THE ZVIOnXIXG OREGOXIAX. FRIDAT, TTTTTRSDATe 12, 1917. 17 situations wantbd-mait:. M l'llncHu. iiOL'NG couple desire janitor work where they can take their two children, ages 7 weeks and d years. Rets. Call week days bet. 8:30 A. M. aud 5:0 I M. Main 7051, A 1517. JAPANESE, expert chauffeur, useful man, wants afternoon Job in Portland Heights; moderate wages, without found. AH xO, Oregonian. OFFICE manager, accountant: 20 years lum ber aud planing mill experience, good correspondent; open lor position. P 16, - Oregonian. - 21 AX, age 42. sober and reliable, just dis charged from Army, with excellent dis charge, would like Jbb as watchman, day or nisht. K 17. Oregonian. ill DDLS-AGED man, 15 years experience, wants camp cooking, 05 or $73 a. month; A-l refs Call week days bet. S:30 and 0:30 T. M. Main 7051, A 1517. SALESMEN, acquainted with Eastern In terior Oregon; sell anything. ti lii. Ore gonian. A-l FURNITURE man wants position sales man or warehouse; reasonable salary if ohance for advancement. A 11, Oregonian. MARRIED man wants janitor work. Call week dava bet. 8:30 A. M. and 5:o0 P. M. Main 7001. A 1517. i LISTEN. BUSINESS MEN, I must have a situation; ago 2;i. eager to climb, willing to work. Wh a t have you? X 15. Oregonian. MAN wants light work, any kind, anywhere. any wage. Henry Jarvls, Men's Resort, 4th and Burnslde. LANDSCAPE eardener. Harden and house work; reference Al. Phone Marshall 4464! Georgo Schmidt. PRACTICAL painter, tinter. Reduced prices .10 days. Rooming-houses specialty. Sell wood 2772. A-l ARM HAND wants position; am wili ln r to milk; good hand with horses. Val ley farms preferred. H 6, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAtK. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. 1'OUNG lady, experienced bookkeeper, wants position; best references. AO' 17, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires all or half day position. Marshall 481. Dressmakers. WOMAN wants sewing by the day In fam ily. Work by day or hour. Epecialy good at alterations and making over clothing. Call week days bet. 8:30 A. M. and 0:30 P. M. Main 7051, A 1517. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable, home or day. Main 151.3, Llnntou. BABIES' wardrobes, layettes supplied garments made to order. Marshall S722 HW six hours for $1. m orni n gs Phone East 5650, Norses. MRSE, experienced, general or chronic rases, also feeble, elderly; reasona Die- Main 1153. EXPERIENCED nurse desires cases or po sition In sanitarium; good references. Sell wood 1223. Housekeeper. WANTED Position as housekeeper In or near city by widow with boy of 4. AR 007. Oregonian. Domestics, COMPETENT girl wants cooking and light housework. Address F 10, Oregonian. "WOMAN wants day work. Apt. 57. Phone East 212, COMPETENT woman wants day work; ref erences. Wdl 44 OS. Miscellaneous. COMPETENT woman can look after your business, attend collections, handle solicit ors; 1 1 years experience; reliable.. AK 1 1. Oregonian. ffHUSTWORTHT woman, experienced In feitwork and care of children, desires position; references; not under $251 L 14, Oregonian. HOOD, reliable, Washington High School girl would like a place as companion or to care for one child for room and board; references exchanged. Tabor 5031. li'OUNO woman wjth knowledse of short hand wants office work or clerking ; will work for small nalary to begin. M. R 454 Alder. Main 233d. 1'OUN'G woman with knowledge of short hand wants office work or clerking; will work for small salary to bepin. Main 3154. WOMAN wants day work. Ref. 25c an hour Call week days bet. 8:30 A, M, and 5:80 P. M. Main 7051. A 1517. ' WANTED Laundry work to do it home. Mrs, Helen Gladden.M.aln 1083. HOUSE cleaning and washing by the day or hour, 25c an hour. Tabor 7932. YOUNG lady wants position in private ex- change. Call E. 4451. DAY WORK wanted by a Urst-class laun dress. Main 5584. YOUNG woman wants evening work, any kind. M 12, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work or by the hour. Main 2S2G. , LADY wants chamber work. 510 East lbth. WOMAN wants day work,, Phone Tabor 2834. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Small shop. $10 month. Robert Gen. Del., Portland. Houses. WOULD like to rent house on West Side; win pay suu-x-TU per month. East 1645. Apartments. x OR. ik-r. apt. south of Morrison, east of j-tn; mugt oe mooern. btowe, Courthouse. Rooms. WOMAN wants two unfurnished rooms or small cottage, respectable place. Sollwood 1. WANTED To rent furnished housekeeping room, near .ttyoee ave. and tell wood car, L -13. Oregonian. WAITED One or two plasa-ht H. ly. rooms ii.u laxniiy, near First Church. Tel. Mainl020, ask for room 333. Rooms With Bosra. lOUNG man attending school will work for ooarq ana room. "Fhone Bdwy 423. FOR RENT. FirVnished Rooms. STANDISH HOTEL, MS Washington st.. corner 17th. Hot and cold water; steam-heated rooms. $1.50 per week; $6 per mo. and up. 3JAKE THE BUSHMARK VOITR WOMK Good, large, clean, modern rooms, steam heat; walking distance, $1.50 a week; $tf a niontn ana up. tmo 4j Washington st. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison st. at 10th, KATts sue day up. Weekly $2 up. Running water. Free phone and baths. NICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance; both phones, reasonable. 402 Va Sd si. i ne unrrenion. jvisin I i f 1. $S MO. UP; clean, attractive modern rooms. central location; r airrieia. I4ta ana Wash ingion sts. MOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th at. Strictly modern; private bathe en suite; room $9 up. Mam 42. A 47&3. FORD HOTEL, private bath, phone, $14 up; without bath, $10 up. 733 Washington st. HOTEL NORRIS. 533 U Alder. Strictly mod ern. $1 50. $2 and $2.50 a week. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. 20th and Wash. Warm, modern room $2 week up. HIGHLAND CQUBT, front, single room $10 per month. Marshall 3181. tWOERSfUiD ASEEVtf4H'S "DOiaI ' ftR HIM SiXCt HS Copyritht 1916. by N.wtptper Ftur Service. Inc. Great Britain FOR BENT. Furninbed Kooms. HOTEL RAMAPO, 14th aud Wanhlt.gton St. A moderate-priced hotel, wltti first class service, with all comforts and con veniences of the high-priced hotels, at lower rates; rooms w ith and without pri vate baths from 7oc to $2 per day; wetkiy rates f& and up. ELTON COURT HOTEL, YAMHILL, AT 11TH. Fronting Public library ; uptown busi ness district, but away from noise of traf fic; running water or bath In every room; private phones; elevator; $3 to- 4 Per week. Main ANSONIA HOTEL, 124 14th su, cor. Washington st. Fireproof, un-to-date hotel, - large at tractive rooms. Individual telephone, con tinuous heat and hot water service; 3 per week up; 50c to $1.50 per day. HOTEL LIL-MER. under new management; Mrs Lillian Merry; transient trade so licited, rates reasonable ; hot and cold water in every room, 27u 6 Fourth st., cor. Jefferson, opposite city Hail. Phone Mar shall 6355. HOTEL BLACKSTONE, Eleventh and Stark sts., brick bunding, elevator service, telephone hot and cold water in rooms; 5uc to $1.60 per day. Spe clal rates by the week. HOTEL CONRADINE. lOth St., at Oak Desirable downtown -o-cation; respectable and strictljt- modern; fireproof building; elevator and large lob by ; rooms $3 per week up. Furnished Rooms in 1'rtvate Family. NICE room in beautiful home; running wa- ter. shower bath. 655 Everett st. NICE bay window room. The Dezendorf, 208 lOt-h. st. Mar. 128. 440 TAYLOR. ST., near 12th Comfortable room, well heated close in, reasonable. Rooms With Board. WEAVER HOTEL, 708-10 Washington Street. Phone Marshall 5170. BOARD AND ROOM. Private bath and telephone In every room. Prices reasonable. Excellent heat. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson St. An excellent residential hotel; attract e ratea to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main A 668. ALEXANDRA COURT, 53 Ella St. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 0J11. Marshall 170. THE STRYKER, 554 Couch; family hotel, rooms single or en suite; reasonable rates. Koom With Board in Private Family. ROOM for 2 with excellent board tn mod ern apt., 10 to 15 minutes on Mississippi car. Woodlawn 1722. FIRST-CLASS room and board in private - home. 106 N. 21st. Main 4220. WILL give best of care to invalids and children In my home very reasonable; references. Tabor 7340. WIDOW lady with grown daughters weuld like 2 or 3 gentlemen to room and board with all home conveniences. Tabor GO 12. ROOM AND BOARD, 333 10ta SU 697 1. Home comforts PLEASANT room, with board: modern ac commodations. G81 tillsan. Marshall 1248. FurnihHed Apartments. A HOUSE THAT Ici quiet, refined, . clean, safe. THE WHEALOON ANN3X popular. 10th and Salmon. Sts. well known, of highest standing. A heuse of quality, comfort and service. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's tore ; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and S-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Gardens la Connection. Walking .distance. References. PENROSE APARTMENTS. W. corner Belmont and firand are. New, completely furnished 2 and 3-room apis. froiia brick building; white enam eled interior; lar e -kitchens; service) first class; walking distance. LINCOLN APARTMENTS. 4TH AND LINCOLN. S-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APT3. $16 TO $25. WALKING DISTANCE-. GARAGE CONVENIENT. BOZAKTA APARTMENTS. 189 N. 23d Un aer new management; everything up to date, completely furnished, private phone ana oain; ju, f'Z up. Marshall 2tM5. THE TiEZEXnORTT. 208 16th st.. near Taylor. Marshall 2316, Exceptionally nice 8, 4 and 3-room a pis. ah outsme rooms. line view, close in. MADISON PARK: A PTS., Park at Madison. Motion 2. 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, close In, by week or month. WASHINGTON GRAND, 2 and 3-rm. apis.. siu up; heat, light, tath; oiean, respect able. 01 Grand ave., cor. Washington. THE CHELTENHAM Beautifully furnished , 3 and 4-room apartments; lowest rates in city. Corner N. 19th and Northrup sts. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly moern o, 4-room lurnianea ana uniurmsnea, $18 up. V" car to Northrup, Mar. 227. ARGYUE APTS.. 341 14th; nicely furnished. clean, airy 2-room apts.; private bath, phone; $10 up, new management. NEW furnished apts.; concrete Mock; $10 and $12. 116 Union ave. N. Wdin. 512. 1, 2" ROOMS, bath, steam hat, phone, gas, lifht: $3 up. New Hirt. 170V4 2d H. APARTMENTS, modern, housekeeping. 413 asn. st. notei jich arianu. Vnfurnltohedl Apartments. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished S-room apart ment, with all modern conveniences, in cluding sleeping porch, telephone, gas, electric lights, etc. ; newly carpeted, ren ovated, reduced rental Phones Main 4376, A-1301. IRVINO APARTMENTS. Four rooms, unfurnished, all outside rooms, veranda, laundry, garage, good service, low rates to permanent tenants, references required, 6b9 Irving st. - Phone Marshall 2"4S. CHAPMAN APTS. 2 rooms with bath and dressing-room: fine outside rooms; phone, beat, rent $17 to $18; walking distance. 353 Chapman sC. near Multnomah Club. . TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. 18th and Couch st Marshall 2559. Mod ern new building. 2 3, 4-room unfurnished apartments, with, shower baths and every convenience; DOUGLAS COURT. 423 W. Park, now open; new 2 and 3 room, Tiardwood floors, mahogany finish; first-class service: all light apts 6-ROOM APT., with sleeping porch. Mawr, 185 E- 15th St.; $30. Bryn THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders. Large, light, 5, 6 rm. reas. M.7516. A2676 SIX rooms, sleeping-porch, all outside rooms; references. 7 SO Irving. Marshall 1 758. THE AMERICAN, 21 st and Johnson 3, 4, 5 rooms, reasonable. Marshall 33;0. THE ORMONDE 5 rooms, all outside mod ern; 6.r.Q Flanders. Nob Hill. Main 825L $22.50 LOVELY, large 4-r. fTon t a p L ; wX: k -ing distance. Wellington Court, 621 Everett Yaw's) rHT.ftWTl 1 1 . 1 j -f 1 in- J - ' 1 -1 ,-i.-a w 1 'i 1 FOR RENT. Furolbcd or Unfnrnished Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. ISO Vista ave., near 23d and Washing ton: large, attractive, sunny outside rooms; pricate balconies, modern, supe rior service, unsurpassed view, walking distance. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2. 3 and 4 room; rates moderate; good service, apex ctal arrangements for permanent tenants. Phone Marshall 2901 and 2'J4. Walking distance, 21st and Irving. WELLES LEY COURT. MELCLIFFE COURT. REX ARMS. SunnysJde carline. close In: 2 room ; desirable and reasonable. and 3- TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, THE HOUSE OF TONE, 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. THE BEUNA VISTA. 12th and Harrison Strictly modern ; all outside apartments; Ideal location, references. Phone Main HUM and 1052. LL'CRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. Hlirh-class, perfect In aH details. Lncretia st. Marshall 1513, A S3T. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 270 3. Broau way ; one furnished or unfurnished front 4 -room apartment. Phone Main 2500. $18.50, including water, modern 5 -room up per; Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, etc. E. 19th st. N., cor. Davis. Wdln. 4373. $10 A MONTH 1 rooms, desirable location, clone to school and carline. Ogden, 107 Shaver. Wood lawn 202. MODERN flat, 6 outside. rooms, corner 16th and Everett sts. FLAT of six rooms and bath; 731 Hoyt st. Inquire ISO th. Phone Main 0278. . MODERN 4-room flat, reasonable, near 23d and "Vashtneton sts Main S0;S. 5 ROOMS, sleeping porch, heated by Central Heating Co., T; Kearney; rent reasonaoie MODERN 4-room flat; porch, range, garage. 569 Market. wood. g&4 MODERN 0-room fiat, every convenience, $15. West Side. 62 Love Joy. MODERN 9-roon tiper flat 427 Clay U, near llfh. EiUt 8. FurniJned I Tata, STRICTLY mod. upper 6-roon fur. flat, cor ner Water and Glbbs, near steel and ship building plant. Take 'S" car south. Apply So5 Water tt. Main 151L m NICELY furnished 3 rooms, disappearing bed. -sleeping porch, heat, hot water, gar bage removal, walking distance, 3 car lines, cheap rent. 427 Rodney ave. $10 3 ROOMS, new, modern, clean, com pletely furnished. 074 M i 1 1. M am 644 7. FIVE rooms, neatly furnished, on carline, $14. Tabor 3118. FIVE rooms, well furnished, $25. References. Marshall 6168. Housekeeping Roonaw. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur nished., steam heat, runnmr not ana cota water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts., $14 up. 231 Columbia st., near 5th. NICELY furnished housekeeping suit. walking disa-nce. toth phones; $2 pel week and up; newly renovated. Mala 7771. The Warrenton. 402 a 8d st. MAKE the Bushmark your home; completely furnished housekeeping rooms, i we-mJ, Including- gas, elect'y, heat. 5G5V- Wasn. 41 E. MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts., reasonable. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. LARGE room. completely furnished, quiet and homey, 200 12th. line location; no children. V CHILDREN WELCOME. Furnished or unfurnished rooms very renecnable. Main 73G4. 4u5 W, Park. CHILDREN WELCOME. 3 housekeeping rooms, heat and light furnbshed, $10. 405 west ParK. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, steam heat, laundry, $1.1:3 ana wee. n uiu, near Alder. 105 liOTH. cor. Flanders; neatly furnished housekeeping rooms. NICELY turnihed h. k. room, modern con veniences; walking distance. 'oOiFlandsrs. THREE furnished housekeeping room 204 Eugene st. NICE front room and kitchenette, complete housekeeping, ?2.23 week. 221 13th at. $1 W'KEK Clean. Quiet, close, in ; grounds, phone. 90 E. 8th. TWO 4!oy rKms $2.50 weekly; single rooms $2; gas Included. 655 Flanders st. Houses, ATTRACTIVE Alameda home, corner, fine yard. 7 rooms and sleeping porch: strictly modem: neighborhood unsurpassed ; low rent for desirable tenant : lease if de sired. Broadway cor. 094 Lryre ave. Key across street. D. G. Wilson, Main 5)U2. FOR RENT Coey 5-room bungalow, large lot, chicken-houses and ganage, on 82d st., bet. Estacada and Mt. Scott carline s, $U. H. C. THOMPSON. Morgan bldg. Main 2035. G-ROOM strictly modern bungalow, nice yard, fine neignDornooa, nose fity ran. Rent $18. Six-room bungalow, bath, gas and electricity; full lot, nice laws ; 3 blocks from Union ave., J 12. 00. 503 Ger linger bldg. Hi UKK& FOR RENT. 10-room house at 1104 Patton ave. for .$13: 7-room house, sleeping porch and garage, "at 300 E. 9th St., for $2u; 4-foom house : 360 E. 34th st. for $7; keys 1334 V. W. V a n k Md g. Ph one Main 37T. FREE STORAGE- Household goods stored ' free; expert movers packers and shippers. Manning Warehouse fc Transfer Co., Uth and Hoyt sts. Broadway 703. 6-ROOM modern house, oak floors, furnace. $17.60. Owner, cor. Clinton and Kenilwortn ave. Tabor iuiy. KOKw: CITY PARK BUNGALOW C room modern in every way. S. D. Vincent A Co. Both phones. &-ROOM house, hardwood f.oors, hot water heat, garage, corner, nice lawn. Main 1063, Main 5497. COMFORTABLE 6-room home, small yard hot water, furnace. West Side. 310 Mar ket. Main 4510. irviGTOX 2 desirable modern home garage; moderate rent. Neuhausen & Co. Main 8078. NICE ti-room house on West Park st.; rea sonable rent to adults. Main 19o5. MoDERN 7-room house. 245 2:,d St., near Marsh all. 'Phone Marshall 1 0 1 9. T ROOMS 205 Cook ave.. near Williams g u a. electricity, bath. East 123. 8-ROOM modern house. 712 Lovejoy. 22d. Inquire 130 6th St. Main 62 near 7S. FOR r.ENT Irvington. 7-room house at 637 E. Hth st. N. 618 Pittock block. 672 E. OAK ST.. 5 Phone East 776. rooms, modern, clean. MODE RN . cottage, well located, cheap, by owner. Main 66. 7-ROOM house, 768 Hoyt street two bath' rooms; rent reasonaoie. mum oi.i. 6-ROOM house, gas, electricity; walking dis tance. tj'Ji cverett st. rnqne caci o. 8-ROOM house and garagt, best rart of Lau relhurst Add.; rent iso, TaDor-bi;. 6-ROOM modern hoiw. 10 mlnutea' walk Union depot. 180 Halsey st. kt RirTI.Y modern Lau relhurst home, nea car. No. 116 Laddlngton Court. Tabor 3284 7-ROOM house. $13, with or without garag woodlawn 1 t-i. f MODERN C-room house, near 22d st. Main 2028. 710 Johnson et. crRET rijht r.serrcd. Refi.t'd in U. S. Pat OiTr-. PA'S BEFEXSE CA.VXOT.DE PE'ETBATED BY CXIKF 7:30 o'clock Saturday evening and 8:30 o'clock other evenings is the closing hour for accepting Classified Ads, for proper classi fication for the next day's issue. Classified Advertisements ac cepted after these hours .will be run under the heading "TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY" .-FOR RENT. Houses. 6-ROOM modern house, garage, room for two auto 2 blocks to Union avenue, on paved street. Su8 E 6th fit. N. Rent $L7.5o. Phono Woodlawn 1610. Furnished Hoowra. G-ROOM cottage, bath, gas and electric. full lots, fine place to raise chickens; block from Irvington car. 14c ut $16. Key at 580 Skidmore at. WELL furnished modern 4-room cottage, all white enameled, nice yard, close in. Hawthorne district. Phone Marshall 4239. MODERN 4-room cottage, furnished; fruit trees. pavi street, near car. Sell. 2051. S-ROOM furnished house $8 month. 10US &. 2bth X. Alberta oar. ' FOR RENT Furniehed bouse. closiAHn, reas onable. Main 362. Stores. FOR RENT A grocery store, all ftxturea in -It. counters, shelving, rash reglmer and scales, with living-rooms, in good brick building, for $14 month and first ' weeks free rent. M'7 Williams ave. Tabor 7756. FOR RENT Store on Morrison st-. between Cth and 6th; '20 feet front by 2Hh feet deep; long lease. Apply Sherman, Clay Ac Co. " Offices. DOCTOR wanted, with personality, to share office with established dentist, heart of Sellwood; rent $10. S49 Ttcoma ave. Sell wood 140. PRIVATE office and reception-room. $15; furnished private office, $10; eh are fine office. $7.30. Sou Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. ' UttUFL'RMSHED private office; also denk room. $ and $7. 73 num. of com. r KK'KS $7 up: furnished offices, desk room, reasonable. 303 Bwetland bldg. PRIVATE office. reception room. phone. L. K. Moore, 31T Hoard or Traae. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. HOTEL MEN. READ THIS. One of most prosperous hotels in capital vr?Itv for sale; will soil tirODertv or furni ture and leaoe. For particulars address Kay View Hotel, uiympia. wasn. OFFICE business, partner wanted to meet customers, tend phono, etc.; win te some outsme work; a una cnance tor man willing to work ; small investment xc quireu. uan 24a btarx st. ir.(t( roXfPPTmxWHY and cicar store. locatea at tne nest transfer point on me East Side; good place and doing good business 11 hearth reason for selling. A. J. De Forest. 207 Board of Trade bid;?. FOR SALE First-class confectionery and cigar tore, nest location; otner proritanie side lines: will teach buyer how to make candy. For further Information address AV 397, Oregonian. PARTNER for best manufacturing business tn Portland; more money neeoreu. to nanaia my business In right way; an interview with mc will convince you that I have good offer. Phone Main 1912. FOR PALE Grocery and confectionery, with llvinar rooms above: dolnsr $1000 busi ness a month; must eell on account of other business; East Side location; can't be beat. AP 13, Oregonian. I WILL pay any man or lady for their serv lew and the use of Sauo in my manuiac turlng business $4 sper day for 1 year, or $7 for $iuoo or sio for $2u(H. 204 wasn Ington, room JO. 20O DOWN or trade. DOOlroom in splendid euDuroon location, clearing over aiuu per month net; price $uj0. a. J. De jrorest. 2i7 Board of Trade bldg. AUTOMOBILE business, partner wanted ; a fine opportunity for active young man able to invrvt small amount with his serv ices; pay good wages. Call 248 Vi Stark st. PARTNER wanted, young man, reliable, with $150; one who can do all-around of flee work; wages $25 a week; state par ucuiars. j 11, uregoman. CONFECTIONERY and candy manufactory nest location city. low rent; w-111 aeti cheap for cash or part city property if oougnt now. 1-1 is, uregonian. - EXPERIENCED, all-around man wants In teres in real estate business; win rumisn good references and epect same ; result guaranteed. K. 10, oregonian. MOVING picture theater: elegant suburbs house: making good, money; rooa rusue can clear $100 per week; owner must leave, price $3ouo. s la, oregonian. ONE-HALF interest in first-class auto an machine shop, with-servlce car; only first class auto man need apply; will bear In vestigation. w jo, oregonian. A SMALL amount of money and your serv Ices will secure half interest in a safe cash business; can draw $15 week salary and snare profits. Call 248t Stark WANTED Partner for restaurant, lady or 33 preferred; no money required. Ad dress 148 K, 31 et. W m. Moody, city. BUYES. Sales and exchange of ell kind Lonjr, 725 Chamber of Commerce. TWO woodsaws for sale; making a good living; will trade for a lot, close In, furnished boathotise. Main 7364. FOR BALE Hdwe., f urnlture and Impt stock in wasnington. w 10. uregonian. WANTED Ford auto foe good paying pool room. 108 E. 6th X. Tabor 7oS2. SMALL cash grocery store. Owner, Burnslde st. Phone East 6357. POLLY AND HER - 1 UTSJET "6bAX HlLt (Shoo door's LoCkEoM .... ., iTm'i 1 if.' ri BUMNFS OPPORTrVlTIES. EXPERIENCED lumberman, has five to 10 thousand dollars to invest ulth service " as manager or manager's assistant; relia aole sawmill or logging concern, operating in Oregon, preferred; reforenct-s furnished and reiulr-d. AH 13, Oregonian. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before cloiiiK deal fur so-called Interest lir established real estate business get aa ice of Ptirt'ad itrairv Board. PAUL A. COsVGlLU Sec., 0 Henry Bid.:. COLD STORAGE, ice nlant. all modern ma chinery, larico warehouse, own water. R. R. and water transDortatlon. good Coast " town; $5000 cash. baL I12.00, lone time at 0 per cent. A. G. MlCn&Us iae- ide. or. - FI RS T -C LA S3 MEAT MA R KE T . One of the beat in Portland, corner, East Side location; rent $30; sales $1H ber month: firm en nlnmnnt. cost 18.0 price $1100. A. J. De Forest. 2o7 Board of Tru d hi d s. CONFECTIONERY and poolhall in small town, t miies irom fortiana ; no opposi tlon: rlearmz $150 month and over, guar an teed; will sell at Invoice; give gom terms. Milleraulp.431 Chamber of Com- meree. MUST BELL $80O0 stock of dry goods, ladles ready-to-wear garments and shoe. December sales $6000. Good town, big territory. Must sell quick, au areas W. A. FULKERSON. ONTARIO. OR. ASH store business; owner wants a ateady partner to belo wait on customers, etc pay tlOO nfonth : reauires small invest nient. which ill be secured. Call 24SV Mark at. IF YOU WISH To buy, sell or exchange a Business of any kind, eny where, A. J. DE FOREST. 2O5-207 Board of Trade Bids;. BEAUTY PAKLOR AND HAIR STORE. Well established business. In good loi-a tlon : tomolett eaulbinene and aood stor on hand: MX cash hundlen It. A. J. Do 1-orest, 207 Bonrd of Trade bldg. OWNER of fine confectionery "wants candy maker as partner: $ J'K) required; nv town, good payrolL -II, Price, Commercial, Camas, wash. A DANDY arocery and candy atore. lish mnene. ror saie at oniy cost avv Call at once. 633 3d st. Fine location. FOR SALE By owner, finest 3-table poo: room on the west Jae: ousy corne plenty of good stock. Main 8511. WE have 40 grocery stores from $400 to 40,uuv, casn ana traae. -aciuo Agtacy, Inc.. MS "wetland bldg. DON'T WORRY. I can trade or sell it; anything. man. r.27 Chamber of Commerce. Lay NEED the money now, offer $100 ahare Comthol stock. $oa; no xaae; investigate. L lu. oreironian FOR SALE One-chair barber shop; goo location, good trade; $o; $43 casn. 1913 H. Gli?an. WE SELL OR TRADE Anything and everything. Mlllershlp, 431 Chamber or commerce. A MAN who is alive, with knowledge of automobiles, can make a fortune out o: this: little money required. Call 191 4th GOOD poolroom. $t0; good location. clftc Agencv mo awetiana Diag. MEAT market, bargain for someone. Ca Sellwood o. MEDICINE route for sale; good profit 201 East 8th st.. Vancouver, wasn. GROCERY store. Invoice $1200; on. good suDuman car. a n. uregoman. nUSTNKSS OPPOBTl'XITIKS WANTED. WANTED To buy good stock of mercnan- nise. any Kina. any size, anywhere, will pay cash. Write particulars, together with price expected. Address N 1G, Oregonian. WANT rooming-houses, hote!H, grocery and ciirar si ores. as 11 ior .nr. Long, o Chamber of Commerce. Main 1434. HOTFIX AND ROOMTNO-IIOrftES. IF YOU want the best 40-room modern ho tel In city, all outside rooms, at a bar gain, come and get the price from. Mrs. Miller at 123V 14th st. MRi, M. E. LENT, Leading Hotel. Apartment-House Agent. Oluest, Reliable Agency In City. R24 N. W. Bank bldg. flth and Morrison BUYERS for rooming-houses Aid hotels. Ask for Mr. Ixinx, 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main S WELLE. ST little apt. house In town; brass ber:, good rnrniture, best offer takes it. Call Main Rue0. ROOM ISO-HOUSE, 50 rooms, best transient location m the city; $tko cash handle this. Owner, 231 f-j 1st St. 4 ROOM s. h 11 housekeeping, clearing $75 mo.. X'jnn cash, balance will consider trade. 31 mersp j p. tnamoer or eommerce. 4i-ROOM thoroughly modern hotel at sacrrfice; small amount of cash will han dle. Layman, 5-7 Chamber of Commerce. HOTELS. APTS., OR ROOMINQ-HOUPFS. ANY PIZE, PRICE OR LOCATION. MRS. KRANTSS, 621 YEON BUILDINO. rooming-house! Number of buyers. Ask for Mr. Tying, 725 Chamber of Commerce. Main 144. CASH and clear lot near Reed College for rwm 1 n p -n ow w qra u 10. Alain 0103. PALS AiEvER MaID. AMT MA661E. His Tr4JS0M IS CPEaI . AiD tW TtLL WAUti The USt or :OU& lOl"fcil STERHETT. 1 HOTELS AVD ROOMING-HOI SF. 13-ROOM APT.-HOUSE. $10Hi DOWN. 4-4 apartments, strictly modern. clos In. always full; nnt onlv U7A, witli lease; prict of furnUhlUKS, $6."o; might consider some trade. A J. Do Forest, 207 Board of Trade bMg. PA'AP IN HOTEU S0O handle transient hotel, atrlctty modern, cent rail v located and beautifully furnished. A. J. Do Forest 207 Board of Trade bldg. IF iOU WISH To buy, s?!l or exchange a Hotel. Room in if or Apt-House se A. J. DE FOREST. 203-207 Board of Trade Bide. LOST AM FOUND. TH E following articles wero found- on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company. Jan. 10, 10v7: 1 pack age overalls. 1 scale, 1 white button, 1 package wood, 1 auto glove, 1 purM, l watch fob. 1 nin. 1 hook. 1 package meat. 1 package stationary. 1 package picture. 1 water bottle. 3 umbrellas, 1 dog, 1 cro chet bac. 1 tincle clove. 1 nair cloves. Owners may obtain lost property at 1st and. Alder sts. - LOST From 7th floor of etllng bldg., ac cidentally dropped, amethyst ring, inlaid with Masonic emblems and engraved An nie to E. U L-. 101H. Finder return to 704 Selling bldg. Reward. LOST A black traveling beg containing wearing apparel, toilet articles and pa pers. Plcusu return to 104 N. 4th st. Re ward. LOST On Wash. St.. betweeu 6 and 7 P. - M. Thurs.. black glaiistone grip contain ing nurse s uniform, etc. Tel. Tabor 4ui. Urgent. LOST A black leather handbag containing $--. Flnucr pleas return to Oregonian on tee. LOST Cameo i-ln. valued as heirloom; lib eral reward If returned to the Mallory Hotel, or telephone Marshall 6Qo. LOST Gold wrist watch, link bracelet, near N ashltigtoa Higli fc-chool. itearo. t.iit 4000. LOST A re.; leather suitcase ; mill give liberal regard for return. Columbia A VIOLIN; reward and no Questions asked. rnone rast 3"i2. SPECIAL NOTICES Proposals Inlted. NOTICE FOR. BIDS. Xotfce is hereby glen that the under s!irned. committee on ways and means of the Common Council. City of Astoria, will receive bids until 2 o'clock P. M. of S nrday. February 3. 1017. for the same of $140,000 municipal bonds of the City of Asto-ia as follow, to-wit: $iH,o0O refunding bonds in aerial Issu to run 3 years, ftwtoo to be redeemed June 1. 1028. and $louil each year there after, said bon'da to draw 5 per cent in teres t. navable semi-annually. $50,fKH street Improvement bonds, under the provision of paragraph 4 section 79 f the charter of the City of Astoria, re deemable in 3, 10 and 20 years, drawing 6 per cent interest, payatne semi-annuaiiy. ATI bids must be accompanied by a certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of bid nn a guarantee the iuc ceful bidder will nurchase said bonds. The right is reserved to reject any and an bins. ;titt to te iuea wiui tue Auano and Foiice f. A. LIENENWEBEU, C J. CURTIS. CHAS. JOHNSON, x Committee PROPOSALS INVITED. Notice Is hereby given tht the umJer- siened assignee of tne estate or j. ti. Meisner will receive sealed Mda Monday noon, January 15. 101. for the etocK o memhandlii consist! nir of sewelry of th lnventorv value of and fixture of the Inventory value af $167 40. located at S!H k Morrison St.. Tortland. Or. Th inventory mav be examined at tb of flee of H. W. Sitton. 511 Fenton building, and stock mav be inspected on reiuest- Blds will be opened at the office of Ralph A. Coan, 63 Pittock block, Port land. Or. All bids must be accompanied by a cer tified check of 10 per cent of the amount bid and the right to reject any and all bids la reserved. RALPH A. COAN. Assignee. MleUaneou. ALASKA Flail SALTING H V-PiflODUCTS LU.M I AN 1 . The annual meeting of the storkhoMcrs of the above company w!!l b held In the offices of the company. .62 Concord bid?.. Portland. Or., on Wednesday the. 17th day of January. lf17. at 12 o'clock noon. BnVnON H. MCOl.L. Fee. BaRGES for rent, capacity &OO tons. 83. Min FINANCIAL. WILL sell for $15,000 stock In corporation earning lo per cent dividends ou valua tion of $17.1K0, or will give stock as se curity on loan for one or two years and allow dividends n Interest, guaranteeing 7 per cent. Attorney, 406 Piatt MONEY LOANED." Residence property. 6 to tt per cent. Huslne?a property. 5 to 6 per cent. Farm property. 7 to 8 per cent. WHITM F.R-KELLY CO.. Til Pittock blk. WILL purchase short-time chattel mortgaces - or contracts, preierariy or mommy tnenr payments. .Portland Loan company oa Dekurn bldg. . FIKST and second mortgages; also seller's interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble, Lum nermens pips. WE BUY mortnaRca, bonds and notes. WESTERN iiON'D MORTGAGE CO., M 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. MOKTGAOH loans, notes, contracts, mort- rKe pi rchasfd. Lewis & Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan on Krai KMate. & PER CENT loans v. HI be made on central retail business properties. 6 and 7 Pr cent on o;he: securities. EDWARD E- GOt'DEV CO.. Noj th western PanK bid tf. CiTV AND FARM LOANS. FARR1NGTON. 0 Fourth Street. Portland. Or. SEE US today for loans on Improved city property, tt to a per cent; uo ana 1 Cellars-Murton Co., 825 Yeon bldg. !. miii Tn I -O A V in sums to suit: build ina ioars, iwei 1 ain. t . ' - . 316 Fallinir bldg. Phone Main S4"T. Xao. HCO0 AND upwards on improved real estate; lavornnie itnni; no aei . m. brokerage. John Pain. 507 Spalding bldg, 43500 Si. PER CENT Will loan on Improved farm for 20 years or less. V IJ. tregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUN OREGON INV. & MUKIUAUB t-U., 1.U ttock Exchange bldg.. ad and inmhlil. MUNEV O LOAN QN CITY OR FARM VIU'PKRTT ; WILL CALL IF . lTEU- $11j0 TO $10,t'M TO LOAN oh city or farm. no commission P. U. box b4j. city. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A H. Hardlnsr, S13 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS on city and farm property, 5 per cent up. r . Furns. 4 1. nam. or com. FARM and City lauis, 6 Per cent; mission. E I4 7. OreKOnlan. $0O. $350. f00. $12M1. $lO0. Fred W. German & Co., 7rt'j Chamber of Commerce, UNLIMITED Eastern funds. 5 to 7 per cent. DOOLEY t.. .ii- tiorru or inidB ning. MONEY- Ar amount. 6 to 8 per cent. H. Kelt, Ppaldlr.y. Main "M. W, HA VI-: cleiiio with money iu loan. Oliv M. HlCrey, AtTv., 2d X. W. Rark bldr. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON CO.. 300 OAK ST. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtw. Co, 424 Cham, of Com. $ : i -, n o To UMS at 7 per cent. Mar. 55.' FINANCIAL. Money to Loan i Real K.Mate. OUR IntitIi'-ueiit plan l.t th be&t aud surest method of paying a loan. $:i2.2t per tnunth for ;.o months or $21.24 for 0't mimtlis. or 0 $15.17 for u; months pays a $1000 ioan and inter st. Other amounts in proportion. Wo loau on Improved city property 1 r for building purpose No commission char;tfl. , EQUITABLE SAVINGS 4c LOAN ASSN. - 242- Stark Street. Portland. Or. RESIDENT LOANS AT 6H PER CENT. Any Amount. No Delay. . Repayment Privlleses. CT-ARlv. KENDALL & CO.. 205, 2ut Northwesicru Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE POlt BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXI BLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLL'MPH LIFE A TRUST CO, 202 Stevens Bldg. PER CENT money. S to 5 years, residence property; will accent $100 or more on prlucipal at any interest period payment; JS per cent money on business property, sanie t-rms. Pacific Title i- Trust Co.. I CiymhiT of rommei-cv Marshall 12. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low ratt-s. promptly closed. Attractive repaying privilege. A. H. BIKKELL & CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank K;dg. Marshall 4114. A 411S. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security from $ 10O up on gointr rate of Interem. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 41 3 Chamber of Commerce. 6 PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley farm lan: ro delay; no commissions, levoreairx MonjrtKe Corr.pan . C07 Con ct,1 bldg.. 2-1 and Stark sts. F250. 4"U. man Co.. $:.oo. $1.50. ?7rn. 732 Chamber of Fred W. Gor L'onimerce. MuKTGAGE LOANS. SU TO Rcitrva Investment o.. 3-6 Henry Bldg. ;"""'J 10 loan in at tela and Salaries. FURNITURE SA LA RT LOA LOANS. A. I that Is necessary to establish credit with us is Oat ou either own furniture, pianos, or that j ou are working cither wiil do. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., LICENSED. 317 Falling Bldg IF YOU NEED MONEY. SKIS US. t-AUHlta . . . CHATTELS Loans made to persons on Jary or fixmA Income; on hous.old furn.ture, pianos, oia mends and other personal property; lutes. Rusiness confidential; private office. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed), ait6-.ii 7 btKum Blv;g. H5ME INSTALLMENT CO. Organixed by salaried men for mutual protection. Money advanced on salary, diamonds, furniture, etc Easy Install ments. Legal raub. Securities purchased. 2u2 McKay bldg. Main 1X42, REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Esiab ilrhed I y Portland business men to pro tett borrower, c. Mjer Hrnun. mm h'iT, of4 tark st. Mouey loaned on dla mmula. Jew eiry. piaiios, h. b. 1 urmture. il-'NKv ti loan n diamonds. Jewelry; lesai rate, ail art.cb.s hi-i.l 1 mi . et-bll5hd since ls, pn Marx. 2s; Wnsul n g to n. PIANO and X u: uuur j iudiu, ;.ci;:ed by tne ta te. cieo. li;irvoy. -J a iir S'!. Loans uiUi-U. UlLT-ikDOii mortgage. $10Uu, for sale. & per cent, a yeai; per cent discount. Also hate lono client who wi;i givo note, se cured by chutte.1 mortgage on $;:oio worth of property tor good auw: car must stand rigid, inspection, Hoo Conklin, 08 Dekum biug. WANTED $;i0'o, 5 years, 6 per cent semi annually; aood feecuriiy. Ali UuJ, ore Ionian. rtliSONAL HAIR GOODS. LUViriT PRICES. $0-inch avy awitcu, U sep $1.0 4-incu mavy svmicu, i sey l.utf AK-Hiuunu iraiisioriuatiou ......... 1 44 HairdtessliiK, sminpuuiug, laca massage, hair bubuiitg, inaui- uri;ik. L'..c. Hair re moved ly electric lieale. wiub uiade af comoinya, i'.c. vv c buy our com Dins. friinUJr, pkilor. -ivQ-m beauin bldg., ,d aim Wnsmntiion. Mars-hall llu. FEliVLT A: ilA.NKiiLT. leading ig and tuu;e makers ; liitesi stotK i. jrr.aui hair fiools; iian ureasiiir;. mar.u rn.. uco aud acal treatmenu l.eniuva to ji'j Aidr, RJ-V. iiiis. J. C SCHOK1 givee (iemonstra- tiona &auuay, & t- Jd at Arcanum hau. lutf ltu sc. Reads udily ai Leveily Ho tel, lo5 X'ark ti., cor. laitiaill. Mai. 5l7&. GERMAN nurse, mansae, electric blankets auu baths tor rluuumm, luiubago. nnu raigla. ic; lady trained nur assistauu 20b Hth at. Open Sunda s. iiarer.a.l ii3T. &UPE1;fLUOUS HAIR destroyed lorwer by m j.upte-neaiiie inetnoa; consultation free. Mile. DeLong. 3o4 fr wetland bldg. AZA H. KlBiECKE. Xealural correction: xace ana aca.p ni XmV il, near Wash. Mar, o-uu. Advice free. bVllU'i'LAtlail Itev. Aiary L. La" Mar tvacher paiiiilstry aud .ua daily. -i 6th eu buPUlA H. SEIP, ruentai, spiritual sclentlat. Hvi Tourney biag., lu to 4 daKy. Written Questions Wed., 7:4 J P. M. Mar. Sou. bl'i. K ITU A Lit M Kev. M. A. Price, circle Tuesuay, 2 aud o if. M. and buu. tt P. M.; reading da 1 . y. 2l 2 C. Mar. o.H'O, A 22tf4. A, bACit Y-Manlcuriujr and. electrio treatmen;. Ott Grand ave., apL 40. Last 4 131. Open evcnine. aKS. bTEV ENS. 24 years iu Portland; 2Uta century science in p:inisiiy uutui; ual remain aaiiy. Sib Taylor St. lfc- L. C. Hendricks w 11 write box 11 12, Oregonian, he wia ntor or someihing tt his advantage. ChlKuI'KACTlt '. s learn 1 aths. lignt. hct. electric u:.a viorutur y macwagc. ur. Mar Krfi'et i'a Mi S .vet la ml. Main 1 7to. Loc inE N i'. r-L treats rheumatism, lum bago, neuialfcU, etc.; ju&a&atie and bams; luoy olo ParK su Mar. Ci-L ELECTRIC treatments for poor circulation. rbeumatism. luuioago, iacj ana scaip; salt baths. 4 Clay at. Main HESS1E WAY LAND, facial massage and scaip treatments. ou v Aiorrisua u wince 2o 2. jiACH DELMONT. mantrurliiK. vU-ratory nms3ttS- OUtce 4 J. ud Hour. 145 Broad- w a y . AfcC A lSO promptly relieves hand ache, neu ralgia and la grippe. For saie by Port land H t pharniu-. MASS G E treat in nts. electric viorat or. t y trained nu'.'sc. Jd. ApLC. Main 101. ELECTRIC treatments, scalp and massage. 417-20 Northwestern Bank blug. KOtoEXA TAYLOR Mas use and scalp spe cialist, 16'. Park su Marshall aia-i. MAY ANDREWS tearhes phrenologi cal J reading. 22 Park eU Main 748. LALM OF FIGS COMPOI'ND. Royal Tor.le Tablets. r5o U"t st. Phone Main 2S9X MAGNETIC braler; treutmetits daily. 170 v 2d c-u, 4th floor., apt. 0. Mar. 2497. MOLES superfluous hair removed. D. Hin. 42 FUedner bids Main Mrs. B473. LOST If any photos were left at your house by photo agent address T 14. Orvgonian. SCALP, massage and shampooing, room r.r.o Yamhill tt.. near park. LIFE READER. Hart Aprs., 170 apt, 15. 4th floor. Marshall S6o1. :d St.. MISS JuHNSON. chiropody, masswge. light magnetic. Appointments only. Main 504. FRANCES DE MAYO, ea'.p specialist, 291 M-jrrison st. Office 11. iur. o . v e