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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1917)
THE 3IORXTNG OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 24, 1917. STTCATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerks. LUMBERMEN Young man, 35, wishes to make charge; 10 years experience a bookkeeper, then buyer and "salesman, and for past five years manufacturing end, ' the last two years of which operated my 1 own plant; thoroughly understand both lumber and shingles; excellent references; reasonable wages; will go anywher. Box AV 440, Oregonlan. JVAKTICD By young man of business ex perience, a position a Dookkeeper, assist ant or any clerical work where accuracy, penmanship, typewriting and personality the chief requisite; salary a minor consid eration; references furnished. V 57. Ore gonian. - m TO UN Q man, just arrived In city, wants position; office work preferred; not afraid of work; good references. Phone Main 7065, room 843. Miscellaneous. PKINTER, editor, job work, ads., straight matter ; 2 years mach inist-operator ; busi ness management, good writer, solicitor, feed medium-speed cylinder, no Jobbers; reasonable wages; good second man. Ad dress "Printer." room 6, 142 First bU, Portland, Oregon. CAPABLE man. wife and 13-yr.-old daugh ter (German), Kn? lish-speaking. desire Janitor work. Al ref. Call week days bet. b:H0 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 7051, A 1517. CAPABLE man, exp. engineer, German de scent, would take any kind of work. Call week days bet. 8.30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M, Main 7051. A 153.7. PAINTER, experienced, stranger. Easterner, wants painting, tinting, enameling, floor and furniture refinisblng; neat, clean work. AP 54, Oregonian. YOUNG couple desire janitor work waere they can take their 3 children. Al ref. Call week days bet. 8:30 A M. and 0:30 P. M Main 7051. A 1517. , aiAN with family (no small children) wants janitor work, Ref. Call week days bet. 8:30 A. M. and 5;30 P. M. Main 7051, A 151T. EXP. GAROENMEr" if German) desires work with florist. Al ref. Call week days bet. 8:3 A, M. and 5:30 V. M. Main 7051. A 1517. MAN and wife want place on farm, milk ing or farm work. Good on dairy. Have been In dairy business In Belgium. State wages. AL 52. Oregonlan. HARDWARE man. with years of expe rlence. wishes to make change from Port land to country; good references.' Mr. Hardware, 48 Sd St. i'OR HOME, new or repair see K. V. Berg lund. 645 E. G2d N. Plans, details and specifications all first-class and moderate price: references If required. Tabor 2725. WANTED Place to work for board and room by reliable young man attendffl g school; telephone Linko Business College, Mam cued. &IAN and wife want work on farm; both ex perienced. Address C. J. McKay, 273 Montgomery St.. or phone Main 6084. 3TOTJNG men, attending Holmes business College, wants work for room and board. Phone Main 513. X-ANDSCAPE gardener, garden and house work; reference AX Marshall 4305. George Schmidt. ElTUATTON as cook, boarding-house, camp or river boat, C Wheeler, 150 Park. Phone Main 136. PAINTING, carpenter work, remodeling done cheap, day or contract. Mar. 5S85. A 1517. ' - WANTED Position cook In small camp or xanch near Chehalis. Address box 5, Hub bard, Or. (MARRIED man, experienced, ranch work or ranch on shares. AH 39, Oregonlan. "CABINET work wanted at home, repairing carefully done. Mar. 1475, A 1517. A YOUNG married Swiss wants steady job on farm. AV 503, Oregonlan. 6TEAM engineer with 16 years' experience open for position. AJ 52, Oregonlan. KALSOMINING. painting, plaster-patching, reasonable. Woodlawn 2400. GOOD bread and pastry man wants posi tion; A-l refa. Phone East 2446. PAINTING, paper hanging and tinting neat ly and cheaply done. Marshall 2493. PAINTING, paper hanging and tinting; good work; prices reasonaoie. wooaiawn i-tuu. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED -Position as bookkeeper, collector, typist or clerk in small business where reliability will be appreciated ; have had eight years In plumber's office, also worked in other lines successfully. Mar shall 0403. GIRL. 10, desires stenographic work, some experience, prefers place where there Is opportunity for advancement, Al ref. Call lveeK a ays net. s:;;u a ju.. ana o:au r. ju.- Maln 7051, A 1517. FIRST-CLASS stenographer, young woman, desires position. Marshall 545. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes po sition, laoor ax. Dressmakers. PIT and style, fancy gowns, suits, wraps, or no pay; your nome. Main otod. PXPERIENCED lady desires family sew ing; very reasonable. East 6120. M'RSE Care feeble or light work, room, board, small salary. Mar. 3091. PRACTICAL nurse with hospital training. Ref. Main 3003. YOUNG woman with child 3 years wishes position as housekeeper for couple em ployed; best references. AM 53, Orego nlan. YOUNG widow with boy 1 year old would like housekeeping, city or country; have been cooking for a club of 16 people, ex cellent conk. AH 56. Oregonian. Domestic. CERM AN girl, educated, wants position in small family for housework and plain cooking; good home expected. AL 51, Ore gonian. GOOD, capable cook wants position. Mar shall 107. GIRL wishing to do general housework and cooking. 779 Montana ave, Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED cook wants work In res taurant, cafeteria or delicatessen. Mar shall 5508. Apt. 31. A GOOD steady woman wants any kind of day work. Phone Main 4093. Room 11. LADY wants day work, stud worker. Call Hellwood 336. BKriT of care children In my home, $10 month. Phono Tabor 7089. KXtJ. lady wants day work, washing pre ferred. Tabor 704. EXP. laundress wants work by hour; good irouer. Main 3bltv. WOMAN wants day work. Phone Tabor COOK, experienced in private family; wsges $40. 708 Eaat 14th. Margaret Kartmann. CAPABLE woman desires day work. Tabor WANTED Cooking and serving, fancy iron ing, housework, by hour. Tabor 317. HOUSE cleaning and- washing, by day or hour, 25c hour. Tabor 7932. . BAY'S work wanted by woman ; washing, ironing, cleaning; 25c hr. Tabor 7316. WANTED by a clean woman, good home; no washing. $25 month. Marshall 707. WOMAN wants day work. East S04tE Ck5SE Ul. 3oTUMS Oox. Tell maggie, 00 "-I Copyright. 1916. by Newspaper Feature Service. Inc. Great Britain right, reaerred. Reeittered in U. S. Patent OfFiea. - MAGOIE WAS MtSTAKKN Ufclll BEAl WAS .NT B. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. CAPABLE middle-aged woman wants work as chambermaid or kitchen helper In res taurant in exchange for board, and room and small wages. Call week' 'days bet. 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 7001. A 1517. CAPABLE . woman, stranger In town, wants place as camp cook. Would cake other work temporarily. Does sewing and re pairing also. Call week davs bet. S.30 A M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 7001. A 2 517. YOUNG woman, exp. cook for delicatessen or cafeteria, wants work. Al ref. Call week days bet. 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 7051, A. 1517. YOUNG girl with 7 months' experience as telephone operator, wishes position as ex change girl; best of references. Call Ta- oor 3-i uu. EXP. WOMAN wants half a day regular domestic work, go home nights. Ref. Call week davs bet. 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 7051, A 1517. NEAT young lady wishes care of children or oia people or nouseworit; nest or satis faction. Phone Mr. Norton. Marshall 3U66. WILL, work for 25c hour or 6 hours per day at steady place, one meal and $o per week If within walking distance. Marshall 2413. UNIVERSITY graduate, experienced teacher. wants pupils in uerman, sewing or alge bra. East 4384. Mrs. Ridgway. EXP. WOMAN wants day work. Call week days bet. :30 A. M. and o:30 P. M. Main 7051. A 1517. WILL read to and otherwise entertain In valid or elderly person two or three hours a day. Phone East 3344. GOOD, stout woman wants day work, wash ing, cleaning, etc.; experienced; reier ences. Marshall 896. WORK wanted Wednesday and Thursday; wasning, ironing, cleaning. Main oo. WOMAN wants day work, best city refer ence. Jaii evenings, iast 2166. YOUNG lady wants position In office of aentist or physician. Phone wain, asi. EXPERIENCED girl wishes position in small iamny; good wages, Jaat Gb. WANTED TO KENT. Aonrt irnti. WANT apts. moderate rates. Inquire Hotel uongress. v ot, uregonian. Rooms With Board. ROOM and board In private family for young man. Rest of references furnished. Please state terms. Address AF 52, Ore gonlan. LADY employed wishes warm room with board (no bund ay meals) North Portland. C. S. home preferred. X 58, Oregonian. FOR KENT, FuraLnbed Rooms. PALACE HOTEL. On Washington street at Twelfth. Large, airy rooms, elegantly furnished, clean, free phone, hot and cold water, steam heat, fireproof, large ground-floor lobby, private and public baths, elevator service ; theater and chopping district; strictly first-class accommodations at moderate prices. Inspection will convince you; 50c per day and up. Special week ly rates. HOTEL RAMAPO. 14th and Washington Sts. A moderate-priced hotel, with first class service, with all comforts and con veniences of the high-priced hotels, at lower rates: rooms with and without pri vate baths from 75o to $2 per day; weekly rates $3 and up. ' ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th St., cor. Washington St. Fireproof, up-to date hotel, large at tractive rooms, individual telephone, con tinuous heat and hot water service; $3 per week up; 50c to $1.50 per day. HOTEL LiL-MER, under new management; Mrs. Lillian Merry; transient trade so licited, rates reasonable ; hot and cold water in every room, 270H Fourth st., cor. Jefferson, opposite City Hall. Phone Mar shall 6355. HOTEL. CONRAD INS. 10th St., at Oak Desirable downtown o cation : respectable and strictly modern ; fireproof building, elevator and large lob by; rooms $3 per week up. HOTEL BLACK STONE. Eleventh and Stark sts., brick building, elevator service, telephone, hot and cold water in rooms; 50c to $1.50 per day. Spe cial rates by the week. STAND I SH HOTEL. 548 Washington St., corner 17th. Hot and cold water; steam-heated rooms, $1.50 per week; $6 per mo. and up. MAKE THE BUSH MARK YOUR HOME. Good, large, clean, modern rooms, steam heat; walking distance, $1.50 a week; $6 a month and up. 665 Washington st. NICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance; both phones, reasonable. 402 3d st. The Warrenton, Main 7771. HOTEL OCK LEY Morrison street at 10th. RATES 50c day up. Weekly $2 up. Running water. Free phoneand baths. HOTEL CORDOVA, 269 11th St. Strictly modern; private baths en suite; room $3 up. Alain v-kiz. A tif. HOTEL NORRIS, 533 Alder. Strictly mod ern, $1.50, $2 and $2.50 a week. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL, Warm, modern rooms, 20th and Wash. $2 week up. STEAM heat, hot and cold water. $1.50 week up. SS4 orand ave. FORD HOTEL, private bath, phone. $12 up without bath, $10 up, 733 Washington st. Furnished Room in Private Family. TWO neatly furnished rooms, private farm ily. breakfast if desired ; heat, hot water, telephone, bath, home comforts, good car service; can accommodate room mates gentlemen only, reasonable. 27 E. Sal mon, cor. 17th. First floor. NICELY-FURNISHED rooms modern con veniences, central, very reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. $5 NEAT little room In nicely located home, 2 blocks from Journal bldg. Phone, Dam. sou tsaimon St. 8-ROOM furnished apartment in, private home; cooking gas furnished. 365 Hai- sey sr. NICE room in beautiful home; running water, shower bath. 655 Everett, st. NICELY furnished front and single room, heat, reasonable. 3SD Taylor. Rooms With Board. WEAVER HOTEL. 708-10 Washington Street. Phone Marshall M70. BOARD AND ROOM. Private bath and telephone in every room. Prices reasonable. Excellent heat. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson tits. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 02b3, A 662. ALEXANDRA COURT, 53 Ella st. An American Plan Residence HoteL Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 6211. Marshall 6170. THE WHITE HALL. 253 6th, American plan; very convenient and reasonable. THE STRYKEIl. 554 Couch ; family hotel rooms single or en suite; reasonable rates. With Board in Private Family. ELEGANTLY furnished In mahogany, bed room with sleeping porch, bsth, private entrance; home cooking, i-ast Job. ONE large front room, also outside rooms, board if desired. Home privileges. Mar, 5.105. 454 Columbia, cor. litn st. GOOD home for one or two children; rea sonable. Woodlawn l-tou. FI RST-CLASS room and board in private home. lte N. i:ist. Alain IS HoaIe. That LooAlfLovtR L1 !, --s BE y " -.TTTl V V I M . 'I I Srs A 4TXXZ?s r.Y itXWl At 1 1 w . J. s . m licm ai 11 11 r f 1 11 ;m m n1 1 i ni-i ,ri u ' 1 i' iy r . '-m 1 r 1 & mi yi 1 . 1 . a i 11 ,11 '1.1 . 1 FOB RENT. Knrnifehed Apartments. A HOUS3 THAT 13 quiet, refined, clean. safe. THE WSEELDON ANNEX popular. lot hi And Salmon Sis. well known, of highest standing, A bouse of qualityv comfort and service. VILLA 6T. ra.AT a, 12th and Taylor. Most modem apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Gardens in Connection. Walking distance. References, Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes walk to Meier A Frank's store; good surroundings; cdtrlctly modern 2 and 3-room furnished at-tartment. all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRA-NiciENT. ' IRVTNGTOK. BOWMAN APTS., 17th and Tillamook. Beautiful furnished 5-room upper cor ner apartment; rent $50. Call F. E. Bow man A Co. Main 3026, or Mrs- Smith, E. 56S. apartments, N. W corner Belmont and Grand ave. New, completely furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Solid brick building; Wbdte enam eled interior; large kitchens; service lrst class; walking distance. LINCOLN APARTMENTS. 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FUKN1SHED APTS. . $16 TO $25. WALKING D1STANCL GARAGE CONVENIENT. SERENE COURT, E. 1st and Multnomah; modern 3-room beautifully furnished apart ment; each suite has two disappearing feeds, two ilresslngr rooms. East S0C. MAFtTSOV PARIT IPTfl Park at Madison. Modern 2.' 8 smd 4 room furnished apartments, close in. by week or month. ELK APARTMENTS. 84TH AND BELMONT. Furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Also single room ; reasonable rates. XVASHINGTON GRAND. 2 and 8-roora apts.. iw up; neat, light, Dath; clean, res sec t able. 91 Grand ave., cor. Washington. AVALON - Completely furnished, modern. 4-room apt., vacant Feb. L Rent $35. PhAno Pott OTTO THE CHELTENHAM Beautifully furnished -s. ana e-room apartments; lowest ranes in city. Corner N. 19th and Northrup sta. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern 4, a, 4-room iurniscea and unfurnished, $18 up. "W" car to Northrup. Mar. 227. THE AMERICAN. 2 1st and Johnson 8. 4. 5 rooms, reasonable. mars nail bdoO. NEW furnished apts.; concrete block; $10 ana is. iibz u lion ave. N. Wdln. 512. iivv.uij, utt'.n, d Ltrn.ui ueat, pnons, gas. light. $3 tip. New Hart. 170 2d st. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th st., near Taylor. Marshall 2316, TWO rooms, parlor floor; hot, cold water. neai. ugni, pnone. oao lanaers st. Unfurnished Apartments. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished five-room apart ment, witn an modern conveniences. In cluding sleeping porch. telephone, gas, electric lights, etc. ; newly carpeted, ren ovated, reduced rentals. Phones Main 4376, A 1301. IRVING APARTMENTS. Four rooms, - unfurnished, all outside rooms, veranda, laundry, garage, good service, low rates to permanent tenants; references required. 6SU Irving mU Phone Marshall 274S. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. 18th and Couch sts. Marshall Z559. Mod ern new building, 2. ft. 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths and every convenience. DOUGLAS COURT. 425 W. Psfrk, now open; new 2 and 8 room, - hard wood floors, mahogany finish; first-class service; all light apts. LARGE. light 2-room apt., private dressing ana oattiroom, telephone and water; rent $17; -walking distance. "Chapman Apts.," Mill and Chapman sts. KEELER APTS., 14TH AND CLAY STS. ueairaoie uniurnisnea a-room suite, pri vate vestibule, phone and bath, $27. Call bstween 2 and 4 P. M.. Marshall 5753. ROSE-FRIEND, B'way and Jefferson, Ele gant a -room, uniurnisnea Apt., can be secured February 1. Marshall 1410. NEW Nob Hill apartments, 3-room suites; modern, nest location and outioK; very reasonable. Marshall 267. .Glisan near 23d. SiX rooms, sleeping-porch, all outside rooms; references. t w Irving. Marshall 175S. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders. Large, light, 5, 6 rms., reas. M.7&16, A 267 6 Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments." KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washing ton ; large, attractive, sunny outside rooms; private balconies, modern, supe rior service, unsurpassed view, walking distance. BARKER APARTMENTS. 'Furnished and unfurnished 2. 8 and 4 room; rates moderate; good service, spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. Phone Marshall 2061 r.nd 2U64. Walking distance, 21st and Irving. WELLESLEY COURT. MELCLIFFE COURT. REX ARMS. Phone East 65T7. Sunnyslde carllne. close in ; 2 and 8 room; desirable and reasonable. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, THE HOUSE OF TONE, 40-37 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. THE BUENA VISTA, 12th and Harrison Strictly modern, all outside apartments; ideal location; references. Phone Main 3 0H1 and 1052. LUCKETXA COURT APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect In all details. 49 Lucretia st. Marshall 1518, A 3037. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 4 and 5-room fur. and unfurnished apts. Sleeping porch. 22d and GHsan. Mar. 318L SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 270 S. Broad way; one furnished or unfurnished front 4-room apartment. Phone-Main HoOo. Flats. 6 ROOMS, close In modern and In good condition; rent $20 to oesiraoie tenant key at news stand, cor. 16th and Wash Ington sts. FOR RENT Good flat, corner 18th and Hoyt 8t. Attractive rent. Key at 135 -N. 18th. REDUCED rent. 6-room modern flat, every Lovejoy st. FOR RENT Modern unfurnished 6-room fiat. $25 per month. 326 13th st. Phone Main 3063. sio A MONTH ft rooms, desirable location close to school and carlina, Ogden. 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. $1S.50, including water, modern 5-room up per; JJUtcn Kltcnen, lurnaca, lurijmgc, zr lb-i Hi. lUtn si. cur. javB. um. oio. FIRST-CLASS modern 8-room upper flat. good light ana air, rirepiace. e-i iiay su. near llih. Phone East b. FLAT of mix rooms and bath; 731 Hoyt St. Inquire 130 6th. Phone Alain b. MODERN 4-room flat, reasonable, near 23d and Washington sts. Main &0 83. LARGE 5 rooms with attic, gas range, linoleum, light, clean, close In. East 2871. IT FOR REST. Plats. FOR RSNT Portland Heights, modern, at tractive, 5-roopa flat; maid's room, fire place, large porch, hardwood floor, un excelled view, $30. Phone forenoons or evening. Main 2639. MODERN "ft-room upper flat, very reason" able. West Side. 529 Everett St. , Furnished Plats. NICELY furnished 3 rooms, disappearing bed, heat, hot water, sleeping porch. Gar bage removed; 3 car lines, walking dls tance' 427 Rodney ave. Cheap rent. FIVE rooms, neafty furnished, on carl In e, $14. Tabor 3118. FIVE rooms, well furnished. $25. References. Marshall 6168. 5-HOOM lower fiat, partly furnished, corner King and Davis. Phone Main 7S20. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur nished, steam heat, running hoc and cold water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts.. $14 up. 291 Columbia St., near 6th. NICELY- furnished housekeeping suites, walking distance, both phones; $2 per ' week and up; newly renovated. Main 7771. The Warrenton. 402 8d st FOR RENT Furnished rooms, sleeping and H. K.; walking distance; swell location; free phone. 504 Everett, cor. 19th. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts., reasonable. Housekeeping Rooms In private Family. TWO rooms, nicely furnished, bath, gas. light said phone. Sellwood 2114. 41M Ums tilia ave. ; $8 per month. $1 TO $2.50 a week; furnished H. K. rooms; free heat, laundry, bath, phone. East 603d. 406 Vai.couver, near Broadway. $1 WEEK Clean, quiet, close in; large gfou n ds. phone, 90 E. 8th. 3-ROOM suite, gas range, piano, etc, $15 per month. 535 Yamhill st. 105 20TH, cor. Flanders, housekeeping rooms. neatly furnished WELL furnished H. K. room $5 mo. 314 Main Houses. Phone Marshall 4600. A 6101. MEIER & FRANK'S RENTAL BUREAU 7TH FLOOR. We have at all times a reliable list of houses, flats, apartments, eta., in all parts of the city- avail yourselves of this FREE service, information cheerfully furnished. $30. For rent. 8-room modern house, with sleeping porch, on Mount Tabor. Lot lOOx 117; fruit trees, berries, 60 roses, fine lawn, furnace .and wood range connected, hardwood floors. Fine view overlooking city. 333 East 57th st Hawthorne car. Call for key next door. MODERN 4-room bungalow with self-llght-. lng gas ranges, heaters, beds, buffets, bookcases, window seats, hardwood floors, linoleum in kitchens and bathrooms, attlo and full basements; on Sumner near E. 13th, one block N. of Alberta car. Blanch ard & Clemson. 702 Selling bldg. IF YOU take It now, you can secure at a low rental tnat aesiraoie home property, iso. 1556 East Taylor street, and obtain the benefit of garden, fruit and nut trees the coming sason. roomy house, grounds loo xlOO; garage. Donald G, Woodward. 104 Second street. 6-ROOM house at 476 East 48th st. N.. Rose City Park, right on the carlina. Rent $15 per month; will spend first month rent In firing up lawn, etc.. for occupant. See Mr. M. Jacoby. 326 Washington st. Ki. S i'OR AGE Ho sehotd goods stored fre; expert movers ackers and shippers. Manning Warehouse & Transfer Co.. &th and Hoyt sts. Broadway 703. MODERN 4-room house with large screened sleeping-porch, basement; located on sightly lot in good residence district; $7.50 per month. Call at 404 Piatt bldg. ATTRACTIVE modern 6-roora bungalow, de sirable neighborhood. Sunnyside district East 7670. $20. DESIRABLE 7-i oom house, Sixth and Sher man; full cement basement; garage. Ap ply on premises. Ifcr t. car, south. RIVERDALE 5 -room cottage, garden, fruit trees; beautiful view overlooking golf links; .$20. Phone Main 7672. WANT careful tenant for Sunnyslde resi dence, well located. Very reasonable rent. Tabor 244. Marshall 4U09. FOR RErTT Good modern 7 room house (without garage), $17.00. 1029 Schuyler St. Key at 1U33. E. 1427. MODERN &-room house, almost new and In first-class) condition, and reasonable rent. Call 443 Xlth st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 6-room cottage. ceiled at the, gas, electricity and laundry tubs. Mar. 4887. COMFORTABLE 7-room West Side home: not water .rum ace, smau jar a. on .mar ket. Main -oiu. alttlCTLV modern Laurenurt home, near car, No, lie- uiauinsiontoun. laDorah. MODERN 7-room house. 245 23d sc. near Mars hal 1. f Stone juarsnau iu . 6 ROOMS 295 Cook ave., near Williams; gas, electricity, um.ii. iaai itfo, b-ROOM modern house. 712 Lovejoy, near inquire .ju qui at. aiain o7e. GOOD 6-room cottage. 546 E. 18th at., "WW" car. Marshall 4317. 810. 5-KOOM cottage, close In, 406 Hall St., near lutn. MODERN 6-room house, walking distance, near school, cheap. Tabor 481 8. , 8-ROOM house, gas electricity; walking dis tance. oU7 Everett st. f none t-act . Furnished H.oue BUNGALOW flat, 3 rooms, sleeping porch, den, 2 beds, llnsm silverware phone. water, garbage, eto qui E. wasn,, 28th. MODERN" C-room house, completely fuT nished, sleeping ps-rch. hot water heat. 1044 .Division st. 6 totes. DRESSMAKING establishment and living ADarLment. 148 13 1 St.. ground iioor. store front, fitting-room, stockroom, recep tion-room, large workshop with hardwood floor, three Uving-ruoms and kitchen. bathroom, two toilets, launary cuds. sd eial electric connections. Highly finished and best facilities; moderate rent. Floor area. 8300 square feet. Inquire 1025 Yeon ouiKing. NICE store room with lau-ge basement, 424 East ' Burnside street, fine location for plumbing, electric or butcher shop; wili srive srood lease to resnansible party. Ap- ply owner. George Pirle. iPhonft Tabor &68. STO RE ROOM. 25x80 ft., clause In. East Side, suitable for warehouse, only $15. Call 128 Second st. Offices,' SHARE 3 -suite combination lawyer pre ferred, $15; private furnlslsed oft ice. $10, share office, $7.50. Stock Exchange. 8d and Yamhill. WANTED Desk room in dovmtown office by public accountant, lawyer's oinco pre ferred. Address AL 53, Orejsontan. PRIVATE OFFICE, reception-room and phone. L. K. Moore. 317 Board of Trade. WELL-FURNISHED private otfflce; also desk room, $5 and $7. 723 Citum. of Com. OFFICES, $7 up; furnished ofXlces, desk room, reasonable. 803 Swetland bldg. Brxi.VE OPPORTUNITIES. RESTAURANT, cheap rent. Call 2 North Third at. $15 month. FOR SNAPS in rooming-houses see Pacific A sen cy. inc.. dip swetiano oiag. POLLY AND HER ftEUAl iH4T AS Got&lA U 1.. . . ?..A I! , A 1?."? II W70U "7 M 1 t JEI.NQ OBSERVED BI CLIFF STEBRETT. BCgTJfESS) OPPOBTO'ITTKS. $50 CASH, ba'.ance less than you'd pay for your apartments; 8 beautifully furnished rooms; everything goes. Including fine oil paintings and my price will be your price; come out and figure it yourself; upstairs t permanently rented) pays entire rent, light, phone, water bill 306 Hancock. Wa or B cars. AN established manufacturer wants general salesmanager to open office and manage salesmen; $300 to $700 capital necessary. Money-making possibilities unlimited. Will pay expenses to Chicago If you are man we want. Acme Btass Works. Inc. 1012 Republic bldg.. Chicago. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for- so-caned Inter est In inestablished real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board, PAUL A. COWGILL. Sec. 302 Henry Bldg- WELL established manufacturing concern wishes to sell their factory building and will take lease on same for a period of 10 years on a satisfactory rental basis; about $13, 0O0 necessary. Address owner. X 57. Oregonlan. WANTED A partner in a sawmill propo sition in the Willamette Valley, on the main line of the S. P., with 25o acres of timber. Address P. O. box 493, Aurora, Oregon. NEW manufacturing company about to commence business In Portland has open ing for secretary who can invest $10,000; Investment secured; best references. AL 41, Oregonlan. HOTEL MEN. READ THIS. One of most prosperous hotels in capital city for sale; will sell property or furni ture and lease. For particulars address Bay View Hotel. Olympia. Wash. WANTED By a capable, responsible party, the management of a hotel of about 60 or more rooms, with option of buying! rent, location and other conditions must be good. AM 50, Oregonlan. FOR SALE A prosperous chicken business; equipment consists of 800 hens. White Leghorn cocks; portable houses, electric apparatus, etc.; 5-acre ranch for rent. I E. Robinson, Corvallis, r. PARTNER wanted for a growing manufac turing business; prefer office man; pay large profits; requires $2OO0, which will be secured. Call 24(H Stark St. AUTOMOBILE garage; splendid chance for energetic man who can wait on customers, sell gasottne, etc.; profits $200 a month. Call 248H Stark st. ATTENTION INVESTORS. For sale, hotel property; pays 10 per cent on investment; for further inquiries, AV 444, Oregonian. SOLID cash business ; want a steady man to collect and deliver goods, etc, as part ner; pay $15 week and share of profits; $1S0 cash required. Call 24Sfc Stark st. SMALL restaurant, suitable for man and wife, $100 if sold before 1st of Feb. AX 53. Oregonlan. WE SELL OR TRADE Anything and everything. Millerihip, 481 Chamber of Commorce. PARTNER for moving-plctur.e show In live town. Clearing jou mo, auu requires. Millershlp", 431 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Best vulcanizing and tire business in Northwest. In city of 23,000. Address box 1215, Boise, Idaho. RESTAURANT, good location. srood bus! ness, long established, for Quick seUe $600 casn. Ajti. bo, uregonian. TAILOR SHOP in good Valley town 3500 population for sale cheap. AE 55, Orego nian. WE have 40 grocery stores from $400 to $40,000 cash and trade. PaclUo Agency. inc., oia swetiand oiag. DON'T WORRY. Z can trade or sell It; anything.. Lay- man, iij. t unamoer or commerce. MILLINERY trimmer with $250 will get a money-maKing proposition by answering this ad. State experience. S 54, Oregonlan. A U TO repair shoo: onenins: fr steady man: pay fiou montn ana only JOO cash re quired, eail Stark st. 'INE growing business for young man or woman, uooa store, very low rent, iomg away, win sell ror DUt. ajn &o, oregonlan WANT woman partner, cleanest little mu sical du si n ess yi foruano. nest equipped store ; 500 petessary. AN D2. Oregonian. WORK for yourself; $125 will place you in oia-estaoiisnea transfer business. Owner, Broadway 48J1! EXAMINATION made of Or. and Cal. mines xor tnose expecting to Invest. P. O. box ha. Myrtle C'reeK, Or. . CASH STORE Sell butter, eggs. etc. pays 90 to tloO month; a small invest ment required. Call 24HH Stark St. FOR SALE: Half Interest In a small nianu- lacturing business. ah SO, -Oregonian. BARBER SHOP for sale, between 1st and 2d sts. (jau .Main. GOOD creamery, good town, all or half in terest, a. v ooi. uregonian. CLEANING, pressing business; fine chance tor married, man. pnone woodlawn 2422. HOTEL-RESTAURANT 21 rooms, always iuii; cneap. owner. AJ Uregonian. BrPfXF.PS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. .OAKS CONCESSIONS. The Oaks Amusement Parle will open the seawn of 1017 about the middle of May. The following concessions are let; Popcorn, photo gallery, candy stand, cigar booth, novelty booth, ball thro wins. dancing pavilion. Terms rea -son able. Ad dress John fc . cordray, P. u. box 11 8o, Portland, or. SPLENDID opportunity to purchase a water power with box factory In operation; sure money-maKer. bee ur. w. v. spencer, vu,- Electric mug., Portland, Oregon, or address spencer Mill Co., Thatcher. Wash, ONE or two-chair barber shop, or location for same; out of Portland preferred. M 53, Oregonian. BARBERS wanted. One or two-chair outfit or shop; cash. Call Tabor 2337 mornings Between o ana iz o cioctc. WANTED To buy a small bakery in good small town or would rent bakery outnt cash. Address AV 4jb. Oregonian. HOTELS AND ROOMING-HOUSES. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel, Apartment-House Agent. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. 624 N. W. Bank big., 6th and Morrison. bWELLEST little apt. house In town; brass -beds, good furniture, best offer take it. uaii Main zui. HOTELS. APTS- OR ROOMING-HOUSES. ANY SIZE, PRICE OR LOCATION. M KS. KRANTZ, 021 YEON BUILDING. WOULD invest a few hundred with services in paying business, cy middle-aged me cnanic At oregonian. FURNITURE of U-room steam-heated fl full of boarders and roomers. 561? Olisau. LOST ATD FOUND. LOST January 22, one lady's gold bar pin, in shape of nail, leaves with diamond in center return to 400 Xu. ota at. A. Ke ward. East 1S45. LOST One cocker spaniel dog, license No. 1740. 400 Morrison U Phone Marshall 200 Reward. LOST Lady's Waltham open-face gold watch. Reward will be given if returned to i-otei portiana. LOST A black fox muff, near 11th and Al der, Saturday night, hinder return to Pan tages Theater Doxoriice. Jtewara. LOST Moss agate scarf pin; liberal re ward, x . n. en, biiiv liKua x 11 ton Bank. LOST Small, black coin purse; contained 2 $5 gold pieces. $6 in silver. Tabor C820. PALS JUST A StcaurrVteZtST. HAM&A& iVEGt 'mi- CBStRUtDl I LOST AXl) FOUND. THE flowing articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway Light & Power Company. January 22, 117; 1 sin gle glove, 1 package pictures, 1 package ciothing, 1 package crochet work. 1 note book, 2 grips, 2 lunch boxes, 1 package collars, 1 muff, 1 sack. 1 bundle overalls, 1 pair gloves, 1 can varnish, 1 package figs. 1 book. I package mtfse., 1 package, 1 package seeds, 1 pin. 1 watch charm, 1 camera, 1 check, 1 overcoat, 1 package lunch, 1 package dress goods. 8 umbrel las. Owners may obtain lost property at 1st and Alder sts. STOLEN Sunday. Ford touring car, Ore gon license 4t'23. motor 917417. Reward for Information leading to recovery. Ta bor 5030. SPECIAL NOTICES. PropoeaiB Invited. N the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of E, R. Clary, bankrupt. Request for bids I will receive sealed bids for the following stock of merchandise and fix tures, formerly the property of the above named bankrupt, situate at 600 Thurman st., Portland, Oregon, up to and until 12 o'clock, noon, of the 26th day of .January, 1917. at my offices, 740-47 Morgan fe;ds;.a Portland, Oregon: Stock of goods, wares and mer chandise consisting principally of drygoods. notions, gents, fur nishings, etc.. of the Inventoried value of .1 .- $5,103.79 Fixtures pertaining to the same, of the inventoried value of.... 421.23 Total $3,525.04 The hlgheet bid received will be ac cepted. subject, however, to the approval of the court- AH bids must be accom panied by certified check for 10 per cent (10ci. of the amount offered. Inventory of the above stock and fix tures may be seen at my office and the property Inspected at the premises, 650 Thurman it, Pont land. Or. R L. SABIN, Trustee. WILL receive sealed bids at my office. 740 Morgan building, up to 12 o'clock boon of Monday. January 21). 1917, for a stock of merchandise of the inventory valu ation of $74 SO. 45, consisting of shoes, $2i72.S5; hats, J343.ll; clothing. $927.03; gloves. $122.60; ladies and children's wear, $744.30; dry goods and furnishings. $S176.00. together with fixtures of $129. V5, or total inventory valuation of $7615.40, located at 226 Yamhill street. Portland. Oregon. Terms cash. Certified check for 10 per cent of amount offered must accom pany each bid. Right is reserved to re ject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock inspected on premises. R. L. SABIN. Dated: Portland, Oregon, Jan. 22, 1917. SEALED Drnnmli will be received at th office of the undersigned. 401 Courthouse, until 3 P. M. Thursday. February 15, lil7, for power plant piping for Benson Poly technic School. Bids will be opened In room 304 Courthouse 4 P. M. same day. Deposit of $5 Is required for plans and specifications, which may ba obtained at office of F. A. Naramore. Superintendent nt Pi-rrtl ROS fou rt house. Certified check for 10 per cent ef amount of proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accempany each proposal. Board of Directors re serves the right to reject any and all proposals. R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated January 22. 1917. PROPOSALS" for building material for Schofield Barracks, H. T. Office. Quarter master. U. S. Army, Portland. Or. Sealed Drooosals will be received here until 1'2 o'clock noon January 20. 1917. Further information on application. M Iscellaneons. TO whom it may concern: You will take notice that I will not be responsible ror anv debts contracted by my wife. Marie BaRGES for rent, capacity 5O0 tons. Main FINANCIAL. MONEY LOANED. Residence property, 6 to 8 per cent. Business property, 5 to 6 per cent. Farm DroDprtv. 7 to 8 Der cent. WH1TM EB-KELLY CO.. 711 Pittock blk. WILL purchase short-time chattel mortgages or cnattel contracts, prexeraoiy ox mommy installment payments. roruua joan Company, 808 Dekum bldg. FI RST and second mortgages; also seller's interest In contracts purchased; Oregon or wasn. m . .t. rvoDie, j,umoermens Diog. WE BUY mortgages, bonds and notes. WESTEPN BOND A MORTOAUE tO SO 4th St., Board of Trade bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages purchased. Lewis & Co., 4 iewis oiag WE buy real estate mortgages. Fred uerman (Jo., is J t, nam. 01 torn. Money to Loan on Real Estate. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security from $100 up on going rate or interest. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO, 413 Chamber of Commerce. 6 PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley farm loans; no delay; no commissions. Deveretu Mortgage Company, 607 Con cord bldg., 2d and Stark sts. 5 PER CENT loans will be made on central retail business properties. 6 and 7 per cent on other securities. EDWARD E. GOUDElH CO.. Northwestern Bank Wdg. TO LOAN. $300. $500, $750. $1000. $1200, $1250. $2500, $300O, $3000. $10,000 on im proved city property, o-i-a per cent. jos., C Gibson, goo Uerijnger oiag. T PER CENT MONEY In sums ranging from S300 to SOOO on farm land or city property. Full particulars at 404 Piatt blda $1000 TO LOAN on good vacant lot or acre age; submit your security to attorney at 4Ut fiatt oiag. MORTGAGE LOANS IN AJNY AMOUNT. OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., INC., Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. SK US today for loans on improved city property, o to a per cent ; .w ana up. Cellars-Murton co., bjo icon oiag. MONEY TO LOAN ON CIT? OR FARM PROPERTY; WILL CALL IF INTER ESTED. Phone Tabor 2620. 1! OO.OOO TO LOAN in sums to suit; build ing loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 315 81H Failing bldg. Phone Main B407. $3500 5Vfc PER CENT. Will loan on Improved farm for 20 years or less. W l'j, oregonian. 14O00 CLIENTS money loan Immediately. . Attorney 415 Piatt bldg. Phone Main 614S. 00. $1000 AND upwards on improved real estate: ravoraoie terms- no oe ay: brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS. FARRTNGTON. 10 Fourth Street. Portland. Or. $1000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN on city or farm. no cmn."aimi. . v. " cu. .ity. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. a. H. Harding. 313 Chamber of Commerce LOANS on city ana farm property, & per cent up. r. rucn, 4-u tnam. or torn. FARM and city loans, 6 Per cent; no com nn sar.0. O0. $1200. $1S00. Fred W G erman & Co, 732 Chamber of Commerc e, HAVE clients with money to loan. Oliver M. MlcKey. Any., 00 r. oanit oiog. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co.. 434 Cham, of Com. $4000. 7 per cent, on farm or city realty, Will dlvlae to suit. main ah jo. itkd Eastern funds. 5 to 7 ter cen DOOLEY 4 CO., 312 Board of Trade bldg MONEY Any amount. O to 8 per cent. H. Sftz, 310 Spalding. Main 65b4. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON A CO.. ZOO OAK ST. Tut. MTHDrQAWuI6JPooAi FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. OUR Installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 06 months or $21.24 for 6u months, or $L3.17 for 80 months pays a $1000 (Oaa and In teresu Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for ouildlng purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSH. 243 St;trR Street. Portland, Or. RESIDENCE LOAN9 AT 6H PER CENZ Any Amount. No Delays Repayment Privileges. CLARK, KENDALL & CO, S05, 206 Northwestern Bank Bldg MOP.TGAfiH I 0 A "V S Any amount, low raws, promptly c Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIKKELL A CO.. tl7 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall -1114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount on Improved cttT and farm property ; wU consider good buildinsi loans. THE LAWRENCE COMPAXY, Main 6015. 153 4th St. A 2S15. Money to lan Chattels and Salaries. IF YOTJ NEED MONEY, SEE rjs. S ALAR IK S . . . CHATTELS. Loans made to persons on salary or fixed Income; on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property: legal rates. Business confidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN CO. t Licensed. 300-307 Dekuin Bldg. FURNITURE SALARY LOAN-S. LOANS. All that Is necessary to establish credit ' with us is that you eithes own furniture, pianos, or that you are working either will do COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. LICENSED. S17 Falling Bldg. HOME INSTALLMENT CO. -Organized by salaried men for mutual protection. Money advanced on salary, diamonds, furniture, etc. Easy Install ments. Legal rates. Securities purchased 202 McKay bldg. Main 1242. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portia nd business men to pro- tect borrower. C. Myers Herman, man ager, 3W Stark st Money loaned on dia monds. Jewelry, pianos, h. h. tumiture. lONEV to loan on diamonds, jewelry; legal . rate; all articles held 1 year; established, since isss. Dan Marx, 2 S3 Washington. PIANO and furniture loans; licensed by the vteu. narvey, 1 aoor a0tf. Loans Wan tea. WANT $600, $000 and $4000 on first-ciasa cojucuco properties. PEE MR, LEHMKUHL, THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS. I3So Northwestern Bank Bldg. $200 FOR one year, -6 pe -cent. Investi gation win prove security to be more than ample. AO 54. Oregoulan. WANT to borrow $12H on modern home. valued at $4&0u. McKenxlo & Co &la Gerlinger bldg. PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. 80-lnch wavy switcn, 2 sep. . .$1.50 24-inch wavy switch, 3 s;p. ........ . 1.0t All-arouna transtormatlou l.s- Hairuretiaing, suampooing, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring, -ic. Hair re moved by electric neeLe, switch made of comotnga. Hie We buy your coinoinga. banitary Pariors, 4.04l:d Dekum blua. od and Washington. Marshall 1TC2. FEB VET A HAN t: BUT, lesOing wig and toupe matters ; nnesi stoc liumau hair goutia; hairuresainjf , manicuring, fac and scalp treatment. hemova to Alder, near Brouu wty. Main 40. GERMAN trained nurss and masseuse gives treatment iur rneumatisin, lumuago, neu ralgia, etc., maisuK ana bam ; iady as a it ant. JilO Park; bu Mara hall 5U32. Hours l:;tu A. M. to 10 P. M. opva Sundays CHiKOPRACTIC, steam baths, lirht. heat. eiectric uu viuratory massage, ur, Alar garet Hayme, is we liana blug. Main I 700; REV MRS. J. C SCHOKI gives demonstra tions ounday. e P. M-, at Arcanum Haii. lUtf 13th st. Reads ually at Beverly lio tel. 1&0 Park sQcor. Yamhill. Mar. 5u7H. GKKMaN NCKkK, massage, eiectric blankets ana baths lor rneumatism. lumoago, neu ralgia, etc.; lady trained Duisa sistauu 200 11th st. Open Sundays. Marshall 0o7. MR FLOYD M. MARVEL. Dear Floyd, I sun in bale in with Ueorgia, everything Is swi lled. Your lather is very ill. ' Telegraph me immeaiately. AZA H. R1BBECKE, graduate dermatolo gist. Hair and biemisnus permanently re moved. 1-lMi 12ih. Wash. Mar. S200. KfcV. MARY L. LA MAR, Spiritualist me dium. Teaches palmistry and card read ing daily. 23o 6th St., cor. Main. feL&ci'RlG treatments for poor circulation rheumatism, lumbago, face and scalp; baths, 420 Clay u Main &&tt. &Pi RITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, circle Tuesday, 2 aud it P. M. and bun. 8 P. M. ruaoing daily.2U2 Clay. Mar. oio0. A 224. WOULD like to hear from Mrs. May JuUll, Xormeriy Mrs. jasper iiiiu bnrea HilL 4J N. 16th, corner lavls. MAlU.NELLO Treatments for scalp; eham-poo-boarti, electric dryer, etc o4 lasn hill: Marshall 02oS. aLhiKt'LUOoa HA.1K destroyed forever by multiple-needle method; consultation free. Mlie. ieL.uug, 0u4 bvatland blug. MRs7STEVENSr24 years In Portland; 20th century science ia palmistry taught; spirit ual readings daily. tu Tayiur at. lilA ii. to Kit, mental, spiritual scientist. 301 Tourney bldg., 10 to 4 uaily. Wriiteq questions Wed., 7:45 P. M. Mar. 3096. AbCAPaO pruinytiy reiieves headache, neiM ralgia and la grippe. For sale by Port land Hotel Pharmacy. ELECTRIC Cabinet," vapor and ininsrai baths, private rest rooms. Scientific mas sage. Ironsiae lnatitule, 327-2tf Pittock. itk. GRACE BELMONT, manicuring, vibratory massage. Of:ice 40, ad floor. Hofrfc Raw ay. KUst.NA i'AlLUK Masseuse anu icaip ape cta:it. 101 Park St. Marshall 31o0. MAY ANDREW'S teaches phrenology and card reading. 2h2 Park st. Main 7048. BALM OF FIGS COMPOUND, Hoi TouiO Tablets. 550 Hoyt st. Phone Main 23Uo. MASSAGE treatments, electric vibrator, by trained nurse. HOS 3d, Apt. C Main 104 a. MOLEn. superfluous hair removed. Mis. . D. Hill. 42l FIffdner bldg. Main 3473. SCALP, massage and shampooing. Room 1 acp Yamhill at., near Park, REV. CORA KINCANNON SMITH, the m dium. moved to 30 4th st. Main 7012. LIFE READER. Hart Apts., 170i 2d st apt. 15, 4th floor. Marshall 203L. SCALP, massage and shampooing. Room 1 30 Ysmhill St., near Park BEttrilE WA YLAND, facial massage, scalp treatments. SoOS Morrison su Otfice 202. MISS JOHNSON, chiropody, massage, light magnetic. Appointments only. Main 04. ELECTRIC treatments, ecalp and 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. MAGNETIC healer; treatments daily. 170 2d st., 4th floor, apt. U. Mar. 2407. FRANCE:! DE MAYO, scalp specialist. Sdlfe Morrtfcon st. Office 11. ELECTRIC treatments for rheumatism. Of fice, 215, SiSOW Morrison st. LIFE-READER Hart Apts.. 3 70 V 2d sU, apt. 15. 4th floor, 12 to 6 P. M. H. D. P.- -Have yon remembered 1901? "W. mm I "w p' T