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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1917)
20 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, "WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1917. MANY EQUALLY GOOD UN ADVERTISED SPECIALS ALL OVER THE STORE LOOK FOR THE SALE CARDS' Roger & Bro. Knives 1 Learn to Make Lovely ( , 1 1 Women s $1.50 to $2:00 Kid Gloves at 98c" and Forks, Set $2.35' New Lamp Shades Here H&UA&?i&ivfZ49&: Broken lines of women's good kid gloves in splendid assortments. There I i - are cape style Mochas and many washable kid gloves with one clasp. A Today a set of 6 knives and 6 forks in Roger Classes are held daily tinder the expert instruc- EtMuwJ m Food VaiietV of Colors is herf f Or VOlir phnn;incf nnrl oirow cito iq tr Vo -PminH & Bro.'s popular "Jewel" design. Silver plated tion of Miss Pearson. Free instruction 9 to 12 ThSouIi i-tV StcIp of- Porti Awn ?V W Uut " I 5- Cn00SU1g and eery Size IS tO De lOUnCl on white metal guaranteed for 10 years' oi-di- and 1 to 6 every day. Many new and artistic & XISSW although not every Size Ul every Style and Color. Excellent Values nary use. Special $2.35. Main Floor. models here. Second Floor. J On Sale today at 98c Glove Shop, Main Floor Seasonable and Staple Merchandise at Lowest Prices Every Day Throughout the Year ! I $6 Scotch Linen Table Cloths $4 Heavy pure linen table cloths at this big reduction today because there are no napkins to match. Four pretty designs. 68x86-inch "size. $5.00 Linen Table Cloths $3.98 Fine quality pure linen table cloths for round or square tables. Circular designs. Size 70x70-inch. Linen Shop, Second Floor Today Is Notion Day Charter Oak Thread, 6 cord, 200 yards, black and white, all sizes, 6 for 25c, spool.... Shell and Amber Hair Pins, crimp'd and straight styles, 3 for 25. each Miss Muffett and Featherstitch Trimmings, 3 and 6-yard pieces, 15 and 10c Tailors' Tape Measures, " fT 60-inch, 2 for 1 JLOC- 5c Washington Steel Pins, 400 count, three papers. 25c package of 6 Sanitary 1Q Napkins. ............... 4.. XcU 10c Mercerized Stic ker-ie Edging, 3-yard piece, 2 for .5c imp'd 10c jrstitch 10c 15c 10c 19c 15c 5c Franko Hooks and Eyes, 3 cards for 10c 10c Damascus Safety Pins, 1 white only, all sizes, 2 cards AtlV 10c Middy Laces, ..Windsor OP and plain styles, 3......... Invisible Gold-plated Hair Pins, all sizes, 3 for 25,' ort each Qq Charter Oak Mercerized Crochet Cotton for heavy embroidery work, white, unbleached, linen and dark ecru colors, ball 10, 2 for JPjq 12c Glass-Headed Cube Pins, black and black and white lnfl assorted, each.... . ..XUC Notion Shop, Main Floor. Great Sale Women's $25 to $35 Street, Dress and Storm Coats f if $18 Needless to go into a lot of details the price speaks for itself especially when we add that these are broken as sortments of the very coats that have caused such favorable comment in our Apparel Salons. SERGE CHEVIOT, WOOL VELOUR and TWEED In BROWN, GREEN, NAVY, BLACK AND MIXTURES All made in the very smartest and most becoming styles. All are voluminous made on the flowing lines so popular and youthful. They are here in three quarter and full length styles in both loose and belted models. AH are beau tifully trimmed with self, plush and fur collars. Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor 1 $3 Marseilles Bed Spreads $2.48 Single bed size. Dark blue Marseilles bed spreads with hemmed ends. White figures. Our good . $3.00 Marseilles spreads today $2.48. 15c Soft Finished Cambric 12Jc Good quality soft finished cambric in 36-inch width. For underwear, etc Our regular 15c grade, yard 1214c. Second Floor, Fifth Street All Our Real Ostrich and Marabou Neckwear Reduced ! A big sale of large, fluffy neckpieces, made in the most becoming manner some with long tasseled ends and others with bows. Every piece in our very choice stock is greatly reduced for this sale. Included are black, white, black and white and many colors. ' Many are in cape and collarette effects, while others are in flat stoles. JUST A FEW LISTED: $1.75 Values for SI. 49 $3.50 Values for $2.75 $5 and $5.50 Values, S3.1S $7.50 Values for. . . . -S4.95 Neckwear Shop. Main Floor. $2.25 RICE BOILER $1.19 2-qt. "Peerless" aluminum rice boiler, made of heavy sheet alumi num that will not easily dent. $1.25 Covered Saucepan 89c 3-qt. "Peerless" aluminum sauce pan of heavy sheet aluminum with strongly riveted handle. Basement. Fifth Street. $1.50 Union Suits $1.15 Famous Vassar union, suits today at this good saving. Fine quality Egyptian cotton ribbed garments in medium heavy weight excellent for present wear. Form-fitting, elastic undergarments in ankle length style with long sleeves. Ecru color. All sizes 34 to 50 in these Nationally known union suits today at $1.15 instead of $1.50. Manhattan Shirt Sale Continues today. Here are the reduced prices for this semi-annual event. Choose from our great stocks of these famous shirts all new and perfect goods. $1.75 Manhattan Shirts, 1.35 $2.25 Manhattan Shirts, 1.65 $2.50 and $3.00 Shirts, 1.95 $3.50 and $4.00 Shirts, 2.85 $4.50 and $5.00 Shirts, 3.85 Silk Shirt Sale A wonderful selection in the most ex clusive new designs and colorings. Lux urious silk shirts at unprecedented re ductions. Perfect fitting. $6.50 Crepe de Chines, 4.45 $7.50 Crepe de Chines. 6.45 $8.50 Broadcloths at 7.45 Main Floor. Last Minute Needs for the GRADUATE will be found here in excellent variety. , All sorts of . ready made practical wearables and ac cessories are here in simple, youthful styles for your selec tion. Graduation GIFTS that will please girls and boys to the utmost are here. Gifts that are practical, gifts that are artis tic, gifts that are just a little "different" will make the choos ing a joy. Special Sale$1.19to$1.59 Breakfast Sets Today 93c LIKE ILLUSTRATION Broken assortments of good breakfast sets made of plain col ored and figured percales. Both light and dark shades are in cluded. Some are finished with elastic at waist line, while others are made in middy style. Very special values today at 93c $1.25 TO $1.59 GOOD SATEEN PETTICOATS 98d Good quality of sateen petti coats in splendid assortment of colors, as well as the ever popu lar all black petticoats. Skirts priced regularly from $1.25 to $1.59 special today at 98c Third Floor. Sixth Street 1 Laces Yard 98c S1.25 to $2.00. S Laces for party frocks bands, edges and flouncings pretty Chantilly laces in black, white and ecru, dainty maline laces and metal flouncings, some combined with colors. Widths from 6 to 22 inches. 15c TO 20c EMBROIDERY 10d Embroidery edges and in sertions of Swiss, cambric and nainsook for children's wear and neat fast edges for under muslins. Widths 1 to 7 inches. 8c TO 10c YARD EMBROIDERIES 5d Embroidery edges and in sertions in Swiss and Convent designs widths from to 3 inches. Main Floor, 5th St. Wednesday Is Homefurnishing Day and Furniture Plays the Leading Part From Amongst Hundreds of Our Splendid Offerings in Dependable Furniture We Have Selected These Representative Values V Many of our overstuffed pieces are reduced. Those who need a living - room piece should secure one in this sale. Chairs in denim as low as $14.00. Three cushion davenport in tapes try, $49.85. Tapestry arm ch'airs $26.83. Reduced prices on 22 pat terns of brass beds. $16.75 bed, like cut, $14.25. $12.50 double -deck coil spring with woven wire top, size only, can be used for either wood or iron bed, $6.25. MANY UN ADVER TISED BARGAINS. $232 Dining-room Suite of American walnut, in 'popular William and Mary design. The suite consists of buffet, china cabinet, serving table, dining table, five chairs and one arm chair, for 189. Exceptional Easy Payments May Be Arranged If Desired ' $39.50 mahogany four-post bed, as illustrated, in size only $31.25. $20.50 dresser in dull wax quarter-sawed oak. Mirror plate is 24x26 inches. Spe cial at only $17.50. MANY UNADVER TISED BARGAINS. $4.25 brown fiber rocker, as illustrated, $3.39. $1.50 dining chair of ma ple, golden polish finish, with cobbler seat of imitation leather, 95 . Furniture Shop, Eighth Floor Great Sale-9x 12 R ugs Wilton Velvet $55-$60 Wilton Rugs at $32.50 Rugs at $49.50 9x12 seamless Wilton velvet ruga 9x12 Wilton rugs in rich colors in a good selection of patterns and ot old rose and old blue. Oriental colors. . patterns. Hartford Saxony $75-$82.50 Wilton Rugs at $62.50 Rugs at $65.00 9x12 Hartford Saxony rugs in a 9x12 French Wilton rugs in dis- large selection of patterns and col- continued patterns. OTS, regularly $75.00. RUK Shop. Seventh Floor. Perfection Flour SS $1.85 A good family flour. Limit one sack to a customer. Domino Sugar, half pieces, QA- 2-lb. carton OUU Spaghetti, Franco-American, No. 1 tall cans, dozen 70, the can fts for only vJU White Figs, new imported, 1 fl JLVf Smoked Shoulders, extra fine qual ity, medium weights, the "I A pound I Xv, Coffee. Tea Room blend, same as served in our Tea Room and Bak ery Lunch, 40c grade priced OCTf special, the lb... JOK, Chipped Beef, finest quality, Gov ernment inspected, the lb. Qq Cottolene, large $1.70,' medium 85, small size priced at AJZn only eJU Walnut Meats, guaranteed AtZ new crop, lb xJU Clam Nectar, Pioneer brand, No. 2 cans, dozen $1.90, large 5"I can J-1 medium size, lb Prunes, New Italian, large t Cis size, lb J.UU Pineapple Juice, Dole's, pintOO bottles, doz. $2.50, each Egg Noodles, Mrs. SchiePs home made, large pkgs., doz., $1.90, pkg. 17s, small, dozen $1.05, pkg Great Sale of Canned Foods Con tinues all this week. Ninth Floor. Fifth Street. .yc $2.00 Scrim Curtains Pair at Only $L49 Good quality, serviceable, lace-trimmed scrim cur tains. New stock just received in the latest and most correct styles. $2.00 curtains special $1.49. $1.95 Marquisette Curtains $1.40 A new idea! Marqui sette by the yard! Woven in such a way as to have solid border on side and bottom when cut apart. Just cut and hem and the curtain is made. 50c, 60c and 75c Cretonne 33 Closing out odd patterns in fine quality cretonne, 10- tc 20-yard lengths. Many exceptionally pleas ing color combinations to select from. Drapery Fhop. Seventh Floor. $4 White Wool Blankets $3.25 Good quality white wool blankets with colored borders. $4.50 White Wool Blankets An qj- with colored borders $5.00 White Wool Blankets A with colored borders J)r.OO $6.00 White Wool Blankets. n Qg with colored borders u)DOD $7.00 White Wool Blankets QC with colored borders... u)DuU $6.00 Light Gray Wool Blan- fA Qg kets, colored borders uT"03 Blanket Shop. Second Floor. I ! W A I !