Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 12, 1917, Page 9, Image 9

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0 G
King Yam and Queen Yama
Informally Reign Over
. 1 50 Loyal Subjects.
residency of Organization Settled
by Boxing Contest Between AV.
D. "WMteomb, Retiring Head,
and S. C. Bratton, New Chief.
engaga In general commercial practice
about March 1, with offices in the Mor
gan building.
Mr. Teiser has been attorney for the
Merchants' Protective Association for
the past five years. He is a graduate
of the University of Virginia, and prac
ticed commercial law in Norfolk, Va.,
for five years prior to coming to
Mr. Smith has been connected with
the credit department of Fleischner
Mayer &. Co. for the past 10 years, and
has had charge of the office as chief
credit man since 1911. He is a gradu
ate of the University of Oregon Law
School and was admitted to practice
in 1909.
Charles Hussey, who has been acting
as traveling credit man for Flelschner
Mayer & Co. fbr the last two years, will
succeed Mr. finilth as head of the department.
iClng Tarn and Queen Tama reigned
at the ' Benson Hotel last night; but
not after the fashion of formal digni
fied royalty, for about 150 of these
"Yams" and "Tamases" who attended
the Ad Club high jinks made such a
thing impossible. Besides, the demo
cratic instincts of "Bill" Strandborg
and the democratic principles of S. C.
Bratton. J. L. Duffy and R. H. Atkin
son would forestall anything regal.
The result was that staid formality
took a night off and perfect abandon
and rhythmic ease took its place. There
was a touch of Bohemianism. The at
mosphere was surcharged with a spirit
of goodfellowship. The entire pro
gramme with its varied entertainment
brought about exactly what was ex
pected a delightfully good time.
Presidency T7i to Boxen.
After an hour of dancing. W. P.
Btrandborg took charge of affairs, an
nouncing that the next feature would
be the installation of officers. John T.
Dougall was introduced as the "Lord
High Executioner and Lord High In
cubator." Each of the retiring direc
tors was asked if he had any excuse
for living and was rapped on the head
with a pink stocking filled with ex
celsior, then dragged away by two
busky bailiffs, George L. Baker and
Frank M. Case.
The orchestra played a dirge and
Coroner Dammasch was asked to give
the club Kpecial reduced rates on a
"Job lot of inquests over a first-class
bunch of ancient and useless stiffs."
The matter of presidency of the club
was settled in a rattling three-minute
boxing contest with real gloves be
tween Walter I. Whitcomb, retiring
president, and Sam C. Bratton, the new
president. The new president obtained
a knockout (by request).
Policies Not Outlined.
After the new board had been Intro
duced and President Bratton refused
to outline "My policies," ex-President
Whitcomb was restored to life and pre
sented with a. life membership in the
club. Charles F. Berg, cx-president,
making the presentation speech.
The retiring board was: Walter D.
Whitcomb, president; E. S. Higgins,
first vice-president; S. C. Bratton, sec
ond vice-president; J. L. Duffy, secre
tary: R. H. Atkinson. L. R. Bailey. H.
J. Blaesing, M. Mosessohn, Miles Stand
ish. W. P. Strandborg, Hartridge
Whipp, directors.
The new board is as follows: S. C.
Bratton. president; J. L. Duffy, first
vice-president; R. H. Atkinson, second
ice-president; S. W. Mills, secretary;
Percy Arlett, Roy O. Burnett. D. C.
Freeman, M. E. Lee, J. M. McLoughltn.
Hoy D. Stone. Dr. S. E Wright, di
rectors. Following the Installation and "In
cubating" ceremonies, dancing was re
sumed. Special entertainment features
consisted of moving pictures, music,
vaudeville and other stunts. Late in
the evening a buffet luncheon was
The "Tama Tama" garb of the
dancers of varied hues and designs
produced a pretty effect.
With Well-Known Writer of Playlets
Will Be Blanche Dayne Produc
tion Is New One.
William M. Cressy and Blanche
Dayne, one of the most popular couples
in big-time vaudeville, after an ab
sence of two years, will return to Port
land next Sunday. They are Joint
Lecture on Christian Science
Largely Attended.
Ve Got the Goods
A great big stock of merchant tailor's woolens which I
bought before the price advance. I am still making for
Creasy a:
nd Dayne, Who Will
Orpheum Next Week.
Be at
headltners of the new Orpheum show
to begin a lour days' engagement
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Cressy is the most prolific author
of playlets in the world. He has writ
ten 142 sketches, all successful, and in
one season 86 of these were being pre
sented In vaudeville theaters in the
United States.
The vehicle of Cressy & Dayne this
season is a brand-new production. It
is called "A City -Case," and built so
that Cressy appears as a squire similar
to his character in "A Village Lawyer,
"BUI Biffins' Baby" and "The New
Depot," and Miss Dayne is Genevieve
Montmorency, like her characterization
in the Cressy classis, "Town Hall To
Cressy and Dayne specialize in the
portrayal of New England characters,
the prolific author reserving all stories
of that sort for his own use, and pro
viding other themes in writing sketches
for fellow artists.
So continuous is the playing contract
pos-essed by Cressy and Dayne that
they are regarded as a fixture in
Orpheum vaudeville. They traverse the
circuit every season in a new venicio
and they are always tho laughter hit
of any show of which they are part.
As a rule, their comedy is of the home
town variety and their characters are
draws -so keenly that everyone sees
In them a type found in every vmage.
Charles Ellis Goes to See Prisoner
and He, Too, Is Imprisoned.
Charles Ellis, clerk In the Panama
Cafe, Third and Alder streets, went to
police headquarters yesterday to see
Jesse Murphy, another clerk in the
name cafe, who had been arrested on a
charge of violating the prohibition law,
and was arrested on a charge of solicit
ing orders for liquor.
Detectives had been looking for Ellis
with a warrant for several days. Ellis
Is said by the police to have given in
formation resulting in Murphy's arrest.
To Anoear Before Legislative Com
mittee In Behalf of State Force
Is Object of Visit.
Healing and Redemption Work of
Science Held to Afford Proof
That Results Are Not Frag
mentary or Haphazard.
A largo and attentive audience heard
the free public lecture on Christian
Science, delivered in the edifice of
First Church of Christ, Scientist. Nine
teenth and "Everett streets, last night,
by William W. Porter, C. S. B.. member
of the board of lectureship of the
Mother Church, the First Church of
Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass.
The lecture will bo repeated at the
same place this evening at 8 o'clock.
The public is cordially invited to at
Mr. Porter said in part: '
"That it is the undoubted right and
privilege of every person to know the
trilth is a proposition with which all
will readily agree. Therefore wo may
be assured in the outset that it is
right thing for us to be here seeking
to know the truth seeking to know
something of the healing truth involved
in Christian Science.
'It is not the purpose of the lecture
rudely to challenge or compel the re
linquishment of any cherished religious
principle, or the abandonment of any
sustaining or upholding ideal, opinion
or thought, which may have heretofore
been a source of comfort and help to
Will of God Held Good.
"It 6hould be universally recognized
and known that the will of God must
be good.
"There are hundreds of thousands or
men and women and children m ait
lands, who have learned and are learn
ing daily in Christian science inai
God's will is -must be good!
Whatever humanity has known or
believed concerning God in all ages
has determined the happiness, har
mony, health, peace, prosperity, prog
ress and development of humanity.
And right here is encountered a
fact the- significance of which may
never be forgotten- or lost sight of.
namely: That with the true idea of God
which Christ Jesus inculcated came his
many mighty works of healing and re
generation, as well as those of his
students and followers which continued
upwards of three centuries thereafter.
It would be impossible to conceive
of God except as all-wise, or infinite
mind; and as there is no place where
mind is not. God, who is all-wise, in
finite mind, is omnipresent, nence in
God Is Love, Is Declaration.
"In language Inspired and inspiring.
John, who fulfilled so wonderfully the
great trust reposed in him by the mas
ter this beloved disciple declares that
God is love. Love that is without be
ginning and without ending, 'the same
yesterday, and today, and forever,' as
defined and interpreted by principle
and truth.
How much humanity has needed to
know this God who is infinite love.
All of the teachings of Christ Jesus
point clearly not only to the propriety,
but to the imperative necessity for
gaining a true understanding of God,
and of truly understanding man's unity
with God.
"The healing and Tedemptlve works
of Christian Science afford proof to
thoughtful persons that the results In
question are not fragmentary or hap
hazard in their nature and occurrence;
but by reason of their magnitude, mul
tiplicity and permanence, they belong
to and are rightly ciassuiea as tne et
fect of law.
'The term law may be and is vari
ously defined, but in ita true and
highest meaning law may Be said to be
that which manifests or maues Known
the enduring stability of truth, the
perfect continuity of life, the tinchang-
JL8i? IWsil "imP 'UWs
,""""' Will
and Overcoats m
Tailored to Measure
Your money buys as much in my shop now as ever, so there's no need in pay
ing $20 or more for a suit "off the rack."
Clothes made as you want them in style, fit and every particular.
Coat fronts that will not break.
Finest of linings and trimmings. .
Labor of Portland's best tailors.
Courteous treatment.
Thorough satisfaction? "
There's nothing to prevent you from taking advantage of present prices and
reserving your Spring suit pattern for future delivery.
I Give
Portland's Leading
Ray Barkhurst
Sixth at Stark St,
N. E. Corner
ing unity or oneness of love in other I
words that which reflects or manifests
the authority or potency of all-inclusive,
creative mind, or God.
Mrs. Eddy Held Vindicated. '
"As early as the year 1866 the denial
of the substantiality of matter was
made by Mrs. Eddy, and today, B0 years
thereafter, physical science has an
nounced the practical disappearance of
any ultimate form or primal state
of matter cognizable to the physical
"Law which falls to ..maintain sta
bility is no longer law. '
"Therefore, turning away from that
which has proved its Insufficiency and
instability in the language and spirit
of the great apostle to the Gentiles:
forgetting those things which are De-
hind' we look elsewhere.
"When the sick man is healed in
Christian Science, something has taken
place. It cannot be said that that which
has destroyed a condition of discord
and sickness, and established a con
dition of health, harmony and happi
ness, is nothing. Effect implies cause.
Therefore, that which has destroyed
sickness and distress and established
health and harmony must be truly
substantial, must be the evidence -or
law of perfect creative mind, or God."
Dancing. Good Singing Arts,
Pretty Girls and Charming Fmrki
Make, Bill Pleasing.
Temperamental, ornery and wholly
independable is Felix, the philandering
fortune telling duck who or which
tops the entertaining new bill at the
. Felix is a real quack and an imita
tion quack at one and the same time.
He waddles on all done up in canvas
and proceeds to stage an Anna Eva Fay
stunt in telepathy that is received with
shrieks of mirth. .
The Van Der Koors, two alert chaps
ponsor Felix, in fact, one of the Van
Der Koors is Felix. Before his advent
on the scene the two boys present a
clever series of illusions and magic
tricks. One Van Der Koor executes a
trick and his brother exposes it. The
act abounds in comedy and is exceed
ingly novel.
A sensation Is sprung by the advent
of Bob. a boxing kangaroo who em
ploys the Jim Corbet tactics of being
a puncher and maintaining a gentle
manly demeanor at the same time. Bob
has three pals, a pretty little girl and
the Gordons, two athletic men. One of
them is Bob's sparring partner and the
other is his trainer. There's plenty of
fun in this act and it really proves a
A pretty young maid. Jean McElroy.
sings sweet melodies the while she
plays on a big golden harp. She has a
splendid knowledge of music and
touches the heart strings quickly. She
is good to look upon as well. Her
artistry Is greatly appreciated.
A pair of pleasant entertainers are
Arthur Du Mais, a natural, easy-going
comedian of the frock coat variety and
his slender Titian-tressed partner. Jewel
Floyd. Both have excellent singing
change and brilliant repartee. Miss
Floyd dresses smartly.
Two dancephiends are Powder, who
has explosive feet and Capman. who is
the fuse that sets both to sparking.
Their dance steps are clever, so, too.
Is their singing and fooling around.
The two Lowes are a pair of comedy
rope manipulators who chatter tho
while they spin the rope.
The Final Chapter" brings te itij
close the serial photo play "The Shield
ing Shadow." Beside this there is the
Pathe News series and a comedy film.
Douglas County Sportsmen Busy.
ROSEBUKC, Or.. Jan. 11. (Special.!
A bill having or its purpose the en
largement of the present North Ump
qua River hatchery and the establish
ment of a new plant here for the prop
agation of trout was drawn ii Rose
burg today and will be Introduced in
the Legislature som time next nerk.
The legislation was authorized by the
various sportsmen's leagues of Douglas
Bombs and mortars were invented in
voices and a line of new pttr ex- the year 1540.
Cove Officials Seated.
COVE, Or., Jan. 11. (Special.) City
officials were sworn in Tuesday night
as follows: Mayor, V. A. Galloway;
Councllraen, H. E. Blevlns, M. J. Duf
fey and R. J. Allen; treasurer. Hugh
McCall; Recorder. S. H. Weimer; Mar
shal. W. F. Breshears. The holdover
Councilmen are Charles H. Powell,
George Corp and Carl Peterson.
Strand Announces Special Matinee
for Wonien Saturday.
Owing to written requests and tele
phone calls that have come to the
Strand Theater for Princess Wall-Let-
Ka, the management 'has considered it
advisable to give a big special matinee,
for women only. Saturday morning
from 10 to 12 o'clock. Princess Wall-Let-Ka
is famous for her clairvoyant
At the special matinee any- woman
who desires may obtain a private in
terview with the seeress.
Sidney Teiser and L. li. Smith
Open Office About March 1.
Adjutant-General George A. "White
returned to Portland late last night
from Calexico, where he is in command
of Troop A. He came north for the
purpose of appearing before the ways
and means committee of the Legisla
ture in the interest of he National
When shown reports that a new state
military code had been prepared by
certain parties for the purpose of- elimi
nating him as Adjutant-General and
that he had brought with him a new
code of his own. General White merely
He said he had no code and had no
intention of nresenting one, that he did
not come here in his own interest but J
to aid in securing certain appropria
tions for the maintenance of the Na
tional Guard. He declined to discuss
militarv matters in detail until he has
gotten more closely in touch with tho
situation here.
"The state has cause to be proud
of the organizations it sent to tho bor
der," said General White. "I had the
opportunity of seeing the Third In-
fantrv and I have not since seen a I
regiment that is its equal. The cavalry
and artillery still on the border have
made splendid records for themselves."
General White expects to return to
the border within two weeks, or sooner.
if the business that brought him here
can be dispatched in a briefer interval.
A law partnership has been formed
by Sidney Teiser and L. B. Smith to
Ton who)
tire, easily;
fire pale, hag-
gard and
worn; nervous
o r irritable;
who are sub
ject to fits of
melancholy or
tji e "Dlues,"
get your blood
examined for
Iron defici
IRON taken!
iree times' a
. y after
lis will increase your strenct
ince zuu per cent-in U
many cases. Ferdlnnj
b9 obttlned
UM-antm of
Usually wear-
or monv n.
flve-vr!n tab
Progressive Business Men Nominate
and Hear Address.
Earl A. Clarke, a prominent Portland
realty man, yesterday was nominated I
as Dresident of the Progressive Busi
ness Men's Club. Other officers and 1
trustees nominated are: First vice-
president, Frank Hilton; second vice-
nresident, H. G. EfHnger; treasurer.
P. H. Kneeland, renominated; secre
tary. Harold C. Jones; trustees, is. F. I
Boynton, J. P. Jaeger, T. H. Sherrard.
C. H. Farrington, J. R. Tomlinson, F. T.
Richards. I. L. Riggs. Frank Upshaw,
Dr. George H. Wardner and Sidney C.
Judge Gantenbein was the speaker I
of the day yesterday, taking as his
topic the present Judicial system work
ing in Multnomah courts. John Mc-
Court was chairman of the day.
The Super-Malignant
Germ ,
This is the germ that kills ; that is so virile, so fuH
of malignant power that it baffles all the skill of medi
cal science. It is the bacillus that is fatal to human
life in tuberculosis, pneumonia, diphtheria and all
serious germ diseases.
For the principles of human life and germ life are
about the same, and the drug has not yet been dis
covered that will destroy all kinds of germs and yet
be harmless to the human body.
But you can kill the super-malignant germ and all
other kinds of germs, before they enter the system,
by using Lysol.
Make your home germ-proof the same way hos
pitals do: disinfect with Lysol. Then you will make
a better fight against disease than it can make against
you and yours.
Use Lysol in sinks, drains, cesspools, toilet and
bath to prevent your home from being invaded by
typhoid and other infections.
Use it in scrubbing water soap alone will not kill
malignant germs. Use it to disinfect dark, sunless .
. corners germs thrive in, such places.
Remember there is but one true
1 u
Universal Training Urged.
The need for universal military train
ing to stimulate a patriotism stultified
by a lack of individual responsibility
in the Nation's safety and to give this
country an adequate defense was urged
last night before 'a gathering of young
attorneys at the Benson Hotel by Edgar
B. Piper.
Mr. Piper reviewed the tactical mis
takes made during the Civil War by
volunteers who were lacking in or
ganization and said that many thou
sands of lives would have been spared
had universal military service been a
reality in thia country at that time.
u Disinfectant
and that is the product bottled, signed and sealed by
Lehn & Fink.- Buy only in original yellow package.
Tkree Sizes :
25c, 50c & $1.00
SeM Everywhere
Dircctisu Wit
. Etcst BettU
T T iT(Q) RC
a m K j Y.w- m m i '
ifp: i " , ,Z3
II vJe-' li
Health of body and health of
mind. How can you havo
either if you are handicapped
by constipation, by the failure
of the body's waste-disposing
This mechanism is delicate and
easily thrown oat of gear. Wor
ry, hurry, improper food and
Insufficient exercise cause con
stipation. Pill-taking only
makes a bad matter worse,
because laxative and cathartic
remedies, by weakening the,
natural processes of evacua
tion, tend to make constipation
Nujol is t entirely freo from
these objections. It acts in
effect as an internal lubricant
reventintf the contents of the
ntestinesirom becoming, hard,
end in this way facilitating
normal movements. .
Nujol is bottled at the refinery
and is . sold only in pint bottles
bearing the name Nujol and the Im
print of the Standard Oil Company
(New Jersey). Refuse substitutes
bo sure you get tho genuine. Writs
today for booklet. "The Rational
Treatment for Constipation."
BTomo New Jeriey