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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1917)
10 HIE MORNING OREGONIATf. FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1917. ' ' POBTUM), OREGON. '.Entered mt Portland (Oregon) Postofflce aa . . second-class mail matter. - ubscriptlon rates Invariably in advance: I (By Mail.) M , pally, Sunday Included, one year . JJally, Sunday Included, six months ...... -4-25 . Daily, Sunday Included, three months 2.25 Ially, Sunday Included, one month .... -75 ; Ially, without Sunday, one year ........ S.00 iJally, without Sunday, three months .- 1.76 . eily, without Sunday, one month ..... &) -Weekly, one year 1.50 . Sunday, one year .........-..... 2.50 fcunday and. Weekly S.50 - (By Carrier.) . Pally, Sunday Included, one year 9.00 ZJally. Sunday Included, one month .... .75 1 How to Remit Send postof f ice money . order, express order or personal check on your local bank. Stamps, coin or currency are at sender's risk. . Give postofflcs address " la full, including county and state. Postage Rates 12 to 16 pages, 1 cent: 18 to 32 paces, 2 cents; 84 to 48 pases. 8 cents: .0 to 60 pages, 4 cents: 62 to 76 pages, 5 t rents; 78 to 82 pages, cents. Foreign post- , age double rates. - Katern Business Office Veree & Conk- lln. Brunswick building, New York; Verree I & Conklln. steger building. Chicago. Ban J'ranclsco representative, R. J. Bldwell, 742 ra street. fOKTLAKD, i'KIDAY, J.MUAKY 26, 1917. 1 1 is true thrift, from two points of view, in wqrking steadily. The cost to the workman of constant shifting of jobs is no greater in the aggregate than the cost to the industry affected. Ex perience and increasing skill are val uable, and the business that permits its men to change frequently loses heavily as a consequence. The job that lasts is worth much, not only to the working-man and to his em ployer but to society as a whole. How to overcome dissatisfaction and un rest and part-time employment will be one of the fitting subjects for re flection ort February 3, and on other days thereafter. " v The thrift-day movement will have a distinct .value if it does nothing more than to start a new current of thought in the right direction. There are plenty of subjects to be studied in connection with the main topic, and each man will take up the one that he regards as of the most Importance to himself and to the community as a whole. " SCATTEBATIOJI. ' If one will weave together the "numerous threads of argument against ! this and that method of consolidating -commissions or against this and that proposed state economy he will have a strong cord which will lead to an inevitable conclusion provided one believes. I It is that in the haphazard creation "of boards and commissions and new, progressive or paternalistic state ac tivities, the Legislature in past years has always hit the bullseye. There is ;,nothing that can be dispensed with i or combined with something else wlth- '.out sacrifice of efficiency or v ithout danger to the public peace, health ,'and safety. '; In this year's state budget more than 100 offices, departments, bureaus, ! commissions, enterprises, sub-departments, under-bureaus, deputy commis sions and secondary enterprises are listed. But any proposal to cut down the number by consolidation or elimi nation produces resolutions of protest from some organization, or some of ficial, or some commission. If we ac cept their combined arguments the 'conclusion follows that the only prac tical way to govern the state is to sift the taxpayers' money through 100 selves and scatter it over the common wealth. Scatteratlon is the guiding principle of Oregon's state government and its local governments as well. The re solving societies and alarmed officials and commissions may be ever so posi tive that it is a good thing, but what the people think of it was expressed in the vote on the tax-limitation amendment. WHO ARE THEY? The comforting assurance is given by another newspaper that some bills relative to the initiative and referen dum newly introduced by Senator OI son "will receive close inspection at the hands of the friends of the initia tiVe and referendum." We know, at the moment, nothing about the bills. but hand inspection by friends of the initiative as well as eye inspection ought to be a good thing. But inspec tion, hand or eye, by friends of the initiative is something like making rabbit stew first catch your rabbit. Who are the friends of the in itiative? There is W. S. ITRen, reputed father of the Oregon System. There is Rep resentative Brownell. who back in 1901 introduced the first amendment, and fought, bled and almost died for it. There are S. V. Lewelling and J. D. Stevens, valiant soldiers in the Oregon Direct Legislation League of other days. But Mr. Brownell introduces a bill for new petition plan and Mr. TJRen violently opposes it. Mr. Lewelling accuses Mr. TJ'Ren of heading a clique of mercenaries who are-profiting from the present loose-jointed system and want it retained. Mr. Stevens stands with Mr1. Brownell, and the Portland Journal, fiercely barking watchdog of the initiative, says nothing should be done except to pass another bill pre sented by Representative Gordon, and dourly hints that all other bills are spurious and inimical. There ought to be a showdown on this "friend" business before any bills concerning the initiative are inspected by hand or eye. Is there doubt as to the best way of identifying friends of the initiative? Tush, tush! There is the initiative itself. Let's decide who they are by popular vote. are not parallel cases. Both of these officers had won distinction in active service while holding lower rank, and they were not promoted at one Jump. General Wood had done valuable service as Colonel of the Rough Rid ers and had woo. promotion to Brigadier-General and Major-General of volunteers before he became Mili tary Governor of Cuba. By his serv ices in that capacity he earned ap pointment to the same rank in the regular Army. General Pershing had done excellent work as Major of vol unteers in subduing Filipino insur gents before he was jumped 862 num bers from the rank of Captain to that of Brigadier-General in the regular Army. Both had made good before they were promoted. Dr. Grayson-has only had peculiar opportunities of in gratiating himself with three succes sive Presidents. It is peculiarly unfortunate that the President should have provoked this controversy so soon after Congress has made a move to abandon seniority for merit as the rule governing promotion in the Navy. Seniority has been con demned, because it kepthe good man and youthful man down, being a bar to the promotion of young, brilliant officers. It has been upheld as the only means of preventing rank favor itism, which takes the heart out of a man who has no pull to gain pro motion. The President has supplied a powerful argument to the champions of seniority, though its faults are many and manifest. sia would be expected to aid by en deavoring to recover Southern Rou mania and by driving southward across Bulgaria to meet the Saloniki army. If this could be accomplished, the allies would count on curling up the Teuton lines In the east by invad ing Hungary from the south and on quickly subduing Turkey, which would be deprived of German help and would have its troops scattered in Austria and Roumania, They may hope thus to make the German dream of Asiatic empire impossible of realization. The campaign of 1917 promises to be the turning point of the war. If the allies succeed in the Balkans and at the same time make material gains in France, Poland, Gallcia and Istrla, they may force the Teutonic allies to sue for peace next Winter. If they fail, the war may be 'prolonged into next year and even further, till ex haustion imposes peae'e. How to Keep Well By Dr. W. A. Evans DOES IT TCRX AW AT BTRGLAR5 1 1 Question Asked of Advocate of Klad- War Preventive. ALBANY, Or.. Jan. 24. (To the Edi- this then O tl n t e H frAm th V.Kv. TT1 SUOjecl IS not suimoie Kira- - " 1 follows sonally answered, subject to proper llm,u" I 10"w In Other Days Questions pertinent to hygiene, sanitation I tor.) The Albany Democrat asks and prevention of disease, II matters or gen- 1 T- . eral Interest, will be answered In this col- 1 Question. "Is this visionary?" and umn. W here space will not permit r . . mnl .tmnl aririremed envelope Is Inclosed. Dr. Evans will not make diagnosis or prescribe for Individual diseases. Ke ouests tor such, services cannot be answerea. (Copyright. 1916. by lr. W. A. Evani. Published by arrangement with the Chicago Tribune.) CAISES OF CANCER. wnat la needed to effat tt vniiifarv sentiment that la engulfing the country is the propagation of pure pmdflam. The surest preventives of wi r ara fulr dealing and unassuming friendliness. Like begets like In human relationahlns. RindnM, n H Justice react to produce kindness and Jus tice, it we put our own houses In order, treat other people magnanimously and mind Cancer Is increasingly important. In ow . .can -e. "saonwhy 1914 62.420 people died in the regtstra-I ua. And if they did the Invaders would be tion area. The rate in that year in- I captured captured by the tdeala of the peo- dicated an increase of 26 per cent in "V to subjugate. cancer, as compared with 1900. It is I should say that the above is .. . . I Tlfl'nnarv ' extremelv on Tf 1 aantl. I true that people are living to .,, ii.k V .. 7C. T. J. Matlock are spoken of for the Twenty-tre Years As. Ftom The Oregonlaa of January -6, 1S33. Santiago. Jan. 25. The Chilean gov ernment has sent a reply to the ulti matum of the United States. The reply Is an apology and removes the proba bility of war. The offensive note sent by Senor Matta will be withdrawn. Senator Squire has introduced his bill appropriating $500,000 for the ship canal to connect Lake Washington and Lake Union with Puget Sound. Salem The State Building Board has accepted the architect's plans for a dome on the CapitoL at a cost of about $60,000. Frank Kellogg. Henry Blackman and than they did in 1900 and that a larger fQr K Js nldlng. your head ,n tho eand Mayoralty of Heppner. proportion or mem are oi me i when danger appears. Did like "beget age, but the tunrerenee is not enougn i nae, or "Kindness beget kindness." or to account for the increase In cancer. I were the invaders "captured by the Th. nkt .nr i are in ver-1 meais oi tne people in the case of Miss Ida M. Fuller and X. W. Cum- mings were married at Woodstock, Or., January 20. It will surprise many who have de rived their impressions of Colombia chiefly from our dispute with that J "rcl "". v-" . , . , slve China? "We can see no reason ter and the relations of its politicians I Hampshire and California, showing tne I wnv an v nation ahauid care ta and' ours, to know that Colombia has I influence of a high average age, since I us." Neither can the ostrich with its! burglar in her home with a well-di a quite important literature that is the proportion of old persons to total head buried in the sand. But the factlfected blow to the face. Her mother peculiarly national, notwithstanding population is highest In Northern New s that Belgium. Armenia, Poland and n,a U1 scunie ana came to neip ner the influence .of Spanish. French and L.,..s China were molested. Men ought not rid the place of the intruder. - - 1 wub.wuw. Miss Browning, a teacher In the Hol- l&day School, last night stood off a TTI"K I FT DAT. The spirit of the observance .this year of February 3 as "Thrift day," which has been quite generally planned throughout the country, is . that the scheme deserves at least a trial, and that once people have dis covered how easy it is to make im port ant savings without suffering se rlous inconvenience they will continue to practice thrift to a greater or less extent voluntarily. It is a movement designed not to enforce a- new prac tice upon the unwilling, but to point the way. It is believed that the number of those who waste in pure thought lessness and in utter ignorance of the economic importance of collective thrift is very large. Few- are viciously neglectful or destructive; the many uimply do not stop to think. February 3 will not be a holiday If it were it would be out of keeping with its own fundamental idea, which is not even to waste time. It is simply a day upon which, in the course of his usual affairs, the citizen may pause to reflect upon the opportunities he has to save something, and then to put the Idea Into practice. It may be only, for that day. the price of a cigar, or walk downtown to save carfare: or it may be that there will be seen an opportunity in the home to perfect a consistent scheme of economies cov ering a period of weeks or, months, Whatever It is, the movers in the Thrift-day scheme aver, It will be profitable because the basic arguments against waste, or extravagance, are m sound that they need only to be studied seriously to convey their own appeal. Herbert N. Fell, writing in the Out look upon the advantages of a. system .of industrial insurance, which he de scribes, does a real service to the cause of thrift by pointing out how the little savings accumulate and in v relatively short time become an I enormous factor in Industry. Under a group insurance plan, which would ' require no physical examination of the participant, and in which the em ploye's contribution would be 6 per cent of his salary, it is pointed out that by the time he reached the re tiring age of 65 he would be in pos session of an annuity equal to two thirds of his former wages, and that ' in the event of his death within ten .years of his retirement his family ; would be provided for during the re- mainder of the ten years. This would ;,be in addition to any other savings he Tuight have made, if he had been care '.Sxil. and also would have been accom panied by life-insurance protection during the entire period of bis work lug life. But this is not the most striking feature of it all. The more 'important fact is that if all the em ; ployes of an industrial corporation were to practice the system, they I would have enough cash at the age .of 65 to buy the business outright. Thus. Mr. Fell says: For example, the Steel TrU!t- It is cap 'Italized at a little more than l, 500.000. 0O0. counting bonds a well as common and pre , ferreil stock, and has nearly 260.000 em , ployes. who earn average wages and salaries of $ a day. That comes to a capitalization of STouO per employe, and each employe, on . retiring, if one counted wage Increases' and , overtime earnings, would have more than that. ' "Will yon retire now and take your money In cash?" the Steel Trust directors might ask. "Or would you prefer to take a pen- . aion ?" "neither. the retiring employes might . say. wen just taae tue Business." ' The figures assume, for the sake of conservatism, that the average em ploye of every industry Is receiving perhaps $15 a week. Those who have fitted themselves- to be worth more than that will, however, have been numerous. Their accumulations un der the system suggested, it is shown, would be sufficient to buy the entire manufacturing business of the coun try twice over. The average capital ization of all the manufactories is estimated at about $2500 per employe. The employes would be in a position to own the business by so simple process as getting together in a system that already is jn. effect in many in dustrial establishments. Thrift in the large sense, however. means more than saving bits of mate rial now vasted here and there. There LEARNING TO WRITE WELL The shoemaker should stick to his last, of course; but what shall be done about it if he is a poor workman and has a fancy, say, for cooking? We should say that in that way many a good cook has been spoiled by some one's mistake in introducing a bad artificer to a noble trade. Or he might have been a great General.' or author, or statesman. It is said that Andrew Johnson, a tailor, could not read until he had passed his boyhood: and it is known that Ulysses Grant made a sad fizzle of the tannery business until his opportunity came In the clash and clamor of arms. Per contra, it is likely that some men vwho have adopted the historic trade of war, or the easy occupation of statesmanship, ought to have been tanners or tailors. Less than twenty years ago the Na tion was highly amused by a diverting story "David Harum written by a retired banker. Edward Noyes West cott. who died before the novel was produced. In Iondon the other day there passed away a great Interpreter of life for the printed page In William Frend de Morgan. It is of record that De Morgan was all his life, nearly, a manufacturer a maker of stained glass windows, smoke consumers, bl cycle gears ana the like. lie was saturated with the traditions of Dick ens and Thackeray, however, and he resented the growing notion that the glorious Victorian era was over. So he wrote, at the age of 65, his first novel, "Joseph Vance." It was long, very long 230,000 words In the style of Dickens; but it was good. Then came Alice-for-Short" and other tales about the same people that Dick ens loved to tell about. It is probably true that De Morgan never learned to write, but he had the faoulty of observation, the spirit . NO MUNITIONS FROM ABROAD. Great Britain's veto on the export of shells by the Hadfields to the United States is a warning against National dependence on foreign sup plies of munitions of war. At any time when our need became urgent the country from which we drew our supply might be at war with some other nation and might need its entire output, or it might be at war with us. In either case we should be helpless until we' had developed our own capacity under all the handicaps of war. Secretary of the Navy Daniels pro fesses to find himself between this fire and the other fire of extortion by private manufacturers and as sumes that Government manufacture is the only escape. This is a financial impossibility, for war now enlists the entire industry of a nation in its serv ice, and the Government could pro duce enough munitions to supply it only by having a vast number of fac tories, nearly all of which would be idle in time of peace. This would be a vast, criminal waste of public funds. The alternative is to rely on private factories, which would be employed probably nine-tenths of the time in producing implements of peace, but would all be equipped for munition manufacture, would liave some men skilled in such work and could be promptly diverted to war industry in case of need. Mr. Daniels objects that this would give the manufacturers a selfish interest in war by permitting them to profit by war. This objec tion could" be overcome by fixing the profit at a certain percentage, and by making this profit less than would bo earned on peace products. The plan described is followed by Germany and the other military pow. ers of Europe, the governments of which manufacture only a small part of their war material. It can be adapted to this country without tak ing with it the aercrc&sive rniliturv epirit whlcJT animates some nations. Militarism Is not preparedness; it is the motive behind preparedness in ag gressive nations. The United States can apply the same means to a purely defensive end. English culture upon educated Colom bians. A writer in Cultura, quoted in the Review of Reviews, says that Colombian authors have demonstrated that "regionalism properly understood can transcend the narrow limits of a territory or a province." The young generation of writers is being at tracted by historical subjects and the value of original investigation is just beginning to be appreciated, while the literary style of all South America is said to be improving steadily. The precise point at which mutual appre- n , n 1 A 1.111 -tA1.. I) . . V. A I iuuco I tacts are that men do those things ihif Centarr .. inoutn. jaw aim an. m ua wnetner there Is any reason for them irw, n,. - T.. -a u or Is In a fair way to be stopped. The or not. Society takes no chances against cancer fakers are losing out, and, in the lawless element but maintains a consequence, skin cancers are being sufficient police force to check it. That , , . . , . la the only thing that this element recognised early and cured. We are feBrs Just sQ thero certaln na about ready for a stop in the increase tions past, present and future which in cancer of the breast. Some of the I become lawless. I erroneous views have been correctea i xnis may De oecause or tne people i and breast tumors are getting Better i"J," l v"uv" ""'C"M sia or the blues yesterday seized upon, attention. - Ufii2i- lv-"?. 5fe.U'c,Sp"1' Mr. Smith's little, old white mule as a We have received tbe Initial number of a paper published by A. Iceland as Son at Lewiston, 1. T., which bears the name of Lewiston Journal. It is small but well tilled and beautifully printed. Several wags on Front street who are in no danger of having the dyspep- on Cancer of the stomach and liver I. nTlUmes doe. ThTly PHnl ZroTot rVl." i the increase. Forty-seven per cent ciple that lawless nations as well as ?"e? 1 Ull ?Z ?5 Jr l. ciation by the people of two countries of tho cancers in men and 32 per cent I lawless men can understand is of one another's literature and gen- of those in woman are cancers of thef mfght makes right." The only that I .... .-v c.i." i i f ear I u . . . . fi.nv' r,A - H.wn pair of old eral culture beeins to affect their com- stomach, according to a bulletin issued "v '.OIf. "Ion5er the mule s forefeet v I . altx.anuiliurn I fUMlII HO L IL I II rv LIIH.L I a a mortal rfntinnq panrtrtt Ha nsrr. I bv tha United States CenSUS UtXlC. AC- t I uooia. " i - r I iiaiiviiB wui rcirain i rum w rx n s tnlnAsI V ii 4 a Xnllattai V.-- wv wi -i 1 I rrTsl i r t r TTAffmnTi a-vi-iA PA11M ftf CAT I a.t . tu-iijcvt, wiAt. it. AO vcww tjj jyiu.v.i.n i - - . - UU1U lllau WB OSVe IQ lain K I v, c KasI. wis. A J XTj,w from to think that! . , . , I . , . - . I , I -V U3W I I 11 L IiaS L7 uieu ixiai. it is a part ot iae ugiuiuuu ccr, capcuiuuy vo.u.vis- ui bu owinau. piivhlu corporations win retrain irom york called "The Tribune Club" Among understanding that should be encour aged in order to obtain enduring re sults even in the field of trade. BACK WHERE IT BEQ.CV. The center of interest in the war is about to be transferred to its start ing point the Balkan peninsula. At tention has been so absorbed by the tremendous struggles on the Russian and Franco-Belgian fronts that the fact that the war started in the south, east through the rivalry between Rus sia and Austria for dominance in that quarter lias been obscured. But the central powers have never lost sight of their original purpose, which was to cut a way through to the Aegean Sea and to Turkey, with a view to political and economic supremacy over the Balkan states, Turkey and finally of Egypt and Persia; also with a view to control of both the land and sea routes to farther Asia. That explains the drive through Serbia and the use of what is believed to have been their last strategic reserve in crushing Roumania. Senator Shields' proposal for a uni form tax on all water power offers i practical solution of the entire con troversy in regard to rental for power in navigable streams and on the pub lic domain... The most forcible criti cism of the Adamson and Ferris bills is that they would subject lessees of power sites of this character- to charges and to Federal' regulation from which owners of power plants on private land would be free. As the bills read, power sites leased under their provisions would pay charges to the Government and would be subject to a large-degree of Federal regulation in addition to that which state laws provide, but would be free from state taxation. On the other hand, private power sites would -be free from Fed- Is overeating. Statistics prove that cancer - is more frequent among the well-fed. Another conclusion now rather uni versally accepted is that drinking hot u6o.ns in mo luture. com are lh, mtmher r Hnnu GreeleT. . "l ". uoiuisa auu wo .n. George William Curtis. Bayard Taylor. btedman from experience that they have not changed materially during historic times. Now what is the moral? Simply this: Theodora Tilton, Edmund C and Alice and Phoebe Cary. drinks and eating hot food Is a cause I We maintain fire departments and nf f-ni.r when fiuiria r taken Into I police departments because past experi thestomach they do not mix with the usti,eJ, "s ln 80 do'n,f- ,Past ex' . J . . . . , .1 perience justifies us as fully in main- other stomach contents, at least not tafning adequate armies and navies. Our completely. There is a tendency of 1 experts tell us that universal military I ONCE LOST, IX IS LOST I-XJRKVKIl fluids to pass along A. track called the I service is tbe best method of protecting Mrs. Mary Fletcher, wife of John Fletcher, formerly of Shasta County. California, died ln Portland Sunday. January 27. ourselves. Surely it Is better to take I Only Mather Can Give Mother Lore 1a their advice than that of the cracker-1 Child, Says Writer. box Philosopher who so calmly solves MONTKSANO. Wash., Jan. 24. (To all of our weighty problems. th(l Edito,v t would nk to correct A DEMOCRAT. I , K a imnrfltnift XI r TAmliminn1 Uttr of January SO may have given some of ARB GOOD FIGHTERS I your "readers in regard to "mother love." Seventy-nine per cent of the cancers of I Paper's Contempt ( Arm lea la Resented I Whenever a woman allows any per- the stomach are located alcng this by Mr. Tlaettl. son to aommieter suon a nipping as QIICII lire A. UilLllllQ II J IUCI O lis gastric gullet. This gullet Is a track from the left or cardlao end of the stomach, along tbe lesser curvature, to the right or pyloric end. This has been termed the "highways for fluids. When a man. drinks hot coffee the fluid I ITALIANS travels along this "highway for fluids. "highway for fluids, PORTLAND. Jan. 25. (To the E.J- ,,7.1, t..( . e....t Dr. WlllliJn Lerche, of St, Paul, tor.) The Oregon Journal of January I A mother worthy of tho name would thinks that the principal cause or can- I 24 in an editorial 'The War Map." writ eral charges and regulation, but would I cer on this highway is the drinking or I ten no doubt by some great general, be subject to state taxes and regula- hot coffee and hot soup. The drinking I has the following sentence: tion. No discrimination should be of whisky also is a cause, since it. too, I "It is also significant that the Italians not ask the assistance of any person in punishing a child unless her physi cal condition was such that ehe could not possibly administer it. and for a made because some are on public and burns the tissues along thl,"hlghway "e regarded as about the easiest o0,, i"ef during the pre - others on private land. If all were placed under the same Federal tax and all were subject to state taxation. they would be on an equality. for fluids. Cancer of the stomach is more fre quent ln temperate climates, according to Dr. Lerche, because the custom of drinking hot coffee and hot soup is The sentiments expressed by Mrs. I more nearly universal. Carcinoma of Vincent Astor in explanation of her I the "highway Is less frequent lr worn- . ' " 0 I'Linti 1. ..... .ii-- ni, en-& .Ai4 I would appreciate very much tol, know on what authority this unknown " . VJL.V.i . . strategist can say such a thing. entertainment of a party of New Tork aliens are laudable, but the neigh borly feeling of which she speaks can be cultivated only if there is no sign of patronage and condescension on the part of the rich, nor any toadyism on the part of the poor. The spirit of democracy must inspire all or the poor guests may be tempted to envy en, because they sip their coffee and soup, whereas men gulp them down. Mrs. that fumigation for infectious diseases Is an exploded theory. What Is your opinion? A 6-year-old child, ill with and consequent hatred by the contrast scarlet fever, was confined in two between their lot and that of their rooms for the flrst 24 hours of the 111- Of all the belligerents on the allies' side, the Italians are those that have conquered more territory from the enemy territory that was naturally defended by mountains from 10,000 to 12.000 feet on the sea level, fighting not only men but elements. Against the Italian troops are the Austrians. troops with the same Teu tonic blood that Is flowing in the Mmt Fanlffate Hons. E. G. writes: "I have been told Prussian army, which seems so high ly appreciated by the unknown strategist and no Austrian soldier does think that we are the easiest troops to be whipped. But admitting that it was necexfary forher to call on some other person, she should hava known the person to whom she gave the authority to be t fit person and, having known Ormond. she must have known that he was not the proper person to correct the child. I should like to see her prosecuted with the brute who pave the beating. Let me say In conclusion that when ever a child loses his mother he loses forever "mother love." ' MRS. C. H. M'KAGUE. wealthy neighbors. think the opposite. I hope that the Prussians will never ness and then was removed to another I make a move on Italy, but if they do, That must have been a weird ex perience of the British and German squadrons when they blazed away at each other in the North Sea, the tar- tret being revealed only by the flash u toward discontinuance of fumigation. Some ,!,. o-,,,-,. Tf tho -Rrifish Inn v. cities do not fumigate and have not for city. Is there need of fumigation in this case?" REPLY. Some cities require fumigation. Chicago Is one. ion must obey the law. The tendency THE LEGEND OF SACAJAWEA. I dare say that they (According to the diary of Lewis and Clark.j BY VIRGINIA DRAKE. Sacajawea's tale Is mournful As the walling of the pines. As the lone wolf on the hilltop. Throws his bleak cry on the winds. they will find ln the Italian troops hard fighters fighters certainly not Inferior to those of any other army, the Amerl can Array Included. CARLO VISETTX aggerated when they claimed to have sunk seven German vessels, there is no cause for wonder. The crash and roar would bo so great that every shot would seem a hit. The battle would be a fit subject for such poems as years. They hold that It does not do enough good to warrant tha expense. I think they are right. She was captured from Shoshones, Tribe of mighty men and brave. By the Minnetarees taken. Made to be a common slave. MAX A0 SUPERMAN. Being an answer to Pollyanna's answer. I Cometh now Miss Pollyanna. In a free! Then Chaboneau bought and wed her. Anemia. T. D. G. writes: 'l. How many kinds have, been written of other historic of "emla are there. 2. Is anemia often sea fights. and The original purpose of Germany was of sympathy and the genius or the not only expansion toward the south talent of narrative: and he could make a readable and brilliant story of the old-fashioned kind. The taste of the day is said to be for the short story, or the 60, 000-word novel. But it is not so much that public appre ciation of artistic literary work has changed. The "Arabian Nights" lasted a thousand and one wonderful chapters.- A novel that Is not interesting is always too long; an Interesting novel ia ever too short. the forerunner of consumption, what kind of anemia Is it?" REPLY. 1. There is no standard classification of anemia. All authorities recognize pernicious Tji,r, -n,nX w, tr Diif-- ' primary anemia, secondary anemia, and dictionary gives 28 titles under anemli A rifle range at Llnnton would be of service not only to the regular troops at Vancouver but to those citi zens for military duty. As the passing of AX ACT OF FAVORITISM. By nominating his naval aide and medical examiner. Dr. Cary T. Gray son, as medical director with the rank of Rear-Admiral, President Wilson has brought down upon himself a storm of criticism from his own party as well as from his political oppo nents. This appointment jumps Dr. Grayson over the heads of 117 men of higher rank or longer service and raises his salary to $8000 a year. Dr. Grayson has been naval aide and medical adviser to Presidents Roosevelt and Taft as well as Presi dent Wilson, and the fact that he has been able to retain the confidence and friendship of all these men of very differing opinions and temperaments prompts the Boston Transcript to sug gest that his peculiar abilities fit him for a- high diplomatic rather than naval appointment. His position has not demonstrated his fitness for the orfice which the President gives him, and the appointment is denounced as an act of rank favoritism and as an injustice to those to whom he has been preferred. The President's action is called a scandal because it is a flagrant disregard of the rule made by Congress to govern selection of officers for promotion. "In order to exclude political influence, it was pro vided that officers should be pro moted only by a vote of two-thirds of a board of nine Rear-Admirals, but that board was not even consulted. The appointment savors strong"ly of nepotism, for a few months ago the doctor married' Miss Alice Gertrude Gordon, the ward of Mrs. Wilson. The more stress is laid on this fact be cause Secretary of the Treasury Mc- Adoo is the President's son-in-law. It has the appearance of treating public office as a family affair. The rapid promotions of General Wood and General Pershing are called to mind in this connection, fiat they east but acquisition of Belgium and Northeastern France and conquest of Russian Poland and the Baltic prov inces. The reputed readiness of Ger many to withdraw within her own borders in tbe west indicates that hope of expansion in that direction has been abandoned. Against Russia, German ambition seems now con tracted to erection of a nominally in dependent kingdom of Poland and to annexation of the Baltic provinces. The main purpose now is to hold the territory that has been occupied in Serbia and Roumania, thus to pre serve direct connection with Turkey and to realize the dream of a great alliance dominated by Germany, which would stretch from the North Sea to the Persian Gulf and to the borders of Egypt. To all intents and purposes this would be a German empire. Great as have been Germany's losses, they have not been nearly so great in proportion to the empire's resources in men "and material as have been those of Aus tria, Bulgaria and Turkey. Without German aid, the latter countries prob ably could not keep the field another year. German officers have gained such a degree of control over their armies that those countries have be come practically appanages of Ger many. If peace were made on the oasis or tne present military map, these countries would remain subor dinate to German policy and would be exploited by German capital in the Interest of German commerce. Hall Calne, writing to the New York Times, says that, while Germany has failed to defeat her enemies, "she has not failed to defeat her own allies," and that "she intends to take advantage of that situation and is now seeking peace to secure it." He construes the reputed terms of peace to mean that "Germany is probably willing to aban don her western European aims if only she can be permitted a free hand with her own allies." Realization of this purpose and of all that it imports to them is doubt less the main reason 'why the allies have decided to make the Balkan campaign one of their chief concerns. They hope by reconquering Serbia and by advancing northeastward through Turkey and Bulgaria to the Black Sea to carry the war to the southern border of Hungary, to cut the connec tion between the central empires and : Turkey and to crush Bulgaria. Rus- . , 1 . ! .1 1 pioneer conditions increases wio uuu.- How,ver. they are la the main synonyms and Der oi people who 00 not learn to 1 uttle used terms. shoot from childhood, it becomes more necessary that marksmanship be practiced by citizens ln preparation for possible war. 2. Yes. Secondary anemia. Jesse Pomeroy's crimes shocked civilization forty-five years ago and fear hereditary?" the commonweaitn 01 Massacnusetts has been better off with the criminal in confinement all the time. There has been nothing sentimental in the Bay State concerning crime since she began burning witches. Fear Can Be Cared. R. E. R. writes: "Is there a remedy for fear ln children the fear of sleep ing alone, of dark rooms, eta? I. Is and open manner She declares that she is hunting for a man So I read o'er her description and beneath place this inscription: " "Tis a superman you're after, Polly ann 'Oh, I do not ask perfection," says Miss Polly, in dejection, "All I ask for is a man who is a man. Ho must be as true as steel that I may always surely feel that 'He is mine and only mine,' Pollyann. What she wants, this maid deluded, we all want (myself included) Do we find m? Well I rather think we don't I Will she keep him, if she rts him. But you know the Wild gull's flight Is no swifter than the memory As it travels through the night. And though faithful to ber husband And her papoose tinted brown In her mind her tepee lingered. ith the pale moon gleaming down. She was gentle as a streamlet. As it murmurs o'er a rilL And her voice of wondrous beauty lichoed over rock and rill. Then ono day she took her burdons And she led a dauntless band says I Through the canyons, gorges, forests. Till they reached this unknown land. Old Multnomah's mighty waters. Adams, Hood, St, Helens, too. Raised their giant heads to heaven. And tne scene nrst burst to view. Aa a vision, to the pale face. Gazed they all in raptured awe. when temptation oft besets him?l Bowed and thanked tha kindly Spirit Will she keep him? think she won'tl Well. I rather Frenchmen are most . patriotic. When striking workmen were told they interfered with the welfare-of the nation, they desisted. Britons might do as well, but Americans need centuries of training. REPLY. 1. Yes. training. To begin with, a child should never be frightened. By kindness and firmness the child must be trained away from fear of sleeping alone, dark rooms, etc. 2. The basis Is hereditary. Some children are born timid. However, wrong training is much the larger factor. The proposal by the brotherhoods I is for investigation by a mixed board of employes and employers, and that is the first step toward real arbitra tion. There will be no relief for the Ar kansas man when he roosts on his rail fence during high water. The Governor has signed the "bone-dry" bill. The humble spud has assumed great Importance In .these days of short crops and rationing of the people in more or less blockaded countries. Do not be deluded by weather con. ditions into thinking Spring is near. The groundhog will be out in a week and settle it- Total German losses are placed at 2,000,000, with 7.000,000 more avail- able. It is, indeed, a long, long way to Berlin. ' Senator Vinton voiced a great truth t?, at oaxem jceicruaj wueu xitj Eaia "We are all more or less crazy." Too Many Ilia. G. P. writes: "Some time ago on aris ing I took a deep breath and severe pains occurred In my chest. After tak ing a few steps the pains again ap peared and I fell unconscious. Will you please explain the cause for the un conscious condition? (2) What do you consider the surest test for tuberculo sis I have tried the temperature test j and have had the sputum analysed once. (3) At what stage does the spu tum generally show the bacilli? (4) Will you list a few fattening foods, not protein? I dare not eat too much protein foods because of a high blood pressure. I am 23 years old and have a blood pressure of 135." REPLY. 1. I do not know. Such pains ar gen erally due to neuralgia In the chest wall, but that does not explain the unconsciousness. 2. Tuberculin hypodermleally where the sputum Is negative. Tuberculin shows the presence or absence of tuberculosis. It does not show whether It la active or latent. A physical examination and consideration of the history show that. 3. Somewhat advanced. 4. Bread. crackers. potatoes, sugar, deserts, milk. rice. I wender If you are a neurasthenic. You ire looklnc out for hlrh tuDercuiosis, lainung rather one young man. For his help from shore to shore. But your boasts are much. Oh. white man! Owned by you this wondrous land. But your heart it sees no beauty; . Uold is ail that you demand. Blinded are you to all nature. Deafened to the savage cry. Left you then this Indian maiden By herself to fade and die. Only wild things guard her sleeping, Onlv clouds their tears. liav ih Would you have this tale repeated? For this "bird" this homina: nlceon Then your hopes will be defeated. TJes am on a- the unknown Mother nature never nurtured such a But her snirit-soul has entered man. I Tn the ailver-thrnateri lurlr You may search. Miss Pollyanna, search And its notes will guid the traveler irom r-oruana to Havana. Though his way be dank and dark- But I'm 'fraid you'll never find him, so when through the hills you wander. In a fairy tale they tell us of a saintly one most zealous. Who was able to withstand the " greatest strain: In a manner debonair, turned he down a lady fair. Though she tempted him with all her might and main. Pollyann. HELEN I. TOMLINSON. Child Welfare Employes. PORTLAND. Jan. 25. (To the Edi tor.) A dispute having arisen in my neighborhood as to who are employed by the Child Welfare Commission ln the offices in Portland, and as to their respective salaries, will you be kind : enough to state just who hold posi tions there and the pay of each person? State whether or not in one family in Portland the husband and wife both hold positions under this Commission. I. V. fcillTH. The law provides for one paid secre tary at a salary of 12S a month. Mrs. Millie R. Trumbull is that paid officer. There are no other employes of the Commission in the Portland office. Lost or weary, sore afraid. Listen for the guiding bird song. (spirit of the Indian maid. Wlie Alimony la In Arrearm PORTLAND. Jan. 25. (To the Editor.) A man and wife are divorced ln California, both agreeing and court so ordering alimony to the extent of 25 a month. The man through lack of work moves to Oregon and falls in arrears in his alimony payments, one or two months. Can wife in Cal ifornia attach husband's wages in Ore gon for it? H. A. The divorced wife can sue in Ore gon and compel payment of the alimony. It goes without contradiction that anything that helps the State Fair helps the state. Why not try the referendum Billy Sunday in the Spring? on If England cannot fill the shell con tract, we can try Japan. Germany again is pushing Russia's face. Property and DlTOree. ' PORTLAND. Jan. 25. (To the Editor.) A, a widow with one grown daugh ter, owns land tn her own name, she marries a widower, B. He renounces all right to her land by giving her a deed to her own land. A secures a divorce. The court allows her only housekeeper's wages. A appeals to a higher court. Can A giva a clear title to her land in exchanre or sale? , A SUBSCRIBER. A cannot give clear title until final , aecree of divorce has been issued. When to Bay Annuities. MORO, Or., Jan, 19. (To the Editor.) Is there ln this country any company that sells annuities, that is, a person pays In a cum of money and receives a certain sum every year as long aa they live? JOHN M'LNNES. Any of the old-line life Insurance companies handle annuities. You might write any of them for further information. Charles M. Schwab's Visit. PORTLAND, Jan. 25. (To the Edi tor.) Kindly let me know If Charles Schwab, of New York, is still living. Was he recently in Portland with his wife? This is to settle argument, SUBSCRIBER. Charles M. Schwab Is etlll living. His business address Is 111, Broadway, N. Y. Mr Ccnwab was in Portland May IS, 195. ' Too Mack tn Combination. PORTLAND, Jan. 25. (To the Edi tor.) Is there any sound Insurance company that will write a combination life, accident, health and endowment policy, similar to the plan adopted by the railroads, that Is within reach of a laboring man? C. A WILLIAMS. So far as can be determined none of the life insurance companies write a combination of which you speak. You can get an endowment policy from a life company and an accident and health from another company. Acknowledgement of Hospitality, SUTHERLIN. Or.. Jan. 22. (To the Editor.) A says It shows lack of good breeding not to thank a hostess for a dinner to which one has been invited in a home. B Bays it is not necessary. Which is correct? READER. A is correct. It is almost a com pulsory courtesy" to make some ac knowledgement of the hospitality accepted.