Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 25, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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-an unequalcd Cast"
Commissioner Holman Ig
nored in Selection of Offi
cial to Succeed Dr. Geary.
Tormer Tenure of Same Office Re
sulted in Exposure of , Strange
Conditions in Hospitals That
Housed ConntT T'ntlpnfe
Dr. Harry F. McKay was' named
County Physician at a meeting- of the
Multnomah County Commissioners yes
terday. He takes the place of Dr. B.
P. Geary, who resigned. Dr. Harry R.
Cliff continues In his position as as
sistant to the county medical officer.
The election of Dr. McKay was the
first serious bump given the Rufus C.
Holman patronage programme, follow
ing the. break between Commissioner
Holman and Commissioner Muck, which
ocurred when Mr. Holman threw his
support of the Vanoouver delegation in
the appointment of a superintendent
tor the Insterstate bridge.
Mr. Holman proposed the name of Dr.
Robert C. Tenney for County Physician.
The proposal was all but ignored by
the other Commissioners, who pro
ceeded to elect the man on whom they
bad decided, and who they felt was well
qualified to fill the position. Commis
sioner Holbrook proposed the name of
Dr. McKay for the office, and the choice
was seconded by Mr. Muck. Mr. Hol
man, as. chairman of the Board, cast no
Dr. McKay brings to the office of
County Physician not only wide experi
ence in medical affairs, but also a
working knowledge of the problems to
be faced, for he held the position which
is now tendered him, 27 years ago. He
was County Physician of Multnomah
County from 1889 to 1892. He resigned
in 1892 to go to Europe.
Dr. McKay's brief tenure was a
etormy one. There was a political at
tempt to oust him from office and he
became the object of an attack which
bad for its object his removal.
Portland newspapers supported Dr.
McKay and pointed out where he had
saved much money to the county, par
ticularly in a hospital scandal he ex
posed. Patients were then sent by the
county to private hospitals. Dr. McKay
found where the county was paying
one hospital $30 a month for the care
of a man who had died months before.
He uncovered other cases where county
wards were made to work In the hos
pital garden and scrub floors, although
their accommodations and care had
been paid for by the county.
Dr. McKay also established the first
county hospital. He is much Interested
in the proposed new hospital, but op
poses the offered location for it on the
University of Oregon medical center
grant, above Terwilliger boulevard.
Dr. McKay has been on the State
Board of Medical Examiners for eight
years and was chairman of the Board
until recently. He was appointed to
the Board by Governor Benson and re
appointed by Governor Withycombe.
Roseburg IMstrict Attorney Would
Require Oath , of Druggists.
ROSEBURG, Or., Jan. 24.-(Special.)
District Attorney Neiiner, of ftose-
fcu'rg, has written a letter to the legislators-at
Salem protesting against the
proposed plan to place druggists who
handle denatured alcohol under a per
sonal bond following enactment of the
Bo-called "bone-dry" law. The District
Attorney believes they should be placed
under oath Instead.
In case of conviction for violating the
alcohol clause of the proposed "dry"
law. District Attorney Neuner would
compel the State Board of Pharmacy to
suspend the convicted druggist for a
period of days. A longer suspension
would follow in the event of a second
conviction. For a third conviction he
would make it incumbent upon the
Pharmacy Board to revoke the license.
Ashland Boys Going Into Xavy.
ASHLAND, Or., Jan. 24. (Special.)
Darren Minkler, Arthur Maxedon and
Paul Winter, three young men of this
city, have passed the preliminary ex
ainination for entrance into the naval
service and are In readiness for
the final examination at Portland rel
ative to activities in the technical
branches. Minkler has chosen radio
pursuits and Winter all' electrical
course Maxedon will learn bookkeep
ing in the yeoman branch of the setv
ice. For some time past Minkler has
been an amateur wireless operator of
recognized ability. The enlistment will
be for four years, contingent upon leav
ing the service in H months If they
choose, in which event they will be
placed on the reserve list.
Aged War Veteran Wins Divorce.
ROSEBURG, Or., Jan. 24. (Special.)
William W. Findley. an aged veteran
of the Oregon Soldiers' Home, yester
day was granted a decree of divorce
from his wife, Mrs. Ruth E. Findley,
Mr. and Mrs. Findley were married in
Oklahoma on August 28. 1906. Mr. Find
ley charges that she deserted him six
years later.
Voting Roseburg Roy Dies.
ROSEBURG. Or.. Jan. 24. (Special.)
. Frank Tiadale, 14-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Tisdale, died here yes
terday following an operation. The
funeral arrangements will not be com
pleted until the boy's father arrives
here I'rom Portland, where he has been
employed for several months.
t'oiit rallaiis to Hear Easterner. "
CKXTIUUA, Wash.. Jau. 24. (Spe
cial.) Dr. J. Adam Tuffer, an eastern
lecturer of prominence, will deliver a
free address at the Centralia high
."hool auditorium on vocational train
iug next Monday night. Monday noon
Dr. Tui'for will be the guest of the
t'ommen-ml Club at its noon luncheon
Get a small package of Hamburg Breast
Tea, or as the German lolks call it, "Ham
burger Brust Thee,'" at any pharmaev
Take a tablespoonf ul of the tea. put a
cup of boiling water upon It, pour
through a sieve and drink a teacup full at
any time. It Is the most effective waytto
hrli u cnld and cure vrln. 11 nn.n. v.
pores, relieving congestion. Also loosens
the bowels, thus breaking a cold at once.
It la inexpensive and entirely vena
table, tnereiore Harmless. Adv.
4 I
t i
4 - if
f $
4 ,
1 J , '
. X
. .V - '
9 x
Broadway Gladys Hulette, "Her
New York."
Columbia Frank Keenan ' and
Margery Wilson, "The Bride of
Sunset Bessie Barriscale, Charles
Ray and Louise Glaum. "Home."
Star John Mason and Alma Han
Ion, "The Libertine."
Peoles Owen Moore and Irene
Fenwick, "A Oirl Uka That."
Majestio Gladys Coburn, "The
Primitive Call."
Globe "At Piney Ridge," "Billy
ATRIA WEEK," with more than
two dozen store windows de
voted to . displays featuring
Mrs. Vernon Castle and International's
preparedness film story, "Patrla," and
competing for a sliver cup, will be a
film feature of next week.
W. W. Kofeldt. cashier of the Port
land Pathe Exchange, the man who
Is responsible for suh stunts as "The
Laughing Mask" entry in the Rose
Festival parade last year and the pa
rade of tne Sons of Spanish-American
War Veterans preceding the screening
of "Pearl of the Army," is responsible
for "Patrla Week."
The following firms have entered for
the window display competition: Meier
& Frank, Llpman, Wolfe A Co.. Sher
man 8c Clay, Wiley B. Allen Company,
Eilers Music House, Graves Music
Company, Bush & Lane, SchwanrFiano
Company, Reed-French Piano Company,
the Phonograph Shop, Jenning & Co.,
Powers Furniture Company, Edwards
Furniture Company, Si S. Rich Cigar
Company (two stores), Railway Ex
change Cigar Company (five stores).
Pike & Markham. Emporium. Politx
Clothes Shop and Eastern Outfitting
The displays will be varied, and the
award of the silver cup will be made
on a basis of artistic value, advertis
ing value to merchants and advertis
ing value to "Patrla." George L
Baker, Mrs. Frank. McTaggert and
Edwin F. James, the donor of the cup,
will be Judges.
Patria will be screened at the
Broadway Theater commencing next
A decidedly artistic, human and
humorous characterization of a small
town "rising young man," a bank
cashier who sports a. pair of those
horned spectacles of the Bostonian
brand a bashful and diffident" young
fellow Is the outstanding feature of
"A Girl Like That," ths Paramount
photoplay which opened an engage
ment at the Peoples Theater yesterday.
Owen Moore, sometimes called Mr.
Mary Piekford, but a popular star in
his own ritrht. contributes this delecta
ble portrayal, and does it in a manner
to enhance his screen reputation, even
if he is not the dashing and debonair
hero of the average film tale.
Irene Fenwick, erstwhile of the stage
and "The Song of Songs, is co-starred
with Moore in this interesting and at
times dramatic tale of city and country
life, bank robbers, bank cashiers,
money-bags and love. Miss Fenwick
is cast in the role of Xell Gordon
daughter of a bank robber. While the
girl longs for the straight and narrow
path, she believes It her duty to a
dying father to assist in a rich haul.
So she goes to Wheaton, N. Y., gets
a job in the bank of which Moore is
the cashier, and then gets the com
bination. However, she falls in love
with the cashier and refuses to aid the
robbers. The father is killed by his
pals, and, to avenge his death Nell
double-crosses the crooks, lands them
in Jail and captures a perfectly good
albeit bashful and absent-minded.
"A Girl Like That" is a crook story,
uut not of the stereotyped variety.
There is no excess of underworld
scenes, and there la much good com
edy, contributed by Moore.
Selig-Tribune News weekly of cur
rent events completes the programme,
"Home." that successful Triangle
comedy-drama starring Bessie Barris
cale and presenting such strong sup
port as Charles Kay, Louise Glaum,
Clara Williams and George Fisher,
will, be exhibited at the Sunset
Theater today. "The French Milliner,"
a Fay Tincher comedy, and Burton
Holmes Travelogue will also be shown.
The story of "Home" has to do with
the task confronting Bessie Wheaton
in curing her family of the evils of
too-suddenly acquired wealth. She re
turns home to discover that her father
is a cynical clubman, her mother and
sister snobs, who are hunting for a
title, and the brother a scapegrace.
So Bessie consorts with and apes the
young adventuress that . brother is
smitten -with, steals - the- titled cfiap
away from sister, and generaly con
ducts herself in such manner as to
center the attention of the family upon
her and effect a permanent cure for
all involved.
"The Libertine." the six-reel feature
which has created much discussion
throughout the country, and has met
with eu':h popular receptions wherever
screened, will continue as the photo-
dramatic attraction at the Star Theater
for the remainder of the week.
This unusual film story deals with
modern life and society's attitude to
wards immorality, with the double
standard as applied to men and
women. It is a graphic and artistic
presentation of the results of youth
ful indiscretion.
John Mason and Alma Hanlon are
featured in the production, which is
noteworthy for Its rare combination of
story, player and artistic strength.
"The Primitive Call," a William
Fox photoplay starring the Kentucky
beauty. Gladys Coburn. will be the
Majestic attraction today.
Miss Coburn is seen as a headstrong
society girl who boasts that she always
has her way. fahe becomes Involved
In a struggle her father is making to
secure land belonging to the Indians
of the far west, and by toyirfg with
Brain Elkhorn. son of the chief, se
cures a deed to the property. Then
she laughs at him, but the redskin, os
tracized by the people he has betrayed
vows vengeance- He first kidnaps
a white child and then steals the girl
carrying her far into the wilds and
forcing her to live In a wigwam like
squaw. Then, when he thinks that
she has worked out her penance. Elk-
horn sends her away, and turns to an
Indian maiden for happiness.
"The Bride of Hate," a mystery
drama of the Old South, with Frank
Keenan and Margery Wilson as the
starred players, will open an engage
ment today at the Columbia Theater.
A two-reel comedy. The Battle o
Let's Go." will also be offered.
The strange life drama of Merce
des, a beautiful Spanish girl wrongful
ly held in slavery, is told in "Th
Bride of Hate." Mercedes is introduced
by Dr. Duprez. a wealthy planter, to
his friends as a Creole girl, his co
ject being to use her in a plan of re
venge against Paul Crenshaw, wh
wronged the doctor's niece and caused
her suicide. Crenshaw marries Mer
cedes, and then Duprez reveals he
negro blood. The ostracized Crenshaw
meets a violent end, and then the doc
tor discovers that he had made a ter
rible mistake. But Mercedes forgives
him and there is promise of great hap
piness. for both.
"Her New York." a comedy-dram
starring Gladys Hulette, the youthfu
Thanhouser luminary, will be the chie
attraction at the Broadway Theate
todav. "Along the Game Trails in Can
ada," an unusual camera-hunt picture
for big game, and a comedy will com
prise the remainder of the bill.
"In Her New York" Miss Hulette 1
a girl from the farm who goes to th
city, a strange land she idolizes. Sh
arrives with a pet hen under her arm
and the love of a young man from th
city, in her heart. The young man is
a budding poet, who has adopted a
baby. Before he wins success they are
forced to slaughter the hen. Even
then Phoebe's New York turns upon
her, for Philip's employer likes her
himself and makes trouble, but not
quite enough to wreck the young girl's
l ,BBHBSBBHb , 3 f i l.t 111 1 f" -."1
! V V W N "A
In a remarkable Ince
comedy -drama, un-
doubtedly Miss Bar
riscale's greatest suc
Showing the endeavor of
a daughter, educated in
Europe, to eave her par
ents from the evils of
newly acquired wealth.
Burton Holmes Travelogues
FREE Commencing this week with
Miss Barriscale we will give away
5000 souvenir portraits of a big star
each week for ten consecutive weeks.
See that you get them all.
Today Till Saturday at the
n -itii'irt
3 Regular Prices
decidedly favorable Impression In "The
Traveling Salesman' for. Lasky. has
been re-engaged for another picture.
Vnlentlne Orant Is no loneer with
the Famous Players, but will shortly
be announced on another programme.
Robert Carson, who is seen as & chief
of detctivp in th lnt elht chapters
of "The Great Secret," has the distinc
tion of being one of the principals in
the first motion picture that was ever
made in Bo.iton. That was more than
five years siro: the picture was Tn-
ver Dan' and the company was the
Dadmun Picture Company.
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
- t . -t..-. . ... ... - .ii . i i kiTh iv ,,,..,.--,..-, - - - ' . - - . a
A 7T TBylouis Joseph vaxce
mj mm a i 11 1 1 m rr tu Ft u m ii
The Photoplay
PfteTfcstJDivssect, TSestKiwMx Woman in America
Screen Gossip.
The fact that persons holding stock
in the Chaplin-Mutual Company, called
the Lone iHar Film Company, have
been secretly and quietly disposing of
their holdings eems to forecast the
fact that the much-expected big bonus
to be pllt at the end of the firbt Chap
lin year Is no longer anticipated. It
is doubtful whether Charlie will con
tinue under the same system after the
expiration of bis present contract.
It Is persistently rumored along
Broadway, which is the greatest place
in the world for the Springing of ru
mors, that Francis X. Bushman and
Beverly Bayne have indulged in a tem
peramental tilt, with the result that
after delaying the production of the
Metro serial, "The Great Secret." for
two weeks the two stars finished the
serial, with the mutual understanding
that they would not appear together
after the completion of the serial.
. '
The Robert Warwick Film Corpora
tion has secured the services of the
celebrated French director. Leonce
Perret, who arrived in America last
week. Mr. Perret Is popularly inown
all over Europe as "The Griffith of
JDorls Kenyon,-after making such a
A romance of society
and preparedness which
affords this famous Ameri
can woman an oppor
tunity of displaying her
amazing versatility, her
wonderful gowns and a
daring in the interpreta
tion of her role that has
never been equalled by
any other
before x
the public.
See Her at the
Broadway Theater
Beginning Sunday
Seven Reels
- y -
f. W " v:: ' 'it
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Released Throuth k
Pathe Exchanges fc lsf
PATRIA is not the conventional banal story but
a spienaia, aDsoming, tnnlling tale ot Ameri
canism, told by the celebrated novelist, Louis
ioseph Vance, and produced with a lavishness that
tas never before been equalled. Patria is a classic
in, the making:.
Read the Story Next
Sunday in the
TDATRIA places Mrs. Castle at the head of Ameri-
can women. Where she has been known by
thousands, she will be known by millions. In
stead of passing off the stage she will remain to
future generations preserved by the imperishable
See It in Motion Pictures
Beginning Sunday
1 - 1 . '' ' ' " " n.nMmn mnn
' ' ' " 1
li W - -'1 T" ' ' - ''- 'T nl