Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 11, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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the bill would give the commissioner
$3000 and a deputy $2500 a year.
The bill, however, provides that "the
commissioner shall have all of the
clerical assistance which the present
Insurance Commissioner now has."
When the bill, in its present form, was
originally Introduced in 1915 the In
surance Commissioner also had charge
of a uniform system of accounting, and
hie clerical force was greatly In excess
of what he has now. But that bill was
repealed and much of his clerical help
Great Sale Chesterfield Clothes, Men's Fine Furnishings
Ladies' Fine Suits at Half Price
Dresses, Coats and Skirts greatly reduced. Come and make your selections from this ele
gant stock while you can still get rare values, in spite of the fact that there have been big
advances in every line of wearing apparel. f
Five Consolidation Bills Are
Reintroduced Financial
Effects Problematical.
done away with. As a result, his cleri
Guard Law Would Eliminate
cal force Is much, reduced and it is
held questionable if the clerical force
he now has could handle the work con
templated under the bill as reintro
duced, it is stated here.
Conflict With Latest Fed
eral Enactments.
6 -
Indications on Face Are That Some
Economics Would Result, but
Wide Latitude in Clerical
Hire Could Offset This.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem. Or.. Jan. 10.
(Special.) Examination of the five
consolidation bills which were rein
troduced in the Senate by Senator Bar
rett yesterday, after holding over from
the preceding session, fails to reveal
In any definite manner Just what ef
fect the bills might have on the state
financially If they should become laws.
On the face of them something of a
saving would be effected, but a num
ber of the bills give to the boards and
commissions that would be newly cre
ated such a latitude In hiring clerks
and stenographers, fixing their ealar
ies and Incidental expenses, that It is
virtually Impossible to determine what
the expense would be when the new
laws would be in operation.
In addition the bills are more or less
Indefinite in character and fail In nu-I
merous Instances to designate wnetner
certain offices should be abolished, or
whether they should remain in exist
ence. Board to Replace Regents.
As an Instance, bill No. 17 does away
with the board of regents of the vari
ous higher educational institutions,
abolishes the State Board of Higher
Curricula and the Board of Tax Com
missioners. But it creates an educa
tional boartt which would be composed
of the Governor, the Superintendent of
Public Instruction and three members
appointive by the Governor. The three
appointive members would receive an
honorarium in the aggregate of $460
a year, and the secretary of the board
$1800 a year. The salaries and ex
penses of the officers and members of
the board would be apportioned against
the several institutions.
Under the present law the secretary
of the board of regents of the Univer
sity of Oregon draws a salary of $3000
.a year, while the O. A C. secretary re
ceives $300 and the treasurer $300. The
secretary of the board for the Univer
sity is also financial controller for that
institution. Whether the offices men
tioned would be abolished the bills
fail to state. So on the face of the bill
an additional expense of $2250 would
be Incurred, but that might be re
duced, or enlarged, at the option of the
Expense Iiatltude Wide.
Bill No. 18 merely does away with
the two tax commissioners now' provid
ed for under the law and creates the
off ice. of an expert to assist the Gov
ernor. Secretary of State and State
Treasurer, now ex-officio members of
the commission. His salary would be
$2000 a year. The commission now has
two commissioners who receive $2500
a year each and a secretary receiving
$1800 a year. The caving effected un
der this bill would be $4800 a year, ap
parently, but the bill also gives wide
latitude by stating that the "salary of
all clerks and stenographers to be
fixed by the State Board." This gives
wide leeway for additional expense.
Bill No. 18 would create the depart
ment of Industrial Insurance, which
would handle the duties of Labor Com
missioner, Industrial Welfare Commis
sioner. Industrial Accident Commission
and Board of Inspectors of Child La
bor. Child labor inspectors and wel
fare commissioners receive no salaries
at present. The bill would give sal
aries to a chief director and chief in
spector of factories and workshops ag
gregating $5000, as compared to $10,
800 now paid for salaries to commis
sioners under the act.
The act would consolidate all of the
clerical work of the various commis
sions under the one commission. What
saving would be effected In that man
ner cannot be estimated, as it prob
ably would require much more cleri
cal assistance than now used by the
Industrial Accident Commission, which
complains that it is behind in its duties
because of a lack of necessary funds
to hire an adequate number of clerks.
Consolidation Is Questioned.
Bill No. 20, which consolidates the
Iesert Land Board and State Land
Board, imposes the power and duties
of both upon the State Land Board.
Buch a law automatically would place
the State Engineer and the Attorney
General on the State Land Board.
As the State Land Board is created
by the constitution and is to consist ot
the Governor, Secretary of State and
State Treasurer, the constitutionality
' of this act seems to be gravely in ques
tion. In consolidating the offices of In
surance Commissioner and Corpora
tlon Commissioner, bill No. 21 would
make, on the face, of it. a saving of
S5U0. The two officials now receive a
comi'incrl salary of JfiOOO a year, while
Bathe Internally
And Keep Well!
JNature has migrhtily equipped us all
old and young, to resist disease but
tihe requires that we give her a. chance.
We give her no chance if we permit
the Lower Intestine to be more or less
clogged with accumulated waste. Yet
that is a universal condition today, as
is proven by the number of laxative
drugs that are consumed.
You can help Nature in Nature's most
effectual way by Internal Bathing and
in an easy, non-naDit-rormlng way
keep the Intestine as sweet and clean
as Nature demands It to be for perfect
health and surer defense against con- '
tagion. Over half a million keen,
bright, healthy people testify to its
Mrs. I. B. Logan, of St. Joe, Idaho,
"Dear Sir: While you have never so
licited my testimonial, I feel it a duty
that I owe to you to acknowledge what
your treatment has done for me.
"I have suffered more than forty
years from the most severe form of bil
ious headache. Have scarcely missed a
month during all that time that I did
not have a severe .attack. The only
way I could get relief was to get some
purgative to act on the bowels. I could
keep on my feet and attend to my daily
vocation only by taking an aperient, a
laxative or a purgative every day.
"Since coming in touch with your 'J
B. L. Cascade' I have not taken a single
dose of medicine, have not had an at-
. tack of billons headache and have
never enjoyed such perfect health in
my life as I have for the past three
Just call at Woodard, Clarke & Co.'s
Drug Stores in Portland and request
free booklet, "Why Man of Today Is
Only 50 Per Cent Efficient." The most
efficient device for Internal Bathing,
the "J. B. L.- Cascade," will also be
shown and explained, to you if you so
desire. Adv.
Though New Insurance Code Not
Yet Introduced, Joint Session Set.
STATE CAPITOL. Ealem. Or.. Jan.
10. (Special.) A Joint meeting of the
House and Senate committees on in
surance will be held at 11 o'clock
next Tuesday morning to hear repre
sentatives of the mutual insurance
companies on the provisions in the
new insurance code affecting those or
ganizations. The new Insurance code has not yet
been introduced. It covers every
branch of insurance activity in the
Shanks Bill Would Provide More New
Jobs Land Board Members Say
They Can Administer Funds.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Jan. 10.
(Special.) Considerable friction is
promised during the present session
before final legislation is enacted nro-
viding for details of administration of
the rural credits amendment passed at
tne last general election.
That such is In sight became appar
ent today when criticism of Senate bill
No. 1. Introduced by. Senator Shanks,
developed not only among some mem
bers of the State Land Board, but also
on the part of C. E. Spence, Master of
the State Grange, who had no hesi
tancy in expressing his views as to
what the rural credits legislation should
The Shanks bill provides for a com
missioner of farm loans at $2400 a
year, an examiner at $"1500 a year, and
one or more appraisers to be named by
the State Land Board, and compensa
tion for them to be designated by the
Some members of the Land Board
declare themselves as unequivocally
opposed to adding any new salaried
positions to administer the rural cred
its fund, declaring that the force now
administering the state school fund
can administer them both. They see
no need for an examining attorney,
as the board now has an attorney in
each county to examine abstracts for
school fund loans. They see no need
for a commissioner of farm loans, as
this can be handled, they state, by the
present force working on the state
school fund loans. They see no use
for appraisers because the Land Board
attorneys can act as appraisers, they
Mr. Spence declares that all legisla'
tlon he desires is Just enough to get
the Land Board in action and to leave
the little details of administration up
to that board.
There- is no need for duplication
of administration expense, said Mr.
Spence. "I haven't seen the Shanks
bill, but I understand it provides for
new offices and 'pickings for some
body, and such are useless. The legis
lation should be very simple and give
the Land Board the administration of
affairs, as was intended by the amend
Senator Lewi 3 Attacks Practice of
Tacking" County Meetings.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Jan. 10.
(Special.) Senator Lewis, of Multno
mah County, introduced a bill in the
Senate today designed to curb the ma
nipulation of county central committees
by busybody politicians. This is not
the only measure that will be Intro
duced with that end in view.
The practice of "packing" county
central committee meetings with prox
ies to obtain control, which has been
exercised notoriously in the past, is
hit by a provision doing away with
proxies entirely.
"In the organization, election of of
ficers and transaction of business in
all committee deliberations," reacts the
bill in this particular, "only duly
elected precinct committeemen shall be
permitted to participate and proxies
shall in no instance be permitted.
Likewise, all officers of the committees
properly must be qualified members
thereof, which will indeed be a sad
blow to some of the boys.
One amendment in Senator Lewis' till
requires the County Clerk to notify
each committeeman of his election by
issuing and mailing him a certificate
of election within five days of the elec-
ton. At the same time, the County
Clerk must furnish a complete list of
all committeemen of each party elected
to the secretaries of the respective
retiring county committees.
In place of meeting and organizing
within five -days of their election, as
at present, with its resulting grand
opportunities for the politicians, the
measure requires that the organization
shall take place within 10 days of the
election. The secretary of the retiring
committee must issue notice of this
meeting by mail, at least three days
before the meeting, to each new com
mitteeman. The bill also gives county central
committees authority to make nomina
tions for elective officers if the nomi
nee has resigned.
Lewis Would Change Clackamas
Multnomah Boundary Line.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or., Jan. 10.
(Special.) The following bills were
introduced in the Senate today:
S. B. 29. by Lewis Changing the boun
dary line between Clackamas and Mult
nomah counties by annexing Oswego and
adjacent territory to Multnomah County.
S. B. 30, by Lewis Amending election
laws relating to county central committee
men, providing that County Clerk shall
notify them of their election and abolishing
use ox proxies.
- 8. B. 31, by Olson Regulating corpora
tlons organized to build dams, booms. et.
and placing them under Jurisdiction of Pub
lic service commission.
s. a. 02, oy nusion wuaurymg women
taxpayers or wives of taxpayers for Jury
duty, but exempting women who so desire
S. B. 33. by Handley Changing terms of
court in lain judicial uiswict, and declaring
an 'emergency.
S. B. 34. by Olson (by request) Author
izing the issuance ot uovernment annuiti
and providing for disposition of funds paid
tor purcnase oi bbiu aimuiiies.
S. B. 35, by Cusick Abolishing the office
of County Recorder of Linn County.
S. B. 38. by Orion Creating a Circuit
Court of Appeals, to have Jurisdiction over
appealed cases in sums not to exceed $1000,
except when constitutional queHlions, etc,
are involved, and over all criminal cases ex
cept felonies.
S. B. 87. by Pierce Reducing the legal
rate of interest to 6 per cent per annum
on implied contracts and to 8 per cent per
I B-,ni.m oa specific contracts.
Provision Defining Qualification
of Adjutant-General Held by
Some to Be Aimed to Dis
place Present Incumbent.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or., Jan. 10.
(Special.) A new military code to
conform with existing Federal statutes
on the subject is under consideration by
the Joint House and Senate committees
on military affairs and probably will
find its way into' one house or tne
other in the shape of a. military bill
The code was drafted by a commit
tee of officers of the Oregon National
Guard. It re-enacts most of the exist
ing state laws and makes few changes
in the miltiary organizations of the
state. It eliminates all sections, how
ever, that conflict with the latest Fed
eral enactments.
An interesting section in the new
code that may occasion eomosdiscussion
when it gets before the House and Sen
ate is that prescribing the qualifica
tions for the Adjutant-General.
White' Disqualification Hinted.
In its present form the measure says
that the Adjutant-General shall be an
officer with the- rank of Brigadier
General, who shall have served as a
field officer at least six years imme
diately preceding his appointment.
It is held by some authorities on the
subject that this provision is intended
to disqualify Adjutant-General George
A. White, who has been on the Mex
ican border Jor the last' six months as
Captain of Troop A.
Members of the two committees in
sist, however, that no provision of the
code is aimed at General White. They
say that current reports that the idea
of embarrassing him are absurd.
General White is expected here wttn-
in a few days and probably will ap
pear before the committee.
General's Return Awaited.
It Is not improoable, however, that
some efforts will be made at the ses
sion to dislodge General White, but,
considering the fact that he has been
away on the border serving his coun
try, members or the committee are in
willing to discuss proposed legislation
of this kind until he arrives here in
person. It is probable that committee
members will discuss the entire mili
tary situation on all its ramifications
with Governor Withycombe before pro
ceeding to action.
Thomas A. Sweeney, who served as
a member of Troop A on the border for
several months, appeared before the
committee tonight and asked for some
action that will provide some "substan
tial encouragement for the men on the
Within a few days, said Sweeney, a
bill, backed by "heavy taxpayers," will
be presented to the Legislature pro
viding pay at the rate of 76 cents a
day for the men now on the border dur
ing the period from September 1 until
they are sent borne.
The committee also authorized an in
vestigation of the proposal to provide
suitable medal for all the Oregon
men and officers who served on the
border during. the past Summer..
Lewis Asks Additional Methods of
Appeal to Supreme Court.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem, Or.. Jan. 10.
(Special.) The following bills were
introduced in the House this morning.
H. B. 27, by Lewis Providing additional
methods of appeal to tne bupreme i;ourt.
H. B. 28. by Sweeney Regulating- opera
tion of vehicles on public roads.
H. B. 29, by Deschutes County delegation.
Fixing- salary of District Attorney of Jeffer
son County at $800 per annum.
II. B 30, by Deschutes County delegation-
Fixing salary of officers of Jefferson County
as follows: Judge, suuo per annum; Clerk.
$1200 per annum; Sheriff, $500 per annum;
Assessor, siooo per annum; fachool Superin
tendent, $900 per annum and traveling ex
penses not to exceed siuo; Treasurer, stjoo.
H. B. SI, by Laurgaard Providing for
redemption of real property by Judgment
H. B. 82, by Anderson Appropriating $23,
000 a year for two years for Paciflo Worth-
west Tourist Association.
H. B. 33, by Anderson Appropriating
$!50CK annually for experiment station in
Hood River County.
H. B. 84, by Tlchenor To establish a dead
line across Rogue River and prohibiting all
manner of fishing except with hook and line
for salmon or other species of fish below
and west of such line.
H. B. 85, by Mueller Requiring that roads
supervisor shall be appointed by petition.
H. B. SB. by Mueller Requiring consent
of wife or husband or parents fer assign
ment of wages,
H. B. 37. by Mueller Compelling emolor-
ers to deduct ameunt of tax levy from wages
or alien employes, ,
H. B. 88. by starrln Reducing salary of
District Attorney of Polk County to $1200
per annum.
The following bills were introduced
in the House this afternoon:
H. B. 89. by Walter B. Jones Regulating
distribution ot scnool Tuna.
H. B. 40. by Mueller Reaulrlnr nubile
utilities to pay Interest on deposits made
by subscribers.
H. B. 41, by Mueller Regulating stock
running at large.
H. B. 42. by Mueller .Providing for ad
ministration of estates of absentees.
II. B. 43. by Lewis Repealing laws pro
hibiting intermarriage with Chinese, ne
groes ana hsnaKBi
H. B. 44. by Lewis Providing for boarJ
of examiners to assist State Supreme Court
in conducting examinations for admission to
Brown Returns Copies of Codes.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Or.. Jan. 10,
Sam Brown, Representative from
Marion County, appeared In the Secre
tary of State's office today with the
copies of his codes and session laws
given at this session. He had re
ceived copies while a member at i
previous session and says he sees no
reason why he should be given an
other set.
Ashland Business Men Elect.
ASHLAND, Or., Jan. 10. (Special.)
The Business Men's Association has
elected C. H. Vaupel president for 1917;
vice-presidents. A. C. Nininger . and
Sam B. McNair; secretary. Homer El
hart; treasurer, H. Enders, Jr. Di
rectors are Will Dodge, C. E. Sams, T.
W. Acklin. J. H. McOee and K. E. Miller.
The membership of the association is
50 afld monthly meetings are held.
N Klamath ex-SIierlff Dead.
(Special.) After a brief illness, An
drew Kirshner, .Klamath resident for
many years, died Sunday at the Black
burn Hospital In this city. Death was
due to fatty degeneration of the heart.
Relatives in they East were notified.
Mr. ' Kirshner was born in Mottville,
Mich., 75 years ago. He came to
Klamath County in the '90s. and was
Sheriff of this County from 1S98 to
, 1900,
Chesterfield Clothes Reduced
$20 Suits and Overcoats $16.50
$25 Suits and Overcoats $19.50
$30 Suits nad Overcoats $21.50
$35 Suits and Overcoats $27.50
$40 Suits and Overcoats $32.50
$45 Suits and Overcoats $36.50
$1.50 Garments at $1.20
$2.00 Garments at $1.60
$2.50 Garments at $2.00
$3.50 Garments at $2.80
$5.00 Garments at .....$4.00
$6.00 Garments at $4.80'
$2.50 Scarfs at
Only 37 on Hand, Compared
With 57 Early Last Time.
Commission for Investigation of
Proposals for Mergers of De
partments and Boards Is
Authorized by Senate.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem. Or., Jan. 10.
(Special.) If the activity of getaway
week may be taken as an indication,
this la groins; to be an exceptionally
light session bo far as introducing; billa
is concerned.
The total number of bills Introduced
in the Senate up to tonight, for in
stance. Is only 37. At the end of the
third day in the 1913 session, 57 bills
had been introduced.
And most of the Senators are not
especially in a bill introducing; mood at
this writing;. Senator Steiwer, of Uma
tilla, says be doesn't Intend to intro
duce any. Senator Hurley, of Grant.
Harney and Malheur, expects to intro
duce only one. Senator Strayer, of
Baker, has only two in prospect. Sen
ator Baldwin, of Klamath, has in mind
only one bill. And so it goes.
In the House there is a similar con
servatism in the introduction of bills.
Only 44 had been introduced up to ad
journment this afternoon. The same
number had been introduced at this
time last session, but in 1913 the num
ber was 94. If this record can be kept
up It augurs for quality rather than
quantity in new laws. .
The Senate had a light day toaay. out.
cleaned up everything; in sight, at that.
About the only event worth mention-
ins: in the morning seeslon was tne
adoption o.f Senator Dimick's Joint res
olution requiring the ways and means
committee to report its appropriation
bills for. state institutions by the aotn
day of the session. Instead of waiting
until the last moment, a pleasing but
confusing custom of the paet-
The Senate also adopted at tne morn
ing session a Joint resolution by Dlm-
icfc providing for appointment of a
Joint committee of three from the Sen
ate and three from tne Mouse to ex
amine all feasible plans of abolition
and merging of state offices, reporting
by the 26th day of the session. If no
feasible plan has been presented Dy
that time the committee lej to continue
its work, with power to subpena wit
nesses at investigations, until it arrlvfes
at a practicable working plan.
The Senators were in session only 25
minutes in the morning and about 45
minutes in the afternoon. A few bills
were introduced, but none were up for
.from now on, however, the work will
increase and the various committees
will soon find their hands fulL
Clackamas Kcprcscntativo Intro-
daces Bill for Economy.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem, Jan. 10.-
(Special.) Wholesale abolition and
consolidation of commissions, boards
and bureaus Is provided in a resolution
Introduced in the House this morning
by Representative Brownell, of Clack
amas, s
Economy and efficiency are the ends
that Brownell hopes to attain. In the
preamble of his resolution he calls at
tention .to the fact that in the political
campaign of ".wo years ago and in the
campaign of this year, as well as In
the newspapers generally the abolition
and consolidation of state commissions
now in use in this state was advocated
by the candidates of both parties.
He proposes to meet this apparent
demand by authorizing the House com
mlttee on revision of laws, together
with the Attorney-General "to invest!
gate this proposition and prepare suit
able laws and legislation to meet the
demands of the people of this state and
report such legislation or bills to this
The committee is empowered to em
olov all clerks necessary.
Representative Brownell says that
the Grange and other organizations of
his district have requested him to start
these proceedings.
Measure in Senate Opens Rivers
and Makes Them Highways.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Jan. 10.
(Special.) Logging companies will be
interested in a bill introduced In the
Senate today by Olson, of Multnomah
providing for the opening of rivers and
streams by corporations organized to
..$1.45 $3.50 Scarfs at
Come Today and Save Money on the Clothes You Need
build dams, booms. et&, and placing
these corporations under Jurisdiction of
the Public Service Commission. Summed
up, the main points of the measure are:
1. It opens rivers and makes highways
of them.
2. All rates are to be regulated by the
Publlo Service Commission oa the basis of
Improvements and reasonable cost.
3. Provides for. Issuance by the Commis
sion "off Indeterminate franchises on streams,
subject to revocation.
. Provides that Improvements are to be
made only to beds of streams.
6. Compensation for franchises provides
for any necessary trespass In recovering: iocs
left high and dry by freshet, etc.
6. Revenue provided for the state Is more
than sufficient to meet the expenses of carrT-Ing-
the act Into operation, A chares of S
cents per 1000 feet floated down tho stream
Is fixed.
T. All rates are to be resrulated by the
Publlo Service Commission, and service to all
persons desiring It Is compulsory, as is ac
cession to the stream.
8. No dams may be constructed, even cm
land owned by tho corporation deslrlns; to
build tho dam, without permission from the
Publlo Service Commission, granted after a
special hearing;.
Johns Man Also Proposes Law
Eliminate Dead Disqualifications
In Oregon Constitution.
STATE CAPITOL, Salem. Or.. Jan. 10.
(Special.) Representative D. C
Lewis, of the late city of St. Johns,
again Is championing the cause of
the negroes and other colored resi
dents of the state.
Lewis was author of the resolution
adopted at the last session submitting
to the voters the proposal to eliminate
from the state constitution an obsolete
section prohibiting negroes from vot
ing. The proposal was defeated at
the recent election.
But today Lewis came forth with
another bill designed in the interests
not only of the negroes but of China
men and Kanakas as well. It would
repeal provisions of existing laws
making it illegal for whites and ne-
gros. Chinese and Kanakas to Inter
If a white man loves a colored
woman or a Chinese woman, let him
marry her." he argues.
No, I have no particular couple in
mind, but some of m v colored constit
uents asked me to introduce the bill."
Tomorrow he will introduce another
bill making It unlawful for the Secre
tary of State, State Printer or other of
ficer to print as a part of the state
constitution those provisions making t
Illegal for negroes to vote or to hold
He says that this course will elim
inate the objectional sections from the
constitution That the Fourteenth
amendment to the Federal constitution
abrogated them long ago. It was not
necessary, even to submit the repeal
amendment to the people at the last
eleotion. he says. -
Directors of Settles Lake District
Also Named.
CULVER, Or., Jan. 10. (Special.)
At the election held In the North Unit
Irrigation District Tuesday, 1L W.
Gard, A. D. Anderson, John Henderson,
Fred Fisher and I. N. Vlppert were
re-elected as directors, and H. W. An
drews as treasurer. The North Unit
Dry Farm Association placed a ticket
in the field, but it was completely de
feated. A spirited, campaign was
waged by both those who favor irriga
tion and those who prefer dry land
The election held in the Suttles Lake
Irrigation District yesterday resulted
as follows: H. J. Chenoweth. C. I. xien
line, Albert Webber, T. R. Rodgers
and C. E. Harrltt as directors, and
Bert Aklns as treasurer.
Vancouver Firemen Have I-'caot.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Jan. 10. (Spe
cial.) P. M. Elwell was toastmaster
at tho annual banquet given tonight
by the Vancouver Fire Department at
Hotel St. Elmo. Plates were placed
for 42 firemen, their guests and
friends. Following the banquet all
attended a show. Fred Eck is now
president of the Fire Department. Re
cently the department gave its annual
ball, at which event a neat sum was
added to the treasury for current ex
penses. City Club to Meet Tomorrow.
The regular meeting of the City Club
of Portland will be held at noon to
morrow in the orange room of the
Oregon Hotel. The speaker will be
Elot T. Hedlund. He will speak on the
"Shlpbildlng Industry in Portland
and the Paciflo Northwest" from the
financial point of view.
Ladies Suits
$ 3.50 Jap Silk at $2.65
$ 4.50 Wash Silk at $3.25
$ 6.50 Crepe de Chine at $4.75
$ 7.50 Crepe de Chine at $5.50
$10.00 Fancy Silks at $7.25
Corner Washington
and West
Money Is to Bo Pooled With. Washing
ton and British Columbia In Bis;
Advertising; Campaign.
STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or.. Jan. 10.
(Special.) Oregon's proper partici
pation in the campaign to attract tour
ists! to the Northwest is to be provided
by a bill dropped into the House hop
per this morning by Representative
Anderson, of Wasco.
The measure appropriates $25,000 an
nually for two years to be used by the
Paciflo Northwest Tourist Association
"for the exclusive purpose of exploit
ing and advertising throughout the
United States the scenic wonders, at
tractions and climate of Oregon,
Washington and tho province of Brit
ish Columbia."
Disbursements and expenditures from
this appropriation are to be under the
Direction of a flnancs committee of
two members appointed by the Gover
nor, to serve without remuneration.
The appropriation Is to be contingent
upon the state of Washington appro
priating a like amount, and British Co
lumbia appropriating $12,500 annually.
It is Intended to pool the funds ap
propriated by the two states and the
Canadian province for the purpose of
conducting a Nation-wide campaign to
attract tourists to the Northwest.
The plan has been approved by lead
ing business men and bankers of Port
land. Seattle. Spokane. Victoria. Van
couver and other cities of the affected
territory, who declare that the money
so appropriated will be well invested.
Oregon's two members of the finance
committee are to act In conjunction
with two members from Washington
and two from British Columbia,
It Is pointed out by advocates of the
measure that similar campaigns in
Colorado and In other parts of the
country have been wonderfully effect
ive in attracting tourists, who add
substantially to the prosperity of
these respective districts by the money
thev spend.
The Northwest has the natural at
tractions sufficient to attract people
from all parts of the world. It Is ar
gued. All that is needed now Is to let
the world know about It.
(Continued From Flirt Par.)
lists and ascertain what salaries are
paid to their employes.
The committee gave assent to the fol
lowing appropriations:
Apprehension of criminals, reduced
from J5000 to $4000.
Superintendent of Public Instruction,
State Teachers' Association, $500.
McLoughlln Memorial Home, at Ore
gon City, $50.
Emergency Board, $200.,
Fugitives from Justice, $15,000.
Grand Army of the Republic print
ing. $500.
Circuit Judges, $200,000.
District Attorneys, $136,400.
State Land Board, $1S,000.
Printing' of proclamations. $500.
Records of arrests, $1000. .
Revision Seems lnlikrly.
Some of the above are subject to
revision before being finally placed
in the appropriation bills, but prob
ably will stand as accepted today.
The committee eliminated requests
as follows:
Stallion Registration Board. $2000.
Board of Higher Curricula. $333.
Support of non-resident poor, $3000.
Thf committee authorized the draft
Chamberlains Cough Remedy
"Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been used
in my family for hoarseness, coughs and colds
on occasions without number, and has given the
best of satisfaction."-ville.Ill.
Half Price
Park Streets
ing of a bill appropriating $23,000 for
the current expenses of the Legisla
ture. The members were all agreed
that the present session should cost
less than the former, by 6 per cent at
least, the cost of the preceding session
being $68,406. The appropriation of
$25,000 does not represent the entlro
appropriation for this session, but is
made to meet obligations now arising.
State Institutions First.
The committee will visit most of the
Institutions personally. It Is probable
that the corumitce. in preparing Its
budget so that it shall remain within
the limitation of the 6 per cent amend
ment, will make provision for mainte
nance of the Institutions first, and
when all appropriations that are con
sidered absolutely necessary are pro
vided for. will divert any balance. If
there is such, ni equitably as possible
among the Institutions for betterment,
or permanent improvements.
Strong Indications were shown today
that the $90,000 request for a bounty
on wild animals will be cut into deeply.
Open questions were asked by Senators
La Follette and Farrell. If coyotes were
not Drea in l-astern Oregon for tlm
purpose of securing bounty money, and
apparently there will be strenuous op
position to anything like the appropria
tion previously given.
Farrell Attacks Humnne Society. -
The Humane Society was attacked
by Senator Farrell as having too much
money already, anj h njvocated elim
inating a request of $;i240. He asserted
that recently the society in To -Hand
hauled away a dead animal for him.
that they sent him a bill for $S. but
when the bill was protested on his of
ficial executive stationery they re
duced it to $3.
He also atta'cked the Board of rilot
Commissioners as being without fur
ther usefullness. and urtred that a re
quest for $2400 made by that board be
cut off. These matters were held in
abeyance for further investigation.
On recommendation of Chairman
Kubl), of the House ways and means
committee, a thorough Investigation
will be made into the manner in which
the traveling expenses of state offl
cials are disbursed. lie declared him
self opposed to granting traveling ex
pense accounts in a lump sum to any
officials and others of the commit
tee agreed to holding an audit of all
such accounts.
Many appropriations suggested, in
the budgets were passed over for fu
ture consideration, because the members
asserted that tho activity for which
the appropriation was askerl would bo
the subject of a bill for consolidation
or abolition, and no action will be
taken on them until such bills are fi
nally considered.
Senator Wood was elected chairman
of the joint committee. The body will
visit the state schools for the blind
and deaf in Salem tomorrow.
Bill Would Make Initiative Measures
Harmonize Willi Statutes.
New measures proposer! In this stale
by initiative must hereafter conform to
the constitution if they become laws,
according to the purpose of the con
stitutional Revision Association of Ore
gon, which will present a joint resolu
tion to the Legislature for adoption
that will prevent confusion on the
statute books, it is declared.
This measure will require that any
amendment must be made to harmonize
with laws already on the books, or else
It will itself fall to the ground. The
new law must state specifically what
other laws or portions of laws. It is
to replace. Failure to o so will be
fatal to the measure.
It Is also desired that proportional
representation be eliminated from tho
fundamental law of the state. It is
proposed that instead of six months'
residence being required of a voter, as
at present, that this term be lengthened
to one year. Bars to citizenship that
are in the constitution, but which are
dead letters, are also sought to be
eliminated by the association.
-Mrs. C. Metzser, Green-