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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1917)
11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF "THE LILAC DOMINCT OPENS TONIGHT AT HEILIG THEATER OREGONIA3T TELEPHONES. Managlntr Editor City Editor Suuday Editor Advertising Department Compoing-xoom ........ lTinting--room, Superintendent Bnllding . .Main 7070, A 8095 ..Main 7070. A 6095 ..Main 7070. A 6095 . . Main 7070. A 6t5 ..Main 7070. A 6095 .. Main 7070. A 6095 . .Main 7070. A 6035 Elaborate Musical Entertainment Features Fine Singing, Dancing-, Comedy, Pretty Chorus, Magnificent Costumes and Lavish Scenic Effects. AMUSEMENTS. HETT.IG (Broadway at Taylor) Musical comedy, 'The Lilac Uomino." Tonight at THE MOItXIXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY. JANUARY 25, 1017. m a:io. BAKER (Broadway or Sixth, between Alder and Morrison) Alcazar Stock Company in "The Deep Purple." Tonight at 8:15. PAXTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Un equaled vaudeville. Three ahowa dally, 2:30. 7 and 9:05. HIPPODROME (Broadway and Yamhill) Vaudeville and moving pictures: 2 to 5. 6:45 to 11 p. M., Saturday. Sunday, holi days, continuous, 1.15 to 11 P. M. ir (Park. West Park and Stark) .uucHio bbu motion pictures continuous. (6 , keazee Grotto Elect. Gul Reazee Grotto, Mystic Order of Veiled rropneta, Held ieir annual meeting and election Monday evening- at the -uasonic Temple. The following offi cers were elected: John H. MacGree-or! monarch; C. E. Minsinger, chief justice: rea xi. curgara, master of ceremonies . . Weber, treasurer, and Robert E. STilton secretary. A large number of .Uw,iUeio mcic pieseui ana great in terest was shown at this meetiner hv the prophets and good fellowship pre vailed throughout the evening. The next ceremonial session will be held about April 1 at which a class of 100. Neophytes will be made prophets of whs grotto. Bus License to Stand. The Councii yesterday refused to amend the city's taxicab ordinance so as to reduce the license tee for sightseeing buses. Oo erators of several large buses had com plained that the license is so high that operation of the cars during the Winter months Is prohibited and Commissioner Dieck had recommended therefore, a re duction of. the license. Commissioner Bigelow contended that the particular complainant had been one of those in favor of the high license in the first place. For that reason he objected to any reduction. He was upheld by commissioners Daly and Baker. Church Women ' to Hear "Visitor Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock Miss May Forbes of England will deliver an address of interest tor women of the Episcopal Church. The address will be given in the parish bouse of St. Stephens Church and will deal with the worR of the great "Society for the Propagation of the Gospel," which the Church of EnpJund has maintained for over 100 years. Miss Forbes was sent to the recent general convention as representative or the woman s com mittee. While in Portland she is the euest of Mrs. Frederick Kichle. Bonds for Citt Officum Let. The Oregon Surety & Casualty Company was awarded the contract yesterday by the City Council for furnishing bonds for city officials and employes curing tne ensuing year. This com pany's bid was the lowest submitted for the various classes of bonds reuired. 1 he premium on bonds for nolicemen. Water Bureau employes and emnloves in the City Treasurer's office and for Chief of Tolice will be 1.65 for each $1000; for City Treasurer, $300 a year; for Mayor, $3 for each 11000 and for Commissioners $3 for each $1000. G. A. McGill, With Milwaukee Line. George A. McGill. traveling 'freight and passenger agent far the Wabash Railroad, has been appointed to a like position with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul. The change is effective February 1. He has been named by ' E. K. Garrison general agent, to suc ceed J. W. Paterson. who becomes chief clerk in the Portland offices. Mr. Peter son succeeded George West, newly ap pointed city passenger agent. y Sweet Pea Society to Meet. At" the meeting of the Oregon Sweet Pea So ciety tonight at room II. Central Li brary, it will bo announced that the 1917 show will bo held in the new Civic Auditorium probably early in juiy. ,-ine meeting tonignt will take up plans for the show and committees will be named. A musical and literary pro gramme is arranged for tonight and announcement of new trophies will be made. -v Pastor to Talk on- Alaska. In High land Congregational Church, Rev. George Edward Lewis is taking up for the next four Sunday nights Alaskan subjects. The first to be discussed will bo "Christians in Alaska." This will bo of deep interest to all Americans, since Alaska is the last continental frontier and since the entire territory is eventually to be placed in the dry list or states and territories. Rev. W. R. Reeoe Speaks Tonight. "Degrees: Planes of Mind or Conscious ness," us taught by Emanuel Sweden borg. will be explained in a lecture to night at 8 o'clock at the Public LI brary in room II by Rev. William R, Reece, this being the third in a series of five lectures on the "Divine Love and Wisdom," written by the illustrious Swedish philosopher in 1763. Miss Failing Lectures Todat.- The art history lecture at the Museum at 3:30 today by Miss Failing will dis cuss "The Early Renaissance in Italy, Sculpture." Lantern slides will show characteristic examples of this im portant period of sculpture. The half yearly quiz for students who are taking this lecture course will take place, at :jo tomorrow afternoon. Bishop Sellew to Speak. Bishop waiter sellew. of the Free Methodis Church, who is in Portland visiting with Kev. Alexander Beers, pastor the First Free Methodist Church, wll speak every afternoon and evening this week excepting Saturday at the First Free Church. East Klnth and Mill atreets. -- AtmuBON Bird Club to Meet. W. L. Flnley, president of the Oregon Audubon Society, will give an 11 lustrated lecture on Oregon bird life Saturday night at 8 o'clock in the Bird Club rooms, 309-10 Y. M. C A. build ing. The public Is cordially invited. Dr. F. M. Brooks Returns. Dr. F. M. Brooks returned to Portland Tuesday from a business trip to Missoula. Mont. Dr. " Brooks left Portland Saturday night. In Montana he encountered the genuine Winter weather which is grip ping that section. Divorcb Actions Filed. Divorce actions filed in the Circuit Court yes terday were the following: Gertrude Collier from Walter B. Collier, cruelty; .Tames Casey from Pearl Casey, deser tion, and rellip Larsen from William Larsen, cruelty. Multnomah Camp, No. 77, W. O. W. will give a smoker and entertainment Friday evenimr at their hall. 112 East Sixth street. They are extending an in vitation to all members of the order sod it Is said they will have some thing new in the way of entertainment. Rilet Entertainment Planned. O. V. Badley, reader and impersonator will .give An Evening With James Whit comb Riley" at Westmoreland Metho dist Church tonight under the auspices or the Ladies" Aid Society. Mordaunt A. Ooodnough to Lecture. Mordaunt A. Goodnough will lecture on "Eating for Health and for Voice' In room A, Central Library, tonight at 8:15 o'clock. The public is invited to attend. t Oregon Normal School. Second semester opens Monday, January 29. Adv. n : School BoOkc, second-hand, bought, cold and exchanged at 170 Fifth St., op posite postorttce. Adv. Metal Weather Strip. H. D. Carter & Co. 430 Alder st Main 1090. Adv. Oriental Rugs Save 25 U Cartozian Bros.. Pittock blk., Wash-atlOtb. Adv. r ' X"-JJ ' Iff in, ' 1 ill - r ? 5 fix T XL- ' ''' k L i' m The closing of the Eccles four million dol- lar timber deal is AN OTHER SIGN of the constantly improving business conditions in the Northwest, Young men taking, ad vantage of these newer opportunities wear the right kind of clothes as "' the right introduction. Those . economically in clined will appreciate our special overcoat and suit offerings as suggested in the win dows at $14 and $20. Perfect in' style and fit real money-savers. r HE LILAC DOMINO," the great three-act musical success of beauty, fun and fashion, by Charles Cuvillier, which took New York, Boston and Chicago by storm. and which has Just finished a record- breaking engagement in California, will be presented by Andreas Dippel at the Heilig Theater. Broadway and Tay lor streets, for three nights, beginning tonight, .with a matinee Saturday. This i3 a most elaborate production and seems to embrace every feature of high-class musical entertainment, from grand opera to catchy, popular variety of lyrical fun and dance. The score is enchanting as it ripples and sways along in a variety of tempos. the syncopation of whicluhave been ar ranged by Milan Roder. There has been a lavish expenditure in producing the scenic and electrical effects. A bevy of pretty girls of the peach blow variety disport their youthful charms .and magnificent costumes in the chorus in a decidedly sprightly and vivacious manner. Five noted Broad way comedians ' call out about three laughs -to-the minute throughout the entire three acts. Amofig the notables in the cast are .'-. .- Bradford Klrkbrlde, one of the fore most light opera singers of the present day; Yvonne Darle, with the highest, I sweetesfand clearest vocal register to be heard outside of the most expensive grand opera; Andree Cordray, of the Opera -Comique, Paris; Marie Hamil ton, a dainty little mitis whom Mr. Dip- pel discovered; Harry Hermsen, George Curzon. Joseph Carey, Archibald Gil christ, Edward Crawford, Anita An drews, Irene Perels, Julia Fontaine and others. Popular among the musical, numbers 1 of "The Lilac Domino" ate "The Song of the Chimes," sung Ty Bradford Kirkbride and Yvonne Darle; "The Li lac Domino," "Let the Music Play," "Ladies" Day," "Where Love Is Watt ing," "On the Gay Riveria" and "What Every Woman Knows." There is dancing of almost every variety, the merriest of which is a travesty on the Russian Ballet, done by four men in the second act. There are so many special features In the piece that It can scarcely be de scribed in words, and no lover of good music or of good lean entertainment can afford to mies seeing "The Lilac Domino." Morrison at Fourth St. Wear Ralston Shoes For cash discounts ask for S. & H. Stamps. The Victor Records of "Poor Butterfly" Now on Sale No. 35605 (Poor Butterfly (Fox Trot) . .Victor Band Katinka Medley (Fox Trot) . Victor Band No. 18211 fPoor Butterfly . . .Contralto Dith Orchestra mAlice in Wonderland . Duet Dilh Orchestra Perfect Victor Service Imperial Hotel Broadway, Stark aad Waablnstaa rORTXAXD'S XfADIxa HOTEL Ideally located tn the heart of things on Broadway throbblaic center. Th loc- Iral aatel lor tnoa toualneaa or pleasura. n Slferman, - r ?r I a t - - T 1 ,- I J Ideally loeated tn the heart J f 1 m of things on Broadwaya m , t , - f throbblK center. The lo- f f- - ,f h DinbiK-Room m Special Feature, k ' gagg ThU Metscban. Jr Mr. Wn I wmm Ml. .. m wmrnmsm ,m llliisiiii . HtT-n3 The SEWAKU 1 a. uew. moaern ana v rrii?H B lesantly p point M hotel. poiMsaltig V 3 on of Xhm most beautiful corner lot ' ' B, bte in th Ncrthwe-L l-ocatd at O-; B liHh and Alder sts.. oppoait Olds. . VTurtmaa & Klne'a blsr department H . B store, la heart of retail and tnetrB z .L-l -"t- ' B 3iBtrict. Hates. $Iand up. Bus 3. TICTOn DEPT., FtnST FLOOR Sixth and Morrison, Opp, Poatofflee. Dealers in Stein-ways anf other good Pianos, Pianola Pianos, Victrolas and Records, Player Rolls, Cabinets, Etc. GALA DAY PLANNED Shriners to Initiate 100 Candi dates Next Saturday. SESSION TO BE BIG EVENT Various stunts will be staged that Willi focus the eyes of Shrinedom upon Port land, and those active in the movement expect to land this tls convention two years hence. Visiting; Delegations Coming from All Parts ' of Xorthwest Ban quet for All AV1I1 Be Held ' at Multnomah Hotel. . Keeping the air in rooms moist is the purposeof a new humidifier, con ristlog: of -a twill electric fan to be kunr on a wall and blow its breeses across a shallow dib filled with, -water. The biggest event in the history of the Order of the Mystic Shrine in this state is the ceremonial session to be held next Saturday in this city. It will be an all-day session at the Eleventh Street Theater, with a. big- banquet at the Multnomah Hotel at 6 o clock. On that occasion 100 candidates will be conducted across the - hot desert sands and will be given their first drink of camel's milk. This initiation will be held in the evening: on the the ater stage, and many surprises for the novitiates are promised. ' Notable visiting delegations will par ticipate in the event From Seattle will come Nile Temple band and patrol. 100 strong, and At if I Temple will come from 'Tacoma with an equally strong delegation. Elka Tiff Temple will send down a special! car of Shriners from Spokane, and Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. will be represented by substan tial delegations. All parts of the Pa cific Northwest will be represented. AaKlajad Party Coming. . Al Kader Temple, of this city, has a strong membership that extends over this state. The only other temple. Hills, of Ashland, will come north in a special car. Already responses have been received by the committee in charge from 300 out or town members of Al Kader. who will be in the city to attend the ceremonial. Parties are now being made up in various sections of Oregon m that Shriners will come In body. A big. feature of the gathering will be the banquet at Hotel Muitnoman, where a long banquet table will be spread that will fill three sides of the hotel on the mezzanine floor. It will be so long that three toastmasters will preside at the. continuous table, and bands will enliven the occasion with music. Numerous stunts will be staged during the progress of the dinner. Orleittal Coatanes to Be Vorau Local and visiting nobles will wear rich Oriental costumes during The day sessions and in the street parades. At night, full dress with fezzes will be the rule. The business session will be held at the Eleventh-Street Theater at 10 o'clock Saturday morning. Breakfast and luncheon will be served to visitors at the Imperial -Hotel, which, has-been made headquarters for the day. The demonstration parade will move from the Masonic Temple to the theater at 1:30 P. M.and after the afternoon session the nobles will parade .to the Multnomah-at 5:30 o clock for the ban- ouet. There will be at least 1000 Shrin ers cathered at tms Dig Danquet taoie. At 8:30 Saturday night the nobles will return to the theater for the Initiation ceremonies. High Priest Comes From 1'aeom Ellis Lewis Garretson. of Tacoma, im perial high priest of the shrine, will be in attendance during the progress of the ceremonial. J. E. Buckingham chairman of the general committee in charge of all arrangements. Throughout the whole affair will run a determined note to capture the im perial council session of the Shrine for Portland in lsis. isext July a delega tion of 70, including the Al Kader band and. patrol, will be sent to Minneapoli; to the imperial council of this year and earnest work to turn the nobles to the ftose City in 191S -ftill be done JITNEYS WON'T GIVE BOND Linntoii Franchise Question Comes Before Council Tomorrow. The Jitney Drivers' Union will not furnish a bond for the protection of the public in case of accident in con nection with operating jitneys over the Linnton line. President A. A. Thielke of the union so informed City Comrala sioner Dieck yesterdav afternoon. The. question of whether the union or Stephen Carver will get the franchise will be considered by the Council to morrow, having been postponed to that time from yesterday. Mr. Carver has agreed to furnish a protection bond and a guarantee bond and to operate nine passenger busses once an hour, day and night, with special service during the morning and evening rush hours.- "The Jitney Drivers' Union offess no "bonds and proposes to operate the present small cars over the line. ANichtWi' Robbie Burns Auspice Clan Mcleajr) - MASONIC TEMPLE TONIGHT . 8 I. f. MRS. JANE BURNS ALBERT, MRS. RITA LAW SOV COKMACK, MR. E. MALDWYN EVANS, MR. HAROLD HI RLBIT, In a Programme of Scottish Songs. TROUPE SCOTTISH DANCERS In All the Popular Scottish Dances. BAGPIPE MUSIC . LAC H LAN M'NEIL SCOTCH COMEDIAN. General IAdmJMtonv 60c. Reserved Seat a 75c and 1 STUDENTS TO GO TO WAR Por.tlanders Will Serve In Stanford . Ambulance Corps In France. Two "Portland young men who have been attending Leland Stanford Ju nior University at Palo Alto, CaL, John Piatt, a freshman, and Marion Kyle, Junior, are now in Portland visiting relatives prior to their departure for Europe, where they are to serve on the Stanford corps of the American Ambulance Field .Service. Mr. Piatt is the step-son of Charles B. Harris, sales manager of the H. L. K.eats Auto Company, and Mr. Kyle s the son of G. A. Kyle, the Portland engineer who left recently to take charge of the railroad enterprise in China. Young Piatt, who is. barely 19 years old, was educated in Portland at the- Jefferson High School and the M, C. A. preparatory school. oooo oooo oooo oooo Your Money oooo o oooo oooo oooo and its proper use, whether it is little or much is of daily concern to you. The best method of handling it is through a checking account. You are invitd to call at this bank with ref erence to such account or in regard to other banking transaction. ' " OOOO ocoo oooo oooo NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus S2.000,000. Third and Oak Streets, . Portland, OrrjoB. New Arrivals 9 in Portland Should First Find Their Way to Hotel Cornelius BATES 1 A DAY ANT CP. C. W. Cornelius, PmlilrnL H. l;. I'lrlflier. Mimser. Park and Aldvr. Portlujd. Or. Vrrr Attractive Winter I late. j .4igIJjJliajL OOOO OCOO oooo oooo PERSONAL MENTION. of Bay City, Is at the of Seattle, is at the F. Harris. Carlton. W. A. Newhall Cornelius. J. Q. Barlow, of Berkeley, is at the Multnomah. Wr. H. Hay, of Forest Grove, is at the Perkins. J. H. Haver, of Bend, is registered at the Perkins. " C. O. Bean, of Raymond, is registered at the Carlton. J E. Moore, of Salem, is registered at the Portland. George H. Brewster, of Redmond, is at the Perkins. C. L. Cadwell, of Union, is registered at the Imperial. A. S.- Cobb; of Seattle, is an arrival at the Multnomah. Mark Paulie is registered at the Cor nelius from Spokane. Mrs. M. K. w. Panders, of Spokane, is registered at the Seward. Her daugh-s ter accompanies her. F. "W. Schmidt, of Olympia, is regis tered at the Oregon. IL H. Murphy, of Raymond, is staying- at the Perkins. W. W. Howell, of Echo, is regis tered at the Imperial. R. S. Jennings, of Ilwaco, is regis tered at the Nortonia. AugustLarson is registered at the Carlton from Altoona. D. P. Gillam, of Underwood Is regis tered at the Imperial. Mark Preeqe is registered at the Seward from Chicago. ' V. C. Mead is registered at the Nor tonia from Broadmead. J. H. Abrams, of Spokane, Is regis tered at the Multnomah. J. A. Payton, of "Walla Walla, is an arrival at the Oregon. Mrs. M. V. Wales, of Seattle, Is regis tered at the Washington. Thomas fitch. Jr., of Oakland, is reg lstered at the Multnomah. A. W. Stone, of Hood River, arrived. at the Oregon yesterday. Mrs. J. E. Herqux, of "the Dalles, Is registered at the Cornelius. J. R. Allen, of Oneida, N. T., Is reg lstered at the Multnomah. C. G. Llmecooly, of Seattle, is an arrival at the Washington. Roscoe Howard, of Deschutes, is registered at the Portland. Mrs. Charles R. Hugglna, of Astoria, is registered at the Seward. O. C. Young, of Culver, arrived at the Oregon from Hood River. " T. F.- K"urn, of Lewiston, Idaho, is registered at the Washington. A. R. Donnelley, of Arlington, ar rived at the Imperial yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Caulkins are regis tered at the Oregon from Hood River. M. F. S. Russell, of Phitedelohia, is among the arrivals at the Portland. ' femonr the arrivals at the Carlton this week is Ed Crowley, of Soo Fails. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Slocum are reg istered at the Cornelius from Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Sullivan are rlgis- tered at the Nortonia from Newberg. R. R. Knight, of Forest Grove, is spending a few days at the Wash ington. Mr. and Mrs. M Jacobson, of Cut Bank, Mont., are staying at the Nor tonia. Frank C Robertson, of Spokane, Is staving at the Portland, where he ar rived yesterday. Lieutenant C. G. Roemer, --of the Cnited States Coast Guards, is regi tered at the Multnomah, where he ar rived yesterday. Mrs. Bruce Dannls. of La Grande, ac companied by her son. . Jack, Is inf the city on her way home after a visit in Kansas City. She iB registered -at the Seward. W. A. Bonn, a member of the execu tive committee of the Oreiron Hardware and Implement Dealers Association, is attending the convention of the organ'' lzation. He is accompanied oy jvirs. Bonn. They are registered at the Im perial. . . ". FL0NZALEY MAIL ORDERS Flonzaley Quartet, at the Heilis. February 3. Send orders, cllecks. RtAmofid envelopes to Steers & Coman Columbia bldg. Floor. 2, Jl.60: Bal cony, 2. tl.bO. 1. 75c; Gallery re served, 75c Adv. New Secretaries Are Confirmed. WASHINGTON. Jan. 24. The Senate today confirmed the President's ap pointments of William Phillips, of Massachusetts, as Assistant Secretary of State and Breekenrldge Long) of Missouri, as Third Assistant Secretary of State, the positions acrrylng sal aries of $5000 and $4500, respectively. No"IFS," "ANDS"or"BUTS" There is nothing about a policy in the Columbia Life that is left to chance, good fortune, or discretion. By every term you are . ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED the rights, benefits and increases attached to your policy. S. P. LOCKAVOOD, Vice-President and General Manager. Home Office, Stevens Bldg., Portland, Or. IB iff rr-ssrwi Im a hih y I ftp standard in tha V 1 ll1 San Francisco's likeable HOTEL American or European Rates Risht Seirice Right Obadiah Rich, Manager ...i . tailoring of cloth is maintained by this leading aatablUll ment. It is reflected - in every far meat bearing the shopmark A Moderate-Priced Tlotrl of Merit HOTEL GLIFFOR Vlmjat Morrison St Near Grand. Ave, 7BC. 1 lker Uai With Hath. SI. 2 ' CARD OF. THAXKS. We 'desire to express our sinVere thanks to the Maccabees. Portland Ten o. 1. and Court Mount Hood, No. 1 Foresters of America, and our many friends for the beautiful flowers and sympathy shown us in our bereave ment in the loss of our beloved hus band and brother. MRS. O. C. TIM.MS. MR. AND MRS. K. M. WARREN, Adv. . Eugene, Or. --nil 11 tal VJ ef Norman pf NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. i 'J U03U3 OP TUB BIG SHOWS. IPPODROME BROADWAY AT YAMHILL, SIX SIHK-F1IIK VAIDKVH.LK II ITS THURSDAY TO SIM1AV, Weekday , Afternoons . 10c ! Klaratn. ! SoiidayM. 1 Ilulldaya. 15c THE JUVENtLE SIX A Clever Half Doiea A Study In Black and White. WILLIAM WILSON AND COMPANY TIIK POLITICIAN Jaat for n Laugk. t wf,iP r.i nrcfipn from T t.ww . - -- - - i a nni n nn fn I ruuli l t .uuu un bftinmui t Apply Cream in Nostrils T f. , Open Up Air Passages. Ah! What reliefl Your clogged nos--trils open right up. the air passages of your head are clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking. Bnufflinij, mucous discbarge, headache, dryness no struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh is gone. " Tmn't stav stutled-up! Get a Eroair 'bottle. of Kly's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little or tnia fragrant, antiseptic cream in your nos-. trils. let Impenetrate through every air passage of the head; soothe and. heal the swollen. Inflamed mucoua mem brane, giving you Instant relief. Ely'a Cream Balm is Just what every eold and catarrh sufferer has been seeking. It's just splendid. Adv. Wanted. Chairs to Cane t by School for Blind FOR PARTICULARS CALL Mr.J. F.Myers MainS48 . EGG NOODLES CEl'ISB CHIXKSB KGG NOOnLES, Al FAtTlHKU M I". 1 t. II I . -IKV Kl K llL:ALl'iY. . . Also High-Urade Sauce for All Sorts of uisnes. CH1XESE TEA, WHOLESALE AND '.: HCTAIL. SUN ME EN & COpV... V May and Kilduff Rabe Comedy Skl. . x ."THE SHEHIKF." Maggie Le Glair The Natural Irlah Lady. George and Martha fpmaraiar naninii novelty. Hicks and Hart- Bnnerut Hat Throwers, Diabolo Spinners. CINEMA KEATCRESt ; Keatorlas Crelchton Hale Pat he News and n Knnny I-llm Coaaedy. PERFORMANCES DAILY 2 TO 5 4S TO 11 P. SI. SAT-SIN 1:15 TO 1L "The Taint Dent Mowrey Piano Recital- A-Slated by Mrs. Dent- Slowrey LITTLE THEATER, 23d, Near Washington Tomorrow, Friday, January 26, "8:15 P. ; -Seattle Times, November 1, 1916 "Listeners were immediately ! aware of something unusual in the- scintillating genius he brought forth." j Music and. Musicians. Seattle "A limitless technique." TICKETS OX SALE BY MILKY B. ALLEN CO. iii 1)iiiTiiIi ' . mm Itli I IP l?liM Golden West Coffee Is -Just Klght" FOR COUGHS and HOARSENESS TUB NF.W lOf BOX PROVtS THEIR WUHTM K-nilr Sit.-.t0e SI. At P-n-i. ' . BROWN'S "-cHutTROCHES JOHN L BROWN & SON. Boston Mass. 4