TTTE 3IORNTXG . OREGOXTA'X, TTJT:,SIa.Y. JATCTJAItT -23, 1917. - J- BrNlVESS orPORTTJNTTIES. $50 CASH, balance leu than you'd pay for your apartments; 8 beautifully furnished rooms; everything goes, including fine oil paintings and my price will be your price; come out and figure it yourself; upstairs 'permanently rented) pays entire rent, right, phone, water Ml is 300 Hancocks WA or B cars. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Inter est in lnestablished real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWG1LL fiec , 802 Henry Bldg. PIAN'UTS, popcorn, chewing candy; sales running $2500 per year; profits 50 per cent or better; rent $30; store 12x14; small balcony stock, fixtures, butter klst ma Wne, all $G00 cash, less than machine coat. Sunset Confectionery, Astoria, Or. JN'EW manufacturing company about to commence business In Portland has open ing for secretary who can invest $10,000; Investment secured; best references. AX. 43, Oregonian. SPECIAL. NOTICES. Miscellaneous. HOTEL MEN. READ THIS. One of most prosperous hotels in capital city for sale; will Bell property or furni ture and lease. For particulars address pay v iew tiotci. uiympia, wasn. ITOR SALE A prosperous chicken business; equipment consists of 300 hens. White Leghorn cocks; portable houses, electric apparatus, etc.; 5-acre ranch for rent. L. E. Robinson. CorvalUs, r. JfOR SALE Well established hardware store In good location, at a very reasonable price. Present owner, going into manu facturing business. Inquire M 54. Orego nian. AUTO GARAGE Opening for energetic man In this good business; profits $"250 month; only $oo cash required. Call 248 Stark st. OWING to bad health I am compelled to sell my stock of groceries, located in country town, good country and clean stock; will sell right. BC 53, Oregonian. FOR RENT Best location In city for mo torcycles and supply shop; transfer cor ner. 387 E. Morrison st. BUSINESS OPPORTryiTTES WAXTTD. BARBERS wanted. One or two-chair outfit or shop; cash. Call Tabor 2357 mornings v w ecu otpq u o ClOCtC KINE view homesites. West Side, 15 min utes out, SOxllO; only $450; $25 cash, $10 per mo. M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bldg. WANTED To buy a small bakery in good small town or would rent bakery outfit; cash. Address AV 438. Oregonian. HOTEIB ANT ROOMING-HOUSES, MRS. M. E. LENT, Leading Hotel Apartment-House Agent. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. B24 N. W. Bank bis- 6th and Morrison. fiWELLEST lltUe apt. bouse in town; bras beds, good furniture, best offer take It. Call Main 20k. HOTELS, APTfa, OR ROOMING-HOUSES, ANY SIZE, PRICE OR LOCATION. MRS. KRANTZ, 621 TEO.N BUILDING. LOST AXD FOUND. THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light A Power Company, January 20, 1917: 1 single glove, 1 book car tickets, 1 stove, l package hat, 1 package dress goods, 1 package clothing, 1 lantern, 2 roils music, 1 package towels, 1 purse, 1 handbag. 1 pair gloves. 1 package coat, 1 package shirt. 1 book, 1 coil wire. 1 cufflink, 1 pin. 1 pair glasses, 1 package aocks, 1 veil, 1 telescope, 1 suitcase, 1 lunch box. 1 package clothing. 1 package. 1 package eggs. 1 package shoes, 1 pack age eg cartons, 1 shopping bag. 2 keys, 9 umbrellas. Owners may obtain lost property at First and Alder streets. THE following articles were found on the ars of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Company January ai, 1917: 1 package sack, 1 package clothing, 1 sack milk bottles. 1 package ties, 1 blue chart, ' 1 roll music. 1 necklace, 1 single glove, 1 drinking cup, 2 purses, 1 key. 2 suitcases, 1 lunch box, 7 umbrellas. Owners may obtain lost property at First and Alder street. LOST On north side of Northrop street, between Nineteenth and Twentieth. a ladies' gold hunting case watch. Reward. Ureat Northern Express Co., 84 Sixth st. LEFT at store in market near 5th and Yam hill. Monday eve, pkg. containing cro cheted yoke, scissors, etc Marshall 5504. LOST Large flat martin muff, . Llpman Wolfe's hosiery counter. Return 41)1 E. lSth St. N. Reward. East 1566. LOST Lady's Waltham open-face gold watch. Reward will be given if returned to Hotel Portland. LOST String of pearl beads. Finder phone East 5205. LOST In Star Theater, silver ring, jade atone. Reward. Main 9472, after 6:30. LOST Female setter dog, 285. SIlwood 1299. license number LOST Pearl sunburst breastpin, diamond In .center. Phone Marshall 5198. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, H. J. SCHULDBRMAN, Cor poration Commissioner of the State of Oregon, as required by Section 6717, Title XblV, of Lord's Oregon Laws, did, on the Id day of January, 1917. report to me, as the Governor of the State of Oregon, a list of all of the corporations organized under the laws of the State of Oregon, for gain, which for two consecutive years Qr more next preceding the said 2nd day of January. 1917, have failed, neglected or refused to furnish him, the said Cor poration Commissioner, any statement re quired to be furnished under any law of this state, or to pay any license fee re quired to be paid under any law of .this slate; and WHEHKAS, said report of the Corpora tion Commissioner, so made as aforesaid, contains the names of the following cor porations, which, for two consecutive years or more next preceding the date of, the report, have failed, neglected or refused to furnish any such statements or to pay any such license fee, to-wlt; 17575 Abbott-Forrester Company, The iss-j-j Acme Automobile Company 3S502 Advance Amusement Co. 174H3 Adjustable Liquid Gauge Company 140S7 Ajax-Auto Traction Co. 7545 Allen & GUbert-Ramaker Company 17194 Alvord-Carr-Hunter Co. 5926 Alaska Fishermen's Packing; Com pany 3C AHliuuM F.aoe Company 3V3SO American Cemetery Society 3t3S7 American Credit Association, The J HI M American Eu el Co. 3 3SS1 American Hospital A Relief Assocla tloa 1T1725 Amazon Mining Company 3 7 1 H4 Annex Hotel Company 3 821KI Antler's Theater Co., The 1146S Applegate. Williams Creamery Com pany, The 38569 Arleta Amusement Company IftSf Astoria Baseball Association l-467 Associated Development Co. 1TOS1 Auto Accessory Company 169S1 Automatic Announcer Company 1131 Automatic Call and Advertising Clock Co. l4-n Auto Quick Service 18OO0 Automatic Sprinkler Finance Corpo ration 17573 Automatic Window Lock A Lift Co, Barnes Lumber Company 10169 Baker Irrigation Company 124S4 Baker and Malheur Oil Company WHS Bandon Woolea Mills, The 151-52 Beaux Art Building Co. 14r72 Beaverton Brick and Tile Company 3320 . Beaver Cigar Company 1 7227 Bendemeer Investment Company 1S653 Bend Land A Title Company 17693 lSliiiO 15790 17319 b027 17540 ' 1S367 1227S 1764U lu7 17978 13149 171J 16175 18903 10503 1S711 10047 9623 759 15214 9961 174S8 18367 9890 17518 17041 18058 1SS4S 14182 15534 10935 160t5 15761 38545 14U52 17724 3 6723 14781 lotfOX 18689 1T2H 3 8U03 15016 18821 17024 18545 15576 1O013 13513 17920 13470 10294 15144 16464 15972 16581 13147 12165 14592 ISutt 1000 9220 14226 18640 18895 17390 11802 18615 18259 16496 18U85 14276 14U35 17988 10210 17663 1839T 17763 18368 18484 11839 12438 15727 16416 17565 18U74 17002 1772 11045 113U0 15724 15919 12478 15812 13020 10634 1556 16561 8327 38361 18798 10850 17S77 38132 17H31 18213 13294 1785 10684 9643 16978 18048 18644 18805 18544 10198 18268 15765 3 8353 18S1U 17624 3 B055 16362 17750 2148 3 8677 18967 38133 15292 3 8764 34460 15081 3S360 821 1A58& 15268 17028 SMI 18123 31786 17415 3 6126 3 61S3 3HS79 16448 1392S 13264 1S910 18800 18130 18200 18643 38223 17715 12718 18911 12093 11953 16432 18375 13739 1105.1 1 6235 1SJ23 16013 3 8941 14188 17696 15543 13S60 1707 9568 11974 SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. Beaver Logan Berry A relation Belalr Mfg. Co. Inc. Bend Milling and Warehouse Com pany Bell oil Company, The Beach-Thomas Company .Bishop printing .Company Bland Acreage Syndicate Blue Mountain Sawmill Co. Bonded Adjustment Company Bowne-Hopkins Lumber Company Bright Building A Investment Com pany Brainard Lumber Co. Broadway Realty Co. Broadway Sand A Gravel Company Brogan Security and Investment Company BrownCo., Inc., C. E. Brown, Inc., Frank M. Brown Realty Company Brown Ta'xicab Co. Butte Falls Sugar Pine Lumber Com pany Caiapoola and Blue River Mill and - Mining Company Carter Brothers Calhoun Company, Geo. S. Catherine Creek Development Com pany Carpenter Fence Post Co. Calapouia Investment Company Can by Land Co. Casey Lumber Company. The California. Oregon A Eastern Rail way Company Central Garage and Ante Co. Central Oregon Investment Company Central Sash, Door A Mfg. Company Chapman Advertising Co., The Chapman Construction Company Chandler Liquor Company, J. W. Chemical Products Co. of Oregon Chetco Southern Telephone Company Cincinnati Mines Company, The City Motor Trucking CStnpany Coast Cement Company, The Coast Supply A Manufacturing Com pany Columbiana Carry usa 11 Company Colonial Chemical Co. Cowlitz City Townsite Company, The Cobienta Co. Inc. The Consolidated Copper Mining A Power Co. Cornelius Dairy Produce Company, The Commercial Fire Dispatch Co. Inc. Co-operative Heating Company, The Colonial Investment Company y Conservative Investment Company Continental Investment and Develop ment Company Coppernoll Jewelry Co, Coxi y Lumber Company Continental Lumber Company Concoff Machinery and. Elevator Company. Inc Colby Manufacturing Company Cove Milling Company Combination Mines Company Comer Mine's Company, The Comet Mining Company Copper Mountain Mining Company Condon-Noonan Co. Condon Park Association Cornell Ranch Company, The Colonial Security Company v. Coopey-Yerex Manulauturinr Com pany Columbia Contracting; and. Engineer ing Company Columbia Realty Investment Co. Coos County Collieries. The Coos Bay Brick & Clay Manufactur ing Company, The Coos Bay Oil A Gas Company Coos Bay Realty Company Cook and Company, B. S. Cook-Howard Company Coqullle Hardware Co. Coquille Mill and Mercantile Com pany. The Coquille River Manufacturing Com pany Corvallls Amateur Athletic Club Corvallis Concrete Company Crist and Bartholomew. Incorporated Crescent ' City Terminal and Land Company Crater Lake Company Crater Lake Navigation Company Creamerie Restaurant Company Culver-Opal Springs Water Company Culver Potato Warehouse Company Cut Rate Mercantile Company hayton Building Incorporated Dammeler Company, The Dammeier Investment Company Davenport-Stanley Ranch Co. Dalles Orchard Company, The Douglas Abstract Company Douglas Countx Abstract Company, The Dodge Lumber Co.. E. BL. Dun das Company, A. L. Eagle River Electric Power Company East Fork Irrigating Company Eastern Liquor Company Eclipse Copper Mining Company Eoonomy Grocery Co, Eddy .Crushed Rock, and Supply Co. The Empire Theater Company - Equal Rights Company . Equity Warehouse Co. Eugene Construction Company Evergreen Lumber Company Fancher Company, H. M, Fair Creek Lumber Co. Farmers Implement and Supply nouse Farmers A Merchants) Telephone ComD&nv Farmers rUnlon Warehouse Company of Wallowa Federal Independent Paving Company Fir-Pine Lumber company Flint Realty Company, Inc Ford Agency, J. P. Forest Grove Brick and Tile Com pany Foothills Irrigation Company Fraaier and Company, George Frigorlflc Company, The Francis, Kadderly A Co. Frohnmaver Water Meter Company Gaston Drug Co., The Gas Filtering and Purifying Company of Oregon, The Garachlne Oil Company Garden Park Company Garibaldi Power Company German Theater Society of Portland, Oregon General Utilities Company Gilbert-Tilbury Company. The Globe Contracting Company Glenco Land Company Glenart Realty Co. Go en Co. Gordon Company. The W. A. Goodkind Company, R. H. Gowen-Ide Company Gordon & Rhodes Gold Bug Mining Company Gold Center Dredge Company, The Gold Medal Shingle Co. Griffith Co. Green Mountain Copper Company Grefe-ham-Riverside Amusement Club Great Western Oil Company Holts' Harvey-Adams Lumber Company ; Hansen and Company, Inc, C. R. Hamilton. Inc.. E. A H. Hayden Island Improvement Com pany Hardwood Milling Co., The Hannibal Mining and Milling Com pany Hamilton Ranch Hardin Richmond Company Heavens Company. The Helm A Comnanv. E W. Heppner Creamery and Cold Storage Company Hermlston Loan and Improvement company Hickory Baric Remedy Company Highland- Development Company Hill Manufacturing Co. Hill Mutual Telephone Company, The Hindustan Trading co. Hogan-Beam Company Holmes Business College Home Builders Company of Portland Holding Company, The Hotel Eaton Hot Lake Home ft Sanatorium Co. The Horseshoe Lake Farming and De- veiopment Company Home Orchard Company of Hood River Hotel Sea Crest Company Hood River Development Company Hood - River Spray Manufacturing company v ' 18703 Hultqulst &. Company. Oscar 18899 Hudson Dredging Company 1&2U8 Hydraulic Mines Development Co. - 2515 Hydraulic Mining Co. 11367 Ideal Candy Company, The 19054 Intermountain Cement & Lime Works 87 54 Inland Navigation Company, The 14813 Independent Plumbing Company 18434 Industrial Society of Beavers 15939 Investment Society of Oregon 1S394 International Commercial Company 14241 International Dental Appliance Com nan y. The International Dredge Company International Jewel Company International Steamship Company Interstate Construction Company Interstate Manufacturing Company Interstate Property Company Interstate Service Company lowa-Medford Orchard Co. Ireland Cigar Company, E. C. Iron Mask Copper Company Isis Oil and Gas Co. Jones and Company, R. E. Jones & Sons Piano Company, Mark F. Johnson Lumber Company Xake Packing Co. Keating A Flood Company eiBO Cold Mining and Milling Com pany. The Kern Park Feed A Fuel Co. Kilpatrick-Collins Water L'sers Asso ciation Klngwood Park Company Kin? wood park Light and Water Company Klamath Basin Land Company Klamath -Dairy and Farm Produce Company - Klamath Home-site Company Klamath Woodenware Co. Klein &. Co., L, A. Klemarose Mfg. Cos Klees Wat-er Power Co. Koen Sales Company, H. R. Kribs & McDonald, Incorporated La Grande Fruit Association Lattin Company. M. S. Lakeview Irrigation and Power Com pany Langoe Publishing Co. Lance-Rush Lumber Company Lewis Brothers, Orchardists, Incor porated. Lebb Co., The Lee Investment and Trust Co. Lewis River Hydraulic Mines Com pany Lewis River Lumber Co. Lela Warehouse Company Llnnton Athletic Club Liza Cereal Co. Iinden-Kibbe Construction Company Lillie M. Mining and Development Company Llnnhaveu Orchard Co. . Loggers Oil Equipment Company Lucky Jack M ruing Company Lucky Tou Velio Copper Mining Com pany , Mallory Agency, Inc The Maliory &, Company Mansfield Company, The Martin Celestial Globe and Tellurian Company, The J Macleod Manufacturing Company Marshfield and Suburban Railroad Company Madras Totcnslte Company McGill BoUer Cleaner Company McCueker Company McCrary Ditch Company McMinnville Investment Company, The McMinnville and Yamhill County Hospital Association Mechanical Amusement Company Medical College Building Association Metropolitan Hospital Association Merchants Loan & Investment Com pany Mercantile Prlntlne- Comoanv Medford and Crescent City Railway Company Medford Mining Sc Milling Company Medford Realty and Improvement company Medford Warehouse Company Michigan Auto & Buggy Company Milk Creek Logging and Boom Com pany Millar and Company Millicoma Development Co. Minnehaha Gold Hydraulic and Dredge Company, The Mint borne tSurinKa Water Company Motor Appliance Manufacturing Com pany Molalla Clackamas Land A Improve ment company M on ta villa Garage Co. Morningside Hospital Moodle House-Moving Company, A. D, Monarch Lumber Company Moore Lumber Company. Geo, W. Modern Sanitation Company Morrison-Ami th Mining Co. Modern Specialists Mt. Hood Wood and Coal Co. M t. Pleasant Commercial Club Multnomah Drug Company Multnomah Multigraplung Company Multnomah Mechanical Manufactur ing Company Multnomah Mohair Mi I la Municipal Gas & Reduction Company or America. Mutual Lumber Company Mutual Milling Company, The Munitalp Mines Corporation Mulino Townsite Company Myrtle Drug Company Myrtle Point Mill Company Myrtle Point Trading Company, Inc .National lgg company National Iron '& Foundry Co. Newberg Apple Growers Union Necarney City Hydrocarbon Oil Co, Newberg Face Brick Co. Newberg Hardware and Plumbing Com pany, Limited N"ob Hill Garage & Automobile Corn- pany. The North Bend Hardware A Supply Co. North Coast Trust Company North Douglas Development Associa tion. The North Pacific Gas & Electric Com pany Northwest Development Company Northwest Fish Comnany Northwest Lumber Products Company Northwest Oil Burner and Equipment company Northwest Panama - Pacific Tours Company North western Association Northwestern Automatic Company Northwestern Construction Northwestern Realty Co. Nuera Mining and Milling Company O & A Lumber Co. O. K. Farming Company Oakrldge Water Company Observer Printing Company Ohio and Indiana Orchard Company Orchard Care Company Oregon Acetylene Lighting Co., The Oregon Berry Company Oregon-California Auto Company Oregon Cattle Loan Company Oregon Deep -Sea Fishing Company n The Oreeon Denlson Block Company 9408v Oregon Dental Supply Co. 1S24S Oregon Enunclator Company Oregon Envelope Company Oregon Free Gold Mining Company, The Oregon Fruit Land A. Water Company Oregon-Idaho Leases Oregon-Idaho LiunberCompany, Llm ited. The Oregon Inland Development Com pany Oregon Land and Orchard Company Oregon Lumber A Construction Co. Oregon Mining A Power Company Oregon Ore -Purchasing Company. Oregon Railroad Company Oregon Road Oiling Company Oregon and Southeastern Railroad Company Oregon Steel Rim Co. Oregon Telephone Herald Company Oregon Timber Investment and Trust Co.. The Oregon Walnut and Filbert Company Oregon A Washington Lumber In spection Bureau 1476T Otter Crest Beach Company, The 17617 Oxbow Lumber Company 18700 Panama Raking Company 18332 Parrott Brothers Company 4046 Palmer Grocery Company. The 18973 Parisian Importing Co. 7816 Park Land Company 18787 18446 19273 18923 18697 18759 18262 17033 17041 1230o 34663 15941 10311 9226 30938 13760 12555 16878 19059 17263 15815 12793 18651 37998 17247 14437 18te8: 18S61 345S4 3 6776 16125 1544H 15442 12767 1805O 15706 18771 11662 176U2 12319 38328 18349 3 7690 3 634 167V7 34022 16640 17334 17196 18405 34733 13603 18850 3 7859 13424 MVS 2 17003 3 4930 1095O 17584 1C621 17647 028 17305 9601 12678 17499 36307 15433 18936 16148 19J04 38093 16493 16087 - 13707 18416 18099 1840O 1 7354 18H10 336 34301 171(8 16.842 10765 3 6420 16098 3 6829 16877 100-53 13409 18466 37857 37924 38704 16498 16559 9386 38543 3S063 3 0934 14401 13756 18020 15422 16512 J 1293T 3 4518 18886 17S92 18569 18957 18447 17233 17083 14870 18647 182-7 188S7 18499 IS 623 17S88 16023 16301 16112 18558 139GO 3733 38127 36064 18896 18364 186S7 8506 18871 16586 14234 14159 16206 3 64 3 7 13979 18743 17953 14499 10119 1899T 17146 17910 1773 3 1143d Sprinkler Company SPECIAL NOTICfA Miscellaneous. 14871 184JO 16244 lbb6 653 19040 18194 1S103 17437 17221 1080 16523 1745U 12702 12829 18683 1489U 17949 17222 3 8730 lo959 6792 17933 1551 17344 18411 15&55 11551 15499 17956 12704 14964 946 18437 30753 1&424 38894 18102 429S 18584 38232 18628 16i69 15946 15640 19058 18003 35547 33878 17410 14504 18595 15998 15234 17814 17557 15969 17962 189&J 1S825 17359 11506 10S70 9723 17332 14889 16952 17183 11248 15850 18353 17065 16735 15563 18515 19024 18403 18493 19U42 1JS456 3 8314 18121 16923 1&0O4 1767T 3 8252 1S20J 3072O 35233 17994 13874 1(6265 17682 9298 18671 1 !Ma50 18122 1M918 18449 14097 14510 16783 18362 16524 38407 38898 1139.1 10843 18234 8695 15424 14874 14840 16907 17850 14580 18; 04 17668 38560 13135 38639 3 7902 36196 38550 18359 17655 18766 321 50 15901 4873 17934 4934 18204 1290S 4829 19KT2 18511 18182 16414 12975 1590 18972 18454 14775 14068 14935 17569 7513 3 5990 3 13rt 17741 1S55J 1709O 1516 3 29S4 3073S 3 2501 3 5591 1634S 12735 35185 16311 13915 16893 13384 16S75 10416 18891 17889 16114 3 7460 3 8830 15279 17144 14378 13315 SPKCLAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. Paymaster Mining A Milling Company Paclilc Coast Hospital Association Pacific Coast Lumoer Sales Company Pacific Gas, Power A Coal Prouucts Co., The Pacific incorporators Company ' Pacific Peanut Company Pacific Publishing Cum pany Pacific Road Oiling Co. Pacific States Automatic Announcer Company Pacific Bttamstilp Company Peerless Air-Motor Manufacturing Company. The Peoples' Building Company Peopie's Fruit A Produce Co. Penaieton Furniture Company Perkins Hotel Pharmacy Peoples Mortgage Company Peoples Store Company of Woo db urn Photo Zincograph Co. Pickering and. Company Pierce -Sanatsrlum. The Pneumatic Water-Lift and Land Company Pope and Company Powers Conbtruction Company Polk County Oil, Gas and Land Com pany Poultry Life Publishing Company Port Orford Cedar Co. Portland Auto Delivery Company Portland Bronze and Crucible titeel Foundry Portland. Business 'College Portland Cement Laundry Tray Com pany Portland Concrete Pile Company Portland Concealed Bed Company Portland Contract Company Portland Cutlery and Barber Sup ply Company Portland Development Company Portland Electric Maintenance Com pany Portland Glazed Cement Pipe Com pany Portland Investment Company Portland Kosher Sausage Company, The Portland Land Company Port land-Mexican . Hardwood Com pany Portland Mutual Savings Co. Portland Nataiorium Company Portland Oregon North Coast Rail way Company , Portland Property and Land Company Portland Rubber Culture Co. Portland Sash and Door Company Portland Surgical Supply Company Portland Tug A Barge Company Portland Warehouse and Dock Co. Priest Co., G. W. Prosser Gold Mining and Develop ment Company Premier Investments Company Progressive Investment Company Proebstel Land and Adjustment Co. Prudential Securities Company Progressive Theater Company Puritan Catering Company Putnam Gravel Co. Pulfer Mercantile Company Pulsky Orchard Tracts, Inc. Purified Petroleum Products Com panyof Oregon Queen Gold A Copper Mining A Smelting Company Rainier Lumber A Shingle Co. Rainier Mine Company Rattle Snake Irrigation Company Kea Brothers, Inc Reinforced Concrete Culvert Works Red Cross Pharmacy Reliance Lumber Company Recorder Publishing .Company Realty Syndicate of Oregon Redmond Union Warehouse Company Richardson Bureau of Distribution, The Riverside Rock Company Riverside White Pine Lumber Co. Rose City Amusement Company Rose City Laundry Co. Rose City Tile Company Rock Mining A Leasing Co., The Rocky Point Company Rogue River Salmon Packers Rural Comforts Manufacturing Com pany ' Rush ton A Company Rural Oregonian Publishing Com pany Rustless Screen Company. The Ryder Advertising Company Ryder Letter Company Sarah Belle Mining Company, The Saratoga Bowling Company, The Sandetone Co., H. D. Safety and Economy Damper Com pany Sanitary Market Company Sanlinore Mines A Power Company Salmon MountainCoarse Gold Mining Company, in Saddle System Corporation St. Helens Towing Co. Salem Auto Garage Salem Fruit Evaporating Company Schwartz Brothers Schramel A Davies Bros. Scott and McDougall Scotts Mills Building Association Scott River Developing Company, i ne Seeley-Anderson Logging Company Service Company Sea vey-Johnson Hop Company Sharkey Company, Jno. P. Sheridan Hardware Co. Shea-MacVaugh Engineering and Construction Co. Shock ley A McMurren Lumber Com pany Sheridan Orchard Co. Siskiyou Heights Company, The Simmons Spring Axle Company Silets Valley Cheese Company, Inc Smith Electrical Engineering Com pany. W. H. Snyder & Co. Snow Creek Mining Company, The boule Bros., Inc. Sofield A Hltzel. Inc South , Portland Crushed Rock Com -pany , Sou t hSWe tern Warehouse Co. Spalding Investment Company Springfield Toggery Company Sroat, Evans and Martin Sterling-A pplegate Company Stevens Coat and Suit Shop Strand Furnishing Co. Steele and Gerttula Company Stan-field Land and Investment Com pany Sterling Mining Company, The Statistical Service Company. The Stewart A Sox Hardware Company btancam iiik sugar company Standard Orchard Company Star Laundry Company Superior Brick A Tile Company . Suburban Home Water Company Superior Hospital Association Suttles Lake Improvement Company Sunset Land A' Investment Co., The Sutherlln Mercantile Company Sugar Pine Mining and Milling Com pany Success Ratchet-Lever Company Sun Realty Company Sykes Creek Mining Company Syndicating Realty Company Tate Investment Comnany Taubenheimer and Schmeer Carpet and Furniture Company Tacoma-Seattle-Everett Route Tads System. The Tent Department Store Company, The Terry A Harris. Inc. Terminal Realty Co. Thermodyne Company Timber Canyon Mines Company; The Tickler Company, Tbe Tipton Co., J. H. Timber Power A Development Com pany Tillamook Publlo Service Company Tomlinson Company, The Tom 11 neon Investment Company Toledo Light, Power and Manufac turing company Tower Rock Gold Mining Company Tracy Clothing Company Tucker Company. The J. TL Tumalo Irrigation Company Tus latin Investment Company Twin Manufacturing Company Twin Valley Land Company Typewriter Auto-Pneumatic Company u. a. r uti tteguisiion company Umatilla-Morrow County Poultry Aj soclatlon Union County Fair Association Union Credit Association Union Furniture Manufacturing Co. United Advertising Sign A Novelty Co. United Telephone Company, The Underwriters Association UnKinvale Grange Store Underwriters Loan aud Investment Company Universal Manufacturing Company Universal Puncture Seal Company Utopia Gold Mine Company Van Lam me Kidney Cure Tea Co., W. J. 37739 Waterfront Company, The 1&286 West Coast Film Company West Side Lumber A shingle Co. ' West Stayton Power A Railway Com pany Western Art Manufacturing Company 9903 W'etrteru Consolidated, Mines Com pany. The Western Development Company, The Western Engineering Works Western ' Merchants Protective Asso ciation Western Pacific Lumber Company Western KeXruterator Company 17638 Western Steel a Equipment Co. 12433 Western Trunk and Leather Works Wipslt Company Wheeler Irrigation Company, The Whitman Lumber Company -White man Motor Appliance Com pany, The White Swan Concert Band Wlnkleman Basr Company 17943 Wilson Basin Mining and Developing Company Wiison-Caae Lumber Company 17623 Willard Hotel Co. 12290 Wtllamina Lumber Company, The 15245 Willamette Building A Realty Com pany 18826 Willamette Realty Investment Cor poration v World Film Co. Wool Growers Scourrtig Company Wright and Dickinson Hotel Com pany of Seattle 9959 Wrignt-Dickinson Hotel Company laquina Bay Lumner company Yaquina Bay Oyster Company, The Yale Company Yamhill Milling-Power A Light Comnany Zero Refrigerating Machine Com Dan v 3 859S Co-operative Mercantile Co. Eugene Co-operative Association, The Hermetic Association. The Klamath Co-operative Produce Asso ciation i Montavilla Mutual 1st Association Mt Scott Mutualist Association, The North West Plumbing tna Heating Co moan v 17578 Oregon Ballot Cooperative Publish ing company Producers and Consumers Associa tion Prog ressl ve Co-operative Producers 8. E. Mutualist "Association 17455 Terrebonne Co-operative Creamery Association. IRRIGATION AMD DRAINAGE. 17037 Big Bend District Improvement company NOW. THEREFORE. I. JAMES WITH YCOMBE. as Governor of the State of Oregon, by virtue of the auahorlty con ferred upon me by Section 6717. Title XLIV, of Lord's Oregon Laws, and under and pursuant to the terms and provisions thereof, do hereby declare each and all of the foregoing and above-named Cor' porations dissolved, and their articles of Incorporation revoked and repealed, and all powers conferred by law upon such corporations are uereoy declared inop erative ana voia. IX WITNESS WHEREOF. I have here unto set my hand and caused the Seal of State to be hereunto affixed st the City or saiem. State of Orvicon. tbis 16th dav of January, in the year of our Lord One X nousand ine H una red and seventeen. JAMES WITHYCOMBE. Governor. By the Governor: BEN W. OLCOTT. Secretary of State. fState Seal) 38790 18t99 16s97 17155 18681 18295 lt433 10571 17799 12381 18413 18412 33380 38520 15563 1887ft 1&532 17862 15545 194H 18333 8651 18&47 18788 13211 14 all 10829 9641 1 8329 13549 15698 18153 1121T 18b36 17651 17743 16063 18345 17870 17827 PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS. H. J. Schulderman, Corpora tion Commissioner of the State of Oregon. as required by chapter 50, Laws of Ore gon. 1911. did, on the second day of Jan uary, 1917, report to me. as Governor of the state of Oregon, a list of all forSgn corporations which for two consecutive years or more next preceding the said second day ofTanuary. 3917,"' have failed, neglected or refused to furnish him, the said Corporation Commissioner, any an nual statement required to be furnished under any law of this state, or to pay the license fee required to be paid under any aw oi tnis state: ana CommiKsloner, . so made as aforesaid, con tains tne names oi the ioi lowing xoreign corporations which for two consecutive years or more next preceding the date of the report have failed, neglected or re fused to furnish any such statement or to pay any such license fee. to-wit: F- 941 American Soda and Potash Com pany i Delaware) Anderson Colony Orchards (Wash lngton) Barnes Shows Company. The AL G. ( Col ora do) -Brilllant Jewelry Company (Call fornia) Canyon Creek Consolidated Gold Mined c California) Central Oregon Land Company (Delaware) Corey Bros. Construction Company ctan Denlo Telephone Fire Alarm Com pany (Oaiiforsia) Florence-Bell Land Company (Idaho) Hammond Company, A. B. (New Jersey) Highland - Surprise Consolidated Mining Company (Idaho) Horse. Mountain Copper Mining company (Arizona) Idaho Gold and Radium Mining Comnany ( Washington) Idaho-Oregon Laud A Livestock Company (Idaho) Idaho-Oregon Light A Power Com pany (Maine) Jamison A Co.. E. P. (Washington) Kea sai-McDo well Logging Com pany (Washington) Klickitat Mineral Springs (Wash ington) Liberty Copper Mining Company ( vt asninirton Minook Gold Dredging Company (Washington) Monarch Coal Company (Washington) F- 720 Morse Realty Company (California) At u Her company, i he J. (.uontana) iNoati Arte wasmne-toni Oregon Forests Corporation (Maine) pierson, Roeding A company (California) Prospect Park Land Company, The Washington) Sanford Placer Mines Company, The ( wssninsrton) K- 989 Sectional Threshing Cylinder Com pany i wasnington) Stondalt Land A Timber Company (Wisconsin) Swastika Mining Company (Maine) U. S. Deaqueator Company (Wash ington) VanEmon Elevator Company (Call zorniai Now, therefore, I, James Wlthyeombe, as Governor of the State of Oregon, by virtue of the authority conferred upon me by chapter 50, of the Laws of Oregon for 1911, and under and pursuant to the terms and provisions thereof, do hereby declare the right of each and all of the foregoing and above-named corporations to transact business In t'te state of Oregon revoke! and repealed, and all powers conferred by law upon such corporations are hereby de clared Inoperative and void. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of state to be hereunto affixed at the city of Salem, state of Oregon, this J6th day of Jan uary, in the year of our Lord one thou sand cine hundred and sevnten. JAMES WITHYCOMBE. Governor. By the Governor; BEN W. OLCOTT, Secretary of State. (State Seal) . TO whom It may concern: Tou will take notice that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. Marie Covey. HOWARD M. COVEY. I BARGES for rent, capacity 500 Cons. Main 85. P-1077 F-1025 F-1052 F-10C3 F-1079 F- 803 F- 833 F- 658 F-10O8 F-1019 F- 991 F- 985 F-1073 F- 409 F- 641 F-1021 F-1015 F- 096 F-1006 F- 997 F- 312 F-3 076 F-1047 F-1040 F- 755 F- 933 F- 558 F- 383 F-1044 F-1043 SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. IN the District Conrt of the fnlted States ior tne uistnct or Oregon, in the matter of K. R, Clary. bankrupt. Request for bids I will receive sealed bids for the following stock ef merchandise and fix tures, formerly the property of the above named bankrupt, situate at 65o Thurman st.. Portland, Oregon, up to and until 12 o'clock. uoon, of U 26th day of January. 3917. at my offices, 740-47 Morgan b.dg.. Portland, Oregon : Stock of goods, wares and mer chandise consisting principally of drygoods, notions, gents, fur nishings, etc. of the Inventoried value of $5,103.79 Fixtures pertaining to tne same, of the inventoried value of...-. 421.25 FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. OL K installment plan is the best and surei memoa oi paying- a loan. per momn ior $a montns $-1.24 for 6o months, or $15. 17 for kHl months pa Total $5,525.04 The highest bid received will be a crpted. subject, however, to the approval of the court. Alt bids must be accom panied by certified check for 10 per cent (10cc) of the amount offered. Inventory of the. above stock and fix tures may be seeri at my office and the property Inspected at the premises, 650 Thurman iu, Portland. Or. R. L SABTN, Trustee. I WILL receive sealed 2lds at my office. 740 Morgan building, up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday. January 29. 1917. for a stock of merchandise of the inventory valu ation of $74&5.45. jtonsistiug of shoes. $2172.35: hats. $343.1.1 ; clothing. $927. o3; gloves. $122.66; ladies and children's wear, $744.30: dry goods and furnishings, $3176. (Hi. together with fixtures of $129.95. or total inventory valuation of 7615.4ti, located at 226 Yamhill street. Portland. Oregon, Terms cash. Certified check for lO per cent of amount offered must accom pany each bid. Right is reserved to re ject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office aud stock inspected on premises. R, L, tABIT. Dated: Portland, Oregon, Jan. 22. 1917. SEAIJID proposals wilt fee received at the on ice or the undersigned. 4Vi court nouse, until 3 P. M. .Thursday. February 15. 1917, for power plant plmng for Benson Poly technic School. Bids -will be opened in room 304 Courthouse 4 P. M. same day. Deposit of $5 is required for plans and specitlcations. which may be obtained at office of F. A. Naramore. Superintendent of Properties, 303 Courthouse. Certiiied check for ID per cent of amount of proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, tnust accompany each proposal. Board of Directors ra cer ves t he right to reject any and all proposals. R- H. THOMAd. School Cleric Dated January 22. 3117. "PROPOSALS' for building material for Pchofleld Barracks, ri. T. ortice, Quarter master. U. S Army. Portland. Or. Sealed proposals w ill be received here until 12 o'clock noon January 26. .1917. Further information on application. f ifcoo a a. L.S for launch Depot Quarter masters office. Fort Mason. San Fran cisco. Cal.. Sealed proposals will be re ceived here until 10 A. M. Feb. 15. 1937, for one gasoline launch (new or used.) In formation on application. FINANCIAL. MONEY LOANED. Residence property. O to 8 per cent. Business property, 5 6 per cent. Farm property, 7 to 8 per cent. WH1TMEK-KELLY CO.. 711 Pillock hlk. WILL purchase short-time chattel mortgages or chattel contracts, preiermoiy or mommy Installment payments. Portland Loan Company. 306 Dekum bldg. FJKST and second mortgages; aleo seller's interest in contracts purchased; Oreson or Wash. H. E. Noble. Lumbermen bldg. WK BUY mortgages, bonds and no tea WESTERN, BUND MORTGAGE CO.. 0 4th at., Bard of Trade bldg. MORTGAGE loans., notes, contracts, mort- msffi Diirrh.tNMil Tv-ln Jf- C.a 4 lwii bid WE buy real estate mortgages. Fred W. Money to Loan on Real Instate. MORTGAGE LOANS Any amount on resi dence or business property; low rates. mortgages and contracts purchased ; ne methods - J RE&ERVE INVESTMENT CO., 326 Htnry Bldg. Marsh.irl 4909. MONBY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BL'ILDlNi PL'RPOdES; VERY FLEXI BLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST CO., 202 Stevens Bids. RESIDENCE LOANS AT 6 Mi PER CENT. Any Amount. No Delay a Repayment Privileges. CLARK. KENDALL A CO., 205, 200 Northwestern Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rules, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIKRELL & CO.. 237 Northwestern Bank Bldg.' Marshall 4114. A 411S. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security from $IOO up on going rate or interest. OTTO A HARKSOX REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. 6 PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley farm loans; no delay; no commissions. Devereau Mortgage Company. t07 Con f-rd bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. 5 PER CENT loans will be made on central retail business properties, fi and 7 Per cent on other securities. EUWAKU K. GOUDEY CO.. orth eg tern Bank bldg. PER CENT MONEY In sums ranging xrom souu to ooou on farm land or city property. Full particulars at 404 Piatt bldg. . ' S10O0 TO LOAN on good vacant lot or acre age; submit your security to attorney at o-t r-iait Diug. S2UOO, $3000- $5000 AND $10,000 to loan at 7 per cent. tr. e. Bowman A Co., Z12 Chamber f Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. UKEUU.N !. V, & MUKTU AGK CO., INC, Stock Exchange -bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. SEE TS today for loans on improved city property. t to s per cent; .-ou and up Cellars-Murton Co., 825 Yeon bldg. MoN E TO LOAN ON CITT OR FARM PROPKKT1 ; WILL CALL It' INTERESTED.- Phone Tabor 226. $UO0,0OO TO LOAN In Bums to suit; build ing joanH, lowest rates, v . o. WecK. ilJ SIO Failing bldg. Phone Main S4o7. $3500 54 PER CENT. . Wl!l loan on improved farm for 20 years or less. vv j oregonian. $4000 CLIENT'S money loan immediately. Attorney 415 Piatt bmg. Phone Main 6143. D&vi a SlOoA toan ana interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property Or fcr nuilding purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 242 St-'irk street. Portland. Or. $4000. 7 per cent, on farm or city realty., Will divide to suit- Main 10:5. UNLIMITED Eastern funds. 5 to 7 per cent DOOLRY A CO.. 312 Board of Trade blug. MONEY Any amount, 6 to S per cent. V9 Money to lxntn Chattels and Salaries. IF YOU NEED MONEY. SEE US. SALARIES . . . CHATTELS. Loans mads to persons on salary or fixed Income; ou household furniture, pianos diamonds and other personal prupeity; legal rates. Business confidential; private offices. Portland loan col Licnsa. 3OO-307 Lekum Bldg. FURNITURE SALARY LOAN-S. LOANS, All that Is necessary to establish creuit with us is. that you either own furniture, oianos, or that you are working either will do. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO.. LICENSED. 317 Failing Bldg. HOME INSTALLMENT CO. Organized by salaried men for mutual protection. Money advanced on salary, diamonds, furniture, etc. Easy Install ments. Legal rates. Securities purchased 202 McKay bldg. Main 1242. REMEDIAL. LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business men to pro tect borrower. C. Myers Herman, man ager, 3iH Stark st. Money loaned on dia monds, jewelry, pianos, h. h. furniture. MoN EY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rate; all articles held 1 year; establish, since 1&.SS. Dan Marx. 283 Washington. PIANO and furniture loan.: licensed bv ths ana xurniture loan.; licensed by the state, ro. Harvey. Tabor Ssud. Loans u sutfs. WIDOW needs mon-y and will sell at die count first mortgage of 4ui0 at 7 per cent on tiue tract, partly improved place. Hear MoIm.1 in - run nvi r-m attractive discount allowed; place valued at $ioiQ cash. 1 30, Oregonian. FOR SALE First mortgage at discount! first-class West Side residence; takes Slightly more tiian $-'000 cash to buy splendid moral rink. U 37. Oregonian. LOAN W ANTED. $1500 at 7 per cent on house and S acres Inside city limits. Value $uuOO. Marshall 2 S3 2. WANTED From private party. $4000 for 3 ears, at 1 per cent; no commission; oa lrvington residence, AO 02, Oregonian. $250 FOR one year. 8 per cent. Invest i gation will prove security to be more than ample. AO 44. Oregonian. WANT to borrow $1200 on modern bontn. valued at 45oO. McKenzie A Co 51 Oer linger blag. " $1000, THREE years. 7 per cent, on house ana iou iso agouts. . o., oregonian. PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. 30-inch wavy switch. .op., $l.r9 3(4 -inch wavy switch. 3 svp. ......... 1 u All-urouotl trauttlormatiou .......... 1.4& Hairressing. .nampoonig. face massago, hair boootug, manicuring, 2oc Hair 1 1 moved by icciric ueedie, switch made of combings, 00c. We buy your coinmnga touuitary Parors, 4vH41 Dekum bicg.. 1 aud hi lit; ton. Marshall 17u2. FEB VET A HANEBUT, leading wis and Loupe makers ; hnctt iccK hum a a hai r gooUs; hairure.smg, inanicuriug, iac aud fcaip tieuiuivuu i.cmovta to 4U Alder, near jjiuauttay. Main i4U. GERMAN tra:nt-d nurse and masseuse gives treatments fo rheumatism, lumoago, otu raliu. etc., inaasge ana batn ; lauy au ims i an i. 310 Park st. Xuu'Shall !032. Hours i:i,o A. M. to AO P. M. open Sundays. CHiRoPRACTlC. steam baths. liTht. heat, electric ana vibraiury maag. Dr. Mai -garet lia uie, 1 7 bldg. Malay J. i Vo. REV MRS. J. C. SCHORI gives' tions Sunday, 8 P. M.. at Arcanum iiail 100 13 in st. Reads ualiy at Beverly li tel. lis j Park, st.. cor. Yamhill. Mar. 50i& GERMAN NUK&E, massage, eiectric blankets and baths for rheumatism, lumbago, nuu ra.gia, etc.; lady trained nui se assistant 200 11th &U Open Sundays. Marshall 3037. MR FLOYD. U. MARVEL Dear Floyd. I am in baiem with Uaorgia, everything is set tied, lour father is very ill. Telegraph me immeuiateiy. AA li. R1BBECKK, graduate dermatolo gist. Hair and bieuiii-Ues permanently re moved. 129 12th, near 'Wash. Mar. 320O. KEV. MARY L. LA MAR. Spiritualist me dlum. Teaches palmistry aud card read Ing daily. -3o th su, cor. Main. LLcCTKIC treatments for poor circulation, rheumatism, luiuoaao, face and scaip; baths. 420 Clay sL Mam b30U. Rev. M. A. Price, circle P. M. and Sun. 8 P. M.. bPi RITUALISM- Tuclday, 2 aud reautng daily. 202 Clay. Mar. 3000. A !2l4. DELLA SMITH, proprietor of Albina House in lw03, please w rite, as business of i m portance is pending. BC 40, Oregonian. MARJ.NELLO Treatments for scalp; shampoo-boar a, electric arjer, etc 40-4 1 am hill. Marshall &23S. aLi't-ni-LUULa HaIK destroyed forever by muitiple-needle m?lhou; consultation free. MUe. DeLonrf, 5i4 Shetland biug. SOPHIA B, SE1P, mental, spiritual srlentUL, 300 Tourney tidg., lo to daily. Written questions Wed., 7:45 P. M. Mar. 30V0. MRS. STEVENS, 4 years in Portland; 20ta ceutury scieata in palmistry taught, spirit ual readings daily. 375 Taylor st. A.aCAl'-iO promptly relieves headache, neu raifcl and la grippe. Fur saie by Fort lanu Hotel Pharmacy. ELECTRIC Cabinet, vapor and miners, baths, nrivate rest rooms. Scientific mas satie. Irpnaiao institute. 327-2U Pittock. t:n. GRACE BELMONT, manicuring, vibratory massage. OiXice 40. ad ilour. Hj Bd w ay ivOfiL.NA i'AlLOn Masseuse anu calp spa ciallht, 360 Park st. Marshall SldO. $0u0. $1000 AND upwards on improved real estate; favorable terma ; no delay; no brokerage. John Bain, i07 Spslddng bldg. " CiTT "aXD"f A RM LOANS' FARRINOTON. 0 Fourth street. Portland, Or. $lXu TO $10,000 TO LOAN on city or farm, n o commission. P. O. box 878, city. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. Harding. 313 Chamber of Commerce LOANS on -city and farm property, 5 per cent up. F. Kucha, 42Q Cham, of Com. FARM and city loans, 6H per cent; no com nlM lofl. E t47, Oregonian. $23,700 IN SUMS to suit. C 0. Orego nian. $2C0. $350, $000, $1200, $1800. Fred W. German A Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE clients with money to loan. Oliver M. Hlckey. Atty.. 820 y. W. Bank bldg. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co.. 424 Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS, AND 7 PE R C ENT. LOUIS SALOMON A CO.. 300 OAK ST. MAI' ANDREWS teaches phrenology and card reading. 2;a Park st. Main 7543. BALM OF FIGS COMPOUND, Royai Toms Tablets. 550 Hoyt st. Phone Main 2393. MASSAGE treatments, electric vibrator, by MOLE.-, sup-rduoUH hair rtinovtd. M ra. P. Hilt. 420 Filedner bldg. Main 3473. SCALP, maasace- and shampooing. Room. 350 Yamhill st, near Park. REV. CORA K1NCANNON SMITH, the 1 dium, moved to 320 4th st. Main 7012. LIFE READER. Hart Apta, 170fc 2d sLs apt. 15. 4th floor. Marshall 263L BESSIE WAYLAND. facial massage, seals treatments. 35va Morrison st. Office 202 MISS JOHNSON, chh-opody. massage, light magnetic Appo in t m ents only. Mala POe. ELECTRIC treatments, scalp and massage 41 -.u in ort n western xana oiag. MAGNETIC healer; treatments dally. 1704 jil st 4th floor, apt. 0. Mar. 24tt7. FRANCEH DE.MAYO, scalp speolalist. 231s MorrlHon st Office 11. ELECTRIC treatments for rheumatism. Of flee. 215. 350 V Morrison su hTd. is. Have you remembered 1JK1 ? W," POLLY AND HER PALS CH4RG lO MAUE.'B'X r-'K'UH ME. Atf ILL ' 1 T -7 lk. i 5 A OCT aai'CUT) 1 r- El TH4T& HIS VAOfiiOAl 00 HEt-O VOUAl Ikt (Mi4SESt-TH&OAl WHILE THE- I vf l-J Tl I 1 (MAP. VoO J MOST L DR&1MA16-! notAMiAi' Mk Evtl caast VoO. I , -. . KRMfcAl8R osdT TOO IOLO y 3m. MO T&U MWUE A6q - IT MhW 'B- A B40 D4 P- TboR. MR. (3kiAl5 6)T To XX I LWpRSj4vlO HElS 1Al f OP LATtL I 6??m. Va Yoo'll BlJ "The MRdlAKr.1 L . 1 l Jr LA. Int fc. A.AimI tit P i i" TLJt M-riiiiic.i r I -a . 1 Copyrifilit. 1916. by Newspaper Feature Service, las. Great Britain rights reserved. Registered ia U. S. Patent Office. THERE'S A HYSTEBT HERE! IS PA LOO"EYT BY CLIFF STERKETT.