Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 25, 1917, Page 5, Image 5

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Bates, Jr., Portland: Edwin Bergman,!
Portland: Robert R. Black, Harlan,
Lincoln County; Chris Borland, Oswego,
Clackamas County; J. W. Buster. Alsea,
Benton County: Isowell U. Carpenter,
Portland: Henry L. Corbett, Portland:
Robert E. Davis, Portland; August De
termine, Dayton, Tamhill County; I. D.
Driver, Wamic, Wasco County; L. P.
Elliot, Colton, Clackamas County; Will
iam Erdman, Portland; A, J. Parmer,
Portland; David Franklin, Portland;
William W. George, Portland; Henry
Three Democrats in Senate
Committee Vote Against
President's Scheme.
W. Goddard. Portland; John K. Hand,
Portland; D. A. Hart, Dayton. Yamhill
County; Joseph M. Healy. Portland;
George Hedrick, Drain,. Douglas Coun
ty; W. T. House, Independence, Polk
County; Benjamin Hunt, Eddyville,
Lincoln County; James Hunt, St. Hel
ens, Columbia County: Charles Hyle,
Portland; James Jamieson, Jewell, Clat
sop County; Ed Jenks, Cottage Grove;
H. Jewell, The Dalles, Wasco County;
Edwin Johnson, Portland; H. D. Kilhan,
Portland; W. R. Morgan, Brownsville,
Linn County; Walter G. Pearmine,
1 0)0
Jllllilb I7&- Jss
Substitute Provides for Investiga
tion, but Eliminates Feature
Prohibiting Strikes During
Course ot Federal Probe.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 24. For the sec
ond time since it began consideration
of railroad legislation to supplement
the Adamson law, the Senate interstate
commerce committee today declined to
anrrove a provision suggested by Presi
dent Wilson forbidding a strike or
lockout pending investigation of a
labor controversy. The vote was 10 to
5. with three Democrats, Senators
Underwood, Thompson and Smith of
Smith Carolina, voting with the Re
publicans in the negative.
rr thu first vntn 10 davs &ETO the COEO
mittee turned down this provision, T
3 A further effort may be made to
win the committee's approval, and if
thi is unsuccessful a fight will be
made for the provision when railroad
legislation reaches the floor of the
Senate, some weeks hence.
Substitute in Preparation.
Tonight Chairman Newlands said the
committee still was at work on an in
vestigation bill with this feature
eliminated and was confident approval
would be given as a measure that
would prevent obstructions to Inter
state commerce without actually for
bidding a strike.
The action of the committee came
shortly after representatives of the
four railroad brotherhoods informed
President Wilson, who was at the Capi
tol consulting Senators about other
legislative questions, that they desired
Forty-eight Hour Week for Women,
Sterilization of Defectives and Cold
Storage Legislation Urged.
The State Legislative Council, repre
senting the Oregon Congress of Moth
ers, the Consumers' League, the Oregon
Federation of Women's Clubs and the
Women's Christian Temperance Union,
has held several meetings recently and
yesterday announced that it had placed I
the stamp of its approval on several
Dins ror which it asks support.
Following is a list of the bills so far
approved by the Council: Senate bill 73.
referring to sterilization of defectives, I
sponsored Dy the Oregon Federation,
introduced by Senator Farrell; S. B. 78,
48-hq.ur week for working women, by I
Consumers" League, Senator Gill; S. B.
105, providing for crippled children.
fcenator Huston; Hpuse bill 65, refer
ring to industrial education for adult
blind, Portland. Woman's Club, intro
duced by Mackay; H. B. 90. providing
for universal suffrage at school elec
tions. Congress of Mothers, introduced
by Sheldon: H. B. 92. commitment of
feeble-minded, indorsed by State Fed
eration, introduced by Mrs. Alexander
Thompson; H. B. 210, cold storage bill.
by State Federation, to be introduced
Dy isean.
to suggest changes to tne Dins now i
tipfnr th Kenate and House I
committees. The President asked that CD AM CM MAY TAKF STAIUm
...o.n.Atlnna V ltl WrlimS ' " - . 1
be submitted in writing
and promised to give them careful con
Union Men Want Permanent Body.
The brotherhood leaders declined to
make public their proposals at inis
time, but it is understood they follow
the lines indicated in hearings before
the House committee and provide for
a permanent investigating commission
composed partly of employers and em
ployes, without a strike prohibition
Defendant In Murder Case Expected
to Testify Today.
SAN ANGELO. Tex.. Jan. 24. Hrrv
j. bpaneii, on-trial here charged with
Killing his wife. Crystal Holland
bpaneii, last July at Alpine, Tex, prob-
auiy wm lane trie s tan a in his own I
defense tomorrow, according to his
counsel. Ihe case against Snanell.
The Senate committee adopted a pro- charging him with killing Lieutenant-
vUinn for a board of investigation to voionei ji. jautier, or the Sixth Cav-
foe appointed by the President when I airy, U. S. at the time Mrs. Spanell
occasion arises which would be canea I was snor. ana Killed, and set for trial
Into being only In case the present i tomorrow, proDabiy will be postponed
TVrirl board of mediation ana con- until next Monday.
dilation failed to settle a controversy. I Today s session was taken up with
The board would be authorized to in-1 the reading of 21 depositions, 19 by
vestigate and report not only tne tacts, i residents or Hazelton, Fa., Spanell's
but its conclusion as to the merits of I former home; one from El Paso and
one from Los Angeles. All tended to
show the defendant's reputation was
each side.
Emergency Provision Opposed.
When the committee
concluded its
work for the day it had reached a pro
vision desisrned to prevent obstruction
of interstate commerce without Inter
ference with the right to strike. The
suggestion before it would make it a
misdemeanor punishable by six months'
Imnriaonment or a fine of 1100 for a
railroad employe who has quit work to
obstruct the mails or the passage of
interstate commerce.
The bill Includes the suggested pro
vision authorizing the President to
take over and operate the railroads In
case of military necessity.
Demonstrations Made for Eastern
Multnomah Farmers.
tn the nroDosal has been manifested Dy
railroad men if the authorization is to
ntend not only to cases of war or
threatened war or insurrection, but to
emergencies in peace times.
Plane for the reclamation of wet
areas in the eastern cart of Multnomah
county are being laid before farmers
of this section by County Agricultural
Onnosition Agent S. B. Hall, who, in co-operation
wuu .i. r. x.arsen, drainage expert ox
tho Oregon Arlcultural College, has
held a number of meetings for the
discussion of this subject.
As a practical demonstration of what
can be accomplished by drainage, meet
ings were held on the farms of L. R.
Louderbeck, near Pleasant Home, and
S. M. Davis, at Corbett, last Saturday,
when model systems of drainage were
aid out by these two experts. An
other meeting was held on the farm
of Martin Lenartz, near Pleasant
Home, and still another system out
Charles Cross, William O 'Bryan, J In
Ryan, H. Wood. W. Gas kins, A. Lit
tle and A. Piety Are In Jail.
Seven prisoners are confined in the
County Jail awaiting investigation by
the new Federal grand Jury that was
impaneled yesterday. One witness is
also detained. Thirty-two matters are
to be considered by the Jury before its
term expires March 5.
The prisoners in the jail are Charles
Cross, William O'Bryan and Jim Kyan
arrested for breaking into a postoffice;
l!ichard Wood, Impersonating a r ed-
eral officer; William Gaskins, giving
whisky to Indians of the IvTamath res
ervation: Albert Little and Albert
Pietv. alleged white slavers.
Following are the members of the
iurv drawn by Federal Judge Bean:
Charles J. Adams, Portland; J. P.
Aeidius. Ortley, Wasco County; A. C.
Alexander. Portland; J. W. Apple,
titavton. Marion County: George W.
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Government Demonstrator Com
plains of Depot-to-Depot Charge.
Mrs. Mary E. Sutherlln. a demon
strator for tho Government Depart
ment of Agriculture, complained to
the police yesterday morning about the
high rate charged her by a taxicab
driver for a hurry trip from union
Depot to the North Bank Depot to
catch a train. -
She declared that tho driver, when
told that she had no change, would
not wait until she went into the depot
to buy her ticket and get his money.
but wanted her watch as security, and
ended the controversy by seizing her
suitcase. Tn her haste she was com
pelled to go to Ridgefield without her
suitcase, and only secured it yesterday.
when she returned and redeemed it.
She was told that the $1 fee charged
her was legal, and that no warrant
could be issued.
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Improved Conditions Result From
Co-operation With Bureau.
Remarkable changes In the 6anltary
conditions of slaughter-houses in and
near Portland have resulted from the
munlclDal meat-Inspection system, ac
cording- to City Health uiucer juar
cellus, who completed a survey of the
various slaughtering' places yesterday.
Ha says the proprietors have co-op
erated with the Health Bureau, with
the result that conditions are greatly
improved. ,
The slaughtering-nouses nave Deen
I improved in various ways, thus insur
ing cleaner meat, and the inspection
system has worked wonders in eliml
nating diseased ana unnt meat, says
Dr. Marcellus.
Dr. Mackenzie to Ask Commission to
Build Near School.
tr. K. A. J. Mackenzie, dean of the
University of Oregon Medical School,
will arpear before the Board of county
Commissioners tomorrow morning at
10:30 to explain the advantages of
locating the new county hospital, for
which $100,000 Is provided in the county
budget, on the medical center site
granted the university above Terwilli
ger boulevard.
Inman-Foulsen Lumber company
won the contract ror lumoer to oe
used for the construction of new dol
phins at the Hawthorne bridge. Its
bid of J1360 was the lowest of four
i bltls preseuUd.
About One-Half of Amount Keeded Han
Been Pledged; Captains of Workers
Make Appeals for Funds.
Only two more days remain for the
T. W. C. A. to complete the campaign
for the $13,000 that is necessary to
maintain its work.
"We are determined to get this
money, said one of the officers at tne
meeting of captains and workers yes
terday. "But Jf we do not get it the
association will have to close some of
its departments, raise prices and resort
to all sorts of hardships."
"There are scores of persons In Port
land, who. if they only knew the great
need of the association, would be only
too glad to send us a substantial
check." said Miss I.ina B. Jamts, gen
eral secretary, as she looked over the
list of expenses that must be met. .
When the donations had been adaed
yesterday it was found that $7 863.75 of
the necessary $15,000 had been col
lected. Mrs. H. W. Corbett. who heard
of the urgency of the appeal, sent an
extra $100 over the $150 that she. had
always given.
The workers were asked by the cap
tains in their appeal for money to lay
stress on the urgency of the call that
is going out these "last two days of the
campaign. The workers all have been
devoted to the cause, but the returns
have come in slowly.
Today and tomorrow must be the big
days, when the hearts of the people
and their pocketbooks must realize that
the Y. W. C. A. is sending out an S. O. S.
call, say the campaign workers.
$400,000 in Gifts to Aid Belgians.
NEW YORK. Jan. 24. The Commis
sion for Relief in Belgium announces
that it has received during the last
thre days two gifts of $100,000 each
and one of $200,000 for its special fund
for an extra meal dally lor Belgian
school children.
Clackamas Names Taxpayers.
OREGOX CITY. Or.. Jan. 24. (Spe
cial.) O. D. Kby. president of the
Commercial Club, today appointed
Crainlv Judire II. S. Anderson, fc.. k..
Brodie and Charles W. Risley as del
egates to the meeting of the f-tate Tax
"The Darling of Paris".
From Victor Hugo's "Hunchback of Notre
Dame." Unquestionably her best picture.
payers' League at
Mem Friday of this
Eastbonnd Trains Xiate.
CHICAGO. .Ian. 23. Trains over the service soon will be normal
Chicago & Northwestern and the Chi
cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul- railroads
from the stormbound West arrived in
Chicago today from 10 to 24 hours late.
It was stated tonight, however, that
O-W. R. R. & N.
Leaves PORTLAND 7 roo p.m., arrives Spokane 6:50 am.
Leaves SPOKANE 9:10 p.m- arrives Portland 8 xo aun.
7u.pMii( Parlor Obaerra
tion Car through Colonbra River
Gorge; Observation, Drawiog-roon
aad Tonriat bleeping Cart, Diner,
and Steel Coaches. Equipment i
conmodiotu and cieas, atrictly first
ciaaa la every respect, an Through
sice per to and from Montana, Da
kota and Minnesota Cities.
Union station facilities at both
terminals, through sleeping-cars
Lewiston and Walla Walla
Follows the Columbia and Snake
Rivers 265 miles water-level
grade easy curves automatic
"safety"" signal protection.
Washington at Third Street
Broadway 4500 : A 6121
Wm. McMurray, General Passencer Agent
Take a Glass of Salts to Flush
Kidneys if Bladder Bothers
Eating meat regularly eventually
produces kidney trouble in some form
or other, says a well-known authority.
because the uric acid in meat excites
tho kidneys, thev become overworked;
get sluggish; clog ud and cause all
sorts of distress, particularly backache
and misery In the kidney region: rheu
matic twinges, severe headaches, acia
stomach.' constipation, torpid liver,
sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irritation.
The moment your back hurts or Kid
neys aren't acting right, or if bladder .
bothers you. get about four ounces of
Jad Salts from any good pharmacy;
take a tablespoonful in a glass of water
before breakfast for a few days ana
your kidneys will then act fine. This
famous salts Is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon Juice, combined with
lithla- and has been used for genera
tions to flush clogged kidneys and stim
ulate them to normal activity: also to
neutralize the acids in the urine so it
no longer Irritates, thus ending blad
der disorders.
Jad Salts cannot injure anyone;
makes a delightful effervescent llthla
water drink which millions of men and
women take now and then to keep the
kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus
avoiding serious kidney disease. Adv.
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