THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 191: FOB SALE. FUnw, Organs and Musical Imtntmepts. ALMOST new &8-note player piano. 31 rolls of music, phonograph and 14 records, all for $-75 ; terms if desired. 151 4Lh St., near Morrison. Furniture for Sale. MAGNIFICENT 54-inch plank top dining table, same as new ; cost $45, for $25. Gevurtz Furniture Co., 185 to 191 First Bt.. at the Big Electric Sign. 1 OR SALE Second-hand safes, all siaea. Kllham'e. 5th and Oak st. GENUINE Inlaid linoleum laid on your floor, 9Sc per yard- Mish Furn. Co., 184 1st st. Dogs. Birds and Pet Stock LADDIX AIREDALES ARE BEST. LADD1X KENNELS, ESTACADA. OR, ' Poultry. VI N E cockerel and five pullets. Barred Plymouth Rock, also Cyphers 140-egg in cubator, as good as new, for sale. East 6109. Livestocks FOR SALE One dairy route, 25 cows.1- 4 horses, 2 Jersey bulls, 4 yearlings and farming implements; one mile east of Lents on Foster road. Call Tabor 6323. Launches and Boats. FOR KALE Good as new 25-foot launch, equipped with three-cylinder 28 H. F. fcmalley engine. Framework made of - Kairn white oak: planking white cedar; combing and guards Siberian oak. Address AV 462, Oregonlan. V'H AT have you in a Equipment no object. canoe and motor ? AE 50. Oregonian. Typewriters. KEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manufacturers' guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase; visible models $3 mo.; $7.50 for 3 mos. Other models less Rem ington Typewriter Company, 86 Broadway. Telephone Broadway 621. "WE can aave from 50 to TS per cent on all - makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash, at. .NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates, p. P. Co., 231 Stark at. Main 1407. CORONA portable folding typewriter. Main 2285. E. W. Pease Co.. agents, 110 6th SU Automobile. USED CAR AUTO SHOW. This Is second In Importance only to the big show of new cars coming at the Armory. Tn our big display room ef this department we have arranged our cars of standard, well-known make for easy inspection. BETTER STILL . THE LOWEST lRICBS EVER MADE ARE HERB FOR THIS EVENT. You can buy the kind of a car you want at less than you expected to pay for it, and on your own terms. SEE THE CLASST BUGS, touring ears, sedans, taxis, trucks, delivery wagons. EXTRA SPECIAL PACKARD BUGJ Used Car Dept. Northwest Auto Co., 831 Couch St. Open Evening and Sundays. USED AUTO SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. IMS Overland $325 1913 Maxwell ..... , 3S5 3914 Studebaker 1 450 3916 Maxwell 450 1915 Mitchell 675 ALSO SEVERAL OTHERS. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVE R CO., East First and East Morrison St. East 7272. B 1216, 1914 BTUDEBAKER, SIX -CYLINDER. Soven -passenger, excellent condition. Price, $575. Terms, $250, balance $35 per month. BEN J. E. BOONE & CO., 614 Alder St. Main 3960. 1917 CHALMERS. T-pass., cord tires. body color London smoke. Terms if desired. Car can be seen at Pal ace Garage, 704 Kearney st. Main 90, A 2442. 1915 BUICK, model C-37 touring car, In per fect condition. Has been used very little as private car and has had best of care. Reason for selling, car is too large for iny use. Tires almost new, all kinds of extra equipment. Must see to appreciate. $825 cash. X 64, Oregonlan. FOR SALE lH-ton Kelly Springfield truck, A-l condition, new tires, completely over hauled, '$850, terms to resposible party. Bargain in White truck, firat-olas con dition new tires and thoroughly over hauled : terms to responsible party. AL 54, Oregonian. O. B. MINERS CO., Starting and Lighting Experts. Fifth and Giisan Sts., Entrance on 5th st. FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co., Slst end Washington. Main 6244. FORD 1-TON TRUCK. Wright attachment, solid tires In rear. W have two Fords bo eauioDed: take your choice; $500, terms. 363 Oregon. East FOR SALE Stuta. 1914. electrio light and & tarter, run 14.000 miles, guaranteed In s first-class condition, cheap to a quick buyer for cash. Mult. Electric Garage, 6th and Madison sts. Ask for Denny. BTEARNS. cost $5700. red upholsterlne. new tires, fastest stock car in city. If you want a real car or a car to make into a bug. see this one. Any reasonable offer accepted. a.'W pavis at. AUCTION All kinds of automobiles sold on commission Wednesday, 7 P. M., 240 K. 8th st. J. W, Walker, auctioneer. East PUB. and starter, cord tires, thoroughly over hauled; $200 down will handle.. Broad way Garage. E. 24th and Broadway. NEW 1917 FORD. Never been used ; cannot use car and will give immediate delivery and guaran tee absolutely new. A B 53. Oregonian. FORD touring. 1916 model. Klaxon horn, ex cellent mechanical condition. Sellwood 1915 FORD DELIVERY. lias had very little use; tires practically ne; SJiHM terms, at. ureson. n.ast 1222. J KKFKY truck. 1 H-ton. good as n?w, long wheel base, oiggest Dargain in Portland. KissoiKar orancn. nawy. and Pavis eu UVKRLANO, 1015, model SO, first -claesv me chanically, repainted. See it at 363 Ore gon. East 7222. FORD, lato model, lots of extras, new tires, excellent shape; Fold at a bargain if taken now. o-w oavia su $193 FOR M3 FORD. First-class mechanical shape, good tires, has electric lights. 363 Oregon. East 7222. SEVERAL very cheap cars for delivery. ?t.0 up; good mechanical shape; terms. o2! Davis Et. 1916 OVERLAND, model S3, like new. $550. Broadway Garage. E. 24th and Broadway. FOKU delivery in running order, $00; snap. ;mi t ourn niog. Alain USED AUTO PARTS at less than half price. Auto Wrecking Co.. 89 X. Broadway. SLIGHTLY used tirea $3 to $10 each; vul- X-4 1 vt n i u i ubcu in cw, J e-iv can: . vyi canleed. 25c ; tire repairing. 207 Madison. LOOK at 5-pass. Overland for $400 at 12 Grand ave. N. 1914. ft- pass. Overland, electric lights an Bturter. $350. Owner. Wood law n 4478. FORD touring, demountable rims, 5 new tires: car Ilk new. Aiiwood 309. Auto Ttren and Avenrte. lUo-G AL. Gslin tank and Kellogg pump. ?2o. Ql- Corbet t bldg. Autumohiles Wanted. WlLL exchange good as new 25. font launch equlpptni wit h It-cylinder," 28 H. P. Smal ley engine, for. new or nearly new Dode or Buick car: launch framework made of Kits tern white oak. plMiikuig white Cedar itnd combing and guards are Siberian oak. Address AV 4."i9, Oregonian. V1T.L exchange lot 50xtOO. free of Incum lran' loeated at Portsmouth Station, on Si. Johns earllne. fur light mai-nine in rood condition; roadster preferred. AB 52, Ore iron lan. W I LL exchange 40 acres cut-over unin cumbered laid in Lincoln County for auto ) good condition. Address AV 461, Oregu- . niaii. fcPOT CASH FOR YOUR FORD. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX, Authorized Ford Aent K. 1109.- East 13th and Hawthorne Ave. W ILL exchange four-cylinder 40 H. p. Smalley marine engine for auto In good W A NT i To rent delivery car or light truck, W f. Oregonian. - CAfH for light eais. Ford preferred. Main $1C Washington st. Garage. FOR SALE. Automobiles Wanted. WE will pay cash for late model Ford, Lodge Bros, or Buick autos. Boone A Co.. 514 Aider at. Main, 3966. SPOT CASH FOR OLD CARS. ACTOS REPAIRED FREE. APCOX. 3S8 BURN SIDE. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS without driver for hire. Long Silva, 462 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. 6840. AUTOS for rent without drivers. 450 E. Hawthorne. East 1628. NEW SAXON 6. highway, depots, funerals, calling, shopping; reasonable. East 4562. GOOD 1,-ton Federal truck bytbe day or month. Phone Wood lawn 742. AUTOS without drivers for hire. City Ga rage, 86 10th st. Mar. 1897. A 4246. NEW 5 -pass. Dodge for hire, touring, call ing and shopping. Main 7435. Mot orc-y c les. MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY CO., 209 4th at. Harley-Davldson motorcycles and ac cessories. Largest exclusive dealers, In motorcycles in the state. Main 7889., DAYTON Excellent condition, thoroughly equipped, $65. Tabor 1610. M i well a neo u . FOR SALE. 1 Country Campbell pres. 1 Chandler & Price Job, 10x15. " 1 Paper cutter and type of all kinds Xo operate a daiiy paper, at right price. Address Lock Box 12. Peck. Idaho. SEWING MACHINES. 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be ciosed out. Drop heads. $5 and up; box tops $2 and up. S. S. Siegel, two stores. 382 Wash, and 243 Alder st. FOR BALE Brown reed baby carriage. In Al condition, cost $35, will sell for $15; also white enamel baby bed. 1212 Rod ney ave. BIG sale on all kinds of new and used tools, cable and supplies; greatly reduced prices. J. Leve, 1S9 Front, between Tay lor and Yamhill. CASH REGISTERS slightly used; our prices are lower. Cash Register Exchange, 351 Va Washington st. Main 606. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co., 76 1st. Main 2363. SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent or sale; all grades; large selection. Pacific Staf y & Ptg. Co.. 107 2d st. Main 1071. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent; expert repairing, w aiKer iiectnc works, 413 Burnside st. Broadway or A 5674. FOR SALE 60-ton Shay geared locomotive. Call or address 911 Alaska bidg., Seattle, Wash. NEW and second-hand books and magazines Dougnt, soiu, exenangea: rented school books. Johnson Book Store, 210 4th st. WANTED Close-in acreage for strictly mooern -room oungaiow, in irvington; mortgaged for $3000. 605 Pittock block. CASH REGISTERS, safes and store fivtures. Hochieid Bros., zis Morrison st. Main 4234. BIG sale on new Manila rope, 15c per lb. Yamhill. FOR SALE: Four-cylinder 40 H. P. Smal- ley marine engine in Al condition. Ad dress AV 463, Oregonian. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. A. L. Howard, 4tn st. Main JSU6. PLUM BING supplies at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d st. Main 797. H. P., 3-phase, G. E. motor; Dayton con puting scale; showcase. Main 3716. BARGAINS In second-hand barber chairs. Kemp Barber Supply Co., 371 Wash. st. WELL-ROTTED horae and cow manure. Phone East bitty. ALMOST new Grafanola and record for ea 1 e. AG 54. Oregon! an. FINE oak 12-section letter file for sale cheap. 128 1st st. MACHINERY bought, sold and repaired. N. w . Leaa & wacninery jo., jii rront st. GENUINE ENGLISH TOFFEE sold only at The Trail Candy Shop, 702 Wash. st. RUGS, window drapes and chairs. Phone Aiar. FOR SALE Good seed potatoes, $1.50 hun- area pounas. laoor lozs iast Aiaer. $75 GRAFANOLA and $25 worth of record ior $ou. Ati do, oregonian. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning at your home, 35c a rug. Marshall 60S. CASH REGISTERS, sates, store fixtures. fortiano. cash register (JO 1st & Yamhill. FURNITURE WANTED. MISH FURNITURE CO. WILL PAT HIGH EST CASH PRICE FOR TOUR USED OFFICE AND HOUSEHOLD FU RNITURK. CARPETS, RUGS, ETC. 184 1ST ST. MAIN 5768. GEVURTZ .FURNITURE STORE, 207 FIRST STREET, desire the public to know that we still continue to pay the highest cash price ior usea iurniture, rugs, stoves, etc PHONE MARSHALL 587. MONET TALKS. We pay the best cash prices for house hold or ortice furniture, ruga, carnets. stoves and ranges. For prompt attention phone GEVURTZ FURNITURE. INC.. 185 to 191 1st st. Mar. 5981, A 3224. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. wants ail kinds of second-hand furniture. We also buy merchandise stocks of any descrip tion. 166-168 First St., bet. Morrison and xamniu. Main 4633. THE GREATER PORTLAND New and 2d-hand store pays the highest price ior your .'a-uuua nousenoia goods. loo-uf ist st. A. aiuo, Aiarsnau o32i. CAN USE GOOD FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash; phone today. Main 462 or 204 First st. WANT second-hand furniture, carpets, etc will pay more than Portland second-hand dealers. Waldo. Alain 4773. FURNISHING APT.-HOSSE. NEED FURN I Tl'RB. NO DEALERS. CASH PAID. MAIN 4495. ri.L'A DA VCD SL. T Ht a onn In T a. r 1 V, 1 J pay cash for furniture, rugs, etc. Phone Alain MUST and will have used furniture, any quantity, t&m. 04i . di w imams ave. PARTY would like to buy household goods. rugs, etc., ior cssn. Aiarsnau ibz: BE WISE Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co. Main 8951. 191 2d st. Cash paid for household furniture,' show cases, saios, casn registers. Aiam 0999. WILL pay cash for 2d-hand furniture. Call Mr. Was.lDurn. Marshall 47&3. WANTED MISCGUAN KOIS. CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED. My specialty is buying gentlemen's clothing and paying positively 50 per cent more ' than any other dealer. We need stock to supply our chain of customers. See us before selling your old, clothing and shoes, w ill call any place in the city, Marshall 3-), or 209- Madison- st. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. $7. SO PAID FOR MEN'S SUITS $7.50. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LA DIES' AND GENTS' SUITS, SHOES, AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE. MAIN 20S0. GLOBE STORE. MAIN 20&0. r 1 Kef ST., .NKAK JEFFERSON. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. MEYER. THE TA1LOH. PAYS $7.50 AND UP FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS HE PAYS YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYER. MARSHALL 1229. 229 MADISON ST. WANTED To buy for cash, late model yarding engine, slxe about 12, xl2, or 1 1 Md. Address .Nmuonai Lumber fe Mfg. Co.. Honuiatn. tasn. WANTED A second-hand 3-H. P. steam boiler in good order, cheap for cash. Ad- drt-sa A 4.J. oregonian. USED udding machine and mimeograph, in A I condition, cash. Phone C 2243 or P "J, Oregonian. SECOND-HAND rails. 20. 40 and 60 lbs.. suitable for relaying. Highest price paid. oregonian. WE RUT used furniture, stoves, ranges. carpets, rugs, clothing, shoes, and pay the best prices. 1 an Marsnan soot. :D-H AND CLOTHING BUYER; HE WISE AND GET FULL VALUE FOR YOUR 2D HAND CLOTHING. 2i1 H: 1 ST. MAIN 734. CASH for your old gold, silver, pi a tin urn and high-grade- ore. n. M. Pickering, mig. jeweler. L'n oregonian oing. W ANTE D Drums o nd' traps to rn t for one or two e wnmgs. Experienced drum mer. A. , oregonian. WANTED Cash registers, safs and show casa. 16 First st. mane Main 4234. WANTED National cash regi --- il 606. 3--.I 4 Washington st DELIVERY body for Ford car, cash; must be tn good condition. ,ti r.. mth st. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. CALL MAIN 477B OK 246 FIRST ST. JUNK WANTED. All kinds of junk bought. Marshall 3225. WHAT have you In a canoe and motor Equipment no object. AE 60. Oregonian. AUTOMATIC rifles, ihottruns. pumn Kun itodak and luiea Hochfsld, 65 Third C WANTED MlSCELLAXEOrS. LEVIN HARDWARE &, FURNITURE CO. will buy your used furniture and all kinds of tools and pay you all It la worth. Our THREE LARGE STORES are ample proof that we handle nearly everything you need In the home or elsewhere. CASH O R EXCHANGE. 221-25 Front St. , Phone Main 9073. HELP WANTED MALE. "I AM JUST WAKING UP." That's the exact expression made by a young man in our office. He NOW knows the need of SPECIAL TRAINING. The business men of Portland know that the big feature in wealth production is trained men of character. Thev established and upport these VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS, nLting men to become expert: Automobile Man Office Managers Accountants Pharmacist Bookkeepers Salesmen Executives Stenographers Chemists Show Card Writer Draftsmen Wireless Operator Electrical Engineers, eta., etc. For complete information relative to any of the above school address the De partment of Education, Dlv. C, Y. M. C. A, MILLWRIGHT. $-4; flooring grader, $2.75; scaier ana log aecK man, .o; mar ried mill laborers, S2.5U to $2.75; married farmhand. $40; married milker. $4; Ger man or Sw4ss farm teamster, $4u, r. and bd.; . fallers, $3.75; buckers. $3.50: all kind of loggers wanted. See us first. - PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., 235 Burnside- St. ADVISORY EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Y. M. C. A. You know how to do something but don t know how to sret Komethins: to do. We can ell you how or send vou to It. During past 7 years we have placed "or helped piace inemseives over u,uoo men ana ooys. inn service a privilege of membership in the Y. M. C. A. $5 gives you membership for a year under guarantee that you will se cure employment or refund of membership fee. See Secretary Stanley Baker. OREGON-AUTO ft GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL, 429 BELMONT ST. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION IN ALL BRANCHES. STUDENTS ASSISTED. CALL OR WRITE. DAY and night classes are now open and we extend an invitation to the general public to visit and inspect our school ; automobile, electrical, gas tractor and vulcanizing trades. complete; practical work; low cost. Hemphill's Trade Schools, E. 20th st. and Hawthorne ave., Portland. HELP YOURSELF $10 invested monthly for 10 months in high-grade business prop osition will make you over $1000 within two years. You can prove this statement by closest Investigation. Interview by ap pointment only. O 951. Oregonian. TWO live, energetic salesmen, who are wilU good, call and we will show you how to earn It; a permanent position with a well known concern. Call 317 Oregonian bidg., 9 to 10 A, M 3 to 4 P. M. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, 445 HAWTHORNE AVE., PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE ON REAL AUTOMOBILES AND GAS TRACTORS. CAPABLE young man to tell well-known line of aluminum cooking utensils direct to consumer; 40 per cent commission and cash bonus every 13 weeks. State age and previous experience in first letter. G 64, Oregonlan. RAILWAY mail clerk, examination Feb. 10. salary $900 to $1800 a year; lire Jobs, we prepare you. You must act quickly. Pa cific States School, McKay bidg., 3d and Stark sts. WANTED Live agents to canvass the city with a new patented article; will pay 100 per cent; no competition; something that will sell to nearly every household. "Call 325 Corbett bidg., between 8 and 10 A. M. WANTED Bookkeeper and office man; must nave nad varied experience as dook keeper, as my system requires a great deal of department work. Smith's Garage, L Grande, Or. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, 388 Burnside St. Day and Night Classes. WANTED Young man as stenographer in lumber office; must be accurate at fig ures and energetic ; reply in own hand writing. Y 55. Oregonian. WANTED First-class open -shop all-round bollermakeri. steady work incl first-class wages to competent men. 4lT" Oregon bidg., 5th and Oak sts. A FEW experienced hjuse-to-house sales men to sell new and worthy household article. Phone today between 8 and 10 A. M. Tabor 3626.- DENTIST One who is capable of handling a $.j000 practice; must be licensed in Ore gon and an all-around man. AV 456, Ore gonian. COMPETENT, experienced bookkeeper and typist; must De rapid at figures, accurate and a hustler. Phone Main 3726 or X 56, Oregonian. WANTED Band man at once: machinist- operator on linotype, and all-around print er, good wage. E.- L. Stilson, Gooding, Idaho. WANTED First-class open-Bhop pattern makers, steady worK ana nrst-ciass waged to competent men. 417 Oregon oldg., 5th and Oak sts. WRITE quick for novel advertising prop osition: great money-maaer; exclusive ter ritory free. Address R. L. Harris, Daven port, Iowa. WANTED First-class open-shop gray iron foundry moulders, floor and bench, steady work and good Wages to competent men. 417 Oregon bidg., 5th and Oak sts. MEN'S teUITS. OVERCOATS. $3.50 UPi Drop in and look them over. Orpheum Cleaners, 355 Stark, corner Park. NUMBER young men wanted for railroad telegraph service; big demand for op erators; day and night sessions. For par ticulars can room ranama ridg. CLUB RATES $1.50 MONTH. We press one suit a week and give you workmanship and service. Phone Broad way Hit'p. prpneum oieanera, a.5 stara. WATCHMAKER, city, a good workman (Chance for advancement; state experience. w 56, Oregonian. WANTED Young man, 17 to 20. in tire business; must De wining to start at low wages. 530 Washington st. PARTNER WANTED for good-paying busi ness; small investment required. A. Co, Oregonlan. " FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper; must be man of experience; wholesale preferred; refer ences, ad da oregonian. WANTED Bookkeeper, capable of invest lug $oOO in foundry ousiness. K. SO, Ore gonian. JEWELRY polisher, one who can do plat ing. A. r . Clause v fcon, uOl Macleay mug. INDOOR carpentry, remodeling, in exchange Tor business college course. R 54, Ore gonian. - WANTED Machinst foreman. capable of investing $,UO in a No. 1 proposition. R 53. Oregonian. FIVE neatly-dressed boys and girls, aged iz-io. earn i per aay atter school. Call 402 Oregon Diag.. otn ana oak, 3-6 p. M. WANTED Thoroughly experienced tool and die maker. Hotpoint .Electric Heating Co., Ontario. L8i. SOLICITOR to sell stock in hlglt-c;as finan cial enterprise. Eq ul table Finance Abs d., 41 0 cnara. or commerce. Spokane, Wasli BOISE Butcher Co.. Ltd., Boise-. Idaho, wants a good sausagemaker, steady work; wages $20 per meek ; reference required. YOUNG man. JiigH tenor, pianist for quar tet. Phone Main 3154. WANTED Dishwasher. Kenton Hotel, Ken ton. Help Want Agents. A POST CARD will put you in touch with an $SO-a-week proposition selling alumi num utensils and specialties direct to the consumer. Don't let one cent stand between you and prosperity. Div. T 64, American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemon t. in. WHY sell Inferior? Our hospital policy cost no more- a"i tsoara oriraae oicg. ' Help Wanted Salesmen. TWO specialty salesmen, city and country. a n o. oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WAITRESS, $30. room and board; also other ' positions for women. Call Broadway 2601. WANTED Middlc-aed woman to care for Invalid lady. 975 M ichigan ave. WANTED Five ihorus girls. Apply Amer ican Theater. 1st and Main.' WANTED Girl for general housework. 953 Bryr ave. Telephone oodiawn 3430. WANTED A girl to assist genernl house- work; no chiiaren. Appiy 1 10th st. BUTTONHOLE band and tailor help; ex pen e need. Apply 29 Wash. WANTED A competent housekeeper. Cal at grocery more. uiods t fKIVATE HOME for children, any ; 15 years experience. 1 cverctL. Mar. 2162. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. Apply mornings. .ortti -1st. WAITRESS, out, $30. fare: cook, $35; 2d gr.i. iiowe s. -j'ti Washington. MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL. Shorthand Typewriting $5 mo. 269 14th. Main 3893.' WANTED Good cook at 626 Everett U HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED STENOGRAPHER For lumber office; must be fairly rapid on machine; on preferred who ha had dictaphone experience; wages moderate: answer, stating age. experience and wages wanted. S 53, Oregonian. WANTED Neat, capable working house keeper, family of 4 ladies, Portland Hts. Must take entire charge; new house, with every convenience. Wages $30. Appoint ment by phone. Marshall 25S3. SEVERAL more young ladies wanted to 'learn telegraphy; das and night session. For full particulars call room 602 Pan ama bidg. WANTED Elderly lady for light house work for two gentlemen on ranch, close In; fair wage and good home. Phone Mar. 806. ' STENOGRAPHER and b. k. for $75 per. One dictaphone operator. $70 or $75. One stenographer and b. k. for bank, $60. 301 N. W. Bank bidg. '. NURSE GIRL through day. one meal, $20; one in walking distance preferred. Call be tween 9 and 10 A. M. Mrs. A. A. Fries. Virginia Hill Hotel. GIRL for care of baby and assist with sec ond work; references. 775 Kearney. Main 292 WANTED Girl for housework and some cooking, wages $20. Apply 773 Pettygrove street. ' WANTED Cook for small private family; wages $40 to $45; must have reference. AH 62, Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced and competent nurse girl to take care of two children 1 and 2 years old. Apply 104 5th st. CAPABLE and experienced girl for general housework, small family, big wages. East 5802. COMPETENT girl wanted for general housework and cooking, no washing. 605 Vista avenue. WANTED French girl to care for children, one who speaks no English preferred. Call Main 3S21. SOMEONE for light housework, no wash ing, good home, small wages. 605 East jaoth st. W ILL give good home and $7 a month to elderly lady for keeping house for man in country. Call 294 Russell. GIRL for housework, no cooking, small fam ily. 573 E. 8th st. N. EXPERIENCED family cook, none other need apply. Wages $50. Main 201. WANTED Experienced millinery makers. Apply Lowengart & Co. WANTED Woman to do plain cooking. Call Tabor 2492. PRIVATE home for children, any age. good care. 692 Union ave. N. East 8083. WANTED Maid for general housework. Phone Marshall 335. 247 N. 24th st FIRST-CLASS buttonhole and finisher, men's coats, wanted. 603 Buchanan bidg. WAITRESS, out. $.10: family cook, $75. liA.Nbfi.N a, 345 Washington. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 735 Kearney. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. THE ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER COL- LEGE will teach you the trade in eight weeks, pay you while learning, give you a set of tools, scholarship and diploma, get you a position; 82 schools in U. S. and Can ada. Write for free catalogue. Cor. 2d and Burnside. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks; position guaranteed; tool free; paid while learning; tuition reduced. Can earn from $15 to $25 a week. Expert instructors. 20 years In business. 238 Madison st. THE ORIGINAL MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL Men and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks, tools free, paid while learning. Scholarship and diploma, get you a position. Tuition reduced. 38 N. 2d, cor. Couch. FOR BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE ATTEND MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, ALISKY BLDG.. 3D & MORRISON STS. HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Broadway-Yamhill bidg. Individual in structions. Positions when competent. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. FEBRUARY 10, railway mail clerk examl- nations, Portland ; commence $75 month,; sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 389-B, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Men, women to try examinations ior uovernment joos ; so monm. Address .a v ov.', oregonian. SITUATION'S WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. LUMBERMEN Young man, 35, wishes to in uo cnange; iu years" experience as DooKKeeper, men ouyer ana salesman, and for past five years manufacturing end. the last two years of which operated my own plant; thoroughly understand both lumber and shingles; excellent references; reasonable wages; will go anywhere. Box av oregonian. I WANT WORK. General office work; assistant book keeper; good experience, training and ref erences. Aj. a. w., ivih Division st. HARDWARE man, with yeans of experi ence, wisnes to maKe cnange irom ort- lana to country; good reference. Mr. hardware, 48 3d st. YOUNG man, just arrived in city, wants position; oiiice work preferred; not afraid of work ; good references. Phone Main uw), room 43. YOUNG man wanta office position, type- wriLing, uooaaeeping. etc., witn chance lor advancement. p 56, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED grocery and confectionery ciera wants position; moderate wages. Miscellaneous. AMBITIOUS young man, with clean habits ana nanay aoout the house, wants board and room, and telephone if oossible. in return for work that can be done outside of study hours. Y 06, Oregonlan. LINOTYPE operator and all-around first- class printer desires situation in good coun try office; steady and reliable. Address "Operator," room 525, Reynolds Hotel, Se attle. EXP. forest surveyor and draftsman, with technical knowledge of timber lands and their proper care, wants work with timber company. 1 ou. oregonian. P 4 Pi Rf .TT man frmant TTnlttt ing, aesires janitor work; A-l refs. Call week days bet. :30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 7051, A 1517. MAN and wife want place on farm, milk ing or farm work. Good on dairy. Have been in dairy business In Belgium. State wage. al o , oregonian. FOR HOME, new or repair see K. V. Berr iuna, 01 ; n.. . nuns, aeiaiis and specifications all first-class and moderate price; references it required. Tabor 1!725. CAPABLE man. exp. gardener. German de scent, would take any kind of work. Call week days bet. 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 7051, A 1517. YOUNG couple desire janitor work where they can take their three children ; A-l refs. Ca'.l week days bet, 8:30 A, M. and 5::o P. m. Main 7001, a ioi. MAN with family fno small children) wants Janitor work. Call week days bet. 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 7051, A 1517. MIDDLE-AGED man. experienced watch man. day or night, wants work. AD 63, Oregonlan. EXP jrardener (German) desires work with florist; A-l refs. Call week days bet. 8:30 A. M. and 6:30 P. M. Main 7U01. A YOUNG man. attending Holme business College, wants work for room and board Phone Main 513. AUTO mechanic and licensed chauffeur wishes employment; best of references Call evenings after 5 o'clock. Tabor 704. LANDSCAPE gardener, garden and house work: reference AL Marshall 4305. George rchmlot. RELIABLE man wants painting and min ing; reasonable. Call week days bet. 8:30 A. M. and &:3'J P. M, Main 7051. A 1517 WANTED Position cook in small camp or ranch near Chehalis. Address box 5, Hub bard. Or. MAN and wife. Aljanitor and chamber maid, res., hotel or apt.-house. A Id rich. "hone Mars nan aner a. m. COOK, camp or hotel, wants position; 3 years one company; accept nothing less than siimj. r oregonian. PAINTING, paper bunging, tinting. Inter ior work a specialty; reasonable prices. Wilson. Main 6in. PA4NTING, paper hanging and tinting, good work, reasonable prices. Sellwood 2303. A YOUNG married Swiss wants steady Job on farm. AV 503, Oregonian. STEAM engineer with 1 years experience open for position. AJ 52, Oregonlan. KALSOMINING. painting, plaster-patching, reasonable. Woodiawn 24110. GOOD bfad and psstry man wants posi tion: A-l refs. Thone East 2446. JAPANESE wanta position a school boy In the city. 466 Hoyt. city. Shojl. MAN with service car wants work with re liable auto company. Main fiftT.3. WANT 3 or 4-room unfurnished apartment; must be reasonable. Marshall 20. YOUNG Chinese schoolboy want position in a family: small wages. AD 54. Oregonian. CABINET work wanted at home; repairing carefully done. Marshall 1475, A 1517. PAINTING, carpenter work, remodeling done cheap; day or contract. Mar. 5885, A 1517. PAINTING, paper hanging and tinting jteat ly and cheaply done, Marshall 2493. SITUATIONS WASTED MALE, Miscellaneous, BAKER, first-class. all-around, married, wishes job in or out of town. Call Mar shall 3076. Address 514 Everett at.. Port land. Or. L. Ethington. SITCATIONS WANTED FEMALE. J Bookkeepers and Stenographers, GIRL 19 desire stenographic work, some experience; prefers place where there Is opportunity for advancement ; A-l refs. Call week day bet. S:30 A, M. and &:30 P. M. Main 7u51, A 1517 FIRST-CLASS stenographer, young woman desires position. Marshall 545. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes po sltion. Tabor 43 L A-l STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper; best of city reference. Main 6o34. WANT all kinds typewriting to do at home; reasonable. Tabor 5943. PRACTICAL nurse, with hospital training; rers. :uain Housekeepers, LADY wishes position, housekeeper In hotel. rooming-nouse, in or out of city; reier ences. AH 53. Oregonlan. GIRL wants work, experienced houseworker ana plain cook. 7 etn su, room, .0. caxi 9 to 12. Domestics. CAPABLE woman, stranger in town, wants place aji camp cook, wouia iase oiner work temporarily. Does sewing and repair ing also. Call week days bet. 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 7051. A 1517. YOUNG woman, exp. cook for delicatessen or cafeteria, wants work; A-l rers. can week days bet. 8::;0 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 7u51, A 1517. EXP. woman wants day work, 25c an hour and carfare. Call week days bet. e:su A. M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 7051, A 1517. WOMAN wants day work.. Phone East 212. EXPERIENCED cook, private family or boarding-house; Pest ret. Main ebtfy. LADY washes housework by the month; good wages. Phone Main 5653. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED cook wants work in res taurant, cafeteria or delicatessen. Mar shall 5598. Apt. 31. WOMAN wants to work for room and board. private boarding-house, cIobo in. A dress Y 35, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED lady wishes cleaning and laundry by hour. Call ro re noons or irom 4 to 7 evenings. Main 2931. BEST of care of children in my home, $10 month. Phone Tabor 7H89. WOMAN wants day work. Phone Tabor : 83 COOK, experienced in private family; wages 4'J. 70s .ast l-iin. Margaret jarrmann. WANTED Cooking and serving, fancy Iron ing, housework, by hour. Tabor 317. GIRL, general housework, wages $25. . Call woodiawn inn. GERMAN lady wants day work washing and cleaning. Main MIDDLE-AGED lady and daughter wants work together. Call J 1027. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Eas-t 2846. apt. 217. MIDDLE-AGED girl wanta general house- work. Tabor 36"J4. 107 r:. 5tn st. w. WOMAN wants day work Thur. and FrL, woodiawn 14B2. WOMAN wants day work, best city refer ence. Call evenings. East 2166. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent furnished bungalow, 5 or 6 rooms, strictly modern ; moderate rent, for a family of three. Tel. East 6148. MODERN 4 or j-room bungalow, with range rent reasonable, call Marshall 9so7. FOR RENT. l-'urnitthed Rooms. PALACE HOTEL. On Washington street at Twelfth. Large, airy rooms, elegantly furnished, clean, free phone, hot and cold water, steam heat, fireproof, large ground-floor lobby, private and public baths, elevator service ; theater and shopping district: strictly fire-class accommodations at moderate prices, inspection will convince you; 50c per day and up. Special week ly rates. HOTEL RAMAPO. 14th and Washington Sts. A moderate-priced hotel, with first class service, with all comforts and con veniences of the high-priced hotels, at lower rates; rooms with and without pri vate baths from 75o to $2 per day; weekly rates $3 and up. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th St., cor. Washington St. Fireproof, up-to date hotel, large at tractive rooms, individual telephone, con tinuous heat and hot water service; $3 per week up; 50c to $1.50 per day. HOTEL LIL-MER. under new management; Mr. Lillian Merry: transient trade so licited, rate reasonable; hot and cold water In every room, 270 S Fourth St., cor. Jefferson, opposite City Hall. Phone Mar shall 6350. HOTEL CON RA DIN EL lAth St., at Oak Desirable downtown . ration; respectable and strictly modern; fireproof bull dm sr. elevator and large lob by; rooms $3 per week up. HOTEL BLACKSTONE. elevator service, telephone, hot and cold water in rooms; OOc to $1.50 per day. Spe cial rates by the week. STASDISH HOTEL. 548H Washington st.. corner 17th. Hot and cold water; steam-heated rooms. $1.50 per week; $6 per mo. and up. MAKE THE BUSH MARK YOUR HOME. Good. large, clean, modern rooms, steam heat ; walking distance, $1.50 a week; $6 a month and up. 000 Washington st. NICELY furnished front room, walkine dis tance ; both phones, reasonable. 4c2 h 3d at. The arrenton, Alain 7 1 71. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison street at 10th. RATES OOc day up. Weekly $2 up. Running water. Free phone and bath. HOTEL CORDOVA, 269 11th t. Strictly modern; private baths en suite; room $3 Up. Main 947. A HpTEL NORRIS. 533 1 Alder. Strictly mod ern, $1.50, $2 and $2.50 a week. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. 20th and Wash. W arm. modern rooms. 92 week up. STEAM heat, hot and cold water, $1.50 week up. Hj urtnotve. . FORD HOTEL, pivate bath, phone. $12 up; without oath, sruup. 73 Washington st. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. TWO neatly furnished rooms, private farm ily. breakfast if desired: heat, hot water, telephone, bath, home comforts, good car service; can accommodate room mates; gentlemen only, reasonable. 627 E. Sal mon, cor. 17th. First floor. NICE room in beautiful home: running water. fiiQwer tatn. .: Kverett, st. NICELY furnished front and single room. neat, reasonable. 39 Taylor. Rooms With Board. WEAVER HOTEL, 708-10 Washington Street. Phone Marshall 5170. BOARD AND ROOM. Private bath and telephone in every room. Prices reasonable. Excellent heat. ALEXANDRA COURT. 53 Eld St. An American Plan Residence "Hotel Suites Single Rooms Excellent Tabl. A W211. Marshall 6170. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel: attractive rates to transients or permanent guest. Phone Main 0283, A 6628. THE WHITE HALL. 253 6th, American plan; very convenient and reasonable. THE STRIKER. 554 Couch; family hotel, rooms single or en suit-; reasonable rates. Room With Board in Private Family. ON E large front room, also outside rooms, hoard if desired. Home privileges. Mar. 5305. 414 Columbia, cor. 11th at. HOME with use of piano for young girl, walking distance Jefferson High. Phone M h in 7 10S, mornings. FIRST-CLASS roonf and board in private home. 166 N. 21st. Main 4220. 1'urnif.hed Apartments. MADTSON PARK APTS., Park at Madison. Modern 2. S and 4 room furnished apartment, close In. by week or month. ELK APARTMENTS. 34TH AND BELMONT. Furnished 2 and 3-rooxn apts. Also single room; reasonable rates. WASHINGTON GRAND. 2 and S-room apta. glO up; heat, light, bath: clean, respect able. 91 Grand ave.. cor. Washington. AVALON Completely furnished, modern, 4-room apt., vacant Feb. L Rent $35. Pbnn Eat 3172. THE CHELTENHAM Beautifully furnished 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; lowest rates in city. Corner N. 19th and Northrup sts. DENVER APART MEN TS Strictly modern 2. S. 4-room furnished and unfurnished. $18 up. "W" car to Northrup. Mar. 227. NEW furnished apta. ; concrete block ; $10 and $12. 1162 U ion ave. N. Wdln. 512. L 2 ROOMS, bath, steam beat, phone, gas. light. $3 up. New Hart. 17Qfr 2d t. THE DEZENDORF, 208 16th St., near Taylor. Marshall 2319. FOR RENT. l-nrntPbed Apartment. STELWYN HIGH-CLASS. Beautifully furnished 'apt.. Turkish rugs. Oriental furniture, sleeping porch, lots of beat, best reference required. Marshall 2S-30. k HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined, clean, fe. TUB WHEELDOK ANNEX popular. loth and (Salmon Si. well known. of highest standing, A house of quality. comfort and service. VILLA ST.' CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartment on the Paclflo Coast; furnished complete. Roof Garden la Connection. Walking distance. IteferenceSL THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia St. Ftv minutes walk to Meier A Frank's store; good surroundings; strictly modem 2 and 3 -room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. IRVINGTON. BOWMAN APTS.. 17th and Tillamook. Beautiful furnished 5-room upper cor ner apartment; rent $50. Call F. E. Bow man & Co. Main 3026, or Mrs. Smith. E. 568. PENROSE APARTMENTS, N. W. corner Belmont and Grand ave. New. completely furnished 2 and S-room apta. Solid brick building; white enam eled Interior: large kitcheus; service first class; walking distance. LINCOLN APARTMENTS, 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APTS. $16 TO $25. WALKING DISTANCE. , GARAGE CONVENIENT. BANNER APTS.. 489 Clay, 2 rooms, fur- nnea, ngnt, heat and phone; modern: $12 up. Marshall 2074. t. nturnlnhed Apartments. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished five-room a part - meni, witn an moaern conveniences. In cluding sleeping porch, telephone, gas, electric lights, etc. ; newly carpeted, ren ovated, reduced rentals. Phones Main 4376. A 1301. IRVING APARTMENTS. Four rooms, unfurnished, all outside rooms, veranda, laundry, garage, good service. low rates to permanent tenants; reference required. 689 Irving st. Phone Marshall 2748. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. 18th and Couch sts. Marshall 559. Mod ern new building. 2. 8. 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower bath and every convenience. DOUGLAS COURT. 425 W. Park, now open; new 2 and 3 room. hardwood floors, mahogany finish; first -class service; all light apta. MOST exclusive apts. in city from 6 to 9 rooms eacn. rent sio to i5 per month unfurnished. Weist Apts. Call 69 N. 23d St.. or phone A 1672. KEELER APTS.. 14TH AND CLAY STS. Desirable unfurnished 3 -room suite, pri vate vestibule, phone and bath. $27. Call between 2 and 4 P. M.. Marshall 5753. ROSE-FRIEND, B'way and Jefferson. Ele gant 8 -room, unfurnished Apt., can bs secured February 1. Marshall 1410. NEW Nob Hill apartunts. 3-room suites; modern, beet location and outlook ; very reasonable. Marshall 267. Giisan near 23d. THE LETA, high-class 5 large rooms, sleep ing porch ; like a private home ; walking distance. 409 Broadway. Marshall 3267. SIX rooms, sleeping-porch, all outside rooms; references. 70 Irving. Marshall 175S. THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson 3. 4. ft rooms, reasonable. Marshall 8360. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders. Large, light, 5, 6 rms., reas. M.7516, A 267 6 Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washing ton; large. attractive. sunny outside room; private balconies, modern, supe rior service, unsurpassed view, walking distance. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2. 3 and 4 roora; rates moderate; good service, spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. Phone Marshall 2961 and 2964. Walking distance. 21st and Irving. WELLESLEY COURT, MELCLIFFE COURT. REX ARMS. Phone East 6577. Sunnyside carline. close in; 2 and 8 room; desirable and reasonable. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. THE HOUSE OF TONE. 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. THE BUENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison fctrictiy modern, all outside apartments; Ideal location; reference. Phone Main 3091 and 1052. LUCRETLA COURT APARTMENTS. High-class, rfect In all detail. 49 Lucretla st. Marshall 1518, A 3637. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 4 and 5-room fur. and unfurnished apta. FleeptVig porch. 22d and G Mar. S18L SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 270 S. Broad way; one furnished or unfurnished front 4-room apartment. Phone Main 2506. 1 latf. ROOMS, close In, modern and in good conditions rent $20 to desirable tenant: key at news stand, cor. 16th and Wash ington st. 5-ROOM modern flat. 426W 11th it. $16.50; water paid. Oregon In v. St Mtg. Co., 202 mock exchange, 3d ana lamhlii. REDUCED rent, 6-room modern flat, every Love Joy st. FOR RENT Modern unfurnished 6-room fiat. $-5 per month, 328 13th bC phone Main 3063. $10 A MONTH 4 rooms, desirable location close to school snd carline. Ogden, 107 Shaver. woodiawn L'U. $18.50, IncLuding water, modern 5-room up per, uuiin Kiicnea, lurnnce, urppiucoi cic Uti hi: E. li'th Bt. N., cor. Davis. Wdin. 4373. FIRST-CLASS modern 8-reom upper flat. good light and air, rirepiace, 427 Clay su, n ear 1 1 1 h . Phone Eas t 8. FLAT of six rooms and bath: 731 Hoyt at. Inquire 13Q Oth. Phone Main 678. MODERN 6-room upper flat, very reason able. West Side. 529 Everett St. MODERN 4-room flat, reasonable, near 25d aud V. ashtngton sts. aiain oi5. SWELL modern 6-room flat, all conveni ences, thoroughly - renovated. East 1855. $2)1 6-ROOM modvrn flat at 770 Johnson st. Main 9:17. ONLY $12 i-room modern flat. East 20th. Water inciudea. Main Furnished Flats. MODERN 5-room fiat, neatly furnished. 292 Ntagara t., 3 block south of Broad way bridge, fronting on river. $18 in riuding water. East 3612. FIVE rooms, neatly furnished, on carline, $14. Tabor 8118. 6-ROOM lower flat, partly furnished, cori)r King and Davis. Phone Main T-'U. f FIVE rooms, well furnished, all outside rooms. $25. References. Marshall 6168. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur nished. steam heat, running bot and cold water, phone in every room; 7 block from 5th and Morrison sts., $14 up. -Wl Colombia St.. near 5th. N IC EL. Y furnished. housekeeDins suites. walking distance, bot h phones ; $2 per weeK ana up; newiy re nova tea. aihid 7771. The Warrenton. 4"2 3d st. FoR RENT Furnished rooms, sleeping and H. K. ; walking distance; swell location; free phone. 5'.4 fcveret t, cor, j'.'tn. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one sad two-room housekeeping apts.. reasonable. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. TWO ROOMS, nicely furnished, bath, sra. light and phone. Sellwood 2114. 490 Uma- tr.;a ave. ; st per mont n. $1 WEEK C.ean. quiet, close In; large rrouros. pnonc. ju k. tttn. 105 2oTH, cor. Flanders, neatly furnished housekeeping rooms. $10 MONTH. 3-room furnished cottage, heat. laundry, bain, phone, woouiuwn 1 U FRONT reom. $8.50 mo.: teas range, con- netting Mth, rree eiec.. phone, ! 4th $10 TWO clean furnished H. K. room. 127 E. 16th st., iif'ur Morrison. $5 FOUR rooms, cozy, sleeping porch. Mx 1 ''; Woodstock district. See Heitschuiidt, 2;7 H Oak. MODERN 6-room house, walking distance, near school, cheap. Tabor 4MH. STRICTLY modern Laurelhurst home, near car. No. 116 Lartdlngton Court. Tabor 324. A DESIRABLE 6-rooin West Park st. house, reasonable rent to adults. M.-tln 1955 $9 COTTAGE 66 EMftt HHh St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. Yar. IMS. 3 a-KOOM buialows at L. 43d and aladlaon. FOR RENT. Honors. $45 LARGE home on V. bik.. West Side. walking distance. N. E. corner -1st and landers sis. (32.50 7 -room modern home, 437 Lar rabee L, near B;odwy bridge; laig garage. --0 7-roora modern home, Irving ton. $ 16 7 -room modern house, TS5 York L v-5-room flat. 66 E, Morrison st-, near lth, walking distance. $2.50 3 rooms nad baih. 9t E, 74tn L FRANK L. M'UUIKC. 414 Ablngton blrfK. Main $36. For rent. S-room modern house, wltH sleeping porch, on Mount Tabor. Lot 10 x 117; fruit trees, berries, 60 roses, fine lawn, furnace and wood range connected, hardwood floors. Fine view overlooking city. East 57th at. Hawthorne car. Call fr key next door. MODERN 4 -room buncalow with self-lighting gas ranges, heaters, beds, buffets, bookcases, window seals, hardwood floors, linoleum in kitchens and bathrooms, atno and full basements: u Sumner near K. 13th. one block N. of Aiberta car. Blanch ard A Clemson, 702 Selling bidg. IF YOU take it now. you can secure at a low rental that desirable home property. No. 1 556 Ettst Taylor street, and obtain the benefit of garden, fruit and nut trees the coming sasou. roomy house, grounds TOO xl60; garage. Donald G. Woodward. 104 Second street. 6-POOM house at 476 East 48th st. N., Rose City Park, riicrit on the carline. Rent $15 per month; wcl spend first month rent in fixing up lawn. etc.. for occupant. See Mr. FREE STORAGE Household goods stored irn rauver pacKers sna snippers. Manning Warehouse a Transfer Co.. 9th snd Hoyt sts Broad way 703. ATTRACTIVE modern 6 -room bungalow, dr iraoie neig n oornooa. fcunnyside district. East 7670. $20. $10 6-room modern house, near, new Frank- jin mgn scaooi. se owner. 1100 N. W. Bank bltf?. Main 137. RIVER DALE 5-room cottage, garden, fruit xres; oeauinui view overlooking gOif links; $2. Phone Main 7672. COMFORTABLE 7-room West Side home; not water xurnace, smaa vara. ilO Mar ket. Main 4510. MODERN 7-room house. 245 23d St.. near Aiarsnau. i'none Aiarsnau lUiU. 6 ROOMS 295 Cook ave., near Williams; ga. electricity. Path. East 129S. 8-ROOM modern house. 712 Love joy. near i:'a. inquire iju otn st. Mam 78. 5-ROOM cottage, closo in, 406 Hall st., near luth. 6-ROOM house. &as, electricity; walking dis tance. 1 Everett st. pnone r.aet . $10 FOR tuodern bungalow, near ML Tabor ci r. Key at Alain VX 7 . Furnished House. MODERN 5-room cottage, neatly furnished. foi ueiay st.. near Albina shipyards and O.-W. R. A N. Shops; $14, including wa ter. East 3612. GOOD 8-room house, 91 Stanton, near Al- oina suipyaras ana o.-v. k , bnops, $12. 50 Including water. East 3612. 7-ROOM house, including fuel, watec. phone, silver and linens, $U5. Main 76-4. West FOR RENT A furnished 5-room bungalow. near 1 nion ana Aiuswortn Phone W ood iawn 1168. BUNGALOW flat. It rooms, sleeping porch. oen, z oeas, linen, silverware, phone, water, garbage, etc. 867 E. Wash.. 28th. Stores. DRESSMAKING establishment and living apartment, 148 13th st.. ground floor, stora. front, fitting-room, stockroom, reception-room, large workshop with hardwood floor, three living-rooms and kitchen, bathroom, two toilets, laundry tubs, spe cial electric connections. Highly finished and best facilities; moderate rtn' Floor area, 3500 square feet, luquire 1025 Yeoa bullying. NICE store room with large basement, 424 case uurnsiae street, line location ior plumbing, electric or butcher shop ; wilt give good lease to responsible party. Ap ply owner. George Plrie. Phono Tabor fcOS. STOREROOM. 25xSO ft., close in. East Side. suiLame ior warehouse, oniy fi. can 12S Second st. FOR RENT Small store; 2d St., near Mor rison. T 51, Oregonlan. Office. SHA RH 3 -suite combination, lawyer pre- lerrea, i. ; private lurmauea on ice. io; share office, $7.50. Stock Exchange. 3d nnd Yamhill. PRIVATE OFFICE, reception-room and phone. Li. k, Moore, 3i Board of Trade. WELL-FURNISHED private office; also desk room, f j ana 7. 73 Cham, of Com. OFFICES, $7 up: furnished offices, desk room, reasonable. soa 9 wet land bidg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $50 CASH, balance less thsn you'd pay for your apartments ; o oeautituiiy lurnishea rooms; everything goes. Including line oil paintings and my price will be your price; come out and figure It yourself : upstairs (permanently rented) pays entire rent, IlKht, phone, water bills 306 Hancock. W A or B cars. ONE-HALF Interest In Canadian right in new invention mat is a winner ; a large fortune can be made by a man with a small amount of capital; let us show you what we are doing in this country: a good invention is worth a lifetime of labor; get out of the rut; this Is your chance. BO 56, Oregonian. WE are placing state agencies for the i-r-RVICt: guaranteed .oov-mile TIRK throughout the United States. Exclusive territory of Oregon still open. For Infor mation, Service Tire as Rubber Co., 2322 Broadwav. N. Y. City.. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Inter est in lnestablished real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWGILL. Sec. 802 Henry Bidg. FOR SALE Newspaper and Job plant. $2500, growing town. Salt River valley. Arizona. Thousands being spent development work. Fine opportunity. S. A. Meyer, Chandler. Arizona. SPLENDID opportunity to purchase a water power with box factory in operation; sure money-maker. See Dr. W. V. Spencer. 905 Electric bidg., Portland, Oregon, or address Spencer Mill Co., Thatcher, Wash. WANTED A partner in a sawmill propo sition in the Willamette Valley, oh the - , main line of the S. P., with 250 acres of -timber. Address P. O. box 493. Aurora, Oregon. HOTEL MEN. READ THIS. One of most prosperous hotels in capital clt y for sale; will sell property or furni ture and lease. For particulars address Biy View Hotel, Olympla. Wash. FOR SALE A prosperous chicken business; equipment consists of 300 hens. White Leghorn cocks; portable houses, electric apparatus, etc ; 5-acre ranch for rent. L. E. Robinson. Corvallis, r. A GROWING BUSINESS Partner wanted to tend tne office, etc. Owner busy In tlie manufacturing and can't depend on hired heip. Profits large. Call 24ft.1a Stark st. ATTENTION INVESTORS. For sale, hotel property; pays 10 per cent on investment; for further Inquiries, A V 444, Oregonian. PARTY with $5000 to $10,000 to take Inter est In well-located sawmill w 1th rail and water shipments on Columbia River. P 67. OrettDntan. p , AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS Hae good open ing for enrgttio man; pay jou $15o to $2o0 month, and a very small Investment r eq u i red. Call 24S Stark st. - WANTED Party to invest from one to five tliousaud dollars in foundry business; plenty of orders ahead; need inonex to finance same..- R 52. Oregonlan. DAIRY STORE and milk route, a cath busi ness; guaranteed to clear $150 to $2'0 mouth, located in a good country towu. Call 24Sfc Stark st. " FOR SALE Best vulcanizing and tire business in Northwest. In city of 25.U00. Address box 1215, Boise, Idaho. RESTAURANT, good location, good bus!- nes. long established, for quick sale $t'.4L. cash. AH 55.. Oregonian. CASH GROCERY Owner wanta a good. steady r1"1" to help him; pay $l9 a - month. Call 21S'.3 Stark st. DENTIST If you are aiustler and a good dentist you can drop Into a snap with a pintle money. AV 455. Oregouian. W r have 40 grocery siores from $4o0 to . $40,oo0 cash and trade. Pacific Agency. In- . 515 Swetland bidg. DON'T WORRY. T can or sell it; anything. Lay man. 527 Chamber of Commerce. . TAILOR SHOP in good Valley lown 5500 population lor sale cheap. AE 65. Orego nian. - EXAMINATION made of Or. and Cm,!, mines for tho? expecting to invest. P. O. box l";t. Mvrtle Creek. Or. FOR SALE H,lf interest in a small manu facturing business. AH 56, Oregonlan. BARBER SHi iP for sale, between 1st aud 2d si. Cn.ll ;3 Main. 1-cn Al R barber outfit, m-ater-staud pipes, $:;. -Jlli, 2d st.. room in GOOD creamery, fcjooil tow n. all or half in-tTt-st. AV 5ol,- oregonian. AHSTRA"T businsff worth $10,000 goes for !mh cash; no Witdt. S 5Q, Oregonian. FOR SALE Lunch counter, cheap. Inquire 1MO Morrison st. FC'R SNAPS in rooming-houses sue 2'aciflO Agency, Inc., 515 S wet land bidg.