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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1917)
THE MOnXING OREfiONTAN, TUESDAY. JANUARY 23, 1917. 19 WHEAT TONE FIRMER Saturday's Bids Are Repeated in Country. FARMERS ARE NOT SELLERS Prices Cifrrent Week Ago and Xo Vens Are Demanded at Interior Points-Demand From Cal ifornia Helps Oats. The late upturn la wheat at Chicago had the effect of making a firmer market here after the depression of the latter part of last week, but there was no resumption of buying1, so far as could be learned. Dealers were not keen for wheat and the prices put out In the country were unchanged from Saturday, S1.57 for bluestem, $1.55 for 40-fold,' $1.53 for club and $1.50 for red Russian. Those wheat bids did not appeal to farmers, who were not disposed to con sider anything less than the prices quoted ne week ago. At the Merchants Exchange bluestem and club bids were 1 cent higher, and 40- fold and red 2 cents higher than Saturday. Bidders on the Exchange also offered less for oats, but holders were firm and the market generally seemed to be In good shape In consequence of Inquiry from Cali fornia. The barley market was dull. The day's cable from Liverpool said: "Wheat firm with export offers light. Continent absorption large. Corn firm on light world's shipments. American ship ments Increasing Oats very firm, but dull as recent advance was very rapid. "Argentina Heavy rain yesterday In the center, but nothing In the north. Today clear and hot- Interior movement of all grains to ports light. Clearances moderate- Insurance difficult to obtain. 'Italy and France Weather continues old. Oats and corn are unfavorable. Terminal receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange aa follows: Portland What Barley Klour Oats Hay Monday 18 Year ago 25 Season to date 3592 Year ago 6090 Tacoma Saturday . . . T Year ago 10 Beaoon to date 4759 Year ago 5001 fcattie fca-urduy 4 Year ago 4 Ker son to date 3754 Year ugo 7002 4 16 23 24 10 ft 1 14 13 090 1589 1482 1328 1041 S10, 1470 5 5 13 IIO .... 233 1371 46S .... 244 1572 3 6 2 8 10 20 362 1005 999 2609 1214 146a 731 .3017 WORLD'S WHEAT SHIPMENTS LIBERAL Nearly Twelve Million Bushels Sent to Eu rope la Past Week. The weekly wheat statistics of the Mer chants' Exchange follow: American visible supply . Bushels. Decrease. 1.074. 0O0 OeG.OOrt 2.881,000 838.01 iu L805.000 3.662. (100 162.000 197.O0-" 1,S29.00' 729.000 January 22. 1917. . . . January 24. IMG. ... January 25. 1915. . . . January 26. 1014 January 27, 1913 January 29. 1IU2 Janusry 30. 1911. .. . January 24. 1910. . . . January 2t. 1909. . . . January 27, 190K. . . . January 23. 1007 51.826,000 . .68,931.000 . . o:-;, 4.10.(100 . . . .65. 019.000 . .61,210.000 ..42.263.000 . .2tl.265.UOO . .4.S7r..0OO ..47.21S.0OO ..44,730,000 Decrease. World's shipments principal countries (flour included) exporting Wk. edg. Wk. edg. Wit. edg. From TJ. S. and Can. Argentina.... . Australia India Jan. 2u. 7.237.000 2.0S9.000 1.206. 000 1.120.000 Jan. 13. Jan. 22.'16. 7.547.O0O 10,384.000 1.114.0O0 . 400.000 l,4on.ouo 1.250.000 67U.0O0 Total 11,05: World shipments. 1.000 10.738.000 13.034.000 season to date Total since Same period July 1,16. Last season KUBhels. . .219.07H.OO0 .. 3S.16S.OOO .. 34.4"7.000 6.352.000 .. 22.29G.000 Bushels. TT. S. and Canada. Argentina ........ Australia .. Ruaela India 272.274.000 10,520.000 4.240.000 4.192.001. 12.196.000 Total 310.332.000 303.401.000 North American exports last week includ erl 958,000 bushels of corn and 3430 bushels ef oats. A NOT UK R DROP IX EGG MARKET Prices Likely to Decline Until Shipping Outlet Is Found. The- egg market yesterday went off 2 to 8 cents below Saturday's price. Sales were made on the street at 34 and 85 cents, case count Receipts were the largest of any day this year, and the demand. might be expected, was of a hand-to-mouth . character. The price Is likely to sag -until It reaches a level where an outside mar ket can be found for the surplus that is piling up on the street. The present quo tation does not appeal to buyers in the North. Butter was firm, with cube extras quoted st 37 cents. No further change was an nounced In local print prices. Poultry receipts were light and sold readily at the old quotations. Dressed meats were firm and unchanged. CALIFORNIA VEGETABLES STI I.L HIGH Y'otatoes and Onions Quoted at Last Week's Prices. The demsnd for California vegetables Is fairly good. Prices are unusually high, but are obtainable, as no other vegetables are to be had. Among the receipts yester day were two cars of cauliflower, one from San Francisco and the other from Los Ange les, and a car of lettuce. Southern sprouts were quoted a cent, higher. No changes were reported in the onion or potato mar 'kets. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Olearin rs. Portland $2,676,294 Seattle 8.675.210 Tacoma 4r!3,37n .Spokane 1,083,304 Balances. $254,192 357.4S3 134.523 roKTLAS D MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Flour, Feed, Kte. Merchsnt's Exchange, noon session. January delivery- Bid. Wheat Bid. Tluestem ....... $1.63 Forts fold l-s Club 1.63 Tr. aqo. JL13VS 1.08 1.05 1.03 1.02 27 50 2S.50 B!(i. Red nte Rd Russian 1.60 OjU. No. 1 white feed 36.T.0 Barley. No. 1 feed 40.00 Futures February bluestem March bluestem ....... February fortyfold ............... March fortyfold ................. Kebruarv club . ............... March club ........ February Russian Mirch Russian February oats March o&ts February barley March barley " ...11.69 LOW l.e.i 1.6i 1.83 L63 1 60 1.60 .87.0 40.00 ' 40.00 $8.40; straights. $7,600 FLOUR Patents; 7.S0; Valley. $7.90 whole wheat, $8.60; gra- ham. $S.40. MILLFEED Spot prices: Bran. $26.50 per ton. shorts. $30.50 per ton; rolled bar ley. $4243 trn Whole. $46 par ton; cracked. $47 per t oil. HAY Producers prices: Timothy. East ern Oregon. $19421 per ton; timothy. Val ley, lfttll si --n: alfalfa. $17tlS: Val ley grain hay, $13&15: clover. $12. so. Dairy aad Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras 87e: prims firsts. 3Vic; fusts, SSH3oc. Jobbing prices: Prints, extras, 39c: cartons. 1 cent extra: butterfat. No. 1. 38c; No. 2. 86c. Portland. CHEESE Jobbers' buying prices, f. o. b. 'dock, Portland: Tillamook triplets. SOc; Young Americas Dot quoted. EGGS Oregon ranch, current receipts, S4 t3.c oer dozen; Oregon ranch, candled, ii 37c per duzen; Oregon ranch, selects, 39c POULTRY Kens. 13jl7v,c: Springs. 160 17c per pound: turkeys. live. 20 22c; dressed. 25&26c: ducks. 16 0 20c: geese. 12 13c T ' VEAL Fancy. 14 H f 1 5o per pound. POKJC Fancy. 13i)le per pouna." Fruits and Vegetables. T-ef-al jobbing quotations: TKOflCAX. FRU1T6 Oranges, navels. S2.252.50: Japanese. $lg?L25 per bundle; lemons. S33.75 per box; bnnsnss, 5c per pound: grapefruit. $35. VGTABLba Artichokes. BOcesi.10 per dozen; tomatoes. $7 per crate; cabbage, $3.50 a4 per hunared; eggplant. Zoc per pouna, lettuce. S2.50: cucumbers. $1.50 & 2.00 per doc. celery. $5.50 per crate: cauliflower. $2.50 per crate; peppers. 25 30c per pound; sack vegetables. $1.25 per sack; sprouts. 11c per pound. POTATOES Oregon buying; prices. - tf 25 per hundred: aweet, $4 per hundred. OKIOXE Oregon buying; prices. $5 per sack, country points. GREE.V FRUITS Apples. 75cf1.5 per box; pears, $1.7502.50; cranberries. $1011 per barrel. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing Quotations: 8UGAB Fruit and berry. $7.35: Honolulu Plantation, $7.30; Grants Pass beet. $7.15; California beet. $7.15; extra C. $6.05; pow dered, in barrels. $7.85; cubes, tu barrels, $8.10. 6ALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails. $2.40 per dozen; one-half flats, $1.50; 1-pound flats, $2.50; Alaska pinks, 1-pound tails. $1.25. HONEY Choice, $3 ft 3.25 per case. NUTS Walnuts, sack lots. ISc; Brazil nuts, 19c; filberts. 19c; almonds. 1819c; peanuts. 7c; cocoanuts. $1.10 per dozen; pe cans, 1819c; chestnuts, 10c. BEANS Small white. ll4c; large white. 11.10c; Lima, c: bayous. 8.20c; pink, 84c; red Mexicans 9c: Mancburian. Sc COFFEE Roasted, in drums, 17&35c SALT Granulated. $10.75 per ton; half ground lOOs. $11.30 per ton; 60s, $12.10 per ton: dairy. $14.75 per ton. RICE Southern head. 7&7e per pound: broken, 4c; Japan style. 4&44c. DRIED FRUITS Apples. 10&llc; apri cots. 16 19c;- peaches. 814 10c; prunes. Italian, 8 9c; raisins. 8315Vjc; dates. Persian. 15c per pound; fard, $2.50 per box; currants, 15 ft 16c; figs. S2i3.50 per box. Hops, Wool,, Hides, Etc. HOPS 1916 crop, 609c per pound. HIDES Salted hides (25 lbs. and op), 18c; salted stags (50 lbs. and up). 14c; green and salted kip (15 lbs. to 25 lbs.). 18c; green and salted calf skins (up to 15 lbs.). 27 28c; green hides (25 lbs. and up), 16c; green stags (50 lbs. and up), 12c; dry hides, 30c; salt hides, 25c: dry horse hides. $12; salt horse hides. $35. PELTS Dry long-wooled pelts. 24c: dry short-wooled pelts. 17c:; dry shearlings. 10 25c each, salted long-wooled pelts. $11.50; salted .short-wooled pelts. 50c$l. TALLOW No. 1. 8 Vic per pound. WOOL Eastern Oregon. fine, 24 30c; coarse. 3336c; Valley, 3835c MOHAIR Nominal. CASCARA BARK Old and new, 6V4c per pound, Provisions. HAMS All sizes, choice. 234 c; standard, 22Vfec; skinned. 2021c; picnics, 15c; cot tage rols, 17 c LARD Tierce basis: Kettle rendered. 19c: standard pure, 19c: compound, 16c BACON Fancy. 2SVi&30V4c; standard. 24 2Sc; choice, 2123c DRY SALT Short, clear backs. 17HlSo. export, 18Vi20e: plate, 146'lf"Vic. BARREL GOODS Mess beef, $22; plats beef. $23; brisket pork, market; tripe, $10.50 &11.50. Oils. KEROSENE Water white, drums, barrels or tank wagons. 10c: cases, 18 22c. GASOLINE: Bulk. 21 '-c; cases. 80c; naph tha, drums. 1916c; cases, 30c; engine distil late, drums. 10 lie: cases. 19c. LINSEED OIL Raw. drums. $1.10; bar rels. $1.08: cases. $1.13; boiled, drums, $1.12; barrels. $1.10; cases, $1.15. TURPENTINE In tanks, 67c; in cases. 72c; 10-case lots, lc less. Coffee Market rnsettled. NEW YORK, Jan. 22. The coffee market was rather unsettled toay and fluctuations were Irregular. An opening decline of 3 to 1 points reflected a renewal of scattering iquidation. which became a little more active during -the middle of the morning. Trade interests were moderate buyers on the decline and after showing a net loss of 6 to 8 points, with May selling at 8:52, there were slight rallies. The close was 2 5 points lower. Sales. 32,000. January. 8.40c; February. 8.43c; March, 8.45c; April 8.50c; May. 8. 54c; June, 8.75c: July. 8.60c; August. 8.65c; September. 8.70c: October. 8.7rc; November, 8.8rc; December, 8.85c Spot coffee, quiet; Rio 7s. 10c; Santos 4s, 1076c The cost and freight offers received were about unchanged. Santos 4s being quoted at 10.7oc. London credits. One or the steamers recently reported sunk Is said to have arrived safely at vic toria under charter to bring back coffee. cantos reported clearances of 2.000 bags for New York today. The cables reported no change in the primary markets except for a partial ad vance of -o reis in bantos lutures. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Jan. 22. Evaporated apples. quiet; fancy, 9c; choice, 8(&8ifcc; prime, 7 4J7C, Prunes, firm; California, sgcioic; Ore gon, 889ic. Apricots, dull; choice, 17c; extra choice. 171c; fancy, ISc Peaches, dull?- choice, SHe; extra choice. 9c; fancy; 9c. Raisins, barely steady; choice to fancy seeded, 810c; seedless, 10jolll?c; London layers, $1.80. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Jan. 22. Turpentine firm, 52 52 1 c : sales, 245 barrels; receipts, 168 barrels; shipments, none; stock. 18,094 bar rels. Rosin firm; sales, 1035 barrels; receipts. 1409; shipments, none; stock, 78.465 bar rels. Quote: A, B, C, D, E, F. $6.20; G, H. $6.23; I, $6.30; K, $6.40; M, $6.60; N, $6.80; WO. $6.80; WW, $7.20. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 22. Cotton futures closed steady; January, 16.49c; March- 16.72c; 15.85c. Spot 16.7uc; May, 16.89c; July, 16.89c; October, cotton no salej quiet. Middling uplands. Chicago CHICAGO. Jan. ery. 31Vi6 36!c. Dairy Produce. 22 Butter steady. Cream- Eggs higher. Receipts. 2034 cases; firsts. 39c: ordinary firsts, 3u&S7c; at mark, cases I included, 35 6 38c Hops, Etc.. at New York. NEW YORK, Jan. 22. Hops, quiet; state 1015, common to choice, 1916k 4350c; 814c , Hides, quiet. Leather, firm. Duluth Linseed Market. DXJLTJTH. Jan. 22. Linseed en $2.91; choice. $2,921,; arrive, $2.91; 2.94 asketii; July, $2.95 asked. track. May, Hops LIVERPOOL, Ja (Pacific Coast i. f 4 at London. . 22. Hops at 15s 5 15. NAPAVINE LEADS LEAGUE Team Is Oiily Affirmitive to Win on Compulsory Training. . . CENTRAL1A, Wash., Jan. 22. (Spe cial.) As a result of the second series of debates held Friday night ia "the Lewis County Debating League, the Napavine High School is leading the field of ten teams. Napavine, which in the first debate argued the affirma tive side of the question of compulsory military training iu the state high schools, was the only affirmative team to win. Friday night all of the nega tive teams won, Napavine defeating Fe Ell. ' Returns from all of Friday's debates show, that Winlock defeated Chehaiis, s!7sDotT defeated Mossyrock, Dryad de- feated Klaber and Toledo defeated Vader. WEALTHY TRAPPER FROZEN Christopher O'Toole's Body Found After Fall on Ice. NORTH YAKIMA. Wash., Jan. 22. The body of Christopher O'Toole. a trapper well known in Central Wash ington, was found frozen west of North Yakima today. The Coroner said his Investigation developed that O'Toole's skull was fractured by a fall on the ice. Papers in bis pockets show bank de posits of several thousand dollars. ODsmopoIia Receipts Jump. ABERDEEN', Wash.. Jan. 22. (Spe cial.) Postoffice receipts In Cosmo- 36 polls were 20 per cent greater in 1916 than in 1915. In the last year the re ceipts were $4461.19, as against $3, 600.35 for 1915. During the year the safety deposits department deposits jumped from $4426 to $12,595, a gain of about 200 per cent. YARD PRICES CLIMB All Lines Are Strong at North Portland. RUN LARGE, DEMAND ACTIVE Hogs Are Quarter Higher, Willi $10.85 Freely Paid for Top Grade Lambs Also Quoted at Advance Cattle Sell Well. There was a large run of all classes of stock at the yards yesterday and the de mand was strong- throughout the day. The upward tendency of values that ha been In evidence for weeks continued, and In the hog division resulted In a quarter ad vance. At the. new top price of $10.85 a dozen loads were sold. Cattle were firm, with steers selling; at $8.60 and cows at $7.50 for the best grades. No business was reported in the mutton line, but a 12-cent quotation prevails on the top grade of lambs. Receipts were 1102 cattle, 4 calves, 3371 hogs and 1431 sheep. Shippers were: With cattle R. D. Cannon. Condon. 1 car; L. Nichols. Redmond, 2 cars; James Mace, Terrebonne. 6: C A. Knapp. Roose velt, 1; J. Bucket. Pomeroy, 1; Dlckerson & Halley. Welser. 2; Cooper Bros., Welser, 1; E. Erlckson. Welser, 1; Van Dusen Bros., Emmett, 1; J. E. Van Dusen, Emmett, 1; E. E. Flsk. Nyssa. 1: J. M. McFadden, Cor- vallis. 1; C. W. Ashpole, Medford. 1; B. T. Raddant. Toledo. 1: Rugg Bros.. Echo, 1; H. R. Peacock, Nam pa, 1; L. L. Miller. Nam pa, 3: James Wilson, North Powder, 1; F. P. Oxman. Baker, 2; P. J. Brown, Baker. 1; J. A. Ileton, Arco, L With hogs J. W. Ogburn. Cottonwood, 1 car; William Duby. Baker, 1; P. 3. Gib bons, Milton, 1; J. D. Taylor. Echo, 1; Dlckerson & Halley, Welser, 1; Brown & Wilson, Kimberley, 2: W. R. Bunn. Bur ley, 1: Peter Link. Hansen. 1; H. Kimball, Carroll. 1; P. & C Co., Joseph, 1; L. L. Miller. Nampa. Montura, 2: J. P. Hood. Burley, Hansen, Buhl, ; Farmers' U. T. Co.. Buhl. 1: C. W. Hoffman, Caldwell, 1; C. R. Belshee. Moro, 1. With sheen -J. L. Guthrie. Emraett. Leaner. 2; K- N. Stanfleld, Nampa. 3. With mixed cars J. E. Parrish. Jeffer son. 2 cars cattle, bogs, sheep; fc.lgln t or- warding Company, Joseph, 1 car cattle, hogs: F. Cool, Welser. 1 car sattle, hogs; F. E. Flsk. Parma. 2 cars cattle, hogs; Grover Bros. New Plymouth, 1 car hogs. sheep: Cliston. Portland. 1 car cattle, hogs: Joe Dodourak, Sheridan, 1 car cattle, calves, hogs; S. C. Oxman. Baker, 4 cars cattle, hogs; F. Bunn. Pendleton. 1 car cat tle, hogs: Russell Shepherd. Troutdale, 1 car cattle, sheep. The day's dales were as follows Wt. Price' Wt, Price 16 hogs ... 133 $9.35 26 steers . , . 940 $7.7B ..1240 8.75 5 hosts ... 344 I'.l-.-l 1 bull ... 86 hogs ... 11 10.85 3 cows .. ..1057 .. 830 .. 685 .. 722 .. 856 .. 8S3 .. 797 ..1050 ..1230 ..10OO ..llOO ..1010 .. 807 ..llOO .. 760 .. 837 .. 770 .. 827 r.'.io .. 975 .. 650 .. 820 .. 700 .. 90 ..1054 ..12V.J .. 819 ...15-,o ..1279 ... 910 4.00 4.25 3.50 3.25 5.00 5.(MV 4.00 3.25 6.50 6.00 5.00 4.00 6.25 2 hogs ... 320 9.85 2 COWS ., 18 hogs ... 130 9.50 2 cows .. 93 hogs ... 1S3 10.85 cows .. 2 hogs ... 2!tO 9.85 4 cows . 11 hogs ... 134 9.50 3 cows . B hogs ... DO B.3.T 3 COWS ., 3 hogs ... 117 9.751 2 cows .- 90 hogs ... ISO 10.85 1 cow ... 13 hogs ISO 10.85 2 cows .. 1 hog .... ;ilo l cow ... 1 hog . 350 9.R5 1 cow .. X hog .... 4O0 9.85 3 cows . 4 hogs ... 352- 9.85 10 cows . 67 hogs ... 190 10.85 2 cows . fi hogs 122 0.5M 6 cows . 8 hogs ... 197 10.85 2 cows . 1 hog .... 260 9.5 Scows . 84 hogs ... 10 9.75 I heifer 17 hows ... 153 7.25 8 steers 73 hogs ... 187 10.85! 2 heifers 10 hogs ... 349 9.851 1 heifer 7 hogs ... 260 9.851 13 steers 7.0O 5.00 3.00 2.50 4.O0 5.50 7.25 5.25 5.50 4.25 1 hog .... 560 9.85! 2 steel 6.50 7.75 8.40 5.75 7 hogs 1 hog - 7 hops 1H hogs 62 hogu 2 hogs 1 hog 1 hog tj hogs 8 hogs 16 hogs 5 hogs 86 hugs 2 hogs 18 hoKS 93 hogs 2 boss 11 hoes 8 hogs 90 hoi? 13 hogs 4 hogs 1 hog 1 hog 5 hogs llOKS 204 10.K.V 30 steers K00 9.8. 25 steers 170 9.851 25 steers 17 1 steer 1G7 10.S-5j 28 steers 305 10.50 l steer 7.50 8.50 6.00 6.50 .O0 2R0 10.5111 240 10.50I l.'lS 9.7.-. 2 steers 1 steer . 7 steers 3 steers 9 steers . .. r.OU . ..1223 . ..1123 . ..l'"10 . ..1"99 ...1280 ...1170 . .. 992 . ..1O07 ... 770 . ..loss ...1153 ... 656 . ..1128 ...12o8 ...1170 . ..1300 . .. 853 ... 680 . ..1107 .1120 ...1000 ...1113 . ..1110 ... 940 . ..1200 ... OO ... ...1148 ...1223 ... 983 ... 842 ... io .. .10811 . ..looo 1094 ...1234 870 8.00 8.00 7.75 12S 133 344 181 370 9.35' 9.351 9.851 12 steers 7. 10.851 25 steers 9.851 25 steers 9.SOI steers 8.50 7.25 141 5.75 7.00 7.O0 8.15 8.00 5.00 7.00 8.10 7.25 6.00 4.75 2.50 4. SO 4.50 7.50 7.B0 5.00 3.BO 3.00 5.O0 M)0 6.25 6 25 6.50 4.25 2.O0 7.00 6.00 C.80 7.25 6.00 7.00 4.00 8.50 7.00 2.00 4.00 194 10.85 6 steers 20 .! 1 eteer . 134 9.501 20 steers 130 9.35! 21 steers 178 10.851 13 Sl.-ers 178 10.85! 5 steers 352 9.851 21 steers 310 9.M5I 1 cow .. 350 9.851 1 cow .'. 178 10.85! lO cows . 3O0 10.51'! 3 cows . . 1 hog .... 230 10.5O 90 hogs ... lt 10.511 3 cows . 1 cow . , 8 cows . 6 cows . 1 cow . 1 cow . . 4 cows . 2 cows , 7 cows . 6 cows 7 cows . 3 cows 4 cows 2 cows 13 cowsO 3 cows 18 hogs ... -ys iu..... 13 hogs ... S15 .5: 1 hog .... 33 V.SO 1 hog 4O0 9.85 67 hogs ... 189 10.85 n noes ... lja w.;i" 6 hogs ... 19S 10.85 1 hog 2O0 9.8 S4hoes ... 1S1 9.7: 17 hogs ... 153 1U.2.1 8 hoirs 190 in. 7H hoes ... 189 10.85 3 hKS ... 0"O 9.85 1 hog ..... 510 9.S.1 7 hogi 1 hne 204 10.85i 22 cows 250 H.K51 10 cows 1 bull 8SO 3.5(l( 18 cows ...1009 6.50! 2 cows ...1170 7.501 1 cow ....1S50 7.5UI 11 cows ...1018 6.0OI 1 cow ,...1530 6.75 1 cow 1000 5.251 12 cows ...1023 4.501 6 steers ..1013 7.00! 1 steer ... 810 8.50 1 steer ...1070 7.751 4 steers . . 965 7.00' 1 heifer . . 640 4.501 4 heifers . 432 D.OOl 5 steers . . 732 4.001 3 bulls ...1153 3.501 1 bull 1240 3.751 1 heifer . . :530 5.00 1 heifer . . 530 8.O0! 1 heifer . . 530 2.00 Prices at the yards 1 cow 2 cows . 1 cow . . 1 cow . . 3 cows . 1 bull . . 1 bull . . 1 bull . . 3 bulls . 1 bull .. 1 bull .. 1 bull . . 1 bull . . 1 heifer 1 heifer 1 heifer 1 stag . 1 calf . . 1 calf . . 1 calf .. wero as 1140 , . .. 9O0 . . .. 900 ...1107 T.2U 880 ....1:150 15S7 100 1120 .. ..1390 1540 . .. 440 . .. 520 . ..1030 ...1470 .... 810 . . .. 300 150 3.0O 5.50 3.75 3.75 5.25 5. 4.0O 5.50 7.00 5.50 5.50 8.50 8.00 follows: Cattle Steers, prime Steers', fair to good .... Steers, medium ........ Cows, choice ........... Cows, medium to good . Price. .$800 8.50 . 7.00 8.00 . 6 50 6 75 . 7.S5 2J. 7.50 . 6.50 7.00 . 5.75 0 6.25 . 4.00 4(1 7.5" . 3.50ft? 5.50 . 3.00 8.00 Cows, ordinary to fair - Heifers F.ulis Calves Hogs Heavy packing, 215-250 poundsl0.45 a 1 05 Light butchers Light packing. 170-190 pounds.. Rough heavies Pigs and skips Stotck bogs Sheep Lambs Yearling wethers Old wethers Ewes 10.40&X lll.i. 10.35 4i 10.4? 9.00 Tp 9.50 9.00 0 9.40 8.00 0 8.50 .25l812.00 9.00?10 00 8 75 Ht 9.25 6.75 0 8.25 Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Jan. 22. Hogs Receipts 10.0O0. lower. Heavy. $10.70 11: light. $10.50-9. 10.85; pigs, $3.509.75: bulk ot sales, $10.65 10.85. "'. Cattle Receipts 8000, strong. Nsttve steers, $8911; cows and heifers, $6,500 8.50: Western steers. $6.7609.60: Texas steers, $6.50S; stockers and feeders, $6.25 C 9-SO. ;nep Receipts 8000, strong. Yearlings. $10.5fl'12.35; wethers, $9.508 10.25; lambs, $13.05 a 14.15. Chlcagw Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Jan. 22. Hogs Receipts 77,- 000. estimated tomorrow 50.000. steady at Saturday's average. Bulk of sales. $10.75 rll. 05: light. $10.4511; mixed. $10.60i' 11.15: heavy. $10.65 8 a 1 1.20; rough. $10.63 U 10.S0; pigs. $8.2o& 10.IO. Cattle Receipts 23.000, estimated to morrow 90j0, strong. Native beef cattle, i: 70ill-S5: Western steers. $7.75010; stockers and feeders. $5.75j8.0; cows and heifers. $4.75 10.15; calves. $10.2514.75. Sheep Receipts 23.00O. weak. Wethers, $9.75 410.o; lambs. $11.75'g 14.31). SAN EKANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current oa Butter. Eggs, jVults, Veg etables. Etc.. at Bay City. ran ' FRANCISCO. Jan. 22. Butte rreeh extras. 38c; prime firsts, 86c; fresh tlrts. 35 c k Fresh extras. 36c: pullets. 34c. , -, Ik.- Vnunv A m Ar-if-Bl. 91 Uf Tonltrv Hen's. 21St22c; old roosters. ei3c: fryers, 24tf26c; broilers. 27r30c;. large. 25270; squabs. ?2.2u2.50; pigeons. $1.251.75: ducks. 1618c; geese, 18&2UC turkeys, live. 2.14 25c Vegetables string -bsans. Florida, 20 & 25c: lettuce. Southern. $1.50'u 1.75: fancy. $2t2.25: peas, Southern fane-, large, lots 13c; small. 6t?8c; cream squash. $19150; tomatoes. Southern. $1.25; eggplant. Florioa, 20 ' 25c; green peppers. 1012c: garlic, I S'4 4c; sweet potatoes, ctUaz acock, $2.7; celery. $3.5004. rhubarb. $1.2501.75; rowfat and hubbard squash. $1.25 3 1.50. Potatoes Rivers. .$2.40 if 2.65. Onions Carloads. 16. Fruit Pears. Winter Nellie. C232.75: lemons, $303.25; grapefruit. $2.252.50; oranges, navels, 12.40 g 2.65: bananas, $1.23 01.50: pineapples. 2i?zso; apples. New town Pippins, 60i35c; Bellefleur. 60 g 75c Feedatufrs Cracked corn and teed com meal, uncertain; rolled barley, 845047; meal, alfalfa. $21. carload lots; less, $22. Receipts Flour. 161. 463 Quarters; Daney. 64.977 centals; beans. 4146 sacks; potatoes. 4710 sacks; onions, 400 sacks; hay, 500 tons; hide 505; wine, 0100 gallons. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 22. Copper, firm. Elec- trolytio first, second and third quarters, 23.50 32.50c. Iron steady. Ko 1 Northern. $31,500 32.50: No. 2. 131 p32; No. 1 Southern. $29.50 6 30: No. 2. $29629.50. Metal Exchange Quotes tin firm. spot. 45.37 14c a he Metal Exchange quotes lead 7.70c bid. tjpelter nominal New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 22. Raw sugar barely steady. Centrifugal, $5.27; molasses, $4.40. Refined quiet. Cut loaf, $7.90: crushed $7.75; mould A and cubes. $7.25: XXXX powdered. $6.90; powdered. $6.85; fine gran ulated, $6.75; Diamond A. (6.75; confec tioners A, ,$6.65; No. 1. $8.60. STOCK MARKET RALLIES GAINS AllE RESTJXT OF PRESIDENT WILSON'S SPKECH. Farther Acute Weakness In Russian , and Italia EicssnceJJsndi NEW YORK. Jan. 22. stocks were mod erately unsettled during the first half of today's session because of ths announce ment that President Wilson would address the United States Senate on impending in let-national developments. Early gains of 1 to 2 points in specialties were soon re placed by extreme losses of 2 to 4 points In speculative favorites, with more for ship pings and Bethlehem Steel, the latter reach ing 15 points. The purport of ths Chief Executive's speech became generally known in the aft ernoon and prices rallied, but only In a few important cases were full recoveries made. Bethlehem Steel was watched for some line or indication of action by tha directors at tomorrow's meeting. United States Steel as well as Crucible, Lackawanna and Gulf States Steel, were S to 4 points down lowest levels, with similar recessions in shippings and coppers. Kails averaged 1 point decline, with points for Reading. Final prices were only nominally above minimum quotations. Total sales of stocks. 8 1 0,000 shares. Further acute weakness was shown by Russian and Italian exchange, both regis taring new low records, with rubles at 28.70 and Urea at 7.07. German and Austrian rates also denoted lack of demand. Bonds were generally lower. Total sales, par value, $4,275,000. United States Dorms were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closln Bales. High. Lmr Bid High. 114 47 2!) 14 10914 1121 126 394 8414 105 S Am Beet Sugar. 1.500 . 94 91 V 9: Ml 46 K(i4 75-, 103H lll'-i 124 3s 38 82 1, 104 14 65 ' 82 81H 481, 26'is Amer Can Am Car Fdy. Am Locomotive. Am Sm StRefg.. Am Sugar Refg. 2.400 l.UOO J2.60O 35.000 800 8.4O0 800 18.500 2.4O0 3.6O0 700 4O0 1.000 12.2UO 46S 67 76 1(7H l!lj I25 Am Tel A Tel... Am Zinc L & 8. Anaconda Cop.. 38 83 Atchison ....... 104H Baldwin Loco.,. Bait & Ohio.... Br Rap Trans. . Butte & Sup Cop 82 . 81 "i 49 44 281, 81 SI 49 Calif Petroleum. 27 Canadian Pac Central Leather. 17.100 16U 91 64 901s 84 4 89 89 64 (10 Ches &Ohlo Chi M &St P... Chi & N W , hi R I AP Ry. Chlno Copper.. Col F A Iron . . Corn Prod Refg 1.000 123 80 r.4 46 2.900 1,700 9.3.10 fi.Vi 47 24 . 65 V, 28 1 82 iji'-i "is" 58 14 '2414 401, i64vi 41 r.4ti 4 23 62 27 82 117"" 85 "ir." 50 H "24H 44 ioi vi 40 23 04 27 32 168 116 5 105 15 57 89 24 45 ISO 102 41 16 101 60 24 101 46 135 1"8 24 :t2 56 26 100 78 20 97 V4 Crucible Steel... 61.o Diet Securities., l.ioo Erie Gen Electric... Gr North pfd. .. Or Nor Ore cts. Ilinols Ceutral.. Inter Con Corp. . Inspiration Cop. In Mer M pf elf. 2.41X1 TOO 1,000 700 8.000 K. C southern.. Kennecott Cop.. LKuis A Nash . . . Mex Petroleum. BOO 15.000 15.800 4.3O0 Miami Copper.. Missouri Pacific. Mont Power. . . . National Lead.. 1.500 104 H 102 Nevada Copper. 1.50O 2. 900 1.000 (too G.2UO 2,X0 flOD R.3D0 7.700 Y.OOO 24 101 46 - ioi 25 "r.n 27 i 102 so 27 97 H 21 110 231 127 114 120 J OK 29 24 101 47 ios 23 "56 26 100 78 2 97 30 107 227 128 112 120 104 28 N Y Central. . . . N Y, N H A H.. Nor A West North Pacific. .. Pacific Mail . Pac Tel A Tel . . Pennsylvania .. Ray Con Cop. . . Reading Rep Iron & rt . . Shattuck Ariz C Sou Pacific..... Southern Ry.... Studebaker Co.. Texas Co 5.SOO 4.600 5.6110 17.500 244.2O0 no j vis 229 II S Indus Alco U S St,eel 125 112 120 lO.-, 29 U S St.w ptd. . . . Utah Copper. . . . 21.60O 1.200 Wabash Ira x W 1 nrn t'nlon.. 98 IVxIlim Elec 2. 500 53 OZ 5: Total sales for the day, 870,000 shares. BONDS TT R t . rr 99 ail Nor Pie 3s .... 69 do coupon .. 9l)iPac T & T 5s. .KH U S 3s reg...."101 .Pa conv 4s..107 do coupon ..'101 S P ret. 4s 94 U S 4s rcg '110 Iu P 4s 91H4 do coupon .."110 III P ev. 4s 9.. Atchison gen. 4s 96 U S Steel 5s.... 106 N Y C dob. 6s..ll2S P cv Cs 1M Nor Pac 4s.... 6iAnslo-Freneh 6s. 92 Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. Jan. 22. Closing quotstlons: Allozue . ...65INorth Butte.. 21 Ariz Com .13 Old Dominion.... .64 Calumet &. Arlx..3 Calumet & Uec.C56 Centennial 22 Osceola .......... .85 Quincy ......... Superior ........ .88 .15 Cop Rge con c.. Sup & Bos Mine. -.6 .54 E Butte Cop M.. .14 Tamarack Franklin 8 Utah Cons .18 Isle Royalle Cop.K3i w inona .. ..4 Lake Copper. . .15 Wolverine .47 Mohawk e I Money. Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK, Jan. 22. Mercantile paper, 3 per cent. - sterlina. 60-day Bins. 4.TZi4.7zi, com mi-fl.l itil.rliT bills on banks. $4-72: com mercial 00-day bills. 4 . . aemanu $4.73; cables. $4.76 7-16. Francs, demand 5.87: cables. 6.83; marks, demand. CiS -j.blm. 67 T-16: kronen, demand. 10 cables. 10; guilders, demand. 40; cables. 40; lire, demand. 7.06; cables. 7.05; rubles. demand. 28; cables, 28 1J-16. Bar silver. 76 c U.Tlrnn dollars. 9ttC Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, Time loans, essler: oo ana u aays, 4?o ft- i months. 2em per cent. Call money, steady; high. -: low, x n ruling rate. 2; last loan. 2; closing nia, ii offered at 2 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 22. Sterling, $4.71: demand, $4.75; cables, 4.To Mexican dollars, 53.45c. LONDON, Jan. 22. Bar silver, 37 e per ounce. Money, es per cert. Discount rates snort, bins. tit5i cent; three months, aesn per cent Stocks Quirt at London. LONDON. Jan. 22. American securities were lightly supportea ana ciosea q,uiet on the stock msrket hers today. RUMAN EXODUS CONTINUES Crown Prince and Premier Bratiano at Petrograd for Confernce- LOXDOS. Jan. 22. The Crow Prince of Roumanla and Premier Bratiano have arrived at Petrograd for a conference with the Russian author ities on important questions in con nection with the Roumanian situation, according to a Petrograd dispatch to 1J the Times. The dispatch says tnat tens of thou sands of Roumanian refugees contlnu to pour into Bessarabia and the ad Joining provinces. Among them are 12.000 Roumanian Boy Scouts, whom the correspondent ' says the German threatened to treat as guerrillas. Some refugees have arrived at Petrograd. Read The Oregonian classified ads. WHEAT HAS UPTURN resident's Address Sends Traders to Buying Side. GAINS NOT FULLY HELD At First Purpose ot Speech in Sen ate Is Misunderstood and Rush to Sell Grain Carries Market Downward. CHICAGO, Jan. 23. rmflni Wilson's address on foreign relations brought about material upturn in ths price of. wheat to day, but the gains were not 11 held. Ths market closed unserved V4 to 2 Vie net higher, with May at 1.33 to $L87. and Julv at SI. 5314 to L5B4. Cora finished fiT4c to c up ana oats at an sd ranee 01 shade to tt14c. in provisions tna 1 suit was a decline of 5(tt7c to 17e. At first the purpose of the President s speech was the subject of much misunder standing in the wheat trade and there was rusrwto sell on account of hasty tnierences that he might disclose a new crisis wlu Germany regarding submarines or about the status of armed merchant ships. As soon. however. as the speech . had gone far enough to Indicate that he was dealing ex clusively with tbs topio of a leaa-ue to en force peace, sellers of wheat turned quickly to ths buying side. Corn duplicated ths action ef wheat. Oats trade included liberal purchases for export. Price changes, however, depended on the course of other csreala Increased arrivals of hogs acted as a weight on provisions. Declines that result ed were checked by support from packers. Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. ' Open. High. Low. Close May $1 KO'4 - tl.SJ fl.H3 $1.86 July 1-5114 L 54 1.50 l-3 CORNS Msy 1.01 1.01 l.OO 1.01 H July 99 LOO .98 .99 OAT3. May 58 .68 .57 .68 July 551, .56 .55 .55 MESS PORK. May .."....29.20 29 25 29.12 29.2 July 2S.U5 28.97 28. S7 26.92 LARD. May 16.25 16.30 1620 16.25 July 18.42 16.42 16.35 16.40 SHORT RIB3. Jan 15.15 May 13.47 10.30 15.35 15.4a - Cash prices were: Wheat No 2 red, $1.92: No. t red. $1.S9 41.91 : No. 2 hard. $1.03; No. 3 bard. $1.9041 101. Corn No. 2 yelldw. $1.00: No. 4 yellow. 0699ttc: No. 4 white. 9869940. Oats No. 3 white, t7t5c; standard. 57 uSWic Rye No. 2. nominal; No. 3, $1.45. Barlev isfl3rt. Tlrocthy $3.50 Q 5.50. Clover $12 ft 1 7.00. GREAT SHORTAGE IJT WORLD'S WHEAT Crop 25.3 Per Cent Less Thaa That ef Pre ceding Year. WASHINGTON. Jan. 22. World crop pro duction estimates for 1916. cabled to the Department of Agriculture today by the In ternational Institute ot Agriculture at Rome, show: Wheat (IT leading countries) 2.478.000.000 bushels. 25.3 per cent less than ths 1815 crop. Rye (11 countries) 9S9.000.000 bushels. 5.3 per cent less lhsn.1915. Oats (7-4 countries) bushels. 13.6 per cent less than 1915. Corn (six countries) 2,744,000.000 bush els, 14.6 per cent less than 1915. ' Cotton (United States. India. Japan and Egypt) 17,071,000 equivalent to soo-pound bales. 7.9 per cent more than In 1915. India's 1917 wheat acreage is forecast as an Increase ot 8 per cent over 1916; flu S per cent' less, and cotton 19 per cent more ith cotton production Indicates? at 12 per cent greater then last year. Eastern Wheat Futures. tTJLUTH. Jan. 22. wheat closed May, $1.S; July, $1.8.3. WTNNIPKCJ, Jan. 22. Wheat closed May. $1.86; July. $l.e3. KANSAS CITT. Jan. 22. meat closed- Msy. $1.82; July, $1.49; be pt ember, l-32. 8. LOCIS. Jsn. 22. May. $1.86; July. Grata at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Jsn. 22. Spot quota- tlonns Walla, $2. 1 2 ?2.73: red Russian, 72i2.75: turkey red, $2.95r$3; -lu. stem. t3u3-C5; feed barley. fz.25u2.2i white oats, fu.Oo; bran, S2Hrf 2S.50; midr dUnga. $373S; shorts, $30Q31. Call board Barley May, $2.20 bid, $2.35 asked; December. $l.6o asked. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 22. Wheat May. $1.89; July, $1.82 6' 1.82. Cash.- No. 1 hard. $1.97 i a l.sw ; no. i Northern. $1.9001-83; No. 2 Northern, $l.H7tr LU3V. Flax 2.B9J.M. Barley, 90c B $1.25. Pnget Sound Grain Markets. SEATTLE. Jan 22 Wheat Bluestem. $1.66; turkey red.; fortyfold. $1.63; club, $1.63, fife. $1.63; rod Russian, SL6L Barley, o per ton. Yesterday's car receipts Wheat 4, flour 3. TACOMA. Jan. 22. Wheat Bluestem. $1.70: fortyfold. club and red fife, $1.66; red Russian. il.M. Car receipts Wheat 7, hay 6. PERSONALT MENTION. C. F. Wade, of Olix, is at the Corne lius. H. Kallansend, of Mosler, is at the Eaton. F. R. Austin, of Corvallis, is at the Carlton. W. Bades, of McMlnnvllle, is at the Perkins. J. E. Faweran, of Seattle, is at the Nortonia. J. R. James, of Dallas, is registered at the Eaton. Pearl M Bennett, of Sacramento, is at the Seward. J. F. Mahon. of Burns, is registered at the Imperial. George W. Warren, of Warrenton, is at the Portland. W. J. Binder, of Astoria, is registered at the Cornelius. P. B. Jennings, of Fishers. Wash., is at the Multnomah. Lv B. Kavanaugh. of Eugene, la stay ing at the Nortonia. W. R- Thompson, of Astoria, Is regis tered at theeward. L. C Buckholts, of Seattle, is regis tered at the Carlton. L. M. Tebbol, of Spokane, ia regis tered at the Nortonia. J. W. Suldan. of II waco, la among the arrivals at the Eaton. J. Mattey, of McMlnnvllle, has re turned to the Perkins. O. A. Peterson, of Peterson's Land I lng, is at the Perkins. A. Whisnant is registered at the Multnomah from Bend. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Langs, of Salem, are at the Washington. Frank E. Evanson, of Astoria, is reg istered at the Imperial. J. S. Kelly Is registered at the Corne lius from Walla Walla. L King, of Marshfield. is among arrivals at the Carlton. m W. W. Sutherlln. of Spragua, is arrival at the Imperial. Mrs. Robert N. Stanfield. wife of Speaker of the Bouse at the Leglsla ture. Is registered at the Portland from Pendleton. P. W. McLean, of Astoria. Is regis tered at the Multnomah. J. D. Walker, of Plymouth, Wash-, is registered at the Eaton. C. H. Stackwell, of Clatskanle. Is reg istered at the Multnomah. Jerry A. Sboolins. of Hay Creek, is registered at the Imperial. H. H. Lathrop, of Walla Walla, is registered at the Portland. Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, of Salem, are registered at the Oregon. Robert MeCullough. of Great Falls, arrived at the Oregon yesterday," Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price, of Van couver, B. C., are at the Nortonia, H. F. Van Riper., of Seattle, is regis tered at the Carlton with his wife. George Leinder. of Seward, Alaska, is an arrival at the Hotel Seward. - H. M. Lorber, of San Francisco, is among the arrivals at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Harrison, of St. Helens, are registered at the Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Silvertooth. of An telope, are registered at the Cornelius. Dr. J. M. Keene. of Medford.. is at the Portland, where be arrived yesterday, J. II. Leroux. of Walla Walla, is at the Oregon, where he arrived yester day. Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw, of North Powder, are recent arrivals at the Ore gon. David M. Welder and R. E. Ralston are registered at tha Seward from .Al bany. W. C. Cleveland and Miss Hazel Cleveland, of - Boise, are registered the Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Taylor, of Baker City, are among the recent arrivals at the Washington. Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Augustine, of Blackfoot, Idaho, are among the arriv als at the Washington. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Births. MER R I AM To Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Mer- ai.i. 326 North Tweaty-tnira street. Jan uary v, a son. KINGSLEY To Mr. ana Mrs. eiivsnua Klngsley, Eugene. Or.. January , a dauga-'r- . . BURT To Mr. ana Mrs. rrancis n. ran. SV4 Overton street, January 9, a daughter. SMITH To Mr. and Mrs. Albert bmltn. 219 East Ninety-second street, January 10, son. ST ROHM EI ER To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rtrohmeler. 732 Vaughn street. January 10. daughter. GRKNFELL To Mr. and Mrs. Marshall B. Grenfell. 83& Multnomah street. January 10. a daughter. ARXST To Mr. and Mrs. David Arnst. 905 East Thirteenth street North,- January 11, a daughter. . Lfc-Alio To Mr. ana strs. Arcnie xeuu. Ta-oma. Wash., January 11. a son. WYM AN To Sir. and Mrs. raul M. wy- man Hav City. Or.. Janusry 11. a son. ABBOTT To Mr. and Mra Allen D. AD bott. 6U41 Forty-third avenue Southeast. January 11. a daughter. CONNER To Mr. and Mrs. Christian D. Conner. 2002 East Alder street, January 12. daushter. ALLEN To Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Allen. 900 Thurman street. January 12. b daughter K ATZ To Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Katz. 729 Meade street. January 12. a daughter. BARDE To Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ha rue, 742 First street. January 13. a son. - MANfl To Mr. and Mrs. John Msng. 1274 East Thirty-seventh street. January 13, a son. BROWNE! To Mr. and Mrs. .Tames M Browne. 579 East Seventh street North, Jan uary 13, a daughter. M.rr4.r. Umium fVTRHEAr-LL-CK Wlllam Mulrhead. 625 Washington street, and Cecilia A. Luck. 3S5 Forty-Becona street. NORMAN-LOt-v l.NU EBf Aaron Nor man, aged 19 years. 561 East Twenty-sixth stree. and Frieuo Loewlug, aged Is years. 314 Sixth street. EwARD-PAPPEI, Herbert O. Seward, Hotel Seward, and Edna FappeL Hotel Sew- ard. ITCKETT-UT.LKlCH Jess I.. .Put-kett, . , i ri bi t i.u.i b . i rci, uu iuriku, same address. Vancouver Marriage Licenses. ANDERSON-HUDSON John J. Ander son. 24. of Reedville, Or., and Miss Lliza- betb A. Hudson. 22, of Marshlsnd, or. JONES-RAINWATER H. E. Jones. 23 of Marshheld, Or., and Miss Lena Rain water. 28, of Wsrrenton, Or. MARKS-FEAK.ER Leo Marks. 23. Portland, and Miss Blanche Feaker, 22, of Portland. M A KB Y-A VERS Henry Msrby. 28. .of Chenowith. Wash., and Miss Bertha Ayres. 19. of Chenowith. v ash, GREEN-ADAMS Homer E. Green, 58, of Baker. Or., and Mrs. Emma It. Adams, 4U, of Marshfield. Or. HARRIOTT-REYNOLDS Austin M. Har riott. 40. of Portland, and Miss Flossie Dot Reynolds. 16. of Uallstou, Or. KBUfCHBK-ttlilTE Leslie D. K.eusrner, 23, of Portland, and Miss Ruth M. White, IS, of Fortlanu. OGLlvy-KEARNS Ttay Ogllvy. ZS. of Pendleton, Or., aud Miss Hazel Kearns, 16, of Portlands- Building Permits. EAST SIDE MILL LUMBER CO. Erect one-story boiler-house near foot of Spokane avenue, between Willamette River and P. R. L. & P. Gompaari line; Francis CapelL, builder; $500. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Jan. 22. Maximum temper ature, 45 degrees; minimum, 36 degrees. River reading. 8 A. M.. 2.5 feet; change in last 24 hours. 0.3' foot rise. Total rainfall P. M. to 5 P. M. I O.02 inch. Total ra n- fall since September 1, 1916. 13.46 Inches; normal, 23.96 Inches; deficiency. 10.50 Inches. Total sunshine, none; possible, 9 hours 18 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea lev.-l) 5 P. M . 30.17 Inches. Relative humidity at noon. 6 per cent. THE WEATHER. K 'A J W"d ? 5 ll s- B !i ; 5 3 it? 5 3 Stats of STATIONS. ? 3- weather. ' f I S ? : : s : ; I 1 Baker 61 22O704l..'W 'Snow 12) 2tVO.04 ,,'SE Jsnow 221 42 0.3S 30, W tCIoudy 141 SO o.oo'.. .1NW Clear 16 20 0.00 10W :pt. cloudy Boise Boston ...... Calgary ..... Chicago ..... Denver ..... Des Moines . Duluth Eureka s :;s:u.uu ..n rt. ciouuy 6 O.OO . ,:pW Idea -20, O0.02 16 SW Clear 48 O.OO . . N lOlouily 58 0.24'10'N f.'Ioudy 2610.00' . . !SW 'Cloudy 16 O.OO 12 SW 'Clear 'PR r.6! Galveston ... Helena ...... Jacksonville . 'Juneau . ... . 3t))OO.t4. .I.XWSliow 4- 16 0.0Ok. ,S Cloudy 401 CO 0.001. .rfF! Iciear 86 4 6 0.041. .INWiCloudy Kansas City.. Los Angeles . Marshfield .. Medford 251 46 O.O'V . .!S Cloudy Minneapolis . Montreal .... -121 -6.0.0K10S Clear -4' 10 0.06 22;W 561 56 O.ftRi. .SB K"Iear New Orleans. New York .. Cloudy 321 40.1040;NWICloudy North Head . 3o' 44 0.08 26 NW Rain 16 36 '0.OIV. .IW 'Clear .. 4.0.oo'..S Clear 36' 54 0.0O'.. JV Clear -8 14 0.O0 16SE ISnow 3111 45 0.02'. .IPW IRaln 341 4S0.00...W Cloudy 34' 54 O.OOl. .Is 'Clear North Yakima Omaha . ... Phoenix .. Pocateilo Portland ., Roseburg . ramento St. Louis 14 24 O.oo'. .iNWiClenr Salt Lake tv 44 44' 36 21" 0.04i . . :NW Cloudy 6ro.tMi . 'w Iciear an Diego Fan Francisco. S O.OO . .'NW Clear Seattle 42 O.OO 10 SB (Cloudy Sitka 2. . . o.ih . . 'v rtaln 20, 2s O.061. .'NW Snow Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh ! 36 44 o.oo io sw (Cloudy Island; 3S; 44 0.06 30 W PL cloudy tVsldez Walla Walla. Washington Winnipeg ... n-' cairn ft. cloudy 201 4n 0.01'. . ICloudy 34' CO O.OS 16 N'W Cloudy -22, -8 O.OO 16 SE Iciear t A. M. today; P. M. report of preceding day. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A moderate disturbance has moved from Southern Alaska to Alberta and precipi tation has resulted over ths Northwest and Canadian Southwest: precipitation has oc curred slso In Northern dsn. ths Dskotas. Minnesota and rrom tne uuir .oat norm eastward to New England and Canada. High pressure obtains over most or toe cnlla States except in the north-central portion nd the extreme Northeast. The weather is much warmer In Interior Western Canada snd on the eastern slope of the Northern Rockies, and It is is degrees warmer in Southeastern Washington. Temperarures are much lower In Southwestern ftah snd from New Mexico and tne west ou't tetes nortn -astward to the Lake Begloci snd Canada Temperatures continue 10 degrees or more below normal In Eastern Oregon and Soutn M-n ia inn The Indications are ror partly cioaay weather In this district Tuesday with no the marked temperature changes and generally northwesterly winds. FORECASTS. Portland snd vicinltjr Partly cloudy: the northwesterly wlnflt Oregon, . Washington and Idaho Partly FACT S o where every one: PASSES. Fifth street, from Irvington to Jeffer son, was paved in 1905. and from Jef ferson to S h e r m an In 1!10. and Is today the best evidence of the stability and wearing quality of Bltulllhlc Fifth street, from Stark to Yamhill, is subjected to the heaviest traf fic in the city, and, though it was tm- f roved 12 years ago. t Is as good as when first paved with BITULITHIC t S WARREV BROS CO, Jonreal Hide 1 Portland, Uregosu eloudy; not much ehange la temperature; winds mostly northwesterly. North Paclfle Coast Partly cloudy; mod erate northwesterly winds. T. FRANCIS DRAKB. Assist snt Forecaster. CHINATOWN IS CLOSED STORES BEAR NOTICES OB YEAR HOLIDAYS. STEW Graad Opera Draws Crowds aad Homes Are Gathering Places for Many f Social Affairs. The shops of Chinatown wvre tightly shuttered yesterday lu observance of . the Chinese New Year. They will re main so for several days, aa 11 the restaurants. many of which bore placards in English announcing the holiday. Banqueting began ast night, and will continue for several weeks, it ia said. The MancLurlan drama that is being enacted at Arlon Hall affords another variety of social diversion. Several hundreds of Chinese attended the opera yesterday, and gave the per formance the approval of rapt atlen- ti n. In the homes end stores of China town are t.ays of sweetmeats, candied citron, ginger, beans, melon, pumpkin and strange fruits. Also there are brottd dishes of dried mel' u seeds, which, as the Chinese sagely affirm, are eaten merely in the Interludes of conversation, as a social grace. Late Sunday night, as the old year waned, in eve .-y store and business house of Chinatown, accountants rat tled the counters of the abacus and deftly plied t' marking? ""-ush. They were settling up the scores of tho year, and closing the books. A plant gr--'ng on mountains in Central Europe develops enough heat to push its flower star -. through snow and produce Mo.otns. TRAVELERS' GrlDE. San Francisco Los Angeles Wltboat Change Ea Route) S. S. BEAVER Sails Erons Alnsrwerth Dock TUESDAY, JAN. 23. SAILING HOUR CHANGED TO 9 P. M. 10O Coldest Miles am Columbia River. All Haln lirlsse Hertks and Meals, Table and Service I nes. celled. The San Frsnelars A- Portland S. S. Co. Third and Washington street twlth t.-W. R. A- A. to.) Tel. Broad way 454H1. A 6121. sTWIN PALACES GRaoRim-Horm t'li... '-., -A. rm.lixv a S. S'ORTHSHV Ptrjfir, --press train time. Sails Jan. 20. 25. SO. Feb. 8. 8. 13. "20, 24.. Cal. Ptr. Express leaves 9:30 A. M. Pares (8, 12.50. (15. 517.50. 2S." B. RRE4T NORTHERN. San Fran, -tffco and I.OB Angeles to Honolulu. Jan. 23; Feb. 12; March 5, 23; April IL 80. S13U rgunu trip, and up. r.-i , dim n ciarsi Kl.llnn. tilth mnH Mnvt ! Station. I Ub and I 8d and Mar.. N. I I 84ft Wash.. O. N. I loo 3d Biirlingtoi TICKET Oil-It ES ttr. oo Ky. ALA SKA KuDrl. fewCl tills. Ma. t ravm Ri rai rr, fi aatraa. T rra ell . tout tm u-. AiMlne. to . VawctiAV taVaftk 4UM1 fr rrJ. CALIFORNIA Tla aeait-e or a raa.iL ts Lsa Aorsies asd baa Dlsgo, irgsst shiss, aaequslsd service, lew rates, laelud-ea aueals and berth. For particulars eppry er 1e!nnr PACIFIC KIEAMM1IP COk VA t. Ticket Offles. ta VYasbingtea sa, fas. Mala SIS. Mesas A SSB. COOS BAY Et'REKA. SAH FRANCISCO S. S. KILBUEN 6 P. M. Friday, January 26 122 Third Street. Phones Mala 1314 and A 1314. AiSLe i. . WAPAMA WEDNESDAY. 2 :30 P. M., JAN. 24. U Ban Francisco. Foruand. Los A n K les 6tesman:p Co. e'rank BoUam. Agt . 124 Third St A 4.1BS. Main 2a U NEW ZEALAND A HO.VOLrLf-SlVA-AlSTKALIA Regular sailings by the Canadian-Australasian Royal Mall Line. For further partlcul ars apply Canadian Paelf ia Railway. S3 Third Street. Portland. - - - 1 1 VI r f r I lias ntnT--"l ll S WTOS-H0WTlsDtiMlltKl KKUamr MiUnjCsi awFvr a i i u p i i i a a rSTTlril." il dll Ltl IT! I I ll B I ( ' aaJJlxs W I nl I SB i J TC M i an I as- I -a -asfj -O-gt a A i Ml t i 1 Cornpasi' tHiitm, 42 Hroadwar. N. T. irxy Jtt. Mnr.ti. Third tMilngton Bt.