, has recently been calling public attention to his experiments in obtaining a po tassium compound from sea water. Ha calls his compound "marine kainit."