THE MORNING OREGOXTAN, MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1917. 13 D.S. ROSE EXPLAINS CHINA TRADE PLAN FAIR DAUGHTER OF CALIFORNIA COMES FROM EUREKA TO BE SPONSOR FOR NEW SHIP NAMED IN HONOR OF HER FATHER. Shipyard and Home Port Can Be Secured Here by Giving Financial Support. CHAMBER TO HEAR SCHEME Programme Includes Establishment of Docks Here and Abroad, and and Also of Banks In Foreign Cities. Possibilities that Portland may ba made the terminus of regular steam ship service to Chinese mrta in .fn- nection with the carrying out of plans i me i mnese-American Products Ei- cnange company, and that, in addition, a shipbuilding plant may be located here for turning out vessels for that concern, were outlined by David S. Rose, general counsel for the company, who arrived In this city last night from Washington. D. C., en route to China, lie will lay his plan before business man of the city today at the members' council of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Rose made It clear last night however that it would be necessary for Portland to support substantially in a financial way, through the purchase of stock, the plans of his concern if this city was to benefit through the pro posed extensive operations in shipping outlined in the programme of the Chi nese - American products Exchan company. Mr. Rose said that the plans were to organize a subsidiary company . to be known as the Chinese-American Navi gation Company. "This concern will handle the ship ping operations outlined in the pro gramme of the parent company," he said. "It will be capitalized at 5, 000,000, to be issued in preferred stock drawing dividends at 7 per cent. One Vessel to Each Port. "The capital stock will be divided into issues of 10 series of $500,000 each. Different cities along the sea coast in the Atlantic. Gulf and Pacific states will be given the opportunity to subscribe for one or more of these series and each series will entitle that city to oe the home port for one ves sel operating to Chinese ports." It is estimated that a 500u-ton motor ship, suitable for the Chinese trade, can te-constructed for $400,000. This will leave $100,000 for the construction of docks and other expenses for launching ine concern tn each Instance. "If Portland will do her share in th supporting of the extensive shipping programme or the company, this city .will be made the site of the shipbuilding- plant." Mr. Rose said last night. The programme as outlined by'Mr. Kose last night Includes the putting in of docks in both the United States and China for the handling of the business of the concern. In addition, banks are to bo organized 'in both the United States and China, Mr. Rose said. This is to prevent the necessity for a charge for exchange, such as would be made If foreign banks were used. - Banks to Be Established. Mr. Rose announced that he would establish offices and banks for his con cern on his present trip. These banks he said, will be located in Canton, Shanghai, Hankow and Tientsin. The Chinese-American Products Ex change Company was organized a year ago last October with the purpose of taking up trade with China. The con- tern is composed of business men of the East and Robert F. Rose, brother of David S. Rose, is the secretary, with headquarters at Washington, D. C. David S. Rose, who is also ex-Mayor of Milwaukee. Wis., will appear before the members" council of the Chamber f Commerce today at noon and out line his plans. He will leave tonight for Seattle and will sail Thursday from Vancouver, B. C. for China on the Steamer Empress of Russia. He will head at that time a party of 20 repre sentative men and women of the East and Middle West, comprising the Amer ican Honorary Commercial Commis sion, which is returning the visit of the Chinese Honorary Commercial Commission. I ( -Jfc i (--'Si ! 1 - VA ivJ f 7 f T, , 7 . 1; ; . TWO CARRIERS DUE Schooners H.-K. Hall and Da vid Evans to Take Lumber. MISS JESSIE A1LARD. At the launching of the new five-ma sted auxiliary schooner S. I. Allard. ready at the yard of the St. Helens Shipbuilding Company and awaiting an ncrease in the depth of water. Miss Jessie Allard will officiate in christening he vessel. The ship is named after her rather, who Is a prominent oanKer f Eureka. Cal. Miss Allard has been in the city a week and went to Astoria Saturday to attend the launching of the new steamer Ernest H. Meyer. The I. Allard is the second of the five-masted type built at fet. Helens and goes in the offshore lumber trade, being already chartered for three voy ges to Australia. ' TEAiE AWAIT BELL Left and Rights. Q HEU McCOOL, the aggressive little O Portland featherweight, who has become quite a K. O. artist of late, will meet one of the best boys at his weight on the Coast when he clashes with Sammy Morris, the battling 125-pound er from San Francisco, at the Golden West Athletlo Club show tomorrow- night. This will be the San Francisco boy' second appearance here. He boxed six-round draw with Frankie Huelat at the Rose City Athletic Club recently, McCool has been improving with every bout, and Morris will put him to the test. Shel is only 17 years old, and has been boxing lets than a year. Among the boys whom he has met in his short career are Billy Mascott, Billy Nelson and several other local boxer of less importance. McCool has been training with "Muff Bronson, and is In the best of shape for his bout. Should he hold Morris to as good a draw or beat him he will be in line to met som better boys. Bronson thinks that ihel Is one of the best prospects that he has ever worked with and has high hopes for him. "Willie Jackson, the New York light weight, who surprised the boxin world by stopping Johnny Dundee iv one round the other night In Phila delphia, has been .matched to box -Irish" Patsy Cline in New York this week. Dundee was originally slated to meet Cline. but Jackson has bee substituted in his stead because of the victory. V Frank Kendall Is on the trail of M illie Meehan. and would like to meet the San Francisco "fat boy" in a six round bout here. Several local pro moters have been dickering for the services of Meehan. but have not men tioned an opponent for him yet. Jack Lewis, the Oregon City light weight, will leave soon for San Fcan cisco, where he will try his fortune in the ring. Frank Barrieau. the Canadian ' wel terweight, shaded Jack Downey, of Salt Lake, in & 10-round battle at Ogden, l. tan, recently. Danny O'Brien, former Portland lightweight favorite, won a four-round decision over Al McManus. at Los An geles the other night. Amateur Hockey Septets Clash Tonight. to GAME BEGINS AT 8 O'CLOCK deen, 455 miles north of San Francisco at 8 P. M.. January 21. ALAMEDA, K 11 a man for Cordova, off Point Sal mo af noon. GOLIATH, ipwtns Washtncna. north' twits Reef. bound, off BID MARINE INTELLIGENCE. JSteainer Schedule. DUE TO ARRIVE. Name From Date. Beaver ....Los Angeles .Jan. F. A. Kllburr San Francisco. .. .Jan. Northern f&CulC.San Francisco. -Jan. 2 Rose City..... I ..os Angeles .Jan. 2 Breakwater San Francisco. . . -Jan. $ DUE TO DEPART. for Date. ...... S.F. for I...A.-S.E. Jn. 2 MANILA ALSO IS EN ROUTE Police Puck Chasers to Meet Rail road Aggregation Outcome Will Determine Third Position in League, fof Time at Iieast. Amateur Ice Hockey Standing. Goals. W. 1 Pc. For. Asst. ..1 o 100O 2 1 . .1 o looo 4 a ,..0 1 OOO 1 2 . .0 1 000 2 4 Nam. Tale.... Beaver. ......... AVspama. ....... P. A. Kllburn Northern Pacific. Rose City........ Klamath Breakwater. .... Lrfs Angele. . ban Diego. , .San Francisco.. . .ban Franclaco. . . ,Los Angeles. . , . Pan Diego. . . . Kan Francisco., .Jan. . .Jan. . -Jan. . .Jan. . .Jan. .Jan. ...Jan. Multnomah Club Northwest Auto O.-W. ft. & N. Police Totals 2 2 0 Tonixht's Game. Police vi O.-W. R. N., at Ice Palace. Amateur hocKy fans of Portland will have another chance of witnessing a clash of the Portland Amateur Hockey Association at t o'clock tonight, when the Portland Police Athletic & Benefit Association puck chasers meet the O.-W. R. & N. septet in the Ice Palace. Jack Faulk will be one of the officials. Each aegrreeation has been trimmed once without getting a win so far. Man ager M. D. wells of the police will make a big switch in his lineup if his players do not come through with a win in tonight's play. Arrangements have been made to have an hour of ice skating immediately following the hockey game. Press Agent Scott of the Ice Palace, who Is ill at his home, due to inhaling freezing fumes in the Seattle rink last Marconi Wireless Reports. (All position reported at 8 I. M-, Jan uary 21, unles. otlierwiae deaiguatea.) COLUMBIA. Ban Francisco for Cham- perico. 829 miles south of San Francisco at P. M.. January 20. QUEEN, Ban Pedro for San Francisco. 20 miles east of Hueneme. CENTRALIA, Mexico for ban Pedro, 64 miles south of San Pedro. KENTRA, San Francisco tor BelUngham, 207 miles north of San Francisco. BEAVER. Ban Francisco for Portland. 2i8 miles south of Columbia River. DRAKE; Po!nt Wella for Richmond. 10 miles from Point Wells. LUCAS, with barge 9o. Port Anpeles for Richmond. 704 miles from Richmond. STANDARD ARROW. Ean Francisco fo: Orient. 823 miles west of San Francisco. RICHMOND. San Pedro for Honolulu 855 miles from San Pedro. ASTRAL. San Francisco for Orient. 1625 miles west of San Francisco. DESPATCH, Portland for San Francisco, I morning at 6:30 for San f'rancisco car- rvinsr passengers ana aooui i.uuu.uuu I ' i. V - A t tr ? Larry Etui, Rover for Police Hockey Team, Wkleh Meets tke O.-W. R. A N. TonlKkt. Th Poll Dick Wells Goes to Wallace. Dick Wells. Cincinnati middleweight, nas left Portland for Wallace, Idaho, where he will appear in a 10-round bout soon. He will probably meet Frank Barrieau. Wells came here from Seattle, where he fought Cid Mitchell to a draw. He was unable to secure a match' here, but refereed the prelimi naries at the last show staged at the Kos. City Athletic Club. week, may be in shape to witness the fray, and if such is the case, he may allow one of the Uncle Same to referee the important game. he proposed lineups follow: c. P. O.-W. it. 4 N. O. Adams 3 Gray Wemmett .........R D, .......... Thomas Nutter L r Herman Evans R... Capt. McLoughll Haerle ;.L W Dav Cavanaugh R W McGUl IJtmenberg t: Kiiance Maas ........... -Spare. ...... ...... . Llnd Cameron ........ .Spare. ........... . Green Rylett Spare MCAllea All Three. Ships Will toad In River for Australian Ports William II. Marston and Alumna Also Are Coming, Two offshore lumber carriers, with a combined capacity of about 2, BOO, 000 feet are now due in the river to load lumber for Australian ports. They are the. American schooner 1L IC Hall. which Is under charter to Corayn, Mackall & Co.. and the British schooner David Evans, of Balfour. Guthrie & Co. A third vessel. the American schooner Manila, is now two days out from San Francisco and should reach this port in a few days. The H. K.. Hall got away from Ban Francisco for this port on January l and has been expected here for some time. Her slow passage indicates that she has been delayed by the northwest winds which have been prevailing. The H. K. Hall is one of the larger wind Jammers operating in the lumber trade between this port and Australia, and Is capable of handling a cargo of l.aOO.oou feet. She will be dispatched from here to Sydney and other Australian ports. Weather Delays Craft. The David Evans is a iormer Amer ican vessel which was acquired by Balfour, Guthrie & Co. some time ago, and is now flying the British flag. She is now 80 days out from Port Pirie en route to this port. The David Evans is considered a fast sailer, but weather conditions have not been favorable, and as a consequence she in not making as good a record as might otherwise be expected. The schooner attracted a great deal of attention because of her spick and span condition when she was in Portland harbor the last time, fane will take out about 1,000,000 feet of Oregon flr. v A cargo of about 850.000 feet of lum ber will be taken from this port by the American schooner Manila, which will be in the river in a few days'. She is one of the vessels plying in the lum ber trade between the Columbia Kiver and Australia in the service of A. l' Thane. She comes here from Sydney, out stopped at San Francisco en route. She left the latter port for the trip north on last Saturday. Two More Ships Coming. Two other offshore lumber vessels are now en route here for cargoes, the American schooner William II. Mars ton, now six days out from Adelaide, and the American schooner Alumna, which got away from Ltevuka in the Fiji Islands December 20. The William IT. Marston is in the service of J. J Moore, and the Alumna Is under char ter to the Pacific Export Dumber Com pany. . The Japanese steamer TJnkai Maru No. 2 and the Norwegian steamer Capto, which are loading lumber on the river for shipment to Bombay, are expected -o complete their cargoes some time this week. The Unkai Maru No. 2 is at the Inman Poulsen mill, where she is taking on cargo for the Pacific Ex port Dumber Company. The cargo of the Capto Is being loaded at Westport for Corayn, Mackall & Co. Marine Notes. Lightship No. 88. which was brought up from the mouth of the Columbia a" 1 Kiver to undergo overhauling, is now &i I moored at MuniciDal Dock No. 1 while repairs to her machinery are going for ward. In a few days she will be pu on the drydock for painting and general overhauling. The gasoline motorboat 0844, re cently libeled by the Government, will be sold at auction Wednesday, January 31, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the north door of the Postoffice building, according to announcement made by the United States Marshal's office. The launch is 26 feet long and built of Port Oxford cedar. The steamer Daisy, lumber-laden for California, got out of the river at 10:40 yesterday morning. She was preceded by the steamer Johan Poulsen, also bound for California with lumber, which got away at midnight Saturday night. The Steamer Multnomah, plying in the service of Charles R. McCormick & Co., got out of the river yesterday The Bank of California National Association. Capital paid in Gold Coin $8,500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $S,3SS,676.59 TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Issue Commercial Letters of Credit covering importation of mer chandise, as well as Letters of Credit for use of travelers through, out the United States and Foreign Countries. Interest Paid on Time and Savings Deposits , " " Head Office San Francisco ". - . PORTLAND BRANCH-Third and Stark Sts. Win. A. MacRae, Manager J. T. BurtchaelL Asst. Manager AMVLSEMENTS. TICK FIT OFFICE SALE OFEXS TODAY -i l-irjTT Tfl Broadway at Taylor. a jLja s O NIG HTS l'honea Mala 1, A 1123 TVT t. 1 BrclsDiBi i 1 C A L A HUT. Special-Price Mat. Sat. ANDREAS D1PPLE Prevent Comic Opera S XII K g) TLILAG DOMINOT -) Brilliant Cast, Superb Chorua. Eve's. Floor 2. $1.50: Bal. JT. 75c, 50c; UaL. 60c. bat. Mat, Floor f 1.50; Bu.L II, 75c. 50c; Gal. 50c Foreign Government Short-Term Secured Loans offer extraordinary investment opportunities. We devote a large amount of capital to foreign loans, affording great security, quick convertibility and excellent yield. We Invite Inquiry Lumtiermens Trust Company Capital Surplus $600,000 Lumbermen Bids, Kirat Ssfl Bask Bld(, Portland, Or. Saa Fraacise. THEATER H roadwa y fc MorrlMB. the tank steamer Asuncion sailed today tor California. The steam schooner Johan Poulsen sailed today for Kan Francisco with 7-5, OOO feet of lumber from Westport. The steam schooner Despatcn sauea mis morning for San Francisco win senerai cargo from Portland. The steam schooner Munnomin sauea this morning for Los Angeles ana ban Diego with lumber from M. Helens. Carrylne lumber from Portland ana Llnn- ton. the steam schooner Dalsjr sailed today for San Francisco. With a full cargo of grain from' Portland, tho British steamer Wear-wood sailed today for the Panama Canal for orders. She Is dostlned for the United Kingdom. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. St. -Bpec!al. Loaded to capacity with fretght and taking nauy passengers, the T. fa- h.. south Amer ican steamer Anyo Maru put to sea this morning, continuing her voyage to tho Far East. Taking a general cargo of Callfrnla products, the Norwegian motorshlp Get ge Washington sailed this morning, bound tor Christlanla via Panama. With a full cargo of oil. the Standard Oil tankei L. O. Scofield got away for Bunt kong today. In practically 24 hours the barge Acapjulco with 330O tons of Canadian coal, waa dis charged here. Bakar ..... Boise ...... Hoston Calgary .... Chicago ... Denver .... es Molnee Duluth .... Eureka . . . . Gnlveston Helena Jacksonville The vessel arrived from 1 1 Juneau fall 5 P. M. to 6 P. M.). 10 Inches; total lnfall since SeDtember 1. lOlO. 13.44 Inches: normal rainfall since September 1. 23.77 Inches; deficiency in rainfall since September 1, 1916. 10.33 Inches. Total sun shine. 1 hour 5 minutes: possible sunshine. 9 hours 12 minutes. Barometer (reduced to set-level). 6 P. M.. 80.22 Inches. Relative ho-midlty at noon. 71 per cent. THE WEATHER. STATIONS. K J W" B H 2 2 i I I I ? : : State of weather. 1SI 24 0..14!. .ISW "Clear 18! 24 0. 221.. IE (Cloudy . .1 24 0.00'. .IB (Cloudy 50 4O.OOt . . iri JClear 2 44 0.18 38W kClear IS' Jd U.KrlO E Clear 20k 46 O.40 18' N'W Snow . I 18,0.24 36 NW.Snow 42 . ... ...!..(... , L. - - f TO O. U- J O S HlOi -6 0.04 14 S .. . .1 74 10 .-OO 16 S off Yaaulna Head, w l LLA MKTTE. San Franc icq for Grays Harbor. 115 miles south of Grays Harbor. WAP A MA. San Francisco for Seattle. 1-3 mlls south of Columbia Kiver. MULTNOMAH. Portland for San Fran cisco. 80 miles north of Blanco. PRESIDENT. San Francisco for Seattle, 66 miles north of Blanco. EL SEGUNDO. towing barge 91. Seattle for Richmond. 005 miles north of Richmond. feet of lumber. The American- schooner Honolpu which has been loading lumber at WestDort for Australia. Is expected to complete her cargo Tuesday, according to announcement made yesteraay. one will then leave down the river In in ot tticnmona. I . . . - xt THOMAS. San Francisco for Manila, 1465 cnarge oi one ui me "n. tow boats. Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. miles west of Honolulu. January 20. ECUADOR. OTlent for San Francisco, 810 miles west of Honolulu, January 20. prrwvnvn Kan Pedro for Honolulu. 1620 miles from San Pedro. January 20. COOS BAT. Jan. 21. (Special.) rne VKVF'lTFr.A. Kan Franc am for Orient- i team schooner Hardy Sallea WHO lumutrr 370 miles west of San Francisco. Januar) I from the Buehner mill at 10 o'clock for 6an . rironA as a toDsail schooner. Her A V. I i a in i nt.ii. MANOA. San Francisco for Honolulu. 13481 Sailing today at lo:o. tne steam scnooner miles from 8an Francisco, January 20. I Yellowstone rarrled a lumber cargo snipped ASTRAL, San Francisco for Orient, 1370 1 at the North Bend mill Lumoer company Nanalmo Saturday morning and put to sea again for the north today for a second cargo. The extreme shortage of coal in San Francisco Is responsible for the Quick discharge and dispatch. Loaded to capacity with 10.000 measure ment tons of general cargo, and taking out a large number of paasengers, the Java Pacific steamer TJikembang put to sea this afternoon. The vessel is bound to Java ports via Hongkong and Manila, with a stop at Nagasaki for coal. She took out 125 passongers. SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. 21. (Special. The schooner Kitsap, which left Honolulu January 4 In ballast, arrived this morning at the Stlmson mill In Ballard In tow of the tug Richard Holyoke. and will load lumber for a return voyage to the Islands. The steamer Admiral Schley, with pas- seUKers and general freight, arrived at 11:30 . Al. from ran r ranclaco. The steamer Selkirk arrived today from Vancouver. B. C. and departed on her re- turn voyage at Z P. M. The passenger steamer Prince George ar rived at 2:45 P. M., from Anyox, B. C, and departed at midnight on her return voyage. The oil tanker Col. E. L. Drake departed at 1 P. M. for San Francisco via Point Wells. The oil tanker Oleum departed at 4 P. U. tor San Francisco, SCHOONER ORCAS LiAUXCHED Elizabeth Morrison, of Seattle, Is One to Christen Craft. TACOMA, Wash., Jan. SI. (Special.) Christened by Miss Elizabeth Morri son, of Seattle, the 11-year-old daughter of Phillip Morrison, of tho Seaborn Shipbuilding Company, the auxiliary schooner Orcas. the second vessel built by this company, was successfully launched today. The launching waa witnessed by aU large number of per sons, among whom were many invited guests of tho company from Seattle and Portland. Aa soon as tho vessel was off the ways she was shifted to tho company's dock, where tho work of Installing her machinery was started. It Is expected she will ba In commission in six weeks. Tho Orcas Is a vessel 170 feet In lnnirth. bv 38 feet bear and 14 feet depth. She will carry three masts and Kansas City Los Angeles Marshfteld .. Medford .... Mineapolls .. Montreal . . . New Orleans New Tork . . North Head No. Yakima. . Omaha ...... Phoenix Pooaiello ... Portland .... Roseburg ... Sacramento St. Louis ... Salt Lake . . San Diego .. San Francisco Seattle Sitka Spokane ..... Tacoma Tatoosh Is'ld. tVsldes Wall Walla. Washington V, Innlpeg SW Cloudy sw Clear S W Clear 16 asio.iol. .'S snow 04 O.S4,3 xw,Pt. eiouay 40! 54U.O0,..,W Clear miles from San Francisco. January 20. LURL1NE. Honolulu for San Francisco, 868 miles" from San Francisco. January 20. wilhelmixa, left Hiio for Honolulu at 5 P. M.. January 20. GRACE DOLLAR. Tacoma for San Fran- Cisco. ,0 miles north of San Francisco. K.ILBURN. San Francisco for Eureka. 40 miles north of Point Reyes. The steamer Adeline Bmitn arnvea irom San Francisco at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The Coast Guard life-saving crew went to South Bay this afternoon to look Into the condition of Charles Baker's gasoline launch which broke down and arterwara got inio that small harbor. The Doat ana mr. Baker were found to be all right, but owing CORONADO. 6an Francisco for Grays to the condition of the Coos Bay bar the Harbor. 115 miles north of San Francisco. I craft was not towed back today, but will IAQUA, Tacoma for San Pedro. 130 miles I be secured when the Dar is quieter. north of Farallons. YACHT VENETIA. San Diego for Ean Francisco. 37 miles south or Point But. CEL1LO, Everett for San Francisco, oft Point Arena. SCOFIELD. San Francleco for Hongkong. OS miles west or pan lranelsco llghtshiD. ETicKfttltfc;. mho lor tan Francisco. 158 miles from san Francisco. ROSE CITY, 18 miles south of Point Arena- power plant will consist of two 100- horsepower steam engines. Tides at Astoria Monday. High. Low, 0:24 A. M... 7.4 feet5:55 A. M.... S.4 feet 11:43 P. 1L..10.1 feeti6:&4 P. M....-1.4 feet Columbia River Bar Report, NORTH HEAD. Jan. 21. Condition at the mouth of the river at 6 P. M. Sea. moder ate: wind. southeast. 6 miles; weather, clwudy. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. ASTORIA. Or.. Jan. 2L (Special.) Bring ing canned salmon for Astoria and mlscel- i.. ... f,.i,ht fnr Portland, the gasoline 1 PORTTjiN'D. Jan. 21.- Maximum temper schooner Mirene arrived during the night ature. 44 degrees: minimum temperature, 38 from Newport. degrees. rtiver reaaing. B a. ai.. leeii After lving In tne lower naroor over nirni. cnanne in -- nmn. c i.,... ..o. V. S. Naval Radio Reports. TURRET CROWN, for Balboa. 40 miles west of San Pedro. ADMIRAL SCHLEY. San Francisco for Seattle, 175 miles from Seattle at 8 P. M.. January 20. , NORWOOD. San Francisco for Belling, ham. 60 miles south ot ths Columbia River at 6 P. M-. January 20. PROVIDENCE. San Francisco for Abor- Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Jan. 21. Sailed Steamer Breakwater, for Coos Bay. Eureka and San Francisco. ASTORIA. Jan. 2L Sailed at midnight. steamer Johan Poulcen. for San Francisco; at 6:S0 A. M.. steamer Multnomah, for San Pedro; at 8:25 A. M.. steamer Asuncion, for San Francisco; atlA. M.. steamer Despatch. for San Francisco: at noon, steamer Daisy. for San Francisco: at 1 P. M.. British steamer Wearwood. for Jamaica. fo orders. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 21. Arrived at 8 I P. M., steamer Northern Pacific, from Fla- I vel. Sailed at 9:30 last night, steamer I Beaver, for Portland. SAN PEDRO. Jan. 21. Arrived Steamer I Klamath, from 'the Columbia River. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 21. Arrived I Steamers Phoenix, from Bandon: barge W. H. Smith in tow, from Seattle; Toeemlte. from Port Gamble: Eureka, from Boat Har- I bor; Governor, from Seattle; barge Acapulco. I from Port Angeles. Sailed Steamers Brook- I lyn. for Bandon; D. G. Scofield. for Hong kong; Anyo Maru (Japanese), for Hong kong; TJikembang (Dutch), for Batavta: George Washington (Norwegian), for Copen- I hagen via puget bound. TACOMA. Wssn.. Jan. 21. Arrived Steamer Juneau, from Southwestern Alaska; steamer Spokane, from Alaska. Satled- Steamer Panuco, for Cuba via San Francisco. SEATTLE. Jan. 21. Arrived Selkirk. from Vancouver: Prince George, from Anyox, B. C: schooner Kitsap, from Honolulu. Sailed Steamers Colonel E. L. Drake. Oleum, for San Francisco: Selkirk, for Van couver, B. C; Prince ueoree, Anyox. S. C oooo' scoo 6000 COOQ Your Money JOOOO ooo 41)' 4S 0.861. .iNW Cloudy 331 4A0.O4'.. X Cloudy 10 10x.8o30'N ISnow ..(... 10.0012 NE ISnow . . 70 O.04;i0 SW Cloudy .. 34 0.22 20 E ISnow 3S! 06 0.42. .iSE (Cloudy 20 B4 0.10 . .lSB ICIoudy ..I 80 0.40 22 NW PL cloudy 86 4iO.O . .IN Rain 2 16 0.01 ,.W Clear 8 44' . . SE Cloudy SRI 46 0.12'. .IW Cloudy 8l B4 0.0O'l2 N Clear sn i .in ai W Clear I T ?rt.04l IVW Snow 4u. nu u.ui. .pv rL eiouay 42 M0.O,.INWPt cloudy 86 400.14'. eiouay 2K!. . .10.00:. . 'B Pt. cloud 16 2R O.OO IOiSW IPt. cloudy 34 . .'SB Cloudy SRI 40 0.04 14 SE Rain I 1212i0.8: . -I lnow lis. 18f 260.14'. A.. A 36 0.461. ...r:l6J-i4.0(: .is 0O14;NWJClear Clear BAKER "ALWAYS A SHOW OF QUALITY." -Tonight bargain night 25o only. THE ALCAZAR PLAYERS. All week Mats. Wed.. Sat. The Great Underworld Romance. 'The Deep Purple By Paul Armstrong and Wilson Mlzner. Evenings. 2.c KOc. 73a. Set. Mat.. 23c. Ave Wed. Bargain Mat.. 25c only. Next week "The Old lljtnested.M a. ja.s.a-t.-n . 1 - - rr-J-m if S3 IV as F". 'T t'O. I lIumnrl.L lOUAl. 1'II.CER i The I Water Qneea DOCULAS I ODIVA Janet Adair assisted by Miss Adelphl; Alleen Stanley; Myrl He nelniar; o r p h e u m Travel Weeklv: Concert Orchestra. INEZ I TKOVATO Tv.Tl MA1.ll LEf 1 Violinist, PANT AGES MATINEE DAILY. 2:30 TnE COl'RTROOM GIRLS, A Ragtime Travesty on a Trial. - 6 OIHKK Mil, All 6 Boxes and loses reserved by pbosis. , Curtain X:S. 1 and 8. TRAVELERS GrtDtS. San Francisco Los Angeles (Without Chance Ed ICoute (omfortabl. ElcKnntlT Appointed, brucuinc S. S. BEAVER Sails From A Ins worth Dock 3 P. Me TUESDAY, JAN. 2S. lOO (.olden Mile on ('oliinibURivrr All Kntes Inrludtt M l.rrlhA and Mala Table nntl Service Inexcelied " The San FranrlKo A Portland S. 8. Co., lliird and WashLnnii Ktrr?t w1th O.-W. K. 4k N. Co.). Tel. Broadway 4&w, A 6121. P. M. report preceding day. tA. M. today. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A high presaura araa, central over East em Montana, overlies the Western States, except tho Southern Rocky Mountain dis trict, an! Western Canaoa: tne southwest ern disturbance ha moved northeast ward to the lake region, and precipitation has oc curred In most portion a of the country. The weather Is warmer In the Puget bound and Lower Willamette Valley sections. South ern California, the Great Salt Basin, the Gulf States and northeastward to the Lake Region and Upper Ohio Valley; In general colder weather obtains In other sections, es pecially on tho eastern slop of the Rock Mountains and In the plain atates. Tem peratures are below normal la the eastern portion of this Forecast District. Although conditions are somewhat unset tled over Northwestern Washington. Indica tions are for generally fair weather in this district Monday with alight temperature changes and generally southerly wind. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity- Monday, partly cloudy, southerly winds. Oregon. Washington and Idaho Monday. partly cloudy; not much changa tn temper aiure; winas mostly southerly. Worth Pacific Coast Monday. gentle southerly winds; North Columbia, occasional rain; boutn Columbia, partly cloudy. T. HRAXCI8 DRAKE. A1ptnt Forecaster. TOO ITK TO C LA aB TFT. M' DANIEL Killed at Sellwod car station, Sunday. January 21. at S P. M.. D. R, TrtcDanlel, U.t of i37 Fargo street, aged '58 years. Ke mains are at the residence establishment ot J. P. fr'.nluy A Son. Mont g ornery at 6th mU Funeral notice later. VIRGINIA PEARSON IN "BITTER TRUTH' TODAT. MAJESTIC THEATER. WASH. AT PARK, MAT. IOC; EVB, ISO. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES . tell sad n under- and its proper use, whether it is little or much is of daily concern to you. The best method of handling it is through a checking account. You are invitd to call at this bank with ref erence to such account or in regard to other banking transaction. (3 O Ot?OQ OGGO OOOO NATIONAL BANK Capital and Snrplns f2.0O0.OOO. Third and Oak Streets. Portlaad. Oregon: OT)OQ GOO ocoo I" fTWIN PALACES tap I . . . "A x t . . . t . 8. NOITTHKRV P.ariFlC'. TprMS train time. Sails Jan. '20. "J.", SO. P'eb. 3. 8, 13, 20, 24.. Cal. Str. Kxpress leaves 9:30 A, M. Fares S3, 912.&0. 30. flT.ii. S20. f, s. ORR T NORTHERN. San Fran ico snd isos Aniceles to Honolulu. Jan. 23; Feb. 12; March 5. 23; April IX. 30. t l ao ru un- t,ri p . unit up. rionn if , oin una isri TirK F"T rafion, iota and lioyt Inston Kf. I Sil snd Mar.. I Sis vssl . (1. I 10O Krt Kuriln ALASKA Praee l.rt. &et raagetV Fei ersbar. -iuafna. TrraUMelt. Iua.a Ttiane, Mslaee. ttki.i;, . ecUe mu erd. CALIFORNIA Tla S . I .i .a I .u.. . t. ta. AflS.i.s aad ban Argsat shls actual. d ..rvica. lew raiaa, laclu4a, susis and b.rth. For particulars apptr er tplsph rflHC HMMIIIP COlk'aMt, rtrkrt Orilr. lu Ma.blosl.a St far. Mala tts. alums A SSMk - N COMMUNIE CEREUU TRANEATlANnCUE il U tum Pwm1 S ml iss L3s9 NEW YORK BORDEAUX PARIS ..JAN. 7, s P. M. ..nil. s. s r. m. ..1U1. 1U. S 1'. m. B.8.LA TOl' KA IN E . . S. tt. KOrilAMBaAU.. H. S. tSl'ACNt C. W. ETINGER. 80 Filth St. A. D. CHAKLTON. SJS Morrison St. B. K OAKKISON C M. St. Paul Rr. DOREV 1!. SMiTH, 116 Third at. E. F. BA1KD, H'O Third St. H. DICKSON. 348 Washington St. NORTH HANK KOAI3. Klfth snd Stark sta. I'SION PAC. R. R.. 3d tt Washington sts. K. B. DL'FFI, 1 Third St., i-orUand. Fer l.r. dwUM same ad tw. rvBMrsllv tl ...x. ban ad Ibree essMtcatlr tlsM. ........ .su. tame ad lis r wvia cffsjwwUf t tlmfi ...i. Ts. BMfd nitM apply to aaiinr .Nrw 1 oAjo ana all ataar claaaifn uoa. except tn. t ell. Inst allwslloua Waaltd Male. bliuatHtaut msdimi female. or Kent frlvat. t-aaalllre. board and itoona frtvat. aaullte H.aMkwsliil ll.uass ITiTal. tana 1 1 Hi. Ka't oa tb. aoov. claaalXacaliaa. as 3 eeats line euon lawrruaa. The Orrmsisa sill aeeeat elaaslfletl aA. .ertisesDenta ever th. telepooae. provided U. advrctjMr is a aaBecnoer of etuier puon. io price will be auoted over the paone. bat kill i 1 1 k. FMlivwi III. fnllA.i.. V bether sabaetiueBt ad.rvlaeiaenla will b. I sceepted arer ta. pbooa depeads arpoa tb. promptsfs. of paiacat of telepaone adver timenta. "blttuaUon. Hiatfd" aad "Per aonai" adTrrtwmenti U1 nut b. accept.! aver tbe telepuoae. Orders for one laMTtloa .nly will be accepted frr Hruraltur. for asia," "Businea Opuo, tanltle.." " misain Uouse.' and 'Vaated to Beat.' Serious error, ia ad ertlsements will bs rectified br repabUeattoa wltbout addltieaal cbanta bat MCb repablicalloa will But b. anade tbo error doe. not materially all eel tb. valae af t'-e ad.ertleesaeat. Caueellatloa af orders aver the trlephea. not recognized aaieaa eoaliraoed tb. aasss da? la writ Ins- Clty News ia Brief" advertisements atfret be presented for publleatloa for Th. tjaadav Oresonlaa before 5 ocioek pAatarday after aooa far other daj. pubUcatioa before S American Hawaiian Steamship Co. All aailings between U. S. Atlantic and U. S. Pacific porta are canceled until further notice. C D. h s.asdiT. AXt latarb Kt, raniaaa COOS BAY EUREKA. SAN FRANCISCO S. S. KILBURN 6 P. M. Friday, January 26 : 12a A Third Street. Phones Mala 1314 aad A 1314..' Phone Your Want Ads to - THE 0REG0NIAN Main 7070, A 6095. AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH BE AS Via Ta.til and Rarotonca. Bel Lines from F&n Francisco Feb. 8. Alar. iia-. Apr. May 2a. e-vntl evrir 28 days. Send for ptvmphletm. i.MUN A. 0 CO. OF NEW ZEALAND, zV i aUf raia bU. timn t raiaciMj. r i4usTsi wwuisilain aad railrutsva eaciMi OREGON HUMATE SOCIEH Off lco Boom 153 Courthouse. 5th-atrett En. rnc. Phone from 8 to 6 Main SiA, Home phone A Z525. Mbt call after office hour, Main tl 06. Report all c&sea of cruelty to turn abova addreaa Klectrio lethal chamber for small am mala. Horse ambulance for sick an-1 disabled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring a dop or other pets communi cate with ua Call for all lost or strayed v stock, as we look after all Impounding. There la no more city pound. Just Ortfosl " Humana bociuty.