io THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1917. (Bte'gonmx rORTLAiil), OREGON. Entered at Portland (Oregon) Postoffice aa ..second-class mall matter. Subscription rates Invariably in, advance: (Br Mail.) - -. Cally, Sunday Included, one year 18.00 Ilatly, Sunday Included, six months 4.25 Hetily, Sunday Included, three months 2.25 Dally, Sunday Included, one month .... .7a Daily, without Sunday, one year ........ 6.00 Daily, without Sunday, three months ... 1.75 Dally, without Sunday, one month ..... . "Weekly, one year ..................... 1.50 Simday, one year ............... 2.50 Snntiay and Weekly 8.50 . By Carrier.) Dally, Sunday Included, one year ........ 9.00 IUy. Sunday included, one month 75 How to Remit Send postoffice money order, express order or personal check on sour local bank, stamps, coin or currency Bre t sender's risk, aive postoffice address in full, including county and state.' Postage Hates 12 to 18 pages. 1 cent: 18 to 32 pages, 2 cents; 34 to 48 pages, 3 cents: 60. to 60 pages, 4 cents: 62 to 76 pages, 5 cants; 78 to 62 pages, d cents. Foreign post age double rates. . ,. Eastern Business Officer-Verse Conk 11b, Brunswick building. Mew Tork; Verree Conklln. Steger building, Chicago. Ban i'ranclsco representative, R. J. Bldwell, 742 Market street. I'OIiTL.VND, THCRSDAY, JAN. 25, 1917. C'AX THEY STOP ITf It has been suggested to The Ore jgonian that an emergency clause at tached to the bone-dry prohibition law will not prevent a referendum of its essential parts. It- is a novel con tention and its foundation is about as follows: The original direct legislation amendment, adopted in 1902, defines the powers .reserved to the people. It declares: "The second power is the referendum and it may be ordered, ex cept as to laws necessary for the im mediate preservation of ( the public peace, health ox safety." Then fol lows the manner or mode of proced ure to be followed in exercising the referendum power. Four years later the people adopted a second amendment, which contains this provision: "The referendum may be demanded by the people against one or more items, sections or parts of any act of the legislative assem bly in the same manner in which such power may be exercised against a complete act. The filing of a refer endum petition against one or 'more Items, sections or parts of an act shall not delay the remainder of that act from becoming operative." The foregoing quotation is the later enactment of the people and prevails In points of essential conflict. Rigidly construed. It makes no exception of emergency laws in exercising the item referendum. If only a rigid .construc tion Is permissible, thenathe teeth of the bone-dry laW may be subjected to vote of the people while, the whole act may not, assuming that it will carry an emergency clause. The Oregonian will not attempt to pass upon the Issue thus raised. It confesses that court decisions are often confusing to the mind of the layman. For example, our State' Supreme Court, In a "recent decision, in which the in tent of the framers of a constitutional amendment was one of the deter mining factors, said: " 'He who made the law knows best' how it ought to be Interpreted Is not less true now than it was when Rousseau -wrote." Probably no one will seriously con tend that the framers of the 1906 direct legislation amendment intended to make a distinction between a gen eral referendum and an Item referen dum. Yet in language they did. 'Which reminds us, in passing, that we are continually doing or attempting to do reckless things with the consti tution. But the United States Supreme Court seems to entertain a different view concerning Rousseau's pro nouncement concerning the weight of the lawmaker's Intent. In a very re cent decision it refused to consider the record of the Congressional debate which disclosed Congress' Intent In passing the Mann white slave, act to be only the suppression of commer cialized vice. It held that the law was what It read; that to construe It as making an exception of non-commercialized vice would be legislating by the court. . So there you are. Who will be brave enough to assert that the courts will or will not rule that the law means what it says? Perhaps, too, nobody will put them to the test. Kven so, there is food for reflection in tfhe fact that.this apparent conflict in the constitution has existed for nearly eleven years. We have passed through several trying controversies over emergency clauses with their brutal denial of the right of the peo ple to pass upon some of the Legisla tures' work. It , required something stimulating, like & law abolishing stimulants, to bring out the delving powers of the constitution sharps. POTATO THRIFT. Unpleasant as the prospect may be to some, there is a strong probability that a few of the measures of thrift long practiced by the more careful poorle of other countries will soon be forced upon those of the United States. There is. for example, the matter of our supply of seed for the potato crop of the coming season. -It has been suggested by a corre spondent that the people ought to be reminded before it is too late that they can help by saving the "seed end" of the potatoes they are now consuming, for the purpose of plant ing later on. This so-called "seed end," by the way, is the part that once was thrown away by some fastidious growers, for a reason not altogether plain but it is a fact that the house wife, especially In the family that grows its own supply of potatoes, or a portion' of it, can contribute materially to the seed stock by resorting to just that practice, or a modification of it. It is the "eye" of the potato lhat is the valuable part for purposes of propagation, and there was a time in our own country when people did not hold themselves above saving even the peelings around planting time, so that the eyes might be planted when the main crop was put into the ground. This was in the day o'f scarce seed and difficult transportation, and every little thing was made to count. Such practices have long been common in parts of Burope. The potato grower who is accustomed to grander methods will not approve them, perhaps, but it may yet become a question pot of cbotca but of absolute necessity. Crops of succeeding years invariably suffer as a result of periods of abnor mally high prices, because of the temptation to sell everything market able, reserving only the poorest grain. or potatoes, or whatnot, for the com . ing planting. - It is a happy-go-lucky system and it causes havoc with good farming: but human nature is what it is and the remedy is easier to point out than to enforce? The fact is that it may yet come to a point where we will' bo compelled to plant our potato peelings or get along with an exceed ingly short crop next year. Failure to plant enough for our own needs would be a serious matter, for there is little likelihood that there will be a source upon which we can draw to make up the deficiency,', and then prices will be higher than ever. In any event, the quality of next sea son's crop is bound to be belpw par as a result of past neglect MORE ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION. The Legislature is ornamented with an abundance of lawyers, who are of course familiar with the provisions of our mast elastic, though highly ad mirable, constitution, from the vener able preamble to the newest notion, of Mr. LPRen'a able and indefatigable body of law givers. ; Just now the Legislature is giving due consideration to the important matter -of delinquent tax notices, and is apparently divided between postal cards and newspapers.' It has- been suggested, as a way out of the dilem ma, that the law providing for publi cation of tax delinquencies be so ar ranged as to authorize newspaper pub lication for the state at large but postal cards for Multnomah. Let us submit for the consideration of the legislators the following explicit pro vision from the Oregon constitution Art IV. Sec. 23): ... The Legislative Assembly shall not pass special or local laws in any of Che following cases, that is to say: - - 10 For the assessment and collection of taxes for state, county, township or road purposes. Publication of the names and par cels, or private notice to delinquents, is unquestionably part of the Rrocess of tax collection. " Shall the taxes be collected by one method in Portland and- by another in the state at large? BOUND LIVING. President Wilson is asked to try the experiment of a 2 5-cent-perTday diet and' he has graciously said that he would 'talk to Mrs. Wilson about it. Clearly no American- husband has- a right to interfere with the domestic economy of his household without full sanction of the other responsible head of the establishment. The Presi dent makes it obvious tli.t he ob serves the proprieties. v r Doubtless the enterprislngf-dietitian who sought his aid told him that the experiment would be a fine thing for the Nation. But It would also be excellent for the President and his lovely wife. On both accounts it ought to be tried. Of course we all know' that there is nothing really new to be learned about health, or exercise, or eating, or drinking. But it seems to be nec essary to be reminded constantly that the laws of one's physical being are not to be violated with impunity. It is interesting to note that more than 100 years ago in 1773, to be exact great philosopher and greater ob server wrote the following from Lon don: The gentry of Ens-land are remarkably arraia or- moisture and or air: but seamen. who live in perpetually moist air, are always healthy if they have good provisions. have long .thought that mere moist air has no 111 effect on the constitution. But we abound in "absurdity and inconsistency. Thus, though it is generally agreed that taking the air is a good thing, yet what caution against air! what stopping of crev ices! what wrapping up in warm clothes. what shutting of doors and windows, even in the midst of Summer 1 Many London families go out once a day to take the air. three or spur persons lnws. coach, one per- naps sick; these go three or four miles or many turns' in Hyde Park, with the glasses both up close, all breathing, over and over again, the same air they brought out of town with them in the coach, with the least change possible and rendered worse and worse every moment; and this they call "taking the air!" From many years ob servation on myself and. others. I am per suaded we are on a wrong scent In suppos ing moist or cold air the cause of. that dis order we call a "cold." Soma unknown quantity -in the air may sometimes produce cold, as in the "influenza." but generally, I apprehend, they are the effects of too full living In proportion to our exercise. What Ben Franklin knew everybody nowadays knows, or ought to know. But how few there are that govern themselves accordingly. -, THE WATER-POWER HOLD-CP. ' There is abundant reason for the adoption by the Oregon Legislature of Senator Gill's resolution memorial izing Congress to pass laws for the development of water power without delay. The subject has been thorough ly threshed out and the rights of the Nation and the states have been de fined by the ablest lawyers and leg-is lators in the country. In the Shields bill relating to navigable streams the rights of both are made secure, the Interest of the consumer and of the general public is amply safeguarded and capital is afforded security with out opportunity for extortion. No power company would be able to es cape effective public regulation and right of the public to buy in ' power plants Is established. The bigoted Pinchotites block action on two points. They Insist on exaction of rental from power companies, ob stinately refusing to recognize that such a charge would only be passed on to the consumer. They also insist that no lease be given without author ity of -a special act of Congress, each of which would reopen the entire con troversy. The Pinchot fanatics should be put to the fight-about and the bill should be passed as it stands, with the addition of a proviso that all plants erected on public land be subject to state taxation. The Myers bill, re lating to power on public land, should be amended to follow the general lines of the Shields bill, with the same pro viso. The present situation is a travesty on conservation, whlcha has become the most abused word in the English language. As the Gill resolution says, 'the essence of conservation is Intel-. llgent and economical utilization of natural resources." The essence of Plnchotism is to prevent utilization of natural resources until the dictates of Mr. Pinchot and his little band of doctrinaires are accepted. It is flat denial of conservation, for It means indefinite waste. It is a hold-up, for it aims to weary the West into sur render of its fundamental right of self-government and of taxation by blocking development The Gill resolution should be adopted by xis overwhelming a vote as that by which the Water-Power Conference was called two years ago. Oregon should reiterate its declaration for conservation with use tand with due respect for the rights of the states. There is a growing tendency on the part of American colleges and univer sities to extend 'their field of useful ness so that adults who neglected cer tain points in their education in early life may avail themselves of oppor tunities for special training without being required to pass those formal entrance examinations which would be a bar to most men of mature years. One such institution in New Tork, supported by public funds, has re cently obtained an extension of its charter which permits it to take up this work, and to finance it in part by charging-tt feet to which prospect ive adult students do not-object, and the demand for such a course is eh own J by enrollment of 2500 in this divtstoh" in a few weeks. The need of adult workers for larger educational ad vantages is being met in various parts of the country, where the school sys tems are gradually adding afternoon and evening courses of study, continu ation work and part-time study, and where co-operation between business and the schools is shown to be one of the most significant of recent develop ments in the educational system. ' ' WHAT DOES IT MEAN? The President has invented the pleasing and striking phrase "Peace without victory"" to describe the neu tral world's just expectation of the rightful attitude of all the belliger ents at the end of the war. What does "peace without victory" mean? A. peace that would leave neither side in the position of victor? A draw? A fight to mutual exhaus tion? An inconclusive and ' uncertain termination of a terrific struggle, in volving millions of men and costing millions of lives? Or an agreement all around to quit, and start anew? Peace without victory would not have settled the great question of slavery, or preserved the Union, in the Civil War. Nor would peace without victory have separated the American colonies forever from Great Britain and have established a free republic under the American flag. The f President knows that. He knows, ' for example, that there was no peace in Europe, or in an the world, until Napoleon was overthrown at Waterloo. History Is full of Just such illustrations. Doubtless the smooth .and catchy "peace-without-victory" phrase was meant to mean nothing more than the expression- of a hope or desire that there be peace' without national extinction, or annihilation, or subjec tion, or overthrow. The world wants a peace which will permit- every nation o pursue its national destiny without limita tion upon the right of any other nation to do the same. If that is what peace without victory - shall ultimately achieve, all will be well, for "peace hath her victories no less renowned than war." IMPROVE LOGGING STREAMS. As the lumber industry of the United States Is now entering on a period of great and, as there is good reason to believe, prolonged prosperity, it Is of Utmost importance to the inter ests of Oregon that the industry in this state should have all facilities which the law can grant for its con duct? on terms equal with those pre vailing in competing states. The mat ter is of interest to the whole state, for upon lumber, as its chief industry, the state is mainly dependent for its general well-being. A necessity of this Industry Is cheap transportation of logs from forest to mill, for which nature has provided Oregon with abundant means in the shape of many streams down which logs could be floated if only the streams were improved. For lack of law providing for this improvement. few streams have been made passable for logs, charges on these few are not regulated, and loggers pay from $1.50 to $2.50 per thousand feet for hauling by railroad thirty to fifty miles, though logs could be driven down improved streams for the same distance at one- third of the same cost. Timber along river banks has mostjy been logged off and, in the absence of river Im provement under public regulation. railroads are the only means of reach ing that which is farther back. Only rich owners of large tracts of timber can afford -to build, and they build through their own timber. Owners of small tracts must either let their tim ber stand or must pay their neighbors high rates for hauling logs. To remedy this situation, a bill has been introduced in the State Senate by Senator Olson providing for im provement of streams for logging pur poses, though navigation in general would benefit. The bill declares nav igable streams to be public highways, and any stream on which logs can be floated is declared navigable. It places corporations doing a boom business under the Jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission, and re quires that body to establish rules for the operation of boom companies, pen alties for failure to observe these rules, and rates to be paid by owners of logs which use the companies' im provements. Rates "must be just and equitable, dependant on the amount of service performed, the actual In vestment of the company and the cost of operation,, the value of the fran chlse not being considered. Corpora tions desiring to engage in the busi ness of floating, driving, rafting and boa ruing logs must obtain a franchise from the Public Service Commission must begin work within a reasonable time and must give continuous, serv ice. Companies already engaged in the business may obtain franchises under the bill by filing amended arti cles of incorporation and have a pref erence right to a franchise for ninety days. The improvements contem plated consist of removing rocks, trees and other obstructions from the beds and banks of streams to give an unobstructed flow of water, of pro tection of banks, construction of booms and of dams. .Boom compa nies must handle all forest products offered without discrimination, and are given the right of lien for their services. The bill differs from that which was Introduced two years ago by Sen ator Olson in the fact that it gives no right of condemnation. It gives the right to boom companies to enter upon streams and their banks to clear and improve them and upon adjacent land to recover logs, and simply gives the land owner the right of compensation for damages suffered. Dams may be built only by permit of the Public Service Commission, to be granted after public hearing and proof of pub lie necessity, but not without consent of the owner of property to be oc cupied. The bill of 1915 was almost identical with the-iaw of Washington which gives the right of eminent do main. Failure to operate continuously or violation of the rules works for feiture of the franchise. A fee of fiv cents per thousand feet tf logs is pro vided to pay expenses of carrying out the law. Laws of this Kind have been in op. eration in Eastern states for fifty years and in Washington for ten years, with most beneficial results Adoption of the bill of 1915 was pre. vented only by the opposition of cer- tain interests unwilling to come under public regulation. With this exception the tlmbermen are a unit jn. favor o the present bill. Not only they but th homesteaders would benefit. For ex ample, on the Sluslaw River, which is navigable for sixty miles and Is the only means of moving logs from 0 per cent of Its watershed, the homesteader who clears land could sell his logs to the mill at the mouth. but many logs are now caught by ob structions and on the banks. They may -not reach tidewater for five or six years, but until they do he gets nothing for them. Both the farmer and the small timber owner will be able to market logs if the stream is improved, and clearlng'and farming of the land will "be hastened. This bill is decidedly in the inter est of owners of timber in both small and large tracts and of settlers gen erally. It is open to objection only by those boom companies which wish to monopolize timber and to practice exactions on their neighbors, free from public control. The rights which it gives will benefit all riparian own ers, and it will enable the progressives to override the objections of the ob structionist; In order that Oregon may keep pace with other states in development of Its lumber industry, the bill should, be passed. ANOMALIES OF THE BIRTH RATE. Statistics compiled by the Census Bureau, showing that in certain regis tration areas of the United States dur ing 1916 the birth rate was 24.9 for each 1000 inhabitants, and that of each 1000 babies born 100, or an even tenth, died before the end, of their nrsi year, are not so striking in them selves as when comparison is made with the birth rate and the rate of infant mortality in other countries. The conclusion that a high birth rate necessarily means a high death rate is borne out in a few countries, and then it is completely set at naught by the figures from others. For ex ample, the birth rate in Australia, 28.3 per 1000 inhabitants, which is precise ly that of Germany,, is attended by a death rate of 78 per 1000 infants born. which is the fourth lowest of record and compares with a death rate of 147 for Germany. 'The lajvest birth rate, on the other hand, is recorded by France, with IB per 1000, and this country has the third - lowest infant mortality rate in the- world. The highest birth rate. 144. is that of Russia, which also has the highest death rate.' 248. But Norway, with a birth rate of 25.3, which is higher than that of the United States, has the lowest infant death rate of all 65, and Sweden, with a birth rate of 2 3.8, only slightly below that of the United States, has a death rate next to that of Norway, 71. The Census Bureau explains that the infant mortality figures for the United States are no better than they are because necessarily all classes of the population are included, and the aver age "is made higher by the Inclusion of the foreign population in the crowded districts, where not only do the customs of the mother country prevail but conditions are otherwise unfavorable for saving babies. The figures show that the expectant ntant has the best chance of surviv ing in the Scandinavian countries, in Australia, and even in France. But his best chance to be born lies in Rus sia, and after that in Italw The in- fait death rate of Italy, however, is lower than that of either Russia, Aus tria or Germany. Switzerland and Holland also help to illustrate the fact that a nation need not be great in point of population to be in the fore front when it comes to baby saving. Their death rate is meritoriouslyMow. A, Coburg girl has brought, the threat borrow to her home by eloping to California with a young man, who left her on the street when his money ran out. In these days when general education Is supplemented along spe cial lines by the moving pictures, it would seem that girls ought to be wise" . to unalterable facts. Reports that gold has been trans ferred at sea to the German raiders will whet the appetite of the British cruisers for their capture. There would be fat prize money for the British tars if the ships were taken. but what gnashing of teeth If the Ger mans were to sink them! The New Tork Stock Exchange has been investigated so often that it is becoming expert at dealing with the probers. If Mr. Whipple should ex tract some new truths at the leak in quiry, he will make a reputation which may lift him to high political honors. When tfie white pine lumbermen come to the Douglas fir belt and bu; big tracts of timber, it is a sign tha there Is going to be some activity in the Pacific- Coast lumber business. The men of the Interior are staking their money on it. A woman member of the Chicago School Board accuses high school principals of preferring youth, beauty and figure to brains in their teachers, which may be true. Some men in authority have human frailties. f Between rival schemes of consoli dation, the. entire scheme of consoli dation is apt to come to the ground If the Legislature does not . act, the people are likely to take a hand. With deposits of more than $164,- 000,000 ln tho banks of the state, Oregon scoffs at the Democratic idea of "viewing with alarm" anything that may or may not happen. If American gold is going to Ger many it is for the reason that America has received its - value in something that conld not be obtained elsewhere. This is business. J. Ogden Armour may not be, as he atfmits, a writer of advertisements but in the preparation of an essay on- "hoss" sense his rank is undis puted. The record-breaking car shortage may be simple history by Spring, which is the way the horse thought while being fed on straw all Winter. There are two views of the semi monthly pay day and one is that the earner spends his money twice as often when he gets It that way. , British comment on President Wil son's peace speech may be summed up thus: "You're a nice fellow, but " then a string of epithets. If that prize'-cow which sold for $5000 were in Germany her week's output of butter would sell for almost as much as she is worth. , The Owyhee project has been dropped and Oregon gets another slap for not having ridden on the band wagon in November. . The "leak" inquiry will be post poned, perhaps in an effort to for get it. Stars and Starmakers m By Leone Caaa Baer. WALTER GILBERT is of the opinion that with eggs soaring Bk ward the hen Is truly mightier than the sword. , ' And hi pal, Walter Eiegried. added that with eggs and cabbages topping he product market in point of prices the old-fashioned homo taeat perform ers have a most auspicious outlook ahead of 'em. m - Which does not sound encouraging to mo. for if there Is one thins that makes me more wretohed than an other it is realizing that old-fashioned or modern ' home-talent performers have any sort of a. look out. Or look In. Laura Hope Crews is in the cast with Henry Kolker in a revival of "Her Husband's Wife." a three-act comedy. Henry Millar is its sponsor. Fuller Melllsh and his daughter, Vera Fuller Melllsh. are appearing together in "The Merry Wives of Windsor." revival now In progress at the Park Theater in New York. Robert MantelL Jr.. is -also la. the play, and Isabel Irving is playing Mistress Page. Con stance Collier has the role of Mistress Ford. - - Irene Oshier, for a brief while last season with the Baker stock In leads. is appearing In "In; for the Night," three-act farce written by James Savery. &nd presented In New Tork by the Empire Produplng Corporation. Read where an actress has just left a diamond-mounted powder puff to a young man friend. Hardly believed my eyes until I read a little farther along and found out that his name 1b Cheun- cey Le Roy. - m m m w Worry note for the vaudeville artist who sits in a spotlight and sings about life's being a serious proposition after all. The price of cigarettes is going higher. A manufacturer says that men are better auto critics than are women. Guess he never heard me or my sister hood flash our criticisms when we just escape being run over by one. Don't yon love the noise the 'silent' sentinels are making. Still, It's a vindication of our sex, girls, to read that "a bunch of women keep still for hours." Apparently it can be done. . Newspaper account tells of an actor and actress who had "kept company' for - twenty-odd years, and then got married. I predict that any pair afraid of each other for twenty-odd years are going to have a sweet -mess keep ing peace, at home. Ruth Gates says her idea of a "brll liant" party is- the convention of cut- glass manufacturers now in session. At the Collingwood Opera-House in Poughkeepsie last week John Cort pre sented for the first time on any stage Mother Carey's Chickens," a play in three acts by Kate Douglas Wlggin and Rachel Crothers from the book of the same name by Miss Wiggin. The story is far removed from the theatrical or sensational, a theme of mother love with clever touches of character and a graceful play of rich humor being un dercurrent throughout. The cast Includes among others Marion Barney. Miss Barney used to be a Baker leading woman. Kate Douglas Wiggin, Rachel Croth ers, John Cort and many others from New Tork witnessed the performance. Arnold Daly is convalescent from an operation for peritonitis in the Roose velt Hospital in New Tork. Another theatrical man, Al Hayman i rallying from a third paralytic stroke. He is confined to his apart ments at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New Tork. e Mabel McCone. whose chief claim to our attention out here on this Coas is that she was one of Joseph Howard's several partners, is to be starred by A. H. Woods. The medium chosen for Miss McCone's venture is "The Girl From Clro's," a musical piece in three acts, written in the original by' Pierre Veber and Maurice Soudle, and now em bellished with music by Joseph Szule ine uin from Ciro's" is now In its ninth month at the Garrick Theater, i,onaon. and it will be prepared for American production withlr- a few weeks. While It isn't generally known. "The Girl From Clro's" Is nothing else but the well-remembered "Tha Girl From Rector's." which Introduced Mr.' Woods to Broadway theatricals. In Its firs rorm tas piece was a farce called Loute. In Paris it .registered hun dreds of performances. "The Girl From Rector's" was deemed at the time of its production one of New York's naughti et plays, but it thrived for months a Weber's Theater and subsequently, as presented by several companies on tour, vastly entertained rural art lovers. AiaDle is blonde and beautiful and can sing barely enough to be a musical comedy prima donna. Nellie Fillmore, one of the best known character actresses of our stage, will celebrate the 40th anniversary of her debut by creating the role of Salina, a colored servant in the new llarrl uCKson comedy, "A Nigger in the Woodpile," which Madison Corey an josepn ttiter have in preparation un der the direction of Harrison Grey 1-isKe. . Miss Fillmore's first appearance was in 1877 in the varieties. Soon after wards she acted the part of Biddy Me Shane, the old apple woman in suppor or Jvaue Emmet in "Waifs of New York." A more recent engagement was that of the landlady in "A Country juoy." Marie Hamilton, in the "Lilac Dom ino." at the Heilig tonight, opines that it is the easiest thing to pick a married man. Whlch; we might remark, is one or tne causes or the divorce evil. Some other woman picks him. Its like that ancient wheeze about always being able to tell a marrie woman. The answer is "Yeh, but yo cant tell 'em anything they don' know." ine statement that there are man chorus girls In third-rate shows wh earn or get less than $10 a week, falls utterly to elicit .my condolence I have to watch 'em dance. Read where they ve just sent si tons of hair pins from Brooklyn, con signed to the lone Pitcairn Islands. Hope it's enough to keep the girls on the islands warn during February. ARB MINORS OBT.U.IQ LIQUOR t Observer at Express Office Remarks Incidents sf One Day. PORTLAND, Jan, 24. fTo th Edl- tor Having heard of the crowds at the Wells-Fargo liquor department that broke in the front of the counter and tore the buttons off each other's clothes. I went down to see for myself. The crowd, I found, was small and ih.r. was no disorder, but I did see some things that have sine cam.ri mm. n do a lot of thinking-. While watchinar tha nenrtli - -vAima- glrl cams to the table near which I tooa to wrap her package. She looked uspiciously near 21. and I wondered how J she had been able to get her liquor. Several men were at the table, and when the girl seemed clumsy, one cf them wrapped her package for her. She did not aDDear to know anr of the men. but was perfectly -willing to "Jolly" with them. The man whe had wrapped the package asked If he .could carry it home for her, and they went out together. It did not look good. out it was no affair of mine. A few moments later, however, girl came in who might possibly have been 18 (she could not have been 21) decided to see what proof of her right to receive Uouor would be de manded, and stepped up behind her at the counter. In the crowd I wu un noticed. Most of the people had poet- cards. This little girl did not. The clerk took a large card from a rack behind him and said: "Is this your name? Do you live a,t this address?" "Yes." was the answer, and be gave her the card. Not a word aa to her age; no question of identity. I won dered what the card was for and what she would do with It, but she did not hesitate. She knew. Half way down the counter was knot of people. There did not seem to be clerks enough here, and we bad to wait some time. One of the clerks had a "spiel" like a barker for a circus. 'Step right up, ladies and gentlemen. and sret your prize packages. Every package contains a prize no blanks. The whole thing seemed to be a farce. Presently the little girl's turn came. She signed fn three places and giggled while the clerk mumbled something about the truth and repeated his re marks abbut the prize package. tne did not read the affidavit. No one did Still there was no question as to her age. At the end of the counter the little girl paid S cents and. got her liquor. In all the time she was there no one asked her age; no one question her, She had no trouble whatever in get ting her package. And that little girl was not 21. I suppose It is "business" with the express company, but what is the mat ter with the authorities? If the present laws are not enforced, will the new ones be any better ob served? Almost everywhere people treat the matter of liquor shipments lightly. Here are some of the answers I have received: 'Suppose the District Attorney did see Mary Smith at the bottom of an af fidavit, how could he tell whether she was 16 or 60? And if next week she is Annie Jones, who cares?" Affidavits? Oh, yes: but they only have two men checking them. They are more than a ..month (30.000) oe hind now, and when the new law is passed nobody will look at them." "Booze? Sure, you can get an you want and no one will ever ask you about it." I wanted to ask the District Attor ney about it, and went down to the Courthouse. There a young man po litely -but firmly told me .that I couia not see him; he was busy. It was suggested I see a deputy. The dep ty also- was busy, and after a wait I was compelled to leave without see ing either of them. It will be lmpossiDie ior mo u the District Attorney again oerore leaving the city, bHt there are some questions I would like to have an swered. Is it easier now for minors to get. liquor than it was when the town was wide open? Are there but two men checking those thousands of affidavits, and is it mere form? Can you get "all the booze you want by express, and will "noDoay ever you about iT I would line to Know. ARTHUR J. MILLER. CONSOLIDATION HELD NECESSARY Mr. WrlKfct Inqnlres Wny Members ef Legislature Cannot Agree. PORTLAND. Jan. 24. (To the Edi tor.) Today's dispatches indicate that the Senate and House are widely dis agreed on the question of what State r-nmmiaslnns are to be consolidated. There seems to be nobody quarrelling with the premise or conclusion that ome consolidation -is necessary ana miiKt V.e made for the sake of economy Th wrli.r is on friendly terms with the personnel of all commissions ana has no adverse comments ou ine nu.u fimtions of any one. The senera! public feels the same Way and if daily expressions mean any thlnsr. that public is asking on the streets, why? It wants to know whether the failure of the legislature to act, in the face of the already admitted con clusion. Is due to a survival of the fittest, or a survival of the influential among the personnel? The whole matter is viewed from the taxpayers' stand point alone by the general public. If the Legislature falls to handle the situa tion in the same intelligent and com prehensive manner that a large rail road would "handle its business, then the public i qirHe likely to promote an initiative bill to provide for it. The writer is not in sypmathy with such a course whenever the matter can be attended to by the legislature and hopes it will be done that way. The Legislature surely knows that this legislation is demanded; also that ap pointments ought to be made on nil commissions by the Governor, in order to hold him responsible for securing practical men. ROBERT C. WRIGHT. Tl'ITIOV FOR NOS - RESIDENTS Writer Would Blnke Charge In Higher Institutions ef LearnLnaT. CORVALLIS, Or., Jan. 23. (To the Editor.) The taxpayers of Oregon are burdened now to the point of break ing. Why should they pay for the col lege education of the youth of other states? An education at college is not in the same class as high school. The student is far better able to grasp a higher education, if he worses for It, or waits until he is older. Even a small tuition fee from each outside student would lighten the bur den on the property holder. The bur den falls too heavily on the small own er of property. He helps to educate the Oregon boys and also those from other states, and even fore'n coun tries, when, perhaps, his owi boy can barely afford to go through .high school. Boys come from all over the world because they can get free tuition. Most of them come from states that have universities and colleges. I believe In education, but I do not believe in rob blng'Peter to pay Paul. Those who come from Autside the state should pay to the state a fee for entering. It is worth It. . A. J. STANTON. Property Goes tot Children. PORTLAND. Jara. 24. (To the Ed itor.) I am a widow with - married eons and daughters. At my -death my property goes to my children. In case married sons or daughters die before 1 do, who gets their share of the prop ertytheir husbands or wives or their children?. , ' - SUBSCRIBER. Thfclaj children. In Other Days Twenty-five Years Afo. Prom The Oreg-onlaa January 35, 3 R52. New York. The New York World saye Mr. Cleveland has Indicated he would withdraw from the Presidential contest. He is disgusted with the ac tions of the party leaders. The La Grande Guette. the Eucrene Register, the Ashland Tidings, the Che halis 13ee, the Olympia Tribune, the Uervais Star and the Hoqulaon Tribune and many other Northwest papers have commented on the new dress of The Oregonian. which now has a complete supply of new type and is installed in its new building. In this town there Is a bill collector who is a dandy. On his left side he carries a wooden sign which reads: "1 am a bill collector. I collect bills that other men cannot cxdiect." This man also has a cowbelX When he spots a man who does not pay his bills lie tattea station in front of the place where the man is. If the debtor does not come forth he rings the bell as an inducement. The renult is the debtor invariably pays his bill. s The much-dreaded In jrriDne. or Rus sian influenza, seems to have struck: Portland the past week. Among the doctors who were interviewed on the prevalence of the disease here are: Dr. W. H. Saylor. Dr. F. Cauthorn. Dr. C H. Wheeler, Dr. J. W. Frazer and many others. lialf Century A so. From Th Oregonian. January 5. 1887. Sixty-two passenger trains arrive and depart daily from Chicago and tS from Pittsburg. At the latter city 20.000 people daily come and go. Three thou sand freight cars arrive and depart daily. The New Tork World dodges the re sponsibility of advocating negro suf frage by pronouncing it a manifest destiny and declaring the South foolish for opposing it. John Tanner and Miss Harriet G. Woodcock, of this city, were married January 24 at the residence ,of L. M. Parrlsh. Rev. C. C. Stratton- officiated. ' Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Carter were thrown out of their sleigh yesterday while riding downtown. Neither was seriously hurt. WAR HAS EFFECT OF TARIFF Half Truths IndnlKed In by Democratic) Writers on Subject. ILWACO. Wash., Jan. 23. (To the Editor.) While the campaign is over, still the Democrats are not losing any time In their endeavor to hold and build up Democratic strength-. Recent ly the following deceptive half truth has appeared in their papers and it la deceiving many. Numbers of Republican papers are predicting unprecedented prosperity for the good old United States of America during 1917. It is hard to figure out how thejvreconcile these roty forecasts, with thistarvation and soup kitchen programme they presaged in the event of a victory for Wilson." Now. they know this is a deceptive half truth, advanced for political effect, to deceive the uninformed. As all in formed persona know. Republicans have claimed that many of the evils of Democratic policies are held In ' abey ance by the conditions created by the European war. This war has auto matically created for the "good old U. S. A."a Republican protective tariff, in the fact that many of our . needa cannot be imported but must bo pro duced here at home. Thus the Republican policy of home production and employment and keep ing the money at homo has been forced by -the war on the country., in many, things. We are not today in fact thanks to the war while we are by law, under the Derrtocratic non-protective ruinous business policy of letting our own peo ple be idle while we purchase our needs from abroad and send the money for the same out of the country. Added to the Republican policy forced automatically on our country by the war. the war has also greatly in creased the demand for the production of our factories, soil, mines end waters. So this war is bringing a great flood of gold to us for these things and that also means prosperity. -Neither side at war as yet is ready to stop. So, all in all. Republican papers ' are .not wrong in predicting prosperity for 1917, as the evils of "Wilson's poli cies are not in force now. But, when the war is over and normal conditions again prevail, the unwise, un businesslike Democratic policies which brought about TViiehanan's 1857. Cleve land's 1S93, Wilson's 1914 starvation soup kitchens will again bring about the same results. Is it wise to let these Democratic deceptive half-truths eo unchallenged? WALTER MJABERG. ALL BCILDINO MATERIAL HIGHER Virtually All Classes Have Increased In Price (n Recent Months. PORTLAND. Jan. 2. (To the Edl-tor.)-r-(l) Please inform me whether building material is much higher, if any, than It was last year. (2) I wish you would also let me know if a for eigner coming to this country a good many ye'ars ago and accumulating quite a bit of property could vote. 1-M haa not got his first papers out. His wife also is a foreigner. Can she vote? W. J. B. (1) Virtually all classes of building material have increased In cost during the past half year, the high cost of. materials and' labor and the steady in crease in building construction being the causes contributing. Building op erations over the country in 1916 were about 25 per cent heavier than during the preceding year. Prices have risen during the past few months on lum ber, brick, structural steel, steel bars, iron bars, rivets, cast iron pipe, cement, etc. The Increase In each Instance has been considerable. . (2) The amount of property accumu lated by an alien has nothing to do with his right to vote. Not having tak en steps to become a citizen, he can not vote. Neither can his wife. First White Child Born In Oregon. . PORTLAND. Jan. 24. (To the Edi- , tor.) The statement that Mrs. Jose phine Rader. who died on January IS. aged 68 years, is said to be the first white child born in &alem, is erroneous- If Mrs. Rader was 6S at the time of ber death she was born in 1849 possibly late in 184S. There are three persons with whom I have a personal acquaintance who Were born at tho locality now known as Salem before 1848. Their names and addresses are as follow: Mrs. Maria Campbell Smith, born October 16. 1841. now liv ing in Portland; George Phelps Hol nian, born February 6, 1842, now llvinsf in Salt Lake; Mr. Brewer, now living in Long Beach, Cal., born December S, 1847. He was the son of Rev. Henry Bridgeman Brewer and his wife, Meth odist missionaries, who arrived at Oregon City 4a June. 1840. A fourth person, now deceased, may be men tioned, who antedates the birtk of Mrs. Rader Mrs. Frances Aurelia Willson Gill, who was born in Salem July 13, 1847. GEORGE H. H1MES. Last Day of School Week. - Judge. Teacher This makes four times-I've had to punish you this week. Bobbie. What have you to say to that? Bobbie I'm glad it's Friday, teacher.