TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, JANTJART 11, 1917. 1) y CUBBING OF POSTAL EMPLOYES HINTED Intimidation of Clerks and Move to Take Jobs From Civil Service Charged. 'OFFICIAL BULLETIN" OUT efficiency necessarily has been re quired In an effort to prevent theee agencies from accomplishing their pur pose. As for the information for the em ployes. Postmaster Myers calls atten tion in two brief paragraphs at the end of the bulletin to the fact that hereafter employes of the Portland of fice will be paid by checks on the 1st and 16th of every month after 1 P. M thus rendering- unnecesary the carry ing of large sums in the cashier's of fice and making- it unnecessary for employes to call at the office for their money. Stations E and G are exempt ed from the order. 'Orders" of Postmaster Myers Said to Reflect Wishes of Sir. Burle son to Build Up Political Ma chine for Administration. Another step in the rather delicate and arduous task of intimidating the employes of the postal service, har nessing their political Interest and ex pression and paving the way for the fight to withdraw certain postal Jobs from the civil service has Just been made by Postmaster-General Burleson, whose wishes have been put into the form of an "official bulletin" in Port land by Postmaster F. S. Myers. The "official bulletin" has precipi tated undisg-uised resentment among the local postoffice clerks wio are members of one or more of the four postal clerks organizations. The "of ficial bulletin" is issued weekly, "for the information and guidance of post office employes and not for publica tion," and the next sentence explains that what is contained "herein have the same weight and effect as orders." Clerks' Activities Disturb. The "orders" then go on to point out that the Postoffice Department is dis turbed by the activities of the various postal clerks' organizations in obtain ing legislation favorable to them selves, and by information that now reaches the department "that these or ganizations are becoming active po litically and are attempting to control the nomination and election of candi dates to public office, as well as to influence administrative officers in the matter of promotions, reductions and removals in violation of the spirit of the civil service law and the merit system." Portland. postoffice clerks were equally disturbed by the department's interest in the matter. The cause is apparent, they say, because a Large proportion of the postal clerks through out the country are Republicans or not necessarily Democratic In politics. The "Official Bulletin," which is is sued for the "Information and guidance of postal employes," also goes on to state that "unless such activities cease they will nullify the merit system and ultimately result in either the with drawal of these positions' from the clas sified service or the repeal of section 6 of the act of August 24, 1912." "Friendly" Employes Wanted. The postal clerks throughout the country are seizing upon this as a card accidentally dropped by the Postraas ter-General in his little game to elimi nate from the civil service the postal clerks and open the way for the local postmasters to rid themselves of clerks who are of adverse political taith and enshrine themselves behind strong or ganizations of political ddsclples. The clerks throughout the country arc members either of the Railway Pos tal Clerks, the Mail Carriers' Associa tion, the National Postal Clerks' Asso ciation or the Federated Postal Clerks, the last-named organization being af filiated with the Federation of Labor. ine i'ostmaster-oeneral deems It a "duty" to point out the situation as it now is, notwithstanding he regrets the necessity. Portland postal clerks and carriers hold that the Postmaster-General's In terpretation of their activity I r. obtain Ing legislation Is wrong and say the legislation they have worked for cor responds only with legislation sought by various other organizations of workers not In the Government serv ice, such as the bettering of pay, bet ter working conditions and laws with mutually beneficial results to the serv ice and to the Individuals. Politics Bark of Move. ne department ' Is only finding a pretense to carry on its fight to oust the postal employes from civil service and allow the local postmasters to eur round themselves with political friends." said one of the postal clerks In Portland yesterday. "The bulletin Issued January 6 here is devoted al most entirely to extracts from the an nual report of the Postmaster-General dealing with the activities of the clerks. Every postal clerk knows it Is a step in the fight to nullify the civil service laws or to intimidate the clerks and deprive them of a constitutional right until such a time as the department's plan can be put over or put down. "The department la worried from a political viewpoint only. It is a widely known fact that a preponderance of the postal clerks throughout the coun try is Republican In principle. The de partment wants to fix If so that the Republicans can be ousted and in their places sympathetic political friends in stalled. The last bulletin will have tendency to accomplish Just the op- poslte of what was intended by it that of Intimidating the employes of the service. The "official bulletin admits that the department la using many of its agents to build up the political fences and tear down political barriers in the following paragraph, also from the an nual report of the Postmaster-General Officials Are Alert. "The menace of the public's Just claim upon the postal establishment has not lain wholly in the activities of these and other single eets of inter ests; but also and in larger degree in what appears to be a combination of these interests. Much time of depart ment officials which otherwise would have been devoted to increased postal TRIBAL DIVISION OPPOSED Chief No (Shlrt, of Walla Wallas, to Protest at Washington. PENDLETON, Or.. Jan. 10. (Special.) For the purpose of opposing the pro posal to divide the tribal lands of the Umatilla Indian reservation among the t ::P - - ' A : H " i j ' i " t 1 1 :: I s -; $ Vj - ' ' I ''' ' I j f ' i ' 3 " r f !! :: l jt iC ' n ,, I v f - I j t Ettore G. Fiordalisi, Who Comes Ifere as Successor of Carlos Visettl as Italian Consul. NEW CONSUL HEBE Ettore G. Fiordalisi Is Local Italian Representative. SPOKANE WAS LAST POST children of the present allotfees. Chief No Shirt, of the Walla Wallas, will start for Washington, D. C, tomorrow to take up the matter personally with the Indian bureau. The Indians are much divided over the controversy. Chief No Shirt held a meeting of 300 Indians at his place yesterday to arouse opposition, this move being led by Cap tain Sumpkln and No Shirt. Between 75 and 100 have signed No Shirt's petition and 60 more say they are willing to co-operate. Successor to Dr. Carlos Visettl Seeks to Establish Direct Trade Iso lations Between Pacific Coast and Italy. Ettore G. Fiordalisi, Royal Italian Consular agent, recently appointed to succeed . Dr. Carlos Visettl, arrived in the city Monday and has established offices in the Stock Exchange building. Mr. Fiordalisi comes to this city from I Spokane, where for the past six years he has been the representative of the Italian government under the Italian Consul at Seattle. He Is considered especially well fitted to assume the duties of Consul here, having become thoroughly acquainted with business conditions on the Pacific Coast and being extensively acquainted in busi ness cycles. The prospects of active trade rela tions with Italy are depicted in attrac tive colors by Mr. Fiordalisi, who prom ises that after the war many obstruc tions will have been rempved. Among the benefits that he hopes to secure for Portland will be direct steamer con nections with Italian ports. "We need but to establish Introductory trade relations with Italian exporters and im porters," he said yesterday, "and an extensive trade can soon be developed. There are many articles that formerly came to us through indirect channels and the prices were consequently ad vanced many per cent. As a result, me consumption of these articles in this country was low. 'We desire to have the Americans acquainted with some of the goods In which the Italian manufacturers excel. We have been large customers of Ger many, when we could have bought from Italy at fairer prices ana ooiainea better goods. Colored postcards are a small Item, but the business in a year runs Into millions. Cards made by Italian artists were sold indirectly through Germany and labeled, 'made in Germany.' My efforts here will be spent largely with these matters of business which may ultimately benefit both the Americans and the Italians. f. . . t . ' 'fl S 11 t - A.M. , - Y to r ' 'V 11 i - L" t " - I IB1 P.M. I PERSONAL MENTION. Is registered is regls- is regis- is Is RUB ON SPRAINS PANS I I 111 IV I SWELLING Don't Suffer! Relief the Moment You Apply "St. Jacobs Oil." C. E. Sox, of Albany, Is at the Seward. C. W. Barr, of Astoria, Is at the Mult nomah. Jack Cray, of Hood River, is at the Perkins. F. G. Kelly, of Rainier, is registered at the Carlton. D. E. Hunter, of Bend, Is registered at the Portland. J. R. Stone, of Seattle, Is registered at the Norton la. T. II. Boyd, of Seattle, at the Multnomah. K. J. McKenzie, of Dallas, tered at the Carlton. M. F. CConnell, of Winlock, is regis tered at the Oregon. J. H. Estes. of Pendleton tered at the Perkins. W. E. Pearce, of Seattle, is regis tered at the Oregon. F. L. Myers is registered at the Ore gon from La Grande.. E. K. Smith is registered at the Nortonia from Bonita. V. E. Witt, of Lyle, Wash., is regis tered at the Cornelius. L. D. Robinson is registered at the Perkins from Dayton. Mrs. T. Bower, of Beaverton, Is reg istered at the Cornelius, A. H. Lea. of Salem, was registered at the Imperial yesterday, T. W. Lusk arrived at the Perkins from Silverton yesterday. J. A. Gilbaugh, of Astoria arrived at the Multnomah yesterday. - Frank Follett, of Newburg, arrived at the Cornelius yesterday. N. S. Whetstone, of Heppner arrived at the Cornelius yesterday. Howard Waterman, of Olympia, registered at the Portland. G. A. Lindsay, of San Francisco, registered at the Nortonia. Mitchell Stewart is registered at the Portland from Sandpolnt, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Laf lar are reg istered at the Seward from Salem. Henry K. Love is registered at the Multnomah from Underwood, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brown, of McMlnn ville, are registered at the Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dixon, are reg istered at the Nortonia from Eugene. Miss E- Wilson and Miss E. Harmon arrived at the Carlton yesterday from FlaveL A. B. Cornell arrived In the city from Grants Pass yesterday. He Is regis tered at the Imperial. E. A. Jones and L. Lloyd, of Great Falls, Mont., are registered at the Mult nomah, where they arrived yesterday. D. N. Smith and Miss A. Smith, who arrived in the city recently from Rome, Ga. are registered at the Washington. R. W. Douglas and R. P. Duncan are registered at the Seward, where they arrived yesterday. They are from Se attle. Governor Withycombe arrived In the city yesterday to attend the banquet of the Oregon Greeters. He was regis tered at the Imperial. Mrs. H. A. Cushing, of Alexandra Court, left for Seattle yesterday, whither she was called on account of the serious illness of her father. Walter E. Wiesendanger, a well- known young business man of Port land, leaves today for a two weeks' trip through Southern California. The song recital by Mrs. George San- ford (Sophie Bader) has been postponed indefinitely on account of the Indis position of Mrs. Sanford who has a severe cold. Professor T. T. Waterman, the well- known -anthropologist of the University of California, who lectured here recent ly, passed through the city yesterday. He was registered at the Oregon. Manager Richard E. Childs has ar rived at the Portland after a brief trip Cnmpeilto Boise, where he was married. He is accompa-uiea vy ms unuo, mother. Mrs. J. W. Childs. Don't let yourself miss this wonderfully enjoy able programme. No ad vance in our i fg prices. Matinees LC V C - - STV-. mm r i i itm-.ii ii ii am I nun mumming BiSBtbjkMhlB A (MO1 Jack Pjcfocd ,m "Gel at Expectations M FAMOUS PLAYFDS - PAD AMOUNT -A POSITIVELY ONLY THREE DAYS JACK PICKFORD LOUISE HUFF Who recently won the hearts of the world in "Seven teen." Now Jack as "Pip," lovely Louise as "Estella" in an exquisite Paramount pictm-ization of Charles Dickens' appealing' story, "Great Expectations" Important This picture is the equal of "Seventeen"; as pleasing as "Miss George "Washington"; in many ways more delightful than "Snow "White." Interesting news of the world, on same programme. Phones: Marshall 8S0; A 2087. Deo pies Alder at West Park Only Today, Tomorrow and Saturday at the Peoples MURDER TRIAL IS NOISY TALESMAS GETS PAMPHLET VORIXG BOMB SUSPECT, FA- Defense Chsrsres Frameip by Prosecu tion and Opposing; Counsel and Conrt Eognie In Uproar. BAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 10. TJproar reig-ned in the murder trial of Thomas J. Mooney here today when S. Bestan- Aig, a talesman, produced a pamphlet favoring the defense and said he had received it In the mail today. It is felony to attempt to Influence the minds of jurors or talesmen. The de fense denied any connection with the event. "It's a frameup and I'll prove it, cried W. Bourke Cockran, chief of coun sel for Mooney. "It follows the publication of letters griven out by the District Attorney's office with lying- intent." "I don't propose to be called a liar.' interjected Charles M. Flckert. District Attorney. "If you can t protect us. addressing- the court, "we'll set some body else." Judsre Franklin A. Griffin, presiding:. hammered with his gavel. "I don't want any more of that kind of talk from you," Mr. Fickert said. "Sit down. The court will go to the bottom of this." Talesman Bestandlgr had been asked by the prosecution if he had an opinion in the case. "Yes," he said. '1 got It from this letter," and tossed the pamphlet on table. Everybody pounced for It- It proved to be a document entitled "The Frameup System," written by Robert Minor and published by the Interna, tional Workers' Defense League. ALCOHOL GOES IN SEWER 2 4 Quarts Captured at Lebanon It Poured Out By City. LEBANON. Or., Jan. 10. (Special.) Twenty-four quarts of alcohol taken in a raid last week by Frank Richard, City Marshal, was poured into the sewer by the Marshal and City Attor ney rsewport, who prosecuted the case. Ans orncer or the internal revenue collector's was also present, and after viewing- the label on the package and the bottles consented that the city dis pose of the liquor. He preserved the shipping tags and names of shipper and consignee. The person to whom the liquor was consigned has disappeared. Positively Only Three Days the supremely beautiful emotional favorite Clara Kimball Young In a heart-gripping, soul-stirring modern dramatic photoplay of tense situations and swift action, "The Foolish Virgin" By Thomas Dixon, author of "The Birth of a Nation." Miss Young's newest photoplay revealing this popular favorite in a variety of new, unusual and heart-compelling moods. Only today, tomorrow and Saturday at Tlie tar Washington at Park I ' ... ; -- . v- - f -5? 4 , s ' V -- i - - - i r x i ' V- N :, J t 1 "v" ' This is Miss Young's new photodrama made by her own exceptional company. Her new pictures in this city only at the Peoples and Star Theaters." See "The Foolish Virgin." Clara Kimball Young and Conway Tearle in "The Foolish Virsin,', Star Theater, only 3 days Coming Sunday to the Star, a photoplay which will be the sensation of Portland it is called "And the Law Says" Richard Bennett and Rhea Mitchell, the Port land girl, are the stars. HEARING 0F1 FRIDAY State Health Officer to Con duct Baby Home Probe. and his Eont etay crippled! Rub this sooth ing, penetrating oil right into the sprain, ache or strain, and out comes pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. Nothing else penetrates, heals and strengthens the injured muscles, nerves, tendons and ligaments so promptly. It doesn't burn or discolor the skin and cannot cause injury Don't suffer! Get a small trial bottle from any drug store now limber up Rub the misery right out. A moment after "St. Jacobs Oil" is applied you cannot reel the slightest pain or sore ness, and you can go about your regu lar duties. "St- Jacobs Oil conquers pain. It Silverton Pastor Resigns. SILVERTON, Or., Jan. 10. (Special.) Rev. Albyn Esson, who for years has been pastor of the Christian Church in this city, has tendered his resignation, to take effect next Sunday. At this time all the churches of Silverton will unite in a farewell reception. Rev. Mr. Esson will give his entire attention to his farm near Albany. Albany College Girls to Sing. ALBANY. Or., Jan. 10. (Special.) The Girls' Glee Club of Albany College will give a concert In Portland Friday evening at the Westminster Presbyte rian Church. The occasion of the con has been used effectively for sprains. cert is a meeting of the Christian En- strains, soreness and stiffness for 60 1 deavor societies of the Presbyterian years six jgold medal awards. Adv, J churches of Portland. COUNTY LEVY TO BE 16.7 Rate in Washington Districts With out High Schools 17.3. I1ILLSBORO, Or.. Jan. 10. (SpeciaL) Washington County's levy this year will be 16.7 in districts having high schools and 17.3 in districts without Districts having high schools are Hills boro. Forest Grove. Beaverton. Tuala tin and Orenco. In all others .6 of a mill is added for the high school tui tion fund. . Notwithstanding heavy appropria tions for roads in the general fund, the total levy is only .2 of a mill higher than that of last year, and the total amount it will yield is J363.761.91. WOMAN BRINGS CHARGES Oentralia Chief Awaits Summons. CENTRAXJA. Wash.. Jan. 10. (Spe cial.) It is expected that Chief of Po lice Miles McGrall will be summoned as a witness in the prosecution of Jess Jar vis and John Gorman, two negroes who are alleged to have robbed a club In Portland and who were arrested In Tacoma and Seattle Sunday. The pair were arrested in Centralia the day after the robbery, but were released before the police here had been in formed of the burglary. At that time they had much Jewelry and money iu their possession. Aberdeen Plant's Receiver Named. ABERDEEN. Wash., Jan. 10. (Spe cial.) The Aberdeen manufacturing Several Prominent Portland Women Are- Expected to Furnish Inter esting TestimonyMrs. Cel lars' Dismissal Aired. Management of the Baby Home will be Investigated at a hearing set for tomorrow in the offices of Dr. David N. Roberg, state health officer. In the Selling building. The hearing Is set for 9 o'clock, and it is probable it will continue throughout the day. It was originally determined to have the hearing today, but Dr. Roberg was unable to secure the attendance of all the witnesses he desired at that time. and the Investigation, was deferred , until tomorrow. To aid Dr. Roberg in I the inquiry, John F. Logan. John S. Napier and Marshall N. Dana, chair man of the Chamber of Commerce com mittee on charities, have been named. As state health officer. Dr. Roberg has supervision of the Baby Home management. The institution is sup ported chiefly by appropriations by the Legislature, the sum of 10 a month for each baby in the Institution being set aside from state funds. Some highly interesting testimony Is promised at the hearing, a number of prominent Portland women who have been connected with the conduct of the home, either directly or indirectly, being expected to testify. Friction has been apparent in tha management of the home for some time between Mrs. D. C. Burns, president, and Mrs. George B. Cellars, a trustee. At the annual meeting last Monday night Mrs. Cellars was dropped from the board. She resented this action and charged it to the opposition she had aroused in the breast of Mrs. Burns, whose policy she baa opposed in the past. Mrs. Cellars charged that Mra Burns ran the institution in a high-handed way, without respect to the by-laws of the organization, and that the power lodged n her as president was mis used. Other trustees, she said, are con tent to let Mra Burns run things, and she alone has spunk enough to voice protests. She says the board is antiquated and the management is not efficient. In addition to Mrs. Cellars, who will ap pear aa a witness at the hearing against the present administration. employes of the home and former mem bers of the staff are expected to ap pear and testify. DYSPEPSIA -GAS, GONE! NO. INDIGESTION. SOURNESS PAPES DIAPEPSIN Inse Land Company Loses by Fire. ROSEBURG, Or, Jan. 10. (Special.) Igniting from some unknown source. Are early yejterdsy destroyed the hla warehouse owned by the J. F. Las Land Company and situated about a mile from the town of Sutberlln. About 60 tons of hay stored in the building also was destroyed. The building was valued at about $2000. on which the owners carried $500 insurance. Th hay was worth about $700. W. E. fit. John, receiver for the Luse Land Com pany, said he thought the fire was ig nited by tramps who had taken refuga there for the nleht. 'i Tvs-v fiii-!i' ii--i h iii;ssi5- I 3l R ea Bs si si si SI 31 SI SI SI S3 J 9! jUBIBII " I " " I Time It! In Five Minutes Your Sick, Upset Stomach Feels Fine. When your meals don't fit comfort ably, or what you eat lies like a lump plant or this city has gone into the i cf iead in your stomach, or if you have hands of W. B. Paine, receiver, upon the application of Charles R. Wilson estate and others. The liabilities of the concern are said to be $48,000, of which $13,000 is secured by a . mortgage. Papers in the suit place the value of the plant at $12,000 and accounts re ceivable at $11,000. heartburn, that is a sign of indigestion. Get from your pharmacist a 60-cent case of Pape's Dlapepsln and take a dose lust as soon as you can. There will be no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach, nausea. debilitating headaches, dizziness or in testinal griping. This will all go. and besides, there will be no sour food left over in the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Dlapepsln Is a certain cure for out-of-order stomachs, because It takes hold of your food and digests it Just the same as if your stomach wasn't there. Relief in five minutes from all stom ach misery is waiting for you at any drugstore. These large EO-cent cases contain enough "Pape's Dlapepsln" to keep the entire family frse from stomach disor ders and indigestion for many months. It belongs in your home. Adv. m .m Home and Abroad FOREIGN as well as domestic trade relations may be safely and easily handled by Portland firms and cor porations through the broad connections of The Northwestern National Bank. We are always pleased to have our patrons confer with us upon extension and operation of their business interests. WXWW II ii m a I it 1 B i 'B"l I NorthwesternBankBTcTa. Portia nd.OreSon t.HIUMIMttTtlITtMI?tim?ltlHll"""""""'l'"t"""'t ' "'Hill 'till KlflM.f mini it II; 1 1 1 H r-' -a-W ;.'. Y", ""'. t .rrrmvrrfCT'r4J' fiM.tiini iir-r - i i i 'i " - " - r 111