THE MORNING OREGON! AX, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, J917. 15 V SEATTLE WINS, 6-2, FROM UNGLE SAMS I CAMPAIGN LEADERS STARTING FROM T. W. a A. BUILDING TO GATHER FUNDS FOR THE ANNUAL BUDGET. Dortland Hockey Septet Put Deeper in Cellar by Listless Playing. - t v v r 3 ii;'iat CAPTAIN FOYSTON IS STAR 4 - Metropolitan Leader Tallies Three I Soals and His Teammate Bernie Morris Scores Two Goals and Two Assists. - s 'J v J? 'kf 7 J m Pacific Coast Ice Hockey Standings. Goals. Esattle Hpok&ne Vancouver, B. C. Ij. Pet. For. Aft . 8 6 .616 61 46 , 6 6 .545 47 43 , 5 6 .455 S3 64 . 5 8 .884 SU 02 .24 24 220 21-0 lollowers. Foyston Scores Three Goals. Frank Foysten. captain of the Puget Last Night's Results. At Portland Seattle 6, Portland 2. Next Games. Friday Portland at Seattle. Saturday Spokane at Vancouver, S. C. Tuesday Vancouver at Spokane. The Portland Uncle Sams last night plunged deeper Into the cellar of the Pacific Coaat Ice Hockey Association when they were defeated at the Ice Palace here by the Seattle team, six goals to two. The Metropolitans out ikated, and outgeneraled the Port land septet. It was the most listless same that has been played in Portland since the 5 ti n B.thaKlr th. Pnptlond.ra a rl against Vancouver the first year that and Tacoma teams play water polo swimming instructor of the Winged M institution. The Submarines are captained by Sound Cltv deleeatinn. tallied three Brownie Webster while Ed Shea Is coals durinir the rjrosrress of the came, credited with leading the Dread- while his teammate, Bernie Morris, in- I noughts. creased his scoring column by two goals and two assists. Incidentally It CLATSKANIE HIGH QUINT WTXS might be well to mention tnat tsernie Hockey Association scorers by a safe St. Helens Beaten, 34 to 9, Despite "At ?ne start of the first period McDonald's Splendid Play. Seattle registered two goals and then CLATSKANIE, Or., Jan. If. (Spe Just before the canto ended Dick Ir- ciai.) The fast Clatskanle High School vin broke the monotony by a well- basketball team walked all over the placed shot. Sunset Athletic Club of St. Helens here Seattle in the second period added Saturday, winning in easy fashion, 34 another counter, but Clement Loughlin to g. The splendid playing of the St. scored two minutes after, with the re- Helens captain, "Slickie" McDonald, suit that the Metropolitans still led 3 featured. to 2 at the beginning of the Bnal frame. Mclntyre. forward for Clatskanle, The last third of the match was all scored 13 points. oeame. Mowing Better comoinationi The lineup: and better team work, the visitors I . h. S. (34) sagged tne net tnree limes. j? oyston i Capt. Van (12) to Morris was good lor two. while I Mclntyre da) " ' " " - l $3354 IS GIVEN TO Y. W. G. A. TEAMS Women on First Day of Cam paign Meet Support for Budget of New Year. AMtSEMeNTS. BAKER a" Barratn Mat. TODAT. 23c Only. ALWAYS A EBOW OF QCAUTT. THE ALCAZAR PLAYERS. ALL, WEEK MATIKEE SATCRDAT. ft OUTCAST As Flared by Elsl Frvuon. Th GrMt London and Nw Tork Sae cm. Unusual. Gripping and Unon. Juat K leaned for Stock. Eve's. Cc. Z0c, ?5c Sat. Mat, 25c COc Next Week "Th Deep Purple." VORKERS ARE INSPIRED Prayer Service .Precedes Effort to 1 Raise Fund Needed and Checks Are Given Gladly by Those Wno Know of Work. TODAY. ORVTLLI! I CRt"T HA K BOLD I 1AVE t .llul. h U M mnn FiTStw1 ards; Wlllins: Jordan: Martla li i Kabbrinl: Lambert Frad- lr-Vi-(v;H cricks; Orpheum Trael Weeklyi t'viM Orphenm Concert Orchestra. ;3 IMHOFF, CO- tUKltJE. GROIT OF ACTIVE WORKERS. MRS. JAMES K. FA1LIXG AND MRS. CHARLES T. KAMM IN FOREGROUND. With a total of $3364.50 at the close of the first day's campaigning, the captains of the teams of the Young Women's Christian Association de clared yesterday that they were greatly pleased and encouraged in their ef forts to raise money for the annual budget. t Yesterday morning, after a prayer service led by the Kev. W. J. Beaven, the women started out with determina tion and courage. They needed the money to carry on the work of the as sociation and they were going to get It. They did not fall. Almost everyone they asked gave either words of kind ness and praise for the accorapiisn ments of the institution or money. To get both is the aim of this campaign. I clal.) Vancouver had the coldest day When at 4 o clock the workers ana i ot tne w inter mis morning, when captains gathered at the association for I minimum temperature of IS degrees reports and tea. the result was all that I was recorded. This was four degrees the most sanguine had hoped. Many I colder than during the com spell In who could not give last year -willingly I December. Ponds and small lakes are VANTAGES a. MATINEE DAILY. 2:30 WrXSTOX'8 WATFR I.IONS A.VD DlrTXG OTHfcK Mil. ACTS Boxes and loses reserve! by phone. Curtain S-.S0. 7 and . Walker put the last marker through unassisted. Tobln Is Fined 35. Captain Tobln, of the Portlanders. aid something to Referee Ion, of Se attle, and Referee Ion slapped a $5 fine on the doughty Uncle Sam. This hap pened in the second period. A capacity house greeted the two teams. The biggest thrill came when Judge Dayton, timekeeper, rang the Austin (4) Lewis (4) . McGilvany Conyers (1) Referee, "Hap" Eilertsen. ..P". . Capt. McDonald (5) . .F Southard (4) . .C... McKle ..a Stanwood ..G Lake .Sp NEW MENU DEVISED Economy Food List for Use Tomorrow Prepared. MERCHANTS ALSO ASSIST Special Concessions in Prices Made Since Parent-Teacher Associa tion Adopted Slogan. "Bet ter liiving for Less." which was' among the collection sold at public auction here today by rela- donated this time. Gift Considered Investment "I consider it a food Investment and frozen over, but there is no Ice in the river yet. FTNERAL NOTICES, STEVENS At the residence. 116 "West Chi cago street, St. Johns. January lotte 1 Stevens, aged A years, beloved ife of Henry C. bteena. mother of Ja-y Stevens, fire marsh! ot Portland; J. C I? i even, of Culver, Or; Lieutenant Gil bert V. Stevens, of Battery A. . and Mrs. Lily Henderson, f Broken Bow. Neb, Fr.ends Invited to atteud funeral service, which win be held at Ho. man's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon streets. at 2:0 P. M. toaay Wednesday I. January 17. Interment at Weston Neb, DOXXER In thla city, January 13. John Lxmie Ponner. aired years S montbs I days. The deceased was formerly a resi dent of Sell wood for 4 year, rem o vine two years aro to Battle Ground. Wash., where be has since made bis borne The funeral services will be he:d tomorrow (Thursdays January IS. at 2 o'clock P. M from the residence funeral pariora of Walter C. Kenwonhy, looJ-S4 East Thir teenth street. Sell wood. Friends Invited. Interment Milwaukee Cemetery JORGENSEN January 15, at Baiter. Or . Artnur Hans jorsensen. apd .1 years, beloved son of Mr. and Mr. Rasmus Jor p en sen. f MA Rose. awn a vs. ; brotner o( Blanch. Esther. Harold, Maria and Alra. Jorcenaen, all of this city. Funeral serv ices will be conducted tomorrow Tnurs day. January IS. at 2 P. M.. from Pear son undertakinc parlors, Ruas-al street at Union avenue Friend lnvttsd. IntsnncnV Rose City Cemetery. . WOOD8 At tbe reatdence, IS East Sixth street. January i. Kate a oods, oe loved wife of John E. Woods and aunt of Mr. James Dunbar. Funeral will leave the above address at ft 30 A. M Wednesday. January 17. Maes will be said at 9 o'clock at SC Francis' Church. East Twelfth and Pine, Interment Klverview Cemetery. Arranrsments are In care of Miller e; Trace y. STARK The funeral services of the late Garnet fc. Ftarn win te ne.a at f. u Lerch undertakinc pariora. East El even tU and Clay streets, tomorrow tThursday). a 2 P. M. Friends invited. FTMRAL DIKECTOM. EDWARD HOOIAN CO ESTABLISHED 1877 RELIABLE 'FUNERAL DIRECTORS t Lady Assistant . Third and Salmon Streets Main 508, A 1511 z esdd0LykVrateofMKobEe GOES WITH GERMS "L wjv. ... a8 ho made out a check and bandea le" was 1pted Passy- Juna x- U to one of the captains. usu, f rana-un wrote: I M. w Alvord renorted that one Russia. Sweden, Denmark and Hoi-1 m. , -K. ii hn land are raisins a strong naval force k. in hu v w r a to establish tree navigation for neutral away off , India and wanted to help uii9 n mew the work, deeming It one of the Best uc3iuiiius it eiiciuica, cAi.ciJb vii.a- j the World. Man Vlio Sold Infected Cattle Mast Pay Buyer $2575. In the purchase of 10 Holstein cat tle from C Helm October 13. 1914. band, that Is. military stores. By letter the 8um of ,2175 came ln Alan Green bought a tubercular germ Unarmed trading ships, as well as and the remainder of the total sum r so- ana na Jury. nicn sat on nis was gathered by the workers. The I ua",aKei m camDaiitn will continue all this week. week, thought he had been Injured to with a tea everv day at 4 o"clock. when lno " ra'"8 fishermen and farmers, should be re spected as working for the common! benefit of mankind, and never to be I interrupted ln their operations, even by I the women will bring In therr money I sealed verdict opened Monday. National enemies, but let those fight with one another whose trade It is. and tell their experiences. Nine of the 10 cows were condemned and who are armed- and paid for that prayer meeting, lasting only 15 Each morning at 9:15 there will be a as tubercular by the state inspectors. purpose. PEACE SOCIETIES UNITE bell to end the fracas. Darin? one of BODrES IX STATE TO BE IN the mixups on the ice "Smoky" Harris received a cut which Dr. Earl Smith, the club physician, closed with six stitches. "Moose" Johnson had a bad bump, but it did not feaze him. The start of the game was delayed when Manager Scott, of tbe Uncle Sams, announced that the two-man official system was going to be used. Man ager Muldoon, of the visitors, refused, and for 12 minutes and 16 seconds the principals argued. Fred Ion, of Seattle, announced that SINGLE ORGANIZATION, Among? Objects Sonsht la Repeal of "Draft" Clause ln Army Reor ganisation Slensare. Organization of various peace so cieties Into one body was the result At last Referee! the transaction conducted at a meeting neid last night at the Public the game must start. Manager Mul- Library. Henceforth all organized ef- doon stood his ground and Ion worked 'rt for universal peace will be car- the match alone. ried on in .this state by the "Peace After the game Manager Scott an- Society of Oregon," which is to be the nounced that the game would be pro- name of the body. tested, on what grounds he did not say. j The repeal of the "draft" clause in There is a league ruling that only one I the Army reorganization bill and the man shall handle each game, but the I formulation of the principle that for- Portlanders think that two rrfen are I eign investments shall be made at the better than one, especially when the Uncle Sams are interested. The summary: Seattle (6) Holmes Carpeuter .. Howe ...... T"a!k Voyston (C) Riley Al orris C, Officials: Fred Ion (2) Portland ....... Murray Loughlln Johnson Position ..Goal.. . . L.. D. . . ...R.D... R- ... .. .1. w. . . .L. W (C) Tobin . Irvta of Seattle, referee Judge Arthur X. Dayton, timer: .Ray Ward, penalty timer: Eddie Peterson and Jack Mc Giil. coal Judges. Score by Periods. Seattle S 1 3 6 Portland ....1 1 0 2 Scoring. First Period 1 Seattle, Morris from Walker 11:13 2 Seattle. Morris 2:04 S Portland. Irvln from Lou(hlla. Second Period 4 Seattle. Foyston from Walker. . 5 Portland. LougUUn Third Period 1 Seattle. Foyston from Morris. 7 Seattle. Foyston from Morris.. 8 Seattle. Walker Substitutions: First period, none: second period. Marples for Tobin. Rickey for Rowe, Tobin for Harris. Rowe for Rickey: third risk of the investor, without claim to the military and naval protection of the United States Government are among the objects set forth ln the etltution which was adopted last To make war more uncommon as a Dunderdale I method of settling disputes between Harris I governments, the society recommends a scientific study of its causes and a search for practical means for pre venting It- . " Officers elected to serve for the first year are as follows: Professor Joseph K. Hart, of Reed College, presi dent; H. M.. Esterly, vice-president; Miss IC L. Trevett, secretary-treasurer. SPECIAL "ECONOMY" ME.VC FOB TOMOKROW Breakfast Corn Meal Muffins Baked Apples Coffee. Cocoa, Milk Lnncheon Eplit-Pea Soup Croutons or Toast Bread, Butter Orang-e Marmalade Cocoa. Milk ' . Dinner Swiss Steak Bavoy Rite Small Onions (Browned With Steak) Celery and Apple Salad Tapioca Cream Puddlnr Coffee, Tea. Milk 52 MR. REAMES TO PROSECUTE 11:03 i:oo Portland Slan to Be Special Connscl in Seattle Liquor Case. 6:15 2:57 5:58 United State District Attorney Clar ence L. Reames left last night for Se- perlod, Harris for Dunderdale, Rickey for 1 attle, where he will be special prose V-rp.?K.- unQQa'e ,or "T. aroour cutor for the Government ln the trials Penalties: First period. Morris. 8 minutes'; ot the so-called "whisky ring" ln that seoona penoa, uunoeraaio ana carpenter, 8 minutes each. Tobin fined S5; tmrd pe riod. Harris. 8 minutes. Lefts and Rights. J CHARLEY WEIN'ERT, the New Jer sey aspirant for Jess Willard's crown, took a beating at the hands of Billy Miske, the St- Paul light-heavyweight, the other night in New York. Miske was almost out ln the first city, growing out of the recent arrest of the Billingsley brothers. Owing to the differences existing be tween the local Federal attorneys in Seattle and Mayor Hi Gill, who was Im plicated in the charges growing out of the case. United Mates Attorney Allen requested a special prosecutor and Mr. Reames was sent. Tbe Billingsley brothers after their indictment charged that they had paid the city officials for protection in bootlegging operations. round, but. like a game battler, he or AYFR RflF Tfl IOWA waded in and easily offset Weinert's UH. M I tit UUELO IU IUViM Research Work to Be Followed In Eastern University, EUGENE, Or., Jan. 1. Dr. Fred C. early advantage. It was the best bout seen in New York in some time be tween big fellows. "Knockout" Brown, the Chicago Greek, will clash with Bob Moha. of I Milwaukee, ln a 10-round battle at I Aver, of the department of education Racine, Wis.. January 22. They are of the University of Oregon, received com ngnt-neavyweignts. leave of absence today to accept an in Joe Bonds, the Tacoma heavyweight. University of Iowa, to spend 'the sec- -il i v;. " , r, VT ond semester there as instructor ln re uiwiew. 3e,i. lummo i ii lucmpnia! i gearch work. ,ii ,k r . A Bonos is going Professor C. A. Gregory, of Iowa well in the East and has been winning xjnjVersity. has been elected to take . 1 w . W . . . 'vr . . I charge of Dr. Ayer s work here. iw ci,ii i.a m uue u.gni m ou p.. iver also has accented an n polntment to the University of Wash ington to teach special classes during the bummer session. Louis, Benny Leonard has declared his bad hand cured and has mapped out a long campaign to make up for his lost time. tT. rcVrVoteciub7nwsVoVm,e',fSr SCHOOL OFFICERS ON TRIP which he will receive 3a00. His first opponent will be Walter Mohr; his sec ond. Jimmy Duffy, and he will wind -up with Phil Bloom. Portland Superintendent and Di rectors Go to Tacoma. A party of school officers left Port land last night for Tacoma, to attend the third annual conference of school board officials, set for today. There will be a morning, afternoon and night session and the Portland educators will The water polo championship of the I return to this city early tomorrow. Pacific Northwest will be played I Those leaving last night were: L. K. Saturday night ln the Multnomah I Alderman, city superintendent: Direc Amateur Athletic Club swimming I tors O. M. Plummer, Dr. Alan Welch tank when the Submarines and the I Smith and J. Francis Drake, directors Dreadnoughts tangli for the final! R. H. Thomas, school clerk, and F". A clash of the 1917 house league, Seattle I Naramore, school architect. NORTHWEST TITLE AT STAKE Water Polo Teams to Play at Mult nomah Club Saturday. BOY BURGLAR WELL OFF CONFESSED LOOTER OK STORES HAS OREGON CITY PROPERTY. TOO LATE TO CLASSrFY. The disease spread to other stock on utes. Dr. Luther R. Dyott, pastor of I the farm of Mr. Green, it was asserted. the Fijst Congregational Church, will I 50 hogs being slaughtered as a result, lead tne service 'this morning. All I The case was tried in the court of workers should be on time. Yesterday Circuit Judge Davis. the women were all in their places when the appointed time arrived. Many Are II el o ln s; Cause. The team captains who reported yes terday were: Mrs. Charles Kamm and Mrs. William Bushnell Osborn. Mrs. William C. Alvord. Mrs. Joseph T. Andrus, Mrs. Edwin P. Northrup. Miss Carrie A. Holbrook. Mrs. Robert Liv ingston. Mrs. Wallace McCamant, Mrs. W. H. Beharrell, Mrs. L H. Amos, Mrs. Fay Catlin. Others who are working actively for the success of the campaign are: T. S. Townsend. Mls lone Townsend. Mrs. R L. Vose. Mrs. William F. Amos. M'.ss Grace Amos. Mrs. W. E. Warren. Mrs. O. M. Ollnes. Mrs. B. H. Whitney. Mrs. W. F. Mag-IM. Mrs. F. C. Whlttler. Mrs. Labor, Mrs. Ceorre O. Greene WILLIAM COtTRT EVA Y LTJCILLB Lit STEWART IJ "THE NINETY AND NINE" TODAT. MAJESTIC THEATER. WASH. AT PARK. MAT. IOC: EVE- ISO. Another day's menu has been ar ranged for the use of Portland house wives tomorrow. Since the adoption of their slogan. "Better Living for Less, the Parent-Teacher Association, which has charge of the plans for the weekly menus, has found that a great many merchants are ready to make special concessions for the increased trade that the better living buyers have brought to them. Tomorrow's meals include cornmeal mush, rice, tapioca pudding, round e con- steak, and split pea soup, for which night, j special prices have been set In Portland lures. Sirs. E. J. Steele in Choree. To utilize these different foodstuffs ln a day's -menu, the three meis were scheduled by Mrs. E. J. Steele, who as taken charge of this work lor the Parent-Teacher circles. Recipes for some of the principal dishes on the menu for today follow Cornmeal Muffins 1 cod yellow corn- meal, 1 cup flour, 1H cups sour milk Vs- tablespoon brown sugar, - tablespoons bacon fat or butter, 1 teaspoon salt. H -teaspoon soda, 2 egg. Bake in well-greased muffin pans. s Oranrt Marmalade. SUc. s oranges and three lemons crosswise with a sharp knife as thinly as possible. Remove seeds, put ln pit serving kettle, with two quarts of water, cover and let stand 86 hours. Boll two hours, add four pounds sugar and boll one hour longer. Split-Pea Soup. Wash and soak 1 pint split peas over night ln- cold water, adding pinch of soda. In morning pour off any wa ter trat remains. Cook: in three quarts coiu water, adding one-half pound ham or bacon. one teaspoon salt, pepper to taste and ons teaspoon celery roots ana an onion cnoppea fine. Cook slowly four hours, adding water to keep up the quantity as It bolls away. Take out meat and strain through colander, add small piece of butter end serve with croutons or small squares of toasted bread- Notable results are reported by the committee having the better living day arrangements in charge. Merchants who set the special prices last week acknowledged to the committees that their sales had been influenced very favorably by the attention given to their price reductions, and express their willingness to make further conces sions. All of the goods which were ad vertised at special prices last Wednes day were sold ln unusually large amounts, and it is expected that the goods advertised specially today will be in a similar demand. Ewald Snyder Tells ot Robberies, Jail- breaks, Flight Prom Stnte School and Last Capture. OREGON CITY, Or.. Jan. 16. (Spe cial.) For a youth of 19 years, Ewald Snyder, now ln the County Jail pend ing action by, the grand Jury on cuarge ot ourgiary. nil naa a career A(nj Mrl Oeores W. Tabler. Mrs. E. W. which would rival that of Jesse James. I Freeman. Mrs. U. L Stahl. Mra William I guess I started when 1 was nine Cavanauah, Mra Huntington. Mrs. Doana years old," he said today, revfewins I Mrs. Lane, Mrs. Ewing. Mrs. Bianchard nis husv llf "1 and another fellow I Mrs. Kramer. Mrs. M. Ogden. Mrs. F. N. broke into a store here ln Oregon City Clark. Mra Frank Deem. Mra. Alan Welch , . . . . , . , I Smith. Mrs. William Evans. Mm. Frank -"".r Gilbert. Mrs. John Clair. Montelth. Mrs. They got us, and we were given a otto D.Vum. Mr. Forrest Fi.her. Mra. o suspended sentence. I n. Wooor-y-. Mrs. R. W. Shepherd. Mra I was good lor aDout seven years I John Byeriey. Mrs. J. E. Brockway. Mrs. then. In the Sarin of 1916 thev got I w. H. Thomas. Mrs. Donald Spencer. Mrs. m,e again for breaking into a store, fay Matron. Mrs. Kelly Rws. Mrs. Clifton and I was sent to the State Training Mc"ur' r- J..A, M,ci;ry' .Mr"' H?m" . , , . . " , . . , . . , " I bard. Mrs. George McLeod. Mrs. George Ger- .. V" V . UnKer. Mrs. J. Roberta Mrs. Norman. Mra place and beat It- I got a Job in Port- x., ,,.-.. ,,, ' land in a sawmill and worked for I worth Mrs. Belcher. Mra R. Warrack, Mrs. a while. Then another fellow and 1 1 McCool, Mrs. Toung. Mrs. Howe. Mrs. B. decided to co East, and we got as far I Fleckensteln. Miss Heintx. Mrs. E. strop- as Idaho when- we ran out of money I ,'r9- M r F. A. Chamberlain. Mrs. Jessie and food, so we got some more." Honeym",n'll M,! huim, l001' l " ... rt ., t Agnes McBrid.. Mrs. F. R. Chown. Mra ..... . , .& ...w.., I Frank K. Robinson. Miss C. R. T.mpleton. IOOC ne Was asaea I Mr. Jam. F.tllnr. Mr. W Mrl-nm... "We found a small store, opened the I Mrs. West, Mra McMillan. Mrs. l:. Livings- window and climbed in, he answered, I ton. Mra Hastings. Mrs. Riggs. Mrs "but we took only the stuff we actu- I a. h. Birren. Mrs. Peterson ally needed. They caught us and put I MEETING NOTICES. REGULAR MEETING t"T LOOrt- ty,iM iWednesdavl evening Jsf?z East Sixth and Alder rr yj Vl.ltors cordially v NO. 17 Invited. The principal fea. nt thl. meetins will be the presenta tion ot a past grand master's Jewel to our member, w. I . wunammn. Georce W. Burnett. P. G P G. M.. by M. H. P. West er Mrs. J. 15- I brook, O M.: E. fe. Pharon'. G. See., and : Mrs. harl-s I oth,r Krand officers will make us an offi- Hnss'icLodre. No. 1.1. will also make us a traternnl vlrlt. GEORGE T ANDREWS. N. Q. W. W. TERRY. Recording Secy. TH-lKTt.AND CHAPTER. NO. . R. A. M. Stated convocation this (Wednesday! evening, jan usry 17, 8 o'clock. Visitors wel After the business of the n..n,., i concluded the mem Kr of the Council of R. and S. M will meet for a short drill In the work. All the officers are requested to be present. W. P. ANDRUS. Secretary. MEMBERS re requested to meet at the ball of Orient Lone. No. 17. I. O O. F.. this Wednesday) evening at 7:4o to pay them a fraternal vteit JL full attendance Is desired. J. Q ERICKSON. N. O. PERFECT FUNERAL SEBV1CES FOR LESS MILLER & TRACEY Independent Fnneral Directors Lady AMblant. IlKh. at Ella St.. UL 20th and 21st. :eL A ansa. aiesa r-ino. Dav and ulght irvlc J. P. FIN LEY & SON. Progressive Funeral Directors. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. tiiTKXl-VG A M'ENTEE. funeral directors. Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broad way 4.10. A 4558. Lady attendant- F. S. DUNNING, INC.. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder street. East 52. B 252S. A. R. ZELLER & CO., 592 WILLIAMS AVli.. Lady attendant. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. S1 snd Ciay. M'n 410J. A Lady attendant. MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service. E 80th and Glisan, Tab. 4:U:l. ERICSON Resldenc. Undertaking Far:ors. 12th and Morrison sts. Main 61S3. A SJ3.V' p I. I.ERCH. Esst 11th and Clay streets. Lady arendant East TS1. B ISbx FLORISTS. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. Florists. S.-.4 Washington. &iain -o. a iwj. r ioww for all occasions arti&Ucally arranged CLARKE BROS.. Florlsta 2S7 Morrison at-. Main or A leo. fine iiowers ana norsi designs. No branch stores. MAX M SMITH. Main 7215. X Ing big.. 6th and Alder sts. TONSETH FLORAL CO., st., between 4tb and 5th. 2P5 Washington Main M02. A 11', 1, HORTICULTURE. RELIABLE pruning, spraying, tree sur gerv, graftage, expert gardeners. Nicholas. Msin 7411. . MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. I4-2n 4th st.. opposite City Hall. Main S504. Philip Neu A Sons for memorials. IcfS&LAEtSiNG granite: co. i ; 111 TMlCtO AT riAOISON 3TBEET. . MAUSOLEUM. HASSALO us in Jail, and we broke out in a day or two. Then we came to Portland, and the police there gave us 80 days each as vags. I then came to Oregon City, broke into George Reddaway s store and the place of Everhart & Hall." He denied that he is responsible for other robberies here. Snyder is an orphan. W. L. MORGAN IS BANKRUPT Petition Filed in Federal District Court for Hearing January 31. W. L. Morgan, president of the firm of Morgan. Fltedner & Boyce, yeeter day filed petition in bankruptcy be fore Judge Charles E. Wolverton, rn the Federal District Court, and his case was set for hearing before A. M. Cannon, as referee, January 31. The schedule submitted with the petition showed liabilities amounting to $392,316.28, while the inventory of assets represented $155,688.75 in real estate, stocks, bonds and other secur ities. The principal creditors named were Ladd A Tilton Bank, Security Savings & Trust Company and the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company. FARMERS' INSTITUTE IS SET Washington College Specialists to I Iiecture at Vancouver. A- AND A S( RITE. Thirty-fifth eeral-snnual re nmon Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Br order PRESIDING OFFICER. VANCOUVER. Wash- Jan. 1. fSoe- He owns two! clal.) A Farmers' Conference and In- houses and three-lots ln Oregon City. I stitute will ba held in Vancouver by specialists from Washington State Col- lesre. ?V r H .7 Th, l-r. HEAVY TRADER LOCKED UP h""" lncLud,; rr.r f i live, itnii j snu iivesiDLK apeciaiiat. and Professor Leonard Hegnauer. soils Proposed Purchases by Reputed Army I and crop specialist. The lectures will tie given in the room of the SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. 2. ri f tn I. O. O. F. Regular meeting "3 Wednesday at 8 P. M. at I. O. yyTf O. F Temple. 228 Alder street. -fn-- First degree. Visitors always welcome. R. OSVOLD. Sec. A J. WALTHER. N. O. WASHINGTON LODGE. N. 46. A. F. AND A. M. Ptated com munication this twednesdayl evening. 7:30. East Eighth an! Burnslde. M. M degree. Vis itors welcome. J. H. RICHMOND. 600. "THE BETTER WAY" Humane. Scientific Security for th ni(l. 6nlL4vry 1'rotectloa for til LJvlng. RIVER VIEW ABBEY LIAUSOLEUM, Terminus Rlverview Carllns. Taylors Ferry Road. For Particulars Inquire Portland Mausoleum Co. Phoa. Bdwy SSL 830 Plttock Block. ex-Of fleer Investigated. Richard Wood, reputed to ba an Army ex-officer, had a propensity for nego tiating big deals and as a result be is Chamber of Commerce, at Tenth and Main streets, two in the morning of each day and one in the afternoon. At the same time Miss Mary E. Suth erland, home economics specialist, will CREMATORIUMS!. MOUNT SCOTT PARK Cemetery and Crematorium Tabor 14BS. AtTTION SALES TODAT. At private residence. SS3 11th street, cor. T . . nrtr-E- v-n i? Montgomery street. Furniture of nice room a . MT' TA.B?Rm 2SJ F-'i.5, ,o'Tske car to door. Auction at 10 A. a. Uoo, J . F. and A. M. tpeclsl com- 1 . A r- aurtlunaara .unlcatlon this (Weunesdsy) B"sr & Co.. auctioneers. new in the Cltv .Tati-whii. H-t.tiv.a i ""ur" ln Vancouver nign -t(uu. ninuiis lit, ouujctiB will uo I 'Meat Substitutes," "Utilizing CheaDer Cuts of Meat," "Bondage of Fashion." "Vegetable Cookery.' Sanitation," and others. "Hygiene and I music "The Hostess of Today," A. G. TINDOLPH TO LEAVE are making an investigation. Wood is reported to have gone to agents for two life insurance compa nies ln Portland and to have .told them he had a policy for $25,000 ln their re spective concerns and wished to take out an additional similar sum. He is also said to have negotiated for the purchase of three pianos at one piano house and one at another. At the A. G. Spalding supply house ne represented himself to be the man ager of the Honolulu branch of that same concern and got an $S macklnaw and an S pair of shoes, detectives say, rie was arrested by Cltv Detectives I Allen G. TindolDh. who has been well Leonard and LaSalle and Hellyer and I known ln musical and social circles in Tackaberry. He is 41 years of age. I Portland for many years, is soon to go to beattle to take a position with t.A D..l,n XT1T1 n.. T rLtUlltU IU MAKfc 1 K r Company, of that city. .11 1 . 1 1 1 1 ii u i 1 1 win u. reraemDerca A. evening. Wst Side Temple. 7:S0 o'clock. E. A. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. J. 8. ROARK, W. M. PORTLAND COMPANY. 101. W. O. W Will give a five hundred party and dance Wednesday, June 17. 117. at W. O. W. Temple. 18 1 1th at. uooa prises sou union EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, plna New designs- Jaeger Bros., 13 1-3 alxtn st. FR I F.D LANDER'S, Jewelers, for Emblems, Class Pins and Presentation Medala Designs Er.d estimate furnished free. IU Wash. Singer and, Mazaraa Is to Go Seattle for New Wort. to I nFt. RADER At her reslden.-e. 2170 Clackamas st.teu this city, January 1. Mrs. Josephlna Rader. sged 63 yeura 10 months and 4 -days. Mothe' of Mrs. R E. Bilyeu. of A U1I1HV1 l ie, IT., jure. " 1 . ' ' Or Mrs. D. A. Sandllu. of liO ClaCK a nu street, ai.d Mrs. K. B. Greenwald. of this city. Sister of Mrs. A- R Smith, of Suver. Or. snd John P. Ingram, ot A Its Canada. Remains are at the parlors of the East Side Funersl Directors. 414 Kast Alder street. Announcement of fu neral services In a later Issue. . . . lone of the oldest active members of KISPELL Died at Reno. Nev January 5. Rotary Club to Be Well Represented the Apollo Club. He ha. sung with ,''F w. 'ki-.'" -Bd'bthVV.O.'c. at Vancouver, B. C, Session. K k """7.1 l"" . " .i.i . . . ' nu, .- " -. ill vuq J u J Scout movement- Thirty members have been nlrle-od I He is also an active member of the already to partlclnate in the excursion I Mazamas and the Multnomah Athletic of the Portland Rotary Club to' Van- Club. He is a nephew of the late H. D. pnvii.r, in this city. January t. EHxa couver. B. C. to the annual con vent inn I RamsdelL I Ronald, aged 74 years. 1 month and t of the Northwest Rotary Clubs. Jan . hfarI,eV chran. vice- SulUvan May Box Bronson president of the club and chairman ol I the excursion committee, had the entire! Frankie Sullivan returned from Ta- I PHILLIPS The funeral services for the group at one long taoie at tne luncheon I coma last nient, wnere ne secured a of the club yesterday, as an objectldraw with Chet peff a few nights ago. lesson and example ' to other members He will rest nere until February 7. who have not yet made up their minds I On that date he has offers for matches to go. K. H. Atkinson will head the with N'eff at Seattle and "Muff" Bron- Klssell and Elisabeth J. h.ias.-ii.-ot ju t-l.v.nth afreet and the 1st. Mra W. C. Recti, all ,of this vlty. and J. O. Kissell. of Jennings Loose. Or, and M. Kissell. Msvfleld. Cal. sod Mrs. T. F. Davidson. of San Franciaco. Interment at Reno. daya Tbe remalna are at tne pariora or the East Sid. Fun-ral Directors. 414 East alder street- A nnounc.nient of funeral Mrvlca la a later lanua. lt. Thomas Phillips win ds neia toaay Wednesday at 1 o'clock P. M. at to. residence of J. P. Flnley a Son. Montgomery at Sth. Friends Invltod. Interment at atos. i-ny wmrin. FRANKLIN WAR NOTE SOLD Rights of Neutral Mentioned in Let ter of Revolutionary Times. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 18- The rights of neutral vessels are mentioned in a letter signed by Benjamin Franklin, excursion. The speakers on the programme yes terday were James B. Kerr and W. W, Cotton and Franklin T. Griffith was! weighs 127 pounds. cnairman ol use day. son at Tacoma. Sullivan says he hasl riNEBAI. NOTICES. Free Music Lessons for Sons. Free music lessons will be trtven the 1 exhibited last night by A- L. Campbell sons of the Spanish War veterans. The at the monthly meeting of the Oregon sons of veterans are forming a band. and their first rehearsal will be at the Neffa number and that he should have WiLrOX-At the residence. W7 Hood street, had the verdict in Tacoma. He now I janoary 14. Jewett Wilcox, sged SO years. survived by sister. Mra Ellen W Rem ington: Mrs. E- Franklin, a ntec and F. L. Remington, a nephew. Friends and members of th old volunteer fire depart ment Invited to attend funeral services, which will bo held at Ho.msn's funeral parlors at 1 P. M. toaay Wednesday). January 17. Interment Lone Fir Cemet.ry. Camera Club.. The meeting was held ft" Bird Pictures Are Shown. Some unusual pictures of - birds were I Ford Auction Housa. 11 Id st Furniture carp.ts. ate sat. at z e. aa. At Wilson's Auction Hon so. at 10 A. M- Furnltur. 16S-1.1 Seoona st- OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office Room 15.1 Court houM, IStb-otrect ' r nl ram-' ft.n fi-.m ft to & Matin &.S. Home nhone A 2525. N.gtat eU after off. - hours, MuLa 2 .(Hi. Heporl mil cases 01 crueiy 10 ir.e addrcii. Electric letbal chamber for tmi.l aaimali. Horse ambulance tor sick mi dlailed antixMlai at a moment's cotic. Anv ono Ueslrin a dog- or otber pet communi cate with ua Call for all lost or stray? stock, as we look after all Impounding There is no more city pouoat jut uruu Humane Society, NtW TODAY. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE GO. Onr Own Money at fnrmil Rate.. , MIMC1PA1. AD COHPt'HA'l'lO.X BIIVDS FAR.H A.VD CITY LO.t., SO Koarts St Board of Trade Bids. in the clubroom. SSI Washington street. I Armory next Saturday afternoon at 2:30 I A number of Paget color process slides o'clock. It was decided at a meeting of intimate Dira nie aiso were snewn. of Scout Young Camp last night that possession ot an instrument entitled I son of a veteran to membership in the! band. Vancoaxer Has Coldest Day. VANCOUVER V'uh?Ji. 16. (Spe- T.rfh undertakmr pariora, Eaet Eleventh and Clay streets, todsy Wednesday) at 2 p. M Friends Invited. BOGART The funeral serrteee of the late Emma K. Bogsrt will be held at P. 1 Iercb undertaking parlors, Esst Eleventh and Clay streets, today Wednesday at IX 4. M. Friend Invited riLt, ?AT CASH RENT. Have a client who wants to lease a., farm of at least 20 acres in cultivation. , suitable for growing vegetables, not over 12 mlies from Portlsnd. -X MR. JOU.VO, 207 Board of Trad BIdg. , r MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7fo Oregro- IsTettnirat A Mortimsre Co Offlce-e SOat-e, 17Q Third St. EBlMlOLGOUOtYtO E2 6 7 LOANS aTcprVS OM MORTGAGE SECURITY " ' aassBWr XOXTMWtSltHN BANK etMLOINl - On receipt of $1.35 I will ship you prepaid Portland one box of King. Ru.. sett, Baldwin or N. Spy Api-les, alter Q. Fearmlne, Salem. Or, Koule S.