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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1917)
t 24 Tim 3IOTIXTXG OREGOXIAN, TTJESDAT, JANUARY 1C. 1917. MANY GOOD UN ADVERTISED SPECIALS ALL OVER THE STORE LOOK FOR THE SALE CARDS' $2.20 Curtains $1.69 A very good grade of scrim curtains made with extra strong insertions that look exceptionally well and will give long service. Be sure and get at least one pair of these curtains today at $1.69. Curtain Shop, Seventh Floor. 15c Outings, Yd. 12y2c About 500 yards of our very best grade outings in short lengths three to seven yards long and 27. inches wide. A great variety of colorings and patterns to select from. Regular 15c ycf. quality today 12V2C- Second Floor, Fifth Street. .Tut Quality Stork or Portland Boys' ,$5.00 Juvenile Overcoats $2.95 Good, warm little overcoats for the youngsters, suitable to finish out the Winter. Fabrics are gray chinchilla, gray mixtures and blue and brown cheviots. Some have half belt and a few have belt all around, while many are pinch-backs. All are made with self-collars and are fully lined throughout. In the face of rising market condi tions this is surely a wonderful coat. All sizes from 2y to 8 years. Today only $2.95. Boys" Clothing Shop, Third Floor. Double Savings Tuesday Will Establish a New High Record in Our White Sale and Sale of Remnants and Odds & Ends Sale French Hand Embroidered and Silk Underwear This sale brings you the kind of French underwear that discriminating women want. Every piece is cut over an American pattern cut full and wide and beau tifully hand embroidered. All are fresh and new and recently received. At these special prices: $ 3.00 Values, at S2.47 $ 3.50 Values, at S2.89 $ 4.00 Values, at S3.18 $ 5.00 Values, at S3.98 $ 6.50 Values, at S4.75 $ 7.50 Values, at $5.75 $ 9.00 Values, at $6.98 $10.00 Values, at $7.25 CREPE DE CHINE LINGERIE REDUCED Gowns, petticoats, envelope chemise, camisoles, etc., of fine crepe de chine at splendid reductions. $4.50-$6.50 Envelope Chemise, priced now at $3.95 $5.00-$6.50 Gowns $3.95 $7.00-58.50 Envelope Chemise. priced now at $5.98 $7.00-$10 Gowns.. $5.98 $6.50 SILK PETTICOATS AT $4.50 Fine quality changeable silk taffeta petticoats. Made with fancy ruffles and in tailored effects. Some with fancy knife-pleated ruffles on large flounces. All the popular colors. Special at $4.50. Third Floor, Sixth Street Cleanup Odds & Ends of Laces Short lengths and some whole pieces of various laces and embroideries re duced for quick clearaway. VENISE AND FILET LACES White and cream lace bands for blouse trimmings, many in exact patterns of the "real" laces. In widths from three quarters to four inches. 25c Values, yd., 15 45c-50c Values 25d 75c-85c Values 49d, 20c-25c EMBROIDERY, YD 15c Cambric and nainsook insertions and edges, many in matched sets. Widths from three-quarters to three inches, special, at yard, 15c. REAL TORCHON, FILET and CLUNY Laces in edges and insertions widths from three-quarters to two inches special at one-fourth to one third off ! Main Floor, Fifth Street All Children's Muslin Underwear Reduced Today Every piece of muslin underwear for children in our large and well-chosen stocks reduced. ' t The materials are good qualities of cambric, Iongcloth and nainsook. The styles are both plain and fancy. Domestic and foreign hand-made gar ments are included. Sizes range from 2 to 16 years. Note these special prices: Princess Slips, Special at $1.23. $1.98, $2.25 and $3.55. . Petticoats, Special at 59c, 79c, $1.23 and $2.25. Envelope Chemise, 89c, $1.15 and $1.35. Combination Suits, Special at 79c and $1.25. Drawers, Special at 11c, 49c, 79c, 89c. Gowns, Special at 29c, 49c, 79c, $1.59 and $2.39. Fine Lingerie Dresses Reduced Dainty white lingerie dresses made of lawns, batiste, organdy and voile in pretty French styles and trimmed in laces, tucks and ribbons. Sizes 2 to 6 years. Regularly $1.50. $2.98, $3.18, $5.95, $8.95 Special at 9Sc, $2.38, $2.75, $4.78, $7.20 Children's 59c Flannelette Gowns sizes 4 to 14 Special at 49c Gins- shop, second Floor. Men's $1 Warm Union Suits 79c Heavy-weight cotton ribbed union suits at this good saving today. Soft, warm, perfect fitting garments. Well finished. Long sleeves, ankle length style. Ecru color. Sizes 34 to 46. EXTRA! New Shipment PCloth Hats $1.50 Smart new tweed hats to suit every taste, a wonderful assortment of colors and patterns to choose from. Rich mix tures and overchecks of green, brown and gray. Also the popular solid green. Extra large sizes for ladies' wear. Very special at $1.50. Main Floor uL .Ob..' All Our $42.50 to $48.50 Suits, Special at $24.85 - i I, ABOUT 75 SUITS ALL, TOLD Suits for women and misses and an unusual op portunity to choose from these exceedingly smart styles at great savings! Every Winter model in the house selling ordinar ily from $42.50 to $48.50 has been included, in this sale. The materials are Broadcloth, Velour, Serge and Gabardine The colors are brown, navy, green and black. Many have large fur collars, others are quite plain. Semi and loose fitting styles are here on smartest lines. This is, indeed, the opportunity you have been waiting for to buy a handsome, new suit for late Winter and early Spring wear at good savings ! Tues day special at $24.85. Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor Women's 50c-65c 'Kerchiefs 35c Broken lines of women's fine initial handkerchiefs. Beautiful de signs in script, long and fancy initials. Most of these handkerchiefs are pure linen, others are of crepe de chine in novelty designs and many are of fine lawn with scalloped edges. Both pure white and col ored novelties. Three for 90c, or, each, 35c WOMEN'S 15c-20c HANDKERCHIEFS 8d Odds and ends of white and colored handkerchiefs with initials and embroid ered corners. Some crepes and linens in dark colors. On special sale Tuesday for quick disposaI--4 for 25c, or each 8c. Handkerchief Shop, Main floor. $23 to $25 Traveling Bags $19.25 Best grade black and tan traveling bags in cowhide, seal and walrus. Hand-sewed frames and corners, full leather linings, 17 and 18-inch sizes. $18 to $20 Traveling Bags $14.65 Ladies black traveling bags in calf, walrus and seal. Beautiful bags, made with leather or silk linings in 15, 16 and 17-inch sizes. Today $14.65. $8.50 Oregon City Indian Robe $6.35 Oregon City Indian robes made with whipped or felt edges. .Many patterns in a good assortment of absolutely f ast colors. Sizes 64x76. Today $6.35. Luggage Shop. Sixth Floor. A Big Disposal of Odds and Ends Fine x Included are handbags, toilet cases, garment hangers, camping outfits, humidors, "500" score cards, portfolios, shaving pads and many other items. In most cases only one piece of a kind. $3.25 to ?4.25 for $6.50 to $8.50 Bags' ; $1.38 to $2.50 for $2.75 to $5.00 Toilet Rolls ; 75c to $1.88 for $1.50 to $3.75 Garment Hangers ; $2 for $4 Brush Sets; 88c for $1.75 Portfolios; $1.25 to $1.75 for $2.50 to $3.50 Wooden Cigarette Hold ers; 50c to 75c for $1 to $1.50 Shaving Pads; $1.88 for $3.75 Address and Engagement Books. Leather Goods Shop, Main Floor. WOMEN'S 15c SEAMLESS Cotton Hose 12Hc Three pairs 35c. Good grade cot ton hose in black and white. Sizes 8 to 10. WOMEN'S 50c RIBBED Wool Hose 38c Two pairs 75c About 200 pairs medium-weight wool hose that will give a world of service. A splen did value at, pair, 38c. Hosiery Shop. Main Floor. $2.25 Sample Silk-Flounces Special $1.49 A sample line of adjustable taffeta and messaline silk petticoat flounces made ready to sew on. Large assort ment of styles in changeable and black colors. A regular good value at $2.25, special at $1.49. Second Floor, Fifth Street. Inside Ribbon Belting at Yi Splendid quality of ribbon belting in black and white. An opportunity that dressmakers and homesewers cannot afford to miss with sewing days so close at hand. The quantity is limited. 20 c No. 9 Belting, l2 in. wide, at the yard 10d 25c No. 12 Belting, 2,8 in. wide, at. the yard 12 Vzd 50c No. 22 Belting, 3 in. wide, 25d 40c No. 16 Belting, 2'2 in. wide, at the yard 4 20 & 75c No. 50 Belting, 4 inches wide, the yard ST'zd Ribbon Shop, Main Floor Household & Cook Books Economizer Household Ac- How to Live (Fisher & count Book, 50. Fiske), $1.00. True Food Values (Birge), Boston Cooking School Cook 50. Book, $1.80. Small Family Cook Book Marian Harland Cook Book, (Davenport), 30(. epecial, 39. Diet for Children (Hogan), Why Be Fat? (Sommerville), 75. 80. Book Shop, Basement Balcony. - One-Day Sale Needlework Practical bits of needlework that will make your home the more charming at very little expenditure of money. All are on good materials, stamped in pretty designs. 75c PILLOW CASES, PAIR 59 Lovely pillow cases, stamped to embroider on "Daylight" pillow tubing in a variety of pretty designs. Tuesday, pair only 59c LUNCHEON SETS 29d ,PILLOW TOPS 25 14-piece luncheon sets, stamped to A group of pillow tops and embroider on white linene in pretty scarfs, stamped to embroider on cross-stitch designs, with edges poplin, needleweave and denim. A stamped for scalloping, j large group of odds and ends. Art Needlework Shop, Second Floor. $2 GOLD FILLED Jewelry 98c Hundreds of odd pieces and ah entire sample line of gold-filled jewelry grouped together for this Tuesday sale. In the group you will find brooches, lavallieres, pins, etc., many of them set with pretty stones. Many artistic pieces that look like solid geld and will wear much better. Tuesday only 98c. Jewelry SI op. Main Floor Wild Ilose Ham Pound 20c Medium Weight Butter, Royal Banquet, freshly chnmed in our own modern sanitary churn, 2- OQ pound roll OOL Raisins, Thompson's bleached seed- "J less, finest quality, pound ,.i t Figs, new crop California layer, reg- fT ular 10c size, 10-oz. package I 1 Coffee, Tea Room blend, freshly QPTV roasted, 40c grade, pound..... OJL Lobsters, Red Ribbon, guaranteed QH new pack, No. cans 3o, V cans OUU Peanut Butter, strictly pure, none "I t delivered, pound J-i-L Currants, Monopole brand, new 1 Q- stock, large package Pineapple, broken slices, new pack, " " No. 2 cans, doz. $1.25, can J-XU Cottolene, perfect shortening, me- 7fT dium size cans J Quaker Oats, fresh shipment just received, package..". Quaker Corn Flakes, guaranteed , fj t n JLOc fresh stock, package s2' Lard. Swift's Silver Leaf, large r O size $2.05, medium $1.03, nall..UUU Catsup, -Blue Label, large-size bot- "1 tie, dozen $2.20, bottle AC Soap, Royal White, one of the best, QQn UiO Ninth Floor, Fifth Street. 10 bars for. j ouuTt. " 1 Newest Styles in Women's Wirthmor Waists $ 1 Four new models in women's pretty Wirthmor Waists just received and just unpacked. When you buy one of these splendid waists you have the assur ance of getting a new, modish, wanted style and not one designed for sale many months earlier. As always, $1 ; as always, worth more. Here exclusively in Portland. Waist Shop, Fourth Floor MEN! Suits and Overcoats $24.85 NEARLY ALL, ARE $35.00 VALUES A big lot of $35 suits and overcoats and some $30 values not a garment is priced regularly at less than $30 all taken from our regular stocks. Hand-tailored clothes of famous makes in good Winter weights. All styles in a fine assortment of sizes. - Men's Clothing Shop. Third Floor. A I ! 1 5 X 4 3 A 3