THE MORXTfG OREGOXIAN, FTtTDAY, JAMJART 2G, 1917. MTt'ATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers dJ Stenographer. GIRL, 19, desires stenographic work; some experience ; prefers place having oppor tunity for advancement; A-l refs. Call week days bet. 8:3u A- M. and 5:30 P. M. Msln 7051. A 1517. FIRST-CLASS stenographer, young woman, desires position. Marshall 545. TYPIST, rapid, neat, accurate, wants P3J tion; good dictaphone operator. Main 220-. Housekeepers. LADY wishes position, housekeeper In hotel, roomlng-houRe, in or out of. city; refer ences. AH 63, Oregonlan. IO JNG woman, exp. cook for delicatessen or cafeteria, wants work; A-l refs. Call week d'ivs bet. S:M0 A, M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 7051. A 1517. EXP. woman wants day work; 25c an hour and carfare. Call week dys bet. 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M, Main 7051. A 1d17. LADY wants work by hour or day; good worker. Call eli. 336. GERMAN lady wants day work, washing or cleaning. Main 9-3. WOMAN would like work by day or hour. East 577, room 1. MiM-ellaneous. MAN and wife want camp work, cooking or anything ; experienced ; would go sep arate. Mrs. Stadler. Barr Hotel, room 30, tith and Gllsan. UK FIN ED. educated woman wants light chambermaid work. Call week days bet. 8:30 A. M. and 0:30 P. KL Main 7051, A 1517. EXPERTENCKD cook wants work In res taurant, cafeteria or delicatessen. Max shall C."98. Apt. 31. YOUNG lady wants position in doctor's of fice; can take dictation. Address BC 48, Oregonlan. COMPETENT woman wishes work Friday and (Saturday; washing, ironing, cleaning. Main 55S4. .VOMAN wants to work for room and board, private boarding-house, close In. Adress Y 35, Oregonlan. CLEAN worker wants good home, or as sistant; also wishes to go to trace scnooi, afternoons; small wages. Marsnan ij t. tvi'l T A "NJ wnnii Aa-v wnrlf Phone Ejtst III 12. apt. 67. BEST of care of children la my home. 110 month. Phone Tabor (&;, COOK, experienced In private family: wages $40. 7u East 14th, Margaret Kartmann. WANTED Cooking and serving, fancy Iron ing, housework, by hour. Tabor 317. HOUSE cleaning and washing, by day or hour. 25c hour. Tabor 7932, KXHERIGNCKD girl wants general house work. BC 67, Oregonlan. HIDDLE-AGED lady and daughter wants work together. Call C 1027. JsVIDOW wants work, washing or cleaning; needs work. Main 4585. lfcA.CE curtains hand laundered ; reasonable rates to apartment-houees. East 5023. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Eas-t 2846, apt. 217. WANTED TO RENT. ItESPONSIBLE couple want small bungalow or cottage on West Side, furnished or Un furnished. AF 53, Oregonlan. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. PALACE HOTEL. On Washington street at Twelfth. Large, airy rooms, elegantly furnished, clean, free phone, hot and cold water, team heat, fireproof, large ground-floor lobby, prlva te and public baths, elevator service ; theater and shopping district ; strictly first-class accommodations at moderate prices. Inspection will convince you; 60o per day and up. Special week ly rates. HOTEL RAMAPO. 14th and Washington StS. A moderate-priced hotel, with first -sdass service, with all comforts and con veniences of the high-priced hotels, at lower rates; rooms with and without pri vate baths from Toe to 2 per day; weekly rates $3 and up. ANSON I A HOTEL. 124 14th st.. cor. Washington St. Fireproof, up-to date hotel, large at tractive rooms, individual telephone, con tinuous heat and hot water service; $3 per week up; 50c to $1.50 per day. IOTEL LIL-MER, under new management; Mrs. Lillian Merry; transient trade so licited, rates reasonable; hot and cold water In every room, 2704 Fourth st-, cor. Jefferson, opposite City Hall. Phone Mar shall 0355. HOTEL CONRADINE. 10th st., at Oak Desirable downtown o cation : respectable and strictly modern; fireproof building, elevator and large lob by; rooms $3 per week up. HOTEL BLACKSTONE. Eleventh and Stark sts., brick building, levator service, telephone, hot and cold water in rooms; 50c to $1.50 per day. Spe cial rates by the week. STAND1SH HOTEL. M3H Washington st., corner 17th. Hot and cold water; steam-heated rooms, $1.60 per week; $0 per mo. and up. MAKE THE BUSHMARK YOUR HOME. Good, large, clean, modern rooms, steam heat; walking distance, $1.50 a week; $6 a month and up. 505 Washington st. KlCE LY furnished front room, walking dls tance ; both phones, reasonable. 402ft 3d st. The Warrenton. Main 7771. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison street at 10th, RATES 50c day up. Weekly $2 up. Running water. Free phone and baths. HOTEL CORDOVA. 26ft 11th st. Strictly modern; private baths ea suite; room $3 up. Main 0472. A 4 7 S3. HOTEL NORRIS. 533 H Alder. Strictly mod trn, $1.50. $2 and $2.50 a week. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL, Warm, modern rooms. :0th and Wash, $2 week up. STEAM heat, hot and cold we ek u p. SSH Grand ave. water, $1.50 FORD HOTEL, p ivate bath, phone, $12 up; without bath. $10 up. 733 Washington at. Furnldbed Rooms in Private Family. TWO neatly furnished rooms, private fam ily, breakfast If desired; heat, hot water. telephone, bath, home comforts, good car service; can accommodate room mates; gentlemen only, reasonable. t27 E. Sal mon, cor. 17th. First floor. East 178. TWO neatly furnished room, private farm- II y. oreaKrast ir ueMred ; heat, hot water. telephone, bath, home comforts, good car service; can accommodate room mates; gentlemen only, rtasonrle. 027 E. Sal' tim n, cor. inn. r ir?t ioor. -koom suite, second floor, $12.60. 3-room utte. 3d floor. 510. Hot and cold water: vralking distance. 67 N. 20th at. FOR RENT Nice large front bedroom, fur nished for one or two persona, walking dls tance. 409 Halsey st. Phone East 003. J3KAtTlFT LLY furnished room in good home. Nob Hill; references. 738 Johnson street. KICELY furnished front and single room, heat, reasonable. 3i9 Taylor. NICE room in brautifu! home; running water, snower path, C55 Everatt. st- EM ALL front room for gentleman, In pri vat home. Main 1 146. Room With Board. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. A MlLLlOA fT?M5 TUT CortVtAlCt "The. A Coprri8lt. 191$, by N.w,papr Fotur. Service Inc. Great Britain FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. WEAVER HOTEL, 708-10 Washington Street. Phone Marshall 5170. BOARD AND ROOM. Private bath and telephone In every room. Prices reasonable. Excellent heat. ALEXANDRA COURT. oj cua au An, American Plan Residence Hotel Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 6211. Marshall 617a THE WHITE HALL. 2153 flth, American plan; very convenient and reasonable. THE STRYKEH, 554 Couch; family hotel, rooms emgle or. en suite; reasonable rates. Room Y:i h Board in Private Family. ONE large front room, also outside rooms, board if desired. Home privileges. Max. 5305. 414 Columbia, cor. 11th St. YOUNG lady employed desires room and board In modern, refined, private home. West Side; references. H 49, Oregonlan. HOME with use of piano for young girl, walking distance Jefferson High. Phone Main 7408, mornings. FIRST-CLASS room and board In private home. 166 N. 21st. Main 4220. PLEASANT room, with board : modern ac commodations. 6S1 Gllsan. Marshall 1248. r amino, ed Apartments. PTELw y N. HIGH-CLASS. Beautifully furnished 'apt., Turkish rugs. Oriental furniture, sleeping porch, lots of heat, best references required. Marshall 2830. A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined clean, safe. THE WHEELDON ANNEX popular, 10th and. Salmon Sts. well known, of highest standing, A house of quality, comfort and service. r THE CROMWELL. Firth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's store; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3 -room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA 12th and Tsylor. Most modern apartments on the Faelfio Coast; furnished complete. Roof Gardens in Connection. Walking distance. References. IRVINGTON. BOWMAN APTS.. 17th and Tillamook. Beautiful furnished 5-room upper cor ner apartment; rent $50. Call F. E. Bow man & Co. Main 3026, or Mrs. Smith. IS. 068. PENROSE APARTMENTS, N. W. corner Belmont and Grand ave. New, completely furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Solid brick building; white enam eled interior; large kitchens; service "first class; walking distance. LINCOLN APARTMENTS. 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APTS. $10 TO $25. WALKING DISTANCE. GARAGE CONVE N 1 E NT. MADISON PARK APTS., Park at Madison. Modern 2. 8 and 4 rooni furnished apartments, close In. by week or month. ET-K APARTMENTS. 84TH AND BELMONT. Furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Also single room ; reasonable rates. WASHINGTON GRAND. 2 and 3-room apts., $10 up; heat, light, bath; clean, respect able. 91 Grand ave.. cor. Washington. AVALON Completely furnished, modern 4-room apt., vacant Feb. 1. Rent $35. Phone East 3172. BANNER APTS.. 489 Clay, 2 rooms, fur nished, light, neat and phone; modern; $12 up. Marshall 2074. DENVER APARTMENTS StrTctly modeTn 2, 8, 4-room furnished and unfurnished, $J8 up. "W" car to Northrup. Mar. 227. NEW furnished apts.; concrete block; $10 and $12. 1162 U .ion ave. N. Wdln. 612. , 2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phone, gas, light. $3 up. New Hart. 170 2d st. THE DEZENDORF. 203 16th st.. near Taylor. Marshall 2315, Inlurnlfthed Apartments. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished five-room apart ment, wiin an moaern conveniences, in cluding Bleeping porch, telephone, gas, electric lights, etc. ; newly carpeted, ren ovated, reduced rentals. Phones Main 4376, A 1301. IRVING APARTMENTS. Four rooms, unfurnished, all outside rooms, veranda, laundry, garage, good service, low rates to permanent tenants; references required. 689 Irving st. Phone Aiarsnaii -y. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. 18th and Couch sts. Marshall iio59. Mod ern new building, 2. 3. 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower hatha and every convenience. LARGE, light 2-room apt., private dressing and bathroom, telephone and water; reut $17; walking distance. "Chapman Apta., ' Mi!l and Chapman sts. DOUGLAS COURT. 425 W. Park, now open; new 2 and 8- room, hardwood floors, mahogany finish; first-class service; all light, apts. KEELErTaPTS., 14TH AND CLAY ST 3. Desirable unfurnished 3-room suite, pri vate vestibule, phone and bath. $27. Call between 2 and 4 P. M.. Marshall 5753. $20, $22.50 -LOVELY 4-rmTfront apt., walk ing distance. Wellington Court, 521 Kver- ROSE-FRIEND, B'way and Jefferson. Ele gant 8-room, unfurnished Apt., can be secured February 1. Marshall 1410. NEW Nob Hill apartments, 3-room suites; modern, best location and outlook ; very reasonable. Marshall 267. Glisan near 23d. SIN roomi, sleeping-porch, all outside rooms; references. 7s0 Irving. Marshall 175S. THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson S, 4. 6 rooms, reasonable. Marshall 3360. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders. Large, light. 5. 6 rms., reas. M.7516, A2676 5-ROOM APT., with sleeping porch. Bryn Mnwr, 183 E. loth St. ; $30t Furnished or Vnf urninhed Apartments. WELLESLEY COURT, MELCLIFFE COURT. - REX ARMS. Phone East 65T7. Sunnyside carltne. close in; 2 and. 3 room ; desirable and reasonable. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, THE HOUSE OF TON S, 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 11 Ol. THE BUE.VA VISTA. 12th and Harrison Strictly modern, all outside apartments; Ideal location; references. Phone Main 1091 and J052. LUC RE Tl A COURT APARTMENTS. t High-class, rerfect In all dMalla 49 Lucretla St. Marshall 1513. A S87. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 4 and 5-room fur. and unfurnished apts. Sleep)-, g porch. 22d and Glisan. Mar. 3181. ill vt a Sta&n 1iTa(SS OF fits! AM rfea 1 iJT7r. FOR RENT. Famished or Unfurnished Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave., near 23d and Washing ton; large. attractive, sunny outside rooms ; private balconies, modern, supe rior service, unsurpassed view, walking distance. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2. 8 and 4 room: rates moderate; good service, spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. Phone Marshall 2961 and 2964. Walking dig tance. 21st and Irving. BHEVF1ELD APARTMENTS, 270 S. Broad way; one furnished or unfurnished front 4-room apartment. Phone Main 2506. Flats. 6 ROOMS, close In, modern and In good condition; rent $20 to desirable tenant; key at news stand, cor. 16th and Wash ington sts. FOR RENT Modern unfurnished 6-room fiat. $25 per month. $28 13th st. Phone Main 3063. $10 A MONTH 4 rooms, desirable location, close to school and car line. Ogdea, 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. $18. SO, including water, modern 5-room up per; Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, etc 66V4 E. 19th st.N.. cor. Davis. Wdln. 4373. FIRST-CLASS modern 8-room upper flat, good light and air, fireplace. 427 Clay St., near 11th. Phone East 8, SWELL modern 6-room flat, all conveni ences, tnorougniy renovated. n.asx lb jo. FLAT of six rooms and bath: 731 Hoyt st. Inquire 130 6th. Phone Main 6278. MODERN 6-room flat, large attic 122 E. 16th. East 3775. MODERN 6-room upper flat, very reason able. West Side. 529 Everett st. aiODERN 4-room flat, reasonable, near 23d and Washington sts. Main S98S. $20 6-ROOM modern flat at 770 Johnson st. Alain Doi. ONLY $12 4-room modern flat. East 20th. water included. Main 937. Furnished Flats. 6-ROOM lower flat, partly furnished, corner King and Davis. Phone Main 7820. FIVE rooms, well furnished, all outside rooms. $25. References. Marshall 6163. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur nished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room ; 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sts.. $14 up. 291 Columbia bu near 5th. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites, walking distance, both phones; $2 per week and up; newly renovated. Main 7771 The Warrenton.- 402 hi 3d st. . 401 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts., reasonable. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms In private nome, neat, ugnt ana coo King gas furnished. 365 Halsey at. $1 WtEK Clean, quiet, close In; large rrounds. phone. 90 E. 8th, 105 20TH. cor. Flanders, neatly furnished housekeeping rooms. 2 FRONT rooms, $8.60 mo.; gas range, con nectlng bath, free elec, phone. 392 4th. 1 AND 2 rooms, close In. $L50 up. 131 Lownsdale, cor. Morrison. Houses. $30. For rent. 8-room modern house, with sleeping porch, on Mount Tabor. Lot lOOx 317; fruit trees, berries, 60 roses, fine lawn, furnace and wood range connected, hardwood floors. Fine view overlooking city. 333 East 57th au Hawthorne car. Call for key next door. IF YOU take it now, you can secure at a low reniai tnat aestraoie nome property, rwo. 1556 East Taylor street, and obtain the benefit of garden, fruit and nut trees the coming sason, roomy house, grounds 1O0 xlOO; garage. Donald U. Woodward. 104 Second street. 6-ROOM house at 478 East 48th st. N., Rose City Park, right on the carline. Rent $15 per month; will spend first month rent in fixing up lawn, etc., for occupant. See Mr. M. Jacoby, 326 Washington st. FLEE S l OKAGE Household goods stored frte; expert movers, packers and shippers. Manning Warehouse A Transfer Co., 9th ard Hoyt sts. Broadway 703. 6-ROOM modern bungalow with kitchen range connected to hot water, linoleum on kitchen and bath, all for $3.00 per month. 0010 40th ave,,S.E. Main 3505. $10 6-room modern house, near new Frank lin High School. ee owner. 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 087. GOOD 8-room house, 91 Stanton, near Al btna shipyards and O.-W, R. & N. Shops, $12.50 including water, iast soi2. RIVERDALE 5-room cottage, garden, (rult trees; beautiful view overlooking golf links; -u. pnone Mam i. COMFORTABLE 7-room West Side home; hot water iumace, email oiu Mar ket. Main 4510. MODERN 7-room house, 243 23d su. near Marshall. Phone Marshall 1079. 6 ROOMS 2D5 Cook ave.. near Williams; gas, electricity, bath. East 1208. MODERN 6-room house, walking distance. near scnooi, cneap. x aoor STRICTLY modern Laurelhurst home, near car. No. 116 Laaaington court. Tabor 3284. BUNGALOW. 86 East 19th St., bet. Wash, and btark. Walking ciis. Mar. 1613, A DESIRABLE 6-room West Park st. house. reasonable rent to aauits. Jiain n;o. 8-ROOM modern house. 712 Lovejoy. near 22d. inquire liju otn St. Alain G278. 6-KOOii cottage, close in, 406 Hall st., near 10th. 6-ROOM house, gas, electricity; walking dis tance. 697 Everett st. Phone .att 8. $10 FOR modern bungalow, near ML Tabor cir. Key et Main 9J t . 4-5. STRICTLY modern, low rent. 1058 Cleveland ave. Phone Woodlawn 2295. IRVINGTON Attractive home, garage, cen tral location. Neuhausen & Co. Main SOTS. DESIRABLE 7-room house. 595 flth; 16th-st. car south; new garsget Apply on premises. Tarnished Hnate. 7-ROOM house, including fuel, water, phone, silver and linens, $iio. Main 7024. West Side. fetore. DH ESS MAKING establishment and living apartment, 14S 13 th St., ground floor, store front, fitting-room, stockroom, reception-room, large workshop with hardwood floor, three living-rooms and kitchen, bathroom, two toilets, laundry tubs, spe cial electric connections. Highly finished and best facilities ; moderate rent. Floor area, 3500 square feet. Inquire 1025 Yeon building. NICE store room with large basement, 424 East Burnside street, fine location for plumbing, electric or butcher shop ; wiL give good lease to responsible party. Ap ply owner. George Pirie. Phone Tabor 608. STOREROOM, 25xS0 ft., close in. East Side, suitable for warehouse, only $lu. - Call 1 US Second st. Offices. SH A RE 3-sulte combination, lawyer pre fer! ed, $15; private furnished office, $10, share office, $7.00. Stock Exchange, 8d nnd Yamhill. OFFICES, either single or 2, 3 and 4-room suites. 815 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washing ton stfl. PRIVATE OFFICE, reception-room and phone. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. WELL-FURNISHED private office; also desk room. $5 and $7. 723 Cham, of Com. SAARC AH MOMV. MY VtAR. 6lRL l ak mot mI The. hbiT right, reserved. Registered in U. S. P.tent O01. MAKK A-NTOXY COl'LD.'T KEEP ASHIR AWAKE. BT Classified Ads for The Sunday Qregonian Must Be Received by 7:30 o'Clock Saturday Evening (In order to secure proper classification.) Ads received later than this will be rnn under the heading "Too Late to Classify." 8:30 ovCIock Is the Closing Hour Other Evenings FOB RENT. Offices. OFFICES, store rooms and halls; also rooms suitable for light manufacturing; oiiice building accommodations; rent reasonable. Sweeney Investment Co.. 815 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington sts. ' OFFICES, $7 up; furnished offices, desk room, reasonable. so3 &wetiana oiag. BUSINESS) OPPORTUNITIES. OAKS CONCESSIONS. The Oaks Amusement Pars: wllV open ths season of 1917 about the middle of May. Ths following concessions are to let: Popcorn, photo gallery, candy stand, cigar booth, novelty booth, bail throwing, dancing pavilion. Terms reasonable. Ad dress John F. Cor dray, P, O. box 1185. Portland, Or. $50 CASH, balance less than you'd pay for your apartments; s beautnuiiy curnisnea rooms; everything goes. Including fine oil paintings and my price will be your price; come out and figure it yourself: upstairs (permanently rented) pays entire rent, Hxht. phone, water bills 806 Hancock. WA or B cars. WE are placing state agencies for ths stiKViCK guaranteed oooo-nuie tikis. throughout the United States. Exclusive territory of Oregon still open. For infor mation. Service Tire & Rubber Co., 2J22 Broadway, N. T. City. CAUTION. BJJYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Inter est In lnestabllshed real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWGILL, Sec 302 Henry Bldg. WELL established manufacturing concern w limes to sell tneir factory ouuning ana wiil take lease on same for a period of 10 years on a satisfactory rental basis ; about $13,01)0 necessary. Address owner, X 57, Oregonlan. A GROWING BUSINESS Partner wanted to tend the office, etc. Can clear $12.1 month. Your Investment will be secured and owner gives bank, references. Call 248U, Stark st. AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS Opening for en ergetic man In this good business. Profits $200 month, and small Investment rs qulred. Call24S Vi Stark at. WANTED To hear from auto xnechanlo with some money to invest, with view of starting garage In country to n; Al op portunity. Address AV 407, Ore go ni an. PARTY with $MM0 to SIO.OOO to take Inter est In well-located sawmill with rail and water shipments on Columbia River. P 67, Oregonlan. MOVING picture theater; best location. Grants Pass; seats 290; fully equipped; price $1500. L. A. LA1TNER, Grant Pass, Or. WE SELL OR TRADE Anything and everything. Mlllership, 431 Chamber of Commerce. I ' T? IVTTW nnnnwl with small amnnnt ncH to take interest in Job business; good! town, write av ew, uregunian. WE have 40 grocery s lores from $400 to 4u.wu casn ana traae. -acmc Agency, Inc.. 615 Swejjand bldg. BARBER SHOP, soft drinks and pool table in connection ; gooa piece ror oaroer and partner, call Odo Washington st. DON'T WRRT. I can trade or sell It; anything. Lay man. 627Chamber 6t Commerce. CASH GROCERY with living-rooms; good casn traae ana wui seu cneap. wan r- Lit I IV Bl. TAILOR SHOP In good Valley town 3500 population for sale cheap. AE 65, Orego nlan. EXAMINATION made of Or. and Cal. mines for those expecting to invest. P. O. box 173, Myrtle Creek, Or. ESTABLISHED cleaning, pressing business: fine location; no competition; cheap. Phone wooaiawn 4.. OPENING for steady man wf Ulnar to run an automobile In transfer business; $300 requires. an iion otara su PARTNER wanted for good-paying busi ness ; small investment required. X 65, uregoniao. GROCERY. Esst Side, clos In, cheap rent, with or without furniture; no trades. Phone rJast &ooi. WANT a steady man handy with tools; pay $if to weeit. uniy sou casn required. DENTIST If you are a hustler and a good dentist you can crop into a snap with little money, AV 455, Oregonlan. PARTNER with $2000 for contract work employment If chosen; divide profits; good opening. Auaress i" uv, uregonian. NICE little business on Yamhill et., making gooa money, no. tau jyi in st. $0000 BUYS sawmill that Is a money-maker. Taylor Real Estate Agency, Cloverdaie, Or. FOR SALE Good bu sinews n market; low rent; price g-juu. laronm st. FOR SALE Half interest in a small mam f acturing business. AH 36, Oregonlan. HARDWARE store for sale, good location. gooa DusmesB, usiurei. xsr uregonian. HARDWARE, furniture and Implement stock at invoice. AC ot uregomao. HARDWARE storn for sale; good location, good business; sickness. VV 30. Oregonlan, r.nnn creamery, good town, all or half in" K terest. AV 501, Oregonlan. FOR SNAPS in rooming-houses see Paclflo Agency. Inc.. M5 Pwetlend bldg. POLLY AND HER J . UlO 1 III of n I CCSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. AM looking for a man to Invest $4000 or $5000 In a business well established and paying; want him to look after our coun try buying Interests on salary basis; ex perience In our line not necessary, but you must have a good name and good com mon sense; if you have had some farming experience that will be better; middle aged man preferred. Address AV 469, Ore- f;oplan. LEAVING city; will sail for less than cost of furniture; established 11 years : all the business ons man can do. Real estate and business opportunities; good location. Price nuu. ou, oregonlan. SPLENDID opportunity to purchase a water power with oox ractory in operation; sure money-maker. See Dr. W. v. Spencer. 905 Electric bldg.. Portland, Oregon, or address Spencer Mill Co., Thatcher. Wash. HOTEL MEN. READ THIS One of most prosperous hotels In capital eitst. tor sale; wih sell property or rumr ture and lease. For particulars address lisy view Hotel. Olympia. Wash. FOR SALE A orosoerous chicken business; equipment consists or aw nens, wnite Leghorn cocks; portable houses, electric apparatus, etc.; o-acre rancn zor rant. 1. ttt. Kooinson, corvaiiis, r. FOR SALE-Best vulcanizing and tire busi ness in the Northwest doing $0,000 bust ness a year; will take $uo00 to $6000 to uanaie. Address Box 62. Boise. Idaho. BUSTNKPS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WOULiD purchase Interest In local pub Ilea tion of merit; confidential. AC bu, ore gonlan. , WANTED General merchandise or shoe stock; pay cash. N. Z., Imperial Arms. WANTED Sawmill wit i timber or either, w. j. Thompson, 4030 66th st. S. E., city, HOTELS AND ROOMING-HOUSES. ONLY commercial hotel In town of 1200, strictly modern, st a pries that win sur prise you. An Ideal place for man and wife. If you wlh this place see my agent. Bunay. u Henry Dtag, BEST 88-room hotel In citv. modem brick. steaay roomers; get the price ana terms and you'll buy. Mrs. Miller. 123 14th st.. cor. wain. MRS. M. E LENT. Leading Hotel Apartment-House Agent " muett ueiiauie Agency in city. B24 N. W. Bank big.. 6th and Morrison. IlY- owner, 1 1-room corner house, house keeping, 6 blocks Postoffice; good Income rignt party. AG 53, oregonisn. 10-ROOM house, furnished for housekeeping, cheap; fine location. 594 Everett, corner j win. 14 ROOMS housekeeping, fine corner, good rurntture, close in, west side, modern. Wells & Anderson, 1G3H West Park. 11 ROOMS. housekeeo!r.r. rent $20. fine lo cation, nice home, $:00. Terms. Wells A Anderson, 163Vs West Park. HOTELS. APTo OR ROOMING-HOUSES, ANY SIZE, P.RICE OR LOCATION. MRS. KRANTZ. 621 YEON BUILDING, 24-ROOM apt. -house, fine location, money maker, sell this week easy terms. Wells A Anaerson, iKHiYa est f arK. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. TO whom It may concern: You wtll tsks notice that I will not be responsible for sny debts contracted by my wife. Marls covey. MOW Anu M. lUVfc X. BaRGES for rent, capacity 500 tons. Main P Propbala Invited. I WILL receive seated bids at mv office. 740 M or iran buildi nr. ud to 12 o'clock noon of Monday, January 29. 1917. for a stock of merchandise of the Inventory vulu at ion of $7485.45, consisting of shoes, $2172.35; hats. 5343.11; clothing, $927.03 rtoves, $122.66; ladies and children's wear, $744.30: dry goods and furnishings, $3170.00, together with fixtures of $129.93, or total inventory valuation of $7615.4o, located at 226 Yamhill street. Portland Oregon. Terms cash. Certified check for 10 per cent of amount offered must accom pany each bid. Risht Is reserved to re ject any and. all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock inspected on premises. K. L. SABIN. Dated : Portland, Oregon, Jan. 22. 1917. I WILL receive seated bids at my office, 740 Morgan bldg., Portland, Or., up to 12 ' o'clock noon of Thursday, February 1, 191 7. for a stock of merchandise of the Inventory valuation of $4274.94, consisting of groceries, $3352.08; hardware and paints, $348.59; dry, pood s and notions, $074.27, together wlthflxtures of $1291.89, or total Inventory valuation of $5566.83. located at Albany. Or. Terms cash. Certified check for 10 per cent of amount offered must ac company each bid. Right Is "reserved to reject any and all, bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock Inspected at Albany, Or. R. L. SABIN. Dated. Portland, Or.. January 24. 1917. BANKRUPT SALE OF LUMBER. H. F. Bushong. trustee In the matter of F. F. Bouton. bankrupt, offers for sale all the lumber belonging wo this estate, located In the yard of the Beaver Mill Company, consisting of some 5m,000 feet of lumber, ss a whole or In part.. Inventory of said lumber can be seen st the office of H. F. Bushong. trustee, Roi Northwestern Bank bid.. Herbert R. De wart, sttorney for trustee. 219 Railway Exchange bldg., and ths mill office at ths foot of McCrum -St.. St, John s. Or. PALS S a. LZAUb itTo ia) f. KIT r.i- CLIFF STERRETT 8PECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. IN THE District Court of the UuUed States for the District of Oregon; In the matter of Ben A. Bellamy, bank rupt; REQUEST FOR BIDS. I will receive sealed bids for the fol lowing stock of merchandise and fixtures, formerly the property of ths above-named bankrupt, situated at 275 Grand avnus Portland, Oregon, up to and until 12 o'clock noon of ths second day of Febru ary. 1917, at my offices, 740-47 Morgan building. Portland, Oregon: Stock of goods, wares and mer chandise, consisting principally of groceries, etc., of the inven toried value of $2,028.52 Fixtures pertaining to the same. or the Inventoried value of...."4.4.' Total $3,562.97 The highest bid received will be ac cepted, subject, however, to the approval of the court.. All bids must be accom panied by certified check for 10 per cent (10ci of the amount offered. Inventory of the above stock and fix tures may be seen at my office, and the property inspected upon application. R. L. SABIN, Trustee. LOST AND rOUNT. THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portiana nan way. ugni Power Company, January 24, 1917: 1 bas ket. 3 pair gloves, 1 card case, 1 mesh purse, 1 level. 1 package collars, 2 suit cases, 5 umbrellas. 1 muff, 2 single gloves, 1 bottle milk. 1 can milk, 1 pair rubbers, 1 market bag, 5 school tickets, 1 package cheese, 1 list of automobile owners, 1 package shirt, 2 keys, 1 package meat, 1 package eggs. Owners may obtain lost property at 1st and Alder sts. STOLEN Sunday. Ford touring car, Ore gon license 4U23, motor 4-if. itewara for Information leading to recovery. Ta bor 5C30. $5 REWARD and no questions asked for the return or samples taken out or a r ora car on Tuesday afternoon. Stein &. Finke, 419 and 420 Oregon bldg. LOST Between 10th and Broadway. on Washington, Jan. 2o. lady's gold watch and fob. Initial "M" "Mable" on fob. Re ward. Call East 6079. LOST Hia.-k wallet, containing $52; suit able reward ; return to r-a aiozorosKy. care Meier & Frank gents furnishing dept. Have widowed mother to support. LOST On Monday, In the business district. a square, gold brooch, with square green jado netting; finder wlU receive reward. Main 2002. BLACK lynx collar. Monday evening la Central Library lecture-room; suitaDie re ward; return to Mrs. K. Delbrick. 172 N. 19th st.. city. LOST Square seal collar. Columbia Theater. Reward; no questions askeo. fnona uain LOST Last Frldav. ladVs srold watch. Ham ilton movement; liberal reward, rnont Maine 7094, or BC 55. Oregonlaiu LOST Moss agate scarf pin; liberal re- wara. x. tu est, cars Laaa et imon Bank. LOST Black male bulldog, license tag 550. Phone Main LOST A lady's Shriner pin. Finder pi return to Aaron Fox. Troutaaie. FINANCIAL. MONEY LOANED. R1dence property. C to 8 per cent. Business property, S to 6 per cent. Farm property, 7 to S per cent. WHITMEK-KELLY CO., 711 Pittock Mk. WILL purchase short-time chattel mortgages or chattel contracts, preieramy or mommy installment payments. Portland Loan Company, 806 Dekum bldg. FIRST and second mortgages; also seller's interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or wash. H. L. oble. Lumoermens Ding, WE BUY mortgages, bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO. 60 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes., contracts, mort gages purchased. Lew;s & Co., 4 Lswis bldg. WE buy real estate mortgages. Fred W. Co., a cnam. or com. Money to Loan on Real Estate. OL'R installment plan is the best and surest met noa or payin a ioun. $32.26 per month for 36 months or $21.24 for tio months, or $13.17 for 90 months pays $1006 ioan and Interest. Other am ounta in pro portion. We loan on Improved city property Or for outldlng purposes. No commlbslon charged. EQUITABLE tAVINCS A I5AN ASSN. 24? Stark ttrcet. Portland. Or. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES: VERY r LK.Xl BLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE &. TRUST CO 202 Stevens Bids. M OR TG AGE LO A NS. Any amount, low rales, promptly closed. Attrsctlve repaying privileges, A. H. B1HRELL & CO., 217 Northwestern Bsnk Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MONEY TO LOAN On resl estate security from $10O up on going rate or interest. OTTO Sc H ARKSON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. 6 PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley farm loans; no delay; no commissions. Devereau Mortgage Company. 607 Con cern nir.g., -jii anci riant sts. 5 PER CENT loans will ba inane on centra retail business properties, 6 and 7 per cen on other securities. EDWARD E. GOUDEX CO., Nortn western Bank bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT, OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., INC., tock txenans mag., fta ana lumnni. SE5 US today for loans on improved city property, o to n per cent; s.ou ana up c eiiars-Murion co. f i: i eon otag. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITV OR FARM PROPERTY ; WILL CA LL IF INTER ESTED. Phone Tabor 2626. $200,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; build in g loans, iowhi rates, w , v. dck, ax 816 Falling bldg. Phone Main 84o7. $3500 5 PER CENT. Will loan on Improved farm for 20 years er 1e.s. w jj, uregonian. $5o0. $lu00 AND upwards on Improved rea estate;- favorable terms: no delay ; no brokerage. John Bain, U7 Spaloing bldg CITY AND FARM LOANS. FARRINGTON. 80 Fourth Street, Portland. Or. $1000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN on city or farm. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS A. H. Harding. 813 Chamber of Commerce LOANS on city and farm property, 5 per cen up. r . r uens, v,nam. oi vom. FARM and city loans, 6? per cent; no com $200. $350, $9O0, $1200. $1800. Fred W. German St Co.. 732 Chamner of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT." Hammond Mtg. Co.. 421 Cham, of Com. $4000. 7 per cent, on farm or city realty, Will aivlUC MJ BUIU a II 111 & UNLIMITED Eastern funds, 5 to 7 per cent. DUOLti" st i vj., poiru oi iraqe Drag MONEY Any amount. 0 to 8 per cent. W, tl. J-eltx, iiiu apammg. aiain o.?. $l."oo TO loan, city or farm, at 6 per cent. MONEY at 6, 7 snd 8 per cent on Improved city property, bio rienry mag. 5 TO 7 per cent in any amounts. R. F. Bryan. :w cnam. or om. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOT p a et ai van r. fcT Ails, 160 wh I r - - - : . FINANCIAL. Money to Loss on Kal Folate, 6 PER CENT money, S to B years, residence property; will accept $100 or more on principal at any interest period payment; 6S per cent money on business property, aame terms. Pacific Title A Trust Co. J Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 12. RESIDENCE LOANS AT e4 PER CKNT. Any Amount. No Delays. Repayment Privileges. CLAKK, KENDALL & CO., SOS. 06 Northwestern Baalc Bldg. Money to loan Chattels and alariea. IF TOTJ NEED MONEY. SEE US. SALARIES . . . CUATIKLS. Loans mie to persons on salary or fixe 4 Income; on household furniture, plaaoe diamonds and other personal property j legal rates. Business confidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN COL Llcnaed. - S06-307 Dekum Bldg. FURNITURE SALARY LOANS. LOANS, All that Is necessary to establish credit with us is that you either own furniture. Pianos, or that you axe working eiiusr wUl do COLUMBIA. DISCOUNT CO.. LICENSED. 817 Falling Bldg. HOME INSTALLMENT CO. Organised by salaried men for mutual protection. Money advanced on salary, diamonds, furniture, etc. Easy install ments. Legal rates. Securities purchased. 2Q2 McKay bldg. Main 1242. KL ME DIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab- noucu uy r-ortiana business men to pro- tect borrower. C Myers Herman, man ager, 394 Stark st. Money loaned on dia monds, jewelry, pianos, h. h. furniture. ONLY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rate; all articles held 1 year; eiabilsue4 Since 1 SSJi I tu n vi r vii-i ti-..hi,.u.,n 1ANO and furniture loans; licensed by the state. G?o. Harvey, Tabor 3&o6. Loans ameil. FARM loans from principal $5000 at 6 per Yti. or o years on improved o acres, la Washington County. 2 miles to R. R-. value $12.U00: SJ200 at ti rr cent for i years on improved 32 aonra, same vicinity. ..value $OOOu. Addresw AV 45a, Oregoniau. WANT $6000 at 6 per cent on $20,000 Port- krrri'n inwp m. rr 205-2OT Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED From private party.. $1000 oa lots 4 and 5, block 3. Fern Park Addition, for 3 or 5 years, improved with modem bungalow. Phone H 2o32. WANT $0000 to $7000 0 per cent loan from party on my irvington noma, a W'ANT$250 loan on clear lot; improvements -"v- wa, wregonian. PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. 30-inch wavy switch, 2 kep ,.1U0 24-lncn wavy iwiun, 3 sep. ........ . to All-arouna transiormalton .......... 1.4 Harursiuif, snampuuiug, lace masags hair bobbing, municurin, 25c. Hair re moved by electric nued.e, switch mads of cotnoinga. t5c. We buy your conioings. Sanitary Pari ora. 4w-4ia Leaum biag d mm, iuu. Airi uii x 4 SPIRITUAL readings, palmistry and crystal uaugnt uy iiiauuu method. Head lugs 11 A. M. to b P. M. Royal Annex Uou Morrison at, room, U 1.-13, Mrs. Berry. ScliVb,T HANEBUT, leaiLag wig nd toupe maaer; miest stocK uuman hair goous; han uressmg, m incur ing, te and scalp treaimenL itemuea to jt4t Alder ner Broadway. Main 540. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse gives wvMLiucuia lur rneuiuaiiatm, lumuago, nsu ralgia. etc., mass!; aud baiu; ia.ay as sistant. 319 Park u Marshall 5U32. Hoars 9:JU A, M, to IP P. M. Open Sunuaya. CHiKOVKACTlC, iteutn bu.ths. licht. heat. gd.ret Hay me 511 bsvuaud ttltig. Mala 1 o5. UANDIWJFF removed from your hair; wrll srnu you prescription tor la cents; ln greuients fouua in most every home. Horn Danurulf Co., Purtiana, .Or. GERMAN nurse, massage, electric blankets ana oatne ior rheumatism, lumoago, neu ralgia, etc.; IttQy tratnea nure aasistanU 250 11th U Open Sunuays. Marahatl 3o7. LLKCTRIO treatments for poor circulation. rueuraaiiBm, lumuugo, lace aua scalp; sait butha. 4JO Clay st. Main 63o9. SPlKlTUALIsM Rev. M. A. Price, circle Tuesuay, 2 and b P. M. and Suu. 8 P. NL. reaaing daily. 22 Clay. Mar. 3oO, A H2i4 REV. MRS. J. C SCHORL Circle every eve. at e. jvcaaings uaiiy. iseveny, cor. rsrg and Yamhill sts, Marshall 576. AZA H. R1BBECKE, graduate dermatolo gist. Hair and biuiibuca pt-rmanenuy re moved. 129 12tn, near Wah. Mar. 32tiU. KL V. MARY L. LA MAIL Spiritualist me aiunu iacn us paimisiry ana card read Ing daily. 5th su, cor. Mam. KO&E C AH ILL, spiritual healings daily by appointment only. Abi. rs. loiu st, Maia 4U2L bPirtiTUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, circle Tuusuay, 2 and 8 P. M. and Suu. 8 P. M., rcauiug daily. 292 Clay. Mar. 3uOO. A 224. MARiNELLO Treatments for scalp; shaiu- poo-Duara, electric uryer, etc 404 lam hill. Marshall 5238. AN YO.N'E knowing whereabouts of George fcxitia please w rue James Awuluues West Port. Psrry, Or. REV. M. LA MAR, Spiritualist medium teaches palmistry and curd, reaaing uaiiy. 235 5th st. LIjuls HAlrt destroyeu forever oy muitiple-neeUle method; cunsultatluu free. Mite. DeL.uug. 504 S wetland olug. MRS. STEVENS, 24 years In Portland; 20th. century science in palmistry taught; spirit uat readings daily. 375 Taylor sL auPiilA B. oElP, mental, spiritual scientist, SUtt Tourney bldg., 10 to 4 ttaiiy. Writ tea questions Wed., 7:45 P. M. Mar. 3000. A&CAPaO promptly relieves headache, nsu raigia and la arippe. For sale oy Port ' lanu Hotel Pnurmacy. LLEOTR1C Cabinet, vupor ani mineral baths, private rest routns. Scientific mas sage. Iroiiiiiae Institute, 32i-a Pittock. oik. GRACE BKLMONT, manicuring, vibratory masaage. Office 40, 3d floor, 143H Bdway. nust-.N A i AlLOh Mas.eub nu c;p sps cia.ut, 109 Park st. Marshall 31ot. LILLIAN LA MOND. massage and baths. New Gretna Hotel, 00 eth at, room 2. Ma a ANDuLWa teaciies piuenuiujr aud card reacltig. Park st. Main 754S. BALM OF KiGS COMPOUND, Royai ToulO Tablets. 550 Hoyv st. Phone Maia 2303. MASSAGE treatments, sleptrio vibrator, by trained nurse. 30s 3d, Apt. C. Main I04u. MOLtri, hupertluou hair removed. - Mrs. M. D. HiU. 429 Filedner bldg. Muin 3473- SCALP, niasaace and shampooing. Room 1 350 Yamhill sU. near Park. REV, CORA KINCANNON SMITH, the me dium. moved to 320 4ih st. Main 7012. LIFE READER. Hsrt Apts.. 1701 2d StJ, apt- la, 4th floor. Marshall 263L MISS JOHNSON", chi.'opody. massage, light magnetic. Appointments only. Mam 004. fcLECTUIC treatments, scalp and "massage. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. MAGNETIC header; treatments daily. ltOVs 2d st7. 4th floor, apt. 9. Mar. 2407. FRANCES DE MAYO, ecalp spschillst. SUls M orrtson st Qfflc e 11. ELECTRIC treatments f r rheumatism. Of fice, 215, 35QH Morrison St. lrl wj u - v - J II '. It.