the aroRxixd- oregoxian, Wednesday, jaxtjary 24, 1917. This directory Is tor the Information of the public, to give as far as pos sible the different lines of business which the average person may find occa sion to use. Any .fonpation which cannot be found here will be gladly fur nished by phoning Main 7070 or A 6095. House 40. ACCORDION PLEATIS& X. WEPHA.V, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cord., aide pleat, buttons covered; mail orders. 228 Plttock block. Broadway Iowa . AGATE CCTTKBS. "v.1.?4- Mf- Jewelers, expert watchmakers. . Millers, 343 Wasn., bet. Udwy. and Park. AS8AYERS AXnAXM,Ym ., 1A-NA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 sliver and platinum bought. 2d Gold, ATTORNEYS. " J: Makellm Probate, real estate, mining ana corporation law; abstracts and titles ---.Jiiueuj written opinions furnished. 1434 JNorthwestern bank blng. Main 5748. "l?fE?' 618 P'ttock block. Ho charge lor preliminary consultation. D. ilAHOXE, Marshall 0333. lawyer. 402 Panama bldg. CANCER. ''n. Johea. M. D. CANCER TREATED. Brewerbldg., J 3th and Alberta. Wain. 4108 CAKPET WEAVERS. r ,KliG,KO OIJ CARPETS, -v-i? SI.'- Iean,ln. refitting, etc. Morth west Rug Co.. las E. 8th su Both phones. ttXLtLoiu mrroxs, BAixiEa. THE Tnu-T n: I, r7T ."TT; , . M7 Washington st. Main 312 and A 12W. CHIBOPODIST. William, xusteile ami w am t - t . and Vli'tS"1 ch-opodists in the city! Parlors 802 Gerlinger bids:., coi ner to. and Aider. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPRACTIC fHVSIClAJ.8. EUUIXATINQ medicines -Permanent Tester InY Hpe".l". arugs or scare. Dr. McM., , . 1, 1 31 adjustments 10. Macltay bldg. ana Knockers boostTCa oue.t on. tL'11 1 1 D Tv A x Tr --. . . " th.r.i f cnlrPractor and electro Roo5.PafiS i?Peolali" n nervous disorders. Room 312 fewetland bldg. phone East 208? CIRCULAR aLETERS. C8E1onETE.R Cb- 610 W.-bldg. Alar. 682. 100 letters multigraphed for tl. COAL AND BRIQUETS. CHUHCHLET BROS Main 881. A Coal, Diamond Briquets. 8831. Kindling. COLLECTING AOBJiCY. W;,W- DAVIES. collections, Main 8529. BondedT rn"'"?" lsEH-. 7T CP w""cester bldg.Maln ll'tiO . No collection, no charge; established 190?: DANCING. Mbet'Js.r?ERHrSninsr Academy, si 6th". bet. Stark and Oak; 4 private lessors 2 A. M., P. M. eve; latest dances guaranteed class Thurs ooi. eve., wwj 2180. EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT, lujgs. TlSatme?i.b specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. F- Casseday, 617 Dekum bldg.. 3d A Wn! FIRE INSURANCE! PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO WHOLESALERS AND " AUTO AND BUGGE TOPS PUBREILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 209 2d ADTO SPRING MANUFACTURING. J-AMER SPRING CO.lng;" 4000 springs carried in stock. 15th & Couch sts BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Bag-age & Omnibus Transfer, Park A Davla WHOLESALE. T. rtink-olcnia.! 'r. 112 Sherlock Bldg, Third, corner Oak. GRAIN MERCHANTS. HOUSEK. Board of Trade bldg;. M. H. GROCERIES. WADHAMS & CO.. 67-75 Fourth street. HATS AND CAPS. THANHOUSER HATCO.. 03-55 Front St. HIDES, WOOL. CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS., 191 Front street. MANUFACTURERS LADIES' NECKWEAR. EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO., 85 5th St. PAINTS AND LIBKICV W. P. FULLER & CO., 12111 NG OILS. nd Davis ata REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. A BARGAIN THAT CAN'T BE EQUALED. READ DESCRIPTION. 8-room house, Rose City Park, first floors, large reception hall, oak floors, living-room, fireplace. bookcases, oak floors, dining-room, buffet, plate rail, panel wall, beamed ceiling, oak floor, ex tra room for music-room, den or bedroom, oak floors, kitchen convenient, back porch screened in. Toilet and lavatory down stairs; 2d floor, at bedrooms, windowed sleeping porch, bath, closets, etc.'; third floor, nice celled attic; basement, concrete wails, cement floor, wash trays. The house faces eust; streets paved, near car, $3740. TERMS. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, 3330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LIVE IN AN OREGON HOME BUILDERS' HOME. 5-rom and batli, modern Portland bun galow, entrance hall, fireplace, buffet, liardwood floors in living and dining-room, Dutch kitchen, breakfast alcove, range hood, other built-in features, light fix tures, shades, good stairway to attic, which has space for one or t.wo additional rooms, furnace, laundry tri.'s, garage, all im provements in. 730 E. 21st st. No., between , Fremont and Klickitat, lrviugton Addition Easy terns. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, l;J30 Northwestern Bank Bids. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME 7 WE PLAN AND BUILD ANY THING, residence to factory, or any con struction; sketohes and estimates free, fur nish the money if desired. All depart ments one office. We actually save you money. Our reputation your protection. L. R. BAILEY CO.. Inc., Contracting Ar chltects. 324 Ablngton bldg. $700 TAKES 5-room house and large corner lot. Cash $500. The lot alone is worth the money. 4110 Henry bldg. Suburban Home Property. IDBAL SUBURBAN HOMESITB. From 1 to 10 acres, rich land, well developed commualtr; 30 minutes out. with 30 big red steel trains daily each way through it. Buy now at our low prices and easy pay ments. Let us show you. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. A NICE COUNTRY HOME. $2250; 3 acres of good land in a high State of cultivation, fruit, lawn and flow ers; good 4-room house, small barn, good poultry-house, pony, 6 dozen thorough bred chickens, garden implements includ ed; place is on a good auto road about 10 minutes' walk from station; terms. 'Ye A. McKenna & Co., 727 C. of C. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, close to csrline, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1 or Sellwood 476. JOHN GIBSON. Owner. HomeNteeds. RELINQUISHMENT for sale in Jefferson County. 10 miles from R. R.. 104 from town; plenty neighbors; all fenced, good liouse, sprinjr on the place. 20 acres in ' cultivation, 13 acres in Fall wheat. AF 54 Oreironian. HOMESTEAD relinquishment. three-room house, second-growth fir, good spring. 34 miles town. p. O. box 111, Myrtle Creek. Or. 640-ACJ.E homesteads, some with water; Crook. Harney and Lake counties. Fer guson. Gerilngcr bldg. For Sale Acrrocp. CHOICE SUBURBAN ACRE TRACT. Fine 5-room modern, bungalow, large living-room with fireplace, dinlng-coom with built-in buffet. 2 nice bedrooms, up-to-date Dutch kitchen, bathroom, 1 acre land, all cleared except some nice shade trees; garage and chicken-house; located near Buckley ave. and Powell Valley road. Price $16oo; terms $700 cash, bal ance easy. LUE DDE. MANN COMPANY. VH:i Chamber of Commerce. 8 1-3 ACRES! All tinder cult., improved with god small house, good small barn, some young cherries, some full bearing apple trees, ciKht at Nasoma station on Ort-gon Elec tric, first station beyond Tualatin; mtg. $18i0; look it over, then como in and xnake cash offer. CALL AN A KASER" 4 414 Oregon Bldg. 5th and Oak. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHE Near Portland; $75 to $200 per acre; easy terms, best soil, farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. 5Qa Yeon bldg Portland. 5 ACRES. 11 ml. to Courthouse. nearH S road. All in cult. Price $J75. Easy terms J. A. Turner, 202 Failing bldg ONE ACRE, Vs mile from Lents Junction. 5c carfare, fruit tree. $950. L. S374. nit. HIGH-GRADE Newcastle coal per ton de livered. Diamond 'briquets J6.S0. for 10 days only. 418 Halsey. Phone Tabor 2811. C 1237. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. bicycles. Phone Main 53, -Motorcyle and A 2153. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICUS S. WHY PAY HOKE? A SAVING OF 25 TO 50. Properly fitted glasses as low ." as il.SO; 4000 satisfied customers. satisfaction guaranteed. Chaa. man, optometrist, 2ua Morrison. Main .i-v MUSICAL. EMIL THIKLHOB, Violin Sevclk. 207 Fliedner bldg. Teacher, pupil Marshall PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22years' experlcence U. and foreign patents, tool Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Alisky bldg. Get my new booklet, "Chronic Disease . it s mn. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Fastory ana office near 24th and York sts. Main 84S. PRINTING. KEYSTONE" PRESS J. E. Gantenbeln, Mgr. Printing and linotyping. loOtt Front at. corner Star. Main or A 118. llAC KLGs AND FLUFF BUGS. 1. From Old Carpets jj 1 1 fluff Runs t . , Jl.. 1 . Rmvi-n Axminster. rag rugs, all sizes; mail orders prompt; booklet WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO., 54-56 Union ave. N. East 6518, J3 14TS. " REAL ESTATE DEALERS. '" PALMKR-JONES CO., H. P.. 404 Wilcox bid RUPTURE AND PILES. RUPTURE AND PILES Successfully treated without operation, pain or detention from business. P. O. Box 1087. Portland. Or: STORAGE AND TRANSFER. FREE MOVING. Telephone for our proposition; we can save you money; storage, packing, mov ing, shipping. Modern Brick Storage Warehouse. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO Office 105 Park bc Main 51o, A 105L Warehouse 44-48 E. 6th St. N. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Household ffnnds SDeclallsts; storage, uataius, urn- and movine: horse or auto vans; special freight rates to all points. C O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE 2d and Pine sts. Broadway 5i)6. A CO.. 1986. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gilsan 1 St.. corner 13th Telephone Main 69 or A 1168; We own and operate two large class 'A warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest In surance rates In the city. MADISON 6T DOCK AND WAREHOUSE. Office. 180 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 769L WOOD. GREEN AND DRY SLABWOOD. blockwood. Panama Fuel Co. Main 5720. A 6899. MANUFACTURERS NON-INTOXICATING BEVERAGES. WEIN HARD'S GOLDEN AMBER NECTAR. Henry Weinhard Plant, 13th and Burnalde sts. Phone Main 72, A llitt. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. RASMUtesEN & CO.. 2d and Taylor sts. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-86 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, 84-86 Front St. PRINTING. I". W. BALTES A COMPANY. First A Oak sts. Main 165. A 116i PRINTING ' PRODUCE. PRODUCE, driea iruiL, correspondence so llclted. Union Produce Co., 128 Union ave. PRODUCE1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING A FAREELL, 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portlanq Corruage Co.. 14tn and Northrup. SASH, doors Aiwn r.i.AKa FULLER at CO.. 12th and Davis sts WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d St. REAL ESTATE. For Salt; Acreage. CHEAP ACREAGE. 5 acres, 5250.- lo down, $5 per month, buys 5 acres of land between Portland and Centralla, on the main line of 3 railroads. mi es from a town of 800 population, sawmills and shingle mills. Some of this land is partly cleared; running streams, some bottom and some bench. Some of the land is good onion land. Can give you any kind of a piece you want r-if?Pi 1 ?-:,. tracts at Clatskanie. Ciatskanie lies half way between Portland of ntSirW Clatskanie has a population or luuu. Cheese factory, cannery and creamery lie 1 mile from town: from 5er Zfj'0 per acrl: a Per a"-e down, $1 per acre per month. ?cByL'REAr' ESTATE CO.. 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. BEAVERTON ACREAGE. " j ,acres. some beaverdam, bal rich and hJm' Bl,' under cult" eod 'house ft , T"', e.ood county road, close to sta tion, ideal for onions or garden truck; a snap for quick sale; owner moved to Cali fornia; price $3500; $1500 cash, batl time ... CALLAN & KASER. 414 Oregon Bldg. 5th and Qak 11 VC..RES Iisnat In clty- on railroad; fine nuin 0ry" 0513 or AP 3' Orego- For bale Farms. 160 ACRES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED aa-ST JmProyeinents. some under cult.. JTL Watseied ?,y stream and creeks, some,r' 6s aUes to a good town, in Cow 1IU County: 9 cows, .6 heifers to come rresh soon. 1 bull, some young stock. 1 span horses. 1 colt and all farming im fonmtiin,e. -500; $2500 cash bal. CALLAN jr. ICASli-Tj 414 Oregon Bldg. otn and Oak acres tinder cultivation, some good tim ber, bal. pasture; loan company appraised this and loaned $4500; present owner niust sell and will let it go for very lit tle over the mortgage, although mortgage has 4 years to run; 3 horses. 3 cows 3 heifers hogs and all new implements go with place; owner must have $700 in cash Make offer to W. B. PEAIRS, Sweet Home. Or 5000 ACRES In Southwestern Washington lor saie. to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices. $3 per acre and up. Writs for map showing location, terma etc WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY . .lu m, V anil. SMALL MISSOURI FARM, $10 CASH and $5 monthly; no interest or taxes; highly nro ductive land; close to three big markets Write Jor photographs and full lnforma tlon. Munger. A-241 N. Y. Life bids Kansas City. Mo. " 160 A. RIVER BOTTOM 33 acres cult.. 2 acres prunes. 2 acres apples, good wild pasture. 4-room box house. 2 barns. $2.-.0 cash rent in advance. A. J. Brown. R. D. No. 1. Barton. Or NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS. Eastern Montana, at $2.50 to $18 per acre1 suitable for faijiilns or grazing; easy terms. For information write or sea w E. Holt. Miles City. Mont. Logged-off lands, $10 a. up. running water SSip:,it: "i"' farms cleared, improved. $25 d$wn. J. R. Sharp. 557 Sherlock bldg FIB 15-acre farm, modern improvements. . . ni.tI'u?B' rlde y auto. Owner. No trade AL 35. Oregoman. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE VILL improve on your own lot. supply plans. Incorporate your own ideas, arrange financing and build your home on small cash payment, balance on easy terms to suit; satisfaction guaranteed. Call East olo. Enterprise Home Builders. WANT 2 adjoining lots In Rose City and 2 in Bellecrest. near carline and corners pre ferred, SEE MR. LEHMKUHL. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS. 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LOT WANTED. On account of transfer, must sell near ly new Laurelhurst home, located near art and car- Wl" taK-e good clear lor. W. T. Downing. Main 1700. WANTED Client with modern home. Pied mont district, wants acreage near trans portation to .ioo. ralimadge Realty Co . 81i Henry bldg. Mar. 3r.5. WANT nice home up to $10,000; wiil assume to S300O and give clear property for bal ance. Badley. 621 Yeon. Main 4S1 WANT well-located vacant lota in Irving ton Park If priced right. Tallmadge Realty Co.. 619 Henry bldg. Mar. 355. ABOUT 2 acres for poultry Tais!ngTPrefer buildings on place. AN 64, Oregonian. , MODERN dairy ranch, 2 miles from Port land; will sell stock and eoulDment cheap. Sale for milk on place at $2.40 per hun- ueu. isoor ow. r OK RENT Elegantly emiinned -hickn ranch, quarter mile city limits, Estacada -vi. jciaiu .0". FOR RENT In city, old packing house, suitable for poultry feeding. Address Frank L- Smith, Smithshlre. Scappoose, Or. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. M'CRACKEN. 304 M'KAY BLDG. C. J. FOR SALE 640 acres saw timber, near E. B- For particulars address E. E. LOB AN, GOLDEN, OREGOS. SAW MILL, 25.000 feet capacity, at own figure. T 36. Oregonian. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. I WANT timber lands (fir and cedar); full paruculars in first letter. O 952. gonian. give Ore- TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. , AN EXCHANGE OF MERIT. 00 acres first-class going farm. 30 miles aiuiu roruana, x mile from Willamette River and boat landing, 3V4 miles to elec tric line; 45 acres under plow, 6-acre pas ture with running water and enough tim ber for fencing and fuel, balance light clearing, well-drained, productive land; 6 room plastered house, fireplace, water piped from spring to tankhouse. kitchen and bath-; good barn; mostly under woven wlre fenee; 3 horses, 6 cows and heifers, chickens, some machinery, hay and feed; $9000; take Portland modern home to $6000. balance time. I. McChesney. 332 Chamber of Commerce -bldg. Main 7102. EXCHANGE FOR' ACREAGE. I wish to exchange a well located, rea sonably close In, East Side. 50x100 lot. This has cost $2600 and is free from any Indebtedness except $30 street Improve ments; am offered' a $1000 loan on this lot. Want 5 acres or more, close In to Port land; need not necessarily be Improved. SJi?. MUST BE ON GOOD ROAD AND DESIRABLE PROPERTY. Might assume small Indebtedness. Please describe your property fully, p 8. Oregonian. 6-ROOM bungalow, completely furnished, player piano, two Improved lota, valued at $8000. for a farm in Oregon or Wash ington in 2 years; mortgage $1000 due. WM. J. SWEETMAN. 1867 Kearney Ave., San Diego, Cal. 2 LOTS. 100x100, corner 6th and Morgan sts 2 blocks Woodlawn School, 2 blocks car Restricted district; might take in ex change acre or so close in near car, im proved or unimproved. Also have a mod ern 5-room house. Sell or trade. AO 53 Oregonian. LAURELHURST 8-room house a $2200 first mortgage, $1000 second mortgage, payable In monthly installments is the amount due. Feb L The place is valued at $4500. 'Will consider acreage, lots, Bma.ll Portland bungalow; no objection to mortgage if not Beavy. Call Tabor 5433. IMPROVED BUSINESS CORNER. 105x82, two-story modern bldg. ; stores downstairs, apartments above; three cot tages of 5 rooms each on same lot. Every thing is occupied. Value $16,000. Will trade for good improved farm. RICHANBACH & CO.. 707 LEWIS BLDG. FOR SALE or trade, six rooms, bath, gas, electricity, 50x100; very cheap; house rauieo.; uear jseimont school and Sunny. side car. Trade for West Side or Irving AE 52. Oregonian. ton lots. WE have number of elegant buva in the way of small bungalows for anyone look ing for a home ofvthat character. CALLAN A KASER. 414 Oregon Bldg. cth and Oak. DESIRABLE trades to offer for house equities, vacant lots, first end second mortgages, contracts, unimproved land, etc.- E. J. Roberson, 703 Title A Trust bldg. Marshall 240. I HAVE 220 acres -of timber 45 miles east of Eugene on Mackenzie llighway, free of Incumbrance; want tt or 8-room modern home; will assume or pay difference. W 54, Oregonian. HOUSE in Seattle, clear but $60 street im provement; 40 acres, clear, everything Portland property. At 205 'fr Morrison st. I WILL trade my eauitv In lot ftnvloo- it has bldg. 20x40; for Ford touring car. Ad- " j -a., o pl. lii, city. IMPROVED 80. $0000; would divide: want residence. Owner, Chauncey Barney, Ore gon City. IRVINGTON- Unincumbered1 lots for Port- land unincumbered house. Riggs. Main 27. WE exchange want. Brace, your property for what you 507 McKay bldg. FOB SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Harness. Etc PUBLIC SALE . JANUARY 30, 1917. Commencing at 1:30 p. M. Sharp. There will be offered at public sale 30 head of mares and geldings, well broke, single and double, ranging from 900 to 1000 lbs., ages from 3 to 12 years old. . 25 sets of double farm harness, all in good condition. 10 sets of heavy express harness. 7 sets of single buggy harness. -12 farm wagons, heavy and light, all ready for use. 10 express wagons, all In working con dition. Several buggies and hacks, all-in good shape; also some fresh and some coming fresh cows. This above property will be sold to the highest bidder, as I am going out of business. This Auction Will be at My Place. J. COHEN. 54ti Front St. SPAN of mares, bred to Imported horse, good workers, free of blemishes, weight 2900 lbs. Price $240. Span of geldings. 7 and 9 years old. weight 2o00 lbs., free of blemishes; will work single or double, SJ13U. Span of brown mares, 5 and ft years old weight 2350 lbs., free of blemishes, good1 workers. $170. Also a new shipment of good, blocky-built young horses and mares weight from 1200 lbs. to 170O lbs. At Model Stables. 5th and Davis sts. HORSES WANTED. We have buyers for all classes of horses and mares through our commission auc tion sale Thursday. 2 o'clock. We guaran tee the highest market price and cash PORTLAND HORSE SALE CO.. jtwa-aio r run r s r. NOTICE. HORSE BUYERS. We have lots of horses and mares that we. want to sell, 1100 to 1600 lbs., at Portland Van & Storage Co. barn, S E cor. 16th and Raleigh sts. S. or 16th-st.' cars. COLUMBIA STABLES, under new manage ment Prompt attention given to transient trade and boarders. Horses for hire, also bought and sold on commission. Phil suetter. 300-302 Front st., corner Co- luiii-jiK main ooou. WILL always, have from 20 to 40 draft . -------- j . raucn norses; guaranteed as represented or morftey re funded; harness and wagons of all kinds Columbia Stables, 302 Front St.. cor Co lumbla. Main 3030. Phil Suetter. ' DEAD HORSES and animals hauled away free; $6 paid for cows, crippled and played outs Portland Rendering Co. Call Wood lawn 20. CAPITAL STABLES, 287 FRONT ST Just received, a carload of horses "and mares. 5 to 7 years old, from 1200 to lSQO lbs. H. Glearman, prop. - PORTLAND AUCTION SALES STABLE CO" every Tuesday and Friday. Cattle, horsesT ha-i:ess. vehicles bought and sold on com mission. 240 E. Sth st- East 8118 DEAD animals Jlandled; $6 and up paid for dead cows: cash paid for dead and down-and-out horses. Milwankie 69J. Call us TWO delivery wagons and one team of horses for sale cheap. Midway Bakery 1287 Milwaukie st. WANT to buy horses and mares. 11O0 to 1600 lbs. We pay highest cash prices. Call A 3 566. Jl'OO-LB. HORSE with long box buggy, good as new, and single harness, $95. Marshall 4055 DEAD HORSES Get our prices before dls--posing of dead cows, horses, crippled stock Oregon Bone Meal Works, Lenta. Tab. 4203! $2S00 GUARANTEE with gooseneck "wagon and harness. $65. Mar. 4055. HORSES, wagons, buggies and harness for sale. Apply 20 Grand ave. N ANTED One Rood. all-aronnrf horse. weight about 13Q0 lbs. East 2220. FOR SALE: Wagons and horses cheap. 88 E. 7th st. North. . HORSES for hire by day or month C W Townsend Co.. 880 Front. Main 157L Pianos, Organs and Musical InutramgntsT $140 CASH buys $350 piano! modem, up right, real ivory keys, not a stencil Har old S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st. WILL exchange my splendid modern $450 piano, now at the Security Storage Co 109 4th st.. for clear city lot. DRGAN for sale, Ciough A Warren upright, second-band, in good condition; $15 caaii! Call Main 1241. u. $143 CASa buys $350 modem upright piano. Security Storage Co.. 109 4th st. HAVE new $100 Vlctroia. will sellfor $75 Have good Ludwig Piano for $175. Tabor 6-.ti'fr or B 2868. r WANTED Piano, good make and must be In good condition. AB 50, Oregonian. I PAY cash Tor used pianos. Harold 8. Gll bert. 394 Yamhill st- $10O MAHOG. Victrola and records, slightly used, a snap. $65. Broadway 8i7. FOB KALE. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. STORAGE SALE $275 piano, $35 cash; $325 upright,- $45 cash; $350 upright, $95 cash; $375 upright, $145 cash: $450 upright, $190 cash; $250 player. $25 cash; $650 player piano. 290 cash; $750 baby grand. $345 cash. 109 4tn st.. at Washington st- OM.T 5 DOWM buys new $350 grade piano at $265, balance $1.25 weekly, all in 2i years and without interest. Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th st.. at Washington. $50 CASH. $50 in 3 months and $55 in months buys $375 modern- piano for $155 l mo oecunty etorage i;o.. lutt etn St. HORNLESS PHONOGRAPH, 16 SELEC- riu-s. JIO. EDISON AND 80 RECORDS, 128 FljtST ST, CASH PAID for Edison Diamond Disc Vio- troia or uraionoia. stricHy . confidential. n r ow, iiregonian. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS WANTED. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID. MAl.N 44WO. RENT A PIANO Most reasonable terms In x-orxiana; no squares or thump boxes. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 884 YamhllL $95 CASH buys $250 Jewell upright ma hogany piano at Security Storage Co., 109 Fturah st. Furniture for Bale. STANDARD talking machine, oak case, with v Bpienam ciouDie-aisc recoras. adso lutely same as new: cost J35. for S15 the complete outfit. Gevurtz Furniture -Co., 185 to 191 First St. At the big elec trie sgn. LARGE quarter-sawed oak buffet, abso lutely as good as new; sold recently for $40; our price, $25. easy terms. Mish 1 Fur. Co.. 184 First st. HAVE new 1100 Victrola. will sell for 75. Have good Ludwlg piano for $175. Tabor of9 or j z&os. FOR SALE Second-hand safes, all sizes. Kliham'e. 8th and Oak sts. FURNITURE for sale. 1077 Woodward ave. Phone Sellwood 1814. Dogs. Birds and Pet Stock. LADDIX AIREDALES ARE BEST. LADDIX KENNELS. ESTACADA. OR. Poultry. FINE cockerel and' five pullets. Barred Plymouth Rock, also Cyphers 140-egg in- - cubator, as good as new. for sale. East 6969. Livestock. FOR SALE One dairy route, 25 cows. 4 horses, 2 Jersey bulls, 4 yearlings and farming implements; one mile east of Lents on Foster road. Call Tabor 6323. Typewriters. NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manufacturers guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase: visible models $3 mo.; ' $7.50 for 8 mos. Other- models less Rem ington -Typewriter Company, 86 Broadway Telephone Broadway 62L WE can save from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our Illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE BALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash, at. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates, p. D. Co., 231 Stark st. Main 1407. CORONA portable folding typewriter. Main 2285. E. W. Pease Co., agents, 110 6th at. Automobiles. USED CAR AUTO SHOW. This Is second in Importance only to the big show of new cars comln; at the Armory. In our big display room of this department we have arranged our cars of standard, well-known makes for easy inspection. BETTER STILL THE LOWEST PRICES EVER MADE ARE HERE FOR THIS EVENT. You -can buy the kind of a car you want at less than you expected to pay for it. and on your own terma SEE THE CLASSY BUGS, touring cars, sedans, taxis, trucks, delivery wagons. EXTRA SPECIAL PACKARD BUG. Used Car Dept. Northwest Auto Co 331 Couch St. Open Evenings and Sundays. ATTENTION. t.tY. have several" . bargains In used BLICKS which have - been thoroughly overhauled and guaranteed. At prices from $175 up; also have CADILLACS OVER LANDS CHALMERS COLUMBIA KNIGHT STUDEBAKER -? from tl-5 up. on easy terms HOWARD AUTO CO.. 14th and Davis. FOR USED CAR BARGAINS SEE THE WINTON CO 23d and Wash. Sts. . Main 4244. DID YOU EVER investigate our bargains In all makes of used cars? Dodges. Fords, Cadillacs, many others. See these at once or phone Main 6244 for information. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. LATE MODEL 1916 DODGE. 5-passenger touring car, equipped with one extra tire, bumper, rail and cloth covered cushions. Haa run about 9000 miles. Has Just had engine overhauled and is otherwise in first-class order A bargain at $650. Can be seen at the White Garage. Park and Couch sts. FORD. FORD. Late model, electric lights and $100 worth of equipment, $295. Covey Motor Car Co., Main 0244. FOR SALE H4-ton Kelly Springfield truck. vvuumuu, new .ires, completely over hauled, $80, terms to resposible party Bargain in White truck, first-class con dition, new tire and thoroughly over hauled; terms to responsible party AL 54. Oregonian." . O. B. MINERS A CO.. Btartinir and Lighting Experta Fifth and Gilsan Sta. Entrance, on 5th. at. FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co., 21st STEARNS, cost $3700, red upholstering, new want a real car or a car to make Into a bug. see this one. Any reasonable offer accepted. 329 Davis st. LIGHT, 6-cylinder chassis, electric lights and starter, cord tires, thoroughly over hauled; $200 down will handle.. Broad wyty Garage. E. 24th and Broadway. 1916 DODGE, fine mechanical shape, good tires, one extra casing and tube, has had the best of care, Braly Auto Co . 19th and Washington. . Main 4S8Q, A 3881 JEFFRY truck. v ton. good as nw, long w-heel base, biggest bargain in Portland. KlsselKar branch. Bdwy. and Davis St. FORD touring. 1916 model. Klaxon horn, ex cellent mechanical condition. Sellwood 309. 1915 FORD DELIVERY. Has had very little use; tires practically ew; $:50: terms. 3G3 Oregon. East 7222. SEVERAL very cheap cars for - delivery. $150 up; good mechanical shape; terma 329 Davis st. OVERLAND. 1915. model 80. nrst-class me chanlcally, repainted. See it at 363 Ore gon. East 7222. $195 FOR '13 FORD. First-class mechanical shape, good tires. haselectrlc lights. 863 Oregon. East 7222. FORD. late model, lots of extras,-ne w tires, excellent shape; sold at a bargain if taken now. 329 Davis St. BUICK 5-passenger, 1914. B 25. in good shape, all good tires and one extra. $450 Main 414. . NEW 1917 FORD turtleback for roadster - only $4 If taken at once- 192 1st st. $270 DEPOSIT on any 19l8' Studebaker for 200. Marshall 1264. 1918 OVERLAND, model 83. like new, $550 Broadway Garage. E. 24th and Broadway! USED AUTO PARTS at less than half price. Auto Wrecking Co.. 89 .N. Broadway. SLIGHTLY used tires. $5to$10 each; vul canized. 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. 1914. 5-pass. Overland, electric lights and starter., $350. Owner. Woodlawn 4478. FORD . touring, demountable rims, 5 new tires, car like new. SeUwood Sua. FOB SALE. Automobiles. MONEY TALKS. HALF CASH SAME AS ALL, CASH. GREAT BUY IN FORD. .$200 Another FORD snap 1918 Ford, in fine shape, lots of extras, always been a private car, only .$265 MAXWELL. 5-pass.. bargain. .$260 Two 1916 MAXWELLS, touring cars, made like new. ....$490 and $500 WHITE car .$330 No buys like these. We are mak ing room for Spring stock. Good, serviceable 5-pass. INTER STATE automobile. SO-horsepower. dandy machine for family or stage use; whole lot of automobile for only $235 Late CADILLAC auto, electric lights and starter; always kept in Al condition by private owner; noth ing like it tor sale in Portland for our price $500 1915 HUDSON, light Six. We have resold thirty of these for our cus tomers that wanted Super-Six Hudsons and this one is the best buy we have had for a long time; only S700 We have eight more good bargains in heavy automobiles. A LARGE 1914. 6-CYL. COLE. LARGE 1915,-CYL. HUDSON. LARGE 1914. 6-CYL. HUDSON. A STEARNS KNIGHT. another Cadillac, two or three stage cars, all to be sold at forced prices. BOSS A PEAKE AUTOMOBILE CO, Successors to C. L. Boss A Co., 615-617 Washington St., Portland. USED AUTO SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. 3913 Overland $323 1913 Maxwell 3S5 1914 Studebaker 450 1916 Maxwell 450 1915 Mitchell 675 ALSO SEVERAL OTHERS. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVER CO, East First and East Morrison Sts. East 7272. B 1216. 1914 STUDEBAKER. SIX-CYLINDER. . Seven-passenger, excellent condition. Price, $575. Terms, $250, balance .$35 per month. BENJ. E. BOONE A CO.. 614 Alder St. Main 3968. FORD 1-TON TRUCK. Wright attachment, solid tires in rear. We nave two Fords so equipped; take your choice; $500, terma 363 Oregon. East 7222. Automobiles Wsnted. TRUCK OR AUTO WANTED. Have lo aires, near Sacramento. Cel., also a first mortgage on Wenatchee or chard land, amount $250. The 10 acres is valued at $1250, mortgage only $475. Make me an offer. W. . B. PEAIRS. Sweet Home. Or. SPOT CASH FOR 'YOUR FORD. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. Authorized Ford Agent. E. 3199. East 13th and Hawthorne Ave, WE will pay cash for late model Fords, Dodge Bros, or Buick autos. Boone A Co.. 514 Aider St. Main 8966. SPOT CASH FOR OLD CARS. AUTOS REPAIRED FREE. ADCOX. 3S8 BURNSIDE. CASH for light cais. Fords preferred. Main 3716. Washington st. Garage. Aulo TireH and Ac-eeMsoiiea. 100-GAL. gasoline tank and Kellogg pump, 25. 518 Corbctt bldg. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS without driver for hire. Long A Sllva, 462 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. 6840. AUTOS for rent without drivers. 450 E. Hawthorne. East 1628. NEW SAXON 6. highway, depots, funerals. calling.shopplng; reasonable. East 4582. GOOD 1ft -ton Federal truck by the day or month. Pnone Woodlawn 742. AUTOd without drivers for hire. City Ga rage. 66 10th st. Mar. 1S97. A 4246. NEW 5-pasa Dodge for hire, touring, call ing and shopping.. Main 7435. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLE BUPFLY CO.. 20S 4th St. Harley-Davldeon motorcycles and ac cessories. Largest exclusive dealers in motorcycles in the state. Main 7889. FOR SALE Al twin Excelsior motorcycle, 1915, $125, easy terms. Call at 707 Haw thorne ave. at East 20th st. Mactilnery. FOR SALE 12 H. P. Fairbanks-Morse gas oline engine, one 2-H. P. stover, one 8 H. P. steam boiler, all In good condition, make us an offer. AN 53, Oregonian. . M IsceilaneouH. FOR SALE. 1 Country Campbell press. 1 Chandler A Price Job, 10x15. 1 Paper cutter and type of all kinds to operate a daily paper, at right price. Address Lock Box 32. Peck, Idaho. SEWING MACHINE. 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be closed out. Dropheada, $5 and up; box tops $2 and up. S. S. Sieget, two stores, aai vvaBn. ana ive Aider st. CASH REGISTERS slightly used; our prices are lower. Cash Register Exchange. 351ft w asriliig iun sl. -uain ovo. FOR SALB or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co., 76 1st. Main 2363 SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent or sale: all grades; large selection. Pacific Stat'y A Ptg. Co.. 107 2d st. Main 1971. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent; expert repairing Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnside st- Broadway or A 5674. FINE BICYCLE. MUST BE SOLD TODAY. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. 128 FIRST ST. FOR SALE 60-ton Shay geared locomotive. Call or address Ull Alaska Diag., teattle. Wash. NEW and second-hand books and magazines bought, sold, exchanged; rented school books. Johnson Book Store, 210 4th St. CASH REGISTERS, safes and store fivtures. riochteld -tiros.. .1 Morrison st. Main 4234. - PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. L. Howard, 212 4th St. Main 1806. PLUMBING supplies Stark-Davis Co.. 212 t wholesale prlcea 3d St. Main 797. TWO flat-top desks, 1 roll-top 'desk, 1 filing caotnet; also cnairs. mi 1 ar X sns H. P., 3-phase, G. E. motor; Dayton com puting scales; showcase. Main 3716. BARGAINS in second-hand barber chalra Kemp Barber Supply Co.. gTl Wash, st. WELL-ROTTED horse and cow manure. Phone East 8169. MACHINERY bought, sold and repaired. N. v . Lead & -Macninery io., 311 ront st. GENUINE ENGLISH TOFFEE sold only at The Trail Candy Shop. 702 Wash. st. SODA fountain and back bar, cpmplete. t51 K. Morrison St., or E. 5374. ' ELcJCTKic vacuum cleaning at your home, 85c a rug. Marshall 608. FOR SALE Good seed potatoes, $1.50 faun dred pounds. Tabor 743. 1028 East Alder. CASH REGISTERS, . sates, store fixtures Portland Cash Register Co. 1st A Yamhlli. FURNITURE WANTED. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. wants all kinds of second-hand furniture. We also buy merchandise stocks of any descrip tion. 166-lt First su. bet. Morrison and Yamhill Main 4633. " CAN USE GOOD FURNITURE of any . description; have the ready cash; phone today. Ma:n 4627 or 204 First st. WANT second-hand furniture.; will pay more than Portland secoud-haud dealers. Waldo. Main 4773. . FURNISHING APT.-HOUSE. NEED FURNI- Tl'RE. NO DEALERS. CASH PAID. MAIN 4405. GEO. BAKER A CO.. Masonic Temple bldg.. pay cash for furniture, rugs, etc Phone Main 3332. PARTY would like to buy household gooda ru8. etc., for cash. Marshall 1S22. BE WISE Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co. Main 8951. 191 2d st. Cash paid for household furniture, show-cases, safes, cash registers. Main 6999. WANTED Furniture in fiat or bouse. West Side, close in. Main 8103. WILL pay cash for 2d-hand furniture. Call Mr. Washburn. Marshall 4783. FU RNITURE WANTED. MISH FURNITURE CO. WILL PAY HIGH EST ' CASH PRICS FOR YOCR USED OFFICE AND HOUSEHOLD Fv AN IT URIC CARPETS. RUGS. ETC. 184 1ST ST. MAIN S76S. OEVCBTZ FURNITURE STORE, 207 FIRST STREET, desire the publle to knosr'-thst we stlll'- conunue to psy tne highest cash price for used furniture, rugs, stoves, etc PHONE MARSHALL 687. MONEY TALKS. We pay the best cash prices for house hold or office furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges. For prompt attention phone GEVURTZ FURNITURE. INC.. . 385 to 491 1st st- Mar. 5981. A 8224. THE GREATER PORTLAND New and 2d-hand store pays the highest price for your 2d-hand household goods. 1U3-OT 1st st. A 3165. Marshall 6321. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. will buy your used furniture and all kinds of tools and pay you ail it is worth. Our THREE LARGE STORES are ample proof that we handle nearly everything you need In the home or elsewhere. CASH OR EXCHANGE. 221-25 Front St- Phone Main t07g. CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED. My specialty is buying gentlemen's clothing and paying positively 50 per cent more than any other dealer. We - need stock to supply our chain of customera See us before selling your old clothing and shoea Will call any place in the city. Marshall 3225. or 209 Madison St. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. $7.50 PAID FOR MEN'S SUITS $7.50. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS" SUITS. SHOES, AND EVERYTHING l.M MERCHANDISE. MAIN 2080. GLOBE STORE. MAIN 2O&0. . 285 FIRST ST.. NEAR JEFFKRSON. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. MEYER, THE TAILOR, PAYS $7.50 AND UP FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. HE PAYS YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYER. MARSHALL 1229. 229 MADISON ST. ONE-PLY new roofing paper, $1 per roll; 2-ply new roofing paper $1.35 per roll; 3 ply new roofing paper $1.50 per roll. J. Leve. 189 Front, bet. Taylor and Yamhill. CLEAN UP for the new year. Machinery, scraplron, suppllea metal or Junk. See M. Barde A Sons. 24 years In Portland. Main 663. Front and Main sts. WANTED To buy for cash, late model yarding engine, size about 1214x12. or 11 X13. Address National Lumber A Co., Hoquiam. Wash. BIG SALE on new and slightly usee, tools, cables and miscellaneous supplies, greatly reduced prices. J. Leve. 189 Front, bet. Taylor and Yamhill. WANTED A second-hand 3-H. P. steam boiler in good order, cheap for cash. Ad dress AV 453. Oregonian. SECOND-HAND rails. 20. 40 and 60 lbs., suitable for relaying. Highest prices paid. G 52, Oregonian. WE BUY used furniture, stoves, ranges, carpets, rugs, clothing, shoes, and pay the best irrices. Call Marshall 5667. 2D-HAND CLOTHING BUYER: BE WISE AND GET FULL VALUE FOR YOUR 2D HAND CLOTHING. 20H4 1ST. MAIN 734. CASH for your old gold, silver, platinum and high-;rade ore. H. M. Pickering, mfg. Jewe'er. 218 Oregonian bldg. BIG SALE new Manila' rope. 35 cents per pound. J. Leve. 189 Fron. bet. Taylor and Yamhill. WANTED Drums end traps to rent for one or two evenings. Experienced drum mer. AN 56, Oregonlan.- ROLL-TOP desk and swivel chair and two office chairs. BF 11, Oregonian. WANTED Cash registers, safes and show cases. 160 First st. Phone Main 4234. " WANTED National " cash regie t. ' Main 606. 351 H Washington st WE buy and sell new and, second-hand suit casea and trunks. Main 9072. WANTED--YoungSt. Bernard dog. Ad dress AV 504. Oregonian. DELIVERY body for Ford car, 'cash: must be In good condition. 391 E. 10th st. WILL take best of care of piano for stor age; no children. Phone Woodlawn 1572. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. CALL MAIN 4776 OR 24 FIRST ST. JUNK WANTED. All kinds of Junk bought. Marshall 8225. AUTOMATIC rifles, shotguns, pump guns. , kodaks and lenses. Hochfeld. 85 Third at. HELP WANTED MALE. RAILWAY mail clerks. $9O0 first year, pro motion to $1800; examinations Feb. 10. every state; common education sufficient with my coaching. Write, free booklet, QO 869N. full information. Earl Hopkins. Washington. D. C. ' . HELP YOURSELF $10 invested monthly for 10 months in high-grade business prop osition will make you over $1000 within two yeara You can prove this statement by closest investigation. Interview by ap pointment only. O 951, Oregonian. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 445 HAWTHORNE AVE.. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE ON REAL AUTOMOBILES AND GAS TRACTORS. CAPABLE young man to sell well-known line of aluminum cooking utensils direct to consumer; 40 per cent commission and cash bonus every 13 weeks. State age and previous experience in first letter. G 54. Oregon lan. RAILWAY mall clerk, examination Feb. 10. saiary $900 to $1800 a year; life Jobs. We prepare you. You must act quickly. Pa cific States School, McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark sts. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, 388 eurnslde St. Day and Night Classea WANTED First-class open-shop all-round bollerinakers, steady work and first-class wages to competent men. 417 Oregon bldg.. Cth and Oak sts. A YOUNG lawyer who is a stenographer; must be competent, a hustler and desirous of getting Into the law practice. Address box 825, Havre, - Montana. WANTED First-class open-shop pattern makers, steady work and Xirst-class wages to competent men. 417 Oregon bldg., Cth and Oak sts. BOY wanted, 16 or 17 years of age. for office work in wholesale bouse. Apply In own handwriting, stating age and phone number. V 55. Oregonian. WANTED A patent promotor to travel with demonstrating campaign ' and sell state and county right or agency for a newly patented article. AM 55, Oregonian. WRITE quick for novel advertising prop osition: great money-maxer: exclusive ter ritory free. Address R. L. Harris. Daven port. Iowa. WANTED First-class open-shop gray iron foundry moulders, lloor and bench, steady work and good wages to competent men. 417 Oregon bldg.. Gth and Oak sts. MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS, $3.50 UP. Drop in and look them over. Orpheum Cleaners. 355 Stark. corner Park. NUMBER young men wanted for railroad telegraph service; Dig demand for op erators; day and night sessiona For par tlculars call room. 502 Panama bldg. CLUB RATES J1.50 MONTH. WTe press one suit a week and give you workmanship and service. Phone Broad way ir.rfl. Orphetim Cleaner-. 35 Stark. FIVE neatly-dressed boys and girls, aged J2-16. earn si per aay arter school. - Call 402 Oregon bldg.. Sth and Oak, 3-6 P. M. WANTED Thoroughly experienced tool and die maker. Hotpoint Electric Heatmg Co., Ontario, Cal. WANTED 5 station gangs for new rail road work in Montana; free fare. Hanley t-mp. Agency, x. -a s J$ r pe'sc FINE BICYCLE. MT'ST PE'POLD TODAY. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. I2S FIRST ST. bUL,iCITOR to a ell stock in high-cla. finan cial enterprise. Equitable Finance Asi'n., 410 Cham, of Commerce, Spokane, Waah. BOISE Butcher Co.. Ltd., Boise. Idaho, wants a. rood Bau'temaker, steady work; wagea $'-!0 per week; reference required. AN experienced well driller, must under stand gasoline engine; married wan pre ferred. T. B. Bufllugton. box 1-17. lone. Or. WANTED Boy" In store handllnur engines and machinery. 8 mall wages. Give aire, references and phone, AM 54, Oregon t a . JANITOR wanted, $4 a month. J 50, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED salesman with car, mftc. co. AF CO. Oregonian. ELDEKLY man, watchman on farm, no "work, small wages. AM S2. Oregonian. MAN TAILOR to cut, press, sew, all-around, steady Job. 362 Alder. BOY WANTED to run errands. Archer aSchanx, Phoenix bldg., Sth and Oak. EXPERIENCED collection agency solicitor. &4i Morgan bldg. WANTED Messenger boy for procry store. Must have bicycle. Apply liS Third sU HELP TTAXTKP M.LE. "I AM JUST WAKING LP." That's the exact expression made by a young man in our office. He NOW knows the need of SPECIAL TRAINING1. The business men of Portland know that the big feature in wealth production la trained men of character. They established and support these VOCATIONAL (SCHOOLS n tting men to become expert: Automobile Mea Cffice Managers Accountants PharmacUta Bookkeepera Salesmen Executives Stenographers Chemiata Show Cra Writer Craftsmen Wireless Operators Electrical Engineers, ets.. etc. For complete information relative to ny of the above schools addrea, the De partment of Education. Div. C, Y. M. C. A, . ADVISORY EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Y, M. C. A. You know how to do something but don't it ow now set something to oo. We can tell you how or send you to It. During past wear" We nve placed or helped place themselves over 11.0OO men and ooyi. This service a privilege of membership In tha x. M. C. A. $5 gives you membership for a year under guarantee that you will Re cure employment or refund of membership iee. See Secretary Stanley Baker. MxmvSARNT AUTOMOBILES. EARN BIO MONEY Thousands of graduates making good as chauffeurs, repairmen, machinists, aaiesmen, batteiy and ignition specialists, garage owners. Up-to-date equipment. Individual, practical instruction. - We help students earn living. Write for -catalogua and free advanced Ifrnition course today. National School of Engineering, Los An- f, . in. vm launBn ea i w. ANTED First-class magneto mechanic by reliable motor car company of this city. Must be familiar with . magneto starters and generators. State age and ex perience, married or aingle. Give refer ence. Answer in own handwriting. BO aa. Orego ni an. GET a sure job with big pay. ateady work, short hours, regular vacations, rapid ad vane; thousands of positions operi with L'ncle Sam; I will prepare you in few weeks, small cost. Write immediately, big free book DU 361, special olfer. Earl, Hpp klns, Washington. D. C. OREGON AUTO A OAS TRACTOR SCHOOL, 429 BELMONT ST. DAT AND NIGHT CLASSES. PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION IN ALL BRANCHES. STUDENTS ASSISTED. CALL OR WRITE, DAY and night classea are now open and we extend an invitation to the general public to visit and inspect our school ; automobile, electrical, gas tractor and vulcanizing trades, complete; practical work; low cost. Hemphill's Trade Schools, E. Uutu st, and Hawthorne ave., Portland. WANTED Wednesday. 3 boys with wheels, over IB. Bicycle repairs paid and good mages guaranteed. Splendid chance for ad vancement for right boy a. L. A Mollen hour. U."3 Oak at. Help Wanted Agents, A POST CARD will put you In touch with a Si)-a-week proposition . selling alum inum utensils and specialties direct to the consumer; don't let one cent stand between you and prosperity. Div. W64. American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemont, 111. WHV sell Inferior? Our hospital policy costs no more. 301 Board of Trade bldg. stelp Wanteo asiewma WANTED Solicitors to sell a good selling article. Good money in It. No money re quired. Call at the factory. 47 Union ave. HELP WANTED FEMALE. A MIDDLE-AGED lady to do light house work and help care for a 2-months-old baby. No laundry. 1 A good home and fair wages. Call any time Wednesday. Columbia 216. YOUNG woman for general office work; a some knowledge of bookkeeping; accurate " at figures; able to ue typewriter; stenog raphy not necessary; permanent position. BF 13, Oregonian. WANTED Neat, capa hie work'.ns house keeper, family of 4 ladles. Portland Hts. Must take entire charge; new house, with every convenience. Wages $30. Appoint ment by phone. Marshall 25S3. MIDDLE-AGED lady who Is employed dur ing day to aot aa companion to elderly lady eveninga In exchange for room; walking distance to center of city. Ref. re qulred. T 53. Oregonian. WANTED An elderly woman to help care for 1 a-year-old baby in return for good home and small wages. 005 Belmont corner 30th. SEVERAL more young ladies wanted to learn telegraphy; day and night sessions. For full particulars call room 502 Pan ama bldg. WANTED Remington wahl operators, both temporary and permanent positions. Ap ply Miss Sailor, Remington Typewriter Co., 88 Broadway. WANTED Elderly lady for light house work for two. gentlemen on ranch, close In; fair wages and good home. Phone Mar. S-jG. 4STENOGRAPHER and b. k. for $75 per. One dictaphone operator, $70 or $7.". One stenographer and b. k. for bank, e$o0. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. YOUNG girl, housework and care of chil dren; no ironint? or cooking; $16. Call this morning. Jtil Kearney st. WANTED Girl for housework and some cooking, wages $20. Apply 778 Pettygrove street. , WANTED Cook for small private family; wages $40 to $45; must have references, AH 52.. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced and competent nurse girl to take care of two children 1 and 2 years old. Apply 104 5th st. WANTED Girl for general housework and a cooking. 735 Flanders. Main 4b 03. Refer- 9 ences required ' WANTED Bright, young girl, just finished school, to learn office work. Apply Crya- ' tal Luundry. WANTED A lady to work in boarding house for her and her husband's board. 121 H K usee 11 st. COMPETENT GIRL wanted for general housework and cooking, no washing. G0-5 Vista avenue. W ANTE D GoWl girl for general housework and cooking. Out E. 55th st. North. Rose City Park car. Phone Tabor 5u24. WANTED A housekeeper and chamber- III 11.1 &h a-. 73 wauu ea.v. -'. - - -a v and 5. CAPABLE and experienced girl for general housework, small family, big wages. East 5S02. EXPERIENCED family cook, none other need apply. Wagea $50. Main 201. WANTED Experienced millinery makers. Apply Lowengart Co. WANTED Woman to do Call Tabor 2492. plain . cooking. WANTED A girl to assist general house work; no children. Apply SSI 10th st. PR1VATE home for children, any age. good care. 5V2 Union ave. N. East ISObS. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework. 704 Irving St., cor. 24th. W'A NT ED Maid for general housework. Phone Marshall 335. 24" N. 24th st. WANTED A girl for general house work. Call at 1173 Union ave. N. PRIVATE HOME lor children, any age; 15 years' experience. 714 Everett, Mar. 2162. WANTED Girl to assist with general house work. Tabor 492. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. Apply mornings. 223 North -IbL. YOUNG girl to care for 18-rnonths-old baby from 9 to 3. Apply 120 N. 23d. GIRL for second work and assist with child 7 years old. 7.4 Love Joy st. MISS M ATTINGLY'S K'HOOL, Shorthand. Typewriting $5 mo. 26 14th. Main 389S. TAILQRESS wanted at 302 Alder. WANTED A waitress at 312 Brunside st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. THE ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER COI--LEGB will teach you the trade in eight weeks, pay you while learning, give you a. set of tools, scholarship and diploma, get you a position: 32 schools in U. S. and Can ada. Write for free catalogue. Cor. 2d and Burnside. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks; position guaranteed; too is free; paid while learning; tuition reduced. Can earn from $15 to 25 a wqek. Expert Instructors, -U years in business. 233 Madison st. THE ONLY MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL. Men and women to learn the barber trade In 8 weeks, tools free, paid while learning. Scholarship and dipldma. get you a position. Tuition reduced. 38 N. 2d, cor. Couch. FUR BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE ATTEND MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, ALISKY BLDG., 3D & MORRISON STS. HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Broadway-Yamhill bldg. Individual in- . struct ions. Positions when competent. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. FEBRUARY 10, railway mail clerk exami nations. Portland; commence $75 month; sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 3S'J-B. Rochester, N. V. WANTED Men. women to try examinations for Government Jobs; $75 month. Address AV f02, Oregonian. SITU. AT IONS WANTED MALE. fri'MkfcerTm and Cl-rki. MAN, aged 35, quick and accurate at fig ures, wants position on payroll books or aa assistant bookkeeper; a S years' ex perience as paymaster for large company. Can furnish beat of references, W bo, Oregonian, i