Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 11, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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Head of Railway Executives'
Advisory Committee Out
i lines Remedial Plan.
Centralization ol Regulation. by Fed
eral Commission Suggested as
Measure as Important as
Federal Reserve Act.
LOUISVILLE. Ky., Jan. 10. Frank
Trumbull, chairman of the railway
executives' advisory committee and
chairman of the board of directors of
the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Com
pany, at the annual dinner of the
Louisville Transportation Club tonight,
appealed for the co-operation of the
American people in solving the eco
nomic problems confronting the rail
roads. "They have," he said, "the oppor
tunity to accomplish the most Impor
tant piece of work since the passage
of the Federal Reserve banking act."
He asserted the greatst conomic
problem the country faces is its trans
portation problem, the solution of
which "will require the intelligent and
unselfish co-operation of all the many
Interests involved."
He declared it was the people's prob
lem "just as vitally" as it was the
railroads' problem, and the previous
policy of the public of considering the
railroads as something "from which
they might properly wring the last
possible ounce of service at the lowest
possible cost has had but one effect
which today is glaringly apparent.
"Today, even'after the most prosper
ous year in their history," Mr. Trum
bull said, "we find the railroads ut
terly unable to meet the demands of
Returns Less Than 6 Per Cent.
"Railroad efficiency has been seri
ously impaired and railroad credit in
jured so that the business of the whole
nation is suffering from the lack of its
fundamental need adequate transpor
tation. To this statement doubtless the
railroad critic would reply that dur
ing 1916 the railroads earned more
than a billion dollars net the great
est sum in their history. This sounds
impressive, but it shows a return of
less than 6 per cent on the railroad
property devoted to the use of the
public And in the face of a constantly
rising cost of labor and material this
margin of earnings is bound to de
crease." Meanwhile, according to the speak
er, one motor company in 1916 had
earned 3000 per cent on its capitaliza
tion, while scores of other corporations
had earned 50 per cent and more on
.their common stock. In their invest
ments, he said, the "American people
had returned an obvious answer
whether they would place their mon
ey in "unregulated private businesses
showing such returns or in the over
regulated railroad business with Its
many uncertainties and relatively
meager returns."
Remedy la Outlined.
Turning to the question of a rem
edy. Mr. Trumbull said:
"Upon the suggestion of President
"Wilson that the time had come to
discover if present methods of regula
tion could not be improved on. Con
gress has undertaken through a joint
commission of the Senate and House to
make inquiry into this whole trans
portation problem. Under 'the direc
tion of the committee, of which I am
chairman, about 90 per cent of the Im
portant railroad lines of the country
will present their suggestions for the
committee's consideration.
"Briefly, they provide for Federal
supervision of railroad, securities; Fed
eral incorporation of interstate car
riers; Federal regulation of rates; a
regional and functional division of the
work of the Interstate Commerce Com
mission; restricting rate suspensions to
not more than 60 days, and giving the
Interstate Commerce Commission pow
er to prescribe minimum as well as
maximum rates.
"It is the belief of the railroad -exec
utives that if the railroads can be re
lieved of the inefficient regulation of
48 states and the Federal body and
this regulation be united under one
head with regional subdivisions that a
Kreat part of their present difficulty
will be removed. On this platform the
railroads have taken their stand and
ask for the co-operation of the people
because the business of this country
ran prosper only as it is adequately
served by efficient transportation.
New York 11 fe Insurance Company
Pats Figure at $866,000,000.
NEW YORK, Jan. 10. Resources
exceeding $866,000,000 are shown by the
New York Life Insurance Company In
its 7Zd annual report issued today.
Total payments to policyholders In
1916 amounted to $81,000,000. The
amount of insurance in force in the
company at the end of 1916 was more
than $2,500,000,000 and new business
during the year more than $263,000,000
of which about $240,000,000 was obtained
in the United States.
House Subcommittee Reports Meas
ure Favorably.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 A bill to
protect and preserve the halibut fish
cries in the Pacific Ocean by establish
ing a closed season In halibut and re
stricting the landing of halibut in the
unitea states, including Alaska, was
favorably reported to the House mer
chant marine committee today by a sub
A similar measure has passed the
Senate Committee Chops Columbia
and Lake Qulniault Amounts.
ington, Jan. 10 Senator Lane today
' favorably reported from the fisheries
committee the omnibus fish hatchery
bill, recently passed by the House.
The committee cut the appropriation
for the Columbia River and Lake
Qulniault hatcheries from $50,000 to
iu.uuu eacn.
Winnie Skelton Foster and Her Step-
mother Settle Differences.
Division of . property worth $30,00
between Winnie Skelton Foster and
her step-mother, Effie A. Ekelton. set
tled litigation Involving part of the
estate of the late Joseph Skelton in
the court of Circuit Judge Gatens yes
terday. When Mr. Ekelton died Intestate In
1907, to Mrs. Ekelton was left a dower
interest in this property, which was a
life tenure. But her step-daughter,
Mrs. Foster, after several years had
passed, filed suit to have Mrs. Skelton
dispossessed and a receiver appointed
for the property, on the grounds that
Mrs. Skelton had allowed taxes to so
unpaid, and had cared for the property
illy, causing a depreciation in the es
tate which later would so to Mrs.
The division determined upon yes
terday in settlement of the litigation
provided that Mrs. Skelton should re
ceive as her permanent share five
acres of land on Peninsula avenue, on
which there are "two houses, and Mrs.
Foster two lots in Albina and five acres
on Peninsula avenue.
Prospects of Relief and Steps to Be
Taken for Future Supply
to Occupy Attention.
SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. 10. Economic
problems which are said to be giving
Washington editors much concern
feature the programme prepared for
the meeting of the Washington News
paper Institute which began here to
night, the sessions opening with a
smoker at the Seattle Press Club. The
attendance this year was said by offi
cials to be much larger than formerly
because of the many questions which
newspaper men throughout the state
are finding difficult of solution.
Among matters discussed will e the
future supply of news print paper and
prospects of relief. The causes of paper
stock curtailment and the high prices
are features of the general discussions.
Many of the phases of the general sub
ject will be handled by speakers rep
resenting manufacturers, jobbers and
The Washington Press Association
will meet In executive session on Jan
uary 13. after the close of the institute
meetings which are to be held In
Bagley Hall all on the campus of the
University of Washington. There will
be several important entertainment fea
tures arranged by the Press Club and
the Seattle publishers.
Boatswain's Mate Drowned and Lien
tenant Injured in Effort to Put
Line on Stranded Vessel.
EUREKA, CaL, Jan. 10. Boatswain's
Mate Parker, of the United States
cruiser Milwaukee, was drowned today
when an attempt was made to land a
boat from the vessel through the surf
where the submarine H-3 is stranded
on the beach near here.
The boat capsized in the first line
of breakers. Ten other men in the boat
succeeded , in reaching shore, all more
or less bruised. Lieutenant Harvy H.
Haislip, who was in command, was cut
about the face.
Late tonight the boat was washed
ashore, bearing with it the line from
the Milwaukee with which it had been
intended to rig up a tow line to the
stranded submarine. The line was se
cured and it was said that an effort
would be made at high tide tomorrow
morning to pull the H-3 off the beach.
Federal Report Shows Progress Is
Made In Pacific Coast States.
The report of the Commissioner of
Fisheries, Just issued, contains inter
esting Information as to the salmon
and halibut catches off the Oregon
coast and in the rivers of the state.
The artificial propagation of the
Pacific salmon in the three Coast
states and Alaska. aava the renort.
attained greater efficiency and mag
nitude in 1916 than In any previous
year. Shortage In, the egg take at
some points' was more than compen
sated for by a high degree of success
elsewhere, and the outouL In round
numbers, was 250,000,000 fish, compared
wun z-o,uoo,uuo in 1916.
As a result of a survey made hv the
government on tne coast of Oregon the
halibut banks were cultivated, and 26
trips were made, the take amounting
to l.ois.uuu pounds, valued at $64,623.
Parent-Teacher Circle Will
Session Tonight.
A discussion of the plana for the
new BucKman SchoolrTouse will be con
ducted tonight at a meeting to be held
in the assembly hall of the present
building by the Parent-Teacher circle
or the district.
The principal question relates to the
type of building to be constructed,
many of the parents preferring the
one-story building. The School Board
recently decided in favor of the two
story building. A petition which was
supposed to have represented the pref
erence of the community for a two-
story building, it was stated by Mrs
P. G. Nealond, president) of the Buck-
man Parent-Teacher circle, resulted
from an incomplete canvass of the
school district.
Women Parted 36 Years Ago Meet
for FirstTlme Since.
AMITY, Or- Jan. 10. (Special.) Sis
ters who parted 36 years ago at Healds-
burg, Cal., did not recognize each other
when they met again here today at the
home of Mrs. S. E. Norton, wife of a
rancner near Amity.
Mrs. B. E. Layman, of Mansfield,
wash., decided to pay her sister a visit.
She did not know the . exact location
of the Norton homestead, but, after
numerous inquiries among the neigh
bors, she found the place and Intro
duced herself. Mrs Norton is 79 and
Mrs. Layman 59. Mr. and Mrs. Norton
recently celebrated their 62d wedding
anniversary here.
Man Attacks Boy, Aged 5.
Mrs. M. E. Ohren. 911 East Thirty
seventh street North, reported to the
police last night that a man had at
tacked and abused her 5-year-old son,
Clifford, while the lad was on his way
home from tne uraumont School.
Chinese Faces Lottery Charge.
Gin Bow. Chinese, was arrested last
night at 12 North Sixth street by Ser
geant Oelsner and Patrolmen Collins
and Cameron and charged with con
ducting a lottery game. Seven other
men were arrested on charges of visit-
ins the resort.
Supreme Court Judges Display
Lively Interest and Ask
Many Questions.
Right of Congress to Regulate
Wages as It Does Rates Main
tained by Sir. Haserman.
Argument Lasts 3 Days.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. Final argu
ments were heard by the Supreme Court
today in the case testing Constitution
ality of the Adamson act, with members
of the court continuing to display
their extraordinary interest by fre
quent questioning of counsel.
A decision la expected within a few
weeks, although summary action on
the important issues - is not deemed
probable. February 26 has been men
tioned as the possible date for the de
cision as the court reconvenes that day
after recess of three weeks to prepare
Three days of arguments were con
cluded this afternoon. The closing ad
dress was made in support of the law
by Frank Hagerman. of Kansas City,
special assistant to the Attorney-General,
who contended vigorously Con
gres has authority to regulate rail
road employes' wages in exercising its
Constitutional power over interstate
Attorney-General Present.
Attorney-General Gregory, several
Senators and many railroad and other
lawyers, followed today s proceedings.
Maintaining power of Congress to pass
the law. .Mr. Hagerman said it can oe
operated temporarily like the Interstate
Commerce Commission temporarily reg
ulates rates.
Is there any law of that kindr
asked Justice McKenna.
'It's done by the Interstate com
merce Commission in daily practice,
said Mr. Hagerman.
There's no claim ' that this law is
confiscatory," the attorney continuea.
Consrress acted in Its discretion, a ac
cretion with which the judiciary has no
power to interfere.
Oh, no one claims mat liib luui .
substitute its discretion ror mat oi
Congress," interrupted Chief Justice
" Pre?edenti Are Cited.
The Federal employers' liability.
hours of service, pilotage auu. m
aws were cited by Mr. uagerumu
precedents of the attention of congress
to contracts or erapiojuiciiu
When Justice Whitney asaea it w.
awa were analogous to rate regula
tion, Mr. Hagerman said:
Til admit the question in inn
goes a litue turiner man ju
heretofore decided."
Justice Pitney asked if Congress had
power to regulate the price which rail
roads snail pa; iui iv4 -
gines. -
I want to know if 'there is Any
vested right in private property the
line being private operation and pub
lic regulation?" said Justice Pitney.
"Can Congress force men to work
against their will for wages they may
not be satisfied with?"
Mr. Hagerman emphatically gave ma
Individual opinion that Congress has
powers to enact compulsory arbitration
legislation, "if necessary for the move
ment of trains."
Workman and Cars Compared.
That railroad workmen are Just as
much a part of 'transportation as cars
or locomotives was contended by Mr.
Hagerman, saying:
"If this court can say that the wage
of the man who makes possible, the
movement of trains has no real or sub
stantial relations to commerce, then
my words are without erfect. a he pay
of men has a direct bearing on ef
fectuality of transportation."
'Can Congress fix tne price or cross
Hfs'" asked Justice McReynolds.
The attorney replied tnat moments
In actual movement of trains were
sublect- to Congressional regulations.
"The question of ties is lust a de
gree removed, ne saia, ana we are
only dealing with the movement' or
the trains, and the court has saia tne
men are a part ana parcel oi move
ment In everything that concerns tne
movement of trains, engines, cans and
what-not. Congress is supreme, witn
power to regulate anything that deals
with the movement or commerce, con
gress has the right to remove or pre
vent obstructions of commerce, whether
by- compulsory arbitration- of a strike
or the bold threats of carriers last
September to stop carrying freight in
anticipation or a strike.
Public Interest Cited.
In the interest of efficient and safe
transportation, the attorney argued,
the public has an interest in employes
receiving an adequate wage.
"The public has an interest in re
ducing expenses: hasn t it? ' asked
Justice Pitney. "Is it your view that
Congress go so far as to appoint rail
road officers and directors?"
"If a carrier abuses its trust. Mr.
Hagerman answered, "and doesn't per
form its public runctions, tne puoiic is
entitled to the use of the road and
could have a court take hold by re
Regarding the power of Congress to
prevent strikes. Justice McReynolds
"Is there no limit in what Congress
can do to stop a strike? In the Debs
case could Congress have ordered the
railroads to pay Mr. Debs $50,000 to
stop a strike?
"That s putting it pretty fierce, but
I believe Congress could." Mr. Hager
man answered.
Case Closes Amid Laughter.
"Oh, you don't mean that," Justice
Vandevanter interjected. "That minim
izes and detracts from everything you
have said.
"I think," suggested Justice Holmes
to the attorney, "that you are very
wise in dealing with this question to
be precise and not consider the degree
the matter can be pushed.
In arguing that the law was work
able, Mr. Hagerman pointed out that
the railroads had admitted It by agree
ing to keep separate accounts after
January 1 to insure prompt payment
if it were withheld.
Asserting that the railroads "need
not be afraid of the United States," and
turning to the railroad lawyers. Mr.
Hagerman closed by quoting, amid gen
eral laughter, a line from the gospel
hymns as follows:
" 'While the lamp holds out to burn,
the vilest sinner may return.' "
New Klickitat County Officers As
same Duties on Monday.
GOLDENDALE. Wash., Jan. 10.-
(Special.) Klickitat County officials
for the new term were sworn in at
Goldendale Monday and commenced
their duties. New officials are: Sheriff,
Ira E. Henderson, of Columbus; engl
neer, George W. Borden. Goldendale;
auditor, Roy E. Crooks. Goldendale.
uniciais serving second terms are: ,
Clerk, Kate Nye; assessor. R. E. Nichols: I
school superintendent. Miss Mabel Hin
shaw; prosecuting attorney, John R.
McEwen; coroner. Merle Chapman;;
county agriculturist, n. w. cooney.
With the exception of the offices i
of the Sheriff. Auditor and Engineer
the force of deputies and clerks em
ployed will be the same. Deputies and
assistants employed are as follows:
Auditor, Roy M. Spoon and Frances
Hale; Chief Deputy Sheriff, John C. Mc
Coy, of White Salmon: Assessor. F. W.
TTurrl? Tmaatirftr TTrHylf Ir WlUnn AnH
V.11U 1 . J .-. C.A.ta T In.
Clyde Spalding.
Robert Ballou. Chief Deputy Sheriff
for the past four years, has accepted
a nosition in the offic of the Prose-
cuting Attorney and will have charge
of the field work. Cecil R. West, of (
Dot. In Eastern Klickitat. Is a new
members of the Board of County Com
missioners; W. Scott Coe, of White
Salmon, was re-elected from Western
Klickitat, and A. R. Toungquist, of
Goldendale. holdover member of the
board, is chairman. Judge William
T. Daren, of the Superior Court, for
Klickitat, Swamania and Cowlitz coun
ties, is commencing' his second four
year term. Judge Daren is a resident
of Goldendale.
-Amateur Lightweight Nearly Out In
Early Round, but Manage
Finally to "Come Back."
SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. 10. (Special.)
Ever since Lloyd Madden won the
Northwest lightweight championship
from Harry Anderson, local fans have
been strong for the aggressive vllttle
Seattle Athletic Club battler, but Mc
Intyre's protege, who boxes in Port
land Friday, won a borne in the heart
of every follower of the ring game in
Seattle tonight when he slugged toe to
toe to a draw with the Oakland vet
eran, Frankie Burns.
After being virtually out. although
on his feet in the earlier rounds, the
former amateur crack came back and
tore into the Califomlan in a way
which made the fans climb up on their
chairs and root for the local youngster.
The draw decision was one of the most
popular in local history and the big
crowd went home tickled at the gritty
showing of the Seattle lad.
When Matchmaker Joe w aisn an
nounced that Ray Campbell, the pop
ular lightweight, had sprained his wrist
n training, there was a rumble rrom
the boys in the dollar-seats. But when
Madden and his clever opponent swung
nto action the bleacher lads forgot all
about Campbell and his sprained hand.
It was a great battle.
Joe Gorman, the Portland dot, caugnt
a tartar In young Joe Harrahan. who
hit too hard for . the Portland battler.
Gorman shoved a clever pair of hands
and a willingness to mix, but Harra
han won the verdict by piling up points
in the final session.
Los Angeles Boy Scores Two Knock
downs in Final Round.
TACOMA, Wash.. Jan. 10. (Special.)
Frankie Sullivan, the Los Angeles
lightweight held Chet Neff. of faeattie.
133-pound champion of the Pacific
Coast, even in the main event at a
smoker here tonight. The Uout was
hard fought all the way and although
the little Seattle sensation had the
best of the first three rounds, due to
his boring in tactics and clever infight
ing, the Los Angeles boy easily evenea
th count In the last round, when he
opened up and scored two clean knock
In the second main event, .Frank
Farmer, the Kapowsin logger, ana
Lowe Simms, the tall Portland light-
heavyweight, boxed a draw, xne ngnt
lng logger obtained a good lead in the
first round by several stiff punches to
the mouth, but he tired near- the end
of the bout and Simms evened tne
Charles Peterson, of Seattle, and
Walter Prosch, of Roy. each welgh
iner 140 pounds, fought a draw. Kid
Lee. of Omaha, had a stiff kick in his
right mitt and got a Knocaout over
Eddie Quinn, of Tacoma. Both weighed
122 pounds. Al Edlsen, of Seattle, and
Mike Pete, of Wilkeson. fought a draw.
Joe Richmond, of South Tacoma. re
ceived a decision over Bud Ridley, of
Seattle. Both weighed 116 pounds. Leo
Houck, of Seattle, and Frank Pete, of
Wilkeson, boxed a draw. Each man
weighed 130 pounds.
Goldendale Officers Assume Duties
and New Council Organizes.
GOLDENDALE, 3Yash., Jan. 10. (Spe
cial.) New city officials took office
at Goldendale Tuesday and the new
Council was organized. New officials
are: Mayor. Cary V. Ramsey: Council
men. George M- Balcer and Robert O.
Sunderland; City Treasurer, T. Bert
Wilson. All appointive officials were
reappointed as follows: Chief of Po
lice, W. C. Burgen; City Clerk, Delbert
Gunning; City Attorney, John H, Mc
Ewen. The Council devoted much of its time
In 1916 to devising: ways and means
for reducing the running expenses of
the town, and Mayor Ramsey has an
nounced that he will not disturb any
of the plans put under headway, as the
majority of the new Council are hold
over members.
Residents of Proposed Cascade
County Oppose Division.
OREGON CITT. Or., Jan. 10. (Spe
cial.) An insurrection against Esta-.
cada's plan to create Cascade County
has arisen in the district affected by
taxpayers who feel that county divi
sion will increase taxes. 1
A. D. Burnett, of Eagle Creek, was
In Oregon City today. He said that
11 the people of his community jvere
opposed to county division, which they
were certain would raise their taxes.
A remonstrance to the Legislature
was put into circulation in the eastern
part of Clackamas County, from which
Cascade County would be carved, today.
Pacific University to Meet Wlllam-
mette In February.
Or., Jan. 10 (Special.) The debate be
tween Willamette University and Pa
cific University has been postponed
from January 19 until the first or sec
ond Friday in February.
This was done chiefly to avoid con
flicting with semester examinations of
both schools, and will give the debaters
a better chance for preparation.
The question which will be discussed
is: "Resolved, that a literacy test at
least as restrictive as House bill 6060
of the 6Sd Congress is the best method
for limiting European immigration."
fSI V7
L h J'-"i
tv;' -
W)l i f
Weather Books
TYQOS" Weather Series,
for the amateur.
"Practical Hints for Ama
teur Weather Forecast
ers." "Humidity, Its Effect on
Our Health and Com
fort." .
"The Mountains of Cloud
land and Rainfall.'
"The Thermometer and
Its Family Tree."
Price 10 each, or set of
4 25.
Sit ?
f 4.
f , 1
ii. phi
6 bars 20-Mule Borax Soap 23
6 bars Wool Soap 25
6 bars. Lifebuoy Soap 25
6 bars Fairy Soap , 25
6 bars Peet's Mechanics' Soap...... 25
6 bars Lurline Soap 25
6 bars Jergen's Transparent Glycerine
Soap i 25
6 bars-Grandpa's Tar Soap 250
Colgate's Barber v Bar Shaving Soap,
cake .50
10c Eose City Transparent Soap, three
for 18fS
15c H. and II. Soap, for cleaning: purposes,
two for 250
10c Fairy, large size, 3 for 250
10c Flash, 3 for 100
10c Skat, 3 for ...100
10c Bon Ami, 3 for 100
10c Sapolio, 3 for , 100
10c Palmolive, cake 70
25c Packer's Tar, cake 180
House Committee Provides for
Many Northwest Projects.
Xearly Million Dollars Favored for
Work at Mouth, of Stream, In
Addition to Smaller Sums
for Elsewhere on River.
ington. Jan. 10. River and harbor bills
as reported to the House today carry
the following appropriations for the
Mouth of Columbia River, $973,000;
Willamette and Columbia below Port
land, $310,000: .for deepening locks at
Oregon City, $80,000: Willamette above
Portland, $36,300; Coos Bay, $80,000;
Tillamook Bay, $5000; Cbos River,
$3000; Siuslaw River, $5000; Taquina
River, "$3000; Snake River. $25,000;
Upper Columbia, between Celilo and
the mouth of Snake River. $20,000;
Clatskanie River, $1000 under old proj
ect and $4620 under new project; Co
lumbia River at Cathlamet, $6000; Ana
cortes harbor. $56,000 (new project):
Grays Harbor, new project, $U2.&00;
waterway. Pore Townsend Bay to Oak
Bay, $5000; Lake Washington Canal,
$200,000; Cowlitz River. $6000; Lewis
River. $18,000; Skamomawa River.
$1800; Grays River. $5u0; Skagit River,
$30,000; Puget Sound and tributaries,
$25,000; Lake River and Batchelor
slough, $16,000.
The measure carries $38,155,339, of
which something over. $10,000,000 is for
new projects and the remainder for
continuing or maintaining existing
Appropriations providing for new
projects, not previously made public,
include, Alaska, Apoon mouth of Yukon
River. $45,000.
Appropriations of $25,000 or more for
maintaining or improving existing
projects, not already announced, in
clude: Hawail-Kahulul Harbor. $200,000.
For examinations, surveys and con
tingencies of rivers and harbors, $200.
000 was provided.
Two-Mile Track Is to Be Laid on
Great Salt Lake Shore.
: SALT LAKE. Utah. Jan. 10. A two
mile board automobile speedway cost
ing a half million dollars will be built
on the shore of Great Salt Lake this
The articles of incorporation were
filed here today.
Farmer Finds Family Slain.
GREELEY, Colo.. Jan. 10. On re
turning to his home from work early
tonight Everett Crozler, a farmer re
siHnr Tr hre. found the 'bodies of
usually yields to the purer blood
and greater strength which
creates. Its rich oil-food enlivens
the whole system and strengthens
the organs to throw of! the injurious
acids. Many doctors them
selves take Scott's Emulsion
and you must stand firm
against substitutes.
Scott & Bowac, Eloomfield. If. J. 16-21
" 1
No Better Way to Save Than by Taking Your
Trading Stamps They Are Your Cash Discount
V , jffih WH soon
3, 5 or
National Mazdas
All sizes from 10 watt to 100, in the plain styles, or 25 to
1000 watt in the new nitrogen globes. The new sizes are
the 25 and 40 watt nitrogen, giving a brilliant light for
the home.
Plain-style Mazdas 27 each
25-watt Xitrogen 45( each
0-watt Nitrogen SQfi each
The Robinson Vapor Bath
is Nature s way of
keeping the body in
perfect c o n d i tion.
From Roman days
to the present time
the steam bath has
been largely used.
With one in your
home, health is as
s u r e d by regular
use. We carry the
Robinson in three
Double Wall, with face steamer and No. 1
stove, complete $12.50
Single Wall, steel or wood frame S7.50
Light Weight, steel frame only : $5.50
his five children lying In the house
shot to death and his wife lying un
conscious In a field nearby with a pistol
In her hand.
Josephine Stanseil, Refused Movie
Request, Passes Xlght Witli Friend.
Pique at her mother's refusal to let
her attend a motion-picture show
caused the disappearance of Josephine
Stanseil, 12-year-old girl, who was re
turned to ner home at 201 Eleventh
street by officers of the Woman's Pro
tective Division yesterday.
Miss Stanseil. who appears at least
16 years old. passed the night at the
home of friends in a distant part of
the city, telling them that her mother
knew all about It- Meantime the police
searched at the behest of the frantic
In the morning the woman with
whom the girl was staying read an ac
count of the child's disappearance in
The Oregonian. She. took the girl to
the offices of the W omen's Protective
Division at once.
Oregon City Stenographer Has Pre
monition of Illness.
OREGON CITT. Or. Jan. 10. (Spe
cial.) Mtss Floella Hewitt, a stenog
rapher in the County Recorder's of-fl-e.
predicted when she came to work
H. C B. writes: T have been taking
salts to purify my blood and cure my
skin of Itching and pimples, but don't
get much benefit. Please prescribe for
Answer: I advise three grain sulpherb
tablets (not sulphur tablets), composed
of sulphur, cream of tartar and vege
table extracts that remove constipation
and purify the system. Take this
treatment for several months for best
Mrs. B. B. (. writes: "Secured from
my druggist the medicine you advised
for nervousness and was soon made
well. I wish a good, reliable sanative
wash. What do you advise?"
Answer: A very excellent antiseptic,
astringent sanitary wash can be made
by using a teaspoonful of vilane pow
der to a quart of water.
J. R. O. asks: I am thin, angular,
weak and tired. What can I take to
Improve my health, strengthen my
nerves and increase my weight about
20 pounds?
Answer: Take regularly with your
meals three grain hypo-nuclana tablets,
sold in sealed packages, by drurrgists,
with complete directions. These tablets
Improve the blood, increase nutrition
and strengthen the nervous system if
used regularly for several months.
"Free Advice" writes. I want your
free advice. I seem to have gone all to
pieces. I am Irritated and annoyed by
dizzy moments, fickle appetite, no
strength and life has no pleasures for
me any more."
Answer: There are thousands who
live too fast and then find themselves
in your plight. The nervous vigor has
been deranged. A tonic Invigorating
medicine called three grain cadomehe
tablets will afford aid to Nature bv
supplying more food-energy and give
your system a cnance to recuperate,
when calm nerves should take the place
of shattered nerves.
"Workman" asks: "I am so affected
with painful kidneys that I cannot
work renulariy. My sleeu Is disturbed
by frctiueut calls, only to void buia.ll
- . tiff, "
KiTi-r-niwimininminnn'iinriTiii i 'llfna-i ihult
't Forget
advance to 4.50. Get yours
at the old price of $4.00, with the
guarantee, and cord complete.
6-lb., choice $4.00
today that she would be stricken with
paralysis before her day's work was
A few minutes later she fainted in
the doo'rway of the home of Mrs. Mary
Charles, a friend, where she had gone
to rest. She was unconscious all day
and tonight her condition was critical,
but she had partly regained conscious
Man, 60, Accused by 10-Year-Old
'Miss and $2 000 Bond Furnished.
Joel Howton, engaged in selling ap
ples from his own farms at an agency
at Twenty-third and Thurman streets,
was arrested by Constable Murk Peter
son yesterday, to answer to a statutory
charge preferred by tO-year-old Mar
guerite Marks, who lrves at Twenty
second and Roosevelt streets. He fur
nix led $2OC0 bond and was released.
The accused man is more than 60
years old. and satd he had no Idea on
what the charge could btf based. He
admitted knowing the girl, saying he
hal (riven her presents in response to
her teasing. Including a Crxristmaa gift
of a bracelet.
Depositions to Bo Taien.
Notice of depositions to be taken
for the defense of the will of the late
H. H. Prouty was made to the County
Court by Attorney Jerry E. Bronauph
yesterday. There will bo 13 deposi
tions taken in Newport. Vt.. eight lti
Framlngham, Masa.. two in New York
City, two In Washington. r. C, one in
Indlsnnpolt and on in St. Louis.
The questions answered below are
general in character, the symptoms or
diseases are Riven and the answers will
apply In any case of similar nature.
ibom wishing turther advice, free,
may address Dr. Lewis Baker, College
Bldg., College-Ellwood streets. Layton.
Ohio, enclosing self-addresaed stamped
envelope for reply. Full name and ad
dress must be given, tiut only Initials
or fictitious names will be used in my
answers. The prescriptions can be
filled at any well-stocked drug store.
Any druggist can order of wholesaler.
amount and follows burning, smarting
pulns. Back arhes and often have chills .
and fever making me real sick for a
Answer: A good tonic soothing and
neutralizing- medicine for such - com
plaints is balmwort tablets. Try them
and continue a few weeks and 1 am
sure you will write me of your recov
ery. "Misery" writes: "I seem to be full of
rheumatism. Pains In my back, limbs
and shoulders. Also facial neuralsia
from time to time. What must I do?"
Answer: . For prompt relief of pain
use applications of Pine-o-latum once
or twice daily. Also cleanse your sys
tem with a treatment of X grain
sulpherb tablets (not sulphur tablets).
Mrs. C. W. B. asks: "I suffer greatly
owing to too much fat. Can you ndvise
me or a good reduction remedy?"
Answer: Any well stocked pharmacy
can supply you with 6 grain arbolone
tablets, packed In sealed tubes with full
directions for use. These tablets have
proven wonderfully effective in reduc
ing abnormal fat.
"Fern" writes: "I have suffered with
a bad cough for some time and I am
also weak and tired nioatt of the time,
which I think isdue to rhe severe
coughing. Can you give me a remedy?"
Answer: Tes. your weakness Is due
to the coughing, but you should be well
relieved by using the Hollowing. Get
a 24 or. package of essence mentho
laxene ana make according to direc
tions on the bottle, them take a tea
spoonful every hour or two until the
cough is cured. This makes a full pint
of the very best and. safest cough
syrup. If your druggist does not have
mentho laxene, have hSn order it for
you of the wholesale f$rm.
Mm X. asks: "My scalp Itches ter
ribly, is feverish and a great amount
of oily dandruff is present. What is
good for this?"
Answer: First shantnoo the hair and
then apply plain yelliow mlnyol about
once a week as per directions. This
relieves the itching, overcomes the dan
druff and makes the hair beautifully
?:lossy and vigorous. Obtain in 4 oi.
axs of druggists.
NOTE: For many years Dr. Baker
has been giving free -advice and pre
scriptions to millions sf people through
the press columns, axid doubtless has
helped in relieving I U 3 ess and distress
more than any sincrl-s individual in the
world's history. Thousands have writ
ten him expressions, of gratitude aud
confidence. AUv,