4 20 THE MOKXING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JAMJART 11, 1917. STRIKE SETTLEMENT SEEMS TO BE NEAR Another Conference Between i Special Committee and Mr. - Bowles Is Due Today. WORKERS' REPLY AWAITED .Various Crafts Meet to Consider Proposal for Union Iron Works'.. Scale Northwest Steel Plant Y Operates All Departments. A conference between J. R. Bow les, president of the Northwest Steel 0 om pany, and the committee represer ting the striking metal workers at , that plant probably will be held today, and It is possible that a settlement f the trouble may be made promptly. i Different crafts now out on strike met yesterday and considered tho prop osition made Tuesday by President Bowles that the establishmen t will agree to pay the scale in effect at the Union Iron Works. San Kranfjlsco, a closed-shop concern. The unions met separately yester day. They will hold further sessions today, when they either will register their agreement with Mr. Bowies' offer or they will make a countor- proposi tion that is likely to be svffcrmitted to him today. He is waiting a, x-eply from the unions as to what thpsy will do with his offer. The next move is up to them. What proposal the unionr: will make. In the event they do not s .gree to ac cept the Union Iron Worlo i scale, they will not divulge until thie y have con err with Mr. Bowles. After this conference mass meet ing of all the crafts wil l be called, and any tentative agreemei it between Mr. Bowles and the commit etee will be re ferred to the men for ratification. This mass meeting likely -w ill be held to morrow. Mr. Bowles said yestir srday that, con sidering material conditions, the plant was getting back to xt ormal. "Every tool is ruiar ning today," he declared. He said t or Is should not be understood as being 'co the effect that the plant is operatirsfr as it did before the strike, as the n tht shift3 are not now being worked. As far as the Wil famette Steel & Iron Works is concerned . the strikers took no steps whatever ytesterday. As Presi-r dent B. C. Ball doe s not care to treat with the unions, the unions can do nothing but leave aim alone, it is .said. The strike, howl jver, is still on as against that esta blishment, but the plant is said to h ve a large proportion of its normal fort ;e at work. REES AND CttlEW ARE SAVED Portland Goes. Down, but Steamer Brazil Effect i Rescue of Company. Captain H. I I. Rees, master of the steamer Portlaj id, reported lost recent ly off the Bern ludas. is alive and well, as are all men bers of the crew of that chip. They am e on their way to Kirk wail. England,, aboard, the steamer Bra all,, which ret med them. But the Port land Is at ths bottom of the sea. To Captain, Oliver P. Rankin, master of the steau ier Rose City, are many Portland f r ends of Captain Rees in debted for I he good news, for he sent word imme f.iatelv on 1 .nrn i n nf rescue, wh J ch reached San Francisco In a cablegram from the French inter ests who o i vned the Portland. The. Port! land plied btween this har fcor and C:i lifornia plants of the Globe Grain & Milling Company, after. being brought f om the East, until shortly after the ar broke out, when she went to the At d1 mtlc and several months ago was sold io French interests. She left Havre on her last voyage, November 22, and Or ecember 14 was in distress 78 miles oft the Bermudas, being reached Decembej- 16 by the Italian steamer Umbria, i which got a line aboard after two dayj, but in heavy weather the Portland broke away and disappeared Decemtn a- 18. The master of the Um bria reflrorted at Norfolk December 22 and it was assumed Captain Rees and the ere ar had gone down with the ship. McD innville Millers to Buy Boat. M'MJOSrNVILLE, Or., Jan. 10. (Special.)-; -Managers of the two flouring mills ' at McMinnville, acting in con junct J on with the warehousemen at Daytlrjn and Newberg, are negotiating lor a,he purchase of a steamboat of froni. 100 to 150 tons carrying capacity, to p'ly the Willamette and Yamhill Rivars between Portland and McMinn villm. One of the O. C. T. boats is the subject of consideration. The men in terested are all heavy shippers, who con I emplate being able to load such a boaj . the year around. Lumber Schooner Chartered. STORTH BEND. Or.. Jan. 10. (Spe cial 1.) The Bertie Minor, a sailing sc iooner formerly in Coos Bay and Co- qur ille River trade, is chartered for sev enal trips between Coos Bay and Hono lulu, carrying lumber for the North B ind Mill & Lumber Company. The vt issel carries 350,000 feet of lumber, JU id her first trip will be made about If lC JUIUUIO UL l.UUCWy. X llO OCX IX Cinor Is expected In port this week from San Francisco. i jiarine .notes. , j Carrying 1200 tons or wheat for San Fran 1 I Cisco, loaded by the Globe Grain & Milling ' 4 Company, tne steamer norwooa B&iiea at o ! o'clock last night on her last voyage from i Portland this season. On being discharged ' ' In the south, she will load for Beilingham. there to be gotten ready for the 1917 Alaska season in tho interest or ner owners, tne pa cific American h lsnenes. In spite of all doubts that the Japanese steamer Unkal Mara No. 2 had cargo for Portlaitfd. a message from Seattle yesterday ' notified Portlanders that she was bringing a small consignment rrom japan, l-ne ves sel is due about Sunday and loads lumber fei fnr Romoav. About 600 tons of sul phur brought from the Orient to Vancouver, B. C-, by the Japanese steamer Unkai Maru Xo. 5, is to rcacn nere in a xew nays aooara the steamer British -Columbia. Chester Kellogg, manager of the Kellogg Transportation Company, as well as mem bers of the crew of the steamer Joseph Kellogg, and many other friends, attended tho funeral at li-eiso yesteraay or iapiaiu A. O. Kruse, who died there Sunday night. Captain Kruse had been with the Kellogg v line many years. Alhert .T. Price, tor a lengthy period mas , ter of the gasoline ferry Queen, operated ' between The Dalles and the Washington " shore, yesterday relinquished command to Edmund pecK. First Officer Clyde Parker, of the steamer Beaver, returned aboard that ship yesterday after having been ashore one voyage. .He was married at San Francisco Christmas day to Miss Murray and their home will be In that city. R. J. A. O'Reilly, of the Diamond O fleet. ' relinquished his duties last night for a short time and left for California, where he will compare the weather with Oregon's bracing ozone and expects to be as happy as ever to return. 3 To load the last of her lumber cargo, th steamer J. B. Stetson shitted from St. " Helens to Westport last night and sails tot San Diego tomorrow. Her shaft having broken the steamer Paloma. of the Columbia Digger company') flag, was towed here from the Lower Wil lamette 'j.-estftrday by the tug E. L. Thomp son. A new shaft will be ordered cast at once. WAPJ MA IS KNOWS INLAND Montiina Cattleman Takes Friends ami Auto on Foldat's Packet. As tar as Kalispel, Mont., has spread the j.-eputation of Captain John Foldat and.. Purser Jack Pennington, of the McfJormlck flagship Wapama, as is evidenced by the fact that Hamilton Le3, a stockman of that region, with Mi -, and Mrs. D. H. Pierce as his guests, hs.ve waited in the city until the sail io.g of the ship today. Mr. Lee is ship ping two automobiles as well and the p arty will Winter at Los Angeles. Frank Bollam, Portland agent for the Tiine, said yesterday the last ticket aboard the Wapama was sold at noon. The J. B. Stetson has been listed to sail tomorrow and the Klamath goes Sunday, all in that service. BEAVER TO SAIL TOMORROW Schedule of Liner Arriving Yester day Is Advanced One Day. Spurred by knowledge that the sail ing hour had been advanced one day. UKULELE PLAYER ON BILL AT PASTAGES. "Wilbur Brown. The dulcet-toned ukulele has broken into about everything, in eluding sorority houses and "frats." According to ukulele history. It was Bill Baily who played the blooming thing down In Hono lulu town, but It's "Bill" Brown who is playing it at Fantages this week, and the Pantages Bill has the Honolulu Bill looking like a six-spot in a pinochle deck, sort of out of place. Wilbur Brown plays it Just like it had asked him to kind of loose and carelesslike, and he gets a -world of music out of it. He also plays what he calls a ukulele banjo. For a banjo, it looks a bit ane mic not well, at all; but it gives off most robust harmony, not withstanding its miserable health. so she is due to get away tomorrow afternoon for California instead of Sat urday, Captain Mason brought the Beaver, flagship of the San Francisco & Portland line, into port yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, 47 hours from the Golden Gate. The work of hustling cargo was inaugurated immediately, so ne may get away on schedule at 3 clock. On the next trip the Beaver will likewise go through a hurried period of less duration, as she is due here January 22, and sails the following day. After that she will be on a six-day schedule with the Rose City. The ves el brought cargo tl-is time that had been loaded at San Pedro, by the steam er Northwestern, the latter discharg ng at San Francisco, as she was re turned to her owners at Seattle after having made one voyage south. MAI1IXE INTELLIGENCE. Steamer Schedule. DUE TO ARRIVE. Kirne From Data, Northern Pacific. ..San Francisco. ... In port Beaver .Los Angeles. ... . In port f. A. KllDurn ban ranclseo. . .. J an. . 11 Breakwater. ....... San Francisco. .Jan. 12 Rose City. Los Angeles.. ... Jan. 1 DCS TO DEPART. Name. For Date. Wapama. ......... San Diego. ...... .Jan. 11 Northern pacific. San Francisco. .. . Jan. 11 F. A Kllbum. ..... San F:anclsco. . . .Jan. Yale S.F. for L.A.-3.D. Jan. Beaver ..Los Angeles. .... .Jan. J. B. Stetson San Diego Jan. Harvard lor 1aA.-s.1j.. Jan. Breakwater. ..... San Francisco. .Jan Klamath. ......... San Diego. ...... .Jan. Rose City... Loi Ange!es Jan, Marconi Wireless Reports. (AU Doslttons renorted st 8 P. M. Jan. 10 unless otherwise designatea.) Senator, San Francisco for Beilingham, 39 miles north of Mendocino. Logan. San Francisco for Manila. 1259 miles from ban Francisco January a. Multnomah, ban ranclseo lor ban Pedro. 15 miles north of Point bur. Richmond. Port Aneeles for San Pedro. 56ti miles north of San Pedro. Scofleld. Richmond tor Seattle. 80 miles north of Richmond. Umatilla. Seattle for San Francisco. 32 miles south of Blunts Reef - Topeka, San Francisco for Eureka, ten miles south of Point Arena. Adeline Smith, San Francisco for Coos Bay. 91 miles north of San Francisco. Iaaua, San Pedro lor san Francisco. 73 miles south of Pigeon Point. San Jose. San Francisco for Balboa, 30 miles outh of Mazatian January 9. Caddo, Antoxagasto lor ban Pedro. 600 miles from San Pedro. Moffett. towing barge 93. San Francisco lor Balboa, 65s miles south of San Fran' Cisco. Jim Butler, San ' Francisco for Santa Ro salia, 235 miles south ot San Francisco. Celilo. Ean Pedro for San Francisco, off i-oinL x irmin. Minnesota. Newport News for Pearl Bar bor. 209 miles northwest of Balboa. Grace Dollar. San Francisco for Port' land, logbour.3 outside Columbia River. Curacao. Seattle for San Francisco. ISO miles south or Flattery. Willamette. Grays Harbor for Astoria, fog. bound off Columbia River. ' Kllburn, Coos Bay for Portland, barbound insiae coos uay. Lucas, towing barge 95, Seattle for Rich mond. 516 miles north of Richmond. Breakwater, San Francisco for Portland 315 miles north of San Francisn. Queen, San Francisco for Seattle, 72 miles north of Cape Blanco. Cusco. San Francisco for Puget Sound, 637 miles north of San Francisco. Oregon. San Francisco for Balboa, five miles Bonm or win Francisco. Wllhelmina, San Francisco for Honolulu. uw miies rrom ban r ranclseo. Standard Arrow, Orient for San Francisco C30 miles west or San Francisco. Atlas, Richmond for Honolulu, 820 mill west of San FranclBCo. Tides at Astoria Thursday. High. Low. 8r00 A M 7.? foet!8:58 A. M 3.3 feet 2:2 P. M......8.3 feetl:18 P. M 0.6 foot !j ? v . l - ,T7 i if i U L ..ri FINAL PAYMENT IS E ON CAPTO Scandinavian Interests Say Norwegian Law Is Not Af fecting Contracts Here. OTHER MATTERS DELAY A. Kelmann Reports That Nearly $2,000,000 Is on Hand to Pay Shipbuilders Who Are Be hind on Construction. Final payment made late yesterday at San Francisco on the new Norwegian teamer Capto, a vessel of 3575 tons net register, built for Stolt Nielsen, of Nor way, is pointed to by A. Reimann, American representative of A. O. An dersen & Co., as illustrating that legis lation in Norway is not interfering with all I ship contracts placed in the United States. In fact Mr, Reimann, who is spending the Winter here and from the Portland office is directing the affairs of the ig Danish concern, being in touch by cable with Scandinavian interests dally, says he does not believe any financial rrangements entered into with re- ponsible Scandinavians will be effect- d in any manner, except such as in the case of the Capto, when details hinging on delivery were of a techni cal character and existing solely be tween the builders and the owner, not aving to do in any way with Nor wegian conditions. Capto Relet for 20O Shillings. The Capto was taken over under six months charter by Andrew Weir & Co. at a rate of 35 shillings, the en gagement being negotiated through A Andersen & Co. at 200 shillings for voyage to Bombay, and she loads a lumber cargo of 3,500.000 feet at Wau- na, Westport and Linnton. She was to ave put out from the Golden Gate last lght and it is her maiden voyage. That a new Norwegian law obligates owners to Invest 40 per cent of their profits In Norway, or otherwise pay a tax in that amount, has made it im possible for owners to continue prompt payments here, especially in cases re orted in which it is said British own ers have furnished 60 per cent and Nor wegians promised to pay 40 per cent on new contracts, is ald by Mr. Rei mann not to apply in any way to con tracts they have handled. The company has contracted for six steel vessels with the Albina Engine & Machine Works, in which it is inter ested; also eight wooden auxiliary schooners are provided for at the Mc- Eachern Ship Company s plant at As toria, which A. O. Andersen & Co. con trols, and Mr. Reimann asserts finan cial arrangements for them are posi tively assured. Commenting on the re ports yesterday, he gave out the fol lowing statement: Delay Not Financial. The last payment for the Norwegian steamer Capto had arrived in this coun try and was only withheld owing to a technical question between the build ers and the owners technical repre entative, pending final instructions from Norway, which were received yes terday. As to a report that 60 per cent Brit ish capital and 40 per cent Norwegian capital is interested in certain vessels, that certainly does not apply to any vessel contracted by or through us and. we have reason to believe, does not ap ply to any other contracts made in this country for Norwegian account. There is no reason to believe that any payments for contracts made with responsible Scandinavian concerns will by any means be delayed or withheld. This seems ta be one of the many ru mors about conditions in Scandinavia, evidently created by the lack of knowl- dge of conditions there. Up to the present, no payments from any of our Norwegian friends have been stopped or even delayed. In fact, we hold between $1,500,000 and $2,000.- 000, due later than anticipated, owing to backwardness of several builders construction as compared with contract dates. GLOBE MILL HAS NORTHLAND Steamer Will Make Coast Trijs Be fore Loading Cargo for Peru. Jack Noyes. Portland manager for the Globe Grain & Milling Company, had reason to appreciate the saying. It's an ill wind that blows nobody good," when he closed for the char ter of the steamer Northland, which starts loading between 1300 and 1400 tons of wheat here today for San Pedro delivery. Mr. Noyes had taken space - on the steamer Northwestern for January de livery of wheat in the south. On her way to San Francisco she and the Northland were in collision. The Northland came here for repairs and was to continue to Grays Harbor to load lumber for Peru. On the North western reaching San Francisco, after having completed the trip to San Pedro. her owners recalled her to Seattle, so Mr. Noyes lost his chance of shipping wheat on her. But the Northland, being handy here, he prevailed on the owners to extend the time for loading lumber for Peru, so she will take care of his January deliveries. The vessel comes off the Oregon drydock today, and works the first wheat at North Bank dock, shifting thfen to the Globe mill. PORT BOARDS TO MEET TODAY Inspection of Records at Port of Portland Office Is Under Way. Port bodies to meet today are the Commission of Public Docks, which will have the first 1917 session this morn ing. and tho Port of Portland Commls sion. the second 1917 gatnering of which will be convened this afternoon. The recent meeting at Corvallis, at which shipment of grain in bulk was gone into, may produce features at to day's meeting of the Dock Commission and it is not improbable additional steps will be taken in the plan for the establishment of adequate elevator fa cilities here. As to the Port of Portland It is ex pected there will be a long calendar. Arrangements made wnereDy w. j. Bristol, attorney, is to go over record of the Port at the Instance of certain business men and bankers have been taken advantage of, an accountant hav ing started the work at the headquar ters of the Commission. Pacific Coast Shipping Jfotes. . GRAYS HARBOR, Wash.. Jan. 10. (Spe cial.) The steamer Tamalpais arrived and is loading at the E. K. Wood mill. Ho quiam. The schooner Alvena, loadins- at the Grays Harbor Commercial Company mill, will com plete a cargo for Sydney by Friday. The schooners Dauntless, Beulah and Caroline, now discharging- cargoes at Hon olulu, will return to Grays Harbor for car goes. SEATTLE. Wash., Jan. lO. (Special.) The steamer Valdez sailed for San Fran cisco via Nanalmo, B. C, at 1:30 P. M. to day, she will load a cargo of coal at Na nalmo for San Francisco. . Seattle representatives of the Alaskan En- Fmu glneering Commission announced today that the U. S. A. transport Crook, now lying here waiting for repairs, will be used all of next season by the commission on a direct run from Seattle to Anchorage with supplies. She will sail on her first voyage early in April. ASTORIA, Or., Jan. 10. (Special.) Bringing 1750 tons of freight and about 200 passengers, the steamer Northern Pacifle arrived today from San Francisco. The motor schooner Sierra cleared today for San Pedro with 800,000 feet of lumber from Westport, 400,000 feet from Rainier and 50O.U0O feet from Portland. A report late this afternoon said she was fogbound in the lower harbor. The schooner J. B. Stetson arrived last evening from San Francisco and went to St. Helens to load lumber. -Dttngins; freight and nuxr tr.r. fn. As toria and Portland, the steamer Beaver arrived this morning from San, Francisco and - San Pedro. Tha. steam tehoonft. Wlllam,tj fmm Grays Harbor, is reported outside the bar. being delayed by the dense fog. COOS BA7. Or.. Jan. 1ft rsn..l.l . The team schooner YellowKtonA h.uvmI one day by rough woatber, sailed today for The steam schonner TTnv-Hw .allu tht. afternoon with lumber consigned to San Francisco. Tbe steamshfn V. A rliK., aniv.j . Eureka and will get awav fnr pnni.kj ... night. The steam ,cbnnn.r a tut cimnMMn rived yesterday from San Francisco, but ftay? outside until today, when she en- . " oimrson win snip lumber at the Buehner mills. SAN FRANf-Tsrrn t. m o ,.i The Hart-Wood Lumber rnmtianu mm placed a contract with the Matthews Ship building Company, of Hoquiam. for the con. tructlon of a large steam Hchnnn,. .v. coastwise lumber trade. Th. nw r. will have a ranacitv of 1 .umiwd r.r umber and will h th !..... v. .... . In the Grays Harbor district The Matson liner Wllhelmina. with a full passenger list and nniHi, parted today for Honolulu. " K.,i H ,coA todav chartered the French bark General De Negrter to carry a cargo of barley from this port to England at the i i 1, . DJ sniuings. ii the port of destination of the bark Is London or Ips wich, the rate of lfiO shillings a ton will R ,.The, bark arrived in this port ?r,.Ce. JS' ,nd 11 wa originally In tended to load the vessel with a cargo of general merchandise for France, but her owners abandoned this Idea, owing to the high rates demanded by the Insurance un derwriters for the voyage. TJ. S.'Xaval Radio Reports. NORTH HEAD -R-ah T- i leaving Cordova for Latouche, noon. January D,'?,C"d-Bajr for Uyak' 20 east of Cold Bay 8 P. M. January . Tatoosh. towing Acapulco. San Francisco, for Seattle 2j miles south of Columbia River 8PM January 0. Slnaloa, San Franeisoo m, ' T coma. 120 miles north of Cape Blanco 8 P o."7,?' Northwestern. Oleum for Se attle 8 miles south of Columbia River 8 P. M. January 10. Mariposa, loading ore at Ellamar, noon, January 10. SA.- rKANCIBCO. -Tti 1A to CTJ mare Island for San o Janu',ry l Mcculloch, Eureka for . Movements of Vessels. TOKTLAMJ. Jan. 1ft A nt,.-. o. Beaver, from San Pedro via San Francisco. " " nornooa. lor ban rf n r ! .(-n AoivniA. Jan. i II- Snllfri mt 1 A -hi- steamer Daisy .Putnam, for San Pedro. Ar- v.ov ana lert up at :10 A M "fr weaver, rrom Ban Pedro via San SAN FRANCISCO. Jan lA-ii.' .. n A. M., steamers Despatch, from Portland: uiiisy. rrom Columbia River TQnt1ar.. a C.ll.J ...n.. . J ' . i r. jm., scnooner Monterey, In tow e .iisiui, iur A-urnana. SAN PEDRO. Jan. 10. Arrlv.d s. .... 4eganicuni. rrom inlllmhla Tllvr 7 Arnvea, steamer Celilo, from Puget i7r i u, S, oaueu steamer Bant lam for Columbia River. COOS BAT. Jan. 10. Arrived at 1ft A M steamer K. A. Kllburn. from San Francisco cliiu r.ufta, i or A-oruano. ASTORIA, Jan. 9. Arrived at 3 and left up at 5 P. M., steamer J. B. Stetson, from San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. in An-lvH Steamers 1 Segundo. from Snattu. i- i . des. from Hongkong; Despatch. Daisy, from Astoria; Oregon, Coronado, from Grays Har bor; Provldencia, from Santa Rosalia. Sailed reamers u. ii. bcolleld. F. S. Loon for Seattle; Adeline Smith, for Coos Bay; Wll helmina, for Honolulu. SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. 10 a-i Steamers Stanley Dollar, from Nanalmo, B. Admiral bcniey. irom Vancouver r Sailed Steamer Valdez. for San Francisco; schooner Maid of Orleans, for Unga. - Columbia Kiver Bar Report. NORTH HEAD. Jan. in Pn.Httu. bar at & P. M. : Sea. obscured: wind, north west four miies. TURNER'S BOND APPROVED Walla Wallu County Treasurer Wins After Stormy Session. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Jan. 10. (Special.) After a stormy all-day ses sion held behind Closed doors the County Commissioners, by a split vote tonight, approved the $300,000 bond of County Treasurer Guy Allen Turner. The vote was two to one. Chairman J. L. Reavis voting against the accept ance while Commissioners A. C. Moore and D. C. Eaton voted to approve. S. A. Mitchell, of Spokane, representing the National Surety Company, of New x-orK, me witn the board and informed them that his company would stand pat on the bond as written. The recent attack on Treasurer Turner by Mrs. C. E. Montgomery with a horsewhip was the basis of Chairman Reavis' opposition. Read The Oregonian classified ads. Appeal IT Ask any of the great army of Postum users what influ enced them to try this beverage, and the reply nine times out of ten will be that they were convinced .the caffeine and tan nin in tea and coffee were harmful to health. H Some imagine it is hard to give up coffee and tea. But it isn't, with the delightful aroma and flavor of Postum at hand. This flavor somewhat resembles that of a high-grade Java cof fee, but . there is no coffee in. Postum only the nourishing goodness of wheat, skilfully processed with a small per cent of wholesome molasses. H Postum comes in two forms: Postum Cereal, which has to be boiled; Instant Postum soluble made in the cup, in stantly. Some prefer one, some the other. Made right, they are alike delicious, and the cost per cup is about the same. There's better health, comfort and efficiency in . CARDS TO BE ISSUED City to Be; Ready Soon Regulate Jitneys. to STANDARD RATES FIXED Seperate Cards for Each of Three Plans of Operation to Be Pro vided Strict Compliance) With Rules Is Aim. As soon as printers can . turn out copies of new standard rate cards cov ering the operation of taxicabs, for hlre cars and jitneys, the new regula tions will be nut in ODeration bv Citv Commissioner Dieck. The cards were submitted to the Council yesterday by nr. JJiecK and they met with no ob jections. Under the new system the driver may operate on a zone basis, an hour ly basis or a mileage basis. Separate cards ,are provided for each plan of operation and ail cards must be fur nished by the city, drivers being pro hibited from furnishing their own cards or any card not Approved by the city. Patrons Will Profit. The jitneys are operating now the same as ever, but are escaping prose cution by establishing the pretense of operating on an hourly basis. To cover this method of operating the driver will be required to fill out a card for display inside and -outside .his car and for filing with the city, giving his exact charge for an hour or any Dart of an hour. He must fill out this charge and comply with it strictly. The driver fixes his own fare at what he wishes, so long as the rate Is posted and is available to all persons alike. The result of the system will be that parts of the city other than the present Jitney runs will get Jitney service if the residents want it. If the driver, for example, posts notice of a 15-minute haul for 5 cents, which is probably what will be done, the driver will have to go In any direction the passenger demands and will have to operate in accordance witn the passenger's re quest for the IS minutes at the 6-cent rate. Rates Mast Be Vnlform, City Attorney LaRoche has ruled that a driver cannot charge more or less than his posted rite, the purpose of requiring the posted rate being to give the entire public the benefit of the same rates. If the drivers fall to post anything but a rate for an hour they will have to charge a full hour's fare. The new arrangement will force the Jitneys to give exactly what they do not want to give, service elsewhere than along their present runs along the close-in limits of the main streetcar lines. The Jitneys in trying to gain the name of taxicabs, so a,s to evade the demands of the City Council that they obtain a franchise, have contended that they want to be low-fare taxicabs. The new system will enable them to become such, but will force, them to travel off their Jitney routes when passengers demand. JITNEURS' SIDE IS GIVEN Reply to Protest of Willbridge Res idents -Is Issued. Fifteen drivers of Jitneys, members of the Jitney Drivers' Union, prepared a reply yesterday to a protest to the City Council, signed by 35 Willbridge residents, against the granting of an exclusive franchise to the union to op erate Jitneys over the Linnton run, which passes through Willbridge. The reply was written by F. W. Knight, one of the drivers, and he says it has the approval of the rest of the drivers. The Willbridge residents complained of extremely poor service. The reply of the Jitney drivers follows: Misstatements Are Alleged. I 'To the residents of Willbridge. We have noticed in The Oregonian that you are dissatisfied with the service the Jitney union is giving. We are sorry and would like to give you better serv ice, but under conditions we are serv ing you as good as we can. You say that you have to wait one and two hours for a seat, and that we drove the streetcars off, and we ride passengers on the running boards, and that we are a menace. We would like to disagree with you on a few of these mlsrepre senting statements. "The streetcars were out of business before we started to run. Also, we are not standing passengers on the run ning boards, and we are not a menace. What would you do if it were not for the little jitney runnig to Linnton? There would be a few more of you walking. Furthermore, we are not run ning to Willbridge. We are catering to the people of Linnton, Willbridge being only a way point. Co-Operation Is Sugaested. "Now. if tho residents of Willbridge would like to charter a car and pay the price, we would have one there at any time that they see fit to travel. Or, if to Reason "There's a Reason'-' you had a telephone and would call up when you are standing in the rain and cold, we would come and get you. Why should we start out without a passen ger and take a chance on getting some on the road? We are not mind readers. We don't know whether you are there or not- We do not believe there are 8 5 residents at Willbridge. If we depend ed on the people of Willbridge for sup port, we would starve to death or give up our cars and go to the poor-farm. There are certain parts of the day that we load pretty heavy, but at other times we are laying around waiting. We can't afford to run our cars at a loss over the road with two or three passengers. Taking all into considera tion, we are giving the best service ob tainable, according to the amount of money we are making. CARVER JITXEY FRANCHISE TJP Measure Would Provide City-Wide Service and Transfc-s. The first of three Jitney franchises sought by Stephen Carver for a city- wide Jitney service with transfers, pro tection bonds, modern buses and a schedule of service, was given first reading by the City Council yesterday. The measure went over for 30 days, when it will be voted on finally. The franchise acted on yesterday is for lines in the southeastern part of the city. Two others, one for the North East Side and the other for the West Side, will be up In about ten days The franchise considered yesterday has passed through the period of approval and official advertising, and service can be started under it in 90 days from today. EMBARGO IS PUZZLING PORTLAND AND Pl'GET SOUND TIM BKRMEX DISAGREE. Northerners Think Order Does Not Af fect Northwest Product Local Men Lesa Sanguine. SEATTLE. Wash. Jan. 10. The of fice of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association says that silver spruce, the importation of which for aeroplane stock has been prohibited by the Brit ish government, as reported by the British Consul in Portland, is not the Sitka spruce of Oregon and Washing ton. which is in greater demand than ever before. There has been no prohibition of 1m portation of Sitka spruce from Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, ac cording to the association. Silver spruce (picea parrayana). a tree of the Rocky Mountains, has been tried for aeroplane rods and has been found unavailable, hence the exclu sion. Notice of an embargo by the British government on further imports of sil ver spruce from tho Pacific Northwest for aeroplane construction was received yesterday by Harry L. Sherwooa, tint Ish Consul. During 1916 over 18.000,000 feet of spruce was exported from the Pacific Northwest for building aircraft. and It was understood large quantities of the same material had been con- tracted for 1917 delivery. Consul Sherwood notified lumbermen yesterday of his advices, but could give no further explanation of the order. Clear spruce for aeroplane construction Is valuable, quotations running from $80 to 990 per thousand feet. Local authorities on lumbering to not credit the report from Puget Sound that the embargo is aimed at silver spruce alone, but hold that it means all spruce shipments from the Pacific Northwest, which are Sitka and Men zies spruce. Silver spruce does not grow here and it is not believed an em bargo order would be Issued against a commodity that is not found on this Coast. A. L. Williams, of London, who is here studying the lumber situation, said last night that the embargo that has been placed on spruce by the Brit ish government will seriously impair spruce milling in Oregon. Mr. Williams said that in the eyes of the British government there was no distinction in the species of spruce and that the embargo meant that all Oregon spruce manufacturing mills would be arrecxeo. In this he takes issue with officers of the West Coast Lumbermen's Asso ciation. The mills that will seriously be af fected are the Multnomah Lumber and Rut Factory, of Portland: the Clatsop Mill and the Astoria Box Factory, of Astoria: the Brighton Mills and Bmaller ones located in various parts of the state. "I believe the prohibition will only be temporary," said Mr. Williams. He aid that the action of the Brit ish government would probably be fol lowed bv similar embargoes by the other entente allies. CANNERY COMPLETES RUN Vancouver Plant Has Big Year and Gain Is Expected In 1917. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Jan. 10. (Spe clal.) The cannery operated here by the Oregon Packing Company 'has Just completed the season's run. The can nerv was opened last June and has CANT FIND DANDRUFF Every bit of dandruff disappears after one or two ap. .cations of Danderlno rubbed well into the scalp with the fin ger tips. Get a 25-cent bottle of Dan derine at any drug store and save your hair. After a few applications you can't find a particle of dandruff or any fall ing hair, and the scalp will never itch. YOUR SMLD IS CONSTIPATED! LOOK AT TONGUE Hurry, Mother! Remove Poisons From Little Stomach, Liver Bowels. Give "California Syrup of Figs" it Cross, Uuious or Feverish. No matter what ails your child, a gentle, thorough laxative should always be the first treatment given. If your little one is out-of-sorts, halt sick, isn't resting, eating and acting naturally look. Mother! see if tongue is coated. This is a sure sign that tha little stomach, liver and bowels ar clogged with waste. When cross. Irri table, feverish, stomach sour, breath bad or has stomach-ache, diarrhoea. Bore throat, full of cold, give a tespoon ful of "California Syrup of Kigs." and in a few hours all the constipated poi son, undigested food and sour bile gent ly moves out of the little bowels with out griping, and you have a well, play ful child again. Mothers can rest easy after giving this harmless "lruit laxative." because it never fails to cleanse the 11 tie one's liver and bowels and sweeten the stom ach and they dearly love its pleasant taste. Full directions for babies, chil dren of all ages and for grown-ups printed on each bottle. Beware of counterfeit tig syrups. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottlo of "California Syrup of Figs." then sea that it is made by the "California Fig S-rup Company." been in operation most of the time since, employing as many as 300 per sons at one time. It is to open this year about May 1. it is expected. The cannery has been putting up Hood Kiver apples for the past six weeks. A crew will be kept busy the re mainder of the Winter labeling the canned goods, packing them for ship ment, overhauling machinery and mak ing improvements. It is probable that the cannery will be enlarged for next season's pack. Damascus School Resumes. DAMASCUS. Or.. Jan. 10. (Special.) The Damascus public school resumed work Monday after a two weeks' va cation, during which time the building received general repairs and the in terior a fresh coat of paint. Necessary equipment also was provided by the Board for the serving of hot lunches in the school. Boys Xot Allowed to Play. MMINXVILLE. Or., Jan. 10. (Spe cial.) Youthful members of the social annex of the McMinnville Commercial. Club are chafing under a decree com ing from the office of District Attorney Conner, denying them the privilege of playing at the pool tables. Heretofore boys under 21. who were members of the club, were not restricted by the club. Vessels Entered Yesterday. American steamer Norwood, ballast, from San Francisco. Vessels Cleared Yefttertlay. American steamer Norwood. 1-00 tons wheat for San Francisco. WHEN YOU WAKE UP DRINK GLASS OF HOf WATER Wash the poisons and toxins from ystem before putting more food Into stomach, Says Inside-bathing makes any. one look and feel clean, weet and refreshed. Wash yourself on the Inside before breakfast like you do on the outside. This is vastly more important because the skin pores do not absorb impuri ties into the blood, causing Illness, while the bowel pores do. For every ounce of food .and drink taken into the atomach. nearly an ounce of waste material must be car ried out of the body. If this waste ma terial is not eliminated day by day It quickly ferments and generates poi sons, gases and toxins which are ab sorbed or sucked Into the blood stream, through the lymph ducts which should suck only nourishment to sustain the body. A splendid health measure Is to drink, before breakfast each. day. a glass of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate in it, which is a harmless way to wash these poisons, gases and toxins from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels; thus cleansing, sweetening and fresh ening the entire alimentary canal be fore putting more food into the stomach. A quarter pound of limestone phos phate costs but very little at the drug store, but is sufficient to make any one an enthusiast on inside-bathing. Men and women who are accustomed to wake up with a dull, aching head or have furred tongue, bad taste, nasty breath, sallow complexion, others who have bilious attacks, acid stomach or constipation are assured of pronounced Improvement in both health and ap pearance shortly. Adv.