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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1917)
THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1917. 9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGOJflAN TEIlEPHOJTES. Managing Editor Main T070, A eofll City Editoc Main 7070, A 6095 Sunday Editor Main 7070. A 6095 Advertialnng Department .Main 7070. A 6095 Composing-room Main 7070, A 6095 -nntlng-room Main 70iO, A eo5 Superintendent Building ..Main 7070, A 6095 AMUSEMENTS. ORPHEDM (Broadway at Taylor) Bis time vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:15 and 8:15. BAKER (Broadway or Sixth, between Alder and Morrison) Alcazar Stock Company In "OutcaBt." Tonight at 8:15. FANTAGES (Broadway at Alder TJn equaled vaudeville. Three shows daily, .2:30. 7 and 9:05. HIPPODROME (Broadway and Yamhill) Vaudeville and moving pictures; 2 to 5. 6:45 to 11 P, M., Saturday. Suday. holi days continuous. 1:15 to 11 P. M. STRAND (Park, West Park and Stark Vaudeville and motion pictures continuous. Rotary Club to Be Host. James B. Kerr and W. . W. Cotton will be the guests of honor and speakers at the luncheon of the Rotary Club at the Benson Hotel at noon today. Mr. Kerr will speak on 'The Relations of Water. Competition to Rail Carriers" and Mr. Cotton on "Federal Valuation." P. T. Griffith will preside over the meeting:. Dr. Green Goino East. Dr. Perry Joseph Green will leave this morning; for the East. He will stop over In Ban Francisco for a few weeks to at tend to matters-of business. Dr. Green formerly lived- here and had charge of the Temple of New Thought. He is now secretary of the International New Thought Alliance. East Davis Pavino Up. Owners of property on East Davis and East Sixteenth streets having expressed a desire to have their streets paved. City Commissioner Dieck will recommend to the Council tomorrow the continuance of proceedings for the work. Proceed ings were stopped October 25 when property owners Indicated strong op position to the improvement. The con tract is of considerable size and Im portance and for that reason the Coun cil in October laid the proceedings on the table rather than kill them. Citt Able to Meet Patrolu Al though hard pressed for funds the city will be able to meet its January payroll on February 1, and may be able to pay bills at that time, according to figures compiled by City Commissioner Bigre low. He says that the money on hand, however, will not meet the February payroll. The shortage now is a repeti tion of trouble experienced heretofore Just before taxpaying time and is due to the Council having cut its tax levy for 1915 down too low. Marshal, Stevens' Mother BtrRiET Todat. Funeral services for Mrs. Char lotte Stevens, mother of Fire Marshal Jay Stevens, will be held this afternoon t 2:30 o'clock at the Holman chapeL The body will be taken to Weston, Neb., for burial. Lieutenant Gilbert Stevens, of Battery A, Field Artillery, a son of Mrs. Stevens, will arrive In the city to day from Calexico, where he has been stationed with the Oregon troops. Walsh Gets Contract. The M. J. Walsh Company is to receive the con tract for installing lighting fixtures in the public Auditorium. Commissioner Baker will recommend an award to the firm at the Council meeting tomorrow. The contract amounts to $13,843.40, which is the amount of the firm's bid. The Walsh bid was the lowest by 521 of two bids submitted. The other bidder was F. A. Bauman. Carpenter Falls Far. In a fall from the fourth story of the new City Auditorium under construction at Third and Clay streets, Charles Minnon, i carpenter, received serious injuries yes terday. Mr. Minnon was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital by the Ambulance Service Company, where he was at tended by Dr. E. B. McDaniels. He is 67 years of age and lives at 61 Buchtel avenue. Wobrker Fitneral Hei.b. The fu neral of the late Mrs. Caroline Woerner was held yesterday at the chapel of J. P. Finley' & Son. Rev. G. Hafner officiating. Mrs. G. H. Macrum sang: "Fora it ii c o ' ' n-nA "Nearer. Mv flod to Thee." The pallbearers were: H. J. Hayes. G. W. Kocher, G. Winter, J. Hahn. T. B. Hughes and W. Kellar. In terment was at Rivervlew Cemetery. Y. M. C. A. Officials Go North. H. W. Stone, general secretary of the Port land T. M. C. A. and f. B.. Rhodes, state secretary, leave today for Seattle. where they will attend a conference of association leaders of that city. Mr. Stone will address the Men's Club, of the First Methodist Church, on "Boys and Fun and Men and Money.'' Address on Parkb Interesting. The local section of the Society of Ameri can Foresters heard an instructive and Interesting address on the Portland city parks last night at a meeting at the residence of P. T. Munger. 653 Kearney street. There was a good attendance of members of the society. Lecture on Mount Jefferson TO' kioht. Dr. A. J. Montgomery will give a lecture this evening on Mount Jef ferson illustrated with colored Etereopr ticon slides at the Central Library at 8 P. M. This is open to the public. istered at the Imperial, having arrived in the city from Eugene yesterday. G. B. Mattson, of Spokane, is regis tered at the Nortonia. B. M. Rowney, of Seattle. 1s regis tered at the Nortonia. F. L. Rosegrant, of Roseburgr, is reg istered at the Cornelius. B. F. Elgin is registered at the Seward from Sherwood. Harold L. Heiss, of San Francisco, is registered at the Oregon. Mrs. Ona Hansen, of Mount Sato, Wash., is at the Carlton. H. B. Fletcher, of Independence, Is registered at the Seward. - Mr. and Mrs. H. Cramer, of Hood River, are at the Seward. Kenneth McKay, of Hood River, Is registeredat the Portland. H. R. Leacock, of Nampa. Idaho, is registered .at the Imperial. George S. Long, of Tacoma, arrived at the Portland yesterday. J. W. Galbraith, of Canyon City, is registered at the,Imperial. E. O. Crump, of Pomeroy. Is among the arrivals at the Seward. J. J. Brown, of Pendleton, is a re cent arrival at the Perkins. Charles A. Duffy, of Westport, . is registered at the Cornelius. Miss Julia Stratton Is registered at the Carlton from Pendleton. S. Brewer, of Myrtle Point, arrived at the Washington recently. B. IL Thompson, of Centralia, arrived at the Multnomah yesterday. J. W. Robinson, of Walla Walla, is registered at the Multnomah. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fraser, of Condon, are registered at the Perkins. H. F. Roller, of Washington, D. C, is registered at the Multnomah. C. N. Beebe arrived at the Multnomah yesterday from Vancouver, B. C. O. A. Peterson, of Peterson's Landing, arrived at the Perkins yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Elkins are regis tered at the Carlton from Salem. Colonel A. R. Greene is registered at the Perkins from Stevenson, Wash. .Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Howell, of Pom eroy, are registered at the Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Thompson are reg istered at the Nortonia from San Fran Cisco. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chandler, of Spokane, are registered at the Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Underwood are registered at the Nortonia from Eugene. Mr:- and Mrs. E. E. Presser are regis tered at the Washington from Me Minnville. ' - Oscar Jacobson, Jr., and Carl Willis arrived at the Oregon from North Pow der yesterday. M. C. Pomeroy, of Astoria, is regis tered at the Cornelius, where he ar rived yesterday. Sam Harris, of Ackerman & Harris, vaudeville magnates who operate the Portland Hippodrome Theater, left last night for San Francisco, after a few days passed with Manager Conlon, of the Hip." A1GBILLEWG0 Detroit Y. M. C. A. Wants Portland's Physical Director. SUCCESS HERE IS NOTABLE Classes In Gymnasium Have Enroll ment of 1500, Including 600 Business ' and Professional Men Decision in Doubt. A. M. Grilley, physical director of the Portland Young Men's Christian As sociation, one of the best-known ex perts on physical culture in the Pacific Northwest, has been offered a position as head of the physical department of i i v W , Pi j A. 91. Grilley, Head of Physical Department of Portland Y. M. C. A. Who Has Horn Offered Similar Position In Detroit. I WHAT IS STYLE? We can 'show you STYLE in coats for men, and we can put style ONTO men, but nn one can put style INTO a man. Carriage, poise, manner is what . makes style in a man. The assortments at $20 contain the smart mod els in the newer fabrics, colors and lengths " many, of them were made by those famous tailors Kuppenheimers. And you will be among the well-dressed men of Portland if your se lection is made from the special showing at $14. ' The windows tell more about these and other apparel items of inter est than the daily an nouncement, alth o u g h many folks find it prof itable to look at both. - Morrison at Fourth St. S& H. Stamps Given . Wear Ralston Shoes SINGER RANKS AT TOP ORVILLE HARROLD IS DISCOVERY I OF GITS EDWARDS. Contract for Management of Artist. Now at the Orphenm. Leadai to . Speedy Jump to Fame, The Christopher Columbus of Orville Harrold, the grand opera tenor, who Is star of the Orpheum show at the Hei ne, was Gus Edwards, who combines the manifold activities of sons pub lisher, composer, actor and manager. Mr. Harrold was "discovered" while a member of the Quartet which Morti mer Theise had engaged for his bur lesque production, "Wine, Women and Song1." He had gone to the offices of Mr. Edwards with the quartet to re hearse numbers the song writer had written especially for the show. The unusual sweetness of Mr. Harrold's voice and his manner of delivery aroused such enthusiasm in Mr. Ed- ESCAPED PATIENT FOUND L. C. Cooley, Who Took French Leave, to Be Arrested. Gaining access to the - room in the contagious ward at St. Vincent's Hos pitaU where clothes of corrtagrlous pa tlents are kept, L. C. Cooley took French leave a week .agro while suffering- from scarlet fever. City Health Officer Marcellus started an Investiga tion which resulted In Cooley being found yesterday at Battle Ground, Wash. He will be arrested. In addition to prosecution of Cooley, City Health Officer Marcellus yester day ordered that all clothes shall be taken away from contagious patients hereafter and shall be kept until the patient is released. 1 BMWSifc. ' f- ' ".J Ki C-a yf ' it :; s I a dl r the Detroit X. M. C. A. He has not yet decided whether to accept or reject the offer.- , The Detroit T. M. C. A. is one of the largest associations in the United States, having a, membership of -more than -5000. Its physical department is especially strong. It has one of the finest gymnasiums in'-the country with the latest and best of equipment. The offer, Mr. Grilley admits. Is very tempt ing, but he dislikes to leave Portland and in being urged by his associates on the Y. M. C. A. staff and other friends to remain in this city. "I have visited most of the large T. C. A.'s in this country and have always said that if I were to leave Portland, Detroit would be my choice," said Mr. Grilley. "The opportunity there is a great one, but my ties here are strong and it would be hard for me to give up the work that I am so in terested in." Mr. Grilley came to the Portland as sociation 11 years ago and has built up the strongest physical department of any T. M. C. A. in the Northwest. There are more than 1500 members in the many gymnasium classes. The Port land association is widely known for its ' business men's gymnasium classes which have an enrollment of approxi mately 600. including many of the lead lng business and professional men of the city. Dr. J. B. Modesett. who was physical director at Detroit, has resigned to become a member of the international committee of the Y. M. C. "A- at New York. anced tone. The following programme has been arranged by Signor Cloffl: "Oianna." symphonic march (Cosasntlni) : Stiff ello", overture (Verdi): "Excelsior." rrand selection (Marengo); "Csvmllerla Rus- tlcana intermezzo (Msscagnl); ' Oriental March (Orlando); "Lucia Dl Lammermoor (Donizetti); "Pizzicato Polka" (Strauss). Ernanl, " potpourri (Verdi.). FORECLOSURE ORDER IN VERDICT GIVES EftnTABLE LIFE FOR COMMERCIAL BLOCK. Orrvllle Harrold, at Orphenm This Week, Ha. Won Hick Rank Operatic Sins;er. COBBLERS IN ASSOCIATION Readjustment of Prices to Meet Ma terial Rise Discussed. The formation of an association of shoe repairers in Portland is under consideration that will aid the mem bers in matters of mutual interest. About 50 men engaged in this craft held a meeting Sunday at the Portland llubber Mills, 36$ East Ninth street, and discussed the matter. The rising prices of leather supplies were talked over and the gradual re adjustment of prices to patrons of re pair shops were spoken of as a nat ural consequence of rising values of materials. wards that it culminated In a contract being executed on the spot, whereby the publisher became the tenor's man ager for a term of years. After a tour in vaudeville, Mr. Edwards placed Mr. Harrold with the Manhattan Opera Company, under the management of vaual nuumici e lcih. nni i uiu uiaue i tiff i . Id strides in the grand opera field. He I ELKS mastered most of the popular operas In English. French, Italian and German and then went abroad under the aus pices of Mr. Hammerstein to join the London Opera Company. Later he toured in concert with Tetrazzlni and subsequently appeared in the -light op era, "Naughty Marietta." "I Am Fall lng in Love with Someone, one of Mr. Harrold's selections at the Or pheum, is taken from that production. Property Owned by Commercial Trust Company and R. S. Howard Ha. Second. Llen- A decree was entered in the Federal Court yesterday ordering foreclosure of the mortgage held by the Equitable Life Assurance Company on the Com mercial block, located at the corner of Second and Washington streets. The property is owned by the Commercial Trust Company, although R. S. Howard, receiver for the defunct Title Guar antee & Trust Company, has. been keep ing the building in running condition. Mr. Howard Is made a aeenaani in the suit filed to foreclose, ana y-ester rlav argument was heard as to the validity of his claim on the building to the extent of the moneys he has ex pended in its upkeep. His claim was for $49,600, the amount he has ad vanced the Commercial Trust Company to pav the interest an the note ror 100.00 held by the life insurance company in tavor of the trust com pany, and for general expenses. Tne DUiiaing nits noi pttia. iwr n maintenance for several years. ine trust company executed a mortgage for JIOO.,000 July 20, 190-9. The claim ol 4,ouu jar. nowara nB against the property was decreed yes terday to be the same as a second xien on the property, and he will be allowed to recover after the property has been sold by the master in chancery and the holder of the first mortgage nas been satisfied. LEWIS ROAD MEETING SET Small This Beautiful Harrington Grand $495 -V After January 20, $525 V Thj inevitable raise in the price of the beautiful little Harrington Grand Piano has come. Hardman, Peck & Co.. the great New York makers, have announced an addition to their grand piano price of $30 to $50 each. The Harrington Grand has more real quality- grand piano quality than any little- grand that we-know. It is designed especially for your apartment, flat or Bunga low, and is the ideal grand piano for your needs. Until the 20th you may purchase the Harrington for $495. The terms will please. Just test it thoroughly. It will Convince you of its real merit . ' . Your Money's Worth or Your Money Back Mason & Hamlin Pianos, Player Pianos, Music Rolls MORRISON STREET AT BROADWAY ' Other Stores San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento. San Jose, Los Angeles, San Diego and Other Coast Cities. REPAIR DIRECTORY mm ssJ TUNING AVT RRPAIRINO Pianos and Plmr Pianos. Prtoea ruoi, ble for xprt TV. ShennarJJlay-& Co. Cor sitcta ud Morrisaa, Trunks and Cases Repaired by Experts TV. Deltvsry Mala 27I4. POKI LAND TRrSK MTO. CO. A Pt. Shoe Repairing: W. WU and dslWor. Shoos us. Bubbsr iio. ,en's or Women's. MEN'S BOLUS, Tfta. Sadies- Ma. W UlE.iS i UOE CO. 1 1M Fourth Kirwt. I Siss Aldsr. Musical Instruments .of All Kind. Repaired by Experts Work Kully Ourutccd. McDougall Music Co. 325 Alder St. Orrsronlan Bids;. v-V f.U. PIANOS REPAIRED mm Also Talklnr Machtnea and Musical Instruments. t-xprt workmen. Very Reasonable Prioea; as Ornered. All Work Guarant EILERS MUSIC HOUSES Morrison Kt Kourt t or lirolw.T ud Alder. treme' care In the "bacteriological testa in tbe city laboratories. Quarantine la now - raised where the slightest trace of the disease la found In throat cultures. Legislators Will Confer With Citi zens at Cbebalis on Saturday. CHEHALI3. .Wash, Jan. 15. (Spe- claL) Saturday evening;. January 0, at the St. Helena Hotel In Chehalis. the Lewis County legislative delega tion, composed of Senator A. E. Judd, Representatives J. K. Lease. H. H. Swofford and J. S. Slier, will be the guests of honor at a dinner, following which a meeting; will be held to con sider fully the question of road ap propriations for Lewis County. The Lewis County Commissioners. J. T. Bi vin, R. R. Sommerville and Edward S. Orr, will also be present. The Joint committees consisting: of five each from the Centralia Commer cial Club and the Citizens' Club of Che halls, recently appointed to look after road matters In which the Twin Cities are especially interested, will be pres- erl .. Invitations will be extended to other delegations. CARD OP THANKS c . We wish to extend our thanko and kindest wishes to our many friends and associates for their assistance, sym pathy and floral offerings during the ickness.- deatrw and burial ot our De- oved wife and mother. Mrs. Elisabeth M. Douglass. DR. A. S. DOUGLASS Adv. AND CHILDREN. READING-ROOM WILL OPEN Place for Unemployed to Be Pro vided at 48 North Second. ' The Episcopal Social Service League has made arrangements for reopen ing soon the reading-room of Scadding House. The location will be 48 North Second street. With an increased influx of unem ployed men than during the last few months, the reopening of the reading- room is deemed desirable. While other resorts in this section of town provide for wholesome recreation, the reading room of Scadding House will be the only one in which all the freedom of a club is extended without charge. The men who frequent the place are privileged to read, smoke and play cards. It 4s announced- that the re sort will be kept open at least until the middle ot March. Y. M. C. A. TO ELECT SEVEN Report of Year's Work W ill Be at Tomorrow's Meeting. Seven directors of the Portland T. M. C. Vi will be elected at the annual meeting tomorrow noon in the associa tion auditorium. There are 21 members of the board and seven are elected each year. The retiring members are Robert Livingstone, vice-president of the Y. M. C. A.; A. L. Veazle, secretary, and S. W, Lawrence, C. A. Morden, R. F. Barnes, Fletcher Linn and E. B. MacNaughton. Reports of the work of the year will be made by H. W. Stone, general sec retary, and by the officers of the board. Thomas Roberts will present the re port of the nominating committee. BAND WILL PLAY Concert Is Scheduled lor Wednes day Night In Lodgerooms. PERSONALMENTION. W. A. Heiskell. of Seattle, la at the Oregon. J. C. Stewart, of Astoria, Is at the Carlton. Frank C. Robertson, of Spokane, is at the Portland. John Cellas, of Rainier, Is registered 4 the Eaton. Paul F. Hoerlein. of. Hood River. Is At the Imperial. Robert Wood, of Seattle, la registered at the Portland. C. A. Tonneson. of Tacoma, is an ar rival at the Eaton. Fred D. Merritt. of Eugene, la regis tered at the Seward. E. C. Ruble, of Driscoll, N. D. Is reg istered at the Eaton. W. M. Jackson, of Pendleton, Is an arrival at the Oregon. A. ponahue. of St&nfleld, Or, Is regis tered at tne imperial. R, A. Booth, and A. C, Elxon ar teg- Signor Eugene Cloffl, conductor of the Elks' Band, has arranged a pro gramme for his second concert, which will take place tomorrow night at 8:15 in the lodgerooms. The Elks' Band now has an enviable reputation in musical circles, being considered one of the best IE. G. BOYLE WILL GO EAST 8i" ile, .lZi. REWARD! A REWARD OF SOO is hereby offered for the arrest and convic tion or for any information which will lead to the arrest and convic tion of the person or persons guilty ot having killed Lou Sun at hi. tai loring establishment at 91 North Second street. This money will be paid by -his relatives through- the merchandise house of either Tee Wah. 64 Second street, or by Kwong Shew Lun. 91 North Fourth street. CHUNQ BLNG JOHN. A Shrewd Tailor As soon a. "Ray Barkhurst,- Sixth at Stark street.. saw that woolena would go up In price, he bought a great big stock. Now while the sky is generally the limit for clothes, Ray is making suits and overcoats Just as you want them for only $18 up. He's also mak ing many friends by keeping prices down in Portland. Are you one of them? ' Paraf fine Oil Wakes Up . Sleepy Bowels "Oil It and It moves easily" Is applied to hundred, of conditions of everyday life. Lubrication is a principle. It has been shown that the oiling of the walls of the bowels and the softening of the matter that has caused the stoppage will allow this waste matter to move "more easily the natural muscular ac tions will then eject the waste matter from the system. . Paraffin. Oil la the product used In this method, of treatment, and It has been demonstrated that this pure par affin, or AmerotL, taken Inwardly, brings such results. It relieves the con ditions and removes the causes. It is purely mechanical in its action simply softens the congested charges and lubricates the Intestinal channels. It is not absorbed or assimilated, and therefore does not clog tbe system. It la tasteless, odorleas and colorless, easy to take, agreeable, effective and thor oughly safe. It"ls sold at the Owl Drug Co. stores at 50 cents per pint bottle. f-". '""a. -. W K ' i? H TIFT " I i, a J'll'EEJ -33 a ,aie3:rr,)J:S a US- New Houston Hotel Sixth aid Everett Streets Four Blocks From Union Station. Under New Management. All Rooms Newly Decorated. SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH. Rate 75c, 1, l.SA Per Day. EGG NOODLES GE7rt:l"E CHINESE EGG NOODLES, MAXIFACIIKKU 11V EXPERT. VERY FINE QUALITY. Also High-Grade Sauce for All Sorts of . " Dishes. CHINESE TEA, WHOLESALE AND M ETA 1 L. SUN ME EN & CO.63 V"- WANTED, CHAIRS TO CAXE ST SCHOOL FOR BUND TOP, PARTICULARS. CALL MR. J. F. MYERS, , ..MAIN 543 DIPHTHERIA CASES FEW Dr. Marcellus Ascribes Portland . f Health to Care Exercised. Although January is usually the worst month of the year for diphtheria, Portland now has only four cases, ac cording to a report prepared yesterday by City Health Officer Marcellus. This ns a record for Portland. Dr. Marcellus says the curtailment of the disease is due to the new policy of free distribution of anti-toxin and ex- Advertising Man Will Take Position in New York City. E. G. Boyle, who has served as ad vertising manager for the Ladd Estate Company for the past year, will leave tonight for New lork, where he will become assistant to E. M. Swasey, head of both the National and local departments of the Street Railway Ad vertising Company. Mr. Boyle, who has been In the ad vertlsing business for 15 years, start lng as an office boy at the age of 13, was associated with Mr. Swasey when the latter was Pacific Coast manager and later assisted him in tne service department at New York.. Mr. Boyle was in charge of the Portland office of the (Street Railway Advertising Com pany cor a year and had Just gone to Sesptle when he accepted the post with. tih. Ladd Estate Company. OLD-LINE LIFE INSURANCE BY A HOME COMPANY f if pei wl 'x 2 -t rr m hi r sms W. M. Ladd, Pres. E. Cookingham, Vice-Pres. T. B. Wilcox, Vice-Pres. M. M. Johnson, Sec'y. S. P. LOCKWOOD, VICE-PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MGR. ' i Home Office, Stevens Building. Agency OpHertumties. CHICAGO- AND RETURN 72.50 ST. LOUIS AND RETURN Round Trip to $70 "P-attl $60 and Ol. A dill S64.70 Imperial Hotel Broadway. Stark ud irMhlnztaa ' PORTLAND'S UAJDINQ HOTEL Ideally located In tho heart of thing on Broadways tbrebbli K cltr. Th log ical ktl for tb.oa o. bualnaao or plaasur. Dinlns-Room . Special fbil Metschan. Jr, I m. t Fcatara j Mgr. f Th SE'AKL) i M, new. modern ana elegantly appointed hotel, posaesatng on ot the moat beautiful corner lob. blea In tho Ncrthweit Iocmted at lOth and Alder sta.. opposite Olda, Tortmaa Kinif'a bis; departmont a tore. In heart of retail and theater H dlatriet. Ratea, al and up. Bus mceta all train. aW" car also runs H B from Vnlon Depot direct to HOTEL. B H REWARD. W M. PKWAHD. Prop B New Arrivals 9 in Portland Should First Find Their Way to Hotjel mm -s ' Aornehus KATKS 1 A DAT AND CF. C. V. lornrllua. Preaident. II. E. neit her Manager. TPsrk .nd Aliier. Tortluud. Or. Terr Attractive Vlst H.tea. vu UNION PACIFIC. SYSTEM ON SALE January 20 and 21. Return limited to February 18. Stopovers al lowed en route, both ways, within limit. . Make Reservation Now Get your tickets at CITY TICKET OFFICE Washington at Third Street. Broadway 4500. A 6121 Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agt. HOTEL CARLTON Fonrtwnth and Vahlnctoa ftta. Kelnforced Concrete BullcUnv poalUvalv Fireproof. TlWor Brandt. Kom Tinner a a. Proprietor nanairr. ... special Katea by tne Week or MooU. 7 San Francisco's likeable HOTEL Antrim) or Enropeaa . ltLr Right SefTica Right Obadiah Rich, Manager A Moderate-Prtre-d Hotel ut Merit HOTEL CLIFFORD tavat Norrlaoa St Mrar Crand Ave. 76C, i'er Dart Vita. Ualk, X.25