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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1917)
THE - MORNING OREGOXm', TUESDAY. JANUARY 23, 1917. EX-BANDIT TOTTERS OFF TO POOR F Chris Evans, Bowed by Years and Bloody Memories, Is Public Charge. YOUNGER DAYS' VIGOR GONE Man Wlio, With John Sontag, Waged War on Railway Which Acquired His Property, Prepares to End , Days at County Farm. ' Chris Evans,' famed highwayman, fwho with- John Sontag; won more repute In California as slayers than did Tracy and Merrill In Oregon, entered yesterday uireTi the last quiet chapter or an eventful life, when he was taken to the Multnomah County Farm to pass his remaining days. It was a palsied old man, bowed .with the weight of 70 years and a Jieavy-laden memory, who was com mitted yesterday on the order of Dr. 3i. P. Geary, county physician. His left eye and risht arm are gone, and Evans' Iron constitution is fast failing, said the physician. Last year Evans went to California to have a surgeon remove n. bullet from a wound in his head, and though the operation was successful, it brought little relief. i War Waged on Hallway. Evans joined his wife in Portland In 1911, upon his release from Folsom penitentiary. Mrs. Evans Is living at S40 Second street. There are four sons living. Relentless war against the Southern Taclfic was begun by Evans when he was served notice by that corporation that his grant of land in the San Joaquin Valley, on which he had raised feheat and stock and where his home .was, had reverted to the railroad. Fifteen men were sent from Fresno ka agents of the Southern Pacific to drive Evans and other settlers off the land. Evans heard of the approaching posse, organized his neighbors, and the rifles of the homesteaders left not a man of the 15 alive. In the eviction proceedings and pros ecution which followed Evans escaped and joined with John Sontag. A band of lawless men was organized. They liad for their cardinal rule that theft from the Southern Pacific was not real stealing. Train Ar Held TTp. Acting on this principle, they began to hold up trains. They robbed the ex press companies and trainmen, but did not molest passengers. , Finally the man-hunt became too fteneral and the robbers retreated Into the Sierras. For nine months they were sought by posses. Finally. Sontag and Evans were cornered In a hut near Dunlap. In a revolver and rifle duel two of the posse were killed and the bandits escaped. Later they were surrounded and took r-fuge in a haystack, where in a. mur derous battle with the pursuing gun men. Sontag was shot to death and Evans was riddled with bullets. He had an arm and leg shattered and an eye eliot out. He was sentenced to life imprison ment, but after a few years' service es caped from the penitentiary with Ed Morrell. He was captured by a ruse, n nd sent back to prison. He had served 3 2 years when Governor Johnson heeded the pleas of his wife and released him on April 15. 1911. CHURCH TO BE TRIBUTE HO.OOO MEMORIAL PROPOSED FOR IlEV. JOHN GLEN. Free Methodists Keed Larger Home and Plan to Honor First Pastor With . ,; Modern Building. The erection of a $10,000 Glen Me morial Church is planned by the First Free Methodist church, as a monu ment to Its first Dastor. Rev. John Glen. Rev. Mr. Glen was also the first pastor of tne Free Methodist Church in Seattle and came to Port land from that city. He did much not only to form the church here but to hold it intact, and hard work and long service for the church undermined his health. Rev. Alexander Beers, pastor of the First Free Methodist Cuurch, said yes terday that as yet no site had been selected and that he hoped to have the plans well under way by the an ' nual conference in May. The present church at Ninth and East Mill, streets Is not large enough. The new church will be modern and-fully equipped. Three children of the late Rev. Mr. tllen survive him. Professor Irving M. Cilen, head of the fine arts department of the university, is his eldest son. An other son, William Glen. Is manager of Crane Company, Spokane, Wash., and his daughter is Mrs. A. S-. Kerry, formerly of Seattle, where she was prominent, now of Kerry. Or., where her husband has extensive lumber In terests. BARBER DENIES GUILT M. H. M'CALL ENTERS PLEA TO CHARGE OF MURDER. Insanity to B Defense ef Slayer of W. A. Shaner, Killed In Morgan Building on Christmas Day. Marcus H. McCall, a barber, who shot and killed W. A. Shaner. another bar ber, last Christmas day, pleaded wt Kuilty to a charge of murder before Presiding Judge Gantenbeln yesterday. &ud his trial was set for February 6. Insanity wilt be his defense. Jilianer was killed primarily because lie was thought to have secured the discharge of McCall from a barber shop In the Morgan building, in which both men worked. McCall entered the shop on Christmas Cay. had a shave and haircut, and turned to Shaner. asking "Have you got your gun with you?'" and opened fire. Three bullets entered Shaner's body, and McCall then diverted his attention to a negro porter whom he chased up Broadway. That McCall is insane and was not responsible for his actions is the plea to be made by Attorneys W. A. Carter and W. E. Crltchlow. appointed by Judge Gantenbeln to represent the pris oner. The attorneys have asserted that Investigation has shown that McCall 3raa subject, to epilepsy when young, ARM I HAIR COMING OUT? Dandruff causes a feverish irritation of the scalp, the hair roots shrink, loos en and then the hair comes out fast. To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a 25-cent bottle of Danderine at any drug store, pour s little in your hand ai. . rub it 4nto the scalp. After a few applications the hair stops out and J ou can't- find any dandruil. breakTchild's cold by giving syrup of figs Look, Mother ! Is Tongue Coated, Breath Feverish and Stomach Sour? Cleanse the Little Liver and Bow els and They Get Well Quickly. When your child suffers from n cold don't wait; give the little stomach, liver and bowels a gentle, thorough cleans ing at once. When cross, peevish, list less, pale, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally; if breath is bad. stomach sour, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the clogged-up, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. (f your child coughs, snuffles and has caught cold or Is feverish or has a sore throat, give a good dose of "California Syrup of Figs" to evacuate the bowels, no difference what other treatment Is given. Sick children needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative." Mil lions of mothers keep it handy because they know its action on the stomacr liver and bowels is prompt and sure. They also know a little given today saves a sick child tomorrow.' Ask your druggist for a EO-cent bot tle of "California Syrup -t Figs." which contains directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. Get the genuine, mado by "California Fig Syrup Company." Adv. and in many ways had been "peculiar." one delusion, being that men were fol lowing him and threatening his life. A chief witness for the defense will bo Mrs. McCall. divorced wife of the slayer, who lives In Portland. MURPHY MUST SERVE RIGHT OF MUNICIPAL JUDGE TO TRY STATE CASES UPHELD. Presiding Judge Gantenbeln Rules That Power of Justice Court Is Vested In Police Court. The power of the Municipal Judge to sentence persons found guilty of state offenses was upheld by Presiding Judge Gantenbeln yesterday when he denied a writ of habeas corpus demanded in the Circuit Court by Attorney Morris Gold stein lor Jesse Murphy, a bootlegger sentenced by Police Judge Langguth. The petitioner in the action held that Judge Langguth had no Jurisdiction, as his power of punishment for state charges had been taken away from him with the creation of the District Courts. Deputy District Attorney Collier ar gued that Judge Langguth was ex officio Justice of the Peace by virtue of his office as police Judge, and that it was not the intention of the Legis lature in the act of 1913. doing away with justice courts in cities of 100.000 population or more, to take away any of the authority or power previously vested In the Municipal Judge. Judge Gantenbeln ruled with Mr. Col lier and the writ was denied. . Murphy was sentenced January 11 to serve 50 days in jail or to pay a fine of 1200. BRIDEGROOM, 40, MODEST Reporter Cautioned Not to Mention Marriage to Girl of 16. VANCOUVER, Wash.. Jan. 22. (Spe cial.) "It Is against the law to pub lish the names of couples securing marriage licenses if they don't want you to," Austin M. Harrltt. of Portland, told a newspaper reporter wno was In the Auditor's office today when he was issued a license to marry Miss Flossie Dot Reynolds, of Ballston, Or.' The reporter, however, did not believe him. Harritt Is 40 years old and his bride 16. Her mother, Ida Reynolds, was with them and consented to the marriage. Another 16-year-old bride got a mar riage license here today. Hazel Kearns. accompanied by her father, E. T. Kearns. of Portland, who gave his consent, was married to Ray Ogllvy, 23, of Pendleton, Or., by Elder A. D. Skaggs. j j j j j j j 5 j j j JMt 5 HOW TO GET RELIEF FROM CATARRH If you have catarrh, catarrhal deafness, or head noises, go to your druggist and get 1 or. of Parmint (double strength), take this home, add to it hi pint of hot water and 4 oz. of granulated sugar. Take 1 tablespoonful 4 times a day. This will often bring quick re- lief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become easy and the mucous stop dropping into the throat. It is easy to make, tastes pleas- ant and costs little. Everyone who has catarrh should give this treatment a trial. You will probably find it Is Just what you need. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. VXRGIXIA PEAKSOV IX "BITTER TRUTH TODAT. MAJESTIC THEATER. WASH. AT PARK, MAT. IOC; EVE, ISO. AfCTIOX SALES TODAT. At Baker's Auction House. Masonic Tm ple bldg., Yamhill and V. Park sts. Fine furniture. Sale at 10 A. M. MOTMETT9. PORTLAM) MARBLE WORKS. 5S4-208 4th opposite City Hall. Main 8604. Philip Neu A Sons for memorials. cfbBLACSING GRANITCCO.l U third madison jtreet. J AMTXSEMlrSTS. i TICKET OFFICE SALE I UFEJiS TODAY pTTTT f( Broadway at Taylor. x i-X JLyXVJ Phones Main 1. A1123 3SNext Thur. Special-Price Mat. Sat. ANDREAS DIPPLE Presents Comic Opera Success Tlilag domino? Brilliant Cast. Superb Chorus. Eve's. Floor 2. $1.50: BaL $1. 75c, 50e; Gal. 60c. Sat. Mat, Door $1.50; BaL $1, 75c, 50c; Gal. 50c BAKER THEATER Broadway Jt BlorriaoB, "ALWAYS A SHOW OF QUALITY." THE ALCAZAR PLAYERS. , All week Mats. Wed.. Sat. The Great Underworld Romance, 'The Deep Purple By Paul Armstrong and Wilson Mlzner. Evenlnss. 25c. Roe. 7Sc Sat Mat., 25c 50c Wed. Bargain Mat., 25o only. Next week "The Old Homestead.' (Seats now selling). IOUA1. PILCER I The I Water Queen DOUttLAS I ODIVA Janet Adair assisted by Miss Adelpht; Aileen Stanley; Myrl A Oelmar; O r p h e u m Travel Weekly; Concert Orchestra. INEZ TROVATO MACAU LEY I Violinist. CO. I . PANTAGES MATLNEE DAILY. 2:30 THE COURTROOM GIRL8. A Kagtime Travesty on a Trial. UlMilH Hu, ACTS 6 Boxes and loses reserved by phone. Curtain Zigtt. 1 and . CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily and Sunday. Per Llm, Oae time lis tea me ad two consecutive tlnee - .x2o feaxne ad three consecutive times 3o bam ad six or seven consecutive times . . .6tt Tie above rates apply to advertisements nndnr "New Today' and all oUmbt aUic- tic n except tne followingi Bitaatious anted -Aiaie. Situations Wanted l-emaJe, JEor Kent Kooma Private Families. Board and ttooms Private am ill tea. Housekeeping Koom Frivate i- amiliesw Kse on tne above classification is 7 cents a lino each insertion. 0 The Oregonian will accept classified ad vertisements ver the telephone, provided the advertiser s m subscriber of either phone. No price will be quoted over the phone but bill will be rendered the follow las' day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of payment of telephone adver tisements, "situations Wanted" and ".Per sonal" advertisements will not be accepted aver the telephone. Orders for one insertion only w ill be accepted for " urnitur for bale," "ButloeM Oppoi t unities," ".Uoog Houses and "Wanted to Heat." berioas error in advertisements will be rectified by republication without additional charge, but such republication will not be made where the error does not materially affect the value of t-ie advertisement. Cancellation of orders over the telephone not recognized unlet confirmed the same da in writing. City lS'ews In Brief advertisements mnvt be presented for publication for The banday Oregonlan before S o'clock Saturday after oon for other da s publication before 0 MEETTSO NOTICES. AL KADER TKMPI.B. A. A- O. N. M. S. Ceremonial session Saturday. . January 27. at Eleventh-Street The ater. Eleventh and Morrison streets, commencing at 3 P. M. Business session at Masonic Temple at 10 A. M. Petitions must be In the hands of the Recorder before 10 A. M. January 27. Shrine Demonstntlon Pa rade at 1 :80 P. M. from Ma sonic Temple. Candidates must report to the Recorder at the stage entrance of the Eleventh-iStreet Theater at 1 P. M, Compli mentary banquet to oil Shriners at Mult nomah Hotel at 6:00 p. M. Second section will take place at 8 P. M. at Eleventh Street Theater. Visit Ins nobies cordially Invited. Admis sion by 1917 membership card only. Wear your fex. " Hy order of the Potenate. HUGH J. BOYD. Recorder. ATTENTION George Wright Post, G. A. R. At the family residence. 633 East Sixty-fifth street North. January 21. John C. WlB-ginton, aged 71 years. receased was a comrade of George Wright Post, G. A. R. During the Rebellion he was a member of Company B, First Oregon infantry. Funeral serv ices will be held at Hoi man's funeral parlors today (Tuesday), January 23. at 1 P. M. Inter ment at Multnomah Cemetery. Comradea of the G. A. li. and friends invited. A. C. SLOAN, Adjutant. IMPERIAL. LODGE, NO. 159, A, F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Tuesday) even- evening, January 23, 7:30 o clock. F. C .degree. Visitors welcome. W. P. ANDRUS, Secretary. WASHINGTON COMMAND ER!. NO. 15, KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Stated conclave this (Tuesday) evening, 7:30. order of the Temple. AU so journing Ivnights Invited. ROBERT MARTYN. Recorder. CORINTHIAN ClAPTEB. NO. 54, O. E. S. Stated communica tion this (Tuesday) evening. Ma sonic Temple. 8 o'clock ; social. By order of W. M. HENRIETTA M'CABE, Secretary. HAWTHORNE LODGE, NO. 111. A. F. and A. M. Special communication this (Tuesday) evening at 7:3a Work In the M. AU degree. Visiting breth ren welcome. C. E. MILLER. Secy. MACCABEES. ATTENTION. The funeral of Guatav C. Tenira. late a member of Portland Tent. No. 1, will be held today (Tuesday) afternoon at 2 o'clock from Erickson's undertaking parlors. Twelfth and Morrison streets. All members are request ed to attend. GEORGE D. AKK, R. K. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, plna, Nw designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 Sixth at. FRIEDLANDER'S, Jewelers, for Emblems, Class Pins and Presentation Medals. Designs and estimate furnished free. 3lO Wasu. PITS P. PRESLER Jan. 22. 1917. at the family residence. 431 Graham ave.. Karris Lee Preaier. aged 4 months 21 days, infant son of Mr. ana Mrs. Leon A. Prjsler. Re mains will be forwarded today i Tuesday Jan. 23, to Clatskanie. Or., by the Pearson LndertaJting co.. jtusseu at. at union ave. T.OVKT.AXD In this city. Jan. 18. Flovd Love land, aged 25 years. Remain were Snippeu id utttuajue, v.,i.. jiuouity, jklb Hii, at a sr. jm... oy ja liter ts xracey. wriss Jan. 22. Hale Stronir Bliss, tred 4V4 months, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. & 6. Bliss, ruoerai private. FLORIST. Washington. Main 269. A 1269. Flowers tor an occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS.. Florists. 28T Morrison St. Main or A 1805. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. MAX M SMITH. Main 7215. A 212L Sell ing big.. 6th .and Alder sts. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 285 Washington H.frtlstiii4UssdU. Mala 6104, A HOI tm mm sue mm This directory la for the Information of the public to gift as far aa pos sible the different lines of business which the average person may find occa sion to use. Any Information which cannot be found here will be gladly fur nished by phoning Main 7070 or A 6095. House 40.. ACCORDION PLKATINQ. K- STiPHAX, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cord., side pleat, buttons covered; mall orders. 28 Pittock block. Broadway lutftf AGATE CUTTKB8. 187. Mt. Jewelers, expert watchmakers. Millers. 33 Waan.. bet, iidwy. and f ark. , ASSAYEJBV8 AND AJNALYSTS. - ' , MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 2d Gold, stiver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. w. J. Makellm Probate, real estat. mining and corporation law; abstracts and titles examined; written opinions turnlshed. 1434 .Northwestern bank bias. Main 574S. LAWYER. 618 Pittock block. io chars for preliminary consultation. U p. MAHONE. lawyer. 402 Panama bids. Marshall 6333. CANCiB. L. M. Jones, M. D. CANCER TREATED. Brewer bids.. 18tn and Alberta. Wdin. 4108 CARPETWEAVERS. 'll'fF RIGS FROM OLD CARPETS. Carpet cleaning, refitting, etc. North weei Rug Co.. la E. 8th st. Both phones. CELULOIU BUTTON'S, BADUEg. .THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 387 Washington at. Main 312 and A 1204. CHIROPODIST. William. Estelle and William. Jr.. Deveny the only scientific chiropodists In the city Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg.. southwest cor ner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPRACTIC PHTSICIANS. EL1M1NATINO medicines and operations. Permanently restoring health without drugs or scars. l5r. McMahon making j 31 adjustments l&. Macleay bldg. and Sanitarium. Pationts satisfied. a.nockers boost. Cass questions free. D'?h-V.FO?D. chiropractor and electro theraplst. Specialist In nervous disorders. Room 312 Swetland bldg. Phone East 2U83. CIRCULARI.ETERS. CAE,fcFTER co- 810 W."bldg. Mar. 682. 100 letters mult. graphed for fl. COAL, AND BRIQUETS. t.Mt,KCHI,ET BROS.. Main B31, a7 Coal. Diamond Briquets. Kindling. sasi. tO I. LETr IN 0A GEN C Y. W-MW1 DA,VIES. collections. Gerllnger bldg. Maln852a. Bonded; reasonable charges. A CO.. Worcester- bldg. Main 1708. - ""ctiuu. no cnarge abliahed 1000. DANCING. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy, 85V4 Bth. AetYrbt"Jk?nd ak: Private lessons 2 Sa.'"-.,?!-' ce.: 1"te''t,dan.ce suaranteed Class Thura.. Sat, eve.. 7-8:30. Bdwy 2160. EYE, EAR, 2OSE, - THROAT LCNGST" Trane?.t by specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. . ... ..acuity, pi, ueaum bldg.. 3d A Wn. FTRK INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO WHOLESALERS AND AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. DUURTJILLE BUGGY TOP CO., 209 2d St. AUTO SPRING MAN U PACT U RING. . - -Ulg. and re pair- LAMER SPRING C&aaPlnK; 4000 springs carried in stock, loth A Coucn sts BAGGAGK I IlllKKII AT HOME. Bagage A Omnibus Transfer. Park A Davis. DRY GOODS WHOLESALE. L.DinKeispiel Co. Srt?. GRAIN ME BC HANTS. M. H. HOTJSiesR, Board of Trade bid-. WADHAMS & CO., 67-75 Fourth rtrMt MATS AND CAM.' THANHOUSEK HAT CO.. oo-OS Front at. H1UES. WOOL. rASCARA BARK. KAH.N BKUS., 11 Front tret. i-UM FACTlREKS LADIES NKCKWEAK, 1 ; AcTKK N XUVKLTY M J? Ki. CO.. 65 0th It PAINTS AND LIBRICATINU OLL.H. W. P. FULLER &. CO., lilt a and Davia ata. FUNERAL NOTICES. ANDERSON In this city. Jan. 21. Marga ret Anderson, aged 5S years, beloved wife of Henry Anderson and late of Melroe, Or.; mother of Florence. Paul and Alfred Anderson, of Melrose Or. ; Adella and Arndt Anderson, of Saleni, Or.; Mabel and Ella Anderson, of this ctty; Josephine An derson, of Tacotna, Wash. Funeral serv ices will be conducted tomorrow (Wednesday1-, Jan. 24, at 2 P. M. from the Au fr us tan a Lutheran Church, corner Rodney av. and Stanton st. Friends Invited.- Re mains at Pearson's, Russell su at Union ave. WIGGINTON At the family residence. 633 E. 65th st. N, Jan. 21. John G. Wigginton, aged 70 years. 1 1 months. 10 days. Be loved husband of Nettie Wigginton; father of Mrs. Perry E. Jackson, of Juneau. Alaska, and Jessie Wigglnton, of thin ctty. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors, under the auspices of George V right Post. Grand Army of the Republic, today (Tuesday), Jan. 23, at 1 P. M. Interment Multnomah Cemetery. SMITH Jan.' 20. Jacob Smith, aged 68 years, father of Mrs. Mary Green. Inde pendence, Or. ; Thomas J., Jacob N. Frank G., Louise C. and George L. Smith. The funeral will leave the borne of his son, J. N. Smith, 252 Cook ave., today (Tuesday), Jan. 23, 8:30 A. M., thence to the Church of Immaculate Heart. Williams ave. and Stanton st., where services will be held at 9 o'clock. Friends are invited. Interment ML Calvary Cemetery. x JOHNSON in this city, Jan. 22. Florence Johnson, aged H5 years, beloved wife of Charies J. Johnson, of 30S Grand ave daughter of William Harry, of this city. She also leaven one sister and three brothers residing at Pierre, S. D. Funeral services will be conducted oday (Tues day). Jan. 23, at 2 P. M. from Pearson's undertaking parlors. Russell st. at Union ave. Interment Rose City Cemetery. LAZE R At the residence. 916 South Wil lamette blvd., St. Johns, Jan. 21, John Lazer, age 73 years; beloved husband of Sofia Lazer and father of Mrs. Mary S. Taylor. Funeral services will be held to day (Tuesday), Jan. 23, at 1 o'clock, at the residential parlors of Miller A Tracey, Washington at EUa mu Interment, Co lumbia Cemetery. MILLER At the residence, 266 E. 6th st N., Jan. 21, Mrs. Nannie E. Miller, widow of the late J. C. Millet. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services, to be held at the above residence, under direction of the Edward Holman Undertaking Co., at 10 A M. tomorrow (Wednesday), Jan. 24. Interment Rlverview Cemetery. Services at grave private. LUCKEY In this city. Jan. 21, at the resi dence. 560 Elm St., Eunice Waters Luc key, beloved wife of James Clinton Luckey, and mother of Mrs. Harold S. Gilbert. Friends invited to attend the funeral services, which wili be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 10 A. M. today (Tues day), Jan. 23. Interment at River view Cemetery. ROGERS In this city January 21, at his late residence, 621 East Washington st Thomas M. Rogers, aged 68 years. The funeral services will be held today (Tues day) at 4 o'clock P. M.( at the residence establishment of J. P. Fin ley & Son, Montgomery, at 6th. Friends invited. Services at the grave private. EHRLICH At Colfax, Wash., Jan. 20, Ferd inand Ehrlich .ate of 82d and Maple sts this city. The funeral services will be .held at the conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc. East Side Funeral Direc tors, 414 East Alder St., today (Tuesday), Jan. 23, at 10:30 A. M. Friends invited. Interment MU Scott Park Cemetery. JOHNSON At the family residence, 8732 Foster road. Jan. 21, Helen Beatrice John son, aged 19 years. Funeral services will be conducted today (Tuesday). Jan. 23, at 2 P. M. In the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy A Co.. T.802-04 92d su S. E.. In Lents. Friends Invited to attend. In terment Multnomah Cemetery. SELLBERG In this city, Jan. M. Marts Sellberg, aged 36 years, beloved wife of Gu stave Albert Sellberg, ot 461 Baidwl et. Funeral services will be conducted Thursday, Jan, 25, at 2 P. M- from the Pearson undertaking parlors. Russell at at Union ave. Friends invited. Interment Rose Ci ty Cemetery SHIRE Jan. 21. Michael Shire aged 63 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Mary Shire. Funeral will take plac from Dun ning A McEntee's chapel today (Tuesday) at 2 P. M.. thence to the Cathedral, where services will be held at 2:30 P. M. Friends invited. Interment MU Calvary Cemetery. TIMM In this city. Jan. 20, at his late res idence, 175 12th St.. G. C Timm, aged 60 years. Funeral services will be held to day (Tuesday), January 23. Services will be held from Ericson's chapel. 12tb and Morrison ata. Friends tavited- MTDANTEL In this city January 21. Ernest P. McDanlel, aged 34 years. The funeral sovices will be held today (Tuesday) at 1 o'clock P. M.. at the family residence, 337 Fargo st Friends Invited. Services at the grave private. CREMATORIUMS. MOUNT SCOTT PARK Cemetery and Crematorium Tabor 146, D (U. MESSENGER SEBVICR. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcyles and bicycles. Phone Main 63. A 2153. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. wfiY PAY MORE? A SAVING OK TO 60. Properly fitted siaeses as low as Sl.o; 4000 satisfied customers. satisfaction guaranteed. Cbaa. w. man. oploinetrvsl. Jiutf Morrison. Main Jl-e. MUSICAL. - EMIL THIELHORN, Violin Teacher, pupil fcevclk. 07 flieduer blg. Marshall !- . . PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WU1GUT 22 years" experience U. S. and foreign patents, tiul Uckuin bldg. Pllx'blClANS. DB. R. A PHILLIPS, Alisky bldg. Get my new booklet, "Chronlo Unease"; its tree. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Faetory and office near 2lh and York sts. Main 4nw. P IAIN TIN U. KEYSTONE "PRESS J. E. Gantenbeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. lt)0i front su. corner tar. Main or A 1418. KAt, KIX.S AND RUGS. mutt Kugs U'rom Old Carpets xugrain. BrusAcls. Smyrna, Aimlniler, rag ruga, all sixes; mall oroers prompt; booklet WEe.Th.RN i'Lll'F RUG CO., 64-56 Union ave. i. East biia, B 1479. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 404 Wilcox bid RUPTURE AND PILES. . RUPTURE AND PILES Successfully treated without operation, pain or detention from business. P. O. Boa looT, Portland. Or. storage and transfer- Tree storage. free moving. Telephone for our proposition; we can save you money; storage, packing, mo tng. shipping. . Modern Urick Storage Warehouse. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO. Office 105 Park su Main 615, A 100L Warehouse 44-4 E. 6th St. N. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Household goods specialists; storage, packing, snip ping and moving; horse or auto vans; special freight rates to all points. C O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO., 2d and Pine sts. Broadway 51)6. A lift 6. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Gllsan St.. corner 13th Telephone Main 69 or A 116; We own and operate two large class "A warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest in surance rates in the city. MADISON ST DOCK AND WAREHOUSE. Office. 180 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 76iL GREEN AND DRY SLABWOOD. blockwood. Pttnama Fuel Co. Main A ufe'Jfl. MANUFACTURERS NON-INTOXICAT1NO BEVERAGES. WEI N HARD'S GOLOliN AMBER NECTAR, Henry Welnhard Plant. Kith, and Burnalda ata Phone Alain VZ, A 1172. PAINTS. OILsS AND GUjS, RAFM1-scN & CO.. 2d and Tay.ur mi. flVK, PI ft KITTINt.S AND VALVES. M. L. KLIN K, o4-b6 Front mt. I'LIMBING AND STEAM b LP PLIES. M. L. KL1NJ3, 84-86 Front -it. PRINTING, PRINT. K- W- iALTES A COMPANY. I l ill I ill J First &. Oak. vta. Main loo. A 11J5 PBODICE. PRODtTCK, driea I run. correspondence llcited. Union Produce Co.. 18 Union ave. riOIH(K COMMISSION M E KCHAN T S. E VERDI NO A FAKi-KLU 14U Front at. KOPE AND BINDING TW1NK. Portlanu Corriiage Co.. 14tn and aSorthrup. SAM I. DOOKS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER V CO., 12th and Davie ta WALL PAPER, MORGAN WALL. PAPER Co.. 230 2d et. FCNERAL DIRECTORS. Edward HolmTV Pres.; W. J. Holman, Sec.; J. E Werlein. Tress. EDWARD HOLMAN CO; ESTABLISHED 1877 RELIABLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant, Third and Salmon Streets Main 508. A 1611 PERFECT FtTKERAI, SERVICES FOR LESS MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors Lady Assistant. Wash, at Ella bt.. IKsU goth and 21. Slain seal. A .880. West olds. Day ana night service. J. P. FIN LEY 60N. Progressive Funeral Directors. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. DUNNING & M'EMEE, luneral directors. Broadway and Fins street. Fhune Broad way 430, A 4:.i8. Lady attendant. F. S. DUNNING. INC.. East Side Funeral Directors. 4T4 Kast Alder street. East 62. B 2525. A. B. ZELLER & CO., &92 WILLIAMS AVB. .asx moa, - mas, nay attendant. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. Sd and Clay. M'n 415J. A Lady attendant. MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service. E SOtn and Glisan. Tab. 4318. ERICSON Residence Undertaking Parlors. 12th and Morrison sts. Main A 225. P. L. LERCH. East 11th and Clay streets. Lady attendant. East 781. B 1884. . MAUSOLEUM. THEVBETTER WAY" Humane. Scientific Security for the Oead, Sanitary Protection for the Li vine RIVER VIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM Terminus Rlverview Car line, Taylor Ferry Road, For Particulars Inquire Portland Mausoleum Co. Phone B'dwy 35 L 3 S38 Pittock Block. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office Room 153 Coartbotue. Sth-etreet Jntraoce. Phone from S to S Main S78, Home phone A 2525. NMcbt call after office hours. Main Sloe. Report all casei of cruelty to the above addreaa Electric lethal chamber for small am ma is. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring" a doc; or other pets communi cate with ua Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look after all Impounding. There Is no mora city pound. Just Oresjoa Humane Society. TW TODAT. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved city property at 6 and 7 per cent. Farm and suburban loans at current rates. Liberal repayment priv ileges allowed. No delays. LARGE LOANS SPECIAL RAXES. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-219 Northwestern Bank Ball ding;. Marshall 4114 A 4118. JNO. B. COFFEY Insurance, Surety Bonds .204 W ILCOX BLDG. LAL!f 702 HORTICrlTlRK. PRUNTXG, spraying, tree surgery, graftage. Xpert gardeners. Nicholas. Main 7411. NEW TODAT. Universal Tractor Attachment oppoRTwrn with bio rmrxa Tour automobile and our TJnlyersa tractor attachment will mak you big money. Asrents selllns; on a day. Big demand. Bis; profits for you. driving through th. country taking- o.-ders fr In new Modern Workhorse. This trao. tor attachment can be applied to most any automobile a few hours' time. xc!us1ts territory.' Writ or call at once. CKRLDtGER MOTOR CAR O0 Mtk Wife su Hm4 liasV I a. Wasalaat.a. J- MORTGAGE LOANS WE HAVE IXSrRAKCE MONEY AT S PRIVATE FUNDS AT AND T Robertson & Ewing Z07-8 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Property Management We givn careful and efficient attention to apartment-houses, office buildings. leases, rentals, all property supervision. Coe A. McKenna & Co. General Real Kstate. T27 Chamber of Commerce- WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO. Our Own Money at Current Rates. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS, FARM AD CITY LOANS, bo Kourta St.. Board ot Trade Bldg. HaHDEYCQ r3 7 LOANS ON MORTGAGE SECURITY NORTHWC91CRN SANK SUILOIN4 MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7 Oregon Investment A Mortsraare Co. Offices 1TO Tklrd St. City & Farm Lo an s .S500 OR MORE 6-7-S Repayment Privileges. Private Funds. I. Is. KARMOPF, Ity. Kxcb, Uldftr. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. 40O BUYS CORNER LOT, SOME TERMS. One block from Rose City Park car. no assessments; owner must raise some money. - bee Russell Tabor 1U45, l.o9 mhtk st. CONTRACTOR WANTED. 1 can put a good, reliable builder In a ?osltlon to make good money this year, lust hav pood reference. Phone even ings. Tabor Sbi3. BUSINESS lot. one block from EasEurn" side on Grand ava. A bargain Xor cash. a.n 4J. uregonian. BROOKE Dealer In PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. A lew bargains. Alar. 4ai.7. lOirlt0, vs. W. COR. 12th and Hall sta. Make an otter. Owner, X 36, Oregonlan. For Sale- House. THAT VACANT LOT. WIIT NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE PLAN AND BUILD ANY THING, residence to factory, or any con struction; ketches and estimates free, fur nish .the- money if desired. All de Dart re en tl one office. We actually aav you money. Our reputation your protection. L, R. BAILEY CO.. Inc.. Contracting; Ar- cnitects, aj-t ADington aiag. LAURELHURST COLONIAL HOME. New. magniticent 9-room home, located cjose to parK ana ctuo. on corner tot. tra large rooms. 2 nreolaces. private dress lng-rooms, 2 baths, hot water heat, serv ants rooms id floor, with separate plumb Ing; garage to match. Call for key at Laurelhurst Tract office, E. 3Jtb and Gll sau sts., Sunday. Tabor 34.i; during week can laoor u-o. LAURELHURST. Before purchasing elsewhere Inspect our list of exquisite homes Just completed and obtain copy of our aJbum telling all about the tract. Laurelhurst, the Addition of Beautiful Homes, the show olace of Port land, and challenge comparison with am similar property In tha world. Main office star, st. Main 1700, A loli. DO YOU WANT IT? I am forced to sell new 9-room, 1 H- tory iaureinurst nouse. located on large corner at E. Couch and 41st sts. at once. Construction guaranteed and every modern improvement Installed. At home Sunday afternoon. Come out and make oner. uunng week call W. T, Downing, Main 1700. TOU MUST SEE THIS HOUSE to realize that It is more than worth $500 In ordinary times. Location. East Ankeny near 41st, most popular district of Laurelhurst. 93600 will buy It, aa owner must make quick turn for some cash. Phone for full particulars. Tabor A REAL BARGAIN. This 8-room Dutch Colonial home on Haxeifern Place La one of the best built houses in L.aurei hurst at the price. S5ooo. It ia at least SIOOO under value. I will how you this house bun day If you axe interested. iaoor l.tfx. LAURELHURST SACRIFICE. For business reasons 1 am obliged to sell new 6 -room bungalow located near, park and club grounds, only one year old and considered one of the handsomest in the District. inspection by appointment only. Tabor 5845. MODERN 5-room cottage, lot (VOxlOO. first class building with' large fireplace; will sell tor 13aO on easy terms. I am leaving the city and wish to make a quick sale, hence the sacrifice. For particulars call on my attorney at riatt Diug. HAWTHORNE SNAP 1000 feaultv for 2.iO Six rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, lull basement, wash trays, furnace and fix tures, Broadway lt08. Mr. H age man. $11SM FOR 4-room, modern bungalow, near ly new: a real bargain, eaay terms. Mr. Fu r 1 o n g, B roa d w a y 1 65b ; Sunday and evenings. Tabor 22t. REAL BARGAIN. Easy terms; 7 -room modern, running water in bedrooms: Peninsula Park dis trict. 306 Oak sC Telephone Bdwy. ler.. WHY NOT BUILD and ret a home according to your ideas? I build and finance: plans free. N. O Ecklund, 314 Henry bldg. Main 5812. LARGE 6 rooms. 2 fine lots, worth $200O; will ta. $1400 at once; some terms. Owner. A J 00, Oregonlan. J TOO TAKES' S-room house snd large corner lot. Cash $50O. The lot alone is worth the money. 420 Henry bids;. WILL sacrifice my $3350 modern, new, 5 room Rose City Park bungalow for $2975. See owner at 611 Henry bldg. 46UO BUYS my $1100 equity In $2650 mod ern -room bungalow; baL terms. Phons Tabor 8173. MANSION, cost $22,000; will take $15. 0OO; choice location. Urvington. East 273. Herdman. FOR SALE A well-built, 7 -room house, in Irvington. Phone East5107. SMALL bouse with good lot, 8 bearing fruit trees; $650. easy payments. 404 Piatt b?dg. 6-ROOM home, renovated, choice location. Irvli-atoa. feaat 27a, W. M. Hirtman, n REAL ESTATE. Snbqrban Home Property. MAGNIFICENT COFNTRT HOME. 5 ACRES, 4 blocks Powell Va.ley pa-red highway. 10c fare ou streetcars: beauti rui B-ruom residence, newly built. sio -0O0. A bargain. F. MTARUND, 805 Yeon Blrtg.. Portland. GIBSO.V HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, close to csrllne, easy terms; will buWd to suit purchaser. Fhona Marshall I.VS5 or Sellwood ;&, JOHN GIBSON. Owner. Uomesteads. RELINQUISHMENT for sale In Jefferson l-ounly. lo miles from K. R.. 14. trom town: plenty neighbors: all fenced, good house, spring on the place. 20 acres In cultivation. 15 acres In Fail wheat. AF 54 Oregonlan. Mi"AL,Ri homesteads, some with water: Crook, Harney and Lake counties. Fer guson. Uerliuger bldg. For Sale Acreage CH ,ICKEN. FRUIT. GARDKN RANCHES. N '- itxim i 10 iu per acre; easy terms, bet -kmI. farms for sale, nil olxwa. Ain c-! . m r . . . . t for factory. Main or AP 52, Oreso- n Jan. BARGAINS. SMALL FARMS. Near city, one bcre unimproved, 7 acra Improved. Sotj Oak st. Phone Bdwy loS. ONE ACRE. W mile from Lents Junction. 5c carfare, fruit trees. $950. E. M74. For baIe-Farma YOUR CHANCE IS IN CANADA Rich lands ana ousiness opportunities offer you inde pendence; farm lands, $11 to S30 acre; Ir rigated lands, 35 to o0; twenty years to pay; SOOO loan in improvements or ready made farms; loan ot livestock; taxes aver age under 20 cents an acre; no taxes on improvements, personal property or Uve etock; good markets, churches, schools, roads, telephones; excellent climate crops and livestock prove- lu Special homeseek ers fare certificates. Write for free book let. Allan Cameron, General Superintend ent Land Branch Canadian Pacific R . 64 Ninth ave.. Calgary. Alberta, FOR FA LE Fifty-six acres of orchard land at v enatcnee, w asn., acres apples and pears, young trees, mostly in bearinic. 1W11 crop sold for ?.VHHi. The right man can buy this on a small annual payment. This year the crop should bring $7.0rt. P. J. Wilson. 241 Summit Ave.. Detroit. Mich. 5000 ACRES in Southwestern Washington oaio, iu :iijers5 oniy, upon easy terms and low prices. $5 per acre and up Writs for map showing location, terms, etc WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANT, Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoma, Wash, EM ALL MISSOURI FARM. $10 CASH and $3 mummy, no interest or taxes; highly pro ductive land; close to three big markets. Write for photographs and full Informa tion. Hunger, A-241 N, Y. Life bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS. Eastern Montana, at $2.30 to $18 per acre; suitable for farming or grazing; easy terms. For Information write or see W E. Holt, Miles City. Mont. ATTENTION, SHEEPMEN The Government range will all te gone in a short time. You have got to buy some land Write me about i000 1 have for sale. M. Fita maurlce, Condon, Or. No trades RIVER BOTTOM land, all of it. 43 acres. 2o in cultivation; spring on the place, Marior Jounty ; $3475; mortgage. $2000. Logged-off lands, $10 a. up. running water. e m n V t ! Ifttl farms aoi- I . $25 down. J. R. Sharp. R57 Sherlock bldg! FIN E 15-acre farm, modern Improvements. 40 minutes' ride by auto. Owner. No trade AL 35. Oregonian. WAXTKTV KFAL K STATE. WE WILL im prove Oil V Otir OWn Inl an nnl w plans, incorporate- your own Ideas, arrange financing and build your homo on small cash payment, balance on easy terms to suit; satisfaction guaranteed. Call East 3185. Enterprise Home Builders. W ANT Improved ranch, about 40 acres, equipped and stocked. Price not to ex ceed about $rtooo. Will pay half cash; without it's underprlred. don't bother rn. Give particular, location, f or no at tention to tne replies. AL Oregonlan. LOT WANTED. On account of transfer, must sell near ly new Laurelhurst home, located near Park and car. Will tnke good clear iot. W. T. Downintr. Main 1700. WANTEU The best piece of Income prop-, e-ty in Portland that I40.0O0 cash will buy. Oive location and description. R 30. Oregonian. 4o-ACRE farm near Clackamas Station, 30 seres In pasture. 12 under cultivation, large spring and creek, orchard and buildings; rent $:-to0 per year. Phone (or engagement to Frank L. McGuire, Abing ton bldg. Main lfiS. 18 ACRES 2 miles Oregon City car, good house, bam, etc. Will rent on crop pay- . mnt. 'ut you must have good team and machinery. H. G. Epton. 4:12 Cham Com. FOR RENT in city, old packing house, sultsble for poultry feeding. Address Fraasr L. Smith. Smithshire. Scappoose. Or. LEVEL 6 acrea. city limiL. J. 1L Johusion. &r9 N. Union ave. FARMS WANTED. I WILL grive $1000 cash for 40 acres good soil, a few acres cleared, first bench, with living water, for stock and hogs. No agents. 611 Henry bldg. WAVTFD TO RENT FARMS. CASH rent for good farm. Willamette Val ley, must have one hundred or more acres cultivated ; good buildings; will lease for number years: give full dlscrlption and location, AJ 45, Oregonian. FOR BALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CKACKEN. 304 M'KAY BLDO. SAW M I LL. 25. OOO feet capacity, at your own figure. T 36. Oregonian. TO KXCHAXCF REAL E STATIC, FOR SALE, exchange or lease. A beautiful home on tha Willamette river, 20 min utes' ride on So. Pac electric: handy to station. Pacific Highway and river; all modern Improvements including electric lights, gas stove, Ruud heater, range, fur nace, wood and coal and house fully and thoroughly furnished if required; two and a third acres of giound with flowers snd ornamental trees, kitchen garden and fruit trees. For furtner Information ad dress owner. AO 44. Oregonlan, NOT ICS. If your property, either city, farm or acreage, has merit and is for exchange or sale, call or write full particulars; no In flated values considered; have first-class list to select from. Gto. P. Henry, -32. Henry bdg. Ref., Portland Realty Board. 6-ROOM bungalow, completely furnished, player piano, two improved lots, valued at $8000, for a farm in Oregon or Waah lnjrton in 2 years ; mort gage $1000 due. WM. J. S WE ET sM AN, lbt57 Kearney Ave., San Diego. Cal. 2 LOTS. 100x100, corner 6th and Morgan sts., 2 blocks Woodlawn School, 2 blocks car. Restricted district; might take in ex change acre or so close in near car, im proved or unimproved. Also have a mod ern 6-room house, bell or trade, AO 63, Oregonian. LAUh E L H URST 8-room house, a $J200 first mortgage, $ luoo second mort g a go, payable In monthly Installments Is the amount due, Feb 1. The place is valued at $450O. Will consider acreage, lots, small Portland bungalow; no objection to mortgage If not heavy. Call Tabor 5433. IF YOU have a vacant lot that la unln cumbered and desire a nice, modern home of 4 or 5 rooms, be sure and see me. I own a variety of nice little homes which I would trade on the basis mentioned. See owner for particulars at 404 Piatt bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE 0-acre dairy farm, fenced and in cultivation, good house and large bam. Good terms given. Best buy in Hood River Valley. 304 belling bldg. Marshall 2416. FOR SALE or trade, six rooms, bath, gas, electricity. C0xl'K; very cheap; house rented ; near Belmont School snd Sunny side car. Trade for West Side or Irving ton lots. AE 52, Oregonian. DESIRABLE trades to offer for house equities, vacant lots, first snd second mortgages, contracts, unimproved land, etc E. J. Roberson, 7o3 Title Trust bldg. Marshall 240. OWNER will take good lot or imallT hotwe as part payment on modern 6-room house, corner, walking; distance. East bide. Phons East 1515. HIGHLY improved farm, a money-maker, to trade for Improved city p operty; 28,500 , will trde even or take part. Qwtir, 721 N. W. Bank bids;. PORTLAND income property. including store and residence, to exchange for farm or suburban acreage, Dcdson, 71$ Couch bldg. 120 ACRES unimproved land, some timber, to trade for 2 to 5 acres wlLh buildings, near cltv. AE 53, Oregonlan. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Finest income property In the city. F. E. Bowman A Co, 213 Chamber of Comme rce. IMPROVED 80. $6000: would divide; want residence. Ownor, Cbauncey Barney, Or gon City. WE exchange your property for what you want. Brace, fto7 Mi-. Kay bids.