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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1917)
THE MORNING OltEGOXIAN, THURSDAY. JANUARY 11, 191?. -t directory in for the Information of the public, to -jive as far as po ioi tHo different lines of business which the average person may find occa sion to use. Any Information which cannot be found here will be gladly fur nished by phoning Main 7070 or A. 6095. House 40. ACCORDION I'LEATI.NG. STiiJPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cord, side, pleat, buttons covered; mall orders. H2S Pittock block. Broadway lotto. AGATE CUTTERS. M. 1874. Mfg. Jewelers, expert watchmakers. Millers, 343'4 Wash., but. Bdwy. and Park. ASSAVEKS AND A.NAtVSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 2d Gold, sliver and platinum bought. AT10K.NE1S. W. J. Makellm Probate, real estate, mining and corporation law; abstracts and titles examined; written opinions furnished. 1434 Northwestern Bank bids. Main 5748. LAWYER, 018 Pittock block. No charge lor preliminary consultation. L. D. MAHONE, lawyer. 402 Panama bids. Marshall 5333. CAXCEK. L. M. Jones. M. D. CANCER TREATED. Brewer bldg.. ISth end Alberta, Wdln. 4108 CARPET TiAVERS. FLUFF BUGS FUO.ll OLD CARPETS. Carpet cleaning, refitting, etc. North-w-eBt Rug Co., lhs E. Sth St. Both phones. CKXAAILOID BUTTONS, BADGES. THE IRV1X-HODSON COMPANY. RS7 Washington St. Main 312 and A 1204. C HIKOTOOIST. William, Estelle, and William. Jr., Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg., southwest cor; ner 2d and Alder, Phone Main 1301. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. ELIMINATING medicines and operations. Permanently restoring health without drugs or scars. Dr. McMahon making good. HI adjustments $15. Macleay bldg. and Sanitarium. Patients satisfied. Knockers boost. Case questions free. XR. DAN FORD, chiropractor and electro therapist. Specialist In nervous disorders. Room 312 Swctland bldg. Phone East 2Q83. CIHCUI.AH LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 610 N. W. bldg. Mar. 5S22. 101) letters multlgraphed for (I. FOAL AND BRIQUETS. CHURCH LEY BROS.. Main 031, A 3031. Coal. Diamond Briquets. Kindling. COLLECTING AGENCY. W". W. DAVIES, collections, Gerlinger bldg. Mala S32I). Bonded; reasonable charges. KETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collection, no charge; established 190O. DANCING. MANCHESTER Dancing Academv. 8S4 5th, bet. Stark and Oak; 4 private lessons, $2; A. M.. P. M., eve; latest dances guaranteed class Thurs . Sat, eve.. 7-8:30. Bdwy 2100. ELECTRICAL TREATMENTS. PAINLESS electric treaments in diseases of women, plies, goitre, nervousness and facial blemishes; satisfaction guaranteed or no nay accepted. P. O. Box 10(7. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. PraRflLLE BUGGY TOP CO., 209 2d St. AUTO SPRING MANUFACTURING. Mfg and repalr- JLAHErt SPRINQCQ Fins; 4000 springs i arrieu in aiuctv. 15th & Couch sts. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage & omnibus Transfer, Park & Davis. DRYGOODS-WHOLESALE. L. Dinkelspiel Co. rlTr: GRAIN MERCHANTS. M. H. HQI SER, Board ot Trade bldg. GROCERIES. WADHAJIS & CO., 67-75 Fourth street. HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO., 53-55 Front HIDES. WOOL, CASCARA BARK. KAH.V BROS., 101 B'ront street. MANUFACTURERS LADIES' NECKWEAR, EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO., 85 & 5th St. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING IXL6. . W. P. PL'ULER & CO., 12th and Davis sts. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city property at 6 and 7 per cent. Farm and suburban loans at current rates. Liberal repayment priv ileges allowed. No delays. Large Loans Special Rates. A. H. BIRRELL CO. S17-218 Northwestern Bank Building;. Marshall 4114, A 4118 MORTGAGE LOANS We have Insurance Money at 5 Private Funds at 6 and 7 ROBERTSON & EWING 8Q7-8 Northwestern Hank Bids;. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Oor Own Money at Current Rates. MUNICIPAL, AND CORPORATION BONDS. FARM AND CITY LOANS. SO Fourth St Board ot Trade Bids;. 6 7 LOANS ON MORTGAGE SECURITY NORTHWCSIERN BANK BUILD LN JNO. B. COFFEY Insurance, Surety Bonds 304 WILCOX DIO)G. MAIN 702 MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-1 Orfgon Investment Mortfaffe Co. Ulllces IU2-4. 170 1 bird St. CORRUPT POLITICS Is costing Oregonians $10,000,000 a year. F. W. G lines, of-iSalem, Is trying to Bet Leg islature to stop it. They can if they try. Help of all good men and women solicited. Write now. Ad. will not appear again. REAL ESTATE. SOUTHEAST corner East Pine and 13th St., large lot and two houses. AN 10. Orego nlan. -Lots. BARGAIN IX LOTS. Lots In Monticello, Wheatland and Prunedale additions at prices sure to in terest you if you are looking for lots at any price. ORE. IXV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 202 Stock Exchange. 1T0 :ld St. $2.-n0 EASY TERMri. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW 5 rms. ; this Is a strictly new place and has a dandy room arrangement; fireplace, fixtures, shades, all ready to move into; you can't find a cozier, more sensible home; we can make terms that will sur prise you. Hickman or Wilson, 45th & Sandy. Tabor 6S6S. C-2121. Auto service. 7r0 LOT, 50x100, E. 16th and Shaver; all improvements paid. ORE. IXV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 202 Stock Exchange. 17Q 3d St. ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Houses, lots, tracts and acreage in thtl choice district; a few sacrifices. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A 3839. For Sale Houses. MUST MOVE and sacrifice my nearly new 7-room bunirnlGW. Peninsula Park dis trict. Hardwood floors, furnace, fire pi ice and all built-in conveniences. Big gest bargain of the season. Phone Bdwy ier-8. IRSMEXDOnS SACRIFICE 6-room mod ern bungalow, nearly new. Furnace, hard wood floors and all built-in conveniences; $800 equity for 200. Mr. Hageman. 306 Oi k st. Phone Broadway 1658. 3-ROOM house, fireplace, modern conven iences. Bleeping porch. $850, $250 cash. . See owner. 404 Pla'tt bldg. WEST STDE. 6-room modern house, all con veniences. tmall payments or clear lot and some cash. Marshall 4122. WE build and finance. E. & C. Lovegran, 600 McKay, bldg. Marshall 2500, nLGOUDEYtO KVE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT. LUNGS. Treatment bv specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday. 517 Dekum bldg.. ad A Wn. 11KE INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 53. A 2153. MUSICAL,. EMIL THIELHORN, Violin Teacher, pupil Sevclk. 'JJ7 Fliedner bldg. Marshall 1029. PIANO and vocal lessons, with use of piano 1 hr. per day, $5 mo. Main 5210. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. -WHY PAY MORE? A SAVING OF 25 TO 5094. Properly fitted ((lasses as low i -.f.. Annn afLtlnfied customers; satisfaction guaranteed. Chas. W. God nian. optometrist, 209 Morrison. Main zm. PATENT ATTORNEYS. h C WPIOHT 22 years' experience U. S. Aad Yoreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Alisky bldg. et my new booklet. "Chronic Disease . It tree. ripE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO . Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main o489. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbeln Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 100 Front St.. corner oiai rv. .'iaui w KAG HUGS AND FtlTK RUGS. Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets j II ain, Brussels, f"'?1"". " - ' r '.:,, i. all sizes; mail orders prompt; booklet WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO.. -50 Union ave. N. East 6ol6. B 147o. ruys, all REAl ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 404 Wilcox bid. STOR AGE AND TRANSFER. FREE STORAGE. FREE MOVING Telephone for our proposition; we can save you money; storage, packing, mov ing, shipping. Modern Brick Storage -Warehouse SECURITY S' UE fc TRANSFER CO . Office lOa Park St. Main ol'Jj. A 1051. Warehouse 44-46 E. 0th at. N. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Household goods specialists: storage, packing, ship ping and moving; horse or auto vans; special freight rates to all pointy 2d and Pine sts. Broadway 50b. A 1906. corner 13th Telephone Main bO or A 1100 We own and operate two large class A. warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest in. surance rates in tne cm. MADISON ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE. Office, ISO Madison. General merchandise and fnrwardins agents. Phone Main 700i. WOOD. tiPEEN AND DJtY SLABWOOD, blockwood. Panama FueUCo. Main r.720. A r.SOO. MANUFACTURERS NON-INTOXICATING BEVERAGES. WElNHARD'S GOLDEN AMBER NECTAR. Henry Weinhard plant. 13th and Burnside sts. Phone Main 72. A 1172. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMU.SSEN & CO., 2d and Taylor sts. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-80 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLTES. M. L. KLINE, 84-8tl Front St. PRINTING W. BALTfc DDlUTIWf F. W. BALTES & CO MP ANT, I II 111 I II1U First & Oak sts. Main 165. A 1165 PRODUCE. PRODUCE, dried fruit, correspondence so licited. Union Produce Co., 128 Union ave. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. FVERDING & FAKHELL, 340 Front Bt. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. lath and Davis sts. WALL PAPER. MOROAM WALL PAPER CO.. 230 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. TOWERING ABOVE ALL OTHER beautiful homes stands this magnificent 10-room Laurelhurst home located on a 75x100 site overlooking beautiful Laurel hurst Park. Has 10 extra large rooms, large entrance hall, 2 tile baths, 4 bed rooms, and sleeping porch, sun room, den. breakfast-room, plate glass windows, hardwood floors throughout, walls artis tically papered, finished In old ivory and white enamel, mahogany trim, expensive plumbing and fixtures, garage, hot water heating, very best of construction throughout. It is for sale at an extreme ly close figure. Phone owner. Tabor 5845. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE PLAN AND BUILD ANY THING, residence to factory, or any con struction; sketches and estimates free, fur nish the money if desired. All depart ments one office. We actually save you money. Our reputation your protection. L. R. BAILEY CO.. Inc.. Contracting Ar chitects. 324 Abington bids. LAURELHURST. Before purchasing elsewhere Inspect our list of exquisite homes Just completed and obtain copy of our album telling all about the tract. Laurelhurst, the Addition of Beautiful Homes, the show place of Port land, and challenge comparison with any similar property In the world. Main office 27014 Stark st. Main 1700, A 1615. BIG SACRIFICE. Modern 5-room bungalow. Hawthorne district, garage, hard-aurfaced streets, furnace, full cement basement, lot 5ux85; all improvements paid; price $2800. Will take clear lot or acreage and $500 cash part payment, bal. terms. A. H. Akerson, 605 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 6765. $1250. $500 cash, balance $20 per month. In cluding interest. Large 4-room, double constructed bungalew, attic, fireplace and full line of standard plumbing. Buy from owner. No trade, no agents. 518 Corbett bldg. ROSE CITY PARK If you want an absolute bargain in a brand new, strictly modern, up-to-date bungalow, you should see this at once without fall; only a block to car; choicest part of Rose City. Don't delay, it won't last. A. M. Odell, 50th and Sandy Tabor 40ia. . ROSE CITY PARK 5-room bungalow on 53d St., near Alameda, $2250; three blocks to car; furnace, hardwood floors, fire place, cement basement, paved street, fine modern home, remarkably cheap. A. M. Odell. 50th and Sandy. Tabor 4l12. HOUSE AND ACRE ONLY $700. Only 30 minutes out; water and light; close to electric station; mostly in culti vation; easy terms. Call at 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark stg. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Five rooms. $2300; terms. Includes furnace, fixtures, shades, hard wood floors, etc. See Hubbell & Son, Sandy Road and 52d st. BIG SACRIFICE. 7-room modern house, hardwood floors In two rooms, 70x100 corner lot, fruit and berries, mortgage $1750. runs over one year yet. Will take $200 for equity. Ful ton. 621 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE G-rm. concrete house, best buy in city, water never freezes. Call and see this at 502 Highland st. 8 ROOMS. Laurelhurst bungalow, on corner lot; will consider auto or lot as first pay ment. Balance like rent. Tabor 5762. For Sale Business Property. 4 FLAT bldg.. all rented, fine location, near ly new. at a bargain; this will insure you good income. By owner. East 7277 100x100. COR. 3d. Everett. Owner, N 7 Ore gonian. Huburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, close to carllne. easy terms: will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 15S5 or Sellwood 47a. JOHN GIBSON. Owner. For Sale Acreage. STOCK of general merchandise Invoice about $3000; store building, feed ware house, hall, blacksmith shop and dwelling in good country district near Portland- 2 acres ground; real estate $4000. Will take part trade, part cash ORE. INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 203 Stock Exch., 170 3d St. 654-ACRE SNAP. $200 cash buya my $1200 equitv. Cost $2900 three years ago. All under culti vation, 4-room house, good family or chard, good well. Umbdenstock & Lar son. 306 Oak st. Phone Broadway 165S ONLY $5 PER MONTH BUYS A LARGE HOMESITE right at electric station, 30 minutes out city conveniences; auto road. Call at 50O Concord bldg., 2d and Stark ts. CHICKEN FRUIT. GARDEN. RANCHES. Near Poidand; $75 to $200 per acre easy terms, best sell; farms for sale, all Uea. Mer'arland, 505 Yeon bldg, Portland. REAL ESTATE. Homest eaas. CAN LOCATE FEW CHOICE 640-ACRE HOMESTEADS SOON OPEN FOR FIL- l.Ntt; CENTRAL OREGON STOCK BELT. SO SITUATED AS TO BE VALUABLE. RESIDENCE NOT NECESSARY. FOR 1-MUKMAIiU.N ADDRESS BOX 083, PRINEV1LLE. OR. For Sale Farms. ON account of sickness will sell for $10,500 small payment down or rent for $500. dairy and hog ranch, 5 miles from Yamhill; 103 acres on Yamhill Klver. about 80 acrea in high state of cultivation, 30 acres of which is in clover; 50 acres in pasture, balance oak and fir timber; new 7-room house, large barn, water piped to house and barn, fenced and cross-fenced; fine stream ana bearing orchard; will give good terms on or before 5 years at 5 per cent; will aell stock and Implements on time; place is on good gravel road, near school and church. Phone East 113 or i. ash st. 2475-ACRE wheat farm, nearly all un der cultivation, well fenced, good well, best of buildings, pump, gas engine, 5 miles to R. R.. nd equlp . ment with place. Owners will sac rifice for $12.50 per acre; $750O cash bal. 6 per cent. Don't offfer anything in trade. L. K. Moore. 317 ' Board of Trade. FARM SACRIFim Fine 106-acre ranch. 13 miles from Courthouse on Scholia Ferry road; prac tically oo acres under cultivation: balance timber; $000O worth of improvements, fully equipped with Implements; teams, cows, etc.; would be cheap at $20.0o0; 1 will sacrifice for $12,5o0; no trade. Call owner. Aiarehall 6148. 183 ACRES, adjoining Vanora. on Deschutes Klver; 40 acres river bottom. 25 acres un der cultivation. 2-acre orchard, balance pasture, natural grass 3 feet high, house, barn and about 40 tons of grain hay; well worth $4000; will take $2500 this week; some terms. Millership, 431 Chamber of commerce. A GREAT BIG SNAP. $4500 40 acres of the very best land Just west of Portland, on a good road, 20 minutes out; partly cultivated, no waste isnu, no rocas, no gravel; tnis is less tnan 1-3 of actual value; will divide and sell on terms to suit. Coe A. McICenna &. Co., 727 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 200 A. about 120 A tillable, 60 A. In cultivation, 15 A. altalfa, 10 A. tim othy and clover, 200-tree orchard, 2 A. strawberries. 1 acre other small fruit, A-l water right, on R. F. D.. daily mall. The Dest buy in Oregon; $3500 casn. A 13, Oro gonlan SMALL MISSOURI FARM, $10 CASH and $5 monthly; no interest or taxes; highly pro ductive land; close to three big marketa Writ for photographs and full Informa tion. Munger. A-24A N. Y. Life bldg., Kansaa City, Mo. 5000 ACRES In Southwestern Waahlngton for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices, $5 per acre and up. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoma, Wash. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS, Eastern Montana, at $2.50 to $18 per acre; suitable for farming or grazing; easy terms. For information write or see W. E. Holt. Miles City. Mont. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS, Eastern Montana, at $2.50 to $18 per acre; suitable for farming or grazing; easy terms. For information write or see W. E. Holt. Miles City. Mont. 20 ACRES All In cultivation, fine level land, small house and barn, 12 miles from Portland. Only $3750, and easy terms. O. W. Bryan, 509 Cham, of Com Logged-off lands, $10 a. up. running water, empl'ymt; little farms cleared. Improved. $25 down. J. R. Sharp, 657 Sherlock bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. $1500 CASH and a $500 lot for modern bun galow, N. E. Portland; $7300 fine Irving ton home and $40lM cash for better Irving ton home. Geo. A. Riggs. 1103 Spalding bldg. WANTED City Income business or apartment-house property up to $35,00O. in ex change for clear property and cash. Mc Kenzle & Co.. 515 Gerlinger bldg. WANT to buy for cash a 5-room bungalow, not over $2000, near car, in Rose city Park district. Answer quick. Y 15. Ore gonian. WANTED Improved city property as first payment on fully equipped dairy ranch. 310 10th st.. city. . $200O CASH for modern 6 or 7-room home; will not assume; state full particulars O 11, Oregonian. FOR REN'T FARMS. FOR RENT In city, old packing house, suitable for poultry feeding. Address Frank 1 Smith, Smithshire, Scappoose, Or. S0-ACRE farm for rent; 40 In cultivation; good pasture, water and buildings. xy owner, 40 Morrison. 40 ACRES, down Columbia, 10 cleared, house, barn, fruit, $60. Tabor 4090. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS, BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 M'KAY BLDG. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. EXCHANGE FOR ACREAGE. I wish to exchange a well located, rea sonably close in. East Side, 50x100 lot. This has cost $2600 and is free from any Indebtedness except $50 street improve ments; am offered a $1000 loan on this lot. Want 5 acres or more, close in to Port land; reed not necessarily be Improved, SVT MUST BE ON GOOD ROAD AND DESIRABLE PROPERTY. Might assume email indebtedness. Please describe your property fully. p S, Oregonian. FOR exchange or sale, 4S5-acre improved farm 2 miles from railroad station, 05 acres In cultivation, about 100 acres more nearly ready for the plow, part bottom land, running stream through the place. 10-rocm house, good outbuildings, now rented; price $25,000: mortgage $4000 due 1919. Want Portland clear property, or will take a small property and some cash down. This Is a real bargain. E. J. Rober son. 703 Title & Trust bldg. Marshall 240 NOTICE. If your property, either city, farm or acreage, has merit and is for exchange or sale, call or write full particulars; no In flated values considered; have first-class list to select from. Geo. p. Henry, 329 Henry bldg. Ref.. Portland Realty Board. FOR EXCHANGE! 16-room. 3-flat building; want Arizona, California or Colorado, city or ranch. See 303 S. 16th and make prop osition. Cost $13,000, mortgage $5000. Oourtesy . to agents. Owner, 2224 Ocean View ave., Los Angeles, Cal. FOR SALE or trade, undivided v. interest in 7-room house and 60x100 northwest cor ner Beech and Mallory; all city improve ments in and paid; taken on mortgage price $900; other 14 like amount; assessed $1000. Owner, 326 Failing t. SEATTLE HOUSE WANTED I have fine Piedmont house of 6' rooms corner lot. Price $4500. clear. Want Seat tle property about same value. J. W. GRUSSr, 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452. WANTED City property or unimproved for Ill-acre dairy at Summit. Or., price $5000 mortgage $2000 at 7 per cent. 10 years' What have you to exchange for equity? H. A. Underhill, owner, Klipsan Beach. Wash. WANTED. Properties of merit to match our large lists of Improved city, farm and Income properties; no Inflated values considered. C ALLAN & KASER. 414 Oregon Bldg. COUNTRY home In the city for a few days at $0.0O: sightly 6-rm. residence, overlook ing river on Willamette blvd. : five lots fruit trees, garage, room for cow or chlckl ens, near car. R. G. Hofer. Wood lawn 129. DESIRABLE trades to offer tor house equities, vacant lots, first and second mortgages, contracts, unimproved land etc. E. J. Robfion. 703 Title & Trust bklg. Marshall 240. WILL accept clear lot In restricted district or suburban acreage (near car) for my $200 equity in modern 6-room 'house in good district; owner. C 9. Oregonian WILL accept clear lots, acreage or timber for modern Rose City Park home; give part:cuiara. AP 18. Oregonian. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Finest income property in the city. F. E. Bowman A Co 213 Chamber of Commerce. '" 20O-ACRE Columbia River farm. 7 miles from Portland; make offer. K 8, Ore gonian. WE exchange your property" for what you want. Brace. 507 McKay bldg. MODERN 8-room house for acreage. Dr V S. Howard. 406 Broadway bldg. Main 6604! THREE lots at La Grande tor one lot In Portland. ' See Westergard. Oswego. FREE and clear lots fol" equities. Long. 723 Chamber of Commerce. $3.10 MILTON prlght piano. Will trade for small house and lot. 12S First. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Flo. DEAD HORSES Get our prices for dead cows, liorses and crippled stock. OreKon HORSES, wagons, buggies and harness for sale. Apply v unna ave. FOR SALE Wagons and horses cheap. 88 E. 7tn st. North. FOR SALE. Horses. Veliicles. Harness, Etc SPAN of blocky-bullt mares, both with foal to imported horse. 8 years old. free of blemishes, weight- 2500 lbs., $100. Span of well-matched black geldings. 6 and 6 years old, sound and sure, weight .ilW 10s.. .uu. Span of brown mares, both very good hookers, single or double, free of blem ishes, 6 and 7 years old, weight 2500 lbs., $225. , Span of very blocky-bullt bay mares 8 and S years old. weight 270O lbs., good irue wuraers. uu; also several otner dif ferent size horses at Model stables, 5th and Davis. UiAD HORSES and animals hauled away free; $6 paid for cows, crippled and played outs. Portland Rendering Co. Call Wood- ia ii ' . PORTLAND AUCTION SALES STABLE CO every Tuesday and Friday. Cattle, horses harness, vehicles bought and sold on com- mission. is. tn st. Main 8118. FOR SALE One team well-matched mares, weight 3300 lbs.; one team of well matched horses, ssrxi lbs.; two teams of horjes. 2400 lbs. 226 Russell st. DEAD animals handled; $5 and up paid for dead cows: cash paid for dead and down-and-out horses. Milwaukle 61J, TEAM mares, weight-230O lbs., harness and wagon, $125. 84 E. 26th St. Woodstock car to Gladstone ave. HORSES for hire by day or month. C. W. Townaecd Co., 880 Front. Main 1571. 2400-LB. team of mares, with ranch wagon and ha-ness. $145. Phone Marshall 4o3. Planus. Organs and Musical Instruments. $550 Kimball concert, used, goes for $185. Special for well-to-do home, $950 Hallett & Davis, finest mahogany player, $273. $805 genuine Autoplano, mahog any. $2t5. $00o Sielnway & Sons, old model, $00. $375 J. A C. Fischer. $35. Splendid mahogany Angelua piano player. $25. A Kohler, fine condition, rose wood, upright, $06 Hobart M. Cable, originally cost $385. now damaged, for $74. An art case Schubert piano In splendid mahogany, for quick sale, at $102. Solid walnut parlor organ, said to have cost $85, to close out for $12 cash. Th and a large number of oth ers equally low priced now being closed out at storage and forward ing dept.. 151 4th St., near Morrison. VERY fine Vose A Sons, upright, dark case, $07. $550 Kimball concert, used, goes for tlSS. Special for well-to-do home, $050 Hallett & Davis, finest mahogany player, $275. $S65 genuine Autoplano, mahog any, $265. 4000 teinway A Sons, old model, $06. $373 J. & C. Fischer. $55. Splendid mahogany Angelus piano player. $23. A. Kohler. fine condition, rose wood, upright, $y6. Hobart M. Cable, originally cost $1185. now damaged, for $74. Solid walnut parlor organ said to have cost $85, to close out for $12 cash, m These and a large number of oth ers equally low priced now being closed out at storage and forward ing dept., 151 4lh st., near Morrison. SECURITY STORAGE CO. STORAGE SALE. $275 piano. $35 cash. $;125 upright, $45 cash, $350 upright, $115 cash. $375 upright, $145 cash: $450 upright, $190 cash; $250 player, $25 cash; $650 player piano, $2110 cash; $750 baby grand. $345 cash. 109 4th St.. at Washington st. ONLY $5 DOWN: buys new $H50 grade piano at $265. balance $1.25 weekly, all in 2 years and without interest. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th at., at Washington. $145 CASH buys $350 modern upright piano. Security Storage Co 100 4th st. $50 CASH. $50 In 3 months and $55 In 6 months buys $375 modern piano for $155 at the Security Storage Co.. 109 4th it WILL exchange my splendid modern $450 piano, now at the Security Storage Co.. 109 4th st.. for clear city lot. WANTED HORNLESS TALKING MA- Ki-CUKDS; SPOT CASH PAID. MAIN 4495. COLUMBIA Grafonolu, mahogany. cost ni'u io wumi or cnoico music, ail $50. 326 Falling st. $14o CASH buys $350 piano; modern, up- ngnt, real ivory Keys, not a stencil. Har old S. Gilbert, 3S4 Yamhill st. FOR SALE, cheap. Edison diamond disc and records for $60. H 4, Oregonian. EDISON phonograph with 150 records and largo record capiuet, o. Y 13, Oregonian. TO TRADE or for sale, talking machine. j l, uresoni&n. WANTED Mason-Hamlin or Stelnway baby EDISON $50 machine and cabinet. 200 re- corua ior saie cneap. j 12, uregonlan. 1 PAY cash for used pianos. Harold S. Gil- Den, doi xamniu st. TALKING machine to trade for organ or myming 01 va.ue. A f 4. oregonian. Dogs. Birds and Fet 8tock. LADDIX AIREDALES ARE BEST LADD1X KENNELS. ESTACADA. OR. AIREDALE pup. male, fine watchdog, only Furniture for bale. $45 RELIABLE gas range, good as new; nas siue elevated oven, separate broiler, 4 large burners, simmerer and automatic lighter, delivered and connected for $18. So Eclipse gas range with elevated oven, de livered and connected for only $15. other gas ranges low as $3. Mish Furn. Co.. 184 First St. MAGNIFICENT whits enamel reed baby ""B8J, e. Lia roomy ana upnolstered In green corduroy, cost $75. as good as new, for $30. Gevurtz Furniture Co.. 1S5 to 191 First st. At the Big Electric Sign. WILL sell furniture of 6-room-house for $50; i cut ci j low. .-. - r lanuere su Launches and Boats. 16-MILE motorboat, 1-5 cost; perfect con- o-iiion. nroaaway lyoi. is 21, oregonian, Poultry. FOR SALE OO S. C. White Leghorn chick ens ana roosters, also Rhode Island Red roosters. F. A. Holt, Milwaukle, Or. Typewriters. NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With jnanuiaciurera guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase; visible models $3 mo ; $7.00 for 3 mos. Other models less. Rem ington Typewriter Company. 86 Broadway. Telephone Broadway 621. , WE can save from 60 to 75 per cent on all ....... . ... o . aeuu ior our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 3il Wash. st. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. P. Co.. 231 Stark St. Main 1407. CORONA portable folding typewriter Mala 2285. E. W. Pease Co., agents. 110 6th St. UNDERWOOD typewriter for q $22.50. 3Q4 Oak st. rk sale. Automobiles. Automobiles. FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co., 21st and Washington. Main 6244. TRUCK gardener or expressman wiil be In terested in tills Buick truck; mechanically Al. New tires, and sold on easy terms. Pacific Klsseikar Branch, Broadway and Davis St. 3913 FORD. " Touring: body shows considerable wear; tires good all around; mechanically In first-class shape; $195 cash. 363 Oregon. East 7222. 1014 OVERLAND, 4-cylinder, 5-passenger, electric lighting and starting system, for sale by owner; must be sold at once. Terms If desired. Main 90. A 242. 1014 HUPMOB1LE. self-starter, generator, spare tire, complete equipment, $425 terms or cash. Woodlawn 3031. m WANT AUTO. Number of buyers for machines. Long, 725 Chamber of Commerce. FORD 1-ton truck, overhauled; make first class one-ton delivery, $500, terms. 363 Oregon. East 7222. 1016 MAXWELL Has been run lees than 6000 miles. 495. Oldsmoblle Co. of Ore gon. Broadway and Couch. BUICK chassis, very light and In fine con dition; Ji new tires; quick sale $125. 121 North 3d st. 1916 FORD chassis. 1917 radiator, with all new parts, for a quick sale. $200 cash. 121 North 3d St.. corner Gleason. 1914 FORD touring car, runs and looks like new: terms If desired. Main 90, A 2442. 1914 FORD touring In first-class shapo new tires, terms If desired. Main 90. A 2442. USED AUTO PARTS at less than hs!f price. Auto Wrecking Co.. 89 N. Broadway. oLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $10 each; vul canized, 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. FEDERAL one-ton. in good shape, $700; terms. 883 Oregon. East 7222. FOR SALE A 1016 6-40 Hudson, fully equipped, for $900 cash, K 11, Oregonian. A GIFT for $225 cash. A roadsler in Alcon dillon. Main 2013. FOR SALE. Automobile. FORDS 11T FORDS New and Used Fords on Easy Payments. We will trade your used Ford In on a new one or pay cash for It. We also bart several larger cars which have been left with us for sale. PALACE GARAGE CO.. Authorized Ford Agents. 22i and Kearney nta, Main 90. , HAVE YOU LOOKED OVER OCR GUARANTEED SECOND-HAND CARS? WE HAVE BARGAINS IN MOST OF THE POPULAR MAKES, INCLUDING THE FAMOUS BUICK VALVE IX HEAD CARS. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO.. 14TH AND DAVIS STS. USED CARS. BARGAIN PRICES. TERMS. STUDEPAKER, S-passenger ...$250 MITCHELL SIX. self-starter. . .$450 MITCHELL COUPE, a beauty ..$1000 TOURING CAR, light, electric starter, wire wheels, in good shape 325 OVERLAND. 5-passenger $325 .Also several others. MITCHELL. LEWIS & ST AVER CO.. East First and East Morrison. East 7272. a 1216. TRUCKS. TRUCKS TRUCKS. FEDERALS. KISSELS. JEFFRY. KISSEL. 5-ton. rebuilt, excelleut shape, without doubt tho greatest snap in city; small cash payment down, eucy monthly pavnients. FEDERALS, different sizes, rebuilt and guaranteed; easy terms. JEFFRY. lVa. rebuilt, excellent shape, must bo sold by the 15th of Jan. Make us an oifcr on this truck. Pacific Kissel Kar Branch, Broadway and Davis sts. Phone Iroadwev 321. SKI'.VICii FIRT. OPEN SUNKATS. BUY a light truck, use It for busi ness during the week and for outing on Sundays all Summer. Some bar gains at the Northwest Auto Co. used car department, on Couch at Broadway. BUTCK 1915 model truck. In first-class con dition, . at a bargain. OAKLAND SALES CO., 16th and Alder Sts. SAXON 1916 ROADSTER. Electric starter, $350. Covey Motor Car Co. Main 6244. CADILLAC EIGHT. Put In first-class condition by expert Cadillac mechanics. A far better car than a cheap new car. Pee this car at Covey Motor Car Co.. 21st and Wash. Main 6244 OAKLAND light 6-cyl., 1016 model, like new, at a bargain. OAKLAND AUTO SALES CO, Main 414. luth and Alder. MUST SELL My 1916 S-pass. Overland, model 83. per fect condition: cost J840; will take $523; give some terms. Phone evenings for dem onstration. "Voodlawn 3251. 1915 STUDE BAKER, 4-cyllnder. 5-passenger electric lights and starter. In first-class shape, cheap; terms if desired. Main UO. A 2142. Automobiles Wanted. SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FORD. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR fix. Authorized Ford Agent. E. 1199. East 13th and Hawthorne PRIVATE party will pay cash or exchanse real estate for light- touring car. 1916; prefer Dodge. Bulck. Maxwell or Ford. X 16. Oregonian. WANT light auto: have 37 acres""ln Clark amas County, near Molalla. and some cann. wnat nave you 7 Ar- 11. Oregonian. WE will pay cash for late model Fords. Dodge Bros., or Buick autos. Boons A Co., 514 Alder St. Main 306& 1917 FORD touring car; will pay cash. Call arter 0 f .M. or Deloro b;30 A. M. 735 r. is Bt. . FORDS bought, sold snd exchanged. R. L. SHORT & CO.. Automobile repairing 333 L- 11,1, E JfllA CASH for light cars. Fords preferred. Mala &71A Washington st i;irin Automobiles for Hire. WE can furnish any kind of truck for any Vinrl nf work bv month nr ...riv . . We are agents for Wichita trucks and tractors. Also have three rebuilt trucks and sell on time payments. Long t ell... TJuwlVinm. a t.-.. . a . ,v NEW SAXON 6. "highway, depots, funerals calling, shopping; reasonsbl.-. East 452. 1916 5-PAS3. Dodge for hire, touring. calN Ing and shopping. Main 7485. AUTOS without driver for hire. Long A SUva. 462 Hawthorne sve. Phone E. 6840. AUTOS for rent without drivers. 450 K, Hawthorne. East 1628. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY CO.. 209 4th st. Harley-Davldson motorcycles and ac cessories. Largest exclusive dealers In motorcycles In the state. Main 7889. Miscellaneous. FIRE ENGINE. Onr gravity water system renders un necessary a Button & Biake hand fire en gine. This engine is in first-class shape, complete with suction hose and cost $1800 when new; It is for Immediate sale at $350. This engine is fitted for standard fire hose and Is a splendid bargain for lumber camp, shingle or lumber mill or anyone requiring individual firs protec tlon. Write City Auditor. Warrenton. Or. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and ssc ind-hand. sold for less. No agents em ployed: all machines sent out sew perfect snd guaranteed; machines repaired; ma chines rented $2 monthly. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Sd. near Taylor st. A 3626. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be closed out. Dropheads, $5 and up; box tops, $J snd up. S. S. Siegel. two stores, 383 Alder st. and 242 Alder at. CASH REGISTERS slightly used; our prices are lower. Cash Register Exchange, 331 j Washington st. Main 606. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars Railway Equipment Co.. 76 1st. Main 2363. SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent or sale: all grades; large selection. Pacific Stat'y & Ptg. Co.. 107 2d at. Main 197L ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent; expert repairing. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnslde St. Broadway or A 5674. KOLL-TOP desk, cost $35, for $13, one Cir cassian walnut drcseer, cost $40, for $17.30. Tabor 3015. WE oxidize; only everlasting guaranteed process for all kinds of leaky roofs. Main tiSl. CASH REGISTERS, safes, store fixtures. Portland Cash Register Co.. 1st A YamiillL PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices. A. L. llowara. -tn st. aiain I8O6. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prlcea MarK-uavis -u.. u oa st. attain 797. BARGAINS in second-hand barber chairs. Kemp Barber Supply Co.. 271 Wash, st. FOR SALE 300 tons choice alfalfa hay KT'RBA.VK COMPANY. Hurtmnk VL-..1. MACHINERY bought, sold and repaired. N. W. Lead A Machinery Co.. 311 Front at. BICYCLES, ALSO PARTS BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED. I2S 1ST. MAIN 4495. GOOD HEATER TO TRADE. WHAT HAVE YOU? MAIN 4405. 128 1ST. FVRNITCRK WANTED. HIGHEST prices paid for your furniture, stoves and carpets. Gevurtz Furniture Store, 20T 1st st. Marshall 687. CAN USE GOOD FURNITURE of any dsscription; have the ready cash; phone today. Main 4627 or 204 First it WANT second-hand furniture, carpets, etc; will pay more than Portland second-band dealers. Waldo. Main 4773. GEO. BAKER A CO., Masonic Temple bldg.. pay cash for furniture, rugs, etc Phone M;-. in 3332. PARTY would like to buy household goods. rugs, etc.. for cash. Marshall 1822. WANTED 1 OR 2 RUGS. ALSO SOME FURNITURE. MAIN 4495. 128 1ST. BE WISE Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co. Main 8051. 191 2d St. WILL pay cash for 2l-hand furniture, tall Mr. Washburn. Marshall 47 oi. FURNITURE WANTED. MISH FURNITURE CO. WILL. PAY HIGH EST CASH PRICE FOR YOUR USED OFFICE AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. CARPETS, RUGS, ETC. 184 1ST ST. MAIN 576S. MONEY TALKS. We pay the best cash prices for house hold or office furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges. For prompt attention phone GEVURTZ FURNITURE. INC 185 to 191 1st St. Mar. 6981. A 8224. FELDSTE1N FURNITURE CO. wants all kinds of second-hand furniture. We also buy merchandise stocks of any descrip tion. 106-168 First sc., bet. Morrison and YamhilL Main 4033. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. will buy your used furniture and all kinds of tools and pay you all it is worth. Our THREE LA RUt; STORES are ample proof that we handle nearly everything you need in the home or elsewhere. CAall OR EXCHANGE. 221-25 Front St. Phone Main 9072. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. $7.B0 PAID FOR MEN'S SUITS J7.50. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' SLITS. SHOES, AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE MAIN 2i'80. GLOBE STOKE. MAIN 2080. 285 FIRST SI'. NEAR JEFFERSON. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. MEYER, THE TAILOR. PAYS $7.50 AND UP FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. HE PAYS YOU MOKE FOR SHOES AND iLOTHUiG. THE UELIABLE BUYER. MARSHALL 1229. 229 MADISON ST. JUNK WANTED. All descriptions of Junk bought: highest price paid for old metal and iron. Call Marshall 3225. WHO WANTS A JERSEY COW 7 The right party- can have her for a mall part of the milk; 6 years old. G. E. Wightnian. 475 E. 54th st. N. Main 8534. 2D-HAND CLOTHING BUYER; BE WISE AND GET FULL VALUE FOR YOUR SI). HAND CLOTHING. 201 y, 1ST. MAIN 734. CASH for your old gold, silver, platinum and high-grade ore. II. M. Pickering, mfg. Jeweler. 218 Oregonian bldg. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED. CALL MAIN 4776. OR 246 FIRST ST. AUTOMATIC rifles, shotguns, pump guns, kodaks and lensen. Hoclifeld. 85 Third st. Cash paid for housenold furniture, show cases. safes, cash registers. Main 69JU. WANTED National cash register. Main 606. 331 H Washington St. HELP WANTED MALE. The school practical, giving instruction lit the construction, care and repair and operating of auto mobiles, tractors and gas , engines; specializing on Ignition, carburetion and electriu generating and starting apparatus. Call or write Oregon Auto and Gas Tractor School. 429-31 Belmont St.. Portland. Ore. HAVE a traveling position open for fire In surance inspector or man having some experience with electricity, machinery snd the milling and grain business. Only steady man of good character with excellent ref erences considered; good salary and ex penses offered. If Interested, arrange for appointment by writing AV 359, Ore gonian. Please give references In firs;t let ter. HELP YOURSELF $10 Invested monthly for 10 months in high-grade business prop osition will mike you over $1000 within two years. You can prove thiB statement by closest investigation. Interview by appointment only, o 051. Oregonian. WANTED Several young men now holding responsible positions who would like to increase their income by engaging in le gitimate and profitable business in spare time. Write AD 7. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and cashier; must be ac curate and rapid In figures and on type writer; must earn $100 per month and work hard; no cigarette smoker. A U. Oregonian. RAILWAY mall clerk, examination Feb. 10. salary $000 to $1M0 a year; life jobs. We prepare you. You must act quickly. Pa rlfir States School, McKay bldg., 3d and Stark sts. WANTED Man to travel, moving picture business; small investment and services re quired; established 10 years: great oppor tunity for oung man. AO 003. Orego nian. WANTED Several energetic, neat-appear-ing men to take orders for large Eastern house: our new premium offer Is a win ner; dollar an hour easily made. Call 515 Worcester bldg. PRINTER To sselst make-up man on morning dally: must be rapid, willing to hustle, and capable of setting good ads; chance to learn machine. E 519, Orego nian. WANTED First-cia'ss open-shop gray iron foundry molders and coremakers. steady work and good wages to finst-clsss men, 8 hours, time and half overtime. 417 Ore gon bldg.. fith and Oak sts. WANTED Flrst-clas open-shop wood pat ternmakers, steady work and good wages to efficient workmen. 8 hours, time and half overtime. 417 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sis. CUB RATES $1.50 MONTH. We press one suit a week and give you workmanship and servif-e. Phone Broad way I606. Orpheum Cleaners. 355 Stark WANTED First-class open-shop botlermak- ers. eight hours, rime and half overtime. First-class wages to men that can fill the bill. 417 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak sts. BILLING clerk for permanent out-of-town position; state age and typewriting expe rience. A B 0O3. Oregonian. WANTED Salesmen for quick-selling spe cialties; big commissions; quick returns: also district manager to handle men and territory. Inquire 223 Pine at.. Portland. WANTED Solicitors, new proposition, very liberal, chance to advance. A. D. Steb bins. Grand Union Tea Co., after 4:30 P. M. WANTED Bright boy or young man to help around store and office: small salary so start: chance to advance: prefer to speak German. Y 14. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED tea and coffee solicitors wanted at once; liberal commission and chance for advancement to men who can produce results. Boyd Tea Co.. 226 8d st. XEA and coffee salesmen wanted at once; steady employment, good chance for pro motion; good pay for good men. Jewel Tea Co.. Inc.. 21 Grand ave. WANTED Good salesman as agent, one line, mostly city work: give references and experience, own handwriting. AH 8. Ore gonian WANT painting and kalsominlng for rent of 5-room cot'age and large lot; rent $10. 11. C THOMPSON. Morgan Bldg. Main 2035. MEN'S SUITS. OVERCOATS. Drop in and look them over. Orpheum Cleaners. 855 Stark, corner Park. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, ,.. II 1 H'TU 1 l!J V I.' 1 " I." PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE ON REAL . - ..... I, T T 1." A V II , - 1 Til ll'TI. J At. 1UJ1V"'""" ' ' ' . ...... . WHOLESALE electric and Jobbing house re quires experienced man for assembling and packing orders; state age. experience and . salarv expected. AN 15. Oregonian. WANTED Man about 30, experienced in steamship disbursements: give age, expe rience, phone number. H 11. Oregonian. MAN competent to take charge of boiler and do other work around factory; state age and references. AC0O2, Oregonian. SOLICITOR to sell stock In high-class finan cial enterprise. Equitable Finance Assn.. 410 Cham, of Commerce. Spokane. Wash. WANTED Night manager for dairy lunch; , good salary to capable man. 326 Morgan bldg. . WANTED 25 tall, clean shaven young men for supers. Apply Friday. 11:30 A. M.. stage door, Hellig Theater. YOUNG man for bookkeeper in wholesale firm: good references required. AP , 14. Oregon Ian. WANTED Shaper and trimmer for men's tailoring. Henry N. Jacobson. 324-326 Mor rison st. SEPARATOR-TENDER wanted: highest pav to good man; state experience. AKT 8". Oregonian. YOUNG man with knowledge of printing, to keep cost system and estimate work. B21. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced tie-makers: long Job. Address Standard Timber Co.. fiv anston. Wyo. AD solicitors, special number trades pa per. (Jioe, -11 ' 1 i DiuninKe. WANTED Young married couple as jan itor and maia in notei. aj jo, Oregonian. WANT wood chopper, $1 cord; best ground and timber: big Job. 1 1 N. 2d St. TWO young men of ability, $10 week start. 340 Morgan w-jz a. m. WANTED At once, bushelman and press man. Apply om ixiisan st. MAN to run starch buck In candy factory; steady work. B 903. Oregonian. WANTED A Janitor. Apply 211 Columbia street. HELP WANTED MALE. "I AM JUST WAKING UP." That's the exact expression made by a young man in our office. He NOW knows the need of SPECIAL TRAINING. The business men of Portland know that the big feature In wealth production Is trained men of chiracter. Thev established and support these VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS, fit ling men to become expert: Automobile Men Office Managers Accountants Pharmacists Bookkeepers Salesmen Executives Stenographers Chemists Show Card Writers Draftsmen Wireless Operators Electrical Engineers, etc, etc. For complete information relative to any of .tie above schools address the De apartment of Education. llv. c. Y. M. C A. " ADVISORY-EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Y. M. C A. You know how to do something but don't know how to get something to do. We can tell you how or send you to It. During past 7 years we have placed or helped place themselves, over H.OOO men and boys. Thla service a privilege of membership in the Y. M. C. A. $5 gives you membership for a 'year under guarantee that you will se cure employment or refund of membership fee. See Secretary Stanley Baker. WANTED AT ONCE, EXPERIENCED RE PAIR MAN O.N MOVING PICTURE MA CHINES AND EQUIPMENT: AlO FILM INSPECTOR: MIST KNOW HIS -BUSINESS: GIVE FULL DETAILS AND WAGES IN FIRST LETTER. K 10. OREUONIAN. WANTED Number young men to prepars for telegraph and station service: big de mand for operators. For particulars call room 502 Panama bldg. Help Wanted Agents, A ONE-CENT postcard wiil put you In touch with an $S0-a-eck proposition selling aluminum utensils and specialties uirect to the consumer. Don't let one cent s'.ari'l between you and prosperity. Div. T01. American Aluminum Mfg. Co.. Lemont. 111. KOAL1NE cuts coal bills: more heat, lea coal, clinkers, cinders: every coal con sumer wants It; $1 guaranteed trial proves It; big profits; county agents. "Koallne." Bradley Beach. N. J. AGENTS Attention; good profits to be earned by men, -women, selling office and household necessities. Write North west Specialty Co., 2223 Bay ave., Ho quiam. Wash. WHY sell Inferior? Our hospital policy cosls no more. 301 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Aleuts to sell horseradish, hom iny. pickles ete. 4.14 E. Washington. Help Wanted SnieMnen. WANTED A reliable salesman to handle a first-class Coast line of shirts and pants through Oregon and Washington on com mission basis. Communicate with the Elkus Company. San Francisco, Cal. SALESMEN wanted to sell article wated in every home; big commission. AP 10. Ore gonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Cook and general housework. In the country. 40 miles from city, in beauti ful, well appointed home; two In family; man doing outside snd furnace work; someone wanting permanent home. Inter ested in Christian Science preferred. Write application, stating particulars in full. Portoffice box 2S7. NUMBER young ladles to prepare for tele graph service; good positions secured; day and night session. For full particulars cail room 502 Panama bldg. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wages; references. Elizabeth St.. Portland Heights. Marshall 33'J WANTED 'Woman assistant cashier and bookkeeper for wholesale office: salary $lwi; unquestionable business references required. J 13, Oregonian. WANTED G:rl for seeond work and care f.r children. 205 East 15th st. X. Cail morn Ings. GIRL for general housework; must be a good, plain cook; 3 adults in family. 775 Knott St.. corner Enst 24th st.. Irvuigton. LADIES Do crocheting at home. Call mornings. 11 to 1. 322 Fliedner bldg.. 10th and Washington. WANTED Respectable unmarried woman, not over 30, to keep house for bachelor farmer. P. O box 3O0, Monteeano. Wash. COMPETENT girl for general housework: references; Alameda Park. Telephone Woodlawn SOStl. A COMPETENT cook, two In family. god wages: references. Call after IO A. M. 81 Marshall st. COMPETENT cook, s leo second girl 10 help with children, family of 4. 301 Albemarle Terrace. Westover Terrace. Take W car. GIKL wanted for cooking and aesist with general housework. 715 Flanders, cor. 22d st. COMPETENT COOK. Must have references. Phone Marshall 3156. or call mornings 492 Hall. bet. 14th and 15th. COMPETENT law stenographer who writes Pitmau shorthand. 301 Northwest Bank bids. WANTED A woman to care for an old lady at night for room and board. Tabor 6711. WANTED 15 young ladies for supers. Ap ply 11:30 A. M. Friday, stage door, Hellig Theater. BRIGHT, clean girl for general housework, small family; no washing. 450 East 17th st. North. Irvlnglon car. CLASSES now forming: positions $75 to $100 waiting for you. Progressive Business Col, 301 N. W. Bank bldg. TWO girls to -work In restaurant. 351 East Burnside i-t. Come ready to work. WOMAN to assist and car for invalid gen tleman: moderate wages. 13Q- N. 22d s. PRIVATE HOME or children, any age; 15 years' experience. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162. A OII1L for light housework, family of 3; pood wages: r.-f erenees. 3"7 11th, Apt. O. COMPETENT. reliable girl for general housework. Phone Main 515S. S20 Overton. EXPERIENCED body Ironers. palace Laun dry Co., E. loth and Everett. YOUNG girl or middle-aged woman for gen eral housework. o9 11th St. GOOD amateur singer, who accompanies self on stringed Instrument. Mar. 476. WANTED Girl for general housework. 810 Overton. GIRL for general housework, small fam ily WANTED Girl for general housework. 676 Kavensvtew drive. Main 2S05. COMPETENT girl for cooking and down stalrs work: no washing. Marshall 2222. MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL, Shorthand. Typewriting $3 mo. 2".9 14th. Main 3.3. WANTED A woman to do plain cooking. Tabor 249J. GIRL for general housework. Call 1119 E, ISth st. N. Take Alberta car. GIKL wanted tor general housework. 874 Northrup st. EXPERIENCED girl for upstairs work and care of children. 794 Irving. Main S2 ;5. COMPETENT girl for cooking and general housework. 794 Irving st. Mam 8235 GOOD hand lroner: none but experienced need apply. 271 11th st. WANTED A girl for light housework. Ta bor 4043. GIRL for housework la small family. 444 Park st. WANTED Old lady to board. Tabor 2492. HELP WANTED MALE UR FEMALE. THE ORIGINAL MOHLEIi BARBER COL LEGE w-111 leach you the trade In eighty weeks, pay you while learning, give you a set of tools, scholarship and diploma, get ion a posltloln: 32 schools in U. S. and Canada. Write for free catalogue Cor. 2d and Burnside. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to iearn barber trade Sn 8 weeks; position guaranteed: tools frcj; paid while learning: tuition reduced. Can earn from $15 to $25 a week. Expert Instructors. 20 years In business. 233 Madison St. WANTED Experienced stenographer; must be fair penman, not afraid of hard work and long hours; reply, own handwriting, stating references and what puollc school or college attended. AF 9. Oregonian. MOHLER "BARBER SCHOOL wants men and women to learn the barber trade in eight weeks: position guaranteed; tools free; paid while learning Expert Instruc tors: scalp and fare massage a specialty. Tuition reduced. 38 N. Second st. MALE, female solicitors to sell good line.. Please call at 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. bet. 8-9. 3-6. Call for M. H. Carter, crew manager. WANTED Man and wife for Janitor work, apartment-house. Immediately; give phono. BP O'.'S. Oregonian. FOR BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE ATTEND MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. ALISKY BLDG. 8D A MORRISON STS. HINSDALE'S Commercial School, Broadway Yamhill bldg. Individual instructions. Po sitions when competent. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Names men wishing to become railway mall clerks; commence $75. a month. AV 301. Oregonian. SITUATION! WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG man wishes position as private sec retary or bookkeeper with reliable firm; age 22: A-l referencea N 8. Oregonian. YOUNG man. college graduate, desires tem porary office work. R 23.-Oregonian. YOUNG man attending business college wants work after school. Main 7000,