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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1917)
THE 3IORXIXG OREGONIAX, THTTIISDAT, JANUARY 25, 1917. MANY GOOD UN ADVERTISED SPECIALS ALL OVER THE STORE LOOK FOR THE SALE CARDS 8 Guaranteed Strictly Fresh Local Ranch Eggs- 2 Dozen to Customer None Delivered Dozen 40c Ninth Floor K Expert Jewelry and WATCH REPAIRING We have a staff of expert watch makers, jew elry and silver repair craftsmen. We can neatly mend anything from a chain or mesh bag to a big clock. Especial attention is given to "repeater" watches. Jewelry Shop, Main Floor. Let Us Frame " Your Favorite Picture The most artistic and effective results are as sured if you bring your pictures to us for framing. We have an expert and artistic staff to offer suggestions and frame your pictures at lowest prices. Fifth Floor. 22 Graduates Class Record Books Other Appropriate Gift Editions Just David suede leather $1.80. My Commencement, $1.50. Friendship suede leather $1.50. With Every Good Wish, etc parchment 50c Marcus Aurelius, $1.50. Riley's Poems, $1.25 and 75c School Memories suede leather $2.50. Remarque Classics leather 75c A few suggestions from hundreds of suitable books for graduates to be had in -our Book Shop,. Basement Balcony. The- QyALrnf Stork cm Portland yoisn a 3 Days Will End Our Greatest White Sale and Sale Remnants and Odds & Ends ! 1 8 I Our Richmond Union Suits Are Now Reduced ! UNION SUITS Main Floor. You can't buy better fitting, better feeling or better looking underwear if you pay twice the regular Richmond prices for it and here these prices are re duced! The fine materials, tai lored finish, patented closed crotch and other Richmond fea - tures give a combination of ad vantages that impress every man. Richmond union suits will wash well and wear long and they will keep their shape per manently. Here are two big spe cials: $2.50 SUITS $1.98 Perfect fitting undergarments in fine quality merino. Medium and super weights. Natural gray color. All sizes. $3.00 SUITS $3.49 Fine soft merino, that will keep the body comfortably warm on coldest Winter days. Heavy and super weights. Natural gray. All sizes. $1 Silk Net Yard for 79c 40-inch silk net in diamond mesh. Both delicate shades for evening and more practical colors for street wear are included. $1.50 Metal Tex Yard at 98c 36-inch Metal Tex, so pretty to combine with dainty laces for party frocks. In gold, silver and the pop ular evening shades yard 98c SLOP Organdy. Flouncing, 59c 36-inch organdy flouncing in handsome large floral patterns. The best $1.00 quality special to day, yard 59c. Main Floor, 5th St. Clean-Up Sale Women's Good Suits f I if Handsome $29.50 J 1 O 7 T? to $48.50 Suits J0.0 Sale of $19.50 to $27.50 Suits $10.00 Splendid qualities of 6uits in serge, gabardine, broadcloth, wool velour and all other good fabrics. There' are about 150 suits in this sale every one a smart late Win ter model suits that will give you excellent service far into Spring. The most popular colors are here and every fashionable model is represented. There are alL sizes, but, of course, not every size in every style. Early shopping is ad vised. Apparel Shop, 4th Floor Final Clearaway Pink Batiste Undermuslins $1.00 TO $2.00 ENVELOPES. 73 Envelope chemise of fine pink ba tiste, trimmed in dainty VaL lace, tucks and touches of colored feather stitching: and smocking. Not all sizes in each style. $1.25 TO $2.50 GOWNS, AT 79 Slipover kimono gowns and dainty Empire styles with beading: and shir ring at waist, trimmed with dainty lace edges or touches of embroidery and smocking. $3.75 AND $4 PETTICOATS $2.75 A clean-up of taffeta silk petticoats in dark shades both plain colors and changeables included. Third Floor. Sixth Street. 12 Price Sale of Toiletries 25c to $2.00 Fancy Satin $5 to $10 Triple Mirrors 1 Sachets 2 priced at only 2 $1.30 to $1.70 Imported Per- 60c Hand Mirrors re- 1 fumes, original packages, in- duced to only 2 eluding Violet, Lilac, 30c Whisk Brooms or Peau d'Espagne, etc. . . . 2 sale at only. ....... w . ; . 2 Vanity Glove, can be carried in pocketbook, refilled at any time, 25 and 35. Toilet Goods Shop, Main Floor $1.00-$5.50 Umbrella Re-Covers at 15 Off Have your old umbrella re-covered by our experts at a low price.. New re-covers ranging in price from $1 to $5.50 at 15 off for three days only. AH work guaranteed. Umbrella Shop, Main Floor. Our 75c Double-Width Cretonnes, Yard at 49c A wide assortment of beautiful colors in this splendid 75c cretonne today at, yard 49c. Wide enough to split for the side of the windows. Plan your new curtains now and save.- Curtain Shop. Seventh Floor. lNew Combination Columbia Outfit $79 This new Meier & Frank Combination consists of the1 fine Columbia Leader $75 Graf onola, as illustrated, and 32 selections of music. A limited number of these splendid combinations at $79- payable $5 D own $5 Month The new Columbia Records for February are now in. Free concert today in our sound-proof parlors. Phonograph Shop, Sixth Floor fc. A A V- W. , Highest grade family flour, 49-lb, Coffee, our Victor 30c blend, O f freshly roasted, theound. . . . Hrrrlnx, new Hollandd- fS C Mllchner, new pack, keg.. O 1. UiJ Seeded RaIMn. choice of Sun Maid, Monopole or Red Ribbon, -i r large package XC Potted Tuna Finn, fine for lunches and sandwiches, the dozen TO; tig the can at DC sack today $2.15. Assorted Cookie splendid assort ment of Orange Bar. Spiced Cookies. Ginger Cake. Currant Gems, Mo lasses and Coffee Cookies - Q (none delivered), per pound.. IOC Layer Figs, Callmyrna, new crop, finest quality, 25c grade, at. Of the pound Laundry Soap, good quality, ten medium-size bars buC Ninth Floor. Fifth Street. Co-Operatins; With the Parent-Tearber Association. We Offer r-ut Macaroni. Fort' land made, five-pound package 29?; 1 O,. two-lb. pkg... XiC Ci r a b a m flour, fine or coarse, one of the best brands, No. 10 sacks. is:45c C.round Chocolate strict ly pure, high-grade. 2 pound pkg. 37J; "1 Q one-pound pkg... X!7C 1 000 Pieces of Haviland China Less Than H Regular Prices AN OPEN STOCK PATTERN PIECES REGULARLY PRICED 60c TO $11.30 This is a most remarkable sale as you will agree when you see the exquisite pattern in this very fine Haviland china. It is in the beautiful Derby shape with dainty conventional design in delicate yellow, hairlines of black and touches of dull gold. All handles, knobs and band edges are of gold. You can now buy a complete set of the finest genuine Haviland china at but a fraction of the regular cost. Early shopping today is advised. $16.50 and $17.50 Bags $13.75 Handsome, durable tan cowhide traveling bags. Best quality leather. Leather lined. Frames and corners carefully hand sewn. 17 and 18-inch sizes. Good $16.50 and $17.50 bags today $13.75. $14.00 and $16.00 .Cases $11.95 Beautiful tan cowhide suitcases with or without straps. Re inforced corners. Heavy linings, with shirt or waist fold. Today $11.95 instead of $14.00 to $16.00. Luggage Shop, Sixth Floor. 29c 5, 6, 7,4. 8-lnch Plates. Soup Plates. Fruit Saucers. Oatmeal Bowls. Bone Plates. Bowls. 49e 10 and 12-lnch Platters. Bakers. Salad Bowls. Bread Trays. Cake Plates. Sugar Bowls. Creamers. Celery Trays. . Pickle Dishes. Cups and Saucers. Covered Butter Dishes. 99. Covered Dishes. Sauce Tureens. Soup Tureens Chocolate Pots. Tea Pots. 14. .16. 18 -inch Platters. Sauce Boats. NO PHONE ORDERS NO DELIVERIES ON LESS THAN $1.00 PURCHASES Chinaware Shop, Basement. New Welworth Blouses at $2 One of the new models as illustrated There is just a limited number of these at tractive new blbuses for today's selling: and no more of the same styles will be obtain able when these are gone. Welworth blouses are graining in popularity every week a tes timonial to their unusual worth and the uni versal satisfaction their wearing affords. Here only in Portland. 4 f- Blouse Shop. Fourth Floor. If You Are in the Market for Good Furniture at considerably below market prices, now is the time to buy and this is the place. Desirable, dependable Furniture-for every room in the house i AT SPLENDID SAVINGS Furniture Shop, Eighth Floor FRUIT AGENCY EXPANDS TV OUT H PACIFIC DISTRIBUTORS EN LARGE FIELD OF WORK. Arrangements Made to Handle Busi ness In Montana, Dakota, Cali fornia and Calgary, It Is Said. SPOKANE. Wash.. Jan. 24. (Spe cial.) "Sales agencies will be main tained this year at Chicago, Minne apolis and Fort Worth and arrange ments also will be made to handle business in Montana, the Dakotas, Cal ifornia and Calgary," said Frank E. hickels. executive secretary of the North Pacific Fruit Distributors, to rus'. ' For two 'days representatives of the distributors have been in session in Spokane, reviewing the year's re sults and planning work for next year. "It is not yet decided who will be Cur Eastern sales agent at Chicago or our sales agents at Minneapolis and In Texas," said Mr. Sickels, "but sal aried men will be placed in each field. Later a man also will be placed In California. ' "With the business from the Payette country, which we did not have last year, we expect to handle a larger volume in 1917 than in 1916. We will liave this year the four sub-centrals of Western Oregon, Montana, Wenat- i-hee and Payette. We also will con linufi to handle the business of Ar cadia." C. A. Malbouf of Portland, manager of the Western Oregon Fruit Distrib utors, was present at the conference. : NORTH "YAKIMA. Wash, Jan. H. The Taklma Valley Fruit Growers' As sociation voted today to withdraw from the North Pacific Fruit Distrib utors' selling agency. The fruit growers association will market its own tonnage this year. C. H. Swige-t was re-elected president of the fruitgrowers. STATE INCOME TAX URGED Montana lias Bill to Levy 1 Per Cent on All Persons. HELENA. Mont. Jan. 24. A tax of 1 per cent against all incomes, fees, trades, professions and property is pro posed in a state income tax bill pre sented in the Montana Mouse today. Half of the revenue would go to the state and half to the county. All in comes in excess of $1800 per annum would be taxed. A bill was introduced in the Senate making the birth of a child without wedlock an automatic marriage ceremony for the parents. A bill to abolish capital punishment was introduced in the House. Colby Verdict Alarms Council. Since Victoria I. Colby got a Judg ment against members of the City Council recently for personal Injuries suffered in a fall on a defective side walk, the Council is much alarmed over the prospects. The Council mem bers, according to the Judgment, are legally liable for accidents on defec tive sidewalk conditions, yet are un able to force repairs immediately and haven't the money to make the repairs. Commissioner Dieck yesterday rec ommended an appropriation of $600 for the repair of a walk on Heights Ter race from Sixteenth street to College street. This was laid on the table un til a new trial is had in the Colby case. ARMS WORN IN COURT DETECTIVES IN ABERDEEN LIQ.UOR CASE! CARRY WEAPONS. City Officials Deny Rumors That Impending- Ralda Were "Tipped Off to BUnd-Plgsers. ABERDEEN. Wash, Jan. 24. (Spe cial.) A demand by Atttorney Dan Pearsall. representing tho defense in bootlegging cases, that he be allowed to wear a revolver in his belt in court created considerable of a stir here to day. He first demanded that the spe cial detectives. testifying for the prosecution, be made to lay aside their weapons before going upon the stand. Several of the detectives wore revolvers in their belts. Judge Snyder declined to comply with his demand. Attorney Pearsall thereupon declared that he would ap pear tomorrow morning In court armed with a revolver, holding that to be his right upon the ground that he is a Federal officer. He is a referee in bankruptcy. Rumors that suspected "bllnd-pig-geiw" were tipped off on the raids made yesterday and today were heard here today, but met with flat denials by city officials. They declare there is no ground for these stories. Chief Schmidt says the rumors are without foundation and that the police never expected to capture any great quan tity of liquor, their chief work being to gather evidence that would insure the conviction of those arrested. Altogether . 18 arrests have been made in Aberdeen, and 19 at Hoqulam. The evidence in the opening: case held here today shows that five special de tectives have been at work in the har bor cities for the past month gather ing evidence. ADMIRAL LEAVES WRECK Salvaging of Submarine II-3 to Be Done by Private Contract. EUREKA. Cal.. Jan. 24. Admiral William' B. Caperton. commander of the Pacific fleet, who has been ashore here in connection with the stranding of the cruiser Milwaukee on the sailed aboard his flagsnlp San Diego for San Francisco today. The Navy beach camp at the scene 'of the wreck of the submarine H-s. several hundred yards distant from the Milwaukee's sand grave, was aban doned today. Private -contract work men will continue the work of cal vagtng the dier. The cruiser Pjeblo. with Rear Ad miral William F. Fullai-n. commanding the Pacific reserve fleet, aboard, ar rived here from San Dieso today. REGATTA ADMIRAL NAMED V. Ii. Thompson, Pendleton Banker, Is to Command Fleet. PENDLETON. Or.. Jan. 24. (Special.) W. L. Thompson, president of the American National Bank, Is to be Ad miral of the 1917 Astoria Regatta, ac cording to word received here today The news reached Pendleton today in a message to T. F. O'Brien, from Mayor Harley, of Astoria. The new Admiral is now on his way to St. Paul with the Pendleton boosters and the message was forwarded to him. MAY BE GOAL NAVAL MILITIA CRUISE FOR NEXT SUMMER RECOMMENDED. Captain Williams Favors Seadlns; Coast Orsanlsatlona on Trip From July 14 to Ansnst 3. If the chief of the division of naval militia affairs and officials at Wash ington act on the recommendation of Captain G. W. Williams. inspector-Instructor of the naval militia of the Pa cific Coast, the naval militiamen of Oregon, Washington and California will cruise to the Hawaiian Islands next July. Captain William's recently sent recommendation to the department of naval militia affairs that such a cruise be taken lasting from July 14 to Au gust 3. He also recommended that the Oregon Naval Militia be given a third' class cruiser of a better type, prefer ably the New Orleans, and a torpedo boat, preferably the Goldsborough. He asserted in his report of the con' dition of the Oregon Naval Militia that the geographical position of Portland demanded that the Oregon men have a small craft on which they could take weekly cruises. His report indicates that the Oregon Naval Militia has made a record seldom exceeded by similar organizations. He ranks its ordnance, the appearance and drill of the men and their infantry tactics as very good. Iowa's Representative Gaining. 6IOUX CITT. Ia., Jan. 24. The lead of Representative Tom Steele (Demo crat) In the Eleventh Iowa District, on the unofficial count, now is 75, Steele gaining 31 votes on Representative- elect Scott In the Nineteenth Sioux City Precinct today. The contest has National importance In view of the situation in the lower hotis. What To Do When Backache Comes On Many People Find Quick Re lief in Foley Kidney Pills When backache comes on, and It seems as if you can't stand the pain and pressure in your back and sides, do not feel that you must keep on suffering. till it wears itself out. It is more apt to wear you out and seriously affect your general health. Get a bottle of Foley Kidney Pills and start taking them at once. They usually help from the very first doses. For backache is one of nature's danger signals that your kidneys are not in a sound and healthy state, that they are wrong: and when your kidneys are wrong, you may be sure you face a serious condition. Foley Kidney Pills have a direct and beneficial action on the kidneys, bladder and urinary organs. Their effect is quickly felt In Improved kid ney and bladder action, and in the passing away of those painful and alarming symptoms. No more back ache, wearlneMs and dragging pains. No more painful, sleepless nights, having to rise time after time. It will pay you to try Foley Kidney Pills promptly, as did Mr. J. W. Etrls. R. 2, Cleveland, Ga., who write us: "T suf fered with a terrible backache. Every time I would lean or stoop over to one side. I'd have a painful catch in my back Just over my kidneys. Just one box of Foley Kidney PUla entirely re- Mi-.'., v :S . Mr. J. W. Etrls. lleved my backache. It has been soma time since 1 took them, and 1 have not felt any of the symptoms since." Foley Kidney Pills are sold every where in &0c and 1.00 sizes. The J 1.00 size is the more economical buy. as It contains 2V times as many aa the 60c else. A