22 THE MORMXG OREGOXTAX FT5TDAT, JANUARY 2G, 1917. LAST TWO DAYS OF THE WHITE SALE AND SALE REMNANTS AND ODDS & ENDS LOOK FOR THE SALE CARDS ' "N ' MEIER A FRANK'S I407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES x SALE STERLING SILVER FLATWARE AT JUST 1407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE: 50c Mentholatum 29c Odds and ends of four good patterns we are going to discontinue. to afford needed room for new shipments of silverware. Included in this thalf -price sale today are knives and forks, table spoons, dessert and soup Spoons and a fine assortment of fancy pieces. There is not a complete set in any one of these patterns, but you can have an excellent selec tion of fine pieces, nevertheless. Choose everyday-needed articles in sterling silver today at Vt our regular low selling prices. Silverware Shop, Main Floor. 50c Sloan's Liniment. . . 25c Lithia 29c 17c 25c Water Bot- -Q tie Covers JLtO Robinson's Bar- QA ley. 1-lb OUL tme- QjuALrrV Store op- Portland Tablets, 5-gx. Drug and Toilet Goods Shop, Main Floor. Portland's Greatest Bargain Event; -Our 1407th Friday Surprise Sales 140TTH FRIDAY SURPRISE 60c-$1.35 Fiction 25c 25c TO 40c 15c TO 30c BOOKS 150 BOOKS 100 Broken lines and odds Picture Books. Book and ends of good books. Shop, Basement BaL 1407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE 25c and 35c White Striped Voiles 123, A lot of yard-wide white striped voiles on sale Friday at, yard 12 c. Good quality. For Summer dresses and waists. 2d Floor 1407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Women's 5 0 c to 6 5 c Handkerchiefs at 35c Fine handkerchiefs of plain lin en, fine cross-bar and corded ma terials. Broken lines of initials and designs. 3 for 90. M. Floor 1407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE $1.25 Table Cloths tWith Fringed Edge 89c- Soft finish cloths white with blue or red border and fringed edges. Size 58x72 inches. Godft weight special at 89c 2d Floor 1407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Women's $6.50 Umbrellas at $3.98 Good rainproof umbrellas, wih paragon frames and detachable handles. A limited number for this Friday sale at $3.98. M. Fir. MEIER & FRAXK'S 1407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SAXES Women's Afternoon and Even'g Dresses $15.00 REGARDLESS OF FORMER PRICES About 50 dresses in this sale splen did qualities of serge, poplin, velvet, taf feta, crepe de chine, silk and net com binations and other pretty effects. The colors are navy, black, brown and the most attractive shades for evening wear. All are in the season's best models with but one of a kind left in most instances. Really exceptional values in this sale at ?15. NONE SENT C. O. D. NONE 'ON APPROVAL. Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor 1407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE $5.00 and $6.00 Dimity Bed Spreads $3.48 Corded dimity, scalloped edges, in full-bed sizes. Slightly soiled. Limited quantity. No phone or C O. D. orders. 2d Floor 1407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Many 25c to 50c Ribbon Remnants 15c Cleanup sale of good ribbon remnants Dresden?, satins, taf fetas and novelties hi desirable shades and widths. Each 15c. Main Floor. 1407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE $5.00 to $7.50 Trimmed Hats ' at $3.45 A large assortment of hand some trimmed hats. Velvets trimmed in fancy feathers, flow ers, ornaments, ribbons. 4th Floor 1407TII FRIDAY SURPRISE $1.75 to $2.50 Utility Hats at 75c Ready-to-wear hats in corduroy, velvet and felt. All in becoming shapes. For quick disposal on special sale Friday 75c 4th Floor 1407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE 'Oregon City' Pillow Tops Today at 49c A limited number of these Oregon City Pillow Tops in good designs and absolutely fast colors. One as pictured. Today only 49ccenter Aisle. Main Floor Luggage Shop, Sixth Floor 1407T1C FRIDAY SURPRISE 25cand35cYd. Embroidery at 15c ,awn embroidery for children's dresses and women's wear. 27-inch width in large eyelet patterns. 40c TO 60c PIECE REMNANTS 25 Remnants of embroideries, laces and nets. to 2 yards. For all sorts of Spring sewing. Each 25c. $1 TO $1.50 PIECE REMNANTS 690 Silk laces, nets, chiffon, metal and novelty laces. Yt, to 1 yards. Each 69c. Main Floor. All Fur Trimming Reduced Every piece of fur trimming in our large and well-chosen stocks ! A touch of fur trimming on a collar will practically re-make your old suit or coat. Note these special prices : REVERSIBLE CONEY 85c Coney, 1 in., yard 53c I $2.25 Coney, 3 ins., yd. $1.59 $1.50 Coney, 2 ins., yd. $1.05 $3.25 Coney, 4 ins., yd. $2.12 ODDS AND ENDS FINE FUR $1.50 Natural Opossum. Black Alaska Lynx, 1 inch, yd. 50b $2.50 Furs, 2 inches wide, yard S1.00 Trimming Shop. Main Floor. 1407TII FRIDAY SURPRISE $3.95 to 5.95 Good Silk Kimonos for $2.98 Figured silk kimonos and a number of plain albatross kimonos, made with elastic band at waist line. In addition to these a number of blanket bath robes. All in light and dark colorings. For quick clearaway Friday at $2.98. $2.00-$3.00 DRESSES S1.29 . J A good assortment of house dresses in percales and ginghams. Many different colors and quite a few styles. While any ' remain Friday only $1.29. Third Floor. Sixth Street. I407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Women's $5 to $7.00 Shoes at $3.65 Odds and ends of good shoes most of them J. and T. Cousins' make in broken styles and sizes and discontinued models. Patent colt, gunmetal and glazed kid leathers. With leather and covered wood Louis heels, Goodyear welt soles and black or colored cloth tops. NO PHONE ORDERS. Shoe Shop. Third Floor. 1407TII FRIDAY SURPRISE Men ! A Great Sale of 50c Fancy Four-in-Hand Ties Only 25c Just half price today for all broken lines of our fancy four-in-hand silk ties. Many desirable patterns and colors included. Nearly all of these ties are made with the de sirable slip-easy band. Your choice of any 50c quality in fine fancy silk ties tody 25c. 25c MERCERIZED FANCY SOX, PAIR 12 'zd Fine quality mercerized hose in fancy striped and dotted effects mostly blacks with white stripes and dots. All are made with double toes, soles and heels and their wearing qualities are excellent. Sizes 9V2 to 11 in these smart sox today at 124c instead of 25c a pair. ' Men's Furnishings Shop, Main Floor. X407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Men's $12.50, $15.00 and $20.00 Raincoats $8.95 Our famous "Aervento" ventilated rubberized top coat style raincoats that are water-tight but not air-tight and celebrated "Goodyear" coats. Every one guaranteed water proof.' Exceedingly practi cal garments that afford real protection from rain without causing you any discomforts Tans, grays ' and brown mixtures. Sizes 34 to 48. BOYS' $7.50 AND $8.75 COATS $5.85 Wool surface raincoats with plaid lining. Abso lutely rainproof. Raglan styles in gray and tan. Aervento and Goodyear coats in 4 to 18-year sizes. Third Floor. 1407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Women's $2 $2.50 Gloves $1.83 A wonderful sale of fine gloves! These are all genuine French kid gloves famous Tre fousse and Ferrin makes of fine dress quality. . All these were made and imported before the war, assuring you of highest quality and finest workmanship. There are broken assortments and styles some in two and three-clasp style, others with flat pearl or fancy Cleopatra buttons. In light shades of gray, champagne, tan, mode, white, dark brown and black. Every pair fitted. Glove Shop. Main Floor. 1407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE 20c to 75c Yard Cretonne and Scrim Remnants 10c A great accumulation of fine cur tain materials at this astoundingly low price today. 10c yard for 20c to 75c values. "SUNFAST rft REMNANTS JUU Up to 6-yard lengths in $1.00 to $3.25 Sunfast and madras today, yard 50c. Drapery Shop. Seventh Floor. 1407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Sale Women's Fine Angora Sport Sets A new shipment of Angora skating and sports sets on sale at lowered prices for Friday Surprise! Scarfs and caps to match, made of fine quality ma terials in white, rose, Oxford, delft, orange and yellow colors. Most of them are in popular striped effects. $1.75 CI Ad SETS $2.00 SETS $2.50 Q- no SETS...PJ-'0 Neckwear Shop, Main Floor. .$1.59 1407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE 35 c Fine Stamped Turkish Towels 19c A large assortment of Turkish towels stamped on good grade Terry cloth in simple designs to be embroidered in colors. Special for Friday Surprise selling at 19c $1.25 PILLOW CASES, PAIR 98d Envelope day pillow cases, entirely made and stamped to embroider in a number of pretty and simple designs. Friday pair 98c 35c GUEST TOWELS. SPECIAL 29d Pretty hemstitched guest towels, made of good grade white huck and stamped to em broider in a variety of pretty patterns. ' $1.25 STAMPED BATH MATS 98d Extra heavy bath mats, made of good Terry cloth. Stamped to embroider in simple designs. Some with pink and blue borders. 40c LAUNDRY BAGS, SPECIAL 25 Completely made laundry bags, stamped to embroider in various designs. Of good qual ity heavy white and tan scrim. Art Needlework Shop, Second Floor. Great 2 -Day Sale Women's & Children's Undergarments A Friday Surprise Sale filled with such unusual, values that early shopping is ad vised. Good underwear at splendid savings ! CHILDREN'S 35c-50c GARMENTS 15d Odds and ends of cotton fleeced and cot ton and wool mixed garments union suits, vests and pants. Broken sizes. WOMEN'S 65c TO 85c GARMENTS 35d Union suits and separate garments in me dium and fleeced cotton fabrics. Broken sizes and styles excellent values, 3 for $1. WOMEN'S $1 TO $2.75 GARMENTS 53d Women's fleeced cotton and medium weight cotton union suits in broken styles and sizes and a few separate garments in silk and wool and merino. WOMEN'S. $2.50-$3 GARMENTS 9Sd Odds and ends of the famous "Swan Brand" and "Sterling" union suits. Broken sizes and styles in a variety of fabrics. Underwear Shop, Main Floor. 1407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE $2.75 to $3.50 Silk and Wash Waists at $1.49 Odds and ends of splendid taf feta, messaline, madras, voile and linen waists. Some plain tailored, others with frills. 4th Floor 1407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE 86.50 Taffeta Silk Petticoats, Special $4.50 light and dark changeable silk petticoats, made with fancy, full flounces. Finished at top with elastic waist band. $4.50. 3d Floor 1407TH FRIDAY Sl'RPRISB 20c Flannelette Special at Yard 14 c Extra heavy flannelette, suit able for bath robes, -kimonos or couch covers. 27 inches wide. In dian, floral, conventional. 2d Floor 1407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Children's $8.95 to $12.95 Dresses $6.95 Sizes 6 to 14 years. A clean-up of all wool serge, poplin and gab ardine dresses in checks, stripes and plain colors. 2d Floor J407TH FRIDAY, SURPRISE $3.50 Beacon Bath Robe Blankets for . $2.70 Bathrobe blankets in the latest and most attractive designs. With cord and loops to match. Large size--72x90 inches. 2d Floor. I40TTII FRIDAY SURPRISE Children's $7.50 to $9.00 Dresses $3.98 Sizes 6 to 14 years. A clean-up of white dresses nets, lingerie cloth, batiste and voiles. Several different styl ss. 2d Floor 1407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Good Quality of Cocoa Door Mats 79c Size 14x24 inches, special Fri day only at 79c Larger mats size 16x27 inches, special for Fri day Surprise at 98 . 7th Floor 140TTII FRIDAY SURPRISE Hit -and -Miss Rag Rugs Special at 36c The popular hit-and-miss pat tern. Size 18x36 inches special at 36c. Size 24x36 inches, special at 58. Size 25x50, 75. 7th Fir. 1407TII FRIDAY 'SURPRISE 50c Cashmere Hose, Pair 15c 2 pairs 25c About 200 pairs of nisses' soft warm cashmere hose in tan color and broken sizes, 6 to 10. Women's 65 c Hose Pair 35c 3 pairs $1. Outsize cashmere hose in black. Full fashioned, com fortable. Sizes 8 and 9. ' 50c Hose 35c 3 pairs $1. Fiber silk in black, white and some colors. "Mill Runs." Sizes 9 to 10. Hosiery Shop. Main Floor. 1407TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Men'sBelts WithSilverBuckles 98c Great one-day sale of just 120 good quality leather belts in all sizes. Well finished on both sides. Many styles German sil ver buckles, fitted with new patented catch. ENGRAVED FREE Initials engraved free of charge on these belts at 98c to day. Jewelry Shop, Main Fir. SS" Magic Flour $202 Good family flour made from Butter, Royal Banquet, our own fresh churning, 2-lb. roll 89?. Coffee, M. & F. special blend, freshly roasted, 40c grade, lb. Peanut Butter, none delivered, 5 lbs. to customer, lb. 110. Pancake Flour or Wheathearts, Olympic, large pkg. 22. the highest grade bluestem wheat. Sauer Kraut, Royal Club, new pack, No. 3 cans, dozen $1.65, large cans 140. Buckwheat, Larrowe's genuine New York, 9-lb. sack 55c, 5-lb. pkgs. 35c, 2-lb. pkgs. 15. Laundry Soap, Winner br a n d, good quality, 10 medium-sized bars 25 Ninth Floor. Fifth Street. METER A FRAXK'S 1407TII FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES $1.25 Folding Kitchen Stool Only 67c Just received a new shipment of these splendid folding kitchen stools. Excep tionally well made of good, seasoned fir, in varnish finish, exactly like illustra tion at left Stand 24 inches high. While any of 250 stools remain at 67c Basement. Fifth Street. I I F. N. CLARK IS NOMINATED Greater Portland Association to Give Dinner Dance February 1. K. N. Clark was nominated for presi dent of the Greater Portland Associa tion at the regular weekly meeting- of the association yesterday at the Port- land Hotel. The other officers nomi nated were J. H. Edwards', first vice president; C. J. Mathls, second vice president; S. F. Mayer, secretary, and J. Rosenthal, treasurer. The by-laws were amended to allow the executive committee to be appointed by the officers of the association in stead of by popular election. The election of the officer will "be held February 8. - i Xext Thursday night the association will give a dinner dance at one .of- the hotels. Bncoda Shingle Mil Resumes. CENTRA.LIA. Wash.. Jan. 25. (Spe cial.) Following a shutdown caused by weather conditions, the Bucoda Shingle Company resumed operations Monday with a full crew at its plant in Bucoda. .. . EX-BARTENDER LOSES MIND C. P. Kidd Thinks Life in Danger From Complex Machine. That a complex scientific machine, aimed to destroy Mm, is constantly being used against him. is the halluci nation of C P. Kidd. an ex-bartender. who was taken from the Standlsh Hotel to the Emergency Hospital at the po lice station early yesterday, by Patrol men Crane, Russell and Gouldstone. Robert H. Sen ops. landlord, told the police that Kidd, who Is 25 years old. had acted queerly for some time. He was examined at the Emergency Hos pital, and sent to the County Jail as a demented patient. Head The Gregonian classified ads. WOMEN TO BE MEMBERS Klamath Fails Commercial Club Lets Down Bars. KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Jan. 25. (Special.) A campaign to add women of Klamath Falls to the membership of the Klamath Commercial Club la to b 1 ......V . a n . I ... t m r- i mens, president 01 me ciuo. Juany women have expressed themselves as anxious to identify themselves wit.li the club since hearing the report of work done in the past year. The dues for women will probably be less than for men. W. Paul Johnson is the director in charge of the member ship committee of the club. Bead The Oregonian classified ads. i