THE MORNING OREGONIAN. THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1917. 7 STATE MAY BE DRY ABOUT FEBRUARY I Mew Law to Have Emergency Clause Drys Oppose v Search and Seizure. BILL IS BEING DRAFTED Measure Will Take About Tliree Weeks to Enact, and Will Be Effective AVlien Signed Ad- joumment Row Possible. STATE CAPITOL Salem, Or., Jan. 10. Special.) Unless the House adjourns tomorrow afternoon until after Mon day, the "bone-dry" prohibition bill now being drafted by a committee of Tortland attorneys will be introduced Tby Representative Anderson on Friday. While the measure is not yet com plete, it is certain that it will carry no search and seizure provision. Dr. An- derson and other "dry" leaders on the ground declare that It merely will carry into effect the wishes of the peo- pie. as expressed by the constitutional Amendment adopted last November. The bill will carry an emergency clause, however. xnai wiu maice it. operative immediately after it passes the two houses and Is signed by the Governor. Inasmuch as the alcoholic . ii. M ii V. .... I xramc mm.u i y """ rPS ,V ..-"iOB,i b.!& ouse. the bill ta not likely to encoun- ter serious delays. According to the schedule now mapped out for it, the measure ' should get through both bouses inside of three weeks. That will make it effective about February 1, ; Shipments to Be Barred. It will be unlawful, after It becomes tffectlve. for anyone to ship liquor into the state for beveraere Dumoses. No ex- press company, railroad, or other com- mon carrier will be permitted under 1 the law to deliver such liquor ship- and Mueller, of Columbia. Miss Gay jnents. nor ls a niece to the late Mayor Gay- It is probable that the same bill will parrir wltTi it Amendments to the ex- I isting law. regulating the sale of alco- faol. Representative Matthieu. who is member of the House committee on Icohollc traffic, has sent to Portland I for copies of the ordinance proposed for restricting alcohol sales there. He is a druggist, and wants the law so arranged that alcohol cannot be sold, excepting for legitimate purposes and for external use only. It is reported here that some of the radical "dry" forces In Portland want to attach a search and seizure section to the bone-dry measure, but the more conservative element. Including Dr. Anderson, Senator Shanks, Senator Eddy and others, are opposed to such stringent measures. An informal canvass of the two houses reveals that the emergency clause will carry easily. Mrs. J. M. Kemp Opposed, Mrs. Jennie M. Kemp, president of the woman s Christian Temperance Union, arrived here today and said she Is opposed to the search and seizure provision. It is understood that the attorneys who have the drafting of the ale rlVcm, iT Veafie and A- C. Newell. One of them probably will arrive here with a copy of the measure late tomorrow. Dr. Anderson will introduce It In the House promptly, after which it is prob able that the joint meetings of the two committees will start. George M. Brown, Attorney-General, will be called into conference. Incidentally, there will be a terrible row In the House if any attempt is made to adjourn tomorrow. Some of the Multnomah County members want to quft and go home tomorrow evening. but nearly all of the Eastern Oregon delegation and most of those from dis tant parts of Western Oregon want to stay here and attend to business. They point out that the House is not too far along with Its work the way it-is. end that It is useless and senseless to adjourn. Indeed, some of the country members want to continue in session right through the week, including Sat urday. COMPROMISE BILIi IS FRAMED pleasure Would Eliminate Search and Seizure Provisions. A bone dry law, without the search and seizure provision, and with an emergency clause attached. Is being drafted in Portland and will be re ferred to the alcohol committee in Salem probably today. The bill, as submitted to the Legislature, will be a compromise between one Oswald West is framing for the Union Dry Committee and one being framed by Arthur Churchill and A. L. Veazie. These men have been working on their respective bill for several week: and Dr. Anderson, of The Dalles, who framed the present prohibition amend ment and who Is chairman of the alco holic traffic committee in the House, will probably Introduce the Portland- framed bill with little change. The bill will be as liberal as a bone dry law would permit. Just what the pro visions for sacramental and other purposes will be 13 not known. NEWSPAPER DEFINED IN BILL Editors Also Want Legal Rate for Advertising Provided. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or.. Jan. 10. (Special.) Elbert Bede, editor of the Cottage Grove Sentinel, and secretary of the Willamette Valley Editorial As sociation, is here to look after the in terests of the editors of the state. One of the state editors' principal in terests at this session will be a bill to define a "legal newspaper." A legal newspaper, according to the bill, will be one at least one year old and v?lth a circulation, bona fide, of at least 200 copies an issue. The rate for legal ad vertising also is to be prescribed In i.." .v.. bill proposed by the county clerks to abolish the publication of the delin- Quent tax lists. STATE PENSIONS ADVOCATED Bill Would Guard Against Depend ency in Declining Years. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. 10. (Special.) Senator Olson introduced a bill today providing for state annui ties. The bill was drafted by O. D. Teal, of Echo, who last session ob tained the passage of a somewhat sim- liar Dili lorougn me nuueo. This measure provides, briefly, for old age annuities, or pensions, paid for ft... V.c kfnFiz-lnT-v TVaba antinltla. will hi nrnvldri at a nrofit to th Rtat. The object of the bill Is stated to be to encourage thrift, to provide against dependent old age and provide funds for the state to lend out on mortgages and purchasing of Irrigation bonds. SIDELIGHTS ON STATE 10.-( war i TATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Jan (Special.) Spanish-American war veterans who are members of the Legislature sent a telegram this morning: to their comrade, Guy Kelley, who has been elected speaker of the House In the "Washington Legislature. The text of the telegram and the sig natures follow: "We. the undersigned comrades, m--n-bers of the 29th Legislative Assembly in Oregon, congratulate you on your election as Speaker and we wish for you a harmonious administration. "Yours in Comradeship, "ALBERT W. MUELLER, Member Scout Young Camp. Portland. "A. W. ORTON, "Member Scout Young Camp, Portland. "FRANK B. TICHEXOR. "Member Igyson Camp, Seattle. "GEORGE R. WILBUR. "Unattached." Other attaches of the Statehouse who are Spanish-American War veter ans and who signed the message are: Harvey Wells. Insurance Commis sioner; II. H. Corey, Public Service Commissioner; John W. Cochran, Chief Clerk of the Senate; L. B. Davis and O. L. Lynthecom. Phil S. Bates, of Portland Is on the ground. He is not a lobbyist, he in sists, but merely looking after the pub lic interests. Representative Burton's smiling face appeared this morning behind a bouquet of red roses neatly arranged in an at tractive vase on his desk. When pressed for an explanation he admitted that he bought them himself, Some members of the House have more than one suit of clothes. Speaker Stanf ield. Representatives Al Jones and lra Barber were among those who bio; somed out with new sets of "trotting harness" this morning. Representative Brown, ehai rmn rf ttio Mouse ensrrossine- commltt hn i v"6' appointed Romeo Gouley. of Salem, Lh?' ot the- committee. Gouley ",""te J stenographers and clerks. Harry McClellan. of Roseburir. hmi been appointed chief clerk of the House enrolling committee, and W. C. E. frultt, stenographer for Chief Clerk urager, of the House. Miss Ellen Gaynor. who was one of the attractive and efficient stenogra- vucro jn me nouss two years, is here again this session. She is secretary for nwesemiu Kowe, or xuiamooK, nor. oi new xorK. The two House bills of the late ses sion wmcn were returned yesterday witn me uovernor s veto and tabled were taken Irom the table this morn ing ana indefinitely postponed. If road supervisors cannot be elected like other officers Representative Mueller, of Columbia County, wants to accomplish the next best thing and have them appointed by petition. He PAY JOKER IS DENIED Idaho Majority Leader Says Guard to Get Full Pay. CLOTHES ARE NO TCHARGED Published Statement That Cost of TTniforni Would Be Taken From AVarrant Is Contradicted. Powers Given Governor. BOISE, Idaho, Jan. 10. (Special.) The House of Representatives went on record today as denying the published charge that there was a Joker in the militia pay bill that passed the Legis lature yesterday, and is now In the hands of the Governor. It was charged that when the militiamen are paid the state will hold out the value of their military equipment. The members of the Second Idaho Regiment were not paid from the time of mobilization last June until mustered into the service of the United States a month later in July. The first official act of the Legisla ture was to pass the pay bill appro priating $7333.50 to pay the troops. Majority Leader Moody, taking the House floor, declared the charge to be false. Full Sam to Be Paid. T assure you," he informed the House, "we do not propose to strip the members of the Guard to their B. V. D.s. They will be paid the full amount due them." He explained that after the troops were mobilized some were rejected for physical disqualifications and had re turned to their homes with the military property they wore. These, he said. I would have to account for the property but comparatively few dollars were involved. The House was satisfied with the explanation and immediately Repre sentative Anderson Introduced on be half of the Administration a bill which gives to the Governor power to remove Sheriffs and County Attorneys who fail to enforce the prohibition law. A memorial to Congress was also in troduced in the House, asking that it pass an amendment to Section 1, Ar ticle 2 and Article 12 of the Federal Constitution, abolishing the present method of electing a President and Vice-President by means of electors and providing for their election by dl rect vote of the people. 950,000 Wanted for Indian.. The Senate adopted a memorial ask ing Congress to include In the Indian appropriation bill now pending before it 150,000 for the construction of good roads in the Fort Hall Indian reserva tion. When the mileage committe reported In the Senate. Senator John E. Pin cock, of Madison County, declined to accept his pro rata of $70 He explained he was elected a Presidential elector as well as Senator, and that the ed eral Government had made allowance for his mileage to Boise from his home to cast his vote Jor President Wilson. Harry L. Day. also one of the elec tors, left today for Washington where he will cast Idaho's vote in the elec toral college. GOVERNOR "PROUD OF 'EM? Executive Congratulates Oregon TJ, i I Eleven on Defeat of Penn SALEM. Or.. Jan. 10. (Special.) Governor Wlthycombe tonight sent the following telegram to the University of Oregon football team being banqueted I by the Chamber oi commerce there: J "I greatly regret that I cannot LEGISLATURE has slipped a bill into the House pro viding that the candidate with the most bona fide names on his petition shall be I appointed supervisor by the County Commissioners. ' Representative Anderson, of the Hood River-Wasco joint district, wants "ie state to establish an agricultural ex periment station in Hood River County. His House bill appropriates SoOOO a I year fdr that purpose. Representative Burdlck. of Des chutes, who narrowly escaped death in an automobile accident a few weeks ago, still carries his left arm in splints .s a result. Representative Stott is not the only judge in the House. As chairman of the Judiciary committee. Representa tive Forbes, of Deschutes, lays claim to that title, too. Stott is a "Judge" by reason of being chairman of the re vision of laws committee. "BUI" Lowell, of the Pendleton Tri bune, has joined the newspaper colony In the. House, Colonel J. H. Cradlebaugh, pioneer I Oregon and Pacific Coast newspaper man and city editor of the Salem Capi tal Journal, is the dean of the news paper correspondents at the Legisla ture. He is covering the Senate In person for the Capital Journal. Colonel Cradlebaugh used to work with Mart Twain on Nevada newspapers in the early days, and has many reminiscences of him. Colonel Cradlebaugh has been writing news and editorials on Ore gon newspapers for some 32 years. Milton R. Klepper, well-known Port land attorney, has been appointed chief clerk of the important Senate Judiciary committee. His work will keep him pretty busy through the session. The seven .Multnomah members of the Senate met after the morning ses sion elected John Gill chairman and recommended the passage, with a minor amendment, of Senator Olson's bin establishing free kindergartens in counties of 20,000 school population. The delegation was presented by Sena tor Vinton, of Yamhill, with a box of his favorite McMinnville-made cigars. The Senate was In session. Just 25 minutes this morning. In that time It cleaned up everything in sight. In about another week, however, the I mornings will be too small to crowd in all the work to do. The Senate, at least, and In all prob ability both Houses of the Legislature, will adjourn early Friday afternoon until the following Monday morning. This Is customary in the first week or two of a session, as there isn't much to be gained at that time by working on Saturday. The present Legislature has made a neat little record In the way of completing its organization and getting speedily to work. Milton R. Klepper, a Portland at torney, has been appointed to the im portant post of chief clerk to the Sen ate judiciary committee. present to congratulate personally Oregon's football players upon their splendid victory. We are all proud of I them. ELECTION ECONOMY IS PLAN Proposed Law Wonld Eliminate Two Officials in Each Precinct. STATE CAPITOL, Salem. Or.. Jan. 10 (Special.) Robert E. Smith, secre tary of the Taxpayers' League, is here fAV ia na m 1 in a proposed bill to eliminate one elec- non juage ana me aeputy snerirr in every election precinct. The measure now Is being drafted and probably will be sent Into the House machine some time this week. It would also make the presiding Judge in each precinct a deputy sheriff, ob viating the necessity of keeping an ex- ra deputy at the polls. This - plan would effect a saving of $6 a day in each of the 1200 election precincts. SENATE EXPRESSES APPROVAL Governor's Appointments as Regents I Confirmed by Cpper House. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or.. Jan. 10. -The Senate at its morning session onfirmed the following educational appointments by Governor Withy combe: Mrs. George T.- Gerlinger. of Dallas; Ray Goodrich, of Eugene: C. C. joit. or i-ortiana, and H. B. -McKinnev. or eaKer, as regents of the University of Oregon, the two latter having been appointed today; C. L. Starr, of Port land, as regent of the Oregon State Normal fachool. and A. G. Beals. of Tillamook, as member of the Board of. Higher curricula. FISHING BILL IS INTRODUCED Protection of Fish at Month of Rogue River Sought. STATE CAPITOL: Salem. Or.. Jan. 10. (bpeciaL) Representative Tichenor. of Coos and Curry, introduced a bill m the House today to prohibit commer cial fishing in the mouth of the Rogue River. The measure proposes a dead line about 100 feet back from the beach, west of which line it would be Illegal to fish excepting with hook and line. It Is probable that the commercial fishermen operating on the Rogue will oppose the bill. WOMEN WATCH SOLONS COUNCIL- HAS HEADOUARTERS NEAR SUPREME COURT. Dry Legislation to Be Principal Con- cern, hut Laws for Child Also Are Wanted. STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or, Jan. 10. (Special.) The Women's Legislative Council hag established headquarters in the Supreme Court building and will maintain constant contact with legisla tive proceedings until the end of the session. Mrs. Jennie M. Kemp is in charge. She will be Joined in the next lew weeKs by other members of the organization. Among the organizations represented in the council are the W. C. T. U., theJ State-Federation of Women's Clubs, the Oregon Congress of Mothers and the Consumers' League. Mrs. Kemp r, I , i . every aay irom j : V . We are Interested In all legislation affecting women and children." said -ma. luuajr, uur primary m- terest, of course, is . to see that the prohibition amendment is adequately carried Into effect. Inspector-General Nominated. WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. The follow ing nomination was made today by the President: Inspector-General of the Army, Colonel John L. ' Chamberlain, with rank of Brigadier-General. Read The Oregonlan classified ads. PpnriiiTffif WWII Pocket Boxes of X 2 Bottles of 24 Bottle of 10O The Bayer Cross The trade-mark LISTER IS SWORN III Great CrOWfJ HeSrS Advice Oil Legislation Needed. BONE-DRY LAW IS ASKED Presidential Primary, Non-Partisan Local Elections, Economy, Bud- get ty Governor Are Asked. Capitol Move Blocked. OLTMPIA. Wash.. Jan. 10. (Special.) -Brief and simple ceremony marked the second Inauguration of Governor Ernest Lister today. Escorted by Representatives John R. Wilson, of King; George Weldon, of Whitman; E. L. Farnsworth, of Lin coln; Senator E. E. Boner, of Grays Harbor, and Senator C. R. McMillan, of Stevens and Pend O'rellle. the" Gover nor walked from his office to a plat form In the center of the main corri dor of the capitoi, where he was re ceived by Lieutenant-Governor Louis F. Hart. Speaker Guy E. Kelley and Chief Justice Overton G. Ellis. Dr. M. M. Temple. of the First Methodist-Episcopal Church of Olym pla, delivered an Invocation and Chief Justice Ellis administered the oath of office. Lieutenant-Governor Hart for mally presented the chief executive to an audience that extended through the corridors and massed around the ro tunda railings of the third and fourth stories above. Bone Dry Bring. Applause. Directly addressing members of both houses seated before him. Governor Lister entered immedlatly upon the reading of his second Inaugural mes sage, which he completed In less than two hours. He was vigorously ap plauded In his advocacy of total pro- I hibition and public economy. opposition was jexpressea irom e- publican sources to the suggestion that the Governor prepare the biennial budget, leavinsr the Legislature em- I powered to reduce, but not to increase appropriations tnus recommenaea, oo jection being founded on the belief that such provision would confer too much power on the executive, On the higher educational bills and the proposed military levy, legislative sentiment, so-far as expressed, appears to be largely favorable to the Governor I in his contention against any further Increase in taxation. The Governor es tlmated this, prospective increase at $1,678,472 for the biennlum in educa- I tional expense and approximately $1,000,000 for military preparedness, clearly indicating his disapproval of either Increase. The passage of a preferential Presl dential primary law, of a nonpartisan election bill and a law that would bring about absolute prohibition in the state were recommended. Bill Would Donble Terms. Although committee appointments In I either House will not be announced un tn ,,tft tomorrow. 10 hill and five reso iutions were introduced today in the BntitA Bills by Ghent of King, provided salary of (7500 a year for Sheriff In counties of 280,000 inhabitants gradu ated down to 1800 for counties 4000, with restrictions against serving more than two consecutive terms abol tshed and four-year terms provided. Kuykendall of Garfield, introduced a bill designed to confer rights of emi nent domain upon warehouse and ele vator companies. A concurrent resolu tlon offered by Smith of Clallam, an thorlzea th appointment of v Joint IliitiliilhlilllfiMlliliiiiiiiiM jj Then only are you sure that you have the genuine Aspirin. Every package and every tablet is marked with "Aspirin " (Reg. U, S. Pat. Offic.) is a guarantee that the monoaceticacidesteT of ..lieylieacid in these tablets is of tb reliable Bayer manufacture. liiHiiiiiiiiiitiiiiitHiiiipnnpiiiiw committee to examine and recommend repeal of obsolete laws. The Senate this morning put an end to the talk of removal of the state cap ital from Olympia, by adopting a reso lution opposing removal. Thirty Sen ators signed the resolution. Other bills introduced In the Senate included the following: To reduce interest on delinquent taxes from 15 to 8 per cent and to pro vide a fund for county handling of de linquent taxes; to permit cities to sell utside their limits surplus gas. water and electricity; to extend mothers' pen- ions to widows abandoned one year by their husbands. SOOO Invited to Ball. Olympia Issued 2000 invitations to the inaugural ball. The city welcomed the guests with a general reception committee of 60 leading citizens headed by Senator and Mrs. P. H. Carlyon. Representative and Mrs. C. C. Aspln wall and Representative L. J. Morri son. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Troy, repre senting Mayor and Mrs. Jesse T. Mills. ed the receiving line, supported Dy Governor and Mrs. Lister, members of the Supreme Court and state officers. with their wives. DRIER STATE IS WANTED UNITED REPUBLICANS ALSO SPEAK FOR PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY. BUI to Protect Water Power and Other Nat oral Resource. Demanded at Organization of League. SPOKANE, Wash.. Jan. 10. (Spe cial.) The United Republican League of Spokane County became a political organization today, and its first offi cial act was to adopt a declaration of principles favoring a state marketing commission, a Presidential preference primary, a bill prohibiting the allena ton of water power and other natural resources and a till strengthening the Dresent nrohibition law. Ten other progressive movements were indorsed. The new name given the organiza tion replaces its former name, the Progressive Republican League, and was so adopted to conform to similar organizations which are being formed in every county of the state. More than score of men and women, who for eight years have been actively identi fied with the Progressive party, at tended, and the Indorsement of the code of principles carried with a pro vision for further consideration of any or all of the principles with the right to reject, accept or amend. John E. Rees, a farmer of Adams County, opened the subject of a state marketing commission, which was much discussed by a number of those present. CROOK COURT TERM SHORT Business of Session Is Disposed of in Two Days. PRINEVrf.T.K. Or Jan. 10. (Spe cial.) The January term of Circuit Court convened Monday morning and closed Tuesday, the shortest term ever held in Crook County. The grand Jury returned one indictment, that against Charles Weaver, charged with selling a beef hide before the expiration or 30 days after the animal was killed Weaver pleaded guilty and was fined $50 by Judge Duffy. The trial Jury was discharged at noon Tuesday with out a case being tried. A case of more than ordinary Interest here Is a civil action by Portlana neonle. H. W. Fitton. trustee In bank ruptcy of the Taylor estate, against Douglas Lawson, son or tne notea om T.iiwson. of recent Wall-street "leak" fame. It is understood this case will be settled out of court. A' golf ball to which is attached small parachute to retard its flight ha Vi..n invented to enable Dlavers to practice strokes where room la limited. feAYERH Aspirin is made by only one company. Counterfeits and substitutes may be in effective, and even dangerous. For your protection be sure to ask for and to see that you get only Your Guarantee of DRUGGISTS ASK CURB PORTLAND PHARMACISTS WAXT CHECK ON ALCOHOL SALE. Resolution Advi.InK Attitude of Local A.aecIatlon Sent to Representa tive Matthlea In Legislature. Portland druggists are solidly behind a movement to curb the drugstore sale of alcohol except on physician's pre scription or order of the District Attor ney or chief of police. A resolution adopted two weeks ago by the Portland Druggists' Association was forwarded yesterday to Stephen A. Matthieu, Rep resentative from Multnomah County and chairman of the House committee on alcoholic traffic, following the reg ular annual meeting of the association, when the alcohol traffic was discussed. It was the general sentiment of the Portland druggists that the sale of alcohol be made as prohibitive as pos sible. Because of his tact and vigor In han dling matters Identified with the sale of alcohol. Edwin A. llobinson was yes terday re-elected president of the drug gists' association. The association has been organized for more than zn years. STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD Says Cream Applied In Nostrils Relieves Head-Colds at Once. If your nostrils are clogged and your head is stuffed and you can't breathe freely because of a cold or catarrh. Just get a small bottle of Ely s Cream Balm at any drug store. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream into your nostrils and let It penetrate through every air passsag. of your head, soothing and healing the inflamed, swollen mucous membrane and you get Instant relief. Ah! how good It feels. Tour nos trils are open, your head Is clear, no more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no more headache, dryness or struggling for breath. Ely's Cream Balm is Just what sufferers from head colds and ca tarrh need. It's a delight. Adv. OLD-TIME COLD CURE DRINK TEA! Get a .mall package of Hamburg Breast Tea. or a. the German folk, call It. "Ham burger Brust Thee, at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon It, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time. It Is the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip. a. It open. th. pores, relieving congestion. Also loosen. the bowels, thus breaking a cold at once. It Is inexpensive and entirely vege table, therefore harmless. Adv. Clears Blotchy Skin Don't worry about blotches or other asthma, neuralgia, headache, conges skin troubles. You can have a clear, tion. pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbatro. clean complexion by using a little zemo, oDtainea at any arugr store lor oc, or extra large bottle at $1.00. Zemo easily removes all traces of pimples, black heads, blotches, eczema, and ringworm and makes the skin clear and heajthy. Zemo is a clean, penetrat ing, antiseptic liquid, neither sticky nor greasy and stains nothing. It is easily applied and costs a mere trifle for each application. It is always dependable. Th. E W. Rose Co Cleveland, O. m E3 Purity" and Mr. Robinson's re-election Is the first time the head has been returned for a successive term. Edgar Stipe was elected vice-president, and F. J. Llchtenberger was re elected secretary and treasurer. The meeting yesterday was held at the Chamber of Commerce and was attended by about 30. TAKE SALTS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS Eat Less Meat if You Feel Back- achy or Have Bladder Trouble. Meat forms uric acid which excites and overworks the kidneys In their ef forts to filter it from the system. Reg ular eaters of meat must flush the kid neys occasionally You must relieve them like you relieve your bowels; re moving all the acids, waste and poison, else you feel a dull misery in the kid ney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue Is coated and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine Is cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get irri tated, obliging you to get up two or three times during the night. To neutralize these irritating acids and flush off the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine and bladder disorders dis appear. This tamous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice combined with lithia. and has been used for generations to clean and stim ulate sluggtsh kidneys and stop blad der irritatior Jad Salts Is Inexpen sive, harmless and makes a delightful effervescent llthla-water drink, which millions of men and women talre now and then, thus avoiding serious kidney and bladder diseases. Adv. HOW GOOD THAT MUSTEROLE FEELS! Zt Gets to That Sore Spot Like Magic IAa-u! That's delicious relief for those 6ore muscles, those stiff joints, that lame back. Musterole is a dean, white ointment, made with the oil of mustard and other home simples. It does the work of the old fashioned mustard plaster, minus the plaster and minus the blisterl You simply rub Musterole on the spot where the pain is rub it on briskly and usually the pain is gone. No muss, no bother. Just comfort ing, soothing1 relief first a gentle glow, then a delightful sense of cool ness. And best of all, no blisters like the old-fashioned mustard plaster used to make. Use Musterole for sore throat, bron chitis, tonsilitis. croup, stiff neck. pains and aches of the back or joint.". sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chil blains, frosted feet and colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia).