Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 20, 1917, Page 18, Image 18

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25c MINT GHEWS 19c
Deep-curved toric lenses that eliminate
all side reflections and enlarge the field of
vision. Lenses fitted to your eyes by our
graduate optometrists. Glasses in gold
filled mountings.
. Optical Shop, Balcony Sixth St.
$3.50 VANITY CASES, $1.49
Less than half price today for these ex
ceptionally good German silver vanity
cases, fitted with mirror, pencil and the
required toilet articles. For a big final
cleanup today $1.49.
' -Jewelry Shop. Main Floor
$1.50 KNIVES FOR 98c
One and two-blade styles in these splen
did gold-filled knives. Both bright and
satin finishes in plain and fancy effects.
Only a limited number of these regular
$1.50 knives today at 9Sc
Jewelry Shop. Main Floor
25c Hand-dipped Choco
lates 19.
30c Peanut Bar, pound
at 230.
30c Royal Hard Mixed,
40c Toasted Rolls, the
pound 2O0.
50c Assorted Cream
Caramels 390.
Ice Cream Brick, spe
cial at 390.
The- Q.uality' Store- or Portland
r i0 .SoelN. -Morrisoty AMmr Sta.
pound 230.
Main, Ninth Floors, Basement Balcony.
Unabated Enthusiasm Continues in The WHITE SALE and Sale Remnants and Odds & Ends
A Suit Here for Every Man at a Saving!
$15.00 Suits $11.85
Exactly 238 suits for men and young men taken from our regular
stocks of $15.00 (and some $18.00) fancy garments. Included are
suits for the high school boy and first long pants suits. Suits for
the young man who favors snappy English close-fitting clothes.
Suits for the conservative dresser who leans to the semi-fitting
and box-back models. A liberal sprinkling of "Pinch Backs" in this
sale. All sizes 33-48 to fit men of every build, but not all sizes in
every pattern mostly sizes 35 to 44. All colors in the lot. Excel
lent values at the regular low marked price of $15.00 simply un
matchable at $11.85 !
Smart fabrics in models for advanced and conservative dressers. Broken
lines taken from our regular stock. While any of a limited number remain
Society Brand, Rogers Peet, Adler-Rochester, Hickey-Freeman and other
famous makes. A clean-up from our regular stocks of fancy garments. All
MEN'S $30.00 AND $35.00 SUITS 24.85
Fine hand-tailored garments of famous makes in all styles and sizes for
men of all ages, tastes and builds. Good Winter weights in best materials.
' ' Men's Clothing Shop. Third Floor.
Semi-Annual Sale. Manhattan Shirts
Choose from our immense new stocks of famous Manhattan shirts at good savings dur
ing this twice a year disposal. THE Manhattan Store of Portland is ready with a com
plete selection of newest popular and most exclusive designs and fabrics in all sizes. Soft
and laundered cuff styles.
$1.75 Manhattan
Shirts, 1.35
$2.25 Manhattan
Shirts, 1.65
$2.50 and $3.00
Shirts, 1.95
$3.50 and $4.00
Shirts, 2.85
$4.50 and $5.00
Shirts, 3.85
Our entire regular stocks of staple Meier & Frank $1.50 shirts in soft and stiff cuff styles.
Woven and corded madras, fancy Oxford cloths, novelty weaves, etc Patterns include
wide and narrow striped effects in great variety. All sizes.
MEN'S $1.00-$1.50 SHIRTS ON SALE AT 79
Odds and ends of fine shirts taken from our regular $1.00 and $1.50 lines. Such well
known qualities as No-Fade and Anderson Scotch Madras included. Soft and laundered cuff
styles in serviceable materials that embrace repps, plain and corded madras, soiesette,
Oxford, crepe and crystal cloths. Plain and novelty striped patterns as well as plain white,
laundered cuff shirts in splendid Oxford cloths.
Men's Cloth Jiats $1.50
A new shipment of smartest styles and pat
terns. Stylish, serviceable cloth hats at a very
special price. .
M. & F. Special Felt Hats . .2 and 3
Stetson Soft and Stiff Hats 4 and 5
Knox Soft and Stiff Hats for 5.00
Mossants (Imported) Hats 5.00
Union Suits
$2.50 Suits $1.98
$3.00 Suits $2.49
Richmond Closed Crotch
Union Suits in fine qual
ity merino. Heavy and
super weights. Natural
gray. All sizes.
Main Floor.
" S a m p e c k ' ' Clothes
Here Only in Portland
It is fitting that Portland's greatest
store should enjoy the exclusive sale of
Sampeck clothes "The Standard of Amer
ica" in boys' clothing. Every suit and
overcoat of this famous make bears our
guarantee as well as the maker's that these
clothes will give the very ultimate of satis
faction. Sampeck is the logical choice for
your boy.
Fabrics include imported tweeds, homespuns,
velours, worsted cassimeres and fancy cheviots
all unexcelled for dress and service qualities.
Beautiful shades of tan, light and dark gray,
brown and green mixtures, as well as plain blues
and browns. Models to suit every boy's taste
all new and smart effects. Each fancy Sampeck
suit has two pairs of full-cut, full-lined knickers.
Suits 6 to 18 years 10 to 20
Overcoats, 22 to 18 yrs., 7.50 to 20
Boys' Clothing Shop, Third Floor.
$l-$5 Salmon Rods H Off
Every one of these excellent salmon rods is an exceedingly
good value at our regular marked lower-than-elsewhere
prices, exactly 31 today at 3 off. In some cases there is
only one or two of a pattern to be sold at this big reduction.
Anticipate your needs in this sale today!
70c Best Quality Braided Linen Salmon Line, 50 r(
yards, special Saturday at 3 UC
" ' Sporting Goods, Easement Balcony.
$45.00 to $68.50 Indestructo
Trunks 4 Off
Just twelve Indestructo steamer and
three-quarter size wardrobe trunks.
Best materials, workmanship and trim
mings. Interior arrangements for men.
Every, one bears the Indestructo 5-year
guar;uitee against fire, loss, theft or
damage. Limited number Hart man
wardrobes less one-fourth.
$18.50 TO $20.00 FINE
Chase Plush Auto Robes $13.45
Famous Chase plush robes in 60x72-inch size. Heavy,
durable robes- in plain and figured effects. Today only
$13.45. Luggage Shop, Sixth Floor
Cleanup Sale Odds & Ends
4 'Athena' ' Underwear
65c TO $1.50
Odds and ends of women's fine
cotton and merino vests and
pants. Two for 75c, each 390.
Children's heavy merino union
suits in high neck, long' sleeve
and ankle length styles. Broken
SUITS $1.29
Children's fine silk and wool
union suits. ' About 50 garments
in sizes 2 to 16 years.
$2.50 UNION
SUITS $1.98
Women's fine merino union
suits in a fair assortment of,
styles and sizes. $3.00 out sizes
Odds and ends of women's fine
wool and silk and fine wool vests
and pants at 87c
75c TO 85c
Broken sizes of children's fine
cotton1 union suits. Two good
styles special at 3 5c
Underwear Shop. Main Floor.
75c to $1.25
Odd pieces of silverware that will
make your table service far more
beautiful and effective. Marma
lade, mustard and horse radish
jars; hammered Sheffield silver
nappies and comports; salt and
pepper shakers; bottle holders;
lemon dishes; sugar baskets; bread
trays and many other useful and
beautiful pieces. 'While any remain
today only 59c.
Silverware Shop. Main Floor.
25c to 40c
Odd pieces of satin and plain
taffeta ribbons also a few Dres
dens and moires in staple shades.
Ribbons that are pretty for sashes,
bows and fancywork. Blue, pink,
white, red, green, lavender and oth
er attractive shades. Saturday spe
cial, yard 15c.
Hairbows, ready to wear, made
of good ribbons in - all popular
shades into large, fluffy bows.
Each 25c
Ribbon Shop, Main Floor.
35 c and 45 c
Remnants of
Veilings 25c
Black, . brown, . white and
taupe veiling in lengths from
8i to 1 yard. Each 25c
Pretty motor veils of good
quality chiffon, 1V yards in
length. The colors are navy,
white, brown and flesh.
Charming new circular
veils, .with pretty chenille
dotted designs and borders.
$1.25, $1.50 and $1.75.
Veiling Shop. Main Floor.
Girls' and Misses' $15.00 to $20.00 Suits
Saturday $11.95
Sizes 14 and 16. Fine cheviot, serge, checked or"
plaid suits, made on smartly youthful styles. Some have
large pockets and collar, others have inlay of. velvet,
many have belts ; all have full flared or pleated skirts.
CHILDREN'S $3-$6.50 COATS 4.49
Sizes 1 to 6 years. Black matilamb, boucle and serge
coats, made in single or double-breasted style, with or
without belt.
$3.50 SCARF SETS S2.59
Scotch plaid angora cap and scarf sets in the most
attractive styles and colors. Some button trimmed,
others finished with tassel.
$1.59 TO $1.98 SWEATERS 980
Children's sweaters, sizes 1 to 3
years. Fine all wool and plated
sweaters in Copen and cardinal col
ors. Pretty styles.
GIRLS' $1.50 BLOUSES 690
Sizes 10 to 18 years. Soft soie
sette with shirred sides; other ma
terials made in the most becoming
and youthful styles. "
$1.75 TO $2.23 GULMPES 690
Girls' guimpes made of fine
white lawn, daintily trimmed with
lace and embroidery and tucking.
Long sleeves. ' Sizes 10 to 16. .
Girls Shop, Second Floor.
Drugs and
25c Jergren's Ben
zoin and Al- I Q.
mond Lotion loo
$1.00 Ingram's
Milkw eed OC.
Cream OUU
50c I s a b el QQn
Bath Oil 00b
60c Ranis Theat-
Beecham's V 1 o-
for.?.! f. 50c
50c Creme deM On
Meridor. tOo
50c MalvlnaOQit
Cream at... 03"
50c S 1 1 1 1 m an's
Cream at...w3u
25o Parker
Fray's Kosa-Ofln
line at
Beecham's Ala
bastrine OCp
65 and...J
15c Riker's Tooth
Powder W25C
25c Vivaudou
Peroxide Oflf
Paste at
COc Caplllaris,
for the scalp,2 JJ
25c J e r g
25c Res InoIOOn
Soap at
10c J e r g e n's
Old - Faah-l.
loned Soap at
Colgate's Cash
mere Bou-1 n
quet Soap... Uu
Comblnatt on
Water Bot tie
and Fountain
Syringe, two
quart size, guar
anteed for I QQ
one year... WliuJ
No. 2. guar an
teed for one TO
year, at I OU
1 Miller's Rub
be r Gloves, CQrt
the pair 0 3
tl LlsterineygQ
25c Milk of I 7
Magnesia. . . ' ' w
25c Sloan's 7 A
Liniment at.
25c B e 1 l's7p
Cough Syrup I I u
5c S t e a r n's
Cough Drops, If),
three for... lUb
-Drug and Toilet Goods Shop,
Main Floor.
$2.50 Card
Folding card table of very light
weight, made with solid frame and
top that is covered with good grade
leatherette. Size 30x30 inches,
thoroughly braced in every part.
ur t lower Section, Fifth
Floor, resembles nothing so
much as a florist's shopt All
sorts of the most natural look
ing poppies, cyclamen, daisies,
Marguerites, sweet peas, chrys
anthemums, berries, fern and
scores of other "lifelike" flow
ers for decorative purposes
priced from 15c to $4.
Fifth Floor.
Tomatoes. C a r n a t Ion brand, new,
solid pack, large cans, the 1 1
dozen 81. 30: the can X. 1 C
Coffee. Superior blend, high grade,
always uniform and freshly j Q
roasted; two lbs. 554: lb COC
Batter, Blue Ribbon, finest quality,
freshly churned, two - pound OO
roll at. - OC
Wleicrfrsrata or Frankfurt- 1 A
ers, received fresh dally, lb... ItC
Boiled Has, Armour's Star. O (f
sliced to order, the pound.... OuC
HariinalH Dresalapc, our ownoft
make, none delivered, pound.. OviC
Tillamook Cheese, there liop -none
better, today only, lb...OC
Fig, new crop California lay- f C5
er. the pound IOC
Glsser Haapa, fresh and crisp, f f
the pound at 1UC
Pure Hplees. choice of cinnamon,
nutmeg, c 1 o V e a. allspice, mustard,
ginger and pepper, limit six cans (
of each to customer, 2-oz. cansOC
Narel Oraaares. thin skin, sweet.
Juicy Oranges, the dozen ii9e nn.
and ; ZUC
Mlaee Meat, Golden Crown, the
purest and best. No. 3 jars CA -
at OUC
Walants, imported, guaranteed new
crop, medium hard shells, 1A
large size, the pound......... XlC
Ninth Floor. Fifth Street.
A Great Sale Women's
Smart Goats
Five great groups -of coats, chosen
from our large and varied stocks to be
sold at the very moderate prices quoted
below, without regard to the original
Coats for women and misses in all the
smartest Winter styles and materials
serge, cheviot, wool velour, plush, peb
ble cloth and mixtures. Both full and
three-quarter lengths are here for your
selection, in loose and belted models.
All sizes for women and misses at
A 1
v. inese special prices:
$7.85, $11.65, $13.25
$14.65, $18.65
We have complete new stocks of kodaks and everything
that pertains to kodaks and into every sale we make goes
the definite assurance of service. Better pictures, better
satisfaction to you are the inevitable happy results of deal
ing with our Kodak Shop. Experts to develop, print and
enlarge and who will cheerfully give you any desired infor
mation whether your kodak is purchased from us or not.
Wellcome Exposure Record and Diary for 1917 now in, 50c
$1.50 Developing and Printing Outfits Postcard Size, $1.19
Kodak Shop. Maiu Floor.
$3.50 to $8.00
Corsets $1.95
Broken assortments. Good coutils
and fancy materials in medium and
high-bust styles, with long hips. The
sizes run mainly from 29 to 36, al
though there are a number of smaller
sizes in the lot.
$1.25 TO $2.00 CORSETS 75S
Good corsets made of coutil and
batiste in medium and low-bust
styles. All with the popular long hip.
While any remain, 75c
Women's Fine Pure
Thread Silk Hose $ld
An excellent opportunity to purchase fine, pure thread 6 0k . hose
at a very low price- Black hose with high spliced heels and toes, with
wide garter welts and emerald green tips. Double reinforced lisle
soles. All sizes.
Black, white, sky blue, cham
pagne, pink and Copenhagen fiber
silk hose. A serviceable, comfort
able, seamless stocking 3 pairs
90c, or pair 35c
Women's good quality fleeced
cotton hose with ribbed tops. Bur
Bon seamless hose in out sizes.
Excellent values, 3 pairs 90c, or
pair at 35c
Women's good quality fine
heavy mercerized lisle hose with
high spliced heels, reinforced soles
and toes and wide garter welts.
Six pairs $2.
25c HOSE 16
Black cotton hose in medium
weight with reinforced heels and
toes. Sizes 6 to 9"a -on spe
cial sale today at 16c. Lay in a
supply now.
Mercerized lisle Etockings with
reinforced soles and toes. In black,
white and tan all sizes. A good
medium weight in all sizes at 25c
The most serviceable and com
fortable hose for children 6ure
to wear a long time. Medium
'weight, sizes 6"i to 10 pair 30c
Heavy weight, all sizes 35c, 3
pairs $1.
Infants" Medium Weight Cotton Hose black and white, sizes 4 to
6 'a pair 15c, 2 pairs 25c Hosiery Shop, Main Floor.
-Apparel Shop. Fourth Floot
Corset Shop, Third Floor.