THE 3IORXTXG OREfiOXIAX, TTTESDAY. JANUARY 23, 1917. TO EXCHAVGE REAL ESTATE. 300,000 WHEAT ranch. 1200 to 3400 In crop. line wen, good buildings, Dig lot tock and machinery, consider other de sirable property to 975.000. 9 SO. 000 wheat 'ranch, creels and R. R Station on place. 100 in alfalfa; fine equip ment of stock and machinery, good build ings; want income property to 960.000; might go some higher on first-class prop erty. $25,000 wheat and stock ranch, five spring. 2 wells, good buildings, stock and machinery, close to town; take $5000 cash, some in trade, bah mtg. 950.0OO dairy ranch, Nehalem Valley, big lot dairy cowa and other stock, build ings and machinery cost over $10,000; cheese factory owned by place and owner does cheese making for other parties; consider other good property from 935.0U0 to $40,000. 927, OOO stock and grain ranch. Crook Co.. Or. Good buildings, some- equipment, fine orchard, R. R, soon to be built right by place; consider income property. $26,000 brick store bldg., small farm, acreage, 60-acre, unimproved, note ou good man. want improved and stock farm, might go (o $30,0u0. L. K. MOORE, 317 Board of Trade. " EXCHANGE FOR ACREAGE. " I wieh to exchange a well located, rea sonably close in, East Side. 50x100 lot. This has cost 92000 and Is free from any Indebtedness except $00 street Improve ments; am oftered a $1000 loan on this lot. Want 5 acres or more, close In to Port land ; reed not necessarily be improved. BUT MUST BE ON GOOD ROAD AND DESIRABLE PROPERTY Might assume small indebtedness. Please descrioe your property fully. P 8, Oregon lan. ORCHARD Sale or trade for close-in East Side improved property. 10 acres hi mile limits Vancouver. Government road, all level. 8 acres commercial apples, peaches, cherries. 6 and 7 years old; also family orchard, all kinds fruit; 4-room house. barn, fine well, ail newly fenced, no in cumbrance. Owner. 204 Margin st. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc X II AVE Just shipped In a carload of horses rrom Grand Ronde Valley, .Eastern Ore gon, All youn?, heavy bone, blocky-built mares and geldings weighing from 1200 lbs. to .1800 lbs. If you are looking for good horses we would be glad to show them. Model Stables, 5th and Davis. NOTICE. HORSE BUYERS. We have lots of horses and mares that we want to sell, 1100 to 1600 lbs., at Portland Van & Storage Co. barn, S E. cor. 16th and Raleigh sts. S. or 10th-st. cars. COLUMBIA STABLES, under new manage ment Prompt attention given to transient trade and boarders. Horses for hire, also bought and sold on commission. Phil fcuetter, 300-302 Front st. corner Co Uimbia Main 3030. KVILL always have from 20 To 40 draft. mlik, bakery, express and ranch horses; guaranteed aa represented or money re funded; harness and wagons of all kinds. Columbia Stables. 302 Front st., cor. Co lumbia Main 3030. Phil Suetter. LtAD HORSES and animals hauled away free; $0 paid for cows, crippled and played outs Portland Rendering Co. Call Wood lawn 20. CAPITAL STABLES, 2fc7 FRONT ST. Just received, a carload of horses and mares, o to 7 years old, from loO to TSlrQ lbs. H. Glearman, prop. fcE 'ERAL good farm horses and mares, some In foal, can be bought at very rea sonable prices. Boarding Stables. 101 N. 11th st., near Flanders. PORTLAND AUCTION SALES STABLE CO, every Tuesday and Friday. Cattle, horses, han:esa, vehicles bought and sold on com mission. 240 E. 8".h st. East 8118. DEAD animals handled; $6 and up paid for dead cows; cash paid for. dead and down-and-out horses. Milwaukle 69 J. Call us. 2000-LB. TEAM, full brothers, good harness and ranch wagon, $135. Phone Marshall 4 05 8. WANT to buy horses and mares, llOO to 1600 lbs. We pay highest cash prices. Call A -1566. DEAD HORSES Get our prices before die posing of dead cows, horses, crippled stock. Oregon Bone Meal Works, Lenta. Tab. 4203. 1200-LB. HORSE with long box buggygood as new, and single harness, $05. Marshall 4055. ORGAN for sale. Clough & Warren upright, second-hand, in good condition; $15 cash. Call Main 1241. HORSES, wagons, buggies and harness for :ale. Apply 20 Grand ave. , W ANibu one good, all-around weight about 1300 lbs. East 2220. horse. FOR SALE Wagons and horses cheap. E. 7th st. North. SS HORSES tor hire by day or month. C. W. Townsend Co., S&0 Front. Main 157L Piano, Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO., STORAGE SALE $275 piano, $35 cash ; $325 upright, $45 rasa; $350 upright, $ua cash; $375 upright, $145 cash; $450 upright, $10o cash; $230 player. $25 cash; $650 player piano. 290 raoh, $750 baby grand. $34 cash. 109 4th st.. at Washington st. ONLY $5 DOWN buys now $3o0 grade piano at $265, balance $1.25 weekly, ail in 2 years and without interest. Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th St.. at Washington. $50 CASH, $50 in 3 months and $55 In 6 months buys $373 modern piano for $153 at the Security Storage Co., 103 4th st. HORNLESS PHONOGRAPH, 16 SELEC- ixu.NS, $IU. LUISU.N AND 30 RECORDS, Sti.50. 12S FIRST ST. CASH PAID for Edison Diamond Disc Vie trola. or Grafonola. Strictly confidential. AF 53, Oregonian. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS WANTED. HIGHEST CASH PRICiS PAID. MAIN 4405. RENT A PIANO Most reasonable terms in Portland ; no squares or thump boxes. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill. $ J 5 CASH buy a $ 2 50 Jewe II upri ght ma hoguny piano at Security Storage Co., loft Kiiirda st. 4140 CASH buys $350 piano: modern, up right, real Ivory keys, not a stencil. Uar old S. Gilbert. 3S4 Yamhill at, !WlLL exchange my splendid modern $450 piano, now at the Security Storage Co., 109 4th st.. for clear city lot. $145 CAOn buys' $350 modern upright plana. Security Storage Co., 100 4th st. .1 PAY cash for used pianos. Harold S. Gil bert. 34 Yamhill st. Furniture for Sale. WHY pay exorbitant prices for new furnl turT We have 50.000 feet of floor space crammed full of slightly used fur niture snaps at 1-3 the price of new fur niture. Ca 11 and get our estimate. GBVURTZ FURNITURE CO., 1S5 to 101 First &L At the big electric sisn. BIASSI VE library table, solid quarter sawed oak, size 27x4i Inches, slightly used ; sells new for $27.50. priced at $15.75. Easy terms. Mish Furniture Co., 184 1st st. Tuesday. FOR SALE Second-hand safes, ail Kllhsm'e, 5th and Oak sts. sixes. Hogs. Birds mid Pet Stock. LADDIX AIREDALES ARE BEST. LADDIX KENNELS. EST AC A DA, OR. J'OR SALE 40 homer pigeons for $10. Ca Se'iwood 17S0. Poultry. FOR SALE JO homer pigeous tor $10. Call Sellwood J.7 80. Livestock. FOR SALE One dairy route, 25 cowa, 4 horses, 2 Jersey bulls. 4 yearlings and farming inclement s; one mile east of Lents on Foster road. Call Tabor 6323. FOR PALE or t rade, for good fresh cow, good -seated hack and single harness. T. Kerns. Lents. Or. P. O. box 301. Tab. 406. Typewriters. . NEW R EMIXG1 ON RENTAL, PLAN With manufacturers guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase; visible models $3 mo.; $7.50 for 3 mos. Other models less Rem ington Typewriter Company. 86 Broaaiy Telephone Broadway 621. AVE can save from 50 to 73 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washat. NEW. rebul't, second-hand rentals at cut rates, p. D. Co.. 231 Stark et. Main. 1407. CORONA portable folding typewriter. Main 2285. E. W. Pease Co., agents, 110 6th st. Ant omohlles. FORD 1-TON TRUCK. Wright attachment, solid tires In rear. We have two Fords so equipped; take your choice; 50t, terms, 3&S Oregon. East 1915 FORD DELIVERY. Has had vcy little use; tires practically new ; y.'o; terms. S63 Oregon. East 7222. OvrlKLAND, 1915. mode! SO, first-class me rhanlcally. repainted. See it at 363 Ore gon. Est 7222. USED AUTO PARTS at less than half price. Auto Wrecking Co.. S3 X. Broad wayv , f-LIGHTLY used tiresv $3 to $1 each; ul - canized. 25c ; tire repairing. 207 Madison. FOR SALE Studebaker. 20. first-class con ditlon. $135. Tabor 2926. 1914. -pass. Overland, elf-ctric lights and tarter. &30. Owner. Woodlawn 4478, FOR MALE. A n to mob i 1 e. USED CAR AUTO SHOW. This Is second In importance only to the big show of new cars conilnj st the Aimory. In our big display room of this department we have arranged our cars of standard, well-known makes for easy inspection. BETTER STILL THE LOWEST FRICEtS -EVER MADE ARE HERE FOR THIS EVENT. Ton can buy the kind of a car you want at less than you expected to pay for It, and on your own terms. SEE THE CLASSY BUGS, touring cars, sedans, taxis, trucks, delivery wagons. EXTRA SPECIAL PACKARD BUG. Used Car Dept. Northwest Auto Co., 331Couch St. N Open Evenings and Sundays. USED AUTO SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. J!13 Overland $32T, 3 913 Maxwell y.r, 1014 Studebaker 4 lf16 Maxwell 4r,o 1915 Mitchell ALSO SEVERAL OTHERS. MITCHELL, LEWIS & ST A V E R CO, East First and East Morrison Sts. East 7272. H 1216. 1914 STUDEBAKER, SIX-CTLINDER. Seven-passenger. excellent condition: Price, $575. Terms, $200, balance $30 per month. BEN J. E. BOONE & CO., 514 Alder St. Main 3960. BUICK 1P15 model truck. In first-class con dition, at a bargain. OAKLAND SALES CO., 10th and Aider Sts. O. B. MIXERS ft CO., Starting and Lighting Experts, Fifth and Glhmn Sts., Entrance ou 5th st. FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co., 31st and Washington. Main 6244, LIGHT, 6-cylinder chassis, electric lights and starter, cord tires, thoroughly over- " hauled : $200 down will handle.. Broad way Garage. E. 24th and Broadway. 1017 CHALMERS. 7-paspenger, with cord tires and extra tire. Bony' color London smoke, only run 3000 miles. Main HO; A 2442. $195 FOR '13 FORD. First-class mechanical shape, good tires, has electric lights. 303 Oregon. East 7222. BUICK 5-passenger, 1914. B 25, In good shape, all good tires and one extra, $450. Main 414. NEW 1917 FORD turtleback for roadster only $4 If taken -at once. 192 1st st. CLASSY Stoddard-Day ton roadster; sell cheap or take launch. Main 3716. 1016 OVERLAND. iodel S3, like new. $550. Broadway Garage, E. 24th and Broadway. Automobiles ,W anted. SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FORD. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. Aumonzca rora a sent. E. 1190. East- 13th and Hawthorne Ave. WE will pay cash for late saodel Fords, Dodge Bras, or Buick autos. Boone ft Co.. 514 Alder st. Main 3968. SPOT CASH FOR OLD CARS. AUTOS REPAIRED PRES. ADCOX. 3S8 BURNSIDE. CASH for light cats. Fords preferred. Main 3716. Washington st. Garage. Atiln Tire and Accessories. 100-GAL. gasoline tank and Kellogg pump, $25. 51S Corbett bldg. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS without driver, for hire. Long ft Sllva, 462 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. 6840. AUTOS for rent without drivers. Hawthorne. East 162S. NEW SAXON 6. highway, depots, funerals, calling, shopping; reasonable. East 4582 GOOD 1 -ton Federal truck by the day or montn. f none wooaiawn AUTOS without drivers for hire. City Ga rage. h6 10th St. Mar. JfeWT, A 4240. NEW 5-pass. Dodge for hire, touring, call ing and shopping. 'Main 7435. Motoric cles. MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY CO.. 209 4th St. Harley-Davidson motorcycles and ac ces&ories. Largest exclusive dealers ii motorcycles in the state. Main 7 !S9. TWIN Indian, In good mechanical condition, for sale, cheap. Owner took this for a debt. B. A. Selby, Marshall 2033. 228 North 20th st. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand, sold for less. No airents em ployed: all machines sent out aew perfect and guaranteed ; machines repaired; ma- Chines rented - montn. y. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 100 3d. near Taylor st. A 3H26. .Main 9431. FOR SALE. 1 Country Campbell press. 1 Chandler & Price job. 10x15. 1 Paper Cutter and type of all kinds to . operate a daily pa. per, at right price. Address Lock Box 12, Peck, Idaho. SEWING MACHINES. 2O0 slightly used sewing machine?, all makes, will be closed out. Dropheads. $5 ana up; tox tops ana up. t. to. tsiegei. two stores. 3821 Wash, and 242 Alder st. CASH REGISTERS slightly used; our prices are lower, uasn rtegister ixenange, aoi w asmngton st. it a in tuo. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting en Rliies, all kinds micninery, ralis. cars Railway Equipment Co., 76 1st. Main 2363 SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent or sale : all grades; lars selection. Pacific Stat'y & Pig. Co., 107 2d st. Main 3971. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent txptrt repairing. Walker piectric Works. -H3 Hurnsiue st. a roadway or A 5b 1 4. FOR SALE CHEAP 2 roll-top desks, floor- cases, large, coffee mill, steam ta.uie, typ writer. 12S First st. FIXE BICYCLE. MUST BE SOLD TODAY. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. 12S FIRST ST. FOR SALE 60-ton Shay geared locomotive. Call or address Mil AiaaKa oiag., Seattle, Wash. - NEW and second-hand books and magazines bought, sold, ejtrnangea ; rented schoo books. Johnson Hook tore.210 4th st. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. A. L Howard, 212 4th St. iain 1MH. PLUM LING supplies at wholesale prices. tta.k-Davis Co.. 212 3d St. Main 7t7. H. P., 3-taase, O. EL motor; Dayton com puting scales: showcase. Mam Btift. BArtiiAl.N'6 in second-hand Kemp Barber Supply Co., uarDer chairs. ri wash. t. W E LL- ROT T ED ho rse JPhone East M60J and cow mauure, MACHINJERY bought, sold and repaired. N Lead & Machinery uo., m front -GENUINE ENGLISH TOFFEE sold only 'at The Trail Candy. Shop. 702 Wash. st. SODA fountain and track bar, complete. 601 E. Morrison St., or r. ."tot 4. hixCTK.C vacuum-cleaning at your home. Hoc a rug. Marshall ttu8. FOR SALE Good seed potatoes, $1.50 hun dred pounds. T;it) or 44. Iu:.y East Alu CASH REGISTERS, sates. Portland Cash Register Co., store fixtures. 1st & x a mill: FURNITURE WANTED. FELDSTEIN "FURNITURE CO. wants ail kinds of seconu-hand iurniture. w e also buy merchandise stocks of any dscnp tion. 166-1 6S Firpt st.. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Main 4633. THE GREATER PORTLAND New and 2d-haud store pays the higher price for your 2u-haud household goods. 105-67 1st st. A 3lGo. Marshall 5321. " v CAN USE GOOD FURNITURE of any description ; have the ready cash; phone today. Main 4o27 or 204 First et. FURNISHING APARTMENT OL'SB. NEED FURNITURE. NO DEALERS. CASH PAID. MAIN 4495. WANT second-hand furniture, carpets, etc.; will pay more than Portland becond-hand iealers. Walao, Main 4773, GEO. BAKER & CO.. Masonic Temple bids-, pay each for furniture, rugs, etc. Phone Main 3332 PARTY would like to buy household goods, rugs etc., for cash. Marshall li22 BE WISE Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co. Main t5J. lttl 2d st. J Cash paid for household furniture, show cases, safes, cash registers. Main 6y99, WANTED Good high chair. Must be dies p. Main 2181. WILL pay cash for- 2d-hand furniture. Call Mr. Washburn. Marshall 4 7 S3. FlfiMTURE WANTED. M1SH FURNITURE CO. WILL PAT HIGH EST CASH PRICE FOR TOUR USED OFFICE AND HOUSEHOLD F"- HNITURS. CARPETS. BUGS, ETC 184 1ST ST. MAIX 5768. GEVTJRTZ FURNITURE STORE, 207 FIRST STREET. desire the public to know that we still continue to pay the highest cash price for used furniture, rugs, stoves, etc 1 PHONE MARSHALL 587. MONEY TALKS. We pay the best cash prices for house hold or office furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges For prompt attention phone GEVTJRTZ FURNITURE. INC. 183 to 191 1st st. Mar. 5981, A 3224. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LV1N HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. will buy your used furniture and all. kinds of tools and pay you all it is worth Our THREE LARGE STORES are ample "proof that we handle' nearly everything you need in the home or elsewhere. CASH OR EXCHANGE. 221-25 Front St Phone Main 9072 CAST-OFF .CLOTHING WANTED. My specialty is buying gentlemen's clothing and paying positively 50 per cent more than any other dealer. We oet:d stock to supply our chain of customers. See us before selling' your old clothing and shoes. Win call any place in the city. Marshall 3-25. or 209 Madison st. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. 97.50 PAID FOR MEN'S SUITS $7.50. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS SUITS. SHOES, AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE. MAIN 20mj. GLOBE STOKE. MAIN 2oSO. 25 FIReT ST.NEAR JEFFERSON. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. MEYER. THE TAILOR, PAYS $7.50 AND tP FOR PECOX D-H AN D SUITS. HE PAYS YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYER. MARSHALL 1220 229 MADISON ST. WANTED To buy for cash, late mod.-1 yarding engine, size about I214xl2. or 11 xl3. Address National Lumber & Mfg. Co., Hoquiara, Wash. SECOND-HAND- rails. 20. 40 and GO lbs.. Highest prices paid. suitanie lor relaying. G 52, Oregonian, WE BUY used furniture, stoves, ranges. carpets, rags-, clothing, shoes, and pay the best prices. Call Marshall 5667 2D-HAND CLOTHING BUYER; HE WISE AND GET FILL VALUE FOR YOUR 2D HA.ND CLOTHING. 201 Vj 1ST. MAIN 734. CAfcH for your old gold, silver, platliium and high-grade ore. H. M. Pickering, mfg. jeweler. 218 Oregonian bldg. WANTED Drums and traps to rent for one or two evenings. Experienced drum mer. AN 56, Oregonian. WANTED Cash registers, safes and show- cases. 160 First st. Phone Main 4234. WANTED National cash regi r- Main 506 3"1 4 Washington si DELIVERY body for Ford car, cash; must be in good condition. 01 E. 10th st. WILL take best of care of piano for stor age; no cnuaren. i'hone oodlawn 1072. GOOD adding machine. Must be bargain. ;vo ceaier. Pnone iast 6417. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. 6 OR 246 FIRST ST. CALL MAIN 4 JUNK WANTED. All kinds of Junk bought. Marshall 3223. AU'i OM A X IC Titles. fhotRjns, pump guns, 85 Third St. kodakt; and lenses. Hochfeld. HELP WANTED MAI E. "I AM JUST WaKLnG LP." That's the exact expression made by a young man in our office. He NOW knows the need of SPECIAL TRAINING. The business men of Portland, know that the men of character. They established and support these VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS, ntting men to become txprt: Automobile Men Office Managers Accountants Pharmacists Bookkeepers talesmen Executives Stenographers Chemists Show Card Writers Draftsmen Wireless Operators Electrical Engineers, ets.. etc. For complete information relative to any of the above schools address the De partment of Education, Dlv. C, Y. M. C. A. ADVTSOUY EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Y. M. C A, You know how to do'somethlng but dont know how to eet Komethlnar to co. We can tell you how or send you to It. During pat years we nave placed or neipea piace themselves over 11.00U men and ooys. Inis service a privilege of membership in the i. -m. a. o gives you memoersmp ror a year under guarantee that you will se cure employment or refund of membership lee. fcee secretary Stanley Baker. WANTED First-class magneto mechanic by reliable motor ear company of this city. Must be familiar with magneto starters and generators. State age and ex perience, married or single, txive reier ence. Answer In own handwriting. BD Oregonian. OREGON AUTO A GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL, 429 BELMONT ST. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION IN ALL BRANCHES. STUDENTS ASSISTED. CALL OR WRITE. it. LP lUUHeFLF $10 invested monthlv for 10 months !n high-grade ouslnes prop osition win make you over $1000 within two years. Yon can prove this statement by closest in estigation. Interview by ap pointment only. O 951, Oregonian. hawthorne auto school. 443 Hawthorne ave., practical experience on real automobiles and gas tractors. CAPABLE young man to sell well-known li ue of aluminum cooking utensils direct to consumer; 40 per cent comoilselon and cash bonus every 13 weeks. State age and previous experience In first letter. G 01. Oregonian. AT ONCE Young man to collect out of town; must have $100 as security or do not answer. Have a good proposition for right party; state phone, etc K. 52, Ore gonian. Ki 1L w AY mail clerk, examination Feb. 10. fa.ary $00t to tlSuO a year; life jobs. We prepare you. You must set quickly, pa cific States School, McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark eta MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS, UP. Drop In n.d look them ovrr. Orpheum Cleaners, 3u5 Stark, corner Park. NUMBER young men wanted for railroad telegraph service ; big demand for op erators; day and night sessions. For par ticulars call room 502 Panama bldg. WANTED Borkkeerter-stnocrrapher for Western Oregon bsTik. Banking experi ence unnecessary. Give references. AE 34, Oregonian. WANTED Competent railroad botlrmaker also, a blacksmith; must be sober and bav good references; state age, experience and phone. AP 49. Oregonian. WANTED Man about 30, familiar wfTh rail road disbursements accounting; give age, experience and phone number. AR 21, WAN TED Waiter about 30. experienced on uattr preferred; good references required; give expp rience and phone number. Alt 20, Oreronian. CUB RATE5--S1.50 MONTH. We press one ult c. week and give you workmar-aaip and service. Phone Broad wa v 1 ". Orpheum Conner-. S5 Stark. ALL-ROUND pastry baker for cafeteria work: also counter man. with experience. lApply 190 First st-- Hotel Dayton, LARGE Eastern house wants several live men; our premium offer big business get ter. Cail 515 Worcester bldg. WANTED Thoroughly experienced too: and die maker. Hotpoint Electric Keating Co., Ontario. tai FINEPTCYCTLE. MUST BE SOLD TODAY. NO. REASONABLE OFFER REFUSEp. 120 FIRST FT. AN eff ice boy as apprentice in architect's office. Small salary to start, but chance for advancement. AB 47, Oregonian., FAMILY man with children ii school. Farm work. Permanent. 550. Cail 10 A. M. today only. 512 Roval bldg. SOL1CJTOR to sell stock in high-class hnan cial enterprise. Equitable Finance Ass'n., 410 Cham Commerce. Spokane. Wash. BOISE Butcher Co.. Ltd.. Boise. Idaho, wania a good sausagemaker. steady work; wages $20 per week ; reference required. AN experienced well driller, must under stand gasoline engine: married man pre ferred. T. B. Burlington, box 147. lone. Or. W ANTE D Boy to learn automobile re pairing; no sa;ary ; East Side Auto Re pair Co., 717 Hawthorne ave. LiuV wanLed, Powers & Estes Drugstore, 129 0th st. Mist have motorcycle. BuY wanted. Powers & Eetes Drugstore, 121 th st. Must have bicycie. MUSIC magazine wants ad solicitors; spe cial number, libera: com. 21 1 Stock Ex. WANTED Men to seU hominy. 4u3 1st l, Apt. 4. DELIVERY boy wanted for grocery store. East 19th and Broadway XT AUTO MECHANIC, out of toWn. Call E, 2243 today. -MALE. MILLWRIGHT. season Job. $4; logdaek man and scaler, married. 92.75 to $3 : married sawmill fireman, experienced. $75 month ; cook., hotel, east. $80 and found; cook, hotel, west. 5u and found. Married men to work around big mill this season, 52.00 up. Big mills and logging camps Just starting. See us first. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. 2C5 BURN SIDE STREET. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL 388 Burnside St, Day and Night Classes. Help Wanted Agents. WHY sell inferior? Our hospital policy costs no more. 301 Board of Trade bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. COMPETENT glrj for general housework; two aduits and two children; no heavy liouaecjeantnft. S20. f bo ne Wood la. wa 32; take BW car. Broadway line, get off Alameda Drive, walk east ir0 feet, turn to right (south) on W ood worth ave to i23. A MIDDLE-AGED lady to do light house- worK ana neip care ror a -monuii-oui baby. No laundry. A good home and fair wages. Call, any time Wednesday. Columbia 216. WANTED Good second girl to help In kitchen; wages $23 per month and nice new room and board and laundry, or will pay more wages to girl living at home near 2uth and Marshall. S 4L Oregonian. WANTED An elderly woman to help care ror l ls -year-old buoy in return tor goo a home and small wages. 005 Belmont, corner 30th. WIDOWER wants a Scandinavian lady be tween o and 40 years old to tafcte care ok home 1th four children. Chris G russet h. Oak Point, Wash. SEVERAL more young ladies wanted to learn telefrranhv : dav and nirht sessions. For full particulars call room 502 Pan ama bldg. Ty ANTED A neat, bright girl with some knowieage or sewing ana emoroiaery, un der 16, as an apprentice; wages (6 a week. AP 60, Oregonian. STKNO'tRAPH BR, and b. k. for'j5 per. One dictaphone operator, or ? i n. un stenographer and D. m- lor oauK. ui N". W. bunk bldg. WANTED General housework girl, no Ifxn- drv. it ood wades. Os Trinity Place, be tween Washington and Everett sts. Main 2621. . WANTED Remington wahl operators, both temporary and permanent positions. AP ply Miss Sailor, Remington Typewriter Co.. Bii Broadway. ; COMPETENT eirl for seneral housework and cooking. Must be experienced. Wages $;5. 1131 Franklin St.. volume no fits Phone Mar. 4ly. WANTED An experienced girl for cooking and some housework, no laundry, city references. Apply 21U Cornell road, cor ner Lovejoy, mornings. Main 0415. LADIES WORK FOR YOURSELVES LEARN BlsALTY CULTURE. RpOM JV2-3 COLUMBIA BLDG. OPENING for Avonian not under 25. who 1 trustworthy; experience unnecessary; ref erences. J 40, Oregonian. WANTED Tthoroughly competent maid for cooking and general housework ; Scandi navian preferred. Phone East 12S7. COMPETENT GIRL wanted for general housework and cooking, no washing. 5o5 Vista avenue. GOOD girl to help mornings and evenings with general housework for room and board and small wages. 567 M Glisan st. GIRL to aeist with general housework, small family, good pay. 573 E. 12th eL N., lrv Ington cur. East lbbL , WANTED Girl to do general housewom for family of two; references. Phone Mar shall 763. " CASHIER, must have experience in dining room; references; $30 a month and board. Ca m pb ejl Ho te L LADY with office experience for merchan dise listing and selling business; some thing new. $300 required G 53. Oregonian. GIRL for general liouswork, small family C. S. preferred. Wagea $25. Call East WANTED Young German girl for general housework. Wages. $20. Sellwood 2506. WANTED arrl to iissist with general house work. Tabor 492. . GOOD girl for general housework and cook ing: 3 adults. 730 Kearney st; GOOD cook, must have references. Mar shall 3956. 492 Hall, bet. 14th and 15th. WANTED 3 LADIES; $2 to 3 IS MADE. ROOM 502-3 COLUMBIA BLDG. COOKS. $35; waitress, $30; 2d girls. Howe's, room 43o, 270 H Washington st. GIRL for light housework small wages. Mar. 5700. in apartment; WANTED Experienced millinery Apply Lowengart & Co. LUNCH WAITRESS wanted. Stein's Restau rant, 70 Broadway. EXPERIENCED help on coats and .bushel- tng. 2G9H Taylor st. WANTED A woman to care for old lady, at night for room and board. Call Tabor 6719. WANTED Feeder in mangle-room. Apply Pacific Laundry. 231 Arthur st. WANTED Woman to do pea in cooking. Call Tabor 2492, WANTED A girl to assist general house work; no children. Apply 881 3 0th st. PRIVATE home for children, any age. good care. &12 Union ave. N. East 803 TTl- for second work and assist with c h 1 1 d 7 years old. 794 Lovejoy st. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework. 794 Irving st.. cor. 24th. PRIVATE HOME for children, any age; 13 years experience. 14 tvereii. juar. xim. GIRL for general housework In family of 3. Phone Tabor 3872. Mls M ATTINGLY'S SCHOOL. Shorthand, Typewriting S3 mo. 2o I4tn. Main abtt. HELP WASTED MALE OB FEMALE. ORIGINAL MOHLFR BARBER SCHOOL. Men and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks, tools free, paid while learning. Scholarship and diploma, get you a position. Tuition reduced. 38 2s. 2d. cor. Couch. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men aid women to learn barber trade In o weens position guaranteed; tools free; paid while learning, tuition reduced. Can earn from $15 to $25 a week. Expert Instructors. 20 years in business. 233 Madison st. THE ONLY MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL. Men and women to learn the barber trefde In 6 weeks, tools free, paid while learning. Scholarship and diploma, get you a position. Tuition reduced, 2d. cor. Couch. FOR BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE ATTEND MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, ALISKY BLDG.. 3D & MORRISON STS HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Broadway-Ymhlll bldg. Individual In structions, Positions when competent. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. FEBRUARY 10. railway mail clerk exami nations, Portland ; commence S7o month; sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 3ou-B, Rochester. N. Y. SITCATTONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerhe, LUMBERMEN Young man, 33, wishes make chanee: 10 years experience bookkeeper, then buyer and salesmav, and for past five years manufacturing end, the last two years of which operated my own plant ; thoroughly understand both lumber and shingles . excellent references reasonable wages; will go anywhere. Box A v 44H. oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED Place to work for board and room by reliable young man attending school; telephone Linke Business College. main dOS3. PAINTING, paperhansing. tinting, lnrerlo- work a specialty; prices moderate, w lis on Mam 610O. ROC K quarry man desires employment, op erating or repairing; famliar with ail makes of crushers. AD 37, Oregonian. with oil, wood furnace wants positionA janitor apartment; wages. Marshall 2o75vA PAINTING. carpenter work, done cheap; day or contract. remodeling Mar. itSSo, STUDENT would like work In hotel, switch board, etc. for room or board. East 3040, room 140. WaNT ED Position cook In small camp or ranch near Chehalls. Address box 3. Hub bard, Or. PAINTING, carpenter work. remodeling, cheap, day or contract, Marshall 5Sb3. MARRIED man. experienced, ranch work or ranch on sharec. AH, 39. Oregoniaf. ALL-AROUND man wants, permanent work, or day or hour. Woodlawn 5146. YOUNG fellow. wis. wants -position on a farm, -AO 50, . oregonian. AYOUN"G married Swiss wants steady Job on farm. A V 503, Oregonmn. STEAM engineer with 16 years experience open for position. AJ 52, Oregonian. HELP WANTEh EXPERT gardener wants work, rose bushes. trees trimmed; $2 day. AO 53, Oregonian. CABINET work wanted at home, repairing carefully done. Mar. 1475, A 1517. GRADUATE masseur and bathman wishes position; reference. AV 479. Oregonian. 1 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous, ELDERLY couple want place where can do janitor work for room rent and very little money. fc-xp. Good ret. Ca.l week days bet. 3:50 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 7051, A 1517. YOUNG MAN who wUhea to get back to his home in California la willing to do any kind of work to earn fare. Call week days bet. K:30 A. M. and :o0 P. M. Main 7051, A 1517. CAPABLE man, exp. engineer, German de- scen l. wouia uKe any Kind or wort t;a.u week days bet- S:30 A. M. and ;30 P. M. Main 7001. A 1517. FOR HOME, new or repair see K. V. Berg amo, mo t;. &d IV. flans, details and specification! all first-class and moderate price; references If required. Tabor 2723. YOUNG couple desire Janitor work where they can take (heir three children. Al ref. Call week davs bet. S:S0 A. M. and 6:30 P. M. Main 7061. A 1517. MAN with family (no small children) wants Janitor work. Rcf. Call week days bet. 8 GO A. M. and Z:3o P. M. Main 7001. A 1517. EXP. GARDENER (German) desires work ' with florist. Al ref. Call week days bet. 8:30 A. M. and 0:30 P. M. Main 7051. A 1517. YOUNG MaN will work mornings, evenings and SaturdRys for board or room or both. Phone Broadway 2. room 417. PAINTING, psper banging and tinting; good work; prices reasonable. W oodlawn 1400. 8ITrATIOS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and fetenographrrs. SITUATION wanted Stenographer, new be ginner, needs work; will work half or whole day for any salary offered. Ceil or write t;i3 Halght ave. EFFICIENT stenographer, five years ex perience, good education, wilting worker, desires permanent or temporary position. M h ir 1 1 Oii, room 31. EXPERIENCED stenographer and phone operator desires position. Enst 2?2:. dicta Phone FIUST-CLaSS stenographer, young woman. d est res position. Marshall &45w WAXTE D To d o form letters at home: reasonable prices. Phone East 7075. Trema kera. WANTED Cooking and sewing, fancy Iron Ing. hfiit'wori t-y hour. Tabor 317. Yoo.i nu..a.u Mar.n position housekeepur In or out -city. Main 510X PRACTICAL nurse with hospital training. Ref. Main 3603. PRIVATE borne: Invalids, aged; UiOned nurse. Tabor 2213. NURSE Care feeble or light work, room, board, small salary. Mar. 3091. YOUNG widow with boy, 1 year old would like housekeeping, city qt country; have been cooking for a clu of 16 people, ex cellent cook. AH 66, Oregonian. LADY w-mts position as housekeeper for widower with children. Ask for D. W. Marshall 23014. lraetiCA. COOK In private family. Christian Scien tists preferred. Address "OS hi E. 14ta st. EXPERIENCED woman wants regular do mestic work; go home nights. C SITUATION wanted by a competent cook. rnone wooaiawu t44. Miscellaneous. CAPABLE middle-aged woman wants work as chambermaid or kitchen helnar in res taurant In exchange for board and room and small wages. Call week dys bet. 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 70ol, A lo!7. CAPA BLE woman wants position as camp cook, any capacity, large camp preferred Call week days bet. fc:30 a M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 7031. A 1517. CAPABLE voung woman wants nlatn sew ing, menui ig or care or cniiuren, i per day. call week days bet. o:3 A. M.( ana ;:au r. At. Aiain iUoi, A xun. YOUNG woman, exp. cook for delicatessen or cafeteria, wants work. Al ref. Call week days bet. 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M Main 7051. A 1517. GERMAN lady wants position as janitress. clean of rices, etc. Phone Marshall 1(37, ABk for Mrs. Tiffin. RELIABLE young lady wishes a position in store, Dakery or coniectionery. be. wood lo76. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work or by the hour. Main 2S20. WOMAN wants day work, beat city refer ence, call eveninga. Last 2lttOw GIRL wants general housework. Call Wood lawn o0 before 1 o clock. A GOOD steady woman wants any kind of day work. Phone Main 4tiy.. Room 11. YOUNG lady wants position in office of dentist or physician. Phone Wdm. 351. GOOD laundress wishes work, fine Ironer ; would oo some nousecieaning. .Main oas. U O M AN wants day work. Phone Marshall 54 y 6. WANT mending and repairing by day or hour. Mrs. G rat ton. E. 830o. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED Completely furnished house. adults, references furnished, best of care taken, suburban location preferable; fruit, garden, etc Give full description. BC 52, Oregonian. WANTED To rent two nicely furnished flats. 4 or 3-room suites, ror two small families, Irvington or West Side preferred. Phone Woodlawn 3C39. WANTED A bungalow, about 5 or 0 rooms, good location ; must be a bargain, from the owner. AK 53, Oregonian. Main 2303 Rooms With Boasd. ROOM snd board In private family tor young man. Best of references furnished. pleHse state terms. Address AF 52, Ore gonian. PROMINENT young lady piano teacher will give music lessons in part payment for room and board. East -7323. W ANTED One or two furnished house keeping rooms. West Side, north of Love joy. AK 54, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. PALACjS HOTEL. On Washington street at Twelfth. Large, airy rooms, elegantly furnished, clean, free phone, not and cold water. steam heat, fireproof, large ground-floor lobby, private and public baths, elevator service; theater and shopping district; trirtiv first-class accommodations at moderate prices. Inspection will convince you; 60c per day and up. Special week ly rates. HOTEL RAM APO. 14th and Washington Sts. A moderate-priced hotel, with ftrst rlass service, with all comforts and con veniences of the high-priced hotels, at lower rates; rooms with and without pri vate baths from 5o to S2 per day; weekly rates 3 and up. ANSONI A HOTEL. 124 14th St.. cor. Washington St. Fireproof, up-to date hotel, large at tractive rooms, individual telephone, con tinuous heat and hot water service; $3 per week up; Mc to Kl.po per aay. HOTEL LIL-MER, under new management; Mrs. Lillian Merry: transient trade so licited, ratee reasonable; hot and cold water In every room, 270 Fourth st,. cor. Jefferaon, opposite City Hall Phone Mar shall 6353. HOTEL. CON R A DINE, loth Bt- at Oak Desirable downtown ration : respectable and strictly modem . Iiroprooi building, eievator auu iarg ioo by; rooms $3 per week up. HOTEL BLACKSTONE. Eleventh and Stark sts.. brick building, elevator service, telephone, hot and cold water in rooms: !0r to l-&0 per day. Spe cial rates by tne weeK. STANDISH HOTEL. K4SU Washington st.. corner 17th. - Hot snd eold water; steam -heated rooms, $1.60 per week; 90 per mo. and up. M AKE T H E BUSH MARK TOUR HOME. Good, larsre. clean, modern room a steam heat: walking distance. $1.50 a week; 90 a month snd up. 56.Vs Washington st. NICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance botn phones, reasonaoie. - ft aa st. Tha Waxreaton, Main 771. HOTEL OCKLET Morrison street at 10th. RATES 50c day up. weekly up. Running water. . phone and hatha HOTEL CORDOVA, 269 11th et. Strictly modern; private baths en suite; room 93 up. Alain uiz. a i sd. HOTEL NORRIS. 533 H Alder. Strictly mod- trn, 9L50, 92 and 92.oOja week. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. 20th and Wash, Warm, modern rooms. 92 week up. STS AM heat, hot and cold water. 91.50 week upr" arena ave. FORD HOTEL, p "ivate bath, phone. 913 up; without bath. 910 up. 733 Washington st. Fnrnlfthfd Booms rn Private Family. NICELY-FURNISHED rooms modern con venlencea, central very reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. 3-ROOM furnished apartment In private home ; cooking gas furnished. 365 Hal- sey st. - LA RGE. furnished hadroom. walking dis tance. SI.20 per weex. 4-tf etn st. NEATLY furnished front room In modem home. IS N. 16th st. NICE room in beautiful home; running water, shower bath. 655 Evsrrct. at. FOR PENT. Pornltthed Rooms in ltlvmi Fsvmfty. TWO neatly furnished rooms, private fam ily, breakfast If desired; heat, hot water, telephone, bath, home comforts, good car service; can accommodate room mates ; gentlemen only, reasonable. 627 E. tSal- - mon. cor. 17th. First floor. East 178. Rooms With Board. WEAVER HOTEL, 70S-10 Washington Street. Phbne Marshall S170. BOARD AND ROOM. Private bath and telephone in every room. Prices reasonable. Excellent heat. THE VIR4N1A HILL. 14th and Jefferson Him. An excellent residential hotel; attractive ratea to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 12 s.3. A 6028. ALEXANDRA COURT. 63 Ella st. An American Plan Residence HoteL Suites Single Rooms Excellent Tab!. A 621L Marshall 6170. THE WHITE HALL. 253 8th. American plan; very convenient and reasonable. THE STRYKEH. 654 Couch; family hotei. rooms e:ngle or en suite; reasonable rates. Wih Hoarrt in I'nvstf family. ONE lnrye front room, also outside rooms, board If desired. Home privilege. Mar. n:tti.-). e.vt coiumoia, cor. inn st. GOOD home for one or two children; sonable. Woodlawn 14CO. FI RST-CLASS room and board In private home. ltto N. 'Jlst, Main --). t ii mi Kb ed Apartments. A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined clean. saf. THBJ "WHEELDON ANNEX popular. 10th and Salmon St. weii known. of highest standing, A house of quality, comfort and service. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Tavlor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific voast; lurnishea complete. Roof Gardens in Connection. Walking distance. References. 'THE CROMWELL. Fifth snd Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's store; good surrounuings; strictly modern 2 and 3-roora f urmsned apartments, all outside with French doors and balconies. . PERMANENT OU TRANSIENT. PENROSE APARTMENTS. N. W. corner Belmont and Grand ave New, completely furnished 2 and 3 -room apts. Solid brick building; white enam eled interior; large kitchens; service irat class: walking distance. LINCOLN APARTMENTS. 4TH AND LINCOLN. i 2-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APTS. 16 TO $23. WALKING DISTANCE. GARAGE CONVENIENT. MADISON PARK APTS., Park at Madison. Modern 2. S and 4 room furnished apartments, close in. by weea or montn. N ivELT furnished housekeemn e rooms. plenty of heat, hot and cold water, free pnone. .do olii oiocKs xrom post- on ice. ELK APARTMENTS. JUTH AND BELMONT. Furnished 2 and 3-roum apts. Also single room ; reasonaoie rates. WASHINGTON GRAND. 2 and 3 -room apts., fiu up. neat, iignt, Datn: Tiean. respect able. VI Grand ave.. cor. Washington. THE CHELTENHAM Beautifully furnlshel 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; lowest rates in city, corner N. lytn and Northrup ets. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern 2. 3, 4-room furnished and unfurnished ia up. w car io rvortnrup. aiar. NEW furnished apts.; concrete block; $10 and si. naze u ion ave. N. Wdln. 512. L 2 ROOMS, bath, steam beat, phone, gas. iignt. sj up. isew wart. st. THE DEZENDORF. 209 16th st.. near Taylor. Marshall 310. TWO rooms, parlor floor: hot, cold water. neat, ugnt. pnone. ooo rianaerg su L nf urnibhed Apartments. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished five-room apart ment, witn ai i modem conveniences, eluding sleeping porch, telephone, gas, electric lights, etc.: newly carpeted, ran ovated. reduced rentals. Phones Main 4376. A 13U1. IRVING APARTMENTS. Four rooms, unfurnished. all outside rooms, veranda, laundry, garage, good service, low ratea to permanent tenants references required. 680 Irving St. Phone AlursUaJI 2748. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. 18th and Couch sts. Marshall J55. Mod ern new building. 2, S. 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths and every convenience. DOUGLAS COURT. 425 W. Park, now open; new 2 and 8 room, hardwood floors, mahogany finish zirst-ciass service; ail iignt apts. BRETNOR APARTMENTS. The fashionable Nob Hill apartments. Absolutely modern 2-room apartments near canine, .utn and Lovejoy sts. KEELER APTS.. 14TH AND CLAY STS. Desirable unfurnished a-room suite, prt ate vestibule, phone and bath, 27. Call between 2 and 4 P. M.. Marshall 5753. LARGE, light 2-room apta., private dressing and bathroom, telephone and water; ren 917; walking distance. "Chapman Apts.,' iui ana tnupiqan sls. ROSE-FRIEND. B'wT and Jefferaon. Ele gant 3-room, unfurnished Apt., can be secured February l. Marshall 1410. NEW Nob Hill apartments. 3-room suites modern, best location and outlook : ver reasonable. Marshall 267. Gllsan near 23d, SiX room., sleeping-porch, i til outside rooms rpifrencfs. iMJ Irving. Marshall 175. 5-ROOM APT. with sleeping porch. Bryn . Mawr, iso k. lotn St.; 930. THIS MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders. Large, light, o. 6 rma.. reas. M.3ltt. A267 922.50 LOVELY 4-room front apt., m-alkln, aistance. v entngton Lourt, t,veret THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson rooms, reasonable, Marshall 33 GO. , Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washing ton ; large. attractive. sunny outsia rooms; private balconies, modem. supe rior service, unsurpassed view, wuikin distance. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2. 8 and room: rates moderate: aood service, spe eial arrangements for permanent tenant a rnone Ala r nail uoi ana waiain. distance. 21st and frving. WELLESLE1 COURT, MELCL1FE COURT. REX ARMS. Phone East 6577. Sunnyslde carllne, close In; - 2 and room; desirable and reasonable. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, THE HOUSE OF TONE, 40-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. THE BUENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison Strictly modern, all outside apartments ideal location; references. Phone Main 10'Jl and 1052. LUCRE TLA COURT APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect In all details, Lucretia su Marshall 1513. A So37. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 4 and &-rootn fur. and unfurnished apt Sleeping porch. 22d and Gllsan. Mar. 31SL SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 270 S. Broad way; one furnished or unfurnished front 4-room apartment. Phone Main 2506. Flats. FOR RENT Portland Heights, modern, at tractive, 5-room flat; maid's room, fire place, large porch, hardwood floor, un excelled view, 93. Phone forenoons or eve nlng. Main 2639. 6 ROOMS, close In, modern and in good condition ; rent 920 to desirable tenant; key at news stand, cor. 16th and Wash ington euc 5-ROOM .modern flat. 426 11th su. 916.50: water paid. Oregon Inv. & Mtg. Co., 202 Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. REDUCED rent, "6-room modern flat, every convenience; walking distance. 692 Lovejoy st. 9lO A MONTH 4 rooms, desirable location, close to school and car line. Ogden, 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. 91S.50, including wster, modern 5-room 'up per; Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, etc 604 E. 19th st. N.. cor. Davis. Wdln. 4373. 6TRICTLY modern 6-room upper flat; llghl and roomy. 427 Clay St., near 11th, East 8. FLAT of six rooms and bath; 731 Hoyt at. Inquire 130 6th. Phone Main 6278. MODERN 4-room flat, reasonable, near 23d and Washington sts. Alain totSb. Furnished Pints. NICELY furnished 3 rooms, disappearing bed, heat, hot wster. sleeping porch. Gar bage removed; 3 carlines. walking dls tance 427 Rodney eve. Cheap rent. NEAR the steel shipbuilding plant, corner upper O-room fat, completely furnished. Ca'l Main 1511. 916 3 ROOMS, new. modern, clean, com pletely furnished, 574 h Mill. Mun 6447, FIVE rooms, neatly furnished, on cariina. 914. Tabor 8118- FIVE rooms, well furnished, 925. References. - Marshall CIO. FOB RENT. Furnished Flats. -ROOM lower flat, pertly furnished, comer iving ard uavis. Phone Main MM. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur- water, phone in every room ; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sta (14 up, 231 Columbia il, near 6th. N 10 ELY furnished housekeeping suites. walking distance, bott phones; $2 per week and up; newly renovated. Main 7771. The Warrcnton. 402 3d st. 61 EAST MORRISON Furnished on and two-room houseKeepjp g apta.. reasonable. CHEAPEST clean housekeeping and aieep- tng in city. 202 Jefferson. HuM-krcmog hooou In lrtvte Faunily. TWO nicely furnished H. K. rooms; heat. light, gas; very reasonable rent ; walking d istance. Phone E. til 10. 300 Hancock st. $14 3 ROOMS, completely furnished, gas range, electricity. private batn, phono, neat, clean, quiet. 12S E. 19th, near Mor rison. TTVO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas, oatn. u montn. rronu FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $2-8 up: iignt. ra:n, imrn luri'.tshcd. t xayior st. 91 WtKK Ciei n. Quiet. clos in; 0 E. 8th. trounils. phone 00 20TH. cor. Flanders, neatly furnished nouaekeeping rooms. I. INCLUDING phone." laundry. gas. beat, light, 420 Market. bath. WELL firnlsbed I?. K. room, 314 Main at. Including wood, o.;0 mo. Hon 945 LARGE -home on 4 blk.. West Side., corner 21st and walking distance, N. E. r isnners sts. $;2.50 7 -room modem home, 4ST Lsr rabie su, near Broadway bridge; large garage. $22.50 T-room modern home, Irving ton, m 1 0 7 -room modern house, TS5 York st. JS 5-room flat, E. Morrison si., near liuh. wulking distance. 12.503 rooms and tnth, PI E. 74th St. PRANK L- M' GUI RE. 414 Ahlngion S'.dg. Main 106S. MODERN 4-room bungalow with self-light- tug ranges, heaters, oeda. outlets. I'uukciurx, window seats, hardwood floors, linoleum in kitchens and bathrooms, attic end full basements; on Sumner near E. l.'tth. one block N. of Alberta car. IJln ch ard A Clemson, 7U2 Selling bldg. HOUSES FOR RENT. 10-room house at 1 164 Katton ave. for 915: 7 -room house, sleeping porch and garage, at olK E. Oth SU. (or 920: 4-room houe at 30O E. S4ch et. for 97; keya lUi N. W. Bank bldg. Phono Main 177. WANTED AT ONCE. Two 5 to "room bun Iowa, Rose City or Laurelhur:t, 9 15 to 930. Garsge pre ferred. James C. Logan. 400 Orvgonian bldg. Main 3521. 6-Kuuil bungalow, bath, gas and electri city; full lot, 9 Diocks from v cnriines: rent 912.50. F. J. Steinmeta A Cow, 505 Gerlinger bldg. Kl.KE STORAGE Household goods stored ire: expert movers pcKr ana snippers. Manning Warehouse A Transfer Co Wth ar.d Hoyt ats. Broadway 703. MODERN 4-room house with large screened sieeping-porch. basement; located on sightly jot in good residence district; 9?.50 per month. Call at 404 Piatt bldg. MODERN 7 -room residence. 303 Rose st.. near Broadway bridge and Alblna snip yards; reasonable rent. ATTRACTIVE modern 6-room bungalow, de si ruble neighborhood, bunny side district East 7670. 920. DES1R.BLE 7-i 00m house. Sixth and Sher man; full cement haFeroent; garage. Ap ply on premises. 1- !. .'ar. south. tf-ROOM house, hardwood floors, hot water neat, garage, corner, nice lawn. Jdain 1.900. Main 5197. Rl V'ERDALE 5-rooin cottage, garden, fruit trees; beautiful view overlooking golf links; 920. Phone Main 7672. COMFORTABLE T-room, West Side home; hot water, lurnace, small yara. 010 Mar ket. Main 4510. SIX-ROOM modern house. Rose City Park. v.ast 37th. Rent -o. ti. C tpton, 432 c nam. tom. T - ' - ' 1 U-ROOM, modern, up-to-date home; fine Weet fuie location, aou per montn. rnona Main 2O04. BUNGALOW flat on Portland Heights. 5 rooms, steeping poicn, mperu view, moa eni. Rent 5. Phone Mar. 6144. PORTLAND HEIGHTS o-room cottage, celled attic, gas. electricity and laundry tubs. Mar. 4s$7. o l ulCTLV modern Laure -turat home, near car.. No. HO Laddlngton Court. Tabor 3284. 6-ROOM house, gas. electricity; walking dis tance. vVt avereu rngni s.u(. e. MODERN 7-room house. 245 23d St., near " M ars hall. Phone Marshall 107tf. 6 ROOMS 205 Cook ave.. near Williams; gas, electricity, bath. East 129S. 8-ROOM modern house. w2 Lovejoy. ner 22d. inquire 130 6th mC. Main 6278. GOOD 5-room cottage. 546 E. 18th et., 910, "WW" car Marshall 4317. A DESIRABLE 6-room West Park st. house, reasonable rent to adu'ts. Main 1955. 5-HOuil cottage, close in, 406 Hall st 10th. Furnlnhed HiUra. FOR RENT for 3 months, beautifully fur nished home in Irvington; 4 bedrooms. For particulars call owner. East 7460. 642 E. 18th N, BUNGALOW flat. 3 rooms, sleeping porch, den. 2 beds, linen, silverware, phone, water, garbage, etc 867 E. Wash,. SSth MODERN 6-room house, completely fur nished, sleeping porch, hot water heat. 1044 Division st. COSY 5-room modern cottage. 10 minutes on Union ave. car, 916; walar Included. 5i6Unios: ave. E. 5407. 5-ROOM furnished house, 1355 Milwaukis st. S Sei ! wood 2244. FURNISHED 5-room cottage. Phone East 1208. Store. DRESSMAKING establishment and living spartment. 14$ 13th St.. ground floor, store front, fitting-room, stockroom, reception-room, large workshop with bard wood floor, three living-rooms and kitchen, bathroom, two toiiets, laundry tube, spe cial electric connections. Highly finished and best facilities; moderate rent. Floor area. 35o0 square feet. Inquire 1025 Yeon budding. Offices SUA RE 3-ftutte combination, lawyer pre ferred, 915; private furnished office. 9lO, Hhare office, 97.50. Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. , DESIRABLE office upace on ground floor. 95 per month; desk, office equipment, telephone, etc.. free. 306 Oak st. WELL-FURNISHED private office; also desk room. 95 and 97. 723 Cham, of Com. OFFICES! 97 up; furnished offices, desk room, reasonable. 3Q3 Swetland bldg. BUSIV?vs OPPORTUNITIES. A GROWING BUSINESS Partner wanted to work in store, check goods, etc Can make extra large profits, and only J3a0 required. Call 24S gtark et OLD established office business, a rars chance for a man of some business ability and little money. Call 191 4th St, BUTTER, eggsTetc. A strictly cash store, where you can clear 9100 month; 9600 re q tired. Call 248 Stark st. FOR SALE Best vulcanizing and tire business in Northwest, in city of 25.0O0. Address box 1215, Boise, Idaho. IDEAL location for watchmaking, jewelry repairing and musical instruments; trans fer corner. 391 E. Morrison st SMALL restaurant, suitable for man and wife. 9100 if sold before 1st of Feb, AK S3, Oregonian, SOLID business for energetic man; pays 95. day besides your living, and your money will be secured. Call 2482 Stark st. FOR SALE 500 shares Beaver State Motor Co. stock. Mu-ke me an offer. Koom 719 Y. M. C. A. FOR RENT Cleaning and dyeing location, best in city, transfer corner. 391 East Morrison st. WE SELL OR TRADE Anything and everything. Mlllership, 431 Chamber of Commerce. W E have 40 grocery stores from 9400ito 9400 cash and trade. Pacitic Agency. Inc., 515 Swetland bldg. " DON'T WORRY. " 4 I can trade or sell it; anything. Lav man. r-27 Chamber of Commerce. PARTNER wanted for automobile business. Pays large profits, and only 9375 cath required. Call 24Sij Stark st. CLOTHES cleanHrff and tailoring shop; small . Investment required.- 255 N. 17th st. FOR SNAPS In rooming-houses see Paclflo . Agency. Inc.. 515 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE Half interest In a small manu facturing business. AH 36, Oregonian. -RESTAURANT, cheap rent. Call 2 North Third st. 915 month. BARBER SHOP for sale, between 1st and 2d sts. Call 233 Main. GOOD creamery, good town, all or half in terest. AV 501. Oregonian. HOTEL-RESTAURANT 21 rooms, always full; cheap. Owner. AJ 55. Oregonian. SPLENDID location for retail shoe store 31 E. Morrison St. RESTAURANT snap, completely furnished cheap account sickness, 103 N.- 3d st. 1